subcas · 4 years
Is it possible that Castiel is somehow alive or is he *ACTUALLY* dead? Is there a possibility he can come back or we talking about the first “doesnt come back from the dead” in supernatural? Sorry if its a stupid question im waiting until s15 is finished so i can watch
he’s in the empty, which he already got kicked out of once for being gay and annoying and now he’s gayer and even more annoying
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alexthedrummerboy · 4 years
Brit, is there a reason why we cant subscribe to your fics on ao3? Sometimes when you post poyp updates i dont realize cause it gets pushed down by new posts on my feed and i really dont wanna miss anything cause i kinda love it, any tips?
hey! that’s really bizarre, you should be able to receive email notifications whenever i post a new chapter if you’ve subscribed to poyp 
if you’re worried about missing an update, you could always track ‘poyp tag’ on tumblr? it’s less reliable than an email every new chapter but i think that could be a solution if you’re worried about missing chapters!! sorry this is happening friend :( i’m not sure why!!
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ace-with--a-mace · 4 years
Hey hey hey, reply with five things that make you happy and then send this to the last 10 people in your notifications.
Bye bye bye ily bye
thanks for the ask! ily too :)💛💛
1. Yknow those big slides that twist around and are hollow?? yeah i like those
2. Cool socks
3. Not having homework
4. Decorating
5. My friends!
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dnpsuck · 6 years
Lola do you know when the video with the phil was posted because i cat find it
just scroll down a little bit, it’s the little hotel window one
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fiction-phan · 6 years
THANK YOU!! I’m sorry I only just saw this. I love you too and I would absolutely love to get to know you 💖
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lizzzybooo · 6 years
Liz hi, im trying to track ymim but sometimes i miss it when you upload and i wanted to know why i cant subcribe to the story on ao3 (which would make it a 1000% easier to read because i LOVE it)
hey honey!
first of all here is the link
second, i had no idea there was a problem with that? is there anything i actually need to do so that people could subscribe to the story? please tell me if so! 
and thank you for saying you love it
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pseudophan · 7 years
Watch dan say he watched life in bed, just wait
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philsdrill · 7 years
Sorry if im bothering just wanted to know when the next someday chapter would be up? If you dont hve a date thats fine too dw✨
It’s not quite finished yet, but I’ve been working on it a lot these last few days. I’m hopeful I’ll get it done this weekend, but I cant guarantee that so lets say next week sometime (and if its before then well that’s a bonus).
Also, its no bother you asking, I like to keep everyone updated but I usually never get around to it. Also this has encouraged me to keep going, so thanks for asking!
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mrs-iruka · 7 years
Think Before you Speak!
I was sent a prompt by the lovely @mairenyaf as follows:
‘I have a prompt (even tho you're not asking for any I just really want you to write this cause I love your writing) established relationship au where they do a joint live show because Phil has laryngitis so he texts Dan all he wants to say so Dan reads it to the audience and Phil sends Dan some sappy message and Dan reads it without noticing so that's how they come out, very fluffy and a kiss at end of the live show so i can live my dreams through fiction (you can add all you'd like Ily).’
I truly hope you like this, my lovely. I did my best with the prompt. Enjoy!
Phil had woken up that morning with laryngitis. His throat had been feeling a little scratchy since his return from America just over a week ago, but he thought nothing was actually going to come of it this time, as usually the virus would break a few days after getting home. He’d been trying to shout up their connecting staircase to Dan that he’d made coffee, and when no sound had come out, Phil had slumped at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. So when he awoke to find his voice was totally gone, he was less than happy - especially as it was the first Thursday since getting back to the UK and he’d been looking forward to doing a liveshow, the first in a few weeks. When Dan had woken he found his boyfriend curled up beside him in bed looking thoroughly fed-up and miserable.
“Morning, love,” said Dan sleepily.
But got no reply from Phil.
“Okay, what have I done?” sighed Dan.
Phil motioned to his throat.
“What? I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me. Just talk to me Phil.”
For a moment Phil looked very frustrated before he extended an arm across to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. Phil opened his memo page and began to type.
‘I’ve lost my voice!’ :(
It took Dan a little while to process what exactly Phil had written, but when it did sink in, Dan let go a small laugh, causing Phil to glance at Dan balefully.
‘It’s not funny, Dan! I’ve got calls to make, plus a liveshow to do later.’  Typed Phil.
“Yes it is! It’s too funny. So I’m finally going to get a few days of peace at long last,” said Dan jokingly.
This caused Phil to pout.
‘I hate you!’
“No you don’t,” laughed Dan before pulling his boyfriend into his arms to give him a good morning cuddle.
All day Phil had been alternating between texting Dan and using his memo pad on his phone to communicate.
At around four o’clock Phil text Dan:
To: Danny Boy 16:00
Dan, I’ve just fallen over in the bathroom and now my ankle hurts! Help!
Dan came barging his way into the bathroom to find Phil sat on the floor holding his ankle, a sad expression on his face.
“What did you do? No, you know what, never mind, let’s get you onto the bed.”
Dan bent forward and helped pull Phil to his good foot. Phil wound his arms around Dan’s neck and buried his face in the crook - it was the place he loved the most and just held Dan close.
“Honestly Phil, you’re a nightmare,” said Dan softly before drawing back a little and planting a soft kiss to Phil’s forehead. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
Phil kept one arm wound around Dan’s neck, the other he held out to the side to try and balance himself as he hopped along the landing. A few times Phil nearly fell taking Dan with him, but thankfully, Dan managed to stay manfully upright.
Once Dan had managed to get Phil on to the bed, Dan collapsed across the end of the bed.
“Jesus Christ, Phil, you nearly had us both over,” complained Dan as he rubbed his arms.
Phil chucked his phone at Dan.
‘I’m so sorry, my foot went from under me and I just went down. It hurts so much.’
Dan sighed and sat up. “You had better let me check that.”
Gently, Dan pulled the sock off of Phil’s foot, and indeed there was a slight swelling.
“Right grab a couple of the spare pillows underneath my top one whilst I go and grab an ice pack from the freezer,” ordered Dan.
Doing as he was told, Phil grabbed the spares, and put them under his ankle to elevate it. Dan was back in minutes with an ice pack wrapped in a tea-towel and gently placed it on Phil’s ankle. This action caused Phil to wince a little at the cold contact to his skin, but this soon melted away.
“Okay?” asked Dan.
Phil just nodded miserably.
‘Dan, I want to still do a liveshow tonight? Will you be my voice?’ asked Phil via his memo pad a couple of hours later.
“Really Phil? Can’t you just put a tweet out explaining that you’ve lost your voice, and you’ll do one next week?” asked Dan with a frown.
‘No! It’s been a few weeks as it is, and I want to see everyone’s lovely words!’ typed Phil stubbornly.
“You mean get attention, you tart,” said Dan good-naturedly.
Phil had the good grace to blush at that statement.
‘So you’ll do it? Pls? Ily!’
Phil gave Dan his most loving smile, the smile that made Dan feel like agreeing to anything.
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it,” grumbled Dan. “I hate you!”
But Phil just winked.
Phil put out a tweet:
Phil Lester
Hey guys! So I am doing a liveshow tonight, but I’ve lost my voice, so Dan has agreed to be my voice tonight. See you at 7pm.
The liveshow was a few minutes late starting due to Dan mucking about in the kitchen making drinks for them both.
When Dan had sat down, Phil hit the ‘Go Live’ button and the show began. Dan knew the routine of saying hello to some of Phil’s followers as they arrived. Once sufficient amount of people had been greeted, Dan turned to Phil, and hastily, Phil began to text. The phone in Dan’s pocket pinged.
Dan let out an inaudible sigh and pulled his phone out of his pocket to read Phil’s message aloud.
‘Hey guys, so thanks for joining us tonight. As you can see I have lost my voice so I have Dan acting as my voice for this evening.’
Phil began scanning the chat for questions whilst Dan made some small talk. A moment later, Dan’s phone pinged again.
‘Mary asks: How was Vidcon? It was good. Got to see lots of our friends again, and to meet a lot of you guys, which is always nice. Though whoever it was that sneezed on me is in my bad books lol.’
Dan read the text aloud again.
“Would you like me to read the premium messages?” asked Dan of Phil.
Phil gave a nod of approval.
“Phangirl33 says: thx for doing the show tonight,” read Dan.
“Phil said: Thanks for being here,” read Dan.
The longer the liveshow went on, the more irritated Dan seemed to be getting. He wasn’t even really paying attention to what was even being said anymore. Which in the end caused Dan to make a huge mistake!
Dan read aloud the text that Phil had just sent him.
‘Dan, I know you’re not enjoying this very much, but I really do appreciate you doing this for me. You know if it was the other way around I would do the same for you, right? I love you so very, very much, Dan, always have and I always will.’ 
Dan’s eyes widen when he realised what exactly it was he’d done. He hadn’t meant to have read that message aloud, Dan looked at Phil in complete horror. Phil looked as if he was ready to pass out, Dan didn’t dare look at the chat has he knew full well what was likely being said. For a moment the guys just stared at each other before Phil began to silently laugh at the whole damn situation. It wasn’t long before Dan started laughing his head off too.
“I can’t believe I’ve just royally fucked up like that,” spluttered Dan. Red faced and wet cheeked, and totally forgetting about the liveshow for a moment. It wasn’t until Phil started pointing at the laptop did Dan remember. Dan gave Phil an enquiring look, and when Phil nodded Dan began to speak.
“Okay, so we hadn’t intended to come out that way, fuck, we never intended to come out at all, we were going to leave to your imaginations. But now that I’ve gone and screwed things up, this is it,” said Dan nervously.
Dan dared glance at the chat, it was speeding along at a hundred miles per hour by now, and was full of ‘OMG!’ ‘I’m crafting’ ‘Kiss’ ‘ASDFGHJKL WHAT?’ ‘WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?’ Dan glanced back at Phil before wrapping a large hand around the side of Phil’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
When they broke apart, they found the stream had completely crashed. The servers had been broken and they were just facing a black screen.
“Oops!” muttered Dan. Right now, his worries about the backlash they were going to likely face over the next few days sat heavily on his shoulders, but at the same time Dan felt so free.
‘I can’t believe you did that, Dan! But I’m so glad you did. I love you, and at long last I feel so... free... what abt you?’
“Me too, Phil, me too.”
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dantlers · 7 years
i i i i i hear its your birthday so so so so happy birthday
haha thank you!!
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doomedhowell · 7 years
Is there a sequel to Best Mistake? Because when i read it is says at the end 'next part' but when i click it it doesn't work. Sorry for bothering btw✨☄️
the link should be working now :)
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auroraphilealis · 7 years
Go do that skam au I've waiting for too long Eliza
I FREAKING NEED TO UGH, you have been waiting to long my friend! I’m going to write a chapter today, I have promised myself!!!
(before anyone gets mad at this person, I asked someone to yell at me to write my skam au lol)
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danlands-moved-blog · 7 years
What up its [datcog] no im kidding i cant sleep whats up?
ahh i’m just chilling on tumblr as usual tbfh
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mrandmrlesterhowell · 7 years
mairenyaf reblogged your post:After Phil’s latest tweet, I always wonder what...
Do you write? You should write this as a fic
I don’t sadly! but thank you for thinking it was worth making into a fic! :D
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dnpsuck · 7 years
Solo he hablado español con una persona en el phandom estoy en shock literal, also hola me llamo ale, ok adios (jfc im so fucking awkward doy miedo)
hola ale! hablo muy poco español pero comprendo casi todo so if i switch to english mid sentence it’s because of that akshakldh
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manchestereyes · 7 years
Claire we dont know each other but it seems to be your birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🎊🎁🎂🎈🎉
thank you!!! 😁💕🎉 don’t be afraid to message me anytime, i love making new internet friends!
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