#main blog shenanigans
You thought I was done, didn’t you…
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when i went down to the shop, i was lookin’ for a brand new filing cabinet. something that would fit a large amount of files. i’m a busy woman, so obviously i was gonna need something big. i found the perfect one there too. i looked inside every drawer, and it was perfectly empty. i bought it, took it back to the office, and set it up. i checked the drawers once again, still empty.
a few days later, i came back from the office from my holiday break. finally home. i was goin’ to file away my first case when i saw a slip of paper sittin’ at the bottom of the drawer. i picked it up and flipped it over. i stood, in complete horror, and dropped it to the floor. they were back. the Dog Photoer had returned…
no, pal… welcome home to you…
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residentalucardkisser · 7 months
girlycard swapping outfits w my oc sterling for halloween? its more likely than you think!!!!
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sphnyspinspin · 9 months
[About Blog]
- This is my Transformers fan blog! I usually just draw and write and that’s about it. Considering I have trouble getting new ideas in my noggin I decided to open REQUESTS and ASKS. But I’ll only be taking a few at time—you know the whole OPEN and CLOSED signs will be very prominent. This’ll go for both drawing and writing stuff.
There’s probably going to be more stuff to add on to this so make sure to see if I updated anything important on here like DNI or ASKS and REQUESTS.
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- Homophobic -
- Transphobic -
- TERFs -
- Sexist -
- Racist -
- NSFW -
- Proshipper -
- Ableist -
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1) Can Accept
- Pretty much anything that doesn’t make me uncomfortable. And I can be slow when it comes to checking my inbox so if you like what I do here, you might have to be a little patient. I like it when people just come by to say hi or compliment my work, so don’t be afraid to do so. You don’t need to feel obligated to spare my feelings too, I can take criticism when I need it.
2) Won’t Accept
- AGAIN! NOTHING CREEPY! Don’t ask me about personal stuff please, I’ll update small bits on how I’m doing, don’t be pushy. And don’t send me random links without context or at least a small description, it gives off creepy vibes.
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- Transformers: Rescue Bots : Good God, this show was like the very first layer of my TF hyper fixation—not my biggest fixation just my first.
- Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy : THIS SHOW is my biggest fixation it’s so cute and wholesome and clever and fun it is such a good show I love the characters so much.
- Transformers: Cyberverse : PLEASE—this show is AWESOME, I praise it for the characters, the story, the character designs, the animation, the EVERYTHING(this is where I personally think Soundrod first originated).
- Transformers: Robots In Disguise 2015 : Hear me out, this show is actually kinda funny in a non-ironic way I promise, and the designs aren’t half bad.
- Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye : I have read zero TF MTMTE and I never plan to because I would actually die from dehydration after crying so long; but the fandom makes me laugh and I like the art.
- Transformers: Lost Light : Again I have read zero Lost Light comics and I don’t plan on it; because I feel like I know enough just from the memes.
- Transformers: Animated : This show SHOULD be more popular, and it’s the main reason I have my artstyle today (and please don’t bully me but when I found out my fave characters dies I stopped watching….. like immediately………. I didn’t finish season one).
- Transformers: Earthspark : This show, oh my god, I have a love-dread relationship with it; it has so much care-free positivity, an adorable group of characters, nice designs with world-building being amazing so far, but I know for a fact it will destroy me sooner or later. P.S. it already has
- Transformers: Botbots : This. This…. Where do I begin; oh right, literally the TF fandom parody—like I know for a fact that 85% of the characters’ personalities are inspired by random TF tumblr posts, you can’t deny that.
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1) @transformers-bold-bright-brisk
- My blog for my TF fan Continuity project. Right now it’s mostly drafts and concept art and writings,
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1) Follower Interactions
- I will do my best to answer ASKS because I am terrible at checking my inbox. Also, I’m going to try and reply to comments, but if I stop doing that—it’s not because I don’t like you guys, it’s cause I’m lazy and I usually don’t have anything interesting to reply back with. And please read my DNI, ASKS, and REQUESTS boxes before interacting, thanks. Also ask stuff will be tagged as either #sphny asks (𖦹////𖦹)•*°⊹ or #sphny answers (𖦹0 𖦹)•*°⊹
2) Mutual Interactions
- Hey! If you followed me and I followed you back and somehow we were able to become regular chit chat buddies from either in the tags, reblog games, DMing, and etc. then you probably know me enough to understand my thought process when I talk to people. And if you’re a new mutual and actually want to interact with each other more than same goes for you—read my DNI, ASKS, and REQUESTS boxes. I respect your boundaries, you respect mine—win win. I would honestly be very excited to talk to me people on this platform, I just get a little bit shy/anxious sometimes
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1) Art
- When I post my art I’ll usually tag it under #sphny arts (𖦹w𖦹)•*°⊹. And right now I’ve been posting A LOT of RBA fanart. But if I feel really motivated to draw requests I’ll do my best to draw TF characters from other continuities in my style too.
2) Writing
- What I write consists of drabbles, headcannons, one shots, short-reviews, and other opinions I have that I like to share with the world. And I’ll give an itty bitty irl update just to notify I’m still alive. And they’re going to be tagged under #sphny speaks (𖦹<𖦹)•*°⊹ #sphny alternates universe (𖦹ㅁ𖦹)•*°⊹ #sphny originates character (𖦹▿𖦹)•*°⊹
3) Reblogging
- Oh boy. I reblog a very random assortment of posts. I reblog from mutes, followers, and strangers all the time. I’ll partake in reblog games I tag under #reblog shenanigans which would always be a new uquiz or for picrew challenges it would be #picrew shenanigans. When I reblog art or literally anything I COMPLIMENT THEM IN TAGS! And in the actual text part if I’m super eccentric about it too. And they’ll be tagged under #sphny reblogs (𖦹Q𖦹)•*°⊹
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[Social Media]
- TikTok : sphnyspinspin2006 (There’s literally only three posts to my name)
- Instagram : sphnyspinspin (Barely Active)
- DeviantArt : sphnyspun (I never use this)
- Discord : sphnyspinspin (I’m VERY shy)
- AO3 : sphnyspinspin (I write very little on here)
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spidey-bie · 9 months
I need to create a character that has something to do with SZA. Like idk maybe they just look like her or they like her a lot.
Watch me forget this in the morning.
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ordinary-vanity · 2 months
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some pics working on developing my ocs! and also, fun with markers
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recently-retired-game · 2 months
- Ezra, 2024
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zantedeschia-praesul · 2 months
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"And you're absolutely sure about this intel, Ashiya?"
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"It comes with having to deal with big medical corpos in my case. They're not dangerous to us at the moment, but you never know when you need to be prepared."
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"Damn, I didn't think I'd see the possibility after all these years..."
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"...but we're not even that huge, there's no way we would have to deal with a literal mafia family at any point of time...would we?"
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fragileizy · 1 year
i'm vibrating in my seat wanting to write as much lady noire as possible
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i-left-my-room-tidy · 2 years
i just realised I've never actually shown my DR script-
as it says in the title lmao. here's a condensed version of the script i have for my main HP DR, the crossover one with a game of thrones/a song of ice and fire. it's just the basic details, along with the major changes to canon that I've made. i didn't include the worldbuilding aspect of this DR, for now.
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[apologies if the pictures are a bit blurry or disjointed to look at—i tried to fit the script in a few screenshots due to tumblr's image limit]
also; quick disclaimer: while i know there's a difference between nationality and citizenship, i still confuse whether or not to use british or english when referring to myself in my HP DR (and the same goes for other people), so forgive me for the gap in knowledge-
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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#Double Crossbones#Donald O'Connor#I don't know how to make gifs so making these was v. time consuming but I persevered bc I have to talk about this#a) this movie is amazing and has the most movie of movie pirates ever committed to celluloid#(except that they don't have West Country accents- that's the only lack- they throw in some old timey lingo but it's real weaksauce)#anyway it is a action adventure musical comedy with slapstick tapdancing and swordfighting#the plot is ludicrous and everything is very silly except the corrupt official bad guy who is kinda legit threatening#our hapless unlikely golden hearted-hero accidentally becomes a pirate lord through a series of shenanigans#eventually he enjoys it but he's gotta rescue his girlfriend from the evil governor#he fucks it up and she ends up rescuing him instead and then there's a happy ending and even more shenanigans#the jokes are cheeseball the costumes are over the top and all the pirates are hamming it up#the swordfights involve the most EGREGIOUS flynning and dance-fighting#there is straight up cartoon logic involved#so in conclusion: FLAWLESS. NO NOTES.#b) this disguise is one of the few main character disguises in cinema history that is actually convincing- he is unrecognisable#if I hadn't been spoiled by someone's blog post b4 watching this I would no joke not have known it was him until he gives it away#I fully buy even his girlfriend wouldn't clock him on sight#making it all the more funny that he gets caught almost immediately#anyway he's being hilariously ott posh and dandyish#my point was: maybe I'm seeing what I want to see but I feel like he based this on Leslie Howard in the Scarlet Pimpernel#he sounds so much like him! he does some of the same business! I want this to be true so bad#I chose to believe this is a reference/tribute
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arcadequeerz · 1 year
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I may be Cringe but I am Free. Pizza Tower Character/Self Insert.
Forgot 2 mention in second discord screenshot that they still have the 3d glasses too + Hair over their eyes. Only hides their eyes around Customers.
Name is Cade, cus I cannot think of anything better. Playlist is just. Music that fits their whole Vibe/Energy. Will Probably keep adding to it as I find music.
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iinexorabile · 7 months
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NAME: the count of monte cristo ALIAS(s): many. so damn many AGE: varies on verse. BIRTH: 1796 ORIGIN: france CLASS: avenger EYES: goldenrod HAIR: white HEIGHT: 6'½" (185cm) ALIGN: Chaotic Neutral ENNEAGRAM: 8w7 MBTI: ENTJ-A
From the life of a simple sailor, to the ungodly nightmare of being framed for a crime he did not commit, Edmond Dantes was torn away from the woman he loved and imprisoned with the hellish Chateau d'If for fourteen years. Many of those years were nothing but pure torment, both physically and mentally, but with a mind of steel, Edmond avoided falling into despair, and at some point, he would encounter a fellow prisoner by the name of Abbé Faria, who would come to be a mentor of sorts, and a father figure.
For seven years, Abbé Faria educated Edmond, teaching him everything he knew, from the various facets of scholarship, to swordsmanship, and in return, Edmond assisted Abbé in digging an escape tunnel out of Chateau d'If. Abbé Faria would die before the tunnels completion, but before his soul departed, Abbé revealed to Edmond the location of a great treasure– the treasure of Monte Cristo– which he would claim after his eventual escape from Chateau d'If.
With a near unparalleled intellect, a masterful skill for swordplay, riches beyond imagining, and a powerful relic being merged with his soul, Edmond assumed the moniker of ’the Count of Monte Cristo’ and, after a small quest to avenge Abbe Faria, he began a grand plot of revenge against those who had deceived him in the past. One by one, those responsible for Edmond’s imprisonment would be brought down, each of them meeting rather fitting ends at the hands of the man they had wronged.
When all was said and done, The Count came to feel regret and anguish for his blind pursuit of revenge, becoming reformed as a result, and later, he would leave France, departing to an unknown location, where he lived out the rest of his life in relative peace.
Alas, The Count that would later ascend to the Throne of Heroes would not harbor that aforementioned regret or anguish, nor would they be “reformed”– within their heart, vengeance and all of it’s dark, blood stained halls still called to them.
At the end of their story, Edmond Dantes renounced their vengeful, bitter ways, but this man is not that ’Edmond Dantes’, they are a different person, or rather, they are the manifestation of that mans vengeful ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ persona. A product of cruelty and betrayal,The Count is manipulative, cunning, prideful, sardonic, and prone to violence as well as bitterness, with a dark flair for the dramatic to boot.
The Count loathes the many evils present throughout the world, and loathes even more those who embody and/or perpetuate those evils to the detriment of humanity. The Count seeks to exterminate evil and it’s agents entirely, to wreak vengeance upon them on behalf of humanity for the many atrocities that plague the world and it’s innocent people. However, the stance The Count takes against those atrocities and the evils that fuel them does not make him a quote “good” person, as he sometimes becomes too zealous in pursuing their destruction, in which he occasionally commits the most extreme acts that no relatively “good" person would ever do. In particularly troublesome cases, The Count’s fervor for the vengeance he seeks will outright blind him to the truth of a matter, making his actions all the more deplorable.
The Count does not present or think of himself as a “good” person either, he thinks of himself as necessary evil or monster, as a destructive force of nature that can birth peace, justice, and tranquility from the ashes left in its wake– a necessary evil and destructive force that will one day have to be destroyed, too. That being said, despite some of his more negative actions and his personal views of himself, The Count’s heart is technically in the right place– he wants to see the good parts of humanity ultimately thrive and evildoers suffer for the trouble they have wrought on the world, he is just too bitter and violent for his own good.
The Count’s negative tendencies and/or qualities are not the whole of his being, though. For all of his moments of bitterness, and the violence he is oft prone too, The Count can be well-mannered, dutiful, charming and humorous (in his own way) depending on who he is interacting with, and beyond that, he does have a softer side locked deep inside him, a side that one can catch glimpses of if they somehow manage to grow close enough with him. Those who manage to bring this softer side of The Count out are undoubtedly important to him, even if he may claim otherwise at times, and for these individuals, he will cherish them deeply, and strive to safeguard them from harm.
SKILLS (in depth)
Avenger: Avengers are fueled by murderous hatred and rage, and their Avenger skill measures their ability to accumulate hatred within others, hatred which they can then leech off of and use to empower themselves. In The Count’s case, at a ranking of A, he is extremely proficient in leeching off the hatred and grudges he detects within and/or elicits from his opponents souls, making it far easier for him to translate those negative emotions into power, in the form of improved parameters.
The exact amount of power The Count can gain from this varies, but it generally translates out to a temporary ++ or +++ modifier to his STR, END, and Noble Phantasms (excluding Wait and Hope). This skill also allows The Count to receive a healthy boost to mana regeneration every time he takes damage, and at a ranking of A, this boost is usually astounding.
Oblivion/Memory Correction: a Class Skill of the Avenger class.It represents the Avenger in question’s tenacity for holding grudges, and remembering the wrongs done to them, or others. The higher one’s ranking in this skill, the more critical damage they deal in battle. At A ranking, The Count deals great critical damage.
Self Replenishment - Mana: The final class skill for those of the Avenger class, it allows an Avenger to constantly generate magical energy until their hatred and vengeance is, in their minds, accomplished. The amount generated is usually minuscule, but at The Count’s ranking of C, this magical energy is enough to allow The Count to stay materialized without a master, and when balanced with a healthy helping of human souls, The Count could theoretically operate in a Holy Grail war on their own. With a master behind them, though, this extra magical energy still comes in handy.
Determination of Steel: A personal skill of The Count’s, it is the dynamism and mind of steel of the man who walked on the path of revenge throughout his entire life after breaking out of the Château d’If prison, which was even called the Hell on this Earth. This skill results in The Count being able to block out all instances of pain, allowing him to fight on unperturbed by grievous wounds and damage in general. It is, however, also a representation of his mental fortitude as well, possessing determination of unbreakable steel– as in, when The Count sets his sights on a goal, nothing, and no one, will dissuade him from pursuing it.
Even if the odds are against him 100 to 1, The Count will not be deterred. This skill does not guarantee The Count will succeed in the goals they pursue, but it greatly increases their chances of doing so (especially when his Wisdom of Predicaments skill bestows him with generous luck), and always leaves open the possibility of him succeeding no matter what the situation– which means that at times, he can defy destiny and fate themselves, just as he had in his story.
Golden Rule: A personal skill, this is the representation of the wealth The Count possessed in life. The Count’s wealth was said to have been “beyond imagining”, and indeed, just as Abbe Faria had told him, money never became a consequence for The Count after they received the Treasure’s they did on the Island of Monte Cristo. As a servant, The Count has access to this wealth, which can be a great boon to his master.
Wisdom of Predicaments: The last personal skill of The Count’s, it allows The Count to “ call upon Luck with a precedence in critical situations”.  It is the wisdom brought about by the abundant knowledge he received from Abbe Faria and his own natural intelligence. This skill, as you can imagine, comes in handy, seeing as The Count possesses no Luck parameter, though it goes beyond just helping The Count out in tight situations– thanks to the special combination of this skill and his Avenger class, this skill also allows The Count to use the Item Creation skill at (which is usually only reserved to the Caster Class) at Rank B.
The only caveat is that the Luck bestowed upon The Count from this skill can vary– usually he will pull the effects of Luck that are equivalent to a B ranking, and on very, very rare occasions, A+ ranking.
Monte Cristo Mythologie | Anti-Unit ( C )
This is The Count of Monte Cristo’s way of life– acting as the incarnation of revenge– which has been sublimated into a Noble Phantasm through his manifestation as an Avenger. As he did not fit under any other sort of class, his body that manifested as Avenger was converted into a Noble Phantasm.
It allows Avenger a number of effects– immunity to poisons and mental interference, resistance to magical attacks, the ability to conceal and/or falsify his class and parameters in the eyes of others, the unleashing of pent up hatred and grudges in the minds and souls of his opponents upon speaking the noble phantasms true name– but the most notable ability it grants him are the flames of hatred.
By projecting his hatred into magical power, Avenger can generate a poisonous black flame that he can use to harm his foes, and protect himself. Whether it is launched at enemies from a distance or delivered to them in melee, this flame damages Avenger’s opponents directly, ignoring armours, magical resistances, and even magical barriers, shattering them with ease.
It is even possible for those subjected to this black flame to have their very souls burned away, even if they are immortal beings, as was the case with Michael Roa Valdamjong.
This Noble Phantasm is related to the Treasure of Monte Cristo, which housed fourteen artifacts, one of which was a Treasure of Darkness, a treasure that held the power to remake a person. This ’Treasure of Darkness’ was a legend (Divine Construct) hidden in the mountain of Christ that represented the despair of those without God, the flames of hell, and the void. It bestowed a power equal to that from the Age of Gods that forced a special Magic Circuit and Magic Crest into the user, forever joining the two, until death.
Attendre, Espérer: Wait, and Hope | Anti-Unit (B)
An unbelievable recovery Noble Phantasm that is capable of bringing Avenger or an ally back from the clutches of death (completely healing them), while also conferring it’s targets with a temporary boost to their parameters, skills, and noble phantasms. The boost itself gives its targets respective skills, parameters, and noble phantasms an increase of one rank, which lasts for roughly one hour.
It is the ray of brilliant, shining hope amid the darkness of one who has fallen into tragedy, despair, and regret, being activated when Avenger speaks the words: “Wait, and Hope.”
Enfer Château d'If (Hell Château d'If): Tyger, Burning Bright | Anti-Army/Anti-Unit (A)
The steeled, unworldly mental power of Edmond Dantès, cultivated while imprisoned within the Château d'If, sublimated into a Noble Phantasm. With this noble phantasm, The Count is able to perform super high speed thinking, which he can also reflect upon his body, allowing him to achieve feats of agility/speed that are immense even by servant standards– this however, is only a passive effect of the noble phantasm.
When the words, “I don’t need any mercy– My path goes beyond love and hate! Enfer Château d'If! are chanted, this noble phantasm’s true potential is activated, making The Count’s movements become so fast that he is able to escape from the prisons of time and space themselves– though any prison, abstract or not, would likely be unable to hold him.
While acting outside of time and space, time appears to effectively freeze for anyone but The Count, and as he moves at incomprehensible speeds, many “afterimages” of The Count will appear, those of which can and will harm his targets as they attack along with him simultaneously. After The Count’s (and his afterimages) initial black-flame laden strikes are dealt, he will levitate into the air and unleash a mighty blast of black flames upon his targets– the blast would do great damage on its own, but with all of The Count’s afterimages copying this attack, the combined blast is immense, and will likely kill anything it hits (if said targets weren't already wiped out by The Count’s initial attacks).
After The Count’s final blast hits his target(s), the speed of his actions return to their usual levels, and for everyone else, time ‘resumes’– though his targets likely drop dead at this point, if they weren't already reduced to ashes. Even if a target somehow isn’t outright killed by The Count’s time-bending, black flame ridden onslaught, their bodies will most likely suffer grave damage, and if they are a servant, it’s highly unlikely that their spirit core isn’t irreparably damaged in some way.
All noble-phantasms can be thought of as ‘trump cards’ in some sense, but Enfer Chateau d'If is truly an embodiment of such a thing, with their being few who can withstand it.
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epluribushangman · 1 year
hi porn bots ready to learn about history
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jackalspine · 1 year
Did you change the color palette of your blog? Where is that beautiful header picture? What was it? What's the pictures name?
my header is Dante and Virgil (1850)! He will remain there!
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thelaughingmerman · 9 months
i am making a sideblog for nine realms shenanigans
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@lady-merian Sorry for replying in post but....KNOW HIM??!?! YEAH I KNOW HIM!!!!
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He is literally one of my favourite authors. The way I SCREAMED when after two or so years of silence we heard from him again (with relief that he was all right).
I strive to match his chaotic writing style, his balance of emotional beats and ridiculous humour, the way he looks at his plot and goes "actually, we need more threads," the way he blends genres of portal and time travel and gaslamp fantasy and westerns and and and.....and also the way he shows his love for literary mythos (he has done his RESEARCH) with not just fairy tales and myths but also childrens lit and gothic fiction (the jekyll and hyde short story!!! the hints of dracula we're going to get in the next crockett and crane book).
Seriously, I love how he will make you cry with laughter and then actually just cry, but also how despite how heavy his books can get plot-wise, there's such a thread of lightness and fun even during the darker moments. Also absolutely obsessed with how all his characters will commit theft, arson, crimes against the time stream continuum and multiverse, and still believe they're the most sane of their group.
Sorry, this got a little rambly but I really love KRS.
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