#magnetic components
hsmagnet · 3 months
Principles And Applications of Electromagnetic Separator
Principles And Applications of Electromagnetic Separator The electromagnetic separator, also known as a magnetic separator, plays a crucial role in diverse industries and permeates our everyday experiences. Operating on the ingenious principle of magnetic separation, it efficiently segregates materials based on their magnetic properties. This overview provides insight into electromagnetic…
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mpcomagnetics · 1 year
Competitive Landscape of Magnetic Components Market
Overview of the Competitive Landscape of the Magnetic Components Market At present, most of the major magnetic component manufacturers in the world are concentrated in Europe, America, Japan and China. Manufacturers from Europe, America, Japan and Taiwan, China, have a first-mover advantage in the magnetic components market due to their long history of development and their advantages in…
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being on this website right now is just like im being so brave by blacklisting the tags for a new movie thats very popular right now and not responding to any of the gifsets i still see of it with what is rightful criticism of it for being tone-deaf
#kai rambles#i just think that if the premise of you book/movie is that steeped in politics#you have to engage with them rather than kicking it under the rug and pushing it into another room#especially the queer history of both countries in relation to politics and one specific institution if it is a gay love story#and the political institutions in both countries are catalysts or components of the plot#if youre not going to actually engage with it and explore it in relation to your romance why is it even in your book?#its justa magnet on a fridge to make it look unique#and since its a gay romance its intrinsically linked to the politics you are not engaging with#gay marriage is not codified in law in america#and like maybe its being a queer brit who has spoken to people who arent terminally online baby gays#but i think its so fucking tone-deaf and honestly a little offensive to write a gay romance where one of them is a royal without#even mentioning princess fucking diana#you know the one who was post-humously honoured as a queer icon because of all the work she did surrounding aids#whete she famously held hands with an aids patient when most people didnt even want to go near them#where she set up trusts and charities and led campaigns to fund research into a treatment#where the queen didnt fucking support her and suggested she choose ''something more pleasant''#she is a queer icon in britain and the royal family treated her like fucking shit and probably had her killed#like i get that the author is american and might not know about it butidk casey you could do some fucking research#i honestly think its disgusting to write a queer story about a british royal without even mentioning her and the impact she had
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dmegcgermany · 8 days
Magnetic Material and Components | High-Quality Magnetic Solutions
Find top-quality attractive material and parts for a great many applications. Our exhaustive determination incorporates magnets, attractive gatherings, and custom arrangements custom fitted to your particular necessities. Whether for modern, business, or logical use, our items offer outstanding execution and unwavering quality. Upgrade your activities with our top notch attractive materials and parts. Reach us today to become familiar with our contributions and how we can meet your attractive arrangement needs.
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electronalytics · 5 months
Communication Magnetic Components Market
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lavanderlyssa · 1 year
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oncomingnight · 9 months
Yandere! Horror Film Director x Fem Reader ˖ ࣪⭑
❝Nothing can get a look in on my baby.❞
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Javier has always had a lingering interest in the subject of film but especially the progress of their creation. His parents and him would always have movie nights that consisted of stories of romantic comedies and doomed lovers. Though he enjoyed this particular activity he got to partake in with his parents, another movie genre truly caught his eye.
The major role that film played in his childhood assisted him in settling what he was truly meant to do.
Javier is incredibly well known for the anxiety inducing cinematography that's carefully placed into his movies, his character representing color coding, high brow dialogue that leaves audiences conversing in whispers as they leave the theater. But you can never forget the most important component of a film made by one of the most influential directors. The nightmare producing death scenes and how his characters with motives to kill always have chilling patterns in which they choose their victims, pushing viewers to deadbolt their doors and windows at night.
Though, no one could be stupid enough to believe he just pulls inspiration for those characters out of nowhere, right?
When Javier first saw you, he knew he needed you to be beside him forever, eternity. He disregarded everything and everyone that he saw as below you, to him, his attention was meant to be directed onto you and nothing else. He's the farthest thing from being shy and that is incredibly relevant when it comes to the way he shows his love to you.
He is an incredibly confident man and it's not a surprise to anyone considering the way he presents himself and the extremely public career path he chose. When he entered a room, his cologne spreading the smell of dark leather and amber, everyone stood up, smiling, to shake his hand. He was wanted by everybody he crossed paths with, men and woman, his past lovers having to live with a permanent hole in their soul due to his absence in their life.
But, who could blame them? Javier was a magnetic force of a man that could pull that ache for his touch out of anyone, it was almost dreadful.
Though, he was also unapologetic. He never regretted leaving any of them as he was now tethered to you, his other half that he'd been searching for, oh, so long.
When you're with him, you never have to worry about anything else that is happening in your life. He makes you feel as though you're the only two people on earth and you were placed here to simply love each other.
As he's able to, you better expect him to use his money to benefit you in every way he can. Javier takes any opportunity he can to take you on a trip to a completely different country, spoon feeding you Mediterranean cuisine, taking you to several seaside boutiques, driving through cobblestone alleyways, purchasing antique trinkets for you to place in your shared room.
Javier also enjoys assisting you in getting ready for a day/night out, he deems this time you spend together as precious and calming. He'll clasp a gold necklace with a delicate charm around your neck, carefully buttoning your dress as he brushes his fingers against your silky skin, softly wetting & brushing your hair, applying skin creams onto your skin with his own fingers, sometimes even drawing the shape of a heart onto your cheek with the product.
He has a knack for drawing you in live time and at times referencing a candid photo he took of you, which he cherishes deeply. The sketch is filled with swirls of meshed colors, your hair being drawn with patterns of slightly different shades. When he finally finishes his drawing, he'll purchase a frame for it and place it in a special area of your shared home.
On a much more serious yet realistic note:
If you were to ever catch Javier in the middle of getting rid of someone that has caused you stress or any sort of problem, he'd immediately resort to comforting and reassuring you.
He knows you'd never leave him but he just couldn't imagine how scared his precious baby was after witnessing such an incident.
"Lo sé, mami, sé que tienes miedo. Lo siento, cariño, no necesitabas a ver eso. Pero dime, ya sabes que nunca te haría daño, ¿verdad?"
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hongism · 1 year
THIS WORLD. - k. hongjoong (m)
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➼ genre; smut (some minor angst and fluff) ➼ pairing; hongjoong x fem!reader ➼ au; outlaw!hongjoong, dystopian futurism, lore accurate ateez ➼ warnings; explicit smut ➼ rating; m/18+ ➼ wc; 4.5k
What he’s given you is essentially one chance and night. Nothing more and nothing less.
part of the outlaw miniseries.
➼ smut warnings; piv, unprotected sex, oral: f, creampie, light choking/asphyxiation, dirty talk, breast/nipple play
Cool night air brushes across your cheeks as you set foot on the roof, eyes already scanning your surroundings in the hopes of finding what you’re looking for here. Of course, it doesn’t take much — Hongjoong is a hard man to miss unless the government officials are looking for him, in which case he has an uncanny ability to make himself totally invisible in a crowd.
There are no crowds up here though; just you, him, and the night to keep you company.
You see him clearly across the stretch of roof that’s accentuated by gaudy neon signs and other electrical components that keep the bar below powered.
“Closed up shop for the night,” you offer as a means of greeting the man. He’s donned his usual dramatic regalia tonight as well, complete with the patterned bandana pulled up over his nose and the ridiculous cowboy hat he fetched out of a dumpster several months back. It matches the vibe of the bar, he had told you and Mingi. While you weren’t on board, Mingi was more than a little eager to pull together a similar outfit for himself. “Everyone else went home.”
K-Hot Chilli Peppers. When you saw the job listing online, you had laughed at the name before realizing that it’s only half as ridiculous as many of the other bars in Night City, and you weren’t about to be picky given that you were desperate to find a place that lets you actually use your tender’s license on the daily. Upon being hired, you were promptly told to not ask questions when two rugged outlaws came through the doors and went up to the roof without pause. Answers came on their own, naturally and over time as you peeled back the seemingly endless layers to the two vigilantes who had set up shop in your new place of employment.
Whatever the circumstances and however the stars aligned that night you saw the job listing, it all boiled down to this: standing across from Hongjoong on the rooftop under the stars with this magnetic sort of pull towards the man. A pull you shouldn’t even think to entertain mostly because you’d like to keep your job and also a little bit because you’d like to keep your life.
Hongjoong got a message today. You know that much because you saw the small moped buzz by in front of the bar after all the customers left, and though you don’t know who that delivery driver is, you know he always brings something more than crappy takeout. The most convincing piece of evidence came in how Mingi promptly stormed out of the bar without so much as a goodbye twenty minutes later, and now here you stand up on the roof with the last man standing not long after. You aren’t here to ask questions as that wouldn’t be in your right (fairly so).
“I’m gonna close up and lock everything, if you’re done?” you continue pressing when Hongjoong fails to say anything back to you. He turns, gaze sharp as it finds you across the rooftop. The next moment, he pulls his bandana down to rest around his neck and exposes his handsome face to you.
“We’re not gonna be around much longer.”
You pull your lips together and do your best not to frown. “They won’t know you were ever here.”
“They’re gonna come looking here. And they’re gonna rip the place apart trying to find us.” Hongjoong takes slow steps in your direction as he speaks, tone low and quiet as though trying to either threaten or warn you. You don’t think he has a need for either. “When they come knocking, it’s not gonna matter what you do know or what you don’t know. Just being affiliated by name is enough of a crime.”
“Business is too good to be knocked down by a little police search.”
Hongjoong sinks his teeth into his lower lip. The light from the neon signs bounces off his face and casts crude little shadows across the roof. He looks far too worried for your liking, almost like there’s a semblance of care in the man, which was not part of the plan. You think you’re the one to blame for that, considering how you can’t simply leave well enough alone and have to express some modicum of care for those around you, including the vigilante outlaws that frequent your workplace and stay after hours. And well, all these months that have passed in this comfortable routine have made the heart grow fonder in many ways.
You’re quite fond of him, you think, and maybe those feelings are reciprocated to some extent.
The sky is clear tonight, free of clouds but the lights and pollution from the city obstruct the stars somewhat even now. Curfew is about to begin, but there’s no chance of you making it home before the drones start patrolling the streets. You could have left thirty minutes ago — should have most likely, but that chance is well and gone now.
“We leave tomorrow. I don’t know when we’ll be back.”
When is merely code for if, and you’re not dumb enough to think otherwise. If he survives whatever obscene plan he’s ready to deploy, you’re positive that Hongjoong won’t come back or set food near the bar again, even as a hideout. Men like him don’t stick to one place for long, especially not when their heads are full of grandiose plans of anarchy and destruction. You don’t blame him for it, but it does make your heart ache a little more than it should.
Your shoes skid across the stone of the roof as you cross the distance between you and him. It breaks the silence you’ve presented as an answer to him, and Hongjoong’s eyes grow wider as you turn the space into an afterthought. Shaky hands find their way around Hongjoong’s shoulders then come to clasp behind his neck.
“Tell me you’ll survive,” you plead to the night air between your lips.
“Of course I will,” he answers without hesitation, whether a lie or a truth he is willing to truly stand by and believe. You don’t ask that he tell you he’ll return here; some dreams are a bit too far-fetched.
When your hands begin to fall away from him, Hongjoong dips his chin and slots his lips over your parted ones. You scramble to regain your hold on him, fingers stretching up to tangle in the dark blue strands of hair on the back of his head just below where his hat sits. The pressure against your mouth is faint to begin with, something small and searching as he tests the waters and waits for your response. As though pulling him closer and nearly kissing him moments ago wasn’t enough of a confirmation for whatever this is.
“This is all I can give you,” he exhales into your mouth, and you press another heated kiss against his lips. I don’t need more than this. This is enough. This is all I could ask for from someone like you. It would be nice if you could ask for more but this is all the greed you can bear. His hands wander from your hips up to the hem of your shirt that sits against the loops of your jeans. The first contact of his fingertips on bare skin hits you like a bucket of ice water and sends goosebumps all across your body.
“Hongjoong,” you say against his mouth as he palms his way down to your thighs. He does well to quiet whatever thoughts are rushing through your head right now with his lips, breaking from yours to mouth along the line of your jaw. The force of his body moving against yours is enough to push you back, and you fall into step with him in an almost haphazard sort of way. Your back hits the wall soon after, right beside the door you just came out of minutes prior, and now Hongjoong has you pressed against the concrete with a knee slipping between your thighs. “Hongjoong.”
“You can’t stay here.” The blunt tips of his painted nails dig into the flesh above your jeans. A gasp tumbles from your lips as he licks over a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, and it makes your knees buckle in turn. “I can have two of my men transport you to a different area of the city in the morning. Earlier the better. We won’t be enacting any plans under the sun’s gone down.” You busy yourself with the buttons keeping his shirt around his body.
He pauses where he is, halfway to removing your shirt from your torso, and looks you in the eye. You abandon his shirt in favor of clasping both hands around his cheeks.
“I’m not going anywhere because you’re going to come back to me and get me yourself.” Rather than denying your wistfulness, Hongjoong offers a half-smile and a breathy laugh, one you share in yourself before pulling his face back up to your own. You taste his lips again, but this time you pay more attention to it, the hint of spice on his tongue as he pushes past the seam of your mouth and explores you further. Your hands are busy with his shirt once more under the urging of your eagerness to have him. He responds in kind by hiking your shirt up over your chest and dragging the blunts of his nails down over the exposed skin on his path to your pants.
“Let me go down on you?” Your chest tightens at the proposition and at the way his voice sounds inexplicably strained from the mere thought of tasting you.
“Take this stupid shirt off first, for fuck’s sa—” Frustration wins the battle against his clothing, and Hongjoong leans away from you with a clear, resounding laugh that makes your stomach turn to mush. You ought to kick yourself in the side of the head for not acting on the blatant chemistry dancing between the two of you before now. Still, if this truly is a one-and-done thing, you’re going to do the absolute most to make it worth it. And maybe a bit unforgettable for both of you. Hooking your fingers under the handkerchief still tied about his neck, you pull Hongjoong close once again. He rushes to brace his hands on either side of you, his shirt still dangling from where it remains tucked into his ridiculous faux leather pants. His mouth goes straight for your neck, pulling the skin between his teeth and sucking so harshly at it that you feel tingles rush up to your skull. Your whine is music in the distant noise of the city, softly exhaled against the side of his head and disturbing the hair behind his ear. His hat is beginning to get in your way now too, especially as he kisses a path down to where he left your shirt. You catch the brim just before he goes lower, stripping it off his head with the hand you have draped around his shoulders. When he looks up at you from between your breasts, you smile, close-lipped but with an arched brow meant to tease further.
“The amount of filthy, heinous jokes on my mind right now,” he groans, head dipping forward to rest against your chest.
“If you make any sort of cowboy joke I’ll make sure you finish in your hand and nowhere else.” The threat is halfhearted of course, but it makes Hongjoong laugh in that obscenely pretty way again and you revel in the sound as he frees your breasts just enough to have access to them. Your nipples are already hardened peaks thanks to the simple touches from earlier, but the cool air stiffens them even further before Hongjoong has the chance to pull one into his mouth. Your back curls up off the wall, Hongjoong pinches your right nipple, and at the same moment, he pushes you back to the wall with enough force to punch a moan out of you.
“F-Fuck, Hongjoong.” You’re suddenly rather grateful to have something to hold onto because otherwise you would be digging your nails into your palms and making yourself bleed. As it is, you might run the risk of ruining Hongjoong’s treasured hat with how tight you’re gripping it at present. Your other hand sits on his bicep, atop the black-lettered inking that dances across his arm and reminds you that this man in your arms is one of a kind. You wonder, far and away in the back of your brain, how many have had the pleasure of being in your current position. He disperses those runaway thoughts mere seconds later; his hand sneaks down from its perch cupping your breast and locks onto the button keeping your pants together. The resulting lewd and wet pop! that comes from him pulling his lips away from your nipple makes your neck heat up.
“Bet I could make you cream your panties without even getting in your pants,” he quips as the button comes loose. Deftly, he works the zipper down in the same smooth movement.
“Who are you trying to impress, cowboy? You’ve already got me for the night.”
The muscles in his neck strain as he laughs and tilts his chin to the side, and your breath hitches watching him sink to his knees between your legs. Hongjoong folds his fingers around your wrist — the hand that currently holds his hat by the brim — and slowly, he guides you to place it back where it belongs atop his head.
“There. Now you can call me that again.” You can’t hide the unsteadiness of your breaths from him like this, even though he’s currently occupying his focus with stripping you of both jeans and underwear in one go. You brace a hand over your heart just to make sure it's still part of you despite racing like you’ve just run a marathon. Hongjoong’s lips skate against the inside of your knee when he lifts your ankle and carefully pulls the boot from your foot. Fabric follows suit quickly, then he commits to the same routine for your other leg — complete with the ghosting kisses and soft drags of his nails over the bare skin of your thighs. The growing pit of arousal in your stomach is so heavy that you think it might simply drip out of you the moment he touches your folds.
“Hongjoong,” you whisper. His kisses climb to the inside of your thighs, close enough to exhale heated breath across your pussy, but he doesn’t push further than that. Content to sit between your legs in the lewdest of positions and stare up at you through fluttering lashes.
“That’s not what you called me.” Hongjoong grins, cheek brushing against your thigh so close to your sex that your muscles twitch. “Maybe I’ll consider it—” he enunciates the word particularly harshly “—and do whatever you’d like?”
“You’re so — ugh, I want you to eat me out,” you mumble into the cradle of your hands, hardly able to look down at the man and be expected to speak like a normal functioning human being in this sort of predicament. He’s silent in return. “Cowboy.”
The veil of seriousness drops at that, and you’re the first to laugh at the sheer absurdity of calling him such a thing right now. Hongjoong can’t seem to keep himself together either, huffed laughter spilling out of him in turn.
“I wasn’t serious about you calling me that, y/n, I was just teasing. But I guess you want it pretty damn bad, huh?”
“Shut up!” Your tone contorts into a cracked gasp as Hongjoong wraps a hand back and around your thigh and spreads your legs over his face. Your hand flies to cover your mouth — something done out of pure instinct — and the man beneath you is quick to tut his disapproval.
“Let me hear you, pretty. I don’t want you covering anything up.”
“I-It’s the middle of the night,” you argue through your fingers.
“And? Wake the whole damn city if you have to, I want you to cry on my cock.”
You let your hand fall away and come to rest atop Hongjoong’s head (his hat, rather). Your view of what he’s doing is entirely obscured except for the slightest glint of his eyes when he tilts his chin against your cunt. You can’t seem to tear your gaze off of him regardless, lips parted and quivering as he presses his tongue between your folds and takes his first taste of you. The tension in your gut is wound into a knot so tight that your eyes burn and sting at the corners. Hongjoong takes you into his palm, onto his tongue, and into his deft fingers, and unravels you gloriously.
Two fingers dip lower and press against your entrance. He teases you with the pad of his middle finger only, toying with your hole and pushing into you ever so slightly before retracting to circle your clit with his tongue. He can’t run his mouth as he very much loves to in this position, but you’re finding that he makes use of his mouth in other more devilish ways, another talent he keeps tucked under his belt that you’re reaping the benefits from.
You can’t think of the last time you got laid, and trying to think of the last good fuck you had would be an even taller order. To imagine when a man last ate you out with actual passion and not simply as a means to an end might be impossible, or perhaps Hongjoong is simply keen on blowing every last sexual experience you’ve had out of the water in one go. When his fingers finally, at long last, stretch you open, you cry out with a moan so loud that it would be a miracle if no one heard it.
“Gonna make you taste yourself on my lips, pretty. Make your little cunt cream all over my cock until I fill you up with cum.” You jerk Hongjoong’s head almost violently, a sharp response to the way his fingers curl against your walls, but it doesn’t deter him in the slightest from the task at hand. He pulls your clit between his lips and sucks until your knees give out under you. It sends his fingers deeper into your cunt in the same motion, nearly making you come undone.
“T-Too much, too much, Hongjoong, it’s — fuck, fuck, ah!” You fold in on yourself, free hand moving to press against your stomach as the pressure in you reaches an unbearable degree. Hongjoong works his fingers in and out of you at a steadily increasing pace and almost seems to be making a game of the way he curls them each time he flicks his tongue against your clit just for another moan to climb out of your throat. Each sound is more broken than the last, sweat beads on your forehead, and you think there’s a euphoric end in sight just for him to pull away without warning. Your walls clench tight around nothing as his fingers are now gone from you and sucked between his own lips. Dazed and frustrated, you pass an incredulous stare his way just for him to grin back at you, tongue teasing the vee between his fingers.
“Hm? Did you want something?”
“I—” Hongjoong eases your body back against the stone wall and hoists one of your legs around his hips. Your cunt is still tense and pulsing to the rhythm he spent all that time building. “If you don’t get inside me right the fuck now, Kim Hongjoong, so help me—”
He makes good on his promise to have you taste yourself on his lips. His tongue shoves its way into your mouth as well, eager to tangle with yours and push your arousal onto your own taste buds. You delight in the fervor with which he kisses you, and in the sound of his belt jingling because it means more pleasure is on the horizon. You feel a hand against your hip, and that’s the only real warning you get before he’s pushing the length of his dick into your pussy and burying himself to the hilt in you. You scramble to grab hold of him somehow. It’s a slight miracle that you don’t bite both his and your own tongues in the process because you cry out into his mouth. Your moan remains unbroken even when he pulls your mouths apart and rushes to cradle the back of your head before you whack it harshly against the concrete behind you. There’s not a second to catch your breath in Hongjoong’s mind; his other hand is busy at work, and he presses the pad of his thumb into your clit. He rubs once, twice, three times before you unravel on his cock.
“You’re so tight, fuck, if you could feel yourself, your cunt is so tight.” There are stars behind your eyelids, clearer than the ones in the sky, and Hongjoong begins to rock his hips up into yours as the weight of your orgasm barrels down on you. “You feel so good on me, pretty. Fuckin’ made for my cock, yeah?”
“Yeah, y-yes, yes, yes.” Your voice cracks at the tail end of your agreement. It turns into something more akin to a sob than a moan. Hongjoong’s pace is relentless in every regard. The lack of pause doesn’t let your body come totally undone or relax, still wound tight around your previous orgasm to the point where it feels like it won’t end.
“Keep taking it, lovely, I won’t be able to pull out with you squeezing around me like this.”
Whining, you drop your head to the side, chin coming all the way down to your shoulder. Hongjoong snakes his hand around to your neck and braces his index finger and thumb on either side of your jaw. Your head lolls in tune with the way he moves you and without resistance — every ounce of strength in your muscles has melted into goo in his hands. When he presses you back to the wall, your breath hitches. The sensation of his fingers at your neck has you feeling floaty and a bit detached from your body in the most pleasant way imaginable. His thrusts jerk your body enough to offer more pressure against your neck every so often but it’s not as persistent as you wish for it to be.
When you reach between your bodies and clasp your fingers around his wrist, Hongjoong seems to think that you want him to pull away because his grip loosens instantly.
“More,” you grit out, yanking his hand harder into the column of your neck. The steady rhythm he’s found falters momentarily for him to resituate his grip, but once he’s settled back into it, each thrust comes with a delightful headiness as your breath becomes shorter.
“’m close,” he announces. He shifts a hair to look down between your bodies and watches his length disappear into you a few more times before pulling his focus back up to your face with a groan. “Gonna cum in you, pretty, you’re still so tight.”
“Wanna cum with you, t-touch me again,” you pant, licking your lips between each phrase, “please.”
Despite his own shaky hands, Hongjoong reaches down to where his cock pumps in and out of you. He finds your clit with ease and rolls two fingers over it in a similar rhythm to his thrusts, pace only growing as he races towards his finish with you in tow. His motions fail as he orgasms, but the sudden feeling of his cock twitching inside your walls and pumping you full of hot cum pushes you over the edge with him. You almost don’t even feel it with all the sensations hitting you at once, and Hongjoong’s body falls against yours so harshly that your moan is positively unholy.
His hands keep roaming — tracing every inch of skin he can reach like he wants to commit it all to memory, and you simply let him do as he pleases because it feels good and it feels damn good to be wanted by this man. He pulls you towards a different section of the rooftop with your pants and underwear in hand. When he tugs you down to the messy pile of blankets that he and Mingi leave up here for particularly cold nights, you don’t even complain either. He lays himself down atop you, easing between your legs and caging you in with elbows pressed to concrete on either side of your head.
Hongjoong kisses you softly, and you smile against his lips. He finally settles down beside you after a few more exchanged kisses. His hat gets put aside with the other stray pieces of clothing — including his shirt that he’s finally decided to rid himself of far after the fact. The aftermath is peaceful, if a bit hazy as your brain still feels a jumbled mess of putty, and the stars above are bright.
“I’ll have someone pick you up in the morning to take you over to my men. The bar won’t be safe for a few weeks minimum. They can give you some cash to help cut your losses in the meantime too.”
“Okay,” you answer quietly. Beside you, his hand searches the blankets for your own. You let his fingers tangle with yours and squeeze until it hurts.
“Just don’t let Wooyoung try to convince you to buy into any scheme he might come up with.”
“Trust me, he’ll let you know who he is.” Hongjoong laughs at his own comment but falls into silence when he glances at you out of the corner of his eye.
“Come back for me please.”
Hongjoong is quiet beside you for several lingering seconds, then he leans across the empty space and kisses your temple.
“I’ll make sure of it.”
You believe him.
please like & reblog this work and consider leaving a reply or sharing your thoughts in a reblog or ask!
this work belongs to caly / hongism (2023). do not copy, repost, or plagiarize in any way.
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hsmagnet · 3 months
Detailed Introduction About Cross Belt Magnetic Separators
Detailed Introduction About Cross Belt Magnetic Separators Cross Belt Magnetic Separators are a remarkable innovation in material handling and separation technology. These versatile devices play a crucial role in various industries, ensuring the purity and quality of materials. Whether you’re in mining, recycling, food processing, or construction, understanding how crossbelt magnetic Separators…
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mpcomagnetics · 8 months
Magnetic Recess Members
Magnetic Recess Members, Lifting Recess, & Holding Plates Dog Bone Pin Recess Members Designed for the installation of the lifting pin anchors in a steel form using a one-piece urethane recess made to fit all standard size Dog Bone pin inserts. Available with an embedded magnetic base or just the urethane casing to put on a plate. Description Size Part Number Magnetic Dog Bone Recess Member 1…
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hellfire--cult · 9 months
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Eddie Munson x Cosplayer!Fem!Reader
18+ MDNI sexual tension and possible smutty filthy part 2 for this
I just needed to show my nerdyness with all of you and I can assure you that Eddie would get fixated with a cosplayer, and much more if she dresses of the stuff he likes.
I will link pictures of the stuff I mention that you people might not know of, but I put descriptive information to the outfits and cosplays.
Plot: Eddie hates conventions, never went to one even, but a certain cosplayer changes his idea of it.
remember to reblog pls thank u.
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Cosplay for me
Eddie Munson was never a person to go to conventions.
He never went to one before, in his life. He was never interested in them, but it was because he believed it was too crowded and he was told many times that there is always a putrid smell from sweat. Of course, there’s also memes about it online, so he always thought conventions were dirty, and he decided to never go to one.
That is until Mike Wheeler falls sick and Dustin has an extra ticket for Indiana Comic-Con. Dustin knew there was absolutely no chance with Steve, and Mike was the only one of the bunch that had his license. Eddie always cursed at Dustin for not having a driving license at the ripe age of 18, but the younger man always says he doesn’t really like the idea of driving. 
So he makes everyone chaperone him around.
That’s why Eddie was now in line to go into the building with a very excited Dustin Henderson next to him.
“There’s so much DnD stuff in here Eddie… There are limited editions of stuff too, like figurines with lots of discounts on anything you like!” Eddie just rolls his eyes at his friend, wanting anything but to look at stuff in the stands. 
“You told me that already…” He looked around to see the different types of crowds. You had kids, adults, teenagers and even elderly. He was surprised to see a couple dressed up as Leia and Han Solo and that’s when he noticed the amount of cosplayers that were there. Some of them you could guess it was their first one, and some were extremely detailed, surprising Eddie completely. 
When they finally got inside, Eddie tilted his head with confusion as he thought everything was going to be crowded, but it was very spacious and there were many areas of the different stands, people actually having some respect to not push through to look at stuff. He looked at Dustin who was mesmerized as he looked all around and then his eyes widened as he spotted the sponsor he wanted to show Eddie.
“Look Eds!” Eddie looked at where Dustin was pointing at and his eyes widened as he looked at the stand that was filled with DnD figurines, dice, boards, and everything you could possibly get for the game to be even more thrilling. He was magnetized towards it and he had to hold himself back as he looked all over the merchandise. He settled for a squishy 20 dice that looked cool with all the red and black swirls and then for a resin one that had liquid inside and a moving ball with sparkles in the middle.
“Fucking sick…” Dustin smiled at his friend as they kept walking to the other stands. Eddie was not that excited for the rest of the things his younger friend was showing him, but he couldn’t deny that the small businesses made stuff that official merchandise doesn’t have. He looked towards the Netflix sponsor that was in the crowdest part of the building, frowning at it.
“What are you looking at?” Dustin asked as he followed Eddie’s gaze to see what he was staring at.
“I don’t know, something about a new show being aired soon. Didn’t catch its name. Something about things.” He shrugged as he kept walking and Dustin followed right behind. The next part Dustin was excited to see was the gaming area. 
Eddie didn’t have enough money to get a nice gaming pc, but it was decent enough, so he didn’t mind going into that area to look at the new releases and the many components you could buy for your PC. His eyes caught onto a large mousepad that had the eye of Sauron in the middle of it and he didn’t even hesitate when he purchased it. Dustin bought a new gaming mouse for himself and they left the area contently.
“You still hate conventions?” Dustin asks with a wiggle of eyebrows as they head outside for Eddie to have a smoke. The metalhead rolls his eyes as he puts down his bags to get a cigarette in between his lips and light it up, blowing the smoke into the open air.
“It does smell weird Dustin… One time is enough for me.” Eddie says and Dustin could only sigh at how hopeless his friend was. He really thought Eddie would like going to a convention with him because Eddie was into all of this stuff. 
“Really? Nothing appealed to you?”
“It’s the same sh–” And his eyes caught sight of something white that was walking through the crowd. His heart got caught in his throat as he saw the most beautiful thing he’s seen this whole day and nothing could beat it. The long white hair falling down her back, the elf ears picking out of it on the sides, the elf silver crown over her head, the white dress falling down her body as she kept walking.
Galadriel. From Lord of The Rings.
“Eddie?” Dustin followed his gaze until it finally landed on the Galadriel cosplayer, making him smile proudly. “Oh, that’s actually a famous cosplayer.” 
“What?” Eddie snaps his head towards Dustin and the younger boy keeps nodding and he finally says your real name. 
“She is very good with her fantasy themed cosplays. Here, I’ll give you her instagram.” Eddie didn’t even doubt it for a second as he handed Dustin his phone in order to look you up. His eyes bulged out of his skull as he browsed over your profile. 
There were armor cosplays, DnD cosplays, Legend of Zelda cosplays, some a little more explicit than the others, but it wasn’t bad. He gulped as he stared at one of your League of Legends cosplay. You were dressed as Miss Fortune, and your cleavage was making your breasts really pop out from the edges. He was almost drooling and he remembered he was with Dustin, hitting the follow button and remembering to keep stalking your profile later on. 
You were taking pictures with people and Eddie noticed how you were acting exactly like the character you were cosplaying as. Graceful and calm. Dustin laughed when a group of men, dressed as hobbits, ran over to you to take a picture and Eddie couldn’t help but smile as you all stood in character for the picture. He was amazed at the dedication which was even more than just putting a costume on. 
“Does she always go to conventions?” Eddie asks his friend and Dustin caught onto it, knowing Eddie had finally found something that interests him in the event. 
“She’s always invited. I said she was famous. She has a stand most likely if you want to go meet her and get a picture…” Dustin tries and Eddie immediately shakes his head, taking a puff out of his cigarette. 
“Nah, I’m good.”
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He probably spent a good hour stalking all of your photoshoot pictures when he got home. 
He noticed that you also cosplayed stuff from many games and movies, and he almost died when he saw you in a Tomb Raider costume. You had over 52k followers on Instagram, and now he understood why Dustin said you were famous. You were a Cosplay Influencer, but you seemed genuine in your stories, and he couldn’t help but smile as you reposted many stories of people that took a picture with you as Galadriel. 
He kind of cursed at himself for not being able to be brave enough to get a picture with you. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of Dustin… Though he kind of knew that his younger friend realized that he had hearts eyes for you the moment you walked out in the court. 
He wondered if he would ever have the chance to meet you, maybe even help you in a way. That’s when he saw the donation button in your Instagram page. It said that you were grateful for everyone’s collaboration and that every penny goes into her cosplays and into the fundraiser for Kids with Epilepsy she donates to. Eddie wondered if that was indeed true, because many influencers lie about that stuff.
For some reason though, he really did believe you had a kind soul.
So he donated what he could afford, which was only five dollars– but it was something.
He didn’t have to wonder if you were a kind soul for long. There was an Anime Convention being held in a couple of weeks, and you posted in your feed that you were invited and was going to have a stand to sell prints of your pictures and get to know everyone that wanted to take a picture with her. 
It was a coincidence that Dustin had another free ticket this time saying that he thought Mike liked anime, but it turns out that he didn’t and now he didn’t know what to do with that extra ticket. Eddie wasn’t going to pass the chance and took it without a second thought in mind.
He wasn’t a fan of anime, but the amount of ass and tits that he saw as he entered the building was insane. He knew there were very explicit animes out there, but what he didn’t know was that people dared to cosplay them in public. He almost wanted to cover Dustin’s eyes, often forgetting that his friend is no longer fourteen years old. 
“Holy fuck…” Eddie mumbles out as his eyes went from breasts, to asses, to another pair of breasts–
“Yeah, this is what you’ve been missing out on all these years. I told Steve to come so many times because trust me, I know he would love it.” Dustin chuckles as Eddie follows suit. He knew that Steve was a flirt, and yes, he was stupid for saying no to Dustin. Screw him now because Eddie was the one to always second Dustin to conventions now.
“I don’t know anything about what they’re dressed as…” He points at a few girls that are dressed with very tiny strings and underwear with a lot of plastic armor around them. “But fuck that’s hot.”
“That’s Kill la Kill.” 
“Dustin… I don’t care…” Dustin couldn’t help but laugh, nodding at Eddie to keep moving. He kept walking as his eyes couldn’t stop looking all over the place, not looking at where he was going, only for him to run into someone, plastic crashing onto his chin as he yelped in pain and stepped back in order to hold it. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” A muffled voice says, and he looks at the person he ran into, only to see a girl dressed in a black tight motorbike suit that fits her body like a glove. The zipper on her chest was pulled down slightly for her cleavage to show and he almost kept his stare there, but he snapped out as the girl moved and his eyes looked up to see her wearing a yellow cat bike helmet, a very black visor at front and the cat ears pointing up. Eddie can pretty much guess that’s what hit his chin.
“Yeah, don’t– Don’t worry about it.” Dustin immediately got in between them both and handed his phone to Eddie.
“Holy shit, your Celty cosplay is so perfect! Can I have a picture with you?” A muffled giggle was heard behind the helmet and she nodded. Eddie got the camera app out on Dustin’s phone as the girl and him got in position for the picture and Eddie almost laughed at how Dustin was taking his tongue out as she poked his cheek with her black latex glove. Eddie took the picture and handed the phone to Dustin.
“Thank you! And sorry again pretty boy!” She says to Eddie and he was taken aback by how straightforward she was as she skipped away. 
“I love that character, and her cosplay was fucking spot on.” Dustin looked at the picture with a smile to his face and put his phone back into his pocket. Eddie believed that taking pictures with cosplayers that were just minding their own business as they walked was a little bit embarrassing, but they didn’t seem to mind, but kind of seemed delighted by it. Dustin explained to him that cosplayers don’t have to be bothered if seen eating or resting, or if you see them heading for a bathroom. 
Eddie nodded in acknowledgement at that as they kept walking, and he watched Dustin purchase many figurines from animes he liked, and Eddie wasn’t going to lie but there was a particular figure he found interest in. It was a demon looking guy with big black wings, an apple in one hand and he was hunched over.
“Who’s this?”
“That’s Ryuk, he’s from Death Note. I told you to watch that one, you will like it.” Eddie hums in approval, and he acknowledges Dustin’s recommendation noting to watch that later. 
When he finally reaches the cosplayer gallery… His jaw almost drops to the floor. 
There stood that Celty cosplay girl only this time, her helmet was off. 
You were smiling as you signed pictures of yourself as people purchased them from your stand. He cursed at himself for not knowing it was you the person he ran into an hour ago because if he knew, he would have gotten a picture with you as well. 
“Wanna go say hi to her?” Dustin asks as he smirks up at his friend and Eddie just scoffs, shaking his head.
“No. She is just your typical internet influencer, asking for donations for–” He blinked in surprise when he saw a few people walking over to you with shirts that said something in the back. You were smiling wildly as you excitedly talked to all of them. All of these people were grown adults, a few elderly ones, and when he squinted his eyes he could see what the shirts said in the back.
‘Epilepsy Foundation’
They were all purchasing prints for you as you tried to decline it, not wanting these people to buy stuff from you as you shook your head. They all still purchased a picture for you, and then when they all got together for a picture that another cosplayer helped take for all of you, he saw these people with bands over their foreheads that said your name. Eddie’s heart warmed immediately as he saw you wiping a tear away as these people clapped for you. There wasn’t a camera on sight to catch that moment, making it more intimate and more genuine.
“Dustin… I think I fell in love.”
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Eddie became a fan.
He knew it and he didn’t care. You were kind, amazing, beautiful and selfless. He was waiting for the next convention to happen in town knowing there were a few ones that were small, just for the people around the area. He also donated any time he could, even if it were two dollars, or three, maybe sometimes ten, but it was always something. 
He was now laying on his bed, scrolling through tik tok and that’s when he got the notification of you going live on Instagram. His eyes almost bulged out of his skull and he immediately, desperately, pressed onto the notification, directing it straight to your live. He almost sighed out in happiness as he saw your face coming onto the screen. There was little to nothing of makeup on your face and he was just mesmerized as you greeted everyone.
He deliberated if to say hi to you or not. He gulped as he typed out a small ‘Hey’ and a smiley face which made him cringe and delete it. Would it be too cold? He wasn’t believing that you would see it anyways, so he just sent it like that. You were still greeting people and your eyes perked up suddenly.
“Oh, hi Eddie! Thank you for donating all this time, I am grateful for that!” 
He couldn’t believe it as he quickly sat up on his bed. His heart was in his throat as he stared at the screen completely speechless. You acknowledged him. You noticed his username is the same one he uses for the donation app. You know about him and… Fuck did he have cringey photos in his instagram feed? He knows he has one with Steve and then one with Dustin but he doesn’t know if–
What makes him think you stalked his instagram page? He shook his head at the thought and took a deep breath in as he typed in another message. You were talking about your upcoming events and he pressed send to his message.
‘Hopefully I have the balls to ask for your picture this time.’
Another message he doesn’t think you will see with over five hundred people watching your live, and that thought was proved wrong once more when you giggled as you fake gasped with a hand over your chest.
“Am I that scary? Also, how’s your chin?” 
Eddie’s jaw fell open, instantly. Holy fucking shit. Holy flying fuck. You remembered him. You remembered him from when he ran into you with Dustin a month ago… You stalked his instagram profile. You did. You obviously fucking did. It seems that you noticed your mistake because he saw how your face flushed as you tried changing subject back to the next event you will be attending. 
He was speechless right now. He was sure that there were many people donating hundreds, way more money than he was able to give out, yet you noticed him for some reason? What does it mean? Why does he feel hopeful? What for? He gulped as he looked at the screen, and confidence rose up in his chest as he wrote the following message.
‘You forgot to kiss it better.’
And his confidence only grew when you responded to him again with a smile to your face.
“Well, remind me of that at the next con.”
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He was pissed. 
He was extremely pissed. 
He was being dragged here and there at the convention because it wasn’t just Dustin this time. Mike and Will came along and he didn’t want to leave them alone because they were acting like little kids all over again, going from stand to stand, from game to game, and all Eddie wanted to do was to rush towards the Cosplayer Alley to be able to meet you. 
“I am hungry.” Mike voices out as he doesn’t even ask for the group’s approval as he walks out to the food court that was outside. Eddie groans heavily as his anger just keeps raising up, and he gets the cigarettes out of his pocket and tells Dustin to just stay put at the hot dog stand. He walked away from the tables people were sitting at eating just to be respectful for the smoke and then, when he was about to light up his cigarette, a small voice was heard from behind him.
“Hey… Can I have a smoke?” 
He turned around to clash eyes with colored lenses that were in a blue tone. White hair dripped down again, but this time a half braid was around the head and towards the back. A white dress that had black dragon wings at the torso that held a white cape over her shoulders. 
“Well shit, I can’t believe Daenerys Targaryen is asking for a smoke.” Eddie was surprised he could make a joke as you finally giggle, a smile spreading over your lips, walking closer to him. His hands were shaking as he held onto his pack and opened it for you to take one stick out. You put it on your lips and he raised the lighter up as you leaned forward to light the cigarette up. After a long inhale, you finally let it out, a curtain of smoke filling the air above you.
“Yeah… This costume is… doing something today and I needed to relax a bit.” You say shyly as you look down towards the floor. Eddie’s heart was beating out of his throat, taking a drag out of his own cigarette this time as he looked at you. He looked behind him to see a beverage stand, licking his lips as he squinted his eyes and then back at you.
“You want a beer?” He didn’t even know if you liked beer, but he felt cupid shooting another arrow towards his chest when you looked up at him excitedly with a nod. 
“I would like that…” You both walk to the stand to get a can of beer each, and you giggle as you guide Eddie to move to the back of the stand so that no one could see you in your cosplay having alcohol and smoking.
“So secretive.” Eddie says and he didn’t even care if the others couldn’t find him anymore. Hell, they can get lost and he will most definitely ditch them if it meant to have a moment with you alone. You giggle as you squinted slightly at his face, biting your bottom lip in thought.
“What’s… your name?” You asked it with a hint of doubt behind it but Eddie didn’t notice it, or didn’t think too much of it.
“I’m Eddie–”
“I KNEW IT!” Eddie's heart jumped out of his mouth at your scream, his eyes widening as he looked at you who was looking at him with the brightest of smiles. “I knew it was you! You are Eddie!”
“I mean, I am Eddie…” His confidence was skyrocketing again. You remembered him, definitely, from his face to his hair, and you even recognized him from just instagram pictures, which only led Eddie to wonder… How many times have you looked at them?
“The guy who doesn’t dare to take a picture with me.” You smirk as you take a sip of your beer while looking at him. He scoffs as he rolls his eyes at you, but happiness was just blossoming inside of him as he looked at you.
“I do dare, I just don’t do this convention shit so I was embarrassed at first.” You hum at his words, taking a drag out of the cigarette. 
“If you don’t like them, why do you attend?” You ask him with a tilt of your head, completely confused by his response. He was speechless, his worst stumbling out of his mouth as he thought of an excuse other than just blurting out ‘Because of you’.
“M-My buddy always needs someone to accompany him… For support.” At that you made an ‘Oh’ sound, giving him a nod in understanding.
“The guy that I took a picture with when I smashed your chin?” You ask with a giggle and he felt like dying at the sound of your lovely voice. He chuckles, nodding down at you as he takes a sip of his beer.
“Yep.”  You seemed like you wanted to say something to him but you held back, taking a sip out of your beer and Eddie could feel you ogling him over your cup. He wanted to ask the gods above if this was a trick of theirs, a stupid joke or a trial he had to go through because it wasn’t possible that a girl like you was looking at him with desire. It was impossible.
“Really… Then why did you come here if your friend… is with friends?” You were smirking now as he snapped out of his trance and you gave him a nod towards his back, making him turn around only to see Dustin laughing along with Mike and Will as they sat on a table eating their corn dogs. He winced in embarrassment as he turned to face you again.
“I am their ride.” He lied. He offered to be the ride. Mike told him there was no need, but Eddie refused. 
“And you are drinking?” 
“One beer isn’t going to kill me.” Eddie replies back and you were now looking at him, a small smile on your lips and Eddie had one thought only at that moment. One that he never thought of having. A thought that just came to him and now he realizes it has been a fantasy ever since he saw you.
He wants to fuck you in one of your cosplays.
“Oh… thought you were coming to finally ask to take a picture with me.” You say in a sultry tone as you took a drag out of your cigarette and Eddie immediately felt the tension growing between the two of you. He licked the inside of his bottom lip as he looked down at you. A smirk spread on his lips and he noticed how you straightened up, a small step forward going towards him. 
You were pure in his eyes, doing all this cosplay stuff, doing charity, being incredible with the people that followed you, but he never thought you would ever look at someone like him like this. He never thought you would be this willing at the first interaction you had with him… But if he was reading the signs right, and if he was daring enough, he might get to fuck Daenerys Targaryen. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but someday. So might as well–
“I actually came here to ask you for your picture… and a date.” 
And Eddie’s heart was taken away once more as you smirked at him, taking another step closer to him and you responded in a low and seductive tone that sent shivers down his spine and adrenaline started rushing inside of him. 
“I’m free after the event.” He took another step closer to you, and he noticed the intake of breath you took in, making him grin widely.
“Yeah, I think you promised to kiss it better… Didn’t you sweet girl?”
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idk man, i just couldn't stop writing this, acknowledgement to all my cosplay girlies out there.
Smutty part 2? Let's hear at what Eddie should fuck her in.
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voidpetrova · 10 months
fearless — jeremy gilbert x reader
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☄. *. ⋆
content warnings and genres: swearing, alcohol consumption, sex in general but specifically hate sex, degradation, teasing, slapping — smut, fluff
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
synopsis: a reluctant alliance forms between two individuals whose paths were never meant to cross. you were enigmatic, possessing a cunning personality and wielding your formidable powers to manipulate and eliminate those in youe path, driven by an insatiable thirst for dominance. jeremy gilbert stood as a stalwart protector of his friends, the beacon of light amid the encroaching shadows. you hated each other, but the sex was great
word count: 5.2K
the air was thick with tension as stefan and damon salvatore paced within their dimly lit hideout. an air of urgency hung heavy as they exchanged anxious glances, a shared weight on their shoulders.
the sun and moon curse's ominous deadline loomed ever closer, and their search for a solution had led them to a most unlikely ally.
the heavy door creaked open, admitting you with an air of effortless poise. your presence exuded an aura of power, a testament to the centuries you'd spent as a vampire. but it wasn't just your immortality that set you apart—it was the cunning glint in your eyes and the unspoken authority you held over the supernatural realm.
“ah, the illustrious newcomer graces us with her presence,” damon drawled, his tone laced with equal parts skepticism and intrigue.
“delighted to be here, darling,” you replied, your voice dripping with honeyed sarcasm as your gaze met his with a challenge.
stefan offered a reserved nod, his lips pressed into a thin line. “we need all the help we can get, even if it means partnering with someone— unconventional.”
you smirked, unfazed by their reservations. unconventional was your middle name, after all. “well, boys, let's not waste any more time discussing my unorthodox methods. i assume you've gathered the necessary components?”
damon motioned toward the table where the picture of the moonstone practically gleamed, an ancient relic that held the key to breaking the curse. “they've got your precious rock.”
as the days turned into weeks, your alliance with the salvatores' group slowly shifted from an uneasy coexistence to a begrudging respect. collaborating on plans to break the curse revealed your strategic prowess and your cunning ability to outmaneuver the most formidable foes. and while your ultimate goals remained shrouded in mystery, the shared purpose brought a strange sense of unity.
enter jeremy gilbert, the stubborn, quick-witted thorn in your side. he had a knack for pushing your buttons, and you retaliated with a barrage of snarky remarks that could match his every jab.
“you know, i've met kittens scarier than you,” he quipped one evening, leaning against the wall with an infuriating smirk.
“and yet, here you are, all grown up and trying to play with the big cats,” you shot back, a dangerous glint in your eyes.
as the days turned into nights, the lines between alliance and camaraderie blurred. banter evolved into heated debates, and reluctant admiration gave way to unexpected camaraderie. the tension between you and jeremy simmered beneath the surface, an electric undercurrent neither of you could ignore.
and in the midst of this intricate dance, damon and stefan's affections for you grew more pronounced. their lingering gazes and the palpable yearning in their voices didn't go unnoticed, a silent acknowledgment of the magnetic pull you held over them.
the gathering of mystic falls' finest was a tense affair. the salvatore mansion's grand halls echoed with hushed conversations and wary glances as the gang assembled. elena's cautious eyes flitted over your figure, her distrust clear, while bonnie's wary expression mirrored the unease of the others.
as the room's atmosphere hung heavy with skepticism, you leaned against a table, regarding them all with a calm detachment that belied the storm of thoughts swirling within you. it wasn't often that those around you faced an enigma as formidable as yourself, and their unease was almost amusing.
stefan cleared his throat, his voice steady but laden with tension. “we're all here because we share the same goal—to break the sun and moon curse.”
damon's eyes darted to you, a calculated smirk tugging at his lips. “and our newest ally here,” he nodded in your direction, “seems to think she's got the answers.”
you met damon's gaze with a raised brow, amusement dancing in your eyes. “only time will tell, won't it?”
as the days went on, the initial hostility began to thaw. your sharp wit and undeniable competence in matters of the supernatural earned you reluctant respect. small alliances formed as each member of the gang found common ground in their distrust of you. still, tension hung in the air, even as you started offering strategic advice on finding the elusive components to break the curse.
“bonnie, we need to focus on finding the doppelgänger's blood,” you advised one evening, your tone authoritative.
her eyebrows knitted in concentration. “but where would we even begin looking?”
“the old witch's grimoire might hold the answers you seek,” you replied smoothly, watching her nod thoughtfully.
weeks turned into a whirlwind of information-gathering, research, and spellwork. amid the whirlwind, your calculated charm began to chip away at the group's skepticism. unbeknownst to them, the instructions you provided were expertly tailored misdirections.
elena approached you one evening, a flicker of curiosity in her eyes. “you seem to know a lot about these curses.”
“centuries of experience have their perks,” you replied cryptically, your lips curving into a half-smile.
the circle of trust continued to expand as elena shared her own insights, and bonnie began to confide in you about her struggles. but it was jeremy who surprised you the most. his sarcastic retorts softened, replaced by genuine questions about your history and motivations.
“you don't strike me as the kind who'd want to help anyone,” he remarked one night, his eyes scrutinizing.
“perhaps there's more to me than meets the eye,” you mused, a hint of vulnerability slipping into your voice before you shifted the topic.
as the gang worked tirelessly, chasing the components under your careful guidance, the bonds of camaraderie deepened. they came to rely on your knowledge and your uncanny ability to predict the next move of their adversaries. your once-foreign presence became an integral part of their mission.
unbeknownst to them, the pieces they sought were carefully chosen to further your own ambitions. you needed the moonstone for yourself—to amplify your already formidable abilities. the complexity of the web you'd woven began to unravel, but as the lines blurred between ally and enemy, the truth seemed farther out of reach than ever before.
and amid the confusion and danger, jeremy's attitude toward you shifted. the tension that had once been laced with hostility took on a different quality—one tinged with a jealousy he couldn't quite understand. as the group inched closer to their goal, the undercurrents of desire, manipulation, and secrets threatened to pull them all into a tangled web of fate they could never have predicted.
one evening, everybody congregated at a dimly lit bar, the low hum of chatter mingling with the clinking of glasses as they hashed out their plans. you leaned against the bar, a glass of red wine in hand, exuding an air of effortless confidence that had both mystified and infuriated jeremy since your arrival.
“so, this is where the brilliant minds of mystic falls come to plot their next move?” you quipped, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
jeremy shot you a glare. “better than scheming in the shadows and brooding like it's our day job.”
damon chuckled. “brooding can be quite lucrative, actually.”
you raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in your eyes. “ah, damon salvatore, the town's resident brooding entrepreneur.”
stefan tried to steer the conversation back on track. “we need to focus on the witch's power.”
bonnie nodded. “tapping into that much magic is going to be risky.”
jeremy's eyes flickered to you. “and risky business seems to be your forte.”
you tilted your head, an infuriatingly smug grin playing on your lips. “why, gilbert, i didn't know you paid such close attention to my strengths.”
elena shot him a look. “guys, can we stay on topic?”
damon smirked. “stay focused, jeremy. you don't want to miss out on the riveting discussion.”
jeremy turned his attention back to you. “trust me, it's riveting every time you open your mouth.”
you leaned in, your eyes narrowing playfully. “oh, i aim to impress.”
bonnie sighed, exasperated. “can we please just get back to the spell?”
damon nudged you with his elbow. “don't worry, bonnie. our illustrious guest is about to enlighten us.”
you rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your wine. “keep the enthusiasm to a minimum, damon. wouldn't want you to overexert yourself.”
jeremy shook his head, an incredulous smile tugging at his lips. “you really have a talent for making friends, don't you?”
“friends are overrated,” you shot back, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
as the night wore on, the insults continued to fly, a never-ending volley of jabs and comebacks that seemed to fuel both irritation and reluctant amusement. jeremy's persistent sarcasm and your biting retorts formed a rhythm that was as familiar as it was aggravating.
and then, in a moment that caught both of you off guard, jeremy's snide remarks faltered as he met your gaze. a fleeting stillness settled between you, a charged silence that held a hint of something else—recognition, perhaps, of the shared tension that had been building since the moment you'd met. despite the brewing hatred, he couldn't help but find you pretty. he liked the way your hair was wavy, the way your makeup was smokey. he liked the way you walked in high heels and talked with such intensity, everybody was drawn towards you. including him.
uncomfortable with the intensity of the moment, he cleared his throat and looked away, pretending to be absorbed in his drink. but you saw through the facade, and a subtle, self-satisfied smile curved your lips. the electricity in the air wasn't just a product of the supernatural—it was a testament to the magnetic pull you both tried so hard to deny.
as the bar hummed with conversations and laughter, an unspoken understanding lingered—an understanding that even amid the insults and the tension, something deeper was at play, something that neither of you could ignore.
as the discussion carried on, the intricacies of the plan fell into place. the group debated strategy, magic, and the dangerous risks they were about to undertake. despite the tension that had become second nature, a sense of unity emerged as the gang rallied around a common goal.
“and that's our course of action,” stefan concluded, his voice firm and resolute.
damon raised an eyebrow, looking at you with a mixture of amusement and skepticism. “you agree with the salvatore plan, oh mighty oracle?”
you arched an eyebrow right back, your tone dripping with sarcasm. “imagine that, i'm capable of agreement.”
jeremy rolled his eyes. “must be a once-in-a-lifetime event.”
you turned your full attention to him, a fire dancing in your eyes. “careful, gilbert. your wit might be a match for mine someday.”
an exasperated sigh escaped bonnie's lips. “can we please just stay focused?”
but it seemed jeremy had reached his limit. pushing away from the table, he confronted you, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and frustration. “you're not fooling anyone with your act. we all know you've got your own agenda.”
your gaze turned icy, the mask of charm slipping for a moment. “and what would that be, gilbert?”
“to use us to get what you want,” he shot back, his voice hard.
damon intervened, stepping between the two of you. “hey, hey, let's not start a brawl in the middle of planning, okay?”
tension hung thick in the air as the fight was broken up. you exchanged one last fiery glare with jeremy before the group continued their deliberations. the atmosphere had shifted, and even the slightest glimmers of trust began to fracture.
as the night drew to a close, the group started to disperse. one by one, they filed out of the bar, leaving you and jeremy alone in the lingering silence. the tension remained, a palpable force between you.
finally, as the last echo of footsteps faded away, you turned to him, your expression unreadable. “you're right, you know.”
jeremy's brow furrowed, confusion flickering in his eyes. “about what?”
a heavy sigh escaped your lips. “i can't be trusted.”
he looked taken aback by your admission. “you're admitting it?”
a bitter smile tugged at your lips. “it's not a matter of admitting, it's a matter of facts.”
he crossed his arms, his guard still up. “so, what's your game then?”
the weight of centuries seemed to settle on your shoulders. “my game, jeremy, is survival. power. dominance. and that moonstone you're all chasing? i intend to claim it for myself, break the curse, and harness the energy for my own greater power.”
his eyes narrowed. “you're going to betray us?”
“betrayal implies there was trust to begin with,” you replied, your voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.
jeremy's gaze held yours, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes. “you've been alive for centuries. what could you possibly need more power for?”
a wistful smile touched your lips. “it's not about what i need, jeremy. it's about what i want.”
with that enigmatic statement, you turned and walked away, leaving him standing there, grappling with the revelation and the tangled web of your intentions.
as you disappeared into the night, the truth you'd laid bare lingered in the air—a truth that carried the weight of desire, ambition, and a world that was anything but black and white.
the moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the town . in the wake of the fractured alliance, jeremy found himself carrying the weight of a heavy secret—one that he believed had the potential to alter the course of their dangerous collaboration.
with a determined resolve, he reached out to his friends, explaining his suspicions about your true intentions. despite initial resistance, the group agreed that he would need to deceive you to ensure the moonstone's safety.
when the moonstone's location was revealed, jeremy found himself facing you, his expression a mixture of resignation and guilt. “i've got some news for you.”
you arched an eyebrow, your voice dripping with skepticism. “let me guess, you're the bearer of bad tidings?”
he nodded, his gaze unsteady. “yeah. the moonstone's somewhere in the damn woods.”
a humorless smile touched your lips. “well, aren't you the group's little messenger boy?”
his eyes held yours, unflinching. “i'm the one who's not afraid of you.”
with a sigh, you stepped away from the crowd, settling on the curb as a sense of weariness settled over you. jeremy followed, his confusion palpable.
“why are you even sitting out here?” he asked, his voice softer than before.
uou leaned back, your gaze fixed on the distant horizon. “sometimes it's easier to think when the walls aren't closing in.”
he took a seat beside you, the silence stretching between you for a moment before you spoke, your voice laced with a vulnerability that surprised even yourself. “you know, there's a lot you don't know about me, jeremy.”
he looked at you, curiosity mingling with the wariness in his eyes. “i'm all ears.”
and so, in the quiet of the night, you shared the stories of the past five centuries—the struggles, the losses, and the insatiable hunger for power that had driven you to this point. jeremy listened, his gaze never leaving your face as the weight of your history settled over both of you.
when you fell silent, he hesitated before speaking, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. “i lost my parents. and after that, i went down a dark path. addiction.”
your gaze softened as you turned to him, your words gentle. “we all have our demons, Jeremy.”
he looked away, his expression a mix of regret and understanding. “yeah, but not everyone has been around for centuries to accumulate them.”
you placed a comforting hand on his arm. “our experiences may differ, but pain is universal.”
a rare moment of empathy passed between you, a connection forged from shared struggles and the understanding that the road to survival was paved with sacrifices.
feeling a newfound sense of safety and companionship, jeremy met your gaze. “the moonstone's not in the woods. it's hidden somewhere safer.”
you raised an eyebrow, your curiosity piqued. “and you're telling me this because?”
“because i think you deserve a chance to prove everyone wrong,” he replied, his voice steady.
a faint smile played at the corners of your lips. “you're a curious contradiction, jeremy gilbert.”
je grinned, a spark of defiance in his eyes. “and you're not as heartless as you want people to believe.”
in that moment, a delicate understanding blossomed between you—a fragile alliance built on mutual vulnerability. as the moon cast its soft glow over the night, the secrets you shared and the bond you'd formed seemed to transcend the chaos and betrayals of the world around you.
the confrontation hung in the air like a storm ready to break. you stood at the center of the room, your expression a careful mask of indifference as your friends stared you down, accusations evident in their eyes.
“we know about your plan,” damon's voice cut through the tense silence. “jeremy spilled the beans.”
your lips curled into a sardonic smile. “ah, the ever-reliable messenger boy.”
elena's voice was sharp. “you've been manipulating us from the start.”
a fire ignited in your eyes. “i've been trying to help, in case you've forgotten.”
caroline's tone was accusatory. “by playing both sides?”
“by ensuring that i don't end up on the losing side,” you shot back, your voice dripping with disdain.
then, with a calculated move, you shifted your gaze to jeremy, whose eyes met yours with a mixture of defiance and regret. “isn't that right, gilbert?”
his voice was steady, despite the tension crackling in the room. “i told them the truth.”
“did you?” you countered, your tone laced with an edge of challenge. “or did you decide to help the team after our little chat on the curb?”
jeremy clenched his jaw. “it doesn't matter. we know your intentions now.”
a bitter laugh escaped your lips. “and you think that changes anything? i've been around for centuries, gilbert. i've seen alliances crumble and betrayals unfold. a few teenagers thinking they've got it all figured out doesn't rattle me.”
his eyes flared with anger. “you're not as untouchable as you think.”
a surge of rage fueled your next words. “try me.”
everybody else chose to back off, exiting the room in fear for their safety. one by one, the group filed out of the room, leaving you and jeremy alone. the space between you was charged, emotions and unspoken words hanging in the air like a fragile thread.
in an instant, the air was charged with electricity as jeremy lunged at you, his fist aimed at your face. you deftly sidestepped, catching his wrist in your grip before he could connect. his frustration mirrored your own, and as he tried to wrest free, you spun him around, slamming him against the wall with a force that left him momentarily breathless.
his eyes bore into yours, a mix of frustration and determination. and then, with a furious glare, he spat out the word that had always held the power to cut deep. “slut.”
you didn't flinch, your voice laced with icy disdain. “junkie.”
the room crackled with tension, a volatile mix of desire and anger simmering beneath the surface. and then, in a twist that seemed almost inevitable, his lips crashed onto yours, igniting a spark that had been smoldering all along.
rhe kiss was fierce and demanding, fueled by a potent mixture of pent-up frustration and a desire that had always been there, masked by animosity. the walls that had separated you seemed to crumble, and for a brief moment, nothing else mattered.
but as quickly as it had begun, the kiss ended, leaving you both breathless and disoriented. the room was heavy with the weight of what had transpired, an unspoken understanding of the tangled emotions that had been unearthed.
and as you stood there, the tension between you felt almost unbearable—a blend of desire and hatred, a maelstrom that defied categorization. the path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear—the thin line between love and hate had been irrevocably blurred.
“couldn't resist me, could you, little gilbert?” you taunted, a sultry smile playing on your lips. the smudged lipstick on your bottom lip lent you a disheveled allure, a stark contrast to the tension that had gripped the room. keremy's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, his gaze locked onto yours. his heartbeat quickened, a rapid rhythm that you could almost hear, like a trapped animal trying to escape its confines. “thought you said you weren't afraid of me,” you teased, your tone suggestive.
he clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of frustration and desire. “i'm not.” a knowing smile curled your lips. “is that so? because it seems to me that you're standing here like a deer caught in headlights.” his cheeks flushed, a mixture of embarrassment and defiance flickering in his eyes. "you don't intimidate me."
“is that why you let me get under your skin?” you countered, your voice a low purr.
a flicker of frustration crossed his features, his hands clenching at his sides. “this doesn't change anything.”
“doesn't it?” you mused, taking a step closer, the space between you narrowing.
he held his ground, his gaze locked onto yours. “we still don't trust you.”
a humorless chuckle escaped your lips. “trust is overrated, jeremy. but i have a feeling that whatever this is between us isn't just about trust.”
his nostrils flared, his chest rising and falling with uneven breaths. “you're wrong.”
your lips brushed against his ear as you leaned in, your voice a whisper that sent shivers down his spine. “am i?”
for a moment, the room seemed to hang in suspended animation, the tension between you so thick you could practically taste it. the clash of emotions—attraction, defiance, and something deeper—was a battle neither of you could ignore.
and then, in a surge of movement, jeremy's lips crashed onto yours once again. the kiss was fierce, fueled by a potent mixture of desire and frustration. it was a culmination of everything that had simmered beneath the surface, a declaration of a connection that defied explanation.
as you pulled away, your lips swollen and your gaze locked onto his, the words that hung unspoken between you seemed to resonate in the air—a silent acknowledgment of the uncharted territory you had ventured into.
“i fucking hate you.” he snarled, his lips latching onto the thin surface of the crease of your neck. you let out a soft moan as you found your fingers in his hair, pulling his luscious locks. “i hate you just as much.” you retorted. there was no drawn line between desire and hatred at this point.
“you let all our friends use you like this?” he asked in a demeaning tone as he began to strip you of your clothes. your shirt was pulled over your head, leaving you in your bra and skirt. jeremy's shirt came after, your eyes travelling down his toned biceps. “you let damon and stefan make you feel this good?” he practically growled as he began kissing down your neck, leaving a trail of hungry kisses between your tits as his hands fiercely groped them, nearly tearing your bra off.
you couldn't help but moan at his touch, but you wanted all the control. “of course i don't,” you pressed your knee in between his legs, pushing upwards as you rubbed his dick through the material of his jeans. he couldn't help his heavy breathing “but they'd make me feel even better.”
in a second, your stomach was pressed to the wall. he held onto your wrists tightly with one of his hands, breath fanning your ear. you had successfully got the reaction you wanted out of him. “i wouldn't be so sure,” he taunted as he pulled your skirt down, jeans tightening even further at the sight of your black panties tucked in your ass, the amount of fat calling his name. “once i tear your pussy up, no one's gonna wanna touch you again.”
“are you sure about that?”
“absolutely positive.”
he flipped you back around, knowing he wanted you to get a good look at what was coming. his dick sprang our of his boxers, twitching mid-air. you didn't expect the sheer length of it, not from him. he was huge, you just didn't wanna fuel his ego. “i see why they call you little gilbert now.” he couldn't help but scoff, but your expressions were readable. for the first time, he wasn't the one who was afraid.
on the worn-out sofa, you were spread out for him. your hair was a mess, your makeup was a mess. your bra was in his hand as he pressed it into his nose, inhaling the scent of your desire before tossing it over his shoulder, knowing it'd be a souvenier for him later on. he was placed in between your legs, his dick pressing ever so gently against your dripping heat. he leaned forward, hands on either side of your head as he kissed you passionately.
you kissed back just as hard—hands caressing and gripping at the muscles that adorned his arms and back, clawing at them before pulling at his hair once more. you wanted him all to yourself, and it was reciprocated. he admired you as his tongue slid into your mouth, licking away at every inch. he used his free hand to tap his dick against your clit, rubbing it slowly. you pulled away, giving him a desperate look.
“i think it's your turn to beg, don't you?” you couldn't believe what you were hearing, nearly bursting into laughter at the mere thought.
“you're kidding, right?” you could take it, you were strong. you swatted his hand away, playing his game better than he had expected, taking his dick into your hand as you did exactly what he did. only this time, his patience was wearing thin. you dipped half of the tip inside of your wet heat, earning moans from him, before completely retracting. he watched the way your pussy glistened with arousal as his red, angry tips traced against your bundle of nerves. “we don't have to fuck. by all means, leave the door open. i'm sure stefan and damon would love to—”
you didn't get a warning before he slammed into you, the mentioning of their names tipping the scale for jeremy. you let out a loud moan of his name as your legs went up in the air, heels now digging into his shoulders. you were in a pure state of bliss, his thick cock buried inside your pretty pussy, and he had no intention of going easy on you.
“say that again,” he taunted, fingernails digging into your hips as he prepared himself. you were a mess, exterior breaking down as he held onto your hips. “what was that about stefan and damon?” he pounded into you relentlessly, the tip of his dick smashing into you, hitting your sweet spot faster than you had even imagined. he noticed the way you were unable to speak.
“can't believe i shut you up so fast,” he felt proud, watching the way your eyes filled up with tears as you looked up at him. he almost felt bad. “it's only been a minute and i've already fucked you stupid.” you whined at his mockery, at the way his pace quickened while he watched your pretty face and the way your tits moved with every thrust.
he removed a hand from your hip and brought it up to your face, stroking your cheek in the most brutally taunting way. it didn't last a second too long before he brought it back up—just to deliver a harsh slap to you face. you clenched around his dick, the stinging bringing you nothing but pleasure. he took notice, eyebrows rising in shock as he tsked at you.
“i like you better when you're an obedient little bitch,” he cooed, relishing in the lack of sarcastic and venomous retorts he was getting. his hand made its way back to your cheek, his thumb prodding at the crease in your lips before you reluctantly opened you mouth, letting his thumb slide in as you wrapped your tongue around it, wetting it. “that's a good fucking girl.” as a reward, he brought his hand down to your pussy, freshly wet thumb furiously rubbing your clit, earning a string of moans from you that only encouraged him to pound into you even harder.
when you came, it was at the same time. breathless pants and the smell of sex and sweat filled the room, limp bodies deciding between a round two and a glass of bourbon.
with a knowing smile, you began to straighten yourself, the disheveled remains of your earlier encounter a testament to the tangled desires that had fueled your actions. the lipstick on your bottom lip was smeared once again, your naked body bare against the sofa with the fireplace crackling in the background.
as you reached for one of damon's nearby cigars and leisurely lit it, you could feel jeremy's gaze on you—admiring, contemplative, and perhaps a touch regretful.
“you're something else,” he said, his voice a mixture of awe and resignation.
you exhaled a plume of smoke, turning to face him. “is that a compliment or a complaint, gilbert?”
he shook his head, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “i don't even know anymore.”
with a sultry smile, you leaned against the table, exhaling another puff of smoke. “mysteries make life interesting, don't you think?”
he stepped closer, his gaze tracing the contours of your face as if committing them to memory. “you could have the moonstone. take it and run.”
you raised an eyebrow, your tone teasing. “and here I thought you were brave, willing to stand up to the big, bad vampire.”
a wistful look crossed his features. “i wish i were that brave.”
with a knowing glint in your eyes, you set your cigar down and took a step toward him. “keremy, it's not about the stone anymore.”
his brows furrowed, confusion etching lines on his forehead. “then what is it about?”
you closed the distance between you, your voice softening. “ot's about more than power, more than secrets. it's about us.”
his eyes searched yours, vulnerability flickering in their depths. “and where do we go from here?”
you reached out to touch his cheek, your thumb brushing against his skin. “we go forward. together.”
he looked both amazed and conflicted, his emotions warring within him. “why would you help me?”
a genuine smile played on your lips. “because, jeremy gilbert, i've developed a fondness for you.”
his lips twitched into a half-smile. “fondness, huh?”
you nodded, your eyes locked onto his. “more than i care to admit.”
he took a deep breath, his voice gentle. “i've developed a fondness for you too.”
in that moment, the room seemed to hold its breath—a fragile bridge connecting two souls who had danced on the precipice of animosity and desire.
as you both stood there, the air heavy with the weight of unspoken words, you knew that the path ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and unknowns. but in each other's gaze, you found something that transcended the chaos and complexities—a shared understanding of the tangled web you'd woven and the uncharted emotions that had ignited between you.
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electronalytics · 8 months
Communication Magnetic Components Market Report Consumption Analysis, Overview and Upcoming Trends 2032
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The competitive analysis of the Communication Magnetic Components Market offers a comprehensive examination of key market players. It encompasses detailed company profiles, insights into revenue distribution, innovations within their product portfolios, regional market presence, strategic development plans, pricing strategies, identified target markets, and immediate future initiatives of industry leaders. This section serves as a valuable resource for readers to understand the driving forces behind competition and what strategies can set them apart in capturing new target markets.
Market projections and forecasts are underpinned by extensive primary research, further validated through precise secondary research specific to the Communication Magnetic Components Market. Our research analysts have dedicated substantial time and effort to curate essential industry insights from key industry participants, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), top-tier suppliers, distributors, and relevant government entities.
Key Trends:
Digital Transformation: Technology continues to revolutionize market research. AI, machine learning, big data analytics, and automation are being used to gather, process, and analyze vast amounts of data, enabling deeper insights and more accurate predictions.
Consumer-Centric Approach: Understanding the consumer is fundamental. Personalization, empathy, and the use of psychographics alongside demographics are becoming crucial to grasp consumer preferences and behaviors more accurately.
Real-Time Data and Predictive Analytics: Instant access to data and the ability to predict trends and consumer behavior in real-time is becoming more important. This shift allows companies to react quickly to changes and adapt strategies dynamically.
Ethical Data Collection and Privacy: With increasing concerns about data privacy, market researchers need to be more transparent and ethical in their data collection practices. Compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA is vital to maintain trust with consumers.
Rise of Mobile Research: Mobile devices have become an integral part of people's lives. Leveraging mobile platforms for surveys, data collection, and consumer engagement has become essential to reach a wider and more diverse audience.
Emphasis on Qualitative Research: While quantitative data remains crucial, there's a growing emphasis on qualitative research methods like ethnography, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. These methods provide deeper insights into consumer motivations and behaviors.
The Integration of Traditional and Non-Traditional Data Sources: Beyond surveys and focus groups, market researchers are integrating data from social media, geolocation, web scraping, and other unconventional sources to get a more comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior.
AI-Powered Insights: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly used to derive actionable insights from vast datasets. AI tools can detect patterns, predict trends, and automate certain parts of the research process.
Market Research Automation: Automation is streamlining many research processes, reducing human bias, and enabling researchers to focus on the strategic interpretation of data.
Receive the FREE Sample Report of Communication Magnetic Components Market Research Insights @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/sample-request/communication-magnetic-components-market/5325/
Market Segmentations:
Global Communication Magnetic Components Market: By Company • Sumida • Chilisin • Sunlord • Misumi • AVX • Sagami Elec • Microgate • Murata • Taiyo Yuden • Schott Magnetics • Magnetic Communication Corporation • Shenzhen Highlight Electronics • Mentech • U&T Electronics • Zhongguang Lightning Protection • Shenzhen Click Technology Global Communication Magnetic Components Market: By Type • Transformer • Inductor Global Communication Magnetic Components Market: By Application • Communication Infrastructure • Communication Terminal Equipment • Others
Regional Analysis of Global Communication Magnetic Components Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Communication Magnetic Components market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
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jareckiworld · 4 months
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Urs Fischer — Thigns (milled aluminum, steel, power magnets, two- component epoxy adhesive, 2017)
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drnikolatesla · 6 months
One of the Greatest Inventions of All Time
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Nikola Tesla has many revolutionary inventions to his credit, but he is best known for his pioneering work in the development and promotion of alternating current (AC) electrical systems. Tesla's innovations in AC technology revolutionized the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical power, becoming the foundation for the modern electrical power systems that we use today.
There is a common misconception made that Tesla was the first to invent, or discover, AC, but this is not true. It is well-known that Hippolyte Pixii was the first to discover AC in 1832. Pixii was an instrument maker from Paris who built an early form of an alternating current electrical generator (based on the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered by Michael Faraday), and thus started a new industry in power transmission. Tesla was not the first to discover or invent an AC motor, but he was the first to invent a practical AC induction motor with commercial value that could outperform all other motors. It must be noted that Italian inventor Galileo Ferraris also invented an induction motor similar to Tesla's, but it had no commercial value, and he even admitted himself that it was useless. Tesla's induction motor operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction, properly utilizing a rotating magnetic field that induces a current in a stationary conductor, resulting in rotational motion. The utilization of the rotating magnetic field makes the motor more simple, robust, versatile, efficient, and cost effective in that it has less moving parts reducing the likelihood of mechanical failure (as was common in other motors).
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Tesla's induction motor became a fundamental component in the field of electrical engineering and is used today in various applications, being one of the most widely used devices in the world. The motors play a crucial role in transmitting electrical power to homes and businesses. They are commonly used in power generation plants to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is then transmitted through the power grid for distribution to various locations. Induction motors are also widely employed in appliances and machinery within homes and businesses for various applications. These applications include conveyor systems, hoists, cranes, lifts, pumps, fans, ventilation systems, compressors, manufacturing machinery, wind turbines, washing machines, refrigerators, garbage disposals, microwaves, dishwashers, vacuums, air conditioners, robotics, electric vehicles, trains, power tools, printers, etc. Basically, anything that requires a spinning action for power.
The induction motor is widely considered one of the most important inventions in the history of electrical engineering. Its importance lies in its transformative impact on industries, its efficiency and reliability, and its role in the broader electrification of society.
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flaybynight · 4 months
A completely self-indulgent post about farm generators in the context of TCM
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Why are these used?
Generators are usually used in rural areas to provide power and light to farms. The generator is made to be portable and small, which is good for many applications on a farm or homestead, as opposed to a household generator that only powers a home.
The Sawyers seem to use a Winco Generator Powered by Wisconsin a S12-D. Here's a video of one running.
How do they work?
A carburetor mixes air with fuel inside of a combustion engine in the right ratio. The engine burns that fuel to create heat, and the heat creates steam which builds pressure. The pressure causes a rotor to spin around, and as the rotor spins it turns magnets around. The spinning of the magnets inside the coil creates a magnetic field, which then produces an electrical current inside the wire coil. The engine spins at a certain RPM to create electricity, and a belt transfers the electrical current produced by the engine to other parts of the machine. That's the basic mechanism of a generator.
Any engine that burns fuel to create power is a combustion engine. The type the family used was specifically a piston engine. These are smaller and more lightweight, designed to be efficient with less fuel and less parts. 
Generators use a ‘light’ engine oil. It's better at lubricating the moving parts inside and less viscous than regular automobile motor oil, which would wear on the engine and cause overheating.
Generators in the 70s used more fuel than modern models, therefore were more expensive to run. They were less efficient, less reliable, bigger and noisier, and wore down quicker. There were less safety features involved. A lot of old generators wouldn't shut off when they overheated or if they got too low on oil. They didn't have things like overload protection or circuit breakers, so if the generator got overloaded or overheated it would blow a fuse. 
The fuses served as a failsafe for when the generator overheated or got overloaded. These engines would shut down when the fuse blew, protecting from any major damage. You would have to replace the broken fuse before you could get it working again. That meant people had to keep buying fuses every time something went wrong. 
Would kicking the generator turn it off?
These generators have a thick and heavy metal casing to protect the important internal components, and to keep the electric current inside. Older generators were much easier to damage. Kicking them could dent the surface of the casing and cause damage to its internal components, causing the engine to fail. Restarting the generator could fix it temporarily, but the problem would likely come up again if the internal components were actually damaged.
Connect the current to an electrified cattle grid
You can do this through direct wiring, where the current is carried directly to the grid, and through clamps, which is one way people often connect electric fences to generators. Either way you'd have to run a wire all the way from the generator to the grid. The wires would be insulated with a tough rubber casing to protect from the elements and prevent them from being a hazard if stepped on.
You would use a transformer to step down the voltage from the generator that is producing the power. The generator provides high voltage current, and the transformer turns it into a lower voltage. This is how an electric fence's shock can be used to deter animals without causing serious damage.
Your average generator outputs a voltage high enough to kill you. Without the transformer to convert the high voltage coming from the generator into a lower voltage, a shock from the grid would be lethal. If you stayed in contact with the grid you would most likely die. Do the family use a transformer? Nah. Don't think so.
Milliamps are the amount of electrical energy (current) travelling through a given circuit or point in that circuit per second. From a direct, continuous flow of electricity, 100 milliamps (0.1 volts) would be lethal. For example, sticking your finger into an electrical socket.
A current travelling through an electrified grid would have a hard time doing that kind of damage because it's only touching you for the split second you step on it. It doesn't have time to travel through your entire body and cause enough harm to kill you. That's why the victims get launched backwards and are injured but can survive, although it's possible they'll have permanent heart injuries.
How bad are we talking?
The victim's skin would suffer burns as the heat generated by the electrical current passes through it, increasing its temperature and causing a breakdown of the outer layer. This would worsen significantly as the applied voltage increased/prolonged contact.
The involuntary contractions and extensions of the muscles caused by the current can lead to muscle injury and are extremely painful.
If the current runs through their bodies for too long it would disrupt the normal electrical signals in their organs. A healthy heart beats anywhere between 60-100 times per minute at rest. While being shocked it's forced to beat at 50-60 times per minute, disrupting the heart's natural rythym.
This desynchronisation of the heart's muscles and the ventricles twitching rapidly supplies little to no blood to the body: ventricular fibrillation. Blood pressure drops as organs don’t receive enough oxygen, leading to fainting and rapid death.
Things to consider are how long the victim steps on the grid, with how much of their body, the victim’s body size and weight and the kind of shoes they’re wearing. The more insulated the shoe, the less milliamps pass through their body.
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