linddzz · 7 months
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Almost done with the full write up but lads it looks like this chapter of Audacity is gonna be my longest single chapter for anything yet jesus fuck
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verkomy · 1 year
re bagginshield fic recs: safe and distant & mahrana by lindzzz is my absolute all time fave, also something to start with by mulasawala & storyforsomeone
I'll definitely check them out, thanks so much! and here are the links safe and distant and something to start with!
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thenyxwriter · 2 years
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Shambala negli antichi testi buddisti significa “terra nascosta” o “fonte della felicità”, un luogo protetto dove predominano pace, quiete e felicità incontaminata.
I bracciali sono ispirati alla meditazione e alla tradizione tibetana e buddista. In base ai colori e alle pietre di cui sono composti assumono vari significati. Chi indossa questo bracciale persegue un ideale di pace e amore verso sé stesso, il prossimo e la vita. Aiuta a proteggere l’anima di chi lo indossa e a farle trovare il suo ruolo e un senso di vita.
Sono bracciali shamballa fatti a mano con una lavorazione particolare il macramè , una tecnica di origine araba e il suo nome deriva secondo alcuni dalla fusione delle parole “mahrana”: frangia e “rame”: nodo, che stanno appunto a significare la caratteristica di questo lavoro che è una vera e propria arte, quella di creare degli ornamenti intrecciando ed annodando una serie di fili.
Questo bracciale in particolare è stato annodato da me con la tecnica base del nodo piatto e incastona le pietre occhio di tigre e occhio di falco, simbolo di protezione da tutti i mali, e infine l’ematite, simbolo di forza e di rinascita. Ha una chiusura con bottone a forma di fiore.
Nei tomi dedicati allo studio dei cristalli si racconta che il potere della pietra occhio di tigre (o di falco) abbinata a quello della pietra ematite protegge dal malocchio e restituisce tutto il male ricevuto direttamente al mittente.
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repost @emquiesholstein Celebrating our education at #instituteofpreciousmetals - 📷@meaningsandattachments #mahrana took this picture in 2005 when she made a workshop at the school in Copenhagen. Diana is wearing her design #lovering #kærlighedsring in #silver. Besøg #efterfest #udstillingen i #rundetaarn hvor ialt 190 kollegaer viser værker frem og fejrer uddannelsen, som desværre siden er blevet lukket. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrBHHmhlg36/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ih1l9qvn3asj
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It took such a long time but I did some art for a fan fic series I really loved which is Safe and Distant and Mahrana by @linddzz ! Hope you enjoy!
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scarlettjane22 · 2 years
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Stallion Mahrana winner of Empire Horse Show
Manu sharma photography
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My Bloody Valentine: Part Two
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,583
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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There were Cupids all over the world, but Castiel happened to know where one of them was. They were close by at a restaurant which was supposed to be romantic in style and atmosphere. A lot of couples were scattered around the restaurant, and then there were four odd-looking people in the middle. The waitress brings the food that everyone ordered, but you weren’t hungry.
“So, what, you just happen to know he likes the cosmos at this place?” Dean asked the angel.
“This place is a nexus of human reproduction. It's exactly the kind of,” Dean places ketchup on his burger, “of garden the Cupid will come to pollinate.”
“Wait a minute,” Sam cleared his throat when Dean placed his burger back on the plate before he had a chance to take a bite. “You're not hungry?”
“No. What? I'm not hungry.”
“I’m not either,” you shrugged.
“Then you're not gonna finish that?” Castiel asked, reaching over and taking the burger from his plate. He looked around the restaurant and settled on a spot in the corner. “He's here.”
“Where? I don't see anything,” you said, seeing nothing in the spot he said.
“You mean the same-side-of-the-booth couple over there?” Dean asked.
“Meet me in the back,” Castiel urges, getting up and heading straight to the back.
Frowning, you watched the angel disappear to the back.
“Do we follow him?” Sam asked.
“I think we do,” you shrugged, getting up and leaving the table.
“Hey,” Dean stopped his brother from going after you, “what’s wrong with Y/N?”
“What do you mean?”
“Come on, she’s been acting weird all day. Is there something I should know?”
“No. She’s fine. We all are. Come on,” he patted his shoulder.
When he turned away from his brother, his face dropped since this secret was eating more than just you. When you entered the back room, you only saw the angel standing there.
“Castiel, where is he?”
“I have him tethered. Zoda kama mahrana. Manifest yourself,” he chanted, but nothing happened.
“So, where is he?” Dean asked when nothing happened. Suddenly a fat naked man appeared behind him, hugging him tightly. “Oof!”
“Here I am!” Cupid grinned happily.
“Help!” Dean yelped.
“Oh, help is on the way. Yes, it is. Yes, it is,” he laughed, spotting Castiel off to the side. He let go of Dean and walked to the angel. Once Dean saw he was naked, his face went from shock to disgusted. Cupid grabbed Castiel around the chest and crushed him to his body. “Hello, you!”
“Ooh. Mmm,” Castiel groaned.
“This is Cupid?” you asked.
“Yes,” the angel strained to get out.
Cupid let go of the angel and turned to Sam when it was his turn.
“And look at you, huh?”
“No,” Sam gasped, turning away from him only to run into Cupid when he appeared right in front of him. Sam stiffened up at the contact, but he had no choice to let Cupid do his thing.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
“Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?” Dean asked, clearly shocked.
“This is their handshake,” Castiel explained.
“I don’t like it.”
“No one likes it.”
“And you!” Cupid laughed, giving you your hug.
Your entire body stiffened when you could feel… every… inch… of his body against yours.
“Hi,” you chuckled when he pulled away.
“Mmm. What can I do for you?” Cupid asked.
“Why are you doing this?” you wondered.
“Doing what?”
“Your targets—the ones you've marked—they're slaughtering each other.”
“What? They are?” Cupid gasped, his face falling at the news.
“Listen, birthday suit, we know, okay? We know you been flitting around, popping people with your poison arrow, and making them murder each other!” Dean yelled.
“What we don't know is why.”
“You think that I—well, uh, I don't know what to say,” his voice broke.
The low-level angel started crying and walked off to the side with his head in his hands.
“Sh-should somebody maybe... go talk to him?” Sam whispered.
“Yeah, that's a good idea. Give 'em hell, Cas,” Dean chuckled, slapping his back.
Castiel looked uncomfortable, but he went to his brother to try and make things better.
“Um... look. We didn't mean to, um,” he turned back to look at you three, and you gave him a thumbs up, “hurt your feelings.”
“Love is more than a word to me, you know,” Cupid said, hugging Castiel once more.
“I love love. I love it! And if that's wrong, I don't want to be right!”
“Yes, yes. Of course. I, uh, I have no idea what you're saying.”
“I was just on my appointed rounds. Whatever my targets do after that that's nothing to do with me. I-I was following my orders. Please brother. Read my mind. Read my mind, you'll see,” he begged.
Castiel did as he was told, and he turned around to face you and the brothers to give the result.
“He's telling the truth.”
“Jiminy Christmas. Thank you!”
“Wait, you said you were following orders? Whose orders?” you asked.
“Whose?” Cupid laughed. “Heaven, silly. Heaven.”
“Why does heaven care if Harry meets Sally?” Dean asked.
“Oh, mostly they don't. You know, certain bloodlines, certain destinies. Oh, like yours.”
“What?” you snapped.
“Yeah, the union of John and Mary Winchester and Y/M/N Y/L/N and Bobby Singer—very big deal upstairs; top priority arrangement.”
“Are you saying that you fixed-up our parents?”
“Well, not me, but yeah. Well, it wasn't easy, either. Ooh, they couldn't stand each other at first. But when we were done with them—perfect couple.”
“Perfect?” you asked.
“They’re dead!” Dean yelled.
“I'm sorry, but... the orders were very clear. You, Sam, and Y/N needed to be born. Your parents were just, uh... meant to be,” he started to sing. “A match made in heaven—heaven!”
Dean has had enough of this shit, so he punched Cupid as hard as he could, but it didn’t affect the angel. Instead, the only damage it did was hurt Dean’s hand.
“Son of a bitch!” he yelled.
The angel disappeared, and you looked at Castiel for answers.
“Where did he go?”
“I believe he upset him.”
“Upset him?!” Dean screeched.
“Dean. Enough!” Sam exclaimed.
“You just punched a Cupid!”
“I punched a dick!”
“Um, are we gonna talk about what's been up with you lately or not?”
“Are we going to talk about what’s up with Y/N or not?” he counterargued.
“There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you chuckled nervously.
“Exactly,” Dean said, glaring at everyone as he left the room.
“You need to tell him,” Castiel said quietly.
“Don’t tell me what I need to do,” you snapped, taking leave as well.
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As much as you begged Sam to let him take you, he told you that you needed to be with Dean for this next part. He was going to look at another body since there was another suicide in this town. You and Dean were going to look into the suicides and determine just how many of them were there and to see if there were any potential victims that you may be able to spot. Once that was done, it was just you two in the motel with the thickest tension in the air.
“Are we going to talk about what’s been bugging you?” Dean asked.
“Are we going to talk about what’s been bugging you?”
“I’m serious, Y/N. I know something is up so please, don’t lie to me.”
“Dean,” you sighed, turning to face him. There was no way you could tell him what you did because some part of you—no matter how small—knew he was going to be pissed at you. “I promise, if there was something to tell, I would have told you already. You’re my boyfriend. Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course, I do. I just feel like you’re hiding something from me.”
“It’s this town. It’s this case. It’s making everyone go crazy… I’m not hiding anything, okay? I would have told you if I was.”
“Okay, I trust you,” he nodded, and you let out a relieved sigh.
On the surface, you were hopeful that this is going to be dropped and you won’t ever have to bring it up again or talk about it. However, deep down, you knew it would be a problem down the line.
Dean’s phone rang, and he picked it up on the first ring. It was Sam, so he put it on speakerphone for you to hear.
“Hey. So, uh, this guy was not marked by Cupid, but his death is definitely suspicious.”
“Yeah, well, we just went through the police blotter, and counting him, that's eight suicides since Wednesday and nineteen ODs—that's way out of the seasonal batting average.”
“Yeah, if there's a pattern here, it ain't just love. It's a hell of a lot bigger than we thought.”
“Alright, good job. See you in ten,” you stated just as Dean hung up.
Sam took a little longer than ten minutes to get back to the motel, but he had a good reason. Apparently, there were demons in this town for reasons you didn’t know. If demons were in this town, why weren’t they after you three? What were they so busy with that they bypassed you altogether?
“What the hell does a demon got to do with this, anyway?” Dean asked.
“Believe me, I got no idea.”
“Are you okay? Do you need me to help you?” you asked, taking a seat next to the younger brother.
He got in a fight with one of the demons but managed to snatch whatever he was holding which was a black briefcase. Whatever was inside must be important if a demon was trying to protect it.
“I’ll be fine. Thanks.”
“Let's crack her open. What's the worst that could happen, right?” Dean chuckled.
“Never say that,” you shook your head.
The brothers worked to get the case opened, and when they did, a bright light shined and escapes the room. The light was so bright, the brothers had to shield their eyes, but you were able to stare at it the entire time.
“What the hell was that?” you asked once the room returned to its normal brightness.
“It's a human soul,” Castiel said from behind you. Turning to face him, you frowned when you saw he was eating a burger. Angels never eat. “It's starting to make sense.”
“Now, what about that makes sense?” Sam asked about the soul.
“And when did you start eating?” Dean wondered.
“Exactly. My hunger is s a clue, actually.”
“For what?” you and the brothers asked at the same time.
“This town is not suffering from some love-gone-wrong effect. It's suffering from hunger. Starvation, to be exact—specifically famine.”
“Famine? As in the Horseman?” you asked.
“Great. Th-th-that's fucking great,” Dean sighed.
“I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.”
“Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something—sex, attention, drugs, love, etc.”
“Well, that explains the puppy-lovers that Cupid shot up.”
“Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.”
“Okay, but what about you? Since when do angels eat anything?” you asked.
“It's my vessel, Jimmy. His appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect.”
“So, Famine just rolls into town and everybody goes crazy?”
“And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty, and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger,” Castiel recited from heart. “His hunger will seep out and poison the air. Famine is hungry. He must devour the souls of his victims.”
“So, that's what was in the briefcase—the twinkie dude's soul?” Dean asked.
“Lucifer has sent his demons to care for Famine, to feed him, and to make certain he'll be ready.”
“Ready for what?” you asked.
“To March across the land.”
“Okay, but I don’t feel affected. Sam and Dean don’t seem to be affected either.”
“I believe it’s Amara’s doing. Can’t say the same thing for the Winchesters though.”
“Excuse me,” Sam whispered, leaving the group to go to the bathroom and splash his face with ice cold water.
He was starting to sweat a little bit, but he always does that so you didn’t think anything of it.
“Famine?” Dean asked once more.
“Yes,” Castiel said with his mouth full.
“So, what, this whole town is just gonna eat, drink, and screw itself to death?”
“We should stop it.”
“Yeah, that's a great idea. How?” you asked.
“How did you stop the last horseman you met?”
“Yeah, how did you?” you asked, looking at your boyfriend.
You weren’t there when they took down War since you were helping Ellen and Jo with the townsfolk.
“War got his mojo from this ring. After we cut it off, he just tucked tail and ran. Everybody that was affected was like they woke up out of a dream. You think Famine's got a class ring, too?”
“I know he does.”
“Well, okay. Let's track him down and get to chopping,” you declared.
“Yeah,” Castiel sighed sadly once his fast food bag is empty.
“What are you, the Hamburglar?”
“I've developed a taste for ground beef.”
“Have you even tried to stop it?” you asked.
“I’m an angel, I can stop anytime I want.”
“Yeah, sure you can,” you whispered, walking over to him and placed your glowing hand on his cheek.
His skin absorbed the magic you gave him to stop the cravings at least for a little bit.
“There, that should calm you down at least for a little bit.”
“Thank you.”
“Sam, let's roll,” Dean declared.
“Dean... I, um... I can't. I can't go,” Sam panted from the bathroom.
His face had gotten more red from the last time you looked at it which wasn’t that long ago.
“What do you mean?”
“I think it got to me, Dean. I think I'm hungry for it.”
“Hungry for what?” you asked fearfully.
“You know.”
“Demon blood?” Dean asked, and his brother just hung his head in shame. “You got to be kidding me,” he turns to Castiel. “You got to get him out of here. You got to beam him to, like, Montana. Anywhere but here.”
“It won't work. He's already infected. The hunger is just gonna travel with him.”
“Then what do we do?”
“You go cut that bastard's finger off,” Sam answered. “But, Dean, before you go, you better... you better lock me down—but good.”
“I can help with that,” you said.
Dean thought of the idea to handcuff his brother to the bathroom sink pipe, but it was your idea to use your magic on him.
“Alright, well, just hang in there. We'll be back as soon as we can,” Dean said.
“Be careful, and… hurry.”
“We will,” you said, flicking a few wisps of magic in Sam’s face which knocked him right out. “There, that should buy us some time.”
“Come on,” Dean muttered, leading the trio out of the bathroom.
To take some extra precaution, Castiel pushed the huge dresser in front of the door in case Sam somehow made it out of the cuffs. Now, it was just up to you three to try and stop Famine from destroying this entire town.
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#Repost @currentobsessionmag ・・・ Cloudy by Mah Rana at @galleryso_london "Clouds disappeared from London on a Friday in November 2016 but nobody noticed." Read the full story on the website #linkinbio The brooches on display are a visual and material exploration on the theme of clouds, and the transient nature of our moods and perceptions. #mahrana #galleryso / Banana/Cloud, 2017 #Brooch, laminated paper, 925 silver, oxidised gilding metal, acrylic paint, stainless steel pin #currentobsessionmag #cloud #banana #contemporaryjewelry #contemporaryjewellery #joyeriacontemporanea #TJA #klimt02 #thejewelleryactivist #jewelleryactivist
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vickramrattan · 3 years
When we think of Indian history, we always think of the Mughals. This is due to the fact that we only learn about the Mughals in history textbooks. Our history books were written by so-called seculars who only wrote about the Mughals, but what about other legends born in India's holy land, such as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Mahrana Pratap? Mughals who stole India for centuries and demolished the major temples of India are regarded as heroes, while real Indian heroes such as Shivaji Maharaj have no place in history textbooks.
Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire in India, was also a poet. In his poems, he described how he killed non-Muslims known as kafirs. He also expresses gratitude to Allah for granting him the ability to commit mass murder in India.
Akbar, who is revered as history's greatest emperor, was actually a brutal king who slaughtered many Hindus in the name of Jihad.
There is another incorrect information about him that he exempted all peasents from a tax known as jazhiya, but the truth is that he only exempted mulims from the fee, which again was enforced on peasants from other relegions.
Shah Jahan, a famous architect, demolished several Hindu temples in order to construct mughal monuments. Many old hindu temple rocks have been discovered in such monuments, implying that temples were destroyed and their ruins were repurposed to construct new structures.
We've all heard about Aurangzeb, the most bloodthirsty monarch in history, who was known for torturing hindus. He was on par with Hitler.
All of the above facts lead us to believe that the Mugals are given more importance than they deserve. It is necessary to educate people about our Indian histories and education. Our government should include full chapters on true great Indian kings and rulers
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linddzz · 5 years
Also tbh looking back on safe+distant/mahrana I'm glad I wrote them before fandom softened thorin into a fluffy goop who only kinda frowned sometimes
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Webinar on Mahrana Pratap and Madbhagvat Geeta
School of Education, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India-382030 is organizing a on webinar on राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा, मानवाधिकार और गीता : महाराणा प्रताप के जीवन के आलोक में from 5.00 pm on २३ मई २०२१ रविवार.Join Face Book Live https://www.facebook.com/cugadmin/ Thank you very much,Prof. H.B. PatelDean,School of Education,Central University of Gujarat.
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noconversions · 5 years
90% Hindus complaint about lack of HINDU Unity.... in reality it is an excuse for no doing your Karma ...When Mahrana Pratap or Great Shivaji fought, or Rani Jhansi fought did they wait for Hindu Unity ..they united people
90% Hindus complaint about lack of HINDU Unity.... in reality it is an excuse for no doing your Karma ...When Mahrana Pratap or Great Shivaji fought, or Rani Jhansi fought did they wait for Hindu Unity ..they united people
— No Conversion (@noconversion) March 6, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/noconversion March 06, 2020 at 06:44AM via IFTTT
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vikzchouhan · 6 years
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भारत के वीर पुत्र और मेवाड़ की आन - बान - शान वीर शिरोमणि श्री महाराणा प्रताप सिंह की जयंती पर कोटि- कोटि नमन जय एकलिंग नाथ, जय मेवाड | हल्दी घाटी रक्त से सन गई, अरिदल मच गई चीख-पुकार। हुआ युद्ध घनघोर अरावली, प्रताप ने भरी हुंकार। #mahrana #maharanapratap #maharanapratapjaynti #rajasthan #udaipur #haldighati #mewad #mewar #WebDesignCompanyIndia #WebDesignIndia #Udaipur #India #3iPlanet #3iPlanetUdaipur #3iPlanetWebdesignCompanyIndia #3iPlanetWebDesignIndia
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#Repost @galleryso_london ・・・ Gallery aficionados wearing brooch by #mahrana, show closes on the 26 of March! #contemporaryjewelry #contemporaryjewellery #joyeriacontemporanea #TJA #klimt02 #ajfishere #thejewelleryactivist #jewelleryactivst #gallerysolondon
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linddzz · 5 years
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@revolvetheworld I forget I dont have a link to my ao3 in my description here it is!
(Edit: safe and distant and mahrana are the only hobbit fics I finished in there I think but they're long so that hopefully that makes up for it
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noconversions · 5 years
90% Hindus complaint about lack of HINDU Unity.... in reality it is an excuse for no doing your Karma ...When Mahrana Pratap or Great Shivaji fought, or Rani Jhansi fought did they wait for Hindu Unity ..they united people
90% Hindus complaint about lack of HINDU Unity.... in reality it is an excuse for no doing your Karma ...When Mahrana Pratap or Great Shivaji fought, or Rani Jhansi fought did they wait for Hindu Unity ..they united people
— No Conversion (@noconversion) December 5, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/noconversion December 05, 2019 at 06:44AM via IFTTT
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