#adopts four kids by accident and is like what do they like peanut butter????
unfriendlyamazon · 4 months
headcanons of things the yugiohs can't do
listen they're all perfect little angels but everybody's bad at something
yugi: can't school
anzu: can't sew
tristan: can't sing
joey: can't dance
seto: can't draw
duke: can't smoke
serenity: can't cook
mai: disaster lesbian who's only skill is conning people
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tredispade · 3 months
i have always wanted to give reno a kid. surely he'd have at least one, right? well, now its a part of his canon. though i don't expect it to crop up suddenly! the fact is just there in the background and adds a touch more drama to his life. below is info on his daughter.
i really should make verse tags for different eras of his life. but oh well. anyway. this is bridgette sinclair. below is a brief bit of info on her
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born in 1997 εγλ in midgar (age 10 in 0007)
mother: margret ackerman; former honeybee dancer. now homemaker
father: reno of the turks,all other information restricted
location: midgar sector four upper plate
abilities: cleverness and sass
favorites: dad, playing card games, peanut butter
dislikes: bullies/bigger kids picking on little kids, going too long without seeing dad, broccoli
she doesn't know in detail what reno does for a living. and because of that, she's developed an ideal version of him where he's a secret superhero out saving the world
while his job makes it hard, reno strives to give her the best life he can. he's very involved in her life. stemmed from the fact that his father was never in his life
she is a bit obsessed with her father. she takes after him in almost every facet. from looks to personality. she's just as loud and abrasives as him. but she holds a deeply compassionate heart from her mother
she's a proud little tomboy. loves playing in dirt and mud, and even finds it funny when people mistake her for a boy. however, when she grows older, she does take more interest in more femininely things like make-up and dressing up
she lives a fairly decent life with her mother, stepfather and younger half-sister. her only complaint is that its boring.
a bit about mom & dad
marget , or "peggy" used to be a dancer at the honeybee inn. it wasn't her ideal career, but having grown up poor in the slums and being a rather attractive young woman, and needing quick money. it was a fairly easy choice. though thankfully, she spent most time either dancing or seaming up the other girl's costumes.
she and reno met when they were both 17. just your classic bad boy meeting a lonely dancer looking for a night of mindless sex. however, sometimes no matter how much protection is used, accidents happen
peggy spent a long time debating over getting an abortion or adoption. but she always wanted to start a family of her own. just not in this way. so, determined to keep the child, she confronted reno. ready to fight tooth and nail to get support of of him.
however, reno wasn't going to abandon her or the kid. he would not agree to a forced miserable marriage, but he would support them. initially, he didn't intend to be involved in their lives. but just a faceless supporter. but the moment he saw that sweet baby's face, he couldn't do it. he couldn't do what his father did to him. abandon his child. while he is a terrible person, he's a fairly decent dad.
marget would raise bridgette as a single mother for a few years, with reno coming to visit when he could. or at least calling when he couldn't. he sent her enough money that she no longer had to work at all. then eventually would meet a good man (that may or may not have been heavily vetted by reno first) and get married.
two years later, marget would have another daughter, maria. bridgette adores her little sister, and sees it as her personal duty to protect her.
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hidinggal · 4 years
Bruce's Bat Baby
This is a story I wrote about this post I saw this is my take on the Bruce part.
Bruce and I had met shortly after he had adopted Dick Grayson and quickly fell in love with him and everything about the Wayne heir. We got engaged around the time he adopted Cassandra Cain by this time Jason Todd had lived and died and lived again and the most recent Robin was Tim Drake. I went out most nights I also preferred to stay in and work the coms with Barbara Gordon. Then came Stephanie Brown she was a surprise to they the least but she wasn't a shock like Damian was to the Bat family. Bruce had a biological son. Sure we weren't married but we already had all these kids, it hadn't occurred to me that he might want kids with me. Two years later we got married. We were at a calm and then the conversation of us having kids came back up two months after we got back from out honey moon.
I was sitting on the bed getting ready to crawl under the covers when Bruce came in and looked me in the eyes, “What about another kid?” 
“Who’d did you find this time?” I asked wondering if he had found another kid on the side of the street, “Someone else try to steal the tires off the bat mobile.” I crawled across the bed, shoving my feet under the blankets and then the rest of my body. Bruce laid down beside me on top of the blankets, I cocked my head, “What?”
He smiled at me, kissed me on the head and then turned off the lights and the conversation wasn't brought up again. 
But two weeks later we had a gala event all the kids went a few of the titans came too, me and Bruce spent most of the night helping Lois and Clark on an article. That night Bruce and I had one too many drinks, we woke up that morning tangled in blankets with Bruce's alarm going off. 
He covered me up and kissed me on the head before he left for work, I had the day off. Dick came over from an off shift and after I got showered and changed he got into bed with me and we watched movies while Cassie, Steph, Damian , and Tim were all in school Barbra had work as a librarian. Luke and Duke also had work. So while Alfred cleaned the house Dick and I watched old movies and ate popcorn, Ace came to join us. 
Dick fell asleep with his head on my shoulder and I think I fell asleep too because when I woke up to Jason who spent the day doing whatever taking the photo of the two of us, he saw I was awake and without having to say anything he got into bed laying down next to me and grabbing the remote and choosing the next movie. When I woke up again, Dick was gone and so was Jason in there place was Cassie and Tim who were crossed legged at the end of the bed Damian was curled up asleep, all three of them in their school uniforms. 
Eventually we got up and moved to the dining room where I made the four of us lunch Alfred wasn't too happy but he cleaned up. 
A few days had passed and I was at work at Wayne Enterprises sitting in my office when suddenly a wave of nausea rushed over me. I raced to my private bathroom off from my office and threw up. I sat down on the floor with my head in my hands as another wave hit me. 
I didn't tell anyone about that. The sickness began to happen in the morning and Bruce caught on. For the first three or four days I had managed to get out of bed into the bathroom throw up and shower and change, but today Bruce followed me to the bathroom and held my hair back without a word. His large and calloused hands massaged my back as I leaned forward and heaved. When I was done I leaned into his embrace, he had a wet washcloth and wiped my face with it, folding it over he put in on my head as I caught my breath. “How long has this been going on?” Bruce left the washcloth on my head, i leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling, Bruce intertwined his fingers around me. 
“A few days.” I went to lean forward and stand up but him hands caught me and with a wet slap the washcloth hit the floor. “Let me up.” it was a quiet whisper those last three words, “Its just the flu.”
“The flu?” He asked as I leaned forward away from his becoming embrace. Bruce placed one hand on my waist keeping me down and one on my forehead, I brought my hands up to his and kept the coolness of his skin on my head. “You're burning up.”  He began to make slow movements to stand, “Lets get you into bed.” with one arm on my back and one under my legs he picked me up and carried me to the bed. “ill call you off work and ill tell Alfred to make you breakfast in bed.”
“Go to your meeting” He kissed me on the cheek,
 “Ill have Dick check up on you when he gets back.” Bruce leaves for work knowing that after his shift today he wont be going on patrol, he will be crawling into bed with me. 
A few minutes later, Alfred walks into the room, I'm sitting up ready for a breakfast tray, and he sets it down, overtop my legs the first thing i do is unroll my napkin and a pregnancy test falls into my hands, I look up at Alfred with my mouth open in shock, ”Master Bruce told me your symptoms, it could just be the flu but it could be a child.” I look away from him and look down at the light blue and purple stick, “Now close your jaw you'll catch a fly, Mistress Anne.”
I utter a quick thanks before he leaves the room and closes the door, I stare at the stick i left on the mattress next to me, outside the door I hear Alfred tell the kids I'm sick and not to bother me before school. I can hear Jason doing the crossword on the bench in the hall outside of my room, my eyes never stray from the stick until I move the tray and head into the bathroom. I pee on the stick and sit on the floor with a timer on my phone set for two minutes. 
Me and Bruce always had a family when we started dating he had Dick and I was here when he got everyone else, his own children, Gordon's daughter, i was here when the accidents happened, Babs lost her ability to walk and when Jason died. I was here for them, so maybe if that stick says what i think it says they will all be there for me, I've been apart of this family for so long that sometimes it feels like because they all have the hero thing and yea I do it to but they do it more often and they all have that bonding of shared trauma and because I was raised in a middle class family, I will never have what Bruce and the kids have. My phone begins to buzz without looking I click the phone off and stand up. I look at the little plus sign on the stick. I get in the show and change into new pajamas and by the time I'm coming back into my room to hid the stick in my bedside table, the breakfast tray is gone. 
After tucking the stick away on my bedside table I walk out of my room to the kitchen where Dick and Jason are arguing, they both stop when they see me, “Don't stop on my account.”
I open a cabinet but due to the fact that I'm normally waring heels when i'm out of my room and not dark pink bunny slippers I couldn't reach the crackers, Dick saw and without hesitation he grabbed it for me. He then put a hand on my head, “Fevers gone, how ya feeling?” 
“Thank you,” I pull the box of crackers out of his hand and head to another set of cabinets to grab the peanut butter, “I'm feeling better.” Trying to contain the smile on my face as I pulled the butter knife out of a drawer. I sat down at the table and the two of them sat with me, “What were you two fighting about?”
The two of them sit at the counter with me and begin to rant about what happened on patrol last night, we laugh together and the moment Alfred sees me he lets me finish eating before he ushers me back to bed, both Jason and Dick wish me good luck as Alfred tucks me in, the two of them go back out on patrol. 
I sit in bed with Ace until Bruce comes home, His shoulders are tense so when he sits on the edge of the bed I crawl over to him and begin giving him a shoulder rub. “How are you feeling, Dick said the fevers gone.”
I smile, “Better.” I begin to crawl to my bedside table and I pull the purple and white stick with the faded plus sign out I set it down and go back to rubbing his shoulders. “Turns out it wasn't the flu.”
“Hmm” Bruce just leans into my massage, “What was it? A cold?”
“No” I pull back and grab the stick i then wrap my arms around him putting the plus in his line of sight. “I think we should go to the doctor before we start telling people,” Bruce grabs the stick out of my hands and stands up before turning to look at me, “I know its a lot, I think Alf-” Bruce has the biggest smile on his face, he puts his hands on waist and spins me around the room.
He sets me on the ground, one of my slippers flew off, he kisses me hard, keeping that cheeky grin of his, “Ill call the doctor, we’ll drop the kids off at school, Jason and Dick will patrol again, we will go out to lunch than  if its true.” He kisses me again, “We will have a family dinner in a few days.” I'm not sure how long we stood their and hugged and cried I also don't remember going to sleep or driving the kids to school because next thing I know me and Bruce are sitting in the waiting room of the doctors office.
I don't hear the nurse call the name or the doctor introduce herself I vaguely hear her explain what's she's gonna do I'm too busy thinking about when the baby was conceived, I think it was the night of the gala and so does Bruce that was a little under a month ago a little more than twenty two days, we should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I put on the hospital gown and Bruce folds my clothes eventually the doctor walks back in.
She places cold gel on my stomach and Bruce's hand is in mine. I turn my head to look at the screen and there it is a small looking peanut shape, “There it is.” The doctor points at the grey and white on the staticky screen and suddenly this is real, this is I sat on the bathroom floor when I knew the truth, I think I have known since that night that there was a baby inside me and I've always been a parent but now Ill actually be a mom, I didn't know I was crying until Bruce wiped away my tears and then we heard it a small and tiny noise that whispered of love and screamed joy in both our ears a little heartbeat. 
The doctor spoke to us some more, I got prenatal vitamins and other meds she thought I would need. She told Bruce about everything I would go through and then some, I got changed and we got lunch then headed home. Bruce showed the photos to Alfred before he even had his coat off. Alfred congratulated us, he was going to invited everyone to dinner next week. The two of them left me alone to go plan. 
The next week goes by fast the only question I get are why I haven't been out patrolling for the moment I've been shrugging them off but I think Damian is getting suspicious although he hasn't said anything. Bruce has been getting up an hour early so that when I get morning sickness There's towels and bottled water set up in the bathroom for me, He’s also been cutting back on his patrolling shifts and has been telling the kids that's me and him are working on a project for work. When in reality we are working on plans for the nursery, we have kids but we've never had a baby before this was new territory, given we had eight months we had no idea what to do and we still are clueless. 
Me and Bruce wore our dinner clothes to work, business causal we were in meetings all day, and eventually time was for dinner, we had made it so that only immediate members of the so called “Bat Clan” were allowed to dinner. Alfred cooked a chicken dinner with biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy there was corn and peas as well. Dick was in his police uniform and Jason wore his normal clothes but with a tie on top of everything. Tim, Damian, Steph and Cassie were all wearing school uniforms, Duke and Luke also were wearing business casual and Babs was wearing a blouse and skirt.
They brought up old conversations and family photos to Steph's famous food Instagram page, and to the last meme Tim tagged Bruce in.  Dick brings up a case he’s currently working on down at the GCPD and Jason says something inappropriate that makes everyone laugh. Cassie doesn't say much but she nods and a smile appears on her face. As the conversation dies down Babs asks the question, “Is there a reason were having family dinner tonight, I don't mind its just-”
“I'm pregnant.” I say the whole table is quiet, both me and Bruce are trying to take in everyone's expressions. 
“And during the remaining eight months i will be hanging up the cowl, the justice league doesn't know yet why I'm giving up being batman.”
“This is real?” Jason says eyes wide.
Cassie lets out a laugh and signs congratulations. 
“Baby names!” Stephanie pulls a pen out of her pocket and begins writing on her cloth napkin, I let out a laugh as Tim leans over to help her.
“You need boy names too!” Cassie leans over to read the names as Tim yells at Steph.
“Congrats you too.” Dick says nodding his head he then glances at Steph's napkin that is upside down to him, “Does that say Dino Nugget?” 
Jason leans over and reads the list, “I don't think Batman is going ot name his child Baby Bat.”
The rest of the evening was spent it a cheerful mood and ended with Bruce showing everyone the ultrasound pictures. 
The night was a success now came the hard part, preparation for the baby and the next nine months.
PART 2??? how was this 
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emilystoryspot · 4 years
Bruces Bat Baby
This is a story I wrote about this post I saw this is my take on the Bruce part.
I originally posted this on my main right here I'm leaving it up but I'm posting the rest on this account
Bruce and I had met shortly after he had adopted Dick Grayson and quickly fell in love with him and everything about the Wayne heir. We got engaged around the time he adopted Cassandra Cain by this time Jason Todd had lived and died and lived again and the most recent Robin was Tim Drake. I went out most nights I also preferred to stay in and work the coms with Barbara Gordon. Then came Stephanie Brown she was a surprise to they the least but she wasn’t a shock like Damian was to the Bat family. Bruce had a biological son. Sure we weren’t married but we already had all these kids, it hadn’t occurred to me that he might want kids with me. Two years later we got married. We were at a calm and then the conversation of us having kids came back up two months after we got back from out honey moon.
I was sitting on the bed getting ready to crawl under the covers when Bruce came in and looked me in the eyes, “What about another kid?”
“Who’d did you find this time?” I asked wondering if he had found another kid on the side of the street, “Someone else try to steal the tires off the bat mobile.” I crawled across the bed, shoving my feet under the blankets and then the rest of my body. Bruce laid down beside me on top of the blankets, I cocked my head, “What?”
He smiled at me, kissed me on the head and then turned off the lights and the conversation wasn’t brought up again.
But two weeks later we had a gala event all the kids went a few of the titans came too, me and Bruce spent most of the night helping Lois and Clark on an article. That night Bruce and I had one too many drinks, we woke up that morning tangled in blankets with Bruce’s alarm going off.
He covered me up and kissed me on the head before he left for work, I had the day off. Dick came over from an off shift and after I got showered and changed he got into bed with me and we watched movies while Cassie, Steph, Damian , and Tim were all in school Barbra had work as a librarian. Luke and Duke also had work. So while Alfred cleaned the house Dick and I watched old movies and ate popcorn, Ace came to join us.
Dick fell asleep with his head on my shoulder and I think I fell asleep too because when I woke up to Jason who spent the day doing whatever taking the photo of the two of us, he saw I was awake and without having to say anything he got into bed laying down next to me and grabbing the remote and choosing the next movie. When I woke up again, Dick was gone and so was Jason in there place was Cassie and Tim who were crossed legged at the end of the bed Damian was curled up asleep, all three of them in their school uniforms.
Eventually we got up and moved to the dining room where I made the four of us lunch Alfred wasn’t too happy but he cleaned up.
A few days had passed and I was at work at Wayne Enterprises sitting in my office when suddenly a wave of nausea rushed over me. I raced to my private bathroom off from my office and threw up. I sat down on the floor with my head in my hands as another wave hit me.
I didn’t tell anyone about that. The sickness began to happen in the morning and Bruce caught on. For the first three or four days I had managed to get out of bed into the bathroom throw up and shower and change, but today Bruce followed me to the bathroom and held my hair back without a word. His large and calloused hands massaged my back as I leaned forward and heaved. When I was done I leaned into his embrace, he had a wet washcloth and wiped my face with it, folding it over he put in on my head as I caught my breath. “How long has this been going on?” Bruce left the washcloth on my head, i leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling, Bruce intertwined his fingers around me.
“A few days.” I went to lean forward and stand up but him hands caught me and with a wet slap the washcloth hit the floor. “Let me up.” it was a quiet whisper those last three words, “Its just the flu.”
“The flu?” He asked as I leaned forward away from his becoming embrace. Bruce placed one hand on my waist keeping me down and one on my forehead, I brought my hands up to his and kept the coolness of his skin on my head. “You’re burning up.”  He began to make slow movements to stand, “Lets get you into bed.” with one arm on my back and one under my legs he picked me up and carried me to the bed. “ill call you off work and ill tell Alfred to make you breakfast in bed.”
“Go to your meeting” He kissed me on the cheek,
“Ill have Dick check up on you when he gets back.” Bruce leaves for work knowing that after his shift today he wont be going on patrol, he will be crawling into bed with me.
A few minutes later, Alfred walks into the room, I’m sitting up ready for a breakfast tray, and he sets it down, overtop my legs the first thing i do is unroll my napkin and a pregnancy test falls into my hands, I look up at Alfred with my mouth open in shock, ”Master Bruce told me your symptoms, it could just be the flu but it could be a child.” I look away from him and look down at the light blue and purple stick, “Now close your jaw you’ll catch a fly, Mistress Anne.”
I utter a quick thanks before he leaves the room and closes the door, I stare at the stick i left on the mattress next to me, outside the door I hear Alfred tell the kids I’m sick and not to bother me before school. I can hear Jason doing the crossword on the bench in the hall outside of my room, my eyes never stray from the stick until I move the tray and head into the bathroom. I pee on the stick and sit on the floor with a timer on my phone set for two minutes.
Me and Bruce always had a family when we started dating he had Dick and I was here when he got everyone else, his own children, Gordon’s daughter, i was here when the accidents happened, Babs lost her ability to walk and when Jason died. I was here for them, so maybe if that stick says what i think it says they will all be there for me, I’ve been apart of this family for so long that sometimes it feels like because they all have the hero thing and yea I do it to but they do it more often and they all have that bonding of shared trauma and because I was raised in a middle class family, I will never have what Bruce and the kids have. My phone begins to buzz without looking I click the phone off and stand up. I look at the little plus sign on the stick. I get in the show and change into new pajamas and by the time I’m coming back into my room to hid the stick in my bedside table, the breakfast tray is gone.
After tucking the stick away on my bedside table I walk out of my room to the kitchen where Dick and Jason are arguing, they both stop when they see me, “Don’t stop on my account.”
I open a cabinet but due to the fact that I’m normally waring heels when i’m out of my room and not dark pink bunny slippers I couldn’t reach the crackers, Dick saw and without hesitation he grabbed it for me. He then put a hand on my head, “Fevers gone, how ya feeling?”
“Thank you,” I pull the box of crackers out of his hand and head to another set of cabinets to grab the peanut butter, “I’m feeling better.” Trying to contain the smile on my face as I pulled the butter knife out of a drawer. I sat down at the table and the two of them sat with me, “What were you two fighting about?”
The two of them sit at the counter with me and begin to rant about what happened on patrol last night, we laugh together and the moment Alfred sees me he lets me finish eating before he ushers me back to bed, both Jason and Dick wish me good luck as Alfred tucks me in, the two of them go back out on patrol.
I sit in bed with Ace until Bruce comes home, His shoulders are tense so when he sits on the edge of the bed I crawl over to him and begin giving him a shoulder rub. “How are you feeling, Dick said the fevers gone.”
I smile, “Better.” I begin to crawl to my bedside table and I pull the purple and white stick with the faded plus sign out I set it down and go back to rubbing his shoulders. “Turns out it wasn’t the flu.”
“Hmm” Bruce just leans into my massage, “What was it? A cold?”
“No” I pull back and grab the stick i then wrap my arms around him putting the plus in his line of sight. “I think we should go to the doctor before we start telling people,” Bruce grabs the stick out of my hands and stands up before turning to look at me, “I know its a lot, I think Alf-” Bruce has the biggest smile on his face, he puts his hands on waist and spins me around the room.
He sets me on the ground, one of my slippers flew off, he kisses me hard, keeping that cheeky grin of his, “Ill call the doctor, we’ll drop the kids off at school, Jason and Dick will patrol again, we will go out to lunch than  if its true.” He kisses me again, “We will have a family dinner in a few days.” I’m not sure how long we stood their and hugged and cried I also don’t remember going to sleep or driving the kids to school because next thing I know me and Bruce are sitting in the waiting room of the doctors office.
I don’t hear the nurse call the name or the doctor introduce herself I vaguely hear her explain what’s she’s gonna do I’m too busy thinking about when the baby was conceived, I think it was the night of the gala and so does Bruce that was a little under a month ago a little more than twenty two days, we should be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat. I put on the hospital gown and Bruce folds my clothes eventually the doctor walks back in.
She places cold gel on my stomach and Bruce’s hand is in mine. I turn my head to look at the screen and there it is a small looking peanut shape, “There it is.” The doctor points at the grey and white on the staticky screen and suddenly this is real, this is I sat on the bathroom floor when I knew the truth, I think I have known since that night that there was a baby inside me and I’ve always been a parent but now Ill actually be a mom, I didn’t know I was crying until Bruce wiped away my tears and then we heard it a small and tiny noise that whispered of love and screamed joy in both our ears a little heartbeat.
The doctor spoke to us some more, I got prenatal vitamins and other meds she thought I would need. She told Bruce about everything I would go through and then some, I got changed and we got lunch then headed home. Bruce showed the photos to Alfred before he even had his coat off. Alfred congratulated us, he was going to invited everyone to dinner next week. The two of them left me alone to go plan.
The next week goes by fast the only question I get are why I haven’t been out patrolling for the moment I’ve been shrugging them off but I think Damian is getting suspicious although he hasn’t said anything. Bruce has been getting up an hour early so that when I get morning sickness There’s towels and bottled water set up in the bathroom for me, He’s also been cutting back on his patrolling shifts and has been telling the kids that’s me and him are working on a project for work. When in reality we are working on plans for the nursery, we have kids but we’ve never had a baby before this was new territory, given we had eight months we had no idea what to do and we still are clueless.
Me and Bruce wore our dinner clothes to work, business causal we were in meetings all day, and eventually time was for dinner, we had made it so that only immediate members of the so called “Bat Clan” were allowed to dinner. Alfred cooked a chicken dinner with biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy there was corn and peas as well. Dick was in his police uniform and Jason wore his normal clothes but with a tie on top of everything. Tim, Damian, Steph and Cassie were all wearing school uniforms, Duke and Luke also were wearing business casual and Babs was wearing a blouse and skirt.
They brought up old conversations and family photos to Steph’s famous food Instagram page, and to the last meme Tim tagged Bruce in.  Dick brings up a case he’s currently working on down at the GCPD and Jason says something inappropriate that makes everyone laugh. Cassie doesn’t say much but she nods and a smile appears on her face. As the conversation dies down Babs asks the question, “Is there a reason were having family dinner tonight, I don’t mind its just-”
“I’m pregnant.” I say the whole table is quiet, both me and Bruce are trying to take in everyone’s expressions.
“And during the remaining eight months i will be hanging up the cowl, the justice league doesn’t know yet why I’m giving up being batman.”
“This is real?” Jason says eyes wide.
Cassie lets out a laugh and signs congratulations.
“Baby names!” Stephanie pulls a pen out of her pocket and begins writing on her cloth napkin, I let out a laugh as Tim leans over to help her.
“You need boy names too!” Cassie leans over to read the names as Tim yells at Steph.
“Congrats you too.” Dick says nodding his head he then glances at Steph’s napkin that is upside down to him, “Does that say Dino Nugget?”
Jason leans over and reads the list, “I don’t think Batman is going ot name his child Baby Bat.”
The rest of the evening was spent it a cheerful mood and ended with Bruce showing everyone the ultrasound pictures.
The night was a success now came the hard part, preparation for the baby and the next nine months.
PART 2??? how was this
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blueberryraindrops · 4 years
Blueberry’s Ultimate G-Rated TUA Masterlist
Fics are organised alphabetically (articles e.g. ‘the’ will not count)
Download links are EPUB files only
authors can feel free to send me a msg if they want their fics’ download link taken down
Regular updates can be expected as long as I remain in the fandom
Last Update: 14/10/2020
Other Masterlists: All Fics; T-Rated; M-Rated; E-Rated
☁︎ Adventures In Childhood [Series] by just_a_sunflower_girl { G / Partially WIP }
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Five really should have guessed that something would go wrong. The universe hated him, it was an abject fact. And right now, Five hated the universe right back.
The commission turns Five into a four year old, hoping it will make him easier to kill.
☁︎ Bizarre For You Is Normal For Us by pupeez4eva { G }
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“I think he’s talking to himself again,” Ashley said, leaning forward. “Okay yeah he is — oh my god, is that kid talking to the mannequin?”
Maggie shot a glance behind her. Yes, the boy was talking to the top half of a mannequin.
“I love working here,” Ashley breathed.
Wherein Klaus, Dave, Five and Dolores go on a double date, and people are confused and very concerned.
☁︎ Blink by Lady_Origami { G }
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When Five blinks, sometimes he's back in the world of ash and embers. It's hard to remember how to breathe when that happens. In which Klaus tries to play the role of supportive brother with Ben's help, and Five struggles more than he lets on.
☁︎ Dead Aren't Good Company, The by RosyPages { G }
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They’d been back in time for less than a month when their father forced Klaus back into the mausoleum.
But maybe this time his family can do the right thing.
☁︎ Five And Diego Take Ukraine by yawarakai { G }
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It’s definitely her. She's around fifty, and striking – Diego can see where his brother gets his features. Light skin, grey eyes, hair dark and straight, slim. She’s a carbon copy of the boy standing before her.
“Da?” Five’s mother asks warily.
☁︎ Ghost Math by pinstripedJackalope { G }
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Number Five needs a new hobby now that the apocalypse is off. He decides to help Klaus--and in turn maybe he'll help himself.
☁︎ game of waiting, a by sky_blue_hightops { G }
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He was always the fastest. He always beat the others up the stairs, down the halls, through time and space. If there's one lesson he's learned, it's that there's always a finish line. A stopping place. Blood bubbles from between his fingers, and suddenly there's no air in his lungs.
Five jumps in front of a bullet. He calls it quick reflexes. Diego calls it stupidity.
☁︎ Happy Accidents by Starrstruck_64 { G }
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You’re making a mess, is what Diego wants to snap back. Instead he hears his mom’s voice clear as day say ‘boys will be boys’ and without thinking he’s moving on autopilot.
Diego can feel his hands clenching rhythmically at his sides before he’s moving forward to take the bowl from Klaus and ripping the apron off in one smooth motion. Discarding the bowl to the side he works on getting the strings untangled and slips the apron over his own clothes.
He has so much work to do. The pancake is beyond salvaging, the kitchen is a mess, and he’s fairly certain the batter is inedible.
Aka: the fic where Diego’s mothering instincts go wild
☁︎ I'm The Daddy? by TUA (IAMS) { G / WIP }
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Five spends fifteen years in the apocalypse and two years working for the Temps Commission before breaking his contract and time traveling back to the year 2003; just a year after he originally went missing.
According to his calculations, wiping Reginald's existence from the timeline means the apocalypse never occurs. But of course, this leaves several newly orphaned fourteen year olds in his care.
Let the family bonding and therapy ensue.
☁︎ Kitten Socks by sky_blue_hightops { G }
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Klaus's lost his favorite pair of socks (again) (Ben shut up) and finds them in an unexpected place.
☁︎ Meet the Hargreeves Siblings by AmyR { G }
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Klaus is found passed out by a confused Patch and Beaman. When Diego comes to get him, refusing to divulge who the unconcious man was, things get weird. At least the first time. The second time, it was a different person. And then the third. Then the fourth.
Until finally, explanations are demanded.
☁︎ Midmorning Coffees and Therapy Sessions by wereworm { G }
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Local woman working at coffeeshop accidentally adopts a child and gives advice with a focus on getting closer to siblings when she, herself, has a sub-optimal relationship with her sister.
Or the time Five went to get a good cup of coffee and ended up slowly befriending the barista while trying to reconnect with the siblings he hasn't seen since his childhood without the looming threat of the apocalypse anymore.
☁︎ Not my body, not my life (But I am here) by Panonnymous_Bloom { G }
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He wasn't going to explain to Diego why exactly he was following Allison's every move with his eyes because he didn't own anybody any explanations, especially not his simpleton of a brother who seemed to think that every Alpha was going to pounce on Allison at the first sign of any heat.
Allison's decision to spend her heat in the house leads Five to a small realization - and even smaller desire - but he will kill a thousand men before admitting to it.
☁︎ Outside, For the First Time by Trees_Frogs_andPotentially_Treefrogs { G }
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Grace is torn between her programming to obey the rules set by Mr. Hargreeves, and her duty to the children, and decides that being a person is self determined.
☁︎ Snacktime. [Series] by HotCocoaaa { G }
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There was a wolf spider, just, chilling on the table that morning when Diego came down for breakfast. A...a really big wolf spider. Just...a real hunk of a thing.
(“You...you just….you just ate a spider.” He murmured.)
It didn't end well.
☁︎ sweater weather by KittenAnarchy { G }
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Number Five, a dryer, and his first blink.
☁︎ there is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends by Drhair76 { G }
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"What's this?" He said pointing a finger at the bread and peanut butter that was laid across the table top.
Five rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "What do you think. It's a sandwich."
"Oh?" Klaus reached out a hand to brush the sleeve of his beloved hoodie. "And what's this?"
or, the one where Klaus 'loses' a hoodie, Five gets a hug and Ben is proud.
☁︎ trans diego & child five [Series] by iamnotalizard { G }
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eudora and beaman are surprised to find out diego has a kid; they're more surprised when they see what their relationship is like
☁︎ Uncle Five PT1 by glitched-coffee { G }
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Allison has to take care of Claire without warning the others but its all fine and dandy until Claire thinks she’s old enough to hear everything about Five. She’s seven.
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impureroyal-archive · 7 years
Can I get some Manic/Ardor for that ship game :3 💚🖤
Ultimate Ship Meme| CLOSED
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Hopefully a looong time; watch thy trap Manic :V
How quickly did/will they fall in love? -Quite quickly to both their surprise. Ardor wasn’t expecting to grow so close to Manic, and I’m sure it was likewise!
How was their first kiss? - It lead to sex SO I MEAN- //shot
Who proposed? - Manic no doubt
Who is the best man/men? - Lylls {HE IS BEST MAN}
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - I am actually not entirely sure?? Before they get married they’d have their kid so instead of that why not a cute ring bearer or flower child? DEF THEIR CHILD
Who did the most planning? - Ardor hands down
Who stressed the most? - I can see both stressing for their own reasons
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. {Though that depends when they get married LOL}
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - ARDOR’S PARENTS, no Shade allowed; anyone who is after them both pretty much because yknow; sometimes assholes love to ruin weddings!
Who is on top? - I see it being equal; depends on who gets the upper hand and how they go about it
Who is the one to instigate things? - THAT ALSO DEPENDS
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now {no joke}
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? -Pretty sure they could go for a full twenty four hour session, least i know Ardor could if not longer //shot
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Sometimes; but also sometimes they can be cruel in that department eoe
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. {{Ardor isn’t much of a snuggler; gotta reassure them and shit}}
How many children will they have naturally? - So far one
How many children will they adopt? - UH! So far no talk of that has been mentioned, Ardor is nervous over just one here
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? -Lylls though I can see it being a thing that goes back and forth like ‘you do it’ ‘fuck no, i’m not doing it’ ect xD IDK
Who is the stricter parent? - Ardor is protective mama
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both?
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - LYLLS
Who is the more loved parent? - Both of them
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Lylls
Who cried the most at graduation? - Ardor hides it shhhhhhhhhut
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -Ardor will bust down the damn walls
Who does the most cooking? -  Lylls
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Ardor though I imagine Gin is too
Who does the grocery shopping? - Lylls
How often do they bake desserts? - Quite a bit Gin loves sweets though i do imagine he is allergic to peanuts so no peanut butter for him
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -BOTH
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Manic even if he’s a dork
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Manic probably
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - BOTH OF THEM GET THEM BOTH OUT OF THE KITCHEN LYLLS
Who cleans the room? -  Lylls
Who is really against chores? - Both
Who cleans up after the pets? - n/a
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Manic
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Ardor
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - LYLLS
Who takes the longer showers/baths? -  Ardor
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Lylls
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - ALWAYS
What are their goals for the relationship? - Stability, Companionship, Love
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - BOTH; though more so Manic i’m sure
Who plays the most pranks? - Manic
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Like all good stories, they have a beginning.
Mine is no exception, though my early years may differ from most others. I was the middle child of five born from Colette Hertz. I say “was” because now as we are four since the passing of my younger brother Zeek. The oldest is James, his dad died before I was born, in what my mom said was a tragic motorcycle accident. After him is my sister Vanessa. We share the same father and I’m the closest with her than any of my other siblings. Then came yours truly. My father (at the time) was somewhat of a degenerate. Drinking heavily on a daily basis and was abusive to us and my mom. When I was 3 years of age he left.. I guess he thought he wasn’t cut out for family life. Being a single mother of three, my mother tried to do it by herself, but more often than not sought refuge in men to help support her.
One of the most prominent men being Morris - who would end up being our step dad and the father of my 2 younger brothers. From the very beginning he introduced my mother into heavy drugs and they eventually became abusive to each other and us. At this time, at the age of 4 or 5, I was quite the “wild child” due to improper guidance and neglect. I roamed our town house complexes and lower income neighborhoods getting into any sort of trouble that came my way. Stealing candy from corner stores, running away by slipping through holes under fences or broken fence panels. Wandering through the neighborhood with other disadvantaged kids stealing pop bottles from other houses to feed ourselves. James and Vanessa tried to intervene as much as they could, but they were also just kids and had their hands full when my mom had my little brother Zeek. After he was conceived my mom fell into a depression and drugs were her medication. With the help of my brothers dead beat father Morris, she began to develop a strong drug addiction, which meant leaving her neglected kids to look after the baby and to fend for themselves. As I neared age six we moved to a ghetto neighborhood known as Bridgeview. Close to the river the area was prone to flooding and decreased the property of the homes, which led to below standardized homes and poor families rented them out. When we first moved there I was bored. I knew no one, so I wandered the streets more often than not barefoot, playing idly by myself.
That is until I found the CN rail yard. I was wandering one day barefoot down a path in the bush when I came to a barbwire fence. On the other side many lines of rail tracks with cars coming and going. Curious, I began to follow the path and to my joy stumbled upon a hole cut in the fence. The ground trembled as I gingerly made my way over the rough stones covering the area. It was fun stepping from one railway plank to the next occasionally finding the odd spike that had vibrated out of the railway tie. “HEY!” came a voice from behind me, I turned to see a man in dirty coveralls making his way over to me. Startled, I scampered back over the jagged stones, squeezed through my makeshift entrance and ran through the bush the way I had come, my feet slapping the dirt path as I fled. I didn’t stop running till I got home. So I wouldn’t be noticed I went to the back door, pulling it towards myself while turning the handle so my presence would remained unnoticed. I crept inside and closed my bedroom door behind me. I laid on my bed facing the ceiling, my heart hammering in my chest from exuberance. All I could think about was idea and adventures I was going to have in this new found place (playground).
I woke up early - as I sat up I had already begun to make a plan as to what I was going to do today. I jumped outta bed, opened my bedroom door and surveyed the house. Besides someone passed out on the couch, everyone was still in their rooms sleeping. I made myself a peanut butter and bread sandwich and glanced at the clock on the stove. It was 9:30 am. I had a full day ahead of me. I quickly made my way to the hole in the fence that I discovered yesterday and stepped out into the my new playground. I bent over to tie one of my shoelaces that had come undone. I was prepared today. Barefoot would just slow me down. I carefully made my way through the yard, making sure I remained undetected this time! Walking alongside a slow moving train, I seen ladders attached to each car and had an idea. If I ran alongside a slow moving train and matched the speed I could hop on and go for a ride. Thrilled with the new prospect of adventure, I set out and started riding trains. Oblivious to the obvious danger, at first it was a bit tricky to hang on but eventually I got good at it, sometimes riding for miles before hoping off, rolling into a bush, crossing the track and waiting for one to come the opposite way. I usually didn’t have to wait long.. maybe half an hour or so.
When I was seven, my little brother Jacob was born. My mom had been taking so many drugs at the time of her pregnancy that when he was born, the amount of drugs in his system stopped his heart. The doctor revived him but immediately social services was contacted. Shortly after child services took us into the care of the ministry (with the exception of my little brother Jacob) we all went to some foster home. Jacob was the lucky one by getting adopted almost right away by whom I call my aunt and uncle. We went to live with a foster family, a couple named Cathy and Phil Williams. I’m going to leave the story about the Williams short as I have zero fond memories of them.
The only note that I’ll make is that they made my life hell along with my siblings. Cathy was unable to bear children, so at eleven years old convinced Zeek and myself that the day to day family life would get better if we agreed to being adopted. Unfortunately it didn’t and soon after they adopted us I ran away at thirteen, was arrested a short while later and thus began the beginning of the rest of my life.
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