#major headache rn
perfectly-uncapable · 3 months
weird ass dream tonight where Taylor Swift called for a ceasefire at one of her shows...like she sang a new song she wrote that was obviously about her love life but during the first verses she showed footage of Gaza being bombarded and at the end of her show she said "immediately stop it!!! i mean, ceasefire now!" and i just thought my god my swiftie friends are going to be insufferable about this
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hood-ex · 8 months
You’re like the Dick Grayson encyclopedia of tumblr to me, so here is a question (no need to answer if you don’t want to lol). I’ve been thinking a lot of Dick’s many TBIs due to one of my classes… anyways, do you know when Dick’s significant TBI’s happened? Like what comics specifically? (Also, this is just for anyone, but you can answer if you’d like: does DC every say what part of Dick’s brain got injured during his TBIs?)
Idk one of my classes has talked a lot about specific brain functions and what could happen if certain areas are injured, and I obviously thought of my head trauma king. Got me thinking about the consequences Dick could have or should have faced with his TBIs 🤔
Dick's been clobbered in the head with a variety of things an ungodly amount of times. I even once made a post about different times Dick got clobbered in the head with like a baseball bat, golf club, etc. And then other people piled on more examples so lol yeah, I suppose some of those would be considered... less significant TBI's.
His most recent significant TBI did show which area of his brain got injured:
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #50
According to Dick, he lost bone, blood, brain tissue, and cerebrospinal fluid, and he also suffered from severe vascular swelling. He talked about how one of the effects of this was having a jump in consciousness. Like he wouldn’t understand how he ended up somewhere. - Nightwing (Vol. 4) #50
Right after the incident, he also couldn’t talk or feed himself (which isn't the case in Nightwing Annual #2 but whatever). - Nightwing (Vol. 4) #54
Dick's been shot in the head another time in Batman and Robin (Vol. 1) #15. Dr. Hurt fractured the back of Dick's skull to cause a hematoma. The intended effect was to have blood absorbed in the cerebrospinal fluid which would give Dick permanent neurological damage. So, basically, he wanted to turn Dick into a vegetable. Here's the placement of the bullet in case you were curious:
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Batman and Robin (Vol. 1) #15
From here on out, it depends on what you'd classify as a major TBI. I mean, he once got clobbered on the top of his head with an extremely heavy looking mallet. He ended up blacking out from it for an extended period of time, so I'd personally count this as something on the more extreme side.
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Nightwing (Vol. 3) #16
And speaking of blacking out, Dick blacked out four times in the current Nightwing run because he kept getting hit in the head (this takes place after Dick gets shot in the head by KGBeast—except the flashback one—sooo... his brain is probably feeling extra soupy now 😌):
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #92
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #81
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #81
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #101
In Robin: Year One #2-3, Dick had bandages around his head and might have taken a shot to the head from Two-Face's bat (though, luckily, Two-Face didn't get to deliver the final blow to Dick's head that would have killed him instantly). It seems like other internal injuries were more prominent as well as the fact that Dick's throat started to swell so badly that Alfred had to intubate him. Nevertheless, Dick nearly died from the severe beating, and the head injury might have increased his chance of dying.
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Robin: Year One #3
In Superman/Batman #55, Bruce got Superman’s powers and he ended up losing control of himself. He broke Dick’s jaw, knocked some of his teeth out, and caused other fractures to Dick’s body (it doesn't specify where the fractures are but Dick's head possibly might be fractured considering the bandages).��Bruce warned Dick that one more hit would kill him (very RYO-esque, no 😌?).
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Superman/Batman #55
And, again, we could probably go on and on with him getting hit in the head and blacking out over this and that, so I'll end it here.
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autistickaitovocaloid · 7 months
Hi everyone the zine's finally here (or at least the digital version is) hope you enjoy it + lmk if anything isn't working.
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lemohn-the-cat · 1 year
guys look content!! some law!!!
“Lawrence” written by @maddcelestial and illustrated by @outer-andromeda
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lesless · 5 months
I find a lot of things extremely annoying but I’m trying to be positive about it all bc what else can you do, ya know?
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merevide · 10 months
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beeapocalypse · 10 months
what do you mean i have to beat the game before i can read louies recipes. man
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poptartmochi · 10 months
in some other universe i don't have anxiety and instead have infinite swag
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ducavalentinos · 2 years
i finished work-related stuff, i did my semester’s exam and i sent that hellish project 🙄🙄🙄 soo all in all i think i can say i’m kinda (finally) on vacation god bless 🙌
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bipidin · 2 years
Decisions decisions and all of them are giving me a heart attack
#so i have 2300 dollars in my saving rn#and I will owe the school 2800 dollars just about for this upcoming semester#BUT#i want an ipad for notes#bc i have been taking my notes digitally for the past year on my laptop but my laptop decided halfway through the last semester#that it did not like being used as a notebook and now gives me so many headaches with the pen(s)#also it was hard when i was watching lectures to take notes and i prefer digital only bc of how versetaille it is#paper feels so permanant that i become nervous about writing something down bc what if it messes up the flow?but i can lasso shit digitaly#so much less stress and just i fell in love with that - plus cs major im going to snip diagrams/algo codes/flow charts and annotate them#bc help me lord copying that shit down is a nightmare while trying to listen to the actual important stuff#ANYWAY#money#bc that means i wipe out the savings I just built and im just gonna be sad for another year bc i wont be able to afford some nice things#the concert i wanted to see will also be way iut of my budget#im scared of accidently impulse buying - im aware this is a purchase that i've been thinking about since feb/mar#but what if im lying to myself and i dont need it and i regret it - what if i regret not getting it now with the 100 gift card promo#that way the pen is more affordable#even if i dont need it too much this sem im planning a harder next sem#how will i afford the next sem?#thats like 800 dollars an ipad air with case and screen protector and pen - can i deal with messy paper notes?#(no that will give me anxiety - paper notes have to be neat and pretty -> its permanent)#but this IS a want#i shouldnt do it#but i want to#i think im just trying to justify a frivolous expense#but i really cant take digital notes on my laptop anymore#i just scribbled a budget for 20 min and the amount of times the pen would freeze or skip was drving me insane#and by nice things i mean skipping meals with friends(they eat expensive for me)/clothes i will prob need to budget around#small happy things to give me a boost
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9fe2bf · 1 year
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moss-gender · 2 years
tfw you may have gotten concussed by getting kicked in the head (twice) by a possessed (?) animatronic clown
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scaryhaven · 1 month
very close to muting the word "bear" on twitter, i just cant... bear endure it much longer
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hey guys hostile reminder that I am Here.
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3am-cheerios · 1 year
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wabblebees · 1 year
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