#madness oversharing in the tags as usual
actualsunflower · 1 year
We saw you join the falloutwiki server after we invited you, but you left? We can't find you there anymore!
Im an incredibly skilled join-immediatly-leave-er in pretty much every server there is in the fallout fandom. Also we talked in person I know who you are whyd you send me an anon
I went on a slightly unrelated rant in the tags LMAO I already wrote it there's no going back
#sorry i saw the list and would rather not#have some affiliations that make me uncomfortable#sorry :/#sunflower asks#plus servers i usually stay in are either ones i joined when i was like 18-19 and then. uh actually that's it#besides a few mod servers now since im learning. but strictly adult ones#kinda makes me sad now that i think about it. cause i joined all those when i was 18-19 and mad and easily influenced#so i made a lot of decisions i regret. and was very easily influenced by a couple ppl#and i feel very stupid about it. i was younger and eager to make friends! those friends were not good choices#and i ended up being pretty awful to some very nice people bcs i wanted to stay close friends with the other ppl#not going to name names obviously.#those ppl were awesome and made me feel very welcome and are some of the only ppl who are actually into the same things i am#but i was really awful to them bcs there was someone i liked on what ill call the 'opposite' side of what we were into#and i wanted that person to keep liking me. but they were very very vocal abt being grossed out w this and that.. stuff the rest of us were#actually into and happy abt. stuff im STILL into now and was into in the past. but pretended i wasnt so that person would still like me#and it got me really fucked up. and that person we're still friends but rarely talk anymore#and it didnt go anywhere however that was my choice as i realized id made a really really big mistake#mind you. person reading my way too long and oversharing tags. this was like.. 2 or 3 years ago now?#and i STILL feel bad about it. I literally think about it 5-6 times a week. and not like in passing like genuinely often genuinely bad#im actually an adult now and actually got my stuff together by pretty much cutting every single person i knew off entirely#and spent 2 years just suffering doing nothing completely alone. and now it's impossible to make friends#and i feel really really bad about it. i shouldve been and behaved better. but i didnt and really paid the price for it#and i feel very isolated and alone pretty much constantly. i dont think i will ever find a group of people who were so accepting and kind#and actually into what i was into with zero judgment again. cause we're not a big fandom. and those were pretty much the only ones#ive wanted to reach out to apologize on multiple occasions but figured it wouldnt matter#then i remembered 2 of those ppl owe me art i paid for and never got..... so i think about that often too.....#ah the irony there. it is not lost on me#but yeah thanks for reading this fucking ESSAY in the tags
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daytaker · 4 months
The Gang's Tumblr Pages
Inspired by this and my own reaction to it.
Perfectly curated, perfectly formatted, and whenever there's a major change to the tumblr format, he simply leaves the website altogether in a huff of peacock feathers.
Lots of HD photography of nature getting reblogged.
Has an extremely complicated and specific list of tags he uses for every single post.
He only reblogs text posts that are sufficiently visually appealing. Very few meet his high standards.
You could look through his entire blog and not learn one single thing about him except that he's a perfectionist to the point of neurosis.
He has a lot of professional art blogs following him.
Oversharing oversharing oversharing!!!!
He regularly gets himself in trouble by shouting about the shit he's done into the void of the internet.
Tried to have a tagging system but forgets about 7/10 times.
Reblogs himself all the time to say "AND ANOTHER THING!!!"
He hates looking at the actual blog pages. The text is always so tiny and some of them start playing music and changing his mouse into a weird shape? No thank you.
He has very few followers and he doesn't really care. Who goes on tumblr for the social element? Weirdos, that's who.
He's insanely easy to troll with anonymous asks. Everyone has done it. Even Lucifer, though he wouldn't admit it.
Some of his best asks:
"did u just post that you're okay with the idea of ponies and unicorns breeding. like no shade on that conceptually but why."
"If you reblog another 'reblog this for good luck' post, I will personally break down your door and steal your skin."
"ur ugly" "yeah-huh" "ugly" "no i won't 'come off anon and fight u' whhy don't you come ON anon and fight me?" "'i don't know how' sounds like something a chicken would say"
He just makes a blog like one of us. Fandom stuff.
Except he's multifandom to the extreme. It's impossible to keep track of his interests because he always has so many simultaneously.
He has the most followers of the brothers just because he gets so deep into so many fandoms that they come rolling in.
He has blocked all of his brothers except for the twins. They're okay.
His blog is a chaotic mess but there is order within the madness. He has a masterpost of tags that explains everything if you care to look at it. (I don't recommend it.)
It feels stupid to even put this in writing but...cat pics. Endless cat pics. That's like 90% of his blog.
The other 10% is a mixture of book recommendations and analysis, Lucifer shade, and a comprehensive, ever-expanding list of shit Lucifer has done to make Satan angry. It's a very long list. It's organized by theme.
"Lucifer inflicts unjust punishments." "Lucifer makes unnecessary snide remarks." "Lucifer simping for Diavolo and MC (pathetic)."
His blog itself is very minimalist and clean.
He's another fastidious tagger. He tags the cat pics by color, breed, age, number of cats, setting...
He's not very into tumblr. It's like Devilgram but more complicated and less popular.
Sometimes he'll post or reblog 'aesthetic' things. Moodboards and the like.
In general though, he doesn't really 'get' tumblr.
People don't post selfies very often. Weird.
Food blog.
Just food.
Reblogging hot dogs.
Reblogging nachos.
Reblogging ice cream.
Nothing else. Ever.
"This minimalist Tumblr has no posts."
No posts.
Default profile picture.
Sometimes he'll like something.
Usually he just looks at it.
There is no order. Only chaos.
He hardly ever uses it, then he'll come online and reblog a million things that have nothing to do with each other. Then he'll go silent again.
He has no tagging system.
He has no custom theme.
He is very friendly to all anonymous askers though.
Barbatos would never have a tumblr. Don't be ridiculous.
He only posts very rarely. He prefers to lurk.
When he does post, it's something weird as fuck, like reblogging statistics about owl pellet contents.
He likes to keep people on their toes.
Reblogging inspirational quotes, pictures of nature, and general positivity.
That is, once he figures out how the website works.
That takes a really long time.
What is a queue? What are tags? Why is it called a "reblog"? How does he track activity? How does he navigate the homepage? Why does it post things in such a strange order? What is a "Blaze"? What is a draft? Custom URL? Custom Theme? Sideblogs? Mass Post Editor?
Someone please help him.
Solomon probably does that.
He uses tumblr for recipes and images of baked goods.
But tumblr isn't even the best place to go for that, so he isn't on very often.
He sometimes likes Simeon's posts, just as a show of support since he knows how hard Simeon works to post anything anywhere.
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haxxy · 5 years
#haxxy stop#lms if you read the tags#i almost typoed dabs as 'bads' whoops#that last post is making me think abt how i tend to act whenever i have anxiety attacks which is like...#usually immediately lashing out in a desperate attempt to get the Bad Stimulus(tm) away from me / clear a path so I can escape#and how my weird aggressive responses to stress have fucked me over bc even if it's just me seeming frustrated 'out of nowhere'#my family tends to interpret it as me being 'difficult' or 'nasty' or 'volatile' or whatever the fuck other words used to describe it.#and it's considered something that i'm 'choosing' to do. it's seen as me deciding to throw a tantrum or smth bc i'm... idk immature? idk#even though the majority of the time it'll just be me trying to like... get people to stop surrounding me so i can leave the room for a bit#OOF and that's an entirely different can of worms bc oof that reminds me of how my mother used to always get mad at me for 'yelling' or w/e#when i'm breaking down but also adamantly refused to let me excuse myself and calm down a little before we discussed stressful topics#so i would just be trapped in a room with her. getting yelled at and yelling back bc as said... i have shitty aggressive responses to stress#ANYWAYS getting off topic#but yeah it fucking sucks and even whenever i have more stereotypical anxiety attacks i'm still viewed as exaggerating half the damn time#// my panic attacks are a completely different ballgame from my anxiety attacks/sensory overloads tho#bc with panic attacks i literally have to keep myself from passing the fuck out lmaoooo#sorry this is a random long oversharing post but#whatever....
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middleearthpixie · 3 years
More Than Meets the Eye ~ Chapter Thirty-Four
Author's Note: It took me a bit longer than usual to get this chapter written and revised and posted - sorry about that…
Summary: Wedding stress takes its toll, and both Arielle and Thorin share their news with Dis and Elen (separately)
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield/Arielle (Elen) Farran (female OC)
Characters: Arielle, Thorin, Elen, Dis
Rating: T
Warnings: Some Angst
Word Count: 3,663
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @ocfairygodmother @exhausted-humxn-being @shalinizhara @rachel1959 @laurfilijames
Previous chapters can be found here and on AO3 (middleearthpixie)
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With the wedding only a little over two weeks away, Arielle found herself running mad with the last minute preparations. Responses from all around Middle Earth had arrived, with only very few declinations. Already the staff had begun preparations for the celebration, and everyone in Erebor seemed to be bracing themselves for the influx of elves from both Rivendell and Mirkwood. For Arielle, who’d only ever heard of the names Elrond and Thranduíl, she didn’t quite understand the trepidation among the dwarves. While Thorin grumbled about having to host the elves, she found herself given to certain flights of fancy that perhaps her and Elen’s father would be among the guests. Of course, how she would know was a mystery, unless he happened to bear a striking resemblance to them. It was silly, but she didn’t care.
Besides, those flights of fancy took her mind off the constant exhaustion that seemed to permeate her entire body. Between that and the low-grade nausea that hummed through her throughout both day and night, she needed every diversion she could find.
For the most part, Thorin went out of his way to try to make things as easy for her as he could, without giving away the reason why to anyone around them. But, he had his responsibilities as king that could not be shirked and so the closer they drew to the wedding, the busier he seemed to be.
“Ari, what is it?” Elen set a cup of tea before her and skirted the table to sit across from her. “You look pale.”
“I haven’t been sleeping much,” she confessed, tugging the saucer closer. The lemony scent of the tea turned her stomach sharply and she just as quickly shoved the saucer away.
“I don’t want to know why, so please, please don’t tell me.”
She made a face at him. “Oh, stop. Even if that was the reason, I wouldn’t say it. I learned my lesson about oversharing the night of our betrothal ball. So you can breathe easy. I’ll not say a word about sharing Thorin’s bed.”
She managed a smile despite her roiling stomach. “It’s not important why I’m not sleeping. It’s probably wedding-related. I cannot wait for it to be all behind us.”
“And perhaps we will hear wedding bells—or whatever dwarves ring—for you and Brynne?”
To her surprise, Elen’s pale cheeks went red. “Elen…? Why are you blushing?”
“I’m not blushing,” he said, even as his cheeks grew redder still.
“Oh, but you are. Tell me, where have you been passing your nights?”
“Ari, it’s not the same.”
“Oh, it is absolutely the same.” She couldn’t resist smiling at him. “I am marrying the man I sleep with every night. Can Brynne say the same?”
“Ari, I don’t know... I don’t know if she’ll have me.”
“Why wouldn’t she? You’re cute and funny and kind and she’d be a fool to not see that.”
“You have to say that. You’re my sister.”
“Which is exactly why I don’t have to say that.” She reached over to cover his hand. He looked a bit lost at that moment and she wanted to do whatever she could to keep him from being so lost. She knew how it felt to not fit in in Erebor, but as she was marrying Thorin, she would one day fit in more than Elen probably ever would.
“Elen, do you care for her?”
He nodded. “I do, yes.”
“So, tell her.”
“I don’t think I can. She won’t have me.”
“Why not?”
He looked pained. “I’m not a dwarf.”
“Neither am I, but that isn’t stopping me.”
He offered up a long look. “You’re marrying the king, Ari. He gets to make his own rules.”
“Yes, I’m marrying the king and if you’d like, I can speak with him about—”
Elen’s eyes went wide with horror. “No! Please, don’t do that. I’ll figure it out for myself.”
“Talk to her, El. For all you know, she feels the same way and is just as scared as you are.”
He sighed, tugging her saucer closer to lift the cup. As she arched one brow, he said, “You obviously aren’t drinking it.”
“It’s turning my stomach.”
“Ari, what’s going on?”
She looked around. No one was about in the Great Hall, no doubt busy with all of the preparations that still needed to be done. Then she looked back at Elen. For so long, it was just the two of them and he was always the one in whom she confided until she met Thorin.
She brushed the back of his hand with her thumb. “If I tell you something, do you promise to not breathe a word of it to anyone?”
His eyes widened ever so slightly. “Ari?”
“Promise me or I say nothing.”
He nodded without blinking. “I promise.”
She leaned closer. “Don’t get all strange on me, but…” she lowered her voice, “I’m pregnant.”
“What?!” His voice echoed throughout the Hall and he clapped his hand over his mouth and whispered, “Sorry. What?”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s nothing to be horrified by, Elen. I’m having a baby, is all.”
“But… you aren’t married yet!”
“Elen!” She just stared at him. “Have you gone mad? Did you think he and I only ever slept in that bed?”
“Don’t tell me this!” Elen clapped his hands over his ears.
“Oh, stop it! You’re acting like a child, Elen Farran.” She drew her hand from his. “That’s why I’m not sleeping and why this tea is turning my stomach. I feel awful.”
“So why aren’t you in bed, then?” he whispered back. “Resting, I mean?”
“Because I have things to do.”
“Thorin can do them, can’t he?”
“He has enough to do as it is.”
“Well, this is his fault, isn’t it?”
“His fault?”
Now it was Elen’s turn to arch a brow. “He’s the reason you’re pregnant, isn’t he?’
“Oh, stop it. Do you mean to tell me that you’ve not touched Brynne at all?”
“That is different.”
“Again, it is the same. And you are a hypocrite if you think otherwise.” She shoved her chair back and stood. “And remember, I am marrying Thorin in two weeks. You cannot even tell Brynne how you feel.”
“Ari, wait.” Elen scrambled to his feet and came around to catch her by the elbows. “I’m sorry. I am, really. I’m just…”
“A dolt?”
“And a jackass?”
“Most likely, yes.”
“Good. Then we agree.” She stared up at him. “So, tell her how you feel and then you can go through the same wedding madness.”
“I’ll try, but it’s not easy. I mean, when I’m with her, all I can think about is how happy I am and how happy she seems to be with me and I know I am not a dwarf, but she doesn’t seem to hold that against me and none of the others seem to give her a hard time about being with me but what if I tell her how I feel and she laughs at me or worse, because I don’t think I could stand it if she—”
“Oh, sorry.” He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. “What if she does not feel the same?”
“It’s better to know one way or the other.”
“It’s easy for you to say. You know Thorin loves you.”
“I know it now. But, at first? He wanted me to leave, Elen. He didn’t want me and he certainly didn’t want to want me, and don’t you dare look at me that way, either. But, then we both took the chance and here we are. But,” she caught his hands in hers and squeezed them, “you have to take the chance first, you know.”
“He wanted you to leave?”
She nodded. “The only reason he didn’t send me away was he’d hurt his shoulder and couldn’t lift his right arm much above that shoulder. He needed my help and that’s what led us here.”
He sighed. “I do like her, Ari. Very much.”
“Then talk to her. Even if it winds up being something you don’t wish to hear, you’ll know and that is always better than not knowing.”
“Again, easy for you to say.”
“Yes, it is. It is now anyway. Trust me, talk to her.”
He sighed. “I’ll try.”
“Very well. I will talk to her after supper tonight. Is that good enough?”
“That’s fine.” Arielle stood and swallowed hard against the brackish taste rising in the back of her mouth. “Now, I’m going to go lie down for a bit.”
Elen’s brow furrowed. “Are you certain you’re all right?”
“I’ll be fine in a few weeks, according to Narnerra.”
Elen didn’t look convinced, but nodded just the same. “Very well.”
“Let me know what she says, so don’t you dare chicken out.”
“Where are you?”
Thorin jumped at Dis’ unexpected words. “Sorry, my mind was wandering.”
Dis arched one brow. “Your mind was wandering? Your mind never wanders, Thorin. So, why are you staring at those workmen as if you’d like to end them here and now?”
He shook his head, turning away from the workers in question, busy finishing up what needed to be done in the Throne Room to make it once more the centerpiece of Erebor. There was still much to be done where Erebor’s restoration was concerned, but the Throne Room was nearing completion.
“I hadn’t realized I was.”
“Thorin,” she slipped her arm through his and gave his a squeeze. “What is it?”
Her eyes narrowed and her arm stiffened against him. “Is something wrong? Is she having second thoughts? Cold feet?”
“No. Nothing of that sort at all.” He looked about at the layers of scaffolding all around them and the sheer number of workers who could easily overhear him. They’d agreed not to tell anyone about the baby until after the wedding, and it was difficult to keep the joyous news to himself, but somehow he’d managed so far.
“What’s going on?”
He sighed. “Not here.”
“Not here.” He tugged gently on her arm, drawing her away from the Throne Room, away from the workmen, and out into the corridor, where he guided her toward the far end.
“What the deuce is going on?”
“I’ve no desire to be overhead and I do not want Arielle being gossiped about.”
“Gossiped about?” Dis offered up a look of surprise. “Why would anyone gossip about her?”
At the end of the corridor, he stopped, and leaned back against the wall. Meeting his sister’s gaze, he said, “She’s pregnant, Dis.”
Dis’ eyes went perfectly round. “What?”
“We haven’t told anyone yet and I’ll ask you respect that and not say anything, either.”
“Well, I wouldn’t, of course, because it is not my news to share. But, Thorin,” she threw her arms about his neck to embrace him tightly, “this is wonderful news, indeed! Congratulations. I mean, I suppose I should scold you because you’ve not married yet, but I’m far too happy for you to scold you.”
“Thank you… I think.”
She stepped back. “Is everything all right?”
“I don’t know. She says yes, but she also feels ill all day and all night. She’s exhausted and insists on running mad with the last minute wedding preparations. She refuses to simply rest and I’m worried for her.”
“Thorin, it’s perfectly normal for her to feel sick. When I was pregnant with Fili, I just wanted to die for the first third of my pregnancy and all I wanted to do was sleep.” She patted his shoulder. “I know, for you it seems as if something terrible must be happening, but for her, it’s all part of being pregnant.”
“Narnerra told me the same thing.”
“See? Trust the healer, big brother. Trust your soon-to-be wife. Everything will be just fine. And you will have your heir.”
He shook his head. “I care nothing about that at the moment, Dis. I’m far more concerned with Arielle’s health and the health of the child she carries.”
“Which is fine. You will see. In a few weeks, when the wedding stress is gone and she’s further along, she will feel much better.”
“I hope so.”
“She will. And you are no different from every other expectant father out there. You want to help, but don’t know how, are afraid to smother her but afraid she’s going to make herself sick or worse.”
“She grows angry with me if I try to help.” He sighed softly, leaning his head against the cool stone. “How long will she be this way?”
“How far along is she?”
“Almost eight weeks.”
“Not much longer then.”
“Good. Then I might stop worrying.”
Dis let out a sharp laugh. “Think so, do you? Have I news for you, then, Thorin, for the worrying never stops. You worry when they are newborns, you worry when they are infants, you worry when they are toddlers, and when they grow into men or women, still you worry. It’s only just begun, I’m afraid. You never realize how dangerous the world is until you’ve children of your own, Thorin. You never realize how much evil there is in it until you’ve children of your own.”
“Trust me, Dis, I am well aware of the danger and the evils to be found.”
“Yes, you are. More so than most of us, but—” she held up a forefinger—“it becomes entirely different when you have a wee one to worry about. Trust me. Fili and Kili are men, fully grown, and I lose sleep with how I worry about them.”
Thorin bit back a groan at the thought of having a son or daughter as reckless as his nephews could be. “I didn’t even think of that.”
“You will be quite all right. They turned out to be fine men, didn’t they?”
“They did, and you did an equally fine job raising them.”
“And this child will also have his mother and father there to watch him like a hawk. The future king of Erebor? He is very fortunate that you and Arielle will be there to see him to manhood.”
He drew his arm about her shoulders. “I miss her, too, Dis. And Frerin and Father, too. Things might have been so very different, had that cursed dragon not chosen to land upon our doorstep.”
She sighed softly, tucking her head against him, much the same way Arielle did. Perhaps it was something women did as a whole, a way to offer comfort at the same time they accepted it. “You never speak of Father, or of Momma.” She peered up at him. “Why?”
“I feel no need to. I carry them with me and have since… I carry them with me. They watch over us, just as the rest of our ancestors do, and hopefully, what they see will earn me a place beside them in the Halls of Mandos when the sun sets on my time here.”
“I miss them.”
“As do I.”
“Momma would be tickled that you were finally settling down, having children of your own,” Dis smiled up at him, “although, she would not be pleased their mother is half-Man, half-Elf instead of dwarf.”
“She’d have come around eventually.”
“Most likely. I don’t know about Father, though.”
He grinned. “He would not have come around at all, I’m afraid.”
“I think your Arielle might have won him over in time. Unless she couldn’t curb her habit of rambling.”
“I rather like her rambling, Dis.”
She rolled her eyes. “You would.”
Then she stepped away. “You should go and check in on her, see if she needs anything. The first few months and the last few months are the most difficult times. Try to ease her burdens as much as you can.”
“Which, at the moment, is not at all.”
“Still, try. She will appreciate it.” She patted his shoulder once more. “Trust me.”
He pulled away. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“You are a good man, Thorin and you are going to be a wonderful father, you know. And I promise, my lips are sealed until you and Arielle make the official announcement.”
“Thank you.” He moved to end of the corridor, then paused. “Dis?”
“Who is Fili and Kili’s father and why have you never told me?”
Her expression grew serious. “Because the past should remain where it belongs. No good comes of lingering there.”
“It’s none of your concern, Thorin,” she told him, her voice soft but her tone stern. “All you need know is I loved him very much, he doted on his sons, and he died at the Gates of Moria alongside Grandfather, fighting the orcs.”
“Do they at least know who he was?”
“That is also none of your concern. Now, go tend to Arielle. She needs you.”
With that, Dis vanished around the corner and he didn’t go after her. For whatever reason, the mysterious man who fathered her sons was not to be named and Dis obviously felt no need to divulge anything more about him. Knowing he died in battle, alongside Thrór, alongside Frerin, did nothing to narrow down his identity, as hundreds of dwarves died in that battle and although he also fought alongside them, Thorin did not know all of their names.
As he made his way below to his apartments, he couldn’t stop wondering why Dis refused to ever name the man who sired her sons. It made no sense, since he was obviously a dwarf, and therefore not someone she had been forbidden to be with.
All his musings did was lend themselves to a headache, so he tried to put Dis and her mystery out of his mind as he pushed open the door to his apartment. Darkness greeted him, so he lit the wall sconce then made his way into the bedchamber.
Arielle lay curled in a ball, sound asleep. He leaned over to brush her hair away from her cheek. It spilled around her in a tangle of wild dark curls, as if she hadn’t taken a comb to it in weeks. Her cheek was soft and she sighed in her sleep.
As carefully as he could, trying his best to not jostle the bed, he stretched out beside her, draping his arm about her waist. Although he knew she wouldn’t show for some time yet, he couldn’t help but gentle slip his hand beneath her tunic to curve against her belly as if she was already rounded. He looked forward to that, to the changes that were to take place little by little as their child grew within her.
She stirred, murmuring, “Thorin?”
“Shhh… go back to sleep, amrâlimê. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s quite all right. I won’t sleep tonight if I sleep any more today.” She looked up at him through sleep-slitted eyes. “What time is it?”
“Half-three. How are you feeling?”
“I feel gray.” She gingerly rolled onto her back, waited a beat, then shifted once more to face him. “I will be so glad when the wedding is behind us. I’m terrified I won’t make it through the day.”
“If you need to rest, we come back here and you rest.” He propped himself on his elbow, smoothing her hair away from her forehead with his free hand. She looked as if she hadn’t slept in days, with purplish smudges beneath her eyes, and she was paler than usual. Her forehead felt warm to him as well. “Mesmel, I think you’re running a fever.”
“No. I’m just tired, is all.”
“Arielle, you feel warm.”
“I’m fine. Please, stop fussing over me. I cannot stand that on top of everything else.”
“What everything else?”
“I’m just so tired and feel so sick all day and I must’ve slept oddly because my back hurts as well.” To his horror, her eyes grew red and shiny. “And I just want to rest and not be fussed over!”
“Shhh…” He shifted to slip an arm beneath her and tugged her against him. She dissolved into tears as she buried her face against his chest, and he froze, not knowing what to do. He’d only ever seen her cry once and that was the first time they made love, when he’d spoiled it for her—unintentionally, true, but spoiled just the same.
“Please don’t cry, mesmel,” he whispered into her hair as he rocked her gently. “I am at a loss as to what to do because you are not a crier by nature… Arielle… shhh… shhh…”
He curved his hand against the back of her head, stroking her hair as he continued to murmur, “Shhh… amrâlimê…” until she went quiet and still against him.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured with a sniff. “I don’t even know why I’m crying…”
“Don’t apologize,” he told her softly, pressing a kiss into the top of her head. “Do you at least feel better?”
“No. I still feel horrid.”
“Perhaps we should speak with Narnerra.”
“She will just tell me it’s all normal and all I can do is wait for it to pass.” She tugged free of his arms and slid to the edge of the bed to stand up. “And I don’t know I will make it to next week, never mind the next several weeks.”
“Perhaps some tea would—”
“Thorin, please!” She covered her face with both hands. “Please stop trying to help! Just let me be miserable, ins—oh!”
His gut curdled as she bent over with a low moan. He practically threw himself off the bed to get to her, catching her around the waist with one arm. “Arielle?”
She grabbed the front of his tunic, twisting her fingers in the fabric as she let out another low moan and closed her eyes as she whispered, “Please, fetch Narnerra. Something is wrong…”
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Kadokura Toshiyuki
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There he is, the tanuki man! Ask box is now OPEN. You can check tosikowrites tag for more. Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
 Thanks to the omnipresent influence of bad luck, Kadokura has little experience when it comes to love life (yes, we don’t count a marriage which was a complete failure, okay, his wife and daughter ran off), courtship, and romance in general. Those relationships he was involved in never grew in anything serious, and he was often left with nothing but a broken heart so, obviously, when Kadokura starts to notice a flaring interest in anyone, he is confused.
First, what? Second, why? Could it happen in a more convenient time, not when he is hunted by a rabid Superior Private and, potentially, by a dozen more dangerous personalities in Hokkaido? Despite being a complete wreck, Kadokura tries to play it cool. He acts just as unperturbed as always, does not go out of his way to impress his untimely crush because what if they don’t like him at all? Worse! What if they are disgusted with him or something?
Thus the only affection they can expect are endless entertaining conversations, - Kadokura knows a ton of fables and his heart skips a bit when they laugh at yet another story, - and help whenever they may need it. In fact, he is just scared to death that his “luck” will affect them too. Moreover, if it happens, he won’t be able to protect them or play a knight in shining armor since he isn’t that personable, formidable, strong…
Kadokura is a king of pinning and self-doubt so, you know, the only way this relationship can progress anywhere is if his crush takes the initiative. Takes him by the hand, makes some compliments, shows that they care and are interested. The best option would be to just tell him directly what a dumb dummy he is that he can’t notice their green lights.
After that everything becomes much easier: Kadokura slowly steps up his dating game! Sure, it’s a long time from “Wow, your eyelashes are so long. Like cow’s eyelashes” to “Moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” (Note: check out Natsume Soseki to understand the context!) and from chilling by the fire to sitting on the porch of own house but trust the process.
Mostly relies on the way his partner shows their affection and adjusts to them. If they are more about verbal affection, he will put all his efforts into becoming smooth talker, if they are a more physical person, Kadokura will hold them by the hand and hug the shit out of them. Simple as that.
 B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
 The start of this friendship is unpredictable. They had to meet either before Kadokura started to work as a jailor (or they had to be imprisoned in Abashiri lol) or after he joined Hijikata Toshizou. Both options come down to Kadokura getting into some kind of trouble like make another lunatic mad at him and his future best friend, or simply bumping into them on the street, scattering all of the goods they just bought on the road. Kadokura gets under the horse's hooves in an attempt to collect them. Now he needs medical help. Please, help this poor man.
Never initiates anything but if you offer to hang out Kadokura will be down. Again, hanging out with him is a double-edged sword: you may end up in the maelstrom of events that will leave you with a shit ton of crazy stories for grandkids or you may fall onto the ground and lie like a stone telling each other the dumbest puns. Both are good, in my opinion, just be aware of the possibilities.
There are moments when he can't stop complaining about life. Usually, it happens over a shot of sake when Kadokura’s cheeks crimson, long sighs substitute commas in between of lamentations, and the atmosphere becomes more intimate. The prisoners are, of course, very attentive listeners, but you will not get any emotional feedback from them. With freshly made best friend, Kadokura tends to overshare and then profusely apologize for that.
Just like with Hijikata Toshizou, he will stick his neck out for them but won’t expect the same in return. To the point where if he was forced to choose between saving either Hijikata or his best friend, Kadokura will have to commit die instead.
 C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Enjoys being cuddled more than he originally thought. For the first time in a while, his palms are sweating, butterflies are swarming in the stomach, so gentle touch feels almost dazing: Kadokura may even flinch in surprise when they start nuzzling on his shoulder like a cat. Later he finally convinces himself to ease off enough to pull them into an unescapable hug, fall together on the ground and fool around or pull them on his lap and plant few kisses on their cute nose. Doesn’t like spooning because every time he is big spoon three is no way he can keep hands to himself. The temptation is too great, and Kadokura doesn’t even try to resist it.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Why this question?. Who even dreams of a nasty cozy home? Of the disgusting overwhelming feeling of safety with the love of one’s life? Waking up and falling asleep together, sharing all good and bad from day to day? HORRIBLETERRIBLEAWFUL sign Kadokura up. Of course, he wants to settle down. The desire to have a family nest has been growing in his heart for years but until now there was no person to share this dream with. He brings up the idea of living together as soon as it seems more or less appropriate and flies over the moon (at the speed of light) when his partner supports it. Good at cooking but sucks at cleaning.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Classical breakup with “It’s not you, it’s me” line in it. Kadokura will not break up with his partner until all possible methods of saving relationships have been tried out: this is one of the most difficult decisions in his life ever and fucking up something that can be saved would be idiotic. He has doubts until the last second of course. Scratching the back of his head awkwardly and dejectedly avoiding their gaze, Kadokura tries to get to the point but his speech is interrupted by endless ummms and ughs. In the end, he feels as awful as they do, guilty and somewhat ashamed, so after making sure they are not going to do anything stupid, Kadokura flees.
There is not a lot to say besides that Kadokura clearly understands how hard it is to be left (and usually that’s how breakup feels like you were left on the side of the road) so he tries to be delicate. Checks up on them from time to time by sending long letters with detailed descriptions of his misadventures.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He is no longer at an age when postponing a wedding is almost a matter of course but, at the same time, Kadokura is held back by the fear that this marriage will end like a previous one. Is he legally divorced at all?... Anyway, Kadokura is torn between proposing on the first anniversary and waiting an unknown amount of time until they bring up this question. Dreams of a small wedding with one or two guests from both sides so they are not obligated to be too serious and constrained with traditions. Kirawus has to be one of the guests, he cries at the sight of happy butthole peeker Kadokura.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Ayyy, he is the type of man who lets his hand go numb but won’t move it to not disturb his loved one’s sleep. Kadokura is way more gentle than any of the ex-soldiers, both physically and emotionally but his attempts to show it often come off as kind of awkward and malapropos. Do not let it upset you: Kadokura is a master in turning everything into a good joke and laughing at small inconveniences. He is the one to apologize first after the big argument, the one to offer a big hug after a bad day, the one to sit beside and listen to the emotional rent without giving even one unnecessary comment.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Whenever his loved one wants, Kadokura will be there with arms outstretched to the sides, ready to give them the tightest hugs. He likes to gently rub their back at the same time or nuzzle against their neck but is hesitant if there are any onlookers.
In family life, he has no problem with randomly running up to his loved one for a hug. Really, Kadokura is a sucker for unexpected back hugs where he can put hands on the partner’s waist and press them into his body, deliberately distracting them from housework.
You can easily tell Kadokura is having a rough day when he slips from usually coveted embraces: it is an unconscious trick to fish out a double portion of physical affection from his loved one.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Pretty fast compared to others. Half of the year, maybe? It has to be obvious you love a person by that time or so Kadokura thinks. He is not afraid to be misunderstood since by the time confession is ready to slip from his tongue, Kadokura already has planned a whole paragraph ahead of all questions: if they are not ready to say it back that’s fine, if they don’t feel the same right now or in general that’s fine if they need space to think about that’s fine. Everything is fine with Kadokura, he just wants to convey the idea that they are irreplaceable and make him feel like no one did before.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
A definition of confusion in all scenarios since he can’t clearly understand his own emotions. Is it a disappointment? If it is anger, it’s greatly diminished by a feeling of worthlessness. If they are being hit on, Kadokura sees himself as a rather weak opponent but picks himself up and stands next to a partner, gently taking them by the hand, and asks them if everything is alright. If the rival is excessively pushy, Kadokura will let out a heavy sigh before getting into a fight because no way he will let any bastard hurt his loved one. Needs to be patched up after the fight. Can’t stop smiling like a fool when they wipe the blood abundantly oozing from a broken nose. It’s good for his ego.
If they decided to flirt with anyone, Kadokura chokes on his own saliva. Like. What. This is so humiliating. He wants the ground open to swallow him up, along with all his stupid feelings for them, which, apparently, mean nothing. Needs a lot of space to cool down and has a hard time confronting them about the situation. Kadokura is more comfortable with repressing this unpleasant memory than sorting things out.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
With Kadokura every kiss is just like the first one in the best sense of the word: his kisses are gentle, warm, not too sloppy, not too dry, not priestly prude, and not teenagerly aggressive. Although he has a funny (or annoying, it is not for everyone) habit: sometimes he decides to smooch them in the middle of talking just because. If they scold him for that he just laughs it off and plants a hundred more kisses on their poppy-red face.
Loves to kiss his partner on temples and lips but, honestly, as long as it’s them Kadokura will kiss them whenever, from the top of the head to the tip of their pinky toes, literally. Prefers to be kissed on the lips too but also on the neck, chest, and belly.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
First of all, Kadokura loves children with his whole heart. Second of all, kids love Kadokura like no other babysitter. Put them together in one room and watch them vibe. Honestly, he is naturally good around little ones, it looks like he was born with a talent to keep up with those fidgets. If his child is struggling with any school subject, Kadokura will spend the evening with them, helping them to understand a difficult concept. Even if he doesn’t understand it himself, nothing can stop Kadokura from dive into books, teach himself, and then explain learned stuff to kids. Absolutely amusing when he babytalks. Wants three or four children but still has a fear of being a bad father (unreasonably!).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Lazy as mornings can be. No one hurries to jump out of the bed to get down to business, and the house stays silent until late noon. After waking up, Kadokura languidly sits up in the sheets, yawns, and curls up back to his partner, spending another few hours snoozing in their warmth.
Eh, it feels like Kadokura is the type of person that is awfully quiet in the morning. It is easier for him to convey his thought with gestures than to start moving his tongue. Well, except when it comes to kisses. He doesn't mind spending some energy on that.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are calm and cozy. They are pretty much normal, usually spent at home since it is nearly impossible to drag Kadokura anywhere after 6 p.m. On especially good days, he can surprise his partner with simple but delicious food: unusual gourmet dishes of the Michelin 3-star restaurant level aren’t his forte but miso soup made with unconditional love is definitely his signature dish.
Fond of playing games with his loved one despite losing 9 times out of 10. They have lost more than five dices already but Kadokura keeps buying new sets, of higher quality and higher price. After the game is finished, Kadokura or his partner thinks up a challenge for the loser like cook for a week or call the winner one specific word for a day so they can have more fun.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
 They have to become his friend before Kadokura starts to reveal more info than the one that is known to everyone in the area. By the way, a good indicator of closeness is the ability to laugh together: look at his relationship with Kirawus, that is just the right level to open up. Takes things slowly, expects another person to share as much as he does. Kadokura is very particular when it comes to the innermost and knows how to keep secrets, so he makes it clear from the very beginning it’s okay to speak their mind, ask for advice, etc. As stated before, tends to overshare after having too much sake.
 P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
The patient isn’t the right word, resigned is. There is nothing in this world that can surprise him: Kadokura had to deal with the most terrible scumbags imaginable, serve as bait for a killer (and face another person who wanted his death even more than the aforementioned killer!), freeze his ass off while standing on the thin ice with a knife between his rimed buttocks. Like, the peak of life’s evil tomfoolery is reached. Kadokura is prepared to face anything and everything and is relieved every time it’s not a near-death experience or bloodthirsty wild animal.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
It depends on how stars align on each separate day. Today he remembers 99,9% of what his loved one said and the next day not a single word reaches his brain cells. Kadokura is way more focused on feelings and emotions he experiences together with his partner so it is not uncommon for him to remember they were uncontrollably laughing but were cold than that they fell in the river because he was rocking the boat. It works the same with negative emotions: Kadokura somehow feels he should lock the dog even though he has no clear memory that his loved one is afraid of them. Why did I do it? I don’t know, gut’s feeling.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
A first kiss for sure! After a long lull in personal life, the first kiss with a new person awakens a whole storm of emotions in him. Kadokura feels like he is eighteen again, he just crossed the doorstep of adulthood and discovered the delight of the first relationship. This joy is enough to take away his speech for a minute: months later this moment makes him wince in disbelief of how silly he must have looked with eyes wide-opened and jaw hanging low. After that, he still had the courage to ask “oh so does it mean we are the thing now? Like the real thing?”. No, Kadokura spent the next week wondering if this was a feverish dream despite given a positive answer.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Do you want to live? Run then! Use the Joseph Joestar’s famous plan and strategically retreat because his brain needs some time to come up with a plan. Kadokura obviously wants to keep his loved one safe and sound, who doesn’t, but it is not that easy. He gives them a gun or knife to protect themself in the moment of danger since, chances are, Kadokura himself will be in even deeper troubles, millimeters away from swiftly bayonet sending him straight to heaven.
Relies mostly on keeping them as far from the battle scene as possible. Even if they handle a gun better than he does, Kadokura actively protests in every possible way and convinces them to stay somewhere safe: he knows for sure if they get injured, he will be the one to blame, and if something irreversible happens, he won’t be live on without a heavy burden of guilt.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Despite the lack of ample opportunities to show his love inexpensive or exquisite ways, Kadokura tries his best to impress his loved one. He is ready to change himself and change his life as well to be worthy of their company. A little more effort to get out of bed and shave this mess off the neck, even more effort to buy a new suit for their dinner date out, every drop of effort to accept his awkwardness and let things go with the flow. Anniversaries are treated the same way: if possible, in summer Kadokura will plan a trip to the South coast where they can enjoy loneliness together to the sound of waves breaking on the rocky shore. In winter, he will certainly try to create an extra festive and cozy atmosphere at home, cooking their favorite food, and making an excessive amount of tea. We are talking about the level at which the kettle is never empty. Relatively diligent in the everyday task but no powers in the world will force him to clean up like a normal man.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
“A wilted, uninspired middle-aged dude” he is, and it affects how Kadokura perceives himself more than you think. In turn, this perception seeps into his life as self-doubt, self-deprecating jokes, and hesitation in making important decisions. At the same time, if you point out this flaw to him, Kadokura will sulk. You would think he has to know better but no.
Unmotivated and has a hard time opening up to new experiences like learning new skills or finding new hobbies. Not as much as Kikuta, but Kadokura also has a habit of doing as he did twenty years ago even if the consequences did not live up to expectations. He sees a rake that WILL hit him on the forehead and JUMPS on it anyway.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Earlier in the days when grass was greener and the sky was bluer, Kadokura put more thought into his appearance but over time it changed. With the current state of the world, he doesn’t bother to waste his time fixing his hair every hour and blow the dust off his shoes. His uniform is in a relatively ok condition, with few patches here and there, three-day stubble often overgrows in one-week stubble, and bags under the eyes give him a shabby look but there is a charm in it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Some people try too hard to hide the fact they are hurt while going through a bad breakup and he is one of them. Days seem endlessly long and gloomy, Kadokura performs given tasks only because it is expected from him, he stops playing cards with Kirawus and doesn’t bat an eyelid when ainu bugs him. Absent-mindedness leads Kadokura straight into new problems but none of them is enough to shake him up. He is… sad. Simply as that. Not heartbroken, not sorrowful. It is an empty sadness that leaves you painfully numb without a stingy tear to shed. To make it even worse, after the breakup Kadokura persistently seeks their company again and again for reasons he can’t explain. Maybe, it is desensitization: the more he sees them as an outsider, the easier he takes it. Shortly after, he will try to find the trace of his ex-wife and daughter, reunite with them if… they want to, you know. They might start a new life while he was nodding off in the workplace.
If they have been killed, Kadokura will live on, faithfully serving Hijikata. He refuses to talk about them at all, brushing off offered emotional support. Still, he was born under an unlucky star and nothing can be done about it: it is something he has to come to terms with.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Let's forget the canon for a second and pretend that Kadokura has a sister or a brother who, in turn, has a child. So my headcanon is that he is a cool uncle. The one who gives kids life advice in the form of a funny parable, pretends he doesn’t hear them sneaking out in the night, puts more money in an envelope so they can save some up for cool stuff. His lifehacks are actually useful even though sometimes questionable… The one who doesn’t have to try to fit in with the new-gen because he got it already.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
There is only one specific thing that comes to mind since Kadokura is too chill and it seems he can deal with almost everything.
People with excessive energy. We are not talking about the literal ray of sunshine type of person that beams with energy but rather about people who are active and need other people to match them. They need strong feedback from another person to feel validated and not to fall into the depression abyss and Kadokura is not a person to match this description. He is not about running around 24/7 enthusiastically grimacing at every little thing. It's exhausting. It is annoying. Kadokura’s social battery runs out on their second sentence so he prefers to avoid such Duracell bunnies at all costs.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Just like Kikuta has a specific ritual before going to bed. Jailer's work taught Kadokura to pay more attention to the security of the house so he can’t fall asleep without checking all the doors. This habit has nothing to do with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is what it is. Besides it, Kadokura gives his partner a goodnight kiss on the temple because what if he wakes up and they are not here or what if he won’t have any other chance to do it. This one doesn’t change even if Kadokura is stressed the f out: he may be red from the anger but he will lean down and smooch them to remind how much they mean to him.
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galacticnova3 · 3 years
You good???
Probably. Idk. Maybe not. I have many words and cannot shut and this is making me stressed because I’m worried that I’m annoying people but I simultaneously really want attention. I also keep oversharing. Usually this doesn’t happen but it might be because I’ve been doing a lot better about drinking things other than caffeinated drinks(water on rare occasions, mostly milk, apple and grape juice also) so suddenly having a huge can of Energy Drink That Taste Good probably has my system going bonkers fucking yonkers. Whereas usually even if I go a while without it it’s not like I’m not already having too much caffeine anyways because I drink way too much soda(which is what I’m trying to stop) so it doesn’t freak out my body so much. But the weird thing is usually what does happen is I just get shaky for a while, but I didn’t, the shaking is just in my thoughts I guess. I wanna sleep because I’m bored but I don’t feel tired at all. Maybe I should try to find something to read. Y’all got any suggestions? Preferably something free online, if you send a recommendation a rough description would also be appreciated. The longer the better, I am a binge reader. Also a binge writer, you could build a house out of text blocks like this I think. Speaking of houses I just realized I could work on designing my base in my Minecraft survival world, since my current one is Kinda Ugly and villagers keep manifesting in my bed before I get the chance to sleep in it. Also my axolotls and several horses have despawned despite being placed in a bucket/tamed as well as named with a name tag and I’m really mad about it. I don’t know why it’s happened but now I get stressed while traveling because I don’t want them to disappear. Anyone know what might be causing that? I play Bedrock on an iPad if that affects anything. Fuck I’m rambling again. Need to Stop
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littlemisskookie · 5 years
Learning the Hard Way
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Learning the Hard Way Ship: Jungkook | Noona!Reader Description: Jungkook’s determined to prove to you he’s not a kid. Warnings: SO MUCH SMUT TSHDKN, PWP, Oral, Blowjob, Public Sex, Outdoor Sex, DOM!KOOK, NOONA KINK, Slight Nipple Play, Masturbation, Unsafe Driving, Unprotected Sex, Denied Orgasms, Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasms, DIRTY TALK, Creampie, Cumplay, Cum Eating, Fingering, Grinding, Deepthroating, Demeaning Names, Light Bondage, Slow Burn?, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism, Pussy Slapping, Breathplay, Plot if you squint, Fluff if you squint Word Count: 12,200 A/N: WHY
Guy's night at Jimin's every Saturday night was commonplace- a tradition among your group. It consisted of you and seven other boys- all of whom you got along with. You didn't know them as well as they knew each other, but seeing as you had been hanging around them for months now, you grew something of an attachment to them, forming inside jokes and feeling comfortable already. And to think, your closest friend Jimin inviting you to his typical guys' night out, only for them to collectively decide you were a guy in spirit.
You weren't insulted, as some had suspected you'd be. Sure, you found each of them attractive, and more than one you had envisioned sleeping with- but you kept your boundaries. You were just friends with them, and though you could swear once or twice you'd catch one checking you out, none of them made a move on you. Some had girlfriends and some had flings, but you'd often time have to hear of their raunchy depictions of the night before, lewd and kinky acts they'd have no problem confessing. You'd have to drink more than usual in efforts to blur the memory of it, though you couldn't deny the flush of heat to both your cheeks and your core when the boys let sinful words roll off their tongues. Most eyes would be on you instead of the one telling the story, amused by how your cheeks flushed and you called the boy gross for forcing you to listen to how well a girl gagged on his cock.
This was one of those days.
"Dear fucking god, Jin! How long does it take for you to go on about nipple clamps? You've got more description than a fanfiction writer," you hiss, clamping your hands over your ears as Jin went on about his endeavors with some big-racked bimbo he met at the club.
"Sweetheart, just last week Taehyung was going into detail of how good he was at giving head- don't tell me you have double standards now?" Jin smiled, jokingly trying to rile you up.
"I don't! It was just as infuriating. I don't understand why you guys have to go about describing in explicit detail your sexual encounters. You don't hear me talking about how I had a guy nail me ten ways to Sunday," you fume, speaking fast, the buzz from your previous drink starting to fade. You were beginning to sober up, and as much as you'd like to press a bottle to your lips once more, you wanted to at least feel somewhat coherent for the drive back home.
"It's just what guys do, Y/N-ah," Hoseok teased, reaching over to ruffle your hair.
You simply scowled and swatted his hand away, matting your hair down with your palms. "It's not just a guy thing! You don't hear Kookie talking in such a filthy manner."
It was true- Jungkook was the only one who didn't talk like the others. He was more reserved in that sense, and though he seemed more timid than the others, you were perhaps most fond of him. Something about him made you want to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair, baby him to all means necessary. Maybe it was the doe-eyes or that haircut of his, but simply put, Jeon Jungkook was adorable.
He was the one you could never quite picture sexually. You felt guilty whenever you even considered it. You didn't want to picture what was beneath the sweatpants and sweatshirts because simply put, he seemed so naive and didn't have nearly the same sexual confidence as the others did around you. Quite honestly, you suspected him to be a virgin. Not that there was anything wrong with that.
At your comment, however, Jimin let out a boisterous laugh. "Are you serious?"
You fume, your cheeks as red as Jungkook's, though his are from embarrassment and yours from false anger. "Yes! In fact, it's even more of a reason- he's innocent and corruptible. I don't want him getting skewed perceptions of sex based on your exaggerated details."
At that, Namjoon simply quirked a brow. "Don't tell me... You think little Kookie is a virgin, don't you?"
Now it's your turn for your cheeks to flush. "I mean- look, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin."
"That's not what I'm saying," Namjoon persisted. "You think Jungkook is a virgin, don't you?"
"I suppose?" You don't even understand what's going on at the moment, but you feel as though you should feel embarrassed. "I mean, don't get me wrong, he's adorable and all, and I'm sure that a lot of girls are attracted to him. I would be too but... I dunno, he doesn't really give off the vibe of a sex god."
"What kind of vibe does he give off then?" Taehyung questioned, elbowing Jungkook in the rib, who only scowled in response.
"He's just... cute I guess. Adorable," you say, your mind groggy. "Like a little bunny. He gives off baby boy vibes."
At that the entire room erupts in laughter, the boys taking turns to swat the youngest's back and holler.
"I'm sorry, Kookie, I didn't mean to embarrass you," you say, reaching over to run a hand up and down his arm.
"Y/N- you've got everything wrong," Jin said, his squeaky laughter dying down as he wiped tears from his eyes. "And all this time I thought you knew that he wasn't a kid."
"He just always came off that way! It's hard to see him dominating women the way you guys claim you do," you grumble. "How was I supposed to know?"
"I'm not a virgin, Noona, just so we're clear," Jungkook pipes up.
"Yeah, but you're an adorable baby boy, apparently!" Jimin says ruffling Jungkook's hair. "Gee, Kookie, who'd have thought?"
"Y/N, I'll have you know that if you think we're anything close to freaky, we've got nothing on him," Yoongi says, cocking his head to the youngest. "I overheard him once on the phone with this girl he picked up at the bar- if you think we say filthy things, you should hear him. I could overhear her cumming on the line."
"It's true- our little boy here has a bigger sexual prowess than all of us combined," Taehyung said, cooing as he pinched Jungkook's cheek. "I caught him fucking some girl on the balcony- and I know you like it rough, but I don't think even you can handle him."
You furrow your brows, your cheeks heating. "How the hell do you know I like it rough? Unlike you heathens, I don't boast about what I'm like in bed."
"You don't, but as I said, boys have a horrible habit of oversharing. Jackson may or may not have let it slip on how you like to be manhandled," Hoseok mentions.
"That bastard! After I sucked his cheesedick without him reciprocating- fuck, nevermind, I'm not going to get into it," you huffed. "And I'll have you know I can handle plenty- but personally I believe that you're just pulling these stories out of your ass to frighten me. I can believe Jungkook's not a virgin- but sex god I just don't see."
"Looks like you're gonna have to prove her wrong, Kook," Yoongi grunts, jutting his chin. "That is if she's up for the challenge."
"I'd like to see him try. He's a baby boy and I won't listen to savages like you," you say, rolling your eyes. "He's too young to be freaks like you."
"I'm only a year younger than you are," Jungkook pointed out, though you could tell from his narrowed eyes that he was beginning to get a bit irritated with you.
"Looks like Kook plans on teaching Y/N-ah the hard way," Jimin teased. "You'll eat those words, Y/N, but I warned you."
"Yeah yeah yeah. Look, I've got to get home already,  so if anyone's too drunk to drive and wants to tag along with, I suggest you do so now. I'll see you guys next week."
You're about halfway through the parking lot when you hear your name. You turn to see Jungkook running towards you, his pace quick. Before you knew it, he was by your side, his breathing slightly uneven. "Y/N! I forgot I need a ride home."
"Why didn't you say so earlier?" you questioned.
"Forgot- but I'm too buzzed. I don't trust myself to drive and I'm kinda tired. I should get home and sleep," Jungkook explained.
You examined him, curious about any underlying tones, but he seemed honest. You simply shrugged and continued to the car. "Hop in then, kid."
Your ears were probably playing tricks on you, but you could've sworn you heard a low growl.
The ride to his place was longer than it was to yours and for the first five minutes, you sat in silence. You wondered if it was the awkward or the silent kind, but either way, there was some sort of tension building between you two. You just weren't sure what.
"I, um, wanted to apologize," you mumble. "About dragging you into that. I was just trying to get them to shut up for a bit- I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"It's alright- they'll forget about it sooner or later," Jungkook shrugged.
"So are you mad at me?" you questioned.
"Honestly? A little bit. More frustrated or irritated, to be frank."
"Look, regardless of how experienced you are, it doesn't matter. I only brought it up because you don't really feel the need to brag the way they do, which I appreciate. One of the reasons you're my favorite," you tease, pinching his cheek.
"Did you really think I was that inexperienced?"
"I don't know- as I said, you talk the least about sex. For all I know you're a complete sub- which is fine, though I myself don't have much experience with that. I guess I just never thought about it so much because of the reasons I explained earlier. You don't really give off the same sexual vibe as the others."
"You know what they had said earlier though was true, right?" Jungkook questioned. You feel his gaze pierce at you from the side of your head.
You roll your eyes, but your fists tighten around the steering wheel. "About you being some sort of man whore? Please."
"I'm not a man whore perse, but..." Jungkook licked his lips. "I'm not at all what you think I am."
"A baby boy?" You scoffed at that. "So you're going to try to convince me that you're some sort of sex god or something."
"I just don't want you seeing me as a kid, Noona."
"I can't help it, Kookie. It's just how I see you- even if you're only a little younger."
"What if I could change that? Make you see me as a man?"
You pause at that, looking at him warily. "How exactly would you do that?"
Jungkook paused as well, as though holding his breath. "I've got my ways."
"Prove it."
You don't know exactly what kind of trap you've gotten yourself into, but based on the predatory stare that he gives you, his eyes boring into yours with unsated lust, you have an idea.
His hand comes up to your knee, and you feel yourself get tense. Your eyes quickly dart down to his veiny hand, the small bumps protruding from beneath the skin, the long and slender fingers digging into the skin. You curse yourself for wearing shorts, but to be fair it was a hot summer day.
"Eyes on the road, Noona."
Your eyes quickly dart back up to the road, and you panic in your head. Was this actually happening? Sweet little Kookie, who you babied and teased, now showing the demeanor of some sort of dominant? What sort of an alternate reality were you living in? Despite this, you couldn't help but notice the heat that pooled between your thighs, a side of Jungkook slowly becoming unveiled. You knew if things got cranked up a notch, you'd never be able to go back. You'd never be able to see him the same way.
"I think I'd start by telling you what I had told that girl over the line," Jungkook says, voice low, making you strain to listen in, hanging onto his every word. "Hyung was right when he said I had a filthy mouth- not as filthy as that girl's though when she was sucking on my cock earlier that day."
Your hands now had a vice-like grip on the steering wheel. "Oh my god."
"She was a nasty little thing, you know. Tasting herself on my dick, trying to milk me dry so she could swallow every drop like a good little slut." His hand rose higher up your thigh, and you refused to look at him, keeping your eyes on the road. You could feel his stare drill into your skull, however, and your mouth went dry. "Would you be a good slut for me too, I wonder?"
Your mouth opened and closed, but you were at a loss for words. "I-I..."
"Spread your legs," he growled, his words a command rather than a request. You found yourself functioning on autopilot, your legs opening to make room for his hand as it slid eerily further up your thigh, where you wanted him most. He shives over nuzzling his nose into your neck as he strains to get closer to you. "I talked to her on the phone. She was begging for me to talk to her, her vibrator in hand as she waited for me to tell her what to do. She couldn't cum without my voice, without my words, without my permission. It was as though I made her incapable for settling for less- and even some little toy and her cute little fingers- stuffed inside that tight cunt of hers- it couldn't compare to how I wrecked her for the night."
"K-Kookie, we shouldn't b-be-"
His blunt nails dig possessively over your thigh, however, and he growls against the skin where your neck and collarbone meet. "Don't call me that."
You let out a whimper of submission, your hand shaking as you grip the wheel firmly. You mutter curses to yourself as he cups your heat, hand slowly palming you through your shorts, middle finger going up and down the feel of your slit. "I wonder how wet you are for me already when I've barely touched you. I bet you started getting soaked the minute I talked about that girl milking me good, and I didn't even tell you about the other one on the balcony. She begged for me to wrap my hand around her pretty little neck and squeeze. I squeezed her neck as hard as she squeezed around my cock- she was so tight, I'm getting hard just from remembering it."
Your hole clenched over nothing, as though wanting to wrap itself around Jungkook's cock the same way the other girls had. Sweet little Kookie, who didn't seem sweet or little anymore.
Jungkook slid the part of your shorts to the side, along with your underwear, your bare pussy meeting the cold air. "You smell so sweet, Noona. I bet you taste even better."
You curse, doing your best to concentrate on driving. How had you let this happen?
"Do you want me to touch you, Noona?" He gently taps at your pussy lips, a small string of wetness connecting his finger to your pussy, stretching into a strand before snapping into nothingness. "Want me to touch this drenched little pussy of yours?"
"F-Fuck, Jungkook."
"Use your words, Noona. Be a big girl. Tell me to stop or tell me to finger fuck you as you're driving."
"Yes, p-please," you mutter softly, barely able to hear your own words. You were unbelievably turned on at the moment, your body set aflame. "Please touch me- finger me- I don't care."
"Good girl." Jungkook's tongue poked out from between his lips, the wet muscle gliding from your collarbone up to the patch below your ear. At that moment he sunk a digit into you, pumping it slowly as he crooked it upwards, searching for the rough patch as he dug his palm into your clit.
You jumped, your knee hitting the bottom of the dashboard. "J-Jungkook, I can't drive like this."
"You can and you will," Jungkook mutters, voice a low growl as he finds your g-spot, studying your face as he taps against it. "If you can't take so much as my fingers, what makes you think you'd be able to take my cock? I'd stretch you out so good, fill you to the brim. You'll feel my cock in your throat before I even start pounding into you."
You feel your toes curl at the thought, and Jungkook takes one of your hands to rest on the crotch of his sweatpants, where he's fully erect underneath the fabric. You can tell already that he's impossibly big, and you feel your mouth water at the prospect of having it inside of you.
"Does that feel like a kid to you?" he rasps, lips pressed against the shell of your ear.
"N-No," you stammer. "Fuck, Jungkook, since when were you like this?"
"Since always," he responds, using two fingers now that you've begun to stretch out for him. "You just never noticed. You'd just tease me like the little slut you are, prancing around in those tiny shorts in a room filled with men. You were just begging for this little cunt to get filled, weren't you? Wanted someone to abuse these tiny holes of yours and fuck you nice and good."
"Yes, I-I... Shit, Jungkook, will you fuck me? Stretch me out nice and good with that massive cock of yours?" you question, mind going blank as profanities and lewd words spilled from your mouth.
"Do you think you deserve it, Noona? Do you deserve my cock after you teased me and called me a kid?" Jungkook questioned, fingers delivering a rather brutal and harsh thrust as he buried them deeper. A third slipped inside, and you felt your mind go numb, your hips lifting to grind your swollen clit into his palm. "Look at you- humping my hand like the desperate, pathetic whore you are. You'd do anything to get off, wouldn't you?"
"Yes, Jungkook- I'm so sorry, just please please let me cum," you beg.
You hear him pull out his cock, his other hand pumping it furiously as he nibbles at your earlobe. "You've gotten me so hard, baby. I wish you could see how hard I am for you, just from fingering this tight cunt of yours and seeing you squirming at my words. I want to fuck you in every position and make you cry."
"S-Shit, I want that too," you admit quietly. You want nothing more than to look at him touching himself, but the minute your head turns so much as a centimeter in his direction he slams his fingers back into you, making you gasp and moan at the onslaught of pleasure.
"Who said you get to look at me?" he hissed. "You don't deserve to see my cock yet. Eyes on the road. You can look at the next red light."
You weakly nod, whimpering as a confirmation of submission. You're so tense, your body riled up as you shake with anticipation, counting down until the red light up ahead. You've never wanted to see one so badly in your life, but your mouth watered at the thought of the pulsating red member, leaking with precum, eager to be buried inside of you.
You're squirming in your seat at Jungkook's ministrations, and you feel yourself getting close. "You're leaking all over the seat, Noona. You're making such a mess," Jungkook cooed, feeling how your slick juices dribbled down your cheeks and into your shorts, your panties drenched and sticking to your lips. You wouldn't be surprised if some of it got into the seat, but you couldn't look down to check. "Are you going to cum Noona? Are you going to make a big mess for me?"
"F-Fuck, I'm getting close, Jungkook," you whimpered, hands shaking. You felt as though your whole body was on vibrate. "Please let me cum. I'm so so so close."
"Not yet," he growled, the tone in his voice both carnal and feral. He slipped his fingers out of you much to your dismay. His fingers went around your swollen outer lips, squeezing them between his fingers, rubbing your clit between. "Ride that fucking edge, baby."
You're panting, and you hear his breathing get heavy. He sucks urgent hickeys against your neck, bruising the skin. He growls and groans against you, fingers slipping back in and pumping into you furiously. You only realize at that moment that he's doing it at the same pace he's touching himself, so quickly as though he were trying to hurtle himself to the edge.
"Fuck fuck fuck, I'm close Noona. I'm gonna cum." His hands slip out of you to touch himself, and you can only assume he's massaging his balls at the moment.
It's at that moment you stop at the red light, and as though on instinct, he lets out a loud moan, reaching his climax as he tumbles over the edge. You allow yourself to look, finding yourself mesmerized by the sight. His cock was even bigger than you imagined, despite the fact you got a good feel earlier. The tip was angry and red, with cum leaking profusely down the slit and over the head, sliding down the shaft and over his balls and scrotum. You wanted nothing more than to lick every drop, as though devouring a popsicle stick in the summer heat.
He was a sight to behold, sweaty hair pushed back to reveal his forehead. He was glistening in sweat, his hand still gripped tightly around his cock as he milked out every last drop, cum profusely spilling over him and making a mess of everything it touched. The veins protruded from his arms, showing you that he truly was blessed with a man's body. His bottom lip was trapped between his teeth as he let out a low moan, tilting his head back as his hips bucked in the air, letting him thrust into his hand.
You gawk at what you're allowed to see within the lights of the street, but it seems to be over too soon, and you find yourself back on the road to stare ahead, your mind dazed and your body overheated. You never felt so turned on in your life from such lewd acts.
His fingers reach up, the two sticky and coated with cum, glistening in the passing streetlights. "Lick."
You open your mouth obediently, trapping his fingers into your mouth, letting your wet muscle twirl around the digits to get every drop. He pulls them out with a pop, much to your disappointment, and you let out a whine of protest.
Jungkook didn't seem the least bit embarrassed in comparison to earlier, instead letting out a low chuckle as he gives you a lovebite at the base of your neck. "I think Noona liked seeing me cum," he purred. "Do you want me to put my sticky fingers inside of you? Pump you nice and full with my cum?"
Your legs spread enticingly now, desperate and eager for him to touch you again, and he merely laughs. His sticky fingers rub at your pussy lips, swollen and warm from his ministrations, and you buck into his hand.
"You're so eager to have my cum inside of you, aren't you? Even if it's not from my cock, you just want to be filled up like the dirty whore you are, isn't that right? I can't decide if cumslut or cumdumpster suits you better."
"Please please please put them inside me, Jungkook," you whine, begging. You've never heard your voice sound so raw and needy before, but perhaps that's just what Jungkook did to you. His magic effect. "Make me cum all over your cum-coated fingers."
"I think of all the sluts I've fucked, you're the nastiest of them all," he sneered, though let his fingers go back inside of you. You let out a sigh of relief, moaning instantly as he easily finds your g-spot, playing your body like an instrument. The high you had been building up was now approaching once more, and you felt as though your body was a flame.
"I think this is the hottest sight I've seen," Jungkook admitted, nipping at the shell of your ear. "You're milking my fingers dry, baby. You're so tight, I won't be able to squeeze my fat cock inside of you. You couldn't take it."
"Y-Yes I could," you hissed, stammering all the while. "Make me take it."
"I would," he hummed. "You're about to cream on my fingers, huh? Gonna cream all over my filthy fingers with that filthy pussy of yours? Filled with cum but not with cock?"
"Yes, yes, I'm so close! Right there, right- ffffuck-!"
Your orgasm, however, doesn't meet it's tumbling edge. The moment you feel as though you're going to dive off the deep end, Jungkook pulls his fingers out. You're left feeling blank and empty, clenching over nothing as some of the cum he had pushed inside of you dribbles out. You turn to Jungkook, shocked, but he simply shrugs and wipes his wet hand on your thigh.
"We're at my place," he says, grinning the bunny smile you once would've defined as 'cute'. Now it was anything but. Now it was sinister. "Thanks for the ride, Noona."
His tone was sickly sweet and innocent as you would've suspected of him before, but now it simply was used in a mocking manner as he exited your car, leaving you high and dry, gawking at the orgasm that you swore you could practically taste on your tongue before he ripped it away from you. You were furious and frustrated, as well as everything in between.
Game on.
The next encounter you had with Jungkook was when Jimin had invited you to go out dancing with him, Jungkook, and Hoseok. There was a popular club that had recently opened, and seeing that your ass could apparently get you past any bouncer, you were their best option.
You agreed- though you had expected to see Jungkook at the usual guy's night, you supposed one day in advance wouldn't hurt.
You knew it was well worth it once Jungkook's gaze fell on you, your skimpiest dress showing the expanse of your thighs and cleavage. You simply didn't pay him any mind, however, simply turning your nose up and smirking. Perhaps he expected you to blush and duck your head once in his presence, but you could tell from the dark gaze he held throughout the night that he knew you weren't so keen on how he left you hanging.
It wasn't until he approached you at the bar, leaving the others swimming in the pool of grinding bodies and blackout drunks, that he spoke to you.
"I'd figure you'd be dancing a bit more, Noona. You barely spent any time on the dance floor," Jungkook commented, sliding into the seat beside you.
"I'll dance later, Kookie," you say, putting emphasis on his nickname, enjoying the heated glare he gave you. "I like to have a little bit of something in my system before I'm grinding against a man."
The corner of his lip twitches upwards into a snarl, seeing the shit-eating grin you couldn't help but conceal. "You didn't seem to have the same attitude when I was stuffing your pretty little cunt with my cum."
You do your best to conceal the upcoming shudder that runs through your body at his baritone voice. In an effort to hide the arousal you were experiencing at the moment, you simply hide your mouth with a sip of your drink, hoping that'll keep the emotions from bubbling to the surface. "That was before you confirmed my earlier suspicions that you were a kid," you say simply.
"Oh? Care to explain? I'd love to hear this."
You feel your own lips twitch upwards into a coy smile, gleeful that he was landing right into your trap. This was almost too easy- too predictable. You felt glad that it was your turn to have the upper hand. "A man knows how to please his partner and take care of her needs- push her over the edge. A kid, however, cares only for his own needs and gratification, caring for his own orgasm and not the other's." Your fingers trace absentmindedly around the glass, drawings circles. You hear the snarl that emits from the base of his throat, and a quiet voice in your head says the golden word. Checkmate. "That's the difference between a horny teenager and an experienced man."
"So that's how you want to play this, huh?" His eyes raked over your body. "Could it be you truly haven't learned your lesson? Or are you that desperate for me to touch you again."
You hum, shrugging as you slide off your seat with as much grace and elegance as you can manage. "You tell me, Kookie."
You slip into the sea of dancing drunks, bodies pressed against one another to the beat of the same old trap music. You let yourself sway to the music, arms above your head as you roll your hips, appearing as enticing and alluring as you can. You know all too well the burning gaze that you feel, your target of the night taking notice of your movements. It doesn't take long for you to feel someone pressed behind you, hands digging into your hips. His lips trailed up and down your neck, and though the bruises and hickeys from last time had disappeared, for the most part, you were all too willing to let them reappear and blossom across your skin.
You gasp at the feeling of his erection pressed against your ass, the outline of his big cock burying itself against you. Your hazy memory seemed to clear as you remember exactly how big he really was, and you gulp with anticipation.
"Does this feel like a kid to you, Noona?" Jungkook snarls against you, grinding his hips deliberately.
"Scared you're going to jizz in your pants like a horny teenager?" you counter, not allowing yourself to so much as taking in a breath.
"I won't be jizzing in my pants tonight, trust me," he responds. "Tonight I'll be cumming down your throat."
You tense at that. "Did you not hear what I said? You're only proving me right. Only care for your own needs, huh Kookie?"
His hand buries itself in your hair, tilting your head back so that the expanse of your neck is available to him. His lips press against your ear, hot breath fanning over you. "Only good little sluts get to cum- and you've been nothing but a brat, sweetheart. You're not going to cum tonight, but you're gonna beg for my cock. Maybe next time I'll let you cum. You'll be begging me to stop with how many times I'll wreck you in a single night."
Your breath hitches and his hand reaches forward, pressing your body further against his as his hand goes under your dress, hitching it up so that anyone around can see. His fingers trace the lacy outline of your panties, cupping your heat and feeling the warmth of your wetness. He smirks against you, and he shudders. "Look at you, so wet for just some kid. You're letting me touch your pretty little pussy right here on the dance floor where anyone can see because you're that desperate. Why don't you just admit what we both already know?"
You find your hips jutting against his hand, eager for more. "J-Jungkook, anyone could see. What if Jimin and Hobi see?"
"Let them see. I want them to see what a whore you are for me and only me, isn't that right?" he questions, fingers curling to grab hold of you possessively. "My little slut."
"Yours," you promise, feeling breathless. "L-Let's go somewhere private, please."
"Your choice, Noona." He lets go of you and grabs hold of your wrist, dragging you along until the two of you are outside of the club.
You find yourself being pressed against a brick wall, hoisted against Jungkook as he ground his erection against your core. His tongue dove into the hot cavern of your mouth, asserting his dominance as he swallowed your moans. You could feel the rough texture of the brick dig into where he had pinned your wrists, and you could do no more than squirm and take his humping as he moved you against the wall, your pressed body sliding up and down, letting the rough surface dig into your back through the thin fabric of your dress.
Your hips buck up to meet his, and though he had already confirmed that your needs wouldn't be catered to this time, you found yourself eager to begin anyhow. If sex was just about reaching orgasm, then people would simply stick to their toys or hands. Perhaps it was the feeling of pleasuring someone else that had people searching for physical intimacy.
"You're so desperate to get off, aren't you Noona?" Jungkook said, his lips brushing against your own as he murmured the words. "Dry humping me behind a seedy club- you look so desperate right now."
"I want you to touch me already, Jungkook," you hissed, your wrists twisting in his grip.
"All in good time," he mumbled, loosening his grip so that he could press harder against you, his hands finding their way to your breasts to give them a tight squeeze. "You've got such pretty tits, Noona, will you let me see?"
"Hurry," you whispered, feeling his fingers yank down the fabric at the top of your breasts, tugging the bra along with it to cup underneath. He held your breasts in his hands, squeezing as though he were trying to mold them, his tongue diving into your mouth again as he moaned. You felt the vibrations course through your body, and your legs circled around his waist, heels digging into the base of his spine to draw him impossibly closer.
"Fuck, you're so perfect," Jungkook hissed, his voice a low growl. "I can't wait to ruin you."
"Then do it already," you snapped, finding yourself impatient.
"Tsk- where's the fun in that? Gotta make you chase for it," Jungkook laughed, his smile cocky.
"Don't tell me you're playing hard to get," you muttered.
"You certainly aren't," Jungkook replied, pushing back to let your feet touch the floor once more, hands off until one reached under your dress, cupping your soaked underwear. "Do you get this wet for anyone, Noona?"
You whimpered, squirming as you felt his fingers slide your panties to the side, petting your wet folds.
You gasped when you felt a sharp slap on your pussy, and your body jerked.
"Answer me," he demanded, voice lowering to a husky growl.
"No what?" His question was followed by another slap.
"No, I d-don't get this wet for anyone else. Please touch me, Jungkook," you begged, pouting.
To your dismay, he only smirked, pulling his hand back, middle digit slick with your juices. "Get on your knees," he said simply. Your knees buckled, meeting with the harsh concrete. His finger dove into your mouth, allowing you to taste your addictive juices. "Suck it how you'll suck my cock in a few minutes," he responded.
You did as you were told, bobbing your head and keeping hold of his hand, keeping it still as you hollowed your cheeks. You stared up at him with wide eyes, anticipating his next move. He simply starved.
"Do you taste good?" He questioned, pulling back once you nodded with a low hum. "I wouldn't know, now would I?"
You licked your lips, biting them in an effort to further entice him. "Why don't you find out for yourself?"
"Can't do that, Noona. Once I get a taste, I won't be able to stop," he said simply. His hands reached for his belt, and your mouth waters in anticipation. You straightened your back, arms resting on his thighs until his cock sprung free. You could see it a bit clearer now from nearby lights, especially since it was up close. His size was on the bigger side, and you couldn't help but find your mind wandering to the thought of it stretching you out with a delicious burn.
"Do you want a taste, Noona?" he questions, smirking with satisfaction at the sight of your blown out pupils and watering mouth.
You nod silently, transfixed on the sight. You reach up to touch him, but he grabs your wrist in midair, stopping you from doing so. His expression hardened, and you looked up at him in confusion. "Beg," he simply said.
You clenched your thighs together. "Please... Jungkook, let me suck you off."
"You can do better than that, baby. Let me hear that filthy mouth of yours. You won't be able to talk in a few minutes, so make it count."
Your tongue felt thick in your throat, and you swallowed. "Let me milk you dry, Jungkook. I want to feel your cock in my throat and swallow every last drop. Won't you please let me be your good little cocksucker?"
"What are you waiting for? Get to it slut," Jungkook hisse. "Prove to me that you're worth putting my dick in."
You didn't hesitate, wrapping your mouth around the sensitive head and sucking, your tongue lapping over the slit with the demeanor of the kitten. You sunk further, tongue tracing the underside as you tried to memorize the feeling of his skin against your taste buds. You kept eye contact with him, eager to please as he stared down at you with a harsh, expecting look. It was almost as though he was doubting your capabilities.
As though eager to prove him wrong, you find yourself taking in a deep breath through your nose, knowing that a bit further and you won't be able to take much more. You then slam yourself down on him, taking him all the way to the base. You find yourself gagging immediately due to his length, a bit bigger than you were used to. Already you could picture the ache in your jaw that you'd feel from his considerable girth. Still, the moment your nose buried into the fine pubic hair, smooshed against his pelvic bone, you knew it'd be worth it.
Jungkook gasped, hips jutting out and into your throat as though he were trying to get impossibly deeper. He cursed and muttered, and in the process you found yourself backed against the wall once more, head pinned between the brick and his hips.
His pants and shallow moans made you greedy, so you squeezed your eyes shut and dug your hands into his thighs as he began to thrust in and out of your mouth, the same pace he used when his fingers dove into your pussy less than a week ago.
"Fuck fuck fuck, you take cock so good," he mumbled, hand buried in your hair. "Shit, how are you so good at this?"
His hips slammed forward once again, and you choked at the feeling of the head hitting the back of your throat. You gagged, and he pulled back, allowing you to breathe momentarily. He tilted your head up to look at him, his eyes blown out with lust to see you with mussed hair, the lower half of your face glistening in the light with spit. You leaned forward, trapping a testicle in your mouth as you sucked gently, whilst breathing through your nose to prepare yourself once again. Jungkook pets your hair fondly, fingers combing through the strands.
"My good little cock sucker. You're such a good whore for me, aren't you Noona? Think you'll let me cum down your throat?"
You nodded, opening your mouth as though on instinct, allowing him entry. He grinned, and you felt the heavy weight of him against your tongue once more. You felt more prepared this time, becoming used to the sensation, and allowing yourself to gasp or take in shallow breaths once his hips were pulled back.
You could feel him getting close, his thrusts getting far sloppier and erratic. A stream of sinful words and profanities spewed from his lips, and his hand reached down to the base of your throat, squeezing as he felt himself move within you.
"Fuck, Noona, I can feel my dick in your throat," he gasped out, squeezing as though to enhance the tightness of the confines of your throat. Your eyes watered as you were forced to take it, until his hips had buried against you, pelvic bone trapping you against the brick as the hot, bitter fluid spilled down your throat in white ropes.
Finally, he pulled out, his length softening. It was glistening with your spit, and you were left gasping for breath, sputtering and coughing from the brutal deepthroating you endured.
Jungkook's hand wove through your hair, massaging your scalp with a certain level of tenderness and gentle strokes that you hadn't expected. "That's it, breathe Noona," he said, cooing softly to you as you found your breath evening.
He bent down next to you, and you could only imagine what a mess you looked like. Your dress hitched up around your waist, revealing the dark spot on your underwear. Your breasts revealed with the fabric around your torso yanked down. Your messed up hair that went far further than simple bedhead from simply being pressed against the brick. Or perhaps it was the makeup smeared against your face, mascara at the corners of your eyes, lipstick smudged, and drool covering your chin.
Jungkook simply leaned in and kissed you, as though to knock the breath out of you further. His voice was husky and hot as it fanned over your lips, as though he were speaking into your mouth. "I'll repay the favor tomorrow, Noona. After all- good sluts get to cum."
You felt anxious at the next guy's night, finding yourself fidgeting and your mind wandering. You'd repeatedly have to remind yourself to keep your eyes off Jungkook, not allowing them to linger for too long in fear that someone may catch on to the arousal swimming in your gaze. Jungkook was a natural actor, however- not that you're surprised, seeing how well he had kept the sex fiend side of himself hidden for all this time. It's crazy to think that it's only now being revealed.
Your mind wandered to thoughts of how Jungkook was going to pay you back with the orgasm he had promised. It was risky, especially to do it in Jimin's own home, but you couldn't deny the exhilaration that flooded you. Was it the fear of being caught? Was it because you'd be doing it someplace you shouldn't? Or was it just because of Jungkook in general? You pondered over what would be better- his hand buried in your cunt once more, his head between your thighs, or his cock thrusting through your walls at a pace that made you dizzy.
You let your imagination run wild, pressing your lips to the bottle to calm the heat that surged towards the pit of your belly. How was it possible that you were getting turned on just by thinking of a prospect that had yet to happen?
You were so out of it that the time you zoned back in, the conversation seemed to have taken a dangerous turn.
"Look, pussy is the one thing you can eat after 8 PM without gaining weight!" Jin said, arguing with Namjoon.
"I mean, yeah, but it doesn't provide any nutrients! It doesn't fill you up, you can still be hungry after!" He was currently getting a drink from the kitchen, but seeing as Jin has a stubbornness to which none can compare, he continued the argument while the younger was in another room.
"Maybe in the traditional sense," Jin huffed. "What do you think, Y/N?"
"What?" you said, snapping back into the conversation. "What are you guys talking about?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes, bumping his shoulder against yours. "I was wondering why you hadn't scolded us for being weirdos yet."
"You've been distracted. Something on your mind?" Hoseok inquired.
"No, nothing, don't worry. I'm fine!" You let out a burst of nervous laughter, heat rushing to your cheeks as you tried to wipe the mental image of Jungkook hovering above you, pounding you into the bed, from your mind.
"You know you can talk to us about anything. We'll help if we can," Yoongi assures you.
You smile kindly at him, nodding at his words. "I appreciate the sentiment, Yoongs, but really, not- Oh!"
You immediately stood upright, gasping as the warm beer spilled over your shirt. You knew you shouldn't have worn a white shirt today- and it didn't help you were wearing a black bra underneath.
Namjoon cursed and muttered, quickly fetching a towel and giving it to you. "Shit shit shit! I'm sorry, Y/N. I must've tripped over a bump in the rug."
"Don't go insulting my rugs as an excuse for your clumsiness," Jimin countered.
Jungkook disappeared momentarily to get you a bigger towel from the bathroom, draping it over you as to save your dignity from being more exposed to men than you were comfortable with. "You might want to cover yourself, Noona. While I'm sure many of us would appreciate the sight, this doesn't seem to be the time and place."
"Gee, thanks, Kookie," you roll your eyes, though take the towel with appreciation. Your muscles are tense and stiff, however, when you say this, and you wonder if using his nickname so close to your reward will face any repercussions. You figured he wouldn't- after all, you were amongst friends, and he only seemed to be truly bothered by it in sexual scenarios. You didn't feel sexy at all with beer on your shirt. "This may be the only time I'm able to win a wet t-shirt contest with you guys."
"You'd win every time," Taehyung grins, only to have Yoongi sock him in the shoulder.
"Against the abs you guys have? I don't stand a chance!" You laugh at that. "Jimin-ah, I'll be back in a bit. I need to dry my shirt a bit."
"Feel free to grab one of my shirts- it's the least I can do," he says, allowing you to excuse yourself.
You do as he suggests, quickly swiping a shirt from his dresser and going to the bathroom, flinging the wet shirt to pat it and your chest dry from the beer with a fluffy towel. You grumbled to yourself, muttering slightly as you wondered whether or not you'd be able to get the stain out.
You were surprised by a knock at the door. "Uh, who is it?"
Almost as though by instinct, you find yourself opening the door for him, not even caring about the fact you were partially undressed. Jungkook closed the door and locked it behind him, and you catch him taking an appreciative glance down at your rack before diverting his gaze back to the ceiling. "Uh- just wanted to check up on you. You've been here for a while."
"Has it been that long?" You're slightly amused with the fact he can't even look you in the eye, wanting to show you respect. It's such a stark contrast from the sex demon he appears as on rare occasions- the man who stood before you was far closer to the Kookie you were familiar with.
"Yeah, the guys wanted me to catch up on you. Mainly to tease me again." Ah, so it appears they still haven't completely forgotten last week's ribbing.
You smirk at him, chuckling. "It's ok for you to look at me, you know. Might I remind you that you've done far worse?"
"I just wasn't sure if you were ok with it. That was a different context," Jungkook explained, though he allowed himself to look at you, doing his best to stare at your face. You couldn't help but giggle at how his eyes would do their best not to glance at your breasts, and you squeezed them between your arms and gave a little shake, seeing him gulp as he tried not to pay attention to what was in his peripheral.
"It's ok for you to look, Kookie," you purr, holding them up to cup them, pushing them upwards as though to entice him. His eyes darkened at the mocking tone you used, adding his nickname to create some sort of edge. "For you to touch too. I miss your touch already."
His dark gaze finally went to your breasts, which you held up as though offering them to him. He didn't hesitate this time, hands kneading at your breasts the way he had the night before. "Is that so, Noona?"
"Mhm," you hum, stepping closer to him, body pressed against his, trapping him between you and the door. "I've been thinking about it all day... and about that reward you promised."
"What reward?" He smirked, wanting to tease you.
You pout childishly at him. "The one for good sluts who get to cum."
He let out a low hiss at that, and before you knew it you're being hoisted up onto the bathroom counter. "You'll get your reward, Noona. But you'll have to keep quiet- and we'll have to be quick. Don't want the others to start suspecting anything, do we?"
You nod, biting your lip. "Please hurry, Jungkook."
He groaned at your pathetic whine, pulling your shorts and panties down, letting them drop to the floor. You hissed at the feeling of the cold countertop against your bare ass, but Jungkook simply gripped on tight to your thighs, caging them around his head as he took a swipe of his tongue against your heat. You were already so hot, bothered, and turned on that the wetness that had pooled between your thighs landed on his taste buds. He let out a groan against your pussy, burying his lips against it as he lapped once more. It was almost as though it were a drug, and he was being sedated.
"My little slut tastes so good," he groaned in appreciation. "Can't wait to make you cum with all the others outside."
"Please eat me out," you beg, hands curling into his hair.
He didn't respond, lips latching around your clit to give it sensitive sucks, enjoying the way you let out a small gasp, slapping your hand over your mouth as you moaned against your palm. He chuckled, sending vibrations throughout you, and you squirmed under his ministrations. His tongue dove from your pussy, lapping at the juices, up to the hood of your clit. He'd let out small groans of appreciation, tongue working quick as he paid attention to the small sounds you made, as though straining to hear each movement. Soon he seemed to have found out exactly what you liked, and he was using it to positively wreck you.
"Does this feel good, Noona?" he questions, one of his hands coming up to twirl around your clit, driving you closer to the edge. You could taste the orgasm on your tongue- it was tangible.
"So, so good, Jungkook. Please let me cum, I'm so close." You had been waiting for him to grant you this moment for a week.
He smirks, however, noticing how your thighs tremble. He adds more pressure as he gives a sloppy kiss at your folds, tasting the new arousal that flooded to your most delectable parts. "What if I leave you hanging again? What if I don't let you cum?"
"J-Jungkook, I swear to god-"
"Is that the tone you want to use with me, baby?" he warned, his thumb now circling around your clit instead of directly on it.
"Please please please!" you begged in hushed whispers, voice pathetically desperate. "Please let me cum, I'll be your good little slut. F-F-Fuck, I'm s-so close!"
"Are you now?" he hummed, lips returning to your clit to give it a harsh suck.
You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head, one of your hands buried in his hair and the other in a tight fist that you gagged on to muffle your moans. Your eyes were brimmed with tears, and you weren't sure if was because of the upcoming orgasm or because of the prospect that he'd rip it away from you once again.
"Please, Jungkook! Fuck, I want you to make me cum. I need you to wreck me already. Let Noona cum on your f-filthy tongue."
"Such a good whore," he said, and with one final move, a few more harsh sucks against your clit accompanied with small licks, you found yourself jutting your hips, rubbing your cunt over his face as he let you ride his tongue. His hands dug into your thighs, blunt nails forming tiny crescents.
It was when you finally came down that you blinked away the stars from your eyes, seeing him caged between your legs where you kept him trapped. The lower half of his face was covered in your juices, and his deceiving doe eyes looked up at you in delight.
He gave you one more lick, a long stripe up your core that had you shudder from oversensitivity.
He quirked a brow. "Want another one?"
Truth be told, you weren't sure exactly how you got in the situation you were in now.
That situation? Your hands tied to a chair as Jungkook leaned back on a table, jacking off, as you were helpless to only watch. You begged to do anything- from suck him off or even touch him, but it appeared that Jungkook liked the sight of you squirming with arousal, dying to help get him off.
It was a haze of how this came to be. Jungkook had been teasing you through texts, going on about how hard he was and how he wanted a hot cunt to bury himself in. You volunteered, but instead, you got the irritating text of got to make you wait for it noona. you're so cute when you beg ;)
So you naturally sped to his house in a fit of frustration and arousal, the minute you got through the door participating in a battle of teeth and tongue. One thing led to another, and before you knew it your hands were bound with one of his ties, and you were left whimpering with the purest form of torture you could've imagined. Your hands twitched to touch the naked man before you, aching to run over the golden skin and taut muscles.
He twisted his hand along his length, bobbing it up and down, giving you a view of his glorious thighs as they twitched and tensed under his ministrations. He teased himself thoroughly, and you were at the edge of your seat, pulling against your restraints.
"Do you need something, Noona?" Jungkook asks, panting with a low whine as his muscles clench.
You felt as though you were going mad. "Yes."
"What is it you need?"
"Your cock."
Jungkook laughed at that, reaching down to cup his balls, massaging them as he further stimulated himself, though still far from the edge. "I can't give you that, baby."
"Why not?" You clenched your thighs together, squirming. "You were just texting me about how badly you wanted to fuck me. I know you want to have sex with me, and the feeling is mutual. How come you're holding back and teasing me?"
Jungkook only laughed more at your desperation, using his free hand to reach over and cup your chin, forcing your eyes to meet his. "You wouldn't be this wet if I weren't a patient man, now would you Noona?" He let go of your chin to reach into your pants, past your underwear, slipping past your folds easily as his digits became coated with your arousal. He made sure not to touch your clit though, sliding his hand out to pop his fingers into his mouth before using it to slide up and down his length, using both hands.
"Please just let me touch you," you begged, your voice whiny and pathetic.
"Where's the fun in that? Just enjoy the show, babe."
He spread his legs wide to give you a better view, chuckling lowly as your breathing quickened. One of his hands reached up to twist at his nipples, rolling it between two fingers as he tilted his head back and groaned. "This is how I like to touch myself, Noona," he said, his voice far breathier than before. His pace as he jacked off quickened.
You let out a low groan that emitted from the back of your throat, and you clenched your thighs together, the sticky skin that wasn't hidden beneath your shorts clasping to each other. You were desperate for friction to your aching clit, but Jungkook was determined not to give in to your desires.
"Do you like this, Noona? Seeing me jack off in front of you. Would it make you feel better to know I've done this to myself countless times while thinking of you?"
"Shit, fucking hell, Jungkook. You're such a tease," you growled.
"Mm, am I?" Jungkook said though it didn't sound nearly as amused as he intended, a strain in his voice that wasn't there before. His hand came down from his nipple to massage his balls again, his hand running at an impossible speed. "Fuck, I'm close. Can I cum on your face, Noona? Pretty please."
"Yes, yes, go ahead." God, you were desperate.
He came forward, close enough where you could smell him and get all the close-up details, but too far to even wrap your lips around the sensitive head. You squeezed your eyes shut and opened your mouth wide once you felt the hot, white liquid land on your face. Some of it got in your mouth and some on your forehead, but a large bit of it landed on your cheek.
His breathing was heavy, and once you opened your eyes you were truly able to relish in the look of his post-orgasmic bliss. The two previous times took place in the dark in the midst of night, but now you could truly see the golden, glistening skin, and chiseled features of his toned and muscular body.
Jungkook tilted your head up again to look at you, eyes blown out with lust despite his needs being met. "You're so pretty, Noona."
He leaned in, but instead of giving you the kiss you expected, he went to the side, licking a stripe up your cheek as he collected the cum. You shivered as he then landed his lips to yours, and you could taste the bitterness as your tongues swirled against each others.
You felt breathless once he came back up for air, reaching behind to undo your bindings. Your wrists ached, and you massaged them, feeling how sore they are.
You looked up at him with pleading eyes. "When are you going to fuck me?" You weren't bitter this time, instead finding yourself asking it more so out of curiosity.
Jungkook simply smirked and patted your cheek, still sticky with saliva. "Soon, babe. Gotta make you wait for it."
You gritted your teeth at how he enjoyed setting you on edge, tonguing your cheek in annoyance. "Can't wait, then, Kookie."
You found yourself hanging out with the guys sooner than expected, but instead of it being the typical guy's night out, Jin had decided to throw a party at his apartment. As usual, you were put on mother duty to clean up after the fun was over, as well as make sure that nothing went out of hand.
To say you were distracted though, would be a significant understatement.
Properly to do with the fact that a buzzed Jungkook was pressed against you, grinding his hips against yours as his semi-hard erection rubbed against your thigh. His mouth had found it's way to your neck, sucking and leaving a trail, but your mind was hazy with lust, not even caring at this point that someone could walk in on you and Jungkook making out in this abandoned hallway.
"Jungkook," you whined, bucking your hips to meet his, offering more pressure.
"What is it, Noona?" he rasped in your ear. Your fingers wove into his hair as he dipped his head lower, sucking at a sensual spot where your collar bone curved up to your neck.
"Fuck me, please," you begged, your voice dripping with desperation.
"Right here?"
"N-No, take me to a bed or bathroom- anything. I can't wait any longer." You looked at him with eyes filled with desperation. "Fuck me, Jungkook."
"What makes you think you deserve that?" Jungkook chuckled huskily.
"You've been holding out on me like a tease. I just want you to shove your cock in me already."
He tsked at that. "So impatient."
You grabbed his jaw, forcing his eyes to lock with your own. "You started this to prove to me you weren't a kid. Your point has been made, and I know all too well that you're a man. I've learned that now, and I'll never forget. Make sure my body doesn't forget that you're a man, either."
At that he lets out a low growl, pressing firmly against you as he grips your thighs and hoists you up, carrying you to the closest bedroom as you cling onto him in an effort to prevent yourself from falling.
He kicks the door behind him, and your back slams down onto the mattress, your body bouncing against the springs. He doesn't care, however, climbing over you with a predatory gaze, as though he were fully intent on finally devouring you. He had gotten mere tastes of the meal to come, and you knew at once that once he slipped in so much as an inch, he'd be deemed insatiable.
He yanked at the leggings you had decided to wear, pulling them to the floor. "Such an impatient little brat."
"F-Fuck," you said, feeling him slide your panties to the side, thumb making contact with your already engorged clit.
"You're lucky I like you so much, Noona. I was intent on just teasing you for a bit longer, but you're just a cock hungry slut who wants to be filled as soon as possible, aren't you?" He chuckles as he removes his hand, much to your disappointment, instead opting to slide the offensive fabric down to the floor to meet your leggings, your shirt and bra following after. It showed the clear power play at the moment, with yourself being completely bare before him. He had been completely naked the last sexual encounter you had together, and your mouth watered at the thought of seeing the view again. He slapped your hands away, however, when you tried to yank at the sweatpants.
He dove between your legs, burying his head between as he forcefully pried your thighs apart, getting a full view of your cunt. "Want me to eat out this pretty pussy of yours, Noona? Get you nice and ready for my cock?"
"J-Jungkook, I'm so wet already. I can't wait any longer, just skip the foreplay," you hissed, thighs tensing beneath his veiny hands. As much as you yearned to feel the wet muscle against your folds once again, you wanted to feel him inside you.
"Are you sure, Noona? I don't want to hurt you. Sure you can take my fat cock?" To test you out, he puts two fingers in, crooking them up against your g-spot with expert precision. Your eyes roll back as you arch your back, desperate for more. He delivers as always, putting a third finger in.
"Gotta stretch you out. Want you to cream on my cock, Noona. Stretch you out good," he rasps, hovering over you, hot breath fanning over your face. "Wanna get you all messy and fucked out. Will you let me use you, Noona? Use you to spasm over my dick until I fill you up nice and good with my cum?"
"S-Shit, just fuck me already! Do whatever, I can't wait any longer," you whined, your mind spinning.
He didn't have to take any more orders, removing his fingers to wipe away the arousal left on your thigh. He yanks down his boxers and sweatpants, length fully erect. He strokes himself,  spreading the precum that had already covered the tip. "Can I put it in?" he questions.
"Please." You seemed to be saying that a lot lately, so it seemed.
He flipped you over on your hands and knees, pulling your hips back until your ass met his dick. He circled the head around your entrance, as though testing the waters before he slowly sunk in inch by glorious inch, causing your eyes to roll back at the delicious stretch that he provided. He was bigger than most, so it took you a bit to get used to him, but truth be told it didn't hurt or ache due to the copious amount of arousal that he elicited from you.
It wasn't until he was balls deep that the two of you let out a groan, the moment the two of you were waiting for- for so, so long- finally arriving.
"God, you're tighter than I imagined, baby," Jungkook groaned, pulling his hips back slowly before thrusting inside you. You felt yourself fly forward at the force of his thrust, hands grabbing onto the headboard for stability.
"Ffffuck, you're so big," you whispered, groaning as you spread your legs wider, rubbing your ass against him as he let out a hiss.
"Yeah? Can you handle it, baby?" he questioned, hands digging into your hips thrust into you again, drawing out a long moan.
"Yes! Please, fuck me already," you begged.
"You asked for it." He grabbed your hair, pulling it into a ponytail before twisting it around his wrist for leverage. It wasn't until then that he began fucking into you, his thrusts precise and delibate, aiming for your sweet spot as you gripped onto the headboard and met him thrust for thrust. Your back arched at an angle you weren't used to, your hips snapping back to meet his, his thrusts causing his balls to slap against your cunt with each snap of his hips. The room was soon filled with the sounds of skin against skin, and both of you moaning to your heart's content despite the fact that other people were present in the apartment, not too far away.
"You like this, Noona? Am I fucking you hard enough? Deep enough? Fast enough?" Jungkook panted, yanking onto your hair to pull your head closer to his, his groans right next to your ear.
"Yes! Dear god, yes. Jungkook, I-I..." You felt your eyes roll back. "I'm close."
"Shit, already?" Jungkook seemed to be surprised by this but nevertheless crept his hand down, middle finger toying with your clit. You spasmed over him, walls clamping and clenching down on him as you found your orgasm washing over you. A white hot bliss filled you, spreading from your fingertips to your toes.
You collapsed onto the pillows, but true to his word, Jungkook wasn't done. He let go of your hair as he let you rest momentarily before both of his meaty hands were gripping the flesh of your ass, and he was thrusting once more, using your body for his pleasure. You couldn't do much more than take it, moaning into the pillows at the pleasure you were feeling. You didn't feel sensitive yet, enjoying the feeling of Jungkook drilling into you as you rode out your orgasm, spreading your legs wider and lifting one, making your cunt visible to one side of the room as he leaned against you, fucking you at an impossibly deep angle. With his free hand, he toyed with your clit, enjoying the way your moans became far more unabashed and free than earlier.
"F-F-Fuck, Jungkook!" You still felt a twinge of sensitivity from your previous orgasm, tears springing the corners of your eyes as Jungkook's ministrations began to subside the pain with pleasure.
"Gonna cum again? Get all messy?"
"Let me cum again," you begged, sobbing into the pillow as you felt the band stretch, ready to be released. The muscles in the leg he was holding up had begun to tense, indicating the approaching orgasm. "I'm so close!"
"Greedy slut," Jungkook growled, adding more pressure. Your orgasm was just as powerful, stars exploding behind your lids. You collapsed, falling limp as your body's tremors subsided.
You feel your body roll over, and with droopy lids, you're staring up at Jungkook. At some point, he had taken off his shirt, revealing the sweaty, golden skin that you adored. Your hands came up to run over his muscular form as he settled between your legs once last time.
"I want to see your face when you cum on my cock one last time, Noona. Give me another one. I love feeling you cream on my cock like a good little girl."
You nod, feeling him nestle into you before he's fucking into you again, eyes raking over your body appreciatively. He's already had you ten ways to Sunday, and still, he didn't seem to be sated. Who could blame him though? You looked blissful, a hazy, lust-filled look to your blown out pupils, and your messy bedhead surrounding your head like a halo. Your makeup had smeared and your skin was sweaty, and it pleased Jungkook to know that he was the one responsible.
You could tell he was getting close, the muscles in his abdomen getting taut and tensing up, his thrusts getting sloppier. If there was one additional thing you learned from this experience, though, was that he was stubborn and persistent. He wasn't going to stop until you came one last time.
His hand pressed against your lower belly as he pumped in and out of you, both of you feeling the movements of his every thrust inside of you. "I can feel how deep I am inside of you, Noona," he gasped out. "I can feel my cock fucking you."
Your eyes rolled back, gripping at the pillow beneath your hair as you felt your orgasm approach one last time.
His other hand made contact with your clit, and before you knew it you were unraveling, becoming completely undone both physically and mentally. You felt as though you were being elevated, a sort of high that had taken place once your final orgasm had taken place, and with the additional grunt and deep thrust that accompanied Jungkook filling you up with his cum, it added to the sensation.
You were breathless, both of you panting as he slipped out of you, rolling over to rest. You struggled to catch your breath, your post-orgasmic bliss filling your senses.
You looked to Jungkook with droopy lids, pressing a kiss to his temple as you got up and began to pull your clothes on.
He grabbed your wrist to stop you, brows furrowed. "Where are you going?"
"Don't worry, I'll be back. I just have to go to the restroom. Pee after sex and all that. I also need to get us a towel to clean up," you assure him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before exiting. He seemed worried about you leaving right after having sex, and you wondered for a moment if he felt betrayed by the thought of you leaving after getting what you had begged for, as though you wished only for a hookup with the younger man. Unfortunately, the bathroom wasn't connected to the bedroom.
It wasn't until you exited the bathroom with a towel in hand that Taehyung approached you. It didn't take a genius to realize what happened, considering the fact you smelled of sex and your appearance was a dead giveaway.
"So... you're hooking up with Jungkook now?" Taehyung questioned.
You grimaced. "Is that weird?"
"No, it's expected. Kid's had a crush on you for a while," Taehyung shrugged. "One of the reasons we teased him a lot."
Your brows furrowed. "Huh?"
He gave a surprised expression. "You didn't know? I thought everyone did. Especially with how whiny and grumpy he was with your comment on seeing him as a kid." He gave a boxy grin. "Guess he fixed that issue, though, huh?"
You waved goodbye and returned to Jungkook, noting how he seemed relieved to see you return, true to your word.
You climbed onto the bed, combing your hand through his hair. "Say, kid, how about we get a coffee in the morning?"
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djnicklesanddimes · 4 years
rules: answer the  questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @jediofbooksandsnacks
Thank you!! :3 I’m so glad i’m on my laptop when i saw this.
What do you prefer  to be called name-wise?
uhhh Miranda probably. djnicklesanddimes is a bit of a mouthful :0
When is your  birthday?
3 days before Halloween! I don’t really feel too much like a Scorpio tho.
Where do you live?
The most western tip of New York in the good old US
Three things you are  doing right now:
Working on some chibi art, trying to get back into digital stuff. Trying to get back into anything really.
Taking a break from drawing to check socials, knowing that i’m going to have to start winding down for bed soon. I go to work pretty early.
I guess not trying to  over think about stuff? It happens to often. Stupid stuff is always happening at work, I should be drawing more, working on my comic, digging myself out of the retail hellhole. It goes on and on.
Four fandoms that  have piqued your interest?
Psycho Pass!!!
I guess I’m not too active in anything else but probably the most I’m interested in is,
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fruits Basket
Star Wars (I’m so happy to see other Star Wars fans here, my family’s been total nerds since we were kids)
How has the pandemic  been treating you?
I work in one of the big retail stores that made huge profits from the pandemic and never closed. Some days are better than others and it was a real surreal experience when everything shut down at the beginning. They made us walk a long way down the side of the building to get in a side door for temp checks. (Which was dark since I work super early) But they moved it over it a safe place now. It sucks that I didn’t get a break like a lot of people did. I’m grateful for the job but we need a break from the madness too. I thought I was going to do a lot of projects this year but I ended up doing less and falling into deep depression and anxiety. I’m trying my best to carry on and eventually get better and back to more of myself!
Thank you to everyone that is on the frontlines and following the guide lines. Especially those who are kind to us poor retail workers.
I will say though that the best thing out of this year was that I was finally able to adopt a cute kitty cat! I haven’t had one since I was 15 and I adore cats!
A song you can’t  stop listening to right now:
I don’t really have just one right now, been mostly listening to a playlist but Darkness Dies by Disciple has been running through my head lately.
How old are you?
School, University,  occupation other?
I tried college twice at two different schools but had financial troubles so I wasn’t able to finish. I’ve been working retail for 8 years now. I need to build a portfolio so that some day I can leave and do what I really want to do. I’m also working on a graphic novel that I hope will be published some day. Wether it be on a small scale or not, that’s the dream. 
Do you prefer heat  or cold?
Cold! No heat! I think i’ve adapted to living in a colder climate, I can not stand the heat in the summer. It’s easier for me to put on layers and blankets than dying in the heat. Plus New York can be pretty during the changing months.
Name one fact that  others may not know about you.
I guess it might not be totally about me but it’s the only one I can think of,
Both my parents got remarried and had kids. And when they did, their kids birthdays were right next to the birth parents that we share. So my one sister, that my mom had when I was 13, her birthday is 8/31 and my mom’s is 9/1. And my other sister that is 23 years apart from me, that’s my dad’s kid(he was almost 50 by the way, and my stepmom is not that far behind) her birthday is 9/27 and my dad’s is 9/28. It’s super weird.
Are you shy?
Super shy! I don’t always show that here but that’s cause it’s easier to talk and I ramble and overshare in the tags lol. But I don’t think I’m a super interesting person or have lots to share, so my friend circle is very small. I don’t talk to them like I should.
Biggest pet peeve?
Lazy people that make hard workers do all the work.
What is your  favorite “dere” type?
There’s a Nyan-dere that’s a cat like girl I guess lol
But to go more classic probably Tsundere. Kyo Souma is still an anime crush for me. Tsunderes have the cutest character growth.
Rate your life from  1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
Well I should be grateful. I have a decent apartment, don’t have to starve, have plenty of tech, car to drive, a fiancé that loves me and I love back, and a cute kitty cat. There’s a lot that I wish I had or could go better so I’d say 7/10 because I have a lot I need to improve on myself before I can get it back to as happy as it was before. This year has been rough.
What’s your main  blog?
This one!
List your side blogs  and what they’re used for.
I had made a Psycho Pass one a long time ago but never did anything with it. I like connecting with people on my main I guess.
Is there something  people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I’m just super awkward and weird. Communication is not my strong suite, I’m used to staying in my head a lot and not having too many people interested in me. But start talking nerdy stuff and that usually helps opening the connection. I get confused easily and I’m still learning a lot about myself even as I get closer to my 30′s.   
So, don’t feel like  you need to do this, all right? It’s cool either way. I’ll tag @stressmix​ @charliemcarthy​ @justduckie1031​ @dragon-cyn 
… and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in.
No spoons? No  problem. If you’re not feeling it, then I get that. I hope you enjoy the day. 😊
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chaotic-bells · 4 years
🌟 dig a little deeper 🌟
My tag buddy Emma @herefortommo​ knows my addiction to tag games too well and tagged me for this fun one. It is indeed long, so read more after the thingy.
I’ll tag... @promisethatillnevertell and @cgg3913 - it’s totally fine if you don’t do it! this is a long, long one. 
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen?
blue pen
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?
yes, how much will depend on the mood and what it is. 
5. what was your favorite book as a child?
I had two books of fables, like... massive books with over 100 fables each. I read *a lot* as a child, but these two were some of my favorites as a little kid. 
6. do you prefer baths or showers?
shower. really don’t like baths - i get suuuper bored and it feels cramped (probably because not only am I tall, but I am also fat)
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?
8. paper or electronic books?
paper is nicer, but I don’t mind ebooks at all and it’s nice cause I have a huuuuge collection at all times.
9. what is your favorite item of clothing?
a sheer tiered black dress. dresses in general.
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it?
nah, it’s fine. when I was a kid I wanted to be called Luisa, which is what my dad wanted to name me and it was the name of my best friend. since I’ve started using nicknames more, i don’t mind so much.
11. who is a mentor to you?
don’t think I have one. @whatagreatproblemtohave was definitely unknowingly (or knowingly, possibly) my Tumblr mentor. but in life i was just the .... go and do it type.
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for?
not particularly. a writer would be a cool kind of famous; mainly famous between fans, no one would recognize you all that much and you probably could still live a somewhat normal life.
13. are you a restless sleeper?
depends. i usually don’t remember dreaming, i fall asleep pretty much instantaneously when i want (people have said it’s almost freaky at how fast i fall asleep) and stay that way until my cats start headbutting me in the morning. But from time to time, usually when I’m stressed with something, i do remember my dreams and then it’s just tossing and turning the whole evening.
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
yes i am. but I also have a baggage where this was used against me, and it’s really hard for me to show that side anymore, so I usually come off as cold. 
15. which element best represents you?
16. who do you want to be closer to?
some of the people i’ve met recently here. i think there are a lot of people here who share my world view and could be amazing real life friends. 
17. do you miss someone at the moment?
no one in particular. i miss the idea of someone though.
18. tell us about an early childhood memory.
when I was about 6, my friend and I were very bored and it was very warm. we stealthily stole a bunch of toilet paper rolls from our apartments, went down to the building’s playground, stuffed the paper in all the drains and turned on the hose. We flooded the playground really, really badly, but weren’t discovered until hours later when we went to our homes soaking wet from playing all day.  
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten?
I don’t think it is strange - it is super tasty - but loads of people freak out? Chicken feet, neck and other weird bits of the chicken? My grandmother used to make them in a stew like way, and they get all melty and it’s delicious. Also ‘dobradinha’ which i don’t like at all, which is made out of  cow's flat white stomach lining. And cow’s tongue, which is probably the best part of the cow and people who have never eaten one cooked well really freak out? 
20. what are you most thankful for?
not sure how this is going to sound like, but... my own adaptability. i really can’t imagine where I would be right now if I wasn’t so good at handling life changes. I’m 31 and already had to start over with nothing to my name four times. 
21. do you like spicy food?
Not really. I mean, I do - but I like the spice level to be at a point where I can taste the dish. I don’t like when everything is so spicy you might as well just eat the pure pepper, which seems to be most dishes I see. Pepper can be super flavorful, but if all you’re feeling is the heat than that’s not enjoyable for me.
22. have you ever met someone famous?
yes, quite a few times. both my mom and my stepfather worked in TV and cinema (where they met) as a costume designer and sound engineer, and with that I met loads of people. 
23. do you keep a diary or journal?
tried many times, failed. I’m horrible with a routine.
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
25. what is your star sign?
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
27. what would you want your legacy to be?
i don’t really care? i don’t feel like i need to leave my mark on the world.
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read?
yes, a lot. i’ve been reading a LOT of fanfiction. Actual book was probably The Rosary Girls.
29. how do you show someone you love them?
spending time with them, sharing interests. it will very very rarely be a vocal thing.
30. do you like ice in your drinks?
depend on the drink. i prefer if the drink itself is cold.
31. what are you afraid of?
disappointing people. (and never seeing 1D back together). This is an unintentional RPDR reference, but that dialogue really spoke to my soul.
32. what is your favorite scent?
33. do you address older people by their name or surname?
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
probably the same, except with less worry. instead of working on what I do now, I would spend my time volunteering for a cat shelter, or have my own. more time for my craft and sewing, would study something.
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
neither, if I am honest, but definitely swimming pools if i’m forced to chose.
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground?
try to find the owner. if I couldn’t, i would keep it. wallets are one thing - i’ve found a few before and I always call their bank and give them my contact (not the police, that doesn’t do anything), but pure cash? can’t trace that. i’ve lost money before, and i just hope whoever found it used it well. 
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish?
yes and yes. 
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children?
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
my next one is definitely going to be Louis’ smiley face. I actually dreamed about it this evening, it was a very anxious dream and apparently my subconscious really want me to get the smiley with a tiny little doodle anchor next to it? on my wrist? 
40. what can you hear now?
the fan of my computer screaming and my cats eating.
41. where do you feel the safest?
my bed
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
is it too much to put my entire childhood here?
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
Woodstock. I would enjoy those days for about a week before going mad. I like my modern comforts.
44. what is your most used emoji?
45. describe yourself using one word.
46. what do you regret the most?
nothing. i do the best i can at the situation I am in. yes, i would probably change stuff if i had the knowledge i have today, but that’s not regret. 
47. last movie you saw?
Mr. Right.
48. last tv show you watched?
Ru Paul Drag Race All Start season 5
49. invent a word and its meaning
out of 49 this is the only one I’ll skip. oversharing? no problem. creativity? erm... my brain just goes blank.
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overshare time (because literally all of my friends and family and twitter followers are so sick of hearing about this) re: my ex that’s not my ex because we never actually dated
Okay so we met in middle school at our church youth group and became friends in what was basically high school Sunday school (for confirmation), and then our senior year we both volunteered to help run the middle school youth group where we’d first me. Almost every week after youth group we would walk out to our cars together or around the same time and end up talking in the parking lot for an hour or longer, just laughing, shootin the shit. I’d liked him for a while but like really caught feelings that year. We stayed friends when I went off to college out of state and I would send him honest to god handwritten letters in the mail. He got super flaky and sucked at texting me back and eventually I was like, listen, I’m not gonna put up with this. And he was like, you’re one of the only people that would actually call me on my shit and I appreciate that, and then for a while he actually got better. Then right around Valentine’s Day I admitted my feelings after sending a super heartfelt gift in the mail and he responded by saying he felt like we should just be friends, he didn’t feel the same way, and we shouldn’t talk for a while. So we didn’t, for like 6 months. He had a minor mental breakdown and realized he had shitty friends. I was sad about things but studied abroad and had the time of my life traveling. Then right before I went back to college he said he missed me. We reconnected and talked things though and said that we could get past this whole me liking him thing. I had gotten over my romantic feelings by then and truly just wanted my friend back. So we said we’d go back to friendship as it was. And then things were basically back to normal. We would call and text and when I was back home during breaks and stuff, we would hang out but it was lowkey like coupley activities sometimes. Like there was the usual friend hang outs like going to the movies and grabbing food and playing board games and shopping for records and stuff, but he like also took me to an Alice and wonderland themed tea house, and we went antique shopping, and picked out crazy things together at thrift shops, and picked out picture frames to gift to his grandma for her birthday, and adopted some plants and he let me name them. Anyway, things were totally normal and then one year during Fourth of July week he said he was gonna call at a certain time and then didn’t. And I literally never heard from him again. At first I thought it was just a scheduling thing or timing but I kept messaging as usual and even invited him to go on a cheap last minute trip with me at the end of the summer before I went back to school and nothing. Just nothing. Not like a ‘hey sorry I forgot to call’ or ‘I’m not really interested’ or ‘maybe we can’t be friends after all’. Like, that one forgotten call after things had been going so well for so long, and then just bam, ghosted. And that was over a year and half ago!
It was so confusing when this first happened and I kept waiting for him to call or text back but then he just didn’t and I went through all the stages of grief and I deleted him from everything and was just so sad and mad. He had been flaky before and I always just thought that he would reply eventually. And then more time kept passing with nothing. I hadn’t seen or heard anything for so long I legit thought he could’ve died and I just wouldn’t know. I sent him a Christmas present. No response. A few months later, I sent him a birthday present, because every year I’d pick out a quirky/niche book. Again, no response. I gave things some time and didn’t reach out for a while. More nothing. Tried checking in to ask if something went wrong. Nothing. Apologized even though I didn’t do anything. Nothing. Gave things more time and then tried to be like hey, it’s been a while let’s catch up. Still nothing. Added him back on social, he accepted the follow request but didn’t follow back. Uh okay. I respond to his insta stories, left on seen.
It’s literally such a mindfuck. And what I hate is that even though this has just shown me that he doesn’t give a shit about me, and even though I know that there is nothing he can say that would fix the hurt I felt for the past almost two years, I still can’t completely get him out of my head. I thought I was finally really starting to move on and then a couple weeks ago I randomly had a dream about him and us making up and then I got confused and started missing him again. And anyway, now we are here. Me, still ghosted and still thinking about things.
I KNOW closure doesn’t exist but I hate hate hate the feeling of him holding the power in this situation. Like I could process him saying “I never want to talk to you again” or “I thought you still had feelings and thought it was easier to cut things off” or “I outgrew our friendship” —anything really, but the fact that he just disappeared makes it feel so impossible to just leave this in the past. It feels like it never ended.
Anyway, today (yesterday bc it is now 4am) was the anniversary of an album that super important to both of us for such a long time and I tagged him in a post and again NOTHING.
I was in love with him, and then he was a close friend, and now there’s just nothing. It would almost be easier if we bitterly split up but he really just walked out on something like 7 years of friendship without so much as a call or text.
Sooo basically I’m just thinking about things again, rehashing every memory, thinking about where I went wrong, but mostly wondering why it’s so hard to forget him.
I used to think of him when I’d sing IFTYE but now I am painfully aware that he still exists and I hate my brain for remembering him so well.
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traumadumpling · 4 years
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @petty-davis daaaaays ago but my lil bird brain kept forgetting to do it til now.
Name: Melanie
Nickname: Squeak, squeaky, squirt, Mel, smol bean, giggles
Zodiac: Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising
Height: 5'5"-ish? Very much average
Languages: English. Dats it. I'd love to learn Spanish or French though.
Nationality: Canadian
Favorite season: early Fall. Followed by late winter. I love the aesthetics of summer but I can't handle the heat or the mosquitoes
Favorite flower: sunflowers
Favorite scent: clean, warm laundry fresh out of the dryer, and lavender
Favorite color: Pink, as well as like neon, slime green
Favorite animal: Giraffes and birds
Favorite fictional character: I honestly don't know if I have a favourite?? 🤔
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea! Or iced coffee.
Average sleep: I'm a mess and literally between 5 to 10 hours.
Dog or cat person: Both, always. However cats are more inline with the lifestyle I wanna live.
Number of blankets: depends on the temperature! Usually a fluffy quilt and a sheet.
Dream trip: Disney parks around the world. I also would love to travel Europe.
Blog established: at leaaaast 10 years ago. I wanna say 2009 though.
Number of followers: uhhh not entirely sure but I think it's right around the 1,600 mark.
Random fact: I spent money I don't have on piercings a week ago because I wanted to feel pain because it helps with stress. 😬
I honestly don't have 20 I can tag because I'm terrible with usernames, HOWEVER, I would love to see answers from @abheithsasta, @batmatt0072, @mad-again, @cinnamonbritches, @jn-thoughtss, @rafzombie, @drbippy, @whiskey2theveins, @notenright, and anyone else who wants to overshare!
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Caught on Fire
Part 2
Summary: Your first date with Josh goes even better than you planned. Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader Word Count: 1560 Warnings: FLUFF A/N: Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed the first chapter of this! Tag list is always open, enjoy this next part!
Series Masterlist
After a few good hours of sleep, you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. You threw your hair up, slipped into your light, cotton robe, and made way for the kitchen. You turned on the coffee maker, then remembered your date that morning and immediately flipped the switch back to the ‘off’ position. 
Josh’s next day off coincided with your next day off after he had asked you to meet up sometime, so you two had decided that it would be the perfect time to meet for coffee. You’d managed to get away from your shift early, stopped on the med-surg floor to check Zack Joseph’s condition before heading home to get some sleep. 
A hot shower, natural hair, and light makeup later, you analyzed the contents of your closet. The Spring weather would allow for a pair of nice jeans, a solid color v-neck tee, and your favorite pair of sandals. 
Shrugging at your reflection in the mirror, you told yourself, “Here goes nothing.”
Josh was already sitting at a table by the window in the cafe where the two of you had agreed to meet. A lot of EMS and hospital staff frequented here, as well as those on PD. You had never come here and not run into someone you didn’t know. 
You knocked on the window and waved at Josh, who grinned when he saw you. A few moments later, you were seated in the booth across from him, nerves not entirely on the fritz, but not exactly calm, either. 
“Good morning,” Josh greeted. 
“Good morning,” you returned. “How was your shift?”
“Well,” Josh said, letting out a breath and ticking a list off on his fingers, “none of my guys had to be delivered to the hospital, didn’t have to pull any sleeping old guys out of bed before they died, no houses burned to the ground. So not too bad.”
You nodded. “That is a good shift. ER wasn’t so bad, either. Trauma was pretty dead. Makes for a slow night, but I’ll take it if it means people aren’t dying.”
“No kidding.”
The waitress came by then, took your coffee orders, left menus, then left you two to your conversation. You shared the few thing that had happened in the ER, and Josh updated you on some of the guys at the station. 
“Oh, speaking of that — I hear Zack is going to make a full recovery.”
Josh nodded, sipping at his black coffee. “Yeah, he’s got a few days left, then they’ll start talking about sending him home. It’ll be a bit before he’s back on the job, but he’ll get there. You been talking to Nicole?”
“Uh, no,” you said, suddenly embarrassed but not sure why. “I’ve been checking in after my shifts, when I can. I’m not bothering him or anything, I just —”
“Slow down, Y/N. I think that’s sweet of you.”
You bit your lip in an effort to stop from blushing. “Thanks. I know it’s probably none of my business, but when I was with Chad — before he left, of course — I felt like I was part of the family you guys have at the station. I got to know people and you guys got to know me. After Chad left and we decided to call it quits, it felt a little bit like I lost that family.”
You cleared your throat, thinking that perhaps that had been an overshare, but you felt a load off your chest. You had your friends, but outside of the ER, it wasn’t the same as it had been with the firefighter group. You missed it more than you knew, until you had seen Josh and the guys again at the hospital. 
Josh reached across the table and took your hand, squeezing gently. “We missed you too, you know. Or at least I did. And I know Nicole has always enjoyed when she worked with you at the hospital.”
You smiled with relief. “Yeah, I enjoyed that, too. She kept me updated on you guys every now and then. I suppose I could go ahead and embarrass myself a little more and let you know it was always kind of nice when she would mention you were still single.”
“Oh really?” Josh smiled, a warm pink painting over his cheeks, as well. You realized he still had a hold of your hand, but you didn’t mind. You liked the way his calloused hand cradled yours; there was something about it that made you feel safe and secure. 
The catching up continued and before either of you knew it, lunchtime had come around. Since coffee was all you had for breakfast, you were starving, and so was Josh. After a few minutes of perusing the menu, Josh flagged down the waitress and the two of you ordered lunch. Another two hours passed before Josh finally announced he needed to get going. 
“Not because I want to,” he assured as he walked you to your car, “but I promised my mom I’d come by this afternoon.”
“Of course, I get it. I think it’s too early on to be making your mother mad, anyway.”
Josh smiled. “Yeah.”
“What? Did I say something wrong?”
He shook his head adamantly. “Definitely not. I actually like the way you said that it’s early on — like there’ll be a later.”
“You want a later?” you asked, brow raised. 
“I definitely do. Do you?”
“I do,” you smiled.
Josh’s fingers laced through yours, pulling you to a stop in the middle of the cafe parking lot. You bumped into him, but his strong figure held strong. His smile was a nervous one as his hand carded into your hair and his lips met yours. 
Josh strolled up to his house when he got home from his parents, still floating on cloud nine. He had stamped down his attraction to Y/N while she was with Chad, but now that he was completely out of the picture and she was open to a relationship with Josh, it was as though a whole new world of potential had opened up. 
He phoned Tyler as soon as he was in the house, checking on their plans for guys’ night out. 
“We’re still on,” Tyler confirmed. “Nicole’s working the overnight shift, so I’m on my own. By the way, Nic said she saw Y/N last night, and maybe overheard a conversation about how excited she was for her date with you this morning.”
Josh chuckled. “Oh yeah? Well, then I guess that would explain why it went so well.”
“I guess so. Hey, why don’t you bring her to the barbecue at our place next weekend?”
“That’s not a bad idea. She mentioned missing being around everyone.”
“Perfect. Listen, I just dropped off some food for Nicole at the hospital, I’ll be home soon. Mind picking me up, then we can go meet everyone?”
Josh nodded. “Yeah, that sounds fine. I’ll see you in a while.”
He disconnected the call. The idea of Y/N being back around with their group, but by his side now and not Chad’s, it made him even happier than he had been before Tyler extended the invitation to bring Y/N to the barbecue. 
After washing up a bit and changing his clothes, Josh sprayed on some cologne and checked the time. He didn’t need to leave just yet to pick up Tyler, so he decided to take a chance and call Y/N. 
“Well, hey you,” she greeted. 
“Hey,” Josh smiled. “Is it too soon to be calling? I don’t wanna look like a nerd.”
“No, you’re not a nerd and no, it’s not too soon to be calling,” she giggled. “How was your visit with your parents?”
“Good. Try to see them when I can, but since Zack got hurt on the job, they’ve been even more tense than usual. Mom’s always happy to see me safe and sound.”
Y/N sighed. “Can’t blame her for that.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Y/N. I’m always safe. But it’s nice to have you worried about me, too.”
They talked for a while longer, until Tyler called on the other line to figure out what Josh’s hold-up was. He switched lines back and apologized that he needed to end the phone call. 
“This morning it was your parents, tonight it’s Tyler. You don’t need an out to only get doses of me, you know,” she teased. 
Josh chuckled but returned, “I’ll never get enough of you, I promise. Can I call you tomorrow?”
“I’d really like that.”
“Okay. Night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Josh.”
Reluctantly, he hit the red button to end the call. He found his keys and made way for Tyler’s, realizing how long it had been since he had felt this way about a girl. He already wanted to spend every second possible with her. 
Can I take you out on your next day off? Josh texted on his way out of the driveway. 
Her answer didn’t take long. My next day off is tomorrow. 
I’ll see you then. Call you in the morning to make plans.
Josh shoved his phone in his pocket and worked on getting the twitterpated smile off of his face before he met up with the guys. 
Tags: @takenvysleep @faceofcontvsions @svintsandghosts @adversaryproject
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honey-boyyoongi · 5 years
6 Facts about me
I was tagged by the lovely @honeymoonjin ❤️❤️ check out my sweet baby ❤️❤️
I was going to study music in college, but I didn't end up going because of mental health issues. I played classical guitar, sang, and was actually pretty good at reading music. I was going to minor in my instrument.
I love bad movies lol. I'll watch cult movie fav lists and I'll watch the ones that interest me the most and then most of the time they're really bad movies and I'll fucking adore them.
I have the strongest sense of Deja Vu. I always found it weird because I'll dream something happening and more often then not it'll happen. Usually those dreams are the ones that feel the realest and more to how real life would be. It'll be from a few days to a couple months for it to happen.
I pretty much knew I loved both men and women from a young age. The self awareness came in phases. When I was 8 I realized I kinda had a little crush on my female teacher and I quickly pushed that back. When I was 12 I was catching myself checking out both boys and girls. Then at 13 I found out what bisexuality was and told my friends that 'hey I might be bi'. At 14 after having many ahem dreams involving girls I kinda went 'okay bisexuality confirmed'.
I write poetry. I can't really express my feelings verbally so for as long as can remember I wrote poems to express my feelings. They're kept under wraps no one has ever read them. Only a couple have read them a few of them, but the less intense ones.
I strongly believe that I can't process anger. I'll get frustrated and I'll get mad, but I'll never get full on angry. If I get really frustrated or really mad I'll physically get sick after the feeling passes.
Having to think of non shallow facts about myself is hard hell. I took way too long to think of these without oversharing. 😂
I tag: @submissive-bangtan @seoulsmoonchild @tatertotthethot and any else that wants to participate! ❤️
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years
A/N: Okay so I normally don’t write things, but I got super inspired by @robot-anon‘s 1000 Follower Contest! I saw the quote “If you take one more photo I swear I’ll--” and immediately thought of Life is Strange!! Now, this post does contain spoilers because there isn’t really a way to avoid them when writing about the plot, but I did the best I could! I also tried to stay gender neutral, so my apologies if the piece becomes more feminine at times. Please take the trigger warnings seriously! 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of rape, mentions of drug use, mentions of non-consensual actions, Life is Strange spoilers, swearing, mentions of domestic abuse, and mentions of sexual assault in general. 
You knocked on Jeremy’s door with your right hand just as the sun was setting in New Jersey. Your left hand kept a tight grasp around a small rectangular case as you slightly smiled to yourself. There was a chill in the air, but the weather in New Jersey wasn’t anything new, even though you had just moved across the country a year ago. The golden hour had just begun, the sunlight giving everything a heavenly glow. Time to show Jeremy what he’s missing out on.
Mr. Heere opened the door, and surprisingly, he looked more…put together than usual (as in, he was actually wearing pants). He smiled a warm smile that matched the golden sunlight that was cast on the Heere’s front porch while opening the front door a little wider so you could come into the house. “Hi (Y/N),” he said, the large smile remaining static, “Jeremy and Michael are downstairs in the basement.”
You stepped into the house, while thanking Mr. Heere before practically hurling yourself down the stairs and into the basement.
Apocalypse of the Damned flashed on the TV, and you lunged towards the two boys who were silent in concentration. Trying not to disturb them any more than you already had, you carefully managed to sit between the two, half of your body on Michael’s bean bag, and the other half on Jeremy’s.
The three of you sat in comfortable silence as Jeremy and Michael attempted to get past Level 10 (they had beaten level 9 right after the SQUIP incident, the SQUIP-cident if you will, and just before they met you).
“GAME OVER” flashed on the screen in big red letters as both boys sighed. “DAMN IT” Michael yelled as he tossed the controller to the side. You let out a small chuckle as the two boys mourned their loss. Again.
“Hey (Y/N),” Jeremy greeted after a moment. You weren’t offended that they hadn’t greeted you when you got there. This was typical for Game Night, and you knew how hard they had worked on Level 10. Why they still couldn’t beat it was beyond you.
“Hey Jeremy,” you greeted before smirking at Michael. “Hi Michael, looking peachy as usual.”
He rolled his eyes playfully before sending you a smirk back. “Aww thanks, (Y/N). You know we were aiming to lose, that’s just how we play.”
“Surprisingly, that makes a lot of sense. I mean when the three of us play Mario Kart, that seems to be the common goal between the two of you,” you sassed back.
“HEY!” They shouted as they sat up. You could hardly contain the laughter from creeping out as the two pretended that they were extremely offended.  
It wasn’t that they were bad, it’s just that you had experience. You had been playing with your brother since you were two, and he had taught you every trick in the book. You knew the tracks by heart on most systems, and could play almost any cup with your eyes closed. Of course, Jeremy and Michael put up a good fight, but you still ended up on top.
“Whatcha got there?” Jeremy asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“It was my turn to pick the game for Game Night. So I picked my favorite one,” you gave a small, but extremely genuine smile.
“Which one?”
“Life is Strange.”
“Wait…isn’t that single player?” Michael asked, his eyebrows furrowing. You nodded in response before showing the game in all of its glory.
“And haven’t you played it like 5 times?”
“Try 8 times, Heere,” you shot back, proud of yourself for logging over 150 hours into this somewhat obscure game.
“Okay…so why are we playing it tonight? It breaks not just one, but two of our Game Night rules. It’s single player and you’ve played it before. 8 times apparently,” Jeremy said, looking at you with confusion.
“Because you guys need to play it. It’s a part of me. I love this game so damn much, and I’ve devoted my only free time since Spring 2016 to this game. I mean, it’s a godsend. This game helps me relax, and sometimes it helps me sleep. So, if you want to get to know me better, which I know both of you do, we are going to sit here and play this game until we’re finished. No excuses, no buts, no shit talking from the peanut gallery. IE: you two.”
“Alright then, no sleeping buddy,” Michael teased, poking at your side. “It’s your game. You gotta stay up and play it with us.”
You giggled at Michael’s usual antics before quickly noticing that he was actually right. You weren’t lying: this game helped you relax and sleep when life was hitting you hardest. But you had committed to it. There is no way that Michael and Jeremy would be able to finish this game on their own in one night. Between the fetch quests and memory quizzes, it would take these boys over 20 hours to complete it. And the bottle collecting for Chloe Price in Episode 2 was a two-hour task on its own if you weren’t an experienced player. They definitely needed you awake.
“I promise to try my best,” you stated, confidently.
“Okay, so how is this going to work?” Jeremy asked, eyeing the controller. It was obvious that he wanted to be the person controlling Max, but Life is Strange is a choice-based game. It requires the most observant player, the most patient people, and most importantly, the ones who can keep a cool head when things get crazy. Michael and Jeremy did not seem to meet all of the requirements. Not yet, at least.
They were absolutely experienced in video games, but the two had never played something that required so much thought. Sure, the decisions get harder, but decisions are not levels. This was not the average mainstream retro game like Apocalypse of the Damned. No, this required thought, and someone who knew that they were doing.
“You guys will make the decisions. I have no input unless you two are truly conflicted on something. I will hit whatever button you guys tell me to. There is no timer for making the choices, and no quick time, so we don’t have to worry about how long each debate about decisions will take. I know where everything is for the fetch quests, and I wanted to 100% the game on your guys’ first play through. Some of the achievements are super hard to get. Plus, how sick would those bragging rights be?”
“There are achievements?” Jeremy asked, sounding skeptical.
“How does that work?” Michael followed up.
“There are optional photos you can take in every episode. Those count as trophies, or achievements,” you explained, already standing up to insert the game into Jeremy’s PS4.
“Sounds like you’ve thought about this,” Michael noted, eyeing up the game’s case.
You stood in front of the TV for a second, thinking about everything you would need. You had the game, the seating arrangement, how the game was to be played; what else did you need? Michael probably needs another slushie, and maybe all three of you need snacks?
“Hey Michael?”
“This game takes 10 hours to complete. You might want a slushie to help you get through it.”
“And maybe some snacks if we’re in for the long haul?” Jeremy quickly added on.
“Anything else you want before Servant Michael goes to 7/11?”
“It was just a suggestion,” you reminded as Michael grabbed his keys.
“Nah, I’m not mad at you. Jeremy, however, owes me one big favor when I get back because he didn’t offer to tag along and help with both the choosing and carrying of the snacks.”
“Dude, I don’t want to leave her here alone with my dad. That’s...more than embarrassing.”
“Fair point. I’ll be back soon, you two.”
You waved Michael goodbye as he climbed up the stairs and out of the house. You decided to be a little sneaky and wait until Michael was gone before sitting yourself down in his usual spot.
You and Jeremy made small talk in the basement as you waited for Michael to get back. The 7/11 was only a 4-minute drive, and you were sure that he’d be back shortly.
Talking with Jeremy was always a little bit interesting. Sometimes he was awkward, or sometimes things were stuttered out, or sometimes he was embarrassed because he accidentally overshared, but overall, Jeremy was a pretty good conversationalist once he got comfortable. Which was nice, honestly. Because you often tend to be okay at making typical and cliché small talk (you and the SQUIP Squad have talked about the weather a lot) for the first part of the conversation, but run out of things to say. However, whenever you and Jeremy talked, it was easy. If you ran out of things to say, Jeremy would become comfortable enough to come up with something relating to whatever you were talking about. It was a nice balance between the two of you.
“I have a question for you,” Jeremy started, looking at the game’s case.
“What’s up, Jer?”
“Why do you love this game so much?” He asked innocently.
Your mind went blank for a second. “Feminism,” you spat out quickly. Your gaze shifted towards your lap as soon as the word exited your lips. Sure, it was feminism. But it was also so much more. It was everything to you, the first “real” game you’d ever played. It was your outlet for any stress, it was a way to be undetected; it was an escape.
“Are you sure that that’s the only reason why you like it?” Jeremy asked, trying to meet your eyes. He knew that whenever you did this, you weren’t telling the whole truth. This was a way for you to dodge questions because it would force you to go deeper into your personal life. He knew you weren’t really a sharer, but also knew that you’d spent so many hours not only playing this game, but researching the science of it, researching strategy to get new outcomes, and, of course, waiting for the sequel. There was definitely more you loved about this game than ‘feminism’.
You opened your mouth to answer his question (actually, you were probably going to make a self-depreciating joke, which was also a defense mechanism), but Michael waltzed back into the room, cherry slushie in hand. He had a bag of snacks in his other hand, claiming that there was no Game Night complete without eating your weight in junk food.
He reached into the bag, and pulled out some ice cream. He handed the frozen treat to you as Jeremy grabbed the controller and booted up the game. Slowly but surely, Michael had dispersed the snacks in front of all 3 of you. As you opened up your ice cream, and Michael handed you a spoon, you decided that now was probably a good time to talk about some themes in this game.
“Alright guys, listen up.”
The two boys looked at you sharply as the game continued to load onto the screen. You noticed that your voice had gotten a lot quieter than it was when you thanked Michael for the ice cream and spoon.
“This game deals with some…sensitive issues. I know that sometimes you guys get upset when people are mistreated, so if either of you need to take a break to cool off a little bit, let the group know.”
“We can handle it, (Y/N),” Michael smiled, mimicking Superman’s pose before kicking you out of his bean bag. You gently moved over to the spot you’d had before as the game’s main menu appeared.
A sense of calm washed over you. The title music was the number one thing that kept you sane and happy. It stopped anxiety attacks, any bouts of paranoia, and could destress you in 10 minutes. The whoosh of the ocean and wind reminded you of the few peaceful times that you had had in your hometown.
“We get it, (Y/N). You’re from Seattle.”
“We get it, Michael. You can’t tell the difference between Seattle and Oregon: where this game actually takes place.”
Michael rolled his eyes playfully as you selected “New Game”. You had to admit, it was funny to watch the two boys jump at the initial thunder clap that began the game. You smiled, happy tears in your eyes, so happy to be playing your favorite game with some amazing people.
And with that, the game play started. You quickly blinked back your tears, and returned to your normal state. Episode 1 was rather easy. It was an introductory to the characters and the game mechanic. You had to admit, there were some moments that you’d cherish forever.
Some examples include: when Nathan shoots Chloe in the bathroom, both boys screamed out the first time it happened. It wasn’t even like a manly scream. Michael’s voice cracked and Jeremy’s was so high in his falsetto, you swore only animals could hear it. When the boys made the choice to stay hidden in Chloe’s closet and Chloe’s step-douche hits her because she was smoking weed, Michael did indeed get a little pissy. His exact words were “That guy is a fucking dick who would marry him?”
As the game went on, you noticed that Michael had a soft spot for Kate Marsh. Kate Marsh also happens to be your favorite character, so you and Michael happily agreed to help her in any way you two could. Jeremy started to get fed up because “why do we have to stop and clean her whiteboard again?”
By the end of Episode 2, Jeremy was eating his words. As soon as Max got on the roof and said the infamous: “I can’t rewind!!”, Jeremy’s eyes got wide. Fortunately, they managed to save Kate. Both of them just sat there after the episode ended, taking deep breaths. You had to keep reassuring them that yes, they did save Kate (Michael almost cried when you told him that there was a large chance that you would not be able to save her, so imagine his relief).
The two had also said yes to the date with Warren, so it was a pretty good playthrough so far.
After Jeremy and Michael had calmed down, they both decided it was best for them to keep going. Their interest in the game spiked, and they both slowly began to realize what they were missing out on. You, however, got a little bit more worried. Before you hit “Continue”, you set the controller down and took a breath.
“It only gets worse from here. I am warning you now. Those episodes were tame. The next ones are…much darker. Literally and figuratively.”
They both shuddered at your words before Jeremy bravely said that he would like to continue.
By the end of Episode 3, they had blamed Nathan, sided with Chloe and Joyce, survived the initial confrontation with Frank (they laughed when Frank said “THOSE WERE MY BEANS”), and had managed to not fuck up too badly. Plus, you had gotten them all of the optional photos so far. Not a bad playthrough at all.
But then came Episode 4. Episode 4 was the most unsettling chapter of the game. You knew this. The boys you were playing with? Did not.
However, you began the episode and kept going. When Max had to go into Nathan’s room, you tensed. How could you not; his room is creepy. Of course, you found the photo of Chloe, and the broken lamp. That was a given. But when Max commented “I hope all of those models were consenting,” Michael almost lost it, and Jeremy seemed to shake with anger.
“(Y/N), he did it, I know he did it, Jesus Christ Nathan I will personally pummel you to the ground pal,” Michael rambled.
Although his threats were funny, this was nothing compared to Episode 5. You kind of dreaded it. If they were mad at characters now, they were going to be furious by the end of the game.
The three of you kept going, and Jeremy was getting a little annoyed at how out of your way you had to go to get some of the optional photos. But when you mentioned that he’d be 100%-ing the game first try, he’d shut up really quick.
You made it to the barn. You stopped just outside of it (taking a photo, much to Jeremy’s dismay), before setting the controller down the second time. The two boys looked at you, curious as to why you weren’t going in. Taking a breath, you started to formulate what you should say in order to make this half confession to go as easy as possible for you. You didn’t want to freak out so bad that you had to turn off the game like you’d done in the past.
The basement was dark. And you were about the enter the Dark Room.
“Okay…uhm…guys? Listen to me very carefully. When I’m searching for something weird in this barn, the controller will vibrate ever so slowly. I will jump every time it does. I know what’s in there, and it’s…disturbing to say the least. So, if I do jump, there is no need to worry. It’s just me being a little anxious.”
Their expressions went from confused to concerned. They each put a hand on your shoulder, grounding you in the moment.
Finally, you’d made it to Episode 5, sans sleeping. It was a miracle to be honest. You made it through the barn, and guess what? Jeremy and Michael cried when you found out what happened to Rachel Amber. Sure, it was sad, but after playing it 8 times, you get desensitized, you know?
The end of Episode 4 was what really got these boys angry, though. When Max was given the injection, Michael screeched out “NATHAN YOU FUCKING PRESCOTT!!” while Jeremy gasped. And when the figure in the dark was shown, there was a mixture of “FUCK”s that were spewed into the room.
By the end of it, Michael went to go smoke some weed and Jeremy had his head in his hands. You sat silently, letting the title music take your worries away.
“Yes Jer?”
“You were right. It’s very feminist.”
You sighed at him as he stared at the ground in confusion. “Glad you think so,” you said after a beat. You waited another second before saying “It gets worse.”
“How does it get fucking worse?”
You sat for a minute before explaining that if he wants to know, he needs to get Michael. And you could’ve sworn you had never seen Jeremy move so fast in his life.
And there you sat. Shocking that this game was relaxing, wasn’t it? Well, to you it was. The light colors, the calming music, basically everything except the subject matter made you a happy person. You wondered if Michael and/or Jeremy would question you about why this is your favorite game (Jeremy would want you to go more in depth, you were sure of it). And you were sure that they’d ask you how you were able to sleep after playing such a game. You had to form sentences in your mind. This couldn’t be about self-depreciating jokes. This had to be real. If you were going to open up to them, you needed to be yourself and use the actual terminology, not some half assed whole lie.
Jeremy showed up with Michael moments later, and he was not as high as you would actually think. You looked at him, kind of surprised in all honesty. He noticed you staring at him, and then said “I wanted to make good decisions in this game. We almost lost Kate. I don’t want to lose someone else.”
You nodded before hitting the “Continue” button.
During the nightmare portion, you collapsed into yourself as each level got darker and darker. Michael was extremely fixated on the game, while Jeremy noticed and wrapped an arm around you. Every time you’d slightly flinch, he’d give you a reassuring squeeze into him.
The stealth was coming up. It was your least favorite part of the game and by far the scariest. It was honestly nightmare inducing all by itself. As soon as you heard the villain’s “Don’t try to hide Max! Get over here! Let me capture you!” You jumped and gave a small yelp. You quickly tried to steady your breathing and get ready to stealth your way past all of the terrible people in the game.
As soon as you jumped, Jeremy’s arm fell off of you, and after you’d landed, he placed his hand on your shoulder. Michael quickly did the same, understanding that yes, the two of them were scared shitless, but imagine how you were feeling. You were the one playing. And you were the only one who could complete the game in its entirety.
“You can do this. You’ve done it 8 times. You are safe. You are here with me and Michael.” Jeremy soothed as you stepped out from behind the white wall.
Expertly navigating through the maze, both boys remained silent. It was like they were playing Apocalypse of the Damned again. Whenever you were caught, your breath would hitch, and you would tense up. But being brave is rewinding and trying it again. So, that’s what you did.
The objective was to get to the lighthouse. Both Jeremy and Michael were extremely disturbed by this creepy maze, and they honestly just wanted it to be over. They both tensed up every time a flashlight would flash across the screen. You could feel it on your shoulders.
After collecting one of the optional photos in the stealth, Jeremy breathed a slight sigh of relief. “That’s the last one, right?” He asked, hoping that you’d say yes.
You remained silent, eyes on the screen as you got to the last section. Michael and Jeremy were cheering. You were so close to being done with this hellish landscape!!
Then you heard Max comment “Oh shit! Bottle collecting? Are you cereal?” You looped around, expertly avoiding each person with a flashlight.
“100% THE GAME LOSERS” you screeched back. You had managed to get all the bottles, with no worries.
Well, except one. You had one bottle to go, and from behind, you heard the most disturbing line of them all: “Max, Rachel not only gave great headshots. She gave great head. Especially after I dug her up to be with her one final time. Why are you looking at me like that?”
That was the one line you had never heard the main villain say. It was the one that you hoped you’d never hear. It was the one that made you cringe, flinch, and then nearly throw the controller.
Jeremy nearly threw up. Michael nearly threw up. What kind of sick game was this?! Jeremy was done with you getting these optional photos. He was done with Nathan, Frank, the whole evil gang really. He wanted that 100%, but to be honest, he wanted you to be okay more. Jeremy hated the fact that he had to witness you being absolutely terrified and jumped at every little interaction. Sure, he knew you loved this game, but something told him you had never heard that person say that specific line before. The game had gone too far. He knew you needed to be calm again. And he knew that nothing was going to do that besides making it to the lighthouse.
“(Y/N), you don’t need to 100% the game for us!” Jeremy shouted angerly, without meaning to.
“I promised, Jeremy!” You shot back.
“If you take one more optional photo I swear to god I’ll—” The game’s animation for the optional photo went off, and Max stepped into the space by the lighthouse. You took a breath before smirking at Jeremy.
“Congrats you two, you’re about to 100% Life is Strange.”
As soon as Max sat on the bench, the three of you sighed in relief. The worst was over. Michael gave your shoulder one final squeeze before removing his hand, as Jeremy wrapped his arm around you, and giving you the sweetest side hug he could.
When the game finally ended, the three of you flopped down onto the bean bags.
“Holy fuck, (Y/N). That’s your favorite game? I thought it was going to be tame, not whatever the fuck that was. I feel like I just smoked a bunch of weed and then ran around for 2 hours. I’m drained.” Michael rambled.
You gave him a small smile, telling him the same thing you told Jeremy: “It’s a feminist game. You know I like it when feminine issues are addressed in major masses of media and they’re widely accepted.”
Michael nodded in agreement, knowing that yes, you did like it when mass media produced things with actual feminine issues.
“Anyways,” you continued, “thank you for being here with me, you guys. It means a lot. That nightmare…it…uhh…isn’t easily handled that often. I didn’t expect that one character to say that specific line. And most of the time I have to turn off the game after the barn.”
“We’re here for you, okay?” Jeremy noted, leaning forward ever so slightly.  
“Yeah, I mean, we both support you and care about your decisions and well-being.” Michael added sleepily.
“I should probably get going. It’s 2 AM, and I kinda told my mom I’d be home by 3,” you said before packing your things up.
“You can’t walk home alone!” Jeremy protested, and Michael suddenly snapped awake.
“You could die!” Michael added.
“Someone could drug you!”
“Or you could be stabbed!”
“Guys!” you interjected, “I’ll be fine. I have pepper spray, remember? Plus, I can just like call my brother or something.”
You grabbed your game from the PS4 and put it safely back into its case. Jeremy and Michael looked at you with wide eyes. The three of you had just played a game where teenage girls are drugged, sexually assaulted, and photographed. No way were they letting you go out of their sight for over a week.
“If anything, I’ll drive you home,” Michael offered.
“It’s fine—” you yawned halfway through your sentence before giggling at yourself, “I knew Life is Strange made me sleepy.”
“Why don’t you just stay the night?” Jeremy asked you.
“You don’t mind?” You asked the lanky boy cautiously.
“Not at all.”
“Let me ask my mom.”
Your mom wasn’t usually so quick to approve of these things, but it was worth a shot to ask. You could tell her you were tired, and were completely safe in the Heere household. Maybe she’d allow it. So, you sent her a text.
She replied instantly, saying as long as you didn’t overstay your welcome, it was fine if you stayed over. She knew you were safe with Jeremy and Michael; she knew who they were, and knew that they wouldn’t try anything with her child.
“My mom said I could stay!”
The two teens whooped sleepily (and were very relieved that you wouldn’t have to walk outside alone) as you made your way back to the bean bags. You took your usual spot, right in the middle of the two boys, happy that you could stay.
“What do you want to do now?” Michael asked. “It’s our first sleepover together.”
“Well we already did what I wanted to do. Unless both of you would like to wait for the prequel to come out with me,” you chuckled.
“Let’s watch a movie,” Jeremy suggested, knowing that all three of you would be asleep within the first hour.
“Which one?” You asked.
“Let’s watch something happier. I need it after that emotional rollercoaster (Y/N) here,” Michael gestured towards you, “calls a game.”
“How about The Road to El Dorado?” Jeremy asked, flipping through Netflix.
“Sure,” you responded, knowing that Michael was already half asleep.
As the movie went on, you could feel your eyes get droopy. You did your best not to lean on Jeremy, but all hopes were lost. You shut your eyes, and welcomed sleep as if it were your best friend.
Jeremy’s eyes remained focused on the movie. He knew that there was so much more you had to tell him. He knew that Life is Strange is not your favorite game just because of the issues it covers. He knew that your trust was earned, and tonight was a very clear sign that he and Michael were two people that you were comfortable enough to show what you were passionate about. And while you knew about his secrets and past, he understood whenever you’d divert the conversation elsewhere when someone asked about your past or your interests. He understood the silences you gave, and sometimes even the self-depreciating jokes. He wanted to do so much for you, but had no idea where to start. And that was okay. He knew that was okay.
When Jeremy noticed that you were asleep, his face turned a dark red. He had heard all about the studies where people who could sleep around their friends, family, or significant others generally trusted them and had good relationship with one another (of course you told him about this study, and you being asleep further proved his point that him and Michael had gained your trust). He knew you were no different. You were strong, resilient, but tonight showed a side of pure joy and vulnerability. He hadn’t missed the tears forming in your eyes when the game started. He could tell they were tears of joy. He was honored that he got to help you through Max’s nightmare and the barn (even though you’d done it before). And he was honored to have you fall asleep on him.
In a sudden burst of tired confidence, Jeremy wrapped his arm around you before drifting off to sleep as well; the smile on his face only growing larger.
66 notes · View notes
luxken · 4 years
unofficially tagged by @gunsatthaphan​ bc im in the mood to overshare so :D!! 
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? pink im pretty sure
2. Name a food you never eat. uhh lamb? ig which is annoying bc its everywhere
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm D: the sadness I feel
 4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? damn idk WAIt I was writing a one shot for a tomarry ask meme prompt
 5. What’s your favourite candy bar? either old gold, turkish delight or flake
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yea I used to be mad abt cricket way back when I was pretending to be straight
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? muttering to myself abt how to copy+paste this thing effectively
8. What is your favourite ice cream? vanilla bc im a basic bitch :(
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? water bc im a bad bitch :)
10. Do you like your wallet? its cool, its worth more than what I have in there currently lmao
11. What is the last thing you ate? some bacon for dinner
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope im broker than the american government
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? probably afl
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? uh,,butter?
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? a friend on snap
16. Ever been camping? DEATH not like real camping ig i mean i went on “camp” for school but it was shite and we slept in cabins so
17. Do you take vitamins? nah i dont have that level of commitment
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? pffft i am godless
19. Do you have a tan? on my arms and legs- the rest? snow white sis
 20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? pizza all the way
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? im too skinny to drink soft drink
22. What color socks do you usually wear? usually black bc i need to wear them for school but i have these rlly cool puzzle socks i got from aldi love them
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? im also driver license-less
24. What terrifies you? being str*ight
25. Look to your left, what do you see? a blank wall bitch
26. What chore do you hate most? like all of them
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? fuckin idk man uh nothing
 28. What’s your favourite soda? not even gonna answer
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? cant drive so i walk inside tho the drive thru is preferable if im w mum
30. What’s your favourite number? 6 its so. r o u n d
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my sister telling me to shut up
32. Favorite meat? chicken its so good
33. Last song you listened to? im listening to my honest face by inhaler rn
34. Last book you read? like physical? um, hang on need to check goodreads. fully, the princes’s boy, partially hpatcoc (LMAO IT SAYS PHAT COCK). if u mean fanfic then legit couldnt tell u probs smth abt elu
35. Favorite day of the week?  wednesday its grouse
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? yuh
37. How do you like your coffee? like flat whites myself
38. Favorite pair of shoes? some ratty white converse
39. Time you normally get up? for school around 7-7:30, though regularly around 9
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets bc I dont need to get up early
41. How many blankets on your bed?  one not including my doona
42. Describe your kitchen plates. tf. um multicultural
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. smells like fish
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? legally I cannot say, but illegally I can attest to vodka cruisers even tho they're full of sugar
45. Do you play cards? yuh uno is the SHIT
 46. What color is your car? mum’s car- which’ll be mine when I get my l’s- is red
47. Can you change a tire? pfft no
48. Your favorite state or province? tassie bc they're funky and the air is rlly clean even tho they're incestuous as hell
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i havent had a real job yet :/ gonna apply for coles doe so wish me luck 
0 notes
abby-studies-art · 7 years
I was tagged by @alinastudies and @studyfeather so I am answering both sets of questions here!
Rules: Post the rules, answer 11 questions, ask 11 new questions, tag some friends!
Questions from @alinastudies
1. What’s your favourite book?  My favourite book right now is probably the Great Gatsby? I read it a few months ago (finally) and it was the most graceful, terrifyingly sad book I’ve ever read. 2. If you had to have a last meal, what would it be? Thai food. I can’t get enough of it seriously? I go to the mall and buy cheap take out from Thai-Express and it makes my day every time so probably that. 3. Do you prefer travelling at sea or sky?  I love travelling by sea: Sailing, cruises etc.... I never get seasick! Although I don’t get airsick very often, it still happens on long flights and it sucks. 4. Which three countries do you want to visit most?  I would love to visit: Italy, (because I dated a guy from there and he made it sound so cool!) Iceland, (because the Northern lights and on my bucket list and I've heard there are some pretty incredible mountain trails you can hike) And probably Singapore or Japan? Can I have four??  5. Do you like jewellery, and why?  I like some jewellery, I have a small collection of meaningful items that I wear daily; A teacup necklace, a snowflake quartz point, and a ring I got from my parents the day I graduated. 6. Do you believe in new years’ resolutions?  I do, I try to keep my resolutions but I also don’t beat myself up when I slip up because hey I mean, everyone has forgetful days and as long as you keep trying after you slip up I think that's what’s important 7. What did you want to be when you were little?  When I was really little, I wanted to be a pop star.  8. Do you like horror films?  I like some of them? Nothing too gory but the psychological thrillers are where it’s at!! 9. What’s your best personality trait?  I am very good at listening and knowing when people need to just vent, and knowing when people want advice. 10. What cheers you up whenever you’re sad?  Does anyone remember those Picture songs by nicepeter on youtube? I usually watch those when I’m mad or upset lol 11. Do you enjoy outdoor activities or prefer things you can do at home? Oh my god at Home..... This sounds terrible but I literally hate going outside here in its always cold and windy where I live so I avoid it as much as possible.
Questions from @studyfeather
1. What is your favourite/ideal kind of weather and why? I love rain, driving in it, reading in it, walking in it, all of it.  2. If you could learn 3 new things, what would they be? to play the violin, speak french and probably to play chess? I've tried but damn I barely get checkers so I might be out of luck. 3. What has been your highlight of 2017 so far? The highlight of my 2017 has probably been visiting Mexico and swimming in a cenote and climbing a ruin and taking all kinds of polaroids. 4. What is your favourite card game? SLAP!  Step one: Get like three decks of cards Step two: deal them out evenly to all the players until there are no cards left. DONTLOOKATTHEM!!!!!!!! Step three: one by one, everyone flips down one card at a time. if two cards land in a row that match, slap your hand down on the pile as fast as you can. If your hand is the first one down, CONGRATS! You get all the cards! That’s the object of the game! Well done!! Collect all the cards!!  If you run out of cards, you can’t put any down but you can still slap to get back in the game and VANQUISH YOUR ENEMIES. the perks? it's aggressive, violent, and never has to end! We used to play it middle school at lunch (bc most other forms of cards were banned for being close to gambling? this one just involves slapping your friends) 5. Favourite and least favourite drink? favourite: tea or coffee. least favourite: Aloe water (wtf is this lumps in ma drink) 6. If you could suggest any book or book series to me, what would it be? I just read milk and honey and it was lit so yeah that one 7. Truth or dare? Oh my god truth!! Just me over here oversharing and shit like that! 8. How would you describe your aesthetic? That blurry feeling in the early morning when the sun is coming up when your half awake but you can still hear the things you were dreaming and you can hear them clearly but you're rapidly forgetting what they meant or why they mattered.  9. Any allergies? I used to be allergic to pollen but I grew out of it when we moved into the country, I think my body got used to it from being exposed so much. 10. Any pets (in the past, present, or future)? I used to have fish, I have a dog, I want a cat I think but like its gonna have to be a cuddly cat. 11. Do you have any holiday traditions you look forward to? Christmas morning, my sisters and I can’t go downstairs until 7 am (which is also when we can wake our parents up). Since most of us are so excited we can’t sleep, we have a tradition of cutting out paper snowflakes and throwing them everywhere at like 3 am lol. 
1. Have you had your first kiss? 2. What is your best memory? 3. Where is your favourite place to study? 4. What would you call the biography of your life? 5. Describe something about yourself the way that Lemony Snicket (or your favourite author) would. 6. Mac or PC for school work? 7. Describe your favourite outfit for school/work. 8. Juice or Soda? 9. Facebook or Twitter? 10. Do you have any buttons or pins on your backpack? 11. What is your favourite show on Netflix that you recommend to everyone?
I am so terribly sorry for this long ass post, as usual, you don’t have to do this if I tag you and you aren’t interested, And THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME GUYS I LOVE THIS STUFF!!
I shall tag: @plants-before-people @busystudyign @rhubarbstudies @toomanysubjectstudyblr @scholasticus-medicinae @justgetthroughtheyear @themedtimes @studyh and anyone else lol just say I tagged you and I will back you up if anyone disputes it you tell me and I’ll fight them, okay?
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