#mainly the movie ver
misterbaritone · 10 months
Watching this new Scott Pilgrim show almost drove me to reopen the book.
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phntmeii · 1 year
Slashers and Hanahaki Disease
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[SFW + No Gendered Terms]
Hanahaki Disease: A fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies.
Characters: Poly!Ghostface(Billy Loomis, Stu Macher), PreMichael!Corey Cunningham, Hannibal Lecter(TV Ver.), Jason Voorhees, RZ!Michael Myers
General Warnings: Mainly fluffy w/ happy endings, Mentions of death, Mentions of vomiting/gagging
A/N: Half the listed characters will have Hanahaki disease while the other half the reader has Hanahaki disease. Some other notes, I sped up how quickly Hanahaki affects people to a few weeks at max and included what type of flower I think would best fit in these situations :) Most are related to heartbreak, loss, death/rebirth, unrequited love.
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Poly!Ghostface - Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
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Flower Type: Purple Hyacinth
You had taken some days off of class, feeling too sick to go. Your parents didn’t believe you but you looked the definition of ill.
And heartbreak was just the cherry on top for you. Whether you had feelings for Billy or for Stu was already confusing but on top of that, you felt like you weren’t either of their types.
You had seen the people they went out with over the years and you were just never like them. Your own love life was failure after failure but it's not like they were offering themselves up in their place.
You were just the bestfriend in your mind. That’s all. And soon enough, violet petals were being thrown up into the toilet bowl every few hours and you could feel your lungs filling, getting hard to breathe over time.
Both Billy and Stu thought it was weird you skipped class. You’d at least give a heads up beforehand. Billy was more worried than Stu was.
He visited through your window at night to check in on you just to catch you in a pile of violet flowers across your bed covers while you laid there, casually watching a movie while you occasionally coughed some more up.
“What the fuck is that? Are you okay? Me and Stu thought you up and died.”
Looking over, you gave a weak smile in response. “Feels like I am.”
Soon you heard some clanging from the window Billy came in from and found Stu stumbling in, nearly knocking some things down before he hopped back up.
Stu gave a goofy smile as he held up some bottles before Billy looked at him with unamused eyes and snatched the bottles out of his hands as if to say, “Not now.”
Sitting down with you, asking what was wrong. You tried to explain but it sounded so silly. Throwing up flowers? And for seemingly no reason.
“Well… There’s diseases that are caused by stress? You think it’s something like that? Come on. You’ve been acting like shit for the past few weeks.”
You sat there between them and could think of one main thing but… How stupid that sounded. You didn’t want to say it.
Stu shook your shoulders playfully before getting smacked in the back of the head by Billy. “Come on! Tell us! What’s so embarrassing~?”
You sighed and reluctantly explained. You had a crush on them—your bestfriends—and you were definitely not their type. You were completely embarrassed, covering your mouth as you coughed up a few more violet petals.
Billy and Stu stared at each other after you said that, as if silently communicating to one another. Billy slowly smirked while Stu started laughing and wrapped his arms around you from the side.
“Seriously?! Holy shit, dude! You seriously haven’t noticed we were totally into you too?!”
You couldn’t even process what Stu said with how tight he squeezed you with his hug. By the time you finally noticed, you were once again distracted when you felt two different hands holding your jaw as Billy leaned in from one side while Stu leaned in the other and kissed your cheeks.
“ We’ve been into you forever…” Those small words felt like they made room within your lungs again.
PreMichael!Corey Cunningham
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Flower Type: Red Salvia
Corey had met you in passing and you didn’t mind becoming friends with him. He was an awkward nerd and it was a trait you found charming to be friends with.
But to Corey, it was hell when he discovered the petals that soon formed and flew out of his mouth.
He had developed a crush on you immediately when he met you. You were simultaneously his heaven and hell. Someone so nice to him and yet the reason he found it harder and harder to breathe.
He avoided you for a week or so. He was so used to self-isolating himself when something went wrong. Deal with it himself as he always did.
Corey figured it was connected to you. It started the day after he felt those feelings rise in him. To make sure, he visited the doctor’s and found the term: Hanahaki Disease. And it was because of you.
He didn’t want to say anything about it. His fate was sealed in his eyes. But… maybe?
He decided to send a text to meet up. Better to talk about it in person even if it made him nervous to.
“Hey… I- I really didn’t want to y’know bother you or anything-“ “Corey, you don’t bother me. It’s alright. What is it?”
Corey shyly looked down and smiled to himself. God, it hurt to think that you wouldn’t like him. You were so perfect for him.
“I know this is gonna sound weird and if I'm honest I thought it was weird too. I-I’m… dying. From uh… Not having requited love...” As if on queue, he coughed, revealing red petals flying out of his mouth to the ground.
You were obviously immediately worried. To hear such heavy words from Corey made your heart drop. You had to ask who. Maybe he could still convince them to share the same feelings.
Corey scratched the back of his head, looking away. He didn’t want to say it. Especially since he didn’t want to leave you with the news that it was because of you that he had an expiration date coming soon.
“It’s… you. It’s always been you.”
A few whole Red Salvia flowers came out of his mouth after the confession. He grew increasingly embarrassed, wanting to take back his words already. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. Just let his life take its course and end quick without you knowing.
But then, those moments of silence were interrupted by you approaching and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. His lips were slightly chapped from nerves and his overthinking made him think he should’ve done something about them sooner but he was more focused on how soft you felt. His heart swelled at the touch while his hands went to your cheeks, deepening the kiss further out of pure need.
Hannibal Lecter
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Flower Type: Red Spider Lily
Hannibal was not one to ever be sick. It rarely happened, if ever. He took care of his health perfectly.
When he started to feel himself grow ill, he immediately knew something was wrong. Coughing was one thing but it was a completely different thing to find himself feeling the urge to vomit and finding flowers fly out of his mouth.
Staring at the red flowers in the toilet bowl, he already knew it wasn’t something normal. In fact, he already knew what it was.
The knowledgeable man he was, Hanahaki was a term that came to mind but with a sense of confusion.
He didn’t necessarily care for people like others did. His “care” for other people was a mask of feigned empathy. Not real.
But if he had this disease, something was different. And it was love of all things? It complicated everything.
There was only one person that came to mind that could possibly fit the supposed feeling he felt: You. His patient.
He kept it hidden still. Suffering in silence because falling in love was not something he was interested in. It would cloud his emotions.
And yet, he began asking about your love life during your sessions. Previous relationships, expectations of love, etc. A collection of information to mold himself into what you wanted.
He invited you over for dinners more and presented you with flowers each session. Each bouquet with meaning and cleanly composed together.
You were his muse. The focus of his musical compositions and the focus of his sketches when he had free time.
His eyes even sparkled softly toward you sometimes if you looked close enough.
But Hannibal knew his days were numbered and he had to say something before the flowers filled his lungs and killed him.
Eventually, he couldn’t take it. His vomiting became more frequent and he could feel how difficult it was to breathe.
After one of your dinners with him and he was walking you to the door, he stopped you. Taking your chin between his fingers, he gently tilted your face to look at him.
“My dear… Please indulge me in my desire for you. It’s grown insatiable.”
He started to lean in toward your lips. He’d memorized the shape a thousand times over through his sketches by now. Each quick line put to paper was a written wish to feel them on his own. “I’ll grow mad without knowing what you taste like.”
His eyes met yours when he was centimeters away from your lips, breath mixing into one another’s. “Tell me you wish the same.”
His eyes looked to you with a slight desperation to them. Once he received the confirmation, that soft whisper of a “Yes…”, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours and felt like life had been breathed into him.
Jason Voorhees
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Flower Type: Lily of the Valley
Jason hadn't thought about romance much in his life, not thinking he'd be fortunate to experience it. He thought he had a face only his mother could love after all.
Finding you, you were never mean to him. If anything, you were solely kind to him and he was happy at the treatment.
Then worry set in when he noticed you weren't coming to the cabin as often. You usually visited and left some meals for him and candles to dedicate to his mother.
He worried heavily. Jason automatically believed he was in the wrong. Maybe he had scared you or had done something wrong. He was never good at social cues or interacting with people.
He sat there, waiting for you to come back. You wouldn't completely leave right? Or maybe something happened to you? What if you were dead?
Jason could only find his worries settled when he heard footsteps and saw you again. He immediately rushed out and hugged you.
He signed, "Where have you been?? I was so worried!"
Jason noticed you seemed paler than normal and you looked exhausted. "Are you okay? Are you sick?"
He didn't know how to take care of someone who was sick. His mother always took care of him. But he was willing to try.
"I... Yeah. I'm sick, Jason. I've been sick for a week or so now. Vomiting and all."
You couldn't see his expression but he was certainly concerned. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'll take care of you."
Whether you wanted to or not, Jason was already dragging you inside and sitting you down. He didn't know how to help, only that he wanted to help.
That's when you coughed and small white petals flew out of your mouth and into your lap. Jason tilted his head at that. Flowers? He had never heard of someone coughing up flowers before.
Jason forcibly kept you in the cabin until you could get better. You were his only friend. The only one who treated him like a person. He didn't want to lose that.
Few days pass and nothing. Petals had become full flowers with stems needing to be yanked out. You gagged each time you had to rip out the flower by its stem.
You thought you might die. A sickness you had never heard of along with it getting quickly worse? You couldn't help but recognize where this was going.
You laid beside Jason at night. He was attached to the hip with you in your stay. You figured now was a better time than never saying it at all.
You took his hand into yours, something that made Jason give you his full attention. "Jason. I just wanted you to know that... I love you. I need you to know that."
Jason could feel his heart jolt at that confession. It was said in a more sad tone than a happy one but all the same, it was the words said that mattered. "Do you mean it? Are you sure?"
Nodding your head with a weak smile, you placed a kiss on the cheek of his mask. Jason could feel his face heat up at that. No one had ever treated him like that before.
He grabbed your hands, maybe a bit too strong in his grasp, as he signed rapidly in excitement. "I love you too. You're the only one who likes me. I want you to stay. Please."
You felt slight pain in your lungs as the stems that had begun taking root in them slowly retracted and dissipated. He was your cure.
RZ!Michael Myers
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Flower Type: White Rose
Michael had inhabited your home for some time. He needed a home base to return to when he wasn’t stalking for victims.
You couldn’t say much against it, fearing you’d be next. And he wasn’t the worst guest?
Besides blood needing to be cleaned, he was silent. You could barely even notice him there if it wasn’t for his giant size.
Over time, you noticed how he grew closer to you. Literally. He loomed over you while you cooked or cleaned. You’d get jumpscared by how you’d turn a corner and see him standing there. He also started preventing you from leaving if he was there.
Michael would stand in front of the door, staring you down until you understood to stay home. Seeing you listen, he gave the most affection he’d ever show: patting your head.
And you grew an odd attachment to him. You’d worry if he was out for too long and worried if he ever came back injured.
You two were attached. In what way, you couldn’t answer that question but you didn’t mind being close to him. Even if he never showed affection or attachment, you knew he felt something. Otherwise, you would’ve been dead already.
Michael never spoke nor gave indication of what he was feeling ever. You could only ever notice the extremes. And when you noticed Michael in his room for longer than normal, you wanted to help even if he always pushed you away.
You knocked but no answer. Knocked twice and still nothing. You took that as a “no entry” and sadly turned away.
Right as you did, the door opened and Michael looked to you with his same deadpan stare you always knew. His hands littered with white rose petals. You didn’t understand until he coughed again, more petals coming out.
You didn’t know how to react to it other than to grow concerned. His hands dropped the petals and grabbed your shoulders, squeezing them. His eyes looked to you and for the first time, there was a slight hint of fear there.
It was odd to see such a large man who had survived hell and back to show fear now. You guided him to the couch, wanting him to feel comfortable.
You grabbed his hand, forgetting how he was a murderer, forgetting how his hands were responsible for the deaths of so many. “Michael…”
He exhaled in response, looking at you through the strands of hair covering his face. He forcibly grabbed your hand, pulling you to him. Ending up in his lap, he held onto you, still silently staring. He buried his head in your chest, squeezing you tight. He didn’t want to let go.
You let your arms hold him to you, caressing the back of his head. You placed a small kiss to the top of his head.
“Michael… It’s okay. I’m here.”
Michael couldn’t take finally having an affectionate touch after so long. Restraint was something he never knew and letting himself have an ounce of it was like opening Pandora’s box. He pulled away and slammed his lips into yours. He pushed you down on the couch, placing his hands on either side of your face, trapping you there.
And yet, you didn’t deny him. You matched his desperate, sloppy kiss. And Michael could feel the air in his lungs return only to be immediately used from his kissing and grunting. And you knew where this was going when you felt his slight runting against your leg.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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yawn-junn · 11 months
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☆Nicholas Boyfriend Head Cannons☆
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☆Special thanks too: Anon, Nicholas, &team
☆Note: still a bit sick but little better I'm pushing this out so I can work on my Christmas requests have them ready for next month
☆TW: mentions of kissing : mentions of jealousy : mentions of possessiveness : mentions of food
☆Taglist: @niohoon @leoonoa @mxlly143
Maki ver
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☆Nicholas he's protective but in a cute way not toxic never toxic
☆If you ever bring up how cute he is, he will legit stop all movement and stare at you glaring until you take back what you said...
☆He loves when he lays between your legs and you play with his hair during a movie
☆Nicholas is one of those boyfriends where no matter how uncomfortable he is he refuses to move if your asleep.
☆Like the house could be on fire but he's too busy admiring your peaceful face to notice/too care
☆He would let you around the members as long as they didn't hug you for too long or look at you for too long, if they did in his eyes you'd be dealing with an extremely clingy Nicholas (but when is he not clingy?)
☆On the topic of clingy Nicho is very clingy whenever your around he's immediately attached at your side or your back
☆When it comes to hugs Nicho's favorite are back hugs he likes putting his head on the crown of yours and loves to leave little kisses here and there
☆Just like K, Nicholas also gives his s/o massive princess treatment, he doesn't think you need to do anything if he's there, and he's always there
☆Now unlike K, Nicho won't leave hickies to show your taken but instead for his own pleasure he thinks of it like art
☆He cried the first time you kissed his scar
☆No matter how tough Nicholas seems on the outside he is just a giant baby that needs to be taken care of
☆Nicho would at first refuse to let you meet his parents till things got more serious, since he has strict parents he didn't want to disappoint them by somehow not marrying you
☆Nicholas can't sleep unless he's holding on to some part of you rather it be a little of your hair, your hand, your arm, or your whole body
☆The amount of couple outfits the two of you have.....
☆Your closets are mainly just couple outfits Nicho bought because he wanted too
☆Even if Nicholas is super pissed at you he will treat you like a baby although a bit rougher than normal and with an attitude-
☆To calm a pissed Nicholas you're best bet is to go up and pet his hair and leave kisses all over his face but only the day after the argument
☆If you don't speak any Japanese or Korean he'd be the main translator for you, if he's in the bathroom or something Maki will sit and help
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
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✱ all works are written by me. no reposts. ✱
✱ all works contain mature themes. ✱
✱ banner by @archivedkookie. ✱
✱ mainly yoongi & jk fics. ✱
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⇢ i tend to write bratty y/ns. if that’s not your thing, i doubt my fics will be enjoyable to you.
⇢ ♤ [ angst ] ⋆ ♧ [ fluff ] ⋆ ♡ [ smut ]
⇢ ✎ [ wip ] ⋆ ✄ [ on hold ] ⋆ ✓ [ completed ]
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━━ S E R I E S ↴
·˚ ༘ escapism. | knj (m) ✦ [ ♡, ♤, ✄ ]
↳ [ namjoon x fem!reader ⋆ drugdealer!namjoon ⋆ divorced!y/n ⋆ plottwist ⋆ drugs&gangs ⋆ strangers ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ O N E, T W O & T H R E E S H O T S ↴
·˚ ༘ the pink pill | knj ver (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✄ ]
↳ [ drugdealer!namjoon x fem!reader ⋆ acquaintances ⋆ pwp ⋆ one-shot ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ D R A B B L E S ↴
·˚ ༘ the end of a movie i’ve seen before | knj ✦ [ ♤, ✓ ]
↳ [ namjoon x reader ⋆ friends with benefits ⋆ sad ending ]
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━━ S E R I E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ O N E, T W O & T H R E E S H O T S ↴
·˚ ༘ met him last night | ksj (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✓ ]
↳ [ nerd!seokjin x fem!reader ⋆ plot-twist ⋆ porn with plot ⋆ two-faced seokjin ⋆ two-shot ]
·˚ ༘ the pink pill | ksj ver (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✄ ]
↳ [ incubus!seokjin x fem!reader ⋆ neighbors ⋆ porn without plot ⋆ one-shot ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ D R A B B L E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ S E R I E S ↴
·˚ ༘ schemin’ | myg (m) ✦ [ ♡, ♤, ♧, ✓ ]
↳ [ ceo!yoongi x fem!reader ⋆ producer!yoongi ⋆ artist!reader ⋆ boss/employee ⋆ infidelity ]
·˚ ༘ can’t afford love | myg (m) ✦ [ ♡, ♤, ♧, ✎ ]
↳ [ yoongi x fem!reader ⋆ exhusband!yoongi ⋆ divorced!au ⋆ mom!reader ⋆ dad!yoongi ⋆ exes ⋆ second chance ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ O N E, T W O & T H R E E S H O T S ↴
·˚ ༘ the pink pill | myg ver (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✎, ✓ ]
↳ [ yoongi x fem!reader ⋆ exes ⋆ second chance ⋆ porn with a lil plot ⋆ one-shot ]
·˚ ༘ ornery, scandalous & evil | myg (m) ✦ [ ♡, ♤, ✄ ]
↳ [ yoongi x fem!reader ⋆ age gap (post uni) ⋆ brother’s best friend ⋆ enemies ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ D R A B B L E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ S E R I E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ O N E, T W O & T H R E E S H O T S ↴
·˚ ༘ bitter | jhs (m) ✦ [ ♤, ♡, ✄ ]
↳ [ hoseok x fem!reader ⋆ divorced ⋆ infidelity ⋆ porn with a little plot ⋆ one-shot ]
·˚ ༘ the pink pill | jhs ver (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✄ ]
[ hoseok x fem!reader ⋆ established relationship ⋆ porn without plot ⋆ one-shot ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ D R A B B L E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ S E R I E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ O N E, T W O & T H R E E S H O T S ↴
·˚ ༘ everybody loves somebody | pjm (m) ✦ [ ♤, ♡, ✓ ]
↳ [ jimin x fem!reader ⋆ best friends ⋆ fwb ⋆ hanahaki disease ⋆ one-shot ]
·˚ ༘ the pink pill | pjm ver (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✄ ]
↳ [ jimin x fem!reader ⋆ brother’s friend ⋆ camgirl!reader ⋆ porn with a little plot ⋆ one-shot ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ D R A B B L E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ S E R I E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ O N E, T W O & T H R E E S H O T S ↴
·˚ ༘ the pink pill | kth ver (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✄ ]
↳ [ showbiz!taehyung x manager!reader ⋆ co-workers ⋆ porn without plot ⋆ one-shot ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ D R A B B L E S ↴
·˚ ༘ pending. . .
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━━ S E R I E S ↴
·˚ ༘ taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) ✦ [ ♡, ♤, ✓ ]
↳ [ jungkook x fem!reader ⋆ fuckboy!jk ⋆ university ⋆ toxicity ⋆ improv ⋆ crack drabble series ]
·˚ ༘ devoted to you | jjk (m) ✦ [ ♤, ♡, ♧, ✎ ]
↳ [ jungkook x fem!reader ⋆ best friends ⋆ plot-twists ⋆ lots of conflict ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ O N E, T W O & T H R E E S H O T S ↴
·˚ ༘ reminder | jjk (m) ✦ [ ♡, ♤, ♧, ✓ ]
↳ [ jungkook x fem!reader ⋆ proboxer!jk ⋆ exes with benefits ⋆ second chance ⋆ three-shot ]
·˚ ༘ the pink pill | jjk ver (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✓ ]
↳ [ jungkook x fem!reader ⋆ best friends ⋆ porn without plot ⋆ one-shot ]
·˚ ༘ still don’t know my name | jjk (m) ✦ [ ♡, ♤, ✎ ]
↳ [ jungkook x fem!reader ⋆ frenemies ⋆ neighbors ⋆ porn with plot ⋆ collab three-shot ]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
━━ D R A B B L E S ↴
·˚ ༘ see you like that | jjk (m) ✦ [ ♡, ✓ ]
↳ [ jungkook x fem!reader ⋆ fwb ⋆ porn without plot ]
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lexsssu · 1 year
Good Little Girl (Marshall Lee)
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TAGS: Mashall/F!Reader, Original child character, parenthood, fluff Ao3 ver.
“Mishael Linus Abadeer, get your sorry butt down here already before your dinner gets cold!”
“Jeez, I’m coming down already, Ma”
“If you don’t hurry up I’ll eat your portion of fresh strawberries, kid~”
“Dad, don’t be so unfair when you already have your own portion!”
“Not my fault if you’re a slowpoke”
A handsome dark-haired youth flew into the humble dining room hurriedly, seating himself at his designated chair and clutching the small bowl of strawberries to his chest as if they were a priceless treasure. His skin had a grayish hue to them, pointed ears peaked from his ebony tufts of luscious hair while a pair of sharp fangs poked from his lips. The scowl he wore didn’t make him look menacing, but rather even more attractive than he already was in the first place.
“Now, now, now. Stop teasing our son already, Marsh. You know how he gets when it comes to his strawberries and besides, aren’t you already too old to be competing with him over food?” You stifled a laugh as you raised an eyebrow at your husband who merely grinned, shrugging in response.
“It’s survival of the fittest, babe. If our own kid doesn’t understand that then he doesn’t deserve the plump and juicy fresh strawberries you’ve painstakingly grown, picked, and washed straight from our garden”
The vampire king wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, landing a quick kiss to your hair as your preteen son gagged at the public display of affection. “No spawn of mine will grow up ungrateful to their beautiful, amazing, spectacular, wonderful mama~”
Dinner passed by without much fanfare aside from the playful teasing your family generally engaged one another with. Though mainly it was just Marshall being the big bully that he was, something Mishael had already grown used to ever since he was young.
While you washed the dishes, you spotted your son fumbling with his phone as he floated back up to his room. A bright smile lit up his face as a tinge of red gave his cheeks some much needed color and contrast from the grayish hue he’d inherited from his father.
“Lemme guess, he’s probably hung up on Fiona & Evan’s kid...Evie, right?”
Years of being with Marshall had trained you to anticipate his sudden appearance at all possible times that you didn’t even flinch anymore when you hear his voice and feel the warmth of his breath on the back of your neck.
“Mhmm, he’s got it quite bad from the looks of it. Kinda reminds me of another lovesick vampire I knew back in the day…” The corners of your lips quirked upwards in a smile as memories of a time not so long ago flashed in your mind like a cinematic movie.
“Whaddya mean you ‘knew’ back in the day? I’m still very much YOUR lovesick vampire until the universe itself collapses and time ceases to exist, thank you very much”
Placing the last plate upon the dish rack, you wipe your hands dry on the dry dish cloth before gingerly taking the raven-haired male’s face into your hands and pecking his nose. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way, my bad little boy~”
A tender looked slithered its way onto the hybrid’s face, snaking his arms around you until your front was pressed flush against his own. You both floated a few feet off the ground, arms around your waist and your own around his neck as you stared into each other’s eyes.
Marshall Lee had his fair share of relationships over the course of his immortal life, but none had ever enamored him the way you do. None had ever made him want to come home so desperately, even if you were the one who gave him all the freedom he wanted to go off on adventures while waiting patiently for him. His once cold, unbeating heart felt the warmest, the liveliest as long as he was with you.
“Forever’s a long time, ‘ya know? But I’ll be more than happy to let you feel why being MY good little girl is worth it~”
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vividzzxz · 6 months
​🇹​​🇭​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​​🇸​ ​🇸​​🇪​​🇻​​🇪​​🇳​​🇹​​🇪​​🇪​​🇳​ ​🇼​​🇴​​🇺​​🇱​​🇩​ ​🇩​​🇴​ ​🇼​​🇭​​🇪​​🇳​ ​🇾​​🇴​​🇺​'​🇷​​🇪​ ​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇾🇴​​🇺​​🇷​ ​🇵​​🇪​​🇷​​🇮​​🇴​​🇩​. (vocal unit)
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Knowing you, he would keep every necessary thing close by because he knows you'll prolly end up crying or calling out that you're in pain or you want cuddles.
He would cuddle you while giving forehead kisses when you're having too much pain.
He would tell cheesy lines while cuddling you which earn him a lot of giggles from you.
He would often let you play with his hair as he knows you like his hair way too much.
He would intertwine your fingers with his while using his other hand to caress your back or keep it on your belly.
He would comfort you and lightly scold you for shaming your own body when you become sensitive and insecure.
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He would take off days from work to stay home with you and help you throughout the day.
Him being the gentleman he is, he would get you comfy blankets, hot pack and some snacks to go along with it.
He would ready baths for you, he would even let you sit on the countertop watching him cook for you.
He would let you lay on his lap and sing for you while caressing you hair or drawing cute patterns on your face.
He would cuddle you and hold you close to his chest while caressing your back to relieve the pain.
He would massage your shoulders for you when you're tired.
He would keep a glass of water with painkillers along your bedside table incase you wake up in the middle of the night with your tummy hurting.
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When he wakes up finding you asleep, he'll lay there admiring you playing with your hair making sure not to wake you up.
He would make breakfast for you and bring it you while waking you up slowly.
He would bring you a change of clothes and your necessary things and clean up the bed.
He would let you cuddle up close to his chest while caressing your back.
He would shower you with kisses before leaving for work.
He would buy you flowers and dinner / snacks on his way back home.
He would give you some painkillers before bed so you don't wake up in the middle of the night.
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He would wake you up with breakfast in bed.
He would wait until you finish taking your shower knowing you'll want cuddles.
He would let you sit and do all the chores instead.
He would cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, & if he's feeling generous maybe something for snacking too.
He would buy you flower and chocolates often to keep you happy.
He would keep you happy throughout the day by telling cheesy jokes and giggling along with you.
He would let you sit with your back leaning on his chest while watching a movie / k-drama.
He would prepare the bed and keep some scented candles around for you to sleep peacefully.
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He would let you lay on his lap while he twirls your hair in-between his fingers.
He would pepper your face with kisses and tell you how much he loves you throughout the day.
He would tell you how much the members tease him and make a joke out of him earning giggles from you.
He would often prepare your bedroom with scented candles along with some comfy pj's.
He would lay down beside you and sing you songs until you fall asleep. (After all he's the main vocalist)
He would admire you and then end up falling asleep beside you.
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✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
Note: Hope ya'll liked it. It's my first time writing on tumblr.... Mainly I deleted my acc from wattpad.. so I stopped writing. I take requests for writing...
It can be from Skz, Svt, TxT, En-.
It can be based on smut, fluff, etc.
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Link for the performance unit ver. https://www.tumblr.com/vividzzxz/746441925949898753?source=share
Link for the hip-hop unit ver.
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spamgyu · 6 months
(omg okay i said this on twt and it's getting traction so im going to also share it with the class here)
Today we are going to discuss how crazy good this comeback concept is (or crazy good for a marketing girlie like me who enjoys creative concepts)
Let's start off with the first teaser we saw of the comeback which was the boys hinting to a dark concept – darkteen girlies ... RISE!! (this is our time)
We celebrated, we cried, we laughed..... but it was seemingly cut short when teaser vid dropped and showed to a hotel/building and we are going from room to room seeing the past comeback hits. Which were mostly fresh fun concepts.
Are we following me??
The concept art for this comeback is shown to be a dark hotel with each room representing the previous albums.
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It was later found out that this concept art was created by the same artist (Max Dalton) who illustrated the Grand Budapest Hotel was commissioned to design this comeback (along with the design of the membership box and artwork for Monster HHU teaser).
Are we still with me??
Why does this matter?? GBH is such a great movie, let's start with that. But more importantly GBH is a movie about the characters yearning, feeling nostalgic of their past – they desire to go back to their youth while living in a world that has completely changed from the lives they once knew.
And since THIS IS AN ANTHOLOGY ALBUM it alludes to svt being the same as the character; looking back at their work, yearning for a time that is no longer touchable for them.
GBH has such dark undertones to it's story despite the pastels (which are mainly blue and pink) used through-ought the cinematography. WHICH I THINK IS WHY THEY HAD US FOOLED when they released the two teasers back to back.
Moving on to today's drop of the tracklist "Hidden Ver." A lot of people think that it was the full tracklist but let's all put our thinking caps on and look closer "Hidden Version" and the artwork having a zipper CLOSED
Meaning there's more to it.
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Now for context, there is a scene in GBH where the prison guards are stabbing each and every food being brought in for the prisoners to make sure there are no weapons inside.
And...Jun said he and the members have been dropping spoilers..... a few Carats have noticed that he is pretending to shoot a bow and arrow the past two days and uh... besties if we look at the 7 in 17 she looks like a bow and arrow.
Now back to the hidden vers and how it correlates to the prison guards stabbing the sweet fun pastries/food... I am willing to bet $5 and three hair strands that under that zipper is the darkteen concepts we have been begging for.
That is all.
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viccharine · 2 years
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good morning rtc nation here are some bad jane doe concepts I was thinking of (i like the idea of changing the TYPE of doll that jane doe got her head from--i just think it’s rlly fun) 
vers 1: traditional porcelain doll
vers 2: canon-ish jane 
vers 3: raggedy ann-esque (closer to mccarter production design) 
vers 4 (my fav): barbie doll jane! i think i like this version more because i think it would be interesting if jane doe was scary in more of an “uncanny valley” type of way and not a “wtf you obvi aren’t human” way 
i’ll probably do more finished art with these designs soon!!
more barbie-doll jane commentary below the cut:
with vers 4 (barbie doll jane), i imagine that this wouldn’t quite work with theatre but more towards something like a comic/illustration, mainly because it’s rlly hard to portray the uncanny valley with a real actor 
i think it would be super interesting if jane was like, almost human, but there’s just something about her head that isn’t quite right. her eyes have no light in them, her skin is perfect, her hair is so shiny to the point of looking plastic, she’s smiling but her eyes don’t wrinkle---stuff like that. 
artistically, i think this is a much more interesting concept than the other 3? the other three (the porcelain dolls and rag doll designs) are scary more in the traditional sense (think of how many annabelle movies have been made LMAO), but barbie (and other barbie-like dolls) are more seldomly used for horror 
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blazing--comet · 6 months
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Also have this girl she's literally me irl...... She and knuckles are very sibling coded in my mind as well and here's my Knuckles design(drawing below) , i wanted him to have actual clothes and also tried to utilize clothing that the Echidna tribe used to wear in the movie and also the comics + tikals oitfit shoutout to her for REAL !!!! It's kinda cluttered btw but yea !!!! :333. I have two vers for knuckles because he would mainly wear the top piece for important events or big fights and such !!!! Mainly goes without it ^_^
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
Since I’m in spooky mood, yes I know it’s technically summer and months away, let me have my early spook mood🤣, what would each of the Skeleton do if they got to pick MCs Halloween outfit, no limits? Who would get Mc to match them? Would Berry perhaps get MC to be a genderbent vers of the punisher? Perhaps Syrup would get HND!MC to dress up as Ace(RTSTZA MC) and make him and his bro match that AU? Who would do couples themes? Funny? Who would pick outfits just to see Mc dressed as certain things? Inside joke costumes? And any skeletons, I know there’s the main (neighbour skeletons) however can be hotel and mafia aswell if you so please! Sorry I just absolutely love and adore how you write every skeleton, and I just love your HND vers!
I added some hotel and mafia boys to the mix! Thank you for your kind words!!
Sans -It’s definitely a pun costume of some type, you don’t get it though until Sans turns up in his matching costume. He’s very proud of himself for the costume choices which is obvious from the grin he can’t get off his face.  
Papyrus - He really doesn’t know what to choose, he wants you to be comfortable but he also loves the idea of matching so the two of you go over different costume choices together until finally deciding on a couple costume that you both like. 
Red - He wants to be just a tad mean since you gave him full control and ends up putting you in a rather skimpy maid outfit. He thinks it’s hilarious until you start calling him master and playing up the role turning him into a bit of a mess. 
Edge - He chooses a couples costume with a stylised Persephone and Hades. It’s a very sweet costume choice and you two look stunning in your costumes. Plue this couple's costume lets him dote on you the entire night. 
Blue - He’s a bit cheeky with his choice. He wants you to look sexy but doesn’t want you to see him as an outright pervert so he wants you to dress as a cheerleader. He hypes you up about it too and the colors chosen are his favorites. Basically acting as his own personal cheerleader. 
Orange -He gets you to be a lifeguard. Part of this is an inside joke but it’s mainly an excuse to see you walking around in a one piece and gets him to put in minimal effort when finding the costume but he didn’t realize how much the costume would affect him. He finds himself staring at you throughout the night and thinking about how next year he’ll ask you to wear something different. 
Berry - Doesn’t actually want a couples costume and gets you to dress as a spiderman variant. Either Spiderwomen, or ghost spider, spider girl. A female spiderman really. The costume is really well designed and put together, fitting you perfectly and you look exactly like the character. 
Syrup - He actually chooses a couple costumes although your part is a lot more revealing than the original story. You get to dress as little red riding hood and Syrup is going to be your big bad wolf. He likes his side of this costume because it’s minimal effort and he also gets to match with you. 
Killer -He chooses to dress you as a Final girl from a horror movie. Your clothes are ripped and you have fake blood on you, looking seriously injured from a long night of trying to survive. He thought it would be fine but when he first sees you it makes him panic slightly. He does calm down as the night goes on but the first reveal is a bit of a shock. 
Nightmare - the costume he chooses for you is a goddess costume. It’s gorgeous and makes you feel severely overdressed but you look beautiful. Whether Nightmare chooses a dark goddess or a lighter goddess costume depends on your normal style. 
Dream - The costume he chooses is an inside joke. Only he and you get it but it was worth it. You weren’t expecting him to pick the costume but somehow you also couldn’t imagine him choosing anything else. 
Colt -Colt wants to see you in full Skulls gear. What you wore during your time interning in the mafia (or would have if this isn’t HND). You look badass and very intimidating in your jacket, plus you added some battle wounds for added effect. Colt can’t help but stare, he has trouble getting up the nerve to talk to you when you look like this as he fanboys even though he was the one who picked the outfit. 
Rifle - A mechanic. Complete with overalls tied at the waist, white tank with grease stains,  messy updo hair, grease of face and some tools. He mainly did it as a joke, it’s literally his clothes with some fake grease, you weren’t supposed to actually look hot in them though so he freaks out a bit and makes a fool of himself when he sees you. 
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nwqxx · 5 months
hiii i'm Nana, but I also go by Tess. i use any pronouns
#nana cries is my vent tag where i scream in russian so if u dont want to see my vents please block this tag
this is mainly a FNaF/Starkid blog but I also post about my other fandoms sometimes
(more info under the cut)
(TW) Themes I prefer not to talk about
Death threats
please do not associate me w/ characters like constance blackwood and ruth fleming, it makes me uncomfortable for personal reasons
sometimes i may act with a bit of lack of emotions and it doesnt mean that im rude, its just how i act
if something uncomfortable/upsetting happens i always go straight forward about that. that doesnt mean im rude either
i am rude only when needed and only to people who deserves it
Musicals (Heathers, Mean girls, Beetlejuice, Legally Blonde, Hamilton, the Hatchetfield trilogy (and Nightmare Time), Be more chill, Spies are Forever, Ride the cyclone, Twisted, Starship, Firebringer, AVPM, VHSCC, Trail To Oregon)
Metal Family
Wes Anderson stop-motion movies
Night in the Woods
Total Drama Island
Scott Pilgrim
Stardew Valley
Movies (the perks of being a wallflower, juno, 500 days of summer, etc)
Highest kins
Stephanie Lauter
Emma Perkins
Ramona Flowers (comic ver.)
Mae Borowski
Nana Osaki
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rayraygo1267 · 1 year
Here are some of my favorite gabenath fanfics for anyone who is interested
Note: These are all AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) fanfics
deux pas vers la chambre by silverhibiscus
Summary: This fic is a one-shot in which, Gabriel and Nathalie attend one of Audrey Bourgeois's parties and while in attendance, they make an acquaintance with one of Audrey's newer and younger models who takes quite the liking and interest in Gabriel. This model's flirtatious antics make Gabriel feel quite uncomfortable and so as a distraction he pulls Nathalie aside to engage in some more pleasurable activities --- though there may be more emotional ties hidden behind these activities then both Nathalie and Gabriel anticipated. This fic contains explicit content which means it is meant for mature audiences (18+) so read with caution.
become the mask by theotherkira
Summary: This fic is a very short one-shot that is mainly hawkyura (Hawkmoth x Mayura) centric but I love it so much that I had to include it here! Anyway, the fic involves Mayura and Hawkmoth sharing a very intimate moment and whilst in it, Hawkmoth reflects on the bounds of his and Nathalie/Mayura's relationship and how he really feels deep down. This fic is really short but it is written so beautifully that I promise you it is worth a read! Although this fic does contain explicit content which means it is meant for mature audiences (18+) so read with caution.
Slow Motion by TheRoseontheCovers (TheLilyoftheValley)
Summary: This fic is full of a bunch of one-shots (some are connected to each other and others are not) detailing Gabriel and Nathalie's relationship and how it developed. Most of the chapters do contain mature/explicit content but they are also full of a lot of fluff and angst which makes the fic itself really intriguing --- definitely recommend.
oh le cuir doux s' emmêle by silverhibiscus
Summary: This fic is honestly one of my favorites! It is based upon or you could say inspired by the amazing gabenath comic Please Take Me Dancing Tonight by @stopaskingmetowearthatwig where it goes into very explicit detail about the night that Nathalie and Shadownoir shared after he came to check up on her after the incident of his failed akuma attack. If you love that comic as much as I do, I can promise you that you'll love this fic. Although it does contain explicit content which means it is meant for mature audiences (18+) so read with caution.
Music of the Night by kissmyapplejuice
Summary: First of all before I give a quick summary of this fic if you haven't seen the movie or know the basic story of Phantom of the Opera then this not the fic for you, because you will need context from the original source material to understand this fic. Anyways, with that out of the way, this fic is a one-shot that begins with Nathalie Sancouer an opera singer who has finally got the chance to have a lead part on the stage and tonight --- is her opening night! Now normally Nathalie would wear whatever the opera permits her to wear on stage for her big day, that is until she finds a beautiful dress --- unlike anything she's ever seen, waiting for her in her room. This dress is left by none other than the mysterious masked phantom who roams the opera halls and designs dresses for those he deems worthy. Nathalie, grateful for the gorgeous gown the phantom designed just for her, is determined to unmask the man and find out his secrets. This fic contains explicit content which means it is meant for mature audiences (18+) so read with caution.
Snippets by fleurjaune (fleur_jaune)
Summary: This fic is really cute. It has a lot of different complex emotions in it, angst, fluff, romance, etc. Each chapter is based on a word or phrase and then turned into a concept or theme centering around Gabriel and Nathalie's relationship. This fic is rated for teen and up audiences.
everytime i think of falling (i know you're falling too) by silverhibiscus
Summary: I absolutely adore this fic! It is full of a bunch of snap-shots of Gabriel trying to romance Nathalie and honestly it's just really cute! You should definitely read if you are looking for some fluffy gabenath content. This fic is rated for teen and up audiences.
Okay so obviously this is not all the gabenath fanfiction out there, nor is it the only gabenath fanfiction I've read, but these fanfics in particular are some of my favorites and I really hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
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sollattes · 1 year
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Hi im ian or sollattes ! I am 20 y/o, I use she/they pronouns, and I love writing little drabbles or headcanons(more about me)
I write for whoever(depends on my mood honestly 😭) but atm I mostly writing for;
Kpop :
svt, nct, txt, atz, mmm, and gidle (le sserafim and enha are occasional)
Movies/series :
twilight, high and low(both the series and the movies), meteor garden (chn, 2018 ver.), Harry Potter, Cherry Magic, aib, Dr. who (only the 10th doctor tho) and the Mcu (dcu occasionally)
Anime :
demon slayer, jjk, and haikyuu
Also, I do try keep a lot of my fics gender-neutral so a lot of them would they/them!reader though I am comfortable with doing she/her or he/him fics i just prefer my fics to be gender-neutral, and I do a lot of aus(mainly like mcu!person or hp!person and like super natural stuff) so no need to be confused if ever so suddenly I post like a spiderman!idol or ravenclaw!character
Also, I do occasionally write some nsfw themed stuff, so if u don't like it, don't read it, don't interact with it.
•please do not copy/plagiarise my work, if you are planning to use some of its elements for your benefit please do ask for my permission, and if you are going to translate my works please ask my permission
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awerzo · 9 months
Hi, welcome to the Void
🌑 Call me Awerzo [pronounced ah-VER-zo]
🌒 She/They, any/all if its funny in the moment ◇ AroAce spec
🌓 Polish ◇ Posts are mainly in english but sometimes I spice it up with some język polski
🌔 Art Student ◇ Mixed media artist, primarily digital but I've been dabbling in traditional more often recently
🌕 Mostly interested with horror, dark fantasy, folklore and the such ◇ Always open to game/movie/book/etc recs!
My commissions are currently open!!!
I have a Ko-Fi, Toyhouse (WIP) and a Carrd
You can buy prints of my art on Inprint!
I occasionally reblog/post nsfw stuff.
My main tags are #art tag (self explanatory) #reblog (also self explanatory) #the void talks (non-art posts) #the void talks back (asks)
The lil guy in my pfp is my art persona :]
My Pathologic lino prints are available on my Ko-Fi Shop
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chlodoll · 1 year
Can we get that PowerPoint ?👀
it took forever to load cause it’s so much longer than i remember!
(it was mainly pictures/videos on slides with me talking ~ connecting everything 😅)
so here is an overview of my delusional and unhinged guide.. blur ver
it’s in a timeline and covered homecoming time to nwh then takes off more for summer 2021
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looking at the lead up to july 2 and then.. the yellow ring stuff … and there’s a wedding!
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then fall 😅 press for the sand movie.. and interesting things with that. then print interviews basic stuff
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of course the happiest birthday and clearly i was always checking her nails 😂
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jewelry connections or substitutes and articles.. implications… visits..
by the end we all agreed engagement happened back in 2021 and thee ring was going to be given sometime from christmas - the new year first few weeks cause it made sense. trust me.
but i literally fell out when they actually did go on vacation in january and then i saw her nails it was a wild time in the group chat cause this whole presentation was just me being delusional and messy and unhinged 😁
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sourrcandy · 2 years
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— sourrcandy. a writeblr reintroduction.
hello there , writeblr ! it’s almost 3 years since i joined this community and i’m slowly resurfacing here because i’m on uni break so i’m back ! [ psd by : @dayslily ]
about me.
i’m harls , she/her , 20 , hong kong australian , and i write mainly spy fiction/thrillers ; i’m also a mod for @welcometowriteblr or you might know me from my main ​@maesvtro !
when i’m not writing , i’m a uni student studying film and working my job in retail ( lol irl ). i like to spend my free time drinking coffee , watching shows , vibing to music (kpoppie lets go) , gaming , and chilling on vc with my friends xx
some fun facts : my first language is cantonese , i’m multifandomed , movie soundtracks are my kryptonite with comics coming a close second , i’ve also been playing basketball for over a decade !
main wips.
knights. a neo-noir mystery thriller. [x]
the godfather of arkridge city has been murdered and no one knows who did it. with a multi-billion dollar inheritance and the fate of his kingdom on the line, the nine clemonte children must use all their daring as they are put to the test.
follow sera, aredhel, maribelle, and storm as they forge new relationships, unmask the culprit, and try to stay alive to earn the mantle before the killer brings the city to their knees. [draft 1 ver 3]
sswip. spy fiction collab with @atelierwriting [x]
two estranged sisters, one world of espionage, and a whole lot of problems. game on, sis. [draft 2, re-outlining]
kill your darlings. redacted fairytale retelling [x]
wake up, grab your sword, and conquer the world. with death literally on her doorstep, princess aurelia unwillingly teams up with kendra, a knight from the enemy kingdom, in an attempt to find an end to her curse. and maybe fulfil a destiny or two. [draft 1, half backburner]
backburners. some wips living in a circle of hell
about nightmares (na urban fantasy) ; i to die, you to live (treasure hunting wip i miss her)
well if you have read this far , please , sit back and laugh at all the stupid shit i’ll eventually do or already have done . for taglists , feel free to send an ask !
main blog | twitter | welcome to writeblr | how arcane taught me to outline
tagging some friends. @seasteading, @moariin, @lasbrumas, @wordsbynathan, @helioselene, @serpentarii, @kazino, @tsainami, @ikilledmyocs, @bayoucurse​
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