#maea's art tag
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@amyrafiercebladeartz >:3 dragon guys
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ziggityzigg · 1 month
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This isn’t a collab @reallyprofoundkryptonite asked to draw a realistic Krogan with the doodles i made of mine and some friends ocs lol
Tagging @zouskon @duoatomica + @2cats1trenchcoat cuz it’s their ocs
Edit: click for better quality
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sappylemons · 7 years
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im too sick 2 be awake right now & not in th mood to finish this but here taek it. luv these two
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solariaswitch · 3 years
Get to know tag
Thank you to @fairyladyspring for tagging me in this! I’m tagging @maea-megs, @spilledmilkfkdies. @fandomtrxsh19 and @bitchatcloudtower to participate (if they so wish of course)
Favorite color: Muted dark green (#40543d), wintery blue-gray  (#b1c7c7)
Currently reading: As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Last series: the This is a Robbery - the World’s Biggest Art Heist Netflix documentary series, which I really recommend by the way. 
Last movie: American Psycho 
Sweet, savory, or spicy?: Savoury! I’m a [redacted] for nearly all savory foods. 
Craving: Contentness and belonging but I’d settle for some pierogi. 
Currently working on: Well... I don’t know if it counts as working but I’m both getting my very own apartment and starting uni soon, so that’s what’s taking all my time these days. It’s all very exciting but exhausting and leaves little time for much else. 
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more cos au art YIPPEE
Meet my Hygos!Krogan <3
Genuinely this is an extremely common occurrence for the wardens.
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Mini comic… this is an idea I’ve had banging around in my head about @amyrafiercebladeartz and i’s headcanon that Krogan suffers from chronic night terrors and will sometimes crawl in bed with Viggo to cuddle because the body heat seems to help with making them go away and because he feels safe with Viggo:)
(He’s begging Viggo to let him stay there nonverbally in the first panel lmao. Thinking this takes place during like one of the first few times Krogan actually does this.)
This headcanon is old and also something we cooked up in an old rp. (If i remember correctly 😭)
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Slides in a @duoatomica and a @ziggityzigg tag too bc fluff:)
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Night Fury!Krogan redesign
Hi welcome to the post!! Anyways. I decided to redesign him. More of a story now too.
Hiccup only discovers Krogan after Krogan has been separated from the flock for a few monrhs, getting himself taken into the custody of dragon hunters after suspicions of Krogan’s disappearance and a subsequent appearance of a night fury that has scars that match up nearly identical ally with the man. (And the inquiry to Drago about him having a night fury branded with his mark, which was a resounding “no… why?” Essentially therefore confirming the potential status of the dragon as being Krogan. That… and the dragon replies to the name in question when one tried it out (*coughs at Viggo who’s literally the only person who can get close to the Fury without being bitten.)
During the first encounter, it is in the skies, with Viggo having taken an (entirely and completely uncertain) perch upon Krogan’s back. Turns out Krogan has just a bit of malice towards Toothless for whatever reason because it was litterally an on sight attack that Krogan yoinked toothless with. Viggo took Krogan’s place since. They’re still down a leader for the dragon flyers considering Krogan. Does not speak human no matter how hard he tries (it is amusing itself to hear him muttering what is in essentiacality gibberish as he tries to speak to Viggo… but his vocal chords REALLY are not made to speak.
He can commune with other dragons… fine enough. When Hiccup and Toothless are captured in the episode that would be triple cross, Krogan nearly rips Toothless’s wing off when capturing the other dragon. (Viggo really wishes he could understand what it is with Krogan and other Night Furies, because Toothless is TERRIFIED of Krogan’s simple presence. Though Krogan has seemed to back off with his aggression towards Toothless, Viggo is unsure of the stem of the aggression, besides the new scars, bite marks and wounds they had found Krogan with. Maybe there was a flock that took Krogan in and since he was in the lowest pecking order he was ruthlessly picked on and tormented?)
Viggo just understands that it might be a trauma response. They manage to make it through Triple Cross, Krogan earning a place among the dragon riders with Viggo at his side. Krogan is entirely uninterested in everyone and everything except for Viggo, though he starts warming up a bit to Snotlout, surprisingly enough. Viggo doesn’t understand why, but maybe it’s because Snotlout likes sharing chunks of the mangoes he occasionally buys with Krogan. (Krogan likes mangoes.)
For further reference… here is Krogan next to toothless. Toothless is just under half Krogan’s size and weight, which is why Krogan can throw him around so easily.
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Grimmel’s Pet AU
I think i am done with this but. Spoiled for heavily implied ||drugging||. Since this is an exceptionally dark au eh.
It has been a VERY LONG time since i’ve drawn this AU. Like. A year plus… if not two years holy shit I think the last time i drew art for this au was in 2022… GOOD GOD.
Anyways since it’s been a while since i touched him i figured i should give him somewhat of a redesign. He looks much older and is far more gaunt than the last iterations simply because the deathgripper venom has not just caused his body a *lot* of stress due to how much he needs to stay under control and render him… essentially… a shell. He doesn’t do much thinking, that’s for sure. His job is to kill, since that is what he’s good at.
Anyways yeah. The stress the venom caused on his body made him age quite a bit faster because he’s like… *checks notes* 28 in this AU if said notes are in fact correct.
*Scurries away*
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miscellaneous sketches (one featuring @ziggityzigg ‘s oc!)
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Fungus man
aka resident evil au go BRRRT
@duoatomica @amyrafiercebladeartz uhhhh @ziggityzigg ig
zigg have a doodle of the he <3
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Realistic sketch, i guess.
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Da silly <3
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bonus whiskers content
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big green my beloved <3
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11:24 on a friday is still close enough for me
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take a slight redesign on Chunky!Krogan again <3
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Krogan watched Viggo, all the same as Viggo stared back at him. Krogan��s ears flicked, pinning back for a moment as he found himself baring his teeth at the other man, who merely blinked at him, inclining his head slightly. Krogan could feel and hear the way his heart was throbbing loudly in his chest, and he was ashamed, he should not feel so betrayed, so horrible about something so insignificant, or at least his mond told him it was insignificant; what else could one expect from something like Viggo Grimborn, after all?
“You think your stunt is funny, don’t you?” Krogan spat finally. “The fact that you decided to desert because…” he trailed off slightly, his throat tightening. He was at fault too, certainly, but Johann had also forced his hand under threat of violence and if he didn’t listen… Thor only knows what would have happened. But it was still his fault. It had always been his fault. No matter how much he cared not to admit it, he was the scapegoat, that was his purpose.
“You still wear Drago’s mark, Krogan.” Viggo pointed out. “You are not allied with him any longer, I know that.” The man inclined his head, trying to urge Krogab to a different topic. Krogan felt a hand go to the blasted brooch on his cloak, the one he hadn’t yet had the nerve to replace because there was still too many people that didn’t realize he was no longer Drago’s; that he’d been abandoned, left for dead despite the mark he carried and would carry to the end of his days like a sore patch on the edge of his vision that he could never escape.
“And how did you find out about that, Viggo?” Krogan retracted, his eyes glancing towards the clouds, anywhere but Viggo’s face. He didn’t want to look at him, he was dead, he should be a rotting corpse for all he cared!
Viggo hummed softly, reaching a hand out, towards Krogan’s shoulder.
With a hiss, Krogab spun and tried to reel back, his brows angling downwards. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of something he couldn’t quite place as he watched a momentary curl of hurt ripple against Vggo’s face for a moment, before it was quickly replaced by another expression, and Viggo’s hand shakily retracted.
“We are, both at fault, I see the way you look at me and the… regret, but I… I know as well what you are feeling.” Viggo began, as if he was struggling for words for a moment. Krogan felt anger rising in his chest, he so desperately wanted to gnash his teeth and snap in a way that was keenly familiar for him, a way for him to rid himself of his problems despite the other feelings he felt, the abandonment, the loos, the fear, the self-hatred.
The betrayal.
But those were in part, his own fault. He was no better than Viggo, if not even slightly,
“What, do you want an apology or something?” Krogan began, his voice quavering despite the fact that he tried to force as much anger into his tone as possible.
“I don’t needr an apology, Krogan.” Viggo replied, waving a hand dismissively. “I wom’t demand you to give me one either because you don’t need to.” He started to move closer, and Krogan glances away from him.
“I am… I am sorry, though.” Krogan concluded. “I…” he began.
“I understand why you were upset with me.” His ears pinned back.
“Are you at least all right?” Viggo questioned. He lifted his hand again, though slower this time, letting it hang over Krogan’s shoulderfor a moment. Krogan didn’t flinch, but he stared at it for a moment, and then sighed loudly, his shoulders relaxing. Viggo placed his hand on his shoulder, and Krogan leaned into the man, tugging him into his arms.
He was shaking, and his cheeks had grown damp and sticky. Why were his eyes leaking again? He leaned his head down against Viggo’s, his hair was soft against his chin and it smelled of sweat and blood. It smelled like home.
Tehe. Big painting featuring the goobers ❤️ First time painting Viggo in a… while so i hope everyone enjoys this! Also short fanfic for ya’ll ❤️
Time Taken: 4 hours and 40 minutes
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