#mage callum
nukteross-al · 9 months
The Dragon Prince... Why does Callum Eyes turned yellow for a short period of time ?
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hypherr · 1 year
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Some TDP doods from twitter!
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juice-thief-frog · 6 months
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Bonding with Aunt Janai is going well! 👍
I hope that someday Callum and Ezran can take a vacation to the Banther Lodge again, but this time with more elves! Amaya is so happy to see Janai and her nephews getting along... but also not happy that Ezran left the house without a hat-
[ Callum, Janai and Ezran sitting in the snow. The Banther Lodge and a forest is sketched messily in the background, slightly whited out by the chilly winter air. Snowflakes are slowly falling from the white and blue sky, lightly decorating the surroundings.
Janai is sitting in the middle, without her crown or any royal clothes. She's wearing a tank top, showing off the yellow, heated marks on her arms. The heated marks are glowing slightly, and she's smiling in amusement at young King Ezran.
Ezran is holding his hands out, warming them on the heat surrounding Janai. He's laughing, amazed at her powers. Ezran is wearing a red and gold oversized sweater and a big, yellow scarf. His cheeks and nose are slightly red from the cold.
Callum is sitting on the other side of Janai, laughing with his eyes closed at Ezran's antics. Callum is wearing a red beanie, his brown hair poking out under the brim. Callum's cheeks and nose are also notably red from the icy air. ]
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dinochickrox · 1 month
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I made this over 9 months ago and the fact that it might actually happen
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rayllurn · 11 days
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tylerdashart · 11 months
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12 hours- my neck hurts xd (....that kinda rhymes-)
---🚫do NOT repost/trace/use for AI🚫---
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saltyb0ba · 1 month
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a deep blood moon, a starless night
dark enough to see the light
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katanasonata · 2 years
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im sorry but did my boi callum glow up??   ✨
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zuppizup · 3 months
Her left hand isn’t right, and she wonders if it ever will be. It’s been funny since the binding, obviously, but she’s noticed it’s been worse since Sea Legs.
It’s not all the time but it’s enough that she can’t help but notice.
Her strength and athleticism have always been her most valuable traits and if she can’t rely on them, well then, what use is she?
To be fair, this new issue hasn’t really affected her ability to fight. Not yet anyway, but she can’t help but worry that it might let them down at the worst time.
That sort of thing seems to happen to her.
She could be worrying about nothing, of course. It wouldn’t be the first time she let anxiety get the better of her, but she has noticeable difficulty doing the tricky little buttons of her tunic with her left hand... Even later in the day, after they’ve warmed up by the fire and the pins and needles have gone away, there’s this lingering... numbness, this insensitivity, that she just cannot shake.
“Rayla, are you all right?”
She looks up and finds Callum watching her, a concerned look on his face. His black eye and healing cuts are faint, but still visible even in the low light of the dying fire and he’s worried about her…
“I’m fine,” she waves him off, changing hands as she finishes her buttons with her right hand. “Tired, I guess. Long day.”
Callum nods, sitting down beside her. He pauses for a moment, eyes briefly on the others sleeping on the far side of the fire. “It still bothers you?” He nods to her left hand, as he turns to look at her fully.
She’d told him about the lingering pain back before, but she’s surprised he’s noticed anything now. She thought she was being careful to cover any discomfort.
For a moment, she considers lying to him. He doesn’t need this additional concern but, well, trust and that. “Not all the time,” she concedes. “In the morning,” a shrug. “Sometimes when it’s cold.”
He frowns initially, then smiles softly at her as he reaches for the hand in question.
She gives it to him without hesitation, feeling herself relax immediately as he squeezes her fingers gently and rubs his thumbs across her knuckles.
Feeling herself relax, she finds she can push away the weird sensations in her hand, electing instead to concentrate on the feeling of his skin against her own.
He smiles a little wider, squeezing her fingers gently as he moves closer to her. “We better keep it warm then.”
Linger II
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raayllum · 11 months
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Callum's canonical dark side
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nukteross-al · 9 months
I have a headcanon that creatures can't receive damage from the arcanum they are connected... For example Sky beings loves storms and the thunder doesn't affect them; Moon beings can have Night vision; Sun can not be overheated by sun nor fire and Etcetera. In fact, they feel even better when things like that happens. That said, I would like to see Callum being hit by a lightning
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j-em-g · 2 years
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Callum and Ezran being protective and supportive of each other means a lot to me ok🥺🥺
Also I love how Ezran is still more mature than Callum in some ways, I mean did you see the way he looked at Callum when he made that dragon joke? 🥺
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juice-thief-frog · 7 months
So this could totally be nothing... but I noticed something with Callum's intro?
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Callum has this odd mark on his face. Starts on his jawline as a thick mark, and even cracks above his eye.
I thought it might just be rock texture or something but Viren doesn't have this mark. Also it looks way too deliberate??
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Is Callum gonna get a scar? Is this a symbolic scar? I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this!!
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wheretwofacesmeet · 7 months
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abibbi · 5 days
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Callum hasn’t been sleeping well after he used dark magic again. Manipulative forces are becoming more potent in his dreams, bringing him back to the very being that Callum rejected: his dark mage self. Callum knew he made his choice, however, in the end… does he really have one?
Man, I love this series and really can’t wait for season 6.
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mo-nmage · 4 months
was talking about this earlier on twt with a friend but i find it sooo good how arc 1 callum's main concern of issue about himself was not being powerful enough or even enough to help others and then he suddenly realizes he's good at magic and it's his thing so he gets better at that and it becomes something he's insanely good at, until arc 2 where his main issue is “i can do things for others in a way i wasn't able to before, but i'm too powerful now that it's a threat to others and this startouch elf is trying to use me for his plans to destroy the world”
i find it so insane and crazy how his main concern in arc 1, which he later solved, is now something being used against him in arc 2. his initial worry was not being powerful enough to protect others or help them and now it's that he's too powerful that it's a risk towards those he wants to protect and help and god.. i love when this happens lmao
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