#house of Anubis is gay
fawncrw · 5 months
Amber and Nina: so american - Olivia Rodrigo
Mick and Fabian: So High School - Taylor Swift
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lavender-bastet · 7 months
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My Parents on why KT wears two halves of a necklace: Dad: It's because she's bisexual, one half means she likes men and the other means she likes women Mom: The other half belonged to her grandpa and she got it back when he died, so now she wears both
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crying laughing at the pre-canon headcanon that patricia honestly thought fabian was gay bc he didn’t seem into joy and simply was also the way he is, so she kept trying to gently break the news to joy
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houseofpunisher · 1 year
she’s so girlfriend
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wolfblood-of-anubis · 9 months
i love KT but let’s give it up for our pansexual queen Willow Jenks for crushing on Amber out in the open and letting everyone and their salad know about it
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she-is-miller · 7 months
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izziessogay · 2 years
writing fanfiction about vintage gays at boarding school again, please check in on me
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scripturiends · 1 year
before i started watching season 3 (particularly the second half) i legitimately thought all jeroy had going for them was the same set of scenes i would always see in edits or gifs but noo there are actually SOO MANY LITTLE ONES sprinkled in the show that i never found being heavily referenced (like obviously i do wish they had thought of the ship earlier on in the show like in s2 but there was still jara and considering all the circumstances they were still able to write jeroy so well even if they came in clutch
one of my favorite scenes was when jerome came up to joy and said he likes her hair brushed and that it reminded him of letdown hajskfjdj it’s just soo jerome clarke of him bringing up mara’s dog to joy bc it was their first date AND managing to slip in an actual compliment under the guise of teasing like come awnnnn whipped
idk it just made me feel giddy bc jerome can be an absolute sweetheart while still being his usual devious self. same goes for joy who, after greeting jerome sweetly would go back to teasing him and being sarcastic. like that scene in the stairs when he says “i was thinking” and she replies “oh so thats what that sound was” and after their kiss in the house when she says “please dont say youve come around just to get a compliment on your kissing technique” like it’s just so Them it’s so natural it makes sense whoever thought of this ship came to swoop in and said i will give u the most character development within a limited timeframe
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i still find it very fun that technically Sadie Kane (and Walt and Anubis) is(/are) the first queer Riordanverse character(s), because Serpent’s Shadow came out before House of Hades and so Sadie being in a canon polyamorous relationship happened before Nico was confirmed to be gay, but nobody read TKC so nobody knows about this
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years
✨Hey ik I've been missing for a while but here I am coming back with more astrological observations!!!! ✨This is a collaboration post with @astro-sirena​ !!!✨
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💫Having natal hard Aspects between Neptune and the Asc can give the natal person a hard time to Fit in. They often feel like no matter what they do they're not part of a grouping 💫Saturn Trine Personal Planets could bring a lot of mastery revolving the themes of that Planet (recognition too). But making a square could bring the opposite, difficulties and in some cases bad reputation. For example: -Mars Trine Saturn: Very disciplined, strong stamina, mastery of their masculine energy and have a good reputation of being very disciplined and structured people, usually very expert people in what they do. -Mars Squares Saturn:  Have problems with discipline, they could be rebels, have bad reputation of being inconsistent/undisciplined, could be rude without wanting it, have irregular libido and sometimes are afraid of intimacy. -Venus Trine Saturn: Very discipline and mature approach to relationships and their desires, have a good reputation of being very mature and high value people in relationship matters, they could get whatever they put their focus to. -Venus Squares Saturn: Bad reputation in relationships, sometimes fear commitment, they could have low self esteem when it comes to their desires and relationships, problems in love, sometimes immature decisions in love. 💫The planet your north node aspects, can have a significant influence in your life purposes. For example: having mercury aspecting the north node could mean that you could be really influential through teaching, writing or motivational speaking and you feel accomplished through these jobs. 💫People who have their Ascendant in Scorpio degrees(8,20) have beautiful and magnetic eyes. Their bodies tend to be unique and exuding sexual/sensual energy which is really attractive and eye catching to others. They’re mostly average height too. 💫Waldemath(h58) and Pluto are very similar in terms of intensity and negativity. For example: -if you have Pluto conjunct Moon you are very intense at core, every emotion is felt with a terrible intensity and when you are angry you are scary af and even bloodthirsty at times. -If you have Waldemath(h58) conjunct Moon you have the same intensity in terms of negative emotions, you are a very intense person at the core as well but this only is shows when negative emotions arise, with other emotions you are more normal. When angry you have the same fiery demonic raging eyes of a Moon conjunct Pluto person. 💫Having Sappho(80) conjunct Sun in the Natal chat can be an indicator of attracting very easily the same sex or being a crush of someone with the same gender. For example men with this aspect tend to attract a lot of gay people or they attract them very easily. 💫Asteroid Anubis(1912) in 8th house: Handle crises well, they tend to have a lot of wisdom/ knowledge about after death/traumas and suffering, deep understanding of deep parts of our psyche. 💫People with Jupiter conjunct Ascendant tend to come of as really proud and nonchalant. They have a tendency to think that everything they do is right and that they don’t need anyone, but they have a presence that hold a lot of wisdom so people will listen to them even if they are talking pure shit, and usually are really big/tall people. 💫Asteroid Savage(29837) in 3rd house: Very good at comebacks, sometimes they can say things that can hurt people, they are very sneaky and have a very high curiosity, there could be a very savage relationships with brothers/sisters like doing very savage pranks even hostility at times. Is a very rebel person in their way of thinking and doesn’t like to follow orders. 💫Asteroid Poor(13227) in houses indicates what areas of your life are very poor, false, weak and lacks content. Aspecting a Planet is something that you lack for periods of time or that you have to work harder to develop. For example Poor in Hard aspects to Saturn it could mean that sometimes you lack discipline, stability and structure, you have to work really hard to be a mature person with strong set of values. 💫In the house where Saturn is, is the area of life where you tend to be the most minimalist, since Saturn rules minimalism. 💫Mars conjunct Vishnu(4034): Could radiate a lot of divine masculine energy, has godly presence and a powerful aura. They attract a lot of attention and recognition. It’s important for these people to be self aware and connect to their spirituality in order to balance those energies out. With that they can become really magnetic and from that they can attract a lot of opportunities and possibilities. With that they’re also going to exude a lot of sexual energy and are able to attract many sexual encounters. 💫People who have asteroid Shiva(1170) in Scorpio could push their spirituality really hard by taking it to extremes like going to Himalayas mountain to do mysticism and leave society behind or do quite intense spiritual practices. They could pursue enlightenment intensely or feel a very strong devotion to all universe/creation or existence, their approach to life is also all or nothing, and that approach can take them very far in their spiritual journey. Asteroid Shiva(1170) feels really comfortable in the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn because it represents different aspects of Shiva on these signs. 💫Asteroid Pan(4450): Pan is a satyr, the lord of spring & fertility; he's got a thing for nymphs. Mythologically, he was said to be a genius at sex as well as being the God of all wild creatures. Pan shows great lust, great confidence/audacity, absolute lack of shyness/timidity; he is the alcoholic constantly throwing huge parties, indulging in life’s pleasures, joining grand orgies without hesitation. And he is completely uninhibited.. Those with Pan prominent, and especially those with Pan on the Ascendant-- are so wild that they often accidentally intimidate those around them.* 💫Asteroid Nymphe(875) in 9th house: Love to travel, they can connect with their true sexuality when they travel, could indicate sex with foreigners, very adventurer people, sometimes have reckless approach to sex, being in far away places of their home connects them with their mystic side of their femininity. 💫Asteroid Nymphe(875) in 10th house: Very sexy sexy people, they have a reputation of being highly sexually attractive, strong sex appeal, very mystic public persona, being in contact with nature could help them clear their ideas to follow their best path, a lot of people desire/lust them, sometimes men could feel almost like a compulsive desire to this persona, could have something innocent in their aura but this aspect indicate a strong woman who have high values related to their sexuality, probably want men with high authority, status or reputation. 💫Asteroid Hades(h41) conjunct Ascendant: Have a nostalgic presence, could have patriarchal or domineering ways of thinking sometimes, a possessive deep deep person, a person that carries a lot of suffering and history through their souls. They have extremely penetrating minds with a godly presence, could be really depressed sometimes and they have a lot of knowledge of the underworld and probably feels a strong connection to it. 💫Asteroid NOT (2857) indicates something that you decide to not do very much but it seems the opposite to other people, is a contradictory perception. For example: Asteroid NOT in 8th house: You do not have too much sex (decision) but you appear like a sex addict or like someone that has a lot of sex. 💫People who have Saturn In Scorpio could had a very brutal and hard Saturn return. 💫I have never met a Virgo/Libra sun who is not neurotic. 💫Mars in 3rd house could mean abusive relationship with brothers when younger, that could impact in the way they communicate having a very aggressive tone or speaking very louder. 💫If you guys are wondering about the anger of people with Mars in Sagittarius: Lot of them have it conjunct Fixed star Antares who is a very violent star, so they can have an unmatched Anger, rage and violent moments. Very aggressive people when gets angry. 💫People in general underestimate Taurus placements, i know a lot of Taurus people who are really fake/dark/ambitious/ manipulative/ superficial and etc, this is because Taurus placements who are in 17-29 degrees are In conjunction to the malefic Fixed star Algol (head of medusa/demon).
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mukadediaries · 3 months
Hey! My name is Coyote! 🎐
I'm a Mukade Arthropoheart, aka Giant Centipede, and I am generally arthropod-hearted to a lower degree. This blog will be used to share some of my experiences with this identity!
I also have two more accounts.
Also on instagram @/localcatmutt.
Identity Overview
Canine Mutt | Spiritual & Psych
Cat-hearted | Psychological
Mukade Arthropothrope | Psychological
Additional information :
I'm a gay, 24 year old man from Canada! I speak fluently in both french and english, and am learning Japanese and proto-germanic. I'm a pagan witch who works with Anubis and focuses most on practices surrounding life and death.
While my cat, mukade and canine identities are psychological, the biggest part of my existence is that im a walk-in spirit. Specifically a faery tied to death and the water element.
Zodiac -> Scorpio & Leo
Chinese Zodiac -> Metal Dragon
Hogwarts House -> Slytherin
This is all for now! Hope you enjoy my blog. 𓆨
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bauxitt · 1 year
HoA AU where everything is the same except the CW produced the show with a rating of 16+ (think riverdale style) here are a few plot points for fun
This is mostly Jerome points because I barely remember other plots. It's been years. Feel free to add
Jerome's abusive parent(s) would probably be a bigger plot point and actually explain why he's so withdrawn emotionally and trusting of no one, yet desperate for attention and wanting to make others miserable like him. Selfish because he's very aware that if he doesn't put himself first, no one will. Except for Poppy, who he knows needs someone putting her first like he doesn't have. I kind of like the idea that Poppy sort of takes that for granted (not mean-spirited but more naively) and uses that to her advantage, hurting Jerome by accident.
Patricia and Jerome get to be the gays they were always meant to be, but could not because it's a children's show how scandalous. Don't try and deny it.
Joy and Eddie get to be the bisexuals they clearly are, and so Patricia/Joy and Eddie/Jerome happen instead
Jerome always doing scams to get money is because his mother never sends him any, leaving him constantly poor. (A personal hc of mine).
Said scams go from silly ones that end in his humiliation like the show to downright sketchy ones with scary people that puts him trouble way over his head (build up to when he gets in contact with Rufus).
Jerome's dealings with Rufus in s1 are deeper rooted in Jerome needing money and feeling shunned by Alfie and the others, and Rufus sees a desperate teenager wanting approval and affection.
Patricia's trauma from Rufus being addressed and having consequences that was barely touched upon in the show.
Rufus gets to have a knife and a gun, much more fun :)
Also, "mummify you alive" is actually just "kill you" and Jerome is truly threatened with said knife and gun
The gang are constantly let down by how useless the police are, always ending in them having to deal with whatever it is, from Patricia and Jerome's kidnapping, to Victor and his cult, and joy's disappearance and Rufus going around threatening children with guns and sharp objects. Really, they're just paid to turn the other cheek when it comes to anubis.
The teenage drama is extra extra
Victor and his cult are still rather harmless, they don't wish harm on the children, but it's much more ominous and mystical.
When Rufus grabs Jerome, it's for leverage against Sibuna and Victor, aware that Victor don't want harm to come to the children of his house.
Both Patricia and Jerome will have to be tied while captive because that makes sense. They are unfortunately also probably slapped around/beaten by Rufus for their sharp sarcasm. As well as Rufus having an actually secure place to keep the captive.
Expanding on how terrified Jerome is of Rufus, like even in the children's show, he was clearly scared. And why he's so scared.
The Edison Sweet plot being deepened and explored further with sweet making more effort, and Eddie being more reluctant. Getting an actual payoff for the plot with Eddie finally accepting his dad and them bonding
Nina the chosen one plots are actually rather dramatic already, but what they're doing and the consequences are further impacting on the group. I can't remember much of this, so feel free to give thoughts.
I must have blacked out/repressed season 3 because i can't remember a single plot point related to that 🤷‍♀️
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
House Of Anubis: How the OG Dutch/Belgium show was butchered in its adaptation by Nickelodeon Part 1: Mick & Fabian
Given ATLA and Percy Jackson have gotten butchered again, I have decided to finally open my mouth about my favorite children's tv show: Het Huis Anubis. I am making this in several parts, because god this show was done dirty by Nickelodeon- especially the English adaptation. Today, we will go over exhibit A, Mick and Fabian and how they as individuals were butchered and their bromance was scrapped - all due to Nickelodeon's homophobia because OG Fabian's actor, Lucien van Geffen, came out as a gay man after the show ended. 1. Let's start with the most obvious thing: the boys appearance. Fabian is way cuter and way less nerdy looking in the English adaptation. The dude became Prom King for crying out loud. In the OG, whilst Fabian was cute, he was so in an overtly nerdy way and the idea of him becoming Prom King at all would have been an obvious prank. Mick was the dumb jock, the pretty boy of the cast who got played by a model. As a bisexual, this was the show that would get me bi-panicking because of Mick and Nienke (Nina in the English adaptation). 2. The aforementioned stereotyping was actually part of what made the bromance work. Because stereotypes are easier to understand for younger children and their contrasting stereotypes were written in such a beautiful way as they saw each other's value. Because in the OG, Mick has a lot of things going for him and he has a heart of gold but he has a dream he cannot accomplish being the dumb pretty boy he is but Fabian can. Because in the OG, Mick has a blind younger sister that he would like to cure more then anything but knows he's too dumb for medicine school unlike Fabian. He also knows Fabian is more courageous then he is and sees him as someone with lots of valuable traits whereas Fabian values Mick's loyalty and good, friendly nature as one of the show's primary himbo's. Their stereotypes allowed kids to understand each stereotype came with valuable traits. It's okay if you're a nerd or a jock. 3. MICK NEVER LEFT. Mick always remained the ignorant himbo walking around the house as his friends were busy dealing with cults. He was the breath of fresh air that brought normalcy throughout the show with his romance drama. Though he was ignorant of what they were doing, it's not like Mick was 100% oblivious throughout the entire show. For crying out loud Fabian had to fake his death at one point, with no one knowing he was still alive. Who was the one Fabian went to so he could say he was still alive? Mick. Really, a secret handshake is in no way on the same level as only telling your best friend you are still alive. 4. Which brings me to another character that never left: Nienke! Unlike her English counterpart Nina, Nienke remained as the leader of the Sibuna gang throughout the show with Fabian being the healthy kind of boyfriend who never felt like he had to take leadership away from her or anything. I swear in regards to Fabian in the English adaptation, they tried to hard to make a more alpha male version of Fabian. He's hotter, he gets more girls, he gets to be the leader and more. There is literal evidence they had toxic masculinity in mind: its Fabian falling to the sin of Pride in the show. Whilst the English adaptation was only faithful to the first season, the 7 deadly sins do show up in the first Anubis movie where Nienke is kidnapped by the antagonist. OG Fabian is literally the first person to win from all 7 deadly sins with the sin he ALMOST succumbs to being wrath as his friends and Nienke were about to die. Fabian was the virtuous knight in that movie and they actively made him more prideful in the English adaptation. Why would they change his relationship with Nienke and things like this, if it wasn't to make Fabian seem more masculine and whatnot because Lucien being gay emasculates Fabian in the eyes of Nickelodeon. For fuck's sake, Lucien was literally chosing to stay in the closet during the show because the ship was HUGE. He didn't wanted to break all of the little children's hearts by saying he was gay. Lucien was gracious 100%!
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KT, calling Eddie’s wrestling video game gay for the last five minutes.
Eddie, exhausted from school and quiet: I don’t call your shows gay, why do you call this gay?
KT: My shows are gay. They’re all gay. You have no power over me.
Eddie: I hope they get straight.
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dearest-lady-disdain · 9 months
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my thoughts upon the house of anubis rewatch are that these two are gay, actually
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