#man they need proper names
narsh-poptarts · 3 months
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One man's trash is another man's hydrogen bomb
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modernsuperhero · 2 months
Part One of my original text ramblings for the grian^4 scarian identity au! Previous post is not required reading lol. Most of it under the cut. If anyone's curious about LoreTM for it tho here it is in all its original unedited glory. IDs in alts, please let me know if I missed anything or messed a description up!
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[After a brief conversational detour we returned to what Cuteguy does in his spare time.]
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More in Part Two in the reblogs lmao. (Also Gray Text is @pegasister60 :) )
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jtownraindancer · 7 months
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I tend to look at Charlie Kelly in much the same way.
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childofthecandycorn · 1 month
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Yin and Yang
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suntails · 2 years
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i need more interaction
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jerichoes · 3 months
proofread man: you’ve changed Nobel prize to Nobel Prize again
me: yes, the Nobel Prize Foundation uses Nobel Prize
proofread man: the dictionary says it’s Nobel prize
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esprei · 2 years
Calaba finds Emmet wandering the mirelands on a quest to Punch God and she's just like "fair enough let's go". Akari and Ingo finally complete the Pokedex together only to find the two having tea next to Arceus out cold on the floor
ok i love how calaba is just on board with this from the start
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
Love your art (always)!!! Do you have a backstory/bio for the dark haired anemo catalyst user in your new post? They look so cute/cool! :00
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Hello, anon! Thank u for asking!
I think I've posted briefly before about Jun here, but it was part of an ask game and I didn't give his entire backstory (or what I've come up with, anyway, ehe)
He is Jun Ogura, from Inazuma, and has been living in Liyue for quite some time as of late. He is strange man, of a friendly enough attitude, but a cold and ruthless nature.
Was at one point a relatively sweet young man and oldest son in a merchant family. He gained his vision when trying to save the person he loved most from falling to the abyss, but he did not know how to use it and so failed to recover them. He has a grudge against the archons over this and is out for revenge... and the desperate want to become powerful enough to find and rescue his darling.
His despair and pain over his own failure to save them and his desire for vengeance seem to have afflicted him with some sort of immortality - he himself does not know if this is a blessing or a curse: he now has plenty of time to become strong, hunt down and challenge the archons but he is also very certain that as the years have passed, so too has the lover he was so determined to find and rescue.
(Not that he would know it, but that very same love he is missing so much is afflicted with their own curse and mysteriously long life - but that's @reddish-yellowish 's tale to tell as that is HER oc ehehe.)
Kinda got kicked out of Inazuma for some (he'll call it petty) disagreements (read: murder attempts) with the archon there, but this will only be important much later.
He speaks politely, quietly and with a low voice, and just LOVES to talk during combat. A cruel catalyst user who carries a few knives on his person and prefers to get close to his opponent and chat while he cuts them up. Has a tendency to suddenly become aggressive but back off if bored or his attention is caught by something, but is by no means lazy or foolish enough to lose track of his opponent. Good in one on one fights but starts to lose advantage in big groups.
A wanderer who has decided to stay in Liyue for some time and has recently become intrigued by the strange Traveler and their mysterious little floating companion. Makes them both very uncomfortable. Also makes that odd redheaded fatui boy who calls himself a harbinger uncomfortable, and finds it vastly amusing. Will later decide to accompany the Traveler to Inazuma because he has decided he likes them and they make for good fun and less boredom, but also to stir up some trouble because that's just what he likes to do :)
Oh, don't worry, spending time around the Traveler will be good for him. He'll start to change for the better. Become a little more domesticated.
It's not the most detailed or nice backstory, but it's what I've got for him right now. ♡
#oc art tag#genshin impact art tag#reply#answered#again thanks for asking about jun!#he was one of those rare instances where i was like 'that's it i NEED to make an attractive but absolutely awful person of a character NOW'#and girlfriend was like 'oh but also i want to make an oc and they should be in love BUT make it TRAGIC'#and so that is where we went!#jun who is out for blood and causing problems! timaethus who has been turned into an abyss mage-like critter!#oh the drama! oh the longing! oh the 'wait wtf that's my boyfriend my boyfriend is some sort of creature????'#also yes the family name ogura was chosen in connection w the inazuma textile guild people#i want this also to be one of those weird little points of trouble when he finally goes back#also somewhere... SOMEWHERE i think i have half a comic about one of his encounters w childe#bc while i was like 'yes terrible person oc' i also thought 'i havent done a proper ridiculously OP type character in a while'#ah the thoughts that went into this man. none of them good.#but he is rather pretty so just ignore. the other things ok.#he shall continue to be worked on and refined in story and in character as time passes and i decide how i want him to fit in#and if i want to actually do a few little comics or something with him in them#much to consider#anyway thank u again for the ask and also suffering through reading my attempt at putting his backstory down on here on mobile shsgshhsgsh#mm.. it is embarrassing to put down a character's story in writing when theyre on the edgy side isnt it#hehehe
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Okay so I've thought about it for a whole ten seconds and I'm now obsessed not only with the difference between your Name and What You Are Called but also the idea in general of talking around a subject either as a means to understand it better or a means to avoid confronting it entirely.
I'm thinking of 'The Man Who Ate His Boots', 'The One called Aglooka' and 'A Man Called 'Cornelius Hickey' certainly.
I'm thinking of Tuunbaq as 'The Thing That Eats on Two Legs and Four' and 'The Thing Made of Muscles and Spells'.
I'm thinking about the old idea of guarding your Name against magical/mythical beings, the idea that knowing and calling something by its Proper Name gives you some kind of power over it.
I'm thinking about that hypothesis of our ancient ancestors believing that to call an animal by its Name would be to summon it to you. That the name 'Bear' itself is a euphemism meant to counteract that summoning power.
And I'm thinking not even just of names but of other instances within the show where euphemisms and flowery language could be said to be a means to distance oneself from the unthinkable. Where, for example, they speak of the ill and dying not as being left behind but simply as 'staying' to avoid confronting the magnitude of what they're doing.
Most of all I'm thinking about what little sense all this rambling makes but nevertheless, I'm definitely onto something...!
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constellationcrowned · 9 months
((All signs point to Kariom being a lot like Serban in his youth. Was he a stern kid? Yes. Grumpy? Yes. But he also had fun and was mischievous. He made pinwheels, he wanted to fly kites, he drew and colored in one of Flynn's gardening books (he drew constellations ofc but no doubt other things too) he ate so many cattails by the lake he almost choked to death, he ran around and got into trouble, he tried to make friends, and so on.
It's important to remember that he was a kid and he wasn't always so obsessively driven by his duty---and I mean driven to the point of where he, as an adult, considers all of that stuff as stupid, inconsequential, etc, and prefers not to think on it, driven to the point of self degradation (whether he acknowledges it or not and let's face it; he doesn't), etc, etc---such a severe reaction has to have a cause. Something changed him, something shifted his focus and it was definitely something huge. I imagine it's in part due to whatever happened to the Solomonari and his involvement on top of a variety of other things that built up over time until he could hold nothing else.))
#;;ooc: mun muttering#i can provide proof for all of these too; it's all scattered about in game and it's been a big focal point for me#I'll do a proper hc post at some point just take this... somewhat commentary post for now#this man's growth both past and present is so important to me#he still has that childish nature to him too; both the good and the bad aspects as I've said before#I'm just glad I have a much clearer picture now (and want more!) and can actually talk about stuff#regarding Flynn; some of the hints about their dynamic (esp concerning Kariom trying to make a friend) really needs context#he had his own hand in this change ofc (it's not all outside/external influence) but his hand was undoubtedly forced too#I maintain that he was forced to grow up far too quickly---a thing made worse considering he's surrounded by immortal beings who don't age#his perspective is so unique it can be debilitating; does that make sense? i really try to emphasize that#;;ooc: commentary (kariom)#I'm not saying he was flippant about his duty as a youth (the stars are clearly special to him) but his focus being *so severe* is alarming#something happened; something was instilled in him; something made it be the only thing he thinks about and the only thing that defines him#I've pointed this out before but he gives his *title* (or station if you prefer) as a star-reader before he gives his own fuckin*name*#that's..... that's just.....worrying... and sad#I'm going to figure out what happened damnit; I will#;;muse headcanons: kariom#;;muse headcanons: kariom (verse: the stars of your youth; one day they will grow louder)
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forgaeven1 · 9 months
small note regarding neville’s dancing skills + his feelings about attending parties / events from the goblet of fire, because i would like to lean in on the movie’s interpretation of this event. i like that neville gathering the courage when other boys had turned away from practising dancing was sort of, in its way, a foreshadowing of how much it took for him to earn his bravery — which, for neville, was not easy. he tried anyway. so i’d like to believe he did took all those dancing lessons quite seriously and he practised plenty with himself. maybe he accidentally stepped on ginny’s foot twice or twice when the night arrived, but i think otherwise it went on perfectly.
on that regard, while attending such a large event was initially scary for him, i have always interpreted that neville did enjoy himself very much. watching the movie again only cemented this headcanon further. however, adding my own twist to it, i do believe whole heartedly having ginny as his date for the night helped tremendously a lot. ginny was naturally charismatic, enthusiastic, and she opened neville’s eyes plenty about other things to enjoy in events like that beyond simply being an object to potentially be stared at. they were interactive, having fun, going around and trying food and genuinely socialising. it was a good night.
which is all to say, this night alone shaped neville’s reception of formal events like these into something… pleasant, almost. fond. not so nerve-wrecking, at least. as the scion of the longbottom household, and her grandmother’s heir, neville officially debuts into society at age twenty-five, much later than peers his age, though nevertheless he is almost charming at these formal events. a bit timid than the average wizarding aristocrat perhaps, though there is that easiness and social eagerness to want to mingle that he learns from ginny from that first yule ball anyhow.
oh, don’t be so serious, neville, she’d told him in that memory long time ago, linking their arms together, her freckled face grinning wide. just have fun!
so he does.
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lytorika · 2 years
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I designed a character i think. maybe
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cryo-lily · 1 year
Who would Lilith be if she were a SWTOR character?
Thank you for the ask @swtorpadawan !
And Ohh that's a good question.
Honestly? Probably an advocate or attorney that would may or may-not be force sensitive. Trying to keep anyone in the republic senate held accountable for their actions and smack down any of the republic goverment that has the "Rules for thee, not for me" mentality.
Lilith would honestly have a field day with anyone that was responsible for the Belsavis shenanigans in swtor. She'd also be the first in line to put Saresh in her place.
Lilith at her core, if you take her out of fallout, is very much an intelligent, silver tongued character that is just plain stupid lucky. With my definition of lucky being not always being a lightning rod for good fortune but sometimes just surviving things she shouldn't have.
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ereborne · 2 years
Half-asleep, highly distracted, pacing the curb at 4:50 of the AM, saw a Yankee slip on wet grass and fall on his ass, saw him get halfway through his attempt to stand only to slip again and fall on his face, went rushing over--I forgot he was a Yankee, you see--to see if he was okay.  Got back the most indignantly incredulous parroted “am I alright there, baby“ imaginable, just immaculate Spike From Buffy delivery here, babes, this was the most “out for a walk, bitch” out-spit non-question I’ve ever heard.  why are Yankees like this.  He never told me if he was alright. 
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thephantomsdream · 1 month
Can't stop thinking about Captain John Price, your good friend's boyfriend, listening to you talk about how you are considering getting a guard dog, and he whole-heartedly agrees with you. John likes you, you're a fantastic friend to his dove and you're sweet, and sweet girls do need protection. So he nods along and tells you he'll look into getting you one, a big one to protect you.
Two weeks later, you're invited to your friend's house, her telling you days before that John might have gotten you a dog, so to prepare! She wasn't sure, he just hinted at it on the phone.
Tell me why, after knocking at your bestie's door, she opens kinda pale and awkward, maybe even a little bit annoyed, inviting you in. Instead of a proper, legit, literal dog, John introduces you to Simon Riley, who stands there awkwardly but tall and intimidating while your friend apologizes, calling her boyfriend an idiot. But John isn't an idiot. For a while now, he thought you'd be perfect for his Lt., this just a funny way to introduce you both. And the only thing that took Simon to agree (after a sharp yet bored no when firstly asked) was to send him a picture of you at a bar, smiling.
"So... you come with a leash?" You joke with the tall man, whose eyes wrinkle in amusement. He has been more on the silent side although very atentive, his intense brown eyes on you all evening. Now that you were both alone at the balcony, abandoned by the two love-birds, you tried to ease the tension.
"I don't do leashes but I can pull a spiky collar." He smiles as you giggle. Hell, he felt relief that you did. Even happiness...
"Yeah, it would fit you."
"Yeah?" His voice was low and buttery. "What about a tag with your name on it?" He leans down a little, just enough in your personal bubble, and your stomach flipped. You felt your cheeks warm.
"Can it be heart shaped?" You stare prettily at him and all he can do is to snort to ease the tension.
"However you want it." His reply was quick, eager.
"Deal. But first take me on a proper date."
"Perfect." He smirks.
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fazcinatingblog · 8 months
When my boss listed the people coming to the Christmas lunch, she's like "there's five downstairs, two upstairs, Simon (IT guy), Simon's wife...." and I just had a thought that if Colleen was repeating that list, she'd add the dog and the cat as well plus anyone walking past
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