#magda: a history.
daemxnium · 2 years
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–– 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖚𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 / 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗:
                                            and still lives?
name: magdalena (magda) o’hara, née kaminski 
age: 572 / visually 34
gender identity: cis-female.
pronouns: she/her
birthday: march 21, 1450
star sign: aries.
species: vampire
occupation: boutique owner
place of birth: osiek jasielski, poland
height: 5′6
Dissatisfaction was the defining trait of Magdalena’s life: it ribboned through most of her life, casting its ugly shadow upon most moments in her long legacy. Her earliest years  were ones that she recalls as turbulent, unsatisfying in every degree. The world had been darker when she was still brand new. Magda’s murky memory of the days before she was turned bleed together; she remembers her father, loving but strict. Her mother, a dumpy woman, whose words were all of practicality and none of enjoyment— perhaps she was the wisest of them all, having raised five children without any of them being nearly as disobedient as their little Magda. Her head seemed to be permanently anchored to the sky, lips peeled back in a dreamy smile.  Often, she escaped her mother’s heckling to disappear in the fields of sunflowers, to hold hands with the village boys, to seize any amount of youth that she could. Even before the night that her life ended and began in one heart stopping moment; Magdalena always knew that she  craved nothing more than the world that lay beyond their little town,  one that didn’t mean an unhappy marriage with a baker and seven ruddy cheeked infants to bounce on her knee.
If her  mother would of had her way, she never would have left that evening. The front door was bolted shut, but hard workers as they were, the entirety of the Kaminski home slumbered as their youngest dressed in festival attire, long ribbons braided into her walnut hued hair before slipping out of the window, disturbing not her slew of sisters, nor their dog who laid out by the  fire. None were as free spirited as she, who kissed the cheek of the  blacksmith’s son before racing out to meet the music in the festival.  The noise, the food, the laughter; none held a light to the fascination that rocked her in the next moments. A stranger, with eyes the colour of amber, he beckoned her close and with her foolish heart, she greeted him.
He promised her the world, all of it.  Magdalena had never seen a creature so beautiful, so intriguing; he  spoke with an educated cadence, his Polish felt hundreds of years old—  though his smile was that of a young man. She didn’t understand then what his curse was, just that by the end of the evening he had enchanted her enough to hunger for it herself. Before the sun had risen, with his  fingers twining through her own, the girl rose as a vampire.
News  of a vile creature had already flooded the town, one that killed with little conscience, a monster from myth who fed only on the blood of  others. From her home, she was cast out, her promises to save her family was met with violence; the last she recalls of her father is the betrayal in his steadfast gaze and of her mother, disgust. To her sire  she fled, but the beautiful man of the evening before was nothing but a  trickster, just as cruel as promised— the first few years of Magdalena’s eternal life were spent alone.
She learned how to  survive, how to live upon those who would never be missed. It took  nearly a century before she harnessed enough courage to join the realm of the living once more, taking home in the village that her own family had grown up and died in, claiming to be a relative inheriting her birthright. The fascination of her youth flooded back gradually, she  charmed those who she met, leaving only when she had outgrown the  fiction of her supposed age.
It was the rest of the  world that she explored next, traipsing through every sanctuary and  sacred space, learning what she could of the universe that she seemed, like Cain, be forced to walk on until the end of days.
Her greatest flaw would turn out to be her attachment to the humans that populate the world. Her softness was a trait cultured over the years, and her desire for love ( even when she saw herself as more animal than human– even when it felt certain that her soul had gone when her first life had ) drove her. Every half century her heart felt the shatter of breaking after finding home in the body of a human destined to die– not once did she summon the courage to curse one she loved in the same way she had been.
Loving and losing is what tears her apart and knits her back together, and a desire for family that immortality had taken from her is fulfilled every so often with a fledgling vampire taken under her wing. She gives everything that she can, often leaving with nothing left but a bleeding, broken organ between her ribs: until she met Henry.
A fledgling vampire, he was like many of the others that Magda had saved and nurtured. He’d been out of control, his grip on humanity was so far gone he could hardly see it himself, but she managed to stop him before he descended upon a family: opening his eyes to what he had been doing, to the harm that he had caused. She watched his spirit break and wanted nothing more than to put him back together, tucking him into her arms as she vowed to keep him safe.
It was a promise she intended to keep, and aiding the young vampire blossomed into more than just affection: between them bloomed love. For the first time, her affections didn’t lie in someone that would fade, in a body she would have to bury when he grew old and tired. Together they twined their lives, continuing her mission to help those who were lost, to guide other vampires into living without fear and trailing death in their wake. She took his last name, and Grand Manan has become a sanctuary on for the two of them, though they’ve only been in the small town for a short while, she finds herself quite taken with it. Eternity has granted them an inexplicable amount of wealth and she has built the lavish life she enjoys now, the clouded days at the edge of  the water have brought her a sort of calm, and working at a boutique keeps her busy. 
On occasion, she haunts the beaches– a wraithlike figure in white linens that whip in the wind around her ankles. She dissolves into memories in these moments, and her life of complete joy is shadowed by the overwhelming reminder of loss: of all those left behind in her long, long life.
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erichhartmanncutie · 11 days
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Joseph Goebbels 6 children 💐🤍
Joseph goebbels 6 children were killed by their parents on the 1st May 1945. Their mother, magda goebbels, or a member of the SS crushed cyanide casuals in their mouths. The children were unaware of what was about to happen to them. However, the oldest child Helga could sense that her parents were lying to her she also asked what would happen to them. Helga, whom Misch called the brightest of the children, was "crying softly" just before bedtime on that final night and wore a glum expression. Misch felt Helga had little fondness for her mother. Magda had to push Helga towards the stairs that led up to the Vorbunker. Unfortunately helga unlike her siblings did not die peacefully. She was fighting for her life screaming and begging not to die she had a broken jaw and bruises on her face. days later, on the 3rd of May 1945, the day after the children died Soviet troops discovered the burnt remains of Joseph and Magda goebbels then they found the children dressed in night clothes and the girls had ribbons in their hair. The children were later buried in February of 1946. However, their remains were dug up burnt and scattered into the river biederitz. In 2005, a memorial was created for the 6 angels . 💐🤍🪽
They did not have to die they were offers to bring the children to safety however their parents turned all of them down. They did not want there children to live in a world without the nazis. 💐🤍🪽
Helga Susanne Goebbels - 1st September 1932 - 1st May 1945 ( aged 12 )
Hildegard Traudel Goebbels - 13th April 1934 - 1st May 1945 ( aged 11 )
Helmut Christian Goebbels - 2nd October 1935 - 1st May 1945 ( aged 9 )
Holdine Kathrin Goebbels - 19th February 1937 - 1st May 1945 ( aged 8 )
Hedwig Johanna Goebbels - 5th May 1938 - 1st May 1945 ( aged 6 )
Heidrun Elisabeth Goebbels - 29th October 1940 - 1st May 1945 ( aged 4 )
Please remember that they were all innocent children who had nothing to do with the actions of their parents 💐🤍🪽
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jg-archive · 2 months
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G watching H shaking hands with another fella.
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alatabouleau · 1 year
You know, I was always theoretically aware that whitewashing was a problem, but it never occured to me to how many examples i'm completely oblivious.
So, I just learned through a YouTube video by a Romani person ( https://youtube.com/shorts/A-kF9BBVfu8?feature=share ) that Romani people were just as much part of the target for the "final solution" in World War II by the Nazi government. Which, first of all, came as a complete shock to me, because in school, we would learn all about antisemitism and how Nazi Germany executed Jews brutally and factory-like, but we rarely, if ever, talked about Roma meeting the same fate. Honestly, even most people around me growing up didn't talk all that positive about Romani people, usually reducing them to systemic beggars.
And this all plays into the fact that I never saw how Magda, you know Magneto's late wife, one of the few people in his life he actually loved, was not Jewish but actually Romani. So, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are actually half Jewish, half Romani (because I REFUSE to accept the 2014 retcon it makes no narrative sense, I hate it)! And even their original adoptive parents were Romani as well.
So, why is it, that in the X-Men-movies, as well as in the MCU, their Romani side is COMPLETELY eradicated and their maybe-Jewish-background never touched upon?! Why are their parents in the MCU, real or not, white?! And yes, I feel like I'm late to the party, but my goodness! It's probably just that I now realise that I have been due to my ignorance, participated in white-washing, because in my Cherik fanfictions, I always use the movie version of Magda who is, maybe a Jew? But rather, just a Polish woman and IS ALSO WHITE, WHY?!?!?
I mean, not to start an oppression olympics, really not, but you know Jews have at least ~some~ examples of positive representation in the media nowadays. The only one in mainstream media for Romani people is probably Esmeralda in Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (https://youtube.com/shorts/zXHctFGKM1M?feature=share ) and even she falls into the trope of "Disney overse*ualising Disney princesses of colour". The other one is in the Paramount+ prpduction 1883 (https://youtube.com/shorts/j1DiLR27LyI?feature=share)
Man. This is bad.
I really don't want to make this into a white saviour complex thing, it's just something I realised I was unaware of before I found the Youtube-channel of florida.florian which has been really informative and made me see how little I actually knew about Romani culture and how much this demographic still faces severe discrimination to this day. Also in my country, Germany, which is probably why this hits so hard to me, personally.
If you now excuse me, I need to rewrite Magda's character in this one Cherik-fanfic I've been working on
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diioonysus · 2 years
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beautiful women of the past (imo) vii
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the-cricket-chirps · 2 months
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Jacques Villon, Portrait de Magda Pach, 1932
Magda Pach, Frida Kahlo, 1933
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kingsbride-moved · 1 year
i love the idea of elisabetta/andreas marriage if only because "elisabetta maleryn" would be such a cute name :~)
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playitagin · 1 year
1945-  Goebbels children & their parents.
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The Goebbels children were the five daughters and one son born to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels. The children, born between 1932 and 1940, were murdered by their parents in Berlin on 1 May 1945, the day both parents committed suicide.
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kwiecista · 2 years
Cries softly: I just love Poland so much
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Miss You
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You're homesick
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You like Germany.
You know you like Germany.
You get to do lots of fun things like order for Morsa at restaurants because she can't speak German like you and play at the park on the monkey bars.
You're happy to be back in Germany.
But, sometimes, your tummy gets all tense and swirly and you get icky feelings that you can't quite shake off.
"What's up with you, huh?" Morsa teases as you hide behind her legs.
You'd been excited this morning. You get to train with the Bayern keepers but seeing them on the pitch suddenly made you nervous.
You've never really trained with people without Zećira before and that makes you nervous.
The three of them are talking amongst themselves as the coach sets up cones.
Your gloves are already on. You're wearing your special Bayern training top. Your boots are laced up.
But you won't move and Morsa isn't forcing you to either.
You stay rigid, planted firmly on the spot as Anna is caught in a headlock by Cecilía and forced to receive a noogie.
You rock on the balls of your feet and keep a tight grip on Morsa's shorts.
"I..." You tighten your grip and shuffle closer to Morsa until you're pressed up against her. "Morsa...I want to go home."
"In a few hours," Morsa promises you, running a gentle hand over the top of your head.
"No," You shake your head," Home-home. In London." Your bottom lip wobbles. "I want Zećira and-and Jessie and Niamh! And Australian Sam! And Millie an' Guro an' Erin!" You press your head against the back of Morsa's legs and sob. "Want Arsenal red! Not Bayern red! I want to go home!"
People are looking over now and Morsa picks you up, tucking your head into her neck so you can't see everyone staring.
Momma comes over from where she was speaking to Georgia and Scottish Sam.
"What happened?" Pernille asks," What's wrong?"
"She's feeling a little homesick," Magda whispers," I think it's sunk in that she can't practice with Zećira and it's all spiralled from there."
You sniffle as you run out of tears, chest rising and falling heavily.
Momma gently removes your keeper gloves and wipes the wetness from your face. She's got girl-swan and girl-moose in her hands and you take them.
They still smell a little like your house in London and it makes your tummy go all swirly again as you breathe in their smell.
"Do you still want to practice with the keepers?" Momma asks and you shake your head.
"Are you sure?" Morsa presses," Not at all?"
"Not right now," Momma cuts in," Well done for trying, princesse. Do you want to sit at the side with Klara? You can try again later."
In all honesty, you don't want to sit with Klara.
You want to leave Germany and go back to Not-Wolfsburg. You'll even wear Morsa's Not-Wolfsburg jersey if it means that you can go back and practice with Zećira.
You don't want to wait for the next Sweden camp to see her again. You want to be with her now.
You want her to tell you how to anticipate penalties (one day, people will fear taking a penalty against you). You want her to show you how to boot the ball all the way to the other side of the pitch (one day, you'll win a World Cup doing that). You want her to show you how to be the very best goalkeeper in the world (one day, you'll become the most decorated goalkeeper in history).
You want Zećira to teach you everything she knows.
You want to be with her now, on the Not-Wolfsburg training pitch with your matching gloves and matching boots.
But you can't do any of that.
So, you sit with Klara.
You don't know why she's not training today but she's sitting on the sidelines with a ball of yawn and some weird long things.
She smiles warmly at you as Morsa sets you down next to her, kissing you on the forehead and promising to be back with Momma to check on you very soon.
Your heart still aches for Zećira and her steady mentorship.
You don't know how to be a good goalkeeper without her (one day, Zećira will hand you an award proclaiming you as the best goalkeeper in the world). You don't know how to do her proud without her being there (one day, Zećira will be in the front row of your very first match for Sweden). You don't know how you're meant to train with other keepers when Zećira is your idol (one day, you'll be the idol of so many other little girls who will wear your shirt and cheer your name).
Your Bayern shirt says your first name right now, emblazoned on the back like you're someone important and perfect like Alexia but you're not (one day, your club shirts will all have your first name). Your Bayern shirt is red like Arsenal (one day, you'll be wearing an Arsenal shirt). Bayern is in Germany, which used to be home but it doesn't feel like home anymore (one day, it'll be home again but you'll be wearing Wolfsburg colours rather than Bayern).
Everything is so similar but different and you don't know how you're meant to adapt.
You miss Zećira with all her heart but you love keeping so much and you want to practice at Bayern so in the future you can be the best (one day, you'll be the very best).
But your tummy ties itself in knots and you get shaky legs when you see the Bayern keepers mucking around with each other, like how you used to muck around with Zećira.
"How big are your toys?" Klara asks you.
You frown, staring down at girl-moose and girl-swan.
"Why?" You still sound a little tearful but Klara doesn't comment on it.
"Well, they're part of the team aren't they? Like you? I think they deserve their own shirts."
"They're too little for jerseys," You say," They don't make ones little enough."
"I'm knitting some," Klara says and that gets your attention so you shuffle a bit closer," They won't have names of anything but they should be recognisable enough."
Her fingers move around until one of the jerseys are done.
She's right. They're very little and there's no room for any of the fancy words or numbers but it's still very clearly a Bayern jersey. She finishes it off and hands it to you, where you very carefully put it on girl-swan.
She looks like a Bayern player now, like she's part of the team.
Girl-moose gets one too and now they both look like Bayern players.
They look like they belong in Germany with this group of girls. They used to belong with Caro and Nilla or moster Frido and Ingrid at Wolfsburg. Then they belonged with Zećira and Jessie at Not-Wolfsburg.
Now, though, they belong with the Bayern girls.
Your keeper gloves sit next to you and you very gently slip them on, clenching and unclenching your hands to make sure they still fit properly.
Zećira got you these gloves for Christmas.
They're special because they're little versions of hers.
You think that means you've got a bit of Zećira in Bayern with you.
"Klara?" You ask.
"Hmm? What's up?"
"Can...Can I go and practice in goal with the others?"
"Do you want me to go and walk you over?"
"Yes, please."
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kamotecue · 7 months
the forgotten love ✮ k. cooney-cross
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pairing: kyra cooney-cross x reader
summary: you were her first love—truly unforgettable as people would say. you had met in year 5 as an exchange student from sweden, you were her defender. swedish!reader
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ever wonder what it’s like—when you’ve forgotten someone who’s dear to you? for you, it was extreme agony, you had photographs and polaroids of a freckled girl you don’t remember.
whenever you tried to ask, the ones around you would say “she’s just someone you used to know”, or that “she isn’t that important.” but they had lied—she was your entire world, the light that you’re supposed to find in the darkness.
you met her in year 5, an exchange student coming from sweden. you had accidentally bumped into her in the hallways, and that’s how you became friends.
the history between you—wasn’t just friends. you were friends to lovers, and had become strangers again. the freckled girl who you had yet to learn the name of—was the one who got you into football.
she was your midfielder, and you were her defender. however, your thoughts were interrupted as you heard the studs that pitter-pattered on the locker room floor.
it was magda, one of the team’s co-captain. ever since you made your debut for the senior team at 15 years old, she had taken you under her wing.
“du verkar lite distraherad på sistone, n/n. [you seem a little distracted lately, n/n.]” you hummed, knowing that she was right.
“det är bara något som upptar mitt sinne. [there’s just something that occupies my thoughts.]” you confessed as magda gave you a soft nudge, taking the seat beside you.
“det finns alltid, en riktig tänkare du är n/n. men jag vill att du fokuserar på spelet idag. [there always is, quite a thinker you are n/n. but i want you to focus on the game today.]” you gave her a short nod, it was the bronze match after all—the matildas have been a powerful team throughout the tournament.
your coach had clapped, signaling for the starting line up to head to the tunnel, as the game was about to begin. you hummed, slipping on the trainer jacket, this was the first time you’d be starting—as you mostly changed the game as an impact sub.
the tunnel was filled with small chatter from both teams, but you kept silently wanting to not get distracted. you didn’t notice the way australia’s number 23 had looked at you, it was filled with pining, the need to have you in her arms again.
you knew everything was going smoothly, until it was time to shake the hands of the other players. but when you came across the midfielder, your eyes has widened in realization.
she’s the freckled girl in the photos you don’t remember. asllani, the one wearing the captain’s armband had nudged you softly as you were holding up the line.
“focus, little one.” she commented as you gave her a small nod, the game was about to start and you swiftly headed to your position in the back line.
the game started with ease, as a penalty was rewarded in the 27th minute—due to stina going down under the pressure from australia’s polkinghorne.
you watched from your side of the pitch, as frido stood up to take it. zecira had hummed beside you, as you turned to glance at her.
“när kommer du att göra ett fantastiskt kors? [when will you make an amazing cross?]” you gave her a small chuckle as you simply shrugged your shoulders.
“snart, antar jag. [soon, i suppose.]” you commented, and that’s exactly what you did. just before the first half had ended, you had sent a cross to stina who had headed it in, scoring the second goal of the match.
the first half had ended just exactly how the coach had wanted it, but there was this gut feeling that you had—as if something bad was going to happen. frido had jumped on your back, easing your worries as you stumbled a bit.
“onwards.” she joked, as you laughed at her silly behavior. you hummed, wrapping your arms around her legs to support her.
“children.” magda teased, ruffling your hair as you three entered the locker room. the tactics were interesting, as you played with the tumblr that was given to you.
yet what happened next was something you didn’t expect—no one did. as the matildas were eager to equalize the score, you had collided with mary who had went for a header.
as you headed straight to the floor, zecira was quick to get the ball—making australia have no chance at scoring that close goal. you weren’t getting up, no one had noticed you—until after zecira had kicked the ball forward.
her eyes had landed on you, your hands were holding your head—as you had groaned, loudly. she stepped closer to you, while watching ahead.
“n/n?” her voice rang, as you slightly leaked through your fingers to see a blurred face. the ringing of your ears made it harder to distinguish who it was.
“mitt huvud, det gör ont. [my head, it hurts.]” you softly said, as zecira hummed noticing how the referee had blew her whistle seeing you on the ground.
you mumbled in pain hearing the loud whistle, frido and stina were first to come beside you as the swedish medical team made their way towards you.
from afar, you hadn’t notice the way her eyes had gazed to where you were—nor did you realize how katrina gorry had looked at you. she had heard about you from kyra who was like her daughter figure.
“a terrible collision that was.” frido said as she looked at the huge screen, before kneeling down beside you—making sure she was away from the medics space as she didn’t want to interrupt.
“jag tror inte att jag kunde hålla ögonen öppna. [i don’t think i could keep my eyes open.]” you had stuttered, your eyes fluttering now and then. you heard a huge commotion, as you tried to keep your eyes open—but it was bound to happen as your eyes had closed.
zecira noticed kyra coming closer, as she extended her arm to not make her go any closer to you. but stina had spoke in swedish, the goalkeeper just hummed before bringing back her hand.
she took a deep breathe before she saw you—there was a bit of blood above your right eye, as the swedish medic swiftly did his job.
“so, you’re the one y/n had fell for.” frido spoke in english, her swedish accent was evident as kyra looked at her with wide eyes, clearly surprised at this.
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jg-archive · 5 months
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Magda Goebbels receiving flowers
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agendabymooner · 8 months
lucky charms, qatar and all that romance fiasco ! oscar p. x ofc (filo!gen z!ofc)
summary: in which, paloma san pedro is oscar’s lucky charm. OR the mclaren driver forgot to mention to carlos sainz about his relative being in the race— but the rest of the sprint days were something of a history.
content warning: use of explicit language, spoilers for qatar gp 2023 sprint, carlos sainz x ofc mentioned (magda) carlos sainz x in-law!ofc, funny banters, briefly mentions pato o’ward and mark webber (multi 21 joke incoming), one filipino word (“itik” = “duck” = “pato”), mclaren admin x ofc, crack fic, affectionate!oscar mentioned
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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3 + 3 = P6 (QUALIFYING)
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tagged lomisanpedro, landonorris, mclaren
liked by ninojames, patriciooward, aussiegrit
mclaren my girl is always dressed for the occasion 😇🧡
patriciooward congratulations!!! 🥳🥳 liked by oscarpiastri
ninojames he just put nine gyal on a sprinter 🙌💪 liked by oscarpiastri
landonorris 🙏🙏 liked by oscarpiastri
landonorris but why is she kissing lewishamilton instead 👀
user1 i would too tbh
lewishamilton 🤣
monamagdalena WOOOO CONGRATS OSCAR!!! (carlos is still mad you didn’t tell him about paloma going) liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri am i still allowed in madrid??
carlossainzjr your other half is.
user2 he just dedicated his win to her 🥺🥺
user3 bro is straight simping
aussiegrit proud of you lad!!! liked by oscarpiastri
lomisanpedro 🧡 proud of u pastry liked and pinned by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri no u 🏆
user4 he can’t even say ily or sumn 😭😭
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bonus !!!
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doudouneverte · 11 months
Secret Wife?
a/n: let's start this world cup with a little thing...
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Fridolina Rolfo x NORWNT!Reader: NORWNT + SWEWNT x Reader
Summary: You have a secret realtionship with a certain Swedish player and you come out public after her final against Wolfsburg
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: 2154
Opposites attract each other; that is what a lot of people say. In your case, it was totally true. You married a woman who was your opposite in every aspect, even the professional one, Fridolina Rolfö. You both play football, but since you first met at a professional level, you have never played together.
You faced her for the first time in your first season in the Swedish league; she played for Linköping and you for Rosengråd. It was surprising how quickly you became friends after your first match and more a few months later. Except for some teammates, nobody knew about you two; they just assumed you were good friends because you didn't show too much in public, but that didn't mean you weren't there for her. To be honest, you were her number-one fan. Always here when she played, not so far from Malmö, and always cheered for her.
Then 2017 came, and you both received an offer to play for a different championship, the Frauen Bundesliga. It was a great opportunity, but you were a little sad when you learned that Fridolina wouldn't play with you again because she chose Bayern München, where you chose to play for Frankfurt. Even if you were always enemies on the pitch, when you were off, nothing could be better than when you asked her to be your wife one season after she moved to Wolfsburg.
After three years in Germany, you left the country to join one of your favorite clubs when you were younger, Real Madrid. Your first season, even if it had been interrupted, was very great, and you were ready for the next part of history until your wife joined your rivals, FC Barcelona.
Two wives playing for two rival clubs but also playing for two different countries, and that leads us to this day. A friendly game opposing Sweden and Norway—honestly,  you loved this type of match; you always found her very attractive when you played against her, but it was on another level when she wore her national colors.
You were in the locked room, preparing yourself for the match in a few minutes, when your phone buzzed next to you. It was a text from Frido. A few moments later, you were so focused on your conversation with your blonde girl that you didn't notice that everyone was waiting for you for a captain's speech. Maren Mjelde cleared her throat, but you just giggled, visibly whatever the Swedish said was more interesting than this.
"You giggle like a schoolgirl," Ada Hegerberg commented, and you finally looked at your teammates.
"Oh, shut up, Hegerberg," you replied, rolling your eyes. "So, are you finally ready?" you dared to ask.
"Are we....?" Guro Reiten repeated a little offended "I swear I'll..." She didn't have time to finish before she got interrupted by Maren.
"We were actually waiting for you." the defender said, and you looked at everyone.
"Oh sorry. So let's go," you said, standing up and extending your arm, waiting for them to form a circle to start your usual speech.
In the other locker room, the Swedish team was impatient to play—a certain player more than others. "You looked excited." Magda commented, and Frido looked at her, confused.
"Yes, I mean, aren’t you?" Your wife asked.
"Yes, of course I am; I like to play against Guro even if I prefer to play with her." the captain replied.
"I totally understand you; it’s really cool to play with Ingrid, but I don't like to play against her, even if it’s fun," the forward said.
"Oh, I’m a little disappointed. I thought you were talking to Y/n." Kosovare commented.
"What do you mean?"
"We saw you glued to your phone when Magda was doing her usual captain's speech. Great speech, by the way." Zećira said this time getting a little ‘thank you’ from her Chelsea teammate.
"I think it’s Y/n!" Kosse said across the changing room, gaining the attention of everyone. "What? It’s true," she added when she felt every gaze on her. 
"Yes it’s true, but—" The forward tried to defend herself but was cut off by Sofia Jakobsson.
"Why don’t you ever think about playing together? We wouldn’t have to support you missing each other."
"You’ve got a point." Zećira said.
"It’s not that easy. It’s not like she can play with us suddenly." Your wife said.
"Yes but you can always play for the same club. And I don’t want to force you to do anything, but I heard that a Londonian club wouldn’t mind having a new power couple in her team." The goalkeeper commented.
"I need to stop you right now; if they need to play for the same team in London, they will definitely play for Arsenal." Stina protested.
"And why?" Magda asked, raising her eyebrow.
 "Because we all know that Y/n considers Frida like her little sister, and according to that, she’d choose Arsenal." Unfortunately, the conversation couldn’t go further because it was already time to enter the pitch.
The match went pretty well; well, it ended in a draw, but 3-3 is a pretty draw. After the game, you thanked the supporters and made your way to the Sweden team. Even if your relationship wasn’t public, it was not uncommon for the fans to catch you being touchy with the Swedish player; honestly, they loved it. That's one of the reasons they loved when you faced her, of course there was also the sportive part, but they couldn't help themselves every time you interacted together, and it didn’t take a lot of time before some edits shipping you two appeared online.
After a little session of sweaty hugs with Ingrid, much to her dismay, you finally made your way to the third Barcelona player in this match. Some cameras were still recording, and they didn't miss the goofy smile the tall forward gave you—definitely good content for the fans later. "Hey pretty girl," you said, and the captain of Chelsea next to you two rolled her eyes.
"Good game, girls. You played very well." Ingrid said, giving her club teammate a little side hug.
"You too, even if I'm better." Fridolina replied, and you playfully hit her arm. "What? It's true."
"Your only goal was when I didn't defend on you." You reminded her.
"Yeah, I know, but it's still a goal," she said while she opened her arms, and you fulfilled the gap. "You played very well." she whispered before landing a quick kiss on your head.
"Even when you try to be sneaky, you are still so obvious." Frida said.
"Are you jealous?" You joked, "You can come here." You opened your arms, and even if the midfielder tried to resist, she knew she could never deny your hugs. You looked like a little family, and you obviously knew that the fans would edit it, but you were too comfy between your wife and your claimed little sister.
When you broke the hug, you made your way to the changing room with Ingrid and Rolfö, not too far from Frida and Stina. You were talking about anything and everything when the Arsenal forward called you. "Y/n do you ever think about playing with Frido on the same team?"
"Uh uh, don't start that." Zećira said, coming out of nowhere.
You looked at the Sweden players confused. "Don't listen to them; they're just arguing about which is the best team between Arsenal and Chelsea." Fridolina said.
"It's more than that." the keeper protested.
"Let me guess, you just want us to join Arsenal or Chelsea?" you asked.
"Yes." Magda and Sofia said rolling their eyes.
"No!" Stina and Zećira countered, "It's more than that; imagine being with your wife 24/7, training with her, playing with her, and just wearing the same jersey."
"Okay let's not talk about it right now because I'm exhausted, but we'll think about it." you said before heading to your locker room.
The next few weeks you came back to Spain, and you managed to spend a lot of time with Frido after the end of the season before her final at Eindhoven. You tried to not attract attention in the stadium, but it was almost impossible. You couldn’t enter the stadium before some fans of both teams recognized you. And there you took some pictures with them, some of them questioning you about who you were supporting. You were wearing a light jacket, so they couldn’t see your Rolfö’s national jersey. Of course you were there to support your wife, but as a Real Madrid player and fan, you couldn’t say it loudly.
"I’m just here to see some teammates play." You replied with a little smile. Thankfully for you, they let you leave rather quickly. In your seat, you were mentally preparing for the next ninety minutes.
After those ninety minutes, FC Barcelona were sacred European champions for the second time, and Frida scored a goal. You were ecstatic in your seat during the game, acting like a groupie when your blondie touched the ball. When a member of the security came to escort you on the pitch, you were a little shocked because you didn’t really think the Swedish forward would spot you in the crowd, but she definitely did.
On the pitch, you came to congratulate your national teammates, and Ingrid gave you a sweaty hug, making you quickly pull away with a grimace. "You look good in yellow," the midfielder commented.
"But something tells me she would look better in blue and red." Caro Hansen added, and you rolled your eyes.
"Let’s not start it now." You didn't have time to say anything else until you felt arms wrapping around your waist from behind you. you didn't have to turn to know who they belonged to.
"Oh no, the lovebirds are reunited again," Caro said, faking annoyance.
"Hey, don’t you have some Spanish girlfriends you want to see?" You said making them leave, but not before they mimicked how the Swedish player was clinched to you.
"Why do you wear my national jersey?" Your wife asked while her head found her space in the crook of your neck.
"Are you kidding me?" you asked, a little offended.
"I’m rather on the girl’s side this time."
"Oh no, we’ll not start that, not today." You groaned and turned around to finally face her.
"But I really think about what the girls said the last time, and, well, it’s been like, what, six or seven years since we started to play against each other. I know you would rather die than wear a Barcelona kit, but if one day I leave, would you come with me?" She asked with a pout.
"Honey, one day I asked you if you wanted to marry, and you made the mistake of saying ‘yes’ so unfortunately for you, you’re stuck with me wherever you go." You joked.
"Even if I receive a proposition from Chelsea?" she tried.
"Okay don’t push your luck, Mrs.Rolfö." You replied dramatically, pushing away from her grip. The tall woman obviously didn’t give up and wrapped you close to her again.
The two of you were so much in your little bubble that you forgot that her team was celebrating and that the stadium was not totally empty when you pushed your toe to land a passionate kiss on her lips. When you heard some wolf whistles from Catalan players and the public cheering loudly, that's when you came back from your trance and remembered that you were not alone.
"Oh my..." you mumbled, hiding your face in your wife’s chest, who was laughing at your action.
"Don’t be shy, I think most of them already knew; it’s not like we’re good at hiding our behavior every time we’re together." Frido joked, "And at least now, everybody would know that you’re off the market, Mrs. Rolfö."
This night, like you assumed, you broke the internet, and a photo of you and Fridolina kissing was on almost every Woso fan’s Instagram stories and some of your teammates’ too. You received a lot of support from some teammates and even other celebrities. Magda and Pernille shared a cute picture of the four of you on a double date just after the Euro, and things went more crazy when Z posted almost all the cute pictures she took of you when you didn’t notice.
"I think that after today, if someone decides to sign one of us, they will definitely have to sign the other." The Swedish player said while she came to lay beside you.
"I still think we could have announced it in a better way." you said after you left your phone on the nightstand.
"Yes, maybe, but right now it’s just the two of us." she said, pressing a shy kiss on your head.
"I love you, Frido."
"And I love you more."
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magnetothemagnificent · 2 months
Not a huge fan of recent Marvel comics forgetting Magda and her importance in Magneto's life and history in favour of focusing only on Charles.......
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wosowrites · 1 year
Our Story (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️mentions of s3x⚠️
a/n: there will not be a part two too this story. Choose the ending you please. based off this request here
prompt: after jessie and reader broke up a few years back, jessie joins chelsea. the chelsea girls try to set them up, unaware of their history, but all that gets revealed during a game of truth or dare.
You met Jessie in 2017 at her first game for UCLA. You played for Stanford, and had been playing for them for two years now. Jessie scored a goal on her debut for UCLA, a screamer, and beat Stanford 1-0. Although annoyed, you were impressed, and a little star stuck buy the young canadian. One thing led to another, and you started dating. Long distance was hard, but man was Jessie worth it. You both lasted about a year and a half, and then things went down hill.
Your father got ill and you were balancing school, football and taking care of him, and it got too much. Breaking up with her broke your heart, but you knew it was right.
A month after your breakup, your father died.
You graduated university with a 3.9 GPA, 76 appearances for Stanford, and 46 goals. Dozens of clubs wanted you, they wanted you bad. But of course, one stuck out. Chelsea. You signed immediately, moved to London and started your life all over again over there. A month in, you were a regular started for Emma Hayes. You made connections at Chelsea, met the best people and made the best memories. But you missed Jessie, every day, you longed for her, and every day, you buried that longing and channeled it into football.
You were thriving, two years into your three year contract with Chelsea, you had 53 appearances and 27 goals. You had heard that there would be a new signing in the summer and you were excited. You loved helping the new players, you were a people pleaser and were naturally welcoming.
However, the day you were supposed to meet the new singing was a day you had a sponsorship signing with Nike so you arrived to training a few hours late.´ When you got there, it was a lift session. You walked into the gym, scanning the room for anyone new. No one.
"Where’s the new girl?" You asked Millie. "She’s talking with Emma in her office. You’ll never guess who it is," your national teammate said. "Why? We know her?" you asked, looking towards the door, waiting for her to walk in. "Hell yeah we do," Millie said, stretching the suspense. "Jesus, Mills! Just tell me!" you shrieked, the excitement too much. "Jessie Fleming."
You could have passed out. Your heart dropped, your face fell and your eyes widened. "No," you said sternly. "Uhm… yeah," Millie said, confused.
Your relationship with Jessie wasn’t exactly public. People knew but they didn’t know know. Your teammates didn’t ask questions as you weren’t out yet, they just didn’t talk to you about that kind of stuff. So it made sense that your national teammates didn’t know about Jessie. "She’s good too. She was a machine in training. Well, we know that. Played against Canada a couple of times." Millie said.
And then she walked in.
Her face as freckled as ever, her eyes as brown and furious as they were when you were both in university. And man… she looked good in blue. Your eyes locked with hers and she looked lost. There was no way she didn’t know you played for Chelsea, she must have done her research before coming here, right?
"Um. That’s- yeah. Good signing," you stuttered, looking back to Millie. "Yeah… spot me?" Millie asked.
You absentmindedly spotted the girl, knowing that if she did need the help you wouldn’t be able to get the bar, Millie was too strong and lifted too heavy.
Your eyes didn’t leave Jessie as Magda walked over to her, fulfilling her captains duties. "You’ll love it here. And you’ll love y/n. She’s great with the newcomers," Magda said to Jessie as they walked towards you. "Oh. I don’t want to bother her, she looks busy," Jessie said, stopping in her tracks. "Nah she’s good, I’m done my reps anyways," Millie said, sitting up and walking off.
You were standing as straight as a board, staring at Jessie. You were both blushing furiously and extremely uncomfortable. "She’s being weird today. Don’t worry she’s… more humanoid usually," Magda teased. "Haha Magdalena," you answered. "Hi, I’m y/n y/l/n."
You didn’t know why you had said that, why you had introduced yourself to her like that as though you hadn’t lost your virginity to her.
Jessie looked absolutely shocked, and maybe… a little hurt too. But she played along. She stuck her hand out and you shook hands. "Jessie Fleming."
You felt sick as you changed into your regular clothes. You felt even more sick as you were number 18, and Jessie would be right beside you as you both changed every day.
You were quick to shower and then put your clothes on, trying your very best to not think of the fact that you were still in love with the shirtless girl next to you.
You hurried out of the changing room, the first to be gone and when you got out, you leaned up against the wall and exhaled heavily. You hadn’t realized how much of a breath you had been holding.
You didn’t hear the door open again, and you didn’t see that someone was walking towards you as your eyes were closed. "Why did you do that?" A voice asked.
You jumped out of your skin, letting out a scream. "Fleming! Shit you scared me. Why did I do what?" you asked, a hand over your heart. "Why did you introduce yourself to me as though I haven’t seen you naked," Jessie said.
You didn’t remember her being this straightforward, but then again, two years can change someone completely. "Don’t say that. Just… Jessie no one can know we dated. We can’t be known as the exes on the team. I want you to do well here, and I know you will do well but i’m not casting a shadow over your opportunities by just… being a distraction," you said. "Okay. We don’t tell anyone," Jessie said.
"We don’t tell anyone."
One month later
Two first two weeks were extremely awkward, but after that, you settled in with each other. You and Jessie even started talking, laughing, and forgetting your past. It didn’t go unnoticed to the team how natural your connection with Jessie was. But they thought it was just they you were good together and not that you had years of history.
"So… you and Jessie are pretty cozy," Magda said as you sat beside her in the bus. Those words made Sam and Pernille, who were sitting in front of you, perk up. They both stood up and turned around to look at you both. "I noticed that too," Sam said. "Me too," Pernille added. "We’re not cozy. We’re friendly. Now shut up because she’s two rows in front of you and she has really good hearing. She’s also not wearing her airpods," you said, slouching in your seat. "And you know this because you’re extremely observant or because you’re obsessed with her?" Sam teased.
You stood up and pushed Sam’s shoulders down, making her laugh loudly and drawing attention. "Shut up, Samantha," you breathed in her ear. "Yes mom," she said, rolling her eyes. "You’re older than me!"
The Blues went out to dinner than night after beating Leceister 5-0. You got a reservation to a Mexican place you all really liked. "You’ll love it here, it’s really good," you said to Jessie. "You know how much I like Mexican food," Jessie says, your voices low.
You walked into the place, the owner sat you down herself. She knew you all well, having served you multiple times throughout the years. You ordered tacos and leaned into Jessie who was sitting beside you to tell her how good the fish tacos were here. "They’re not too spicy either. I know you’re not big on the spice," you said to her.
Your interaction caught the eyes of your teammates who smiled too each other. "So. Fleming. Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Single?" Erin asked. Jessie turned bright red and shrunk her head into her shoulders. "Guys!" you hissed to the ground. "No it’s okay. Uhm… single. But… I haven’t dated anyone since my university days." Jessie said.
You tensed in your seat, pushing your shoulders back and biting your cheek. You didn’t know if she meant you, or if she had dated someone else. "But we broke up about two years ago." She added.
So it was you she was talking about. A small smile spread on your face, happy she hasn’t dated anyone else. But you let it fall quickly, catching yourself and cursing yourself. "Why?" Guro asked. "Guro! Magda control your children," you said. "Hey, you can play mother cause I’m off duty," the swede said, raising her beer in cheers.
You sighed loudly.
"She… she was going through family things," Jessie said. "I was too much for her."
"No," you said, before you could stop yourself. Everyone looked at you. "I mean- don’t think that. Im sure she didn’t think you were too much. She was probably just… scared she wouldn’t give you the attention you deserved."
Jessie held eye contact with you, nodding gently. "Maybe. If you say so."
"How about you, y/n? Anyone special. Saw that you often talk to Batlle after we play Man U," Sophie asked you.
You have the girls a 'what are you up too?' look that they ignored. "Ona is a friend. She’s very nice but she’s… not someone I’m interested in," you said, avoiding eye contract with Jessie at all costs. "And who are you interested in?"
This time, Niahm was the one asking the question. She was sat next to you and you looked over at her. "I had a relationship a while back and I wasn’t a good girlfriend. I’m not interested in anyone."
But no one questioned it as the food arrived and the hungry group focused on the amazing meal before them.
"Smooth," Jessie whispered in your ear, her breath tickling your neck.
You found yourself with your heart pounding, and your thighs squeezed together.
One week later
"You and Fleming. That’s our pitch."
Sam, Guro and Erin had ran up to you as you drank water after training. They had told you they had an idea.
"No." you said sternly, sitting down on the bench and taking off your shin pads. "Yes!! Please! Magda, Pernille, Millie and Aniek are talking to her about it right now. You would be so cute together, we’re begging you. Just go out on one date," Sam said.
"Guys…" you groaned, taking off your cleats and putting on your slides, your socks bunched at your ankles. "Why not? We have team bonding tonight but tomorrow… you guys could go… well I don’t know where you two nerds would want to go too but please," Guro said.
"No! Please- I. Listen. Jessie is…" you pursed your lips together, not knowing what to say. "Jessie is beautiful. And she’s smart and funny and cute but I’m not good for her. You need to drop it. And tell the other girls that too."
You stood up and walked inside to the locker rooms. Some of the girls who weren’t meddling in yours and Jessie’s possible relationship were changing. "Mills, meeting at your house at 6:00?" you asked the defender. "Yeah. See you there," Millie said.
She left the room and you followed suite a minute after. As you opened the door, Jessie and the group that had gone to talk to her we’re coming back. "You guys would be so-"
Aniek’s words got cut off as she saw you. You held your gaze with them for a second before shaking your head and walking away in the other direction.
You arrived at Millie’s late, cursing the fact that your car was so old and shitty. "I’m so sorry," you said to Magda as she opened the door. "But I brought wine and it’s good wine," you added, holding up the bottle. "Then all is forgiven," she said, hugging you gently. "Sorry about the Fleming ambush," she said as you both pulled away. "It’s all good," you said as you took off your jordan’s.
You guys walked into Millie’s oddly large living room. You took a seat on the floor, leaning against the couch, and Magda sat on the side of her girlfriends lap. "Okay while you were out doing god knows what-" Sam started saying. "My car broke down," you interrupted. "Didn’t ask," Sam said, making you and the room giggle. "As I was saying, when you weren’t here we each wrote two questions and two dares and put it in this horrifying hat-" Sam started to explain. "Hey! That’s my boyfriends hat," Millie pouted. "Yeah and it’s ugly. So. Point of the game is literally just truth or dare but every time you don’t want to do something you have to take a shot."
Sam showed you a bottle of tequila and waved in the direction of a few shot glasses. "Wait but I brought wine. It was like 30 pound wine," you said. "Why does it seem like you’re 30?" Guro teased as you scrunched your face at her.
"Whatever. Let’s start." You laughed.
20 minutes into the game, you had stayed relatively safe. You had gotten a dare card that made you have to ditch a piece of clothing, but you had a tank top under your hoodie anyways. Niahm had to sit on your lap for two rounds and you had been asked truths like 'biggest fear' and ‘player you secretly hate"
It was all fun. That is until it was your turn again.
You grabbed the hat, Niahm finally being able to get out of your lap. "Okay then…" you said, reaching into it and feeling around.
You pulled out a slip of paper and opened it dramatically. You read the words and then shook your head. "Nope. Give me the tequila," you said, reaching out for the bottle. "Wait! You have to tell us what it says first," Pernille said, trying to grab the paper. "Hey! Hands off!" you giggled, letting yourself fall backwards to get out of the blondes reach. You laid on your back as you read the words. "It says 'tell us the story of how you lost your virginity.' And I am not doing that."
You sat back up to the girls booing you. "Oh be mature!" you scowled, noticing Jessie blushing in the corner. "Ohhh I get it." Guro said, smiling to herself. "Get what?" you asked, your heart racing quicker than it should. "You’re a 25 year old virgin. It’s okay! No need to be embarrassed." Guro said, making the room laugh.
"I am not!" You said, trying to defend yourself. "Then prove it. Tell us the story." Erin said. "You know we’ve known you for forever and we barely know anything about you from your years before Chelsea," Pernille added.
You locked eyes with Jessie briefly, who nodded once. "Okay. Now before you guys judge me too harshly, let’s remember that I grew up in Milton Keynes and everybody was straight. Yes I knew Leah, yes I was deep in the closet till I was 22. And let’s also remember that I was solely focused of football. So I only lost my virginity when I went to university. I went to Stanford and played for the football team there. I met a girl… she played for UCLA and we started dating," you said, starting your story.
"Oh! Did Jessie know her?" Guro asked. "Let me finish my story!" you said to the Norwegian. "Anyways. As I said, we started dating. I was 19, turning 20 soon and she was 18. I was never big on hookups, I always wanted my first time to be special. So when I started dating the UCLA girl, and when I started falling in love with her, I knew I wanted to do it with her. Two months into our relationship, she came to Stanford and we had sex in my dorm room. And it was great although she did kick me in the face accidentally as I was taking her pants off," you said, laughing and smiling quickly at Jessie. "And that’s the story. It’s not very interesting," you said.
"Oh I think it’s very interesting," Magda said. Your gaze crossed hers and you looked at her, realizing immediately that she knew. "I-." you stuttered but she shook her head no. Magda did not meddle.
"Wait a second… oh my god," Niahm said. "Y/n… there was a team bonding you couldn’t come too because you were sick last month. We played this game and Jessie got that question. She said the exact same story but from the other persons perspective. She said that she dated an older Stanford girl and that she kicked her in the face during-"
"YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS JESSIE?!" Sam yelled, standing up and looking absolutely flabbergasted.
You laughed and smiled at her. "Bingo," you said.
The rest of the night was spent with the girls asking a thousand questions and then finally, you convinced them to keep the game going. And it did. When jessie’s turn came, she picked out a paper. "Let the person on your left decide who… who you need to play seven minutes in heaven with."
And then suddenly, you were squished in a closet with Jessie. Her breath on your neck, her freckles somehow visible even in the darkness.
"Is it okay that I told them? I was just tired of them trying to set us up and it’s obvious you aren’t interested so-" you started saying. "What makes you say that?" Jessie asked, her eyebrows scrunching adorably. "Well. I don’t know. Are you?" you asked, a spark of hope in your heart. "I miss you. And i’m sorry about your dad. I wish I could have helped you through his death. I should have fought for you." Jessie said, every word coming with her warm breath on your collarbone, neck and jawline. "It’s okay," you said. "It’s not. I want to make it okay though," Jessie said, subtly sliding her hand beneath the waistband of your jeans and tracing patterns over the band of your underwear. "Then make it okay. Kiss me, Jess. For two years i’ve missed you and it’s all I’ve wanted since-"
She cut you off, placing her lips on yours and pushing your body into the back of the closet. A thump echoed and there was a moment of silence as you kissed that was broken by cheering from outside the closet. You both smiled into the kiss, the reminder of how well your lips fit together, sweet.
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