#mal at the front with her hand on her hip almost smug
itsalwaysforyou · 1 year
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they are everything to me
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telli1206 · 2 years
How To Get A Date For Christmas
Happy Holidays @auradon-bore-a-don! I’m your @descendantsgiftexchange Secret Santa. Please enjoy a little Carvie fake dating with Jaylos and Bevie sprinkled in 😊 I hope you like it, and I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season so far!
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Carlos stares at Evie, an incredulous look in his eye. She smiles back sheepishly, nervously folding and unfolding the fluffy mound of red and green in her hands.
“You’re kidding,” Carlos snorts, crossing his arms.
“Please? Carlos, come on,” Evie pleads, walking across Carlos’ room to drop the items on his bed. She spreads them out, and his eyes widen as he takes in the garishness now laid out in front of him.
“They’re not that bad, see?” She gestures toward the two sweaters, tracing her fingers along the bumpy letters. “It’s just a gingerbread man and lady. And yours has a bite taken out of it! Right there.” She jabs sharply at one side of the sweater. “That’s why yours says naughty and mine is nice.”
Carlos frowns as he walks slowly toward the bed, pausing to hover just above the garish Christmas sweaters. He can’t hide his grimace as he touches the scratchy fabric, almost gagging at the huge ugly smiles and massive gingerbread heads plastered right on the front of each sweater.
“No. Just…just NO. Those are hideous, Eves, I’m sorry. I’m not wearing that, even for you.”
Evie frowns, her hands flying to her hips. She starts to tap her heel furiously, and Carlos can feel himself recoil as her features grow stern.
“Carlos De Vil, I’m doing this for you, you know. Don’t you want to see Jay’s face when we show up to school all cute and coupley?”
Carlos scoffs. “As if you’re not doing this too just to see if our precious king just might turn green with envy?”
Evie bites her lip, fighting back the urge to smile at the thought.
“Ok, so we both want the same thing. That means we’re doing it. It’s the best plan we’ve got.”
“Um, no we’re NOT.”
“Carlos Oscar…”
Carlos sighs and scratches at his chest. Even with a soft t-shirt underneath, the damn sweater is still itchy as hell and he hates it. But he accepts his fate and walks quietly next to Evie towards the quad. She’s humming happily to herself and still looking too smug and satisfied to be moving forward with the plan.
But before they reach the main area, she stops suddenly, pausing Carlos with a hand to his arm.
“They’re here,” she affirms with a twinkle in her eye. She presents her hand to Carlos, palm up.
Carlos quirks a small smile and slaps his hand in hers.
“Let’s do this.”
Evie smiles brightly and gives Carlos’ hand a squeeze. She lets her head drop to his shoulder as they walk, nuzzling her hair against his neck and exhaling softly.
It’s a gesture full of comfort and intimacy. Even Carlos can’t help feeling a slight flutter in his chest at how sweetly Evie is cuddling into him. He plants a light kiss into her hair before his eyes start to wander, searching the quad for the only two people they want to make sure are seeing their display.
And he’s not disappointed. There’s no mistaking the heat in Jay’s eyes at the moment. His glare is burning through Evie like he wants to actually set her on fire. And honestly, Carlos doesn’t feel like he should be getting tingly at the thought of his best friend incinerating in a poof of jealousy flames.
But he’s pretty sure Evie won’t care once she sees that Ben’s watching them, too, from his spot next to Jay. He looks frozen, with his eyes wide and mouth tipped open. There’s no anger there, from what Carlos can tell. He looks…almost, sad. He meets Carlos’ eye for a moment, and it causes a sudden pool of guilt to churn in his stomach. As if it wasn’t his right to touch Evie the way he is. His grip loosens a little on her hand, enough for her to notice and tilt her head up at her in confusion.
No. He steels himself, tightening his grip with one hand and leaning in to brush some silky curls out of Evie’s eyes with the other. When they finally reach the table where their friends are sitting, Mal’s already chuckling, arms crossed and head tilted as she gives them both a curious once-over.
“Well well, this is new,” she quips, waving a finger at their clasped hands. “Since when did you two start getting all lovey-dovey?”
Carlos shrugs, and Evie looks up at him with a warm smile before dropping her head back to his shoulder. “We’ve always been close, Mal. You know that. It just seemed like the right time to give this a shot. Don’t you think?”
“Everyone could use a little romance around the holidays, Mal,” Evie chimes in. She lifts Carlos’ hand to her lips and gives it a playful kiss, throwing Mal a wink.
Her eyes dart just behind Mal when she hears a grunt, just in time to catch Jay’s death stare. She quickly moves her gaze back to Mal, swallowing nervously and forcing a smile back onto her face.
“It’s refreshing to know that a boy wants me, you know? And Carlos was very clear with his intentions,” Evie explained, giving Carlos a wide smile as she spoke. “He just came right up to me and told me that he wanted to take me out. And how could I say no to that?”
Carlos grins at Evie, his hand placed carefully on her shoulder, stroking it lightly with his thumb. He doesn’t dare attempt a glance at Ben again. The soulful look in his eyes was painful enough when they first approached. But he can hear the king’s soft breathing as they stand there, and he’s sure he’s still hanging onto every word they say. So he wants to make this count.
“Well, who doesn’t like honesty, right Eves?” He asks, and his lips quirk at her eager nod. “I don’t think there’s anything better than just being upfront when you’re interested in someone. I mean, I know it’s an attractive quality to me, so I figured it would work for you, too.”
“You thought right, Lossy,” Evie hums happily, leaning in to peck his check. Mal groans and rolls her eyes, so Evie responds by sticking out her tongue. “Now, now,” she tuts. “Don’t be getting all jealous of our Christmas romance, Mally. Maybe if you stop wasting time hating on us, you can find your own date to the Holly Days Dance.”
“So that’s what this is about??” Mal practically screeches, smacking her hands down on the table. She smirks at them proudly, as if she’s just made some major discovery. “This is just so you’re not going solo and forced to stand by the punch bowl all night?! Come on! That’s lame even for you two.”
“I never said that.” Evie’s curt now, and she gives Carlos’ hand a tug to pull him along. “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer. We’ll see you later.”
She moves away quickly with Carlos in tow, and in just a few seconds they’re already halfway back across the quad. Evie bites her lip, feeling anxious about their sudden exit but still refusing to look back at the friends they left behind.
“D-d-do you think that was even enough?” Carlos stutters, sounding nervous. Unlike Evie, he keeps looking back at the table over and over.
“I hope so. I think so. Yes, yes, I think it had to be,” Evie finally confirms, talking through her decision and nodding repeatedly. “If they think they lost their chance to go to the dance with us, they’ll make their move, I know it. Just, trust me, ok?”
Carlos sighs, dropping Evie’s hand to fully sling his backpack over his shoulder.
“If you say so, Eves. But I’ll believe it when I see it.”
 A full day of classes drag on, feeling longer than usual because Carlos has had not one single encounter with Jay. He’s used to running into the boy often, even though they only have one shared class. Jay tends to linger the halls every chance he gets, sometimes bullshitting with his Tourney mates, and other times leaning girl after girl against the lockers, unabashedly flirting with them and beaming with pride at how flushed and speechless he can render them with a few choice words and finger-brushing touches.
And despite such a busy social schedule between classes, most of Jay’s time is still spent with Carlos. He always makes time to talk to him, even going so far as to wait for him after class so they can walk or go to lunch together.
But none of that has happened today, and Carlos can only assume that he and Evie’s plan has completely backfired and Jay’s taken to ignoring him instead. He should have known there was no such thing as making the school flirt jealous. As if Jay would ever care enough about him to actually admit his feelings and give up his chances with every other kid in the school?? Carlos just feels stupid now.
He’s so busy lamenting his luck he doesn’t even notice the open closet door jutting out into the hallway until he’s almost run into it. He quickly shifts his hips to move around it, but almost topples when he feels a tug on his hips, pulling him backward and into the closet in one swift movement.
A tiny yelp escapes him when his back slams against some shelving, and at the same time he’s engulfed in darkness as the door is slammed closed. His breaths become short and frantic as he tries to adjust his eyes to the inky blankness. His hands then start clamoring for balance on the shelves behind his back so he doesn’t trip over something he can’t see.
When feels a short puff of breath on his face, he freezes. “What the f-wh-who’s there?? Fu-S-say something!”
He inhales sharply when he feels someone grab his wrist. His hand is pulled in front of him then, and something…scratchy. And sharp? Is shoved into it.
“What the hell is…”
He blinks when a bright light floods his vision. His eyes instantly focus on his hand.
“You know what that means, right?”
Carlos blinks again, his eyes following the voice in front of him.
He’s smiling, and so, so close. With a bright white smile and dark, silky tendrils loose and framing his perfectly tanned face. He looks so good.
Oh shit, he’s talking.
Jay chuckles and sets his phone down on the shelf behind Carlos, with his flashlight facing up and offering a faint backlight. He points at Carlos’ hand then, making Carlos glance back down.
“That. You know what it means?”
“You mean, mistletoe?” Carlos furrows his brow, trying to make sense of what Jay’s asking. “Isn’t it for kis-”
Carlos is cut off by insistent lips suddenly pressing against his own. He lets out a grunt in surprise, but Jay continues to surge forward, wrapping a hand around the base of Carlos’ neck to press them together more firmly. His mouth makes quick work of parting Carlos’ open, and in just a few seconds Jay’s kisses are already impossibly deep, swallowing pleased groans that Carlos can barely hear that he’s making.
Carlos isn’t exactly sure why this is happening, but at the moment, he doesn’t even care. Making out with Jay in this closet, with his back aching and arched awkwardly against the shelves, is fucking hot. And he doesn’t want it to stop. So he grips Jay’s vest tightly to keep him close, tilting his head back so his mouth opens even wider, welcoming Jay’s assault as much as he possibly can.
When Jay finally breaks the kiss, they’re both beyond breathless and sucking in air like they’re dying for it. Carlos lets his head drop back on the shelf behind him while he’s still panting, and Jay takes the opportunity to kiss down the fully bared column of Carlos’ throat, one hand still threaded in his curls and keeping him still.
“I want you,” Jay mumbles, his lips still on Carlos’ skin.
But Carlos is too far gone on Jay’s touch. He doesn’t even know Jay is speaking until he pulls away, using his hand in Carlos’ curls to tip his face back up.
“I want you,” he says more clearly. And Carlos blinks up at him.
“What?” He croaks. And Jay smiles, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“You like it when people are upfront with you, right? Clear intentions? I’m making myself fucking crystal clear, ‘Los. I. Want. You.”
He taps his finger to the tip of Carlos’ nose with his last three words, a satisfied smirk on his face when he sees the lustful haze still in Carlos’ eyes.
“Just, answer me this, ok?” He dips down closer, almost nose to nose with Carlos, and grins wider when the boy finally manages a slight nod.
“Would you rather be my date to the dance, or Evie’s?”
Carlos swallows, his eyes widening with surprise. Date?? He and Jay have had more than their fair share of hookups, but never one date. Jay’s never asked him. How in the hell could Evie’s plan be working out this well already?
“I…well, but. There’s Evie, and-”
“Right,” Jay cuts in. He drops his gaze to Carlos’ mouth, rubbing his lower lip softly with his thumb.
“There’s Evie. Don’t get me wrong, you know I love the girl. But…not with you. I don’t see it.”
He reaches up and wraps a finger around one of Carlos’ dangling curls, smirking proudly when Carlos can’t stop himself from blushing.
“But what I do see, is us having a blast at that dance. Together. You and me,” he adds pointedly, throwing Carlos a wink.
Carlos chews his lip a bit, then slowly starts to open his mouth to speak. But before he can utter a word, Jay pulls back, clearing space between them and removing all physical contact. Carlos can only squeak at the loss, sputtering out his surprise when Jay opens the closet door and lets the daylight flood in.
“So, let me know what you think?” Jay asks, offering Carlos his best flirting smile. It doesn’t reach his eyes though, and Carlos has known Jay long enough to see when his confidence is wavering. He smiles back and nods quietly.
Jay turns to leave, but stops suddenly, giving Carlos one last look over his shoulder.
“You know, I’d hate to disappoint Evie. I know you don’t like to either. But, you should do what makes you happy.”
Jay drops his arm from the door then, and is back in front of Carlos in one long stride. Carlos holds his breath as he watches Jay approach, and he reaches out to softly stroke Carlos’ cheek.
“And, if Evie is what makes you happy, that’s ok, too.” Jay smiles softly, and this time Carlos can see that it’s sincere.
“But I figured you should know how I feel, too, so do what you want with that. Just…if you being happy includes me, let me know. Ok?”
Carlos snorts at that, and Jay grins before spinning quickly on his heel and walking quickly out the door, closing it behind him and leaving Carlos in the dark, alone. He hugs his chest and leans back against the shelves, closing his eyes and enjoying the unexpected moment.
This…this is everything he wanted. Their plan couldn’t have worked better, to be honest. A confession of feelings from Jay? He didn’t even think that was possible, let alone the offer of a date.
He smiles to himself, breathing out a happy sigh before finally reaching for the door. He has to find Evie and tell her the news.
He can only hope things are working out as well for her, too.
Evie takes a cautious step into the dark classroom. She looks around, confused. Why would it be empty? She glances down at her phone, reading the email again to make sure she’s in the right room. But when she turns around to check the door number, the lights suddenly flick on.
And standing there in front of her, is Ben.
“Oh! Ben!” Her hand flies to her chest as a surprised gasp escapes her. “I’m sorry. Am I interrupting something? I thought there was a dance committee meeting in here, but maybe I was wrong. Let me just…”
Evie clambers back towards the door as she rambles, her arms flailing as she flusters through her words. But when Ben reaches out to grab her arm, she stops short.
“No! Sorry, I just…” Ben drops his hand quickly, shooting out a palm in front of her instead to ask Evie to stay. She obliges, but perks a confused brow as she keeps her eyes on Ben.
Ben drops his hand and lets his eyes fall to his feet. “I’m sorry, I actually asked Audrey to send you that email,” he confesses, wringing his fingers nervously in front of him.
Evie’s eyes go wide at his confession. “You did? But, why would you do that?”
Ben looks up again, his lips twitching slightly into a smile. He doesn’t speak, and instead just extends his arm to point over Evie’s shoulder. When she spins to follow it, her eyes land on something sitting on the first table in front of her. It’s a huge bouquet, bursting with the most elegant display of full red flowers she’s ever seen, placed in a deep blue vase and adorned with a beautiful gold bow.
A small squeal of delight escapes her, and she quickly covers her mouth to try to mask her excitement. When she whirls back around to face been, he’s smiling brightly.
“That-That’s for me?” Evie squeaks, pointing back at the flowers.
Ben nods eagerly. “Of course! They’re called Poinsettias. The quintessential holiday flower.”
He steps forward, closing in on Evie. She bites her lip, holding back her growing smile when they’re finally standing toe to toe.
“They’re the most beautiful red color, aren’t they? Just like that red lipstick you wear that I love so much. I just…felt like you needed to have them. Since they make me think of you.”
Evie can’t resist a smile at that, letting her lips spread wide until her teeth are gleaming.
“Really? Ben, that’s so, so sweet of you! You didn’t have to-”
Suddenly, Ben’s cupping her cheek in his hand, and all words are lost to Evie. She stares into hazel eyes, mesmerized by the flecks of gold and green as Ben’s thumb strokes her cheek.
“I did have to. Because I wanted you to know how beautiful I think you are. Inside and out. And, that I’m thinking about you, Evie. I think about you a lot, actually.”
Evie doesn’t think she can smile any wider, she feels like she could burst.
“You do?”
Ben nods again, dipping his head closer.
“Yes, I do. And today, I realized I might lose my chance with you. I really don’t want that to happen, Evie.”
Evie tips her head closer to Ben, until their foreheads are almost touching. But she looks up in surprise when she feels Ben’s hand slip from her face. He takes a step back, a serious look on his face.
“Are you going to the dance with Carlos?” He asks, concern growing in his features. “Do you…like him?”
Evie’s smile fades as her mouth drops open. She sits there a moment in silence, just staring at Ben and trying to think of what to say. But nothing’s coming to her. Her mind’s a blank, and there’s a beautiful king in front her, looking for answers.
“I-I…Well, I mean, of course I like Carlos,” she starts, but she scrambles when Ben starts to frown. “No! I mean, I don’t know if I like him like that, but I do like him! And he asked me to the dance, but..I don’t know. Just, if maybe-”
Evie didn’t even realize she was gesturing, but her hands’ flurried movements are suddenly stilled when Ben grips them both in his.
“So, do I still have a chance then?”
Ben’s tone is almost pleading, and he’s looking deep into Evie’s eyes now. She can feel his soft, warm hands around hers. They’re so comforting, and she silently wishes he could hold onto her forever.
But she’s been silent for too long, and she can feel his hands slip away. She snaps her mouth closed, only then realizing it had been open a while and she had been gaping at him.
“Sorry, this is too much for you right now, I think,” Ben says finally with a sympathetic smile. “I’ll give you some time, to think it over, ok?”
He steps back further, smiling when he notices Evie’s sad expression. “I meant everything I said. And if you don’t end up having a date to the dance, I would love for you to consider me, Evie.”
He straightens his jacket and offers Evie a warm smile, which she finally returns.
“Enjoy the flowers,” he adds with a gentlemanly tip of his crown. Evie giggles lightly at the sweet gesture, nodding happily and giving Ben a little wave as he walks away. But as soon as he’s gone, she scoops up the flowers and dashes out the door, making a beeline for the boy’s dorms.
She needs to find Carlos. Immediately.
 That night, Evie and Carlos arrive at the dining hall for dinner, arm in arm. They stand in the doorway for a moment, eyes searching, until they spot Jay, Ben and Mal at a table in the far corner.
Carlos stands up straight, crooking his arm to allow Evie’s to rest more gracefully in its crease. He lets out a nervous exhale before giving her a stiff smile.
“Ok. Commence with part 2?”
She smiles back. “Yep! Operation breakup has begun.”
They share a quick nod, moving their bodies closer as they start to walk. When they’re spotted by their friends, Evie lets her other hand drop to Carlos’ bicep, giving it a loving squeeze just as they reach the table.
Mal, tilts her head at them, already smirking as she eyes them up and down.
“Ah! The happy couple has arrived,” she announced with a clap of her hands. “Please, will you join us? But do keep the affection at bay, if you don’t mind. The rest of us singletons are trying to eat.”
Evie rolls her eyes as she drops her hands from Carlos, sliding in next to Mal and bumping her harshly enough with her hip to prompt a tiny yelp of pain.
“Just shut it, will you Mal?” She snips. Then she turns to Carlos with a sweet smile. “Lossy and I already grabbed dinner after our movie date. We just decided to sneak in her for a little dessert.”
Evie scrunches her nose cutely when Carlos throws her an air kiss and waves as he walks away toward the dessert table. But she quickly scowls when Mal starts making loud fake gagging sounds in her direction.
Choosing to ignore Mal’s display, Evie turns her attention to Jay and Ben, who seem to be lost in whispered conversation. She grins widely as she leans in their direction.
“Boys? Everything ok?” Evie asks in her sweetest, high-pitched voice.
Jay and Ben stop talking instantly, turning their bodies toward Evie and plastering on obvious fake smiles.
“Yep. Just peachy,” Jay grits through his overly toothy grin.
Ben elbows him hard. “Yes! We’re great, thanks Evie,” he replies, in a voice much nicer than Jay’s. “I hope you and Carlos enjoyed your…um…date.”
Evie feels warmth creeping up her neck. Of course Ben could make her blush with just a few nice words. She wishes she could keep her cool just for a few more minutes.
Luckily Carlos arrives just then, placing a plate in front of her and kissing her on the cheek before sliding in next to her.
“It was nice, thank you Ben,” she answers, smiling at him before turning back to Carlos and placing her hand on top of his on the table.
“What’s this, Lossy?” She asks, poking the odd-looking dessert. It looks like a faint yellow custard, cupped inside a white ceramic bowl.
“Oh! It’s a mango and coconut tart. Try it!” He insists, lifting her hand and placing a spoon in it.
Her smile drops immediately. “Coconut?” She asks curtly, her lips tipping into a frown.
“Um, yes?” Carlos shoots back, his brows knitting together when he sees her growing angry. “And mango. Delicious. Taste it.”
Her grabs her hand holding the spoon, moving it to the cup before she rips it away from him.
“Coconut??” She asks again, raising her voice.
“Yes? What is up with you Evie?” He snaps back, pulling away from her.
Jay, Ben and Mal are gaping at them now, as is half of the dining hall. Evie almost breaks into a smug smile but manages to school her features and glare back at Carlos instead.
“What is up, is that you know I’m allergic to coconut, Carlos! I’ve told you no less than one hundred times. Are you trying to kill me?”
Carlos purses his lips and stares heatedly at Evie. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Carlos was truly annoyed with her.
But she does, so she returns his glare, clenching her teeth and gripping her spoon with a tight, angry fist.
“No,” he quips, “I wasn’t trying to kill you, Eves. But would it actually kill you to try something besides a boring ass plain vanilla cupcake once in a while? I was trying to broaden your horizons a little.”
Evie snorts and crosses her arms. “Broaden my horizons by putting me in the hospital? If that’s my only option, I’ll gladly take my cupcake, thank you.”
The tables goes silent then, with Carlos and Evie still focused on each other. The anger in the air is almost palpable, and Mal, Jay and Ben are entranced by it, unable to do anything but stare silently at the couple.
Finally, Carlos releases an exasperated sigh.
“Look,” he starts, “Maybe this isn’t going to work after all. I’m obviously not what you want. I thought it would be fun to be adventurous. Try something new. And you’re just happy with the same old stuff.”
Evie scrunches her nose, feigning a look of disgust. “Excuse me. Maybe what I’m happy with is someone that is thinking about me and what I want. And not making me feel stupid for not wanting to have a deadly reaction to food I can’t eat.”
“You’re being a little dramatic, don’t you think?”
“No, I think you’re just being insensitive.”
“Well, I think we’re over then.”
“I think so, too. I’m glad we agree on that, at least.”
Mal blinks, her head whipping back and forth from Evie to Carlos.
“Wait, what the fuck??” Mal stands up, slamming her hands down on the table. “That’s it? You’re done? Over…coconut?”
Evie shrugs, her face blank and emotionless.
“I guess so. That’s it.” She stands, letting her eyes glance over everyone but Carlos. “Is anyone in the mood to get a cupcake with me?”
There’s a beat of silence as everyone continues to stare in shock. And then, Ben clears his throat and moves slowly to stand with Evie. She quickly turns his way and smiles brightly.
“I’d love to join you, Evie. May I?”
He extends his arm, which Evie happily accepts.
“Why thank you, Ben! Such a gentleman, willing to go with me to get something I want.”
Her eyes flash to Carlos, and he rolls his eyes at her before turning away, his gaze falling on Jay.
“Jay, want to try something new with me? This tart looks amazing.”
Jay smirks, sliding his chair right up to Carlos, so close that their legs are brushing together.
“Bring it on, ‘Los. I’ll try anything once. Or maybe twice if you ask nicely.”
He winks and Carlos instantly flushes, ducking his face to hide a shy smile as they start to dig into the dessert in front of them.
Mal is still standing, her mouth agape as she watches Ben and Evie leave, then turns to stare at Jay and Carlos. After a minute of quiet shock, she shakes her head before bursting into laughter, finally sliding out of her seat and making a move to leave.
“Mal?” Evie looks confused as she returns to the table, Ben sliding in quickly to the seat now open next to hers. “You’re leaving?”
“Oh yeah, I’m outta here,” she snickers, smirking wickedly at Evie. “You lovebirds enjoy yourselves.”
She steps around the table, but leans in close to Evie just before she leaves.
“Smooth, princess,” she mumbles just under her breath. “Remind me to never underestimate you and Carlos.”
Evie gives a slight nod, quirking a smile as Mal stands and throws Carlos a wink.
“Teen love, right? Crazy as fuck,” she adds, still laughing to herself all the way out the door.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
If You Knew my Story Word for Word, Had all of my History, Would You go Along with Someone Like Me?
2 dumbasses in love. That’s it. That’s my a/n (song over here)
Maeve x Lucas. Because I love you. 4.8k
CW: mentions of past abuse (Lucas and Maeve - gaslighting), 
She never really liked warm blustery days. 
Cursing, she held her basket close, hoping the eggs didn’t crack. Lucas was trying to make an apple apricot pie, both for her and to win the affections of Tehi. After the even worse great flour incident of a few days ago, he was determined to get her to like him. 
She ran through the grocery list in her head. Lucas had been in the middle of making the crust when they realized that he had run out of eggs, milk, and the fruit needed. You know, the major part of a fruit pie.
She sighed, massaging her temples as the wind made her stumble. Malory couldn’t call the guards today, she caught the middle of their rotation. The market in the South End was...interesting, to say the least. There was more theft due to poverty, so Lucio’s bright idea was to tighten security in the area instead of helping the people starving.
Nadia just hadn’t...gotten around to them yet. 
The system was...fucked, putting it lightly. After the shitshow that was Lucio’s reign, there was much to fix up and work on. 
Her being chased out of the market every other day due to false theft accusations being one of them. After the disaster that was Doctor 069’s trial, she didn’t have much trust in the legal system. Knowing her luck she’d be executed by the Praetor over theft. The old arena was already stained enough, she didn’t know why they couldn’t tear the eyesore down.
She rubbed her arms, looking through the dairy products for sale. Being a...pet of the Quaestor gave her rights to go into the coliseum to see those under. Blinking, she waved thoughts of bloodied people and plague eyes. 
She didn’t want to go back there, see the hurt on those peoples faces. She was punished for helping them, so eventually she just...stopped.
The Quaestor was a...fascinating thing. She wondered how they could sleep at night for what they did. All and all they felt...otherworldly. 
She groaned softly, placing a few coin in the palm of the farmer. Crimson cows always had the best milk, but they were banned from the city. She hid the jug under the eggs and flowers she bought for Lucas. Crimson cows were much bigger than the regular cow, milk and meat always bloodied red. It baked well though, making everything richer so it was worth the illicit dealings. 
“Good afternoon, thief.” She stiffened at the voice, trying to fight her annoyance. Please, not today. “Come to steal my stocks again?”
“I didn’t steal and you know it.” Damn she fell for the trap, again. Her pride smarted at each theft comment. Eventually people would believe it, and then where would it leave her? She could barely keep herself afloat without even having to pay rent. 
“Now, the guards certainly don’t know that, do they?” 
“Oh fuck off. They aren’t here to protect you today.”
“Mmm, so you're going to steal from me again, aren’t you?”
She breathed in sharply. “I am going to buy some fruit, upfront, and then I am going to leave.”
“For that little bat of yours?”
She scowled. “She was just hungry, and I paid after.”
“Stealing is stealing.” “It wasn’t stealing if I bought it. Just...let me get my ingredients for a pie and I’ll leave.”
“Baking a pie? The last one wasn’t bad enough?” She flushed at the thought. She wasted a lot of good fruit that day, her fingertips stained purple for a week. “Come to waste my hard earned spoils?”
She slammed her basket on his counter with a sour look. “I’ll have you know Lucas is baking it this time. And it’ll be fine.”
Malory paled at the mention of Lucas’ name. “H-He’s not with you, is he?”
…was that a stutter?
“Why do you ask? You’re not scared are you?” she teased, picking through the apples. 
“Anyone with good sense is scared of the beast.”
She lifted an eyebrow, placing enough for the fruit by his hand. She started placing apples in the basket, keeping them away from the bluebells. Her hair was falling out of her handkerchief, again. The front of her dress was splattered with flour, and she did look like she was helping. 
Reality was that she was trying to keep Jolie from sleeping in the flour. 
And failing, miserably. 
“Oh yes, because he is so scary,” she said with an eye roll, thinking of him sulking over Tehi. 
Malory’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t mock me. Just because he has been...subdued, for now, does not mean he isn’t dangerous.”
“Lucas? Dangerous? The only danger he poses is to himself.” Clumsy oaf ran face first into her bookshelf and almost knocked himself out. 
Granted, she did have a lot of bookshelves. 
“An ex gladiator is just that, a gladiator.” Malory shuddered. “I heard he beat a man within an inch of his life before Lucio stopped the fight. He’s a ticking time bomb.”
She paused, blood roaring in her ears. “Glad...iator?” she asked softly, setting an apricot down. “Lucas?”
Malory paused. “You do know about it, don’t you? How could you not? You are his partner and this is something everyone knows.” He paused. “And paired with what surrounds you…” his lips curled in judgment, she bristled under his look. “Well, people talk.”
“What I know and don’t know is none of your business,” she sniffed, stuffing another apricot in her basket. “He doesn’t have to tell me anything he doesn’t please to. I trust him.”
“You...truly, don’t know?”
“Don’t know what?!” she snapped, her gaze low and cold. 
“About the beast?”
“‘The beast’ can you be any more vague?” Even with his...dancing around, the name rang a bell. She huffed, placing her hands on her hips. “If you’re picking a fight with Lucas, don’t. It’s me you hate.”
“I may...dislike you.” She snorted, yeah that was rich. “But I don’t want you dating a murderer.”
“Lucas is not a murderer.”
“Killing people for sport sounds like murder to me.”
“What are you even going on about?!”
“Your little...dog, has quite a past, doesn’t he?”
“Lucas. His name is Lucas. Why am I even still talking to you!” She threw her hands in the air. “I paid, I got what I needed, I’m going to leave.” She snatched her basket up and turned around. 
“He was the Scourge’s replacement. After the escape. Before Lucio’s death. He was the executioner for a while. Don’t you think that’s something you should know, Deathling?”
She flinched, turning around and hauled him over his counter by his shirt. “You don’t get to call me that,” she snarled, Malory letting out a small choked noise. “You never get to call me that.”
“T-Touchy subject,” he breathed, face pale. 
“I will give you a choice. Shut up about Lucas, or I throw you into a canal, got it?”
He let out a laugh as she let him go. “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”
She sneered. “And so what if I am?”
Malory’s eyes softened, but his smug grin didn’t. “Just letting you know what you’re getting into.”
“This is his secret,” she muttered, smoothing her hair back as she glared at him. “This is for him to tell me. If he wanted to.”
“He never would. And then where would it leave you? Would you still trust him?”
“What he did or did not do in the past is of no concern to me, Malory. He is a good fucking person, and that is why I fell for him.”
“But this is a big secret to keep, don’t you think?”
“It’s none of your business, just as it is none of mine. And if he did those things, he would not have chosen to do so. I know him, he’s a kind person. Choosing to kill someone for the fun of it, is something he would never do.”
“But what if he did?”
“He wouldn’t.” But Malory’s words hit home, and the seed of doubt sprouted. What if it was true? What if he did?
No. No. This was Lucas. He sulked when a bat didn’t like him. He was dramatic and sweet. 
If he did do what Malory was saying, he wouldn’t have done it alone. He had to have been pushed to do it.
“Ask him yourself then,” Malory said with a smile, knowing he was getting to her. “Let’s see how your little sweetheart reacts.”
“He would never lay a hand on me,” she growled. “Ever. He wouldn’t hurt me. I should have your tongue for saying it.”
He held his hands up in surrender. “Food for thought.”
“Leave him alone. It’s me you hate.”
“Hatred for you doesn’t mean I want to see him snap again. Those days were not pretty, and he was an animal.”
She snarled. “I’ll show you an animal if you don’t shut up.”
“Go home then. See what he does.”
“Fine. Maybe I will.” She hooked her basket under her arm again, stomping off. People chuckled as they watched her leave, her cheeks burning with the scrutiny and humiliation. 
The walk home was a blur, she only felt the burning warmth of rage and the seed of doubt and fear in her stomach. 
She didn’t know who to believe, it was hard seeing him in that light. 
But he had the scars of a gladiator. That’s what those were. 
She jogged up the stairs and into his house, tearing the handkerchief out of her hair and letting the locks fall around her shoulders as she slammed her basket down on the counter. 
He turned to look at her, a question on his lips. 
“Was it true.” A statement, not a question. Her chest heaved from her run. “Was what he said true?”
“What? Was what true?” Worry creased his brow as he put the rolling pin down. He wiped his hands on his apron as he moved closer to her. 
She breathed in sharply. “What Malory said.”
“Mal- what did he say to you? Did he hurt you?”
She swatted his hand away, staring into his eyes. He had kind eyes, open and clear.
“He didn’t hurt me. But is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“Were you a gladiator in Lucio’s arena? The replacement for Scourge?”
His face fell, and all the colour drained from his cheeks. The reaction was all she needed to know. He was a terrible liar. 
He laughed, the sound strangled. “What? Me? He must be lying. Do I look like a gladiator to you?” His smile was forced, fear sinking into his eyes. His voice strained, like if she pushed it he’d snap.
It hurt. 
Him lying like this. He knew she knew, and yet he still lied. 
“You’re lying,” she said, hands shaking. “You’re lying to me.” He froze, smile still forced yet wavering. She moved forward, trying to stop her shaking. “Tell me the truth.”
“I am-”
“Batsaikhan,” she growled, pausing a few steps away from him. Her heels clicked when they came to a stop. “Tell. Me. The. Truth.”
Horror flooded his face, hands shaking as he reached for her. She slapped his hand away, keeping his gaze even as he looked away from her. “I don’t want to hear an excuse. You’re a really shitty liar.”
“But I’m-”
She breathed in sharply, blinking back her hurt. It hurt, knowing he was lying. It hurt knowing that he knew she knew and he still wouldn’t tell her himself. She just wanted it from him. Not Malory or any of the others. 
They would twist him, change and lie. 
“I don’t want to hear it,” she snapped, rubbing her eyes. She wasn’t going to cry. “I don’t want to hear it from Malory or anyone else in this fucking city.” Her chest heaved as a tear slipped past. She didn’t want to cry but she was so...angry. It was almost all she could feel. “I want to hear it from you.”
He was trying to make himself smaller, holding the counter so tightly his knuckles turned white. “It’s true,” he whispered, hurt and palpable fear cracking his voice. “I did terrible things.”
He looked at her, the look in his eye making her back up a step. He flinched. “I’m a terrible person,” he murmured, looking at his hands. They curled into fists as he turned his head. 
Her expression softened into one of hurt and understanding. “You wouldn’t do it,” she said, taking one step, then two. “You wouldn’t make that choice yourself.”
“What if I did?” he asked, startling her into jumping back with the force of his words. Her heart raced, heat rising to her face with panic. “Maeve-”
She sniffed, covering her eyes. “I know you wouldn’t,” she whispered, trying to fight the doubt sprouting at the base of her stomach. “You wouldn’t. I...I don’t believe you would.”
“I’m a terrible person, Maeve.”
She flinched at the sound of her name in that tone of voice. So soft and hurt. So soft and broken. 
“No,” she murmured, looking back at him. “You’re not.” She breathed in, holding the breath as she moved closer to him. “You’re Lucas.” She paused. “No, Batsaikhan. And...you’re just...that. You’re not terrible. You’re sweet, you’re kind, you have a big heart.”
“I killed people.”
“So have I.”
He paused, staring at her with wounded eyes. Tears slipped down her cheeks, she knew her eyes would redden soon. “I know you didn’t want to,” she murmured, standing in front of him. “And I know you wouldn’t hurt me.”
Carving herself open. 
All for him.
“How do you know that?” he muttered, not meeting her eyes and shifting nervously. 
“I may not know a lot, but I know this.” She reached over to take his hand, gently opening it up to trace his palm. She kissed his fingertips, unraveling the bandages to trace the burns there. His breathing hitched audibly as she pressed her fingertips against his. Her eyes snapped up to meet his. “The Lucas of now is different from the Lucas of then. And knowing the Lucas of then isn’t going to scare me away from the Lucas of now.”
“But what if the Lucas of then was terrible?”
“He couldn’t have been that bad, he did become the Lucas of now after all.”
“...you’re only here because you didn’t know,” he muttered, staring at her with wounded eyes. “And now that you do know it’s only a matter of time before you leave again.”
She stopped, letting his hand drop. Anger slowly bubbled up in her stomach. “Is that what you think this is?” she asked, her tone sharp. “You think I’d leave over this? After all the time we spent together?”
“No you’re going to listen to me,” she snapped, jutting a finger in his face. “Fuck you, Karimov. I just want to hear it from you. I’m not going anywhere.” Angry tears cut through her skin, stealing the starlight from her cheeks. “But I want you to stop...running from the issue.” She sniffed, swiping at her eyes. “I want to hear it from you. I don’t want any ‘I’m a terrible person’. I will decide that.”
“No. You will fucking tell me so I can make that choice myself.” She rocked back onto her heels, pulling at her hair. “I know what it’s like to want to keep something secret, I know why you kept it from me. I’m not mad. I’m just...hurt. Giant, I like being around you. But I don’t want you to lie to my face about something I want to know.”
She breathed in, trying to calm her panic. “I don’t…” want Lucas to lie like he did. “...you’re a terrible liar. I can see right through you.”
“But what if you do leave?” he whispered, hunching in on himself. 
“Then that’s something I’d do for myself.”
“...” he sighed. “It was...it was a bad time.”
“Just bad. Bad people.”
“Lucas,” she murmured, reaching out to take his hand. The skin on his palm was rough under hers, years of hard labor and burn scars melting into his hands. “Please, I want to hear it from you.”
His gaze darted away from hers again, she squeezed his hand. “I was just...angry, all the time,” he murmured, a flush building across his face. There was a hardness in his eyes. “And if I wasn’t angry I was...numb. Tired. I wanted to see the trees again.”
He was shaking in her hand, she rubbed her thumb along his knuckles, keeping quiet. 
“I…didn’t want to hurt them, they didn’t deserve to die. But I did so maybe I deserve…everything. I don’t deserve you either. I don’t…I’m terrible, Thumbelina, I’m a terrible person. And I don’t…I don’t know why you still…want to be around me. I’m just going to drag you down with me.”
She brought his hand up to her lips, kissing his knuckles. “See? I knew you didn’t want to. You aren’t that kind of person, darling. And you aren’t terrible.”
“But I hurt people. I did it and I was so numb and angry.”
“You were hurt. You didn’t want to.”
“I didn’t want to but I still did.”
“You had a reason.”
He paused. “Lucio…threatened my family. With…petty crimes.”
“So you did it to protect them.”
“What little I had left.”
“That’s more of a show of your character, Giant. Hurting someone for…the fun of it, is different than being forced into it. You didn’t have a choice.”
“I did have a choice! And I chose to kill people. I could…I could hurt you.”
“You wouldn’t make that choice.”
He wouldn’t look her in the eye, he looked so skittish, like he was ready to run. 
“People wanted to test their will and strength against me,” he whispered, clenching and unclenching his fist. He chuckled without humour. “I really was a beast.”
The word struck a chord within her. She knew it, heard it, saw it, smelled it.
But she kept quiet. 
“People were scared of me. Still are. I…deserve it. I’m not, good.”
“You don’t deserve any of that! You are good.”
“Maeve,” he snapped, ripping his hand from hers. She flinched, hands going up by her lips. He watched her back away, horror painting his face in dark colours. His eyes darkened as he fell into the role. “I hurt people for my own gain.” His voice was a low snarl, he was so tall. 
So tall.
Her nerves thrummed; ‘danger’ they seemed to scream at her. Hands, gloves, dark tone. I do it out of love, you’re just being selfish. It was her fault her fault her fault her fault her fault-
“Look, I’m even scaring you too,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. She let out a tiny sob, his façade cracking at the sound. He backed off, and before he looked away she saw flashes of anger and horror on his face. “I’m not good. Whatever good you saw in me is...a lie. I hurt people and I’m trying but it’s all people see in me. How can I change if people only see that?”
“I don’t,” she whispered, trembling. “I don’t see that. I don’t see any of it. I only see you.”
“But what if I’m a monster?”
“I can’t...I won’t believe that.”
He looked at her tear streaked face, fear barely hidden under her skin. “You should. I’m a monster. It’s only a matter of time before I-”
Her fingertips sparked, stomach bubbling. “You won’t. You aren’t like him. You are you. You are broken and awful. You feel like you’re beyond help and unlovable.” He flinched at the bluntness of her tone. “But I’m not going to leave. I made my choice.”
“Why won’t you leave? It’s not like I can offer you anything. I’m not of any worth to you.”
She snarled. “You make me happy. How is that not enough?”
“I want to be useful. I want to be good.”
“You are.”
“It was a lie,” he snapped, staring at her with shaking shoulders. “It’s all they’ll see so it’s all I can be.”
“Where is this coming from?” She stared at him, his eyes peeling back the layers of hurt to show a…
He was scared.
“You’re just going to leave,” he whispered. “Like everyone else.”
“So just get it over with. You already know I’m a beast. You know I’m terrible. So why are you still here?” he snapped. “Just go.”
“I’m not going to,” she snarled, balling her hands into fists. Fire licked at her palms. 
“Why not?” he said, voice rising to a yell. 
She trembled, saying what she never wanted to. She was no good. She was volatile and ugly and snared. She was a rat in a trap. She was a spark waiting for the breath of air to turn into a wildfire. 
She wasn’t good. 
He stopped, eyes going wide. He trembled, the words deathly soft. Softness that cut through her like winter cold. She almost gasped at the pain. 
“Do you?”
Her lips pulled back in a sneer as she took a step, then two. He moved away, watching her cry out of anger. She scrubbed at her face, jutting a finger in his. “You. Are a fucking. ASSHOLE,” she yelled, making him jump. “‘Do you?!’” she mocked, rolling her eyes. “YES I FUCKING DO.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” she snarled. “Oh I’m Lucas and I’m such a bad person. I act all tough in front of everyone but I’m scared.” His eyes were wide as saucers. She overstepped so many lines but she didn’t care. “I know you. You are a good fucking person. I can’t justify what you did but you did it out of desperation. People do things they regret when they are desperate.”
Her sob was choked and low, digging her palm into her eye as she gritted her teeth. “I’m fucked. Okay? I’ve been fucked for fucking years now. I haven’t...I was scared to open myself up to you. And now that I have you say ‘do you?’ what a fucking joke.”
She backed him up far enough that he ran into the sink, leaning back as she rose onto her tiptoes. “I trust you. I trust you with myself. I trust you with my heart, okay?! It’s yours and it’s always been yours. I’ve just been too stupid to see it. Fuck. Fuck you and fuck your ‘terrible person’ shtick. I’m fucking done with it.”
He went cross eyed at her finger. She flicked the tip of his nose. “I’m so fucking in love with you, Batsaikhan, that I’m not even scared. You make falling easy. You make it fun. You make it safe. I know you’ll be there for me when I reach the bottom. And if you don’t love me back that’s fine.”
She huffed, throwing her hair over one shoulder. “But I had love ruined for me. I’ve had it used against me, chaining me down and letting me drown. It’s been tainted and terrible. I wanted you gone because you scared me with how fast and how hard I was falling. It was scary and I wasn’t ready. But you…” she let out a low cry, shoulders shaking as she inhaled and exhaled in gasps. “You make it easy.”
“But I-”
“Yeah yeah. You’re ‘terrible’ so you’ve said. But if you’re a terrible person then I am unforgivable. If you don’t love me back that’s fine. It’s all fine.” She blinked, moving away from him. She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling sick. “It’s fine. I know you…you don’t feel the same,” she whispered, choking down a tiny sob. “And that’s okay. It’s okay.” Her voice cracked. It wasn’t okay. She was a fucking liar. She wanted him to love her back. She was selfish and awful. 
She didn’t deserve him. 
“But never doubt that I love you. I know you’re...scared and you’re hurting. I can’t...possibly imagine what you went through, I can’t. But you’re...good. You’re lovely and kind. You make life seem...lighter and I love you. You’re so...bright and wonderful you make me feel like...I can be good too. That I can be good like you.”
Her hair fell into her face as she turned away from her, pain thrumming in her chest. She swayed, stumbling a little. “You don’t have to feel the same. I know...I’m not good. But you are. And you make me want to do...better. More. You make everything more...colourful. When I’m with you everything seems okay. Knowing your past won’t scare me away from your future.”
She squeezed her eyes shut, taking in a shuddering breath. “I-I’ll just go. I’m sorry,” she whispered, moving to the door. It was all so quiet, swallowing her up and making her dizzy. 
He was right. Nicolas, was right. It was always her fault. Always. Her palms slowly cooled down as she sniffed again, trying to stop crying.
“Wait.” His voice was soft, his touch even more so. She let out a tiny sob at his hand against hers, heart lifting against her will. He didn’t love her. Why would he? She wasn’t good like he was. He was beautiful and good. 
She was unforgivable. 
“I-I’m sorry,” he whispered, as she turned around. He trembled, and she knew she was staring in the face of a scared child. Broken, scared, longing. 
“I-I am terrible,” he sniffed, letting her arm go and backing away a step. 
She reached forward, tipping onto her toes as she cupped his cheek. He let out a small hiccup as he watched her with wide eyes. Her hands were cold against his skin, the warmth settling in her stomach as she ran the pad of her thumb against the freckles on his cheek. 
He stared for a moment, shuddering as he leaned into her touch.
“No, you’re good,” she murmured, tears spilling from her eyes again. “That’s my choice. I think you’re good. No, I know you are.”
He shook, melting into her hand. He squeezed his eyes shut, breathing heavy and shuddery. 
She placed her other hand on his chest, kissing the tip of his nose. His heart was fluttering and fast under her touch.
He wrapped her up in a hug, almost lifting her up off the ground. He buried his face in her neck, she stiffened for a moment. 
Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning back onto her heels. He tilted forward, hands on either side of her head to balance them. 
“I lo-lov...I love you,” he whispered, her skin erupting with goosebumps. 
He slowly moved his head so she could look at him, hair falling into his eyes. She brushed it back, laughing through her tears. He was crying now as well, face red. 
“D-Don’t laugh,” he sniffed as she swiped at his cheeks. She kissed the tip of his nose as she squished his face, leaning against the door. 
“You really need to get your head out of your ass,” she murmured, kissing his cheek. 
He huffed, sniffing quietly. “P-Please don’t...don’t leave me. I-I’m sorry, d-d-don’t go.” He was crying more now, brows soft. “I don’t want you t-t-to leave.”
She sobbed, wrapping her arms around him again, heel smacking the door. 
He whimpered, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I’m not going anywhere,” she murmured, running her hands through his hair. “I’m not going anywhere.” Not again.
He blinked, his face splotchy now. His nose brushed hers as he kissed her with such reverence she almost whimpered. Her nails scratched his scalp lightly as he pressed her against the door, heels tapping the floor. He caged her in with hands on either side of her face, but kissed her so softly she couldn’t feel much else. 
“I love you,” he murmured softly, breath warm against her face. He kissed her again. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispered, cupping his face in her hands. He kissed her palm, staring at her with wounded eyes. Such soft affection, those big blue doe eyes of his. 
She wrapped her arms around him, slowly sliding down the door to the floor. Her dress made a soft ‘puff’ sound as she landed hard, dragging him with her. She rested his head in her lap, hair falling like a curtain between them. 
So soft it was. Soft affection, soft kisses, soft words.
The scars, the anger, the sun, the hurt, were marked along his skin. Her fingertips danced against all of them, taking him in. 
He was a good person who did bad things. 
And maybe...maybe, she was the same way. He made her feel like she was good. She wanted to be good like him. Then maybe she’d… 
He reached up to push some of her hair behind her ear. 
No, she didn’t need to earn his love. It wasn’t even about earning it. 
It was realizing she didn’t need to, because she had it anyway. 
“I love you.”
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
san and I were cuddling on top of the couch, watching tiktoks and giggling, forgetting what personal space meant and then all of a sudden he He lifts up his white shirt off his body and came straight at my neck, attacking m with harsh hickeys
he took my shirt off and went lower and lower, kissing every inch of my skin. Normally I would have screamed at him to stop but these days my hormones have been acting on me and with all my emotions heightened, I start to enjoy it slightly moaning his name while my hans went up to his face he sliD my panties off and started slURPING up my insides like a slushie. It was when he started to suckk on my lil ball of nerves when the front door opened with an ASTrOmOnIcal Amount of force the door open bUrSt open and two clowns ran in. Two plump looking clowns in striped reD was all I saw for a few seconds in my aroused state. It was then I realised it was my two mates.
“just as it was getting good” i whispered to san as we tried to cover ourselves oP because we realized they we’re tryna film us to make a porno tape??. As Mals was trYnnA gesture at me to keep going, her clown nose detached off and rolled on to to sans ass.
mals tried to pick up her clown nose from sans ass but just ended up making it go further in his holé. "ahhh UhG" San let out a moan that I could only describe as something between an anime girl and a construction worker having a wank on his break.
now all 3 of us were gathered around sans ass, trying to get the clown nose outta his ass, we were working aT iT like a group of engineering students trying to fix a brokEn engine. Then rans had the absolutely thrilling idea of facetiming her bouyften Yuri for help getting it out. While I was trying my best to deter her away from that idea (cause hello that's mY BRO) San that mf spilled all his load on the couch
while ihu was busy trying to clean sans white mess up rans quickly called yuri up, knowing he had plently experiences with getting bALLs outta pacific holes
"yes it only works with strawberry ice-cream" we heard Yuri say. with that rans quicky went towards the fridge to look for the said icY GOodnESs. we were all confused with what yuri said, but at this point we were willing to try anYTHING to shimmy that ball out of there
"Shimmy yeah shimyy yeah shimmy yeah all allalassslll" San Started to sing. It was then rona’ came in with a bUCKet of the sweet stuff™️
She guided San to sit in the bucket and thanked the jeezis for his thin hips and snatched waist. The poor bOi was terrified as to why he was in this situation, calling for HOngJoon hyung even though he's hallways across the continent.
I was doing my best to comfort san, because even though he tried to play it off like it was cOOL*wink* i knew his ass was boutta freeze off
"okay next Yuri said we have to have one hand in the bucket with San" rans said "me MEEee" before I or anyone else could say anythinv, mals dunked her whole hands in.
mals instantly regretted dunking her hand in because it was colder than the mf nITROgen filled icecubes chan shoved up her vaheena the order day. Whilst mals was blowing on her hand as if THat will help we heard some pigeons from the balcony.
my whole face lit up when i realized my m8s were here for the rescue!
All three of us had the same idea and we ushered San in all his naked glory towards the balcony. "Okay San trust us this won't take long"
the pigeons gathered around san in a prayer circle and started chanting in some kinda weird oTher woRLDLY language that none of us had heard before. Slowly but surely the red nose started to slip out of san. This resulted in some ass simulations for the bOi and he stared get hard again, the moans now louder and echoing though the empty street
they all started to cheer clAP in joy, finally the ball was out! but wait what was that-
And there was Saturn! Makinb his way downtown.
san started whIMpering in fear as he didn’t want another ball anywhere nEaR his ass after that traumatizing incident. So we all headed back inside and the pigeon follows us in probably wanting a snack for their hard work. RAns wasnt having any of it and dragged each pigeon one by one by their wings outside and made them drink the now melted ice cream from the bucket.
ihus cancer ass didn’t want her m8s to be drinking anymore of her fiancés gREASE and led them into her bed to sleep, because after all without them san would prolly still have a ball in his ass. The pigeons were all drenched in the pink liquid but they all laid down on my bed like the good slavs they were. as i put the piegeons to resting, i realized we had to do suMN about this wandering satURN 🪐
I went out to sitting room to discuss what we should do about saturn and nealrh choked out sans cum from last night case there was saturn, leaning against the kitchen door just chilling on one leg
“sup ladies” saturn beybe-nim said with a wiNK as he started to hoP towards us
"soo I was thinkinnn" Saturn started with his gay ass voice as he sat down at our table and started helping himslef to sum mashuni and roshi. before saturn could help himself to more of MY food i was coming @ him but then san pushed me aside and started walkin towards sAturn, dick first, at full speed.
"Omg I totally forgot about sans demon kink!" Mals exclaimed taking out her camer and going behind the couch for that "angle" or watever..
san didn’t heard her aNd tRIPPED on the ground, dick in fULL erection and this was when Saturns gay ass Approached him to sing "hey I just met you and this is crazy but hears my number so call me maybe" but san got propelled towards the ceiling from bouncing of top of dick
I had ENOUGH of him flirting with MY mans and went over there and slapped saturn across his smug face.
Saturn immediately burst into tears saying something about how "none of god's niggas can be gay in peace" but the real cAtASrophe was his tears were absolutely boiling hot and dissolving the living room rug
at that moment, san knew EXACTLY what he had to do before the whole place melted into nothing. He laid down in submission, ass up as mouth open for saturn-sunbaenims tears.
saturn immidiAtly stopped cRYING and came over and slAPPED sans ass, at this point we knew we were overpOwERED by saturn and had to let him have his way if we wanted to live.
Even though I would have never been okay with it I decided to let Saturn have a quickie with my mans.this whole thing was unfair and it was supposed to be MY bIrdthay.
My girlies were comforting me and all of a sudden saturn peeled his face off to reveal he was acTUALLY WOOYOUNG all along and said “no homo bro”
"wOOOYOJnG I'm AbOUTTA KILL YOu" I screamed while going after him with ae fruit knife.
then san turned towards me and repeated a quote by the god herself “it’s not cheating if it’s your soulmate”
At This point i had had enough and scrmead at EvErONe to leave so I can go back to my room and chill in the AC with my pink m8s
while i was having some time with the m8s I realized it wasn’t really sans fault, and he only did it to save all of us. Wooyoung was to blame! did he think this was funny to do on my special day?? me and the m8s were discussing a plan to prAnK him bacc. I knew San and all of the clowns were taking refuge in my parents room so I headed there
when i went in i looked around and didn’t see anyone?? was i blind? I could’ve sworn i heard them in there. Then I went to the balcony and saw rans giving wooyoung the actUAl devil a blowjob so I quickly turned around and saw San and mols on top of the ceiling fan.
this made me even more mad! before i could address any of the problems that were going on my m8s quickly flew in to coMMeNse THe plAn. They grabbed onto wooyoung and started flyING him out of the house as fast as they could and I turned to him and said “if you wanna be saturn so bad go live in space”
My m8s unbottomed his shirt and started to fly him out almsot naked. I laughed to myslef cause he'd be having his purple nips out for the public to see. everyone stopped doing what they were doin and came out to thr balcony to see wooyoung being launched into space. But I wasn’t done with them yet! rans was cheating on yuri, san kinda cheated on me but not really? and mols probably invoted wooyOUNg here in yhe forst place.
I called for a group gathering and picked up the melted ice-cream goo with all my might and threw it on towards the traitors.
they finally got what they deserved! or did they? I looked at them and realized they were kinda elEcTRICUTING?? what the actual fuck they weren’t my friends this whole time but ROBOTS.
I gasped and took a step back in disbelief. Were they the AI robots KQ sEan kIm-nim talked about? But how did he actually manage to make and send them here?
i was so relieved but scared at the same time, at least it wasn’t my friends doing all of theese shenanigans but where were my ACTUAL frens.
The robots were now going going haywire in my living room and I was left to my own devices (literally) to clean it up and somehow get rid of them before my parents cake back.I concentrated all my negative energy on them and actually managed to throw them out of the balcony
They landed on the street and dissipated into thin air. I heard a loud elphephantd noise and looked up to see balcony San but now he looks even more like real San!
every thing was such a mess and i knew I couldn’t do it alone so i called him over to help me clean up and maybe sneak out to fiNd my real frens after that
He did a lil salute and ran straight to my house. I was extremely glads that he didn't reject me but honestly thou I did my hair the night before and was feeling like a bOUjee bitch WHo COULD deNy Me AAhA
we quickly cleaned up and went to look for the huMAN m8s
Whilst we were walking his hand slowly slipped into mine and I almost gagged on mylsef.
then I remembered sAN and how dissapeted he would be and sadly broUGHT ma hans back to myself and went aloNG. Balcony San started talking bout how he was a new trainee ata Japanese company-
we wandered along to this dark, kinda scary lookin hALL? all the lights were off and I couldn’t see anything. My clumoy ass slipped in the shiny tiles and balcony chan was too busy talking about CoLOr changing pigeons to notice it
as i helped myself up, balcony san pushed me into this bALL piT and all the lights turned on! then i saw my m8s and as i was gonna run towards them to hUg them i realized they decorated the whole place for ma borthday!!.my HUMAN m8s, rona, mols and sAN that is akakka
There was this huge redvelvet cake and a small lil stage to the side. When the stage lightings cam on I SAW MF Ikon and they started singing their songs but rock version with AcTUAl live drums and guitars. then all of the ateez members also came up from backstage and they all started singing together. San gestured atme to come up
Ateeze and ikom collabed to make me a birthday ballad song and I was fully bawling my eyes out while stuffing the caked in. From the corners of my eyes j saw rans and mals having a swimming battle on the marbled tiles.
i brought them all in for a group hug, even wet ol rans and mols and i thanked them for this amazing gift! this shore was a birthday to remember
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sgtbuckyybarnes · 6 years
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“don’t say that.” - Harper x Bucky (40s AU)
requested by @isaaclahys
She hadn’t been bored for a while and it was something she definitely had not missed.
Lying stretched out on her bed she had even given up on flicking through all of the stations on the television hanging on her wall. It had been hooked up to receive any kind of station from any country and across the internet…
And she was still bored.
The knock at her door raised her heart and launched her into action. Her excitement about the possibility of company causing her to almost fall off her bed, her feet catching her before she landed on her bum.
Swinging her door open a wide grin stretched across her lips when she saw the young girl standing on the other side “Finally!” she exclaimed as Shuri stepped inside, the two of them crossing their arms over their chests and sharing nods before Harper pulled the younger girl into a hug “I thought you’d forgotten about me up here.”
“Give a girl the most sought after room in all of Wakanda and she still manages to moan,” Shuri answered in a teasing tone rolling her eyes dramatically “I’ve actually brought a guest for you.”
Harper’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion “You have?” she asked, her eyebrows arching in surprise and her grin back on her face when the blonde woman who had been waiting outside of her door wandered in “Mal! You’re here, in Wakanda?”
“Don’t look so worried,” Mal said with a warm smile as she crossed over and pulled the reluctant Harper into a hug of her own “Oh but you’ll let Shuri hug you?”
“Yes well look at this face,” Harper answered squishing Shuri’s cheeks together and laughing as the teenager batted her hand away “So, is everything okay?” she continued with a question as her eyes flickered between the two standing in front of her.
Letting out a small sigh Mal’s shoulders squared and she was suddenly all business, tucking her hands into the pockets of her jeans “I need your help with something.”
Throwing her arms out into a shrug Harper nodded her head “Sure.”
“You don’t know what it is yet?”
“This one is so bored I think she’d say yes to anything,” Shuri spoke up from where she had thrown herself on Harper’s bed and took over flicking through the television stations “Can’t switch off even after all she’s been through.”
Harper rolled her eyes and let out a huff of a sigh as she folded her arms over her stomach “Ignore her I’ve been fine,” she said raising one of her shoulders into a shrug “So what’s going on?”
Her eyes were wide once she had shut and locked her door. Hurrying down the corridors after Mal and Shuri her heart pounded in her chest and thoughts were spinning around her mind “Are you for real?” she asked breathlessly once she had finally caught them up and the three of them stepped into the waiting elevator “And you really want my help?”
 “It’s kind of specialist,” Shuri answered practically bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement “You’re going back to the 40s,” she continued with a wink.
“Shuri!” Mal exclaimed as they reached the bottom floor and the doors slid back open “I wasn’t going to tell her until we got to your lab,” she continued with an arch to her eyebrow and a slight smile on her face “Har-”
Mal’s word cut off as soon as she turned around to see Harper still standing in the middle of the elevator staring to the two of them blankly. When they had first told her what the mission would entail, the fact that she would be travelling back in time, she had practically jumped up and down on the spot…
But now she looked as though she was going to throw up.
“I can’t go back to the 40s?”
“Yes you can,” Mal answered as she and Shuri exchanged glances before they walked back into the elevator to grasp onto an arm each “And you are,” she continued sending Harper a ‘look’ “We really need you on this Rhodes.”
“But do you?” Harper asked not even acknowledging the fact that not only did Mal have her ‘Agent’ voice on but she called her by her surname “I’m pretty sure you got this,” she said as the three of them came to a stop outside of the car awaiting their arrival on the street.
“Let me talk to her,” Shuri said directing Mal toward the back of the car before she grabbed hold of Harper’s hand “What is going on with you?? You have been moaning about being bored for the past two weeks now!”
“I ca-I can’t,” Harper replied with a shake of her head “Do you know what’s in the 40s?”
“War, Hattie McDaniel, the very first McDonalds-”
“Okay stop being so smart,” Harper interrupted “Bucky. Bucky is in the 40s.”
Shuri looked to her blankly for a couple of seconds before she shrugged “And? That’s another thing I’ve had to listen to you moan about. You miss him! It hasn’t been very long, and I am working on it, but you still miss him.”
“He was so different back then,” Harper answered in a small voice “What if 40s Bucky doesn’t like me?” The blank look was back only this time Shuri let go of her and took a step back “Oh shit you know what? I’m good. I can’t believe I just said that. I didn’t say that okay?”
“Whatever you say girl,” Shuri answered holding her hands up as Harper walked past her and climbed into the back of the car.
“So you’re in?”
Glancing from Mal to the sixteen year old climbing in after her Harper nodded “I’m in.”
“Okay so you have to keep these on your wrists at all times,” Shuri said fixing the band to Mal’s wrist before tucking her sleeve over it and stepping down from the platform they were standing on “It’ll help me keep track of how you are, how things are going.”
“To see whether or not we’ve fucked up and need to be brought back?”
Mal let out a sigh and rolled her eyes as she adjusted her sleeve some more “We’re not going to mess up Harper.”
“Well look who’s been spending too much time with Captain Rogers.”
“The person who knows his name is Steve?”
“Okay, okay who is the teenager here?” Shuri asked raising her voice and her arms into a shrug “Now do you want to time travel or am I sending you to your rooms?” she asked letting out a laugh when she didn’t receive a reply “You know what you’re supposed to be doing?”
“Not really,” Harper answered with a shrug as Mal spoke at the same time.
“Locate Peggy and warn her about Hydra infiltrating Shield.”
Harper’s eyebrows raised as she slowly turned to Mal “I’m sorry, we have to find Peggy?” she asked resting her hands on her hips as Mal avoided her gaze “So that’s why you’ve asked me along.”
“Please just get this thing going,” Mal said directing her plea to Shuri and keeping her eyes away from the smug look on Harper’s face. Dropping her gaze down to the gadget Shuri had attached to her she let out a sigh “I don’t think we-” her sentence trailed off as she glanced back up and noticed the sudden different surroundings “-have alot of time…”
“So,” Harper began stepping closer to Mal’s side “Shuri is all about surprises. What do we do now?”
Letting out a sigh Mal tucked her sleeve over the band on her wrist and glanced around the darkened street they found themselves in “We find Peggy I guess,” she said with a shrug nodding her head for Harper to follow her “Steve told me about this bar they would all go to when they had downtime. I told Shuri to place us nearby in the hope we’d be able to bump into them quicker.”
“In a place with alcohol, good choice,” Harper replied hurrying to keep up with the agent on a mission “Listen will you just...tone it down?” she asked reaching out and grasping onto Mal’s arm to get her to stop “You’re not Agent Coben here, you keep acting like this we’ll be noticed in a second.”
Taking in a deep breath Mal nodded “Yeah, yeah I guess you’re right,” she said smoothing her hands down her skirt “Y’know you remembering some of your training is really helpful.”
“Thanks mom,” Harper answered with a smirk and a roll of her eyes as Mal hooked her arm around her and pulled her in for a squeeze “Now we just look like two drunk weirdos hugging in the street,” she continued, her voice muffled from where she had her face smushed against Mal’s shoulder.
Stepping apart Harper sent Mal a smile before she made her way over to the window of the bar they were standing by. Stepping up onto her toes she peered inside “Okay, we’re not going to freak out alright?” she asked as she turned back around to face Mal and waved her over “We have a mission and we’re going to stick to it,” she said with a pointed look before she tapped her finger against the window “Steve and Bucky are sat by the bar.”
They stood there for another couple of seconds before Mal nudged Harper’s arm with her elbow “Better get on with it,” she said with a smile. Butterflies fluttered nervously in her stomach as both she and Harper made their way around to the front door.
This was the Captain America she had learned all about from her father. The Captain America all of her childhood stories contained. It wasn’t even like she was seeing her Steve she was meeting some kind of fictional hero and she couldn’t help but feel a bit jittery about it.
It was noisy in the pub as they pushed their way through the door. With neither of them really knowing what was going to happen and how they were going to go about doing this it was as though each other’s nervous energy was pushing them forward.
“Go ask the main man about Peggy,” Harper said leaning over to talk quietly into Mal’s ear. Sending her a smile she let out a long breath before she turned to where Bucky was saving him and his best friend a table “Anyone sitting here?”
Her breath caught in her throat and her heart jumped as he glanced up from where he’d been picking at a stray piece of fabric on his uniform. He looked confused for a second but when his eyes met hers a grin stretched across his face “You?” he asked stretching his leg out and nudging the chair to push it out for her.
He looked so different it took her breath away as she sat down opposite him. Of course his hair was shorter and he was wearing an army uniform but there was also something more. He wasn’t carrying the weight of being a hydra assassin on his shoulders, he seemed lighter and she had to stop herself from reaching across to touch him.
“So what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this huh?” he asked as he leaned with his elbows on the table.
Her head tilted to one side as she too leaned with her arms on the tabletop “I’m here with my friend,” she said glancing behind her to where she was proud to see that Mal was actually speaking with Steve.
“Chatting with Captain America huh,” Bucky said, the only hint to his voice was that of admiration for his friend as he followed Harper’s gaze “You sure you wanna be chatting to little old me?”
“Don’t say that,” Harper answered a little too quickly, clearing her throat and shaking her head slightly as he looked to her with a slight smirk on his lips “I mean...I’m sure you’re okay. For a chat over a beer,” she corrected unable to keep the smile off her face.
Over by the bar Mal wasn’t having as much luck at striking up a conversation. Steve was standing right beside her, one arm leaning on the bar and that dopey, amazing smile on his face as he listened to the barman ramble on about Captain America.
She had wished her entire life that she could meet the Steve Rogers she had heard about when she was a kid but now she was standing right beside him the words just wouldn’t come to her lips.
“I actually think this lovely lady was next.”
Mal jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. She knew the tone almost too well, he was pretending to be confident Cap when really he was pushing through his shy nature “Malia,” she said offering her hand out to him and trying not to blush when he took it “I think my friend is sitting with yours,” she continued in a whisper before telling the bartender her order “I, uhm, is it just him you’re here with?”
“Bucky? Yeah just him and the rest of my squad,” he said glancing around the bar to where the other Howling Commandos were stationed, chatting to various people in the room “Are you looking for anyone in particular?”
Before she could even open her mouth, and as though it was written in some god awful book, the sound of heels on the wooden floor caught all of their attentions and Peggy Carter entered the room.
Mal was pretty sure she had never felt as nervous as she did in that moment. Her jealousy radar was going off the scale and, as much as she wished she could look away, she couldn’t stop herself from noticing the look in Steve’s eyes when he saw her.
“Miss Carter,” she blurted out before her brain gave her a better greeting, just knowing her cheekbones were burning a bright red when Peggy turned to look at her with a questioning expression “I, uhm, I have a message from Stark.”
Peggy’s eyebrows furrowed but she nodded her head “Follow me,” she said turning back to where she had appeared from and waving for Mal to come with her. As they passed the table Harper and Bucky were sat at Mal was thankful to hear her friend make her apologies and get up onto her feet.
“Agents Coben and Rhodes,” Mal said once they were round the corner and out of sight “Not much of this is going to make sense to you but we’re here to warn you about Hydra.”
Much to their surprise Peggy made sure they had her full interest. She didn’t think they were crazy and listened to every single concern they had about Hydra infiltrating Shield. She didn’t even question how they knew what Shield was about.
“I can assure you both that we’re taking all the precautions we can,” Peggy said crossing her arms and regarding the two with just slight suspicion “If Howard Stark has any issues with how I am running things you tell him he can come to me himself.”
“Of course,” Harper answered with a nod of her head “But for now I think he would like to speak with you. He said to meet in his office,” she continued with a sweet smile, the three of them exchanging pleasantries before Peggy made her way back out of the bar “Well that was easy!”
“Almost too easy,” Mal answered craning her neck to see Peggy slip out of the back door “Why’d you send her away?”
“Because if Peggy Carter isn’t going to take us seriously I know two guys who will,” she explained jabbing her thumb over her shoulder “And we came here so you could meet 40s Steve.”
“Actually we came here-”
Mal let out a laugh and reached over to jab Harper in the arm “Okay but we can’t stay long, is your band also heating up a little?” she asked rubbing her hand over her wrist “I’m pretty sure that’s Shuri saying time is running out.”
Making their way back to into the main room of the bar the two girls split up. Mal making her way back over to Steve, her heart lifting when he greeted her with a smile. He was everything her father had told her about and more. His heart full and yet to be broken, his view on the world not shattered as of yet and, as much as she loved every single thing about her Steve back home, it just felt so good to see this version of him. A version of him that still viewed the world with hopeful eyes.
Opposite them and sat back at the table Harper was laughing at a story Bucky was telling her. It was so hard for her to spend time with him when she knew what would happen in the near future but at the same time it was so amazing to see him with such a light and carefree attitude.
“I have to go,” she said as she got to her feet “It was lovely meeting you though James,” she continued as he too stood, a surprised noise leaving her as he tugged her into a hug. Her eyes closed and her chin leaned on his shoulder “Be careful out there,” she said in a whisper “Especially, y’know, with trains.”
She knew she shouldn’t but she couldn’t help herself. She knew that he had to become the winter soldier for them to get the chance to meet but, in that moment, she just wished she could give him the gift of being happy without having to go through all of that torture.
“It was lovely meeting you too doll,” he said with that lopsided grin that made her heart soar “And trains? Sure why not,” he answered even though the confusion was evident on his face “I’ll watch out for...trains?”
They shared a laugh, her’s a little watery with emotion she was trying so hard to hide, before she patted him on the arm (a real arm on his left side) and turned to grab Mal.
“So just, y’know, maybe make the shield a little bigger? Your legs are just too vulnerable Steve.”
“Come on M, we gotta bounce,” Harper said reaching over to grasp onto her friend’s arm. Smiling up to Steve she had to force herself to not ask him all of the questions she had “We’ll see you round,” she said quickly, the two of them hurrying out of the bar before Shuri could burn their hands off.
“Okay S we’re-” Mal was cut off as she opened her eyes from a blink to see they were surrounded by Shuri’s lab once more, the teenager grinning to them from across the room.
“Message received,” Mal said stepping down from the platform they were standing on and staggering slightly “But you gotta stop with the surprises. Don’t know if I’m coming or going!”
“Yes, yes missions and time travel,” Shuri said with a wave of her hand “Now. Tell me about 40s Steve and Bu-” she paused for a second as she glanced around the room “Where’s Harper?”
Mal smiled “She’ll have gone to see Bucky.”
Harper was quiet as she slowly opened his door. Bucky had come out of the ice a week previous but Shuri had been insistent that he was still learning control. He and Harper were allowed to see one another but it had been such a long time since they were alone.
“Hey,” he said with a soft smile as she poked her head in around his door “You okay?”
She blinked back the tears which had sprung to her eyes as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her “I just...needed to see you,” she said sitting down on his right side and smiling as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, leaning down so her head was on his chest.
He placed a kiss on the side of her head “I’m glad I didn’t listen to your advice by the way,” he said in a whisper and her eyes widened “Without the train and the winter soldier I never would have met you.”
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silverscribe87 · 7 years
Peridot’s Paranormal Pursuits
My late contribution for the ghosts and ghost hunting prompt. Apologies!
Summary: Paranormal Investigator Peridot gets a lead on a haunted barn and decides to investigate. Or how Peridot meets Lapis the snarky ghost, a Halloween tale.
Read now on Ao3! :)
With one last snuffle Peridot finally dried her tears. Her face ached from crying and her vision was blurry even with her glasses. It was time to go home. Time for her to grow up. She started towards the yawning opening that had once been the barn's front doors without even bothering to gather her pack, she didn't need that garbage anymore, when the voice recorder still clipped to her shirt crackled to life of its own accord.
 “Paranormal activity.”
  “Paranormal activity.”
  “Paranormal activity!”
Peridot snatched the device from her shirt and stared at it as it continued to recite the mantra. The most disturbing thing was that it was her voice reciting it. But it was different, her voice was distorted and it repeated the phrase in an eerie singsong tone that she hadn't used in any of her logs tonight. So it couldn't just be a malfunction with the recorder, could it? Deciding she'd had enough she pushed the power button.
Nothing happened.
The singsong chant continued.
Growing more than a little alarmed now she snatched the batteries out of the device and the mantra stopped. She let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, it had just been a malfunction. Nothing paranormal about it. The paranormal didn't exist.
Then her recorder started talking again and it was far more horrible than before.
It was still her voice, but slower and horribly garbled, sounding almost in pain.
 “Para...nor...mal activi....ty.”
“Pa....ra..nor....mal activi.......ty.”
Peridot stared wide eyed and held the device out at arm's length. What was happening?
Peridot jumped at the final outburst from the device and then watched in horror as it began to melt around her hand. She yelped and flung it across the room to clatter loudly against the far wall and then she took off at a sprint for the doors, dimly lit by the first rays of dawn. But when she was a handful of feet away from freedom her view of the outside world suddenly vanished and she was plunged into darkness. Peridot desperately grabbed at her belt for her flashlight and finally managed to flick it on after several bumbling attempts of her numb fingers. The beam was weak and narrow, the batteries were nearly gone, but it was enough for her to see what blocked her escape.
A dark...mirror?
Peridot was staring at herself as she approached the point where the exit should have been, and she looked terrible. Glasses askew, hair sticking out in every direction, face pale, bags showing under her emerald green eyes. How had this happened? Where had the mirror come from? But as she swept her faltering light over the surface of the obstacle she noticed something. A ripple that ever so slightly distorted the image staring back at her.
It wasn't a mirror, it was a wall of water.
“Impossible...what force could possibly be preventing it from collapsing and inundating the interior of this structure, and from where did it originate?” she mumbled to herself in a thoughtful tone. Now that the initial shock had worn off her excitement was starting to build. Unless she'd had a complete mental break, which to be fair was a distinct possibility, this was the evidence she'd been searching for. Substantial proof of everything she'd worked toward! As she stood there studying the impossible wall of liquid before her a slight movement caught her eye.
It was her reflection.
The Peridot staring back at her had broken with her own movements entirely. She now stood with one hand on her hip while she waved at Peridot with the other, a snarky grin painted across her face. Needless to say it was...off-putting. Still, this was her chance to make contact. Finally. “Hello, my name is Peridot. Judging from recent events I assume I have angered you with my trespass but I assure you that was not my intent. I only wish to learn about you,” she offered to her mirror self in a voice that she was proud to observe only wavered once or twice. In response her reflection nodded twice and beckoned her closer.
Peridot did not want to move any closer.
But if she wanted to finally realize her life's goal it seemed a show of good faith was in order. So she slowly closed the few yards between herself and her mirror self. Once she was standing directly in front of her counterpart she raised her right hand and seemed to press it against the surface of the water from her side. She nodded at Peridot and then nodded towards her hand, that same smug smile still adorning her face. Peridot carefully raised her left hand, fingers spread, and pressed it to her opposites' palm. At this her reflection's grin widened substantially and what Peridot saw there took her breath away. Rows and rows of glinting, yellow, razor sharp teeth. Far more than any human jaw should be able to hold. At this revelation Peridot stumbled back a few steps in horror, then her doppelganger's arms shot forward and broke the surface of the water to clamp around her wrists. As they broke the surface a small, detached portion of Peridot's mind that was still calmly analyzing all of this somehow noticed that outside of the water the arms appeared blue. The rest of Peridot screamed at the top of her lungs as she was snatched forward, her entire upper torso sinking into the ice cold watery barrier and abruptly cutting off her cry.
Peridot found herself face to face with...herself. Still smiling, still baring those horrible teeth. She was transfixed for a moment, simply staring into the eyes of her double, and then those impossibly numerous yellow fangs parted and revealed a maw far wider than a human jaw should be able to produce. Peridot screamed again, or she tried to. Bubbles of precious air flooded from her mouth and obscured her view. In desperation she braced her legs, still on the other side of the watery divide, and pulled with all her might, heaving against the iron grip holding her. Surprisingly she was released easily, immediately falling back out of the wall and landing squarely on her rear, a sputtering coughing mess. It only took her a few moments to recover and then she was leaping to her feet.
“OKAY I'LL JUST BE LEAVING NOW! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!” she shouted and then she was off at a sprint for the large hole in the barns side that she'd noticed when she drove up and hopefully her escape. But when she reached it she was disappointed, another black wall of water blocked her path. Worse yet her reflection had followed her. It stood there in front of her, head tilted to one side, an almost playful smile on its lips. Now that Peridot knew what lay behind those lips she found it far more disturbing. In a panic she turned and swept her flashlight beam across the barn, frantically looking for some other exit. Then her beam dimmed, flickered twice and went out entirely. Her whole world became darkness.
“Please. I apologize profusely for my intrusion. If you'll just allow me to exit I assure you I will never impose upon you again,” she whimpered into the blackness. All excitement at the possibility of justifying her work had long since vanished. At that moment, standing there in the darkness with her heart pounding in her ears and barely able to draw breath, she simply wanted to go home. Light filled the barn then, but not natural light. An eerie, sickly green glow filled the interior and it seemed to be emanating from the two walls of water blocking her escape. Peridot's breathing became even more labored and she felt an uncomfortable tightness in her chest as she backed into the center of the barn. Sweat mingled with the water from her earlier dunking poured down her face and she felt very much like crying at that moment. But then a voice, a voice that wavered and broke almost as if someone were trying to speak through water, rang out behind her.
 “What's....the....matter...Peridot? You....said you wanted.....to make contact.....well, here I am.”
Peridot's heart pounded like a jackhammer against her chest, she felt like it would surely burst. But she had to see what was behind her. She carefully turned to face whatever fate may await her.
A young woman stood there. She was tall, at least a foot taller than Peridot, and lithe. It was hard to tell in the washed out green lighting but she appeared to be wearing a long blue skirt around her waist and a blue cropped top over her torso. A chin length bob cut of cerulean locks topped it all off. But that wasn't what left Peridot frozen to her core. It was the girl's face.
Slender with a well defined jawline, in any other circumstances Peridot might have found the woman in front of her attractive. But not now. Because in place of her eyes and mouth were three gaping black holes. A steady stream of water was pouring from each, quickly pooling around their feet. As Peridot stared, mouth hanging open in a soundless scream, the Water Witch leaned forward and took her chin in one clammy, damp hand.
“So...am I everything you hoped for?” the apparition intoned in that wavering, distorted voice that made so much more sense now.
Peridot went limp, her body falling lifelessly to the soaked and rotting floorboards below.
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anicehat · 7 years
Five times almost caught? aka cmon they ain't secretive at all
The first time:
It’s a quickie— a barely undressed shoved-against-every-possible-surface romp that leaves a trail of destruction in it’s wake. It’s muffled moans and foreign curses pushed past swollen lips in every effort to chase a fleeting high.
They’re pressed against one another here; teeth nipping at a far-too-quick pulse what only draws a moan behind bitten lips. Jayne’s hips rock against him as breath hitches to something devastating: Need.
It’s all but an ache between them, a moment more, hands fumbling to close around this single second’s rush to spill their chosen secret.
But a knock on his door before the barging in of a trusted henchman, has Jayne shoved away to fix what might be disheveled whilst Badger slips into his seat with ease.
They hide their breathlessness, but kiss swollen lips stay kiss swollen, burned by the stubble of a cheek and the sharp tug of teeth, and a henchman knows better than to question his boss’ dealings.
The second time:
He doesn’t offer money, but Jayne looks good knelt down before him— even better with smug lips put to work, a challenge born from Badger’s doubt. There was no way such a brute had any oral skill.
—but oh, is he delightfully mistaken.
There’s earnestness in that sinful mouth, tongue lavishing before lips close around him; a skill learned from years of something else— something darker— something Badger won’t dwell on for the sake of this moment.
His fingers card through Jayne’s hair as hands move from his knees to his length, twisting upward that has Badger’s head lulling back against his leather chair in pure wanton bliss.
Footsteps draw his gaze, but his trophy is hidden behind his desk, unaware of their company until Mal speaks.
Jayne freezes in place, fearful of being found by his captain, in such a compromising position, but Badger’s fingers tighten, blunt nails scratching at Jayne’s scalp, drawing him closer, encouraging the man to continue.
“You wouldn’t happen to know where Jayne is, would ya?” Mal hasn’t noticed, nor would he.
“What? Your pet Neanderthal? Why would I know where he is?” A playful hint of disdain is all he can muster before Jayne retaliates. The nip to such sensitive skin has Badger lurching forward, fingers tightening their hold through short brunette locks.
Mal gives him a look of suspicion and that sinful tongue is soothing over bitten skin, swallowing him down with practiced ease that has Badger pressing a hand against his own lips to stop any noise what might give him away.
He plays the bored business man well, despite the build, despite the way he can’t help, but slowly rock his hips against that smug mouth, and Mal buys it.
“Right, well— You see him—“
“Yes, yes—“ He hides the way his breath hitches— the excitement here from being found out adds to the sensation. “I’ll let the gorram fool know you were looking for him— !!”
The challenge is met, a retaliation for being called a fool, Jayne pursues and works Badger over the edge while Mal stands no more than a few meters away and it takes every effort not to react, not to throw his head back and moan the bloody idiot’s name, but he retains his composure— by pure will alone.
Mal’s suspicion remains a moment more before it’s dismissed— taking his leave, he’s said his peace and once that door clicks shut, Badger melts against his seat.
Jayne moves to stand, leaning back against the desk he’d been so carefully hidden behind, he undoes his belt. “Call me a neanderthal again.” There’s a taunt behind smug lips, swollen and beautiful.
Badger sinks to his knees.
The third time:
He knows it’s a trap, knew it from the moment he’d laid eyes on the message sent to him from the old homestead, but it’s one he can’t ignore.
The details are few, but he’s paying double such a job would be worth, if only to ensure his safety. Can’t get paid in full if the party that does the paying is dead.
Still— it humors him to watch Jayne play the part of annoyed crew mate in front of the merry band of pirates.
It isn’t until the rest of the crew retires to their quarters that Jayne finds Badger in the quiet of the ship.
“You just had to hire us.” There’s displeasure written on Jayne’s face, but Badger leans up— they’re alone, as far as he can tell, no one would know. The kiss he leaves draws a second and a third, hesitation giving way to want before strong arms pull him closer and they settle against a cargo container, hidden away.
“I hired you because I trust you’ll do the job.” He muses as lips explore the rough landscape he’d surprisingly come to adore. Jayne’s eyes close against his ministrations and Badger can’t help but be in awe of it— watching a man of such brute force, look so soft.
Another kiss and then another as clothes begin to fall away between them, mouths exploring without that sense of urgency what seemed to loom over them most days.
He wants to ask; to be taken to Jayne’s room, to be fucked in a place so intimate— but he doesn’t get the chance. Jayne’s fumbling for his clothes, pulling on whatever he can and putting distance between them as quickly as possible with a foreign curse under his breath as River stares, curiously at them both.
“You’re shirt’s on backwards.” Is all she bothers to say from where she laid on the catwalk above.
“Stop spyin’ on people!” There’s a color on Jayne’s cheeks Badger had never seen before, but the man is already leaving him behind as though they weren’t in each others arms a moment before.
He’s left with a feeling in his chest he’d rather not give name to.
Her voice comes out like a song from above, “You should’ve asked him~”
The fourth time:
It’d been a few days of being avoided, which wouldn’t’ve been a problem, if it hadn’t been for the fact that the ship wasn’t as large as it first might’ve seemed.
They’d kept their relationship strictly professional with the usual candor and snark that came with dealing with one another. An apple, offered in peace, and a spiteful bite before the hand off.
He’d watched the way Jayne’s face twisted in disgust— if this were a rouse, Jayne played it all too well.
Badger bid his time, it would only be another week before they’d arrive at his homestead and he’d be too busy to think about having been cooped up and frustrated over a gorram caveman.
But his feet had carried him to Jayne’s room; his hand had lifted and knocked on the metal door and when the man answered, shirtless and sleep-mussed, Badger had shoved him inside, door closing shut behind them.
He leaned up, a want to finish what they’d started before, and he was met with earnest; a man completely different than how he’d seemed, now eagerly welcoming him into his arms.
Badger kissed and bit and pressed Jayne back against the man’s bunk, moving to straddle as clothes were stripped further until skin pressed hot against skin. Strong hands were on his hips, grinding him down for want of friction, of more—
He leaned back, fingertips trailing the flat of Jayne’s stomach before taking them both in his grasp with sure strokes.
Jayne rolled his hips eagerly, gaze settling on the way Badger moved above him before pleasure deigned lull his head back against his bunk with a soft curse. The moan is almost sinful, drawn from that smug mouth and Badger leans down to kiss, to steal it away for himself.
A hand comes up, fingers running through his hair before Jayne’s bulk flips them over and Badger is pressed down against the man’s bunk. Not a moment is spared on any sort of momentary look, no drinking in, no sweet lingering kiss; Jayne’s leaned to the side, fumbling through compartments that might house what he’s looking for and when he finds it— there’s a knock on his door.
“他妈的!” The curse is spat through gritted teeth before he tosses the bottle against the bunk and moves off of Badger to pull on his pants with more curses under his breath. “What?”
“Captain’s calling a meeting in the galley, put on some clothes and head there, I’m gonna get the others.” Zoe's voice is soft, but sure. He recognizes it from where he’s laid out on Jayne’s bunk, still as a statue and just as hard.
There’s hesitation in Jayne’s voice, before he clears his throat, “I’ll get the others, you just head on up.”
They part and Jayne closes the door before turning back.
“Nice save.” A smirk pulls on Badger’s lips as his hips lift just enough to sway, touch-starved cock longing for attention. “What were you going t' do with this?” He holds up the bottle of lube, a challenge on his tongue. “Were you going t' fuck me?”
The growl on Jayne’s lips is all too delicious.
The fifth time:
He’d told them to keep a low profile while they were there. The old homestead was hardly any different than what he remembered, same old primordial ooze that had Inara already turning her nose up at. It was a far cry from Persephone’s wealth and the kingdom he’d established for himself, but here— among the dredges, were his roots.
Mal had offered Jayne to stay by his side while Badger conducted his business, and Jayne kept close like the body guard Badger paid him to be.
He’s tickled by it.
It takes a sort of finesse to get the information he wants, to follow clues without giving too much away— he avoids the people he use to know, listens in on others. Jayne hates it— hates waiting, and there’s something feral about a man itching for a good fight, or a good fuck, that draws Badger in like a moth to a flame.
It takes one mistake, one accidental moment of recognition before fingers are pointed his way and shouts. Guns are drawn and there’s a wild sort of glee in Jayne’s eyes, as they hide away behind an overturned bar table.
“You’re right, they really do hate you.” Jayne keeps his head low as he peers over the table’s lip. Badger tucks into his side, trying not to get shot.
“It’s a relatively big club.” He chides, ducking at the sound of a bullet whizzing past.
“Can’t figure why you’d want to leave a great place like this.” Jayne moves and shoots a man in the chest from over the lip of the table before ducking back down. He cocks his gun and goes for another before a bullet splinters the edge of the table and he falls back.
“Jayne!” Badger reaches for him fearing the worst, but Jayne bats him away.
“I’m fine, just got splintered is all.” Spoken with more annoyance than anything, and Badger can’t measure the amount of relief he feels. But they can’t stay pinned down forever, and Badger tugs Jayne’s attention in the direction they’d need to escape the firefight.
It takes some ducking and crawling and eventually they’re able to run far from the chaos. It isn’t until they’re far enough away that he felt safe enough to slow down and catch their breath—
—and it isn’t until they’ve stopped, that he’s noticed the blood on Jayne’s face.
His heart drops and worry etches it’s way across his features as he lifts his hands to look, hesitant in his touch, the blood is everywhere his lips have been; against a cheek, along his jaw, down the line of his neck.
His heart races with a panic he hadn’t felt in ages, but Jayne’s got a hand on his wrist and an expression of his own: worry muddled with confusion.
“I told ya, I got splintered is all.” Jayne’s voice is soft, reassuring, and Badger’s breath feels punched out of his lungs as he leans up and seals away the taste of copper on Jayne’s lips.
The shout comes distant— Kaylee’s running over to them, “Captain! I found them!"
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telli1206 · 2 years
The Heart Will Follow (Ch. 4)
Jay’s never had a crush…until he met Carlos. And now he can’t stay away.
Carlos doesn’t know what to make of Jay’s presence, yet. But what should he do, exactly, about a boy that’s both cute AND terrifying?
A collection of Jaylos isle meetings, inspired by this beautiful headcanon I came across randomly that I can’t get out of my head.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Would You Need Me?
Evie swipes an errant blue strand of hair from her eyes as she sprints down the empty hallway, her heels clacking furiously against the tiles and echoing her hurried pace as she keeps up her awkward gait. She reaches the front door in only a few short seconds, just as she had hoped. She wants to...take care of this, quickly, before she meets Carlos. It would be better for him. For both of them, actually, if she could be discreet about this. You can never be sure which way things will go when you’re making a deal with the devil.
She pauses to take a deep, steadying breath before steeling herself, her chest broad and shoulders pulled back sternly. She can’t look scared. 
Not that she’s actually scared, anyway, but who knows what Mal will think. it’s not like the girl is great at reading people. How bright can she be anyway, if she’s had Evie doing her chemistry homework for the better part of a year? And Evie knows for a fact she’s not the only one trading her brains for a modicum of protection from the purple-haired tyrant. 
Mal has brawn and balls going for her, that’s for sure. But that’s all you need, really, to command the level of fear she generates from the rest of the Dragon Hall students, and some of the faculty even. That’s her strength. 
And Evie has her wits, which is hopefully enough to get what she wants from a simple bully like Mal.
Evie sighs, pressing the door open slowly as she poises to stride through. But she’s almost thrown back by the flash of purple hair right in front of her. Does Mal always sit right outside the entrance?? Shit, that’s terrifying. 
She stares blankly at Mal’s back for a moment, searching for the words that suddenly seem to be lost in her throat. But a hoarse, dry chuckle tears her from her thoughts.
“Is there something I can help you with, Princess?”
Evie sputters, eyes wide when Mal gracefully turns her head and locks eyes with her, a proud smirk dutifully drawn on her lips.
She bites her lip then, trying to hide the surprise painted all over her expression. Mal already looks way too smug, relishing in the fact that she clearly caught the bluenette off-guard. And Evie just can’t allow that. She thrusts her hands to her hips, staring Mal down as she taps her heel repeatedly on the concrete, sounding off her irritation.
“Ok, don’t act like that was such a big feat. It’s not like I dress to conceal myself. I assume the sound of my heels gave me away?”
Mal’s grin spreads wider. “Among other things.”
Evie can feel her stomach twist. “And, what...things, are those, exactly?”
Mal chuckles again. “Are we hear to pick you apart, Princess, or is there something you actually want? People usually try to avoid me, not, like...stand right behind me and breathe down my neck like some creeper or something. Unless...” 
Mal purses her lips, her eyes narrowing at Evie. “Are you trying get some kind of favor out of me?”
“A favor?” Evie’s face twists. Just the thought seems beyond awful, being indebted to someone as priggish as Mal. No thank you.
“No, I don’t think so,” she hisses, crossing her arms in front of her and glaring into Mal’s piercing stare. “And for your information, I’m not a creeper, thank you very much. Actually, I’m here because I have...a proposition, for you.”
“A proposition??”
Mal lights up at that, dropping from her spot on the rail with ease and taking fast steps towards Evie. Evie’s breath hitches when Mal struts into her space, uncomfortably close and emerald eyes now alight with curiousity. 
“Do tell,” Mal chuckles. “I’m dying to hear this, now.”
“We have-” Evie muses, licking her lips thoughtfully. “-a problem, in common.”
“Do we now?” Mal teases. The smile grows on her lips when she catches Evie rolling her eyes.
“Yes, we do. Specifically, your right hand man.”
Mal perks a brow, looking confused. “My righ-Jay? My Jay?”
“Your Jay? Yes, that one,” Evie giggles, prompting a bit of a heated glare from Mal. But she just shakes it off and stands taller. Her heels make her tower over the other girl, and Evie can’t help a satisfied smirk when has to tip her head down to look at her.
“To put it bluntly, he’s being a complete pain in my ass. And I think you know why.”
Mal’s face hardens at her words, but there’s a knowing stare behind it.
“I might. Please, go on.”
Evie quirks a smile. Not that Jay’s been subtle by any means, but still. Internally, she has to give Mal some credit for having already recognized the problem she’s referring to. Maybe this will be easier than she thought.
“I think, if we’re going to...keep on, with our arrangement, we’ll need to make a few changes.”
“Changes?” Mal scoffs, taking a generous step back from Evie. “What the fuck does MY deal with you have to do with Jay?”
“Um, everything?” Evie retorts. She sighs when Mal perks a brow at her, shifting away from the girl and crossing her arms in front of her.
“Carlos is mi-he’s, he’s with me, now,” she stutters, her gaze flitting away from Mal’s growing smirk. “I’m not about to put him in harm’s way when I can do something about it.”
“Harms way? I’m not sure what you mean by that, princess.”
Evie spares an annoyed side-eye back at Mal, gritting her teeth at the girl’s now smug, toothy grin.
“What I mean, is that while I believe in keeping my friends close, I think it’s better to keep my enemies closer.” Evie perks a brow. “And that used to just mean, well, you. But that includes Jay now, too.”
Suddenly Evie takes some aggressive stomps towards Mal, the look in her eyes so stern that Mal finds herself almost taking a step back. But when Evie stops short of her, Mal squares her shoulders to look her straight in the eye, forcing a look of amusement in her eyes.
“So if you want your homework,” she insists, jabbing her fingers at Mal’s chest, “...I guess we’ll have to make it a team effort.”
Mal grunts, snatching Evie’s hand quickly. She relishes in the moment of wide-eye surprise, Evie’s perfectly painted lips forming a glossy red “O” as Mal grips her wrist tightly.
“Team, is it?” she snickers, letting Evie’s hand drop from her grip. “I feel like I know where this is going. But, I think I want to hear you say it.”
Evie purses her lips tightly, refusing to let her eyes leave Mal’s. She puffs out her chest and smirks down a little as Mal hovers just below her. The purple-haired girl looks a lot less intimidating from this angle. She can do this.
“I want us. All of us. The four of us. To work together.”
Jay huffs a sigh as he squints through the last bits of the darkening orange sunset that’s slowly fading from view, tapping his fingers absentmindedly on the dirty window ledge beneath him. Mal was supposed to be meeting him here hours ago, but he hasn’t seen even a glimpse of her since school ended.
From his perch at the window, Jay can barely make out the entrance to their hideout. The alley next to them is tight, and the sharp turn to the door was only in view if he shifts his weight all the way over and turns his head in the most awkward angle he could manage.
But he tries anyway, cursing the way his neck tenses and the painful digging of his hipbone into the side of the window. Normally he just wouldn’t give a fuck, but tonight feels...off. Mal’s never kept him waiting like this. Ever. He’d be due back at his dad’s shop shortly, and he can’t think of a single thing he’d rather do less then show up empty-handed to Jafar.
“Over here fucker!”
Jay curses as he fumbles, his ass slipping off the window and hitting the ground with a painful thud. He rolls over with a loud groan and rubs his butt gingerly, only pausing when he hears a chuckling behind him.
“Damn, some master thief you are,” Mal snickers, toeing her boot at Jay’s hip. “How in the hell did you not hear me coming?”
“Fuck if I know,” Jay mumbles into the floor. “I’ve just been sitting on my ass here, waiting on you forever.”
He swats Mal’s boot away and rolls back over, avoiding Mal’s eyes as he shuffles back to lean against the wall. Once he settles, his eyes flit back to her in a fiery glare.
“What took you so long anyway? It’s already getting dark and shit’s closing down everywhere. We couldn’t make a decent score if we tried! I’m so fucked.”
Jay lets his head slump against the wall, his clenched fists tapping out his frustration on the dusty wooden floor.
“Ok, just calm down. First off, I know you could’ve gone without me, so stop blaming me for sitting on your ass instead.” Mal clicks her jaw, raising her brow when Jay scoffs in response. “And second, I was busy sealing a deal for us that’ll probably make you come in your pants with joy, so you’re welcome in advance and I’ll just ignore your pissy attitude and very rude welcoming.”
Jay casts a sideways glance at her, chuckling under his breath. “What the hell did you do, cause it’s gotta be huge for that to happen. Wait! Let me guess. Did you...or maybe...No! I bet...did you convince Maleficent to let us have Bargain Castle for our hideout? Oh! Even better...you got Dr. Facilier to let us take over the school. That’d be perfect! I’d be a pretty snappy principal you know. I’m really hot in a suit.”
He jumps up quickly, strutting slowly towards Mal and throwing her a sleazy wink. She just rolls her eyes and takes a step back.
“Ok, gross. I happen to know for you a fact that you’d make a shitty principal. You’d waste your time sending all the hot kids to your office all day, and you’d probably cut the sleeves off your damn suit after the first hour.” Mal flicks at his torn sleeve, smirking when Jay pulls back quickly, feigning offense in his eyes.
“Anyway, since you’re a fucking terrible guesser I’m just going to stop wasting my time and help you out. We’re having company stop by shortly. I’ve extended an offer to some of our classmates to join our little gang, and obviously they accepted. So it’s a done deal, as long as I can get you to keep your cool and not go full creeper again when they get here.”
Jay perks a brow. “Creeper? What the hell? I’m not a creep-”
“-for him you are, so shut up.” Mal snaps, and Jay’s mouth claps shut.
He stares at her for a moment, suddenly feeling frozen, his feet stuck solid to the floor, unmoving. But his heart feels like it’s doing just the opposite, the ramming against his chest so hard he can practically feel it in his ears.  
“H-him?” Jay croaks.
Mal quirks a smile, nodding her head slowly. “Yeah. Him. And Evie, obviously, since I don’t think she’ll leave her little nerdy protege alone with you, like, ever again. Not after all the shit you’ve tried to pull this week.”
She chuckles when Jay scoffs at her, swinging her body around his motionless form to make her way to the window he was perched at only minutes ago. She leans through it, her fists pressed into the ledge as her eyes scan the streets.
“Well, good you’re not pretending to be surprised, I guess,” Mal mumbles, mostly to herself. “’Cause if you had the balls to actually try to convince me that you haven’t been acting like a lovestruck dumbass ever since curls stepped foot into our school...I can’t promise I wouldn’t smack the absolute shit outta you.”
 Mal doesn’t look back when she talks, just lets Jay stare dumbly at the back of her head as she keeps her eyes trained outside, as if she’s expecting them to be walking in any second. Eventually, Jay sees her shoulders drop, and she steps back with a pleased sigh. When she finally spins back to face him, she’s smiling, bright and triumphant. 
“I have a good feeling about this, you know, so don’t you dare go fucking it up.” 
She laughs when Jay tilts his head to gawk at her, a mix of surprise and confusion clear on his face.
“A good feeling...about, me? Or Carlos? Or just the idea of smacking the shit out of me?” Jay drolls, and Mal bursts into more laughter.
“None of that, idiot. Not that I don’t enjoy the smacking part,” she admits with a sly grin when Jay rolls his eyes at her. “I just think-no, I know, we needed a change. You can’t just sit at the top and expect to stay there, Jay-Jay. We needed to step up our game.”
Jay snorts at that, sliding up next to Mal to lean against the window frame. “And you really think a couple of nerds are gonna help us with that?? I dunno Mal, seems like a weird move if you ask me.”
“I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t ask then, huh?”
Mal bumps her way past Jay, making sure to connect hard with his shoulder, enough to send him stumbling back with an Oof. He immediately turns with a sneer meant for Mal, until he sees her stride purposefully towards the door, her fingers already flicking the locks free as soon as she gets there.
“You’ll see I’m right Jay, eventually. Just like you always do,” Mal murmurs, her eyes flitting from him back to the locks. Her hand wraps loosely around the knob then as she spares another glance at Jay.
“You’re 0 for 3 on spotting people at the hideout, by the way,” she quips, her tone tinged with sarcasm. “Time to play nice, Jay-Jay.”
Mal bites her lip as she notes Jay’s audible gasp, peeking at him one last time to take in how his body stiffens and eyes bulge at the acknowledgement of who she’s about to let through their door. 
She feels a slight pang of regret at surprising Jay like this. Not that he would have said no, of course. Besides for the most part always letting Mal take the lead with the decision-making, she’s pretty sure Jay’s physically incapable of staying away from Carlos when the opportunity presents itself. She still can’t understand why a quiet, twitchy booksmart boy has such a hold on her right hand man, but she has to admit, she tends to agree with Evie when it comes to keeping people like that, close. The ones that have the potential to become a real...problem.
A problem, though, not an enemy. Mal can’t really place her feelings on the bluenette’s particular choice of wording to describe her. Evie’s a threat to her, no doubt. A thorn in her side, obviously. And Carlos is quickly matching those descriptions, too. Which is why she knew right away that Evie’s proposition would be a good idea. At the very least, if they don’t end up being useful, having Carlos and Evie by her side will give her the best chance of making sure they stay out of her way.
But to call them...the enemy? That’s a strong word. Evie and Carlos are both smart and quick-witted. And Carlos has clearly got crazy on his side given his mother’s reputation. Mal already knows a handful of kids that are too afraid of Cruella going batshit to even try to go near her son. Or worse, the possibility of Carlos going batshit on them. The apple doesn’t usually fall far from the tree, right?
And Evie. Well, Evie’s something else. The girl’s got some balls. Not like any that Mal’s ever seen on a girl, actually. Besides on herself, of course. Evie may have been hiding that confidence away for whatever reason, but she could be a fucking terror at Dragon Hall if she fully unleashes, Mal’s sure of that. 
And two people like that, with such obvious assets, Mal’s not quick to call enemy.
So she feels good about this, arrangement. For now. The foursome they’re creating. There’s some definite potential here that she can’t ignore, enough to curl a smile on her lips as her mind swirls with ideas and already half-hatched schemes.
That’s why, despite Jay’s curled spine and indignant glare, she poises to stand arrogantly tall when she finally tugs the door open.
“Well, well. Welcome, nerds and nerdettes, to our hideout! Mi casa es tu casa. Please, come in! Make yourselves at home.”
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