#majority leader of the Maine House of Representatives
conflictofthemind · 1 month
Thoughts on "Escape from Camazotz"
Oppressive Suburbia, Conformity, and Season 5 Themes
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I've long thought that a major focus of Season 5 will be the contrast between the families of The Wheelers and The Byers, and exploring how non-traditional family environments can be freeing vs the oppressive structure of the nuclear family.
In a Wrinkle In Time, Camazotz is a planet controlled by the big bad of the book, the "IT", who forces the citizens into a conformity that resembles American suburbia. All of the houses the same, the citizens the same, doing the same things at the same time without individual identity. Without anything different. Different means a lot of things, but with Stranger Things dropping different in reference to Will's identity and the presumable themes of this season, it will heavily codify as queerness and how it threatens the cisheterosexual family model.
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Henry was raised in the 1950s, a decade still revered by conservatives for it's traditional family dynamics that supposedly were the peak of culture and happiness for all. That was all a lie, of course, and Henry knew so as he shows to Nancy and Eleven during his monologue. The second most conservative decade aside from the 1950s in American society is widely considered to be the 1980s.
The Creels will serve in parallel to The Wheelers; the worst example of what they could become and the damage that this type of family could do to a child that is different in any way. Notice how Vecna selectively shows Nancy visions of The Wheelers dying, but not anyone else she may consider family or friends (like Jonathan).
That is; unless they change their ways and come together as a healthy functioning family facing their traumas, The Wheelers will be toast.
Karen has been moved up to a main character role this season. Ted's actor says the father starts to show up more for Holly (hold that) and realizes he wants to act differently. Holly has been recast. Finn has said Mike goes on a much more personal journey this season, and steps up as a leader.
Oh, also: the catalyst for all of this is that Holly goes missing. The contrast will help show how the Byers (including El and Hopper here) were able to pull together and help solve Will's disappearance, versus how the Wheelers as a closed off nuclear family grapple with Holly's vanishing.
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Each of the Byers is in some kind of a non-1950s conformist relationship, but particularly Will (not in one now but we all know he will be). I think El might represent, after she breaks up with Mike, the fear of the unmarried woman being satisfied without a husband. The above shot really emphasizes my point.
I predict that Will will end up coming out to his family rather early on, and we will see all of them immediately accept him with little surprise or push-back. Will is a visible gay man who comes from an open minded non traditional family (divorced, non-married, adoptive) that is willing to have honest conversations.
But this theme will place the most focus on the Wheelers. Mike is the main character of said family and this will particularly focus on his arc, and his acceptance of his queerness in the midst of suburban conformity.
He is not visible, he comes from a Reagan-supporting family who don't communicate with each other. He is not particularly close with his family like Will is. He pushes his feelings down and tries his damn hardest to be normal despite it all. His trauma hasn't really been addressed at all. He is falling back into his usual habits - the one thing he dared to do different (grow his hair long) has gone back to how it was.
It's not all doom and gloom though. This season above all will be a redemption arc of the American nuclear family, how they choose to escape their conformity and learn to be there for each other, thus overpowering Vecna. Not that the Wheelers are going to end this personally.
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"Great, more hysteria. Just what we need". "It's the news, now indistinguishable from the tabloids".
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the-red-company-if · 1 year
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"When laws fail, when kingdoms crumble, we are the ones who remain standing in the ashes. We live by the sword, die by the sword. We sell our skills, not our souls."
The Red Company is a game where you'll take on the role of a mercenary and embark on a dangerous journey through a morally ambiguous and immersive dark fantasy world. (The story will be divided into three main Acts where you will meet different people and face different challenges.)
Genres: Dark Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Psychological Thriller, Horror and Drama.
Warnings: This story is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, blood, death, gore, darker themes, mature language, (optional) explicit content, drug and substance abuse, psychological horror, mentions of past torture, mentions of past child abuse, and probably more things to be added later on—> If any of these themes or content may cause discomfort or distress, it is recommended to refrain from playing the game or to engage with caution.
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Keelos is a realm known for its rich culture and magical heritage. The most potent form of magic, however, is not learned but a birthright etched into the bloodlines of the noble houses. Those who inherit this gift are referred to as the "Vestiges." The Vestiges belong to the 11 leading noble houses of Keelos, where these magical powers are inherited through generations, granting them abilities far beyond that of ordinary magic users. Each bloodline has its unique magical prowess that echoes its lineage's legacy.
However, the inheritance of these gifts is fickle – sometimes gracing multiple children within a single generation and, at other times, skipping several generations entirely. Regardless, the birth of a Vestige is always a significant event, celebrated with grandeur or dreaded in silence, based on the power they inherit.
Valyssa, one of the eleven Kingdoms of Keelos, once known for its thriving trade and powerful defenses, now teeters on the brink of chaos. The King's health is failing, and despite having fathered three illegitimate children, the laws of Valyssa dictate that only a Vestige can ascend to the throne. His bastards were not gifted with the bloodline magic; thus, the kingdom finds itself without a clear successor. The absence of a legitimate Vestige heir has thrown the noble houses into a power struggle, each vying for dominance and control over the kingdom.
The army, once Valyssa's pride, is now divided into different factions; its loyalties splintered among Varis's children, weakening the military's ability to maintain order and security. With the rise in violence and the state's inability to protect its citizens, the mercenaries once looked down upon are now a necessary evil.
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The Red Company, a renowned and influential mercenary guild in the Kingdom of Valyssa lies in the bustling city of Valethorne, located on the crossroads of several major trade routes. Renowned for its integrity and unique blend of mercenaries, the Red Company represents a beacon of hope, kindness, and unity during a time of unrest.
In this game, you take on the role of the only child of Cassius, the revered leader of the Red Company Mercenaries. Your home is where you undergo hard-hitting training, intense strategizing, and prepare for the cutthroat reality of the mercenary life. This guild is not just your family but your lifeline in the dangerous world you're set to inherit.
Each day, you dive into the hardships that define the mercenary life. Loss and grief are as much a part of this life as victory and laughter. You learn that the sword isn't just a tool; it's a part of you, an extension of your will. Blood, sweat, and tears are your currency as you pay the price of survival in a world often too cruel to bear.
Under the watchful eye of your father, you face the critical decisions and dire consequences that come with leadership. Every choice you make, every step you take, carries the weight of the lives dependent on you. Your father's lessons become your mantras: Honor is non-negotiable. Loyalty is paramount. Caution is survival.
As you stand on the cliff of adulthood, you prepare for your coming-of-age mission. But the looming threat of the ruthless Iron Serpents and other mercenary groups and the turbulent political landscape of Veydis test your resilience, daring you to break.
Your legacy is the flame that holds back the broaching darkness. But the question remains:
For how long can the good days last before everything crumbles?
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⚔️ Customize your gender, pronouns and sexuality.
⚔️ Customize your MC’s physical appearance.
⚔️Customize your own special weapon.
⚔️ Choose an alias that the public will know you by.
⚔️(Re-)build The Red Company after your expectations!… or let it all fall apart
⚔️Recruit new members.
⚔️ Explore friendship or romance options with a colourful cast of characters or make them your enemy.
⚔️ Adopt your companion for life... a doggy!
⚔️ Choices Shape the Tale: Your decisions will shape your character's personality, moral compass and influence the world around you.
⚔️ Will you lean on your brute strength, your eloquent charm, or perhaps your keen intellect to save your neck?
⚔️ Confront challenges, enemies, and mysteries in pursuit of glory.
⚔️ Discover hidden truths in a world of prophecy and peril.
⚔️ Rich Lore: Discover a universe brimming with vibrant cultures and mythology.
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Under the Cut
Liran Haddeak [M]
"In you I’ve found a bond stronger than any blade. Always remember that I’ve got your back, today, tomorrow, always.”
Liran has been your best friend since childhood but his journey has always been rocky. For unknown reasons, he was deemed unfit and cast aside by his father. But Liran is anything but weak. Known for his calm demeanor and protective nature, he is the grounding presence in your chaotic life. And despite the harsh conditions that define a mercenary's life, Liran remains kind-hearted and steadfast. His unwavering loyalty and bravery make him a skilled fighter and major threat, especially since he has a trump card: Being a Vestige, he has the power to manipulate the air to his will. Underestimating him is a fatal mistake. (Liran will first appear in Act 1)
Appearance: Liran, is as unique as the wind he commands. His hair, a cascade of ash-blond locks, is secured in a ponytail, creating a stark contrast with his fair skin and the vibrancy of his blue eyes. Standing at an average height, he's lean yet sturdy, moving with an effortless grace. His features are soft but defined, and his smile reveals gentle dimples. He usually dresses in comfortable, pratical attire often opting for muted shades of grey.
Makena Thavari [F]
"You are a refreshing mystery in a world that's often too predictable. Kinda like a well-brewed potion with an unexpected kick."
Makena, the newest addition to the Red Company, is a woman of intellect and mystery. Her presence in a room is impossible to ignore. Makena's pursuit of knowledge led her down the path of healing, one of the most valuable skills in a world rife with conflict. She arrived at the Red Company with a healer's heart, ready to mend wounds and nurture those in need. But her entry isn't without its mysteries - an air of intrigue seems to surround her, creating a veil that others yearn to look beyond. (Makena will first appear in Act 3)
Appearance: Makena is a woman of captivating beauty, bearing a curvy build and a grace that reflects her unyielding inner strength. Her skin, a beautiful shade of brown, glows softly, exhibiting a subtle radiance. Makena's hair, dark as coal, is styled into elegant cornrows that cascade gently down her back. Her eyes, matching her skin in their rich brown color, are extraordinarily expressive, sparkling with both inquisitiveness and an enigmatic charm that few can resist. She dresses practically yet stylishly, in well-made and comfortable attire.
Riyah/Ridan/Riz [F/M/NB]
"You are like a constant thorn in my side. However, the day you falter, the day you break, will be the day I seize my moment."
Meet R, a formidable force of nature in a world of mercenaries. Born into a life of hardship and violence, R was destined for the mercenary path. As a child, rivalry brewed between them and you, a feud that has only intensified over the years. Upon reaching adulthood, R's ruthless nature and unmatched prowess in combat have sharpened their edge, making them an even more significant threat to The Red Company and especially you. (R will first appear in Act 1)
Appearance: R is an imposing figure, standing tall and carved like a mountain. They boast broad shoulders and a muscular build, embodying raw power and a wild ferocity. Their skin carries a warm brown, amplifying the ruggedness of their appearance. They have a striking face, its lines hard and unyielding, as if sculpted from stone. R has poisonous green eyes that shine with an intense, predatory gaze. If R is male or non-binary they have dark brown hair, very short and untamed and if R is female she has long dark brown hair that she keeps in two long braids.
Ghost [NB]
"Darling, I've been known to steal hearts. Be careful; you might be next."
"Ghost" - A person who's as elusive as their namesake, glides through the world with the grace of a prowling cat. Their real name, no one knows; They flirt and jest easily but trust rarely. As a master of deceit, Ghost thrives in the gray area between truth and lies, weaving webs that are often hard to disentangle. Ghost serves as a stark reminder that not all is as it seems, and sometimes, the deadliest are those who strike from the shadows. (Ghost will first appear in Act 2)
Appearance: Ghost is an enigmatic figure, embodying agility and swift silence in their lithe build. They stand at a modest height, their form radiating an aura of nimbleness. Their skin is fair, offering a stark contrast to their long, dark hair that flows loosely. Their raven-black eyes are truly hypnotizing, always sparkling with a touch of mischief, as if hiding secrets deep within their depths. Ghost's face is a tapestry of delicate features: a small, straight nose, a soft jawline, and thin brows often raised in silent amusement. They dress simply, yet with an undeniable flair. Their attire, while practical, is always of high quality and meticulously maintained.
Captain Joryn [TransM/TransF]
"You're quite a treasure, but don't forget - the ocean's depths are a vast hiding place for things..."
Captain Joryn, the notorious pirate who rules the sea lanes of Valyssa. With a glint of shrewdness in their eyes and a smirk forever on their face, Joryn embodies the audacity and relentless pursuit of wealth that only a pirate could understand. Uncompromisingly stubborn, Joryn bows to no one, and their greed is a force of nature that rivals the fiercest tempests they have ever faced at sea. Few have seen what lies behind their raucous laughter and tales of grandeur. Either way, those who underestimate Captain Joryn often find themselves at the bottom of the sea. (Captain Joryn will first appear in Act 2)
Appearance: Joryn is a captivating mix of elegance and intensity, a reflection of the sea they dominate. Their skin is brown and adorned with a multitude of intricate tattoos, a story, a memory etched permanently onto them. High cheekbones and full lips contribute to their captivating beauty and their eyes, deep and bewitching, are as dark as the ocean ground. Female Joryn keeps her hair in long, dark, dreadlocks and has a more lean yet curvaceous figure while Male Joryn hair is shorter but styles his hair in dreadlocks as well, otherwise he keeps his beard carefully trimmed and he is more lean and muscular. They adorn themselves with lots of accessories and jewels, spoils from their “adventures” and they prefer wearing loose and comfortable attire.
General Alva Rothar [M/F/NB]
"You mercenaries are like stray dogs, useful at times, but liable to bite the hand that feeds you. Cross me, and I assure you, the leash can tighten rather quickly."
Shrouded in an enigmatic aura, the stoic General Rothar is a name whispered with equal parts respect and caution across Valyssa. A master strategist and veteran of countless battles, their keen mind has played a pivotal role in many victories. Yet, beneath their stern exterior lies a complex tapestry of loyalty and cunning. No one can tell where their allegiance truly lies in the current succession crisis. With a gaze as sharp as a freshly honed blade, they observe the chaos with an inscrutable calm. Many have tried to gauge their leanings, only to be met with a penetrating stare and an enigmatic half-smile. Are they a friend or a foe? Only time will tell. But one thing's certain, crossing paths with General Rothar is never without consequence. (General Rothar will first appear in Act 3)
Appearance: General Rothar is a living testament to countless battles and victories. They stand above average height, their presence commanding attention wherever they go. Regardless of gender their light brown hair is kept short and always impeccably maintained, mirroring their rigid discipline. Their features are surprisingly soft yet captivating, with deep-set, piercing grey eyes that are ever-observant, missing nothing. Countless scars run across their body, each a memento of a battle fought and won, but the most notable scar is on General Rothar's face, is a jagged line that cuts across their left cheek, adding to their stern appearance. Cloaked in the uniform of their rank, the General displays an air of unmistakable authority, their every step echoing with the strength of a seasoned warrior.
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The Red Company
Cassius Zahdoc [M, he/him]: Cassius is the charismatic leader of the Red Company whose imposing presence is in stark contrast to his warmth personality. A playful grin often teases the corners of his mouth, softening the lines of his battle-hardened exterior. His heart, worn boldly on his sleeve, beats fiercely for his people and his child. A respected warrior, a doting father, and an unwavering pillar of the Red Company. Beware his booming laugh, it's contagious.
Callista Zahdoc [F, she/her]: Callista, your grandmother, is an iron-willed matriarch with a tiger's strength and a lion's heart. Her demeanor is as tough as the battles she's survived, yet beneath the steely exterior lies a steadfast commitment to her kin. To cross her is to court peril, but to earn her respect is to gain an ally beyond measure.
Varian Allard [M, he/him]: Varian, a healer whose dry wit and deadpan sarcasm belie a deeply caring soul. Behind his gruff exterior and perpetually tired gaze lies an unflappable dedication to the wellbeing of his fellow Red Company members.
Amahle Dladla [F, she/her]: Meet Amahle, affectionately known as the Old Hag of the Red Company. Don't let her age or title fool you - beneath her gruff exterior lies a masterful cook with a tongue as sharp as her kitchen knife and a heart of gold. She runs the company's kitchen with an iron will, and few dare to cross her. But for those who earn her respect, Amahle serves not just meals but wisdom seasoned with years of experience.
Seraphina Haddeak [F, she/her]: Meet Seraphina, the Red Company's blacksmith. She crafts war weapons from raw materials with surgeon-like precision and warrior strength, her fiery spirit and quirky ideas seep into each creation. Seraphina's anvil beats the rhythm of relentless resilience.
Olaf Dolnik [M, he/him]: Olaf is a man of great stature and strength within the Red Company. His imposing figure and booming voice often draw the attention of any room he enters, and his skills in battle are unmatched. Olaf lives and breathes warfare, his passion for battle as legendary as his size.
Ayo Oatrun [NB, they/them]: With a hawk's eye and a cheetah's swiftness, Ayo embodies the lethal precision of an arrow in flight. Their keen eyes miss nothing, and they are known for their ability to strike a target with deadly accuracy from great distances. In the Red Company, Ayo is the eyes and ears, always watching, always ready.
Hadrian Mirik [TransM, he/him]: Hadrian is the beating heart of the organization, managing the supplies and logistics to keep the company's gears turning smoothly. His eye for detail and strategic mind ensure that the Red Company is always prepared and well-equipped.
Lola Haell [F, she/her]: Lola is the gatekeeper to the Red Company, her discerning eye able to pick out those with potential from the rest. Her infectious charisma and unparalleled persuasion skills make her the ideal figure to attract and welcome new members.
Roshan [NB, they/them]: Roshan, the animal handler of the Red Company, bridges the gap between human and beast. With a compassionate heart and nature-tuned spirit, their magic-like way soothes and commands animals with a gentle touch.
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⚔️Demo: [ X ] - in progress
⚔️Ask Guideline
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Absolute banger of a bg3 Tav idea;
Human Tav, noble background.
Middle child of a middling noble house that is keen on not sticking their nose in petty fights because being the middle ground has always benefited them the most. Neutrality is easy when nobody knows your true opinions.
However, their family are devout Bane worshippers, well established in the Baldurs Gate enclave, probably one of the main parties financing it.
This is a devotion paladin Tav; swearing their oath to Bane in a "swearing to uphold your ideals of gaining personal power and raining tyranny over all who stand in my way." But in a neutral kind of way.
They get taken by the nautaloid, tadpole in their head and story/game starts and boom.
None of the party ask who their oath is to, since they assumed its someone like Tyr or Lathander etc and Tav keeps their mouth shut by nobles worshipping Bane isn't *unheard of* however they're younger than Wyll having been off in their knighthood apprenticeship for a majority of the time theirs and Wylls time in the Gates High society would have overlapped, and don't want to risk it. Especially when they find out that the Absolute plot is ran by The Dead Three.
They can feel their oath SHAKING.
Ketheric dies, they recognised Gortash before he leaves and are like "Oh fuck I'm gonna have to fight my gods Chosen. Wait. Why the fuck did I not know this was going on?? My family bankrolled most of this probably?!?!" The Emperor is mysterious as shit reveals HE has beef with Gortash and Tav is like "shit shit shit". Dame Aylin and Isobel join camp. Arabella leaves ahead of everyone else.
Tav is just having a crisis bc they're gonna have to fight and potentially kill their sworn gods Chosen. And like. They're a Baneite. So it's all cool in the eyes of Bane bc if you can't keep your power you don't deserve it. But Karlach found out about Gortash and Tav is not feeling the vibes with everyone's opinions on the dead 3 and Baneites so they keep their trap shut.
After all Baneites are encouraged to hide their faith if it will lead to persecution. They hit Rivington and in the midst of meeting some Sharrans, finding bombs in Teddy bears and Orin trying to fuck around, a Baneite approaches.
They're disguised of course, but they know Tav, act as if Tav simply left for Paladin business and didn't get taken by their own chosen's secondary cult!
Tav goes alone (ish. The rest of the party watches from a distance with Jaheria and Halsin wildshaping into smaller animals for a better listen.) And basically gets told "the boss man told us to find you bc you pose a threat to him. He's kind of been trying to get us to put tadpoles in our heads. We'll help you kill him and put you in as the new figurehead. Since you've currently upheld Bane better because you're literally an armed uprising and gathering allies and shit. Also he's trying to make us work with Bhaalists. Yeah, even after the first bhaalspawn died. It sucks."
It's all coded language of course, but the party get enough. Tav's been chosen to depose a leader of a group they're in, an enemy faction is a tentative ally and neither side is happy about it. Fix this.
Tav doesn't mention anything. Again baneites hiding their faith and all that.
Then they get to Wyrmsrock. And they're in a hall full of Patriars and THEY are a Patriar technically and the only non-devil one so they have to be group representative and wouldn't you know it, it's Enver fucking Gortash as the new archduke.
Their boss. Their gods Chosen. The holder of one of the netherstones, the guy a sizeable portion of their own enclave wants then to replace. They can literally see Baneites in the room basically telling them with their eyes to kill him NOW.
And shit goes tits up bc Gortash makes reference to Tav being a baneite and saying how it's a shame they were away becoming a paladin since they were always so loyal and would have been a wonderful planner alongside Ketheric and the first Bhaalspawn.
Nobody talks for the rest of the coronation but Tav can FEEL the eyes digging into the side of their head especially when the others look away from away from Steelwatch killing the Patriars in attendance. Then they leave. Nobody talks still. Back at camp shit goes tits up again.
This is the 11th hour TAV why is you being a baneite coming up now!? To which they respond it never really had a good time nor beneficial reason to come up since it's not exactly going to stop them from doing what needs to be done.
The whole camp devises a Tav centric version of the "convince shadowheart with a +10 charisma boost and the power of friendship not to go down the path of a dark god" plan.
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witchy-rook · 7 months
Gather Your Allies: An Inexhaustive List of a Lot (but not all) of the Allies you can Gather for the Final Boss of Baldur's Gate 3
I just finished Baldur's Gate 3 the other day, and having done literally every side quest I could get my hands on (aside from deciding to give up on Dribbles at the end because I couldn't be arsed), I had a metric fuckload of support to call on for the final battle. Mostly for fun, but partially for documentation purposes and in case it proves useful to anyone (as I know more than a few people who made it to the final boss with very little support), I've decided to record whose support I had and how I got it. This should represent a good swathe of the companions you can get for the final battle throughout the game by being vaguely Good aligned.
Major spoilers below the cut!
The advice on attaining these characters is likely not definitive, but it's what I did and I got them, so if you do the same you should get them as well! They're listed here in the order they said their piece in the cutscene.
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(Although now that I think of it, I'm not sure what she did given you can't summon her in the battle. Presumably one of the myriad buffs)
Save her in Act 2, and presumably talk with her and Withers
Arabella is encounterable in a small section of the sewers in Act 3, off a side passage near the waypoint surrounded by a load of dead bodies. I don't know if meeting her is necessary, but I imagine so, since during that interaction she says she'll help you and 'Gather Your Allies' updates.
Dammon & The Armoured Owlbear:
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I imagine not letting Dammon die at any point is a big thing here.
Acquire the owlbear cub in Act 1.
I talked with Dammon a lot through Karlach's story, but I doubt this is strictly necessary. I also met him again in Act 3, but again, I don't know if this is strictly necessary.
Counsellor Florrick & the Flaming Fist:
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I imagine encountering her and Ulder Ravengard's entourage in Act 1 is something of a requirement for this.
Rescue Florrick from Wyrm's Rock Prison in Act 3 and then convince her not to lose heart through a series of checks.
Barcus Wroot & the Iron Hand Gnomes:
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Absolute heart throb (that's not advice, it's just true)
Prevent him from dying at any point. Rescue him at every opportunity (ie the CORRECT way to play) etc etc so that he makes it to Act 3.
Importantly, after the Gyrmforge explicitly invite him to your camp, otherwise you may not see him again :(
Refuse to go along with Wulbren's plan to blow the Gondian's Sky High.
Save the Gondians (I did the Iron Throne first, causing the enslaved Gondians to rise up), destroy the Steelwatcher Foundry, and during the confrontation between Barcus and Wulbren, side with Barcus and get him instated as leader of the Ironhand Gnomes.
Isobel & Dame Aylin:
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Prevent Isobel from being kidnapped by Ketheric Thorm in Act 2.
Save Dame Aylin from the Shadowfell in Act 2.
Do not give Dame Aylin over to Lorroakan (you monster).
Duke Ulder Ravengard:
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(Like Arabella, I think Ravengard mainly gives you a buff. I think it might have been 'Inspired' or 'Rallied' or something like that.)
Save Duke Ulder Ravengard from the Iron Throne in Act 3, and prevent him and Wyll from having a falling out.
Note: I actually exchanged him for Wyll's freedom and then went and saved him.
I don't know if completing the rest of Wyll's story is necessary, but I did and you should too cause it kicks ass. It kicks ass so hard I'm not even going to say what's involved in this huge spoilery post. Let's just say it reveals some major things about the story, and gives Wyll great claim on 'main character' status.
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(This one I'm proudest of, because I was not expecting it and it seems pretty convoluted to get him.)
Fight him in the Sharran temple in Act 2 and win (obviously, because you'd be dead otherwise.)
Go to the House of Hope in Act 3, steal the Orphic Hammer.
Fight Raphael, but before the fight succeed the Persuasion check to convince Yurgir to fight with you instead of against you.
After the fight (ensuring that Yurgir lives, presumably), when Yurgir says that he has to go back to the Bloodwar, tell him you have your own fight coming and he could join you. The absolute chad he is, he'll be like 'fuck yeah let's do it.'
Rolan, Lord of Ramazith's Tower:
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Convince Rolan to stay with the refuges in Act 1.
Save him from the Shadows near Reithwin (en route to Moonrise Towers) in Act 2.
Save his siblings from Moonrise Towers in Act 2.
Fight Lorroakan in Act 3 and beat his sorry ass. Convince Rolan to take over the tower and believe in himself.
Inspector Valeria & the City Watch:
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Take on the investigation into the Open Hand Temple murders in Rivington in Act 3.
Convince Valeria that there is more going on here than they think. Solve said murders. I doubt keeping Valeria's little constable friend alive is strictly necessary, but I did.
Rescue Valeria from the Murder Tribunal, who are keeping them imprisoned in a sideroom. I think solving the murders is a prerequisite for this, because the impression I got is that Orin and Sarevok kidnap Valeria as revenge for foiling the murders.
Volo's Guide to Doing Fuck All:
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(Again, not sure what material support Volo gives. In this case I actually think it might be nothing because. Well. It's Volo.)
Save him at the various opportunities in Acts 1 through 3. Most importantly, save him in Act 3 outside the Steelwatcher Foundary.
I don't think talking to him in camp afterwards is necessary but you should because he's great, and if you save him before fighting Orin he gives you a sick buff against the Slayerform.
Zevlor & The Hellriders:
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Side with him in Act 1 and don't betray the tieflings/the Grove.
Rescue him in Act 2 in the flesh pits below Moonrise Towers (Easy to miss! He's in one of the pods in the Mindflayer Colony.)
Talk to him about his past, his failure to defend the refugees in Act 2 and convince him that he can still make up for his failings.
Nine-Fingers Keene & the Guild:
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Search out the Guild in Act 3 and help them with their Stonelord problem.
After searching out the Stonelord, the Zhentarim will stage an attack on the Guild headquarters. Intervene on the side of the Guild and help defend them. Ensure Nine-Fingers lives (though this should be easy, because she kicks ass.)
The Gur:
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Agree to help them rescue their people from Cazador in Act 3.
After freeing the captives in Cazador's Palace, convince Ulma not to hate your guts by revealing just who those captive thralls you freed are.
Unfortunately for all you Ascended Astarion stans out there, I imagine going down that road locks the Gur out.
Though notably, I did sideline that one Gur hunter in Act 1, and was still able to work with them in Act 3.
Halsin & Thaniel:
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(Obviously Halsin can be in your party, this gives you a specific buff.)
Side with the Grove in Act 1, rescue Halsin, recruit him, etc.
In Act 2, complete the storyline with Halsin, Art Cullagh and Thaniel and successfully heal the Shadowcursed Lands.
The Harpers:
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(Again, Jaheira can still be in your party, though this time you get an actual summon.)
Side with Jaheira and her Harpers in Act 2 and help them storm Moonrise Towers.
Recruit her to your party, and complete her various quests in Act 3 (rendezvousing with the Harpers and the stuff with Stonelord)
My approval with her was decently high, though by no means maxed out, so I reckon that so long as she's with you, this should trigger.
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And that's that! This is by no means even all the 'Good' companions you can get, if I had to guess, but hopefully it might help you find some of them. As you can see, most of these require prep work in Act 1 or 2, but there's at least a few that can be attained, I'd imagine, soley through quests in Act 3. Good luck out there, and give them hell!
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Michael De Adder
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February 27, 2024
FEB 28, 2024
The House of Representatives will be back in session tomorrow after the February 19 Presidents Day holiday. It is facing a number of crucial issues, but the ongoing problem of the radicalism of the MAGA Republicans has ground—and, apparently, continues to grind—legislation to a halt.  
The farm bill, which establishes the main agricultural and food policies of the government—agricultural subsidies and food benefits, among other things—and which needs to be reauthorized every five years, expired in September 2023. While Congress extended the 2018 bill as a stopgap until September 2024, the new bill should be passed.
The farm bill has more breathing room than the appropriations bills to fund the government in fiscal year 2024 (which started on October 1, 2023). Four of the continuing resolutions Congress passed to keep the government running will expire on March 1; the other eight will expire on March 8. Operating on a continuing resolution that maintains 2023 levels of spending means the government cannot shift to the new priorities Congress agreed to in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, along with leaders from the Pentagon and the Senate, warns that the lack of appropriations measures is compromising national defense. 
On an even tighter timeline is the national security supplemental bill to aid Ukraine, Israel, the Indo-Pacific, and to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza. Ukraine is running out of ammunition, and its war effort is faltering. Every day that passes without the matériel only the U.S. can provide hurts the Ukrainians’ cause.
All of these measures are stalled because extremist MAGA Republicans in the House are insisting their demands be included in them. Negotiators have been trying to hash out the farm bill for months, and today Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said she would rather continue to extend the 2018 law than bow to the House Republicans’ demands for cuts to food assistance programs and funding for climate change. 
Appropriations bills are generally passed “clean,” that is, without the inclusion of unrelated controversial elements. But House Republicans are insisting the appropriations bills include their own demands for much deeper cuts than House leadership agreed to, as well as riders about abortion; gun policy; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives; LGBTQ+ rights; and so on. Those are nonstarters for Democrats.
As for the national security supplemental measure, lawmakers agree on a bipartisan basis that Ukraine’s successful defense against Russia’s invasion is crucial to U.S. national security. The Senate passed the bill on a strong bipartisan vote of 70 to 29, and if brought to the floor of the House, it would be expected to pass there, too. 
But House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) refuses to bring it to the floor. When President Joe Biden first asked for the aid in October, Republicans insisted they could not see their way to protecting our national security overseas without addressing it on the southern border. A bipartisan group of senators spent four months hashing out a border provision for the bill—House Republicans declined to participate—only to have House Republicans scuttle the measure when former president Trump told them to. The Senate promptly passed a bill that didn’t have the border component. Rather than take it up, the House recessed.
Today, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris met with congressional leaders and urged them to pass the appropriations bills and the national security supplemental. But Biden, Harris, Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) all agree on the need to pass these measures immediately. The holdout is House speaker Johnson.
After the meeting, Schumer said the meeting on Ukraine was “one of the most intense” scenes he had ever seen in the Oval Office. "We said to the speaker, 'Get it done.' I told him this is one of the moments—I said I've been around here a long time. It's maybe four or five times that history is looking over your shoulder, and if you don't do the right thing, whatever the immediate politics are, you will regret it. I told him two years from now and every year after that, because really, it's in his hands." 
For his part, Johnson said that “the House is actively pursuing and investigating all the various options” on the supplemental bill, “but again, the first priority of the country is our border and making sure it’s secure.” 
Johnson appears to be working for Trump, who is strongly opposed to aid for Ukraine and likely intends to use immigration as a campaign issue. 
But Trump is a poor choice to give control over United States security. Yesterday, Special Counsel Jack Smith responded to Trump’s motion to dismiss the charges against him associated with his stealing and hiding classified documents on the grounds that he was being treated differently than President Biden, who had also had classified documents in his possession but was not criminally charged.
Smith noted that while there have been many government officials who have accidentally or willfully kept classified documents, and even some who briefly resisted attempts to recover them, Trump’s behavior was unique. “He intentionally took possession of a vast trove of some of the nation’s most sensitive documents…and stored them in unsecured locations at his heavily trafficked social club.” Then, when the government tried to recover the documents, Trump “delayed, obfuscated, and dissembled,” finally handing over only “a fraction” of those in his possession. No one, Smith wrote, “has engaged in a remotely similar suite of willful and deceitful criminal conduct and not been prosecuted.” 
Perhaps to distract from Smith’s filing, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability chair James Comer (R-KY) and House Committee on the Judiciary chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) today subpoenaed information from Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into Biden’s handling of documents. Hur’s report exonerated the president and showed such contrast between Trump's behavior and Biden's full cooperation with officials that Smith used material from it in his filing. 
Comer and Jordan are likely also eager to find new material against Biden after the man who provided the key evidence in their impeachment attempt turned out to be working with Russian intelligence agents and was recently indicted for lying and creating a false record.
Since this year is a leap year, Congress has three days to pass the first four of the appropriations measures or to find another workaround before March 1, when parts of the government shut down. As Schumer said, those measures, along with the national security supplemental bill, are now in Speaker Johnson’s hands.
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By: Christopher F. Rufo and Jenin Younes
Published: May 4, 2024
What should be done about the turmoil, violence, and explicit antisemitism that have engulfed college campuses over the past months? Political leaders in Washington have reacted to the escalating chaos with an understandable and predictable instinct: do something. 
In this case, the student protests have motivated a bipartisan coalition of legislators in the House of Representatives to compose the Antisemitism Awareness Act. It passed on May 1 with 320 votes (and 91 against). 
The goal of the Act is noble: to prohibit discrimination against Jewish students and employees on campus. As is often the case, however, the impulse to “do something,” even when supported by a bipartisan majority, does not always mean the resulting actions are wise or productive.
We come from two sides of the political spectrum. One of us (Christopher) is a conservative, the other (Jenin) is on the left. We also take very different positions on Israel—one of us believes that Israel deserves America’s support in its fight against Hamas; one of us believes that the denial of Palestinians’ right to self-determination is the primary impediment to peace. But both of us agree that the Antisemitism Awareness Act is profoundly misguided.
First, the main purpose of the legislation is to codify a definition of “antisemitism” as a point of reference for civil rights enforcement on college campuses. Legislators outsourced this definition to a nonprofit, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which defines antisemitic conduct and speech in a broad manner. Under this standard, “claiming the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis,” and “accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel” will be deemed antisemitism. 
It’s important to note, despite the hysteria of many online, that the Antisemitism Awareness Act does not, in itself, criminalize such speech. What it does is instruct bureaucrats to apply what could be, in effect, “hate speech” analysis to civil rights complaints. The Department of Education would gain the authority to withhold funding to institutions of higher education that do not punish violators.
This is a move in the wrong direction. 
Existing laws against trespassing, violence, and property destruction are sufficient to deal with unlawful expressions of antisemitism on campus. And campus codes of conduct, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, and ethnicity, cover much else. 
“Hate speech” provisions, on the other hand, are unnecessary, ill-defined, and often in conflict with fundamental First Amendment rights. Contrary to popular belief, the First Amendment protects “hate speech,” in part precisely because of the difficulty defining the term, and also because such determinations are subjective. Under this new legislation, certain phrases and arguments, some of which are subject to reasonable contestation, could be treated as de facto evidence of discriminatory intent. (For example, arguing in favor of a one-state solution to the Israeli-Hamas conflict could be deemed violative on the grounds it denies the Jewish people a right to a state.)
Rather than enacting dubious legislation, the proper approach is to protect the rights of protesters to express their opinions, even when those opinions are abhorrent, while enforcing laws and regulations that prohibit tent encampments, campus disruption, and acts of violence. 
The second problem with the Antisemitism Awareness Act, especially for conservatives and civil libertarians, is that it operates using the same coercive and corrosive principles as DEI. The legislation codifies an ideologically charged definition of antisemitism into law, provides special protections based on group identity, and expands anti-discrimination enforcement to include constitutionally protected speech. 
This is precisely how existing DEI bureaucracies operate on campus, with disastrous results. 
From a political perspective, this legislation is also a failure. While the left has embraced special protections for their favored minorities, it now appears to many that the political right is doing the same, only now for Jewish Americans. Similar bills are passing through numerous state legislatures from New York to Georgia.
Anyone who worries about pitting identity groups against one another, or is repelled at the idea that some Americans deserve more protections than others, should oppose all of this proposed legislation. It violates our country’s most fundamental principles, including the letter and spirit of the First and Fourteenth Amendments, which guarantee Americans the rights to free speech and equal treatment under the law, regardless of their racial, ethnic, or religious identity.
The only constitutional and moral approach is to establish a single, color-blind standard applicable to all individuals, regardless of their background. Any policies which, by definition, subordinate the individual to the group and suppress our speech will harm our nation in the long run and exacerbate, rather than resolve, racial and ethnic prejudice. 
In this heated moment, we must return to the principles that have made this country exceptional: the rule of law, equality under it, free speech, and the protection of our individual, natural rights.
The protestors' speech isn't the problem. It's unsettling and it reveals a dark, ugly, murderous authoritarian streak emanating out of the academy. We should take seriously what they tell us they want to do.
The real problem is action. What these activists have done is already illegal.
Section 647c - Unlawful obstruction of free movement of person on street, sidewalk, or other public place
Every person who willfully and maliciously obstructs the free movement of any person on any street, sidewalk, or other public place or on or in any place open to the public is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Nothing in this section affects the power of a county or a city to regulate conduct upon a street, sidewalk, or other public place or on or in a place open to the public.
So, when you see them getting in the way of, blocking and intimidating people who are entitled to walk around campuses unobstructed, or setting up encampments to illegally take over a property that isn't theirs, that's a crime. Never mind all the vandalism and destruction they've wrought.
The solution isn't new crimes or expanding existing ones. It's actually enforcing the laws we already have, consistently, and without regard to the crocodile tears of fanatics pretending their criminal activities are justified by their higher moral calling. We don't allow that for the (traditionally) religious, so why would we allow it for woke lunatics who are hell-bent on tearing down western civilization?
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher
The Democrat and majority leader of the United States Senate, Chuck Schumer, announced on February 23 during a trip to Lviv that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned him that his country would lose the conflict with Russia without American military aid. Whether Ukraine receives further aid or not will not determine Russia’s final victory, but what can be observed is how opposition to aid for Ukraine is becoming increasingly popular, especially among Republicans.
Days after using the humiliating Ukrainian defeat in Avdeyevka as a pretext to try and pressure Washington to send more weapons, Zelensky is now turning to the influential senator to approve new military and financial aid for Kiev, currently held up in the House of Representatives by the Republican opposition, as soon as possible.
“President Zelensky told me and our delegation that Ukraine will lose the war with dire consequences for the Ukrainian people, the United States, and democracy and freedom without this vital aid,” Schumer wrote on X (formerly Twitter), adding that the House of Representatives must pass the Senate’s national security bill as soon as possible.
Although Schumer’s visit to Ukraine comes after the US Senate passed a $95 billion supplemental funding bill, which includes $60 billion in additional aid to Ukraine and $14.1 billion in security aid to Israel, it was without security measures on the border with Mexico, the main reason the Republicans are still refusing to pass the bill. Reaffirming the Republican commitment to strengthening the US southern border, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, stressed that the House does not plan to review the current legislation after the Senate failed to propose “adequate” provisions on border security.
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hershelchocolate · 19 days
How about one OC for each month of the year 😏 If that's too many, just the months with major holidays!
Oh I'm doing all of em babey
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(Art+design by hotchocolategalaxy on toyhouse)
Glace! The prince of the Winter Kingdom, constantly using the kingdom's resources to search for his parents, who had been lost in a blizzard. He keeps his head up though, and is a beacon for others who are also grieving the loss of their rulers
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(Art+designs by @arcaneyouth !)
Cabriel (blue) and Darciel (pink)! You get two for this one because You Cannot Separate Them. Not only were they from a valentine's themed adoptable set but they are also the gods of love who gained the title through how pure and wonderful their love for each other is. They would literally tear apart the universe to protect each other
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March makes me think of plants, and plants make me think of Raven! The leader of the mind control monsters, who uses vines/seeds/plants as their method of control. Very stoic and hardly ever shows emotion, but actions speak louder than words and sometimes they fuck with people for fun and it's awesome. In some sort of genderqueer toxic relationship that's lasted centuries that even I don't know all the details of and will refuse any knowledge of it if asked
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(Art+design by minuhime on toyhouse!)
April! Yes yes it's her name but she's also a cute bunny! She went with all her friends on a school field trip and had such a wonderful time until monsters started attacking and she was one of the first to be transformed into a creature representing her deepest fears. She was simply too sweet and soft and absolutely refused to believe she was in a horrored game
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
SURPRISEEE ITS EYUMIE AGAIN! She makes me think of May because that was one of the months where I was making my Junior Film starring her! Springtime always makes me think of her because of this tbh alshfgskg
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Daniel and Jade Hillston! Daniel is the main character of the murder mystery story that doesn't have a name yet, working hard to find the killer so he can free Jade, his daughter, who has been arrested for the crime. He knows she wouldn't do it. She would never. It HAD to be someone else. But he's always worried that person might be himself. I did a lot of the development for this story in summer and that's the time of year it takes place in so it always makes me think of it c:
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Jubilee! They teleport using fireworks and are a minor deity in the Locked Love universe! Not sure what they do yet but they're definitely besties with Mirri and Ulrick. Treats checking in with them like a trip to their grandparents house
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Aurelius! The final boss of a metroidvania-type game I started developing after playing Hollow Knight in the summer. They have taken on the role of antagonist simply because they didn't think the previous main antagonist was doing a good enough job to earn the role. They are dedicated to the theatrics, but always holds back when actually fighting. What kind of story would it be if the hero dies?
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This guy needs a name if anyone has any suggestions! One of the few humans in The Hallowed who is dedicating his time to trying to figure out what the FUCK is going on in this town. Makes me think of early fall where things are cold and chilly and just a little rainy but the trees still have leaves and there's a mist in the air. Thats his gender tbh
I'm gonna continue this in a reblog in hopes of being able to add the last two images give me just a moment
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The U.S. House passed a bill Thursday that would allow Puerto Rico to hold the first-ever binding referendum on whether to become a state or gain some sort of independence, in a last-ditch effort that stands little chance of passing the Senate.
The bill, which passed 233-191 with some Republican support, would offer voters in the U.S. territory three options: statehood, independence or independence with free association.
“It is crucial to me that any proposal in Congress to decolonize Puerto Rico be informed and led by Puerto Ricans,” said Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, which oversees affairs in U.S. territories.
The proposal would commit Congress to accept Puerto Rico into the United States as the 51st state if voters on the island approved it. Voters also could choose outright independence or independence with free association, whose terms would be defined following negotiations over foreign affairs, U.S. citizenship and use of the U.S. dollar.
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who has worked on the issue throughout his career, said it was “a long and torturous path” to get the proposal to the House floor.
“For far too long, the people of Puerto Rico have been excluded from the full promise of American democracy and self-determination that our nation has always championed,” the Maryland Democrat said.
After passing the Democrat-controlled House, the bill now goes to a split Senate where it faces a ticking clock before the end of the year and Republican lawmakers who have long opposed statehood.
Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party, traveled to Washington for the vote. “It’s going to be a historic day because it’s going to create a precedent that we hadn’t had until now,” he said.
Members of his party, including Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González, cheered the expected approval of the bill, although reaction in the U.S. territory was largely muted and tinged with frustration since it is expected to be voted down in the Senate.
The proposal of a binding referendum has exasperated many on an island that already has held seven nonbinding referendums on its political status, with no overwhelming majority emerging. The last referendum was held in November 2020, with 53% of votes for statehood and 47% against, with only a little more than half of registered voters participating.
The proposed binding referendum would be the first time that Puerto Rico’s current status as a U.S. commonwealth is not included as an option, a blow to the main opposition Popular Democratic Party, which upholds the status quo.
Pablo José Hernández Rivera, an attorney in Puerto Rico, said approval of the bill by the House would be “inconsequential” like the approval of previous bills in 1998 and 2010.
“We Puerto Ricans are tired of the fact that the New Progressive Party has spent 28 years in Washington spending resources on sterile and undemocratic status projects,” he said.
González, Puerto Rico’s representative in Congress, praised the bill and said it would provide the island with the self-determination it deserves.
“Many of us are not in agreement about how that future should be, but we all accept that the decision should belong to the people of Puerto Rico,” she said.
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warwickroyals · 8 months
you've mentioned places like great lakes and new westminster. are these states or provinces, or just general regions? how is sunderland divided administratively?
Yes, hello, these are provinces and Sunderland has ten of them! They look like this (roughly, it's a work in progress)
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The ten provinces are:
Alexandria, Algonquin, Cheyenne, Danforth, Great Lakes, Iroquois, Lakota, Missoria, and New Westminster
Each province is represented by a provincial government and they are considered to have shared sovereignty with the federal government. Each province has a Governor-General, who represents the Crown aka Louis V. Each province has a certain amount of MPs (Members of Parliament) who sit in either the House of Commons (lower chamber) or the Senate (upper chamber). MPs represent the legislative interests of their provinces and municipalities at the federal level. There is a fixed number of twenty senators (two from each province), who are appointed by the King on the advice of his prime minister, while members of the House of Commons are elected directly in federal elections, with the number of MPs depending on the population of their province, the larger the province the more seats they have in the House of Commons.
In Sunderland, you don't vote for the prime minister directly, you vote for them through your MPs. So, if the potential prime minister (the party leader) belongs to the Liberal party, you vote for the Liberal MP representing your area, if that Liberal MP wins they have a seat in the House of Commons. If a majority of the MPs in the House are of a certain party (the main two being Liberals and Tory Conservatives), their party leader becomes Prime Minister with a majority government. If a party wins the most seats but fails to hold a majority, this is called a minority government and the ruling party has less absolute authority and will have to coalition-build with other parties in order to get things done. So, it's extremely important that the Prime Minister and his Ministers are supported by their MPs in the House of Commons, this is something Sunderland's current prime minister is struggling with. MPs can resign, retire, switch parties, or die on a whim, so the amount of power a government has can fluctuate.
The Senate is more of the wild-west as Louis is free to appoint to whoever he wishes for whatever reason he wants (on the advice of the prime minister, but he can ignore the advice). The general rule is that these people have to be of noteworthy public standing, but they don't have to be politicians. They can be activists, lawyers, civil servants, etc. If the King tries to appoint a friend or a family member, nothing but public outrage can stop him. So, naturally, Louis doesn't appoint friends or family and has grilled James and later Nicholas on this being something you should never do as King. Louis's Daddy James II didn't have the same restraint. . . Nor did King Nicholas (removing the leftists meant sacking the senate against them) . . . Or King George who fought tooth and nail to have his moronic son-in-law appointed to the Senate in 1898 . . . but it's not a corrupt system at all, I swear . . .
The Senate has the job of approving the potential laws (bills) passed to them by the House of Commons, in short: if they dislike it, they send it back or veto it, if they like it, they'll hand it over the Louis for royal assent. Believe it or not, the fact that there is an unelected body, that serves until the age of SIXTY-FIVE, picking and choosing what laws get greenlit has caused SCANDALS, with the protests happening in this post being triggered by the Senate rejecting an affordable housing bill forwarded by the Liberals in the House.
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Until 1999, those appointed to the Senate were given a title of nobility, typically an Earldom or a Dukedom if The King thinks you're a really good boy. The families of Irene and Tatiana are descended from prominent Senators, this is where their family titles originated from. This tradition ended when the first woman was appointed to the Senate in 1999, since women can't inherit noble titles, Louis stopped the practice altogether, instead of . . .y'know, just getting Parliament to allow women the ability to hold noble titles suo jure. Louis can technically still hand out noble titles, but he informally agreed to stop granting titles to non-family members. People at the time viewed this as him becoming more egalitarian and progressive for the new millennia, but in reality, he was just keeping his crop of aristocrat ass-likers more exclusive. So, now your senators aren't literal dukes and earls . . . yay, progress?
Finally: The "commander-in-chief" of a province is called the premier. Think of him like a governor in the United States. These guys are elected through provincial elections and they form their own legislative bodies to handle provincial legislation (healthcare, education, etc.). They operate largely independently from the federal government and have historically resisted federal micro-management.
If you're familiar with American geography or history, you'll know that the provinces have Indigenous names (Cheyenne, Lakota, Missouria, Iroquois, Algonquin) and others are named after royalty (Alexandria and Louisia) and prominent figures/locations (New Westminster, Danforth) . . . the implications of these names say a lot about Sunderland's history.
Hopefully, I'll be able to update my map soon, hope you enjoyed the political lesson.
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thatstormygeek · 22 days
Things are looking bad for Biden’s chances in the fall, and his handling of both the Gaza crisis and the related campus protest movement across the United States are both playing a major role. This is not a good thing. If Trump gets back to the White House, and I cannot repeat this enough, there is no reason to be confident that democratic institutions will survive, nor that he will ever willingly leave office again. More narrowly, Trump will further enable Israel’s worst behaviors and deepen Palestinian suffering. Trump, who has repeatedly described himself as the “most pro-Israel president” in American history, broke with decades of U.S. policy by recognizing Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. As president, he announced a “peace proposal” (at a White House ceremony with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and no Palestinian representatives) that would hand Israel even more of the West Bank, and create a rump, subservient Palestinian state whose borders, airspace, security forces, electromagnetic spectrum, and foreign relations would all be controlled by Israel. Since Oct. 7, Trump’s main advisors on the region — his son-in-law Jared Kushner and former ambassador to Israel, David Melech Friedman — have promoted the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, followed by a re-colonization of the land by Israeli settlers and U.S. and Israeli corporations. As Kushner put it: "Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable.” That should make my preferred outcome clear. The problem is — and I will keep banging this drum as long as I have to — Biden’s incoherence on Israel and Palestine is both morally unforgivable and bad political strategy. He is bleeding support not only from young people, Arab-Americans, and others incensed with his continued support for a genocidal war machine, but also from pro-Israel moderates and Never Trump conservatives who are enraged at his furtive and contradictory efforts to ever-so-slightly rein that war machine in. I’ll give more details about that incoherence below. For now, I’ll just say that by trying to make everyone a little happy, he is making no one happy, as the pile of Palestinian corpses grows at his feet.
Biden famously came out of semi-retirement to run for president because of the 2017 Nazi riot in Charlottesville — a riot whose white-nationalist participants Trump very clearly supported at the time. He declared in his 2020 election victory speech that “in this battle for the soul of America, democracy prevailed.” In other words, he ran what was in large part an antifascist platform, and won. Four years later, his rhetoric and examples are almost exactly the same. At that White House event last month to which I was inexplicably invited, Biden again invoked Charlottesville. And again he warned of Trump’s uniquely authoritarian impulses. The only sign that time had passed were new references to liberal internationalism, mostly about helping Ukraine “fight off Putin.” The juxtaposition was telling. Biden’s vision of antifascism seems to be twofold: 1) Keep electing Democrats, and him in particular. 2) Arm America’s allies to the teeth and use them to defeat anything that smacks of the emerging Russian-Chinese-Iranian “axis.” That seems to be it. There is no step three. That isn’t an antifascist politics in any sense worthy of the term. The fact that Trump is still the undisputed leader of a major political party — not only running in his third straight election but showing good odds of winning his first-ever national popular majority — is proof enough that the approach has failed. You can blame the kids and those “so vehemently opposed to Israel” as much as you want. But by monomaniacally focusing on electoral outcomes and a battle of personalities against Trump, Biden and those who unreflexively support him don’t just ignore the real causes of the rising wave of right-wing authoritarianism. They far too often concede the false premises on which that wave feeds itself. ... The question above was a response to my May 10 newsletter, in which I noted that Israel’s plans to barrel forward with an assault on Rafah — the refuge of half of Gaza’s population — had pushed Biden to take the rare and diplomatically aggressive step of “pausing” a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs and other ammunition to the IDF. To the specific issue of whether that symbolic action was enough to “appease” opponents of the genocide, clearly not: First because the slaughter has continued. And second, Biden almost immediately reversed himself: This week, he authorized the transfer of $1 billion worth of additional tank rounds, mortars, and “tactical vehicles” to the Israeli military, accompanied by advisors’ assurances that, indeed, “arms transfers are proceeding as scheduled.” That incoherence was further underlined by the overdue State Department report on Israeli human-rights violations to Congress last week. The assessment, delivered in a Friday evening news dump, revealed “serious concerns” that Israel had violated international humanitarian law in both the killing of civilians and aid workers, had created obstacles for the delivery of humanitarian aid (up to and including literally bombing aid convoys from the sky), and was providing “limited information” as to “whether U.S. munitions were used in incidents involving civilian harm.”
The campus protests would have been another opportunity for Biden to show his commitment to democratic and pro-social ideals. I’m not saying he had to support the protesters or their aims — they are, after all, in large part protesting him. But no one made Biden take the further step of employing reactionary talking points about the protests being fonts of antisemitism and supposedly genocidal rhetoric, or repeating memeified claims about “Jewish students” being “blocked, harrassed, attacked, while walking to class” — questionable claims that have been weaponized to justify state and vigilante violence against demonstrators exercising their First Amendment rights. [2] Biden repeated those claims on May 7, Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day. Yet he said nothing about the weeks of wanton anti-demonstrator violence by both police and unhinged pro-Israel counterprotesters. In fact, instead of condemning the episodic police state, he is pushing a new plan to funnel $37 billion more to police departments and hire 100,000 more cops. The political problem here should be obvious. How do you explain to a student who just watched, say, the NYPD throw their friends down a flight of stairs for participating in a nonviolent protest — acts committed without so a peep of condemnation from the president — that a vote for him is a vote against fascism? Nor is Gaza the only place Biden and the Democrats keep undermining their claim to being the antifascist party. The president has repeatedly pleaded with Trump to work with him in passing a MAGA-like immigration bill: one that prioritized enforcement, detention, and “shutdown” measures over, for instance, pathways to citizenship for undocumented migrants or those who came as children. When Trump didn’t take Biden’s obvious political bait, the president tried running even further to his right. Biden can insist, as he did at the State of the Union, that he “will not demonize immigrants” or endorse Trump’s Hitlerian cant about “poisoning the blood of our country.” But by adopting reactionary fearmongering about the need to “secure the border” above all else, all that remains of a message to voters is that even squishy libs think the fascists have a point about immigration — it’s just that they aren’t willing to do more to stop it. ... Biden had many chances to consolidate his gains over authoritarianism in the last four years. He could have expended his political capital in ending the undemocratic filibuster and pushing through the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. His attorney general, Merrick Garland, could have operated on a timetable that would have ensured that Trump faced justice for his attempts to steal the 2020 election and, having failed those, attempting to violently disrupt Congress to prevent the certification of his defeat. He could have denounced crackdowns against student protesters as a violent abrogation of democratic ideals. Instead, Biden’s signature legislative accomplishment in what could be the last year of his presidency is a $95 billion package to further implicate himself and the country in deadly foreign wars, including Gaza, as well as ban the most popular social media app used by young people to inform themselves about the world, in probable violation of its users’ civil rights. In short, defeating Trump in November may be a necessary step in the effort to stem authoritarianism. But it will not be a sufficient one. And until the sitting president and his liberal base start to understand and act on that realization, the tide will only continue to rise.
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In good political news today, Toronto elected Olivia Chow as mayor and I'm super stoked to have her back in City Hall.
From this CBC Article:
Olivia Chow was elected Toronto's next mayor in an unexpectedly close race Monday, promising to bring a more progressive approach after more than a decade of conservative leadership at city hall. The former downtown Toronto NDP MP and city councillor bested a record field of 102 candidates that included about a half dozen established contenders. Among those rivals was second-place finisher Ana Bailão — a past deputy to former mayor John Tory, whose shock resignation in February triggered the byelection. Chow, who was born in Hong Kong and came to Toronto at age 13, will become the third woman and first racialized person to serve as mayor in the city's history. She steps into the top spot as it grapples with a massive budget shortfall, an affordability crisis and public safety concerns. "If you ever doubted what's possible together, if you ever questioned your faith in a better future and what we can do with each other, for each other, tonight is your answer," Chow said in her speech to a crowd of cheering supporters. "Thank you to the people of Toronto for the trust you've placed in me and the mandate for change as your new mayor." [...] Among her headline commitments is a pledge to get the city back into social housing development and an annual $100 million investment in a program to purchase affordable homes and transfer them to non-profits and land trusts. [...]
Chow campaigned from the left, promising to boost rent supplements by introducing a "luxury home tax," an expanded land transfer tax on homes sold for $3 million and over. She also said she'll triple the city's existing vacant homes tax to three per cent. Chow will inherit largely untested strong mayor powers, however she has repeatedly said she wouldn't use them to override "majority rule" in council. In theory they would allow Chow to pass budgets with just one-third council support, veto bylaws and unilaterally shape the city's top-level administration. She did not release a fully-costed platform, and repeatedly declined to say by how much she would need to raise property taxes to pay for her suite of commitments — a focal point of criticism from her main rivals throughout the campaign.
The last week of the campaign saw Ontario Premier Doug Ford all but formally endorsed Saunders, warning at an unrelated news conference that a Chow mayoralty would be an "unmitigated disaster" and that she would raise taxes at an "unprecedented rate." Saunders finished third with 8.4 per cent of the total vote share.   Ford's pointed attack raises questions about Chow's relationship with Queen's Park as the city faces a $1.5-billion budget hole that will almost certainly require provincial help to fill. In a statement Monday night, Ford struck a conciliatory tone, saying he will "work with anyone ready to work with our government to better our city and province.  "Throughout Olivia's life, she has proven her desire and dedication to serving the city that many of us call home. While we're not always going to agree on everything, what we can agree on is our shared commitment to making Toronto a place where businesses, families, and workers can thrive."
Chow has long been a fixture of Toronto politics. She became a school board trustee in 1985, served 12 years on city council representing Trinity-Spadina and eventually became a New Democrat parliamentarian alongside her late husband and former federal NDP leader Jack Layton. Some of her notable policy stances include supporting an anti-homophobia curriculum in the 1980s, helping bring nutrition programs to Toronto schools in the 1990s and fighting against exploitative immigration consultants in the 2000s. For much of the last decade, she has run the Institute for Change Leaders at Toronto Metropolitan University where she trained community organizers.
The city being in basic bankruptcy position that will require provincial bail-out support is going to be contentious because Doug Ford is a nasty piece of work and vindictive as fuck - especially against Toronto Mayors - so we will see what she'll be able to get out of him (if anything). The Federal level will be able to help some, but it's really a municipal-provincial issue.
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mariacallous · 9 months
The government's controversial Legacy Bill has passed after a vote in Westminster, despite widespread opposition in Northern Ireland.
A bid by the House of Lords to amend the bill was voted down by 288 to 205.
The bill ends new Troubles-era cases and inquests and offers conditional amnesty to those accused of killings.
The Irish government is considering legal action against the UK over the bill which the Democratic Unionist Party said was "abhorrent".
The bill will return to the Lords next week before going for royal assent.
It has been widely opposed by victims groups and all of Northern Ireland's political parties.
The government has said the legislation, which applies to all former members of the security forces and ex-paramilitaries, is an attempt to draw a line under the events of the past.
Prosecutions that are currently ongoing will continue to conclusion.
Veterans groups - such as the Northern Ireland Veterans Movement - widely support the bill.
However, some other military veterans have criticised it.
On Tuesday, the Lords backed an amendment to give victims' families a greater say in granting immunity from prosecution to offenders.
But the Conservative majority in the House of Commons rejected that on Wednesday, clearing the path for the legislation to be sent for royal assent.
Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris told the House of Commons it was incumbent on the government to find a process that "can deliver positive outcomes for as many of those directly affected by the Troubles as possible".
"We must be honest about what we can realistically deliver for people in circumstances where the prospects of achieving justice in the traditional sense are so vanishingly small," he added.
What has the reaction been?
Taoiseach (Irish prime minster) Leo Varadkar said it was "the wrong way to go about dealing with legacy issues in Northern Ireland".
"There aren't many things that all of the five main parties in Northern Ireland agree on but they all agreed this is wrong, and this is not victim-centred and not human-rights proofed," Mr Varadkar told reporters in County Wicklow.
He said the Irish attorney general is preparing advice on whether the case could be taken to the European Court of Human Rights, "essentially saying that this bill, this act is not compliant with the European Convention on Human Rights, of which United Kingdom is a signatory".
'Exceptionally cruel'
DUP assembly member Emma Little-Pengelly said the "abhorrent" passage of the bill represents a "dark day for innocent victims of the Troubles".
Ms Little-Pengelly said the bill "plays into the hands of those who want to airbrush the past".
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood said he was "angry and ashamed" at the outcome of the vote and called on the Irish government to intervene.
"The British Government doesn't care about the rights of victims but the international human rights standards that we all enjoy must be defended," he said.
Speaking before the debate, Sinn Féin MP John Finucane described the bill as devastating for families, adding it would unilaterally close the door on them getting truth and justice.
Mr Finucane's father, solicitor Pat Finucane, was shot dead by loyalist gunmen at his home in Belfast in 1989.
"When we had the New Decade, New Approach political agreement, the British government made a promise, a commitment, in that agreement that they would legislate for Stormont House within 100 days," he said.
"One hundred days later, they made a very public and dramatic U-turn without any consultation.
"The British government have refused to listen and refused to act, and instead they plough ahead with a piece of legislation which is exceptionally cruel."
People Before Profit assembly member Gerry Carroll said communities "must rally in opposition" to the bill.
"Truth and justice are rights that have never truly been afforded to victims here," he said. "Campaigners have vowed not to give up in their pursuit of justice and will not stop opposing this rotten legislation."
How do victims' families feel?
Grainne Teggart, of Amnesty International UK, said it was a "dark day for justice" and that the law only absolves "those responsible for conflict-related abuses - and, shamefully, all under the guise of reconciliation".
Victims' rights campaigner Raymond McCord, whose son Raymond Jnr was murdered by loyalists in 1997, said the UK government had shown no compassion for victims.
"My next step is taking the government to court, [they] simply don't care about truth and justice," he said.
Kenny Donaldson, from victims' organisation South East Fermanagh Foundation (SEFF), said the government had "effectively relinquished their responsibilities in overseeing justice".
"It is regrettable that they were not willing to accept the very reasonable amendment which came from the House of Lords yesterday which would have ensured that victims and survivors could feel somewhat empowered."
'A terrible injustice'
The family of a man who was shot and killed by a soldier in Londonderry on 15 September 1971 earlier labelled the legacy bill "a disgrace".
William McGreanery was shot in the Bogside area of Derry by a member of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards.
His nephew, Billy McGreanery, who was just 13 when his uncle was killed, said he feared the bill could rob many families of justice.
Their own family's case is currently with the Public Prosecution Service (PPS).
"I think a terrible injustice has been done to every family in this country," Mr McGreanery told BBC Radio Foyle.
"On the worldwide stage it's a disgrace that they are treating people this way and if this was any other part of the UK, I don't think they would get away with this."
The topic of dealing with the past has been a contentious political issue for a long time in Northern Ireland.
More than 1,000 killings from the Troubles have never been solved.
It has been brought into the main news headlines in recent years as a soldier has been in court charged with murdering two people in 1972.
The man, known only as Soldier F, is accused of killing the men during what became known as Bloody Sunday, when the Army's Parachute Regiment opened fire on a civil rights march in Derry.
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georgy1915 · 2 months
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Lisa Ann Murkowski (/mərˈkaʊski/ mər-KOW-skee; born May 22, 1957) is an American attorney and politician serving as the senior United States senator representing Alaska, having held that seat since 2002. She is the first woman to represent Alaska in the Senate and the Senate's second-most senior Republican woman, after Susan Collins of Maine. She became dean of Alaska's congressional delegation upon Representative Don Young's death.
Murkowski is the daughter of former U.S. senator and governor of Alaska Frank Murkowski. Before her appointment to the Senate, she served in the Alaska House of Representatives and was elected majority leader. She was controversially appointed to the Senate by her father, who resigned his seat in December 2002 to become governor of Alaska. She completed her father's unexpired Senate term, which ended in January 2005, and became the first Alaskan-born member of Congress.
Murkowski ran for and won a full term in 2004. After losing the 2010 Republican primary to Tea Party candidate Joe Miller, she ran as a write-in candidate and defeated both Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams in the general election. She is the second U.S. senator (after Strom Thurmond in 1954) to be elected by write-in vote. She was elected to a third term in 2016 and a fourth term in 2022, running as a Republican.
Murkowski was vice chair of the Senate Republican Conference from 2009 to 2010, chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee from 2015 to 2021, and has been vice chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee since 2021.
She is often described as one of the Senate's most moderate Republicans, and a crucial swing vote. According to CQ Roll Call, she voted with President Barack Obama's position 72.3% of the time in 2013, one of only two Republicans to do so over 70% of the time. In recent years, she opposed Brett Kavanaugh and supported Ketanji Brown Jackson in their respective nominations to the Supreme Court. On February 13, 2021, she was one of seven Republican senators to vote to convict Donald Trump of incitement of insurrection in his second impeachment trial, for which she was censured by the Alaska Republican Party.
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October 17, 2023 (Tuesday)
OCT 18, 2023
This morning, the Ukrainian military launched a surprise attack on two Russian airfields in occupied Ukraine, using a longer-range missile system secretly supplied in the last few weeks by the United States. The Army Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS, has a range of about 100 miles, or 161 kilometers. It enabled the Ukrainians to damage runways and destroy nine Russian helicopters. The missiles also killed a number of Russian soldiers. One of the conditions of Ukraine’s acquisition of these weapons was that they would only be used within Ukraine against the occupiers, not in Russia itself. 
The thirty-one M1 Abrams main battle tanks the U.S. had promised Ukraine have all arrived, the U.S. confirmed today. All the Ukrainian military personnel who trained to use those tanks in Germany have also returned.
A recent Russian offensive has been largely unsuccessful, while the Ukrainian goal of dividing the Russian invaders in two (much as the U.S. did to the Confederacy) has been partially achieved but troops have not punched through. At the same time, strategic Ukrainian attacks have pushed Russia’s Black Sea fleet out of its main base in the Crimean port of Sevastopol, and the Institute for the Study of War assesses that the attacks on the airfields will force Russia to pull its aircraft back and either to disperse its ammunition depots or to fortify them. 
Meanwhile, the struggle in the House of Representatives today looked like a preview of the 2024 election. 
Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), a staunch supporter of former president Trump and a key figure in the attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, is pushing hard for election as speaker, emphasizing how imperative it is for the House Republicans to enable the House to get back to business. As Karoun Demirjian outlined in the New York Times, Jordan and his allies have deployed a pressure campaign against those Republicans opposed to him, as she puts it, “working to unleash the rage of the party’s base voters against any lawmaker standing in his way.” 
This is the same tactic that the extremists have used for decades to move the Republican Party to the right. But there is a different dynamic at play in this speakership crisis. Jordan and his allies created the crisis in the first place by supporting Trump’s demands to shut down the government, tossing out former speaker Kevin McCarthy because he would not agree to shut down the government, and refusing to abide by the vote of the Republican conference to accept the choice of the majority: first McCarthy and then Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA).
There is another way in which this moment is different. Jordan is a flamethrower who was one of the original organizers of the right-wing Freedom Caucus. Republicans saw McCarthy, who was an excellent fundraiser, as a pro-business Republican who worked with the far right, but Jordan is the real deal: a far-right extremist. Republican donors have already suggested they are not enthusiastic about working with him to fund Republican candidates.
The third way this moment is different is that putting Jordan in the speaker’s chair makes him, along with Trump, the face of the Republican Party going into the 2024 election. Representative Pete Aguilar (D-CA) previewed the many downsides of Jordan as speaker when he nominated Democratic minority leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) for the speaker’s chair. Aguilar blamed extremism and partisanship for the unprecedented chaos of the House and urged the Republicans to embrace bipartisanship to do the work the American people had sent them to Washington, D.C., to conduct. 
Aguilar noted that Jordan was “the architect of a nationwide abortion ban, a vocal election denier, and an insurrection inciter.” He has “spent his entire career trying to hold our country back, putting our national security in danger, attempting government shutdown after government shutdown, wasting taxpayer dollars on baseless investigations with dead ends, authoring the very bill that would ban abortion nationwide without exceptions, and inciting violence on this chamber. Even leaders of his own party have called him ‘a legislative terrorist.’” 
Aguilar pointed out Jordan’s opposition to disaster relief, veterans’ relief, support for Ukraine, and military aid to our allies, including Israel, and added: “This body is debating elevating a speaker nominee who has not passed a single bill in 16 years. These are not the actions of someone interested in governing or bettering the lives of everyday Americans.” Jordan as speaker would mean the Republican Party would “continue taking marching orders from a twice-impeached former president with more than 90 pending felony charges.”
Even without mentioning Jordan’s involvement with the cover-up of a sexual assault scandal at Ohio State, Aguilar put Republicans on notice that placing Jordan at the head of the party would have brutal consequences in Democratic campaign ads. 
When House members voted for speaker, the Democrats were unified behind Jeffries, who won all 212 of their votes. Jordan won only 200 of the 217 votes necessary to become speaker, with 20 Republicans voting for someone else. His allies initially said they would call a second vote tonight but changed their minds, apparently realizing that another loss would weaken his candidacy significantly. They say they will hold another vote tomorrow.
Tonight, hundreds of people were killed in an explosion at a packed hospital in Gaza City. Palestinian authorities blamed an Israeli airstrike for the explosion; hours later, Israel Defense Forces said the explosion was a misfired missile launched as part of a “barrage of rockets” by the Islamic Jihad militant group. Neither version of events has been confirmed.
Governments around the region have blamed Israel and sometimes the U.S. for the catastrophic loss of life, and protests have broken out in Lebanon, Iran, and Turkey as President Joe Biden travels to the region personally to demonstrate U.S. support for Israel, pressure Israel to permit humanitarian aid into Gaza, learn any new information about the hostages, and to try to keep the conflict from widening and escalating. 
Biden will meet in Tel Aviv, Israel, with Israeli leaders, first responders, and families of hostages, but the second leg of his trip—to Jordan, for a meeting with King Abdullah II, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, and Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi—was canceled as Abbas rushed home. National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told reporters Biden would speak with Abbas and Sisi on the trip back to the U.S. 
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alephskoteinos · 2 years
The binding power of chthonic gods
Something I keep noticing in chthonic gods is that they often tend to be associated with the power of binding. By "chthonic gods", I tend to mean either gods of the underworld, gods who dwell beneath the earth, or god who are associated with some vital power or mystery associated with the underworld. I often kind of joke about it in relation to BDSM, but it's kind of worth discussing on its own.
I think I'll start with Odin, because that's usually where this theme starts for me. Even though Odin is not popular understood as a chthonic deity, owing to his status as the ruler of Aasgard and leader of the Aesir, many traits point to a very chthonic character. He was called the "lord of the gallows", and sometimes received hanged men as sacrificial offerings to the ravens. His many epithets included Valdrgalga ("ruler of the gallows"), Farmrgalga ("burden of the gallows"), Draugadrottin ("lord of the Draugr/undead"), and Foldardrottin ("lord of the earth"), all denoting his sovereignty via the chthonic realm. His horse Sleipnir allowed Odin as well as other deities to travel between worlds and particularly to the underworld. In some interpretations, even Valhalla may have been an underground place, or a kind of underworld in itself.
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Anyways, the main connection to binding comes from the Valknut, a mysterious Germanic symbol likely associated with Odin. No one really knows its meaning, but the fact that it almost solely seems to appear in connection with the cult of the dead suggests that the symbol is tied to death in some way. The other major theory about the valknut is that it represented Odin's power to, in the others of Hilda Ellis Davidson, "lay bonds upon the mind, so that men became helpless in battle, and he could also loosen the tensions of fear and strain by his gifts of battle-madness, intoxication, and inspiration". In this understanding, the valknut represents Odin's power to bind and unbind the human mind, or more specifically those of his enemies and allies respectively, as well as the cycles of transition between death and rebirth.
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The binding and liberating aspect of chthonic power is also reflected in Kronos, or Saturn, one of the many chthonic gods seen in Greek and Roman polytheism. Throughout the Greek Magical Papyri, the "chains of Kronos" are apparently invoked as a binding force. In the "Prayer to Selene", within the Greek Magical Papyri, the goddess Hecate, as Selene, wears the chains of Kronos upon her body, as well as wielding a scepter made by Kronos, which gives her power over even the primordial chaos itself. The influence of Saturn has often been believed to involve binding in some way. At the same time, Saturn was also undoubtedly a god of liberation, honoured in festivals such as Saturnalia where the whole order of Roman society was temporarily inverted.
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In Vedic India, two chthonic gods, Varuna and Yama, share the attribute of binding sinners or wrongdoers with a rope for judgement. In Varuna's case this is by way of the nagapasa, his weapon and instrument of justice. Varuna himself lived in the underworld, his "stone house" where the waters of his night sky also dwelled and into which the sun withdrew after dusk. Yama, as the first mortal who upon death became the lord of the departed, also dwells in the underworld, and presides over it as the judge of the souls of the deceased. Yama's rope was an instrument by which to "capture" the souls of people who are about to die so that he can deliver them to death. In the Brahma Purana, Yama attempts to capture Markandeya with that rope, but is saved by the intervention of the god Shiva.
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Varuna's and Yama's binding power is perhaps reflected in the Japanese Buddhist figure of Fudo Myo-O, one of the Vidyaraja (Wisdom Kings). Fudo Myo-O uses his rope to, depending on who you ask, bind each thing to its "nature", bind the ignorant, or capture demons. Fudo Myo-O, in his own way, has his own chthonian persona. Bernard Faure notes in Gods of Medieval Japan that Fudo was identified with the earth and thus positioned at the centre (or rather honzon) of earth-quelling rituals and identified with another earth deity named Kenro Jijin, as well as linked to a complex quasi-demonic deity named Kojin.
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I won't go much further than I already have for this post, mostly to maintain to some sense of brevity for a Tumblr infodump. To round this out, though, I don't have that good an idea of why the chthonic powers are often tied to binding. But, if Odin and Saturn are any indication, maybe it's just a central part of the duality and polarity embodied by the chthonic realm, wherein the bondage of the chthonic powers is inseparable from a larger liberating power that, as I think Frater Archer said, is an essential part of the underworld, and the experience of mystery to which the underworld is central.
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