#mako wants champagne
hayasuoii · 4 months
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˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ cloud strife as a bar security guard
summary; oops, you got a little bit tipsy for your 21st — but luckily for you, your favorite security guard always has your back ;)
content warnings; alcohol consumption 🍺
notes; modern au that is inspired by this tiktok !
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The night started off with you being sober (you promise!), the only drink you had so far being some light champagne from the fancy restaurant you had your birthday dinner in.
After eating good, taking a few pictures with family and the exchanging of gifts, you and a few of your girl friends decided to hit the bar for a girls night. This was the day you were legally allowed to drink—so of course you were gonna spend it getting your benefits in.
The bar the three of you went to was a fan favorite. They always had good music, good foods and good drinks. The three of you were regular customers too—so all the staff were practically family to you guys.
Let’s just say one thing led to another and by the time midnight came around you were practically wasted.
But that was not a problem—because luckily for you, the girls knew a guy that would be happy to help out.
“What the…how did she even end up like this?” Cloud asks, pure bewilderment and disbelief in his voice.
Tifa and Aerith simply grinned at him while (struggling to) hold you up, the same words leaving their mouths in unison.
“It’s her twenty-first!”
Cloud looked at them with a deadpan, his mako blue eyes moving slowly around the bar before turning his attention to you. You were still giddy from all the music, and was trying (and failing) to dance along to the beat without toppling over. Cloud let out an exaggerated sigh before crossing his arms.
“Andddd you can see that we’ll have a little trouble getting her to the car without any accidents.” Tifa remarks, placing her hands on her hips.
“So could you please?” Aerith added on, placing her hands together in a begging motion.
Although Cloud tried his hardest to feign annoyance, Tifa and Aerith knew better than anyone else that he would instantly fold when it came to you.
“The things I do for you guys…” Cloud mumbles, bending down to wrap his arms underneath your thighs, lifting you up with ease against his torso in a tight hold.
You were taken aback by the sudden height change, but upon realizing that it was Cloud, you immediately relaxed against him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist.
“Cloud? What are you doing here? Did you come to see me?”
“No—I…work here?” He answered with his brows furrowed, he couldn’t believe you could get this drunk—but now he’s seen it all.
Throughout the course of your journey to the car you asked a spew of questions, some unintelligible and others being a jumbled mess. Cloud mostly let you rambled on, knowing that him answering would do nothing but send you into a laughing fit.
It didn’t help that Tifa and Aerith were behind him, recording the whole ordeal to show to you when you were sober.
After talking your head off you suddenly stopped, gasping in surprise before pouting at Cloud.
“What is it?” He asked instantly, noticing your change in demeanor.
“You never wished me a happy birthday…” Clouds eyes widened slightly, before he cleared his throat.
“…I wanted to save it for when I gave you your gift.” That was a lie. But Cloud wasn’t too worried about a little white lie when he saw the bright smile appear on your face.
“Really? I didn’t know you got me a gift! Okay—I’ll forgive you so you can say it when you give it to me, okay?”
Cloud nodded in understanding, adjusting his grip so he could hold you better.
“Do you feel comfortable?” Cloud asked, turning his head slightly to where you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Oh yeah definitely!” Your voice was mumbled due to the fabric of his shirt, but you lifted your head just slightly so you could talk in his ear. “You’re so warm Cloud.”
The closeness of your voice surprised Cloud, who tightened his grip for just a moment before calming down. Being this close he could smell everything. The faint scent of the sweet alcohol you drank, the smell of your lotion and signature perfume, along with the faint scent of moisturizer you put in your hair.
“Why did you guys park so far away?” Cloud asked. It wasn’t that he was tired of holding you—but he wasn’t sure if he could handle being this close to you.
“Uh…I don’t remember, do you think we passed it Aerith?”
Cloud turned around in disbelief. If he wasn’t carrying you, his hands would have already been on his hips.
“Seriously? One of you has to be the designated driver—I am not doing overtime.”
“Relax!” Aerith laughed. “I didn’t drink much, I’m still sober as a stone!”
“You better be.” Cloud responded, turning back around in search for your car.
The four of you walked along for a few more minutes before finally arriving at the car. (It was parked in the opposite direction.)
Aerith slide into the drivers seat while Tifa unlocked the doors.
“Is she asleep?” She asked, peering up at your figure. Your eyes were shifting from open to closed, and you looked like you were gonna pass out soon.
“Barely…” Cloud looked down at you, deciding not to wake you up and just place you in the backseat.
He gently lowered you down, tucking your legs into the car, and even buckling your seatbelt. Before he pulled away you called out to him.
“Before you go here’s a thank you gift,” and you quickly gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Cloud stood completely still, his brain still processing the contact your soft lips made with his skin, while you were passed out on the seat.
There was a faint blush on his cheeks as he closed the door, rounding to the drivers side to check that everything was alright with Tifa and Aerith.
“Oh Cloud, just in time! Here’s 20 Gil for your service!” Aerith announced, placing the coins in the palm of his hands.
It was pocket change so Cloud wasn’t too disappointed with the amount of money. At least he was getting paid.
“Thanks…I guess.” Cloud awkwardly said, turning to the side to scratch his head.
That’s when both of the girls saw it, and Tifa couldn’t stop herself from immediately taking a picture.
“It looks like [Y/n] thanked you too?” Tifa teasingly remarked, a sly smile on her face when she turned her phone to show Cloud the picture.
His eyes widened in surprise to see your lip imprint in the side of his face, your lipstick stamping him almost like a tattoo.
“Whatever…” Cloud brushed it off, not knowing whether he should wipe it off or keep it there. He was thankful that it was nighttime, because he was sure his cheeks were an even deeper shade of red now.
The two girls giggled, knowing that they’d have a lot to discuss with you when you returned to your senses.
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“No way—I was sooo drunk!” You remarked in surprise, going over all the pictures and videos from the night before.
“Yeah, you definitely were!” Tifa laughed, shifting closer on the bed to show you more pictures she took of you. “But I should show you what happened at the end of the night.”
Those words cause you to slightly panic. You hoped you didn’t embarrass yourself or acted like a total fool—because you don’t think you’d be able to emotionally recover from that.
“Please don’t tell me I was kissing randos…” You groan, your head falling back against the pillows.
“You were kissing—but the person wasn’t random.” Aerith added in with a smirk.
You were what? Your eyes immediately widened as you shot up from the bed. Who could you have possibly kissed from the bar? You didn’t even know anyone like that—unless it was the staff?
Tifa gave you her phone so you could watched the entire video of Cloud—your crush—carry you out of the bar as you rambled away. You couldn’t hear much of his responses because the video was taken from far away, but you hoped he wasn’t uncomfortable.
“Oh my—I can’t believe you guys made him do that! What did he say?”
“Oh he was more than happy to help! Probably even more happy when you kissed him.” Your eyes darted to Tifa is shock, as she simply swiped on her gallery to show you your kiss imprint on Clouds face.
“No way!”
Oh yeah, you were definitely out of it.
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korra turns up to the big event with a rip in her dress. (it’s not her fault asami practically forced her into one when she already said she would be arriving via-polar bear dog.)
she also turns up twenty minutes late, but that’s neither here nor there.
the party is in full swing despite the familiar frigid cold of the south pole, and her cheeks are prickling from the ride over. the sun is just a glowing ball of orange hovering over the snowy horizon, and korra watches as waiters turn on strings of pretty lights and light up bonfires to heat the outdoor establishment.
it’s a team avatar reunion of sorts. in fact, it may be the first time in history where two separate team avatars are present together.
she doesn’t know who managed to drag master toph out of her hobbit cave and all the way to the poles, but the gruff earthbender at least looks happy to eat her way through the snack table. next to her is the former fire lord, chatting passionately about something korra can’t make out. and a few feet from them is master katara, adorned in beautiful water tribe pelts and intricately carved whale-bones.
korra is in the middle of smoothing her unruly hair and looking for the nearest bar when a slim arm hooks in her elbow and warm lips press against her cheek.
“blue has always been your color,” asami says as she places a frosty champagne glass in korra’s hand.
korra just tugs grumpily at the hem of her long, thick skirt to try and disguise the tear that runs its way up to her mid-thigh. asami just eyes the slit with a mischievous sparkle that heats korra’s cheeks.
“yeah yeah, take a picture, princess. you won’t get me in another one of these for a long time.”
asami just laughs and begins to drag her into the growing crowd of partygoers. she catches a glimpse of tenzin dancing with his kids, mako flirting badly with a girl way out of his league, and even lin and suyin warming up by a fire.
korra is scanning the crowd to see if her mom and dad have made it in yet when asami abruptly halts next to master katara with a barely-concealed grin.
“she’s finally here!”
katara smiles warmly and wraps her surprisingly strong arms around korra’s shoulders. “i see this last year of avatar duties hasn’t made you any more punctual.”
she tries not to roll her eyes, even as she hugs her former master back. “yeah well, someone has to be consistent around here.”
“i think everyone is here, master katara. do you want to make your announcement now?” asami seems to almost vibrate in place, though korra can’t for the life of her figure out why.
katara just pats the younger woman on the cheek and shuffles to her old friends. korra watches with a quirked brow as the waterbender whispers something in the ex-fire lord’s ear, and then the two start to make their way to the front of the party.
“the hell was that about?” korra mutters, putting an arm around asami’s waist.
“oh hush,” her partner says, “you’ll see in a minute.”
and indeed, they do.
“friends and family!” zuko’s weathered voice calls out over the crowd of people. everyone quiets accordingly, bodies turning to curiously look at the old couple standing on the raised platform. the firebender clears his throat and raises an awkward hand in greeting. “thank you all for coming to this wonderful gathering today. i know many of you have travelled great distances—”
someone in the back shouts, “republic city represent!” and a few others laugh and cheer in agreement.
zuko smiles, wrinkles creasing his pale cheeks and shifting the scar across his eye. “yes, great distances indeed. we truly appreciate having you here.”
korra tries to sip at her champagne glass, but asami tuts and whispers, “wait!”
rolling her eyes again, she resigns herself to listening to the speech with a decidedly sober attitude.
“tonight is not just a celebration of family and friendship, however.” here, he pauses to look at the waterbender beside him, something passing between them that prods at korra’s intuition. “it is also to celebrate love and unity.”
asami squeezes her hand over korra’s at her waist. korra just furrows her brows.
“yes,” katara smoothly continues, a pink glow dusting her cheeks. then, she reaches down and interlaces her fingers with zuko’s. “we want to announce our engagement.”
there’s a second—a liminal moment in time—when everyone seems to freeze with the announcement, silence spreading over the room. but then, cheers erupt all around them. whoops and hollers drown out the soft music in the background, glasses are raised high in the air, and someone that sounds a lot like master toph even yells, ‘about damn time!’
but korra feels rooted into the ground.
her world seems to shift on its axis, vertigo causing her vision to narrow in on zuko and katara—studying the joy that emanates from their very beings, cataloguing the glassy shine to their eyes, noting carefully how they seem to take it all in with slow, even breaths—and suddenly, tears are streaming down her cheeks.
“thank you, thank you!” katara laughs heartily, shoulder leaning almost subconsciously into zuko’s broad chest. “we know it seems a little late, all things considered, but well—there’s no time like the present!”
“to sifu hotman and the sugar queen!” toph yells, and everyone toasts with vigor before the music starts back up enthusiastically.
“korra,” asami lightly shakes her shoulder. “are you okay?”
korra swipes hastily at the tears and snot that run down her face, then nods her head. “yeah, yeah i’m good.”
“are you sure?” asami’s concerned face swims in her vision as she takes their still full glasses and sets them aside. “i’m so sorry, i thought you’d be happy.”
she shakes her head. “i am happy. i’m—wow, fuck. i don’t know. it’s like something i didn’t even know i was worried about just got swept away. i just feel so…i feel so relieved. i don’t know why though.”
“oh,” asami says softly. then, “huh.”
“yeah,” korra garbles out, trying to blink away the last of the tears. “i don’t know. weird, right?”
“hmm,” asami answers, rubbing her back in soothing circles. “must be some sort of avatar stuff.”
from across the room, korra’s eyes meet katara’s. then zuko’s. something bittersweet—tender—settles in her heart as they exchange a glance that somehow means more than korra ever could understand. she’s learning that feelings don’t always need to be understood, though.
“yeah. yeah, it must be.”
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griseldagimpel · 1 year
John Gaius Isn't the Ultimate Antagonist of The Locked Tomb Series
Alright. So this may be my 'Korra/Mako shippers are gonna be popping the biggest bottle of champagne tomorrow' post, but you can't be annoyingly smug about being Right later on if you don't put yourself out there. (If I'm wrong, I'm hacking tumblr to nuke this post from existence.)
Here's my Hot Take: John Gaius isn't the ultimate antagonist of The Locked Tomb Series, and the final book won't be about dismantling the Empire of the Nine Houses.
I'm working off the following premises for this:
While the conflicts of all the books can be described as One or More Characters Is Angry Because John Did Something Shitty, John hasn't ever been the antagonist of a book. That is, he hasn't been the character the protagonist is working against.
In fact, John is a protagonist character himself, being the deuteragonist of Nona the Ninth.
John is established as wanting to talk things out and not being the first to use violence in any given conflict. That situates him badly to become an antagonist because it'll require the protagonists to do violence first, which'll make them seem less sympathetic to the reader. (Yes, even in a series with necromancy and cannibalism, audience sympathy is still something an author will be deliberate about.)
Speaking of sympathy, while much of the fan base has zero sympathy for John, the books have a lot of sympathy for him, actually.
Alecto the Ninth will not only be the last book, but it was originally intended to be the second half of the last book. As such, I expect it to spend more time on resolution and reveals than on establishing new things.
The Locked Tomb series has been skimpy with its socio-political world-building. The first two books took protagonists who'd basically grown up in a monastery and shoved them in isolated locations with the rest of the cast. The third book shook that trend...but has a protagonist with the socio-political understanding of a golden retriever.
The Locked Tomb series has never had as a setting a colony of the Empire of Nine Houses that's actively under control of the Empire. While this is something that's happening within the series, it's happening in off-pages-ville.
In fact, the series has largely used the Space Imperialism setting as a backdrop for the interpersonal character drama.
The author has given the theme of the series as The Horrors of Love.
The books have a pattern of Resolution Through Reconciliation. It may play out in the negative - the climax of Harrow the Ninth, for example - but that's what's been at the core. There are exceptions - the fight with Cytherea in Gideon the Ninth and against the Sleeper in Harrow the Ninth - but think about Gideon & Harrow's relationship in Gideon the Ninth or Nona & Varun's interaction at the climax of Nona the Ninth. The Locked Tomb series has had as much if not more focus on "how do these characters talk things out" as "how do these characters defeat this really powerful villain".
Alright. For the Empire of the Nine Houses, there a might be a hand wave "and Paul led peace talks" at the end or something, but there won't be a focus on dismantling the Empire because there hasn't been enough time spent establishing the broader Empire as a setting. For that matter, there's not a protagonist character with "dismantle the Empire" as a driving motivation. (Remember: Alecto helped establish the Empire of the Nine Houses.)
Regardless of what happens to John, I don't think the book is going to tackle, "John dies and now the entirety of the Nine Houses needs to be evacuated" because a.) that's such a big thing that it would really have to be The Entire Fucking Plot and b.) evacuating refugees would require them to be a evacuated to somewhere, and the series doesn't have an established enough socio-political setting to do that.
I think the main antagonistic force is going to be the Devils. That, too, may be solved though reconciliation (particularly if certain fan theories about them are correct) but they were set up enough without having enough time to shine as antagonists. So Alecto the NInth will put a lot of focus on them.
I DO think that trying to fix the River will be part of the plot. That's something that's been established enough that I'd expect resolution.
I expect the series to continue to be about the drama between characters. Off the top of my head - and apologies if I forgot anyone's blorbo here - I expect that to be Kiriona & Harrow, John & Alecto, Ianthe & Crown Him With Many Crowns, John & the BoE members now on the Ninth House, and John & the Resurrection Beasts, plus (less contentiously) Alecto relationships with Pyrrha & Paul and Coronabeth's relationship with Judith.
Those all may or may not have a happy resolution, but I think they all need a resolution.
In conclusion, I don't know what will happen to John, but the more that I think about it, the more I lean towards believing that "What Will Happen to John?" is the wrong question. The last book won't be about "What Will Happen to John?" He'll get an ending - they all will - but I don't believe that the book will approach John as a Problem That Needs to be Solved. If he does try to do something shitty - and I'm fully on board with the theories that he wants to Reset the Universe - it'll be about John overcoming (or not!) his depression as one of our core characters, NOT as John being a threat that the other characters need to defeat.
And if I'm right, I'll be popping the biggest bottle of champagne.
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mugunghwc · 1 year
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unprompted ask / always accepting
anonymous said: Who showers too long, or baths?Who prefers cold, hot water?
      it, of course, depends on the occasion. some muses will indulge in longer baths if they want to treat themselves, so this isn’t necessarily saying they always take long but some that do are:
han ( if he’s stressed, he will every now & then take a long bath & try to relax there ).
kim ( only because of his hair - hair treatment. )
gong ( if there’s free time, he will enjoy pampering himself a bit ).    
manny likes long showers, so even if in a hurry, he will take a good 8 - 10 mins.
seong hui likes to treat herself sometimes.
sunny can vary from quick showers to long ass baths. you can find him with some champagne in the tub, living his best life.
mako can enjoy some resting in the tub.
rei ( especially when it’s hair wash day. taking care of it can be a hassle ).
mai & hana ( both occasionally enjoy long baths ).
sadako ( not advised to leave her unsupervised in the bath tub because she has fallen asleep in it ).
    as for hot & cold water:
        HOT: chairman choi, koji
        MED: kim, ji woo, gong, manny, seong hui, sunny, mako, duri, idachi, rei, mai, hana, sadako
        COLD: han, ji-eun, daeyun, ji-su, ryo
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kylo-wrecked · 2 years
@brooklynislandgirl :// { cont'd from *this* morsel }
— ☾ —
Beth may look at him and see mako, but he knows she's a spirit of the epiphyte, walking barefoot under the stars with the moon as her crown, even if she doesn't see it, and that he is merely the wild dog watching from the kukui tree.
"Alone," he agrees, letting his smile slip a little, showing his sadness from another angle, like a Victorian woman showing a bit of ankle. 
Ben is all angles, a pocket knife in a black t-shirt, and he reveals himself slowly or quickly as he likes, flashing each side before stowing them inside his handle. And so this brief glimmer dances away on candlelight, and he dangles his empty glass in front of a buoyant cocktail waitress. She asks for his order several times, and Ben doesn't so much as sneeze her way, so she leaves him some complimentary champagne. When she returns with a flute for Beth a second later, his is gone. The waitress brings more champagne, he makes it disappear, she leans way, way over when she collects the glassware, offering him, and by extension Beth and a few others, a flawless top-down view of her freckled breasts, and he doesn’t stir. As many of Ben's admirers learn, one cannot go through or around a black hole, only into it.
What the cocktail waitress doesn't understand is that his event horizon is absorbing Beth's aversion, he’s chasing her rabbit heart. And another thing he can't place yet. 
Something about the sweep of her mouth and its slightly upturned corners makes her bruise of lipstick doll-like, then he realizes he's recalling the Black Dahlia. Ben shifts uneasily, crossing one knee over the other, drawing his back and shoulders out of their languidness. Maybe his incongruous parts momentarily recognize their dissonance; one of his angles unwillingly relinquished. It could be bad lighting. 
At last, he looks into Beth's eyes, and he asks, "Are you hapa?" 
That's Pahn's word. Pahn's 'hapa.' Half Thai, Half San Fransico Blanc. Five foot seven inches of CoolSculpted torso and tribal tattoos Ben wants to toss out a fucking window. Pahn plays with the Ren now. That's how it is. He's been replaced, and everybody knows. Except for Beth—she doesn't seem to recognize him, or care. She's far-off, far-out. Can she even hear him? Her eyes keep flitting to and fro, flashing their labradorescence over his hands and face when he wipes his mouth. He knows when she’s looking; he's still watching from behind the kukui tree on his laurels. 
He mouths the words, Do you like my teeth? 
Beth plays her best hand of micro-expressions; Ben counts the cards. And the rueful not-smile returns.
"That's not the most convincing 'no'," he says, hating just how drunk he feels when he stands up, hating the fog machine, and the music, all music, wishing Georgie had stolen more pills.
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midnightwerewoolf · 7 years
Btw. I watched the first episode of Nerima Daikon Brothers, and so far... is a masterpiece. I'll keep watching it, it has really catchy songs and I love them.
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opalsiren · 3 years
zikki wedding headcanons under the cut 🥰
i've spent a long time thinking about whether rikki and zane would be the type to marry, and ultimately landed on 'yes.' rikki is a rebel by nature but craves stability and normalcy overall (see: her going to the investment seminar to get some security) and is a closet sappy romantic (see: her entire relationship with zane). even though neither rikki nor zane had a normal childhood they adore one another and want to spend their lives together. they deserve to have some normal things, yk?
that said, rikki chose to eschew some of the traditions like having her dad walk her down the aisle or taking zane's last name. rikki walks down the aisle alone, and a few years after the wedding they decide together to double barrel their names. she definitely went by tradition by shoving wedding cake into his face during the reception though
zane proposes with a modest ruby ring with a diamond and sapphire on either side, to represent the importance of her relationship with cleo and emma. my guy knows how much they mean to her, that if you buy one you get the other two for free, and totally asked them for their blessing in advance of popping the question. zane decorates the moon pool with lights and candles and proposes to her there (of course, cleo and emma and lewis are standing by the entrance not-so-discreetly watching the whole time). for the actual ceremony rikki uses her powers to custom smelt their wedding rings 🥺
initially zane's dad wanted to pay for a big white wedding with a mile-long guest list to impress his many business partners. after all, harrison had been invited to dozens of such weddings in the past and felt obligated to return the favour when his own child's time came. after a lot of arguing they reached a compromise: a larger wedding would be held with a hundred or so guests which harrison would pay for, but there would also be a small ceremony that took place on mako island just for rikki and zane and family. rikki's dad also kicks up a bit of a fuss and insists on paying for the smaller ceremony. rikki never thought she'd get to have one wedding, let alone two. she loathes the thought of all the attention but knows that marrying zane means marrying into his crazy rich family whose traditions she may never fully understand
nate goes online to get ordained and officiates the ceremony. he is also zane's best man. rikki couldn't possibly pick between the girls to be her maid of honour, so she made them all bridesmaids and chose lewis as her maid of honour
the larger of the two ceremonies takes place at the beach on the mainland, with the reception at that fancy hotel from the investment seminar in season one. rikki eventually gets tired of rubbing shoulders with the myriad of guests just after 10pm and hides out on the roof. zane comes to find her and they stay up there together for the rest of the night, talking and laughing and enjoying being truly alone together. they have the best view for the fireworks, too
rikki has to be talked down from wearing a black dress, and then a red dress, by cleo and emma. eventually they convince her to try on a white dress and she finds herself surprised by how much she likes it. you can, however, pry her ruby locket from her cold, dead hands. the girls wear bridesmaids dresses which correspond to their respective theme colours
zane has some pre-wedding jitters and is mildly freaking out about standing up in front of hundreds of people to profess eternal love. rikki goes against tradition and finds him right before the ceremony. she tells him just to look at her and pretend she's a painting, or something he admires. he calms down pretty quickly after that
charlotte and her girlfriend/partner/wife are invited to the bigger of the two ceremonies. she exchanges pleasantries with the girls and lewis, and congratulates rikki and zane. she talks to max and finally meets miss chatham, who whisks her away to reminisce about her grandma gracie. charlotte then leaves early to go home with her girlfriend/partner/wife feeling lighter than ever before
lewis is the first one to break down crying at the ceremony, followed by nate during his officiating. zane eventually starts to cry too, as do rikki and the girls. rikki's dad holds it together pretty well until his speech during the reception. zane's dad remains relatively stoic but i think quietly sheds a few tears alone away from the crowd
nate spends most of the reception trying to hit on miriam, then moves on to tiffany. no matter how byron tries to explain, he cannot wrap his head around the fact that miriam and tiffany are married. eventually wilfred manages to get through to him, but only just barely
rikki initially wanted to name the tables at the reception after animal species that would have been decimated had she not foiled harrison's plans to develop mako. eventually zane talks her out of it and they agree to name the tables after things which have significance in their relationship, like 'ice cream,' 'pink mp3 player,' 'red dress,' 'tibetan statue,' 'motorbike,' 'barbecue' etc.
lewis catches the bouquet. he was nowhere near the bouquet toss when rikki threw it
rikki's dad, zane's dad, nate, lewis, emma, and cleo all make speeches. cleo is sure to insert a private joke of her last time attempting to make a speech to a crowd of rich people. while rikki thinks it's hilarious and laughs so hard her champagne comes out her nose. the other guests don't quite have the same reaction
the smaller wedding on mako island is a much more relaxed affair. it takes place on the beach as the sun goes down with just rikki, zane, their dads, the girls, lewis, nate, cleo's parents and emma's too. the girls organized finger food, and they all sit together on the sand eating and drinking as the moon rises. there are fire torches and lewis sets up a sound system and everyone dances together. nate takes out his guitar later on and they all sing old songs around the fire, telling increasingly embarrassing stories about one another. even harrison eventually admits it's a lot more fun than the big ceremony he put together before taking the parents back to the mainland on his bougie yacht. the rest stay behind on mako island talking till the sun comes up
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chaoticallysapphic · 4 years
Word: Alone
(Make me cry lol)
The gathering of people surrounds the area, all donning black as silence passes through the air like a prickly, uneasy sensation. No one knows what to do as each stand rigid with grim expressions while they watch the lid of the casket finally shut. Inside are millions of sentimental things, there're flowers in there, primarily roses, and pictures of her with friends and family. 
There’s a faded baby blanket inside that's thread barren with time, random knickknacks, her favorite book, and that badge along with a notebook. The contents inside said leather-bound book is unknown to almost everyone in the crowd, everyone except you. The ring has been taken off her finger, someone took it off for you since you couldn’t seem to move from your spot in the front. Staring blankly ahead, you think of simpler times. 
Of the car rides out into the country, that incredibly awkward first date, first kiss, moments spent huddled under blankets as you lovingly gaze at one another. How you used to dance in the kitchen as old jazz crackled through that stupid radio you always meant to replace but never did. Her hands-on your hips as she dramatically dips you with a twist. 
Champagne, drunken elated kisses as you cupped her face between your hands, engagement ring twinkling in the moonlight. You think of the day you first said I love you, lips stained from strawberries as you laid down on the gingham blanket. You had dragged her out to the park with the promise of good food and booze, along with your amazing company to which she could not deny you. She could never deny you. 
The casket begins it’s achingly slow descent as her task force does some kind of rehearsed march that apparently is customary for this kind of thing. Despite it being the first, you vaguely remember Mako trying to explain it’s what they do in the military so it seemed fitting to do so, here, as they continue to take your wife farther and farther away from you, they march.
As they begin to cover the casket in dirt your emotions threaten to spill out, it’s a leak right now, a droplet from a water damaged roof, but soon that roof will collapse and everything will pour out. You can’t stay, the idea of watching the wood disappear under dirt, of having to hear everyone’s condolences, makes you nauseous. So without a word you jerk to the right and stumble forward as you try to find your footing. Tenzin tries to grab your arm but you flinch away with a hateful glare sent his way. 
Your numbness is leaving you as the droplets begin to fall at an alarmingly fast pace. You can’t cry in front of everyone, they’ll try to comfort you, so you twist it into a pure unadulterated rage. “Leave me alone!” You snarl, his eyes widen at your tone, everyone stills at the wild look in your eyes, at fists you don’t even realize you’ve clenched, or the way your chest heaves as you let the anger take over. 
Storming off, one of your heels digs into the earth and gets stuck, causing you to stumble, your hand slams onto the rough bark of the tree beside you, it bites into your skin but you welcome the pain. With the desperate desire to leave this wretched place that claws at your senses, you rip your foot out of the heel and do the same to your other shoe, snapping them up from the ground you continue onward barefoot. 
You don’t remember walking home, one minute you’re at the graveyard, and the next you're opening the front door of your apartment. The setting sun casts the room in a warm orange glow, there’s the sound of meowing in the distance as you slam the door shut and chuck your shoes in some random direction. 
You don’t bother with the living space, ignoring the grumble in your stomach and the ache in your feet you walk over to your bedroom and practically fall onto the unfamiliar side of the bed. The scent of her pillow is comforting, it wafts from the fabric when you hesitantly lay your head against it. Something furry brushes against your leg, you ignore Yeona as she continues to meow, her volume increasing when she doesn’t get what she desires. 
But she’ll never get what she wants. What she wants is her favorite person, the person she’d run to the second they got off work, the one who begrudgingly shared her pillow with the furry creature, the person who doted on her. 
You tried to tell the cat that Lin is dead but your words fall on deaf ears, her cries continue, and so yours begin. The sound that rips its way out of your throat is raw and guttural, it sounds animalistic and wakes a baby from the floor above. Tears race down your cheeks and soon mix with the snot that leaves your nose, it’s the first time you’ve cried since it happened. Even after you got the call the shock that took over forbade you from crying.  
Shakily you reach out for her nightstand, her glasses still rest on the polished wood beside her lamp, your fingers clutch the brass knob and yank the drawer open. Inside is a journal identical to the one you placed in Lin’s hands at the funeral. This one’s contents are similar, except instead of your vows they are hers. The familiar penmanship greets your eyes like an old friend, and you finally let yourself realize how cold it is without her by your side. 
She’s left you to live out the rest of your life alone. 
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
Bonus Question Answers! (non-anime heat 1)
I asked a silly question! You gave me incredible answers. SO VERY MANY INCREDIBLE ANSWERS. Now, I present my favourites!
Another that was so so so hard to narrow down. I did have to make special mention, though, at the sheer volume of you who (correctly) pointed out Haruka and Michiru either spending their quarantine fucking, or frustrated at being unable to fuck. Thank you, heroes.
If your answer is listed below, you’ve earned an entry in a random draw to win a GIFTENING liveblog OF YOUR CHOICE
Q:  The Senshi are all quarantining together! Describe what a wonderful/terrible/wonderrible idea this is. (YOU CANNOT BE TOO DETAILED)
*  First things first: if the Senshi are all quarantining *together*, then they must be old enough to be not living with their parents (or lack thereof). Furthermore, they must be living in a place big enough to accommodate all of them. Now, the Outers already have a huge fuck-off house, so if we're cheating and saying ALL the Senshi, not just the Inners, then we can say that Usagi and the girls moved in with Haruka and the girls after high school. Usagi and Makoto and Minako have almost certainly snubbed college; Ami and Rei not only attending, but Ami is aiming to get her Master's, so both of them have to take online courses. Setsuna is teaching them. Haruka and Michiru graduated from college *ages* ago. Hotaru also has to take online courses, but for high school since she'd be about that age at this point. Chibs is not here because she's smarter than to travel back in time to when there was a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Now then! Usagi is moping because she can't see Mamoru or Chibi-Usa, so she reads manga and watches TV to distract herself. As per her usual she mostly shoves her nose into what everyone else is doing, then gets distracted by a passing butterfly and chases it until she finds something new to stick her nose into. She's honestly taking the quarantine the hardest, even though she's living in a house with all her closest friends. The delivery guy knows her by name and by her super-cute hand-sewn (by Makoto) pink-and-white bunny mask. Makoto has sewn everyone custom masks, actually, which brings us to... Makoto naturally is doing the cooking and cleaning and laundry, and while she does love doing these things, she's now doing them for NINE PEOPLE, and Usagi has never learned to fold a sock in her life, and Ami folds socks but is crazy busy with her coursework, and Minako/Rei/Michiru/Haruka can't be bothered for one reason or another, and Makoto is about to explode because everybody assumes she'll do everything and do it smiling and normally they wouldn't be WRONG but COME THE FUCK ON YOU GUYS. She is in a constant state of being two steps away from an explosion. The only saving grace is Setsuna, who does actually help out in between teaching online courses, and who patiently listens to Makoto vent, because she understands that if Makoto melts down, so will the rest of the household. Makoto has a pink-and-green rose mask; Setsuna has a wine red mask with black stitching. Ami has vanished into her room. STUDY, STUDY, STUDY, STUDY. She is literally taking four courses at once because with a global pandemic, a) what else is there to do with one's life b) the rest of the household is utter chaos c) MUST DEVELOP VACCINE. She has actually be helping researchers online with this under an anonymous name. She *wants* to go out and volunteer, but understands that the best thing she can do is quarantine properly. She is constantly lecturing everyone about Best Quarantine Practices, to the point that the others mostly tune her out now. This is only piling onto her constant stress. Hotaru visits her occasionally with tea and textbooks so they can study and destress together. It's good for both of them, especially since Hotaru, with her health issues, is the most at risk of all of them. Hotaru's also used to isolation, so she's a surprisingly stabilizing presence for everybody. Ami and Hotaru both have standard hospital red-lined white masks along with their custom masks (Ami's is light blue with dolphin clasps on the side; Hotaru's is designed based on that optical illusion that's either a lamp or two people facing each other), because you need one for when the other is in the wash. Minako has become a Twitch game streamer and beauty YouTuber and is updating both CONSTANTLY, with YT guest star appearances by Michiru (who is always effortlessly and flawlessly beautiful) and Rei (who is using Minako to promote her own YouTube channel). Minako tried to get Usagi to be the camerawoman for her YT show but Usagi wanted to be the star too much, so now Minako as strong-armed Haruka into doing it. Haruka is bored out of her mind because she can't go out on drives, so she helps Minako out without complaint. Sometimes she even guest-stars on Minako's Twitch streams, depending on the game. Getting to film beautiful girls making themselves even hotter? Sure, she's into that. Minako's mask is glittery gold with red ribbons for cords; Rei's mask is black with flame decals on the sides; Haruka's is a solid black, tight and sporty; Michiru's is seemingly plain white, "coincidentally" complementing Haruka's, but is made of fine linen and silk. Rei meanwhile doesn't actually know what her channel is about and didn't give two shits about YouTube until Minako started doing it, but Minako is actually raking in a stupid amount of cash from doing this, so Rei figured, how hard could it be?? Right now she's somewhere in between doing her own beauty channel, doing paranormal investigations, cooking channel (she proudly presents instant meals as time- and money-saving masterpieces without an ounce of self-awareness. Haruka has had to hold Makoto back from suplexing her more than once), and a video review column where she tries things out and gives her opinions on them. She's *absolutely furious* that her channel is not as popular as Minako's. She's also strongarmed Haruka into being her camerawoman. Michiru allows this because watching Minako and Rei fight over their respective channels is the most amusement she's had all year. Ami asks Rei when she finds the time to study. Rei ignores her.  -- @ayu-ohseki  [I said spare no detail, AND YOU DID NOT. Thoughtful, considered, and a fun read start to finish, amazing.]
*  It is the best. Minako has a captive audience, Makoto has everyone to cook for, Rei has taken charge of how to Do Everything, Ami can hole up with her books and tutor Usagi, Usagi has all the time to play games and read comics. It is the worst. Minako has a captive audience and they want new stories faster than she can make them. Makoto has everyone to cook for and they eat so much all the time. Rei has taken charge of how to Do Everything but no one will listen. Ami can hole up with her books but that doesn't mean its quiet enough to read, and she can tutor Usagi but that doesn't mean Usagi is even making a small attempt at listening like in the group study sessions. Usagi has all the time to play video games and read comics, but no one will let her, especially Rei. -- @cakeandpi  [Loved the Dickensian Best of Times/Worst of Times structure, precisely the level of epic this clusterfuck needs.]
*  In the best of situations, it is difficult to find housing for nine people on short notice, and these are not the best of situations. Given that she had, from at least the age of four, been bound to the moon by a curse of blood, it should not have come as any grand opportunity to Michiru that the opportunity to recuse herself from larger society life would be immediately and aggressively offset by Haruka's invitation for the Senshi to come quarantine at the Kaioh beach cottage. 
One might assume that perhaps Usagi's parents, or Ami's mother, or Rei's grandfather, might have objected to their children being out of their sight in such a time, but that is to discount the general narrative inconvenience that seemed to pursue Michiru to the last. "Babe, there's like 6 bedrooms in the place," Haruka has said, quite missing the point entirely that Michiru had made it her goal to make use of everyone one of them. And so, here she was, where one might be sipping a glass of champagne on the veranda overlooking the sea, lover at her side, instead she was listening to the endless sniping between Rei and Usagi as they pattered about the house, there was no lover next to her, but only Ami with her endless piles of conspicuously books that Michiru felt quite certain had been selected for the view their covers provided others, Mako sending away the cook for what were noted to be COVID concerns but Michiru felt were more the concern of her longing for the spacious kitchen. Her mind preserved her enough not to speak of Minako, nor of the fact that the one she would have beside her was currently playing Mario Kart with such. Hotaru and Pluto were there, also. Michiru took another deep drink of the wine. With the volume she was consuming, she would have to switch to boxed wine. At this rate, she may qualify as hand santizer herself, which nearly stayed her hand. Usagi wailed loudly at Rei. Michiru took another drink. No Matter, she thought, for I will not die before my appointed time. The Moon will certainly see to that.  -- @docholligay  [You absolutely catered this to me and you know it, you whore. Hilarious AND beautifully written, I detest you.]
*  Usagi is thrilled to have all of her favorite people in one place. Mako will cook! Ami will read to them! Mina will write and Rei will direct plays for them all to perform! Haruka will make sure they stay fit! Michiru will teach them etiquette! Hotaru and Setsuna will also be there! Her favorite cats will be there to purr and offer guidance without actual knowledge and nagging! Yay! After a week, Usagi is still relentlessly happy. To be otherwise would be to admit that her friends are not perfect, perfectly suited for each other, and perfectly happy. She hasn't seen Haruka and Michiru at all in days; they commandeered the back bedroom with it's own bathroom and the others only know they're still in there by the noises *ahem*, by the food delivery people who keep coming to the door, and the empty food containers that appear in the hallway. Mina and Rei are not speaking to each other after the Hair Clip Incident. Ami is still diligently serving as a go-between, but Mako refused and will not give either of them any of her cooking, so Rei keeps making Hello Curry and leaving the kitchen a disaster, while Mina somehow keeps convincing Haruka and Michiru's uber eats drivers to give her stuff. There is only one litter box for the two cats, and that is not enough. And Artemis keeps leaving the seat up on the toilet. No one knows how, or why, but he does. Hotaru and Setsuna are also there. Worst (best?) of all, Usagi doesn't miss Mamoru at all, and hasn't actually noticed his absence. He's been missing for three days. -- @incorrecttact  [I ADORE the little touch of Usagi having to aggressively fake it because even she is struggling THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED. You made me bark laugh at the end. Glorious.]
*  Rei's Journal: It's day 8 under lockdown and I have somehow managed to retain my sanity. It has not been easy. By day 4 Minako and Makoto were at each other's throats because Minako tried to clip her toenails in the kitchen, due to Ami holing herself up in the bathroom. Makoto threatened to make Minako eat a toenail burrito, and by God I think Minako actually would eat it just to show Mako up. It has been a struggle to keep Usagi from eating all the food, and I fear she is contemplating the idea of eating Luna and/or Artemis. Ami is retreating further and further into her shell. She has solved every math problem in every math book she had at her disposal, and is now showing withdrawal symptoms. The walls of her room are covered in math equations. I am doing as best I can; my rations of "Here!" Quarantine snacks have been balanced to last me for at least the next week, but after that point I am not sure what happens. As a shrine maiden, I'm used to long periods of silence in my meditation. It's been difficult keeping my focus with Usagi and the others slowly losing their minds, but I am a survivor if nothing else. If I could survive D-Point, I can survive this... Wait I didn't survive D-Point FUCK.  -- @judedeluca  [Rei’s journal, yes, thank you for catering to me directly, I appreciate your service and killer ending.]
*  Everyone's locked into separate rooms by day 2, or make-shift rooms with blankets taped to the ceiling. By day 3, there's lines on the floor. Ami makes a timetable for when everyone can go to shared spaces like the kitchen or bathroom. Usagi is distressed that all of her friends can't get along, even as she has an existential crisis about not wanting to be around them herself. Rei is suddenly the mom friend, when Mako realizes that trying to help everyone leads to her stress-baking leads to her taking too much time in the kitchen leads to everyone more pissed off. Minako is alternately drunk off her ass and egging everyone on, or making notes for pressure cooker situations to add to training. Haruka gets more sullen than anyone's seen her, Michiru loses some of her polish as her nerves finally fray by the end of the week, and is cussing people out by day 9. Setsuna immediately regrets her decision not to hunker down at the time gate. Hotaru's glad to be included but so anxious she starts collecting the house's lamps in her area. Ami has to make a timetable for using those as well, so Hotaru doesn't call death to them all. Somehow, they survive. When things let up, they all promise not to speak of it again, at least not directly, and then immediately all take at least 3 days to be by themselves in their own spaces. -- @katrani  [Usagi’s existential crisis, yessss. Hotaru stress-hoarding lamps though, everything I never knew I wanted.]
*  Ordered in Michru's least loss to greatest, or conversely, Usagi's greatest loss to least: 1) they stay at Michiru's mansion. It's huge. It's spacious. Michiru disappears within minutes and isn't seen again until 14 days later. Pluto finds her easily enough for tea, Rei does so out of dogged determination, and Haruka doesn't have to try. Usagi does, but she gets lost easily and there are so many snacks everywhere, she gets distracted. what's that? A room filled with tvs? another with comics? Mako worries about her getting cavities and uses the greatest kitchen ever to cook things up. She almost never leaves there. Ami poisons the pool every time she leaves as part of the great Hatemace. Chibs and Hotaru get a chance to be kids and actually play. If the starlights are there, Seiya and Haruka have a dramatic face off. Mina makes sure to leave graffiti everywhere. Despite her best efforts, she can't find Michiru's weakness. Artemis and Luna take a vacation. 2) They stay at Usagi's, Minako's, or Ami's. They do not stay at Rei's because Grandpa is old and Rei has put the fear of god in anyone who dares come to the temple. The houses/apartments are small and cramped with just the five inners. With everyone else? Chaos. Artemis and Luna are glad they aren't affected and escape. Chibs conveniently stays in the covid-free future/"look, I already have teh vaccine! I don't have to stay here with you". Hotaru contemplates reincarnating again. Mako enjoys time with Usagi's mom, cooking together (no, she isn't crying, you're crying). Minako takes extremely long showers to piss Michiru off. Michiru is not sure how she got forced into this, she feels the hand of god in play and curses the writer internally. Pluto unravels the mystery of super!spy!Usagi's Dad but no one will ever know the answer to that. Ami escapes online and plays sims where they all have their own rooms, with Jet's help. Rei turns on the stove and pretends its the great fire to meditate. Haruka likes this long sleepover! She's never got to do one before! Usagi agrees and they plan horror movies and games and fast food. If the starlights are there, Seiya plans an even greater slumber party. Usagi helps both because more parties are always better. 3) They stay at Mako's two-room apartment. Chibs doesn't even step into the past, she's heard the horror stories from her aunts. Hotaru begins the sequence for the end of the world. Word of god or no word of god, Michiru refuses to go. When the narrative railroads her into it, she claims the balcony for herself, furnishes it, and locks the door so no one else can come. Pluto stays in the void, unreachable by all. Mako has never seen her apartment so filled and noisy and she's both elated and afraid for her plants. Her plants are terrified and tremble the entire time. Rei lives in the oven. Minako claims the bathroom--a toll is required for anyone else to enter. Ami puts all her brainpower to finding a cure to escape this hellhole. The bedroom is a nonstop competitive slumber party, and  Minako, Haruka, and Seiya have a song off. A toll is still required to enter the bathroom. Usagi breaks onto the balcony once to hug Michiru.  -- @kumeko  [I love the different branches, ALL THE SHENANIGANS]
*  (Putting Inners in college so Ami isn’t on call as a doctor) The good news is that the Outers’ ridiculously spacious mansion is, in fact, ridiculously spacious enough to accomodate eleven people (I’m certain Mamoru was not in your intentions, but it was agreed that Mamoru is a good quarantine podmate who will follow all necessary rules, and also Usagi would be insufferable if he’s not there and Mako points out that he lives alone and the social isolation would be killer) and three cats. Haruka’s happy to have Minako around all the time, and Pluto and Hotaru are thrilled to have Chibs. (Rei asked why Pluto and Chibiusa can’t just go back to their own times. Pluto gives a lengthy explanation about past and future virology that may or may not be total bullshit. No one really knows with her.) Ami is continuing her studies, as she does, and has a consistent schedule involving Study Hours and Socializing Hours. She does, however, make sure to swim in the Outers Mansion Pool every day at the same time Michiru customarily does. Neither of them says anything about this. Their rivalry continues. Michiru knows every nook, cranny, and secret passage there, and can easily avoid anyone who’s gotten stir-crazy should she so choose. Mako has taken command of the kitchen, and cannot be talked out of doing all the cooking. The food is delicious, nutritious, and is basically Quarantine Baking Times Twelve. Her skills are appreciated by all. Mamoru is likewise well-behaved, and mostly spends his time being quietly useful, spending time with Usagi, and listening to classical music with Michiru without otherwise interacting with her, making him the one man whose presence she will tolerate. The cats are well-behaved. They are the ones who are quarantining well. Minako, of course, is dying of boredom by the month and a half mark, and proceeds to take up a wide variety of hobbies, only to move on when they turn out way less fun than the video suggested. She annoys the others to show her how to bake tarts, or paint, or whatever it is Pluto does all day. Eventually she does find something she enjoys enough to stick with - wirework. While her preference is for jewelry, she does work with larger scale stuff just enough to present Mamoru with her masterpiece - Chicken Sculpture 2.0. (He seethes.) Rei, meanwhile, has also taken up new and exciting hobbies, but she will determinedly stick with each one until she has reached an arbitrary goal of Accomplishment. Even when she hates them, as is the case with birdwatching, Zumba, Mako’s attempts to refine her sense of taste, and trying to follow professional wrestling. She does take to cross-stitching once she discovers it’s basically stabbing something until it’s art. Felting, too. Between that and cleaning she’s a delight when she and Minako are not grating against each other. Which is frequently, with them both taking up all these new hobbies. (When assigning rooms, Michiru thought ahead. Rei’s and Usagi’s are next to each other, at the end of the hall. They bicker as much as ever but everyone else can get distance when really needed.) Usagi is happy to be somewhere with all her dearest friends, all the time! She is VERY BAD at waiting patiently until everyone else’s Productive Hours are over, be they online classes and homework or painting or quietly stealing Mamoru’s abstract mosquito coil shirt and throwing it through the Gate of Time and into a void where it will never again darken their sight. (Pluto isn’t a monster, and replaces it with a similar but less incomprehensible white T-shirt with a pattern. Mamoru assumes this was Minako’s doing.) Artemis assigns himself as resident Blonde Disaster Watcher, while Chibiusa - currently visiting as a roughly 14-year-old, matching Hotaru - smugly points out that she’s handling quarantine just fine. This prompts a round of furious research by the rest of the house as to whether or not cats can drink alcohol. Haruka’s practically run down a path around the Sprawling Kaioh Estate on which the mansion sits. How can she angst gaily without a mission? Sure obviously staying home and keeping safe is the most important thing and she will do her part, but that’s not nearly dramatic enough to hate herself for if she decides she’s quarantining inadequately! Michiru decides the best thing for this is to take her, Usagi, and Minako and sit them all down with empty scrapbooks. Usagi and Haruka emerge after the pandemic with eighteen volumes of Important Friendship Scrapbooks. There’s an adorable doodle of them high-fiving on the title page of each one. They designed it themselves. Despite this all, quarantine does actually pass without any of them killing each other, though Haruka and Michiru do strongly consider sending the others to Hikawa Shrine instead. Grandpa Hino can manage all this energy. No one except Chibiusa thinks to ask how Hotaru’s doing. They forgot to check her room.  -- Regalli  [I know legit sadness in my Senshi Heart that I cannot see Haruka and Usagi’s scrapbooks with my own eyeballs. Loved this whole thing, but fucking Hotaru at the end hahahah]
*  It's all a matter of perspective. Mako and Ami will keep themselves consistently busy with cooking/baking, plant caregiving, reading, eating sandwiches, etc. Mako will eventually cave, after like, day 6 and there are 3 dozen scones, they lost count of cookies, and they've got frozen meals for weeks. Rei keeps telling her to stop cooking because she stumbled into Mako's apartment with armfuls of Here! Curry! and convenience store meals. Usagi is sooooo boooooored all the time and that's a dangerous combo with Minako being soooooo booooooored all the time. The Rube-Goldberg machines, the destruction, the pranks. More about Rei sadly as I know you don't particularly care for her at all whatsoever: she is a rollercoaster. Every day is too different but it's also always the same. Usagi is eating too much of her food but nobody else is eating enough. It won't go bad this way, but Usagi STOP I GOT THAT KIND OF CHIPS FOR ME. She finds some peace with Michiru who herself trying to keep a grasp on her ~*ara*~ ness but won't admit that by day four has been wanting out. "The girls are sweet" she convinces herself as she listens to another screaming match between Usagi and Rei while Minako snapchats everything. Haruka lost it by the second day, she can't stand not doing anything and not being in motion. At first this was channeled into doing small workouts that Mako sometimes participated in from a distance, but those have stopped. How long have you been laying on her floor today, Haruka? You gonna get up and have something to eat today Haruka? Hotaru and Chibs keep themselves busy with games and movies (Chibs and Usagi fight over the TV), Setsuna plays sometimes but is just happy to watch and enjoy these moments of peace. Chib's pride is on the line because she is getting bored by day 5 but she will not be sooooooo booooooored like Usagi. Mamoru begins to bring them all takeout by day 10 and slips Michiru a bottle of wine when she comes down, she is grateful, the label brings a tear to her eye, he knows good wine. Luna and Artemis are there. They sure are cats, and they can come and go if they want. They are envied. At some point they are all laying in the living room together. They don't know how long, someone's playlist is playing in the background. They don't care. It's the longest anyone has gone without talking. It's the one of the few times they've truly felt connected with one another as a team. Minako then asks, "If I ate myself, would I become twice as big or cease to exist?" It was nice while it lasted.  -- @thatonemoonie  [Every detail is divine, but oh my god Minako’s question at the end, THANK YOU.]
*  Michiru does not have enough wine and the Moon will pay for what she has endured. -- the Lord of the Sea  [Summing it up in the perfect single sentence, brilliant.]
*  It's Usagi's idea, really. Quarantine procedures are announced and she can't help but imagine what it will be like for all her friends. Minako, stuck with family she doesn't get along with. Ami's mom under even more stress as an essential worker, probably avoiding her daughter to keep her safe from the virus. Makoto, completely alone! Rei, probably regressing from not seeing other people! This cannot stand. Usagi has visions of Mako making gigantic family style meals and keeping things scrupulously clean. Ami contentedly petting Luna and Artemis and keeping them all up to date on how things are progressing. Minako livening the mood by driving Rei insane. And all is right in Usagi's world. It IS like that... sometimes. Being stuck together 24/7 has its ups and downs, and there has never been a situation as prolonged as this one. There are tense moments, and fights over silly things like toilet paper and Usagi running up the phone bill by calling Mamoru so often. It's cramped. Ami tries to keep them up on their distance learning, and checks temperatures daily. They try some disastrous DIYS and recipes when supplies get low. Usagi and Rei have an emotional moment when one night, she tries to secretly use Moon Healing Escalation on the city. In the end, they come through stronger than ever, like always. Just with a lot more appreciation for distance and personal space.  -- @yunyin  [All incredible, but you absolutely fucking GOT ME with Rei catching Usagi trying to heal the city, DELICIOUS ANGST]
I’ll be drawing for the bonus liveblog around the start of THE GIFTENING 2020 (currently looking to be Monday, 11 January 2021). Each bonus question is another chance to earn an entry! I CAN ABSOLUTELY AND SHAMELESSLY BE BOUGHT.
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yukippe · 4 years
the ease you put me in
Tumblr media
[ID: A moodboard of six photos. There is gold text above and below the six photos. The text above reads, “korrasami net event 1 - formal.” Below that, in a larger font, it says “the ease you put me in.” The images are arranged by two images by three rows. each row contains a long, horizontal rectangular image and a shorter rectangle beside it. the opposite lengths alternate with each row. The first image, which is long, is of a mirror attached to makeup pallet and a tube of red lipstick. The second image is short, and of a chandelier reflected in a mirror. The third is short and a close up of the sides two faces pressed against each other, the face on the right has brown skin and the face on the left has pale skin. The fourth image is long and of three chandeliers made up of long dangling streams of light. The fifth image is long and blurry and is of someone in a fancy dress exploring a room. The sixth image is short and is of sparkling wine glasses. The golden text beneath the images says, “rey | ao3 - svnflowerz”. End ID]
for @korrasaminet​ event 1: formal | ao3 , 2.2k
korra is perched on the bench next to the vanity, her arms around her knees and her hair half done. her eyes are only on asami, sitting with her back against the bench and her legs crossed, a makeup pallet in her hand. asami carefully applies eyeshadow and the radio murmurs quietly in the background. neither of them are listening, asami focused on making herself up and korra focused on asami. 
asami finishes with her eyeshadow and lifts the pallet above her head. korra neatly plucks it out of her hands and places it on the messy vanity, selecting eyeliner, a hand mirror. a much larger mirror with necklaces hanging off, and ribbons tied to notches and pictures carefully tucked into the lining is attached to the vanity. it goes neglected, but still reflects the smile on korra’s face as she holds up a hand mirror in front of asami’s face while asami applies neat black lines with the help of a pocket knife. 
the lights catch the sparkle in asami’s eyes reflected in the hand mirror as asami caps her eyeliner. asami winks into the mirror and rests her head back on the bench, her eyes catching korra’s. they smile at each other, their faces full of warmth. korra takes the eyeliner and puts it and the hand mirror back on the vanity, then she moves around so there is room next to her on the bench. asami stands up, stretching her arms out as she moves, her long lines gliding together until she’s slipping into the seat next to korra. 
the two lean in together, seamlessly. their lips meet in the middle in a clearly well practiced movement. they are both smiling into the kiss, and korra’s grin turns slantwise as they separate. korra lifts a red tube into the air and waves it back and forth, her bangs falling in her face when she winks at asami. a light, quiet giggle falls out as asami drops her mouth open when korra uncaps the lipstick. 
korra swats at asami’s leg lightly, “shh,” she says. “i don’t want to make a mess of this, sweetheart.” korra’s eyes are wide open as she neatly slides the lipstick across asami’s lips. the red pops against asami’s skin. korra lifts her thumb up to the corner of asami’s mouth to wipe away a slight smudge. asami smiles into the contact and korra moves forward to peck asami’s lips, again. when she moves back there’s the slightest trace of red on korra’s mouth. 
asami giggles and points to the mirror, korra makes a funny face and asami slumps into korra laughing. korra shrugs her off, smiling fondly. asami smiles back and stands up and offers a hand to korra. korra takes it and lets asami pull her up onto her feet. their arms slide around each other and their heads meet together. korra brushes their noses together once, twice, before turning around. asami plucks a necklace off the vanity and unclaspes it before, carefully, painstakingly, lifting it over korra’s head and letting it collapse gently onto korra’s collarbone. she closes the clasp and tilts her head down  to press a kiss onto korra’s shoulder. korra turns her head and they smile easily at each other. 
“your turn,” asami says. korra nods and sits back in the bench, asami takes a brush off the vanity and walks around the bench and finishes korra’s hair. they distract each other in the mirror, neither caring about the clock ticking or how late they will be. when asami finishes korra leaps off the bench and they walk down the steps of their home, hands swinging between them. they slip into their shoes and asami helps korra into her coat before korra does the same for her. asami pulls the umbrella out of the stand and korra makes sure everything they need is in the clutch. they nod to each other before slipping out of the door, one after the other.
the party is long underway, a band playing and lights twinkling, loud laughter and chatter spills out of the hall, and with it two girls tripping over their heels holding hands. 
korra pushes back a strand of asami’s hair and asami catches korras wrist to press a kiss on the inside of it. the hallway they stand in is quiet, the lights dimmer. “hey,” asami whispers, not wanting to break the hush they’ve settled into. “do you want to explore while no one’s looking for you?”
korra raises an eyebrow at her, smiling, and says just as quiet, “everyone’s going to be looking for you  when they realize we’re missing, miss ceo of future industries.” asami makes a face at her and korra reaches up to kiss it away. “but sure,” korra says as she pulls away. “let’s explore.” 
asami lifts her hand from korra’s wrist to intwine their fingers together, she squeezes korra’s hand once before letting their hands fall down in between them. their eyes catch and asami tugs korra along through the dusty unlit halls and rooms. they pass by too fancy bathrooms and vases with fake flowers and real wilted flowers and real fresh flowers. 
a window, with the last wisp of sun, sparkles and catches korra’s eye. korra pauses for a moment in front of it. asami looks between the window and korra and tugs them forward. the window shows the side garden. a gentle fountain spills over and asami squints to try to get a better look at the pattern on the fountain and the flowers around it. “hm, do you think you could bend the water from here?” asami asks korra. 
korra’s smile slants to the side, her eyes lighting up at the challenge. “hell, yeah.” asami giggles, smiling at her girlfriends well earned confidence. asami crosses her arms and raises and eyebrow expectantly. korra nods, once, and steps back, slipping into waterbending stance.
her face is focused, but calm as her eyes fall shut and her arms start to flow. asami turns her gaze back down to the fountain. the water is swirling up into a heart, and it startles a laugh out of asami. she watches the fountain until the stream of water gracefully falls back into the tiled basin. asami turns her head back to see korra wrap her arms around asami, korra’s chin settling on asami’s shoulder. “i love you too, babe,” asami says, her voice soft and warm. 
then, the loud cry of “hey!!” interrupts. korra and asami sigh into each other at the noise, separating slowly as bolin and opal run up to them.
“guys,” bolin says, very seriously. “you’ve had your turn to run around and explore, we distracted everyone and know it’s your turn to mingle so opal and i can figure out if this place is really haunted.”
asami and korra exchange a look, asami lifting her eyebrows and korra shrugs. “okay,” korra says. “just don’t break anything.”
“of course not!” bolin assures them. 
opal nods reassuringly, “don’t worry, if pabu gets out and breaks anything we’re blaming it on bolin.” bolin mock gasps at her and korra and asami giggle and let the two drift into another hallway, teasing each other fondly. 
the band has been playing for hours and korra has been trying to convince asami to dance with her for almost as long. “c’mon,” korra asks, tugging on asami’s hand to no avail. “please, asami?”
asami turns her head as if she’s heard nothing and neatly plucks a champagne glass off of a tray passing by. korra sighs and takes the glass offered and lifts it up to clink it against asami’s. the many glittery lights reflecting against the rims of their drinks. Asami holds it up to the light, curious at the colours reflecting onto the glass. 
“asami! c’mon, i have mako on the watch so no one will try and cut in or anything.” korra slips an arm around asami’s waist and catches her eyes. korra’s pouting slightly and asami sighs and downs her glass. 
“okay,” asami says letting a slight smile settle. “one dance,” she insists, though they both know they won’t leave the dance floor for hours now. korra nods and they leave their glasses and wander over to the dancing couples. the music switches, as if one cue, to a slower, gentle song. asami smiles and kisses korra’s cheek as their arms settle familiarly around each other. their heads both tilt forward so that their foreheads rest against each other in the middle. 
some couples around them like bolin and opal and jinora and kai know the latest dance moves and korra and asami smile to each other as they sneak glances of jinora and kai using their bending to do almost impossible lifts, or tenzin who always seems to hover over the steps he and pema take. korra moves to rest her head in the crook of asami’s neck when ikki and kya’s very dramatic and loud duet catches her eyes. 
“uh, asami, are you seeing that too?” asami turns to where korra’s gaze points and has to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing. it is difficult to tell if kya and ikki are in a bending duel or dancing. korra lets her head fall into asami’s neck, but this time she is attempting to stifle her laughter. 
the music raises in volume, as if to try to cover up the mess of kya and ikki’s aunt and niece routine, and korra and asami let the rhythm of the music sink into their movements. asami twirls korra under the sparkling lights and korra, giggling she settles back into asami’s arms, makes sure to dip asami as the song comes to an end. 
it’s past midnight when they manage to slip away. their feet are swollen from dancing, and they’ve both had to clean off lipstick stains in the bathroom. they say their goodbyes to their friends and step out the front door to see rain rushing down. asami taps their umbrella twice against the ground before lifting it up. 
“you know,” korra says as their heels make quiet splashes in the puddles forming beneath their feet. “i could just bend us a moving roof.” 
asami hms, “sure. but you also look like you’re about to fall asleep.” korra doesn’t say anything to refute that, her head already resting against asami’s side, her eyes fluttering shut. the pitter patter of the rain sounds almost like a lullaby, the world dark and quiet around them besides the gentle ball of fire korra holds out between them every time they step between patches of light from street lamps and apartment windows. 
“i love you,” korra murmurs as they stumble slightly, walking too close to one another, but not wanting to move apart. 
“i love you too,” asami says, smiling at her girlfriend. the rain still falls, and home isn’t far away now. 
korra lies back on the bed, her feet up in the air as she moves her legs back and forth, watching the stars she and asami painted onto the ceiling when they moved in. the smell of rose petals from their bath clings to her skin and she waits patiently for asami to finish in the bathroom.
finally, asami steps out to see korra sprawled across the fluffy blankets, holding a heart shaped furry pillow to her chest. “hi sweetheart,” korra says, her legs falling back onto the bed as she sits up at the sight of asami. 
“i thought you would be asleep by now,” asami notes as she collapses onto the bed next to korra, stealing the heart pillow away. “you were half asleep on the walk. 
korra falls back onto the bed and they shift so they’re both lying on their sides and smiling at each other, still on top of the covers. too lazy too move anymore at the moment. “oh,” korra says. “well i have one more thing on my to do list before we go to sleep.”
asami giggles and leans forward, kissing korra softly and quickly, “is that good?”
korra smiles warmly, “that was pretty great, but it’s something else.”
“oh?” asami asks, an eyebrow quirking up. 
“yeah,” korra says. she sits up and turns around and asami props herself up on one arm, curious. korra turns back with a pastry from the party between her fingers and a smirk on her face. “i saved you a treat, babe.”
asami snorts and sits up one hand out expectantly. korra breaks it apart and they both sigh, but do nothing, at the crumbs that fall onto the bed spread. they bite into the pastry at the same time. it’s fluffy and sweet, some sort of berry in it. asami wipes her hands off on korra’s pajama pants and korra swats away her hands. the only light left in the room is the lamp next to korra and as they slowly shift to move under the blankets, korra turns it off. darkness settles over them so neither can see the others smile, but they can both feel it as they sneak one last goodnight kiss before sleep takes them. 
a thump sounds at the edge of the bed and korra and asami groan into each other good naturedly as naga curls up at their feet. “goodnight naga,” asami calls, quietly, receiving a gentle bark in return. 
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ourimpavidheroine · 4 years
Valentine’s Day, you say?
In honor of the day, let me tell you a little something about your favorite matches on this most romantic of ceremonies.
Mako is the least romantic person you can think of. However, he is not a stupid man and so when it’s time to make a romantic gesture he asks his brother, gets several extremely enthusiastic ideas from him, and then picks one for Wu, who always immediately loves it. Later this will also apply to Qi, although in Qi’s case he asks Asami, who will help him pick out appropriate material things, which is what Qi wants. As in, Wu gets a special dinner at Kwongs where the private dining room has been decorated with a thousand roses and Qi gets a gorgeous, custom-made pair of cherry red catgator boots with platinum and emerald buckles. Mako gets the peace of mind of knowing that no one will be passively aggressively pissy with him for forgetting Valentine’s Day (Wu) or give him the cold shoulder over it (Qi). Mako is perfectly content with this. Why is Mako the one expected to do all the Valentining? That’s just how that thruple works.
Wing is, without any doubt, the most diehard romantic of all my characters. (Ping running a hot second.) He’s 100% a giver and 0% a taker. He buys Nuo all kinds of hair ornaments to show his love. He also sings for her. He brings her flowers from his garden, special cups of tea, gives shoulder and feet massages, draws her after work bubble baths with champagne and goodies, etc. On Valentine’s Day he will pull out all the stops, take her away for the night to a luxury resort for couples massages and a private dinner and mindblowing sex. Nuo does not have a single ounce of romanticism in her but she will never stop loving all that Wing does for her; he makes her feel beautiful and appreciated, and she is sure to tell him so. She absolutely acknowledges all the wonderful things he does for her. She also shows her appreciation for by making his beloved city the best in the world, which Wing understands and is also grateful for. Not to mention, she’s very enthusiastic about the mindblowing sex part. The two of them mesh perfectly this way.
Bolin and Opal are each other’s best friends as well as romantic partners and as such do more along the idea of homemade stuff for each other. Bolin will painstakingly write her a poem, which will suck, but Opal does not give a damn about that, she will treasure it. She will knit him a pair of rainbow striped socks which he will wear everywhere and proudly show off, telling everyone his wife made them. Bolin and Opal are the kind of people who will hold hands as they walk until they die. Their love for each other is constant and unquestioned. They will go out for a nice dinner on Valentine’s Day, sure, but for them it isn’t such a big deal as they are romantic all the time.
Baatar Jr is a dumbass who is completely uncomfortable and awkward about anything romantic and either a)pretends it isn’t happening or b)panics at the last second and does something completely and wholly unromantic, like give Ikki the universe equivalent of the last cheapass bouquet of half-dead drooping ugly yellow grocery store bought carnations in plastic wrap*. Huan, on the other hand, will create something for her; a painting, a sculpture, something along those lines, but always something he thinks she will like as opposed to pleasing himself (which is how he operates most of the time, not out of selfishness but just because he doesn’t really understand what other people want most of the time). This always makes Baatar feel worse and then he starts to shame spiral which Ikki has to deal with, which makes her want to airbend his ass into next month. It’s a whole-ass mess and it takes a few years before Baatar really understands that what Ikki wants from him is just a simple acknowledgement that he loves her. She doesn’t give a damn about materialistic things and never has. He’s not very good at expressing his devotion, either, but he will work very hard for her and she knows that him telling her that he revamped the toilets so that they will flush properly means I love you in Baatar-speak. Ikki’s way of being romantic absolutely leans more to the whole mindblowing sex thing and so she’d make sure to pull that apricot silk dress out of mothballs for Baatar every Valentine’s Day, which works out for the both of them. A simple I love you is more than enough for Huan, who never stops being happy his Little Bird loves him as much as he loves her.
Wei never gave a shit about Valentine’s Day until Sitiak. Suddenly, he’s now the recipient of every single stereotypical Valentine Day trope: full out huge boxes of extraordinarily fancy chocolates, the best champagne, food made of every known aphrodisiac out there, brand new silk pajamas, and even a matching little cute silk bow for Blossom and her descendants. He is pampered and petted and cossetted and made a big deal of, something he never knew he wanted or needed before Sitiak showed up. In return, he lets Sitiak do whatever he wants to him on Valentine’s Day and that’s a smut fic I haven’t written yet.
Lin and LoLo aren’t really a romantic type of couple, so they just skip over all that Valentine’s nonsense and go straight for the hot sex part.
Su and Baatar always have a lovely romantic evening; they listen to the songs they loved when they first got together, dance with each other cheek to cheek, reminisce about all the romantic moments they’ve had before, drink a lovely bottle or two of wine before going to bed. Their Valentine’s Day is always very private; they don’t want anyone else around, just the two of them.
*Yes this is based on a personal memory, why do you ask?
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
Random ask of the day: What song/songs do you associate with Jatp ship(s) or character(s)?
Ooohhh this is fun! These aren't all the songs I associate, but definitely some highlights
Love Me Dead - Ludo
Hellbent - Mystery Skulls
The Handler - Muse
Empty Apartment - Yellowcard
Champagne Supernova - Oasis
Home - Parlor Hawk
Far Far - Yael Naïm
Brown-Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Bonita - Alvaro Soler
Belief - Gavin DeGraw
Temple - Cody Simpson
Baby You're A Haunted House - Gerard Way
Pluto - Sleeping At Last
Again - Mako
Family and Genus - Shakey Graves
In Your Light - Gotye
Golden - Harry Styles
You'll Find Someone To Fart With - Tom Rosenthal
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
All I Wanna Be (Is By Your Side) - Peter Frampton
I want more for Luke and Reggie gaahhh
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rune-writes · 4 years
Preparing for the Year-End Party
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Shinra Holiday 2020  » Day 3: Ghosts of Christmas Past & Day 5: Office Holiday Party
Word count: 1328
Rating: G
Summary: The year is 0006, and the Shinra Company is preparing for a grand end-of-the-year party. As Kunsel sees to how the preparation is going, he remembers of a time, four years ago, when he and Zack helped set up the tree decorations.
Note: This was supposed to be a piece for the Shinra Holiday 2020 event, but alas I did not have the time to finish it. Anyway, here’s my first try writing from Kunsel’s POV. I do love this information genius boy. Hope you enjoy :)
Read on AO3.
The Company would hold a grand party in a day. Those types of parties attended by all the high-tier socialites: celebrities and conglomerates, army generals and world leaders. Everything would be decorated in gold—from golden lighting to golden wreaths, a golden fountain at the center where they would serve endless amounts of cocktail or wine or whatever rich-people liquor they would have.
Kunsel hated these parties. He’d like it better if they let him skip, but of course they wouldn’t. After the stunt he’d pulled a few years ago when he’d left in search of Zack, the leash they had around his neck had tightened, and now, a kid followed him day in and day out. 
The kid—seventeen-year-old and a Second-Class—stood a little ways away, his head secured within his metal helm. His arms were behind his back as he watched the preparations for the party with utmost intensity. Whether they’d tasked him to keep watch or the kid was simply fascinated with all the light and glitter, Kunsel didn’t know, nor did he care to find out. He’d had come to Kunsel just days after his punishment, saying Kunsel inspired him to become the best SOLDIER there ever was, declaring he was a fan, that he’d absorb anything Kunsel could teach him—it had been four years, and Kunsel never bought the lie.
“Careful with the star!”
In one corner of the three-story ballroom was a massive twenty-foot tall tree. Men stood on ladders and erected beams, decorating it in gold wreaths and ornaments, silver snowflakes and crystal balls. The little lights draped around the branches glow bright yellow and red, blue and green. On those beams, the men were reaching toward the treetop to place the massive star on their hands. They hollered “Okay!” and “Don’t worry!” and for a split moment, Kunsel was in a different time, underneath a different tree, looking up at a different figure on the beams reaching forward with the star, shouting, Careful, Zack!
Zack had glanced down the twenty-foot height, his lips spreading wide into an ear-to-ear grin. “You worry too much!” he’d said, and maybe Kunsel had, he didn’t remember. The man who had been supposed to place the star had stumbled, and the star had fallen out of his grasp—right into Zack’s clutch, just as his friend had been passing beneath the beams. The man had bowed and apologized, but Zack had only laughed it off, then offered to help. Before anyone could say anything, he’d climbed the ladder with the star held to his chest. 
He hadn’t had to make a back flip. He hadn’t had to show off how nimble he was. “I wanted to make them laugh,” he’d later said. He’d successfully placed the star, then watched with everyone else as it shone bright white after they turned on the lights. “It’s the holidays and they’re stuck here prepping for tomorrow’s party.”
“They could at least let us go home for the holidays,” Kunsel said. “But no, of course we gotta go to the party.”
“At least the food’s good.” Kunsel had to agree. “You’re coming tomorrow, right?” They had been heading back to their quarters. Kunsel spared his friend a glance, then nodded. “Good, I was afraid you’d skip and leave me alone in that den of monsters.”
His laugh had been a reflex—a soft tremble that shook his shoulders. Zack was right, but—
“They’re people, Zack.”
“Repulsive people. Those fake smiles.” Zack forced an exaggerated shudder down his spine. “I’d rather take on a horde of monsters.”
A glint in those blue, Mako-rimmed eyes as Zack met his gaze, the conspiratorial smirk—Kunsel couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath. They could do that. Missions waited for no one. If they accepted, not even the President could force them to attend the party. It could be their celebration of Zack’s First-Class promotion, though Zack had been a First-Class for over half a year, and they’d gone out for drinks multiple times to celebrate too.
An inkling of a plan was forming at the back of his mind—on what types of missions they should take, ones that would require a First-Class SOLDIER so no one could refute their absence from the party—when Zack said, “I still have to attend, though.” Kunsel’s eyes flitted to his friend—at the resigned smile on his profile that he quickly covered with a grin. “Sephiroth told me to. We’re the only First-Class SOLDIERs now. I can’t bail.”
People said Zack Fair was like a puppy—a bundle of excessive energy bounding here and there in search of the next stimulating experience. And maybe he was, with that knack of turning even the gloomiest situations into a bright and hopeful one. But if they knew where to look, they’d find the cracks in the bright grin, and they’d know that Zack was only trying his best.
“Hey, I’ll be there,” Kunsel said, his gaze shifting back to the sleek corridors of the SOLDIER quarters. “It won’t be that bad.”
And there it was. The slight pause, the surprised blink, then the crinkle in his eyes. That was the true smile that came from Zack’s heart. Then again, a mandatory year-end party was the least gloomy situation they could ever find themselves in.
The quiet call drew his attention to his left. Tseng was approaching from the double-door entrance, always dressed in that impeccable black suit. Always cool, always composed, Kunsel could never understand the no-nonsense leader of the Turks. Zack had trusted him enough to ask him to protect Aerith, yet when Kunsel had gone to him the moment news of Zack’s disappearance spread, Tseng had kept his silence. 
The Turks’ leader joined his side, and, in a voice low enough that only he could hear, said, “Don’t think about wrecking this place.” Not even a twitch of a brow or a flash of emotion crossed those cold brown eyes. A soft, derisive scoff escaped him, his gaze shifting back to the men at the tree. The star was already sparkling bright on the treetop. 
“It’s been four years. What do you take me for?”
“A mad horse, one who’d go out of control once I take my eyes off him.” The response was so quick, he would have thought Tseng had prepared it beforehand. Kunsel broke into a small, crooked smile. “Just be a good boy and don’t give us reasons to take measures against you.”
“And what constitutes being a good boy?”
“Attend the party.” 
Of course. He could’ve answered that himself. Kunsel fought to keep his poker face as his fingers twitched behind his back. Champagnes poured on clinking glasses and high-end food served on ornate china plates—no one person should be able to enjoy that luxury when, just beneath the plate, people were struggling to bring food to the table. The lilting laughter suffocated him, the masked smiles nauseating. He’d rather wreck the repulsive party and have disciplinary actions taken against him. 
I was afraid you’d skip and leave me alone in that den of monsters.
Kunsel exhaled a quiet sigh. If he’d known that was the last of the holidays he would spend with Zack, he might have pushed for them to skip the party and go monster hunting. But Fate had called him to Nibelheim the following summer, and now his friend was missing, and Kunsel would bet on his life that Shinra had something to do with it. The only person he knew who could help him remained silent, and Kunsel had to follow his orders if he wanted to stay alive, at least long enough, until he found Zack. 
A gentle squeeze to his shoulder grounded him to the present. Tseng’s voice was soft when he spoke:
“You’ve held it in this long. Hold it in longer.”
The hold remained for one second longer. He released it, then turned away. Kunsel didn’t look behind his back as Tseng disappeared behind the large double doors. 
~ END ~
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kaidans-alenko · 4 years
First lines
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
Tagged by the lovely @alyssalenko thank you! <333
tagging @crqstalite @citadelsushi @flaine1996 and whoever else wants to play <3
1. Citadel Noire 
Kaidan splashed cold water on his face in an attempt to wake himself up, that brief two hour nap was the most sleep he's gotten lately and he wasn't the only one.
2. Evermore
“What are you up to?” Kaidan asked Lily as he walked into the living room, fixing his tie.
3. Bulletproof
“Kaidan!” Garrus shouted as he pushed him out of the way and two gunshots rang through the room, blue blood splattering onto the metal floor.
4. Height difference 
Lily kicked Kaidan hard in the shin “Ow, Lily what the-?” she grabbed the front of the shirt, crashing their lips together as he doubled over, the pain in his leg going away almost instantly at the feeling of her soft lips against his.
5. Ticklish
The smell of pancakes traveled from the kitchen to the small bedroom Lily was still asleep in.
6. Paper airplanes
Joker wandered into the crew deck, the Normandy was going to be docked at the Citadel for a bit, which was perfect because he needed a coffee break.
7. Enchanted
Kaidan waited outside the ballroom for Lily, he hated things like this, the ball was for a good cause of course, that wasn’t his issue it was the noise and camera flashes, he had never done well with crowds, a side effect of his implant and the possibility of a migraine had him a little uneasy
8. Chocolate kisses 
"Aughhh!" Lily yelled, resulting in a very alarmed Aiden dashing into their kitchen.
9. Melancholy requiem 
Lily sat on the bed as she watched Kaidan pack for the day or two he'd be gone "They're sending you to a place called Silent Hill?" She asked as she tossed the tourist brochure to the side "It sounds like the name of a horror video game."
10. Consequence of desire
"This Alliance, does every human have to join?" Lily asked as she dipped her toe into the cold water of the lake. Well, it wasn't cold to her but she had never been to a lake before and wanted to know what it was like.
11. Champagne problems
Azalea didn't have a family, said so right in her file, no next of kin, emergency contact anything.
12. One that got away
Rahna's eyes remained fixated on the man she spotted at the end of the bar top, sipping whiskey as he waited for someone.
13. Holly jolly Christmas
"Tell me again why we waited until the last minute?" Kaidan asked as he slumped against the steering wheel while they sat in traffic.
14. Crush
Garrus watched Kaidan as he worked under the Mako, he had ditched his shirt, because he was hot or because he didn't want to get it dirty he wasn't sure but it gave Garrus perfect view of his rippling muscles and toned abs.
15. Winter wonderland
Kaidan and Garrus sat cuddled up in front of the living room fireplace, an old Christmas vid playing on the screen in front of them.
16. Deck the halls 
Kaidan sighed, silently resigning himself to his fate.
17. Under the mistletoe 
"Hey Kaidan?" Garrus asked as he and Kaidan helped Buttercup decorate her apartment for Christmas.
18. Back to december
"LT what's wrong?" Ashley asked as she watched him unwrap yet another miniature candy cane.
19. Paper rings
Buttercup sat in the living room of her grandparents house, watching as her aunts chatted Jacob up, she had stepped away for a minute to get more eggnog and came back to find them circling Jacob like vultures.
20. White christmas 
Lily stared out the window, despite it almost being Christmas there wasn't a snowflake in sight and frankly she was pretty disappointed "Hey Kaidan?"
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saharamae21 · 4 years
Never Ran Smooth (Part 15)
Hey guys! Sorry about not posting yesterday! My parents (and puppy) surprised me with a visit! Heres Part 15 of Never Ran Smooth! It’s a bit emotional! 
Truth, reason and love keep little company together nowadays
The problem with me is that I didn’t know how to control my emotions. When I saw Barry, I was filled with a fit of rage. He had already made my life so miserable by dealing to my dad and now this? I saw red while I drove to his house.
Upon entering, John B instantly made me aware of everything I was doing wrong. None of that mattered though. He didn’t realize the pain I went through from this guy. He didn’t realize that this was so much bigger than just what had happened. If it weren’t for that piece of shit, maybe my dad would be different.
I took what I wanted and walked out. Savannah ran right up to me as I apologized for the detour and told everyone they would compensate for the shit we went though. John had some choice words for me as he grabbed the bag with the stolen money in it. To him, the only thing that mattered was finding the treasure. I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the van, earning a gasp from Savannah. I pushed the thought of disappointing her from my mind as I continued what I was doing. I grabbed the bag back and got into the van, waiting for everyone else. They all just stared in silence at me. Then I looked at Sav. She stared at me like she didn’t know who I was. I got out of the van and listened to John, Pope, and Kie tell me they were sick of me. They were sick of everything that I did, even if it was for them. Everything I did was for them, they were all I had and even they were treating me like this. I was in the middle of telling Pope to pay me back. I was in the middle of something so unreasonable, that even I knew I was wrong. My emotions were too high to care though. Then Savannah’s voice rang out.
“JJ!” She yelled, desperation filled her voice. “You don’t owe any money, I handled it. It’s done! Stop treating your friends like this!”
That’s when I knew it wasn’t going to work. She would constantly be disappointed in me if we continued. She already felt as if she had to take care of all of my mistakes and that killed me. The fact that she thought she had to take care of the $30,000 made me so upset that I just explored.
The whole argument felt like a blur as I walked away. I knew I had just completely ripped her apart from the inside out, but I still couldn’t swallow my pride. Then when I got to the edge of town, my mind replayed the look on her face. God, JJ! How could you say that to her? You love her so much. I ran both hands through my greasy hair and threw my bag against the ground with all my power. Her heartbroken face never left my mind once.
“And because you treat me this way, I will never love you.”
Out of all the things I could’ve said in that moment, I picked the only one that I couldn’t redeem myself from. All of a sudden, the money didn’t matter anymore. The gold, the money, the treasure, none of it matter if she wasn’t by my side. I went home, not wanting to run into any of the Pogues. I couldn’t hear about how I messed up because I already knew and it was eating me alive. I pushed through the door at my house and onto the front pouch to see my father. He was working on something and didn’t even acknowledge me at first.
“I've been staying at John B's,” I muttered, looking at him.
“I didn't ask you where you were stayin'. I don't care,” he said, barely looking up. He stood up to grab something. “I knew you’d get hungry.”
“That's not why I came back, Dad,” I said with a sigh. He sat back down and I looked at him. “I got the money.”
“Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it,” he said, continuing his work. I threw the money down on the table and watched him stare at it. Finally, he grabbed the bag and opened it up.
“It’s all there. 25k,” I said and for the first time in years, he smiled. He even chuckled a little bit.
“I don't know how you got this. I-I don't even wanna know,” he said pointed at me with a proud look in his eyes. “You did it. I'll grant you that. You did it. There's beer in the cooler.”
For the first time in years I felt happy with him. He praised me and looked so happy staring at that money, but it was short lived. I walked over to the cooler with a smile on my face.
“I think that sale's still on at Guffy's of Makos,” he said, hitting the money on the table and standing up. I felt my stomach sink when I realized what he was going to do next. “They're practically givin' 'em away.”
He grabbed the newspaper ad and pointed at it, shaking the money.
“That's for the restitution,” I said. He wasn’t listening though, he was too focused on whatever was on that ad. I tried to demand his attention. “Dad. Can you please just do the right thing for once, okay?”
“You know how much you cost me, you little shit?” he asked, returning to the father I knew. The one who only cares about himself. He put the money in a water jug and screwed the cap on tight. “This nut? It ain't going to the cops. No. I'm gonna triple it-”
“Dad!” I yelled. “We have to pay Savannah back.”
My heart ached. Would she even take the money after everything I said to her? After everything I did, it would probably seem like I was doing this so I didn’t owe her anything. My heart ached at the thought.
“You got somethin' to say? After everything you done? You wanna get into it?” he asked, grabbing onto my shirt. “I didn't think so. Man, people keep wastin' my time. I gotta fix this motor.”
I could feel every emotion eating away at me. I left my friends for this. I hurt Savannah. I ruined everything to do what I thought was right, but still it wasn’t. I stole a glance at the water jug and then back at my father. I could still try to make this right. I ran forward and grabbed onto the bottle, as my dad stood up. I tried to make a break for it, but he shoved me against the house. I let out a groan as I made contact. I felt his fist collide with my left side, then my left cheekbone. I plummeted to the ground, blood dripping out of my mouth.
“Boy, you stay down there,” he said, but I didn’t listen. I got up and leaned my whole body into my punch. I hit him hard in the face, only to have the favor returned to me seconds later. He pinned me on the ground, hands wrapped around my throat. I pushed against his face, trying desperately to get him off of me. I felt my body begging for air. I kneed him hard in the side, knocking him off and got up trying once again to make a break for it, but he grabbed my foot causing me to trip. I felt his boot collide with my side and his hand grab a fistfull of my hair, pulling me back up. He pinned me against the wall, landing a few more punches against my face. Finally I got an opportunity to hit back, knocking both of us through the screen on the deck. I grabbed onto him and flipped him over.
“You gave me nothing! You gave me nothing but a shitty life! All you ever did was try and scare me! Well, guess what, Dad? ” I screamed, breaking down as I hit back. I could feel tears streaming down my face as I pinned him down. I grabbed a wrench and held it ready to hit him, but I couldn’t. I sobbed and tried to find it in me to do it, but it wasn’t there. I dropped it next to him and began to get up. “I ain't scared of you anymore.”
I got up and left him there, grabbing the money on the way out.
After walking into town, I sat there with the money and tried to wrap my brain around what to do with it. I found myself pacing back and forth outside Savannah’s hotel and trying to find the courage to go in. I looked horrible and had blood dried all over me, how could I face her like this. I built up all my courage and walked in. I was greeted by a front desk worker who looked horrified to see me. I asked softly if Savannah was here and she said no. I turned to leave, but Mr. Stryker blocked my way. I looked up at his face and he looked down disapprovingly.
“JJ,” he said. “I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t spend time with my daughter anymore.” “I-I came to pay Savannah back,” I managed to speak somewhat clearly as I held the jug up. Her dad stared at me and shook his head.
“I don’t even want to know where you got that, but don’t,” he said. “She didn’t pay your restitution. I did as a way to keep you away from her. Don’t pay me back, just stay away from my daughter.”
His words were cold and harsh. His tone had no emotion in it. He just walked away after that. Savannah didn’t do anything and I snapped at her. I ruined everything and now I had 25k and it didn’t even matter. I stood there dumbfounded and miserable.
The rest of the day came and went. I finally decided I wanted to spend the money on something my friends and I could enjoy together. Something to say I’m sorry for everything I’ve done. Something to show them they were everything to me. I got everything ready and waited. Finally, I heard a car pull up.
“What the hell?” I heard Pope say. I could hear the car doors closing and Kie and Pope walking over. I couldn’t wait to see their faces when they saw what I bought for us. I popped the cork of the champagne as they entered my view. “What did you do, JJ?”
“I got a jet going straight in my butt right now,” I said with a laugh. I tried to be my normal JJ self. “Y'all should get in immediately, you hear me?”
“How much did this cost?” Pope asked with a concerned look.
“Uh…” I started, unsure if I should be honest with them. “Well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, express delivery…” I paused to laugh a little. “Pretty much all of it, yeah.
“All of it?” Pope asked, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“Yeah, all of it.”
“You spent all the money in one day?”
“Yeah, burned a hole right through my pocket,”I said. “But, I mean, like, come on, guys, like, look at this! Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me.” I paused. “Kie, what?  Can't a man have a little luxury in life? Come on, all this scrimpin' and scrapin'... I mean, like... guys, we--  You only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat's Ass. Come on.”
“In the what?” Kie asked.
“In the Cat's Ass. That's what I named her. Oh, hey, yo, I almost forgot.” I said. I clicked the switch and a disco ball swirled above me. I felt the jets intensify like a glorious fountain. “Huh? Yeah, that's right, I know. Disco mode. That's right, baby!”
“Are you kidding me?” Pope said. “You could have paid Savannah back for restitution!”
“Or literally given it to any charity!” Kie added.
“You could have helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well!”
“Okay, well, you know what? I didn't do that! I got a hot tub!” I yelled. Why couldn’t they see I was trying? “For my friends. I got a hot tub for my friends. No, you know what? Screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family!” I stood up, finally getting upset.
“What the hell?” Kie said with a sad expression.
“I got this for you. Guys, look what I did for you! All right?” I could feel the tears coming. “Look at this! Look at this!” I felt the tears roll down my face “No, you stop being emotional. It's fine, okay? I mean, it's sweet, right? Everything--just get in!” I watch Kie get in and wrap her arms around me. That's when I broke down.”I just couldn't do it. I can't take him anymore! I was gonna kill him. I just wanna do the right thing.”
“I know,” Kie said, embracing me tightly. “I know.”
Pope stepped into the hot tub, hugging me as well as I broke down. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and open. Everything hurt. My body ached with every touch, every movement. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe through my sobs. I tried to control myself, but it all finally boiled over and nothing was going to help me stop crying. In between my gasps for air I managed to ask one more thing.
“Is Savannah okay?” I feared the answer. I wanted to know that she didn’t go back home. I knew what waited for her there. I wanted to know that she was okay and safe and healthy.
“I’m not gonna lie JJ,” Pope started. “I don’t think she's okay after all of that. She went home.”
_____________________________________________________ Tag list : @jjmaybangme @thebendslikebendover @jellyfishbeansontoast @justcallmesams @obxmxybxnk
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ravel-puzzlewell · 4 years
Shepard in a shuttle on her way to the mission: I don’t know, I don’t think I like this. If I’m on a ride and I’m not driving, there should be booze, hot babes, Jacuzzi and a sun roof so we can stick out and shoot guns and spray champagne. Just sitting there is boring.
Garrus: Beats being dropped off the Normandy in Mako.
Shepard: But it was *fun*! Come on, Garrus, don’t you miss how they would just fucking throw us into lava?
Garrus: *looks at the camera like he’s in the Office*
Joker on the comm: Hey, that’s not fair, I never threw you into lava! Every time Mako ended up in lava, you got it there yourself.
Shepard: I have to do everything myself in this family.
Joker: You should’ve told me you want to get dropped into volcanoes, we could  arrange that easily.
Shepard: Well, you gotta read a girl’s mind sometimes, Joker. Can’t only coast on clean drops and bouquets.
Joker: Roger that, Commander.
Garrus: He’s not going to drop us into volcano, right?
Shepard: Garrus, live a little. You already look like you swam in lava, what do you have to lose?
Garrus: Joker, I’ll pay you fifty credits if you do it when I’m not on the team.
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