#never got an actual retirement gift
fazcinatingblog · 11 months
When my boss listed the people coming to the Christmas lunch, she's like "there's five downstairs, two upstairs, Simon (IT guy), Simon's wife...." and I just had a thought that if Colleen was repeating that list, she'd add the dog and the cat as well plus anyone walking past
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autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
Also wondering if I should follow up on my initial little idea of "I should buy a book with every single paycheck" especially since I seem to be actually reading books now
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chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
More Simon Riley and Pre-k teacher? Duh, cause I've been thinking about it for too long :0
Thinking about how the first day retirement!Simon would've gone when he was babysitting pre-k's little boy
Simon actually spent forty-two hours getting the house 'Ollie' proof, after you sent a two-paragraph long essay on how 'rambunctious' and 'high-energy' your three-year-old could be
Simon that never felt so happy as he opened the door to see you with Oliver on your hip, a small part of him wishing that you didn't have to drive to see him
Simon who never wanted the moment to end when you gave him a hug once you told Oliver to go run inside, smiling ear to ear as you handed him the backpack and lunch pail and a small remark on 'how he would make just a fine dad'
Simon which when Oliver wanted ice cream quickly whipped out his phone to text you to make sure the little guy didn't have any allergies
Simon who has your name saved with a <3 beside your name (something he will die with...and that Oliver noticed)
"dat's mommies name."
"right-o, laddie."
"Has heart, ooo, mommy likes hearts, 'ister Riley."
Simon with an ice cream in one hand and Oliver's hand in the other walks through the park, ensuring his silence on the matter
Simon who pushes Oliver onto the swing set at the playground about ten minutes from his house, not caring to look at how all of the mom's looked at him in awe because he had you, and you trusted him with Oliver- an honor he would never forake
Simon who carried Oliver park for two hours at the park since the little guy was just...so so tired, and began to think you got the kid all wrong, this little thing couldn't be so high energy that you had to warn him about it
Simon as he sat on the ground watched Oliver in the backyard, spending the next forty-nine minutes jumping on the tiny trampoline Johnny had given him as a prank gift- was carefully sweeping up the broken glass on the ground since Oliver sent on a little...run through the house as soon as they got home
Simon was exhausted when your car pulled into the driveway around six pm, your clothes a little worse for wear, and your hair frizzled out from the humidity
Oliver who took the opportunity to go through the zipped up and dusty bag that sat on the side of the sofa, finding Simon's old balaclava, being three chose to put it on
Simon who lets the hug linger as you thank him again for watching Oliver, only lets go when he hears your faint gasp and you move to walk in
Simon who swore his heart fell into his stomach when he saw the three-year-old with the old tattered thing- no! He hadn't washed it in- The kid was too-
'Oh my gosh! baby, where'da get that?'
'Ister Rileys."
'Really? well you look so so handsome but I think Mister Riley doesn't want you goin through his stuff'
Simon never though he would be affected by a little kids puppy dog eyes until he saw Oliver's, so he quickly shakes his head and tells the little dude that when he gets it washed its all his
Simon who would give so many more things than a war-run balaclava to see you and Oliver smile again
Simon who helped Oliver take a few of his things and was confused by the boys insistence on leaving his dinosaur with him
Simon was never more flattered when you explained that you always told Oliver that you would come back for his dinosaurs, so his want to leave them meant Oliver wanted to come back
Simon who really should've invited you in for dinner...Well, he would have all of summer to try again
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gyudons · 9 months
During the last practice in Pittsburgh before the holiday break, Sidney Crosby brought cookies to the rink along with, of course, some banana bread – “his mom’s famous recipe,” Marcus Pettersson said with a grin. “He’s got a little addiction,” Kris Letang added.
Crosby bakes for the group periodically throughout the season, one of many thoughtful gestures the Penguins captain makes for his teammates – impressive from anyone, much less someone of his stature. During this season of giving, Pettersson and Rickard Rakell had been marveling at the captain’s generous nature that very day.
“Me and Raks were actually just joking around about how good he is with giving gifts,” Pettersson said. “I don't know if he has a thought behind it about when he retires, that he is expecting a lot of gifts back from everybody (laughs). But I don't think so. I think he’s just a great guy.”
Crosby goes above and beyond to mark occasions for the people around him, whether it’s a holiday, a career achievement, or simply a memorable experience. His capacity to do all of that, in addition to continuing to be an elite talent at age 36 and an unparalleled leader, is remarkable.
Evgeni Malkin, Crosby’s fellow franchise center and teammate for nearly two decades, said, “It’s almost like he’s the perfect player, perfect friend. Some guys win just one Stanley Cup, they think they’re like a god, you know? But Sid, never. You see everybody wants to play here, first of all, it’s because of Sid.”
Letang joked that he wasn’t going to use the word perfect, “because there’s nothing perfect,” he laughed. “But he always makes sure everybody is taken care of, and they’re having a good time. He loves to get to know people. For me, what he did for my dad last year… the banana bread stuff… it’s just a way of looking at things, you never want to leave some people behind. There’s not a specific gesture that comes to mind, because it’s such a daily thing for him.”
Tyson Barrie, was touched by something the captain did for his agent, Bayne Pettinger, who had previously worked for Team Canada. Pettinger had been sitting with Crosby at another one of those BioSteel camps, which was in Montreal. At the time, Pettinger had recently come out as gay and mentioned in passing to Crosby how he thought the Pride warmup jerseys were so cool.
“Bayner FaceTimed me a couple months later, almost in tears,” Barrie said. “The concierge at his condo called him and was like hey, there’s a big package here for you, can you come down and grab it? Turns out Sid had gotten a Pride jersey framed for Bayner. He wrote, ‘Bayner, proud of you.’ That’s the kind of guy he is. You'll never hear about any of this stuff. He's just always doing stuff under the radar. He’s just a special guy.”
merry christmas! here’s a sweet little story about canadian hockey star sidney crosby
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criminalamnesia · 8 months
ok this is the end of the little tolerate it series— BUT I’m writing two different endings!! so here’s ending 1 :)
part one here and part two here
ending version 2 here
when he saw you that day on the street and tried to stop you, you had kept walking. hadn’t even turned your head, as if you knew it was him speaking.
of course you’d known it was him. he couldn’t blame you for ignoring him, honestly— he had been awful to you. he fully recognized that now, after years of being alone and mandated therapy and an honorable discharge.
he recognized how he let the one good thing in his life slip through his fingers, all because he was too damn wrapped up in himself. but he had a right to be.
he had a right to not want to celebrate coming home. had a right to want peace and quiet once escaping from the sounds of war and death. he just should’ve communicated that with you instead of pulling away.
he’s grown. he understands now. and he knows you don’t owe him anything— hell, he wouldn’t be surprised if you slapped him across the face for this, but he needed to try.
he knew it was selfish of him. you’d moved on, surely. years had passed and you’d grown. he’s sure that naivety he once found charming is long gone, most likely from his doing.
he takes a deep breath, fist raised to knock on the door to your house. it’s small and quaint. something he definitely could’ve seen you picking out when the two of you had still been together. maybe not all of you had changed.
he’d gotten the address through Laswell as a parting gift. and he didn’t know why it was the one thing that came to mind— but it was, and now he’s here. standing on your porch with his fist in the air like a fucking creep.
he pushes out an exhale and knocks. all is silent inside the house, and he knocks again, the second one easier than the first.
“coming!” he hears you call from inside. he steels himself. readies himself for attack, for battle. it was something he couldn’t quite shake, even if he’d been retired for a year now. those instincts really never leave you.
the door swings open, and the smile you were sporting instantly drops.
“what are you doing here?” there’s venom in your tone. he doesn’t shy away.
“love—” he begins, but you scoff and start to shut the door.
“actually, I don’t want to know. get off my porch before I call the cops—”
before the door can click shut, he reaches a hand out and blocks you from fully shutting it. you look down at his hand, bewildered.
“move your hand.” you speak through gritted teeth. he stands his ground.
“love,” he starts again, pushing the words out quickly to avoid getting cut off again. “y’don’t owe me anythin’ and I know that. but can I at least apologize? please?”
you stare at him. he keeps his hand in the door, watching your face intently. he can’t tell what’s going on behind your eyes.
you take a beat. two. three. then you shut your eyes tightly as you inhale, open them as you release the breath, and open the door wider.
“you’ve got five minutes to speak your piece, and I hope you know I’m doing this for you, not me. I got over you a long time ago, and because I see myself as a halfway decent person, I’m going to let you do this. then you can leave and never come back. understand?”
he gives a small nod. “understood.”
you step aside and he enters your house, eyes already scanning his surroundings. it’s cute and airy, comfortable and full of you.
pictures of you and friends on the walls. lamps that look a hundred years old on end tables. big windows letting the sun shine in and onto a plethora of plants. colorful artwork and pillows and fabrics. it’s a house full of you, of life, and he finds himself envying it.
he doesn’t know why. maybe because it’s something so normal, and something he’s never experienced. he didn’t get that before he left home, and he certainly didn’t get it in the military. he still doesn’t have it now. he’s still struggling to figure out who he is without a gun in his hand.
“nice place,” he says, and he means it.
you roll your eyes as you walk towards the blue, comfortable looking couch situated to the right. he follows dutifully.
you gesture towards the couch, and he takes the hint. he sits down, sinking into the cushion, and watches as you move to stand across from him. he knows you’re putting distance between the two of you. he doesn’t blame you.
you were never the problem.
he was.
“five minutes, starting now. best believe I’m timing your ass,” you mutter out, pulling your phone from your pocket and tapping the screen. setting a timer, most likely.
best to get on with it, then.
“I owe you an apology, and I ‘ave since y’left. before tha’, actually. I was an ass, and I know tha’ now. you had every right to leave, and you have every right to hate me—”
you gave a mirthless, hollow laugh and crossed your arms over your chest. you were putting up your walls, protecting yourself.
“you put me in therapy, did you know that? years of it. broke me down and crushed me into tiny pieces. made me think I was the problem, that I deserved to be treated that way. ruined my trust and my confidence.”
your tone was bitter. your nails dug into the skin of your arms.
“you were never the problem,” he says, his words firm. he stand then, hands hanging loosely at his sides. “I was. I know tha’ now. I pulled away when I should’ve communicated, or hell— broke things off sooner.”
“so that’s why you’re here then? to tell me you wished you would’ve broken up with me before I broke up with you?”
god, that was not what he meant, and he struggled to find the way to put his thoughts into words.
“no, f’course not, love. I’m tryin’ to say I strung y’along, made things worse, and—”
“and what?” you interrupted.
“an’ im sorry, love. I know it probably doesn’t mean anythin’ anymore. but i am. deeply.”
you didn’t speak for a minute. your eyes studied his face. he knew you were probably taking in the obvious signs of age, of battles he came back from when you were no longer there.
“you going on a suicide mission? is that why you’re here? making amends before you die so you can face the afterlife with a clear conscience?”
he shook his head, taking a small step forward. “no. I— I was discharged. a bit ago, actually.”
“congrats,” you deadpanned.
“tha’s not tha’ point,” he sighed. “they made me go to therapy for a while. unpack all tha’ shit they put me through. and the shrink brought up you once, and it got me thinkin’—”
“so you’re here because your shrink told you to say sorry?”
“bloody hell, love, let me finish,” exasperation was clear in his tone, but he tried to reel it in. he reminded himself that you didn’t owe him shit. you could kick him out right now. he was here because of your allowance, and the second you stopped tolerating him, he’d be back on the porch.
you raised your eyebrows but kept your mouth clamped shut.
“I was an ass when I was with you, and tha’s on me, not you. I was dealin’ with my own shit, and havin’ you celebrate me and boastin’ about my bravery and shit— it didn’t— I couldn’t stand it. you don’t understand, love, and you never will— and tha’s not your fault. s’mine, and I’m still comin’ to terms with all tha’ shit. and I should’ve communicated tha’ with you instead of pullin’ away.”
silence filled the air between the two of you. he could hear the tick of a clock nearby. two ticks. three ticks. four. five.
“what do you want from me, then?” you spoke, and your voice was soft. he could hear the tremble in it— that old you slipping back in, and god he wanted to hold you.
he remembered loving you. he still knew what that felt like, even if was so long ago. and that love was creeping back in, that need to protect you coming back like a tidal wave.
“nothin’.” he said.
“nothing.” you repeated. he nodded.
the timer on your phone went off. five minutes, on the dot.
you clicked it off and looked at him. he was already moving towards the door.
“wait—” you called out to him, and as he turned back to face you, he could tell you hadn’t meant to. it had slipped out subconsciously, and he could see you fighting yourself on what your next words would be.
“I— I don’t forgive you,” you told him. “I don’t know if I ever will. but I— you don’t deserve to be alone. not after all you’ve done.”
he looked at you, the fingers of his hands twitching as he waited for you to speak again.
you took a deep breath and turned your attention to your feet. “I’m here. if you need someone to talk to about whatever. um— I—”
“it’s alrigh’, love. y’dont have to say anythin’ you don’t mean.”
you shook your head. “I do mean it. I admired you when we were together, y’know? you were everything to me— and that’s not something that ever fully goes away. I kinda hate you for everything you did,” you gave a small laugh. “but I don’t want you to suffer, okay? maybe we can— can get coffee or something next week. yeah?”
your eyes were glassy. he resisted the urge to reach for you. he was a protector, it was in his nature. he’d been too wound up in himself back then to realize that the trait he’d showcased on the battlefield should’ve applied to his home life, too. applied to his relationship. to you.
“yeah.” he nodded, his voice soft. he gave you a small smile. “tha’ would be nice.”
you nodded. he looked at you for a moment longer, taking in everything that had changed. but there was still the hint of that naive, youthful you, and that made him smile a little wider.
he turned and walked out the door.
author’s note:
muahahahaha ambiguous ending. do they get back together?? no?? do they ever get coffee?? it’s up to you!
this is ending one, keep a look out for ending 2 :)
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hero-hoe · 6 months
Owner!Ghost with dogboy!Soap who gets puppygirl!Reader as a gift.
Hybrid au. Kidnapping tw, naive!reader, Fem!reader, handjobs (m/m). Ghost and Soap are a little off. Sadomasochism tw
Ghost who's had Soap ever since retiring being discharged due to injury and thought "fuck it, I need something to keep me busy", so he gets himself a retired dogboy. Nothing wrong with 'im, they just tend to cycle hybrids out after a few years of use. Any longer and they go a little wrong in the head. Something about their genetics and how they could get too into their tasks and needed human handlers on the outside.
Ghost is pretty sure the one he got is a little messed up anyway. Fine by him, the man had done his fair share of awful things, too far beyond being considered a good man anymore. At least having the mutt gave him purpose again, he was losing his mind trying to fit back in with polite society on his own. Johnny was Price's idea to get Simon out of his house, to take care of himself instead of wasting away in a bare bones cabin in the countryside. Take the dog on walks and all that, get a membership at one of those expensive city gyms that let hybrids in so they could both keep up on their training.
Johnny would bark his ear off about his time in the military, causing messes he never had to clean up and getting paid for it. And he didn't push when Simon said nothing about his own experience. And then they settled into a decent enough routine, too intimate to just be hybrid and handler, but Ghost wasn't a man who liked labels. They were just Johnny and Simon, that's all that mattered.
He got a good dog. Sure, he was a bit off, but nothing that couldn't be handled. He barked a lot, hated strangers, refused to sleep anywhere but Simon's room after the first few nights. And he was energetic, always bouncing off the walls or chasing down random animals in the woods. If he brought back something to snack on, Simon never minded, so long as he clean his own mess. Ghost wasn't above rubbing the dog's nose in the blood and mud puddle left on the kitchen floor. Good thing Johnny learned the first time.
It'd been a few years, Ghost hadn't bothered to keep track, but his silly pup was getting restless. Only after the third time coming home to Johnny humping himself stupid in the toy he'd gotten, teeth sunk into the pillows, did Simon finally take him to the vet. Trying to handle the situation himself hadn't helped, and he didn't like seeing his boy so miserable, even if he looked beautiful because of it. Simon swore Johnny never looked better than when he was desperate and on their sheets, fucking into a silicone pussy like his life depended on it and whimpering into a slobber covered pillowcase.
Everything was normal, the vet said, a waste of £150. It's actually a good thing, they told him, means he's healthy and happy enough to breed and is having ruts. Gave him three options: have Johnny fixed, let the mutt handle it himself every time, or get him someone to play with. Simon was offended at the idea of getting his pup snipped, immediately shutting the thought down. But he couldn't keep watching Soap sob and beg, pleading for something Simon didn't have. He held Johnny in his arms each but after that, making sure to stroke his needy pup through every orgasm needed with a hand around his neck for stability.
Johnny was a good dog, Simon relented. Never once bit without being told and made sure to moan nice and loud whenever he was hit. He deserved a treat.
So Simon did his research, went to all the shelters and breeders and even searched the parks for a new treat for his boy. Nobody was good enough, he thought, until he found you. Soft, sweet, and so, so innocent. You didn't hesitate to take his hand when he offered you a treat and some ear scratches, wandering away from your old owner and right into his truck.
You ate the special biscuits he gave you and fell asleep with a dopey smile on your face, so happy when he told you he was gonna take you home and introduce you to his puppy.
Johnny was at the door like always, waiting on his knees at the time Simon said he'd be home. He was anxious and confused today, able to smell you from outside as soon as Ghost pulled up. You smelled so good, but he hated the idea of Simon bringing another dog home. Was he not enough? He'd been so good, why would his master need another pup?
"Settle, mutt." Simon huffed as soon as he heard Johnny's whine, the hybrid kneeling obediently at the door with his ears tucked back. "Stop the damn whining. Got you somethin'." He huffed, shifting you in his arms.
Johnny scooted closer, staying on the ground and sniffing at you cautiously. One of Ghost's massive hands laced into a well maintained mohawk, tugging tight until he calmed down. The pain grounded him, a reminder that Simon was there, that he wasn't being replaced. "Fer me?" Johnny asked, taking another deep inhale along the skin of your thigh where is dangled over Simon's arm.
Ghost hummed, the sound pulling another whine from Johnny's throat. "Smells s'good." He whispered, eyes dilating as he crawled closer. "She's pure bonnie, Sir."
Straddling Simon's boot, rutting mindlessly against his shin while taking in deep huffs of your skin, Johnny couldn't wait to play with you.
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the-ace-with-spades · 6 months
Random headcanons for Ghost and Soap (and Ghostsoap) part 1
- Soap has the habit of placing his hand on the small of Ghost's back. It looks adorable because next to Ghost, everyone looks tiny and yet Soap oozes such confidence that Ghost feels small whenever he has Johnny's hand directing him by pressing into the small of his back, sometimes Johnny's thumb is rubbing little circles over his spine. He always blushes, too.
- On the other hand, Ghost has a habit of pulling Soap by the hip any time he's about to get himself in trouble. Someone says some shit, Soap turns to the side and opens his mouth and Ghost just reaches his arm across his back and with his fingers digging into the v curve of hip steering him away before he can open his big mouth and get himself in trouble. This is inspired by the Tom Holland&Zendaya photos
- Ghost is always cold, Soap is always hot. It looks absolutely comical during spring when they go out - Ghost has warm sweats and jacket and a hoodie and a hat/mask on and Soap is in shorts and a hoodie with cut-off sleeves. Gaz calls it Soap's slut behaviour
- This means Ghost is a blanket hog. They often sleep in the same bed but separately because Soap just feels too hot to cuddle up under the warmest duvet available in store which is Ghost's preferred one.
- They are decent cooks but Ghost is better at cooking and Soap is better at baking. They also have different cooking styles - Ghost cooks to relax and doesn't stress about the results and Soap takes cooking as a challenge.
- Ghost doesn't get jealous, really. He's too in control to get jealous and he's the ride or die kinda guy so he's put all of his trust into Soap and is used to Soap's overfriendly, borderline flirty personality. It's endearing to him.
- Soap, on the other hand, is a jealous beast. Recruits, other teams officers, strangers in a bar, anyone who gets Ghost's attention or tries to get Ghost's attention, Soap always struts in and stands way too close and asserts his position as soon as he notices. Ghost pretends it's annoying but he finds it cute (he's never had anyone get jealous over him).
- Soap never stops calling Ghost per sir. Not when they're on leave, not when they retire. Sometimes it happens in public and because Soap only calls him sir when he's feeling cheeky, he sounds really bratty and people make their (dirty) assumptions.
- Soap is not a fan of Valentine's Day. Ghost likes to pretend he isn't either, but in the week before the day, he'd do small romantic gifts/gestures every day.
- Soap is the 'leaves his dirty socks on the floor' kinda guy, meaning he never puts back stuff in its rightful place, has tons of dirty mugs lying around, piles of sketchbooks and books and about a dozen of pencil cases, he forgets to make the bed, doesn't fold the laundry for days after taking it out of the dryer, just leaving in the corner in the kitchen. Ghost feels tested when they move in together because he's a neat freak.
- Soap is a hairy beast. He's got dark thick hair everywhere - his chest, back, arms, the happy trail, the other happy trail that goes down his inner thighs. He'd have to shave twice a day if he had to keep a clean-shaven look.
- Ghost is not exactly hairy but also not hairless, it's just that the majority of his body hair is very pale.
- Ghost unironically likes Vimto. His favourite takeaway is Chinese and he actually likes beans on toast for breakfast and scotch eggs. He, however, can't understand how Soap can eat oats for breakfast every day.
- Ghost does, in fact, have a soft tum. Soap also has a healthy layer of fat over muscles but Ghost doesn't really have the abs shape - he's teddy bear shaped.
- Ghost feeds stray cats scraps of meat any time he cooks off base.
- Soap definitely has ADHD. He doesn't shut up and his mind is brilliant but very scattered.
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nofingjustaninchident · 3 months
Hi!! HAPPY JASON DAY!!!!! Could you write a blurb about waking dad!jason up on his birthday with your kids??
ᯓ★ happiest day
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summary jason was never a weak man. he never cried. well, that, until his greatest gift came for him
warnings none, just pure fluff. not proofread!
now listening to beautiful boy by john lennon
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thirty years. how in hell could he already be thirty years old? but, actually, if you bother to think, it’s not already. he’s really old for a demigod.  
thanks to the gods, quite literally, his work as the pontifex maximus ended when he was twenty-four, and he could finally retire and live a happy, peaceful life with his dear girlfriend y/n and his friends.  
one year later, in their eight-year anniversary, he finally proposed to her. y/n would easily say that this one was the happiest day of her life. one year later, the happiest day of her life was her marriage.  
but, another year later, the couple would receive the news that completely changed their lives. at twenty-six years old, y/n discovered her pregnancy.  
surely, jason had several anxiety crises while his baby - for the love of jupiter, he’s going to be a father - was still in the making. he was absolutely terrified. what if he wasn’t a good father?  
eventually, all of his worries were shut down with the greatest moment of his life. at twenty-seven years old, jason grace discovered that the most perfect thing in his life wasn’t saving the world twice. hell, no. it was hearing his daughter cry for the first time. he had never, ever heard something so… perfect in his whole life. he cried like a baby as he cradled the sweet little baby in his arms. she looked just like him.  
the little girl, nathalia, was the greatest gift y/n and jason could ever ask from the gods. jason cried more in the last two years of his life than on the rest of it. first words - which were obviously papa -, first steps, first time she ate solid food and so many more moments. 
so, as a gift for his thirtieth birthday, y/n decided to make him a surprise alongside little thalia. the older woman made breakfast in bed for him while their daughter prepared a little gift for him.  
as soon as the sun was up, so was the two girls. ever since parenthood, jason started waking up later than he used to. which meant that now he wakes up at seven thirty on dot. they had to wake up even earlier, which gained y/n a few whines from the younger child. 
eventually, they got to finish everything they had planned. y/n picked up her daughter and held her on her hip. they went upstairs and opened the door to the suite, where jason was sleeping peacefully. 
"go on, honey," y/n said, putting her three year old in the floor. "go wake papa up." 
the infant immediately rushed to the bed and jumped on top of her dad, leaning down and giving him lots of kisses in his cheeks. "papa, wake up! it's your birthday!" 
the man slowly started to open his eyes, and he was sure he was in heaven right in this moment. the two women he loved the most, waking him up with kisses? life was never better. "good morning, pumpkin."  
the kid gave him one final kiss and got off his lap, "good morning, papa!" 
when thalia was finally off him, it was y/n's turn. she went to her husband and gave him a long kiss, making the kid gag and cover her eyes. the couple smiled and y/n gave him a warm hug, "good morning, love of my life." she muttered. 
"morning, sweetheart." he muttered back, wrapping his strong arms around her. then, he glanced back and saw the plates with the breakfast and a few gifts. He smiled widely and pulled away, "this all f' me?" he asked, jokingly. 
"course it is," she answered, "you deserve that and much, much more." 
oh, he was already feeling the tears. but he refused to cry – at least right now.  
"papa, papa! open my gift!" the little girl squealed, handing him a little white card. he grabbed it and, when he opened, he couldn't stop the tears from forming and flowing. the gift in question was a drawing of thalia and jason together with the sayings "papa is my hero" and "i love my papa". he swore he never felt happiest. 
"oh, my dear, dear pumpkin," he said, pulling her in for a hug, "you're the greatest gift the gods could've ever gave me. I love you so, so much."  
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the drawing, for the curious ones
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agendabymooner · 1 year
mamma mia (again) ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member! ofc)
“they ask me why i’m so hot, ‘cause i’m italiano.”
summary: a series of video clips, but it’s only just danny ric being in love with a certain lester alessandro.
content warning: hint or two of suggestive comments (nothing detailed or graphic), use of explicit language, filler blurb or something, danny being a simp for few videos straight (“have my kids” type beat), lester being an etsy and pinterest enthusiast, literally posted this blurb from my phone so they’re crazy about their image limits 😩
note: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE 105 FOLLOWERS?! UHM? seriously, i’ve never been so happy. i honestly only started posting these because i have them ingrained in my brain and won’t let go until i write or make something. just indulging my imagination you know? enjoy xx
【VIDEO ONE — daniel ricciardo is a gatekeeper】
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[1st image: yeah, i dunno. everyone just found out that i made it official with my girlfriend and i’m pretty sure i just saw lando weeping in his room. max was the second to react to it and i’m so sure he recoiled. he did say that he didn't want to know what happened in imola few months ago.]
[2nd: interviewer: what happened in imola few months ago? daniel: *chuckles* wouldn’t you like to know - nah, i’m messing about. nothing happened in imola besides from me retiring to my bed early. i think we were both drunk when i posted that photo and i know it looks lewd but there's no way we could've done anything questionable.]
[3rd: d: but yeah. we didn't really want to catch that much attention until maybe i don't know... when we're married or something *chuckles* i: keep it a secret until the wedding? d: yeah. but charles, the absolute fool, posted videos during the concert with me in the background. It would've been real nice if no one caught onto it until we had a mini ric running and racing, you know? just to wreak havoc.]
【VIDEO TWO — daniel ricciardo talks about lester’s love language in his gq video】
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[1st: i got this journal from lori. it has my initials "DR" on it for daniel ricciardo*laughs* it's one of those many first gifts that i’ve gotten from her throughout our first few months of dating. her love language isn't just shitting on my life -she has every single aspect of love language within her and this is one of them.]
[2nd: when she gave this to me, all she said was "you can write out your thoughts if you can't let them out through your mouth. *giggles* "she clearly had her thoughts sorted out that time especially when she showed me a page with an embossed phrase or nickname, "tasso di miele" - it means honey badger. she apparently bought the custom embosser from etsy and almost fought tooth and nail just to get it in time. *laughs even more* i love her so much, i honestly wanted to cry that day.]
[3rd: lori actually has a laptop with *laughs* itunes on it and she still got some playlists from 2010-2014? yeah. she’s put a lot of old taylor swift songs in my ipod during the christmas break. my favourite album right now is speak now. she loves red.]
【VIDEO THREE — lester hates ashy hands confirmed】
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[1st: daniel: i think i should just cover my hands with gloves all the time. lando: that literally has nothing to do with anything that we're about to do. d: lori tells me that my hands are rough whenever she holds them.]
[2nd: l: or you know... you can just use a hand lotion all the time because your hands dry up real fast? d: ah that's true. i wonder if that's why lori just casually put a bottle of hand cream on my travel bag. the thing smells nice though. it’s chamomile.]
【VIDEO FOUR — it’s okay to spoil your partner; even if it’s an accent chair from her pinterest board】
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[1st: d: lori just sent me a picture of an armchair from ikea. l: why was she randomly in ikea, by the way? I saw the text. d: window shopping. but anyway, she saw this armchair that she had on her pinterest board. she asked "pretty or no?" with the green velvet chair. l: what did you tell her?]
[2nd: word to word? I texted her "LOL you should see the accent chair I've gotten you for our flat in monaco." l: are you serious? *laughs* d: she wouldn't tell me what she wanted for her birthday. I only got a brief idea when she left her phone in my pocket once and gave me a free access to her pinterest boards.]
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
SDV Bachelors reactions to birthday gifts
Forgive the rust last time i made one of these was 2017/18. Coming out of a “retirement”
Alex: You had already helped him build the man cave at the saloon, He had Gus and Emily help him confess with a beautiful dinner, now it was Alex’s birthday, and truth be told you had NOTHING. You had been focusing on the Luau and all your time and energy went into that. Walking into the kitchen to make breakfast and think, you saw it, His mother's music box proudly on the fireplace mantle. You would never touch the box due it how it had begun to age, but you did remember the song. Alex woke up to an empty bed and an empty home. Getting up he looked around for you. “Baby?” He saw you had been out because there were ingredients on the counter, but it's like you just vanished. Walking outside to see if you had gone out to get something from the farm he saw it empty, shrugging and getting ready he went about his day, knowing you would pop up. He was watering the crops and taking a break every now and again to spray the dog, your dog loved biting the water so much, it reminded him of when Dusty was a puppy. “Alex!” He heard you yell out, turning to look he smiled seeing you walk over to him, hiding something? “What is that baby?” He asked turning off the water. “I wanted to get you something, but I didn't know what.” He watched as you pulled out a pretty little box. “I had Robin and Clint's rush make it….I hope you like it.” He took the box and looked at it noticing it looked like his music box, winding the key and opening it, tears flooded his eyes, it was his music box! But the music was clearer, it wasn't dulled with age. “Farmer…” Looking at you tears running down his face he grabbed you into a hug. “I don't deserve you.”
Elliot: What do you get a person who's a living romance novel protagonist? That question racked your brain over and over, flowers? Not enough… More Ink? Not good enough…What do you get for Elliot? Looking over at his study your eyes flashed with an idea. He wasn't able to bring his piano with him when he moved in with you. Robin had no idea how to build a piano so now you are stuck biting your nails that Elliot's new piano won't be there on time for his birthday, stupid train. On his birthday it was not delivered before he woke up so plan B was in order. You spend the whole day pampering him, just caught lobster, a new duck feather pillow you definitely did not panic make two days ago, and all sorts of colored inks that you now owe Emily a few favors for. As you both were sitting at the table eating a Cappuccino Mousse Cake, you heard a loud knock at the door. “Who at this hour?” Elliot asked going to stand. “I got it, birthday boy.” Watching him sit with a smile you opened the door and peeked outside seeing the piano on dollys ready to be moved in. Looking out into the distance seeing Linus, Robin, and Willy running off you smiled making a note to pay them back for the late-night rush delivery. “Elliot, come here actually. I have one more gift.” You leaned back and opened the door wide so he could see the shiny new piano. “Oh my…My Love…I” It was the first time you had seen the smooth talker voiceless. “You truly are sent from the heavens…”
Harvey: Looking out the bus window Harvey sighed, he rarely left Pelican Town, but you had insisted he shut down the practice for a day or two, reassuring if something happened Maru knew almost as much as he did and could hold the town over for a few days. “Can I ask where we are going now?” He asked turning back to look at you. “Nope.” was all you said as you flipped a page in your book. “At least a city or the bus stop's name?” He asked blinking his eyes at you knowing he might be able to sweeten you up, looking up from your book with a small smirk on your lips all you said was “Z” Oh you were driving him crazy, he loved it, but he wanted to know! He had loved surprising you with the Hot Air Balloon Ride so this was probably just payback. An hour later Pam pulled into Zuzu City’s bus station and looked back. “I’ll see you in three days.” Your first day was just walking around looking at shops, a museum, going out to a nice dinner. “You know Farmer, this is a nice trip. Thank you for this gift.” He tilted his head confused hearing you giggle. “Oh, Harvey wait till tomorrow.” He had no idea that you had this planned, He gripped your hand tight and looked up swearing he could touch the bottom of the plane if he just reached up. “You Like your gift?” He heard you call over the roar of all the airplane engines. An airshow, you had brought him to the Zuzu city airfield to watch an air show. “Way better than the balloon….” He said stuck in child-like wonder, only to be pulled out of it by you kissing him. “Now I’d agree better than the balloon.”
Sam: You and Sam lived together now, but he hadn't seen you in a few days, and when he did you were busy hauling wood, glass, and other stuff up to Robins, something to do with the basement. He knew you were a busy Farmer, but he didn't think you were so busy you couldn't give him a kiss or a hug. He was sitting on the porch strumming his guitar, trying to figure out if he had said something? Did something? Forgot your Birthday! Wait no his birthday was coming up….His Birthday was coming up. He sat up and smiled thinking he figured it out, it had to be his birthday, it was silly, but he began to follow you around. All he saw was you cutting trees, shearing sheep, and bringing it to Robin. After a few days of playing spy and starting to wonder what was happening with Robin and your basement. One day he came home and noticed all his band equipment was gone, his heart was crushed, was he wrong about everything. “Sam? Is that you?” He heard you call from the basement. “Baby where are my drums…” He whines softly while making his way to you. “Come down here…I actually need your help…” Making his way down his heart exploded, there on the other side of the basement was a recording booth, an actual recording booth, you were sitting in the middle of his drum set all sprawled out. “I tried to set it up like you showed me….but I think I’m doing it wrong…” All Sam could do was hug you with tears in his eyes. “For me?” His head was buried in your shoulder, and you could feel the tears falling. “Sam baby, I-I’m sorry I'll get it fi-” He kissed you before you could finish. “I love you so much, Farmer.”
Sebastian: Your brain hurts staring at the screen, tabs upon tabs open. Lore about goblins, elves, healers, tanks, balancing encounters, and how to create a functioning story. Solarion Chronicles was so fun when Sebastion and Sam helped you with it, but now you are starting to think your mind will explode if you try to understand how to keep initiative in order. It paid off though a month later on Sebastian’s Birthday you had the home decked out, Sam helped you make food and drinks that are in Solarion Chronicles, and Abigail showed up for Sebastian and helped set up the map. Hearing Sebastian’s key in the door the three of you sprinted to your hiding spots, you pulled out a laser pointer and got your cat to help turn off the main light. “I’m back…You home baby?” He called out placing his helmet on the table next to the door and flicking on the light. “SURPRISE!” The three of you hopped out scaring Sebation a bit. “Holy Yoba!!! What's happ-” His voice trailed off looking around the house before his eyes landed on you three sitting around the coffee table, You behind the DM screen. “Roll for initiative, Sebby.” He smiled as he ran and hopped over the back of the couch landing next to Sam and Abigail with a soft comfy bounce, the three amigos ready for battle once again.
Shane: Shane was on the edge of the couch seat watching the Tunnelers play, it was a recording, but he loves Gridball and you loved seeing him happy. Looking over at him ready to set your plan into action, first things first get him to go to the kitchen and get “Napkins”. Reaching over to Shane to grab a slice of pizza, you ‘accidentally’ let it fall onto his shorts, you did the laundry anyway so fine with you. “Oop sorry Honey…” grabbing the remote pausing the game and pointing to the kitchen. “I ran out of paper towels but there are napkins in the top drawer, by the sink.” You said trying hard to keep an ‘I sowwy’ puppy face on. “It's alright, I would have done it if you hadn't.” He joked getting up and tossing the lost pizza towards the doggo. A grinch-like smirk crawled onto your face hearing the drawer open. “Baby there's no napkins just… Tickets?” He looked over at you like you had just told him to put shoes on his head. “Really? What kind of tickets~?” You asked letting him see your smirk. “What kind? Uhh” He looked at the tickets moving them a bit to focus his eyes. “They are….There Tunnelers Tickets!?!?” He was looking back and forth from ticket to you, ticket, you, ticket “Hold up this is next month!!?!” Back to you. “Really!! How did those get there!!” Giggles were pouring out of you now. “Why? What did I do?” He asked looking up at you. “One it's your birthday, two you have been a great help on the farm since Joja left.” Shane came back over to you pressing you into the couch and hugging you close and tight. “How did I get so lucky.”
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Hello love 🖤
Can I request an a-z fluffy hc for our big man Tangerine?
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hii luv!! ARFG OFC OFC!! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌 ps. that pic🫠
tangerine x implied female reader, 1.4k words
found lots of different templates, so I combined parts as wasn't sure
A = attractive (what do they find attractive about their partner?)
physically: feel like he's the kinda guy to like eyes. he's big on eye contact, so loves to look into your pretty eyes
mentally: I think he ironically likes morally good people. ones that are honest, selfless, kind. someone who has a good heart
B = baby (do they want a family? why/why not?)
I think yes, eventually, but because of work, there never seems to be the right time. if it happens, it happens. if it doesn't, it doesn't. but I don't think he's one to plan for one
C = cuddle (how do they like to cuddle?)
im thinking the ones when he leaves for work are his favourite. where you'd be standing by the door, arms wrapped around his middle, face in the crook of his neck, holding him tight. similarly, ones when he returns home and you're just so happy to see him
D = dreams (how do they picture their future with their S/O?)
I think the whole lot - married, kids, move somewhere when kids move out or when retire, then grow old and pruney together 
E = emotions (are they open with their emotions?)
absolutely not, but he tries. he tells you he loves you and how special you are etc, but doesn't often share things bothering him or on his mind - he tends to keep that part separate
F = feelings (when did they know they’re in love?)
I think probably very early on. maybe when he realised you could keep up with him and play along with his humour. or that you could see through him right away and not be afraid of him
G = gratitude (how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their S/O does for them?)
yes, beyond grateful!! appreciates everything you do at home to keep things running smoothly when he's away. loves your cooking, appreciates how you love and care for him. he tells you often with words, also with gifts
H = honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their S/O?)
frankly, I think he keeps lots hidden/ doesn't share the whole truth about things. definitely minimises them too - "only a scrape," and he got shot in the arm. he does it so he doesn't scare you or fill you with dread. but he definitely tries to be more open
I = injury (how would they react if you got hurt?)
if someone hurt you? immediate death. not even a logical thought in his brain (won't actually (well...) kill them, but would have a strong desire to) if you hurt yourself he's tell you to be more careful and would help patch yourself up
J = jealousy (do they get jealous? how do they deal with it)
HA HA yes. absolutely. he's gotten better at handling it tho!! bc he now knows that he takes you home at night, not some minger at a bar. he def tries to intimidate the person talking to/ hitting on you and stares them down til they take the hint and back off
K = kiss (how do they kiss you? how do they like to be kissed?)
im thinking slow and sloppy. again ones when you say goodbye (or when he returns home) ones that are filled with love
L = love (who says ‘I love you’ first?)
I think maybe you. he's loved you long before you admitted it, but he's not into getting rejected so he makes sure you feel the same way first (even though it's obvious you do)
M = memory (what’s their favorite memory together?)
when you first started dating and you surprised him at the airport to pick him up. just seeing your cute pretty face light up with love when you spot him
N = nickel (do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?)
you kidding??? baby, you're getting EVERYTHING you could ever want
O = on cloud nine (what are they like when they’re in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their feelings?)
completely smitten!! although he tries to keep your love life private, that face he makes when he's looking at you definitely gives it away. gets heart eyes, bc I say so
P = pet names (what pet names do they use?)
the best kinds. darling, love, honey, sweetheart, but not every syllable/ letter is pronounced bc his cockney accent - so like darling, with no g. it's an english thing so he says them all the time to everyone, but he has special ones that he only says to you or ways that he says them to just you - so they’re special
Q = questions (what are the questions they’re always asking?)
"im at the shop, do you want anything?" "where do you wanna go for dinner?" but he's not really one to ask philosophical questions
R = rainy day (what do they like to do on a rainy day?)
this is sfw so can't say what I usually would. but probs just movies on the sofa. maybe shared naps on the couch, or doing your own things in the same space - you reading, him filling out stuff on his laptop
S = support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?)
very very supportive. for you only, he's a great hypeman. encourages and pushes you along when you get stuck
T = talking (what do they like to talk about?)
I honestly don't think he enjoys talking that much. he's quite quiet and it can be comforting BUT.. again, he's english so complains about the shitty government all the time. idc if this is self-indulgent, but he hates the tories so he gets passionate about politics (absolutely no way that man is right wing)
U = understanding (how well do they know their partner? are they empathetic?)
he's the kind of person who listens when you don't think they are - he keeps catalogues of information about you in his brain, like your favourite childhood movie, your least favourite smell, all these simple facts about you - he remembers. he knows you better than you know yourself, so I do think he has a deep understanding of his partner. he's not necessarily empathetic all the time, but he has his moments where he is the sweetest
V = value (how important is the relationship to them? what is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
nothing else can or will ever compete or compare. you'd be the singularly most important thing to him, end of. he cares about his work and money ig, but when it comes down to the very core of it, none of that really matters
W = wedding (when, where, and how do they propose?)
I think both the proposal and wedding would be somewhere remote, quiet and intimate - somewhere that has meaning to you both. thinking late summer/ early autumn (he doesn't like the heat, so when it cools down)  
X = XOXO (how affectionate are they? in public/in private)
he's not one for pda but at the same time, he likes people knowing you're his - so a hand on your knee/ thigh, a hand around your waist, sitting close to you. not a fan of making out in public, but doesn't refrain from a quick kiss here and there if he really can't help himself
but in private..?? he's all over you. kisses, lingering touches on your back when he walks past, hugs you from behind when you're doing bits around the house
Y = yearning (how well do they cope when they’re separated from their S/O?)
not good. he gets all mopey when he doesn't see you for a while, but can't let that get in the way of work, so when he's back at the hotel or car or somewhere safe he sends you a text, asking how you are, what you're up to. he just hates being apart from you
Z = zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?)
dude, he will literally kill and die for you
would rather choke than admit he is wrong - but at the root of it, he is willing to confess to mistakes if things were to ever get too far
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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bendycxmet · 3 months
Under Your Spell—Vash the Stampede
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Summary: You are a top supporter of a trending camboy. What you don't know, is that that camboy is your friend and roommate, Vash.
Word Count: ~3.3k
Pairing: gn!reader x camboy!Vash the Stampede
Content: sexual content, nsfw, 18+ MDNI!, masturbation, edging, voyeurism, whiny vash, teasing reader
a/n: got the brainworms for camboy vash from @biancalattei and @awkwardchick87. my only solution was to put pen to paper.
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sharing an apartment with vash was a blessing. rent prices in the city drove you two to ultimately decide to room with each other. besides, you had known each other for years and decided that living with each other would be a breeze granted how well you two got along. 
you and vash had retired to your rooms for the night for quite some time now. its almost like routine. you claimed you wanted to rot in bed, watching your shows for a couple of hours before work the next day, leaving your spot beside him on the couch an hour before he resided to his room way down the hall for the night.
yes, the two of you were impossibly close, practically stuck at the hip now, but how could you ever tell him that you needed to go get off to your favorite camboy? that's a secret that will be carried to the grave. 
something about this camboy separated him easily from the rest. he had enough charm and personality that watching his streams never made you feel guilt or shame. the easygoing smile that graced his face like he actually enjoyed interacting with his fans, comments that would stream in faster than your eyes could catch, and his deep, rumbling laugh that almost acted as foreplay itself. it always felt like talking to a close friend. until he of course whipped it out. 
he was blessed with a gift, is all you could say. he was the perfect size all around, his cock long enough to only give pleasure without causing pain for your insides but thick enough that you can feel him fill you up. well, at least that's how you envisioned it in your fantasies. he was a pretty pink, the tapered tip a delightful rosy red. the wispy blond happy trail that led down to him was neatly kept. you imagined how it felt to touch him there before pleasuring him, feeling the soft, fine hairs between your fingers. 
his body was nothing but lean muscle, a full chest connected to hard, outlined abs, flexed arms and toned, thick thighs always clenching as he neared his climaxes. you never saw his face. or hands, hands that were covered with ruby leather gloves. for whatever reason that may be. you also were 100% certain that he wore some type of wig, a smart move you would say. maybe he had unique hair to match the rarity of the beautiful person he was. he also always sported a bunny mask that obscured his whole face, only leaving his lips for the audience’s viewing pleasure, which only fueled your fantasies more, his lips always pulled into a smirk or cute smile, sharp teeth on display, teeth meant to dig into your flesh- 
ok, you were getting sidetracked. you quickly tapped into your phone to play some music through your speaker, faking that you were occupied with something else that was not watching a man touch himself on camera for thousands to see. you plug your headphones into your computer and click on the hidden bookmark saved to immediately take you to his stream. 
please wait for the stream to begin.
read the loading screen. the chat was up and alive, discussing what he could possibly be doing for the night. you adjusted yourself on your bed, towel beneath you, toys to your left. you waited with bated breath, ready to hear his deep voice come through your headphones. 
“hello hello!  how are we all doing tonight? hope your week went well, my lovelies. but not too well. not without me, i hope.” you giggle, blushing slightly as you watch his sweatpant clad form come into frame, adjusting himself in his chair. you could never see anything past him, his room obscured in total darkness. you wish you could though, just to know what he was like. oh well, all that mattered was him. 
it was obvious that he had nothing on underneath his sweatpants, the hard outline of himself evident through the thin gray material. he was leaning casually back in his chair, leaning his head to the side onto his raised fist, chatting with his fans for a couple of minutes. it was obvious that everyone was getting antsy to see him pleasure himself. you shoot a quick comment into the void. 
his eyes light up instantly.
“hi bonbon721! good to see you’re here. as always.” he adds with a sly wink. you cover your face with your hands. he always says hello to you, but it never fails to fluster you. of course, you were one of his first fans, loyal and supportive even six months later. you had an eye for budding talent. more comments come in, greeting you. other fans also knew of you, mostly since you always commented witty remarks. your comment quickly begins to accrue upvotes. he laughs heartily.
“see what you started bonbon? ok, fine. let’s get started. can’t fault a guy for wanting to get to know you before taking you to dinner.” he quickly drags his pants down, his cock jumping out immediately to slap against his toned stomach. he draws in a quick inhale, the cold air hitting his sensitive length. 
always ready for us, huh big boy? 
his eyes catch onto your comment, a flush spreading throughout his body, a dribble of precum leaking from him. he averts his eyes for a split second, glad his mask obscures his embarrassed expression. although, nothing escapes your attention to detail. oh, had you pulled that reaction from him? the thought twists the coil in your stomach tighter, squeezing your legs together to quell the ache between them. 
he spreads his legs further on the chair, leather-clad fingers coming down to grasp himself. a shuddering sigh leaves him, head thrown back. 
“what would you like me to do today, chat?”
>obviously touch yourself.
>do u have a flshlght
>edge yourself until bonbon tells you to cum.
>agree ^
you choke on your spit, sending yourself into a coughing fit. what? huh?! had the chat been scheming before you clicked in for the night?
wait, why me???
>because you’re the top supporter silly. it’s the stream’s 6th month anniversary too. lets celebrate
>and besides, our boy here has you as his favorite~
before you can type your rejection of their logic, wanting everyone in the chat to receive the same love as you do, a dark chuckle interjects.
“well, we gotta give what the people want bonbon. what do you say? play around with me?” your fingers shake as they hover over the keyboard. you take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself, before clicking the keys.
you better hold out until i say so then.
you are so thankful that there is a screen separating the two of you, coming off as a bold and confident fan rather than the flustered, meek supporter that you actually are. 
a shaky laugh rings out into your headphones, the abrupt tightening of leather on skin hinting that he enjoyed that comment. well, enjoyed being bossed around, you had gathered from all the streams you have joined in on.
now fuck your fist like you mean it.
his hand comes up to the tip, circling it in tight circles, gathering the precum dribbling from the slit to ease the glide of the leather glove against his shaft. he twists his hand on the upstroke, wrist bending back and forth as he stroked himself. his free hand flew out to grab onto the desk on a particularly good twist of his dick, teeth digging into his bottom lip, preventing his moans from slipping out. a withering whine slips out however, thrashing his head to the side as if he could escape the euphoria thrumming through him, licking up his spine. the dings of the chat bring him somewhat back to reality.
open your eyes, pretty. remember your promise. not until i say so.
stop biting your lip and let us hear you. and keep your eyes on me. 
you type out your demands, adding one hand back in your pants. you’re already halfway there, seeing as this camboy always gets you hot and bothered just with his appearance. the chat has gone silent out of respect of you commanding him, the only thing notifying him that he and bonbon aren’t alone is the reactions floating in quick succession at the top of the comments tab. the instant he lets go of his lip, a stuttering moan comes flying out his mouth.
“‘s so good bonbon. please, let me cum. ‘m almost there.” if you could see his face, you would be able to see the blush covering it. for now, all you can see is the flush covering his chest and ears. oh. you can tell he feels good. 
got a couple more things i need you to do. cup yourself.
he lets go of the desk to grab his balls, hissing in despair at the onslaught of pleasure that shoots through his body. he arches his back, strengthening the hold he has on himself down there, bating his release. he whines loudly, hand releasing himself to quickly cover his mouth with his arm.
what did i say?
“i know i know im sorry. i just have…neighbors… that i dont want to disturb.” his eyes flit to his bedroom door, checking to see if you turned on the hallway light to check on him for that outburst. nothing. he breathes a sigh of relief. you must be asleep. or the walls are actually thick here. he sends a silent thank you to the construction people who built this building. 
dont want them knowing how good you feel? i certainly wouldn't mind hearing how good my hot neighbor is feeling tonight. maybe they’re doing the same thing as you right now. who wouldn’t?
you blush at that thought, imagining vash touching himself. damn the bathroom for separating your rooms. what you would give to hear that.
vash was in the same headspace, sharing similar thoughts. he moaned, imagining you touching yourself to his groans and whimpers. no way. you definitely didn't see him in that light. the movie binging you two indulged in every night could only last so long, you claiming you wanted some time to destress before bed, always leaving for bed before him. he relished whenever you two would touch knees, or when you would lean into his side, getting comfortable for the two-hour movie. recalling how you smelt of your body wash and detergent earlier tonight only serves to make his cock throb harder.
increase the pace.
dont have to tell him twice. he goes back into his rhythm, one hand down below, the other moving up and down his length, the rosy tip turning redder, implying his imminent release. gasps and groans ring out. his thighs shake with each upstroke, tears appearing on his waterline. he tries to blink them back, not wanting the chat, especially, bonbon, to see how easily worked up he is. he heeds your commands from earlier, keeping his eyes forward.
you giggle mischievouly, happy to be in control of such a beautiful man, one that follows every whim you can think of. the whine he lets out is comical, the tears trailing down his cheeks, appearing underneath his mask, hanging off his jawline. 
“noooo please have mercy! i don’t know how longer i can hold out for.”
tell us the story of how you tripped on your apartment steps again.
“seriously?? i can’t even think straight bonbon. all i can remember is a friend of mine nearly collapsing on the floor, laughing when they saw how pouty i was when i came to them for help.”
he never mentioned that detail before. funny, you had been in a similar scenario with vash a couple months ago. if you weren’t so horny in the moment, your confusion could have been a revelation.. 
ok, i kid. chat, is it time?
>god yes 
>i dont think i can hold out much longer either
>he looks so hot already
he waits in anticipation, entire body quaking in his chair. his eyes are fixated on the comments section, waiting for your command. 
come, my good boy.
a moan that can only be described as pornographic rips from his chest, his leathered hand stroking himself with a vigor you have yet to see so far in his streaming career. a shudder rips through you, your hand flying to your toy to put it to work. you wanted to be right there with him when he came. 
he begins to blabber, hinting at his cresting release. “ohh my godd so good baby. so go-” his voice hitches, ending an octave higher. you see his eyes squeeze shut through the slits in the mask, jaw dropping open. his body seizes completely, a rumbling groan echoing into his room as he shoots ropes of cum all over his red gloves, his thighs, and his stomach. he whines as he continues to squeeze out the last remnants of his orgasm, lip quivering over gritted teeth. 
it’s almost as if you're there with him, your toy quickly buzzing your release to life, collapsing backward onto your bed, eyes rolling back into your head. you could've sworn that groan rang out closer to you than just in your ears…
you feel the towel beneath you become moist, the cool sensation pulling you back to your dimly lit room. you feel slow, ears ringing from your release, and begrudgingly pull yourself up. it feels as if you’re swimming underwater, floating. the light creeps back into your vision, eyes blinking until it clears enough for you to see the computer screen again.
holy. shit. your eyes widen, hands coming up to cover your mouth. vash is laying back in his chair, still recovering from his release. white is streaked across his thighs, droplets of his release streaming down the thick muscle while pools of his cum stay gathered in the valleys between his defined stomach. he’s panting loudly, small groans interspacing each exhale. you look down at yourself, realizing that you too have made a mess rivaling his own.
>yall seeing this????
>that has to be the most he’s cum in a looong time. maybe ever.
>new kinks discovered?? 
vash lolls his head back forward, reading the flurry of teasing statements. post-nut clarity hits him full force, and he laughs loudly out of shock and overall astonishment. “you might be right chat. i haven’t felt like that since i was a hormonal teenager. bonbon–you did something to me.”
you scream behind your hands after quickly typing your response.
you did so good for me. for us. thank you
now go shower. you’re gonna be sticky soon enough
he sighs, feeling the ecstasy leak from his body. tonight turned out better than he could of ever hoped. “yeah yeah i know. ok everyone. wow. 20 minutes flew by huh? for me it did at least. but have a good night everyone. happy anniversary! lets chat again next week. love and peace!”
>love and peaceeee
>good night king
>sleep tight my cumlord~
he gets up from his chair, pulling his sweatpants back on. you rub your hands on your face. maybe you'll shower too. usually you didn't make such a mess of yourself, but tonight was definitely an exception. you’re about to close out of the tab when you see he is still streaming. he doesn’t seem to realize though, perhaps still feeling the effects from his orgasm. you watch as he takes his gloves off, teeth pulling at the red material. you lean forward, happy to see a new part of himself. you still. 
right as he pulls his right hand from his glove, a glint of silver catches your eye. a ring with engraved flowers sits on his ring finger. a ring…you had given him for his birthday this year. 
he glances up, and jumps slightly. “whoops, missed the end call button. alright, night for real guys.” he waves, before the screen goes black.
you sit there in silence, the desk lamp in the corner the only thing illuminating your dark space. you shake your head. maybe it’s a coincidence. it's not like that ring is the only one to exist in its style. even though you found it at your local farmers market. from a local seller. you decide a shower is desperately needed. as you exit your room, you head for the bathroom next door, tip-toeing as to not wake vash-
vash who steps out from his room right as you reach the bathroom. you shriek. he shrieks. 
“what are you doing up?! i thought you went to bed an hour ago?!” he questions you. you see he makes a move to cover himself, but not before you catch onto several things that are lit from the LEDs in his room. 
he’s shirtless. wearing only gray sweatpants. your ring sits on his right hand, the hand that's moving desperately to clean cum from his stomach. your eyes then catch onto the bunny mask that’s sitting on his bed behind him.
you start screaming. he starts screaming. “WHAT WHAT IS SOMETHING BEHIND ME?!” he whips around, putting himself between you and the potential threat. 
he turns back around and grabs your shoulders. “hey, slow down. what are you talking about?”
“im bonbon721… from your streams-” your eyes are tightly shut but you dare a peek at him. he’s as white as a sheet. or as his cum from earlier.
“i. um. dont knoww. what you’re talking about-” he stutters.
“oh don’t bullshit me vash. i see the mask behind you. i know you cam. and you’re damn good at it too. no wonder you have thousands of subscribers.”
you can feel the heat radiating off of him. he swallows, and drops his hands from your shoulders, down to your hands. “you don't think…it’s gross?”
vash had kept this secret to himself. he really liked you but was afraid you would see him differently for jerking himself off in front of a camera for strangers. you had always shared secrets with each other since you were young, but this was one he hesitated to share.
“what? of course not. i respect the hustle. plus-” you hesitate. if you were to finish your sentence, it would change your relationship with vash. but you see the pleading look in his eyes, and realize how much of a fool you were for him. you already came this far, especially when you admitted you were bonbon, his top supporter. “-it’s kinda hot,” you finish with a whisper.
he’s relieved, all his previous worries off his shoulders. his shoulders sag, and he leans down onto your shoulder. goosebumps break out on your skin from his proximity. he smells like sex and sweat.
“you did a good job. i wasnt lying when i said i’ve never cum like that before in over a decade.” he releases your hands, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you closer. you relax into his touch, massaging the muscles of his back. “wanna know something?” he whispers in your ear. you can only hum. “in all my streams, i always think of you when i touch myself.” he gives your ear a lick as he pushes into you slightly, making you feel how hard he is. again. 
you cry out at his confession, pushing his chest back to look at him at arms length. he’s completely smug, head tilted, smirk kept back by the sharp canines digging into his bottom lip. he looks at you from top to bottom, seeing the light sheen on your legs. 
“i liked being bossed around, more now knowing it was you doing it. mind if we do it again?”
you feel hot. who would dare refuse an offer like that? 
“why not? but let's take a shower. it’ll save us some time, especially once i’m done with you.” you push him backward, kicking the bathroom door shut behind you.
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a/n: you have been subjected to me having too much fun with a fic. i got in a silly goofy mood while slutting this man out. thank you everyone! teehee xoxo
Part 2!
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hi~ can I request "committed relationship with lookism boys" headcannons (such as samuel, jake, gun, eli)? Sorry if it's too much and thank you in advance! 💙
Hi anon, thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay! Of course you can but how dare you leave off our Goofy and also Viiiin. I've got quite a few hc floating around (latest one here for almost everyone). Let's do committed committed though.
Do I have to mention that I hc most of the Lookism guys as romantics in their own way?
Lookism Boys in committed relationships (longer term etc.)
The usual - Sammy, Jake, Gun, Eli, Goo, Vin
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Samuel Seo
Being in a committed relationship, or really a relationship at all isn't something he has thought much about but with the right person it can work.
He wants the whole thing - engagement, marriage, kids.
Proposal would be something more traditional and romantic than you would expect.
Likely booking out the fanciest restaurant, enjoying a candlelit dinner followed shortly with Sammy down on one knee with a diamond ring the size of your fist.
Honestly, everything would be a little bit of a spectacle. Used as much to express his love to you as well as his power and status so it's not going to be quiet or chill.
Wants someone that will stay by his side and wants all the formalities to go with it.
The piece of paper saying you're legally married, in sickness and in health, for better or worse would mean a lot to him, though he would never express it.
As always with this guy, fingers crossed he's had a buttload of therapy especially before any kids come along.
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Jake Kim
Hmm, let's leave anything longer term until after he retires from Big Deal.
Obviously a romantic, though he does not want a repeat of his dad, where he leaves you at home and he's off gallivanting doing gangster shit.
It goes without saying but to clarify: Jake is a one woman man. If he's in a relationship with you, nothing will ever make him turn his head.
Like Sammy, wants to experience everything with you by his side. The marriage, the kids, the growing old together.
As the head of Big Deal though, he knows that he would not be able to give you the attention you deserve.
Doesn't ask you to wait for him, he could never get in the way of your happiness though he desperately wishes that you would.
And of course you do, it's Jake!
Meeting his mother, that force of a woman, wife of Gapryong Kim, might be the most intimidating experience of your life. You leave in awe and a little in love with her yourself.
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Gun Park
Actually did think marriage would be on the cards, although one of convenience rather than love.
(It would come as a very pleasant and welcome surprise that his life turns out that way.)
If it was an arranged/convenient marriage then you'll barely see him tbh. And he would expect an open marriage.
If Gun loves you, then this guy is traditional as hell in a committed relationship, and a romantic too.
Will get you a gifts sent to your work, bouquet of roses, or just buy you something because it reminds him of you. Remembers anniversaries and make sure there is something special prepared.
That antique necklace you said you liked in passing? It's on your pillow the next day. That place you said you wanted to see? You're going that weekend.
Yes to engagement, yes to marriage, yes to kids.
The proposal would be something very specific and sentimental to you both. The wedding, less so. He has a lot of customs he would need to follow being head of the Yamazaki Clan and Gun being who he is.
With kids, doesn't matter what gender, Gun would mould them to be his masterpiece.
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Eli Jang
Quite honestly didn't expect a long term or committed relationship to be on the cards. (He should really be focusing on Yenna instead of gallivanting around playing loan shark with 5A - ahem).
Most responsible parents would take a while before introducing you to their kid, but with Eli - has the vibe that oh shit something has come up with 5A and will dump Yenna on you.
What can I say, it's been obvious that this guy's logic and critical thinking isn't his strong point.
Doesn't really care for all the formalities of long term relationships, the expectation of marriage but isn't opposed to it. Besides, it would be good to have the extra bit of added stability for Yenna.
Would have a small intimate wedding with just the nearest and dearest.
Likely to also get a couples tattoo too (have you seen the H on his FOREHEAD? That guy is BOLD.)
Can't imagine him actually wanting more kids, the first time round was traumatic enough.
However, if you really want more then he will consider it. Especially because it would be pretty cute for Yenna to be the older sis.
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Goo Kim
Hard to get this guy to commit to you in the first place. He generally only has one thought: mind on his money and money on his mind.
Will be hard for this guy to admit his feelings for you, and whether he truly misses you or if it's just his clingy nature.
Once in a relationship, expect to be spoiled. What's the point of making all this if you can't enjoy it? And even though the gifts might not be to your taste (and in all honesty, pretty ostentatious), it's the thought that counts.
With long term plans, Goo is pretty easy-going and happy to go with the flow.
If you want to get married, just say the word. A little backyard wedding or hiring the most expensive wedding in Seoul - go for it.
Want a lil sparkle on your ring finger or none at all, also fine too.
Hint: best wedding present for him? Get him some swords.
Fence-sitter with kids, but if you want them then he can be swayed. Let's just enjoy more of our youth and our freedom first.
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Vin Jin
Ahhh he's a secret cheeseball. Although maybe it's not so secret. He is SOFT for you, in his own standoffish way. Thinks he's cool about it but it's obvious to everyone.
Doesn't think too much long term and doesn't feel the need to get married. He's committed to you, he shows you, he tells you and feels that that's enough.
More likely for you guys to get hitched with a quickie wedding where you may or may not be drunk.
And then the morning after and nursing a hangover, Vin thinks huh. This is sorta nice.
You guys don't really do the engagement ring or wedding ring thing. There'll be something just as sentimental like a couples necklace.
Besides, who wouldn't be able to tell you're together with your constant couple outfits.
Kids? Ehh. Vin likes the idea of them but not the responsibility. If it'll happen, it'll happen.
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nicolesainz · 9 months
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Tricks and champions (SV5)
Sebastian Vettel x f!reader
Summary: Retired Sebastian means he’s all the time at your house, hanging with your father ever so casually. There no denying that even with an age gap, you two fancy each other but try to keep it low key. What happens though when you become a passenger in one of Seb’s crazy rides?
warnings: massive sexual tension, angst, fluff, age gap
"God's sake Y/n, go put on something more decent. Sebastian is coming over." My dad said before I could even walk down the stairs. What a nice way to wake up.
"Good morning to you as well dad." I roll my eyes and walk up again to put on some jeans since he so politely asked.
I look through my wardrobe thrice in order to find a fitting one that won't have my dad raging over it. I finally manage to find one that not only won't have my dad protesting over it, but certainly will have Seb staring at my ass for quite some time.
The bell rings as I am trying to put on some light make up. A touch of red lipstick and a hint of eyeliner is what a girl needs at 10 am after a night of doing tequila bodyshots off her best friend.
Its insane how the entire night I was thinking of Sebastian, dancing with me in the middle of the club, his hands all over my body, holding me firmly and laying kisses on my neck, leaving marks of his ownership on me.
But it's a pity this was only a fantasy. Even though many guys came up to me to make their move, I rejected them easier than the way colleges reject my brother's applications. Sebastian was probably with my dad again, showing off his brand new Porsche 718 Boxster, a gift that he got from his former teammate Mark Webber.
"Y/n, can you come down for a moment please?" My father shouts and I clench my fists in annoyance. I swear to god if he asks me to be a servant again and make him coffees every now and then I will spit in one of them.
I walk down the stairs one more time and I can see in my father’s eyes the relief of me wearing something decent, more importantly my eyes fall on Sebastian who is scanning my body for head to toe, giving enough attention to my slightly showing cleavage after wearing the push up bra.
“Good morning Sebastian. How can I help you dad?” I say in a very polite manner, crossing my arms under my breasts, enhancing the volume and shocking Sebastian even more.
I know it’s filthy, I know it’s dirty. He’s 36 and I am 21, but it’s not my fault Sebastian is an extremely handsome man, with beautiful blue eyes, soft blonde curls and a mustache that not only makes him very fuckable but also fitting to my type.
“Actually, Sebastian was looking for volunteers to test out his new car. He wants a passenger so he can try out some new tricks he’s learned or test some he already knows from the formula one car.”
“And since you were always very keen on sports cars, I thought you’d be very fitting for the job. What do you say?” Sebastian adds after my dad, and all I do I smirk at the idea of him flexing his racing abilities whilst I am teasing him so badly.
“Of course! I’d be more than happy to help you out!” I smile and exclaim proudly, whilst putting on my jacket.
“We will talk in three hours. Y/n, behave yourself, I know you’re a lady and obey to what Sebastian tells you to do” Oh I for sure will obey to his commands. Whether that’s me praising his skills or sucking his dick.
“Let’s go! The track is clear now and I’m allowed free access.” He grabs his keys and we walk outside together.
“Wait, what do you mean track? The Nürburgring? Really?” I reply shocked and Sebastian nods excitingly.
“Oh god you’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?” I say with fear in my voice, once we get into his Porsche, Seb’s hand lands softly on my inner thigh, caressing it.
“Oh no Liebling, I would never hurt you. At least not like that.” His grip is more intense, as I flinch but do not remove his hand from my thigh. The touch is affecting me more as I feel my cunt slightly watering with the thought of his fingers inside me.
“Not like that? You have other plans Vettel?” I look at him and with a twist of my body, my breast slightly show even more now, my bra almost popping out. That causes Seb to groan a bit as his eyes land on them and then swerve back on the street.
“Let’s just say my torturing methods include pleasure. And especially when it comes to you.” His hand moves up more than it should, caressing up and down my fully clothed womanhood. Oh dear god that feels good and you can barely tell his touching me.
“And who says I’ll allow you to torture me?” I softly moan accidentally and try to bring myself back into my senses.
“You heard your father. Obey to what I say.” he lowered his voice and I gulped hardly. For most, Sebastian was a sweetheart but who said he wasn't a secret devil?
Once he removed his hand and placed it back on the wheel, I instantly regretted on agreeing at this ride. He is a massive soft spot for me and I am way too vulnerable when I am with Sebastian.
He knows me ever since I was a kid and he was rocking the formula one world by winning four consecutive world championships with red bull. Even though he retired last season, I still see him as one of my favourite drivers.
And I see him as my secret temptation as well.
Sebastian always told me that I would have a bright future in motorsport. Whenever me and my dad would visit him during the race weekend, I’d always spit random facts or stats just to show of my intelligence.
I will never forget the moment when Sebastian won this third world championship in Brazil and after he got out of the car, the first person who he hugged outside of his team was me. He picked me up, because I was wearing a jersey with the phrase “Weltmeistet 2012!” Followed by a picture of him, posing with the infamous index finger.
The exact one he dares to finger me with if I misbehave.
Luckily, my house is close to the circuit, so in less than 20 minutes we have arrived. The gates are fully open and we pull up from behind the garages, whose gates are open and probably have been since 2020.
When he enter the pit lane and the bar is open as well, he drives slowly all the way to the start-finish line. We sit there in silence for a moment before Sebastian looks at me with a devilish look in his eyes.
“I need you to be completely honest with me. I need to know if grandpa Seb still has it in him.” He says and a giggle escapes my lips with the characterization he used for himself. Grandpa.
Daddy? Sure. Not Grandpa though.
“Come on Seb. You’re not that old. You left Formula One a year ago. I don’t think a four times world champion gets rusty this easily.” I reply to his statement with all honesty.
“I’m not old enough to fuck you sweetheart. But to pull the tricks you’re about to witness, maybe.” I gasp at his comment and my eyes widen. Did he really say what I heard?
He turns on the engine once again and the quickly speeds through turn one but instead of drifting, I feel the car balancing on Seb’s side only.
“Stay still schatz.” He says, fully focused on the road.
I am even trying to hold my breath, besides my balance. What is he doing?
The car steadies itself back after turn 4 and speeds once again without breaking through turns 5 up to 7. After that, he breaks slightly and the car swerves at the front and drives with the two front wheels only.
“Are you trying to get us killed? What did I ever do to you?” I hold on to my seatbelt as Sebastian laughs out, trying to be extremely careful simultaneously.
“For you my dear, death with be slow and sweet. Don’t you worry.” I don’t know what is going on inside his mind and whether I like it or not.
Thankfully at turn 12, we balance once again and I let out a loud sigh. Slowly the drives up to turn 13 when I suddenly notice a ramp in the middle of the straight, closing on turn 16.
Sebastian fully floors the speed and I shut my eyes, as I feel the car levitating from the ramp, but surprisingly not falling down as abruptly as I imagined, drifting into turn 17 and then straight to the start-finish line once more.
Once I open my eyes, I look next to me and Sebastian is eyeing me with a raised eyebrow, waiting for my reaction.
“If that was your plan to kill me, then I’m glad it didn’t work. Nevertheless, I was surprised and weirded out on how you know all these tricks. Also, I was a bit fascinated, not going to lie.”
“Do you really thought I was going to kill you? My baby? I’m not as cruel as you think. And thank you for the compliments.”
“You didn’t answer my question. Who taught you these tricks?”
“I think the person you should refer to, is your father.” He unbuckles his seatbelt so he can turn to face me more comfortably.
“And yet true. Why do you think we are this close? Near death experiences bring people together.” He winks at me and my eyes roll all the way back to my fluttering heart.
“My old man has impressed me.”
“And now it’s time for this old man to as well.”
“Weren’t these tricks enough?”
“So you want me to stop then baby?”
“No. Definitely not.”
“So definitely not huh? Haven’t seen you this sure about something ever since you decided to dump this pathetic boy of yours. And I still don’t know the reason why.”
“If only you could look inside my thoughts.”
“I can look inside your thighs if you want me to.”
“Is that an offer Vettel?”
“More like a statement, but take it however you like. As long as it comes true.”
Sebastian brings his face closer to mine, his lips are ghosting over mine and his hot minty breath filling my lungs with joy and extreme desire. His tongue swipes my lower quivering lip and a moan is my reaction to his actions.
“Care to share your thoughts darling?”
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spacesapphi · 2 months
HES Trio Headcanon Time! (HCs below the cut, this is a long one)
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TW for mentions of bullying, death, parental death, car accident, drinking, and neglect
- he's 30yrs old and 6'0, very lanky and tall and covered in freckles. His hair is curly too!
- HC for his voice has to be Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, just has that romantic voice that fits him so well
- his family is of Irish descent and his last name is Lillis, which he finds sounds VERY romantic!
- growing up he was so obsessed with classical literature that he would often pretend his life was a novel, narrating his daily life in his head
- LOVESSSS pride & prejudice, Phantom of the Opera, and Les Mis, he'll talk your ear off about them if you let him
- was unfortunately bullied a lot for his interests growing up, even at home. He tried not to let it dampen his spirit, but it was difficult. He channels a lot of that pain into his writing
- his parents never really respected his hobbies, and his brothers weren't that kind in general. Elliot often felt alone in his house, like he was a misunderstood outcast that didnt have anyone. One of his favorite book series as a kid was Anne of Green Gables, as he connected to her feeling out of place and different from everyone around her
- pretty much canon, but he's a lightweight. One drink and he's GONE. Hes gets silly and giggly when he's drunk too
- he's autistic (I feel like everyone in the HES trio is) and his special interest is around literature, specifically romance literature. Anytime he sees something notable happen in town, or a couple do anything he goes "Oh this is just like x character in x book!" And he'll infodump about the story to anyone who will listen (usually Leah or Penny)
- he gets along well with Penny and shes actually been his test reader and editor for many of his published pieces! He always puts her name in the "special thanks" section
- takes much pride in his appearance, especially his hair. Before the farmer arrived he was the one practically keeping Pierre in business for self care products because he REFUSED to go to Joja bc "Do you know how many CHEMICALS are in those things?!"
- maladaptive daydreamer for sure. He gets frustrated with the way he cant stop daydreaming, and how music always seems to intensify it. On one hand, it gives him ideas for his writing, on the other it makes it hard for him to interact with others. When he's home alone in his cabin, Finding him pacing around, listening to his favorite CDs and records is common
- his love language is sentimental gifts. They don't need to be elaborate or expensive grand gestures. If you mention loving a certain food he'll make it for you, he'll get you things in your favorite color just to make you smile. Hes a very sweet man!
- he has a beautiful laugh!
- wears dangly earrings all the time. He likes very sparkly ones with jewels, ones that make him feel like he's in a romantic period piece. He has a killer collection of them!
- he's 35yrs old and 6'2, though you can't tell because he's often slouched over (bad habit, he knows. His back hurts all the time). He's a chubby guy too, which makes him feel self conscious, but he learns to love himself :)
- My HC for his voice is Simon Petrikov, specifically the way he speaks in Fiona and Cake, I cannot imagine it any differently LMAO
- Harveys family is of Italian descent and his last name is Russo!
- grew up with just his mom and grandpa. His mom was a doctor and his grandpa was a retired pilot who helped spark his love for flying. He died when Harvey was 12, leaving some model planes and that radio he keeps in his office to him with a note telling him to always reach for the skies.
- Harvey has a bit of a lisp, and spent a lot of time in speech therapy as a kid. Words with lots of "s" sounds are tricky for him
- he actively went through so much testing to be a pilot, but when he got to the actual flight test where he had to get into a plane he got so anxious he threw up and ran away
- he realized then and there that he couldnt do it, and it was a hard reality to face. A lot of crying, and a lot of struggling to accept his dream wasn't attainable. He felt like he was letting his grandpa down, but his mom promised he wasn't
- when he decided to go to medical school, he couldn't decide what his focus was going to be to save his life, he changed it constantly. It took about two years to land on primary care physician and even then he still kept researching other tracks. This would come in hand once he got to pelican town and became the only doctor
- often too exhausted to cook for himself, which is why he buys so much processed food. Shane gives him a lot of shit for it every time he sees him at JojaMart ("don't say SHIT to me at my next checkup if you're going to buy that")
- his eyesight is so bad. He can't see a foot in front of him without his glasses. He's also incredibly clumsy and falls and breaks them often (I mean where did you THINK all those broken glasses you were fishing up were from?)
- like Elliot, was a victim of bullying in school, especially highschool :( Nerdy guy with a plane interest that stuck to himself was unfortunately a prime target, and he found himself in a rough situation. It actually got so bad that he took a special test to be able to graduate early so he didn't have to deal with it anymore. He passed it in tenth grade, and put all his energy into studying to be a pilot until he was old enough to join courses for it
- his mom was his biggest advocate, and was regularly down at his school to yell at administration for letting the bullying get that bad. She loved her son more than anything and would do anything for him. She was the one to suggest testing out of school, not wanting him to go through all of that for years.
- hes still close with his mom, and they regularly call and write letters to each other to keep up. Since Harvey lives so far now, they mostly meet up on important days like birthdays, holidays, and to go visit his grandfather's grave every once in a while
- he's 30yrs old and 5'7, and he hates both of those facts. Being the shortest man in town and one of the oldest single ones is a bit of a blow to his self esteem. He's pretty bulky too, a combination of muscle from working on the ranch and as a stocker, and fat from drinking and diet
- I go back and forth on his voice HC constantly, but I like the common fan interp of him sounding kinda like Nick Miller from new girl, it fits too well
- Shane is Pennsylvania Dutch on his mothers side and his last name (along with Marnies) is Yoder!
- that being said he knows very little of the PA Dutch language, though Marnie speaks it fluently. He has a bit of an accent from growing up with her
- croc wearer, don't tell me otherwise. He has a few everyday pairs, a fur lined pair for when it gets cold, and what he calls his "formal Crocs" (literally just black Crocs with bowtie jibbits this man is so fucking corny). He has normal shoes too, like sneakers and boots for the winter and work, but nothing beats his Crocs
- Jas has tried to call him dad a few times, but it makes him sad. He doesn't feel good enough to deserve that title, and he feels like he'd be disrespecting his friends by trying to take it over.
- Was in the accident that killed her parents. They took him out to celebrate his 25th birthday, going to a Tunnelers game. They were hit by a reckless driver going far above the speed limit on the way back home, and he was the only one who made it. One moment Shane was having the time of his life with his best friends in the world, the next he's waking up in the hospital finding out they're gone. As a result, his birthday has become a bit of a sore subject, hence why he "was hoping he'd forget" anytime he gets a birthday gift
- his leg got really hurt in the accident, and though its healed, he still often needs compression braces to deal with chronic pain from it. Working at Joja and on the ranch aren't exactly low impact after all
- Marnie is his only bio family thats alive and on speaking terms with him. She practically raised him for the most part, with his dad gone and mother having passed when he was little. His mother was Mona, the same Mona from the cemetery. She was Marnies twin sister, and the photo in secret note 11 is her and baby shane.
- He and Emily were childhood bestfriends growing up, and dated in highschool. They realized after about a year that they just worked better as friends though, and remain besties to this day
- he's transgender he told me himself
- Marnie was also incredibly supportive of his transition and she's fiercely protective of him. He may technically be her nephew but she sees him more as a son and thus goes full mama bear when it comes to him
- even though he doesn't take great care of himself, he makes sure jas is well taken care of, especially after he starts recovery. His clothes may be threadbare and worn, and he may look like he hasn't slept in a year, but Jas will *always* have everything she could ever need... and want. Ngl he kinda spoils her a little, especially after he cuts back and can afford it more. He feels bad saying no to her given all that she's gone through. She has a doll collection that could make the most avid collectors jealous
- he makes sure he spends time with her too, taking days off for festivals because she wants him there, taking the day off for her birthday, and trying his best to be there for her. It's an upward struggle for him to get better so he can be there for her, but he's trying
- after Joja closes down, Marnie offers him a full time job at the ranch, including pay and board. He takes the offer IMMEDIATELY, and does an amazing job at it. She's certain she'll be leaving the ranch to him once she's retired
- if you want to get him to do anything, tell him him it involves chickens in some way. Chickens are his special interest for SURE. Chicken print socks, corny puns, joke tshirts, he has it all. He practically becomes the organizer of the Egg Festival yearly once he's started recovery, putting a crazy amount of work into it to make sure it goes well. Same with the Valley Fair's petting zoo. The amount of pride he gets talking about the animals to tourists is unmatched, and it's one of the few times Marnie gets to see him look as happy as he did before the accident. Those moments are fleeting, but everytime she can see that light in his eyes she feels like everything will be ok.
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raapija · 9 months
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Strollonso headcanons that haunt me:
They got together in 2018, Lance had just turned 20 and Fernando was 37.
Lance was the first person to settle Fernando down as he was previously known as a bit of a playboy.
They had to keep the relationship secret as both of them would be accused of corporate espionage. (especially not a good look on Fernando... remembering spygate) The rules were changed later in 2021 when Fernando signed with Alpine.
During Fernando's time off from F1, they came out and it was a bit of a scandalous affair. The media tried to drag Lance but Fernando went on a full-on campaign to support him so they moved on from it in a few weeks.
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Fernando buys little gifts for him all the time and Lance pretends to be annoyed but actually loves it.
They mostly talk in English, but occasionally slip into French which sounds like complete nonsense to everyone else because of their accents. But they understand each other perfectly fine.
They got married in 2023 during the summer break. It was a small wedding with just family and some close friends. Lance's parents wanted a Jewish wedding, Fernando's family a Christian wedding. They ended up with a civil officiate to stop them from fighting.
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They have two dogs; a shiba inu named Nyla and a golden retriever named Rósa. They treat them like their own kids and they often travel with them to the races.
Lance will tell you that they're polar opposites in their personality; he is quiet and more reserved, Nando is a chatterbox and slightly insane. Fernando thinks it's the other way around (delusion).
They would want to have a family but both of them are too stubborn to retire and become a home dad, so, it's on hold.
When Lance is around, Fernando is banned from practicing any kind of magic tricks as it makes Lance feel dumb for not figuring them out and Nando refuses to tell him how they work.
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They have an ongoing bet on which one of them turns gray first. It's currently almost tied and Lance is worrying he's going to lose. (<- suspects Nando of cheating and dying his hair)
They mainly stay in Canada at Lance's or Switzerland at Fernando's house, but spend at least the minimum time in Monaco for taxes 💅 Also Spain. And thinking about Japan, bc Nando is obsessed with the country.
Every formal function they're invited to, Lance has to be dragged in like a cat refusing to go in a bathtub.
They've done Daytona 24h together, with Lando as their 3rd team mate.
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Lance has a bad habit of forgetting jewellery everywhere and losing rings all the time which is why Fernando peppers him with pretty things. It also causes Fernando to wear both their wedding rings to keep Lance's safe. Lance would never forgive himself if he lost it.
Every time Fernando comes back from the karting school, he recites the whole day back to Lance and updates him on all the kids' progress. When they have small competitions, Lance helps as a race director.
Lance has a lot of hockey jerseys and Fernando wears them all the time. Lance is prohibited from touching Fernando's football shirts.
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