#making limeade.
crabert-rabert · 8 months
lime induced carpal tunnel
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a-method-in-it · 1 year
I went to the grocery store and bought limeade because i wanted to drink limeade and chocolate rugelach because i wanted to eat chocolate rugelach and let me tell you these two tastes do NOT go together
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nicointhestars · 5 months
Will: Alright everyone, back from the Sonic run with drinks. Cherry slush for Nico. Cherry Dr. Pepper for Annabeth. Cherry blue raspberry slush for Leo. Cranberry Sprite for Piper. Regular limeade for Jason. And a cherry limeade for Percy.
Percy: Excuse me?
Everyone: *deep collective sigh*
Will: Percy, they were out of blue c-
Nico: You realize that’s just the name right? The drink doesn’t actually come from the ocean.
Annabeth: Percy, please don’t do this again
Jason: Wow, that’s really important to him
Leo, giggling: Tell him, Perce!
Will: Please don’t encourage this behavior Leo
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purpleisdebeste · 9 months
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Drawing of some assorted unrelated Sweetwater npcs whose designs caught my eye
hey parker... uhhh... what you got there?
Character designs by @jelloapocalypse! Except Irving who I think is just Peter Capaldi!
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lovepaint · 4 months
ive been trying out different locally owned coffee shops bc i cant find one that does a matcha latte that i like but i went to a place today that had a delicious matcha limeade
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
I’m about to clown so hard because of this podcast
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robbybirdy · 2 years
15. Limeade
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Hello, every birdie. Today, we are making yet another lime recipe. But this time it is not going to be a dessert. It is a drink. And this was the first time that I made a limeade/lemonade. For some reason, I have gone all of my life without making lemonade/limeade. 
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As I said in the previous recipe, I had a bunch of limes that I wanted to use. And it was fun and a good workout because we don’t have an electric juicer. I had to do it by hand. I have come to like the flavor of limes. However… that doesn’t that I like working with all types of limes. The hardest lime to juice, are key limes because of the fact that they are so small. 
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We are going to be using a recipe for this limeade. Because why not? The recipe comes from one of my cookbooks called “Good Housekeeping Illustrated book.”
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The recipe and the measurements will be in the description down below. Feel free to check it out. The ingredients you will need for this recipe are: 
lemon/lime zest
Water (both hot and cold)
Lime/lemon juice (about 8-10 lemons or 10 limes, and SO MANY KEY LIMES)
Ice cubes
Optional club soda
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The recipe says that you should put your sugar and lemon/lime zest in a container with a lid. However, I did this in a big glass measuring cup and it worked fine. To the sugar, you are going to add very hot water. 
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I stirred it for a few minutes so that the sugar could be dissolved. Add the lemon/lime juice. And refrigerate.
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I did this part a little bit differently. I put the lemon/lime juice in a pitcher full of ice cubes. And filled it up with cold water. 
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We didn’t really want to just have limeade as a dessert. So my dad suggested that make the limeade into a slushie. And he added green food dye to it. It was a perfect summer treat to cool off at the end of the day. 
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Everyone loved this drink, which I am so glad about. Because there are some family members who don’t really care much for sour (including my dad and myself.) 
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I hope that you liked this recipe. Feel free to check it out. See you in the next recipe. Thank you. 
Recipe Via “Good housekeeping illustrated book”
1 ½ cups sugar (or more depending on your sour tolerance)
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon/lime peel
Water (Both hot and cold)
1 ½ cups Lime/lime juice (about 8 to 10 lemons or 10 limes, SO MANY KEY LIMES)
Ice cubes 
Optional club soda 
Into a 1 quart jar with tight-fitting lid, put sugar and lemon peel; add 1 ½ cups very hot water. 
With the lid fitted firmly, shake the jar until sugar is dissolved. Add lemon juice. Refrigerate. 
To serve: Into each 12 once glass over ice cubes, pour ¼ cup of the lemon syrup. 
Add ¾ cup cold water or, if you prefer, club soda. Stir well to mix.
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Okay. Okay. I have been a hater of sparkling water for YEARS. Just bubbly flavorless (or the thought of a flavor) water. It’s dumb. Okay.
But i found one recently that literally tastes as flavorful as fruity soda while it’s still Very Much flavored sparkling water. And it’s the generic fucking walmart brand sparkling water.
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That lemonade post has weirdly gotten to me I didn’t know I was so invested in the taxonomy of lemonade
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book-tease · 6 months
milani lip oils my absolute beloved. feels nice, tastes and smells nice, 10/10.
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how bad does this have to get before i give up tumblr for a bit grab a knife and peal a pomegranate
or maybe go out and get some limes or lemons or some shit
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redheddebeauty · 1 year
I bought all these limes to make limeade and ever since then it’s been cold out :/
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bergzerk · 1 year
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Cuisine - Beer Margaritas
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cthonicascendant · 2 years
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
Vanilla vvin5 by default becau5e 5travvberrie5 i5 a migraine trigger for u5
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
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this is my first time writing for anyone so… i guess we’ll see how it goes. reader and jamie are getting ready for a fancy dinner/benefit thing. it’s cute, a little swearing, no angst. allusion to sex but that’s it. i wrote this mostly for myself because there’s an appalling lack of jamie tartt fics. anyway.
It is 3pm, and you have to leave in an hour and a half to make it to the annual benefit. Jamie goes every year, but this is your first. You had been talking to Keeley about it, lamenting your inability to pick something to wear, when she grabs your arm and says, “Don't worry about it babes! We can pick one out together.”
“Keeley, I’d love too, but I’m absolutely swamped with work. My forty hours are filled with clients, so my free time is basically all notes and treatment plans. That's why I’ve ghosted pretty much everyone except you and Jamie.”
“It's pretty much just Jamie at this point,” she says mischievously. “I’m not sure we would have made it to coffee if we hadn’t made these plans three weeks ago, especially because you didn’t even tap back to that pun I sent that Ted made the other day.”
You laugh. “I suppose you’re right. I am sorry, it’s just been so much work, what with taking on that new case and wrapping up that other one-“
“Like I said babes, don’t worry about it,” she says sympathetically. Her hand is still on your arm. “I totally understand what it’s like bein’ a young woman in business, yeah? We'll talk when it slows down.”
You take breath and nod. You both sit in silence for a moment, and then (because it’s Keeley and she is allergic to silence): “What if I took Jamie with me??”
You look at her, confused. 
“What if I took Jamie with me to pick you out a dress? I know fashion and he knows you, and I think between the two of us we could pick out something absolutely fantabulous! What do you say? I can text him right now.”
Keeley's practically vibrating from excitement, and you know for absolute certain if you say yes, they are going to come home with something the price of your first apartment. You also know they’ll bring you coffee on the way back so really, is there any option other than yes?
“No, you can’t see.”
Jamie has a large, nondescript bag that he is holding very tightly and an iced coffee that he is holding less tightly. You swoop in on the coffee as Keeley chimes in with: “It’s a surprise babes. You can’t see it until the benefit.”
Jamie points to her with his bag hand. “See? She agrees.”
You squint at Keeley. “This is why I hate it when you two hang out. You get together, you make plans to torture me and sure, you bring me coffee, but god at what cost?”
Jamie and Keeley are giggling like a pair of kids as you stand, still doing your best to glare and drink your latte. They do this every time, come up with some scheme because they think it’s funny when you get “upset.” It’s like a ritual. They go shopping, spend an inordinately long time, bring you coffee to appease you, and then purposely push your buttons. They feed off of each other like a pair of weird siblings and you love it. They both can tell when you’re too tightly wound and take it upon themselves to get you to laugh. Jamie waggles the bag under your nose which makes you crack a smile as Keeley cheers. “See, I knew you loved us babe. Or at least, I knew you loved me. Jury's still out on what you think of Jamie.”
That brings a full-on laugh as Keeley dances around the kitchen.
“You staying for dinner, Keels?” you ask, although you already know the answer.
“What are you making?” she asks, Jamie behind her mouthing in unison. You suppress the urge to giggle.
“Caprese salad, pesto chicken and pasta, and Thai tea limeade. Oh, plus I made those tiny baguettes you like and Jamie, I put your tea into smoothie form. Got spinach and all that.”
“Hm,” she says, finger to her chin and head tilted. Jamie mimics her. “I suppose that I can stay. Just this once though, and not very long.”
You smile and Jamie comes around the counter to kiss you. 
“I’m going to hide this,” he holds up the bag and points a finger at you “you don’t go looking for it.” He turns to Keeley, “You distract her.”
Keeley stayed her usual short amount of time, a mere six hours, giving you and Jamie a solid four hours of sleep until he has to train.
You shake yourself from your reverie as you reach for the dress bag. You unzip it to find something metallic with power shoulders and long sleeves, and are those little spines all over? It is long and black, yet somehow also purple and red. It is, in a word, hideous. You cannot reconcile what you see in front of you with the fact that both Keeley and Jamie picked it out, because they have never failed before, so maybe it looks better on? You sigh and begin to undress.
It is not better.
You go to find Jamie, looking fit in a cream hoodie and bubblegum pink suit, who takes one look and begins uncontrollably laughing.
“Jaim, listen. Jamie-” you’re cut off as Jamie doubles over in laughter. You’re laughing too as you catch his arms. “Babe- you can’t, you cannot leave me like this. How am I supposed to go the benefit like this? I look like a goth puffer fish!”
Jamie has collapsed to the floor in a fit of giggles, taking you with him.
“I- I’m- it-“ he gasps, “it’s so much worse- it’s so much worse than I thought it was going to be!”
You stop mid-giggle. “I’m sorry, it’s what?”
Jamie has laughed himself near tears as he holds your waist.
“Listen. Babe. You are not allowed to be mad at me. But. I may have let Keeley pick out that dress because- because,” he shushes you as you begin to protest, “I knew you would hate it, and you had nothing else to wear, and therefore you would have to wear the one that I got you.”
Your face goes through an inhuman amount of expressions as you process everything he just said, until you land on- “you bought me a dress on your own?”
“Yeah, yeah I did.” Suddenly Jamie looks incredibly shy. “Look, babe. I love your style, but the thing is, you like to play it safe.”
You frown, and Jamie holds up both his hands.
“Listen. You play your version of safe, but I think if you gave it a chance, you could expand your repertoire and we can be remembered as the hottest fuckin’ couple alive. Plus, it’s definitely way better than that horrid thing Keeley got.” 
You’re distracted by his correct use of the word repertoire, and all of a sudden you don’t care about wearing the dress anymore. All you can think is that you want it off and that ridiculous, handsome pink suit should come off too, and maybe it would be better if you both were on the bed than on the floor.
Before you can develop this thought further, Jamie is getting up and pulling you with him.
“C’mon, wait till you see it,” he says, maneuvering you out of the bedroom and into a guest room of all places.
“I had to put it somewhere you wouldn’t see it,” he explains.
All the breath has left your lungs as you look at the dress on the bed.
Jamie has purchased a short, lime-green, tulle halter-neck dress with a fluffy train in the back. It's your dream dress. The one you used to look at as a high schooler, a college student; the one that you dreamt of being able to justify; the one you told Jamie about exactly once, and yet somehow, somehow it is right in front of you in your house. 
Jamie’s arms snake around your waist, lips against your neck. “Do you like it?” he murmurs into your skin. You smile at that and turn to put your arms around him. 
“Do I like it?” you grin, “Jamie Tartt, you wonderful, beautiful, thoughtful boy, I love it. How on earth did you remember?”
Jamie smiles back, arrogance clearly written across his expression. “You think I’m beautiful?”
You roll your eyes. “That’s what you got from this you prick? I want to know how you remembered? I mentioned this dress once and somehow, it’s sitting right in front of me because you got it for me.”
Jamie is still grinning. “Tell me how beautiful you think I am, and I’ll tell you how I remembered.”
Your face hurts from so much laughter. “Jamie, you beautiful, beautiful man. I love your hair, your eyes, your smile, your lips, your-” you are cut off by his lips on yours. 
“Get changed, yeah? Then I’ll tell you.” You kiss him one more time, then he’s out the door.
You hear Jamie clattering around in the kitchen as you put on your shoes. You re-touch your lips and hair, then you’re on your way down the stairs.
“Hi babe,” you say to Jamie’s back, fiddling with the coffee machine.
You’ve never had someone look at you the way Jamie is looking at you now. It's the way you look at a good piece of chocolate cake: with a little bit of reverence, and the desire to devour. You forget to blink for over a minute, trapped in his gaze. 
He breathes out a single, “Holy fuck,” as he walks toward you and spins you off the bottom step. “you look fuckin’ amazing.”
“How did you know?” you ask, for what feels like the hundredth time.
Jamie sets you down on your bubblegum pink heels. “Easy. That was when I first realized I loved ya.”
Your face heats up. “You… realized you loved me… when I was rambling on about a dress I’ve wanted since high school? That was your moment?”
Jamie’s hands are still around your waist, your hands on his biceps. The room is pleasantly spinning a little bit, and a family of butterflies has taken up residence in your stomach. God, all this time with this boy and he still has the ability to make you feel like a giddy teen with a crush.
“Well, yeah babe, kinda obvious why, innit?” You scrunch your nose in confusion as he continues, “I realized you were talking to me like a real person, as Jamie Tartt, human, not Jamie Tartt the footballer. I felt all weird, so I talked to Keeley about it. Called her on the way home that night. After she finished laughing, she told me I was probably in love with you. Hearing it out loud made me realize she was right.”
The words are barely out of his mouth and you’re kissing him again, pulling him closer and closer until the moment is broken with a ding from Jamie’s phone. It's Dani, asking if you can pick him up on your way. Jamie ushers you out the door and into the car, and for a singular, spectacular moment, everything is perfect.
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