#magnai musings if you will
insomniyawn · 5 months
hi im zee and i have a lot of feelings about magnai oronir! rambling about it a bit under the cut
i think hes really easy to misinterpret, but on the flip side of that i cant even blame people for it. a lot of his character shines through in optional dialogue, such as him musing on baatu's wife being a great healer who tended to him after naadam. i think its a cute look into his views on love- its easy to interpret him as some incel-y dom type, but you get little bits like that where he shows how he wants to be doted on. how he envisions his fairy tale romance!
which isnt to say he isnt a more dominant type. he doesnt hesitate to walk up to yshtola and plead for her answer, and even in optional dialogue he worries he may be too much, "if i were to meet my nhaama on the frozen plains, a woman as pure as the driven snow, do you think that the suns radiance would burn too brightly for her?" of course, we also factor in that a vital part of his spirituality is that he believes himself a direct descendant of azim. he was also khagan, which is a hefty position to be in, so i do think hes more used to that in charge mentality. why he honestly struggles with the idea of a dominant partner.
and this is where i do get the incel comments- hes very much reduced to a bit, which i very much dislike. i think the varied spirituality of the xaela tribes is some of the most beautiful world building in xiv and not only did they do nothing with it; they quite frankly watered it down for not just magnai but sadu and cirina too. it was disappointing to watch happen. though, i dont think hes full on incel since hes receptive to the answers he gets. but that scene in endwalker where hes commenting on how the ladies were dressed definitely had me thinking "youve got to reflect on how you speak to women." hes got a bit of misogyny to sort out. but so does the entire game honestly LMAO, and to be fair urianger also gets "slutshamed" by cirina so its not the most offensive bit to me
i want to say i fully dislike how hes written post stb, but i personally cant help be charmed by how stupid magnai is. i dont think its entirely inaccurate either- i dont think this was intentional, but i think its natural for walls to be formed after being bullied for how romantic his mind was from a young age. for him to respond to that treatment by digging his heels in and remaining firm on what he wants, potentially dismissing well meaning suggestions as the former bullying.
i also cant say i think its accurate though, hes shown in stormblood to be a pretty thorough khagan who honestly wouldve stayed on top if the literal wol didnt step in. i dont think hes as stupid as some bits make him out to be. though to be fair, its entirely possible his brain just processes situations he can approach strategically better as opposed to ones he has to bring emotion into.
ultimately though, i think what he really wants is a partner he can rest with. so much is expected of him, and he yearns for someone who can tend to him for once. i think its really charming! i wish that was shown in a way that reflected how charming it is. again, though, i can say that about sadu and cirina too. xaela lore is some of my favorite writing and they really didnt keep it up in endwalker imho... still gonna kick my feet and giggle every time i see magnai though hehehe
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dearestcherry · 2 months
Magnai is looking at your muse in the eyes and, after a short hesitation, asks them if they’re his Nhaama. How do they answer?
for dreisseaux - magnai is not at all out of their type range. his strong personality and loving heart is certainly a good match for them. their shared caring for karakuls/lambs would probably be their biggest potential. dreisseaux is also beautiful, graceful, and their starry freckles may give the feeling of the night he searches for. unfortunately, his attitude is not entirely what they'd like. holding the powerful position he does, they already escaped the weight of their noble responsibilities once, and magnai reminds them of exactly that. had they both been in slightly different situations i could see them fitting well together. they'd be painfully polite about their rejection, and probably beat around the bush more than they should. they're all, "ah, that is such a wonderful question!" and "what a kind consideration!" until they have to finally say no. for cerise - no, just absolutely not. cerise and magnai are too similar when it comes to "dominant" personalities. they'd have a relationship similar to something like him and sadu. cerise could play into his cutesy role and put a big smile on his face, "i'm afraid not!" or he might go the complete opposite way and tell the actual truth. laugh at him, poke his chest mockingly and reject him very bluntly.
thank you so much, this was a joy to think about.
main scenario-related asks.
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ainyan · 1 year
⚔ - NOTP with your muse? 
With Kali?
Zenos. Magnai. Fandaniel/Hermes. Elidibus/Themis. Lahabrea/ Hephaestios. Asahi. Emmanellain.
Really anyone but Thancred and G'raha Tia (and Jacke and Brithael and Lorens and Leofard... >.>).
But those listed above I wouldn't ship with any character. I feel like those would be some seriously toxic relationships, and I prefer my relationships to be relatively angst-free (except for the inevitable misunderstandings). For those willing to take them on, more power to you - but they're definitely not my cups of tea. XD
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
👤 and I'll hit you with three actually bc i think it's not right to separate them (feel free to just pick tho if that's too much): Magnai, Sadu and Cirina 🦎
No you're so right though, they should NOT be separated. They are a set.
Sadu: Sadu is the one Kitali spends the most time with out of the other tribe leaders as khagan. Even during MSQ she was the most fun to be arund bc Kitali got that "let's beat each other into the ground, no holds barred" itch taken care of and it was fun for her. Sadu is someone who can hold her own against a Warrior of Light which is a rarity. And it's a nice parallel to the whole Zenos wanting a fight out of you and one, not asking and two, not taking no for an answer. Consent is key.
There's also the time period post StB where Kitali goes back to the Steppe to fulfill her role as khagan, and even reconnecting with some of her family, she's still drawn to the Dotharl and to Sadu. Sadu is the one who challenges her imposter syndrome the most, and she extends her hope that Kitali will be born into the Dotharl in the next life. And that brings a lot of peace for Kitali, especially after the events of EW. Knowing that there's someone waiting for her on either side of the aetherial sea.
Cirina: Cirina is good and kind and sweet and gentle and someone Kitali wanted to keep as far away from the battlefield as possible, and was definitely not someone she thought would not be suited to a leadership position. And Kitali still worries about her even now, but maaaaybe a gentler hand at the helm when she's gone is a good thing for the Steppe as a whole. The constant violence is something she's tired of and "might makes right" is not really a mindset she vibes with.
Magnai: Lol. Lmao, even. He's a good punching bag, verbally or otherwise, bc he's so easy to rile up. Unfortunately for him, Kitali is not dainty or ethereal or submissive in any way, and between her and Sadu, he's outnumbered and outmatched. I think over time they've come to an understanding and a begrudging respect, if nothing else.
Thanks for the ask @fantasmagoriam!
Send 👤 to ask about an NPC in my muse's life
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dillydallyvali · 9 months
"You are in love with him, aren't you," Yisu asked with wonder.
The other sisters dissolved into a fit of laughter as they all began making jabs at poor Magnai's expense. It was only Yisu and Yesui that remained quiet. They knew what was happening as they watched Vali's expression change from surprise to realization as a deep blush darkened her face.
It is true that Magnai is critical, arrogant, conceited, and rude, she thought, but that wasn't her only musings on the subject. He could be kind, respectful, and even warm. She had seen the way he played with his younger nephews or the way he teased his nieces and sisters. There was a lot more to him than she thought when she first met him in Doma all those moons ago. He seemed more like the lost little shepherd boy to her now rather than the domineering khan he presented to the world...
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fantasmagoriam · 1 year
since its lizard time again I gotte ask: How did your lizzer react to Magnai wondering if she is his Nhaama?
Hehe, it's something I've been in fact rotating in my head for a while so thank you for an opportunity to talk about it :3
She was baffled? Amused? Their whole meeting in SB was just mildly entertaining to her in general.
They met before, briefly, years before Nigen left the steppe. She remembers him, a lanky teenager who's already hit a growth spurt typical for male au ra, without the muscle mass that usually comes with it catching up to him yet, and spurting nonsense about the old romance tale he was already obsessed with. But truth be told she was more bothered by the pride and boastfulness of the young Oronir than him wondering if she may be his Nhaama. And being quite proud and boastful herself at that age it did give her an opportunity to send a few snarky comments his way.
Magnai for his part apparently didn't remember her but she couldn't really be bothered by the fact, she was more surprised by seeing him as a khan now than by his repeated musing on the matter. As I said, she found it both baffling and mildly entertaining but she didn't fit his idea of an ethereal maiden back then and she was even less likely to fit it now. And with more pressing matters around her at the moment she didn't really pay it that much attention.
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symphcnii · 1 year
16 and 17 for all your muses! or just the ones you feel like doing!! i'm curious about your OTPs and NOTPs!!!
What is your personal ship bias for your canon character?
Aaaa I've never really explored much shipping with these muses, but let's see...
Yugiri, I definitely ship with Hien. Him and perhaps Thancred? Gotta love the ROG/NIN solidarity. Those are the only two really that spring to mind for her. I did once see Yugiri/Magnai which was a bit of a surprise, but I could maybe see it with a bit of development.
For Lucia, it's mainly Aymeric. I don't really see a lot of other ships for my portrayal of her, but I'd be open to exploring options!
Bit of a random one, but V'kebbe/Jacke is something I've always wanted to try. They have a fun dynamic.
Renda-Rae is really only heart-eyes for Ardbert. Given she's dead, there's not a whole lot else I can explore for her-
I don't really have any right now for Lyna, Hilda, Zero or Heustienne. I'm open to developing some though!
Are there any ships you can’t stand, why?
Nothing really springs to mind. The only thing I can really say is that I won't ship my muses with Lalafell characters. I know they're technically adults, but given how they were purposely made to look/act like children, I'm just not comfortable with it.
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feuglace · 2 years
@etheirian sent: heated hot springs ( khalja & magnai oops )
Send ‘Heated Hot Springs’ For the sending muse to find the receiving muse bathing in a hot spring nude. 
  Water slowly engulfed his sore body, warmth coaxing the ache from his muscles and washing sweat from his skin. Khalja exhaled a long, soft sigh and leaned back against the warm rock of the hot spring, eyes falling lightly shut as he listening to the whistle of the common wind beyond and the rustle of verdant grass. It was something he missed - resting within a spring while the sun dipped slowly towards the horizon. His head tilted back, an eye peeking at the sky streaked with all shades of reds, pinks and oranges, the upper skies darkened and already sprinkled with twinkling stars.
  He hummed gently and shifted, an arm propping itself up along the rock wall he leaned against and head turning to rest upon his shoulder. He then jumed, eyes widening.
  Not far off stood Magnai, the khagan, an individual he least expected to stumble upon him. He sat upright, thankful that the steam had already reddened his skin and aptly hid any hint of fluster to Khalja’s face.
  “Khagan! I did not expect you out this way,” he said, blinking. A clawed hand lifted, brushing through loose orange and black hair that tumbled down his shoulders and back. He cleared his throat, an apologetic glimmer in acidic gaze. “I apologize for the eh... circumstances...”
  Despite his apologies and the admitted racing of his heart in his chest, he did not make an effort to shrink or cover himself up; it wasn’t so much the nudity that embarrassed him as it was being caught outside of his usual training regiment, unsure of how another tribe would react to such a break.
  This not even taking into account that it was Magnai who found him, a man he had come to admire... perhaps in more ways than just one.
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kolak-magiya-a · 3 years
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“Your hammer can’t save you, Magnai. Your kneecaps. Hand them over.”
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tcfactory · 4 years
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Something something just a pretty gremlin in a pretty glam, on his way to impress his crush.
Maybe because I’m currently taking him through Shb and having a great time, but Asahi has taken over my life and decided to hog all my inspiration  like the awful man he is. Please send help.
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pxlsian · 5 years
♗, if you are still accepting them that is.
@catleha || Icon meme – Still accepting~
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Are you my Nhaama?
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I am… Not interested, little sun.
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@etheirian ​ asked:  “jacket” for ieaki & magnai uvu
MEME:  SEND THE WORD “JACKET” and my muse will wake up somewhere covered in your muse’s jacket/coat, because your muse covered them with it while they were asleep
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Glittering - the very stars above that night looked akin to jewels upon the dark expanse of silk. Radient moonlight smothering the Steppe within its cool glow, soothing and calming those of whom wished to gaze upon its ease.
Pale eyes fixated upon the view of the cosmos above as bare feet had walked, exhausted. The length of the past few days had drummed into the nights and ere one had known it, all had become a vicious blur. No rest had been gained, hours working splicing together until it felt as if an age had passed. Now he needed rest, now he needed recuperation - - but still did Ieaki insist that he wind down first, in his own company, much to the dismay of his brother.
So as he had done countless time before, Ieaki had taken his route towards the beginnings of tall rocks, and meandered his way into the cave he favoured so well. It took no time at all to procure a small camp fire, to set aside a flask of tea and simply sit. With the view of the stars perfectly framed at the mouth of the cave, he lay himself down to simply gaze upon them, to send his weary thoughts to the Dusk Mother and relax.
But mayhap he had grown too relaxed, for with the moonlight illuminating his bizarre scale tone and a sense of ease soaking into his bones - he'd comfortably dozed off precisely where he was.
Quite how long had passed between falling into the realms of slumber and becoming acutely aware of his surroundings once more, Ieaki didn't know, but he did sense a weight upon his person that was... Foreign.
Eyes were slow to blink open, the embers of the fire beginning to burn low enough to warrant more fuel, surroundings the same as he had left them - almost. It is the jacket, lined with fur and coated in strong leather, that gains his attention first. Curled upon his side as he is, he needs only reach out a hand to brush against it in idle (still half asleep) curiosity. Where had this come from?
His question was answered as swiftly as it had flourished within his consciousness for it cost only the flick of his eyes to note that he was no longer alone. Surprise, certainly, ran through his bloodstrean and had he been in a more woken state he'd have likely offered a remark of some variety - - but he didn't. Instead, Ieaki curled tighter in on himself, truly feeling quite cold (-he dreaded to think how much colder he'd have been without the barrier of leather and wool) and gazed through half lidded eyes, to his company.
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"Aren't you cold?" He whispered, struggling still to keep his eyes open. Truthfully, he knew he ought be more concerned about his safety (if not within Magnai's company, then mayhap with whomever may have been lurking in the vicinity), sleeping alone in the open was hardly a good idea. While he had not intended to, it had happened nonetheless - but with company? Well... Perhaps he felt safer.
"I've some more wood near my bag if you've want to stoke the fire." Ieaki ought have moved, too... Sat up, made himself appear less pathetic but - truth was - he didn't want to slip away from beneath the others jacket just yet. It was warming, comforting... It felt safe.
" You can lie down, too, you know. I don't bite. " And if Magnai was actually the sun... Then Ieaki wouldn't say no to a little extra warmth.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
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Seconds to disaster.
"I wonder what would happen if I gave Magnai little zap?" Mizuki hummed,
"There is only one way to find out my friend." Sadu said, with a mischievous grin on her face.
"Goodness, you two are terrible together." Cirina sighed shaking her head slowly.
"I bet he'll scream-" Mizuki chuckled.
"cry like a newborn." Sadu mused.
Cirina sighed again "come now, he would make a squeak like those namazu."
Mizuki put her hands on her hips "well, I best go find out then."
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
💀 …someone my muse would kill for.
💘 …someone my muse has a crush on.
🔪 …someone my muse hurt in the past.
👀 …someone my muse likes, but doesn’t trust.
for sawyer and almanzor :D
Send me a symbol and I’ll tell you about…
Oh! Thank you for the ask!!
💀 Aymeric. 💘 Meffrid. 🔪 Edda. 👀 Magnai Oronir.
💀 Dimitri. 💘 Seteth. 🔪 OH. Glenn. 👀 Ferdinand.
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thancrxdwatxrs · 3 years
Like this post for a starter with Magnai. If you are multimuse, feel free to specify which muse.
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valebatcattusmoved · 3 years
Magnai is looking at your muse in the eyes and, after a short hesitation, asks them if they’re his Nhaama. How do they answer?
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Full blown laughter. She is definitely not his Nhaama and she finds the thought utterly hilarious. Sorry Magnai, she thinks you're alright once you get past the bluster and entitled asshole veneer but you're really not her type.
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