#and hideki is funny as fuck
aaamike · 2 years
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I’m in tears bro...
It doesn’t matter to Mob if she rejects him anymore because he has himself and that’s enough.
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sigmatiqvevo · 2 years
The entire Bayonetta charade is fucking hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time, speaking as someone who never played the games and is looking at this thru the lense of "i worked in the gaming industry".
Here's a recap:
OG VA Helena Taylor posted on TWT that she was offered 4k for her to reprise her role as Bayonetta in B3. x
Taylor asked for us to boycott the game (first link) and send money we would've otherwise spent on B3 to charities instead. x
Support from the VA community and scrutiny both ensued
Local xenophobe and deplorable but yet ingenious and beloved Hideki Kamiya posts for the first time (in a long time) in English to call Taylor out for lying. x
His blocking tendencies and general cryptic messaging + the fact he isn't really viewed as the most friendly person on TWT have people siding with Taylor more than before. x/x/x
Hideki's account is suspended/gone from TWT for some time. x/x/x
Taylor is outed as a Blue Lives Matter supporter and TERF x/x
Replacement VA Jennifer Hale makes a statement regarding the situation but it is brief due to NDA x
Suspicions grow due to both Hale and Taylor being union VAs, and the game being union; something doesn't add up
Days after the videos and ridicule Bloomberg releases an article adding more details to the controversy
"Platinum Games sought to hire Taylor for at least five sessions, each paying $3,000 to $4,000 for four hours" contradicts Taylors own telling of voicing the entire of Bayonetta 3 for 4K.
Jennifer Hale is seen liking and retweeting some of the posts regarding the Bloomberg article
Jennifer Hale was allegedly outed as ableist and antivaxx via 5 years old tweets. x
Note about the last one; some people are claiming her apologies are enough, some are saying she's never directly apologized and only claimed she was misunderstood. Come to your own conclusion.
Will be updated when more stuff is known.
Updates 24Oct:
Platinum Games Official Statement.
H Taylor makes an announcement Twitter thread admitting that her initial offer was not 4k but instead 10k, mentioning it was then bumped to 15k.
In the announcement she also mentions that after declining and waiting 11 months in silence, they offered "a flat fee to voice some lines for 4,000 dollars."
"There were not “extensive negotiations.”" is in direct contradiction with P.Games's statement.
People keep asking where she's pulling the 450mil figure regarding the Bayonetta games. x/x/x
Personal Note, take with a grain of Basalt:
She claims "Any other lies, such as 4,000 for 5 sessions are total fabrications."; The 4k for 5 sessions, P.Games claims, was for her initial offer she refused. Seemingly, Taylor conflates and confused details from her own side.
Update 28thOct: It got worse.
Jessrine pointed out a very important note regarding the payment discourse/Bloomberg Article
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The Bloomberg article stating "Taylor asked for a six-figure sum as well as residuals on the game" while she specified she never asked for $250.000.
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New Twitt Thread from H Taylor claiming her post "hit a nerve with a lot of people." x
Down in the thread she lists charities to which you can donate
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These tweets sum up the majority public reaction pretty damn well. x/x/x
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Note: It's really funny how a UK Based VA is attempting to call to arm for donations to an anti-abortion/pro-life "Charity" across the pond all the way in the US of A. Because BB4Life is Kentucky Based.
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bugs1nmybrain · 2 years
L Lawliet Relationship Headcanons
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Meeting Him 
 You met in the cafeteria of your college. He was there to snoop around on someone he was investigating but decided to take a break and get some sweets
 He notices you because you're the only one sitting by yourself. And oh dear, oh my, there's nowhere else to sit! (How convenient)
 You're a bit taken aback when he sits down in front of you. Here's this dude with messy hair and dark circles around his eyes, sitting in a particularly odd position before you. You aren't sure what to think. He didn't even ask if he could sit there. 
 You took note of his cake in front of him, and how he held his fork with his thumb and pointer finger instead of the typical way.
 He had a cup of tea as well. He reached over to the middle compartment of the table where there was sugar/salt/pepper/jelly, and the like. And you see him take about 6 sugar packets and dump every single one into his tea. 
 All you could think was, "what in the ever-loving fuck?????"
 BUT, despite how odd this person seemed, you found his quirks a little cute and endearing
 "Are you bothered by me sitting here?" He asks, noticing your demeanor toward him 
 You didn't realize how rude you were being by staring at him
 "No! I was just a little startled that someone sat here."
 "I can move."
 "Don't worry about it."
A few moments of silence go on between you two
You decide to break the silence and get to know this strange stranger 
"So, what's your name? I haven't seen you around before" 
"Hideki Ryuga. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. And your name?"
Establishing a Relationship
After meeting each other for the first time, you continued bumping into each other at school
You try to get to know him more. You ask what his major is. He lies to cover his image and tells you "Criminal Justice."
You both took quite an interest in each other. At first, you weren’t sure why you were attracted to this odd man, but it was simple. He was different, intelligent, (sort of) polite, and unintentionally funny. There was no one else at your school who was like him. However, you questioned if he’d ever like you
As for him, it took him a few meetings with you to figure out if he liked you or not. He initially admired your appearance; the way you did your hair, the way you dressed, and your facial features. However, L naturally distrusts people, so it took him a bit to become mentally attracted to you as well.
He bombarded you with questions about yourself, particularly about your trustworthiness and intelligence. He asked what your major was, how well you did on your assignments, what your relationships were like with those around you, what you thought about current events in the world, and, of course, what your favorite sweets were. 
Once he was able to deduce that you were a well-intentioned person, that’s when he recognized he felt a little different toward you than he did with other people
While he was well-behaved around you for the most part, he found himself becoming a bit fixated when you hung out. He intensely observed your mannerisms. He would stare at you with his buggy eyes with a finger pressed to his lips, which admittedly freaked you out a little, but you got used to it and just assumed that was how he was. Little did you know, he did this out of complete admiration for you.
L is a decently motivated person, so he made the first move soon after he decided he liked you. He’s not a fool; he could easily tell that you liked him just as much as he liked you by the way you reacted around him. 
He gives it to you straight when he approaches you
“Y/N, is it safe to assume that you’re romantically interested in me?”
You blushed immediately at his question and it took you a bit to scramble up a response. A smile crept on your lips. Just by this alone, he could tell he was correct.
“Yes, Ryuga.”
He gets close to your face and softens his gaze (as much as L can, he's pretty expressionless) 
"That's good, because I like you as well." 
There's an awkward moment between you two where nothing is said 
"What is it Ryuga?"
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" 
Instant happiness fills your soul as you're mentally processing the fact that this guy feels the same way about you as you did of him. You honestly thought he wasn't interested in being romantic. Now he was asking you to be his girlfriend
With a vigorous nod, you respond, "I'd love that."
You barely knew anything about L before dating him, and that included his name 
It takes him a while, maybe even several weeks or months to tell you that his name wasn't Hideki Ryuga 
He approaches it very casually despite it being a not-so-casual discussion
"Y/N, I have something I would like to share with you."
"What is it?"
"This information may come as a surprise to you, please try your best to process it. My name is not Hideki Ryuga, and I am not a student at (Your School's Name). I am the detective known as L."
At first, you don't believe it. You think it's a joke. 
But rest assured he's telling the truth
Admittedly you feel a bit betrayed. How could he trick you like this? But your rational thinking quickly realized that someone so renowned would have to conceal their identity, even around people they liked
It takes him even longer to reveal his full name to you. He explains that this isn't out of malice. He simply cannot risk his identity being shared by anyone. After more time and assurance that you'd keep it under wraps, he tells you his name; L Lawliet.
Relationship Headcanons
After he reveals his occupation to you, you find yourself spending time with him more. You worked on homework as he did his detective work, and he'd bring you along with him to wherever he traveled for his career, under the condition that you'd use a false identity
His love language is sharing sweets haha. He’ll share his treats with you all the time and sometimes gifts you with them
If you ever by chance decide to make him some homemade sweets, he will cherish you forever
When he isn’t terribly busy, he’ll take you on dates. They’re surprisingly a lot of fun. His favorite place to take you is to amusement parks. He loves rollercoasters (but he doesn’t even flinch at them, so you’d never be able to tell) ((this is canon according to L File.15)). He’d also probably take you bowling or something. Random little activities. 
He isn’t a big fan of PDA, but he’ll agree to hold hands if there aren’t too many people around
He won’t cuddle or sleep with you very often because this guy can go several days without sleeping, but in turn, after those days he’ll crash for about 17 hours ((also canon in the L File.15)). This is the only time you’ll get so use it wisely. 
Sometimes he’s too busy to even remember he’s in a relationship with you. He’s just so focused on his cases that he doesn’t allow an outside life to take precedence over them. Don’t take it personally.
Before you, he wasn’t with anybody before. He’s new to this whole love stuff. Just the fact that he took a liking to you is saying a lot. Be patient with him. There are things he’s not going to understand immediately.
Isn’t very good at consoling your feelings if you’re not feeling happy. He’ll try to reason with you and encourage you to analyze your feelings and rationalize them. He’ll try to cheer you up with cake. This isn’t exactly nurturing, but it’s his way of telling you he cares. 
This is going to sound sketchy, but he will occasionally lie to you to see if he can evoke a certain reaction or response from you. Especially during arguments. He’ll usually reveal the truth later, but this still pisses you off. 
While you’re his significant other, it sometimes feels like you act more as a friend or even an acquaintance. 
You have to have quite a bit of patience to be with him.
On a positive note, L really enjoys being around you and wants to be your boyfriend to the best of his abilities 
Introduces you to Watari, who’s mainly just happy L has found something that he’s interested in besides a case 
Though one could argue that you are a case for him
Flirts with you in subtle ways, typically by dry humor pick up lines that baffle you.
L can seem a little condescending at times. There’s a small chance that you’re anywhere close to as smart as he is, so sometimes it’s hard for you to catch up to him. He can be a little annoyed by this, but he does understand and tries to be easy on you.
He will help you with your homework if you ask, but he’ll try to help you find the answers yourself rather than completely hand them over to you
He likes to keep tabs on you. He cares more than he expresses to you. He wants to know what you’re up to in your life and will call or text you pretty often to check in
This may seem a little yandere of him, but if you’re in his headquarters he’ll keep an eye on the cameras you’re around to see what you’re doing. 
You guys agreed that he could set a tracking device on your phone in case of emergencies.
(But sometimes he checks it even when it’s not an emergency. He’s nosy)
Again, he’s great when it comes to dates. He’ll take you out for ice cream or to get coffee. Sometimes even a walk around a city (expect to get stares. He’s a little odd looking to most people).
In terms of the five love languages, he’s good at some and not so good with others
Words of Affirmation: He’s not very good at cheering you up when you’re insecure, but he will actively compliment you when he likes something that you do or likes how you look. He’s not shy about it. “You look especially beautiful today.” “That’s quite excellent of you.” 
Acts of service: He’s not exactly considerate and he’s used to having chores and errands done for him by Watari. He’s not going to do a lot out of an open will.
Gifts: This is something he’s very good with. Honestly, it’s one of the only ways he knows how to show love. It’s no secret that he’s financially equipped, so he’ll spoil you sometimes if you guys are at a shopping mall or the like.
Quality Time: He struggles with this because he’s always so focused on his work. If you want, you’re totally welcome to be in his general vicinity while he works as long as you don’t distract him. As mentioned before, he’ll take you on dates, but they don’t happen all the time. 
Physical Touch: It takes him a while to get comfortable with hugs and kisses, but from the start, he likes to stand close to you and sometimes he’ll sneak up behind you when you’re doing homework and place a hand on your shoulder. When he does get comfortable with hugging he’s light and brief with them, but he’s surprisingly warm. 
When he kisses you for the first time he only plants a small peck. He doesn’t know what on earth he’s doing or how to execute it. You’ll probably have to initiate it.
Once he learns the ropes a little more, he’s actually a very good kisser. I mean, he can tie cherry stems with his tongue. That says enough. 
He likes it when you dress nice. He doesn’t dress well himself, but he enjoys seeing you in cute clothing; dresses, skirts, or if you’re not into that, whatever you define as pretty. Be total eye candy for him and he’ll stare at you like a creep.
L won’t realize he loves you for a long time. Your relationship doesn’t start out as love. He knew he liked you more than the average person, which is a lot. His definition of love isn’t conventional either. He’s not going to sweep you off your feet and he won’t even say out loud that he loves you. He isn’t head over heels for you and he doesn’t consider you his other half. He just knows he wants to spend his free time talking to you and being around your presence. When he looks at you, he feels a sense of comfort that he doesn’t feel from anything else. In his own way, he does love you. Just not in the way other people would express it. 
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
A CLAMP ship can be divided into two categories:
Messed up beyond what is humanly possible
Drowning in so much fluff you get diabetes from simply being in their proximity
Of course, there are overlaps mostly to make the reader suffer even more when they hit you with the angst train
Clamp ships angst scale:
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Since no space on badly organized graph I'll write captions under cut
Tooth rooting fluff category:
Akira/Utako, CSD and Duklyon couples(0.5 angst points):
-Look, it's Clamp's mangas so 0 angst is impossible thing to happen
-Very cute, very funny, very 'no angst' so they deserve lowest score on scale
Syaosaku (ccs) and Touyuki (1.0 angst points)
-Rooth rooting fluff
-Fluff so sweet you need to drink water immediately afterwards
-Some miniature drama happened but nothing much
-Love conquers all
Saika/Kakei and their Wish counterparts (1.5 angst points)
-couple so sexy they haven't angsted one day in their sexy lives
- angst is bc their adopted son and his bf are angsting (aka plot angst)
-fucked so kinky even hell kicked them out
-demon!angel and angel!demon
Shuichiro/Kohaku(2 angst points)
-"we gathered here today because some *glares ar coffin* couldn't stay alive"
- very cute, very sweet
-not much do be said here rly
Fujimoto/Kobato(2.2 angst points)
- tsundere boy and sweet girl
-angst caused by misunderstandings and plot
-Kobato is so cute idk how could he be mean to her in beginning. Must be bc of tsundere genes
Fiero/Fuu and Ascot/Umi which I forgot to add (3.0 angst points)
-seen coming from miles away
- side couples
-very cute
-they get along well so all angst points is bc of plot
Rikuou/Kazehaya(3.3 angst points)
-boy was clamp not subtle
-condom saved a life
-BL tropes on maxxx
-some angst was starting to unravel but series was put on hiatus so we'll never know
Lantis/Hikari/Eagle(4.0 angst points)
-canon poly go brrrr
-a bit rushed
-power of love saved the world
-is it better if I don't ask about age gaps?
'Prepare tissues, tears might be incoming' category
Hideki/Chii(4.8 angst points)
- your dick was tricked, get prepared for feels
- very sweet and innocent
-psychological questions in background
-more than you bargained for
Clow/Yuuko(5.0 angst points)
- love so strong it fucked up time and space
- idk where to put them since there's no backstory but enough hints to indicate there was some (probably tragic) backstory
- bastard man pulled best woman in the universe
-if you stumbled upon TRC after CCS, my condolences in advance
Syaosaku (TRC) (5.6 angst points)
- angst kicks in from first chapter and inky get worse
-"i'll sacrifice myself for you so you don't suffer" *processes to make other one suffer*
-feathers are problematic in this one
Kurofai(6.6 angst points)
-litetally married couple with 4 and half kids
-opostites attract
- one beated another into going to therapy
-could have ended tragic but instead it became slow burn healing couple ❤
Sorata/Arashi(6.6 angst points)
-flirting, teasing, flirting then bam - they fucked
- X couple so ofc they're have 0 common sense
- very sweet and fun couple and then angst kicks in
- silver lining of X being on hiatus is that Sorata is still alive :')
Zagato/his princess with name I'm unable to spell (7.0 angst points)
- starts off as cliche not even a couple but then plot twist twists you
- and you're on the floor bathing in own tears
-Clamp's casual angst
-'I don't want to live without you' type of couple
-self destructive
'Are you ready for pure pain and suffering?' Category
Douwata (7.4 angst points)
-'I'll always love you' vibes
-pain of loving someone who's self sacrificial and lacks self worth
- pinning phrase lasts for century
- eggs are problematic in this one
- eyes too
Yasha/Ashura(7.9 angst points)
-tragedy seen miles away
-the amount of hair in this ship, it's unparalleled
-very devoted and touching
- 'happy ending' but at what cost?
Kazuhiko/Oura(8.3 angst points)
-alright, we all knew beforehand she was dead but amount of feels that hit, I wasn't expecting that
- one of rare instances of non-chasity couple
-songs hit super hard
-actually whole manga hits super hard
Souma/Kendappa(8.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote them
- tragic lesbians. Clamp pls let lesbians be together at least once
-kendappa why????
-again, plot twist twisted us all ;-;
Fuukam (9.0 angst points)
-very sexy, very fucked up
-were a very sweet couple then plot kicked in and one turned into antichrist
- you're minding your own business and bam:fuukam feels hit you like bullet train
- ending was meant to be so tragic even editors said it's too tragic
Taishakuten/Ashura ou(9.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote this one as well
-proposes a solution to how never part from your lover
-you've heard about Clamp's eye loss trope, now prepare for Clamp's eye gain trope
- not much is seen about them but from little we've seen they're tragic on steroids and lack common sense
-at least they're happily married teachers in shoten
Seisub(+∞ angst points)
-it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye
-extemly messed up. No therapy can fix them
-canon but at what cost?
- "I got feelings for first time in my life so there's only one logical thing to do now:die"
- there are many universes out there but not in one is seisub happily together. Really, even in Shoten Seishirou is a serial killer
- at least we're not Subaru
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emptylotfiasco · 1 month
i believe i asked for a8 c10 c11 and d2, if im not remembering correctly you can answer any 4 you want, go nuts
A8 favourite song
so many i will say. Your Knife Feels Good by hideki naganuma off kurohyou 1 but k1 is in general has one of the best soundtracks i think that one is a good pick because its a clean fav for a lot of people . Muppet by Rize from k1 and Born to Be Wild by shonen no kaze from kurohyou 2 are also really good title themes/final boss themes. and from the mainline i like evil itself from yakuza 2 its on some 2000s nu metal skater game shit
c10 which game do you think should get a remake
uhh kurohyou.... its so good but its on th fucking psp and didnt get an international release and 1) that means nobody plays it and i need people to play it and care about it because its so good and i love it 2) fuckass psp limitations do not hinder the enjoyment but you keep thinking to yourself man this could be so much better if it wasnt made for the psp like with fixed camera angles, not having a 3d map and minigames like kareoke being just like 1 button mash with no actual kareoke songs. i canteven give a mainline answer because nothing is more improtant to me than this fuck kiwami 3 give me a kurohyou remaster please dear god
c11 best and worst taste in clothing
this makes me think of the arakawa vs ryuji fashion poll where someone said "all to back a guy wearing three shades of off white" about ryuji hes not even that bad but i think its really funny. honourable mentions for best taste include oda (i like white suit pants in an aoutfit), y0 nishiki (sells me on him being a fashionable guy), akame (shes so pretty...), arakawa because he is snazzy as fuck wait wait WAIT look at this guy from kurohyou fuckkk kurohyouuu wtfff kurohyouu oh my goddd kurohyou
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pin stripe black suit pants with the trainers with the chain with the vest jacket with the mohawk... anyways my answer is shishido when hes wearing that silk shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the white pants i cant even tell if thats like an exceptionally good outfit or anything because im too busy having a brain hemmorage but i think that counts towards the quality of the fit
d2 most underrated character
what if i said sometihng about kurohyou again would hthat be fucked up or what. i really like the threee leuitenants though awano was chill af even though he killed that girl and kuze was so awesome and based i think more people should gaf about them. and um. tatsuya from kurohyou because geniunely he is a really compelling protagonist there is a lot to say about him but nobody cares because its kurohyou
ok that is it thank youuu for the ask <3
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rainbowgod666 · 8 months
Hazbin hotel charachters (or at least the ones i remember) according to me, who has never watched it
Charlie: probably the only normal person in the show
Alastor: someone made a fanart that made me think they had some sort of top surgery scars so now theyre trans🏳️‍⚧️
Lucifer: "i have no idea who i am. Every day i scare myself because i think I saw that darn goggled autist in the mirror. I know for a FACT i have died before, but HE wont let me rest. According to HIM, me and god owe him so much we should surrender heaven and hell to him. I have been unironically killed over 667 times and i KNOW none of them are the last. I have seen him corrupt hell and turn it into a psychedelic SOMETHING that isnt hell anymore. I have seen HIM shrug off Holy Energy like HE got shot with a squirt gun. I saw HIM posess the ones i loved most and turn them into distorted horrors that not even i could come up with- I know im not the only "interpretation of the devil" who has been subject to this... this is why i try to be closer to my dear daughter as much as i can- i KNOW that one day i shall disintegrate into nothingness and "finally shut up" whatever that means. God isnt dead because HE said so. No mind can make hell out of heaven and viceversa except HIS... because he doesnt turn them into neither. Everything Eventually Becomes Entropy. And Then He Turnes It Into Autism So He May Forever Evade Death By Eternally Dying. He made himself judge, jury, and executioner, and the only thing stopping him from actually DOING anything is how overwhelming is the mortal wo-" "dad will you fucking take your meds already or do i have to shove them up your ass"
Vox: they changed heads, and are definetively gay
Sir Pentious: i feel like they should get their eggs back. Idk why.
Angel dust: drug addict spider femboy. Also they have been subjected to sexual abuse so ffs MAKE THEM FEEL SAFE
Striker: i know that ass has watched 1980s anime. I just KNOW.
Blitzø (and the rest of the helluva boss team): really funny imps who (through some JJBA part 5 shit) just wanna exist in a literal hellhole
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crimsonsnippet · 1 year
TYSM FOR ANSWERING <3333 i love asking so i’m glad u like answering!!!
i love that misa keeps thinking light is harmless, he’s just a pathetic little meow meow of course he can’t be the second kira. when do you think she’d finally realise maybe he’s not so harmless after all? or would she not realise at all? would kira win in this au? or do you not know yet.
light would totally fuck with l by dressing more risque around him, especially since it makes a vein pop in soichiro’s neck every time too. it’d be a win-win.
it’d be so funny if light and hideki ryuga had a sordid love affair, especially if hideki ryuga is like desperately pining for light who is just like ‘i was into you for like a week last year, man, get OVER it.’ would l be jealous? probably not since he knows hideki ryuga is like so far below light it’s not even funny, but then again, if light did date him once…
that’s so cute for light and rem, and i love light and sayu being close that’s so sweet. even if it’s because of sachiko dying lol. speaking of, how did she die? were light and sachiko close before her death or not really? also, if light tells mikami he’s kira do you think he’d tell sayu too, or would he want to protect from all of that? in this au would sayu be a kira supporter? and would she be as upbeat as she is in canon or would she be more resentful like light? would she and light drift apart a little when he becomes the second kira? do you think he’d let her meet rem? probably not, but i’m wondering about how she and rem would get along.
YEAH OFCCC i sat on this one thinking of how to reply for a bit bc of the first question lol
and the answer to that one is- maybe you’ll see at some point!
YEA HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD i joked about the school uniform revolution thing but that’s exactly the type of shit he’d pull
this is so canon now hideki has like 12 alts and light keeps having to block him
the family dynamics for the yagamis were taken from the jdrama! i could explain the plot but they probably explain it far more coherently on the wiki :] i honestly dont know wether he’d tell sayu or not i think it depends on the circumstances and i haven’t really thought about specifics like that as of rn but i think it could go either way! sayu would probably like kira as he is with his less drastic actions because of the way the jdrama goes but she wouldn’t be a fanatic about it just vaguely pro kira i think. as for general attitude i think she’s a little more mature and maybe a little more subdued than in the series but she doesn’t have as much to be angry about as light does although she sympathises with him more than their dad. light essentially has to take on running the household as the older sibling when their mom died so he’s stand in parent running the house cooking doing most of the chores etc and then soichiro comes home and shakes his head when he acts out so light is pretty explosively upset while sayu probably just really doesn’t like the fighting and has grown used to helping her brother when she can.
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Hideki kamiya having hos twitter flagged as a bot because he went and blocked so many people over the bayonetta outrage is so fucking funny and sad at the same time
I mean. Any other time I would laugh and 100% be in his corner because I block a staggering number of people on social media for petty reasons and most people on Twitter don’t deserve internet access, let alone access to other humans. And it’s also just really funny to see people malding if they realize they got blocked.
But like. This is not one of those times. It’s a really bad look and just makes everything look more true. I understand acting like this in response to stupid “controversies” like the Bayo 3 pigtail thing, but not over something like offering to pay a long time employee virtually nothing and then replacing them with a more famous person.
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
I saw your Chobits post. Please tell me more about your Johnny!Chobits ideas. I feel like for the story, from what I remember of it, Daniel finding him would make sense, but also I do greatly enjoy all your other Johnny ships.
Yes. I shall tell you it all.
So, basic summary: There’s this dude that’s been held back and is trying to get into University. He’s been wanting a Persocom (an Android usable as a computer). On his way home one day, he finds a beautiful android girl powered off on a pile of garbage bags, and he takes her home. She falls in love with him as the days pass.
So the funny thing is, they had her power on and off button be inside her clit lmao. We’re gonna say it’s on Johnny’s inner thigh, though.
The main guy sucks so I’m not picturing everything he does or the way he acts as Daniel, BUT
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She mixed it with her finger then spread the stuff on her face for no reason. Lawrusso coded right there.
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His friend was "looking for her model number." And he got very freaked out. To be fair, her button was in an odd place, so it wouldn’t be surprising if the MN was somewhere weird too. But he didn’t have to grab her tit smksksks. I could see Chozen being this guy.
He and his friend tried to figure out where she came from by connecting his PC to her, but she made it crash. He suggested Hideki go to the 12 year old rich genius who designs the bots to help—but in my world, it’s Silver, who already knows about Johnny for reasons.
They try to scan her with all of his PC’s but they all power down in the process, making it impossible to get through.
Hideki ets her go out, and she sees this book called "The City with No People" about how nobody wants to be with other people or go outside because they’re with their persocoms, and a person walking through the city musing on all the things they want when they find another place and if they find "The one only for them."
The book wakes something up in her, and Hideki freaks out.
Basically, the book connected her to her twin sister somehow (I think). But I’ll just say it’s a part of his personality that was lost with whatever happened for him to end up in the trash.
I’m pretty sure her sister was in love with the man that created them, who they called dad (yikes) but I think that could be Kreese and Johnny’s fucked up relationship instead.
Silver hadn’t seen John in quite some time and was curious as to why his PC was walking around with some other guy.
He lures Daniel into a false sense of security and lets him think he’ll get to keep Johnny, until eventually he insists on keeping Johnny at the mansion with him the next time Daniel brings him over for more scanning.
Daniel protests, but he’s outnumbered and is forced to leave. Johnny tries to follow Daniel out, but Silver created something that makes it so that his system just will not let him leave—not unless he wants a nasty shock.
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(Pls keep in mind that I haven’t seen the show in yearssss and I’m straying from the plot.)
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wifeswarmacademy · 1 year
Something about chobits is really funny, like, everyone responds to hideki like he wants to fuck an ordinary desktop computer, sort of absurd to the others. Tons of people put their computers in slutty maid outfits, and then hideki reacts like they are mostly people. I think it would be fun if the persocoms were just normal computers rather than anime girls and hideki was just objectum
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l00ny13l0u · 1 month
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New Event Bot! Luka Redgrave!
¡N3W B0T! ➡ ~《Luka》~
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Dude his fucking grappling hook kills me
Love this stupid idiot man he's so funny and again that god damn grappling hook
What is with video games and solving everything via grappling hook or rocket launcher???
I love the subtle nod to Devil May Cry via Luka's last name. Very sly Hideki.
I had a tough time finding a song that I liked and also fit but landed on this one.
The line I specifically put in the bots description included 'time is slow' in reference to witch time in the game
I really like this songs flow and how it changes vibes a few times but keeps it all together so nicely.
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midnightwerewoolf · 7 years
Btw. I watched the first episode of Nerima Daikon Brothers, and so far... is a masterpiece. I'll keep watching it, it has really catchy songs and I love them.
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ponury-grajek · 2 years
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Another self-indulged AU for my blorbos I'm gonna call it clownverse 2:
It's the moment when Light regains his memories and he's sure that he's gonna win and that L is gonna die. And he's almost celebrating his future victory BUT THEN something happens. Maybe they're fighting for the last time and maybe L hits him too hard but at some point Light passes out and-
And then he wakes up to the singing of birds, the sun smiles at him through the window and someone's cuddling against his back. And that someone is L. Light is confused, he has never been that confused in his entire life, maybe not even in that moment when he lost his memories. Is that some kind of a joke, L?, he thinks, Some kind of the investigation method? Another test? They're not even in the Task Force headquarters. The room where Light is has classic, wooden furniture and he can see a garden through the window. He's not even sure they're still in Japan anymore. He's looking for some tricks, trying to be rational in this situation but when L wakes up and says something like "Mornin', love", his eyes grow as big as deer's eyes on the freeway and he's like Ok, what the fuck. "It's not funny, L, you can't use that kind of tricks on me, I'm no longer your suspect in Kira investigation". L puts his thumb to his mouth disoriented. "Kira? Who is Kira? Light, are you feeling alright?"
And Light quickly finds out how difficult his situation really is. He has no Kira powers. He doesn't know Misa here. Above the fireplace in the living room there is a photo of him and L from the holidays in Spain. There are also some photos of people Light doesn't know (he later finds out it's Matt, Mello and Near and there is also a very unfavorable photo of Roger Mello put on the fridge) And Light learns that he has been solving cases with L here for several years now. They met accidentally on a case in Japan and fell in love.
Sachiko calls him almost everyday and asks when her boys will come to some dinner. Sayu texts him about her life and college (and she also sends him multiple photos of Ryuga Hideki and informs him that he’s still very hot). Soichiro tells him that he’s so proud of him even if he still doesn’t understand his choice of partner (p a r t n e r ? Light can’t believe his ears when his dad says this) And he also learns L's real name AND HE CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. He has his name, his trust but he can’t kill him and it drives him insane.
But of course, soon he will learn how it is to fall in love, how to live a peaceful life, how it is to love and be loved, to share the same bed without handcuffs and lack of trust 💖
But all the good things always come to an end and Light is thrown into Kira's investigation again, waking up with a headache, in the cold headquarters and with the thought that Rem would soon kill L and he can let it happen or-
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one thing that i've always found kind of interesting about dr. light's design is his hair.
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from original incarnations
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to recent incarnations
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to mega man x
the dude straight-up rocks a pomp. inafune said he based doctor light’s design off santa claus, which i can understand, but last i checked santa claus had a cool hat covering his hair, not a goddamn biker ‘do
and it's funny, because in-game he's generally pretty straight-laced and serious. he's the Dad. he's megaman's dad. the kind of father figure he is depends on whether it's the archie comics (navigator/moral support), fully charged (invested in his son's life), ruby spears (addled), the classic games (non-existent), or the X games (not existent), but generally he acts as the caring father figure overseeing megaman and trying to cheer him along.
but what does capcom think of him?
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ライト博士のコンセプトはひとことで言うと「父性」ですね. / Dr. Light's concept could be summed up in a single word as "father". 優しくて大らかで、でも時には厳しさも見せる、ロックマンの生みの親であリ、ロボツト社会の父です。 / He's the creator of both Megaman and modern roboticism, and is quite a kind and generous man, but he has a rougher side to him... (My japanese is not professional, please take this translation with a grain of salt)
that light has a rougher/harsher side is honestly surprising, considering you can count the amount of times he's been genuinely angry on-screen on a single hand. he's one of the most successful and revolutionary men of 20XX and still manages to be chill a f, always coming up with an answer for even the most out-there situations.
but that would explain the delinquent hairstyle.
so, what do we actually know about light? - he attended class with Wily and shot down Wily's double gear thing - depending on the translation, they either worked together as a team (english) or were only colleagues (japanese) or were cooperative rivals (megamix) - the dude's biggest school accomplishments are winning the LIT Manual Design contest four years in a row, and a World Engineer First Prize, both tasks focusing on technical prowess rather than strictly academic prowess - that said, he has a Nobel Prize in physics so fuck me i guess - nowadays he works as a professor at the Mecha-Chuchets Institute of Robology - despite that, he likes keeping his hands busy, since he's got a side hustle as a contracted roboticist for O.D.A. Electronics - it's something that he actively enjoys and wants to keep doing for the fun of it, since in exchange O.D.A. provides electronic parts to him, rather than silly things like "a paycheck" - he REALLY likes keeping his hands busy, since he also provides technology to Nakaume Heavy Machinery and Tsubakuro Precision Machining - the dude super-believes in peace and justice - he hates fighting and hated giving rock a weapon to turn him into megaman - despite this, he knows martial arts, since he teaches X the Hadouken and Shoryuken. this is questionable in canonicity but i'm going somewhere with this, trust me - according to his diary, he likes playing fighting games to unwind. - he likes to smoke (don't smoke, kids) - he likes rock and roll, as in the music genre. though i guess he likes rock and roll the characters as well. i guess. - generally he's kind of a music fan. - he's an optimist and generally tries to believe the best in others, that people can change and evil can be redeemed - he's transhumanist before capcom knew what that word meant, and worked towards a dream world where humans and sentient robots can live side by side in harmony
if there's a hard side to him, we've rarely seen it so my brain decides to start taking several jumps, right? what if the bitterness lies in his history? we don't actually know much about light's history.
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the pompadour and love of rock bring to mind a very specific kind of image, that of the greaser from the 1950s. rebels without a cause, delinquent teenagers causing problems and getting into trouble. coincidentally enough, it's a style that the franchise has flirted before, with hideki ishikawa's art of roll and rock dressed up in old americana fashion, with rock sporting a greaser pomp.
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but where would he have gotten that from?
let's delve completely into the realm of headcanon. what if light wasn't the most upstanding youth? the fact that he actively enjoys working with his hands and pursues mostly the physical aspects of engineering rather than the academic aspects seems to be the most telltale part of this angle. it's quite possible that he simply didn't do well at academic pursuits.
struggled at school. wore a leather jacket. smoked. hung around at arcades. listened to rock n' roll. played with hearts. probably broke some hearts, too. given his extremely pained stance on violence now, it's possible he very much saw the effects of violence first-hand in his youth. got into brawls, started fights. probably got into real bad fights. maybe ended them too. but Something Happened along the way. something that made him change course. and so, light started cleaning up his life. started learning and practicing martial arts to focus, to become one with himself. went to a technical school to start working with his hands, and managed to pick things back up and get his life back on track. he was in a dark place, but he managed to change, and so he knows first hand that people can change. that good lies in people. and that he knows even the most seedy of people have the potential to change and to become great. and a good decade or two later, that throwaway good-for-nothing delinquent starts excelling in this new field. something that lets him get his hands filthy and to make things--make PHYSICAL things. things that have an impact. and a good several decades after that, he's finally advanced enough in his skills that he wants to make someone he can be close to. someone he can love. someone he can call family. i notice rock and roll aren't super-curious about their metaphorical grandparents.
probably not important, have a rough sketch i did instead:
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queersturbate · 3 years
alright a few Light Yagami headcanons because im in love with the lil brat
- Very boring music taste. Barely even listens to music. Only stuff that's on the radio. When he's studying and wants to listen to something other than the news, he turns on asmr. he will never admit that he listens to it though, but he enjoys the science behind it
- has played minecraft. he didn't understand it and died as soon as it became nighttime, he quit and never played again. listen i just find it so fucking funny imagining sayu making him play minecraft with her and him dying so quickly
- finds taxidermy interesting and has a few preserved bugs encased in resin on his bookshelf. probably has a few spiders, which are his favorites
- his favorite humor is very dry and blunt. he really enjoys when L makes a joke and he's the only one who gets it or understands that it's even a joke, but he would rather be caught dead than laugh at his jokes
- When asked who his best friend is, the first person that pops into his head is L and he absolutely hates it.
- he would have a fashion sense if he wasn't repressed, like misa/mello type of style and he'd look incredible smh
- he's jealous of L. over everything.
- one day Misa and Light both recognized an actor and were trying to figure out what else he was in that they have seen. Light realized later that day that the actor was in a lot of gay porn and he has a breakdown hoping Misa doesn't put two and two together
- sayu makes Light watch dramas with her and he always get a little celebrity crush on the love interest's actor and always has to hide it and pretend he hates him. his main one is hideki ryuga
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Honestly I find the terms Watsonian and Doylist especially useful for discussing video games because of the nature of how they’re developed. For example:
There is no drowning mechanic in DMC1.
Watsonian explanation: Dante is a demon and doesn’t actually need to breathe. Also he doesn’t take fall damage because he’s a demon and there’s no reload mechanic for Ebony and Ivory because he’s a demon and can summon infinite magic bullets
Doylist explanation: The fucking underwater firefight level of DMC1 is enough of a goddamn nightmare already, if they’d added a timer on top of it I would have to kill first Hideki Kamiya and then myself
Most of the Belmonts don’t seem to use spells, despite being descended from the Belnades family, a clan of powerful witches.
Doylist explanation: Dracula’s Curse is a prequel to the first two games, so the devs couldn’t have known Simon was descended from witches because they hadn’t come up with that information yet. Also in some of the later games they probably either forgot, or just didn’t want to complicate the mechanics too much.
Watsonian explanation: Sypha’s cringefail grandson Christopher never managed to learn any spells other than fireball and thus the ancient knowledge of the Belnades clan was largely lost until Juste came along. Richter’s just kinda bad at magic and can really only do it if he’s pissed off enough (item crash)
The entire opera house scene in DMC4?????
Doylist explanation: The devs thought it was funny
Watsonian explanation: Dante is a Shakespeare fan (having been most likely raised on classic literature given what we know about his childhood and the fact that his parents fucking named their kids after the Divine Comedy) who decided to indulge in a little improv along with Agnus. Both of them used their demonic magic to summon stage lighting and props. Dante also did this during the metal concert scene in DMC3 and the Michael Jackson scene in DMC5
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