#man i love juxtapositions
lasagnaprince · 1 year
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panel redraw of @kineticallyanywhere's amazing fan comic monkey's paw! please go read it!! your panel compositions and action scenes are always so exciting! i wanted to make fanart of this specific panel bc even the story alone could carry this whole comic, it's so good and i can't wait for more!
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original panel for comparison!
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mallk-z · 9 months
I want to see how simon’s friends back in ooo are responding to the fact that he went missing. I like to imagine that at least either finn or marceline came to check up on him since finn’s the only person he’s opened up to, and marceline is the last person he SPOKE to before disappearing off the face of the earth without warning.
So while they’re freaking out bc their friend who was last seen having a mental health crisis has gone missing, simon’s out there getting flirted at by himself while his old oc’s tag along and dunk on him constantly.
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
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Backstage @ The 5SOS Show Tour Philadelphia
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Years of butting heads led them here. Couples Therapy.
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astarlightmonbebe · 5 months
it's easy to read the situation between li tongguang, ruyi, and yuanzhou as a love triangle on a superficial level, but looking even one step further, it's clear that there's no triangle about it. li tongguang is obsessed with ren xin; ning yuanzhou is devoted to ren ruyi. ltg's obsession is fervent and all consuming, but it's not devotion. like ruyi herself notes, his feelings to her are on the basis of her as a mother figure in his life, as a replacement for what he never received from his mother. is there an element of romantic/sexual love/desire to it? maybe. more likely he's deluded himself into thinking that, because the truth is, it's doubtful that ltg even understands what love is (platonic, filial, familial, romantic, all of the above, etc), because he has no basis for understanding. ruyi's teachings and actions towards him are the closest thing he has to hold up as an example. what he wants is ren xin, is a replica of the master he had. he doesn't want ruyi, because he doesn't actually care about ruyi. therefore, he doesn't care if she's sad, angry, mad; he just can't bear her 'abandoning' him. we saw this way back when she first meet and left him, both at thirteen and seventeen. although he distrusts her first, she saves his life and cares for him in the way no one else has, hence her first being raised on a platform in his mind. when she leaves for good, ending their master-disciple relationship/training, even though it's for official business and she's not abandoning him, in his mind that's exactly what it is. so now that she's in his life again, he won't let her leave again. he was powerless before, a child with no proper name, but now he's a recognized member of the imperial family, a man who can meet her as 'equals' (even when that's far from the truth). as a child, he could only cling to her legs and beg her, but now he has the power to keep her by his side. it's telling that when he finally gets confirmation of her identity, it's not ning yuanzhou he seeks to harm (even though he detests him and their relationship), but yang ying. yang ying is ruyi's new disciple, and as ltg doesn't know she's a woman, he only sees her as his direct replacement.
ning yuanzhou, on the other hand, is devoted to ruyi. he wants to build a new life and future with her, instead of slotting her into a spot in the life he already has. he's someone who accompanies her on walks and makes her midnight snacks, who holds her when she needs to be held and lets her go when she needs to do things on her own. when she speaks her mind, he listens, even when it makes him discontent/it's not what he wanted/wants to hear. he sees her unabashedly as his equal, and though he acknowledges her skills and abilities, or points out her naivety, he never does it to belittle her; to him, she is his peer, deserving of the highest honor and respect. he trusts her to have his back, and she has come to trust him to have her. he did what she might have thought no man would ever do: he proved himself reliable, so she came to rely on him. yuanzhou gives her freedom and autonomy as both ren ruyi and ren xin. of course they run into problems, but they both learn and grow from them, as individuals and as a couple. yuanzhou's belief in her is unwavering, but adaptable, whereas ltg's is unwavering, but frozen in time, disallowing for any new information to be presented. yuanzhou works with ruyi to accept the changes thrown her way; he seeks the core behind her actions in order to better understand her. li tongguang cannot accept the changes in ruyi's character, because they run contrary to the master he has on a pedestal in his mind.
what li tongguang wants is to return to the past, but yuanzhou offers ruyi the promise of a future, even one that might never come to fruition. there's no triangle about it.
#star stumbles#my thoughts#a journey to love#一念关山#cdrama#written right after watching ep 26#hope i explained it well#honestly i have a lot more thoughts about this ep and ruyi/ltg but that's still a separate post that will happen. well sometime#maybe after ep 32 idk#it's just the juxtaposition between entering a room that is a shrine to the person she is trying to leave behind#and going home to a man who makes her wonton soup and accompanies her on her revenge journey#who offers his own insights and thoughts but lets her lead the way when it comes down to it.#he gives her ultimate control over her own journey. and ruyi who has never had that freedom of course is drawn to him#oh and one more point that didn't make it in#ruyi's confrontation about how ltg is unwilling to give up his power and success is further proof of his obsession =/= love or devotion#it's not that ning yuanzhou WOULD necessarily give up those things if she asked him to#but he would respect her enough to let her go if he knew he was unwilling to give up his position#of course nyz right now is someone who is planning on retiring and living a quiet life away from it all#which is appealing to ruyi#but ltg obviously won't give up his name and success. he wanted an imperial name but now that he got it the avenue has opened up#we saw his big dreams early on in eps 4-5 (before the character butchery...though i can't really call it that since it makes sense#but still drives me insane)#and of course he won't! for a neglected illegitimate child with no power even gaining a sliver of it is just the beginning#and ruyi is honestly so far from the court in that she might have been close with empress zhaojie#but her understanding of the court is very ignorant. not in a bad way but she was a weapon so of course she didn't have to understand that#she just struck when told to. the power games of the court are basic knowledge but they still shock and confuse her#so it's also a thing about living two different lives and different paths#even though yuanzhou and her are on different ones theirs are still compatible#at this point in their lives. as they said earlier if they had met earlier they probably would be trying to kill each other
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starryluminary · 9 months
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I’ll be eighty seven, you’ll be eighty nine
I’ll still look at you like the stars that shine in the sky
Oh my, my, my
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theshadowrealmitself · 9 months
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Finally put together those planets!
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Then I accidentally broke off part Uhura’s headset 😭😭, so since she’s going back into her box while I find gorilla glue, I took a pic of her with the Star Trek ships I have (except one that’s,, somewhere around here?) before she goes back in
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steinwayandhissons · 10 months
ransom followed by doubles takes me by the brain and smashes me against the wall repeatedly
like these lyrics for example:
what’s the point in waiting? waiting for someone to break your heart
and I will wait down the line for you, and I will tell no lies I’ll stand alone waiting on for you
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torgawl · 4 months
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i've finished reading zayne's anecdotes... nobody talk to me for the next century
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theluigiguy · 7 months
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Thanks Uniqlo for saving us against Omni-Man with your legitimate amazing clothing
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bmpmp3 · 21 days
we've been in a little bit of a cannibalism moment in narrative media for the last like, decade, and its pretty good and all: metaphors for all kinds of things, consumption as love, etc etc BUT i will say. between all the barking and crawling on all fours in the funny tasty dungeon manga (although dont get me wrong its also no stranger to cannibalism) and all the biting and wielding knives in ur teeth in Monkey Man 2024..... i wouldnt mind a bit of a Creature Moment. maybe we should creach a little
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coldshrugs · 1 year
what i see in you, i hope you find in me
characters: io laithe (wol), alisaie leveilleur, estinien varlineau wordcount: 1.6k note: io feels out of sorts in garlemald. her friends seek to comfort her. the first part of this is directly before "in from the cold" and the second part is the following day. [read on AO3]
There is a fragile warmth in Camp Broken Glass.
The Ilsabard Contingent troops, faces familiar and foreign to Io, begin the difficult work of welcoming the Ist’s soldiers into their camp. There are wounds to mend, fires to stoke, and enormous pots of soup to simmer and disperse. Not all of her people are cheery about it, but there is a sense of purpose in each of them. This is why they’ve come all this way, faced the perils of the north, faced their bloody history.
Healing is rarely a painless act.
Io stays on the fringes. At best, she is a divisive figure in this land–at worst, she is the manifestation of Garlean terror. It’s better if she lets the soldiers process their new circumstances without meddling and, truthfully, she could do with a moment of peace.
She heads toward a building adjacent to the cookfires to escape the frigid wind. This is as good a place to hide as any. She tugs her fleece-lined coat around her more tightly and leans against the near-frozen wood.
Miles away, the Tower of Babil looms over the city, angry, crimson, and waiting for her. The next leg of her journey, perhaps the final one, will take her there.
To him.
For nearly three years, Zenos has consumed Io’s thoughts. He has stoked her rage, sometimes indirectly, most of the time for his deranged satisfaction. He reaches for the darkness in her that no one else wants to touch, let alone acknowledge, and he sets it aflame. She hates him for it, yet she is grateful to him. One feeling lays on the other, like oil on water, and she cannot find a way to blend them.
At least not one that makes her sound sane.
Footsteps approach and the crunch of snow shakes Io from her thoughts.
“There you are.” Alisaie stops at her side. She glares at the Tower for a long moment, then turns to Io. “Are you alright? Some of the Contingent have asked about you.”
Io nods and pulls her attention away from the repulsive skyline. “I’m fine, Alisaie. Trying to stay out of the way for the evening.”
Alisaie frowns. “Would you care for company? Alphinaud and I have tended the worst of the injured, and have been all but forced to rest. He’s run off to find that witless oaf he admires so much.”
“He’s not so bad,” Io laughs, and gestures for her friend to settle in against the battered building. “In a few short months, you two will be thick as thieves.”
“You are not often wrong, but I fear this will be the exception.”
Io glances across the camp. It takes a moment to spot them, but Alphinaud, Alberic, and Estinien sit on a couple of low benches, sipping hot soup from hammered metal cups. All three appear to be in good spirits, smiling and laughing as Alphinaud recounts some story or other.
Something strange and sharp twists in her chest at the sight of them. The knowledge she isn't welcome to join them, perhaps.
Her second reason to hide.
“He’s angry with me. I suppose that is his right. I shouldn’t have let them take you two.” Io grits her teeth, fighting against the knot of guilt that has resided in her stomach since the morning.
Estinien is her friend, perhaps the closest she has here besides Alisaie. She understands him, so she can hardly blame him for being upset with her. They are family to him, Alphinaud, and Alisaie by extension. No less than they are to her. He has given Io little more than one-word responses since the twins were found. She may pretend otherwise, but his cold shoulder wounds her.
“Oh, to hells with Estinien.” Alisaie waves a gloved hand dismissively in his direction. “He’ll get over it. Would he have you fire upon civilians while negotiating peace? He may love my brother like a… well, brother, but he must admit there was no ideal series of events to be had. We all did our best, and we all made it through.”
Her hand lands on Io’s arm. Her fingers must feel like ice inside her glove, but Alisaie squeezes anyway, firm and reassuring.
“Thank you, Ali,” she whispers, and her gratitude hangs as a visible breath between them. They stay tucked between the buildings until Y’shtola calls them to dinner.
Articulating what it is like to be outside oneself is something Io cannot bring herself to do. How could she describe watching her loved ones nearly cut down by her own hand, while she occupies the body of another? While an intruder operates hers. To be the stringless puppet and the feeble voyeur all at once
She has never been more afraid.
And Zenos… Though something in her heart still quakes like a plucked string at the thought of him, a modicum of sympathy she can't seem to erase, she finally accepts what she has known for so long: there is nothing for her there. Her most monstrous facets are reflected in him, a dark mirror she's been staring into for too long, but she could never do that to someone. Never.
With nothing more she can say to the others, she retreats to her closet-sized room in one of the less-dilapidated buildings. Io shrugs out of her coat, sighing with exhaustion. The icy air bites at her skin, even through her shirt, and she moves toward the ceruleum heater struggling to keep the temperature up in the corner. There is no time to rest. The assault on the Tower is happening in mere hours, and she needs to be armored, armed, and briefed.
Someone knocks, two heavy raps. Io leaves the tepid warmth to open the door.
He's the last person she expected right now.
His jaw is locked, and his hard stare passes over her in quick inspection, missing nothing. Fury lingers in his gray eyes, but unlike yesterday, it’s not her he wants to burn. Is he no longer upset with her?
Unable to meet his gaze, Io looks away. “Is something wrong?”
“I came to ask how you’re doing,” he says, “after yesterday.”
Io opens the door wider, inviting him into the space. He glances at the wooden stool in the corner, then back at her, and crosses the threshold with a reluctant step.
She sits on the cot, too far from the meager rays of heat. The air is heavy between them. Something is on his mind, and Estinien is never one to hold back for long.
“Are you hurt?” He asks after settling on the creaky stool. It’s too small for him, and she bites back her amusement. This is not the time to fall back into their comfortable patterns, no matter how much she longs for them. “They tell me you aren’t, but I would hear it from you.”
“I’m uninjured.”
“And your mind?” Estinien presses, facing her head-on. He searches her face, grey eyes refusing to shy away from whatever the answer may be. She has seen him like this before, harboring an indignant, singular focus, though that was years ago. Yesterday’s irritation was a shadow of this.
“Fine.” She tucks a knee under her chin. It is almost the full truth.
“Io. You're shaking.”
“Perhaps you should blame the climate.”
He grimaces, teeth grinding in frustration. “I have seen you cold before. Do not pretend we're strangers.”
Io runs a hand through her hair. Trying to fool him is as futile as attempting to forget the last twenty-four hours. But he is here, talking to her, and she doesn't want him to go just yet. “And what of your mind, Estinien? You don’t seem yourself.”
His next breath stutters out of him, followed by hesitant words. “Before I found them,” he starts, and she knows he means the twins, “I could only see the worst outcome behind that door. How late would I be, this time? What could I have done to save them? …I prepared my grief. Then the door opened, and they were fine. Just whinging about the cold. It was easy to blame you for what could’ve happened. Easier than going back to the first time I lost family.”
He pauses and looks at her. Looks into her. And there’s the man she knows like the back of her hand. The friend she knows so well, they communicate across silence and stillness. She offers him a half-smile.
“I scoffed when you disappeared, still angry at the false burden I thought you cast upon me. Had I known what happened to you…” The words trail into silence as Estinien forces his eyes away from her to the window and the malevolent tower beyond. “I realized you, too, are… I will lose no more family, Io.”
Her sharp inhale stings her lungs. She watches him as he gazes out the window, projecting his anger toward Babil, Zenos, Fandaniel. Everywhere but her direction.
“Estinien,” she calls across the small room, embarrassed by the soft crack of her voice, and he turns back to her. “We’re alright, all of us. I would never let the twins come to harm. Garlemald has taken much from me, so much that offering aid to this land is agonizing, but it will not take them. I hope you trust me.”
He rises and gives her a firm nod, lingering by the window as if he’s not finished here. He shakes his head, clears his throat.
“Don’t let it take you either.”
That doesn’t feel like the end of it, but he leaves before she can say more.
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lotusflw3r · 4 months
Mephisto absolutely goes crazy for vocaloid concerts, change my mind.
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theboost · 2 years
Top three moments from robocop 2 that make me think that frank miller accidentally made robocop trans
#i had a breakdown about this on twitter when I was watching this. but man.#okay remember that essay I was writing in my head I’ll sum it up here. so robocop 1 is all about well actually it’s a critique of capitalism#and the dangers of giving cooperations to much power and modern action movies and what have you. it’s a good movie. but it’s also about#robocop reclaiming his identity which is signified by 1. the fact that he spends the finale with the mask off to show that it is in fact#alex murphy doing this not robocop and 2. the way it ends is literally on the exchange of dialogue “what’s your name son’’ “Murphy’’#it’s literally him reclaiming his identity. so if robocop 1 is about him and his rediscovering his humanity then it tracks that robocop 2 is#about how society reacts to that. and it does kind of. there’s a lot of like moments like this where murphy asserts his identity only to be#broken down by the people with positions of power over him - he’s not alex murphy he’s not even human he doesn’t even have rights. and like#they bring up his wife and kid in the first 15 minutes and you think okay so they’ll explore how this has effected them. how do they feel#about each other? it’s stated in the first movie that he remembers her but he doesn’t really feel for her I believe- something contradicted#in this movie by the fact that he apparently constantly drives by her house. so if it’s not love driving him then what is it? is it the#desire to have what he can never really get again? a normal life with his family? well guess what! they have him say to his wife alex murphy#is dead and not even what appears to remain of him is really left and she disappears from the movie#they do explore how he’s viewed by society somewhat but it’s mainly a juxtaposition of how his friends and coworkers see him vs ocp the corp#that created him and it’s basically like his friends acknowledge his personhood but in the eyes of the law and ocp he has no rights because#he’s not a person he’s a tool! and this gets taken to the extent where he is literally reprogrammed by ocp once he gets destroyed to be a#‘better’ tool for fighting crime and you think oh okay this is where this movie is going to go it’s an exploration of Murphy’s rights and#him dealing with these forced changes is going to be a big part of the movie and then no. it lasts for like ten minutes and then abruptly#ends when murphy risks wiping out all that remains of him to be free- an interesting idea that never gets brought up again because any#real continuation of the themes of the first half of the movie kind of stop and he practically disappears for 40 minutes and I think that’s#where my problems with robocop 2 really come in because like. it’s written by frank miller and another guy with a story by frank miller.#he’s not the most subtle man in the world and he certainly lacks capability of the deft political commentary of the first movie and it just#kind of becomes a less subtle rehashing of the old one. the lack of subtlety is apparent when one of the characters literally says the theme#of the movie to a bunch of reporters ‘we can’t let cooperations have this much power or they take away our rights’ which is true but that’s#what the first movie said FRANK. you have to come up with something new FRANK#and that’s why I liked the exploration of Murphy and his rights and his feelings because the first movie was about him like. learning that#he had them and coming to terms with it but now a year or so later what’s the situation? and the situation is that it’s the same.#it even ends on the exact same note as robocop!! murphy says to his partner ‘we’re only human’ which could have been impactful if murphy#ever truly doubted his identity- sure he can be convinced to say that he’s not but everytime he’s pressed about it he repeats that he IS#Alex murphy until he is literally forced not to! like there’s a scene where he has to literally be programmed to stop saying that he is alex
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sovaharbor · 1 year
honestly the worst thing abt this tho is that as much as i am attached to that worldstate i KNOW i cannot use it in da4 because ive just. wriggled my claws in so deep and for inqusition especially there is sooo much i've changed bc the writing in inquisition drives me BONKERS. so like. i just know whatever they say in da4 i am probably just inherently going to hate, so i NEED to work on a new worldstate (and i am actively attempting to) but ..... guh. effort.
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inkyara-blog1 · 1 year
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Been playing Alter Ego ic! First two test results, y’know, for reference!
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