#malia x chin
shehungthemoon · 10 months
Sometimes the h50 reruns remind me that I'm still not over Malia 😞
21 notes · View notes
msbigredmachine · 9 months
Warm (Jey Uso/OC)
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An on-again, off-again couple takes the snowy ride to the next town together.
Word Count: 6.3k
Warning: The usual smut and everything in between.
A/N: First fic of the year! Enjoy!
Click here if you want to be on the tag list. If I’ve forgotten anyone please let me know so I can add you.
Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
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"Hey girl, got a sec?"
Looking up to see Nia standing right in front of her, Malia stood up straighter. The locker room was full of her friends and fellow wrestlers, all done for the evening and packing up to leave the arena. "What's up?"
"I totally forgot that I agreed to carpool with Maxxine after the show," she said as they exited the locker room together. "I'm really sorry, it totally slipped my mind."
"Oh, that sucks," Malia said, a little disappointed as Nia was great company. "It's no big deal. I'll figure something out."
"Are you sure? It's starting to snow out there. Will you be okay on your own?"
"Alone on the road with full control of the heating and my own playlist?" Malia laughed. "I'll be fine."
Nia nodded. "Okay. I feel bad, so I'll ask around and see if anyone needs a ride. That way you can split the bills and stuff," she offered, pausing when she looked over Malia's shoulder. "Oooh, look who's coming our way," she grinned.
Curious, Malia turned around, and her heart skipped a beat as Josh Fatu walked in their direction, his carry-on behind him and his phone in front of him. She plastered an unbothered expression on her face and turned back to Nia, but the Irresistible Force saw right through the facade.
"Girl, you're blushing already!" she cackled. "You and him still fucking?"
"No, I'm not blushing. And no, we're not fucking," Not lately anyway, Malia added to herself, fluffing her Afro as nonchalantly as possible.
"Liar. You two crack me up, you're totally in love with each other but keep acting like you're not. I did warn you about the whole friends-with-benefits thing."
She did. And Malia caught feelings and had been trying to run from those feelings since. But not with much success, given that she and Josh were both part of the Monday Night Raw roster and lived in the same goddamn city which gave him plenty of access to her. The problem was she was falling in love and he wasn't, so she tried to save face by imposing an extended 'break' from each other, under the guise of 'seeing other people'. Being alone with him on a long midnight drive wasn't going to help her cause to break away.
"It's a three-hour trip from here to Cleveland. Think you can hold off for that long if you go together?" Nia asked, a little too gleefully for Malia's taste.
"Stop with the slander. You make it sound like I'm this raging nympho," she rebuffed.
"When it comes to him? Yes! I've witnessed it! You jump each other's bones every chance you get. How you guys aren't official, I'll never understand. He's getting closerrrr," Nia sang, clearly enjoying the way Malia was trying not to squirm. "Let me go talk to him."
Malia started to panic as Nia moved towards him. "Where are you going?" she warned, "Nia, no!"
"Um, you want a ride or not? Hey, Joshyyyy!"
"Savelina!" Malia hissed, falling silent when Josh looked up from his phone, his gaze lingering on her for a long, tense beat before moving to Nia. "Sup ladies," he said, tipping his bearded chin up in greeting. His jaw moved repeatedly, and she saw he was chewing gum when he opened his mouth to speak. Juicy Fruit, she predicted. His favorite.
"I heard you're driving by yourself tonight," Nia said to him.
His eyebrows rose skeptically. "Yeah..."
"You want a passenger? Cuz my girl over here needs someone to ride with, in more ways than one..."
"Lina, shut up," Malia cut in, stepping in front of her and meeting Josh head-on. "Forgive our friend, Becky hit her in the head too many times tonight," she explained, her insides warming when Jey laughed. "I was supposed to carpool with bitch over here but she made other plans and left me stranded. So umm...if you're going alone, would you mind if I tagged along?" Why the fuck did she sound like she was asking him to Prom?
Again, the air around them simmered with an unknown element. When he took longer than usual to respond, her heart sank a little. "It's cool if you don't want to, I can find someone else-"
"Nah, it's all good, uce, you can come along," he spoke up with a smile. "But I'm 'bout to leave right now, so if you ready-"
"I am," Malia answered, a bit too quickly, and flushed with embarrassment when the corner of his mouth curled upward in a bemused smile. It was then she realized that Nia had disappeared, leaving the two standing alone in the empty hallway.
"Uhh...We should get going," Malia spoke up, scratching awkwardly at the nape of her curly Afro.
Josh nodded, pausing as his eyes scanned her up and down again. "This what you wearin'?" he inquired.
She made a quick, albeit thorough twirl to show off her outfit, a short, figure-hugging beige dress accompanied by a black pair of furry knee-high Uggs. "Yeah, why? What's wrong with it?"
"It's a lil' chilly, no? I mean, don't get me wrong, you look real good, it's just-" Catching himself, he trailed off nervously before he could say anything else inappropriate.
"My jacket is right here, I'll be fine. But if I do get too cold, I'm sure you can keep me warm." Her smile was syrupy sweet as she let the innuendo sink in. The awkwardness was melting away, leaving only the sexual synergy they were both accustomed to.
Josh chuckled to himself and stepped closer to her. "A'ight, I see what'chu tryna do," he said in a lower, huskier timbre that made her loins flutter. "Let's get outta here before I do sum'n we'll both like."
She wanted to ask what was stopping him but instead took the hand he held out to her. It was big and protective and the gentle way he rubbed his thumb over hers always made her feel safe. Together they left the building and into the indoor parking lot. He helped her put her things in the trunk of his Ford Expedition rental, and she fought the urge to stare at his ass when he bent over.
As they began their journey, her gaze landed on her on-again, off-again 'boyfriend', his own fixed on the road ahead. Wearing a fitting dual-colored Nike tracksuit, he looked yummy himself. The hand that had held hers was now on the steering wheel, and she found herself wishing it was touching her again but on a more risqué part of her body this time. They were on a 'break' but she envisioned a lot of difficulty keeping things platonic tonight.
"Since when do you listen to Bon Jovi?" She broke the ice several minutes later, talking over the eighties rock ballad that was playing on the radio and was surprised it hadn't been turned off. "You always used to tell me to change that shit," she laughed.
"They not so bad, they got some good workout songs," he defended with a shrug. "How come you didn't take a flight tonight?" he asked.
She gave a shrug of her own. "I don't know. I probably should have. But with the weather and everything, there'd probably be tons of delays at the airport. I would have ended up sitting there all night. How about you?"
"Same. I prefer the open road anyway," he replied. "Drive fast, blast some good music, you know what it is." He shot her a grin, making selections on the GPS. "Everything good? You comfortable?"
Smoothing her dress down her crossed legs, she nodded and tilted her seat back. "Yeah, I'm good," she responded.
"So how was Christmas? Whatchu do? Spend time with your man?" Josh asked.
Malia snorted and flipped her hair. "Ain't no man. He's an insecure bum so he's gone. I stayed with my brother and his family for a few days, played with my nieces, they're so big now."
He wanted to feel bad about the way his heart leapt for joy about her relationship status. "I told you he was a bum from the jump, uce," he mumbled.
"Well, you were right. Congrats," she bit sarcastically.
"I ain't wanna be right though. I just want you to be happy," said Josh, exchanging a glance with her, his stare filled with its familiar warmth that was charged with something else.
Being here is a bad idea.
"What about you? You were with your boys and their mom, I'm guessing," she kept the conversation going.
"More of the boys, less of their mom," he clarified.
"That's it? No woman to warm your bed?"
He snorted and shot her a bombastic side-eye. "If I remember clearly, you sent the last woman I was with packin', with your razor-sharp ass tongue."
Malia burst out laughing. "Ha, that bitch? She's a clout-chasing airhead. One conversation with her and my IQ got fucked up. Stop messin' with those NXT bimbos, Joshua. It's not a good look."
"Why you so pressed though?" He had an idea, but he wanted to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
"I'm not pressed. You smarter than that. She wasn't good for you."
"And you know this, how?"
Because she ain't me. None of them are. "I just know," was all she said.
"Huh. We seem to 'know' a lot about each other," Josh noted, "So why don't you want us to stay together?" he asked.
And there it is. "You already know the answer," she responded, with a hint of attitude.
"No I don't, so how 'bout you fill me in, huh," he retorted. They had stopped at a red light so he now had all the time to look her in the eye.
Exhaling a heavy sigh, she refused to get suckered in. "Because. Your roster is deep enough as it is," she mumbled.
"What roster?"
Malia huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, we gonna play dumb now? I'm not the only woman you're fucking, Joshua."
"The last person I had sex with was you, right before you dumped me for ol' boy," Josh replied, annoyance creeping into his tone.
"Correction. I did not dump you. Dumping implies that we were dating," Malia argued. "I distinctly remember you saying you weren't looking for nothin' serious, so it ain't dumping if there's no relationship to dump."
The silence that followed was deafening, even with the music playing. The temperature in the car plummeted several degrees. Josh simply shook his head. "Damn, that how you feel all this time? Okay then." he tsked, releasing the brakes as the light turned green. "A'ight. Note taken."
The hurt swirling in his voice surprised her. Rattled, she opened her mouth to speak, but wisely decided to close it back. Because there really was nothing to say. This was the consequence of getting involved with someone without setting clear boundaries; the result of repeatedly holding off the simple task of defining a relationship — nothing but uncertainty and heartache. It was the bed she made long ago and now she had to lie in it.
But oddly enough, that seemed to be the appeal of entanglements; the thrill, the warped sense of freedom to do whatever you wanted to each other with no strings. But intimacy always had its attachments, and Malia had been attached to Josh for a long, long time with no idea how to cut the strings without getting hurt.
"The snow seems to be getting worse," she changed the subject and with good reason. They seemed to be driving into a storm. The snowfall was heavier and the nearly empty highway was turning white. "Are you sure we'll make it into Cleveland like this?"
Her question was answered only a few seconds later, by the flashing lights and flares up ahead. A car wreck, and a bad one judging from the amount of fire, rescue, and police crews on the scene. As Josh slowed the car to a crawl, they were greeted by a gruesome tableau.
The many bright, flashing lights cast a grotesque glow on the crumpled remains of an SUV. A black bag, zipped and strapped to a stretcher, was being loaded into the back of an ambulance. Malia's eyes widened with horror. The mangled car was the same type as theirs, and the driver's seat was covered in blood, a lot of it splattered on the white snow. "Oh no...Babe..." she breathed.
Her voice was tiny. Scared. Josh grabbed her hand and squeezed it repeatedly to get her attention. "Ay, don't look. Look at me," he cajoled, waiting for her to do so, running his thumb over hers to quell her panic. "I'll take the next exit. Let's find somewhere to crash until morning." He cringed. "Bad choice of words. Sorry."
"You don't mind stopping?" she asked, feeling a little sick. There was no way she was going any further with what she'd just witnessed.
"Personally, I'd rather be late gettin' where I'm going than never gettin' there at all."
"I agree. I'll check if there's any available hotels nearby," she offered, reaching for her phone in the console.
"You good?" he checked on her again, his fingers flexing around hers.
"I'm okay. It's just...that was horrible," Malia shuddered. "But you calmed me down. You've always been good at that." She smiled gratefully at him.
"Mm-hmm," he mumbled, as he lifted the back of her hand to his lips in a gentle kiss. He then rested his hand on her bare leg, running it up her smooth chocolate skin. Ironically, her dress gave him perfect access to the sensitivity of her inner thigh, and he allowed his fingers to dance over it.
Malia cast her eyes down to watch his hand disappear under her dress. This was what she liked about him so much; his boldness, his sense of adventure. Only he could dare to touch on her while driving on a dark, sleety highway. "Boy, what are you doin'?" she asked as he squeezed her thigh. She tried to play it cool, tried to act like her skin had not been set ablaze by his touch.
"Keepin' you warm," he affirmed nonchalantly, as he slid his palm over her lace panties, his favorite on her, enjoying the feel of her moist warmth against the fabric. He had since learned that he couldn't stay mad at her for long. "I miss you," he whispered, breaching her underwear with one finger.
"I miss you too," she admitted, jerking as the finger slipped inside of her. "Oh, shit," she gasped, tilting her head back against the leather headrest.
"Phew, you wet as fuck," Josh whistled, eyeing up his ex with a Cheshire Cat-like grin. "Ol' boy wasn't fuckin' you like he should?"
Before she could answer, he slid another digit into her wetness, drawing another moan from her. She moved her legs further apart, causing her dress to ride higher up, and grabbed his wrist with both hands. "Fuck, yeah," she sighed, going slack in her seat.
Maybe it wasn't the brightest idea, Josh realized, as the sound of her wanton moans filled the car. As her pussy tightened around his fingers. He wasn't doing much for his own erect state by doing this, but the look on her face convinced him to keep going. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, keeping his eyes on the road. "How's that feel, hmm?" he asked.
The only response she could muster was another breathy moan while strengthening her grip on his wrist. She didn't want to come just yet, but between his fingers twisting deep inside her tightening core and the added heat rushing through her, she knew she wouldn't last long. She wanted this to last forever, just like every time she was with him; she clung desperately to every second, because each one was always better than the last. He just hit different. He always did.
The spell broke when she heard him curse and he abruptly stopped, slipping his fingers out of her. "The fuck?" she whined.
"Sorry, I had to," Josh explained, pointing. The smoky haze of passion and frustration cleared quickly enough for her to realize they had left the expressway and were now pulling into the parking lot of a hotel. Crossing her arms petulantly, she sat up straighter and pouted. "Goddamn tease. You ain't slick," she grumbled.
"Nope. But you are," he emphasized, holding up his fingers covered in her essence and bringing them to his mouth. "Mmm, sweet and spicy, like always."
His dirty snicker had her pussy clenching again. This man was going to be the death of her.
Parking the Expedition in front of the hotel door, they rushed in with their bags to the check-in desk and found the exhausted-looking receptionist behind the counter. It was clear they'd had a massive influx of people and that she was the only one handling everything.
"You're just in luck. We have one room left," the lady replied when Josh asked her if they had any vacancies. "It's probably our smallest room and only has one queen-sized bed, but it's perfect for a lovely couple like yourselves," she smiled warmly.
"We'll take it," Josh responded, handing over his credit card before Malia could reject it. Given the state of the weather outside and that horrendous crash they came across, it was likely the best, safest option.
They got the keycards and made a quick stop at the nearby Chipotle to get some food. Josh paid again, boxing Malia against the counter with his big frame and frowning menacingly at the cashier who had the nerve to flirt with her. Though there technically was no territory to mark, she didn't mind. Besides, it was cold outside and his body heat was inviting and much needed. Afterwards, they returned to the hotel and made it into the small room that was warm, toasty, and quite clean, making them feel a bit better that they wouldn't be stuck in some Bates Motel-type murder house.
"Last time we were stuck in a room together, we spent all afternoon working out how many pinning combinations we could make each other come in," Malia reminisced as she bit into her burrito.
"Yeah. I remember winning," Josh grinned proudly. "You can have the bed, by the way," he gestured to her. "Imma sleep on the couch, give you some space."
"Why?" Malia gave him a stern look. "The bed is big enough for both of us. Plus, your back will be fucked up if you sleep on that lil ass couch."
She wasn't wrong; the couch felt rather firm and it wouldn't be pleasant. Josh was trying to be a gentleman, but he ultimately agreed since driving tomorrow with a backache did not sound ideal.
After finishing their meals, they settled in, and Malia texted the Talent Relations rep to inform them of her and Josh's whereabouts. Unfortunately, the weather forecast on TV was pretty grim as they were expecting upwards of forty inches of snow. Getting to their destination in time tomorrow would be a tough ask.
Josh used the bathroom first to give Malia some privacy. When he re-emerged, she was stripped down to a short white bathrobe that did nothing to hide that body of hers, giving him a little peek of her voluptuous behind as she picked up her toilet bag.
"Babe, do you got a spare shirt I can sleep in?" She stood back upright, her throat drying up at the sight of his towel hanging low on his hips. She watched the rivulets of water drip down his tattooed chest and felt parched.
Josh swallowed. "Sure, I got somethin'." He crossed the room, reached inside his open luggage and pulled out a 'YEET' hoodie. "This okay?"
He gazed into her eyes, and Malia felt her knees quiver, almost like they were threatening to collapse beneath her. "Yeah, thanks," she smiled, taking the hoodie.
"You called me babe again." There was a small, teasing smile on his face.
Malia felt her face burn. "Oh, um...Yeah. Habit. Sorry..." Lost for words, she quickly departed, silently willing her limbs to not give out on her.
Waiting until the door had closed behind her, Josh sank down on the bed and tried to focus on the TV. He could hear her moving around. Brushing her teeth. Undressing. Rubbing his face, he groaned when he heard the shower start. After their argument in the car and what he did afterwards, his emotions were all over the place, and now they had to share this bed. Keeping his hands to himself was going to be a tough ask.
Keep your hands to yourself, Malia repeated to herself over and over as she finished up her skincare routine. It's just one night. Behave yourself. What happened in the car meant nothing.
Yes it did, the voice she fondly named 'Delulu', debated, He misses you, he said so himself. That's why he acted the way he did in the car. That's why he almost bit that cashier's head off in Chipotle.
She had a point. She recalled the full-blown lust in his eyes as he touched her, the eager movement of his fingers inside her as though he couldn't stop himself. Overall, it felt good to know he wasn't quite over her just as she wasn't quite over him.
Don't do it, her other voice, dubbed 'You Right' because it always was, warned. You're just his plaything, always have been. Why do you want to play house with a guy who doesn't love you like you love him? He just misses the pussy. That's it.
Good point.
But I miss the dick too! 'Delulu' pouted.
'You Right' rolled her eyes. Too bad. Take another shower, a cold one this time.
With a heavy sigh, Malia wrapped up her hair and put on her pajamas for the night. The hoodie was big on her, reaching her thighs. She decided against panties, having made up her mind about the voice she was going to listen to.
She returned to the warmth of the bedroom, instantly landing on the ruggedly handsome man stretched out on the left side of the bed. His favorite side. His gaze flickered from the TV to her, his lips twitching into a small smile.
"You make my merch look so sexy, baby," he commented.
"Why thank you Daddy," she replied, then froze, her eyes wide. Shit, did she just say that out loud? Judging from the heated look in his eyes, the answer was yes. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife as they regarded each other.
Sitting up straight in the bed, Josh clapped his hands. "A'ight, enough of this. Come here," he growled.
She thought he would never ask. She hurried to the bed and crawled towards him. He sat up straighter and reached for her, their lips crashing together before he had finished pulling her onto his lap. All the weeks of pent-up urges and desires came pouring out of them both as they kissed like the desperate, needy souls they had become. They only pulled back long enough to take off his t-shirt before they embraced again. His bronzed skin was warm underneath her palms, the touch of his hands seemingly burning through the hoodie onto her own.
Without breaking the kiss, Josh shifted so that they were lying on their sides, helping her tug his sweatpants down his hips. Once they were gone, he pulled her tightly against him as he slid his leg between hers, draping her top leg over his waist. He then pushed his hands under her hoodie, his fingers digging into her waist to grind her against his thigh. Malia smiled at his surprised gasp, his realization that she was wearing his merch and only that. She knew he could feel the moistness of her core, smearing his upper thigh as their kisses got even more heated. She let him pull off the hoodie, and Josh's eyes blazed with need as he gathered her right breast in his hand and devoured it with sucks and licks. Meanwhile her hand wrapped around his dick, stroking for a few moments before easing him inside her.
"Oh, shit," Josh froze, his expression slightly panicked, "I ain't got-"
"Calm down, I still got my IUD. You good." She kissed his lips and reared back a little, letting him push fully inside her, and he ripped his mouth from hers in a low groan and tucked his face in her neck.
"Fuck, Malia..."
She moaned with him, gripping his muscular shoulders as he moved inside her, and groaned again when his hand scraped down her back to squeeze her ass cheek tightly.
"Yeah, I know you like that," he whispered, slapping her ass this time, his breath hot and heavy against her face. "Say my name baby, call out for me."
"Mm-hmm, I love it. God, you're fuckin' beautiful," he said, his voice rough with need as he tongue-kissed her slowly, matching his grinding thrusts, sending chills running all over her body.
"Ohhh," she gasped, tensing in his arms, bewildered by her desire for him.
"Relax. I gotchu," he promised with another hungry, borderline sloppy kiss. He was nearing the pit of her stomach with his lengthening strokes, but he wanted more. He held up her thick thigh, automatically sliding him even deeper inside her. A big smile lit up his face as her mouth fell open; he knew she could feel all of it, the head of his dick toying with her g-spot, her breathing quickening as her slick moisture made its presence known with every push of his dick into her.
"Hear that?" Josh whispered, "Hear how wet you are?"
Malia dug her nails into his skin, staccato breaths pulling from her lungs as he rammed up into her again and again. "Shit," she whined, "Aw fuck, please don't stop," she begged, tears gathering in her eyes at the thought of him ceasing his actions.
"I ain't stoppin' baby." He couldn't seem to stop kissing her, doing it again as he increased his speed, his dick all up in her wet pussy. The sensations were dizzying, taking her to another dimension. "Uuuunh," she cried out with a shudder, the flutter of her pussy around his cock sending shockwaves of pleasure through her.
"You wanna come, babe? Wanna come for Daddy huh?" He pressed his forehead against hers, his hypnotic eyes holding her gaze as her whimpers for him grew louder. "Come, Malia," he urged with gritted teeth, his heart pounding from the emotions vibrating through him. "Come, baby girl. Nut on Daddy's dick. You look so beautiful when you come."
Malia heard what sounded like waves crashing in her ears. Immediately her body seized up, and her voice was a high-pitched cry as the pleasure ripped through her. Moaning his name repeatedly, her head fell back and she saw stars as the bliss took over.
Man, she missed being touched like this, kissed like this...fucked like this.
Still trembling, she was vaguely aware of him pulling out, letting her leg down and rolling on top of her. Stroking her face, he stared at her with a mix of wonder and tenderness and something else she couldn't quite determine in his eyes.
"What?" she pressed.
Josh licked his lips, looked away for a second and then back at her.
"I love you."
She expected to be shocked, stunned by his declaration. Instead, it felt more like a eureka moment, like she had finally cracked a passcode she had been struggling with for eons, like the world had at last righted itself after an eternity of confusion.
"What took you so long?" she asked, emotion seeping through her tone.
"I don't know," he confessed, and when her brows furrowed, he elaborated. "I just know I can't do this no more. I'm fuckin' tired. I been feelin' this way for too long. You the only one that makes me feel like this."
"Like how?" she breathed. She wanted to hear it, wanted to know if his agony has been anything similar to hers for the past couple of months.
"Like I'm empty inside when I'm not with you. Even when I'm with someone else, I feel like I'm cheating on you," he went on, suddenly feeling free, unburdened. "I can't stop thinking about you, can't function...I don't just want sex, Malia. That's all good but I wanna be your man. For real this time. I want you."
There it was again, that intensity in his eyes that never failed to steal what was left of her breath. If this was a dream, she did not want to wake up. "I love you too. I wanna be with you. Let's not break up ever again. I don't like not being around you," she admitted.
"Same here," he said, covering her mouth with his. This kiss was so passionate, so deep and all-consuming, that she struggled to hang on to her sanity. She groaned against his mouth as he found his way back inside her with a couple of swift, seamless strokes. Her wetness instantly enveloped him again, prompting his hips to roll seemingly on their own accord. Malia wound her arms around him, holding him as close to her as possible. There was no more talk after that, letting their bodies do the talking, writhing together as if they were meant to exist that way.
"Wrap your legs around me, baby," he told her.
Immediately, she wound them around his waist with her ankles locked tight behind his lower back as he rocked into her. She moved with him, matching his tempo in a sweet symphony. There was no space between their flesh; and whatever tiny space remained was closed off with delicious, decadent kisses with lots of tongue. They savored every second in each other, every gasp and moan they elicited from the other. Her wetness compromised the friction between them as his dick slipped in and out of her with ease that still kept her walls snug and taut around him.
"God, you feel so good, baby," she moaned in his ear, weaving her fingers through his soft hair, anchoring him to her as though fearful that he would slip away at any given moment.
"I can feel you dripping all over my dick. You make me wanna pound this good pussy," he mumbled against her neck, his tongue swiping over her heated skin.
"Then pound it," she murmured, spearing him with a hot, hungry look when their eyes met. "Pound my pussy, Daddy, I need it," she practically begged, her voice a pleading whine.
"Bet." Caressing her thighs for a few seconds, he then propped her legs on each of his broad shoulders. Her gaze met the ceiling, clouded over with lust as he hunched over her, working his big dick in her. All she could see within the bluish hue of the small room was his larger, muscular body looming over her, like a glowing, almost nightclub-like dreamscape. His chest tattoos were a beautiful mural that she couldn't stop herself from worshiping, and she leaned up to drag her tongue along his nipple, flicking the hard bud playfully as she caressed his triceps. She was rewarded with harder snaps of his hips, his balls mashing against her ass from how deep he was digging. Every time she tried to look at it, she would grow weak from the sensitivity and fall back against the bed.
"Fuck, Joshua..."
"Mmhmm, I know it feel good. Your tight little pussy is creaming for me," he rasped. Holding her down to the bed, he circled his hips while buried in her for good measure, making her pussy greedily grip the entirety of his girthy length and wringing moans of pleasure from both of them. Dipping her hand down between her thighs, she rubbed on her clit only for her eyes to roll back as an intense fire lit inside her like a firework. Then, clearly intending to destory her, he sat back on his knees and wrapped his arms around her thighs, holding them to his chest as he thrust faster and harder.
"Oh my god," Malia sighed, planting one hand up against the headboard to steady herself. She could feel her breasts bouncing recklessly with each stroke, felt his long fingers grab one and massage it in his hands, then the other, arousing her even more. His dick pulsed inside her as she tightened around him with increasing frequency. She willingly let him take her as he wanted, because she wanted to feel all of him, savor the sight of him breaking down and plunging headfirst into that secret place of pleasure that belonged to them and them alone.
The tricky part was Josh wanted to take her there first. He switched up again by pinning her knees into the pillow on either side of her head, opening her wide. He fucked her like a man possessed, the force of his movements knocking the bed hard and repeatedly against the wall. His hard, pounding thrusts had her pushing her face into the pillow and screaming into it. They hoped the room was soundproof. Either way, he didn't stop, not until the coil inside her body unraveled, and Malia screamed again as she came, hard and hot, her orgasm flushing through her like a tidal wave. It was the sweetest, the realest, the product of the joining of not just their bodies, but something deeper, too.
Josh must have been thinking the same thing, because when he stopped to stare her down again with those beautiful eyes of his, they glittered with warmth and affection. They gazed at each other, the stunned joy of their shared feelings morphing into something richer, something fiercer. He really did love her, she could see it right there on his face. She didn't quite know how she managed to miss it before.
The air between them thickened as they remembered they were still naked and entwined. Reverting back to their primal, passionate state, Josh moved again, thrusting all up in her dripping tightness. Malia gripped his hips to pull him deeper, her fingers digging into the flesh of his ass as he pounded into her with newfound ruthlessness. The mattress squeaked underneath them, mixing with their moans and whimpers and the wet slapping sounds of their bodies. He was close; his strokes became increasingly erratic, his grunts heavier and more vocal, his cock pulsing inside her pussy and his balls tightening.
"Fuuuck, I'm comin' baby, come catch this nut," he pulled out of her and quickly straddled her torso, stroking his dick in her face. Malia opened her mouth wide and poked out her tongue, watching his gorgeous face twist in painful pleasure as he unloaded in her mouth, thick spurts of his salty sweet cum flooding her tongue. Completely turned on, she rubbed herself with one hand and grabbed his dick with the other, stroking him harder to milk him to the last drop. His deep, throaty groan broke her all over again, plummeting her into another incredible orgasm, brought on by the sheer power of his.
Josh's chest heaved as he watched her slap his dick on her open tongue, coated white with his release. He then ordered in a husky voice, "Swallow it."
Malia obeyed heartily, slipping his cum down her throat then gently sucked him off for a couple of seconds, moaning softly from the unique taste of him mixed with her. Josh fought off the urge to nudge his dick deeper into her mouth and pulled away to lie down next to her. The realization of what had just happened must have hit both of them at the same time, because with one glance at each other, they burst out laughing.
"Damn," was all she had the energy to utter, allowing him to pull her against him as their joint laughter rumbled between them. He fucked the shit out of her. She felt like a brand new woman, even now, as he ran his hands all over her body, gifting her with a breathless kiss to her succulent lips. "I guess Lina's plan worked," she giggled, snuggling against him.
"Yeah," Josh agreed, his features suddenly serious as he carefully tucked a loose piece of her hair back underneath her scarf. "I ain't like how you be pushin' me away, Malia," he grumbled, "Don't be scared of us and what we got."
Not for the first time, she wished she'd been brave enough to express her true feelings. "It's not you I'm scared of... I'm scared of us falling apart if we become serious, and I don't wanna live without you," she confessed.
Josh chuckled and pressed his mouth to each of her palms. "You already can't," he smirked.
She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and smacked his arm. "You don't gotta agree."
"It's the truth though. But like I said, I love you and I'm not going anywhere. I mean that," he promised.
Hearing those three words from him again made her feel all giddy inside. "I love you, too," she whispered, smiling softly against his lips when he dropped a tender kiss to hers.
"How long's it been since we last fucked?" he inquired.
Two months and three weeks, but who was counting? "Couple of months," she answered, keeping it cool.
"Shame on us. I think we can make up for it, right?"
Malia raised an eyebrow when he started to crawl down her body, sprinkling butterfly kisses down her belly until his head was between her legs. Her body flushed with need. "You know we need to go to bed, right?" she questioned, her fingers sneaking into his hair despite her half-hearted protest.
"I know. But this pretty pussy is callin' my name." He winked at her and bit gently on her inner thigh, dangerously close to her throbbing treasure, soothing the skin with a wet lick. Her keening moan was all he needed to hear. "Now lay your sexy ass back and let Daddy eat."
And with that, he bent his head and spread his mouth over her, wiping every rational thought she owned with mind blowing pleasure.
So...did you like it?
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mysticallystilinski · 10 months
HOT TUB [ stiles x fem!reader ]
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has : heavy making out, slight enemies to lovers, ( tatbilb references ), over-confident stiles.
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stiles stilinski, the popular boy who just got over dating lydia martin. you, the slightly un-popular girl who just got the confidence to head on the school vacation to a cabin in the middle of the winter.
you thought in silence as you headed out the doors of the large estate talking with malia. “i don’t know mal, i just have a feeling somethings going to happen with stiles tonight.”, you joked. malia rolled her eyes as you made that slight statement. “y/n, you’ve been thinking ‘something will happen’ for about two years now, see the problem.”, she snorts. your face grew hotter as she said that, but you brushed off that pit in your stomach.
she took you by the hand and led you to the gazebo behind the hot tub. “look, theres stiles”, she groans out in disgust. you smirk in a way only she knows. “you’re not thinking about joining him? are you”, she snickers. you think in a daze of what would seemingly happen if you were to just meet at the hot tub coincidentally.
you walked over and around the gazebo as you heard a scoff coming from behind you. malias face was a mix of hurt, but also persuasion. you were met with a soggy haired stiles, staring into the deep blue water. stiles looked up from the hot water and connected eyes with you. he huffed a sigh as he saw you slowly take off your clothes revealing a purple bikini underneath it.
“you’re not really coming in here”, he laughed while shaking his head. “was that a threat stilinski?”, you say slyly with a smirk on your face. he throws his head back in a joking defeat as you head up the small steps, and step into the boiling water. it was a little too cold for your liking, but your skin never really warmed up. he licked his lips to rid of the moisture that was built up.
you stared into his soft lips as you slowly sat down in a corner to the hot tub. he scoffed as realization hit that you were probably going to stay a while. “you just had to come at the perfect time y/n”, he said in a hush. your face contorted as his little remark in confusion as if that was a good .. or bad thing. his face showed him being miserable, but his eyes told other things.
he scanned your body in tiny glances when he thought you weren’t looking. good thing you knew when people were staring at you. “stop staring stilinski”, you said while looking at the gazebo. out of the corner of your eye, you could see him roll his. “i’m not staring”, he says in his raspy voice. “i’m just admiring”, he groans as he slowly lifts his body out to the water.
he heads to your corner, and locks eye contact while standing above you. you lowered your head in embarrassment while he hovers. stiles took his hand, and slightly placed his fingers under your chin so that you’re now looking at him. he lowered his body deeper into the water, and connected his lips to yours.
they were soft, almost tasting exactly like cherries. his other hand lifted up to your hair, and intertwined with the locks. he pulled on your soft hair slightly, and you whimpered in response. you could feel him smirk through his face, and that cause you to feel butterflies.
he was so delicate, something you had never felt before. kissing him was like kissing a pillow. his fluffy lips interlocked with yours and he rubbed up and down your back with his hands.
he was different than the others. a little rough, but soft while his body connected onto yours. he unlocked lips and stood back up. stiles motioned for you to stand up also. “why did you stop”, you questioned. your hand was slightly grasped by his while he switched positions so he was now sitting in your corner.
you wrapped your legs around his torso and sat upon his swim trunks. you laughed while looking down at the starwars characters on the slight trunks. he looked down too, realizing what you were giggling at.
he slowly took his hand up to your hair. “you’re so pretty”, he whispered while locking eyes. your face began to flush once again. when he saw your face, he slowly lifted your chin up to admire your beauty. gladly, stiles managed to warm you up for the night. it was odd how genuine he could be when he wasn’t around others.
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sabokunsmalia · 10 months
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𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘; eren yeager featuring: eren yeager x fem! scout reader content: eren introduces you to his group of friends, but can't keep his hands to himself. content warning: semi-public masturbation, fingering hi it's malia: oh oh, those aot guys have a good grip on me.
When you agreed to this little gathering, you actually thought it would be a small one. Instead of inviting his two best friends, Eren decided it was time to meet the entirety of the group. Two turned into ten. The table at the small fast food restaurant was filled with the friends, talking away about their day and how they plan to spend the weekend. None had very specific questions for you, they only were curious about what you looked like, and if Eren treated you good enough.
For the past ten minutes, he did not fail to impress them, how kind he was to you. Sharing his drink with you because you wanted to taste the liquid mixture, or even placing those soft, featherlight kisses against your temple. It was adorable. It was a situation they have never seen Eren in. Sure, he dated Mikasa, but the black-haired female was into way more hardcore parts of life than you.
What none of them saw, was Eren's little devilish play underneath the surface of the table. A hand placed on your thigh, using his fingertips to spread your legs apart for him. The dress, you decided to wear earlier on, turned out to be your worst mistake. Eren already head a plan as soon as he saw the height of the table.
"Open up for me," The words were formed with his mouth, not speaking a sylabelle but you knew exactly what he wanted from you. Eren was just the kind of guy, who couldn't keep his hands to himself, and always loved the risk of such situations.
How embarrassing it could be, if his friends found out what was happening underneath the table while they sat around, and held a simple conversation. While Eren smiled at them, his calloused fingertips drew lazy circles over your hardened nub. Whimpers and whines swallowed by the clenched fist in front of your mouth, which offered your chin a place to rest. It was always the same with him, it was not the first time, Eren decided that waiting until their arrival at home was not an option.
"How long have you been together? I don't remember Eren telling us," Sasha clapped her empty hands together, the piece of meat in her mouth not completely chewed as she smiled. It was a normal moment, no one bothered how much she ate or how she combined eating and talking. It was Sasha, it was normal for her.
"Oh, it's been -" Your answer, infiltrated by sweet happiness, was interrupted by a deep breath. The conversations around the table ended abruptly as their caring stares landed on Eren and you. That little bastard, you thought, clenching your thighs together and squeezing your boyfrend's single finger.
While attempting to uphold a common conversation with one of his friends, Eren used the distraction simply to mess further with you, and your body. A long, slender finger gathered the wetness between your puffy folds and entered your sweet pussy without a warning. "Are you okay?" Armin worriedly piped up fron the side, his caring gaze switching between Eren's calm face and your furrowed eyebrows. You nodded your head as an answer, inhaling a deep breath to calm down your nerves.
Eren ran a hand through the front part of his hair, brushing the strands of chestnut hair out of his face and back behind his hair. He watched with hooded eyes, how you attempted to save the situation from being caught in the act.
"I don't think Eren's little experiment drink was good for me," You spoke up, forcing yourself to giggle lightly at your own words. The worry disappeared from several faces, while Mikasa's lingering glare made it difficult to focus. After all, the clenching of your thighs only animated Eren to fight more to receive what he wanted.
His long finger slowly moved, in and out only a bit but curling when his knuckles touched your folds. "Nothing for the weak stomach," Connie added from the other side, taking another gulp of his glass. Nodding your head again, you agreed before turning back to Sasha to answer her question from earlier. "Barely over a year,"
"Oh, that's longer than we imagined," Hange laughed loudly, patting Levi's back multiple times with her flat hand. Oh, the stoic man truly hated the touch of someone, holding the cup in his very own special grip while raising the hot tea towards his mouth. "Don't think about it, Levi's a little special," Eren informed from the side, nodding his head towards the black-haired with the tired gaze.
"Hm," You added, leaning further forward and spreading your legs for Eren underneath the table. After all, his knuckles rubbing against the insides of your thighs wasn't necessarily good for your skin, and the confident male beside you, would not accept a decline from your side.
So, you let him play his little familiar game with you, and your pussy. A second finger added, Eren switched between a calm or harsh pace to not draw any attention on the two of you, or the activity happening. By the time, the food plates decorated the table, the sweat gathered on your temples.
Eren wasn't going very easy on you this time, as if he wanted his friends to notice that he couldn't keep his hands off of you. Calloused thumb massaged your clit in circular motions, slipping from left to right with all the arousal that gathered between your thighs.
Oh, he was having so much fun.
Elbow propped up on the table, jaw placed in his unoccupied hand while smirking so confidently. Listening to conversations going on, Eren started eating, while having his finger still buried so deeply inside of his favourite warm place.
You were in for a long night, the sneaky glances coming from Eren already said so much. But therefore, he was in for a sweet punishment, once the safety of his apartment was reached. Plans started to unfold in the back of your mind, and a smirk, almost as equally mischievious as his, spread across your face.
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ateotd-izzy · 1 year
ceilings | stiles stilinski x fem!reader
PART ONE | part two
summary: in an attempt to bring stiles back from the ghost riders, lydia, scott and malia try to help y/n to search her memories and remember him completely.
warnings: set during 6a, kissing, possibly swearing? idk how i feel about this tbh
taglist: @brvceyamada
ceilings, plaster
“okay, y/n. imagine you’re in your bedroom.” lydia’s voice calmly echoed through the room. “visualize yourself in your bedroom.”
you looked around. your bed, your shelves, your desk, it was your bedroom.
“can you see it?” lydia asked and you nodded. “okay, good. can you see your shelf? the one with all your movies?”
you took a few steps over to the bookshelf, dvds filling each individual shelf and only a few books lay around.
“y/n, imagine each dvd is a memory of stiles. every movie is a different memory.” lydia spoke. “you need to find the correct memory. the one that’ll bring him back.”
you pulled the first dvd off the shelf and opened it, putting the disk into your player.
can’t you just make it move faster?
“what the hell?” you wiped your cheek with your hand as the boy in front of you laughed. “what the hell was that?”
he shrugged, still laughing.
you were in your kitchen with stiles, the afternoon sun spilling through the window as you went through the cupboards.
“seriously, babe, what was that?”
“it was just water.” he chuckled, dipping his fingers into the glass beside him and flicking it at you. “don’t need to worry.”
“you’re such a dick.” you rolled your eyes, fighting the smile that grew on your face as he slowly made his way over to you.
“you love me.”
“go on. say it.” stiles whispered into your ear, his arms wrapping around your body from behind and his chin resting on your shoulder. “you know it’s true.”
“fine.” you spun around so you were still facing him in your arms. “i love you, stilinski.”
he smiled and leaned in, pecking your lips.
“i love you, too.”
lovely to be sitting here with you
“can you see him? can you remember him?” lydia asked.
“it was just water.” you mumbled. scott and malia exchanged a confused look behind lydia’s back.
“y/n, you need to find a stronger memory. keep looking.”
you’re kinda cute, but it’s
you ran your hand along the different dvds before stopping on one.
you pulled it out and glanced at the cover. it was blank.
they were all blank, so you knew it would be a hard search to find the right memory.
“find a stronger memory, y/n.” lydia’s voice guided you and you placed the new disk into the dvd player.
raining harder
“you guys won!” you cheered, grabbing both of stiles’ hands in yours.
you were standing on the lacrosse field at the high school, and he was wearing a beacon hills jersey.
he was number 24.
it must’ve been winter, or just cold, because it was raining.
the grass was all soaking wet, and water dripped down your face and near your eyes as you looked up at him with the biggest smile.
my shoes are now full of water
“did i look super hot out on the field?” he joked. you knew he had only been out there for a few minutes.
“totally.” you pulled him by his shoulders and kissed him on the lips, drops of water falling off his hair.
“i did better than scott, right?” stiles asked after you pulled apart and you laughed.
the boy made a face at you and you scoffed.
“okay, well, he’s team captain for a reason.”
“it’s fine, i know i was better than him.”
“you keep telling yourself that, buddy.”
lovely to be rained on with you
“did you find a good one, y/n? something strong?” lydia asked and you shook your head.
“keep searching, y/n.” scott’s voice was just as soft as lydia’s, but she quickly shushed him.
“y/n, you need to find a stronger memory.”
it’s kinda cute, but it’s
you looked through the dvds and picked one out at random.
it wasn’t like you could pick and choose when they were all blank.
you thought, ‘better than nothing.’ and put it in the player.
so short
“come on. please?” stiles made a sad face as he held out the star wars dvd to you. “we haven’t watched it in like… a month.”
“we just watched a star wars movie like a week ago.”
“yeah, but that was a new hope, so now we have to watch empire.”
“okay, fine, but my mom wants me home right after.”
“yes! also, don’t worry about that. i’ll drive you.” he smiled brightly as he put the disc into the dvd player in his living room then dropped onto the couch beside you. “you know, this is why you’re my favorite.”
“scott would never watch this with me. especially not multiple times.”
“scott never watches movies with anyone. you should know this by now.” you bumped him with your elbow.
“i know, i know.” stiles slid his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek. “you’re still my favorite, though.”
then you’re driving me home
you sat in the passenger seat of stiles’ jeep, which sounded like it was going to fall apart as he drove it, later that night.
you glanced to your side, staring at his face.
you could tell a smile tugged on his lips and he looked to you for a split second.
“what are you staring at, weirdo?” he asked and you looked out the window again.
“liar. you were looking at me.” he teased. “cause you think i’m so hot.”
“is that a crime?”
“oh, definitely not. you can look at me all you want.”
there was silence between you two for a moment as he pulled into your driveway. you sighed.
he looked at you this time.
“do i have to leave?”
he chuckled and gave you a kiss. “i’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.”
“see you tomorrow…”
and i don’t want to leave
“keep pushing, y/n.” lydia motivated. “search deeper. you can find the one you need.”
“do i have to leave?” you muttered the words. “see you tomorrow…”
lydia sighed. “y/n, try searching deeper. you’ve got this.”
there was a growing stack of dvds being dumped on your bed after going through its memory.
you picked out another one.
but i have to go
“come on. you don’t need to go in there.” you pointed up at the building beside you inside the large gates. “you’re not crazy.”
“i don’t want to hurt anyone, y/n.” stiles spoke, sheriff stilinski standing beside him. “especially not you.”
“but eichen house?” you stared at him sadly. “stiles…”
he reached out his hand and pulled you into his chest, hugging you tight. he kissed the top of your head.
“i love you, y/n.”
you sighed, your arms keeping him as close as possible. you didn’t want to let him go. “i love you too, stiles.”
you kiss me in your car
“come on, stiles. breathe.” you cupped the boy’s face in your hands. “try not to think about it. think about something else.”
“like what?” he panted, looking up at you with sad eyes and a broken expression.
you were both sat on the locker room floor, he was having a panic attack.
“happy things. friends, family-” you stopped yourself after he gave you a look. “okay, not family. try not to think about your dad. just breathe.”
“i…” he hyperventilated. you adjusted your hands on the sides of his face. his eyes met yours.
that was all you could see. his eyes.
“stiles, just breathe.” you could see there wasn’t really a difference in his actions. you leaned forward and attached your lips to his.
his eyes went wide, but he seemed to melt into the kiss.
you pulled apart and he stared into your eyes, his breathing slowed down, the panic attack over.
you grabbed his hand and he intertwined your fingers.
and it feels like the start of a movie i’ve seen before
“i kissed him.” you spoke to lydia and the others, your eyes closed as you sat at the table in front of them. “he was having a panic attack. i kissed him.”
“holding your breath stops a panic attack.” lydia nodded, explaining to the others. “now, y/n, find something deeper. something more important to you. something more important to him.”
“to stiles.”
the next dvd was higher up on the shelf, you grabbed it easily.
bedsheets, no clothes
you were lying beside stiles, running your finger along his bare chest.
he pulled you closer to him with a smile, pushing some of your hair away from your face.
“hey.” he whispered.
you smiled back. “hey.”
“that was something.”
“a good something or a bad something?” you asked, still whispering.
“definitely a good something.” he rubbed his hand up your arm. “probably the best something. i don’t know if there’s been a better something—”
“alright, i get it.” you chuckled softly.
there was no need for the whispering, it was the evening and no one else was home, but you still did.
his hand ran along the side of your face. “you’re so beautiful.”
there was no way you could’ve fought off the smile on your face as your cheeks warmed.
touch me like nobody else does
“definitely a good something.” you recalled. “he said it was definitely a good something.”
“what was?”
you went quiet again, searching through the different dvds.
some memories were shorter than others, just conversations or things like that.
“find something, y/n. good or bad.”
lovely to just lay here with you
you picked out another dvd. it was blank like all of the others, but it seemed different.
you took it off the shelf because it seemed to be staring right at you, practically calling your name.
you played that one.
the memory didn’t give you a feeling that it would bring him back, but it felt like something you needed to see.
you’re kinda cute, and i would say all of this
“come on, stiles.” you whispered. “you can talk to me.”
he was ignoring you. and you had no clue why.
he sighed and your eyebrows knitted in confusion.
it was late at night and you were both lying in his bed, him with his back to you.
“can you just… drop it?” he mumbled. “i’m not in the mood.”
“what happened, stiles?”
“nothing, just go to sleep.” he adjusted himself in the bed slightly, but didn’t face you.
but i don’t wanna ruin the moment
time seemed to skip and he was sitting up, facing you.
“what? do you not trust me or something?” you asked.
“no, that’s not it—” he cut himself off. “i just don’t want to talk about it.”
“stiles, i get that, but i want to know what’s going on with you.” you put your hand on his shoulder and he, quite obviously, winced. “what’s up with your shoul—”
“nothing, y/n. just leave it.” he winced again and pushed your hand off. “i don’t need your help.”
“seriously?” you scoffed as he turned his back to you again. “you know what? whatever.”
you pushed the covers of his bed off and stood up, slipping your shoes on.
“where are you going?” stiles asked, sitting up again.
“home.” you answered. “you obviously need space, so i’m respecting that. i’m not gonna push it anymore.”
“wait, babe,” he started getting out of his bed. “i don’t want you to go.”
“i’m still going, stiles.” you picked up your backpack. “we can talk tomorrow.”
“it’s late.”
“i’m aware. my car’s outside, remember?”
“please stay.”
“i’ll see you tomorrow, or whenever you’re ready to talk about whatever the hell’s going on with you right now.”
lovely to sit in between comfort and chaos
standing in your bedroom, staring at the tv as you left stiles’ bedroom, you remembered the fact that you didn’t talk the next day.
stiles just never said anything about it to you.
not until after everything with theo was practically over.
basically everyone else knew about it, but you.
he didn’t think you would understand, which was probably the most upsetting part for you because you did.
you understood it was self defence. you understood he did it because if he didn’t he would’ve died.
but it’s over
“y/n? are you okay?” scott asked, ignoring lydia as she shushed him.
you nodded. being hypnotised was weird.
lydia had taken notice of your saddened expression too.
“find a different memory, y/n. i know you can do this.”
then you’re driving me home
the next memory you found was not long after theo was literally sent to hell.
you were with stiles in his jeep. he was driving you home again. except this time going home from scott’s house.
the car was silent, but not in the usual comfortable way. neither of you had really spoken to the other since that night, only really for pack stuff.
you were terrified that he thought the two of you had broken up, and he was scared of the exact same thing.
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you that night.” stiles spoke up. “i should’ve said something.”
“no, i get why you didn’t. i was being pushy and you didn’t want to—”
“i did want to tell you.” he sighed. “i was so scared, y/n. i thought there was a chance that you wouldn’t understand or something and i’d lose you.”
he looked right at you.
“i mean, scott didn’t.”
“that was theo’s fault.” you told him. “scott didn’t know the full story. you know he knows the truth now.”
“mm.” he seemed to agree, but you could tell something was still off by his body language.
you took the hand he didn’t have on the wheel into yours.
and it kinda comes out as i get up to go
“you know, i still love you, right?” you told him after he stopped and he looked over at you.
“wha— oh, yeah. yeah, i know.” he nodded, avoiding your eyes, looking outside the car.
“do you know?”
he didn’t answer for a moment, then shrugged.
“i do, stiles.” you kissed his cheek. “i love you, and that never changed.”
“not for one moment.”
he smiled, then laughed softly, then leaned forward and kissed you on the lips.
“i love you too.”
you kiss me in your car
“it never changed.” you sniffled slightly. “i still loved him after everything. he was so scared i wouldn’t, but it never changed.”
“after what, y/n?” lydia asked, hoping more elaboration would help them bring back stiles.
“after donovan.”
scott knew what you were talking about, that was something he had remembered when he thought about stiles.
“after i knew, i still loved him, and he still loved me.”
and it feels like the start of a movie i’ve seen before
then you picked up one more dvd. you just stared at its blank cover and seemed to know what it was.
putting the disk in, you watched as you ran with stiles to his jeep in the school parking lot.
this was the last memory you had of stiles. the last time you had really seen him.
but it’s not real
“y/n, babe, listen. you’re going to forget me.” stiles’ voice seemed to echo around you as you recalled the night.
“no, i won’t. stiles, i won’t.”
“you will.” he cupped your cheeks and made you look him in the eyes. “you will.”
you shook your head as tears threatened to spill. “i won’t.”
“it’s okay, just find some way to remember me. any way.”
and you don’t exist
“i was the last person to see him.” you spoke to your friends. “i was there when they took him. i saw it happen.”
that night was so long ago, but all the details were rushing back to you now.
you were starting to remember it all.
not just that night, but everything about stiles.
and i can’t recall the last time i was kissed
“i know you’ll find some way to remember me.” he squeezed your hand. “ do you remember the first time we danced at the winter formal? you were the first girl i ever danced with.”
you had gone together as friends, despite everyone knowing you had crushes on each other.
“remember how we started dating that summer.”
“the summer before junior year.” you nodded.
“yeah.” he stroked your cheek, wiping away a tear. “that was the best summer of my life.”
you chuckled. “mine too.”
“remember all those sleepovers we’ve had. remember when we’ve fought. remember every time we’ve kissed, or…” he paused and just stared you in the eyes.
the interior of the car was silent, but the wind blew violently outside.
“just remember i love you, okay?” he kissed your hand. “please just remember that. i need you to.”
then he was pulled from the car. the wind stopped and he was gone.
it hits me in the car
you sat there, curled into a ball in the passenger seat, sobbing.
you muttered over and over. “i remember. just remember. i promise.”
you hated the silence, and you hated that he was gone. you didn’t even notice that he had started to slip from your mind.
not until you walked into school the next day, anxiety overwhelming you as your brain tried to remember why it felt like you were forgetting something.
why it felt like a whole piece of you was missing.
just then, remembering what it was like when he was taken, every single memory of yours that included stiles came rushing back.
memories from when you were friends as kids, up until high school. memories from after scott was bitten, back when stiles had his buzzcut.
memories from when he was possessed by the nogitsune. memories from all the times both of you had almost died.
memories of the two of you before and after you started dating. memories with scott and the pack, memories with his dad, memories alone.
all of it.
and it feels like the end of a movie i’ve seen before
you opened your eyes and looked around. you weren’t in your bedroom anymore, you were back in argent’s underground bunker with lydia, scott and malia.
lydia had tried to get your attention, but stiles’ voice played over and over in your mind.
you could see bright lights coming from outside the room, and you rushed out. the three of your friends who were still there ran after you.
you stopped in the corridor, the lights so bright you couldn’t see anything.
then you could see him.
not his face, or any defining qualities at all, but you knew it was him.
he was more like a silhouette, but you could recognize stiles stilinski anywhere.
“stiles.” you breathed out, a smile breaking out onto your face.
you were finally going to have him back. after months of the awful anxiety and feeling that something was missing.
he was like the last piece of your puzzle, and you were going to be complete.
then the light faded.
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a/n: first post on tumblr help this is scary
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b4rbi3l4nd · 2 years
SOS — i can't see it
NEW CHAPTER IS UPPP, again, I will never stop thanking y'all for all the support on the last chapters, y'all's comments make me so happy pls 😭 anyway, hope y'all like this chapter!! and i apologize in advance for what goes down in this chapter, also if this feels rushed, i apologize i was getting my hair done and i wanted to finish this chapter and put it out today, more was gonna go down but anyway. i also changed the age so y/n was 20 when she found out she was pregnant but she's 24 now and Shuri is 25, had to do it based on the MCU timeline lol, MB, also for some reason I cringed a lot writing the last scene bc the WORDS was just so unholy but ANYWAY ENJOY
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GIF by mandalor-din
series summary: you broke up with shuri a few years ago and left wakanda for good until namor. now that he's killed the queen and multiple wakandan civilians, he's seen as a great threat and as former second in command at shuri's lab and wakanda's loyal warrior it is your duty to return and fight for your country. but a certain somebody makes the mission way too hard to deal with.
episode summary: a hasty decision you don't agree with and an uncomfortable realization leads to you and shuri having to talk things out. one thing leads to another and the next thing you know, you wake up in her bed. awkward
genre: ANGST, slow, slow, slow burn, smut
pairing: shuri x black fem reader
episode warnings: mature dialogue, suggestive dialogue, suggestive scenes, smut, cursing, trauma, shouting, mentions of death, suicide, missing people etc. this is a series. you are currently looking at the fourth chapter of the series, please go to my profile to read the previous chapters before continuing (if you haven't read the other chapters yet, if so, please continue)
taglist: @yvxmpire, @sweetalittleselfish-honey, @xxmilli, @queenofsimpsblog, @ziayamikaelson, @shuriislut, @atssukoo, @widowmakker, @cuddl3s4shur1, @n7cje, @ts1mp0ne, @locoforshuri
proofread?: no but if there are errors then it's grammarly's fault.
word count: girl idfk
inspirations: 'SOS' — SZA
song: 'Blind' — SZA
send your thoughts and requests
You sit in front of the throne room, your legs crossed as you nervously moved your legs up and down, trying to listen in on what the elders and Shuri were deciding on doing about the baby.
"I say we get rid of her and the baby." An elder proposed. "We don't need another repeat of Killmonger."
"Exactly." Another elder agreed. "And we don't even know is this baby is of royal blood."
"Not only that but this baby will be the grandchild of Namor. If someone like him has access to Wakanda? We've good for."
"This is an innocent baby you all are talking about." Shuri interjected, looking between the elders. "They haven't even been born yet, and you're looking to them as a threat."
"I say we let her have the baby and then once it's born we kill Malia and raise the child as our own." Elders added.
"We can't just kill her off like that.." Shuri muttered. "Eventually the child will grow up wondering what happened to their mom and then...killmonger all over again."
"So what do you suggest we do my queen?"
Shuri took a deep sigh, her fingers resting on her chin as she looked around the room.
The doors to the throne room opened up as Shuri walked out, you immediately stood up, walking next to her.
"Hey, what are you all going to do in there?" Shuri looked at you and then back forward.
"We've come to an agreement of what we're going to do to the baby. If it's not mine then, she'll be sent back to country."
"And if it is?"
You didn't even give her a chance to respond as your eyes opened wide. "Wait what? Send her back to her country? Are you crazy?"
You guys turned a corner as she just ignored your words.
"If it is mine, then she'll be sent back to her country, after 9 months, the baby will return here to be raised in Wakanda."
"Why are we sending her back to her country? Are you trying to get us all killed?!" You whisper shouted at Shuri who sighed deeply.
She pushed open the door to the infirmary to see the doctor standing there, Malia laying down on one of the beds and Okoye and your mother standing next to the wall, shaking their heads.
"Well? How far along is she?" Shuri asked, glancing between her ex and the doctor.
The woman whispered as she spoke. "8 weeks my queen."
You bit the inside of your lips. Fuck, that means she was pregnant when you hit her. Are you serious?
You looked down, you knew what they were going to ask next, if the baby was Shuri's or not. And they can find that out. You know that because an elder of your tribe had it forcefully done on you when he suspected you of engaging in sexual activities with the princess.
When Shuri found out of course, he was executed.
"Well, is it of royal blood?" Shuri asked.
The doctor showed some papers as she answered "The blood came out a bit clotty and the tests were hard to run because of this but so far, yes. It is your child, my queen."
You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you had in you as images of Shuri and Malia filled your head. You puffed up your cheeks and looked down and turned around. "God."
Shuri also sighed deeply and pressed her temples.
"What are we going to do my queen?" Okoye asked as Shuri thought for a moment.
"Keep her locked up for now. She'll eventually be sent back to her country. After 9 months, the baby will be brought back to be raised in Wakanda. Yeah.."
"Are you serious?!" You turned around to Shuri, furious as ever. You deeply cared about your country and she was a horrible decisions maker.
"She goes back to her country, okay, what happens next? Namor is enraged that she's pregnant with your baby and he knows all the key entrances to Wakanda. We're doomed, dead. Gone." You add to it.
"Well we know what they're planning, so we'll be ready for him?"
"Really? Ready for him like how you were all 'ready' for those last 2 attacks? HM?! Why don't you just kill her and the God-forsaken baby."
"Y/N, that's inhumane. I can't just kill her and an innocent baby...especially since she was my girlfriend for almost 4 years.." Shuri added.
"OH BUT YOU CAN LOCK UP THE ONE YOU KNEW FOREVER?!" You raise your voice at her sharply. Your eyes had turned dull and the only thing behind them was fury. You were seeing red, you felt like you were going to kill Shuri and Malia herself.
"Don't think you're out of the clear because of this whole Malia thing because you're not." Shuri snaps at you. She didn't even raise her voice this time but it felt like she did. She walks past you, leaving the infirmary as Okoye follows her.
You smile over to another person at the lab before turning back to your dehydration device. You were working on one of the heaters to try and distract your mind.
The whole Malia and Shuri situation had your head spinning in multiple different directions.
The guy you were working with at the lab was currently engaging with you in conversation and his voice kept getting drained out by your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" You look at him and he smiles warmly at you, repeating everything. "Oh yeah, you're right...this goes here..." You fix some stuff on the heaters before you hear a voice speak above you.
"Y/N, can I talk to you alone please?"
You look up to see Shuri staring down at you sternly and you gulp silently before nodding, wiping your hands on your white suit. You were too distracted with your thoughts to change.
She walked down the stairs and out of the lab as you followed. In the hallway, she pull you to a corner but her grip was less strong than you thought.
"Look.." She started as you looked up to her. She was staring at the ground nervously and you raise an eyebrow.
"What, you sending me back to Nigeria?" You ask and she slowly shakes her head.
"No..um, Okoye said some things to me earlier that really stuck with me and I feel like I owe you an apology." She looks directly in your eyes after the last bit, her stare now more genuine and sympathetic.
Your posture straightened as you folded your arms. "I'm listening." What an interesting change in direction.
"Ever since you got here, I haven't been..myself and I know that now because...because.."
"Because I'm still in love with you Y/N."
Your eyes widened at this revelation and you blinked multiple times. "What?"
"I know yeah, it's inappropriate and I shouldn't be feeling this way but I can't help it and I expressed that in the worst way possible and genuinely, I'm sorry."
"Shuri I-"
"We don't have to talk if you're uncomfortable."
"No, no." You interjected. "I'm just surprised is all." You weren't expecting that and if you're honest, you are also still in love with her, no matter how many times you guys argued or you cursed at her, you've just been through too much together.
"I...I'm still in love with you too and..there's no running away from it. I'm a grown-ass woman...we're grown-ass women, I mean you're 25, I'm 24...we've got a lot of growing up to do." You finish.
"You've got a lot of growing up to do." Shuri said.
You rolled your eyes. "Don't start with me now Shuri."
A small laugh came from her as you looked up to see her chuckling. A smile formed on your lips as you laughed along with her.
"I missed this.." She said, looking at you with genuine eyes. Those beautiful eyes that once held hatred behind them looked at you with love, reminding you of how you used to wake up with her every morning.
"You know, you would make a great queen if you weren't so stubborn." She said sarcastically.
"I would make a great queen because I'm so stubborn." You corrected her.
"Ah-" She started.
"If- If that was what I wanted.." You backtracked on your statement, putting your hands out. A few moments of silence went by before she spoke out.
"I...don't want to fight with you anymore Y/N." She voiced out, a small frown appearing on her face. "And I'm not asking you to date me or anything I just..." She paused and sighed. "You came here under work circumstances and it was unfair for me to treat you inappropriately so, let's just keep it professional for the rest of your stay or we could be.."
"Friends?" You asked, raising your hand for a handshake.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
Your hands locked together and she shook your hand, causing you both to smile.
Finally, peace at last.
It's been 2 weeks since you and Shuri made up and frankly, you've never loved being around her more. You were starting to see the more innocent and playful side of her that you loved being around. You 2 were always joking in the lab and you especially loved it when you and Riri joined forces just to bully her.
It was peace in Wakanda and the only thing stressful was the fact that Talokan could attack any minute now, which is why Shuri was taking out the whole staff to celebrate that night.
No guards, no work, just fun and dancing and that's exactly what you were doing.
Riri helped you get ready for tonight, she said you needed to get your "hoe" on. Not sure why, but whatever.
She had you wear RED lingerie because
"Red is the sexiest color duh," Riri said, shoving the savage x fenty set in your face.
And a bodycon black top that was slightly see-through, paired up with a leather skirt.
"Only on the cleavage and sleeve parts, I'll let you have your dignity."
Not that the top even had to be see-through for everyone to know what your cleavage looked like anyway.
"It's kinda your brand now, own it."
Matching black pumps and red lipstick.
"You're like the only person I know that fits red lipstick. Here, I'll do it. Not too much lipstick, only on the bottom, don't forget to blend in the liner and a bit darker on the top lip and ooo, gloss. Just a little bit tho, it works on you though right?"
Bold eyeshadow.
"We want them panties dropping TONIGHT!"
And for your hair, natural but with your edges done, of course.
"Your natural hair already looks like a Brazillian blow out so, not too much."
And a black purse with gold, to match.
"Okay, we're done and wow you look hot."
"I always do, let's be for real here." You say as you both laugh in your bedroom.
Currently, you were grinding with that same guy you were working with in the lab earlier. He had his hands on your waist as you guys moved in sync to the music.
Once it ended, you excused yourself from the dance floor, catching Shuri sitting down next to the bar with her shades on.
"Hey.." You wave at her, sitting a few seats away. You're not sure if she heard you but she gave you a slight not. You couldn't exactly tell if she was looking you because her shades made it hard to tell but you nodded right back.
You were planning to let lose tonight. "Can I get a bacardi please?" You signal to the waiter and they nod. You watch as they pour your drink before you smile and take it.
You down it like a shot, before placing it down on the table, feeling the burn as it slithered down your throat.
"Phew...I'm gonna go back over there." You were talking to Shuri but you figured she couldn't really care, she opened her mouth to speak but shut it just as quick.
"Okay.." You stand up and walk back over to the dance floor, feeling a bit nervous but relaxed soon enough thanks to Riri.
You guys hands interlocked as you both danced to the music. Eventually, as you pulled away, you felt 2 hands on your hips again and they felt way too familiar, like they've been around there before.
You figure it was the guy from before and you let it be, dancing along with them but your face dropped when you looked up to see Riri staring at you, eyes wide open, mouth hanging out.
Okay, it definitely was not the guy from before. You look over to her, raising an eyebrow as your eyes signal a "What?"
She mouthed with her hands desperately swiping over her throat. "The queen."
Horrified, you turned around to see Shuri looking down at you, her shades were gone and you could see nothing in her eyes but pure lust and arousal. And that she was definitely like half sober.
You don't say anything, your body unconsciously grinding against her. Her head lowered to your neck as you let out a shaky breath when her lips connected to your sweet spot. The spot that she just loved to tease.
"Shuri.." you muttered out, starting to get lost in the feel of it.
You were brought back to reality when a cold liquid hit your top. You look away to see Riri in front of both of you.
"Sorry. I guess I spilled, you might want to go to the bathroom to get things cleaned up." She signaled with her tone and her eyes.
"Oh yeah..sorry." You turned to Shuri who had stopped and broke through her grip. You walked over to the bathroom, your mind racing.
You let out a deep sigh as you entered. It was currently empty, which was great. You grabbed some towels as you started to wipe down your dress, your thoughts replaced with what would've happened if Riri never spilled her drink on you.
"Need help?"
You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard the door open, Shuri's voice along with it.
She walked behind you, taking the tissue from your hands as she wrapped on arm around your waist, the other helping you to wipe your dress.
As time went on, it felt more like her grazing your breasts than her helping you clean up. Eventually, she grabbed a handful of one of your boobs and you let out a soft and unexpected moan.
You immediately covered your mouth, embarrassed as she chuckled behind you. She let go momentarily, giving you a chance to leave but you didn't.
In fact, you did the opposite. It was clear that your body wanted her, craved her. That you craved her. You leaned into her and you watched as she smirked through the bathroom mirror.
She slipped her hand through your skirt, grazing over your pussy. You let out a small moan as she began massaging circles, applying pressure. You bit your lip as you threw your head back on her shoulder.
She took the chance to capture your lips with hers and you watch it all happen through the mirror but then she stopped and pulled apart.
"I think we should go somewhere more private."
Now that she had already given you a taste of pleasure, you couldn't stop yourself, you wanted more. You needed more.
warning: it's getting hot in hereee
As you entered her apartment, you looked around. Everything was still in contact from when you lived with her. The painting you made for your anniversary, still up on the wall.
You felt Shuri's arms wrap around your waist as she kissed you again, slowly and more passionately this time.
"Tonight, baby i want you."
She whispers between the kiss as you feel her hands taking off your clothes. You kicked off your heels as well, helping her out.
You guys walked backward, lips still locked together and hands roaming each other's bodies. She gently pushed you back on the bed till you were laying on the bed then she pulled apart and stood, looking at you up and down.
"Fuck..." She muttered under her breath as her hands reached down to touch your body.
"I love when you wear that sthandwa(my love).." Her lips connected to your neck as she slowly kissed all around it.
One of her hands wrapping around your neck as she turned your head, finding your sweet spot again, sucking on it now, hard but passionately.
"Mmm.." you moaned out as you felt a puddle forming in between your legs.
She didn't stop until the spot was dark purple before she pulled back, looking at your breasts.
"I missed these so much usana(baby)" Her hands grazed over your nipples, making them hard. She lifted you up slightly to unclip your bra before laying you back down again.
Her hands grazed over your nipples as she slowly took off your bra. Her lips connected to one of them, causing you to bite your lip, holding back an unGodly moan.
She sucked on them until they felt numb before she turned her attention to the other one.
She was being so mean, taking her time with everything and you knew she knew that you were craving her.
"Shuri..." you breath out as she looks up at you, humming in response.
"I need you to touch me.."
"I am touching you," She replied, lifting her head up as her panther chain dangled in your face. You hooked your finger around it to pull her face closer.
"You know what I mean, I want you to touch me..there.."
You take her hand and slide it down and around your curves until she reaches your pussy. She pressed her hand on it, earning a moan from you. Wow, she barely touched you and you were already cumming. You really needed her, huh?
"Fuck, I love when you get vocal entle.(beautiful)" She groaned as you wrapped your arm around her neck to pull her closer and kiss her.
She rubbed circles on you, lowering her hand before you felt her slip your panties to the side.
You were caught by surprise when you felt her finger suddenly just slip in your wet folds. She found your clit without even looking because of course would...this was like coming home to her, she's been here before.
"Hm...? It's just one baby, you can take more than that right?" Shuri teased as you sighed.
"It just got me by surprise, that's all.." You muttered out, feeling her pump in and out of you.
Another finger slipped in, causing your hips to buck unconsciously towards her, earning for more friction.
"I think you're slowly killing me here.." You throw your head back, rocking your hips along to her rhythm.
Shuri chuckled as she kept to her pace before adding another finger suddenly, causing you to moan out suddenly.
Her pace slowed down as she used her free hand to hoist your hips over her shoulders. Once you were secure, she fastened causing your hips to jerk upwards.
You didn't even get a chance to moan out because that's when Shuri suddenly stopped and then she started hitting again but this time with more intensity and she was hitting your spot every time.
The spot that made you twist and turn like a worm. That made your toes curl up and look like it was doing gang signs. That turned you into a dumb babbling mess, that she just called you.
"OH SHURI, SHURI, YES, YES, YES!" You moaned out in pleasure as your vision turned white.
"That's it baby...keep going." Shuri groaned in your ear as she quickened her pace, you held onto her arm, feeling her restraint.
She was holding back but it still felt like you were getting hit with the force of a thousand bricks. She was strong most definitely.
She wrapped a hand around your throat, squeezing tightly and it felt like she was breaking your windpipe but you loved it. Filthy.
It felt like she hated you so much with the amount of force she was using and it felt amazing, euphoric even.
Your hips jerked again as you squeezed your eyes shut.
"SHURI!" You screamed out her name as she moaned even louder than you when she felt you clench around her fingers.
"That's it beautiful, ride it out...just like that.." She kept thrusting in you but she slowed down, letting you get down from your high.
You thought it was over, you were starting to sit up when you felt her take a long lick of your pussy, making you squirm but she held you in place.
She released her grip on your throat and you were sure her handprint was going to be there tomorrow.
"Oh my..." you breathed out, your back arching upwards as she took more slow, long licks.
"Shuri please...." You moved your pussy along her mouth, rubbing circles as you moaned. She pushed her fingers that were just in you, into your mouth.
"Suck." She instructed and you did just that.
"Mmm..." She looked down at you with hooded eyes before taking her fingers out of your mouth. Both her hands gripped your thighs as she held you in place.
You closed your eyes as her lips made contact with your folds. She licked them slowly, sticking her tongue in places you didn't even realize existed. She had you seeing stars, especially since you were already sensitive from your last orgasm. But she didn't care.
Your thoughts scrambled and fuzzed as you felt her tongue enter deep into you and then back out before going in and out again.
"Shuri you're so...soo...meannn.." Your words slurred together as you tried to gather yourself.
"Really? I like to think I'm being generous tonight."
And she was true, on a daily basis, she did way worse, she was a completely different person when turned on, it was crazy, a whole 360 change.
Eventually, your breathing started to get hasty and rushed as your whole body felt numb.
You looked down to see Shuri staring right back up at you as she feasted on you and your juices. The eye contact you made was intense and hot. You looked over to the mirror next to your bedside and the sight was enough to get you squirming.
"Oh Shuri, yes...just like that baby, just like that.." You put your hands on her head, forcing her to go with your rhythm. You rubbed your clit against her face, the friction becoming unbearable, especially when she wouldn't stop doing that with her tongue. Deep and fast strokes, it was driving you crazy.
"OH MY SHURI, BAST, OH GODDD!" You felt her slip another finger into you and as soon as she did that, she slipped 2 more.
The pleasure was enough to drive you crazy and it did. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your body gave out as you collapsed and screamed out her name.
Your breathing was ragged as you tried to catch your breath, your hand over you chest as you watched her clean up every drop of your release with her tongue. You looked back up at the ceiling as you felt her leave from between your legs.
After finally getting a hold of yourself, you look up to see Shuri walking out from her closet, naked and, 2 black boxes in her hands. She looked at you tilting her head.
"Pick one."
"There's more?" You breathed out as Shuri laughed. You've already been overstimulated, cumming twice already. Frankly, you haven't had sex in 4 years, there's only so much your body can take now.
"You're cute...pick one." Shuri instructed again.
You laid back in the bed, lazily pointing to her right hand. You watched as she opened the box, setting the other one down as she pulled out a double-sided dildo, powered by vibranium of course. It was a personal project she made just for you. It transmits energy and pleasure between the 2 users so you both can get off.
It still looked clean and fresh so could tell she hadn't used it in a while.
You turned your attention over to her body, her tattoos, the way her hair was slightly wet from sweat, her posture, her everything. She was just so attractive. You forced your head to look back up at the ceiling, taking a deep sigh.
Shuri walked over to you on the bed as she just looked down at you.
"You look so beautiful like this you know..laid out on our bed, waiting for me.." She whispered, causing butterflies in your stomach and vagina. Crazy.
She took the dildo and inserted the tip slowly into you but then stopped, moving it in and out slowly, making a circle shape as your hips slowly followed the pattern, causing you to moan out slightly, your eyes fluttering.
"You like that huh baby?" She breathed out before stopping sharply. "Look at me."
"I can't, even if I want to Shuri...I can't see, I'm blind." You say and it was true, your vision was currently fuzzy as hell and this normally happened whenever you and Shuri slept together, she just had a way of touching you that made you lose all your senses.
Shuri smirked before shoving the whole dildo into you, causing you to scream so loud, you swear a glass must've shattered or something.
She silenced you with a kiss as she brought the dildo back out again, rubbing your clit with her fingers gently and passionately.
She used her hands to put your thighs on her shoulders before inserting the dildo into you slowly this time as she rubbed in circles.
She then inserted her side into herself causing her to moan through the kiss, allowing your tongue to slip through and wrap itself in hers.
The room filled with the noises of both your moans and your skin slapping against each other. She was just hitting your spot again with just so much force and the fact that you knew she was holding back from going harder made your mind swirl.
Your toes curled, your breaths struggled, your hands gripping all over and onto the sheets, your hips bucking and moving with her pace, and your vision was currently gone.
"Mmm, baby..." Shuri moaned into the kiss as she kept thrusting. You could hear her panting and struggling to keep her pace and composure.
"SHURI! MM!" You shouted as you held tightly onto her arms and thighs.
Her pace started to become uneven as she threw her head back getting lost in the pleasure.
"Just like that baby...just...like..fuck.." She struggled before she finally pushed you to the edge.
You screamed out her name again as your back arched so high, you could kiss the ceiling. She fell into you, pulling out the dildo but still pushing up against you.
You felt her cum hit your walls as you sighed. You guys stayed in that position before she finally pulled away, using her finger to push some cum back into you, filling you up.
You fell on the bed, lifeless, breathless and visionless. The rest of the night consisted of Shuri running a bath for you and giving you a massage while saying praises to you, as well as her changing the sheets and slipping on one of her shirts on you.
You had your legs wrapped around her waist, her hands fixed on your waist, one of them, moving up, squeezing your breast and then going up to cup your face as she kissed you passionately.
You willingly opened up your mouth as her tongue slipped in. You moaned into the kiss. This felt amazing, like coming home. Her warmth that you had missed for years.
She eventually pulled away before laying you down on the bed, kissing your cheek sweetly. She grabbed a bonnet from her nightstand and put it on your head. You remember this bonnet, you used to wear it all the time back when you guys were still together..and she kept it.
She eventually got in the bed with you, slipping the covers onto both of you guys, her arm wrapping around you as you sighed.
She held you close, like if she let go, you'd disappear.
"I love you so...so much baby...my beautiful girl.." She whispered sweet nothings into your ear as she rocked you to sleep.
Fuck, I am going to regret this tomorrow.
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maria021015 · 2 days
Summary: Stiles and Zaida have both been plagued by the Nogitsune are spending time in Eichen House to keep their Void counterparts at bay. Little does Stiles know, Zaida isn’t quite herself. Things get a bit spicy in the basement as they try to understand the Nogitsune’s connection to the space.
Stiles x fem oc
Exerpt from Rising Tides
Warnings: lime/mild sexual content, violence, possession
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“Here,” Malia grunted slightly as she broke the handle of the door to the basement, effectively snapping off the lock as well. The door opened noiselessly and Zaida recognised the steps leading into darkness that she and the others had descended into what felt like a lifetime ago now.
“Thank you,” Stiles nodded to the werecoyote gratefully, the first to step through the doorway. Zaida was about to follow him, but something tugging at her gut forced her to look back at the girl.
“If we don’t come back, don’t come after us,” She advised Malia in a low whisper so as not to alert Stiles to anything amiss. “Go to Morrell and tell her that Zaida sent you. Tell her that you need to find Scott McCall. She’ll get you out of here and point you in the right direction.”
“Thanks,” Malia dipped her chin slightly, waiting until Zaida followed into the basement after Stiles before closing the door behind them.
As their eyes adjusted to the light they came to the bottom of the staircase and turned the corner. “Okay, so what exactly are we looking for down here?” Zaida questioned the boy’s urgency to venture down here.
“That night that I was sleepwalking and I thought I was in a basement, but I was actually in Malia’s den?” Stiles began to explain his reasoning for wanting to break into the space.
“How could I forget?” Zaida snorted, running her fingers along the wooden railing of the staircase. “Lydia heard voices that led us here for some strange, unknown reason.”
“Well Lydia was right,” Stiles’ jaw locked grimly as he scanned the area. “When I was dreaming, I was here. I saw it through the grate in the floor after Malia punched me.”
“Why would you have dreamed you were here?” Zaida mused, recalling a fact she’d learned years ago. “I thought you could only see things in dreams that you’d seen before in real life. But you’ve never been here before, have you?”
“No, but I don’t think I was in my head. I think I was in the Nogitsune’s.” The boy realised. “He had control over everything that was happening.”
“So you think that the Nogitsune’s been here before?” Zaida deduced his line of thinking, her curiosity spiking slightly despite the void within her heart.
“He’s either been here, or has a connection to this place. That’s gotta be why Lydia was led here that night.” Stiles confirmed with a nod, turning to the wall just beside the staircase. “In my dream, there was a marking on the wall.”
Zaida followed him towards the flat expanse of grey concrete and surely enough, there carved in the stone was a familiar symbol. “It’s the Japanese kanji for ‘self’. It’s what the Oni marked behind our ears when they were searching for the Nogitsune.” She identified, approaching and running her fingers over the deep grooves. “Why would it be here?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” Stiles let out a heavy sigh, moving to the shelves full of boxes brimming with papers. “There’s gotta be something here.”
Following his lead, Zaida helped him scour the old records, pulling out pile after pile. She wasn’t exactly sure what they were searching for, but there were definitely a few things that stuck out to her. “This place definitely used to be a lot more fun - electroshock...ice baths...trephination?”
“Together we’re running two out of three,” Stiles snorted sarcastically, calling attention to the fact that they had endured both electrocution and an ice bath between the two of them. Unwittingly, he’d just given her an idea...
“No wonder this place is locked up so tight…” Zaida mumbled, putting the files back where she’d found them on a shelf just above her head.
“There's nothing here,” Stiles huffed, shutting the box he’d been searching through when he realised they were getting nowhere. Swallowing nervously, his amber eyes flickered to her. “Could you do me a favour? Could you just check the lines on my back? Just…tell me if they're fading?”
“Sure,” Zaida nodded and as she slowly moved over the boy turned around, allowing her cold fingers to brush over his spine as she drew the hem of his shirt upwards. She knew the effect she had on him. She could hear it in his sharp intake of breath at her touch. The darkened lightning strikes zigzagging over his back were almost completely retracted, and what little was left had almost faded too. A tickle of satisfaction rose within her and it brought a smirk to her lips. It wouldn’t be much longer now… “They're almost gone.”
Again, as she let the shirt drop leisurely, her nails scraped the warm skin of his back and he hummed with a slight shudder. “Too cold?” She questioned in a purring voice, leaning closer so her lips brushed the shell of his ear. She knew his reaction had less to do with the temperature of her hands and more to do with the fact that it was her touching him.
“Uh, a little,” He admitted in a hoarse voice. Stiles felt his heart race as Zaida's breath danced across the back of his neck, her proximity sending a shiver down his spine. He swallowed hard, his thoughts spinning like a whirlwind. Her touch, her voice, everything about her seemed to ignite a fire within him, one he struggled to contain.
“I can think of some ways you could help warm me up,” She challenged him, her hands snaking around his torso, venturing beneath his shirt once more to grip at his chest. She spun him around to face her, pressing her palms flat against his abdomen to push his back flush against the shelving. Looking up at him beneath a curtain of long, dark lashes, she watched his skin turn scarlet.
“Y-yeah, that would be...nice,” He managed to stammer out, his gaze locking with hers, the intensity of her amber eyes stirring something deep within him. Zaida's lips curled into a knowing smile, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. With a slow, deliberate motion, she closed the distance between them, her hand reaching up to brush against his cheek, sending sparks of electricity through him. Stiles couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his breath catching in his throat as he leaned into her touch, his heart pounding against his chest. In that moment, with her so close, he felt as though everything else in the world drifted away, leaving only the two of them suspended in time.
His eyes finally fluttered shut as she neared, dipping his chin and expecting his lips to be met with her own. Zaida had planned to kiss him - she truly had - but there was a sharp tug in her heart that made her pull back at the last second. Something cried out to her to stop, and she realised that despite it all she didn’t want her first kiss to happen like this. So she shifted her movements subtly, and instead of meeting his lips, her mouth traced a tantalizing path along his jawline. Her soft lips left a trail of featherlight kisses down his neck as her nails scraped along his abdomen, dragging towards his sweatpants. Stiles let out a shaky breath, his whole body trembling with anticipation. Her lips continued their exploration and Stiles felt a surge of heat rush through him, his pulse quickening with every touch. He tipped his head back slightly, offering her better access, a low moan escaping his lips as her kisses grew more urgent. Her warm breath sent waves of pleasure coursing through him, igniting a fire that threatened to consume him whole. With each kiss, Stiles felt himself falling deeper under her spell, lost in a haze of longing. Zaida's touch was intoxicating, her every movement sending him spiralling into blissful oblivion.
And as she finally pulled back, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips, Stiles could do nothing but stare at her in awe, his heart pounding in his chest. She disconnected from him only long enough to grasp his hand and lead him over to the old, sagging couch further into the basement. At that moment, he knew that he was completely and utterly enthralled by her, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Neither would she. There was a certain thrill that pushed through the emptiness in her chest, joined by a sorrowful ache that she forced herself to ignore. She had to do this - it was the only way to distract him and force him to drop his guard long enough for the Nogitsune to filter through and regain control. Whirling to push him down onto the dusty couch, Zaida climbed onto his lap, her thighs pressed against either side of his own as she lowered herself onto him. Stiles found himself blinking in disbelief, his chest heaving with the effort to catch his breath. His trembling hands rested on her hips, hissing through slightly gritted teeth when she pressed down upon him, feeling his body respond beneath the layers of fabric. Again it sent a jolt into her stomach, and she paused.
His eyes searched hers, trying to decipher the enigmatic depths behind them, but all he found was a glimmer of something he couldn't quite place. Before he could voice his confusion, Zaida slid her fingers over his body, weaving them into the hair at the nape of his neck before tugging lightly. His jaw tipped back at her coaxing, baring his prominent Adam’s apple to her. Stiles felt a surge of anticipation coursing through him, his blood thrumming in his ears, his eyes locked onto hers with a mixture of longing and anticipation. Zaida leaned in - battling her own consciousness threatening to creep back in - and pressed her lips to his throat in open-mouthed kisses. He tilted his head further back, pressing into her bruising touch as a coil wound tightly deep in the pit of his abdomen. Being touched by her was dizzying, but he needed more. His own hands shifted from her hips up to brush her hair back from her face, straightening his posture and tilting her face towards his own.
“I want to kiss you,” His voice tumbled from him in a low grumble, betraying his growing desires. As Stiles leaned in, his lips tantalizingly close to Zaida’s, he silently urged her to close the gap, longing for the connection he craved. But just as he felt her breath ghosting over his skin, a sudden hesitation rippled through her movements. She didn’t want it to happen now - not like this. Stiles furrowed his brow in confusion as Zaida's lips veered away from his, tracing a path along his jawline instead. Confusion clouded his features as he tried to guide her mouth back to his, but Zaida deftly avoided his attempts, her touch sending a shiver down his spine. A lurch of disappointment shot through him, mingling with a growing sense of unease.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he broke away from her, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he searched her eyes for answers. Was he doing this wrong? Did she not like it?
“I…” Zaida’s mouth parted to speak but no words would flow, her mind racing as she wrestled with conflicting emotions. He’d managed to break through to her in a way only Stiles ever could, and in that moment she wanted to tell him everything. She wanted to confess that she had brought him here to seduce him - to lower his guard so that the terrifying spectre could regain control over his mind. “I have to tell you something.”
“What is it, Zay?” His thumbs brushed her cheeks soothingly, striking guilt into her bones. Before she could confess to it all, images flashed behind her eyes. Images of him on this very couch with his head lolled back, throat sliced open and eyes wide and glassy with lifelessness. It was a haunting reminder of the darkness lurking within her, threatening to consume everything she held dear. She swiftly recalled why she was doing this. If she didn’t, the Nogitsune would make her kill him, and Malia, and everyone she loved. At least this way, they would still have a chance. This way, Scott, Lydia, Allison, and the others could still find a way to save them. After all, Scott always found another way.
"I...I'm sorry. I’m just…not ready yet," Zaida finally managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. It was only a partial truth, a carefully crafted facade to conceal the turmoil raging within her.
Stiles's expression softened, a flicker of understanding in his eyes as he gently caressed her face. "That's okay," He reassured her, his touch warm against her skin as he allowed her to slip back off his lap and onto the couch beside him. "This isn’t exactly the most romantic place.”
“That’s for damn sure,” She snorted, and he lay down across the sofa, gesturing for her to lie next to him. Relief washed over Zaida as she sank into his embrace, her heart heavy with the weight of her secrets. She rested her head over his bicep as though it were a pillow, feeling the reassuring weight of his arm curl around her waist.
They lay there for a while, Stiles mindlessly playing with the loose strands of her hair soothingly as his mind wandered back to the symbol carved into the wall. Who had put it there? How long ago? And why? Dozens of questions rushed through his head. Questions that he needed answered. Trying not to stir Zaida in case she had drifted off to sleep, she slowly untangled himself from her, sitting up.
“Where are you going?” She asked him in a tired voice, watching him walk back over towards the staircase.
“I just wanna check something,” He muttered, and the sofa creaked as the naiad got up to join him. She followed him over to the same wall as before, watching his rap his knuckled over the carved stone.
“What are you doing?” A stir of panic and anger rose within her that she recognised as foreign. Whatever was behind that wall, the Nogitsune did not want them to see it.
“Do you hear that?” The boy pressed his ear against the wall and knocked again, listening for an echo that should not be there. Reaching for a heavy metal sledgehammer on one of the nearby shelves, he pulled his arm back, preparing to swing.
“Stiles, don’t!” She cried out, but it was too late. The head of the hammer crashed into the wall and parts of the concrete crumbled away. “Stiles!”
The hammer landed against the structure again, and again, and again, until it gave way and revealed a dark opening. Dropping the hammer to the floor with a deep clatter, Stiles peered inside, and Zaida fought against her stiff muscles to do the same. Inside was a body, deflated into all but bones and wrapped in bandages. A sheathed katana lay cradled in the figure’s stiff body. Her stomach twisted as she recognised the figure from her nightmares.
“This is him,” The boy explained dryly. “The Nogitsune.”
“I know,” She croaked out, dread encapsulating her heart like lead.
“You’ve seen him too?” Stiles’ head whipped around to face her and she nodded solemnly as a slow knocking resounded through her head. She knew what that meant. She knew who was coming.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Reaching into the cavern, Stiles’ fingers opened the breast pocket of the body’s army jacket and pulled an old photograph from inside. His eyes scanned the faces of the two lovers in the image, immediately landing on the Japanese woman. “Recognize her?” He held up the image for Zaida to see what he was talking about. Next to an American soldier was a woman with dark hair and almond eyes who bore a striking resemblance to someone they knew.
Knock. Knock! KNOCK.
“Kira?” Zaida frowned in confusion as she felt herself slip away and her heart go numb. The photo had to have been several decades old. There was no way it was their kitsune classmate.
“Or an ancestor,” The boy suggested, pocketing the photograph. “I have to get this to Scott.”
Stiles slowly got back to his feet from where he crouched and as he turned a sudden urge overcame Zaida. She could do nothing but watch through the windows of her own eyes as her fist crunched into Stiles’ jaw. The boy fell to the floor, his skull hitting the concrete as he immediately blacked out. Trapped in her own mind, her limbs moved while she screamed at them to stop. The Nogitsune’s laugh echoed against the walls of her head as he controlled the strings that puppeteered her body like a marionette. She was helpless against it.
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topazy · 2 years
Pairings: Liam Dunbar x reader
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Chapter: 5.15
“Forget about Theo for now. We need to focus on stopping the beast before it kills anyone else.”
Stiles remains suspiciously quiet, you would have expected him to argue with you, but instead he rubbed at his chin, looking unconvinced.
“What?” You ask while putting clothes into your drawers. You were still in the process of unpacking when Stiles arrived at Derek’s house. It amused you how much they bickered like an old married couple. Despite the sarcastic comments and jabs they took at each other, you knew they cared, Derek cared about all of you.
“Honestly, I don’t know how you're not freaking out right now.” I’m freaking out. “You got bitten days ago and haven’t turned yet, I don’t know how that’s even possible.”
“Maybe I won’t turn,” you say jokingly.
Stiles rolls his eyes unamused and says, “This is serious. I'm worried if you run into Theo at school, it will trigger your first shift and everyone will see you turn.” He leans back into the chair beside your dresser, looks up at the ceiling, and sighs, “I don’t want him to hurt anyone again.”
You place your hand on his shoulder and say, “He won’t.”
You changed the subject to Stiles and Malia’s relationship, he was glad the awkwardness of them splitting up had seemed to pass and they could still be friends. Although you were listening to him, in the back of your mind you were thinking about your and Kira’s plan.
“Mason, we just want to help you!” You call out while running beside Liam in the woods.
If finding your friend wasn’t so important, you’d have pointed out how you could suddenly run faster than your boyfriend. Suddenly, you trip over a tree branch and tumble to the ground.
You feel someone help you up and assume it’s Liam, but when you look up, you see it’s Hayden. You nod your head in thanks before dusting yourself off.
“I lost his scent,” Liam says, coming to a halt.
He sounded defeated. You link your finger with his, “Then let’s find it again, all of us.”
The three of you take off running again to search for your friend.
When morning comes, you and Liam head to the McCall household to meet up with the rest of your pack.
You lean against the kitchen table and smile at Scott as he enters the room. He gives Liam a sympathetic look when he suggests that the beast isn’t Mason.
You place your hand on Liams as he lowers his head, struggling to process what is happening to his best friend. Hayden is at the school looking. “I've made a list of places Mason likes to hang out in case he’s at one of them.”
“I'll keep checking the woods,” Malia adds.
“My mom can check all the hospitals in the county, we can find him,” Scott says, sounding hopeful.
“What happens when we find him?”
“We’ll figure out a way to save him.”
“Okay, where else could we look?” Lydia asks.
“Let’s ask Corey,” Scott extends his arm out and grabs onto Corey, who was using his supernatural abilities to be invisible.
“Wait, wait, it’s not my fault,” Corey says defensively. “They took him, and I couldn’t do anything.”
Scott frowns and asks, “Who?”
“The dread doctors.”
“Just putting it out there, I think this is a terrible idea, it’s going to end in bloodshed.”
You walk between Scott and Liam towards the boys' locker room to meet Theo and his pack. Truthfully, the idea of seeing him again made you feel on edge, but you needed to do this. You needed to prove you weren’t scared and could hold your own so Liam and Stiles would stop worrying about you so much.
“How desperate are we?” Liam whispers.
“Incredibly desperate,” Scott stands outside the door to the lockers and looks at you. “Are you sure you're ready for this?”
“We need to focus on getting Mason back.”
Scott nods and opens the door, and you feel rage radiate from Liam the moment his eyes land on Theo. You gripped his hand, sensing he was about to pounce.
“I told you we’d end up on the same side.”
You glare at Theo. “How about I kick you in the balls to remind you we’re not?”
Theo chuckles, “I love the feisty side of you.”
“I don’t,” Tracy deadpans.
“We know you’re not on our side, Theo. You said you wanted to help Lydia, but you left Eichen with something else, didn’t you?” Scott asks
“The mask?” A smug grin spreads across Theo’s face. “You worried about that?”
“Who did you see?”
Theo shakes his head. “Not Mason. Look, we all want the same thing. We want him back.”
“We want him back alive,” you snap.
Theo walks closer to you until he’s directly in front of you, his amusement was obvious at how mad Liam was getting, “I’m willing to do a compromise.” He looks at Scott, “You still got the map with telluric currents on it? Bring it to the operating room in two hours again.”
“How do we know this isn’t a trap?”
“Aw scared?” Theo leans into your ear, causing your boyfriend to let out a low growl, and whispers, “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on killing you this time.”
Everything happens in a blur as Scott pulls you out of the way and rage takes over Liam as his claws and fangs extend. He plunges his claws into Theo's stomach and lets out a loud roar. “Touch her again, and I’ll kill you.”
“Liam stop! He's not worth it!”
He ignores you as his eyes glow bright yellow and he digs his claws in deeper.
“Liam, that’s enough!”
Hearing his alpha voice, Liam snaps his hand back and walks towards you as Theo slumps to the locker room floor cursing. The three of you walked back onto the hallway as if nothing had happened. Usually you hated violence, but you hated the wolf that tried to kill you more, plus he’d heal.
You and Liam walk slowly towards the forest to meet with one of your enemies, while Scott speaks on the phone in front of you, filling his mom in on the plan. A part of you was jealous, you’d never be able to go to your own mom for help or advice, and she would never in a million years agree to help your friends when they needed it.
“I’m sorry about before,” he breathed out in a rushed tone, grasping onto your hand like you would disappear at any moment. “I just lost it when he got close to you, all I kept thinking about was when you almost died.”
“I lost control,” he says quietly as a look of regret crosses his face.
You squeezed his hand and said, “After everything he’s put all of us through, it’s understandable; you shouldn’t feel bad.”
“I don’t, not about that anyway,” he says in a serious tone, looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry you saw me lose control. I know you’ve seen me turn before, but I never wanted you to see me like that, like a monster.”
You frown and cup Liam’s face, forcing him to look at you and say, “You’re not a monster, and nothing you could ever do will ever convince me otherwise.” You hold each other’s gaze as your boyfriend stares at you with a loss for words, “I love you too.”
A wide smile passes over Liam’s face, he leaned in to kiss you when Scott yelled, “Are you two coming?”
“Right behind you,” Liam replies. He rests his hand on your back as you walk towards Scott.
“You still think you’re going to get through all this without killing anyone?” You scowl as you listen to Theo mock Scott for letting Deucalion go and not murdering him.
You snap back at her, “He didn’t say that. Besides, not everyone is evil like you.”
Liam suddenly stops walking with a worried expression on his face and says, “We’re close.”
“You’ve got his scent?”
Liam nods.
“Which way?” Theo asks. Liam and Scott exchange a look as neither of them says anything, pissing Theo off. “What? You think you can leave me behind?”
“Liam…” Scott says softly.
He shakes his head and becomes defensive. “Look, he wants to kill!”
“I just want his power. You went to fight someone who actually wants to kill Mason? Go fight Parrish.”
“Who did you see when you put on the mask?” Liam questions.
“I already told you, it wasn’t Mason.”
You watch as Liam struggles to keep his composure, his frustration becoming more obvious. “Who was it?!”
“I saw a man dying in the snow. He was impaled by a spear.”
You remembered the stories of Marie-Jeanne Valet that you’d heard as a child and her brother's name, “Sebastien Valet?”
Theo nods and says, “You all know what this means—time is running out. Where is he, Liam? What direction?”
Reluctantly, Liam shows them what direction the scent is coming from and marches on. You place your hand on your stomach, feeling a wave of guilt wash over you. You knew the story all along but thought it was just a fabrication. What a pathetic excuse for an Argent.
You follow Liam into what appears to be a creepy-looking greenhouse on the outside but is actually a way into the dreadful doctored den.
“Oh my god, Mason,” you run over and kneel beside him and try to wake him up. He had large needles buried deep into his skin that were attached to a large tube with green liquid inside it.
“It’s connected to him.”
You look over your shoulder and notice the body inside the tube. “That is so fucking gross.”
“Liam, I can feel it,” Mason says weakly. “It’s in my skull.”
You turn to look up at Theo and ask, “What are they doing to him?”
“I don’t know.”
You open your mouth to accuse him of lying, but you bite your tongue and move out of the way as Scott and Liam attempt to remove the device from your friend. Mason screams in pain when they try to pull it out. You rub the back of Mason's hand and say, “We are going to figure this out, okay? We will find a way to save you.”
Hearing heavy footsteps approaching, all of you look at the doorway to see the dread doctors returning.
“Liam, Lulana, try and get that thing out of Mason's neck.”
You struggle to hold Mason still as Liam attempts to remove it. Mason grips your arm and says, “Get out of here, you guys need to go.”
“No, not without you.”
You listen in as one of the dread doctors explains the reasoning behind their mission, in between insulting Theo by calling him a failure. “We believed that to resurrect the perfect killer, we had to start with the perfect evil. From you, we learned that true evil only comes from corrupting something truly good.”
Scott shakes his head and says, “Not something.”
“Someone,” you say, looking at Mason, who was drastically starting to look worse.
Suddenly Theo punched the dread doctor, but it did not know what hit it as his knuckles hit against its metal face mask. “Oh, shit,” the rest of the doctors start to surround you. “Guys, there are more of them.”
Mason starts to run as Liam lunges to his feet and tries to fight them off. An anxious feeling begins to flutter in your stomach, one that feels familiar yet fills you with an overwhelming sense of dread and adrenaline.
You look down at your hands and notice something you’ve never seen before.
You were turning…
Feeling a rush course through your body, you bounce forward, letting out a loud growl as you throw your body into the dread doctor that was fighting with Liam. You manage to knock it back, but another one grabs you and throws you against empty barrels. Seconds later, Scott and Liam were thrown down beside you.
Screaming out in pain, Mason stands up and rips the needle out himself. A cloud of black smoke begins to whirl around his body as he starts to transform into someone else. Liam steps forward, “Mason!”
A distorted voice comes out of Mason's body, “That is not my name.”
You watch in terror as your sweet friend completely transforms into the Beast of Gevaudan.
You push yourself further back and out if the way we the beast begin to tear the dread doctor's armor limb by limb. The beast drags the last surgeon outside to kill him, but Parrish in his hellhound form attacks him.
Gunfire rings out from the opposite direction. You look over and see your uncle Chris firing at the beast with Gerard close behind him. Liam steps in front of you protectively as his eyes move between the beast and your grandfather.
One of the bullets hits the beast, causing him to transform back into his human form. Gerard steps forward, “La bete du Gevaudan! I know your name. Do you remember mine?”
Sebastien Valet glares at him and, with venom in his voice, says, “Argent.”
Sebastian takes off running as Parrish tries to attack him again. Scott watches confused and asks, “What the hell was that?”
“You’ve seen the beast of Gevaudan, and now you’ve seen the man,” Gerard replies.
“Sebastien Valet,” you say in disbelief.
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 61: Are We Friends, Or Not?
Sam walked in her house that night, seeing her mom in the kitchen. She felt so stuck. Scott, Lydia or Malia can't remember who Stiles is, and the sheriff is denying ever having a son.
She didn't know who else to go to. Denise caught her daughter's glossy, reddened eyes and frowned worriedly. "What's the matter, baby?", she asked, walking up to the girl.
Sam sobbed, rushing into her mom's arms. "I don't know what to do. I want Stiles back…!", she cried. Denise held Sam tightly, rubbing her back. "Stiles, baby?", Denise asked. "Who's Stiles?"
Sam cried harder. "I don't know! That's the problem! I can't remember anything but he feels like he's missing and he definitely exists!", she exclaimed, wiping at her eyes and pulling out her phone to show a copy of the picture they took.
"Right there!", she points at the empty spot. "Someone was sitting there. But he's missing. I don't understand why.", she explained.
Denise hugged her daughter. "You'll figure it out. I know you will." Sam sniffled in her mom's arms before being sent to bed.
Feeling grass nipping at her skin, Sam's eyes open to the night sky above her. She doesn't sleepwalk…
She sat up and looked around before standing. She was in a clearing. The grass under her feet made her feel weirdly grounded.
"You've finally come back.", she heard. Turning around, her eyes widened at the sight of a tall woman peering back at her with a pleased expression.
The woman's dark head tilted in wonder. "Why do you look like you've forgotten me, child?"
Sam rubbed her arm, looking down at her feet. "Seems like I'm forgetting a lot these days…"
The woman moved closer to the girl, lifting a hand to raise her chin to meet her eyes. "You have to remember. You have to bring that boy back. He's on the brink of getting killed. Him being forgotten is only the beginning."
Sam's eyes widened. "I want to save him, but–"
The woman shook her head. "You'll figure it out."
Sam's eyes closed once more before opening them to find her room again.
That day, she decided to go to school, but it wouldn't be easy.
Sam couldn't focus on her classes. She spent her period in the library, researching the Wild Hunt. None of the research mentioned erasing people which frustrated her.
Later in the day, Lydia gathered Scott, Malia, and Sam in the hallway where she showed them a Library ID card of a boy that they didn't remember named Jake Sullivan. "It's a relic."
Malia looked at her, confused. "What's a relic?"
"It's an object with a fixed association to the past.", Sam said. "Like Indian artifacts."
"Exactly," Lydia nodded with a smile. "Jake's ID was left behind after he was taken. And Gwen found her sister's bracelet on her bedroom floor."
"How can someone be erased, and still leave something behind?", Malia asked. "A conservation of mass. The total mass of any isolated system remains constant.", Lydia explained.
"So, even the Ghost Riders have a weakness." Scott nodded, understanding.
Malia took the ID card from Lydia. "A relic would be proof that Stiles existed.", she said, inspecting the card front to back.
Lydia nodded again. Scott nodded. "And maybe we can bring him back." The school bell rang, interrupting their conversation. "Okay, we'll talk about this later?"
"Right.", Malia nodded, giving Lydia Jake's Library
ID card then left to go to her next class as well as Scott. Sam sighed as she stayed with Lydia. "You wanna get out of here?", Lydia asked.
Sam nodded, following the girl out of the school. Getting into Lydia's car, Sam looked at the girl. "How'd you figure the proof of existence was the way to get him back?", she asked.
Lydia sighed, starting up her car. "Ever since I found that card… I just couldn't shake this feeling that Stiles really does exist. If the picture wasn't enough, there had to be something else."
They arrived at the Police Station, headed towards Sheriff Stilinski's office. Explaining what was going on, Lydia handed him a library card. Stilinski looked at the girls, confused. "You want to search my house?"
"People are leaving things behind. So if Stiles left anything—" Lydia was cut off.
"Why — why would it be there?", Sheriff asked them.
"Because he was your son.", Sam said. "And besides, people don't just get erased. They leave things behind."
Sheriff sighed, thinking. "I couldn't sleep last night. So, um, I got up, figured I'd do some paperwork. The files were in the back of my car. So, I-I go to the garage, and some junk has fallen off a shelf and I stubbed my toe on an old baseball bat."
At the word baseball bat, Sam felt a twinge in her chest. One that made her want to let out a laugh. Why? Why was a memory, that for the life of her, so fond when she couldn't remember it?
Noah continued, "Without thinking yelled a name–" 
"Stiles. You said Stiles.", Sam said, smiling.
The sheriff allowed the girls to go into his home, only to be met with Claudia Stilinski.
"Is there anything I can do to help?", she asked. "No thanks, Mrs. Stilinski.", Sam dismissed. 
Lydia nodded. "Yeah, we should be fine. But thank you, Mrs. Stilinski.", she said, sweetly. Claudia nodded, clearing her throat. "Well, good luck." She sighed. "I'll leave you girls to it." Claudia leaving the girls to their assignment.
Sam looked around, frowning at the walls of the house. If her hearing were any better, she could hear the laughter of kids in the hall. It made her sad in a way.
There was a chance that Stilinski had a son, and he couldn't remember him, while Claudia is beyond blind to the preposition.
"You getting anything?", Lydia asked Sam. "Not really.", Sam says.
Sam looked at the pictures of Claudia and Noah that rested on the bar in front of her. In most of the pictures, Claudia seems more happy than Noah. What was the problem?
While Lydia searched some more, Sam's eyes caught a piece of folded out wallpaper on the wall. "That's awkward…", she mumbled, crouching near the wall, picking at the folded piece.
She almost jumped as she saw a figure beside her. Looking up, she saw a boy with pale skin, darkened bags under his eyes, and ruffled brown hair. He looked like he just came out of a fight.
"You didn't see it, did you?", he asked Sam.
"See what?", Sam asked. "It's right in front of your face.", he said, making her look at the wallpaper again.
Sam tugged at a loose piece, ripping it off the wall. She continued to do so until she felt someone's harsh grip on her arm.
She looked at the hand gripping her arm before looking to see Claudia looking at her with wide, concerned eyes.
"What are you doing?", she exclaimed. "It was bothering me.", Sam said, yanking her arm back.
"I'm sorry about this, Mrs. Stilinski. We'll leave.", Lydia said, tugging on Sam. "I think that's something we can agree on.", Claudia said as they left the house.
"What was that?", Lydia asked Sam as they got in her car. "Well, I saw a boy.", Sam said. "So you peeled off the wallpaper?", Lydia asked, confused.
Sam frowned. "It was just a little bit! It rubbed me the wrong way." 
"Something's off," Lydia said. "I understood if I took a permanent marker and went to town on her wall, but it's just wallpaper.", Sam said.
Lydia drove back to the school and managed to get into her mom's school computer, looking up Claudia's old school file. They read through, seeing nothing suspicious or unusual. They were back to square one again. Stuck.
She looked up once Natalie Martin showed up. "Were you two tearing Claudia wallpaper off of her wall?"
"No." Lydia spoke and Natalie tilted her head at the two. "Maybe. Yes.", Sam mumbled, looking back at the screen.
Natalie's eyes softened. "She's worried about your mental health."
"I saw someone in the hallway. Someone that Claudia didn't see.", Sam defended, frowning. "I think he was trying to help me find something Stiles left behind. A relic."
"Did you?", Natalie asked. "She stopped me before I could.", Sam said. 
Natalie chuckled, making her way around
the desk. "Probably because you were tearing her wallpaper." She looked at the computer screen, seeing Claudia's file on the screen. 
She sighed. "Oh, girls. I've known Claudia since high school. I trust her."
Sam frowned. "Just because you do doesn't mean that we do."
Natalie pulled up a chair, looking at Lydia and Sam. "You know, recently, Lydia has been bringing up theories about your supposed friend, Stiles.", she said then glanced at Sam. "I thought that it was her or Scott encouraging the thought, but it's you who's doing it."
Sam's eyes narrowed. "Are you really trying to blame me?"
"I just don't want my daughter to chase something that probably doesn't exist.", Natalie said and sighed. "Sam…do you know what a confirmation bias is?"
"The tendency to interpret information in a way that confirms an existing preconception.", Sam answered.
She nodded. "Yes. It's a biased perspective. You're looking for proof to support what you already believe is true. Only because you want it to be true."
Sam glared at her. "Stiles is real."
Natalie sighed. "But do you believe there's a possibility he's not?"
Sam's eyes blinked back unshed tears. What the hell was up with everyone telling her that Stiles wasn't real when there had been occurrences that showed the complete opposite?
"There are bits and pieces of things that I can't remember. There's a hole in memories I have and I can't figure it out.", she said, growing frustrated.
"You don't think I would want to give up this idea that Stiles doesn't exist? You don't think I wanna live my life with ease, to move on from this? Someone is missing from my life," she pointed at Lydia. "Our lives, and we are trying our damnedest to figure it out so everything can be fixed."
"I…I'm sorry." Natalie took off her glasses. "How about this? You tell me everything you know and I'll be your unbiased perspective.", she proposed.
Sam sighed and shook her head. "What I know are only bits and pieces, but they aren't getting anywhere. I saw that boy, I saw a woman the other day and she told me all stops have been canceled. But not just yet and I have yet to figure out what the hell that means."
It was an exhausting thought. She wanted to go to sleep if it meant that she could escape this reality to get her mind sorted out. Escaping from the reality that Stiles may or may not be real… she didn't like that.
If she was missing Stiles so much, she'd have to fight hard enough to bring him back. Later that night, she had to do her own research. The storm outside her house made her feel uneasy. She remembered that Liam mentioned that the ghost riders move through lightning and it was raining hard. 
The more she did her research on the Wild Hunt, the more she was sure that there could be a chance to bring back Stiles.
She'd have to.
Hours and hours pass by and she's barely able to keep her eyes open. She welcomed the sleepiness, easily falling into the slumber.
"Sammy! Hey, Sam!", she hears and opens her eyes. Squinting her eyes from the bright setting in front of her, she saw a little boy's smile. She could barely see his face, but she recognized the smile.
Why? Was this another memory vision? She heard his laughter and another boy's. The other boy, however, she recognized to be Scott. A younger Scott.
So they were best friends. All of them?
"Sam, you have to remember.", she hears the first voice say. She frowned. "I'm trying."
"You have to.", it repeated. "I'm trying!", she yelled. "I want you to be real! I want you to be here! I want my life back!", she cried into the blinding abyss.
"You have to find me…", she heard before waking up, slightly out of breath. It was morning already and she was more than frustrated.
The old woman's words rang through her head again. "All stops have been canceled."
She was running out of time.
Getting ready for school, she quickly drove her there, meeting up with Scott and the others.
"Everyone from the bunker has been taken.", she heard Scott say once she walked up to them.
"Everyone?", Mason asked, shocked. "How?"
"It doesn't matter how.", Liam said.
"Where's Malia?", Sam asked, gaining their attention. Scott frowned. 
"Malia is at the hospital. Argent's been hurt.", Scott said. "My mom's with them." Sam frowned. They were really losing.
If the ghost riders are too strong… how were they gonna be able to bring Stiles back and protect the others that got targeted?
Scott and Sam drove to the hospital to check on the statuses for both Malia and Chris Argent. On the way, Sam glanced at Scott as she drove. "I had a dream last night and you were in it.", she said, gaining his attention.
"Really?", he asked. She nodded. "You were younger. You knew me. You and another boy. I can only hope that the other boy was Stiles. Somewhere in my conscience… Stiles is real."
Scott frowned. He wanted to believe that too. He wanted to believe that they were fighting for a good purpose. To bring someone, that they couldn't really remember, back. From the dead or otherwise, it was a heavy thing to bare.
As they arrived at the hospital, they walked in and found Melissa McCall and Malia with another nurse as she pushed Argent back on his hospital bed.
"Mom, is he alright?", Scott asked. Melissa sighed. "He has blunt force trauma to his temporal bone, three broken ribs, and multiple surface lacerations which seem to be from…whip marks?"
Argent groaned a bit, wincing in pain. Scott walked towards him, ready to help him heal, but was stopped by his mom. "What he needs is a lot of rest.", she said and he frowned, nodding.
Behind them, they heard heels headed towards them and saw a stressed Lydia. "What happened?"
Malia spoke up. "The Ghost Riders took everyone. We barely slowed them down."
Scott shook his head. "Tell us you found something."
Lydia looked at the three sadly. "I found out Claudia never had children. So, Stiles can't be her son."
"What about a relic?", Malia asked and Lydia shook her head slowly. "There never was a Stiles, was there?"
Scott frowned, a shift in his eyes. "It doesn't even sound like a real name."
Sam frowned looking between Lydia and Scott. "Scott, I told you about my visions. This isn't something to give up on. We've come all this way."
"Yeah.", Lydia nodded in agreement. "We have to keep looking. Check the school records again. Or call Scott's dad."
"We're fighting the wrong battle.", Malia said.
"We're trying to bring Stiles back.", Lydia said.
"The Ghost Riders came back. We still have no way of stopping them. And whatever they are, they're real." Malia sighed. "We can't keep chasing someone who isn't."
Scott agreed with Malia. "He didn't leave anything behind."
"Just us.", Lydia whispered. Sam took a step back from them, her eyes stinging. "So that's it? We just give up? Since when have we done that?"
Scott frowned at Sam. "Sam–"
Sam held her hand out to stop him. "No. Because I have a feeling this isn't the first time you gave up on him."
Scott looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. She looked at all three of them. "I am so sick of everyone telling me that I need to move on or forget about him or forget the littlest speck of his existence. It's affecting my life as well as yours. And if we give up, shit isn't gonna be the same anymore."
She shrugs. "I dunno about you guys, but I would rather my life go back to the way it was than how it is now. I really think I'd prefer that over this bullshit."
Lydia frowned. "Sam–"
Sam turned to Lydia. "You were never like this. Helpful. Willingly helpful. Not unless it benefited you. But you changed. Why do you think so?"
Lydia's mouth shut. Sam lifted her hands to slap against her thighs as she rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "Hell, I even find the story of Jackson moving out of nowhere complete bullshit. At least not without you obsessing over him.", she said with a humorless chuckle.
Sam turned to Scott. "And you. We were friends when we were kids. We were. That dream was enough to tell me that and that picture is enough proof to me that somehow we are all friends. And that Stiles exists."
She shook her head lightly, a watery smile coming her face, "I can barely remember what he looks like, but he was there. He was there and he was telling me that I have to remember him. That I can't forget him.", she said, blinking back her tears. "So I won't. And I'll keep fighting because that's what friends do."
"Sam," Scott said. "We still need to focus on The Wild Hunt. We need to find a way to protect–"
"How the hell are we gonna fight the Wild Hunt and protect everyone when we let Stiles slip through our fingers without a fight?!", Sam yelled, overwhelmed now.
"There were a lot of people we disappointed and didn't save.", Sam said, her eyes burning with tears once more as she shook her head. "And I regret it every day. Matt, Allison, Erica and Boyd…", Sam said, making Scott's eyes widen.
The four went silent.
"How'd you know about Allison?", Scott muttered. Sam froze. How did she know…? Why did she list so many people as if she didn't know them? But she knew them? How?
"I-I don't know…", Sam said. "But this is what I mean. Everything's all jumbled up, and I feel like I'm missing so much more."
She looked down at her feet. "I feel like I'm missing so much. How did I become a werewolf? How did I get in your pack? How did all of this even happen?", she asked before looking up at the three before her.
"Everything's in bits and pieces for me and I can't get over that. Having memories that have holes in them isn't a good feeling. Which is why we have to bring Stiles back."
Scott frowned, a sigh exiting his nose. He didn't understand the girl or her ambition to bring this Stiles back. It didn't make any sense. None of it did.
Sam backed away. "I'm gonna keep fighting. You want to give up on him? Fine. But if he's the reason why I have the memories I have now, then I'm gonna fight to make them whole again.", she said and left the three in the hallway.
Getting in her car, she drove back to the school's parking lot and parked into an empty space. She took a few deep breaths and sighed. Sitting in the parking lot, she had one vision flash in her mind that confused her.
It was night. She remembered seeing an unconscious Deaton in the back of a black Camaro. She remembers a jeep. Someone in a leather jacket. A boy standing beside Scott. She still couldn't see the boy's face or hear their voices.
It was frustrating. The vision would just end with them outside.
She took another deep breath and got out of the car, deciding to walk around the parking lot. Why did she have that vision? Why would she be out in the school's parking lot at night with an unconscious vet in the backseat of the car?
What the hell happened?
Snapping out of her thoughts, a speck of light blue caught her sight and she looked to her right to see a lone light blue jeep.
She frowned, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. Walking over to the jeep, it looked so old and banged up.
She ran her fingers from the hood to the passenger side where she could feel a little dent that made her shiver as well as causing her head to throb a bit.
She closed her eyes, hearing the same voice from before ringing through her head.
"Don't disrespect the baby!"
Her eyebrows rose.
"Hey, don't bleed out all over the seats, okay?"
She smiled a bit.
"Do you see the piece of crap jeep I drive?"
Her smile grew. "Hi, Roscoe.", she says.
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missameliep · 2 years
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I posted 3,172 times in 2022
171 posts created (5%)
3,001 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,017 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#not choices - 416 posts
#choices fanfic - 206 posts
#lol - 203 posts
#writing - 195 posts
#desire and decorum - 129 posts
#self reblog - 114 posts
#quotes - 113 posts
#writing inspiration - 108 posts
#choices fanart - 102 posts
#ask box! - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#besides it's not inclusive if it disregards people who needs to use accessibility aids and this word is unreadable to the softwares 🤦‍♀️
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Miniseries: Safe
Book: Wake the Dead
Summary: After two decades living in the New World and with major threats looming on the horizon, Troy Hassan reminisces about his childhood, life and what being safe means after the end of the world came, and about his relationship with the Jones' sisters, Malia and Brynn.
Chapters: 6
Series status: Completed
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36 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
In Your Arms - Tyril Starfury x Arwen (F!Elf!MC)
Book: Blades of Light Shadow Pairing: Tyril x Arwen (f!Elf!MC) Summary: A late night at Undermount, after Adrina's engagement, a delicate subject is posed and Tyril and Arwen will have to make a decision about their futures. Word count: ~3.3k Rating: Teen and up Notes: No warnings. Based on this ask by my dear @princess-geek and the prompt from day 14 : gold | pi | shapeshifter of the March @choicesmonthlychallenge
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Flames dance, casting a golden light over the elves’ features who seek warmth by the hearth during a particular cold night at Undermount. The only other sound besides the crackling of the fire is their conversation about Adrina’s impending marriage.
Being alone like this, next to the fire and having one another so close, remind them of many late nights at camp.
Though, no camp could match the comfort and luxury found at the Starfury’s home, and very few things in this life might be as soft as the thick rug where they are sitting. Making herself more comfortable, Arwen's back presses against Tyril's chest. Revelling on the closeness he pushes her hair aside, giving him full access to her bare neck.
“Tonight was merely the first step..." Tyril explained, whilst peppering kisses on her neck as soft as his voice, "From this moment on, Adrina and Vaeril must undergo different trials until their betrothal is confirmed...”
“But why?”
His raven black eyebrows raise in unconcealed astonishment.
However, considering who was asking, it wasn’t an impertinent question at all. After the wars, Arwen might have decided to settle with him at Undermount, but, in spite of her thirsty for knowledge, growing up amongst humans made her ignorant of most of the Elven civilization’s practices.
“To prove they share great Kilvali.”
“Isn’t Kilvali like love?”
“Not quite the same...” He paused and pondered on how to explain something that is obvious to their kind, but not to her. “It is a strong bond. A sort of compatibility when shared by two elves is greatly desired, specially when it comes to joining Great Houses and forming stronger alliances.”
Twirling a lock of his long hair around her fingers, she mulled in deep consideration.
“And how does one even prove that?”
Leaning closer, his chin reposed on Arwen’s shoulder; her hair tickled his face when she tilted her head to steal a glimpse of him and listen to the words coming out of his mouth about the Elven wedding traditions.
As an outcome of their movements, the blanket slipped from her shoulder.
Without pausing his detailed explanation about the month of isolation, his hand deftly pulled the edge of the blanket upwards. Aiding him in the process, her fingers lightly brushed his whilst covering her shoulder.
Her touch makes the corners of his lips curl up and his mind loses the train of thought for almost as much time as the big hand in the ancient clock takes to complete its rotation.
“What was I saying?”
Amused, she guided his hand to rest on her thigh.
“You were about to tell me all the delightful activities the couple engage during isolation...” she teased and a flow of blood colored his cheeks in a purple shade.
He cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Not your sister, of course,” Arwen said innocently, “She will absolutely not do any of that.”
“That is not what... The isolation does not serve that purposed... and –” he paused, and recomposed himself. Her sense of humor sometimes is a bit too much for him to keep up with. “You tease me.”
“Always.” She chuckled and kissed his cheek.
“Besides, Kilvali and Dinvali –”
“It’s rare to share both,” she completed his sentence. “We were amongst the very few blessed...” She winked at him. “Go on, and tell me, after the isolation, if they don’t kill each other or die of boredom, are they done? Can we have a party and get completely sloshed with honey wine?”
“Afterwards, they must journey to Undermount’s depths.”
She whistled. “Pleasant place. Guarantee of a good time.”
A snort of laughter was muffled against her shoulder, and he let his thumb caress the side of her neck.
See the full post
45 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
What if some of our favorite series in the Choices fandom were books? What the covers would look like? Would they have special editions? Hard covers? Covers portraying the actors who portrayed the characters in the movie/series adaptation?
Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day had me wondering about this and I'm starting something here...
The first one is Meant to Be by the talented Lori and I have a couple more planned.
1. Meant to Be by @lorirwritesfanfic
2. Unspoken Desires by @princess-geek
3. The Cursed Heiress by @noesapphic
4. The Greatest Con by @lorirwritesfanfic
5. For Love and Duty by @noesapphic
Bear with me and share your thoughts on the matter.
I'm tagging a few of you who might enjoy the idea: @princess-geek @noesapphic @lorirwritesfanfic @storyofmychoices @aallotarenunelma @lilyoffandoms
48 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Like Poetry – Blades of Light and Shadow – Tyril Starfury x f!human!MC
Book: Blades of Light and Shadow
Pairing: Tyril Starfury x Nayeli (f!human!MC)
Characters: Tyril Starfury; Nayeli (MC); Nia Ellarious (the Priestess); Kade (the Bard); Imtura Tal Kaelen (the Princess) and Mal Volari (the Rogue).
Rate: Mature (Read notes)
Word count: 7k
Summary: More than three decades have elapsed since Tyril Starfury left Undermount and joined a party in their quest to save the world from the Shadow Court. Reminiscing about the time spent amongst humans, he ponders about life, friendship, love and time itself.
• Story freely based on a prompt from @the-modern-typewriter, in bold is the part of the prompted used, which also inspired the title, and you can find the original post here;
• All characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them;
• TW: character death (not graphic but still 2 characters die), violence, and mature subjects that might be triggering to some readers;
• The name Nayeli is of Zapotec origin and means “I love you”, and I think it’s quite appropriate to the MC in this story;
• Events take place three decades after the end of book 1 and I'm experimenting with different things narrative-wise in this story, so feedback is appreciated ☺️;
• English is not my first language.
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Time flows at its own pace.
Just like a river.
Always moving.
The apparent stillness of the surface sometimes tricks the eye, but time never stops; not even in those moments when it seems to stand still, like the first time Nayeli kissed him or when she confessed her love for him or whenever she cries his name when their bodies and souls unite in the most intimate expression of their love, it does not stop and one should not be fooled by it.
Impossible to block its path with a dam or slow it down. Impossible to press it forward either. The winds cannot change its course. Not even all the known magic in all the kingdoms can change that despite every attempt in doing so. Time never stops.
And that is the beauty of it. A beauty lost on Humans, the Elves used to say.
Humans seem to always be at war against time.
A war fated to be lost.
Not because of death, everyone dies, and everything shall perish eventually. Even the elves in their timeless grace shall meet their end. But humans, it seems, choose to focus on the losses and despair long before the end. Grasping for what’s impossible to hold, watching it slip through their fingers like sand, their eyes miss the true beauty of this world. The beauty in permanency. The beauty in order. The beauty that remains even when one is gone.
Prior to leaving Undermount, Tyril Starfury agreed with the scholars of his land: this behavior is nonsensical, why rebel against what cannot be stopped?
Time flows and Immortality is nothing but an impossible dream.
Nevertheless, more often than not these days, he wishes seconds would slow down and stretch indefinitely.
After three decades living amongst the humans, one could not ignore that the elf has learned too much about their ways – even if it is worth mentioning most of the knowledge about humankind was acquired against Tyril’s own will – and his mind and views about the world have changed. Evidently, they have not changed to the point to become foolish enough to go on a quest against time. Or death.
See the full post
59 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tag game!
Thanks for tagging me @remys-lucky-franc ❤️
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future // constellations or aurora borealis
tagging a few of you who might like it: @princess-geek @lorircreates @noesapphic @thequeenofpixels @mrsnazariowrites @peonierose @ladylamrian (feel free to ignore)
195 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas
Based on Specific Episodes:
Post-pilot – Kono goes to Steve's house to check on him.
Post-pilot – How do Steve's superiors react when they hear he's transferring to the Reserves?
1x12 AU – What if Steve and Kono didn't steal the money? What if Steve borrowed from a friend, perhaps Josef Kostan or Lucifer? When Steve can't give him the money back, Steve owes him a favor.
Post 2x03 – Danny reconsiders letting Steve around Grace now that he has really seen what he is capable of.
Post 2x07 – Steve apologizes to Max. They become BFFs.
Post 2x07 – Steve gets payback on Lori for the Sandy costume
Costume ideas:
Angel, Captain America, Clark Kent, cop, cowboy, dark angel, devil, firefighter, gladiator, Greek god/Adonis, handyman/mechanic, lifeguard, lumberjack, pirate, sailor, soldier/SEAL, wrestler.
Post 2x09 – Steve tells Joe what happened with Nick Taylor. Joe tells him it wasn't his fault.
Post 2x10 – Joe tells Doris about Steve being tortured.
Post 2x16 – McRollins h/c
Post 2x22 AU – Kono ends things with Adam after he almost killed Steve.
Post 3x07 – h/c for Steve. Can be McKono, McRollins, or Gen. Maybe Doris or Mary notices the roadrash on Steve's back
3x08 – Steve is upset that his team didn't trust him
Post 3x15 – Chin and Kono's thoughts after seeing the bullet with their boss's/friend's name on it
Reacher (TV show) x-over: Post 3x20 – Reacher decides to go to Hawaii because why not? He ends up getting framed for murder again because that's just his luck. Five-0 gets the case. Steve sees Reacher and looks like he's seen a ghost. Steve believes that Reacher didn't do it. The Five-0 team thinks Steve isn't thinking straight. It's up to Steve, Reacher, and Catherine to prove Reacher's innocence.
4x07 – Danny thinks Steve would actually make a good father.
4x08 – hurt/comfort; what if it wasn't just a graze?
4x08 – Grover starts to consider that maybe steve isn't such a bad guy after all
Post 5x18 – Steve feels guilty that he wasn't the one to get Chin out and that he had to choose between Chin and Danny. Steve goes to apologize to Chin. Chin assures him there's no hard feelings and that he understands why he had to get Danny first (Danny was an American cop in a Colombian prison, while Chin was in America).
6x04 AU – Steve pulls up his shirt to prove the abs are accurate. See evidence below.
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Post 6x19 – Steve tells Lou about his mom faking her death and his dad sending him and Mary away.
6x25 AU – What if Chin was the one who gave Steve half his liver instead of Danny?
Post 6x25 – Lou and Chin realize that on all those nights that Steve would call Chin, Steve wasn't sleeping either. (Malia died at the same time that Steve found out his mother was still alive.)
Post 6x25 – Steve is struggling with his medical discharge from the Navy.
Kirk Emerson (the Marine with no legs from 4x20) hears about the plane crash-landing on the news. Maybe he makes some calls or something to see if Steve survived and somehow finds out about the transplant (idk how). Kirk makes a trip to Hawaii because knows what Steve is going through.
Or maybe Joe hears about it and helps Steve adjust to no longer being in the Navy.
7x16 – Insecure!Steve based on the scene where Steve mentions his crow's feet
Post season 7 finale – Steve has one of his spells during a meeting with the governor.
Based on 8x24 – John is worried when he finds out Steve was hurt. He's also grateful to Joe for saving his son and making sure he got out of there...alive.
Post-finale – Steve and Cath visit some people
Chin, Abby, and Sara
Mary and Joanie
Sam Hanna
MacGyver (they talk about Jack)
Reggie Cole and his son (from 1x21)
Danny's family
Harry Langford
Wade Gutches
Post-finale – Steve thinks about the stranger from the hospital chapel all those years ago (from 6x25)
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grindy-cog · 4 years
Malia (shivering): I’m cold
Chin (smiling fondly): Here, have my jacket, darling
Steve (looking lovingly at Danny and smirking knowingly): Hey, buddy, I’m cold too
Danny (entering pissed off mother-hen mode): What?! *angrily takes off his jacket* You idiot, I told you to bring more layers but of course you didn’t fucking listen to me. And now *gently puts Steve in his clothes and ignores now too short sleeves, while also sending daggers in Malia and Chin’s way, as they are trying - and failing - not to laugh* I have to make sure you don’t FREEZE TO DEATH, you Neanderthal! But you’re allergic to clothes, so what the fuck did I expect, and *takes Chin’s hat* how long have you been cold? You should’ve said something sooner, you schmuck.
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sabokunsmalia · 10 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄, part one " the return of hiken,"
featuring: flame emperor sabo x fem!reader content warning: mentions of child's death, mdni!! hi it's malia: finally, i finished part one, i'm so glad and so devasted for her reaction towards sabo. excuse the she usage, but it was easier to write for me than using the you! it's still female reader.
tagged: @dimplesjaehyuniie & @96jnie
Equipped with a small mechanical crossbow on both wrists, she watched how the steel arrow slid in and out. Preparing her weapons for a fight if Zoro and Luffy would be followed by enemies. It was the worst-case scenario. A fight in the corridors of the Corrida Colosseum might not be the greatest idea to avoid unwanted attention, but she would not allow any others to hurt her friends.
Winning the Devil Fruit, which once belonged to Portgas D. Ace, was an important task for the Straw Hat captain. At the same time, he would feel responsible if one of his friends could receive deadly wounds from an enemy. Most likely because Luffy could have prevented the intensity of the damage. And in the moment where Ace's image popped into her mind, the loud cries and angry screams coming from the end of the corridor required her undivided attention.
Luffy tugged underneath his muscular arm, dressed in his usual attire again without the costume for the contest. Storming down the corridor, she raised her eyebrows in confusion. No one followed them, at least, she could not see any enemies closing in on the duo. Shaking her head at their unexplainable behavior, she felt the gentle breeze of the wind as the two passed her before turning and following. With slow steps, she walked through the Colosseum towards the exit. One that wasn't known to most contestants, who entered a fight, and were forced to stay as prisoners. A departure was not an option for strong people who once signed the contract.
Tricky, but fitting for a cruel person like Doflamingo.
"Take that!" The swordsman with the green hair shouted, throwing a blue caterpillar costume at the approaching markswoman. She caught it with one hand, staring at the ridiculous large eyes until Luffy's whiny sounds became the center of her undivided attention. "What happened to him?" A slender finger pointed at the crying man, who mumbled word after word between the tears streaming down his cheeks, and the drool running down his chin.
"No idea," Zoro shrugged his shoulders to strengthen his words. "Found him on the ground close to the cells, crying and without the clown costume,"
Luffy was lost deeply in his emotions, uncountable waves of tears ran down his flustered cheeks. Unable to move a heavy limb, Zoro helped his captain and certainly best friend to step into the costume, he brought along. If they wanted to walk through the streets of Dressrosa without being captured or attacked, the dress-up was a necessary change of clothing.
“Captain, are you good to go?” She spoke towards the boy with the inky strands, and the head thrown back. It was obvious that the scene he went through, must be almost as painful as watching his brother die. Something so similar that Luffy’s entire personality shrunk into a whining boy. “For fuck’s sake, who the hell did he see?”
The markswoman chuckled to herself, shaking the head from left to right as she kneeled down. Thick fabric of the caterpillar costume between her fingers, she imagined any kind of animal or enemy as the thing that straddled Luffy to such immense. While the Captain’s face was almost hidden as Zoro pulled on the zipper, she stepped into her own costume.
“S-Sabo,” Luffy stuttered between the sobs and whines. And the head of the markswoman snapped towards her last standing childhood friend. “What?” She questioned, thinking she must have heard the wrong name. It was impossible. “Sabo!” Luffy shouted, but Zoro’s large, scared hand was quick to cover up their Captain’s wide-open mouth before any danger found them.
She felt a pinch in her chest, a breath tangled between her ribs like the sharpened blade of a knife pierced through skin and bones without resistance. The name Luffy repeated while crying out of happiness caused too many unbearable emotions for her severed soul. Stopping in her tracks, the ridiculous animal costume Zoro brought along, slipped out of her grip and bunched around her ankles. Luffy would never speak his name again, if he would not tell the truth about the encounter.
The pain caused by his early and unexpected death was certainly enough to never repeat the memories with words. Something, the three had promised each other, even more so after the happenings at Marineford. “Hey!” Zoro waved his hand in front of the markswoman, demanding her undivided attention. And it was a coincidence that she heard his voice over the loud thudding of her heart against her rib cage. “Get dressed, we have to leave!”
Instead of following the instructions, she stepped out of the costume. What Luffy spoke, made her question the escape, question the current life they are living, question what happened that day when the ship got destroyed by the cannon balls of a World Noble. Dry lips pressed together in a tight line, fingers clenched into fists, she turned away from her friends and towards the secret entrance to the colosseum.
“We don’t have time for this! There’s nothing left in there for us!” Zoro shouted, pulling the costume higher to hide his signature hair color and his well-known face from the people of Dressrosa. “Maybe not for you, but I need to know if Luffy’s speaking the truth or if someone decides to play a distasteful game with us,” She stated, already walking slowly back into the Colosseum and leaving Zoro back to carry Luffy away.
Thoughts scattered in her mind, the reminder that he couldn’t be alive after his small boat got attacked by a World Noble’s crew. Caught in the fire, the explosion didn’t allow him to escape, and they held a funeral in Foosha Village for the boy. She cried many nights, almost each night she fell asleep with wet cheeks and the burning red color in her eyes.
“Sabo,” She whispered to herself, the head hanging lower than usual as she inspected the crossbows in her wrists. “Is that really you,”
Steel arrows prepared in the mechanism, she already expected to be disappointed again. A person, who could imitate another, or maybe Luffy’s idiotic behavior caused him to forget that the blonde boy couldn’t be alive. Still, she wandered through the corridors, following the shouts of an excited commentator about the next match-up. It was easy to find a way to the stands, which were filled with multiple people who eagerly watched the competition.
The people clapped and watched as the competitors of the finale started to fight in the middle of the arena. Names, which were known ones across the sea. And the markswoman did not seem vaguely interested in the fight until a familiar costume caught her eyes. It looked exactly like Luffy in disguise except for the signature scar on the chest. The person underneath the costume was paler than her Captain, and the x-shape was definitely drawn across the muscular chest.
Also, Luffy just escaped the Colosseum with Zoro to save Law from being executed by Doflamingo. Running a hand through her hair, she stared exactly at the person who acted as Lucy, fighting with a steel pipe before focusing on the middle part of the arena. Fingers clenched in the brown leather gloves, he punched the ground and the platform broke apart in seconds. "What the fuck," She whispered underneath a breath, eyebrows raised and pupils dilated in shock. The power was unbelievable.
The people scattered in the arena, running towards the exits to leave the Colosseum as the water underneath the arena caused chaos. Pieces of the ground floated around, contestants drowning in the water as Devil Fruit eaters weren't able to swim. Large fishes swam with the currents, one of them having a chest bound on their back. The man in the gladiator costume jumped straight to the treasure, while others cursed underneath their breaths. "This can't be," The markswoman muttered again, placing her feet on the railing and preparing herself to fight against the costumed lad to receive Ace's legacy herself.
One person stayed in the stands with her. A woman, dressed in a short skirt, and a very bright, pink blouse with a brown hat. She looked cute, especially with the stockings, and she held onto the pile of clothing in her arms. The chest was ripped open by the man who took Luffy's disguise and showed a smile when the Mera Mera No Mi was tightly in their hands. "I've won, this is mine," He declared, a deep. and almost too familiar voice rang in her ears. So familiar, she almost ended up starstruck and rooted to the railing of the stand around the ring.
Seconds too late, the second Lucy took a bite out of the Fire Fruit, and immediately regretted doing so. "How disgusting," He shouted, his tongue hanging out of his mouth while forcing the last pieces of the valuable Logia into his burning mouth. The woman in the cute costume beside the markswoman watched, a giggle leaving her mouth as she witnessed the facial expressions.
Within seconds, and still caught in the wave of memories and the simple glimpse of a familiar voice, the Straw Hat's markswoman stumbled into the ring. In mid-air, the Lucy duplicate proudly presented the growing fire around his fist. A strong attack, a loud word echoed through the arena above the gasps of surprise. "Hiken," He shouted, losing the fake beard and cheap, golden helmet while destroying the entirety of the ring. Enemies drowned in the floating waves, and got hit by the crumbled platforms and thick pieces of stones hitting their bodies.
Landing safely on the ground underneath the ring, the Lucy duplicate smirked to himself and placed a saved Rebecca on the ground. After him, the woman with the folded clothing followed quickly after him, jumping confidently from one piece to another. And while, the markswoman attempted her best to stand tall while sliding down the side of the ring, she landed on her ass on the hard stone ground in one of the tunnels. Eyes squinted together, the footsteps of a group of people running close to her caught her attention, and helped her to receive the power over herself back.
"Fuck," She cursed, standing up and letting the span of her soft palm rub over her aching lower back and the curve of her butt cheeks. "What's going on," She muttered to herself, looking around to at least find out where she was. No one knew about the secret tunnel system underneath the town, at least, none have told her about what was going on in those bunkers of Dressrosa.
Surely, the SMILE factory must be hidden in such a place. One of the many reasons why the Straw Hats came to this forsaken land, and decided to help the tortured folk regain their freedom from Doflamingo.
"Who the hell are you?" The voice of the female gladiator, the woman with the pink hair and the sword, echoed through the quiet tunnels. She was saved by the man who disguised himself as Lucy, taking the costume away from Luffy and eventually telling him important information about Sabo. Shared secrets that caused the emotional damage to the Straw Hat, and even rendered him unable to speak a full sentence without repeating the name of a long-lost brother. "We're from the Revolutionary Army," The man explained, chuckling about the change of emotion on Rebeka's face.
And suddenly, the markswoman, who was just straddled by the destruction of the fighting area, felt her heart thudding against her rib cage. Quickly, and even harshly which almost caused unbearable pain to her body. Such a familiar glint in the voice of the adult, such a sweet hint in the melodic sound of the man's tone. "I'm Sabo,"
Eyes dilated within seconds, tears gathering on her lower lashline as the name easily left the male's mouth. Spoken without hesitation, without fear and without regret of acting as if he was someone, who couldn't be alive anymore. Couldn't have survived the attack on his small, wooden boat about twelve years ago. Fingers clenched into fists, she reloaded the crossbows on her wrists and ran toward the spot between the multiple barrels. Fast steps allowed her to witness the moment as the girl with the goggles placed an all-too-familiar hat in a larger version on top of the blonde's hat.
"You're not the original Lucy," Rebeka stated, pointing a finger at the man who was busy controlling the fire in his palm. He still had trouble, attempting to pull his brown leather gloves over his digits. " The original Lucy is a pirate. A chaotic but brave one, who will become the King of the Pirates, he's my little brother," The man in his noble outfit chuckled, pushing his hands into the pockets of his coat after finally hiding his soft digits in the leather material of his gloves.
Stopping in her tracks, but already in sight for the group of three and the former female contestant to see, her fingers released the clenched fists at the sight and the explanations he was giving.
There might be a chance that someone could imitate Sabo to mess with Luffy's head, but none could talk about the Straw Hat with such pride and belief. From the first day on Luffy revealed his dream to his older brothers, the noble-born boy with the pipe on his back believed in the dreams of the crying boy. It was possible, it all seemed so possible for them. She remembered those moments, those little, beautiful moments of a carefree past so perfectly.
"S-Sabo," She stuttered out the name of a man, who gave her enough as a ten-year-old. Who offered her love before she could even describe the word or emotion before she even experienced the positive and negative aspects of it.
Tears dwelled in the corners of her widened eyes, blown pupils stared at the trio of the revolutionary army as the one in the middle lifted his head. Tilted to the side, the brim wasn't hiding parts of his face anymore. A breath, she took seconds ago, stuck in her tightened throat at the sight. Words mixed between spit and air, a confusing mixture of syllables on the tip of her tongue. Eyes, she remembered so dearly. Eyes, so innocent with a glint of courage hidden in the depth. Eyes, who presented a deep love and caring for the young, noble-born girl around twelve years ago.
Eyes, which burst open at the sight of the brave warrior. The burned skin around his eye stretched as he raised his blonde brows at the female, whose gentle features with the sharp twist were a familiar picture to him. Sabo, who froze while playing with the insides of his pockets and watched the droplets slowly roll down the span of her flustered cheeks. "This can't be true," A whisper so sincere, so quiet it only belonged to her and couldn't be carried by the gentle blows of wind towards the revolutionaries in front of her.
"Sabo-kun," The woman in the light pink blouse wrapped her slender arms around the blonde's arm, shaking him hesitantly from left to right. "What's wrong with you? Are you alright?" She was almost whining, whimpering at the state of her superior. Almost fearing that the Mera Mera No Mi consumer froze in place.
"How," The stunned markswoman spoke again, comprehending the confrontation of a moment, she doubted since Luffy spoke the forbidden name. A scene, she dreamt of. Meeting him again, seeing him all grown up and becoming the person he talked about while watching the sun hide behind the horizon. "How are you alive? This must be a cruel joke," She shook her head, outstretching her arm and showing him her flat palm while stepping back. Some devil fruit user must be playing a very twisted, and sick game.
So, she aimed her crossbow at his figure. The steel head of the arrow pointed at the man's chest while being released with the simple twitch of her thumb and pointer finger. No, Sabo was dead, he was killed when they were still children. He never reached the first island, he never left the boat. They saw him and witnessed how the boat sank after burning. No, this wasn't Sabo, this couldn't be him. "You died! You fucking died twelve years ago. Stop using Sabo's image against us," She shouted, firing another one of her deadly arrows but it was no use. After eating the Logia Devil Fruit, his body was made of pure heat. Flames closed the hole in his stomach without pain and blood, and she stared at the sight. A familiar view, she witnessed when Ace toyed with his enemies until destroying their existence.
"No, you're not real,"
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romancemedia · 3 years
I’ve seen a lot of storylines over the years where male characters have lost their wives in the line of duty. Sam and Michelle, Chin and Malia and of course, Horatio and Marisol. All of them are sad, tragic and absolutely heart breaking, but the one that is especially close to my heart is Horatio and Marisol. They never fail to make me cry as in the end, Horatio could never find anyone who could fill the void left in his heart after losing Marisol. Both Sam and Chin managed to find new loves, but I just love how even after she died, Horatio continues to love and remember Marisol and still remains devoted to her after all these years.  😢 💗
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
Glimpse of Us
Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Male!Reader/ Lydia Martin x Male!Reader Summary: I'm only here passing time in her arms, hoping I'll find a glimpse of us Word Count: 1,027
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"I'm sorry, Malia," Stiles softly caressed her face, moving a bit of stray hair back behind her hair, "It's not you-"
"It's about Lydia, isn't it?"
"No, absolutely not, well-"
"It's fine, I promise," She replied, just as soft, almost understanding as Stiles looked hopeless, a little bit defeated.
It wasn't Malia's fault at all, his heart was still in love with two other people, one half was with Lydia. He absolutely adored her, he thought she was too smart for her own good. She's his anchor, and he wouldn't want to change that in any way, because he knows whenever he's lost he would look for her, as a sign of reassurance.
Lydia knows her place, though, sure she had a hidden crush on Stiles for many years. She knows that cannot fill the rest of his heart, and she respects that. She dreams that one day she can make him as happy as the first person Stiles fell in love with, she doesn't care if she's technically second to you, because she had seen what Stiles was like.
Stiles watches his now ex-girlfriend walk away down the hallway to their next lesson, he leans his back against the locker with a thud. Scott approached him with a confused look on his face.
"You okay?" The alpha asked his best friend, tilting his head and eyebrows furrowed together.
Stiles merely sighs, "I can't get over him, you know? And I don't have any hope with Lydia either and at this point, I'm thinking I'm going to be single forever."
"Hey," Scott softly spoke, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, "You lost a person, Stiles, no one can tell you how to grieve them, it might take you months, years, and that's okay."
"I just feel selfish, you know? What if, by some miracle, I get with Lydia and I do the same thing I just did with Malia, everything just reminds me of him."
"He was your first love, Stiles, no one can really forget their first love."
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"Truth be told," Lydia hummed, placing her chin upon her boyfriend's shoulder, "I was jealous of you and (Y/n)."
"Why?" Stiles asked, grinning at her, he was still in awe that he managed to date one of his biggest crushes.
"Well, because I wanted to know how it would have felt to be loved by you and him," She spoke honestly, she gives him a look as he return the look, "I feel your love now and I do wonder how it would be different if we had (Y/n)?"
"You would honestly have a polyamorous relationship?"
"I loved him like you did, I was just envious that you had him."
Stiles looked at his girlfriend with awe, "Truthfully, I think he liked you back, he never got annoyed that I was also pining over you during our relationship, maybe that's why I couldn't hate him. He understood me, and back then, not many did."
"He sounds like a dream."
"Now that I think about it, I wonder what it would like to be dating the two of you together, I don't think I would have believed it."
"I think it would be chaotic, in a good way," Lydia laughs, sitting up straight as she runs her hand through his hair.
"He was something of a sort, wasn't he?"
"He made a big impression, I'll tell you that," Lydia smiles at him, before lying back in bed, "Come, babe."
Stiles lies back as Lydia cuddles up to his side, he wraps one arm around her shoulders to pull her closer. Lydia smiles to herself as she can hear his heartbeat.
"Tell me about his love," Lydia says, tracing her finger over his chest, "Please."
Stiles tenderly smiles to himself, he wonders how he managed to have the most amazing person lying by him. He wonders if there is a place called heaven and if you are watching him. He wonders if you're proud of him for moving on and finding his happiness.
"Well, as you know, he was understanding but he's more than that. He listened to me and always had the best thing for my interest. He..."
Stiles stops, unable to find the words. Lydia doesn't rush him at all, as she sinks into his comfort.
"He was everything anyone could ask for. I didn't fall in love with him because he was pretty, though he was beautiful. I fell in love with him because of the way he made me feel. It caught me off guard and never have I imagined he'd be the person I would fall for and I never thought he'd fall for me too. I fell in love with him because he made me fall in love with myself as well. Well, I think that's the beauty of love."
"Yeah?" Lydia spoke, "Tell me more!"
"He was warm and loving, his hugs were tight and secure like they shielded away the horrors of the world before we even knew there were werewolves and all. He had a way with words, mostly they were compliments and little encouragement, and I believed in those words because, now that I think about it, he believed in me."
"You underestimate yourself, Stiles," Lydia expressed, "You put yourself last, you're selfless, he knew you were capable of anything and everything."
Stiles smiles to himself, "Yeah, I wish I could thank him for that."
There was silence in the dark bedroom, sometimes Stiles wishes he could be selfish. Such as wishing Scott didn't become a werewolf, maybe then you wouldn't have died.
"And, you just feel familiar, like you feel like home to me - just like he was before. I know, many people don't want to hear this, but every time I look into your eyes, I see a glimpse of him and me, a glimpse of us. And, because of that, you're comfort for me. You're a safe place and I don't want to lose that."
"Well, I'm happy to be your safe place, I'm glad you see him in me, you deserve all the happiness, Stiles, I intend to bring it to you."
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
love triangle w malia x reader x stiles plsss 😍💗💗🐺🐺🚙🚙
Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
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a/n: hi hi! sorry this is a little short. I just wanted to finish it up and get it to you as soon as I could. I hope you enjoy.
word count: 500+
summary: harry potter, malia, and stiles. what more could you want?
warnings: a couple kisses that's it.
teen wolf - masterlist m.masterlist
What are we watching?" Stiles asked, entering the living room. Which you and Malia currently occupied, eyes focused on the screen.
"Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone," you responded, grabbing the popcorn Stiles held in his hands and settling it on your lap. Malia leaned over your shoulder grabbing a palm full for herself. She leaned back and you followed by resting yourself between her legs and leaning into her chest.
Stiles hummed in response. Pulling up the blanket that you and Malia were sharing and sliding under it as well. Malia rested into his side while he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"I've only watched up to the Goblet Of Fire I'm pretty sure. Scott always got too annoyed at Ron when we tried to binge it." You furrowed your brows.
"Was that why he had a sudden hyperfixation on Emma Watson?" You questioned.
"Yep," Stiles responded, popping the p with his lips. You nodded to yourself, quietly.
As the movie started the three of you quieted down. In the process Stiles' hand found yours, enclosing it in his grasp and resting it on his thigh.
"Who's the one with the burnt hair?" Malia questioned for the third time.
"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," you answered in a british accent. Malia let out a huff.
"I swear to god, he sounds like a deformed rat." Stiles let out a snort as you chuckled to yourself, not denying her statement. You flung the blanket off of you, tossing it to Stiles.
"I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick," you announced, leaning in to give a quick kiss on Malias lips and getting up. A scoff was heard behind you and you turned to Stiles who looked rather offended.
"Where's my smoochy?" He questioned. You cringed visibly.
"I'm not giving you one if you ever call a kiss a smoochy again," you stated approaching him, placing a peck to the corner of his mouth and retreeting. However he held you still and connected your lips once more, holding you chin with his hand and giving you a proper kiss.
This time you pulled away giggling and making your way to the bathroom.
Once you freshened up and headed back you were met with the sight of a drooling Stiles laying on Malia's shoulder.
"He does this every time," you whisper, crawling back into your original spot. Malia hummed quietly, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your temple.
"At least he's actually sleeping," she stated, grabbing the blanket and covering the two of you. You grabbed the popcorn and handed the bowl to her. She grabbed a handful and thanked you gently.
Silence settled over you as your hand fell once again to Stiles' thigh. Rubbing your thumb lightly against it as your other hand covers Malias.
Slowly you followed Stiles' actions as your eyes Grew heavier. The heat of Malias body and the drowning sound of the movie lulling you to sleep.
And you wouldn't want to fall into the endless dream land any other way.
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