#mai can't do a lot of things she's a disaster lesbian
unfriendlyamazon 4 months
headcanons of things the yugiohs can't do
listen they're all perfect little angels but everybody's bad at something
yugi: can't school
anzu: can't sew
tristan: can't sing
joey: can't dance
seto: can't draw
duke: can't smoke
serenity: can't cook
mai: disaster lesbian who's only skill is conning people
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gold-fire 3 months
For the character ask game: Azula + 2, 3, 12, 21, 26
Thank you so much anon for the questions! I'm so excited to answer them with my favorite character of all times! 馃グ
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
How powerful she is! In my opinion they ruin Azula's character in the comics and in the Last Agni Kai it's obvious she should have won but they make her loose just for plot purpose and stuff so I will ignore this last chapter and the comics when I talk about Azula.
Despite what I just mentioned Azula's is hell powerful physically and with her bending. She's a soldier kid and has been training since a young age so it's comprehensible how strong she is and also that she has a great strategic mind, definitely not want to fight against her. Also she has her fire blue which means her fire burns hotter than any other else which means she's the most powerful fire bender in the world (not counting Avatars).
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
My least favorite thing it's making her crazy in the comics like WTF. Yeah guys she had hallucinations and mental problems but that doesn't mean she must be crazy. The creators just wrote her in an asylum where they treated her poorly when they should have help her gettin better. Also Azula is a strong character not only physically but mentally because even if she broke after Mai and Ty Lee betrayed her she has suffered a lot since she was a child and still manage to show compassion to her brother an tried to win her father's love, so I think Azula despite feeling weak because of the hallucinations she would make all possible efforts to recover and get better not just let herself being in that bad mental state, it's just doesn't fit her character at all.
12. What's a head canon you have for this character?
My head canon for Azula is that she's left-handed. In my mind the idea is that being left-handed well seen in the society specially if it's a member of the Royal Family (this is also happened here in our world, like my grandma was left-handed and make her learn to change her dominant hand to the right one. In fact the word "sinister" comes from the latin word "sinistrum" which meant "left" but in the actually we changed the meaning). So Ozai in order to make her use her right hand as her dominant one broke her left hand and after that Azula learns to use her right hand. BUT unconsciously she use her left hand to draw because that's her inner talent and also when she acts listening to her heart and not her mind she uses her left hand and I find it cute.
Also she's ripped 馃槒
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're written for this character? What's something you don't like?
I like to write her being the smartest person in the room and make her notice things that no one could ever do that and just act like if it was the simple thing in the world when it actually wasn't. I also like writing her as a lesbian disaster that can't articulate a proper sentence when she's talking the girl she likes because that makes her adorable in my opinion.
I don't like to write her suffering because she suffered enough in the show just to keep suffering in my stories hahaha, but sometimes I only come with angst for her because it's just so easy.
So with this I understand I can choose other question, right? So I'll go with number 19, because today is June 19th and I don't know which number choose hahaha.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
So talking about relationship as a family connection I don't like her canon relationship with Zuko because I feel they both really loved each other (as siblings ofc) but never care enough to show it and make an effort to have a good relationship and I find that really sad because it would have been amazing seeing both finally have a good sibling relationship and be the most cool, powerful, silly and awkward sibling duo.
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lexa-griffins 7 months
random but i saw your tag on the favorite lexa outfit thing calling her a fem and i honestly very much agree!! i鈥檝e seen a lot of people put her in outfits that are typically seen as more masculine and although i think she would look absolutely gorg in anything (especially suits 馃敟馃敟), i feel like she would just love being in nice little dresses most of the time
I am very much a believer in Lexa being much more on the femme side, i say she's a disaster femme because she always accessorizes so much and is so extra without any need, and I mean the whole nightgown scene just solidifies the disaster part, trying waaay to hard to impress her crush with the pretty soft hair and the body glitter /after/ winning a fight to the death is peak femme behavior 馃槅 hello i am here i am wounded i want to say thank you do you think my nightgown is pretty i put on glitter for you <3 馃槀
Lexa is just not sexualized in her outfits (which I find Clarke is quite a few) and I think the idea Lexa dresses more masculine may come from it because her outfits never really say butch to me at all. Funnily enough, I find that even tho they try to make Clarke's chest always be a prominent feature in her outfits, she tends to fall more on the nearly tomboyish style/mannerism.
While i do love Lexa in a suit, I can't see her be the full closed button up with a tie and the blazer, she is definitely on this business femme side to me when it comes to modern au's and suits! More modest or more show off, I totally agree Lexa would gravitate more towards a dress than a suit (and Clarke more towards a suit rather than a dress, Clarke canonically does so, and even is canonically annoyed for being stared at when in a dress).
I do draw them always with Lexa more on the femme as well as write them that way! 鈽猴笍鈽猴笍
Disaster extra femme lesbian warrior Lexa my beloved <3
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tumblezwei 5 months
making fun of that fucking "Debunking Lesbian Robin" thread bc I'm bored and it's late. This is long but not nearly as long as it could have been.
First off, I find it incredibly funny that the thread starts like this.
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Like yeah, harassment sure is bad, huh? I would sure love it if that same energy was directed towards the queer people who headcanon Robin as a lesbian and are now getting so much shit for it.
I'm also excited to see what "evidence" has been altered or left out! Surely there's so much of it and it's not just speculative bullshit you pulled out of your ass!
Their first point is "Robin's design is more than just the colors on her cheek," which no one has ever tried to claim ever. They detail some aspects of Sunday's design and how he takes a lot of queues from Ena the Order, who was absorbed into Xipe during the Swarn Disaster. They also bring up the theory the Sunday may be an Emanator of Order. Why is this important to their overall point, you may ask? Because of this
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That's right, folks! Unlike Sunday, with his clear allusions, Robin's design queues are superficial and hardly carry a resemblance to Xipe at all! Except for, you know, her entire color palette, her hair, the gold lining and the star decals. But that's not the real striking thing about Xipe's design is it?? No, no, no, the real clue is their halo!
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You see, the thing that connects Robin to Xipe isn't literally everything about her design, but the fact that those three dots under her eye represent colors missing from Xipe's halo!
oh, wait, sorry, I meant that those three dots are in Xipe's halo and their colors are in the same order as on Robin's face.
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Let's ignore how that is absolutely not the same shade of pink, it's a stretch to say it transitions into white, and neither that yellow nor that orange match with the orange on Robin.
Now you may be asking that very same question that OP presents: "why?? Why do you think they didn't add obvious references to Xipe throughout her whole design did they make it so subtle???" good thing they have an answer!
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So! To make is clear, the three dots on Robin's face can't be a reference to the lesbian flag because
1. They made Ena references super obvious on Sunday
2. they didn't make Xipe references obvious on Robin if you're blind and/or have an agenda
3. Robin's eye decorations represent the colors missing from Xipe's halo
4. Robin's eye decorations represent the colors on Xipe's halo
5. Robin's design actually takes a lot of inspiration from Ena's design like Sunday because uh, fuck that Ena/Xipe parallel thing they had going on earlier I guess.
6. Those Ena elements exist to. Trick Sunday into believing Robin "supports" Ena. The being that has been absorbed into Xipe for millennia at this point and is, quite literally, part of the Harmony already.
7. But she also might be hiding(???) the fact that she, a prominent and outspoken member of The Harmony Cult, whom all can use the powers of the Harmony, is an Emanator of Harmony.
See??? It all makes perfect sense. Sunday gets to have eyes all over his design bc it's less of a reveal that he's connected to a supposedly dead Aeon, than it is for Robin to have obvious connections to the Aeon that her entire life is based around! Because it makes more sense for her to have strong connections to fucking Ena, which is why they had to make the references to Xipe so fucking subtle.
The rest of the thread is "you can't say Emily Dickinson is a lesbian because that's Bad and Disrespectful."
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Thanks for the wikipedia summary of her writing style, I'm sure you're a long time fan.
But what's fun about this second half of their thread is the tweets directly after.
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So she couldn't have been a lesbian because 1) the time period in which she wrote these poems is unclear, bc as you know, no one is gay after 11pm, 2) she fantasized about being a man, something that obviously excludes you from having an attraction to women.
And look, I'm not gonna sit here and speculate about Emily Dickinson. I don't know enough about her history and I'm not gonna try and make statements about her sexuality or her gender identity. All I know is that those two points were fucking dogshit lmao.
Also love "there is no clear documented history of the poet" right before "their personalities don't even match." And it's even funnier when they then go into detail on how those two poems are deeply connected to robin as a character and are obviously important to her theming, but it's just a few lines from two poems so it doesn't have any significance you stupid idiots.
The rest of this thread is just shadowboxing against nobody. Ending this long thread about how Robin isn't a lesbian by saying you can headcanon her as anything.
And listen, I do not care if she is or if she isn't. It is incredibly likely we will never get a concrete answer. And I think that anyone sending death threats is overblowing the issue. But also, I always find it incredibly funny how it's always the queer fans that are the bad guys. It's always those damn lesbians being too aggressive with their headcanons, we have to put out threads like this to tamp them down and make sure they know their place. You can do whatever you want! As long as you're doing it within the parameters that we have set. If we think you're being too loud about your opinion? To confident in your interpretation? Well, that just won't do.
Your thread was ass, your design analysis was ass, your lore speculation was ass, take this energy and put it towards denouncing that weirdo that thought the appropriate response to queer teens having a lesbian headcanon was to make a corrective rape joke.
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len-the-neverending 1 year
I feel like rambling about my WIPs today, possibly because I'm overflowing with creativity but cannot fucking write, so here goes.
So there's 2. The first one is called I Didn't Sign Up for This, and it's currently in the editing phases-- hopefully soon I can start a second draft of it. It's a realistic YA-type thing about Sasha, my main protagonist, accidentally replacing a boy at her new school who died three weeks before she got there and leading the sustainability club that he started. It's definitely still got a lot of kinks to work out, but I'm getting there. There's a lesbian love triangle at the center of it, featuring Sasha, Julia the eccentric and angsty sister of the dead boy, and Zoe, who is an outwardly confident and carefree outcast with a ton of secrets who is to this date my favorite character I have ever written. I'm not totally in love with it right now because it's a first draft that I've been working on for three years and there's a lot wrong with it, but I definitely could be someday.
The second is called The First, which I'd define as magical realism, centered around five high school seniors, once best friends, who are stuck in a time-loop-limbo sort of thing until they can find out how the sixth member of their group died. I'm only six chapters in and I'm still figuring out what the plot's going to look like, but the characters are everything to me already. There's my main narrator Arlo, who's a burned-out gifted kid with unresolved trauma surrounding the other members of the group and unresolved bisexuality that she definitely has not figured out yet, her ex-best friend Kimber, who's kind of the leader of the group and also the one who Arlo has a totally-not-sapphic-at-all-really-why-would-you-ever-call-it-that dynamic with, and who may or may not have committed some class B felonies, Kimber's new best friend Lev, my anxious gay disaster boy who I absolutely do not project on at all, Phoenix the nice-enough hippie kid with dark secrets and a mysterious feud with Arlo, and his girlfriend Thea, who I've spent countless nights trying to psychoanalyze because there is *a lot* wrong with her. I want to finish it so badly so I can write about these five some more, but alas, I can't.
There's also a few other ideas that I desperately want to write but probably shouldn't because I have too many projects, but that's a post for another day.
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My go-to example for learning what subtext is, and how to write it, is Doctor Who S10E01: The Pilot.
I think my favourite bit is the fact that understanding the subtext of the conversation is absolutely necessary to understand the actual text. Otherwise a lot of it seems very random at times - yet it's all very carefully constructed with the hidden motivations of both people in mind.
The Doctor: You're not a student at this university. (But I can tell that you want to be.)
Bill: Nah, I work in the canteen. (But I'd rather be at the university properly.)
The Doctor: Yeah, but you come to my lectures. (And we both know you wouldn't waste your spare time on that unless you really, really wanted to learn.)
Bill: NoIdon't. Wha-I-I never do that. (Oh crap. I'm busted. If anyone looks into this further they might find out about times I may or may not have skipped work to go to lectures instead. I could be fired. Kicked off campus.)
The Doctor: I've seen you.
Bill: Love your lectures, they're... totally awesome. (Maybe I can get out of this by flattering his ego. Uni lecturers love it when you tell them what an awesome lecturer they are. Maybe he'll take pity on me.)
The Doctor: Why do you come to my lectures when you're not a student? (Because you want to be a student, and whatever life circumstances you've had prevented you from becoming one. But I need you to tell me that if I'm going to help you.)
Bill: Okay, so, my first day here, in the canteen, I was on chips. There was this girl, student, beautiful. Like a model, only with talking and thinking. She looked at you, and you perved, every time, automatic, like physics. It was eye contact -> perversion. So I gave her extra chips, every time. Extra chips, like a reward for all the perversion. Every day, got myself on chips, rewarded her. Then finally, finally she looked at me, like she'd noticed, actually noticed all the extra chips. Do you know what I realised? ... She was fat. I'd fatted her. But that's life, innit? Beauty or chips. I like chips, so does she, so... that's okay. (I am a lesbian, and right now, I am much more comfortable dealing with the familiar territory of old people judging me for that than having to confront the possibility of being kicked out of uni lectures when it's the one most precious, most achingly tenuous connection I have to something resembling higher education. Quick, distract him with my most Disaster Lesbian story that I know!)
The Doctor: ...And how does that in any way explain why you keep coming to my lectures? (Nice try.)
Bill: Yeah, it doesn't really, does it? I was hoping something would develop. What's that? A police telephone box? (Oh crap, for some reason that didn't work on him! I was all geared up for 5 minutes of distracting him with modern sensibilities. Ask him about the stuff in his office. People who have collections of things love talking about them.)
The Doctor: Yah. (Uh oh. Taking on a proteg茅 is one thing, but I can't let her blow my cover and work out that I'm a time-travelling alien guarding a vault with Missy in it.)
Bill: Did you build it from a kit? (Tell me everything about model phone boxes. For 20+ minutes, ideally.)
The Doctor: No, it came like that. (If this works out, she's going to have lots of questions, and I'm going to need to learn how to answer them satisfactorily without giving anything away.)
Bill: Then how did you get it in here? The door's too small, and so are the windows. (I'm pulling on any thread I can to get you to talk longer.)
The Doctor: I had the window and a part of the wall taken out, and it was lifted in. (Even a totally implausible explanation will seem plausible if I sound authoritative enough.)
Bill: What, with a crane?
The Doctor: Yeah, with a ... crane. It's heavier than it looks. Why do you keep coming to my lectures?
Bill: Because I like them? Everybody likes them. They're amazing. Why me? (I'm running out of deflections, so I have to start being a little bit honest. But maybe I can deflect onto everyone else?)
The Doctor: Why you what?
Bill: Well, plenty of people come to your lectures that aren't supposed to. Why pick on me?
The Doctor: Well, I noticed you.
Bill: Yeah, but... why?
The Doctor: Well most people, when they don't understand something, they frown. You... smile. (*Aside glance* You remind me of my granddaughter, who has been gone from my life for thousands of years. I miss her, and I miss the dynamic we used to share as we travelled together. I doubt you would understand that though.)
Bill: I'll tell you what I don't understand. You've been lecturing here for a long time. Like 50 years, some people say. Nabeela in the office says over 70. (Phew, I think 'I like them' counted as a proper answer to his question, now to keep him distracted so he doesn't start thinking of punishment.)
The Doctor: Yeah, and you're thinking, 'Well, he doesn't look old enough'. (Oh no, she's discovered another angle which might blow my cover, better pre-empt her line of questioning.)
Bill: No. I'm wondering what you're supposed to be lecturing on. It's like the university let you do whatever you like. One time, you were going to give a lecture on quantum physics. You talked about poetry.
The Doctor: Poetry, physics, same thing.
Bill: How is it the same?
The Doctor: Because of the rhymes. What are you doing at this university? (I see I'm not being direct enough with my questions.)
Bill: I always wanted to come here. (You dragged it out of me. I'm uncomfortable now because I associate honestly in this regard with rejection.)
The Doctor: Yeah, to serve chips? (Tell me what it is that you really want.)
Bill: ...So anyway, am I nearly done? (I'm not a very confident person at the best of times, and you're offering me a glimpse through a shop window to something I know I can never have. You don't seem to want to punish me for this, but I won't let you dangle a carrot just out of my reach simply because I don't have the guts to ask you how I can apply to be a student.)
The Doctor: Do you want to be? (I know what you want. You know what you want. Tell. Me. What. You. Want.)
Bill: See ya. (I can't tell you what I want, because I think you'll just reject me.)
The Doctor: You ever get less than a first, then it's over. (Fine. I can see I have to fill in even that bit by myself.)
Bill: You what?
The Doctor: A first. Every time, or I stop immediately.
Bill: Stop what?
The Doctor: Being your personal tutor. (Which is something we both need right now.)
Bill: But I'm not a student. I'm not part of the university. I never even applied. (I've had both real and imaginary conversations with faculty about becoming a proper uni student before, and my low self-confidence has led me to internalise a lot of their negative responses as unassailable truths. Here is a small selection of those.)
The Doctor: We'll sort all that out later. (Stop protesting against your own good fortune!)
Bill: You kinda have to sort that out earlier. (I imagined more bureaucracy, hoops to jump through, people telling me reasons I couldn't do it...)
The Doctor: Leave it with me. I'm assuming that it's a yes.
Bill: Yes.
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doctor-ciel 6 years
Alsmsmsjd I kept quitting on this post and coming back to it all day well hERE IT IS
So @gravity-light and I were spouting autistic hcs at each other at 1AM last night, here's the Comprehensive List of your favorite kids
Have you ever lost sleep because you're overstimulated by your environment?
Shinso has huge fucking eye bags I rest my case
Shigaraki scratching his neck? That screams "unhealthy stim"
Autistic Kirishima aka Somebody get the boy a chew necklace
He must cHOMP
He'd rip them to shreds though tbh I mean have you SEEN those chompers?
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They never last more than a few days
Sero probably gives him one made out of cement as a joke
But the jokes on him bc Kirishima actually uses it
They gotta tell him to stop tho because "dude, you can't eat rocks"
The muttering
The thirteen(13!) journals about his lifelong special interest in heroes
The extreme awkwardness
The full body stimming
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Also please consider: Autistic Yuga Aoyama
I love this headcanon so much and it pains me that there's so little content for it
(So there's a lot of self indulgent hcs ahead w h o o p s)
There are two reasons he eats in the classroom instead of the cafeteria during lunch:
One: cafeteria is Loud and Crowded and Bad and he gets overstimulated
Two: classroom is Familiar and Good
That's also why he so often isn't seen in battlefields(USJ, forest training camp, etc.). My poor boy can't handle all the sensory input and hides
Very kinda hates himself for it, and calls himself a coward for hiding as soon as the fighting breaks out. He wants to help the others, he just,,,,,
Cheese as a comfort samefood? More likely than you think
Definitely has fashion and French culture as SIs
His armor acts as a pressure stim so that he can handle himself better in battles(he didn't have it in the forest camp so he panicked and hid)
He's very socially inept, save him
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And let's not forget about Denki and Mina!
They don't have autism, per se, but Kaminari has ADHD and Mina has ADD
They're both obsessed with vines, and it's their primary method of communication
Denki also rly likes Star Wars
His favorite is The Empire Strikes Back
He most definitely makes the Bakusquad binge it with him
He doesn't let it on but he's a huge disaster bisexual nerd
Save him
Mina's a disaster pansexual nerd
She likes rly rly soft things(look at her hero costume)
And slime videos, obviously
She also likes melting things with her acid, it's a Good Stim
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Tsuyu..... raptor hands.... need I say more
Yes I do
Listen..... she loves frogs
But you know what she loves more
She knows everything about them, from eating habits to obscure urban legends regarding them
Probably got her parents to let her have a pygmy owl
An auditory stimmer
Listens to the same song on repeat for five hours
Hums to herself 24/7
Absentmindedly taps fingers on any surface within arms reach
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Actually,,,,, you know what she loves more than frogs and owls combined?
Ochako Uraraka
But listen...... Tsuchako is THE autistic lesbian ship
They share their stim toys and are gay
There's only one sense that matters to Uraraka and that is taste
She's surprisingly adventurous in what she'll eat
But don't fuck with her eating routine, this girl is going to eat oatmeal with sprinkles and a glass of water/apple juice for breakfast EVERY DAY with NO exceptions
She may be open to eating new foods, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a giant list of foods she will not eat under any circumstances
Don't even think about making her eat mushrooms, tomatoes, chili, raisins, "banana flavored" candy, spicy fo
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Next up: Iida
Look I see no logical explanation for everything he does except him being autistic
God I could probably make a post compiling all the arm movements and other mannerisms he does(which, by the way, is MOST DEFINITELY HIM STIMMING)
Also his formal speech and large vocabulary?
I'll give you one guess
(Hint: it starts with an 'A')
I really like gravity-light's idea that Iida loves his quirk bc avoid getting stuck in the student traffic and by extension avoid all the noise and people crowding the halls
Once the bell rings he nyooms
Everything Must Be Categorized
He works best when things are color coded
Everything has a folder, all the folders go into a binder, binder goes in his backpack
Only spoke in echolalia until he was like,,,, at least 5
Still quotes movies a lot as responses to things
Also didn't speak for a while, almost until he started school
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I have two words for y'all:
Mei Hatsume
She's the autistic-est
And the ADHD-est
(She has both)
If you've seen her on screen for more than two seconds you know exactly what I'm talking about
Gadgets and tech as a special interest
Has been very into STEM since she was a little kid
She probs makes her own stim toys/messes with her gadgets to stim
Loves using power tools, especially drills
Sometimes she doesn't even use the drill she just watches it spin
Definitely wears her ear defenders everywhere she goes
Even in quiet places where she doesn't need to, she loves the feeling of them hugging her head
Anyway Tumblr says I've hit my text block limit so let's wrap things up here, I'll continue with a reblog of this.
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berryfruitsnack 6 years
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Sorry for the low quality! Anyway, I drew my new LLSIF OC/idolsona thing! Idk how to do digital art, so that's why it's shown like this. It's hard to tell in the picture, so I'll just tell you that she has black hair with purple streaks put in two buns, as well as dark blue eyes. She also wears fishnets a lot. More uhhhh info below:
Name: Tomoe Miju
Background color: purple
Type: cool
Personality: Most people tend to describe her as "punk" due to her appearance and clothing style. She's also seen as very carefree and rebellious. You may not see it when you first meet her, but she's very dedicated and loyal to her group (which is unnamed at the moment, and I might make an account to recruit members, but idk). A drawback, however, is her vulgar mouth. She has a poor habit of swearing 24/7 and can't seem to stop. But her friends have gotten used to it at this point. We think. Yeah.
Likes: her idol group, fishnet stockings, strawberries, swearing, puns, sex jokes, memes, girls, Bohemian Rhapsody, punk fashion, shouting random shit, Tumblr, theatre (but not overly depressing shit like The Crucible), singing, P!ATD, and video games
Dislikes: people who use TikTok unironically, Fortnite, homophobic people, vegetables, algebra, overly depressing shit, "I'm not like other girls uwu"
Sexuality: disaster lesbian
How She Joined/Backstory: "Well, I saw this poster and I was like 'oooooh, epic', so I joined and now I'm an idol. I'm a motherfucking idol now and nobody can take me back! Because I love y'alls! ......Not because I'm a lesbian or anything, ehehehehe..........actually, yes, because I'm a lesbian. A proud lesbian, BIIIIIIIITCH!"
EDIT: I forgot to say that she's a first year who's 15 years old. Oops.
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voiceactinguk 6 years
[AUDIO DRAMA] Can't Buy Me
Can't Buy Me is a contemporary聽audio drama series (hosted and released as a podcast). There will be at least three seasons, releasing episodes biweekly once we begin airing with two or three months in between seasons. If you are chosen for a role, you are expected to commit to at least three seasons. This will be my first production, but I intend to take it seriously and hope you do so as well. It is currently unpaid; however, a Patreon will be set up, as well as the option to donate to the production. Any donations will be properly distributed as payment for all work. Savannah Cole, 17, is known for her black hoodies, overachieving tendencies, and disdain for all things "social" aside from her two best friends, the cutest lesbian couple at school: Caitlyn Day and Rae Collins. They know all her secrets, including how troubled she is and the reason she wears those hoodies, and push her to widen her social circle and finally find love. Popular rich kid, Aaron Wayne, is known as a player as well as a bad boy after getting kicked out of private school and a quick stint in juvie. Most people love him for his money, good looks, and skills on the soccer field. But when he looks to his future, all he sees is a black hole and the threat of not graduating. When he convinces Savannah to tutor him, he expects to raise his GPA just enough so that he can stay on the team and walk in a cap and gown. Nothing more. But when they sit down at the library for a tutoring session and he notices the biggest secret she hides under that hoodie, he takes an interest in her. Soon, he finds himself falling for the only girl that may be even more trouble than he is, no matter how much she hides it. Savannah and Aaron find themselves in the chaotic midst of the high school social scene, financial woes, falling in love for the first time, and facing the biggest question of their lives: what comes after graduation? Note: The story is set in Cedar Grove (fictional town), VA so accents are expected to be American/Southern American (subtle Southern accent). RAE, 17, FEMALE Rae Collins is mostly quiet, semi-serious, and compassionate. She classifies herself as "casually" goth, pretends to be a vampire, and always dyes her blonde hair black. She was in the closet until she was a sophomore, and while her parents took a while to accept her, they came around. Her family has always been supportive, but they expect a lot of her as she is the eldest sister and is supposed to be a good role model for her sister in sophomore year, Sadie. She's Christian but also not the kind of person to try to force her beliefs on others; she believes in being a "good Christian", and while she attends parties, she rarely drinks as her mother is ten years sober, and she doesn't want to fall into the pit that her mother was in while she was a child. She loves Caitlyn but struggles to believe that Caitlyn actually loves her back, despite being together for three years. LINES: You have a reputation, too, you know. Weird, quiet, overachieving teacher's pet. Bitch. Prude. Have you told your parents yet? Hey, maybe there's hope someday. For you. College and all that. CODY, 17, MALE Cody James is supposedly Aaron's best friend, and while he is part of his inner circle, he's a little superficial and doesn't have so much depth. His long time girlfriend, Jess, is his world, but he doesn't look much past the traditional high school, athletic scholarship, well-paying job and white picket fence life. He always throws the parties, skates by with his grades, and dominates the soccer field, but he has a supportive family and can be self-involved. He isn't a big fan of anyone who doesn't party, resists change, and secretly has a thing for Caitlyn, despite his loyalty to his girlfriend. LINES: Dude, you have to get your shit together. For the team. How are we supposed to win state championship without our best striker? There's a party at my place tomorrow night. You should come, Caitlyn. You and your girl, I mean. Look, Savannah's a bitch and a prude, but she has straight A's. Suck it up. ANDREW, 17, MALE Andrew White is close to Aaron and Cody, though he prefers to spend his time with his girlfriend, Lana, than deal with Cody's superficiality. He pretends to be all for the team to stay in Cody's good graces, but he prefers people with more substance. He is the only person Aaron trusts to talk to about real stuff, though even he doesn't know about all of it. He's dedicated and prefers to listen than talk, and he's an amazing artist that wants to go to art school. Soccer is fun for him, and school comes easy, but art is his passion. He doesn't show off, except to Lana, who he often describes as his dream girl. LINES: Lana says Rae is really nice, so if Savannah is friends with her, she can't be that bad. Don't listen to Cody. I love you, Lana. Someday, we'll go to UCLA and be away from all this nonsense. Until then, we just have to keep the peace. JESS, 17, FEMALE Jessica Roland, known as Jess, is Cody's girlfriend. She's a pretty sweetheart with a little bit of spunk, but she doesn't have much as much depth as she would like. Sheltered by her parents and quickly becoming Cody's girlfriend in eighth grade, she hasn't had a lot of real world experience. All she knows is Cedar Grove, and she wants to travel the world. While she would love to do that with Cody by her side, she can't see a future with him as much as she tries. LINES: Savannah? Please, she's so... weird. And so are her friends. Like, Caitlyn and Rae are cute together, but they're all really weird. Me and Cody, Andrew and Lana, Aaron and every other girl at school. Senior year is gonna rock. WILL COLE, 30S, MALE Mr. Cole (Will), Savannah's father, is firm but fair. He grew up in poverty and wishes he could provide for his family more; he works at two jobs with long hours, but he tries to spend as much time with his family as he can, which usually means breakfast time only. He cares about his family, but he isn't home often, and he's quite sleep-deprived. He keeps working, though. LINES: Are you okay, Savannah? You know you can talk to me about anything. Boys! Settle down. ANDREA COLE, 30'S, FEMALE Mrs. Cole (Andrea), Savannah's mother, is often running after her two young boys when she isn't waitressing part-time. She didn't go to college, but she desperately wants her daughter to. She's kind and supportive and keeps their family together, even when disaster strikes. She never lets them give up, even when she wants to herself. LINES: Sweetie, listen, if you need anything, just ask. Will, it's okay. We'll make it. We always do. ELIZABETH WAYNE, 30'S, FEMALE Mrs. Wayne (Elizabeth or Liz) came from a broken home and quickly followed in her alcoholic mother's footsteps. Marry rich, have children, and do what's expected of her with a smile and slip off with vodka later. She's emotionally abusive to her son, Aaron, due to her lack of respect from him and her absolute lack of empathy. She's materialistic and doesn't care about anyone but herself. LINES: You're a spoiled brat who can't do anything himself. What has gotten into you? Is it this... this girl? I knew her mother in high school, you know, and she had a real stick up her ass. Stay away from that whore and her family; you don't want to hurt this family's reputation. RICHARD WAYNE, 30'S, MALE Mr. Wayne (Richard) works in mergers and acquisitions, and he is often away on business trips. While he remains faithful to his wife and family, it is purely out of his desire to keep a solid reputation. He has high expectations for his wife and son, and when his son can't meet them, he lashes out. He keeps his anger inside, letting it turn into competition in business or cruelty towards his own family. LINE: We have given you everything you've ever wanted. Show some appreciation for the people who raised you. Be a man for once in your life. AUDITIONING To audition, please email [email protected] the lines in mp3 format titled charactername_lines.mp3 and include, either in a .txt file or in the body of the email your聽name, the part(s) you are auditioning for (you can audition for as many parts as you'd like), and your contact information. Please note that the main meeting place for all people cast in the audio drama will be a Discord server, so be sure to sign up if you haven't already. Deadline is September 18th, 2018; this may be extended to the 21st if too many roles are left. http://dlvr.it/QkBG51 www.voiceacting.space
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