#mairon x maedhros
carmisse · 7 months
Simarillion random moments pt 2
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billanony-art · 4 months
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Maedhros falls into Morgoth's trap
Sauron prepares to torture Fëanor's son in the fortress of Angband
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doodle-pops · 10 months
“How Much Do You Love Me?”
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A/N: This was originally planned for the underrated character event and ended up being scrapped at the last minute. Enjoy!
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I’D DIE FOR YOU…in a heartbeat, if you ever asked them to choose, they would instead give their lives so that you can continue living. They preferably die, even if the act was selfish, which meant leaving you alone for the rest of your life. It would pain them to leave you behind to suffer and grieve their deaths, but it was better than staining their hands with blood while continuing to live. It simply wasn’t a part of their nature. It felt more heroic to give their life to save the love of theirs.
Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Argon, Finarfin, Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Ecthelion, Egalmoth, Rog, Galdor, Beleg, Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, Erestor, Gil Galad, Manwë, Irmo, Námo, Eönwë, Tilion
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I’D KILL FOR YOU…and there’s no joking around when some got on their knees and swore to remove anyone and anything that threatened to harm or take you away from them. They have no issue in removing the enemy with their hands—getting them dirty was all a part of your protection. The act of taking someone’s life never or no longer bothers them so long as you remain safe and alive.
Feanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Turgon, Maeglin, Thingol
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I'D BURN THE WORLD FOR YOU…and they would do it in a heartbeat if that was the only way for the both of you to live in peace without any enemies and threats. A guaranteed method to sustain both your happiness and forever. A world without anyone to obstruct your love and steal either of you away. They would set the world on fire to remove everything so long as you remain at their side, and from the ashes, they’ll merely create a new world for you both to live in peace.
Feanor, Thingol, Melkor, Mairon
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Taglist: @lilmelily @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @ladyenchanted @mcwentfandomtraveling @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819
If you would like to be tagged, click the taglist link to join.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 months
The Torment of Maedhros
Rating: E
Pairing: Melkor x Mairon x Maedhros
Themes : Dark
Warnings: Captivity | Injuries (briefly mentioned) | Non-con  
Wordcount: 800+words
Summary: Maedhros opens his eyes and finds himself in Melkor’s halls.
Inspired by this amazing art by @saintstars
Minors DNI | 18+
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“He opens his eyes at last!” Melkor cried. His voice was like stone crashing against stone, booming and harsh and unyielding, and filled with cruelty and malice. It startled Nelyafinwë and brought him back to the world of awakening with an agonizing rush. “Hail and well met, Nelyafinwë," the Lord of Angband added, "Prince of the Noldor.”
The prince opened his eyes. He first discerned the cold floor pressing against him, the cracks in his lips and the aches in his limbs, and the white-hot agony wrought from the wounds along his sides. Then he dared to lift his gaze. Seated upon a lofty throne hewn out of dark stone and adorned with the bones of the slain was none other than the greatest among the Exalted Ones himself, his fair form garbed in robes and armor of the deepest, darkest black. A crown sat amidst his hair, the bleakness of its iron hidden by the radiance of the three jewels that adorned it. They burned as bright as any star, their light cascading onto columns and walls in a breathtaking waterfall of silver and gold.
They were the Silmarils, the greatest creation brought forth by his lord father’s hands. And they were taken by force, taken by the one who had set them upon his crown, no less. Nelyafinwë was wroth.
“You have no right to them,” he growled. “You have no right to the hallowed jewels. Return them to me, Morgoth, Black Foe of the World. Return them to me, and allow me to go back to my kin.”
Melkor threw his head back and roared. “Return them to you? Allow you safe passage to your kin?” He stood and descended the many steps leading to his throne, the light in his obsidian eyes burning like a scorching flame. “Oh my prince, do you truly believe I would willingly yield what I had been so hard-pressed to gain?”
His prisoner did not even deign to answer. It amused Melkor, this defiance from a creature he could crush so easily. Presently, he said, “The prince has lain overlong on the cold floor, beloved. We should aid him to his feet.”
They were not alone in the cavernous hall that served for a throne room. There was another with them, one whom Nelyafinwë had not yet seen. They came to him, light of foot, nary making a sound as they walked over polished stone. Their arms went around him, lithe but powerful, and lifted him up from behind like he was nothing more than a feather in the hand. Heat pulsed against his skin like a living thing, a sign of the power the one who held him wielded. It frightened him, for he knew who it was.
“Mairon,” he murmured.
“I see those who were born long after I pledged myself to my master know me,” Mairon returned. His voice was as tender as a chaste kiss. “This pleases me, truly, for who yearns to be forgotten? Now fix your eyes, my prince, on the hallowed jewels that rest even now upon my beloved’s crown. Savor this moment, for the gift of gazing upon them is all you will ever receive.”
As Melkor drew closer, a strange hum slowly arose, filling the prince’s ears. Beneath it, he perceived, were a hundred hushed voices in his kindred's tongue. Each word rippled through the air over and over and over again; they seeped into the very marrow of his bones and urged him to reach out and take the blazing jewels and fulfill, once and for all, the Oath he swore alongside his father and his brothers. Nelyafinwë moved to obey this call, and Melkor thwarted his attempt to do so. He seized the prince’s arms, his hands as tight as vises. He was rewarded with a cry of pain.  
“You may behold the Silmarils,” Melkor warned, “as Mairon said. But that is all you will ever be allowed, Nelyafinwë, prince of the Noldor.” He looked over his prisoner’s shoulder and smiled at his most loyal servant and companion. “Fëanaro’s shining heir is now ours to do with as we please. Pray how do we begin?”
“I will never yield!” Nelyafinwë cried, ashamed of the weaknesses of his flesh. “You will find no easy conquest with me!” 
“In whatever manner we wish,” Mairon replied, his smile a mirror of his master’s own. His hand streaked over Nelyafinwë’s exposed form, greedy, possessive, and far from gentle. It sent an unwelcome shiver down the elf’s back. “This one is comelier than all of the others," the Maia declared, "and stronger. He will not waste away as quickly as they did. And look! See how he is already aroused! We must indulge as much as we can from what this delectable morsel has to offer.”
“We do not seek easy conquest,” Melkor said, “certainly not with you. Come, my love. Let us take our prize to our chambers. It is time he became acquainted with us in a more intimate fashion.”
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tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
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autumnshighlady · 9 months
Tolkien Masterlist
Wildest Dreams (ft. Fingolfin)
A Lesson in Language
coming soon
The Professor series [WIP]
completed: Nesta, Gavriel, Feanor
coming soon: Rowan, Eris, Dorian, Maedhros, Helion
All I Gave You Is Gone (Tolkien x ACOTAR crossover) [WIP]
part 1 / part 2 /
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annahiril · 20 days
Annahiril - Concept Art
First concept art of my Self-Insert Annahiril :
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Small Context
This Self-Insert come from one of the idea I had for my OC Elmyr. When I first created Elmyr, I wanted her to be either a Maia or an Elf (and I choose the Maia option as you may know).
But I couldn't completely give up on the Elf idea, so I decided to come up with this Self-Insert based on this second concept.
♡ This is how Annahiril was born ♡
Please, do not take this character too seriously. Annahiril is mainly for my own personal self comfort and RP with my sister This is why Self-Insert are made for ♡
So don't worry, my main character will still be Elmyr/Alruna ♡
Now that you know all the story behind this new character, here's the notes I have about Annahiril so far ♡
Annahiril timeline - Books
Born in Valinor (Years of the Trees)
Around same age as Galadriel (1350/1360 A.A)
Belong to Fëanor house
Daughter of Maedhros
Have a little sister named Annaedhel
Celebrimbor's cousin
Great crafter & Student of Aulë
Follow her father to Middle-Earth
During the First Age, Annahiril will live in Beleriand (with her cousin Celebrimbor I guess?).
During the Second Age, Annahiril will stay in Eregion with Celebrimbor.
Around SA 1200, Annahiril will meet Annatar (Sauron).
They will both fall in love.
Annahiril and Annatar will get married around SA 1350.
In SA 1500, Annatar who revealed himself as Sauron, leave Eregion to Modor and kidnap Annahiril.
Annahiril will be a prisoner of Sauron during 100 years.
In SA 1600, Sauron will finish creating the One Ring. But his creation will cost Annahiril's life.
I hope I haven't made a lot mistakes concerning the dates and timeline...
I've done my best with my recent knowledges on The Silmarillion and Tolkienverse. But any help or corrections would be welcome ♡
Do not copy, retrace or use my art without my consent !
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine being a pirate in Middle Earth
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(Anon I’m so sorry. From my lack of creativity, I made up dumb scenarios with quotes I cherry picked from youtube. I do have one serious so I hope you like this dumpster fire) 
Requested by Anonymous
Warnings: Pretty much none on the first part. Only Amrod is gonna have rough time. Most is jack sparrow like but the last one is Barbossa. 
-What happens when you pick up a washed-up pirate from a beach? Nothing good, especially if that pirate’s last name is Sparrow. The feanorians learned that the hard way with all the nonsense you caused when you woke up. 
*How you first met*
You: So, let me get this straight. You start murdering our kin, stole their boats, abandoned your other kin who helped you murder our other kin, then proceeded to burn to the boats which might had not burned your youngest brother alive? 
Maedhros: Uhm
You: Wow, and people tell me I’m stupid. Do you have any idea what you did when you burned those boats? 
Maedhros: I know it was wrong, but it was my father’s orders. 
You: Well, your father was an idiot because all the peaceful bonds and treaties you wished to have here on Middle Earth are not gonna happen because burning those ships marked you as the enemy of the Eldar and the sea. They’re protected by an honor code even we the pirates follow. So, what you technically did is that you told everyone you’re a bunch of orcs. 
Maedhros: … shit. 
You: Heh, how odd that we, the so-called foul pirates, have more honor than you. 
*You helping him and Fingon escape Angband with unimaginable means* 
Maedhros: This is either madness or brilliance
You: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide
*You about his hand* 
You: Don’t be sad about it. You can now have a hook you can poke eyes with. Did you know there are sea creatures such as starfish that can grow their limbs back? 
Maedhros: …
*Maglor talking about something* 
You: You know, your singing is good as a siren’s. It’s gonna kill me if it doesn’t shut up. 
*When he’s having a rough time* 
You: Close your eyes and pretend it's a bad dream. That's how I get by. 
*While in Nargothrtond*
You: Elf, Your dog has more honor than you and knows how to be a gentleman, unlike you. Which reminds me?
You: *Kneel in front of Huan, holding his paw*
You: Would you like to join my crew, mate?
Huan: *Barks*
Celegorm: What? You can’t just ask my dog to be a pirate. 
You: And you can’t just force a princess to stay in the tower like a prisoner and force her to marry you, especially when she said no. 
Celegorm: …
*When the silmaril quest was over*
Celegorm: That didn’t end well. Hey, where’s Huan?!
You and Huan: * Standing on a ship. Huan wearing a hat and an eye patch, holding a knife in his mouth*
Huan: *Staring with a judgy look* Arhhhg
*When you kept him prisoner after attacking Luthien* 
Curufin: Hey, you can’t just leave me here tied up!
You:*walking away* You'll broke free moments ago. You have just been waiting for a chance to jump me. 
You: *Turning around to block his attack* 
You: See
*Talking about saving and stuff* 
You: If it ever came to that I would have to choose either you, your brother, or the dog. I'll take the dog. 
*When arguing something later and succeeding now* 
Caranthir: You actually were telling the truth. 
You: I do that quite a lot yet people are always surprised. 
*When Caranthir did something to the rum*
You: Why is the rum gone?!
*When saving Beren and Finrod* 
You: Me, I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly ---stupid. 
*When you got a jar of dirt*
You: Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt and guess what's inside it!
*When you make an escape* 
You: "You'll always remember this is the day that you almost caught --- Captain (Name) Sparrow!" *Makes an epic escape* 
-He had jumped off into the sea when his family had set the boats on fire. He tried to scream for them to stop and tell them he was there, but they did not hear him. He had nowhere else to run, so he had to jump through the fire into the water. 
-He suffered terrible burns, which burned and stung harder than any blade. The pain was deep and agonizing, making it nearly impossible for him to stay on the surface, and when he tried to swim toward the land, the current suddenly swept him away. 
-He panicked when the land became more distant from his reach, and he didn’t have any energy to swim. 
-He was on the brink of drowning. He kicked his feet as hard as possible, but it only fastened his energy loss, and he was submerged under the water. 
-He thought it was the end for him as his lungs began to fill with water, making him feel even further pain before they became numb. 
-His mind nearly fell into darkness till he heard something heavy, and something suddenly yanked him out of the water. 
-He was thrown against a stern deck, and water gushed out of his lungs, making him cough and slough over the floor. His lungs gasped for air, and his mind awakened back to reality. 
-He was frightened when he saw his rescues. They were elves yet looked vicious and wore clothing no ordinary sailors wore during their journeys. It didn’t help when they sneered down on him, calling him a burned-wet rat and an orc. 
-He took a quick look around the ship, which was ten times bigger than the ships his family used to sail across the sea. The mast stood tall, carrying haunting black sails, and there were round metal constructs that looked like weapons of sorts. 
-His attention was brought back when his rescuers pushed him in a sneering tone. Amrod thought about all the stories he heard as an elfling about the sea and knew from them that he was dealing with pirates– real pirates. 
-They demanded to know if he was part of the burning of the swan ships since he possessed red hair. He didn’t dare the answer till they forcefully picked him up and took him to what seemed to be a captain’s cabin. 
-They pushed through the door, and there you sat, feeding a strange four feet creature with a long tail that screeched at him. 
-Your crew members talked about their suspicions about him to you, and you calmly listened and looked at him. 
-Amrod tried to hold up a calm face, but even though you were an elf, there was something strange and eerie about you. 
-You spoke softly to him, asking if he was hurting and if he would like to have a warm change of clothes. Amrod didn’t know how to answer– he felt reluctant even though the burns on his body were hurting. 
-You softly smiled at him and asked your crew members to bandage him up and give him dry clothes so you could have a proper discussion later. 
-Amrod felt hesitant, but when his wounds were treated and he got out of wet clothes and given time to rest, his body shut down from exhaustion. And he was glad just to have some rest even though he was on a pirate ship. 
-He felt odd the next time he woke up. The crew still treated him suspiciously, and when you invited him for dinner, he didn’t dare to refuse, so he accepted. 
-You spoke softly to him, letting him eat first. You apologized for the rough treatment and explained about the swan ships. 
-It was a prominent rule in the sea to never attack swan ships for they were considered neutral and were your kin. Attacking and burning swan-resembling ships will mark an orc or an enemy, so you stayed around when you saw several swan ships burning at the shore. 
-You discovered the heinous act was done by a group of elves, so you and your crew had been agitated by the news. 
-You asked if he knew about it, and Amrod hesitated, knowing what might come if he told you what he and his family had done to get the swan ships. He didn’t know why they were burned, but having heard such a sacred rule. He knew he wasn’t in a good situation. 
-Amrod decided to play ignorant, but he tensed when he saw you look at him strangely like you knew he wasn’t telling the truth. Your monkey only hissed at him. 
-You then started telling him a little story about you and your crew. How you sailed around the sea and resisted the orcs from the shore. How you found a treasure and how there was a curse of death and lies. 
-You told him how lying was a bad habit and how many end up as the victim of their own consequences before you offed him an apple. 
-Amrod acted out of his brashness, taking a knife and striking you in the chest. You staggered back, taking out the knife, looking unaffected. Amrod paled at his mistake and how you didn’t seem to bleed. 
-” I’m curious. After killing me, what was it that you planned on doing next?” You held the bloodied knife, looking at him with a sinister grin. 
-Amrod tried to leave, but when he got outside. He was faced with the crew, who looked like walking corpses, screeching at him and doing their chores under Tillion’s light. 
-He was struck with terror. He had never seen anything so horrifying in his life. He tried to hide, but even your monkey was a walking corpse, screeching out of his hiding place. 
-You grabbed him and made him look at your crew. 
-You explained to him the curse that made you undead and how the moonlight showed your true form before making him look at you. 
-You told him how long you have been unable to quench your thirst and starved yourself, unable to die. You told him how felt nothing and showed your arm, which turned dead and rotten under the moon. Amrod backed away in fright. 
-” You better start believing in ghost stories, little elf,” You said, showing your true form, which was a rotten skeleton. “You’re in one!” You said. 
-Amrod watched in horror when you opened a bottle of rum, drinking it which flowed through your bones and withered clothes. 
-Amrod ran inside, and you mashed the bottle while closing the door, laughing with your crew. Amrod was hiding in a corner, holding his knees and hoping the nightmare would end soon.
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urwendii · 1 year
Prototype WIP: Take flight, ô my Song upon thy heart.
☆ AU. russingon + eönwë x mairon
Maedhros hangs upon the face of Thangorodrim for years now. In torment both physical and emotional, clinging to his hope that his Song will be heard once more by the one his fëa is bound to.
Mairon kneels on the cold stone floor of Angband, back bloodied. He has failed his King, for while Melkor stood chained in Mandos, Mairon has mingled anew with the beings of Valinor living as if his servitude to his Master had been a passing fancy.
When Findekáno, now Fingon the Valiant in the language of their new land, comes to Thangorodrim and sings his despair admist the dark cliffs Manwë's pity is moved for more than one being.
Upon the steep cliff as the Nolofinwëan wrestles with the fell iron trapping the eldest Curufinwëan, another one climbs the facade moved by a primaeval goodness of his own nature. Upon Thorondor's mighty back, comes Maedhros unbound for the hell-forged shackle has bowed to Mairon the Maia's will and broken in three shards that tumble down the mountains in a loud tumult.
It is so that Fingon lands in Hithlum with his cousin and another being whose name has been all but twisted in resentment over the long years spent in darkness.
Bodily healing comes swiftly to Nelyafinwë but it is of mind that the Eldar requires time and company of the one that has so readily comes to his rescue. War is brewing for Morgoth's rage is a terrifying thing and soon enough the earth shakes beneath their feet. The Dark Lord hatred is great as he tempests against the departure of his Mightiest servant. For Mairon has stayed with the Nolofinwëan in Barad Eithel and to them it seems the Maia's might has dimmed much under the blight of Morgoth. Yet powerful and knowledgeable he remains still, as an echo of his once grandeur amongst his kin in Aman and to the people of Fingolfin he taught much of the craft of building and weapons.
Yet defiance still arose between the sons of Fëanor, displeased with their brother's decision to pass the Crown over to their uncle, yet upon one night comes Eönwë, flying over a breeze of Holy Valinor and in front of the elves present, he pulled Mairon in an embrace and the Elves had to look away such was the sudden light that comes forth from the two Ainur.
In northern Beleriand much of the lands was then prosperous as Elves flourish under the tutelage of Eönwë who has remained by Mairon's side, unwilling to leave and much friendship developed between Maedhros, Fingon and them.
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meadowlarkx · 2 years
My @officialtolkiensecretsanta gift for @mai-sau! I hope you like it! 💞💞
Reembodied Mairon and returned Maedhros find themselves drawn to each other in Fourth Age Valinor.
Mairon/Maedhros, ~4.2k, M rating for bad decisions sex; mind tags and A/N!
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lamemaster · 5 months
Loving the Maelstrom
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Pairing: Maedhros x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Perks of marrying a writer. Nelyafinwe pov.
AN: Istg I get the most random ideas while working out.
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Curvo bounced the fussing Tyelpe in his arms, his brow furrowed in concern. "What's wrong with her?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
Maitimo sighed for the what felt like the hundredth time that evening. He glanced across the room at you, your face lit by the flickering firelight. A vicious smirk was etched upon your lips, your eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity as you stared into some unseen distance. "She's writing a villainess," he muttered under his breath, more to himself than anyone else.
The murmur seemed to quench everyone's curiosity, at least momentarily. Except for Tyelkormo, who perked up at the revelation. "A villainess?" he echoed, his eyes wide with fascination. "Is that why Kano's been playing such… ominous tunes lately?" he asked, directing his question towards a very tired-looking Nelyafinwe.
Before Nelyafinwe could muster a reply, Moryo, ever the impatient one, interjected. "Makalaure, for the love of Illuvatar, can we please have a normal tune?" he pleaded, his voice laced with exasperation
Both you and Kano paused for a fleeting second. Your minds snapped into the present world before grinning widely and Kano launched into another melancholy somber tune. This time, accompanied by your booming evil laughter. 
Such perhaps was the fate of loving a writer. He had known it well as Kano’s brother. A songwriter and musician's angst was familiar to Maitimo. And yours was similar yet, so achingly different.
Where Kano’s music seldom bled into his life, your words lingered in a pervasive presence. The angst of separated lovers, fervor of a brewing war, or the grit of a dwindling hero, you were lost in your worlds even before Maitimo met you. 
And when he did meet you, he also met your worlds. Gay, morose, bleak, grand, your worlds were his now. Your character settled into his thoughts. And sometimes, they carried a part of him or his family. Small fragments of your life that bled into your worlds. 
He liked your never-ending ramblings about a crooked character or exceptionally hard-to-write down plot. And he witnessed your fall into the world who possessed your mind and heart. 
Despite the differences in art, you and Kano were inseparable in the creation of art. His tunes often rang out from your and Maitimo’s home as you scribbled away another tale. While Kano’s music was given a direction of melodies from the stories you wove into the tunes he tinkered around with. 
And this was the rare occasion where both you and his brother were taken by a story so bewitching that from the strums of Kano’s harp to the rouge of your lips- all was tainted with a lingering shade of sinister. 
It had been a week since your robes had been swapped for uncanny dark silken gowns, very much not your usual choice of color, your nails were painted a hue darker almost bloodlike. Even the decor of your study had shifted ambiance similar to that of the Maiar of Namo.
On several occasions, Maitimo had seen you stir your dinner with a smile so venomous that he sniffed his food twice before eating it. 
You donned a gait so seductive that he, almost was tempted to discard the weekly family dinner with his parents. Yet, despite the unease that gnawed at him, Maitimo couldn't deny the jolt of excitement that shot through him when your newly painted nails, tipped with a crimson that seemed to mock innocence, brushed against his arm.
“I just hope sister-in-law and Kano are not going down the Mairon route of life.” Curufin’s words brought Maitimo back to the present. 
The dinner had ended surprisingly well. Kano’s company had perhaps allowed you to shed the world that captivated you these days for a few moments. You were back to your normal self smiling by his side. Helping his mother and brothers set up the dinner table as twins climbed all over Maitimo.
It was only later in the night when his breath shuddered. He gasped as your lips ghosted over his ears. Filthy words spoken without a care of the oddly lonely alley on the way back to your home. Words so daringly sacrilegious that they would have sent a Vanya to the halls of Irmo. 
Maitimo however, was nothing if not immune to the intricacies of your play and definitely not a faint-hearted Vanya. Pulling you closer in his arms, he indulged your little world. Tracing the shape of your lips with his fingers, he kissed you with a wicked smile. 
Nelyafinwe loved every part of you. Even the fucking crazy ones. 
(This one definitely more than the angsty lovers)
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Edit: 67.9% of people support this ship. Most do.
Aredhel x Celegorm
Caranthir x Haleth
Melkor x Mairon
Finrod x Bëor
Túrin x Beleg
Curufin x Finrod
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 months
Hunted H(e)art
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My dear friends,
Have a discarded draft for another fic that I'll rewrite and add to as I go along!
I shall not be posting the fic on tumblr, as the chapters tend to be rather long, and I don't want to strain your eyes or overburden your feeds more than necessary.
Anyway, if you want weekly updates to a story combining all my favourite characters and ships, hop on over to Ao3!
Lot of love!
Pairings: Fëanor & Fingolfin, Oromë & Nessa, Amrod & Amras, Aredhel & Galadriel, Maedhros x Fingon, Turgon x Finrod, Celegorm x Curufin, Melkor x Mairon (and some more)
Words: hard to say...20k?
Warnings: Gen chapters, E chapters, hunting, blood, sadness, trauma, sex, incest, the usual
If that sounds like something you'd want to read ⇢
Chapter 2 (Gen)
Chapter 3 (Celegorm x Curufin)
Chapter 4 (Aredhel & Galadriel)
Chapter 5 (Amrod & Amras)
Chapter 6 (Turgon...x Finrod)
Chapter 7 (Maedhros x Fingon) (explicit)
Chapter 8 (Celegorm x Curufin (x Finrod) ⎮ Galadriel & Aredhel ⎮ Melkor xMairon) (explicit)
Chapter 9 (Maglor & Caranthir)
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cilil · 9 months
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AO3 recommendations overview
A good chunk of the recommendations I received - thanks again to all those who sent me something! - were from AO3 and I couldn't always find a corresponding Tumblr post to reblog so I decided to make a list for convenience (an attempt at sorting has also been made). Please go show some love, enjoy and happy holidays/happy new year!
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₊˚⊹ Ainur
♡ Back In Evernow by @the-red-butterfly (Melkor & Manwë, Gen)
♡ Feathers and Friends by @elennalore (Manwë & Ulmo & Maglor, Gen)
♡ Whenever our paths cross by @thedaughterofshadows (Tilion, Arien & Ilmarë, Gen)
♡ Go Get Him by @glorf1ndel (Eönwë x Arafinwë, T, WoW)
♡ To be Made of Fire by @hirazuki (Mairon & Arien, Gen)
♡ Worth While by @hirazuki (Mairon & Eönwë, T, WoW)
♡ Redeeming graces cast aside by @mirkwood-hr-department (Melkor & Nienna, T, canon divergence)
♡ No Sooner Looked by @verecunda (Melkor x Mairon, Eönwë, T)
♡ When Your Walls Fall by @curufiin (Melkor x Mairon, T, canon divergence)
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₊˚⊹ Elves
♡ So do our Minutes Hasten to their End by @maglor-my-beloved (Caranthir x Haleth, Erestor, T)
♡ Anywhere With you by @last-capy-hupping (Maedhros x Fingon, past Melkor x Maedhros, E, modern AU, heed warnings)
♡ What Happens at Camp Eglarest, Stays at Camp Eglarest by @polutrope (Daeron x Maglor, T, modern AU)
♡ of a harsh and caustic nature (the root of hope) by @oopsbirdficced (Caranthir x Finrod, T, soulmate AU)
♡ A Compass Pointing North by @elentarial (Celegorm x multiple, E, modern AU (cam work))
♡ Pour Out A Drink For Me by @nothinghereisworking (Caranthir x Haleth, T)
♡ Star Anise by @maglor-my-beloved (Fëanor & Nerdanel & their children, Gen)
♡ Bureaucratic outcomes & oversights by @sortumavaara (Glorfindel x Erestor, M)
♡ Snow white and the hunts(wo)men by @goschatewabn (Celegorm x Oromë, M, ABO)
♡ Laws and Customers by @z-h-i-e (Glorfindel x Erestor, little Arwen, Gen)
♡ glade-song by @welcomingdisaster (Galadriel x Melian, M)
♡ Slow Flights by @searchingforserendipity25 (Maedhros & Irmo, Gen, coming back to life)
♡ The Seven Trials of Fingon the Valiant by @melestasflight and @polutrope (Fingon, various pairings, T)
♡ My Bones Divide and Shake by @sallysavestheday (Celegorm & Oromë, Gen)
♡ Nothing gold can stay by @mirkwood-hr-department (Thranduil x Glorfindel, E, long fic)
♡ Something in the Darkness by @hirazuki (Eöl x Aredhel, M)
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₊˚⊹ Dwarves & Hobbits
♡ You Should Be Safe With Me by @fantasyinallforms (Bilbo x Thorin, E, canon divergent verse)
♡ And I’ll say I love you, and I’ll say that I do by @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book (Bilbo x Thorin, Gen, modern AU)
♡ Flowers that Never Die by @frosticenow (Bilbo x Thorin, T, pre-canon)
♡ Fuck Thy Neighbor by @lordoftherazzles (Bilbo x Thorin, E, modern AU, accidental marriage)
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₊˚⊹ For Orc lovers
♡ Scars of Silver and Gold by @niennawept (Adar x OFC, E, ROP verse)
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₊˚⊹ Old/older favorites that helped me through difficult times back in the day:
♡ Catechesis by @lvsifer (Melkor x Mairon, E, pope AU my beloved)
♡ the path of ecstasy by @bodhvild (Melkor x Mairon, E, heed warnings)
♡ In Utumno's Deeps by @foxindarkness (Melkor x Mairon, E, heed warnings)
♡ distractions by @tarmairons (Melkor x Mairon, baby dragons, unrated)
♡ Just This Once by @crackinthecup (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ ... and I burn for you by @echoesoftheforest (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ Desire by @dragonofmordor (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ Sacrament by @mayakoroz (Melkor x Mairon, E)
I was a lurker back then and too shy to comment or make myself known, but I saved links to my favorite works and never forgot about them. Better late than never.
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₊˚⊹ Gifts for yours truly
♡ His Malicious Majesty by @i-did-not-mean-to (Mairon, various pairings, M)
♡ Where there's smoke, there's a fire by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon x Gothmog, E, modern AU)
♡ Dog eat dog or something like that by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, puppy, gen)
♡ Aber bitte mit Sahne... by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, Gothmog x Eönwë, E, coffeeshop AU)
♡ Can't you see that I'm bound in chains? by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, Gothmog x Eönwë, E, mafia AU)
♡ Reaching for the stars by @i-did-not-mean-to (Manwë x Varda x Yavanna, T)
♡ The adventures of Crablor by @goschatewabn (Crablor x Faramir, E, heed warnings)
♡ Broken traps by @ruiniel (Andreth & a wolf, T)
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₊˚⊹ Art collections (is this cheating? No idea - but this is my event and I loved these so let's put them in as a bonus)
♡ Kinktober by @sortumavaara (various, E)
♡ Kinktober by @elanna-elrondiel (various, E)
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doodle-pops · 3 months
Pocket-Sized AU! Elves Adventures
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A/N: In celebration of recently earning 1.5k followers, I couldn’t help but share a project I had been working on since January 2022. Returning to my old Wattpad days of Pocket-Sized Imagines, I decided to create this for fun and as a new AU with excitement to share. I do hope you all enjoy these pieces I've made!!
Context: Follow through on an adventure with different elves as your Pocket-sized friend.
Style of Content: Headcanons & Alternative Route
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Introduction: When your life had been down the drain in the past few months and your lack of having good friends became an issue, you found yourself isolated. Days rolled into weeks and nothing seemed to be working no matter how much you pleaded to have good friends in your life. Growing frustrated in a final plea for comfort and someone to care for and adore you, one day, you decided to shut the world out.
However, you awoke to the sound of an anonymous knocking on your door. Rushing, hoping for a moment of opportunity, you came face-to-face with a giant grey box sitting on your porch and a note attached, addressed to you.
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𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑌/𝑁,
𝐼 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑦𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑦 𝐼 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑔𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
𝑀𝑎𝑦 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑗𝑜𝑦, 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘!
𝑃.𝑆: 𝐷𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 ℎ𝑖𝑚 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑘𝑠.
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Growing more confused about the letter and the contents of the box, you first peered around your porch for the suspect before eyeing the box. Taking a deep breath and reaching out to unfurl the silver ribbon, the box came undone to reveal multiple smaller boxes of the same colour, yet, one stood out the most. The same grey box, but with the addition of a red bow.
Tempted to unravel this box first, you reached forward and brought it closer until there was a muffled “Hey! Hey! Careful!” making you freeze for a moment before ripping the cover off to reveal a tiny person inside.
Gasping and nearly falling on your butt, you braced yourself against the doorframe as you were caught in a staredown with this mini-person. Larger eyes staring in panic at smaller, softer and much serene ones.
“You’re a...what are you exactly?” you doubted in astonishment and interest, focusing on the movement and expression he cast.
“I’m not a ‘what’, I’m a ‘who’. Who am I?” he rectified as he stood upright with tiny hands upon his waist while looking up at your gigantic figure. “I am an elf, and a pocket-sized one to be precise, sent here to care for you and be your friend...so my Master says!"
Speechless at his ability to move around and speak like an ordinary person, you were slightly dumbfounded. “Ah...”
“You must be the giant mortal my Master spoke of? Y/N was it? I am...”
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𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ House of Feanor
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ House of Fingolfin
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ House of Finarfin
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Lords of Gondolin
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Doriath
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ House of Elrond
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Gil Galad & Gwindor
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Bonus: The Ainur
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @mcwentfandomtraveling @ladyenchanted @aconstructofamind @lamemaster @stormchaser819 @hermaeuswhora @zheiya @addaigio @elficially-done-with-life @eunoiaastralwings
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©doodle-pops 2024: no permission to repost, upload, translate or plagiarise on any platform. I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. Please do not steal my content.
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Here it is. The list of Kinktober posts scheduled for sharing, along with the dates.
Warning: Each post contains content of a sexual nature. Minors DNI /🔞
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Reader insert requests:
Squirting: “Above all else” | Fëanor x Fem. Reader – 10th October
Size kink: “Made for me | Námo x Fem. Reader – 12th October
Breeding kink: “Strange needs” | Re-embodied! Finrod x Fem. Reader – 14th October
Bondage (hands and arms): “The vow” | Caranthir x Fem. Reader – 18th October
Threesome: “Another bedmate” | Melkor x Mairon x Fem. Reader – 20th October
Spanking: “A new source of pleasure” | Fingolfin x Fem. Reader – 22nd October
Age difference: “The Black Swan” | Arthur Dayne x Fem. Reader – 24th October
Temperature play (Wax): “New delights” | Aemond Targaryen x Fem. Reader – 30th October
Whimsy’s Kinktober specials
Mistress kink: “Mistress” | Varda x Eönwë – 16th October 2023
Temperature play (Ice/Cold): “A welcomed chill” | Arien x Tilion – 19th October
Physical description and NSFW Alphabet for: Arthur Dayne -25th October
First time: “Crimson and gold” | Tulkas x Maedhros – 26th October
Physical description and NSFW Alphabet for: Thû -28th October
NSFW alphabet for Thuringwethil - 31st October
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viola-ophelia · 1 year
let me know what your favorite is in the tags! ^w^
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