#malina shadow and bone
jazzkrebber · 7 months
rip shadow and bone. we would have loved to see dark alina. we would have loved to see matthias finally get out of jail. we would have loved to see kaz learn to love. we would have loved to see zoyalai on screen. we would have loved to see wylan's story. we would have loved to see the ice court heist. we would have loved to see colm fahey. we would have loved to meet kuweii. we would have loved to see jesper get over his gambling addiction. we would have loved to see matthias relearn all he knew for nina. we would have loved to see inej find her family again. we would have loved to see mal find out what life is like without alina. we would have loved to see nina learn to live for herself, instead of her country.
we would have loved to see more of the characters we all know and love.
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thechaoticrow · 1 year
for people who haven’t read the shadow and bone/ six of crows books, but have seen the show:
- inej ghafa is a survivor of childhood sex trafficking. she has ptsd and reacts in a panic attack at even walking past the menagerie
- kaz’s trauma isn’t just pekka rollins being responsible for jordie’s death, and waking up on the barge. he had to swim to shore, age nine and barely alive, using jordie’s body as a float
- the darkling has done far worse things than are shown on screen. he is not a ‘lost man’ and alina is not his ‘balance’
- alina was seventeen upon the darkling being nsfw/ romantic with her
- matthias helvar did not lead drüskelle, that was jarl brum- matthias is only just barely an adult himself
- the crows are not their own separate gang, they are part of the dregs, who per haskell leads and kaz takes over from haskell after haskell sold out his lieutenant (kaz) to pekka rollins
- zoya, genya, and alina have personalities outside of either being traumatised or hating each other
- alina never wanted any of the power and fame and idolatry, and in the end of the books is stripped of it all. she is very happy about this
- jesper is a gambling addict and somebody who watched the death of his mother
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mossytrashcan · 9 months
behold… the alina sketch that was promised
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clarkgriffon · 1 year
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pookie-bearcubs · 1 year
No thoughts just THEM
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eggsaladstain · 1 year
the darkling said i have loved and lost and i can bear it no longer, i will close my heart to anyone who is not like me, love is weakness, love is heartache, the joy of loving them is not worth the pain of losing them and i would spare her from this pain even if she hates me for it
and alina said i have loved him and i will lose him but not today, i have sacrificed everything but i will not sacrifice him, not again, i will bring him back to me no matter the cost, even if i have to let him go in the end
and mal said i have loved her my whole life but i don’t know who i am without her, i want a life of my own even if it means i have to leave her, but i will go trusting that i will be able to find my way back to her as i always have
and genya said i have loved him and i do not regret saving him but it came at a terrible cost, i have wandered underground in the dark with only the sound of his heartbeat guiding the way, i have survived unimaginable horrors and i am strong enough to survive losing him too
and david said i have loved her without knowing how to show it but i would like to try, i know metal and she is stronger than steel and more beautiful than rubies or emeralds, i have never known anyone braver and i regret leaving her side before, but i will do it just once more if it means i can save her
and wylan said i have loved him even knowing it might never be anything more, i left him the first time but i’m not leaving now, i want to hear about his day and i want to tell him about mine
and jesper said i have loved him all while hiding a part of myself but i will hide no longer, i do not know where this journey will lead us but i would like to find out, i have spent my life gambling and i will take a gamble on this
and nina said i have loved him even as he hates me, i have condemned him to save him and i will not rest until i am able to free him
and matthias said i have loved her despite a lifetime at war against her people, i should have known better than to trust her but i let myself anyway, she betrayed me and i should hate her but it’s not just hatred that i feel when i dream of her in the night
and inej said i have loved him as his shadow, close enough to be near but never touching, i want more for us and i will not settle for less, i will have him completely or not at all and i will not wait, i will live my own life with the freedom he gave me and we will meet again one day when i choose to return
and kaz said i have loved her when i could not love myself, i do not believe in saints but i believe in her, i have lost my brother and i would do anything to make sure she doesn’t have to suffer the same, i have given everything so she could have her freedom and i would rather watch her walk away than ever hold her back, i will wait for her and i will miss her every moment she’s not beside me, but i will try to make myself a better man by the time she returns
and sankta neyar said i have loved and lost and i will gladly do it again, i once closed my heart but no longer, i will endure the pain of losing my husband by cherishing the memories of the life we shared, may you all find a love that brings you joy that will outlive the pain, my love is my strength and my universe, i have lived for hundreds of years and what i have learned is this: there is only love, it is the only thing that matters and it is enough
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 9 months
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im sorry but this is the funniest scene in the whole show. mal looking like he woke up from the worst nap ever, alina acting like she didn't just do the ONE thing she promised not to do and nina doing kaz's bombastic sideeye because that was not natural
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ekbelsher · 2 months
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Alina and Mal get attacked by volcra, and her Sun Summoner powers finally show up (for the Litjoy Shadow and Bone box set)
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tsibeyantiger · 5 months
Currently re-reading the Grisha trilogy and one thing I had totally forgotten is that Alina is actually funny as hell. Like.
"Signed: Alina Starkov, idiot"
"What are your plans for tonight? - Hooking up with some cute heartrender."
"We will always remember this as the day of the herring decree"
"As someone whose bones are sold all over Ravka, let me tell you not to believe everything people will tell you."
"What are you looking at? - The chariots. I hope some will run me over."
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appolinyou · 5 months
Kaz and Matthias:/Arguing and swearing/ Inej to Wylan: Don't worry, they don't hate each other, In fact, they even have friendship bracelets Jesper: Oh yes, Kaz, so I'm your best friend, and I don't have a bracelet like that! Kaz turned to Jesper in the middle of an argument with Matthias: Jesper, are you an idiot? We've got friendship pistols! Or is it a joke for you?
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miriammaisel · 1 year
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#that nose thing
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olisgifs · 1 year
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#interesting narrative choices were made
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lesbocrocker · 1 year
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maxanor · 1 year
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And so, when I was knee-deep in trench mud, rifle in hand, that’s what I’d picture. Some hopeful place. A place we could go if we survived. And I thought about chances I regretted not taking. Why not take them now then?
SHADOW AND BONE | Season 2, Episode 1 "No Shelter But Me"
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
Something something the volumes it speaks that the Darkling felt the need to put Zoya and Alina in competition with each other and put them against each other from the moment they met so that they wouldn’t be able to immediately acknowledge what was being done to them and unite against him something something
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pookie-bearcubs · 1 year
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