#make him look like Freddy Krueger you cowards
charliedawn · 7 months
Hey, I don't see any post saying requests are closed. Please correct me it I'm wrong, and I'll resend this ask when they're open :)
I saw one of your slasher posts about an new patient who was an omega and I've been wondering how a/b/o au slashers would react to a beta new patient who they saw as their own pup?(basically everyone is a father figure to this kid lol) I love platonic fluff and you're one of the few slasher writers who write platonic stuff and I love your writing, please stay hydrated and have a good day! :D
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Here you go 😁 And thank you.
Freddy Krueger:
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"You and I…we gonna be best buddies."
Freddy is a beta. Meaning: no real dominance or protective instincts.
He’d basically laugh his ass off while you run around and cause havoc or eat popcorn with Pennywise while they watch.
He’d train you in the ways of 'don’t give a toss' and 'get outta my way, bitch'.
Freddy would still protect you if he sees you in real danger, but he’d be the type of cool dad who just wants to chill and walk around in flip flops.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms would be a worry heart.
He’d worry 24/7 about you.
Have you eaten ? Have you drank ? Have you slept well ? Are you hurt ? Do you wanna play ?…
He’d cry his eyes out if he sees a scratch on you and whoever would dare cause you harm would end up beaten up.
Brahms is strong—even though he is an omega. He’d be the one to take care of you and make sure you’re perfectly safe.
Arthur Fleck:
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Arthur would give you the best advice. He’s a beta—but used to be an omega. He’d have the heart without being overemotional about things.
"Don’t worry, things can look up. You just gotta wait and see."
"Be a doll and smile. Smiling will open up many doors for you."
"Do not listen to Freddy, sweetie. He is a bad influence. Matter-of-fact ? Do not listen to anyone else but me and Michael."
He would be your voice of reason in your darkest moments, but don’t ALWAYS listen to him because he is a patient for a reason…
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Overpossessive. Overprotective. Overthinking. Overdoing.
Penny would be the embodiment of "over-the-top". Doesn’t have any chill and would bite and scratch if anyone as much as looks at you the wrong way.
He can also read minds…which can be kind of a problem.
Penny *growls at a nurse* : "I DARE you to say what you want to say, coward."
He would also be very playful and play with you all day long. He’s got unending energy and would even put on shows for you.
Michael Myers:
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Michael would be the only responsible one, as the Alpha of the slashers.
He’d make sure to never allow you near his knives or any sharp objects. He’d teach you self-defense. He’d also cook for you and teach you all of his skills (non-lethal)
He would also protect you but, would always use a weapon that won’t be too traumatic for your adorable self…like a baseball batt or a something else to just knock out the person who dared attack your person.
But Myers ? Myers would kill for you.
Myers has no parental instinct or remorse.
He kills because he can.
Father Paul Hill:
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Father Paul—as a Beta—would protect you with his life. He always wanted to be a father and would immediately take you under his wing.
Comparing to other slashers, you could almost call him a pacifist. He would never start a fight. Never.
He would teach you and give you a proper education. He would also take care of you and give you the affection you need.
And if you get hurt ?
He’d protect you—no matter the cost.
Father Paul *covered in blood and crying* : "No…No no no…Not again. Please. Not again."
Patrick Bateman:
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Patrick Bateman would teach you how to kill and get away with murder. He is a Beta himself, but always hated that title because he always saw himself as an Alpha.
He’d explain to you the human anatomy and how to chop off a body in the most efficient and effective way possible.
He would also teach you the ways of society and bureaucracy like no one else could. Patrick is very observant and dangerous. He has no empathy.
Meaning: Make sure he KEEPS liking you.
Patrick *looking at you and wondering if having a kid is worth it and how he’d do it to get rid of you before smiling and locking the thought into a very far away box at the back of his mind*
Vincent Sinclair:
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Vincent is an Omega. He would fight tooth and nail to protect you.
He’d also let you braid his hair and you’d draw together or do some fun artsy activities.
He’d show you how to do pottery and play with clay to make animal shapes or even human-like.
But, Vincent is in therapy and is being closely monitored and watched so he wouldn’t show you how to make wax people.
He would also be very affectionate with you and give you a lot of hugs, unlike Bo who would just pat your head and call it a day.
Jack Torrance:
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"Let’s get takeout." Jack’s favourite sentence.
Jack would be a very lazy and chill kinda dad for a beta. He would take you to movies or read you a book.
He also loves food so…he’d get you pizza or nachos and you’d just settle on the couch with him and do nothing—just chilling.
He’d be the dad you go to when you don’t wanna do anything and you’re tired. He’d also be the type to live in his pajamas and tell you that it’s too early at 1pm.
You would then just sleep or he’d tell you things about his old life if he’s up for it.
He would protect you if you are in danger, but he would make sure that you don’t get into trouble in the first place cause you can’t do no wrong when you’re chilling all day…
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Horror House Reacts... to Zoo Animals!
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.I've been watching Robert Irwin and Dave Salmoni take wild animals onto the Jimmy Shows and scare the Jimmy's and various other guest stars sOooooo... I had to make this XD
Plot: We are gonna hand each horror Villains a dangerous animal and see how they handle it. Warnings: Swearing. No actual mention of meerkats despite the gif.
Audrey II: A European Brown Hare.
Audrey II, staring at this hare stood up on its hind legs giving them the Eye: ... that is one ugly bunny rabbit. Y/N: AUDREY TWO!!- Audrey II: wh- AM I WRONG?-
Audrey II has no fear, they're a plant from outer space. He also doesn't particularly care for animals though, since its pretty globally accepted that animals are allowed to eat plants when they're peckish... and understandably, they are not having that. Not in this green house XD Nu uh, no siree, nope nope nope, the hare is gonna get eaten first if he even looks at Audrey II wrong.
Billy Loomis: An Emperor Scorpion.
Y/N: Close your eyes and put out your hands. Billy: ... *sigh* *does as he's told as to not be called a coward* Y/N: *Places the scorpion in Billy's cupped hands* Open them! ^^ This is Phil, he's very chill. Please don't drop him. Billy: ... heheh, can I keep this?? Y/N: ?? What??? No, you cant keep Phil- Billy: I wanna leave him in Stu's bed. Y/N: DEFINITELY not-
Billy, is... *sigh*, a teenage boy.
Bubba Sawyer: A Red Kangaroo.
Bubba: *Very cautious, looking at this jacked foreign creature. He's never seen anything like this, he lives in buttfuck nowhere Texas with no tv.* Y/N: Here, Bubba. *hands Bubba a bouquet of gum leaves* Offer her these. Bubba: *Unsure, but approaches the weird pocketed creature and offers out the branches... Quickly calms down when the kangaroo starts simply munching on the leaves* Y/N: See? ^^ Bubba: *Already petting the kangaroo. Wants to take her home and keep her safe and pet her and give her leaves forever.*
Bubba does not love casually 😅😅😅 Once he's warmed up to someone, that person is his family and he wants to keep them safe. My suggestion?? Sneak the kangaroo back to the zoo in the dead of night while Bubba's asleep. (or call Drayton. He certainly don't want no goddamn kangaroo in his house)
Carrie White: A Boa Constrictor.
Carrie: Um, is this safe?? *Eyeing the snake's head closely as you place her gently over her shoulders* ... Y/N: Oh yeah, don't worry, this one's a sweetheart ^^ Carrie: Okay... *snake raises her head and looks around very peacefully, just surveying the room* Oh, she's sweet!... Y/N: She seems very comfortable with you! Carrie: ! Really??
Carrie was apprehensive at first, but when she realises that the boa is not feeling threatened (or hungry), she relaxes and spends quite a while with the snake in her arms! ^^ She's disappointed when she has to say goodbye ):
Chucky Lee Ray: An Eastern Canadian Moose.
Chucky: *staring up at this giant fucking creature, clearly ready to run at any second if the thing makes an unpleasant move* ... You have gotta be fucken kidding me. Y/N: Nope. This is Jessica-Mae! She's from Canada, and she's really nice. I think she'll let you sit on her back, if you wan- Chucky: No I don't wanna sit on Jessica-Mae's back actually Y/N, Jessica-Mae is a fucken monster- Y/N: c h u c k y
Chucky has a... healthy cautiousness when it comes to wild animals XD He does like tarantulas, though.
Freddy Krueger: A West African Lion.
Y/N: Okay so for this one, um, I'm uh... yeah I'm gonna step out. Freddy: ... wait. Wait wait wait. Why are you- *You close the door one side of the room and as soon as the lock clicks into place, the lion prowls in on the other side* Freddy: Oh. Freddy, hands out like 'i mean no harm': ... nice kitty Freddy: ... um. I saw the lion king. It was... a great piece of cinema; your people should be proud. Freddy: ... please don't eat me, you giant son of a bitch.
Freddy was SO EXCITED to meet an animal, but now he's got some concerns about those teeth and his privates.
Jason Voorhees: A Ussuri Grizzly Bear.
Bear: ... *Staring down Jason* Jason: ... *Staring down Bear* Bear and Jason: *Staring each other down* Y/N: ... *Wondering if you should do something* Jason: *Suddenly walks over and gives the bear neck scritches*
... this is a giant toothy puppy to Jason XD Jason loves wildlife, they were his friends growing up in the woods! ^^ And he knows how to keep them calm, so he's very good with them. He hangs out with the bear until its time to go outside, then Jason follows him outside and hangs with him out there ^^
Jennifer Check: A White Rhinoceros.
Jennifer, as soon as Grizelda the rhino steps in: -oh jesus fucking christ. Jennifer: You're fat. Y/N: Oy! Jennifer: What??? She's meant to be, right?? 🙄 G o d... look who's animal-cist. Jennifer: ... can I feed the fat bitch?
The fact that this is an animal does not change a thing about the way Jennifer talks to her XD She is so fascinated, though, and wants to feed Grizelda, pet Grizelda, ask many many questions about Grizelda... she loves her.
Jerry Dandridge: A Perentie Monitor Lizard (Goanna).
Y/N, helping goanna onto Jerry's lap: Now, be careful with Sandy, he can be kinda easily startled and then his claws will cut into your skin, and- Jerry: *Getting along great with the Sandy, Sandy is in the best mood you have ever seen him in; purring.* Y/N: ... Y/N: ... wtf, how?! Sandy's usually so grumpy!- Jerry: Oh I guess we just have a connection~
Jerry and reptiles get along great, they're cold blooded and he... is always cold. He has no blood. He's a vampire XD Try giving him a puppy, though, and watch that puppy leap away from him and growl like a possessed thing (Jerry gets so frowny about it XD).
Michael Myers: A Bengal Tiger.
Michael: *Stock still, actually considering running for the first time in 50 decades* Tiger: ... *yawns* *prowls over to Michael and lays on top of his feet, promptly falling asleep* Y/N: ... um. Well, I think she likes you?? Michael: *Does not move an inch for 3 hours while the tiger naps, staring at it*
Michael, just like cats... is a bitch. They basically adopt him into their family as their big dumb weirdo child (Yes, even the big terrifying ones) and there is not a thing grumpy old Myers can do about it XD
Pamela Voorhees: A Silver Fox.
Pam: *Loves the fox. Sitting in her chair and leaning down to give it treats. Cooing at her.* Y/N: You're so good with her! ^^ Pam: ~Stay away from my son, dear, and I wont have to sick her on you~ Y/N: ... D: What?
Pamela and a sharp toothed creature is a dangerous combination. Stay away from her son.
Patrick Bateman: An African Savanna Elephant.
Patrick: *A too-big smile glued to his face as he strokes the dirty wrinkly elephant* This is... this is fun... Y/N: I knew you'd like her! ^^ Anna is so sweet, and gentle, and quiet, so- Patrick: -You cant tell when I'm fucken lying through my t e e t h!?
Patrick doesn't like any animals, they're wild and filthy and break irreplaceable things he spent hard-earned money on to be unique, but he will force a pleasant face because that is what he does
Pennywise: A Mountain Zebra.
*i was tempted to do a turtle but... seemed too obvious XD Still unsure i made the right call*
Penny: Heheheheh, whats black, white and- Y/N: Don't do it. I swear. Dont do it. Penny: Okay okay okay, I'll be serious. Hey, why do zebras have stripes? Y/N: Oh, well they developed stripes because- Penny: Because they didn't want to be Spotted!
Penny c a n n o t s t o p m a k i n g z e b r a j o k e s. Otherwise, he's pretty good with the zebra. No problems ^^
Stu Macher: A Somali Ostrich.
Stu: Heheh... Y/N, these things don't bite, do they?? Y/N: Oh they totally do. *Hands Stu the leash* Anything with a mouth bites. Stu, levelling his gaze with the giant flightless bird: ... I will bite you back.
Stu is a little chicken, but he's also really curious!! XDD So sure, he'll hang onto the leash and feed the monster bird!! But he will absolutely crouch down and cover his head if the ostrich starts fluttering his wings. And don't you dare leave him XD
Tiffany Valentine: Baby Nile Crocodiles.
Tiff: Chucky!! We have new children now!! Chucky: THE FUCK WE DO- Y/N: N- no... you cant keep them actually... Tiff, ignoring you and Chucky: The kids are gonna love these ^^ Come on, sweethearts, into the sack, single file now- hey, Trudy, no biting your brother-
Tiffany is in love XD And you know how one-track-minded she can be when she's in love XD
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mst3kproject · 2 years
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This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse
It's mainly the title that caught my attention, but this is also another lesser sequel to a fairly well-received horror film, the film in question being 1963's At Mightnight I'll Take your Soul. You might never have heard of it, but it did pretty well in Brazil and the main character, Zé do Caixão or “Coffin Joe”, has at least as much cultural purchase in that country as characters like Freddy Krueger do in North America.  The sequel, however, has been described as preachy and over-long... so let's have a look.
No, I'm not gonna watch Take Your Soul first.  The denizens of the SoL didn't get that luxury with The Robot vs the Aztec Mummy or Creature from the Black Lagoon, so why should I?
So in the last movie, Coffin Joe killed a bunch of people as part of his quest to father the perfect son, and was blinded and driven mad by their ghosts... but socialized health care doesn't make exceptions for supervillains, so he got better.  He thus resumes his quest, kidnapping beautiful women and then killing the ones he doesn't think are good enough to swap chromosomes with.  After a bit of this, he sets his sights on Laura, the musically talented daughter of a wealthy Colonel, who shares his nihilistic atheism. Her father and brother are determined to save her, but Laura doesn't want to be saved.  She wants nothing less than to bear a child for the devil himself!
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This movie is hard work, you guys.  It is a slog. It reminds me of one of those Escher paintings where the little guys are climbing infinite stairs and ending up back where they started. This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse is a hundred and eight minutes long, when it really didn't need to be any more than two thirds of that.  They've got an extra half-hour to kill and they fill it mainly by showing us the same things, over and over again.
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Some of this is just Coffin Joe being gratuitously cruel.  There's a scene in which he lets a bunch of tarantulas into the room where his captive women are sleeping, and the spiders walk all over them for a while before they wake up and start screaming, whereupon Joe declares them cowards unworthy of his seed.  This takes a couple of minutes, which doesn't sound like much but feels like ages.  Shortly thereafter comes a bit where he makes out with his chosen bride while the others get strangled by a pit full of snakes.  Again, it goes on way too long and it's really little more than extremely softcore torture porn, as the women writhe and scream in a way that's far more about being sexy than about escaping the animals.
At the end of the spider sequence, Joe's hunchback assistant Bruno (obviously a guy like this has a hunchback assistant) picks the spiders off the women's nightgowns and just tosses them in a box, which is a nice demonstration of how docile tarantulas really are.
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In other places, the movie fills time by having Coffin Joe make speeches about his personal philosophy.  He is very fond of strapping his captives into some sort of extremely low-tech death trap, and then ranting away like a Bond villain.  He does not believe in god or in life after death, and says he pities the 'idiots' who do.  Since immortality of the soul is impossible, and so is immortality of the body, Joe hopes to achieve immortality of his bloodline, with the perfect son his perfect woman will give him.  He sometimes talks about this son being physically immortal, but I'm not sure if this is supposed to be literal or metaphorical.
He gives a speech like this to the women before tossing them in the snake pit, and several to other characters, such as Laura's brother, Laura herself, and sometimes just the audience.  The ideas in them never quite make sense, and I wonder if that's because the audience is assumed to be Catholic while I'm an agnostic potato growing on a Protestant vine.  Perhaps I don't properly understand what's supposed to be shocking and horrifying about his rants... or maybe they really are just nonsense.  Either way, what the movie is primarily interested in is the relationship between Joe's atheism and his evil. It presents the two as inextricably entwined, each unable to exist without the other.
Joe's atheism is a justification for his abhorrent behaviour.  Human lives are short and pointless, and people are ignorant and superstitious, and there's no higher force to care if they suffer.  Without a divinity to arbitrate good and evil, the only thing that can make a deed worthwhile is the results.  Joe's goal is immortality in whatever form is available to him, a personal escape from this brief meaninglessness by stepping outside the endless cycle of it, and so anything he can do to get there is necessary and indeed admirable. Conversely, the behaviour also justifies the atheism.  Several times, Joe tells a victim that if god exists, He has the power to save them from whatever death trap they're strapped into.  God never intervenes, and so clearly He doesn't exist, and that in turn means what Joe has done is okay.
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In order to be sure that his child will inherit perfect, rational genes, one of the criteria Joe insists on in his mate is 'godlessness' – the women he kidnaps are all atheists or at least agnostics.  It seems, however, that at least two don't quite meet this requirement.  One clearly believes in some kind of supernatural power, because as she is strangled by the snakes she uses her last breath to place a curse on Joe, telling him he will never have the son he wants and that she will have her revenge from beyond the grave (she is the one who speaks the title).  Another, Marcia, is an agnostic, and she almost becomes his chosen babymama before rejecting him on account of his cruelty.  Joe then simply lets her go, confident that she will not go to the police because she has no conscience.
Marcia does have a conscience, however, and her conscience is a major factor in Joe's undoing.  After witnessing five murders and being an accessory to another, she poisons herself and confesses the truth on her death bed.  Upon hearing this, the already restless villagers finally break out that torch-and-pitchfork mob they've been keeping in their back pockets this whole time and hunt him down. What's more surprising is that it turns out Joe himself also has a conscience, and how that conscience manifests is what's really gonna make you hate this movie.
See, Joe has no problem with the fact that he killed the women... they were useless, brainwashed cowards.  What upsets him is to learn later that one of them was actually pregnant at the time of her death, meaning he also murdered her child.  For some reason this sets him off (insert snide comment about conservative politician of choice), and he has a nightmare in which he is bodily dragged to hell, the movie suddenly changes to colour, and he gets to see the devil zapping people with cartoon lightning from his fingers!  I think this is supposed to suggest that despite his explicit rejection of Christian teachings Joe really does believe deep down, and that is why things like the death of the fetus bother him (even if the murders of actual grown-up human beings evidently don't).  In the end his atheism is mere stubbornness, as he demands a sign from god and then, when a tree is struck by lightning and falls on him, he declares it a coincidence!
The sequence of hell is not very impressive and consists mostly of naked, genital-less demons whipping people who are stuck in the walls and making halfhearted moaning noises.  I wonder if that's the audio that gets passed off as the time Soviet scientists accidentally drilled through to hell.
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At the very end of the movie, Joe finally admits he believes and begs for forgiveness as the skeletons of his victims rise out of a swamp to drag him to his death.  The priest then nods in satisfaction because it means Joe's soul has been saved... but why should it be?  He's a horrible person, a selfish murderer, liar, and rapist! We don't want to see him saved, we want to see him get what he damned well deserves! Him getting drowned by skeletons is great, but knowing he'll go to heaven afterwards is distasteful.  I don't wanna share heaven with Coffin Joe, especially when he's never even apologized for all the horrible shit he did.
If you actually watch the movie (which if you do, I want you to remember that I warned you it was long), you will probably come away with a list of things you're surprised I didn't mention in this review, like how Laura agrees that the baby's life is more important than hers, the fact that the devil has Coffin Joe's face, the movie's rather strange definition of 'love', or even just the fact that Joe’s fingernails are like five inches long.  To that I can only say that I wish I had the space for it.  I try to keep these reviews to not much more than two pages of single-spaced Times New Roman, or around 1500-1800 words, so I stuck to what seemed most relevant to the film's obsession with atheism and morality.
Religious people seem to think these two concepts are inherently at odds.  They're not, really... atheist morality is very simple. If there's no afterlife and all we get is a few fleeting moments of consciousness in the uncaring void, then nobody should have to spend that brief existence in pain.  Be nice to people.  Enjoy yourself.  In the words of the prophets: be excellent to each other and party on, dudes.
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over-under-through1 · 4 years
greens headcannons greens headcannons greens headcannons greens headcannon-
Anon, thank you you’ve finally given me an excuse to make this post
Butch is BC’s bitch. there, i said it. this boy is BEYOND whipped
BC is so protective of Butch and if anyone (this includes his brothers, yes BC has told Brick off for being too much of a dick to Butch) fuck with him she’ll mess them up
Butch steals things from Buttercups bag in class until she notices cause he wants her attention likes to annoy her
before they get together Butch gets weirdly jealous when BC calls either of his brothers hot, but he doesn’t understand why (yes he does he’s just too much of a coward to admit he likes her)
Butch can rap, Buttercup dies whenever she hears it but tries to contain herself
BC is more dominate in the relationship than Butch
Buttercup once convinced Butch she could speak Italian by speaking pig latin around him and she got all of their friends and family in on the joke so now Butch just thinks she knows Italian
Butch’s nicknames for BC are Butters, Cuppy, Fire cracker, Tic tac, and Freddy Krueger. there is a story behind every single one of those names that i may share one day
Buttercup’s nicknames for Butch are Dumbass, Jack ass, Butchy Boy, Alien head, Asswipe, Spike, and Bitch. Butch will respond with no hesitation to any of the above, but if anyone else calls him those he will *intense Butch glare* at them until they feel threatened and/or uncomfortable
in my AU the Powerpuff Girls (and Rowdyruff Boys because they joined their team, thanks) have like... a fan base. i mean, how could they not? they’re famous monster fighters. so, said fan base makes art of them. and a token shirt BC wears in most of this art is the “Nut daddy” shirt. she got so much fan art of this that Butch ended up commissioning Bubbles into making it into a real shirt and gave it to Buttercup as a gag gift. she loved it. like a lot.
this fan base also makes fan fictions because once again, they’re famous so like... it’s a given. Butch indulges in reader x Buttercup fics and refreshes the Buttercup Utonium/Butch tag on AO3 at least 4 times a day
Buttercup sits on Butches lap
they’re super straight forward with their feelings, resulting in barley any fights, but when they do fight they give each other space for the day and meet up at the end to apologize. 9 times out of 10 they’ve cooled down and forgiven each other
their dates are just sitting on the couch or Buttercup’s bed watching B rated horror films, or sparring sessions
when they get together they never actually say it out loud or tell anyone, they just let people figure it out for themselves (it’s not that it’s a secret, they just don’t care about what others think of it enough to actually make an announcement). this creates a townsville betting pool surrounding the status of their relationship
the only people who know for sure are their siblings, Mitch, Mike, Robin, and Pablo but they keep their mouths shut because A.its super funny watching all of townsville freak out and B.they know it’s not their place to tell
Butch is very clingy and likes to be touching BC at all times in any way, even if it’s small. most of the time it’s subtle but if you look very carefully you can spot Butches finger sneaking its way into the sleeve of Buttercup’s hoodie
Butch and Buttercup know each other so well that they can basically read each other’s minds. yup. i’ll die on this hill, you can rip this headcannon from my cold lifeless hands
okay fine i’ll expand on it. they can’t literally read each other’s minds, they can just read each other’s facial expressions really well. Buttercup’s eyebrow raises slightly? she’s intrigued by what someone said/did. Butch’s lip twitched? he’s pissed off, time to cool down the irritable green rowdy. and so on and so fourth
i’ve said this a lot to basically everyone i know so i’ll say it again here: when they first say “I love you” they literally don’t even notice. it’s on the way out of the apartment they share as they’re about to go to class and one of them, halfway out the door, says “okay bye love you” and the other just replies “love you too see ya”. they don’t realize they said it until 3 hours later in the middle of (separate) class(es), where their heads bolt up then they just go “oh my god i- huh. okay. cool. well anyways back to school”
Butch and Buttercup avoid the whole “b name” thing like the plauge. they purposely don’t name any of their kids (they have three if you’re wondering) b names. but in the process of avoiding it, they get so distracted with what NOT to name their kids that they don’t even notice when they accidentally give them all J names. Bubbles and Boomer point it out while Butch and Buttercup are in the middle of making fun of them for naming their own kids all B names. this causes Butch and Buttercup to freeze then blow up, threatening to go to city hall and change their kids names
they’re the type of parents to curse around their children and Bubbles hates it
she’s outraged when their first born’s first word is shit. Buttercup and Butch just scream-laugh while the reds are in the back quietly chuckling as Boomer tries to calm down his seething wife
this was fun! thanks for the ask, maybe i’ll do the reds and blues in the future (also sorry if some of these seem off, it’s 2am over here and i’m tired)
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irageneveart · 5 years
Could you do a Frank x survivor!reader where he finds out that Freddy is targeting her after she tries to hide it from him?
hiiiii 🧡 so this is my first time writing Frank and you should thank @someone-who-is-there for making me like him dksndsnfsa. I hope you’ll enjoy it, thank you for your request!
The Legion / Frank x Female s/o
Word count: 1168
Warnings: blood, slight NSFW in the beginning
“Mmm, I love it when you’re devious,” he inhaled her scent, his hands all over her. He picked her up, deeply kissing her and settling her on an old, white structure in Ormont, its purpose long forgotten. His hands were leaving blood trails alongside her legs, trying to make room for himself, but she kept her legs together. He broke the kiss lingering close, breath against breath, nose against nose. He whispered, lust filling his words. “Open up for me, babe, I’ve waited enough. I need you,” he added as he licked his lower lip.
Her breathe became faster against his, her cheeks flushed up while she was chewing on her lip. The smell of fresh blood was intoxicating in her lungs, but her legs wouldn’t welcome him the way he was used to, and at this point it started to annoy him. His hands traveled all the way up to her breasts, giving her shivers, trying to unbutton her shirt. Her hands came over his bloody ones, stopping him from doing so.
“Frank, I’m…I’m not in the mood. Please.” she begged but her eyes said something else, and it was enough for him to keep going. He roughly pushed her, the girl’s back hitting the cold metal of the structure with a thud.
“You’re a bit too devious today, love, and I didn’t kill everybody this fast just for a no, ‘aight?” he took out his knife, still dirty after mercilessly killing all the other survivors, the ground going red with an unheard ticking of a clock. Need was taking the best out of him, so he brought the knife to her clothing, ripping at her shirt.
“Frank, wait, I need to-”
“Shhh, baby girl, all you need right now is me inside you. Wouldn’t you love to orgasm as the Collapse takes you?” he grinned in his psycho way, the way she loved him to. There was a heat throbbing between her legs and she couldn’t take it anymore.
“The Nightmare!” she yelled as Frank opened her shirt. Her soft skin was tainted with deep claw-like marks. Frank studied them for a few moments; they were going from underneath her boobs all the way down to her belly, four deep red lines. He tried to comprehend that the beautiful skin, which was his to own, was marked by someone else. The blood in his veins started to boil. He raised his dark eyes to her, jaw clenched. The expression he had was frightening, like nothing she saw before, not even when when was killed her like she was nobody, just another trapped soul. Back when he wasn’t hers. She knew she had explanations to give, but she was slightly shaking.
“I swear I don’t know what’s going on, once I’ve been in a trial against the Nightmare and after that I…I had weird dreams.” She stopped for a moment, his expression unchanged. “I keep dreaming of him in those weird scenarios and one time I woke up from a dream with this on me. I’m so sorry, Frank, I swear I have nothing to do with him.” she pleaded knowing well how possessive Frank was.
He still didn’t say anything, nor moved. She started to panic, her hands slowly cupping his face.
“Frank?” her voice trembled and that’s when he exhaled the air he didn’t realize he was holding. He turned his mouth against her hands, kissing the inside of her palm.
“Sorry, baby girl, I didn’t mean to scare you. Let’s go,” he said in a cold tone that made her shiver more than the stone against her skin ever did. She wanted to complain, she was still in deeply need for him, to feel him against her. But Frank didn’t have any of it, not anymore, and she understood.
“I’m sorry to be a mood killer.” she whispered softly and opened her arms. Usually, Frank would have made a shitty comeback out of that, but he only stared at her for a moment before wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly. For a moment, she thought she was going to get crushed from the need in his embrace.
“You’re mine,” was all he said in a heavy tone, and she smiled against his shoulder and nodded.
“Only yours.”
He let go of the embrace, wrapping the cut pieces of clothing around her and taking her up in his arms, carrying her around. Frank quickly found the hatch and let his girlfriend on top of it, and she looked at him one more time before jumping.
“Are you okay, baby?” she asked with a small smile. He gave a half smile as reply, pulling the mask over his face once again. The last thing she saw as she was swallowed by the darkness was the bloody smirk of the Legion mask, looking down at her.
Later that day, or week, or year, as you never know how time passes through the Entity’s realm, there was a hooded figure in the middle of the Springwood. The smile on his mask was contrasting the deep frown underneath. Springwood was silent, occasionally seeing the grass moving as he searched the entire area, breaking doors and windows. But he got bored, and none of these helped his anger. He inhaled deeply and yelled with all his might.
“Alright, listen here, bacon face. If you’re too much of a coward to show yourself, fine, but mark my words: if you ever touch her again I will rip every soul in this world just to get to you. I know you are there and you know who I’m talking about. She’s mine.” he growled the last words through his teeth. Out of thin air demonic chuckle could be heard, echoing through the empty streets of Springfield.
“Oh no, what shall I do,” the hoarse voice was so close to Frank it felt like it was whispering into his ear, the tone full of mockery. Frank grabbed his knife, enraged, turning around in circles.
“Show yourself, coward! Come and fight me, I’ll slice you up nice and slowly! COME ON!!” he kept provoking, blood boiling in his veins.
There was a moment when he thought it would happen, he thought he would fight Freddy fucking Krueger, but as soon as he thought he’ll get the chance to stab the burnt bastard, he felt stabbed in the middle of his chest. Blood spilled from his mouth, a dark stake-like object poking its bloody peak all the way through his chest.
“Shit,” he cursed under his breath, feeling the pull of the fog. He spat the blood, lowering his arms. That’s how sacrifice feels like, huh, he thought. Before leaving, though, from thin air dirty blood was dripping onto the asphalt. The grin on his face at the sight was matching the one on his mask. Then, everything turned black.
He woke up back to Ormont, the rest of the Legion gathered around him.
I’ll make you suffer, chicken nugget. Just wait, he thought and grinned from ear to ear.
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holygayrightsbatman · 6 years
Wondering When Lingered Lips Chapter 1
Heres the continuation to my Trans!Peter fic that I posted a couple days ago. This time though it has Spideypool in it :D (read it on ao3 too)
Peter really wanted to talk to Wade, to let him know that he didn't care what he looked liked, to let him know he knew exactly how he felt; but for some reason he couldn't. Every time he saw Wade sitting alone at lunch he told himself 'this will be the day, I'll talk to him'. It never happened. His words always got caught it his throat, he'd look at him wanting more then anything to say something but then Ned would come along and say something and snap him out of his trance. He'd just look at Wade one last time and follow Ned over to their table. He felt like a coward every time but he couldn't help it, he never seemed to know what the say in the moment.
He got his wish one day on just a regular tuesday morning.
Not that long after Homecoming, a new student transferred into the the year above Peter from Canada. Something like that usually wouldn't be something he or many other people even knew about but because how the new student looked he was the talk of the whole school. Wade, the new student, whole face (and from the looks of it most of the rest of his body) was covered in what Peter guessed were burn scars. He often saw Wade around school, walking through the corridors and eating alone at lunch in the cafeteria. Well to be honest it wasn't hard to find Wade even if you weren't looking for him because the crowds in the corridors seem to part so everyone could gawk, stare and whisper to their friends as he passed them. It made Peter feel sick. When he came out as transgender in middle school the exact same thing happened to him. Everyone stared and laughed as he walked down the halls, it was awful.
Peter really wanted to talk to Wade, to let him know that he didn't care what he looked liked, to let him know he knew exactly how he felt; but for some reason he couldn't. Every time he saw Wade sitting alone at lunch he told himself 'this will be the day, I'll talk to him'. It never happened. His words always got caught it his throat, he'd look at him wanting more then anything to say something but then Ned would come along and say something and snap him out of his trance. He'd just look at Wade one last time and follow Ned over to their table. He felt like a coward every time but he couldn't help it, he never seemed to know what the say in the moment. That and Wade looked like he didn't want to be bothered. He always wore a black hoodie with the hood up at all times, Peter guessed it was to hide his scars so if someone might pass him without seeing his face but now everyone knew who he was he stuck out like a sore thumb. There were many other guys who wore the same kind of clothes Wade did but you could pick him out of crowd because although he was quite tall he was always hunched over. Didn't want to take up too much space and from the looks of it he seemed shy. Peter could honestly say he'd never see him talk to anyone that even vaguely looked like a friend let alone anyone at all- other then Flash of course. Flash loved to pick on anyone even slightly out of the ordinary, and Wade fit that so well. He had given Wade the very unoriginal nickname 'Freddy Krueger', and every time they crossed paths Flash liked to loudly announce 'look out everyone, Freddy's here!' Much like how he liked to announce something like 'oh look its Penis Parker!' every time he saw Peter. On more than one occasion Peter had been so close to saying something to Flash but Wade just walked past Flash and ignored him every time (much to Flash's annoyance.) It was usual over so fast that as soon as Peter had opened his mouth Flash had already turned his attention to Peter to say some stupid transphobic comment.
Peter just hoped one day he'd get the courage to talk to Wade.
- - -
He got his wish one day on just a regular tuesday morning. Peter was walking through the front door to the school and was immediately greeted by a huge crowd of people in a circle obviously watching some kind of fight or argument. Pulling his earphones that was just when he heard Flash say, "You're just such a fucking freak. I don't know how you can even go out in public with a face like that."
Peter's stomach dropped. He knew exactly who he was insulting. Pushing his way through the crowd so he could see what was happening he was greeted to Flash berating Wade, calling him all the worst things he could think of. Wade was looking at the floor and Peter thought he might be crying and that was when he couldn't take it anymore. He found his words.
"Just leave him alone, Flash!" Peter yelled as all eyes turned from the two boys in the middle of the circle to him.
"Oh Penis Parker, how lovely for you to join us." Flash sneered. "I've just been telling your boyfriend here just how fucking ugly he is."
Peter rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just go do something useful for once instead of picking on people?"
Flash gave him a look of mock shock. "Wow! When did you grow a backbone?"
Deciding to ignore Flash, Peter turned his head to look at Wade and said, "Don't listen to anything he has to say, it's not true." At this Wade looked Peter in the eyes, not saying anything for a moment and then a small "Thank you."
Wade began to walk over to Peter and make his way out of the crowd with him when Flash, obviously very irritated called out "You freaks deserve each other, right Karen?"
Peter's blood ran cold. You see he had known Flash since Elementary school, they had actually been friends back then too. Not close friends but they had played, laughed together and had fun together but things changed at the start of Middle school when Flash had started hanging out with the more popular people in their school. The bullying didn't start until 7th grade when Peter had come out and became Flash's target for bullying.
It wasn't the first time Flash had called him his birth name to hurt him but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt like hell every time he did. Flash knew this too, knew it truly hurt Peter and yet he didn't really care.
"Don't call me that." Peter snapped.
"Why not? It's your real name." Flash grinned although it wouldn't last long because Wade turned around to face him.
"What did you call him?" He question.
"You see little Peter there isn't actually a guy, she's just a girl who thinks she i-" Flash's demeaning words were cut short as Wade's fist connected with his cheek. Hard. There was a deafening cracking sound and then there were just Flash's yelps of pain as he held his right cheek one hand and began wiping blood off himself with the other.
"What the actual fuck!" Flash all but scream as he tackled Wade. He hit the floor with a mighty THUMP, but quickly moving so he was the one on top of Flash. The crowd erupted with cheers of 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!‘ watching the two boys wrestle, kick and punch each other. It took Peter a few seconds to take in what was happening, and a few more run over to them trying to stop the fight but unfortunately as he tried to get in between them both, one of them accidentally elbowed him hard in the nose making him bleed profusely.
Luckily a nearby teacher heard all the commotion and got to the boys before anyone could be really hurt. "What is going on here?!" She demanded. The three boys stopped their fighting immediately and said nothing for a moment before Flash pointed accusingly at Wade.
"He did it!"
- - -
Peter hated Flash. He hated him more than anyone he'd ever met, and he met criminals on a regular everyday basis. Not only had he started the bullying but actually accused Wade of starting the fight! And apparently according to him Peter was the one with no backbone?
"I'm sorry I got you into this." Wade said, pulling Peter out of his Flash-hating thoughts.
They were sitting outside the principal's office, waiting to go inside and talk to him about the inicident. Wade shifted pressing the icepack against his nose and hissing, although for some strange reason the cut he got there seemed to be healing already but Peter wasn't really up to thinking more about that right now.
"Hey, don't worry. Flash is a dickhead and you don't deserve all those awful things he said about you." Peter gave him a small smile.
"Thank you..." Wade answered. Peter swore he could see a faint blush on Wade's cheeks and honestly it was pretty cute, he thought.
"Even though I'm usually against violence, he kinda deserved it."
"'Kinda'? He definetly deserved it." They both laughed.
Then an unfomfortable feeling settled in Peter's gut. "Hey uh, Wade?"
"Could you um... could you not call me what Flash called me. I don't use that name anymore- my new name is Peter by the way! But um yeah... please don't use that name for me." Peter stammered, his voice getting quieter and quieter as he spoke until it was barley above a whisper.
Wade just smiled at him. "Yeah, I know. My adoptive mum is actually trans so when he was saying all the shit about you it sent me off. I promise I won't ever call you that, Peter. My name is Wade by the way."
Peter smiled so widely he was sure his face was about to begin splitting apart. "Thank you, that means a lot to me. And I um, I already know your name." He answered truthfully.
Wade's own smile faulted a little. "I guessed that. I sure do stick out a whole lot."
Peter honestly wasn't sure how to answer that so he just gave a small nod instead. An awkward silence settled between them and Peter began feeling like if he didn't say anything now, he'd never get to speak to him again. And finally, finally, he found his words. The words he always wanted to tell Wade.
"I always wanted to talk to you." He took a deep breath before he began speaking again. "I see the way people look at you and it makes me so angry. People looked at me the same way when I came out and I always wanted to tell you I knew how you felt."
Wade looked at him, really looked a him and didn't say anything for moment and then smiled genuienly at him. "So that's why you're always staring at me?"
Peter indignantly snorted. So Wade had noticed, huh?
"Y-yeah, sorry about that actually. I never knew what to say before. I must of looked so creepy."
"Kinda." Peter felt so embarrassed, he was pretty sure he was going bright red. Wade let out an incredibly loud laugh. "Oh man dude, I thought you like hated me or something! I was always so sad like 'damn this really cute boy hates me.'" Wade said before releasing what he had just confessed too and now it was his turn to look embarrassed, but surprisingly he didn't. He just carried on grinning at Peter.
Not only was Peter incredibly embarrassed but he was now also incredibly flustered.
"You think I'm cute?" Peter asked in a small voice.
"Well yeah, duh! I have eyes, Peter!" Wade joked.
Peter was sure he was going to die. This is how he was going to die, being complimented to death by the guy he'd been trying desperetly to talk to for the past couple weeks. Unfortunely before Wade had to chance to kill him properly the door to the Principal's office swung open, the Principal apeared at the door and asked the both of them to come in. Flash passed them on the way out, purposely shoving against Peter's arm, which didn't go un-noticed by the Principal but he didn't say anything. He moved to sit behind his desk and motion for the two boys to sit in the chairs he'd put there for them.
"Neither of you are in trouble, yet, I just need to go over what happened."
Wade sighed.
"It's Flashes fault." Peter answered. "He was calling Wade insulting things so I told him to stop but he didn't."
The Principal turn to Wade. "Is this true, Mr. Wilson?"
"Yea-yes it's true but actually, Peter shouldn't be here." Peter turned to look at Wade as he continued. "Flash began calling me things and Peter came and told him to stop, but then he started say some real horrible stuff about Peter and I just snapped and punched him. None of this is Peter's fault, he actually tried to stop us! That's why he's hurt, he tried to get between us but he got hit on accident. The start of it is Flash's fault but the actual fight itself is my fault."
The Principal smiled slightly at him. "Thank you Mr. Wilson. Is this what happen Mr. Parker?"
It took Peter a second, too shocked to answer. While Wade was correct about what happened he had been expecting him to take the fall for him. "Um, yes he's right."
"And what was Mr. Thompson saying to you both?" He question.
Wade decided to answer this one. "He was making fun of me for my scars. He said- and I quote- 'You're just such a fucking freak. I don't know how you can even go out in public with a face like that.' Pardon my french. He also called me the usual things like 'Freddy Krueger' too.
"'Usual things?'" Questioned the Principal.
"Oh, uh, yeah, he calls me names a lot." Wade answered uncomfortablely.
"Have you told anyone about this?"
"Well I'm tell you now." Wade tried to joke and gave a little fake laugh but it fell flat.
"How long as he been doing this?"
"Since I got here basically." He said softly.
"This isn't okay." He turned to look at Peter once again. "And you Mr. Parker, have you expirenced Mr. Thompson bullying you or anyone else."
Well time to tell the truth, he guessed. "Yeah... hes been bullying me since Middle school."
The Principal leaned back slightly in his chair. "You didn't tell anyone here or at your previous school?"
"No, I didn't." He sighed
The Principal was quiet for a moment until he said, "Boys this isn't okay. You should of said something before it evolved into this. I can see this is very much Mr. Thompson's fault but Mr. Wilson as you started the physical fight I going to have to punish you too." Wade's skin crawled as he heard the word 'punish'. "I'm going too give you a detention. Just one. You're quite lucky that it's just that, and Parker since you were actually trying to stop the fight I'm not going to punish you. You're both free to go and please tell Mr. Thompson to come back in on your way out."
Peter let out an audible sigh of refief and exited the office with Wade following behind him. He stepped out of the office and not wanting to look or talk to Flash more than he already had too he just stifly said, "He wants to see you." As he passed, not even looking at him. They got back to class just fine with a small but awkward goodbye.
What a way to start my day, Peter thought.
- - -
Peter got managed to skip his whole first period and half of second one so it wasn't all bad considering he missed French and Geography (two of his most hated subjects.) Plus Ned was so excited when he got to see him at break time. He made Peter recount exactly what happened in excruciating detail (not that Peter wouldn't of anyway.) MJ acted like it was the boring thing they'd heard in their life but he knew that secrectly they were pretty happy hearing that Flash had got the shit beaten out of him.
- - -
At lunch time Peter started making his way over to his usual table where he could see that Ned and MJ were already chatting. Ned, rather animatedly and MJ saying a few one sentence responses to him. Peter couldn't help but smile, he really loved his friends. Sometimes it was just nice to watch them being happy. At that moment his head turned to look at the other table he watched many times. Wade was sitting on his own again, on the table next to one of the bin, since it didn't smell great there it was the only one that seemed to be permanently free until Wade had taken it.
Peter took a deep breath and strod over to the table. "Hey, Wade. Do you wanna sit with me and my friends today?"
Wade looked up at him from his food with a massive smile, not unlike the one he'd been wearing when they were waiting out the Principals office. "I'd love to." He picked up his tray and followed Peter to his table.
Ned looked incredibly excited as his eye caught onto Wade. "Yo, dude! Peter told me all about how you beat the fuck outta Flash this morning for being an ableist transphobic dickbag, man I wish I could seen it."
Somehow Wade's grin got even bigger. "You should of, it was the best thing I've ever done."
Peter felt a bit embarrassed after having Ned tell Wade about how much he admired Wade for doing what he did but part of him also liked it. A warmth pooled in his stomach. Okay maybe Peter had been lying a little bit when he said he just wanted to be Wade's friend. Maybe he wanted a little more then that. Peter honestly though he was quite handsome.
While Peter was off in his Wade-centric dreamland, MJ looked up at Wade and said, "Hey, Wade. Glad to see you dismantling the school social structure."
Wade turned to her and greeted her. "Hey, MJ. You know me, all I wanna do is dismantle things." He winked. Peter wasn't quite sure what that quite meant but it made him snort.
He then realised what they said. "Wait- do you guys know each other?" He questioned looked between the both of them.
"Yeah we met in detention last week, they drew this really great picture of me." Wade answered.
"One of my best. He's a great muse." MJ said.
"Of course you two know each other already." Ned sighed in a loving way.
"If I'd known I'd get to sit with you guys, I'd of beaten up Flash on my first day." Joked Wade. They all giggled uncontrollably.
Yeah, Peter could see this really working out.
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Neverending Nightmare
A/N: This is my entry for @ladylorelitany‘s Monster Mash challenge, my prompt being Freddy Krueger. It was honestly a lot of fun to write for Freddy again, considering I used to write for him a long long time ago. Fun fact the Freddy Krueger fic I wrote in high school was my second attempt ever at a long fic. While that fic pales in comparison to what I can write now, it was still fun to write two of my favorite characters together for a bit of an angsty showdown. <3
Word count: 2,025
Warnings: SUPREME ANGST, swearing, blood & guts, semi-detailed description of violence, Freddy’s claw, mental torture/mind games, Freddy Krueger in general.
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Negan’s eyes shot open, squinting at the harsh light that flooded the darkened hall where he stood. He noticed how heavily he was breathing, and the bead of sweat that trickled down his brow. Swiping at his forehead, his fists began to clench when he recognized his surroundings.
Not again.
Negan stood in a darkly lit corridor, the only light trickling in from the end of the hall. The walls smelled damp and slightly like mildew. The paint was old and flaking. The place was in obvious disrepair. The dim light was too far for him to make out what would meet him there, but Negan knew it would be horrible. What waited for him was always horrible beyond imagine.
Even though he knew the dangers he’d find, he had to move. Otherwise they would come and find him, and that was always worse. Clenching his teeth, he skulked down the hall. His footsteps sounded like a deafening boom in his ears. Each step was like the tick tock of a clock, a reminder of how soon he’d find out what lay in wait at the end.
He squinted against the bright light that engulfed his body. In a brief flash, the light faded and Negan was transported to a forest lit only by moonlight. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed a new object in his hand, a familiar companion. Lucille.
That could only mean that the burnt fucker was in the mood to play tonight. Just great.
As if on queue, a low wail broke through the silence. Negan whipped his head around, only to be met with the hissing and snarling of the shambling walking dead coming in close behind him. Negan smirked. Did that asshole think this was a challenge for him? This was a piece of cake.
With a flourish of his wrist, he slammed Lucille down on the first head that approached him. Brain matter splattered onto his face, but he continued to smash Lucille on his next two brain-dead victims. As another walker approached his side, Negan kicked it in the gut, sending it sprawling to the ground. Negan swung his weapon on another, its disembodied head flying into the crowd. Before the kicked walker could get back up, Negan stomped his heel into the head, exploding it on impact.
More kept coming from the trees, but Negan never let up once. His adrenaline was pumping in time with his swings, putting every walker that shuffled into his line of sight out of commission. He couldn’t even begin to count how many he’d taken out, or keep track of the time. It all melted together, as if hours and hours of swinging were condensed into mere seconds in real time.
And then all was quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the wind whistling through the branches of the trees. Negan however, stayed tense for a few moments, knowing another ambush could be ever present. But all he was met with was silence, so he let himself relax for a moment.
Negan brought his red scarf to his face, rubbing off as much walker blood as he could. His hand still gripped Lucille tightly for comfort, afraid if he let go she’d disappear in an instant. The silence only made him more anxious. He wanted to shout, scream, wave Lucille around and hit everything in his path, all while cursing that coward for hiding in the shadows and making him play these games, just to fill the empty void with someone talking. But that would only bring him out sooner.
Almost as if his mind was being read, a soft voice broke the quiet. Negan heard the voice, but his brow furrowed. He couldn’t tell what it said, and couldn’t even begin to guess which direction it came from. It was a woman perhaps… a soft, nurturing voice that called out…?
“Negan,” the voice repeated, only this time Negan understood. And he recognized it too. All too well. Had it memorized by heart, even.
He was almost afraid to turn around. Negan knew who stood there, who was calling out for him. But he knew it was a trick. That’s what he wanted Negan to do, to look at the source of the voice. He didn’t want to, but his heart had other ideas.
Negan turned himself to face Lucille.
She wasn’t how he liked to remember her. Of course not. It was how he last saw her, staring at him with dead eyes in a hospital gown, her lovely jet black hair a thing of the past. She only stood there, her body swaying slightly as if she struggled to keep herself upright. Negan’s throat tightened at the sight, finding it hard to breathe.
“Negan, my love,” Lucille cooed, in that way she always did when he was upset or frustrated from work. Negan’s bottom lip began to tremble, but he held the bat Lucille with an iron grip. Lucille paused for a brief moment before continuing, “Negan, my love... please kill me.”
He wasn’t even aware of the choked sob building in his throat until it hit the air, the sound harsh and foreign to him. Negan stared in disbelief at Lucille, those words not resembling anything she would have ever said. Ever begged for. But here she was, doing exactly that.
“I can’t, baby,” Negan’s voice trembled as he shook his head. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t even do it before, he needed someone else to end her suffering as a walker. Even so, he still held Lucille tight, trying to find comfort in something that felt real in this moment.
Lucille took a tentative step forward, making Negan flinch back. Her mouth hung open, and she spoke again, “Please kill me… before I kill you.”
It was as if she had regained her walker instincts in that exact moment. Lucille’s arms reached out for him, her shambling steps quickly closing the gap. Even with a weapon, Negan felt powerless. He couldn’t do this. He turned heel and ran.
He could hear the blood pumping in his ears, his legs carrying him deeper into the forest. He didn’t even bother to look back at Lucille. He just needed to get away.
He almost ran headfirst into Lucille when she stepped out from in front of a nearby tree and lunged at him. Negan gasped, recoiling his body and turning to run in the other direction. He stopped dead in his tracks before he could go any further.
A horde of Lucilles. All surrounding him. He had nowhere to run.
Against his will, Negan felt his knees buckle underneath him. He fell to the ground, biting his bottom lip to keep himself from sobbing. He couldn’t even look up as they closed in on him, reaching out, grabbing at his clothes. He held onto Lucille in his hand, never once having let her go through it all, and let the first set of teeth rip into his neck.
And then there was a burst of heat. Negan’s head swiveled around the boiler room, confused at first by the change in location. But when he heard that low growling voice, he knew exactly where he was.
“You act as if it’s a fucking hardship to kill your wife,” the voice cackled above. Negan looked up at the catwalk, a dark shadowy figure leaning against the metal rail. The steam clouded his vision, but Negan could see those long clawed blades from a mile away.
The figure clinked the blades against the rail, dragging them across the metal to create a piercing screech. Negan didn’t flinch, he’d experienced it many times before. It was just a game, and Negan wouldn’t let him win.
Suddenly, the shadow figure disappeared, only to reappear mere feet from Negan. While the dirty brown fedora hid most of his face, Negan could still see the man’s marred face underneath. He clinked his bladed glove against his thigh, as if pondering what to do next. Finally, the man’s mouth curled into a sneer as he continued, “I had no fucking qualms killing my bitch of a wife when she stuck her nose into my business. Not sure why you couldn’t even put yours out of her fucking misery-”
With a roar, Negan shot up to his feet and swung Lucille hard into the man’s shoulder. He stumbled slightly, just as Negan went for another swing. And another. Again and again until he couldn’t count. Just before the man tipped over, Negan gripped him by the lapel of his dingy red and green striped sweater and slammed him into the metal grate panel that served a makeshift barrier in the boiler room.
“I don’t need some ugly motherfucking asshole telling me what I did wrong with my life. Like I don’t already fucking know,” Negan spat. “Newsflash motherfucker, you don’t have as much power over me as you’d like to fucking think. I’m bigger, stronger, and fucking taller than your shrimp ass, the fuck do you have except for your dinky ass glove!?”
“Do you fucking forget who I am!?” Negan wasn’t holding the man anymore, and instead he was prowling along the furnaces, not a scratch on him. “I’m Freddy fucking Krueger! You know, the guy that’s been torturing you in your dreams for the past month? You can never fucking escape me!”
“Try me, you cocksucker!” Negan shouted, twirling Lucille in his hand as he waited for the moment to strike.
Freddy chuckled. “Interesting weapon you’ve got there, but I’m not one to complain,” he said, pointing to Lucille with his bladed index finger.
Negan looked in his hand at what was so amusing, but dropped the object in shock. It couldn’t be. He didn’t want it to be.
Her arm. Lucille’s arm. How long had it been there, replacing Lucille? Her severed limb fell to the ground with a sickening thwack. Negan stared in absolute shock until his gaze fell upon the sight before him.
Freddy’s boiler room had numerous chains hanging from the walls, swaying and clinking next to each other. But they were silent as they touched the body that hung from one of the chains. It was wrapped tightly around Lucille’s neck, her head rolled to the side as she stared dead eyed at Negan. Her face and body were littered with claw marks, marring the beautiful woman he used to be married to. Bloodied and bruised, she was barely recognizable. Except for her long, jet-black hair.
Negan’s eyes widened in shock at the sharp pain in his back. He coughed, and spat up blood dribbled down his chin. His fingers gingerly touched the blades that protruded from his chest, wriggling around and causing more blood to ooze onto his white shirt.
Freddy leaned into his ear, the foul stench of decay suffocating Negan. That rattling breath of Freddy’s voice sounded like the tick tock of a clock, counting down before the final hour.
“You can breathe… you can cry…” Freddy’s teasing voice began. “Hell, I know you’ll be doing that.”
And all went black.
Negan gasped and sat up in bed. He scanned the room in a frenzy, but he was really in his bedroom. The light shone brilliantly through his window, falling on the floor in gentle warm sunbeams. Negan’s hands trembled, clutching his sheets with white knuckles. Lucille sat upright in the chair by his bed, still shiny and new from when he cleaned her up last night.
He didn’t notice when his head flopped back onto the pillow. He also didn’t notice the tears streaming down his face as his shoulders tensed and his chest heaved. He also didn’t notice the crackling of the walkie talkie on his bedside table, Simon’s voice telling Negan that he needed to get up and give his wives a break because the Saviors were getting antsy.
And he didn’t notice for ten long minutes until Simon was knocking at his door. But by then Negan was dressed and ready, putting his dreams behind him for just one more day.
I hope you enjoyed my fic, let me know if you’d like on or off of my taglist <3
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