#makes your house of Anubis gay
fawncrw · 5 months
Amber and Nina: so american - Olivia Rodrigo
Mick and Fabian: So High School - Taylor Swift
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years
✨Hey ik I've been missing for a while but here I am coming back with more astrological observations!!!! ✨This is a collaboration post with @astro-sirena​ !!!✨
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💫Having natal hard Aspects between Neptune and the Asc can give the natal person a hard time to Fit in. They often feel like no matter what they do they're not part of a grouping 💫Saturn Trine Personal Planets could bring a lot of mastery revolving the themes of that Planet (recognition too). But making a square could bring the opposite, difficulties and in some cases bad reputation. For example: -Mars Trine Saturn: Very disciplined, strong stamina, mastery of their masculine energy and have a good reputation of being very disciplined and structured people, usually very expert people in what they do. -Mars Squares Saturn:  Have problems with discipline, they could be rebels, have bad reputation of being inconsistent/undisciplined, could be rude without wanting it, have irregular libido and sometimes are afraid of intimacy. -Venus Trine Saturn: Very discipline and mature approach to relationships and their desires, have a good reputation of being very mature and high value people in relationship matters, they could get whatever they put their focus to. -Venus Squares Saturn: Bad reputation in relationships, sometimes fear commitment, they could have low self esteem when it comes to their desires and relationships, problems in love, sometimes immature decisions in love. 💫The planet your north node aspects, can have a significant influence in your life purposes. For example: having mercury aspecting the north node could mean that you could be really influential through teaching, writing or motivational speaking and you feel accomplished through these jobs. 💫People who have their Ascendant in Scorpio degrees(8,20) have beautiful and magnetic eyes. Their bodies tend to be unique and exuding sexual/sensual energy which is really attractive and eye catching to others. They’re mostly average height too. 💫Waldemath(h58) and Pluto are very similar in terms of intensity and negativity. For example: -if you have Pluto conjunct Moon you are very intense at core, every emotion is felt with a terrible intensity and when you are angry you are scary af and even bloodthirsty at times. -If you have Waldemath(h58) conjunct Moon you have the same intensity in terms of negative emotions, you are a very intense person at the core as well but this only is shows when negative emotions arise, with other emotions you are more normal. When angry you have the same fiery demonic raging eyes of a Moon conjunct Pluto person. 💫Having Sappho(80) conjunct Sun in the Natal chat can be an indicator of attracting very easily the same sex or being a crush of someone with the same gender. For example men with this aspect tend to attract a lot of gay people or they attract them very easily. 💫Asteroid Anubis(1912) in 8th house: Handle crises well, they tend to have a lot of wisdom/ knowledge about after death/traumas and suffering, deep understanding of deep parts of our psyche. 💫People with Jupiter conjunct Ascendant tend to come of as really proud and nonchalant. They have a tendency to think that everything they do is right and that they don’t need anyone, but they have a presence that hold a lot of wisdom so people will listen to them even if they are talking pure shit, and usually are really big/tall people. 💫Asteroid Savage(29837) in 3rd house: Very good at comebacks, sometimes they can say things that can hurt people, they are very sneaky and have a very high curiosity, there could be a very savage relationships with brothers/sisters like doing very savage pranks even hostility at times. Is a very rebel person in their way of thinking and doesn’t like to follow orders. 💫Asteroid Poor(13227) in houses indicates what areas of your life are very poor, false, weak and lacks content. Aspecting a Planet is something that you lack for periods of time or that you have to work harder to develop. For example Poor in Hard aspects to Saturn it could mean that sometimes you lack discipline, stability and structure, you have to work really hard to be a mature person with strong set of values. 💫In the house where Saturn is, is the area of life where you tend to be the most minimalist, since Saturn rules minimalism. 💫Mars conjunct Vishnu(4034): Could radiate a lot of divine masculine energy, has godly presence and a powerful aura. They attract a lot of attention and recognition. It’s important for these people to be self aware and connect to their spirituality in order to balance those energies out. With that they can become really magnetic and from that they can attract a lot of opportunities and possibilities. With that they’re also going to exude a lot of sexual energy and are able to attract many sexual encounters. 💫People who have asteroid Shiva(1170) in Scorpio could push their spirituality really hard by taking it to extremes like going to Himalayas mountain to do mysticism and leave society behind or do quite intense spiritual practices. They could pursue enlightenment intensely or feel a very strong devotion to all universe/creation or existence, their approach to life is also all or nothing, and that approach can take them very far in their spiritual journey. Asteroid Shiva(1170) feels really comfortable in the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn because it represents different aspects of Shiva on these signs. 💫Asteroid Pan(4450): Pan is a satyr, the lord of spring & fertility; he's got a thing for nymphs. Mythologically, he was said to be a genius at sex as well as being the God of all wild creatures. Pan shows great lust, great confidence/audacity, absolute lack of shyness/timidity; he is the alcoholic constantly throwing huge parties, indulging in life’s pleasures, joining grand orgies without hesitation. And he is completely uninhibited.. Those with Pan prominent, and especially those with Pan on the Ascendant-- are so wild that they often accidentally intimidate those around them.* 💫Asteroid Nymphe(875) in 9th house: Love to travel, they can connect with their true sexuality when they travel, could indicate sex with foreigners, very adventurer people, sometimes have reckless approach to sex, being in far away places of their home connects them with their mystic side of their femininity. 💫Asteroid Nymphe(875) in 10th house: Very sexy sexy people, they have a reputation of being highly sexually attractive, strong sex appeal, very mystic public persona, being in contact with nature could help them clear their ideas to follow their best path, a lot of people desire/lust them, sometimes men could feel almost like a compulsive desire to this persona, could have something innocent in their aura but this aspect indicate a strong woman who have high values related to their sexuality, probably want men with high authority, status or reputation. 💫Asteroid Hades(h41) conjunct Ascendant: Have a nostalgic presence, could have patriarchal or domineering ways of thinking sometimes, a possessive deep deep person, a person that carries a lot of suffering and history through their souls. They have extremely penetrating minds with a godly presence, could be really depressed sometimes and they have a lot of knowledge of the underworld and probably feels a strong connection to it. 💫Asteroid NOT (2857) indicates something that you decide to not do very much but it seems the opposite to other people, is a contradictory perception. For example: Asteroid NOT in 8th house: You do not have too much sex (decision) but you appear like a sex addict or like someone that has a lot of sex. 💫People who have Saturn In Scorpio could had a very brutal and hard Saturn return. 💫I have never met a Virgo/Libra sun who is not neurotic. 💫Mars in 3rd house could mean abusive relationship with brothers when younger, that could impact in the way they communicate having a very aggressive tone or speaking very louder. 💫If you guys are wondering about the anger of people with Mars in Sagittarius: Lot of them have it conjunct Fixed star Antares who is a very violent star, so they can have an unmatched Anger, rage and violent moments. Very aggressive people when gets angry. 💫People in general underestimate Taurus placements, i know a lot of Taurus people who are really fake/dark/ambitious/ manipulative/ superficial and etc, this is because Taurus placements who are in 17-29 degrees are In conjunction to the malefic Fixed star Algol (head of medusa/demon).
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
House Of Anubis: How the OG Dutch/Belgium show was butchered in its adaptation by Nickelodeon Part 1: Mick & Fabian
Given ATLA and Percy Jackson have gotten butchered again, I have decided to finally open my mouth about my favorite children's tv show: Het Huis Anubis. I am making this in several parts, because god this show was done dirty by Nickelodeon- especially the English adaptation. Today, we will go over exhibit A, Mick and Fabian and how they as individuals were butchered and their bromance was scrapped - all due to Nickelodeon's homophobia because OG Fabian's actor, Lucien van Geffen, came out as a gay man after the show ended. 1. Let's start with the most obvious thing: the boys appearance. Fabian is way cuter and way less nerdy looking in the English adaptation. The dude became Prom King for crying out loud. In the OG, whilst Fabian was cute, he was so in an overtly nerdy way and the idea of him becoming Prom King at all would have been an obvious prank. Mick was the dumb jock, the pretty boy of the cast who got played by a model. As a bisexual, this was the show that would get me bi-panicking because of Mick and Nienke (Nina in the English adaptation). 2. The aforementioned stereotyping was actually part of what made the bromance work. Because stereotypes are easier to understand for younger children and their contrasting stereotypes were written in such a beautiful way as they saw each other's value. Because in the OG, Mick has a lot of things going for him and he has a heart of gold but he has a dream he cannot accomplish being the dumb pretty boy he is but Fabian can. Because in the OG, Mick has a blind younger sister that he would like to cure more then anything but knows he's too dumb for medicine school unlike Fabian. He also knows Fabian is more courageous then he is and sees him as someone with lots of valuable traits whereas Fabian values Mick's loyalty and good, friendly nature as one of the show's primary himbo's. Their stereotypes allowed kids to understand each stereotype came with valuable traits. It's okay if you're a nerd or a jock. 3. MICK NEVER LEFT. Mick always remained the ignorant himbo walking around the house as his friends were busy dealing with cults. He was the breath of fresh air that brought normalcy throughout the show with his romance drama. Though he was ignorant of what they were doing, it's not like Mick was 100% oblivious throughout the entire show. For crying out loud Fabian had to fake his death at one point, with no one knowing he was still alive. Who was the one Fabian went to so he could say he was still alive? Mick. Really, a secret handshake is in no way on the same level as only telling your best friend you are still alive. 4. Which brings me to another character that never left: Nienke! Unlike her English counterpart Nina, Nienke remained as the leader of the Sibuna gang throughout the show with Fabian being the healthy kind of boyfriend who never felt like he had to take leadership away from her or anything. I swear in regards to Fabian in the English adaptation, they tried to hard to make a more alpha male version of Fabian. He's hotter, he gets more girls, he gets to be the leader and more. There is literal evidence they had toxic masculinity in mind: its Fabian falling to the sin of Pride in the show. Whilst the English adaptation was only faithful to the first season, the 7 deadly sins do show up in the first Anubis movie where Nienke is kidnapped by the antagonist. OG Fabian is literally the first person to win from all 7 deadly sins with the sin he ALMOST succumbs to being wrath as his friends and Nienke were about to die. Fabian was the virtuous knight in that movie and they actively made him more prideful in the English adaptation. Why would they change his relationship with Nienke and things like this, if it wasn't to make Fabian seem more masculine and whatnot because Lucien being gay emasculates Fabian in the eyes of Nickelodeon. For fuck's sake, Lucien was literally chosing to stay in the closet during the show because the ship was HUGE. He didn't wanted to break all of the little children's hearts by saying he was gay. Lucien was gracious 100%!
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obiternihili · 1 year
weirdest fucking dream
like 6 threads rolled into one
a weird bible guy in a lilac costume broke into kids' houses to "teach them to read the bible" and spiderman came to stop them
a family grocery shopping where a kid bought a spicy sandwich and lightly made fun of his grandma for refusing spicy foods
a 20 something tried to show a 10 year old a video of fred the screaming youtuber from like 2008. the kid was horrified and the 20 something was panicking because they were too old and unrelatable to make a preteen laugh now
a twitter conversation revolving around a meme with a blue birthday cake, with all the big twitter progressives of mostly 5-10 years ago making fun of the main character of the day.
somehow the conversation between spiderman and the bible guy awkward steered into "it's ok to be gay if you are, mr bibleman, just stop breaking into houses, that's creepy" and "no, i'm teaching kids how to read. and being gay is a sin, which you'd know, if you knew how to read"
a commercial aired that was a sweat covered Shaq talking very firmly and very seriously about sports values and what it means to be a man, about never giving up in the face of pressure, etc. and for some reason it was interspliced with footage of someone meticulously drawing a hyperreal elephant-sized cock on (a hyperreal depiction of) Anubis, the Egyptian psychopomp.
the ultimate value being reinforced by making fun of the main character of the day on twitter was something like "you do you". i got that much after i asked alison pregler to explain whhy she was retweeting what she was
The spiderman story hit a point where spidey had the guy tied down in a prison yard and was trying to reinforce that "it's ok to be attracted to adult men despite your religion. the only problem is the breaking into people's homes thing. boundaries right" and the lesson was like "you should relax, right, and like, you do you, unless it's breaking into homes and harassing people" to which the bibleguy responded "what?" and spidey responded "wonth doth remembroth theth sabbath toth keepth itth holyth" and the bible guy was like "whatth the fuckth, spiderman"
and i don't fucking understand the shaq commercial? it's ok to be weirdly homoerotic when being machismo?? was there meaning, or is the nature of a dream that there literally isn't, even though the rest was there. i tweeted that much at allison pregler when i asked
all of the dialogue had the adult swim tone so i think morpheus was just fucking with me
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So, since I'm bored and I have like 3000 Agents of DIO headcanons, I'm posting them, but a good amount of them include my ships :)
(I have an entire au where some of the Agents help the Crusaders take down DIO, so that's what these kind fit in with)
Mariah and Oingo are best friends, and spend their time bullying everyone else (mostly Terence and Hol Horse) for no reason.
Midler is essentially the mom friend, and takes care of Boingo (even though he's perfectly capable of opening his own fruit snacks), and insists on cooking all the time.
Terence turns his lame gaming basement into the ideal gamer cave and there's a sign on the door that reads, "Gamers only (no girls allowed)". The only people Terence lets in there are Boingo (bc he likes watching Terence play Minecraft and sometimes gets to play Stardew Valley) and Vanilla Ice.
The only things Terence eats are Cool Ranch Doritos, Pink Lemonade PopTarts, espresso flavored ice cream, and Mountain Dew Voltage (sometimes mixed together in a large Kona Ice cup), and he has two refrigerators just for his soda and ice cream bc it wouldn't all fit in the kitchen upstairs. Most of the time, when Midler goes shopping, she refuses to buy Terence's stuff bc "he needs to break his unhealthy habits", so VI goes and buys the snacks, bc he definitely doesn't have a crush on Terence...
Terence listens to girl in red, Mother Mother, and Kikuo. (his favorite songs, however, are Minecraft parody songs)
As soon as any of the Agents come out, Milder buys them as much pride stuff as possible. (When Terence came out, Midler bought him a shirt that said "Born this Gay".)
Mariah's favorite movie is Mean Girls, and the house has watched it at least 24 times before DIO was defeated. Terence refuses to admit it, but it's his favorite movie, too.
N'doul likes to sit on Hol Horse's lap. He will actively move from where he is if Hol Horse enters a room to sit with him.
Everyone is sick of N'doul insisting that he doesn't like Hol Horse. Mariah and Rubber Soul have made their goal to get the two of them together (they're doing an awful job).
After N'doul attempted to kill himself after his fight with the Crusaders, he was sent to a hospital and the Speedwagon Foundation helped him. It turns out that N'doul damaged the part of his brain that helps with balance, so he has trouble walking (this is the basis of a Hol Horse x N'doul fic I'm writing).
Chaka survives (bc I love him) and keeps Anubis in a locked case in his room. He starts working at a cafe near the mansion (Oingo's favorite place, coincidentally), but since Anubis is more than just the sword, he'll appear behind Chaka at work. Anubis generally shows up when Oingo and Chaka are talking while Chaka's on his lunch break, and just makes comments on how bad they both are a flirting. Some of his lines are:
"My god, you two are awful at this!"
"Just go on a date already and save me agony!"
"Chaka thinks you're cute. I read it in his diary." (to which Chaka responds with an exaggerated gasp)
"He also said he likes your dumb hat."
"Hey, Oingo! How bout you spend the night in our room tonight? You can even sleep in Chaka's be-" *Chaka smacks Anubis on the head with a rolled up newspaper* (I'm aware that's not physically possible to hit Anubis, leave me alone lol)
Most of the Agents got banned from the kitchen for doing something stupid, and there's a list in the dining room of who's not allowed to use the kitchen all. Essentially the only people who aren't banned are Midler, Chaka, N'doul, Vanilla Ice, and Boingo (I might post who's banned and why).
Daniel isn't allowed to use Osiris in the house because he lost a game of Uno that he'd bet on to Steely Dan, took his soul, and dropped it into the kitchen sink. Thankfully, Geb was able to retrieve it, and Midler grounded Daniel until he let Steely Dan go.
N'doul once mentioned that he hates the smell of cigarettes and because of that, Hol Horse tried to start smoking less.
Sometimes, the Agents decide to have a 'night in', and the only people who don't drink at all are Midler and Oingo.
Hol Horse grew up in Italy, though he isn't Italian and wasn't born there.
That's all for right now, I might post some more later, if anyone is interested :)
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yououghtaknow · 4 years
18 and 20 for the meta asks? also I already commented on clip 3 but fr this clip was so good that was such a good execution of that scene and s5 has been so good and literally brightens my day thank u 💛 i hope you’re doing well
hi, thank you so much!!!!!!!! i hope you’re doing well too <3 <3
i am putting a read more because i am a rambley person, but underneath you will find talks of unused plot points, the parallels between the girl squad and the lad squad, and what taylor swift album(s) i believe each season has the vibe of.
tw for discussion of abuse, mental health problems, addiction and eating disorders
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
skam brighton has. so many aus. because it itself is an au of an original work. me and two of my great writing friends have written a great numbers of aus including but not limited to riordian-verse, glee, doctor who, rwrb, trc, a murder mystery au, and many aus based on comfort media of mine that i started on never finished (house of anubis, barbie movies, etc.). and many of them are unironically so good???? @fingersmithbysarahwaters and @nightwing642 are incredibly talented screenwriters. but also i did write a screenplay adaptations of the first two books in the raven cycle series and 2/3s of rwrb for no reason other than fun and autism.
as for skam brighton. oh boy. not many plot points have been changed, but some certain scenes/character moments were changed. for example, the scene in season 2 episode 8 where liz has a meltdown at the shopping centre and she has a heart to heart with mary was originally liz having a meltdown and running into al in the sensory room. but i wanted to hold back on revealing al as a main character until season 3. 
also in the og season 3, jake and al didn’t break up. as i was finishing the season, i was getting ideas for how i wanted the series to develop (james’s crush on al namely) so i thought it would be good for both of their developments for them not to end up together. also in season 3 i hadn’t planned for jake to move house originally, so there was a scene in the finale episode of the lad squad hanging out, but it got cut because it just didn’t make sense. 
in season 4, al and bree were a lot meaner to each other originally, because i love it when it gets busy at the brighton and the gay people get mean, but then i thought about it and decided it was out of character for both of them to be downright cruel. al and bree also had a scene in season 4 that was cut due to just not making sense. 
also, in season 5, the “inner white girl” scene originally wasn’t in the show at all, but one day i was listening to the song, and about a week before the episode came out, i wrote it. also, bree wasn’t written to be a she/they until literally the day of putting the clip out because i thought it would be cool. that’s it :)
also the way i write is that i write the full clip out in a google doc and then edit it in ao3 about an hour before i put it out, so a lot of changes happen there. just small things, like making dialogue flow better, changing certain songs because i just want to, and sometimes adding in new sequences that i just thought of.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
oh!!!! there!!!!! is!!!!! 
personally, my favourite thing to write is little symbolic moments that make me happy because i play 4d chess in my head with myself every time i write.
before i go off, i must say, so many hints and clues have been dropped for season six so far. season six has been my favourite season to write and i’m already planning a spin-off project based on it to write, and it’s gonna be starting sooner than you think.
so a piece of writing i’ve been thinking about lately is the parallels between the girl squad and the lad squad. before i begin to go off, these are the characters i think parallel each other the most.
jake - sandy james - bree nick - rori theo - esther al - liz
jake and sandy is quite an obvious parallel to draw - both are football players, both begin the series closeted and having a close relationship with bryan - but their personalities are quite similar. both of them are closer with their mother than their father, both use their relationships as a method of protection, and both are afraid of of societal rejection at the beginning of the series. they also both discovered their sexualities and mental health issues over the course of their seasons, and both of their love interests are more outgoing theatre kids. jake and sandy’s relationship is also so interesting to me - because they start as very awkward friends, and jake tries to help sandy by making bryan break up with her, but outs her in the process, and sandy doesn’t want to forgive him. she takes her time and comes to terms with it on her own and decides to forgive him because sandy’s just a sweetheart - and this also parallels the way jake takes his time to forgive his mother. also, in their friend groups, they’re both the newcomer to them, and we get the introductions to the group dynamics in their seasons, and in the later seasons, they’re both a lot more relaxed as they’re in recovery <3
james and bree are also very similar characters. both have problems with substance abuse, both have promiscuous reputations, both have both mommy and daddy issues. they are both dean girls, to put it in spn terms. they’re both very funny, and use humour to cover up their struggles. both are dealing with a lot of mental illness and, throughout the series, it becomes more and more clear. they’re also both seen as “the hot ones” of their groups, with a lot of the characters canonically having small crushes on them (liz, rori and nick with james; rori, esther and annabell with bree). they’ve also both canonically hooked up with sophie. which i just think is fun. they also played mimi and roger together, which i think shows their parallels as addicts and people (with roger struggling with recovery and depression until the end, when he begins to get help, and mimi living the high life until it all crumbles down around her). they also share a want for independence and both are very sana-esque characters (james being middle eastern and religious, bree being the cool rebel girl in season 1).
nick and rori are both the “fun friend”. they’re both comedic relief in the early seasons, but we do get in depth with them as the show goes on. in grease, they play james and bree’s love interests (which is ironic, as rori and bree get together and nick is in love with james), and in rent, they play angel and maureen, the two main comedic relief characters. both of them struggle to connect their asian identity with their british identity, and both struggle with how the world perceives them (nick with their gender presentation and rori with her eating disorder). they both struggle with toxic masculinity and toxic femininity and use humour to cover up their struggles.
theo and esther are similar in the fact that they’re the squad members we know the least about. they’re both jewish, they’re both the mum friend of their respective groups, they’re both autistic and they’re both quite nerdy. they’re the most grounded member of their respective groups and tend to take charge and help make decisions. they’re also both quite sarcastic and very firm in their opinions. 
al and liz are parallels simply because they are both nooras and vildes. they’r eboth autistic, they’re both the odd one out in their friend groups - liz being a lot more serious than the girl squad, al being a lot more in his own little world than the lad squad. they’re both very blunt and straight forward and say whatever they’re thinking.
also just some of my favourite bits of foreshadowing: nick being bitchy to liz throughout season 2 because they’re in love with james….. al talking about his sister to jake in season 3 and whenever al talks to the girl squad, bree insults him or walks away…… in season 4 episode 1, audrey mentions bree’s cousin is pregnant and then when bree finds out the results of her pregnancy test, oh no by marina plays (i’m now becoming my own self fulfilling prophecy)....... nick and all of his gender stuff throughout the series……. just all of the character stuff with grease and rent….. also just bree and rori’s whole relationship arc because it has everything. queerbaiting. subverting expectations. musical homoeroticism. a little cheating for fun. and they were best friends. honestly bree and rori season 3 is very august by taylor swift…… you weren’t mine to lose…….. 
speaking of, no one asked by here’s each season of skambr and the taylor swift albums they’re most like.
season 1 - debut/fearless
bro sandy is just such a debut/fearless era person. she’s looking for her place in this world!!!!!! she has the teardrops on my guitar energy (quite literally sandy pre-canon voice i bet he’s beautiful that boy she talks about and he has everything that i have to live without about bryan and sophie)..... the fun giggly crush songs that are deeply homoerotic….. esther season 1 voice the entirety of you belong with me. like esther really made a deeper connection with sandy in one month that bryan did in years of knowing her. sandy also is the type of person to stan love story, she just thinks it’s such a fun song and she does yell the key change every time it comes on. 
season 2 - speak now/lover
elizabeth!!!!! liz is the type of person who only liked old taylor and then got internalised misogyny and then got over it and loves taylor again. the story of us is canonically a liz/rori song…. yes i am still a liz/rori subtext warrior….. liz is very never grow up and dear john is a very her and james song in the fact that they both relate to it……. when they bonded over their trauma “don’t you think i was too young”...... also lover is a liz season 2 album because it’s about liz learning that love is the most important thing in the world….. liz voice i want to be defined by the things that i love. also the archer is just a skam brighton song because it is an isaac song. also i’m just gonna say it. i like me! it’s a good song when brendon urie isn’t in it, you all are just afraid of having fun. also though liz in season 5 is very better than revenge because, while her season is about unlearning your internalised prejudices, i believe she deserves to be misogynistic for 3 minutes 37 seconds.
season 3 - red
now this is controversial. this season is about depression, grief and anger, and these feelings are red. literally jake voice so you were never a saint and i loved in shades of wrong we learn to live with the pain mosaic broken hearts….. like treacherous….. holy ground….. the whole country pop vibe….. the bitchy songs mocking people’s perceptions of the singer…..  22 is a lad squad song…. also jake voice i remember it all too well but it’s about his father’s abuse and his mother’s neglect…… like the whole season is just jake getting to the point where he is at “begin again”. also i feel like jake would like red because he spent a lot of time watching taylor swift music videos as a youth both because he liked the music and had crushes on the guys in them, and he feels red is the perfect middle between the country and the pop and the indie and he just really likes being sad.
season 4 - reputation
bree big reputation holland!!!!!!!!! she has it all - the romantic drama, the hatred of men, the fucking homoeroticism. bree stans the reputation tour and they have made the entire holland-fletcher family watch it on their netflix (al fucking loved it because he’s a canon swiftie, audrey had a fun time, patrick was a little confused, but has the spirit). listen bree “i did something bad”. bree “look what you made me do”. bree and rori “new year’s day”. bree voice i swear i don’t love the drama, it loves me!!!!!!!!! like the reason the season has a lot of reputation songs and ends with daylight from lover is a metaphor for bree leaving their reputation era…. also reputation has she/they vibes
season 5 - 1989
1989 my best friend 1989!!!!!!! i am coming out here as a 1989 (deluxe) stan. it’s just a serotonin album for me and it is just so nick. the mocking songs about their reputation…… the genuinely deeply depressing homoerotic songs that have fun upbeat music…… the cars….. also clean is just such a nick song. he is in recovery, he is just so personal to me. also nick voice one night he wakes strange look on his face pauses then says you’re my best friend and you knew what it was he is in love!!!!!!! nick canonically in love with all of their best friends braxton!!!!! also nick feels like a 1989 stan because they just have those fun energies. nick WILL scream the spoken part of shake it off at the top of his lungs. also new romantic is just a skamverse song in general. also just. out of the woods. no reason for me to say it other than it’s one of my favourite songs of all time.
season 6 - folklore/evermore
no evermore is not out yet. yes i am claiming it for season 6. see taylor has said that these albums are all about telling stories/fairy tales and that’s what season 6 is about. i cannot wait until next friday when the main and my plans for the hiatus are revealed…….. genuinely i do not know how anyone perceives skam brighton so i don’t know who people think the next main is, but…… i can only describe the state of me writing this season as the various ambiguous disorder gifs.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
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This Empyre crossover Marvel farted out was so gay, man. I’m not saying that to be homophobic, I'm saying that as a matter of fact. There were a lot of queer folks getting the spotlight in this and i think it was a detriment to the overall narrative, not in the sense that the representation was bad, but more that the overall narrative felt like queer pandering. I was never a huge fan of Wiccan and Hulkling as characters, the only Young Avenger i found compelling was Finesse, but i didn’t hate them being a thing. I actually enjoyed the fact that they loved each other and shared a very openly gay relationship during a time when that type of stuff still needed to be normalized. That said, these two kids are B-List at best. They’re non-factors in the Marvel universe so why the f*ck do they get to headline an entire crossover event? Literally, who thought this was good idea?
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Marvel has been real sh*tty as of late with their writing. There are certain outstanding plots and arcs but those aren’t the norm. I really enjoyed the newest Doom book and whatever the f*ck Hickman is doing over yonder with the X-Men is wildly intriguing. Professor X has finally, properly, transformed into Mr. Right, Magneto? I’m here for all of that. Apocalypse is hanging around being mad sinister about some sh*t that will lead to the corniest crossover event i have ever seen, but still want to see because the first Death is f*cking Anubis and i live for that type of sh*t? Yessir! The last, massive, Thor crossover, War of the Reams was pretty hilarious and had great character interactions that i loved. That last Secret Wars was f*cking phenomenal, following the equally excellent Incursion arcs. God Doom’s Battleworld was the best Battleworld to date. House of M, Spider-Island, Seige, Fear Itself, Spider-verse, Infinity, the SpOck arc; All of these tales, f*cking outstanding. The thing about all of those stories i just listed is that they have an actual story. Those narratives felt like they had a place to go. There was a real plot and the events therein, actually amounted to something. There were very real consequences and definitive shifts in the status quo once those narratives concluded. Empyre has none of that.
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Empyre is so queer, man, and that’s the problem. It feels like the writers started with how gay Wiccan and Hulkling were, and worked backwards to fit some sort of conflict tos bury that lead. It cheapens the validity of their relationship and it grosses me out. This was effectively stunt writing, Twatter catering, gender politic, cash grabbing. Billy and Theo deserve their happy ending and they deserved a much better narrative to get them there. It’s been a long time coming, but to marry them in the most obnoxious, over-the-top, Bayhem-esque, manner possible, feels like  cop out. This whole story feels like agenda over narrative and that’s the sh*t f*cking up everything in media today. Look, Billy and Theodore can be as gay as you want them to be. That’s fine. I’m here for all of that. But those are just aspects of the characters, not their definition. There should never be an intergalactic conflict where the sun is going to blow up the entire f*cking solar system, and all of that drama takes a backseat to the sexuality of two kids who have been f*cking on the regular for, what? A decade and a half? I mean, the entire resolution to this mess was “The Power of Love” like they’re both Disney Princesses or some sh*t. You should have called this arc Frozen because it has that same energy.
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I’ve written at length about how i feel diversity should be portrayed in our entertainment media. It absolutely needs to be there. The sh*t we watch should always reflect the world we live in and this world is a rainbow of race, creed, sexuality, and capability. If you want to focus your narrative on any single one of these things, to define your entire story and conflict through such a narrow lens, that’s fine. The best way to tell those stories is to make them as intimate as possible because those are, by nature, very personal and intimate stories. Peanut Butter Falcon, Boys Don’t Cry, and Love Simon, are perfect examples of that. This is not the type of story Empyre presents. If you want to write a sprawling epic that examines what it means to be whatever in the context of a narrative, that’s fine, too. I don’t care for The Old Guard but the way they explore what it means to live forever, what it means to love forever, in such an organically beautiful manner, i couldn’t help but commend that production for it. Even if the film whiffed on the rest of the character adaption. This is the type of story Empyre wants to tell but it reads like the opposite of that. It reads like the whole Rey debacle and “The Force is Female” situation with Star Wars. It feels preachy and forced, not respectful and genuine. That’s the wrong way to handle all of this.
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You want to marry Billy and Theo, f*cking go for it. Make it an event in a one shot like they did Spider-Man or Superman. Make that an arc unto itself. That’s one of those intimate stories i was talking about. You don’t need an entire, intergalactic, war as a prelude to something that should have happened a decade ago. I mean, the way Marvel bent over backwards to bring eternal enemies, the Kree and the Skrulls, together for this creatively bankrupt, sermon as some weird ploy to make this marriage mean more than it should feels like they didn’t have faith in doing just that. It’s kind of offensive. Just write good stories with great characters and everything will take care of itself. Billy shouldn’t be a glorified deus ex machina and solve the puzzled that is the Kree-Skrull alliance “with his kiss.” Theo doesn’t have the clout to be an entire linchpin to a massive, multi-issue, crossover event. Like, who cares? Both of these characters deserve much better than this, and that’s coming from a guy who doesn’t really care about either of them. This entire event feels so disingenuous to me, which is a shame, because this thing had all of the hallmarks of being as dope as Annihilation only Marvel went “Full Woke” with their nonsense. This sh*t reads as bad as those new New Warriors that dropped a few months back. Marvel is overextending trying to appeal to that Twatter crowd and it’s making their books damn near unreadable. Sh*t’s all bad comedy now.
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geohenley · 4 years
honestly i completely forgot about the tags, like i told myself i was gonna do them later but then,,,,,,,,, i forgot and can’t find them.... anyway thank u to @thaliaagrace for thinking of me!! again idk who to tag so if u’d like to do it go ahead!!
do you make your bed? occasionally
what’s your favorite number? 7
what is your job? do not have one
if you could go back to school, would you? no
can you parallel park? i’m gay i can’t drive (i’mKIDDING i have a fear of driving that stems from several nightmares i had as a child in which i crashed cars)
a job you had that would surprise people? none
do you think aliens are real? duh the universe is so big it’s statistically unlikely aliens don’t exist
can you drive a manual car? i’m gay i can’t drive
what’s your guilty pleasure? this is always such a fun question to me bc i never know what qualifies as a guilty pleasure,,,, idk i just looked up the definition so i guess i’d say house of anubis based on that definition?? i recently finished rewatching the first two seasons and honestly it still holds up and i still genuinely enjoy it but i have a lot of nostalgia tied to it as well
tattoos? none but i’d like one or two but idk of what
favorite color? lavender/lilac
favorite type of music? my big thing is musical theatre (my top three shows are anastasia, newsies, and wicked if that’s any indication of my taste) but i’m also into sara bareilles, florence + the machine, and hozier
things that people do that drive you crazy? there’s a couple things i could say but i miss the theatre so have a story: when i saw the bodyguard musical on tour someone a few rows ahead of me (i was in the orchestra section so keep in mind i was pretty close to the stage) take out their phone during a rather somber scene, take a picture of the actors on stage and - wait for it - HAD THEIR FLASH ON
do you like doing puzzles? puzzles fun but frustrating
any phobias? this is probably a little weird but bridges over rivers. i’ve had so many nightmares about bridges over rivers and crashing into the water they’re not fun
favorite childhood sport? i loved jump-rope and tennis and swimming and i still love these even though idk what the tennis rules are
do you talk to yourself? why wouldn’t i i’m hilarious
what movie do you adore? ooh ooh so many um and i hate narrowing things down to just a single favorite so have my top three 1) the narnia films (they’re a package deal!) 2) night at the museum 3) portrait of a lady on fire
coffee or tea? never had either but there’s a long complicated story about me and tea that boils down to my paranoia about my health because i have a nut allergy and i’m hesitant to try new things and have to psych myself up for several weeks as i consider it
first thing you wanted to be growing up? teacher!!
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
feeling well enough to get back to today’s other tnt loop episodes, starting with 2.11 Playthings, because there’s a lot in here about perception, and expectations vs reality, then having those expectations stood on their head.
Even the very surface level stuff...
-The entire case begins because Sam called Ellen to check up on the search for any more Special Children cases, but instead of that she gives them a lead on a completely unrelated case
-Dean had expected Sam to be all gloomy and guilt-trippy because sending Ava home hadn’t protected her at all, and led to her fiance’s murder and her own disappearance at the hands of demons
-Sam and Dean are a gay couple, mistaken by everyone as “antiquers” until they clarify they’re just brothers... even after Dean admitting to being there for antiquing. Apparently “antiquing” is this hotel’s code for “gay”
-Tyler and Maggie-- Susan 100% believes that Maggie is Tyler’s imaginary friend, and can’t apparently see her, while Sam and Dean seem to believe from the start that Tyler and Maggie are sisters... it later becomes the key that unlocks the mystery, when they comment about Maggie as if she were real and Susan is like “what no she’s not even real.” It’s always made me wonder, do Sam and Dean have some special gift in that they can so often see ghosts in the first place? It seems like they did see Maggie, even when Susan couldn’t.
-the freaky exact replica doll house, complete with doll with broken neck at the bottom of the stairs-- literally a smaller scale representation of everything happening on the larger scale, like the spiral narrative jumping to the next level showing everything that happens on one go-around must happen on the next, except bigger.
-seeing the checkerspot and thinking someone actively doing hoodoo is the cause for the deaths... that someone is magically causing the deaths despite the hoodoo not being effective (no bloodweed in the pot to activate the protective charm... and the fact it was a protective charm to ward off enemies... which if activated could’ve saved the hotel from the people who wanted to buy it and bulldoze it... far more easily than actively murdering those people, which is what was happening)
It turned out it was the fact that the hoodoo protection failed after Rose had her stroke and became unable to hold Maggie back that all their troubles started, and then when Maggie tried to make Tyler into her permanent ghostly play companion, it was oddly enough Sam smashing the window into the pool house with a checkerspot urn that enabled him to save her, when nothing else would allow him through the ghostly lockdown on the building.
Rose fended off Maggie her entire life, and in the end she finally gave in and sacrificed herself in Tyler’s place, choosing to stay with Maggie (her older sister) in death.
The other really interesting thing is Sam’s breakdown that Dean had been expecting at the beginning of the episode, that it’s his inability to save the victim who died hanging in his room while they were there is what drove him to drink. In what seems like a very similar mindset to how both Sam and Dean have talked with Rowena in and since 13.19:
SAM: (slamming the table) No, Dean, you don't understand, all right? The more people I save, the more I can change! DEAN: Change what? SAM (leaning forward, hands to chest): My destiny, Dean!
Aah, destiny, there you are again. and after the confirmation of how this works from Anubis in 14.08, it kinda seems Sam was on the right track here... but it’s not about a math problem-- save x number of people to effect x change in destiny. It’s more about self-perception and motivation rather than a strict tally of heroic or good deeds accomplished. In this case, Sam’s entirely justifiable inability to save someone he didn’t even know was in danger is kinda negated by his own feeling of guilt for not having done more to save him. His intentions and feelings about it matter more in the cosmic tally than successes vs failures.
In his drunken state, Sam begs Dean to live up to the promise John forced on him-- to kill him if he ever “goes bad.”
SAM: (shoving DEAN to face him) Dean! Dad told you to do it, you have to. DEAN: Yeah, well, Dad's an ass. (SAM frowns in confusion) He never should have said anything. I mean, you don't do that, you don't, you don't lay that kind of crap on your kids. SAM: No. He was right to say it! Who knows what I might become? Even now, everyone around me dies! DEAN: Yeah, well, I'm not dying, okay? And neither are you. Come on. Sam. [He pushes SAM onto the bed, but SAM stays seated, reaching up and clutching DEAN'S jacket. DEAN'S right hand curls in the fabric at SAM'S shoulder.] SAM: No, please! Dean, you're the only one who can do it. Promise. DEAN: Don't ask that of me. SAM: Dean, please. You have to promise me. DEAN: (after a beat) I promise.
And this is a HORRIFIC promise to extract from someone who cares for you, and is essentially programmed to do anything under the sun to protect you from the time he was 4 years old. And yet... how many times have they turned this promise on each other, and on Cas? Knife me, smite me, throw me into the freaking sun? Throw me in the box and dump it in the ocean? Yeah, their fear of becoming something they’re not, of being taken over and turned evil is more overwhelming and overpowering than their horror of knowing what it’s like to be on the other side of this Worst Promise Ever.
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One Shot Requests (Currently Open)
by aft33
This is a Male x Male one shot request form for all TV Shows I will list and various movies, celebs, and select youtubers. More information on my guidelines and form of submitting inside.
Words: 306, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Scream Queens (TV 2015), Angel: the Series, Glee, 90210 (2008), Beverly Hills 90210 (1990), Gossip Girl, Friends (TV), True Blood, Scream (TV), The Carrie Diaries, I Didn't Do It (TV 2014), Awkward. (TV), Jessie (TV), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Mighty Med, Lab Rats (TV 2012), Lab Rats: Elite Force (TV), Merlin (TV), Good Luck Charlie, Shake It Up!, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Scooby Doo - All Media Types, One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Stitchers (TV), Secret Life of the American Teenager (TV), Big Time Rush (Band), Big Time Rush (TV), Baby Daddy (TV), 13 Reasons Why (TV), Het huis Anubis | Das Haus Anubis | House of Anubis, House of Anubis, UnREAL (TV), Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures, Quantico (TV), Faking It (TV 2014), Charmed (TV), Full House (US), The 100 (TV), Mad Men, Once Upon a Time (TV), Gotham (TV), Degrassi the Next Generation, Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class, Saved By the Bell (TV), Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones (TV), Girl Meets World, Sonny with a Chance, Dead of Summer (TV), Veronica Mars (TV), The Lying Game (TV), The Royals (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Shower Sex, Underage Sex, Gay Sex, Drunk Sex, Car Sex, Wall Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Drunken Kissing, Making Out, Making Love, Hair-pulling, Hair, Hair Brushing, Hair Kink
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ao3feed-stitchers · 7 years
One Shot Requests (Currently Open)
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by aft33
This is a Male x Male one shot request form for all TV Shows I will list and various movies, celebs, and select youtubers. More information on my guidelines and form of submitting inside.
Words: 306, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Scream Queens (TV 2015), Angel: the Series, Glee, 90210 (2008), Beverly Hills 90210 (1990), Gossip Girl, Friends (TV), True Blood, Scream (TV), The Carrie Diaries, I Didn't Do It (TV 2014), Awkward. (TV), Jessie (TV), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Mighty Med, Lab Rats (TV 2012), Lab Rats: Elite Force (TV), Merlin (TV), Good Luck Charlie, Shake It Up!, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Scooby Doo - All Media Types, One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Stitchers (TV), Secret Life of the American Teenager (TV), Big Time Rush (Band), Big Time Rush (TV), Baby Daddy (TV), 13 Reasons Why (TV), Het huis Anubis | Das Haus Anubis | House of Anubis, House of Anubis, UnREAL (TV), Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures, Quantico (TV), Faking It (TV 2014), Charmed (TV), Full House (US), The 100 (TV), Mad Men, Once Upon a Time (TV), Gotham (TV), Degrassi the Next Generation, Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class, Saved By the Bell (TV), Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones (TV), Girl Meets World, Sonny with a Chance, Dead of Summer (TV), Veronica Mars (TV), The Lying Game (TV), The Royals (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Shower Sex, Underage Sex, Gay Sex, Drunk Sex, Car Sex, Wall Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Drunken Kissing, Making Out, Making Love, Hair-pulling, Hair, Hair Brushing, Hair Kink
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ao3feed-merlin · 7 years
One Shot Requests (Currently Open)
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by aft33
This is a Male x Male one shot request form for all TV Shows I will list and various movies, celebs, and select youtubers. More information on my guidelines and form of submitting inside.
Words: 306, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Scream Queens (TV 2015), Angel: the Series, Glee, 90210 (2008), Beverly Hills 90210 (1990), Gossip Girl, Friends (TV), True Blood, Scream (TV), The Carrie Diaries, I Didn't Do It (TV 2014), Awkward. (TV), Jessie (TV), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Mighty Med, Lab Rats (TV 2012), Lab Rats: Elite Force (TV), Merlin (TV), Good Luck Charlie, Shake It Up!, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Scooby Doo - All Media Types, One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Stitchers (TV), Secret Life of the American Teenager (TV), Big Time Rush (Band), Big Time Rush (TV), Baby Daddy (TV), 13 Reasons Why (TV), Het huis Anubis | Das Haus Anubis | House of Anubis, House of Anubis, UnREAL (TV), Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures, Quantico (TV), Faking It (TV 2014), Charmed (TV), Full House (US), The 100 (TV), Mad Men, Once Upon a Time (TV), Gotham (TV), Degrassi the Next Generation, Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class, Saved By the Bell (TV), Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones (TV), Girl Meets World, Sonny with a Chance, Dead of Summer (TV), Veronica Mars (TV), The Lying Game (TV), The Royals (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Shower Sex, Underage Sex, Gay Sex, Drunk Sex, Car Sex, Wall Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Drunken Kissing, Making Out, Making Love, Hair-pulling, Hair, Hair Brushing, Hair Kink
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ao3feed-pll · 7 years
One Shot Requests (Currently Open)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vg6e3M
by aft33
This is a Male x Male one shot request form for all TV Shows I will list and various movies, celebs, and select youtubers. More information on my guidelines and form of submitting inside.
Words: 306, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Scream Queens (TV 2015), Angel: the Series, Glee, 90210 (2008), Beverly Hills 90210 (1990), Gossip Girl, Friends (TV), True Blood, Scream (TV), The Carrie Diaries, I Didn't Do It (TV 2014), Awkward. (TV), Jessie (TV), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Mighty Med, Lab Rats (TV 2012), Lab Rats: Elite Force (TV), Merlin (TV), Good Luck Charlie, Shake It Up!, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Scooby Doo - All Media Types, One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Stitchers (TV), Secret Life of the American Teenager (TV), Big Time Rush (Band), Big Time Rush (TV), Baby Daddy (TV), 13 Reasons Why (TV), Het huis Anubis | Das Haus Anubis | House of Anubis, House of Anubis, UnREAL (TV), Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures, Quantico (TV), Faking It (TV 2014), Charmed (TV), Full House (US), The 100 (TV), Mad Men, Once Upon a Time (TV), Gotham (TV), Degrassi the Next Generation, Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class, Saved By the Bell (TV), Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones (TV), Girl Meets World, Sonny with a Chance, Dead of Summer (TV), Veronica Mars (TV), The Lying Game (TV), The Royals (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Shower Sex, Underage Sex, Gay Sex, Drunk Sex, Car Sex, Wall Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Drunken Kissing, Making Out, Making Love, Hair-pulling, Hair, Hair Brushing, Hair Kink
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ao3feed-the100 · 7 years
One Shot Requests (Currently Open)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vg6e3M
by aft33
This is a Male x Male one shot request form for all TV Shows I will list and various movies, celebs, and select youtubers. More information on my guidelines and form of submitting inside.
Words: 306, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Scream Queens (TV 2015), Angel: the Series, Glee, 90210 (2008), Beverly Hills 90210 (1990), Gossip Girl, Friends (TV), True Blood, Scream (TV), The Carrie Diaries, I Didn't Do It (TV 2014), Awkward. (TV), Jessie (TV), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Mighty Med, Lab Rats (TV 2012), Lab Rats: Elite Force (TV), Merlin (TV), Good Luck Charlie, Shake It Up!, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Scooby Doo - All Media Types, One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Stitchers (TV), Secret Life of the American Teenager (TV), Big Time Rush (Band), Big Time Rush (TV), Baby Daddy (TV), 13 Reasons Why (TV), Het huis Anubis | Das Haus Anubis | House of Anubis, House of Anubis, UnREAL (TV), Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures, Quantico (TV), Faking It (TV 2014), Charmed (TV), Full House (US), The 100 (TV), Mad Men, Once Upon a Time (TV), Gotham (TV), Degrassi the Next Generation, Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class, Saved By the Bell (TV), Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones (TV), Girl Meets World, Sonny with a Chance, Dead of Summer (TV), Veronica Mars (TV), The Lying Game (TV), The Royals (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Shower Sex, Underage Sex, Gay Sex, Drunk Sex, Car Sex, Wall Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Drunken Kissing, Making Out, Making Love, Hair-pulling, Hair, Hair Brushing, Hair Kink
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One Shot Requests (Currently Open)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vg6e3M
by aft33
This is a Male x Male one shot request form for all TV Shows I will list and various movies, celebs, and select youtubers. More information on my guidelines and form of submitting inside.
Words: 306, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Scream Queens (TV 2015), Angel: the Series, Glee, 90210 (2008), Beverly Hills 90210 (1990), Gossip Girl, Friends (TV), True Blood, Scream (TV), The Carrie Diaries, I Didn't Do It (TV 2014), Awkward. (TV), Jessie (TV), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Mighty Med, Lab Rats (TV 2012), Lab Rats: Elite Force (TV), Merlin (TV), Good Luck Charlie, Shake It Up!, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Scooby Doo - All Media Types, One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Stitchers (TV), Secret Life of the American Teenager (TV), Big Time Rush (Band), Big Time Rush (TV), Baby Daddy (TV), 13 Reasons Why (TV), Het huis Anubis | Das Haus Anubis | House of Anubis, House of Anubis, UnREAL (TV), Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures, Quantico (TV), Faking It (TV 2014), Charmed (TV), Full House (US), The 100 (TV), Mad Men, Once Upon a Time (TV), Gotham (TV), Degrassi the Next Generation, Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class, Saved By the Bell (TV), Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones (TV), Girl Meets World, Sonny with a Chance, Dead of Summer (TV), Veronica Mars (TV), The Lying Game (TV), The Royals (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Shower Sex, Underage Sex, Gay Sex, Drunk Sex, Car Sex, Wall Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Drunken Kissing, Making Out, Making Love, Hair-pulling, Hair, Hair Brushing, Hair Kink
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