#mana map updates
wings-of-flying · 2 years
love being able to fill in a whole section of the Mana map in just black. not at all concerning that there's an entire sea that's just evil goop. this isn't making me realise how much destruction that would've caused. i'm experiencing normal things
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ex-coelis · 1 month
- more Ferin lore (relations with aster etc)
- more on ava and how she acted
- all of the undersea!!
- the elders in general: what the fuck
- what has arlin been up to all this time and can chip ever heal from this point on
- meeting more of the navy admirals, do they all suck bad style
- visiting the horsea
- prices whole deal, I really hope we get to see him again
- Jazz pirates, same as above
- navy vs pirate war baby!!
- more about the goddesses and the creation of mana
- LEVIATHANS: more on their significance to the undersea, what is their true power
- extension of last entry what the fuck the navy trying to do with the leviathans
- more on the pirate lords
- what happened during the shadowskull massacre; how did shaddowbeard die and was Bellum tied up in that
- how did finn get turned into a bird
- how did drey get caught and turned into the BLOCK
- kira lore kira lore
- is Eden a traitor or is she really just trying to help
- all other canon locations on the Mana map that haven't been visited ofc
- what did chip do between the black sea incident and meeting price? how did the two meet?
- how did Jayson and may meet (this one's self indulgent and not important I just need to know okay)
- what was the navy doing in the undersea that one time
- how much does the feywild affect mana
- goobleck update the people need to know
- Felipe update too
- chosen one reveal
- black rose pirate reunion as mach as possible
- black sea, can it ever get better
- magic tree! please save my girl may Ferin I love her
- elusive crawfish
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tineymang · 7 months
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i finished doing an updated reference of my explorers of sky team!! these guys live rent free in my head i like them a lot (some fun facts under the cut because i have too much to say about them)
was found by mello passed out on the beach, with no memories other than their name, and the fact they were once human…
had the scars on their horn and fin from the moment they woke up on the beach, and never figured out why they had them until they went to dark crater
the main navigator and also the cartographer of the group! they carry the wonder map with them, along with a feather pen and paper for mapping out the floors of mystery dungeons
was originally always the leader, but often now they will switch between themselves and mello depending on the situation
came up with the team name! they think it is very cool and nobody else except for mello agrees.
has a habit of rushing into fights without thinking, so they often need to duck behind mello for cover when things get dicey
only stores light things in their bag, like their paper and a few healing items in case of an emergency. they will also often hold onto items that need to be delivered to clients so they don't get mixed up with other equipment
they offered to carry mello's bag once and were immediately squished by it, and now they are permanently banned from carrying anything heavy.
formed a team with circuit after the two joined wigglytuff's guild together
a lighter color than most mudkip! the 'splotchy' or spotty patterns she has are also a common trait of water types, possibly because it helps them blend into the water more
her gills are curved and her head fin is longer than normal, which causes it to fold over because of the extra weight. these are only aesthetic differences, and don't affect anything about their functionality!
keeps track of the job requests, usually has a bulleted list she keeps on her. likewise she also keeps an eye out for the items and/or pokemon they need to find in dungeons
has a fascination with all things ancient and mysterious. she has a growing collection of aged books, even in subjects she doesn't have much interest in.
also enjoys collecting various odd objects, and souvenirs from the places she's been! she decorates sharpedo bluff with them.
originally carried the bulk of items they found in dungeons, but after luna joined mello now only carries equipment (orbs, scarves, etc.), while luna carries treasure (boxes, poke, etc.)
one of her favorite hobbies is reading, she finds it's a good way to wind down after an exploration. recently, she has taken up journaling as well.
met circuit and mello when they explored sky peak together, and she joined the team soon after!
grew up in a colder climate, hence their extra fur
trained at marowak dojo following her joining the team, in an attempt to match the levels of circuit and mello. her brown bow is from marowak!
handles inventory management, took over for circuit who did it prior. she insists she doesn't mind, she finds it satisfying to do.
doesn't speak very often, except to people that they're comfortable with. because of her easygoing nature, she's often the first one other members of the team come to for advice!
has their own home where they live by themselves, but they stay at sharpedo bluff enough that they consider it their second home
one of her favorite spots is spinda's cafe, they enjoy sitting down and crowd watching. mello likes to join her sometimes!
stripe exclusively holds onto healing items like reviver seeds, so they're able to quickly grab one if someone is in a pinch.
joined the team after they came to sharpedo bluff to return to the place they hatched!
has the same kind of splotchy patterning as mello! this is only by pure coincidence, though.
circuit and mello are very protective of mana following their illness when they were young, but they insist they are able to handle themselves.
has the occasional mischievous streak in which they find it entertaining to intentionally scare their parents. i wonder who they get that from…
being the most recent recruit to team epic squad, mana is still figuring out exactly where their specialties lie. but that doesn't mean they're not trying their best!
never quite figured out who exactly it was that left mana's egg alone in the middle of the ocean. circuit has some strongly worded things to say to them if they ever encountered them.
they view mello and circuit as their parents, and walrein is more like an uncle to them. they still see walrein on occasion when he comes to visit treasure town!
carries no bag, only their defense scarf. circuit and mello worry about them straining themselves, so they will usually not bring any items with them.
joined the team after the fight at dark crater!
really not a fan of the team name, but also trying really hard not to be rude about it. she will often refer to it as 'team epic' for short.
not used to having casual conversations with pokemon, so she often will come across as stilted when speaking. instead of names she will default to referring to a pokemon by their position (ie the kecleon brothers are shopkeeps, chatot is head of intelligence, etc)
because of how long she's been around, she has a knack for spotting rare or unusual items! she is not particularly good at estimating monetary value, however.
having trouble figuring out how to relax now that she doesn't have to focus on thwarting any world-ending plots. the rest of the team has gradually been working on getting her to loosen up more
enjoys the company of the future trio, celebi in particular. they like to discuss "legendary pokemon things", as celebi puts it.
has reasons for joining the team beyond finding the work of exploration teams fascinating. she has not told anyone what those reasons are, though.
carries all the various treasure the team finds! she has a liking for any especially shiny objects.
also as a bonus for making it thru the fun facts heres the old reference i did of team epic squad (around 2021 i think??) which this one was a redraw of! (and i also added luna)
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tgrailwar-zero · 8 months
Hm. Well. We had been working with Pretender not that long ago, and we saw Alter Ego around if that is helpful. They were both with us in the Blade tomb.
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AVENGER: "I understand that. Pretender made contact with me shortly after the issue with the Beast was resolved. However, I lost contact with them afterwards. Shortly after Alter-Ego and Pretender returned to our base camp."
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NERO: "Hm, I suppose the genre is a worthwhile thing to consider..."
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AVENGER: "This is what I don't have time for. I need answers, not distractions!"
Like a surge of violent flame, his mana twisted and burned around his form. Pure, incandescent rage made manifest for a brief moment.
He grit his teeth, shaking his head, calming himself- on the surface, at least.
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AVENGER: "I understand that you want to help, but--"
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MUSASHI: "You may as well let them. What's the harm? Like you said, we aren't participants in the War, so it's not like you're divulging information to the opposing team."
He thought for a moment.
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AVENGER: "...Very well. Even if you cannot help, I can provide a 'status update'."
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AVENGER: "A virus swept through our camp. It began swallowing everyone, consuming. Slowly, agonizingly. Our Attack Programs turned against us, and our camp fell into corruption. I started fighting back, but it went into a blur… and the next thing I knew, I came to in the rubble of our base. All of my allies were gone, and when I checked the map that MoonCancer had developed..."
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AVENGER: "...The Red Faction had taken control of the Gossamer Coast and Fugue Hamlet, the two adjacent areas without a Lair Servant. One third of the Solar Cell under their control, and six out of seven of the enemy Servants missing. Presumably destroyed. In almost every situation, this could be considered 'checkmate'."
Just... gone.
In other words, the War was essentially over. In the blink of an eye, by the decree of some horrifying power, at least six incredibly powerful Servants.
And that also meant that AVENGER was the last one. The final spark of the Blue Faction.
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CONSTANTINE: "In less than a day, the entire foundation of the Holy Grail War was shattered… what kind of terrifying ability is that?"
AVENGER: "I don't care how terrifying it may be. I will destroy the Red Faction for what they've done. If they wish to stoke the flames of the Avenger, then so be it."
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AVENGER: "After all, my allies are gone, and they've acquired a large swath of territory without anyone to push them back. Good. That is very good."
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AVENGER: "After all, under such odds difficult, the Grim Reaper only flourishes."
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KUKULKAN: "…If a Servant could pull off something like that, wouldn't going by yourself be basically suicide...? There's no way you're coming back from a battle like that, yes?"
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NERO: "Hm..."
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NERO: "Mm. Right. Give me that."
She snatched the Memory Disk, stepping off to the side as the rest of the Servants talked amongst themselves.
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AVENGER: "You--"
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SIGURD: "Before things get out of hand, allow me to commend the astuteness of the observation. Almost entirely correct, though there is no such thing is 'unlimited energy'."
The sound of footsteps, heavy and purposeful, cut through along with the voice of the Lord of the Nameless City.
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SIGURD: "The Master is correct, and it ties into what I wished to speak to you all about after the celebration. The purpose of the 'Solar Holy Grail War'-- no, the Theurgical Holy Grail War is to cultivate and grant energy to a grand Solar Divinity within the Solar Cell. A destructive force strong enough to counteract the threat on the Moon's surface."
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imagibunny · 9 months
hi i ended up thinking of a story that works best as a game so.
this'll get updated more as i add more but i'm sorry
elenor - 9 years old - she/her - birthday ???
voice claim: alisha weir (matilda 2022) a small child who goes out on various misadventures and travels around with whatever means she can. she's polite and respectful, and often too trusting for her own good. has made various friends through her travels and feels awful bad about leaving, but she can't stay long!! there's so much to do!!
tiny thing in an oversized trenchcoat and a nightgown and rainboots, and the only thing on her back is the backpack her mother left her. it manages to fit quite a lot for a small bag?
her mother vanished and all she left behind was a map, so elenor is on a quest to follow the map and see where it leads
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-natural born magic users are rare and most people in this world use magic via a tool or amulet. elenor and her mom are natural magic users -elenor's mom went missing and all she left behind was a map and her spacious bag. -elenor isn't particularly great at magic, she's nine. but she knows enough to do some small spells. the limited knowledge she has would force players to get creative (using a levitation spell to lift latched on loot boxes, tripping jinxes to run away from guards, small elementary things) -her full name is elenor ruby grace -loot boxes scattered around contain food to either heal or restore elenor's mana (which would be shown in a gem/meter near the top) -different towns have different minigames to earn money to spend at the shops (cosmetic changes like new a new coat or similar, or food) -not all npcs are friendly! be careful of people who seem suspicious, they will try to grab you and force you to fight your way out -different spells use different amounts of mana. small spells like magic bullets don't cost much and can be used in frequent succession. larger spells like causing a gust of wind uses more and there for players should be careful when using that (different spells are used by pressing different buttons on a gamepad or on the keyboard) -elenor's umbrella acts as a way for her to mask magic usage and not get caught -cosmetic changes are totally optional except for a mountain town you have to pass through. to get there you need to go through a portal, but due to dangerously low temps (and the fact you play as a child who's all alone) the person in charge of the portal will not let you go through without proper attire, aka a winter outfit you can get from them free of charge once you tell them ur ready)
different npcs:
- aunt victoria; a close family friend who runs an inn. due to a spell that was placed on the building you can run into her inn in any town for a quick rest. magical object is a broom. - mr nobank; one of 2 traveling salespeople you can meet. he sells all sorts of bits and bobs, usually for a high price but he's willing to trade as well. has no magical object - ms nobank; the other traveling salesperson you can meet. is nicer than her brother and is willing to give you one item from her cart if you do a small quest for her. magical object is a pen. - edith/edie grace; elenor's mother. a kind hearted woman who prefer to keep to herself in the old house outside of town with her daughter, she was a good person and great mother. one day she vanished with no word or warning, leaving behind only a never ending bag and a map to the capitol. used the umbrella to mask her magic usage.
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himawariqurrotaaini · 9 months
Hari-Hari Pergi Kondangan.
Pontianak. 07:18. 17122023.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat.
Muhasabah mingguan, ternyata... saya senanggg pergi kondangan 😆
(Walau pergi ke gunung pun bikin senanggggg juga)
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Repot-repot dandan tipis itu memang ada (walau akhir-akhir ini sukanya pakai baju yang itu-itu aja).
Tapi kok ya bangun tidur abis pergi kondangan tuh senang.
Apa karena dari tempat yang banyak orang senyum?
Anggap saja begitu.
Sesungguhnya inilah salah satu nikmatnya berIslam, ada kebahagiaan yang menular, ada kesempatan mendapat pahala juga dari kebahagiaan orang lain.
Simpan-simpan di sini ah beberapa foto.
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Terbiasa sendiri kondangan, tau-tau ada geng sama-sama kan senang hatiku. Tapi bentar lagi gengnya pun bubar sibuk masing-masing 🥲.
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Nenek-nenek teladan kesayangan dan akak desainer yang tak pernah sombong, jadi aypris mau sombong apa, menggambar gunung pun runcing-runcing saja.
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Ketemu teman SMP udah lama ndak jumpa, diajak foto bersama ya tentulah senang hati.
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Ini juga kondangan dadakan dari adek kelas SMA yang baiknyaaa masih ingat akak ayu 🧏🏻‍♀️
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Adek-adek satu kampus. Siap grak siap grak. Salah satu yang bikin senaaaangg adalah ketika merasakan mereka menikah dengan yang juga baik hatinya.
12:20. 18122023.
Update dikit ah.
Beberapa hari lalu saya diundang "acara syukuran anak-anak" oleh seorang abang kelas SMA yang sebenarnya saya pun lupa 😅. Beliau aktivis kanan, saya aktivis kiri. Modal bismillaah, minta temani adik kecil yang rumahnya terlihat dekat dengan lokasi undangan. Pakai google map kita ni. Tapi ya namanya juga berbakat nyasar, kami nyasar ke gang yang lokasinya cukup jauh. Suasana acaranya memang sedikit berbeda. Kok ada tenda? Tapi ada anak-anak pakai baju penganten sunat. Kok ada nyanyi-nyanyinya? Kok banyak wajah yang terlalu asing? Kok abang kelas saya ndak keliatan? Yaudalah... saya lanjut makan.
Saya tanya deh sama orang tua penganten sunatnya, "Pak, Bang xxx mana ya?"
"Ha? Xxx? Xxx siapa?" Bapaknya muka bingung.
"Bang xxx ccccc Paak." Menutupi salah tingkah, saya mulai ketawa-ketawa.
"Ndak ada tu xxx ccccc di sini."
OK mantab. Fix nyasar. Udah terlanjur makan. Jadilah pulang dari situ diliatin serumah-rumah. Hehe. Malu.
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Sungguh alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat, saya diciptakan jadi manusia, bukan ikan gendang gendis. Kalau jadi ikan, mungkin saya sudah paling duluan diciduk sama bocil-bocil gang karena kebodohan saya.
Yaudalah, show must go on. Singgah minum kopi dulu, dan telepon ke abang kelas itu. Ternyata beliau syukuran anaknya disembuhkan Allah AzzawaJalla dari masa kritis DBD. Alhamdulillaah 'ala kulli haal. Kalau telepon kayak gini... jadinya kan tiba di rumahnya sudah diliatin orang juga. Tentu masih ketawa-ketawa modal menutupi malu. Namun sungguuuhhh bersyukur masih nekat memenuhi undangan, ketemu deh dengan adek kelas masa SMA yang banyak bantu-bantu jaman kuliah dulu. Adek kelas yang ajarin saya naik bis DU (saya lupa, dia yang ingat hahahah).
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Wow si spesialis nyasar, lepas banget ketawanya.
Semoga kita termasuk hamba Allah yang dimudahkan untuk ketularan bahagia-bahagianya orang lain yaaaa. Hidup itu capek, maka syukurilah yang kecil-kecil hangat berpendar. ✨
Alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat, semoga saudara-saudara kita di Palestina pun Allah perkenankan merasakan kebahagiaan lagi.
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funkii4-blog · 1 year
Summarization of the content shown off in Paladins’ overview video of next update. There’s a lot of balance related stuff this time so this is kinda long;
- Valor’s End event pass; 30 levels with skins for Khan & Nyx
- (I’m not a huge fan of the Khan skin but Nyx’s looks pretty cool for her first inclusion in a pass. And sadly neither recolor is very good, Khan’s is too busy while Nyx’s has some weird clashing colors)
- Several minor UI adjustments, including slight color changes to XP bars and certain buttons
- Payload is now included in custom matches
- Additional details added to the Snowfall Junction map
- HUD effects now visible on the lower right side of the health bar instead of above on the left side, up to five can be shown there at a time. This is for Lex’s bounty mark, Corvus’ healing mark, etc.
- Kasumi’s class role has been changed from dps to flank and her abilities have been reworked to more fit the role. This is (at least to my knowledge) the second champion class change ever and the first since the end of the beta
- Talent adjustments for supports including Io, Seris, and Furia. Luna’s aoe ally healing is now a passive instead of talent-locked while Furia has received major overhauls of two of her talents
- Cherish’s old range increase effect is now passive and the new effect grants a small aoe when Kindle Soul is used; Exterminate’s old effect has been removed and the new effect increases attack speed bonus per tier of Wrath active (max tier bonus increased by 15%)
- Seris’ Mortal Reach talent now allows you to use Restore Soul and Shadow Travel simultaneously. It isn’t stated in the overview video or patch notes if the range increase effect is removed
- Grover’s Rampant Blooming talent has been severely nerfed, with healing boosts provided with the effect being cut pretty much in half :/
- Adjustmemts to several flanks (Caspian & Evie buffs, a much needed Skye nerf, etc.)
- Imani’s mana rift radius was cut by two thirds. Poor woman can’t catch a break
- Inara nerfs; Mother’s Grace’ bonus healing effect has been removed and both the damage reduction & duration of Earthen Guard have been decreased
- Slight nerfs to Nyx, her base hp reduced by 150 and the cooldowns of two abilities increased
- Octavia’s weapon can now be fired full auto, but scoped damage has been slightly reduced
- Several healing buffs for Ying :D good for her
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nadyagifary · 9 months
Kau tau, ujian apa kiranya yang luar biasa besar itu?
Ujian tentang waktu
Sebagai anak yang ndak suka main sosmed sejak SD SMP SMA, aku beranggapan bahwa sosmed hanya akan menghabiskan waktu ku. Buku tidak terbaca. Waktu istirahat berkurang. Belajar terganggu sama ingatan video lucu atau sekedar video kucing the cat. Maka, aku berencana, tidak akan memiliki sosmed terkhusus IG sewaktu duduk di bangku sekolah. Iya, aku baru memilki IG waktu kuliah. Itu pun karena tugas ospek 2019 dulu.
Adaa beberapa alasan :
1. Menurutku, memiliki IG adalah suatu keputusan yang membutuhkan kedewasaan. Iya. Kenapa?
Karena bagiku, aplikasi seperti ini akan terus berkembang untuk membuat pemakai nya menjadi kecanduan. Dulu nya hanya IG story, skrng ada live IG. Dulu adanya feeds video, sejarang ada reels, yang kalau dipikir semakin membuat kita 'terjebak' dalam IG. Aku melihat betul bagaimana teman teman ku bermain IG pada saat pertama kali IG diluncurkan waktu dulu kelas 8 SMP atau 2014. Namanya juga SMP 1 Solo, tidak mungkin se terbelakang itu untuk mendapatkan update terbaru ttg apa yang menjadi tren saat itu.
Dan satu satunya anak yang bertahan untuk tidak membuat akun adalah.... Nadya Gifary :) Kelas 8A hehe
Alasannya, sibuk. Tapi bukan sibuk organisasi atau masuk dalam OSIS atau Pramuka (Dewan Galang). Sibuk belajar, karena pada saat itu, Nadya punya target membawa 3 piala dalam tiap satu semester. Ambis banget jujur. Juga mempertahankan ranking kelas maupun pararel (ampuni hamba yang dulu mungkin pernah sombong yaAllah). Tapi pada saat itu, insyaAllah niat nya hanya satu, membuat mama ayah bangga.
Lanjut, SMA. Di tengah hingar binar SMA N 1 Solo atau orang menyebutnya sebagai sekolah negeri paling elit (padahal engga) se Solo, Nadya tetap teguh pendirian. Ndak pernah main, ndak main sosmed, kalau ada acara yang kurang jelas dan bercampur baur (misal suporter DBL, class meeting yang harus ke sana kemari, berdesak desakan dll), Nadya pilih lari dan mlipir ke UNS buat kajian (sok sokan mahasiswa ; bahkan dulu dah hafal mapping UNS wkwk), ke Goro Assalam (buat cari printilan muslimah), ke Masjid Muchlisin buat sekedar sholat dan kajian pagi, ke Togamas (srkng kata temen2 dah nda ada), ke Arpusda, ke Gramed (Slamet Riyadi yuhu), atau sekedar membaca sejarah di MonPers. Agak lain, tapi juga bukan yang paling baik. Memang sedikit untuk bisa menemukan teman yang se frekuensi. Di tengah semua orang memainkan hp untuk sosmed nya, untuk share story, untuk buat feeds, Nadya tetep teguh pada buku yang ia temui di Arpusda wkwkw. Tapi jeleknya, ya ndak tau apa yang sedang terjadi skrng. Berita-berita terbaru, kabar SMANSA yang viral di IG, atau sekedar melihat apa yang sedang dibicarakan anak².
Tapi rasanya betul juga, "memang tidak semua hal perlu kita ketahui dalam hidup". Coba deh dilihat, ndak semua berita di IG itu sifatnya penting dan mendesak. Lalu untuk apa berlama lama untuk scroll video dan post yang nda akan pernah habis ? >> Ini pemikrian ku waktu SMA.
Mending waktunya dibuat baca buku di perpus, diskusi sejarah atau ndak research materi debat.
Dimana letak kedewasaannya?
Iyah! Aku juga bingung dimana. Tapi menurutku untuk bisa menetukan mana yang penting untuk saat itu, mana yang ndak darurat, mana yang mendesak, mana yang tidak, rasanya sudah bisa tau kalau sosmed itu ndak berguna (untuk saat itu, karena memang tidak ada kepentingan). Hanya membuat lelah, capek, menghabiskan waktu dan kuota (juga saku), dan akhirnya tugas yang lebih penting akan terbengkalai ; belajar.
2. Buku Tidak Tersentuh
Lanjut, ujiannya sekarang ada pada bangku kuliah. Pada saat 2019, atau maba, akhirnya sudah memberikan diri menyematkan simbol "Cukup dewasa buat punya IG", terlebih ada kepentingan berupa tugas upload twibbon dan video edukasi cuci tangan. Kalau nda ada dua tugas itu, kayaknya sampe skrng akan bertahan ndak punya IG deh hehe.
Awal awal, menurutku begitu mudah untuk bisa membatasi. Ndak terbawa, ndak terngiang2 atau tidak terdistraksi. Biasa aja gitu rasanya punya IG. Ndak ada yang perlu diupload selain tugas ospek hehe.
Lambat laun, satu semester, dua semester, tiga semester, ternyata aku kecolongan. Banyak hal yang terasa berubah. Intensitas main hp naik tinggi. Buku ditinggalin. Kajian mager. Ke pondok buat ngaji, mager karena alasan ngantuk, capek, ada tugas praktikum, tugas TM, tugas tutorial dll.
Awalnya aku menyangka, tapi ternyata IG lah biang keroknya huhuhu. Ternyata, sering banget main IG, bukuku ndak kesentuh. Buku selemari yang aku bawa dari Solo, akhirnya ndak tersentuh. Di situ aku sedih dan menanyakan, "dimana Nadya Gifary sih perpus berjalan itu pergi?" Kok, bukunya itu aja. Ndak ada upgrade, ndak ada kemajuan, bahkan tidak tersentuh :(
Akhirnya, 2020 akhir, aku membuat evaluasi dan resolusi baru untuk 2021. Apa? Iya. Membuat alur membaca buku dan membuat pengelompokkan jenis buku. Muslimah dengan Allah, muslimah dengan diri sendiri, muslimah dengan orangtuanya, muslimah dengan suaminya, muslimah dengan anak anaknya sampai pada ilmu keluarga. Terlalu dini sih untuk anak semester 4 untuk berfikir se kedapan itu. Tapi memang demikian. Aku merubah rencana hidup, yang dulunya waktu SD SMP SMA, hanya terfokus pada target lomba, sekarang mulai fokus belajar agama dan sedikit² mengenal dunia organisasi (menurutku ini hal baru), dan saat itu diberi amanah menjadi Kadep Kemuslimahan th 2021. Mulai sedikit² belajar wkwk telat banget yah. Dan yang terpenting adalah membatasi IG, dengan cara uninstall IG untuk waktu aktif setiap bloknya (Minggu 1 - Minggu 5) dan baru install lagi pada minggu pasif atau minggu libur (Minggu ke 6 atau setelah OSCE).
Sebegitu versus nya yah dengan IG, sangat musuhan wkwkw. Maka, jangan heran kalau sampe skrng pun, sering banget install - uninstall IG. Apalagi pada saat koass, rasanya waktu jauh lebih fleksibel mengikuti stase yang sedang ditempuh.
Semoga diberikan keistiqomahan selalu untuk mengatur ujian waktu nya dengan baik. Karena sungguh, ujian tentang waktu adalah perkara yang besar. Bisa jadi membuat terlena atau bahkan terlupakan.
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Kalau yang dibawah ini adalah beberapa langkah kiat untuk menpasrahkan. Sungguh ujian ini begitu besar, begitu rumit, juga begitu menyesakkan. Bantu hamba yaAllah. Hamba serahkan kepadaMu ya Allah :)
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desfraisespartout · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
Thank you for the tag @birdmenmanga <3
Relationship status: Single.
Favorite colors: Quite a few honestly. I like most shades of green and blue. But there is also raspberry pink that i can't look away from.
Favorite foods: Alfredo linguini
Song stuck in my head: Many. Depends on what I'm in the mood to listen to and to listen to in loops. One that remains good to get stuck in my head is Blue Fields from Final Fantasy 8 or Female Turbulence from Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3). (I have to admit I've started listening to the Genshin Impact OST despite not playing the game. Lovely music !)
Last thing you googled: Expiring date for condiments such as mustard... because of food poisoning i had little more than a week ago (I'm all better now). So, the fridge in under watch.
Time: 3:41 AM (I should probably go to bed... but I was still going down the rabbit hole that is YouTube)
Dream trip: Mmmm... I haven't travelled much to be honest. But as soon I get my driver's licence (one day), I'd love to visit the provinces of my country. And maybe see friends from over the border, and maybe overseas.
Last thing you read: Final Fantasy XV: The Dawn of the Future, the DLC project that got downgraded to a light novel. But I enjoyed the read.
Last book you enjoyed reading: That would be mangas... XD Magilumiere Co. Ltd is always such a treat to read. But I've been surprised by the new manga Ghostbuster Osamu.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: Apple pie in a ramekin. Quite easy to make and tastes delicious. You can use any fruits really. Just need butter, flour, a bit a water, a pinch of salt for the dough; and cornstarch and sugar (or cinnamon or vanilla) to coat the fruits in. (The only thing I don't like is getting butter or anything oily on my hands because I have a hard time washing it off. But the smell and the taste of that small sized pie make it worth it.)
Favorite craft to do in your free time: Drawing and crochet. Reminds me I haven't crochet in a while.
Most niche dislike: Mmmm................. I don't know ? I guess people vapping/smoking inside there apartment and just won't open THEIR windows ???? Like, I can smell you through the walls and the floor and it's driving nuts... Why do I have to open MY windows ???? But since I've stopped complaining since it didn't change anything and do open my windows, then there's the neighbour from the next block going out for smoke while walking and then STANDING close to my window. Why can't I just smell my own apartment ???????
Opinion on circuses: Never been to one. The video clips I could see of the Cirque du Soleil continue to impress me. The performers are athletes !
Do you have a sense of direction?  Yes. I love to explore my options and find landmarks to help me locate myself. If time permits, I would go for walk surrounding my home/school/work, so I can update my mind map of where I am. Nowadays, it's mostly home/work. I try to remember the main roads/avenues and how they relate to each other so I can find myself in case my phone dies or something. In the cities, that would be knowing the alternative routes to get back home if my subway line malfunctions and I need to take the bus. I feel proud when I can help someone orient themselves.
Let's see. I'd like to tag @magicmetslogic @ennobaka @jer-tan @ruidosdeperro @electric016 @jeepers-its-the-void @riinoaheartilly @dq9 Also, tagging any followers to would love to answer as well <3
Have a wonderful day everyone !
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gameinfoxtbr · 7 days
🎮 Ultimate Guide to Redeem Idle Champions Game Codes 🚀
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Do you like playing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms? If so, you are a lucky person! This Idle Champions Game Codes is your one-stop resource which can bring you a bunch of Electrum Chests and other bonuses. 🎁 As always, those codes can offer a wonderful helping hand, regardless if you’re a veteran player or a beginner. Now that we’ve reviewed the basic concepts let’s take a look at the latest codes and how to use these handy products! 🏆 🎁 Latest Idle Champions Game Codes – September 2024 🎁 Here’s a list of the most recent and valid combination codes you can redeem right now: - WULL-WARM-YIPE - Redeem this combination code for 1x Electrum Chest (Added on September 5th, 2024) - IDLE-ROAD-MAPS - Redeem this combination code for 1x Electrum Chest (Added on September 4th, 2024) - PUNG-LUNE-EYRA - Redeem this combination code for 1x Electrum Chest (Added on September 4th, 2024) - VOLK-DOWT-POMO - Redeem this combination code for 1x Electrum Chest (Added on September 4th, 2024) - MANA-DAUR-WHIR - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on September 3rd, 2024) - GALS-YGOE-ADRY - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on September 3rd, 2024)
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GameInfoX - GEOS-LEED-ONST - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on September 3rd, 2024) - GREX-SCUM-DISH - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on September 2nd, 2024) - GREE-NFLA-ME!! - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on September 2nd, 2024) - ZARF-DANK-ENEW - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on September 1st, 2024) - ACQU-ISIT-IONS-INC! - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on August 31st, 2024) - SEEK-CODE-HERE - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on August 30th, 2024) - ARAI-NYVA-CAY! - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on August 30th, 2024) - BURK-MOKI-READ - Redeem this code for 1x Electrum Chest. (Added on August 29th, 2024) 🌟 Check out our Idle Champions Game Guide for tips on how to use these rewards most effectively! 🌟 🔍 How to Redeem Idle Champions Game Codes Redeeming codes in Idle Champions is a straightforward process: - Launch the Game: Make sure you open Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms on the particular platform you use to play it on. - Navigate to the Shop: Go to the ‘Shop’ label is situated at the lower part of the browser windows. - Enter Code: Then you will find the ‘Redeem a Code’ link or button. Enter the code as it is written on this webpage Here. - Confirm: Consequently, click the ‘Redeem’ button and get your prizes immediately. 💡 Tip: Always beware of typos when using codes: it’s always wise to check the codes twice before using them. Applied codes are case-sensitive and may contain abnormal signs! 🧙‍♂️ Why Use Idle Champions Game Codes? It is observable that the utilization of these game codes can definitely improve the overall experience of the game play. They supply you with Electrum Chests which gives you anything from potions, gold equipment's and yes, even champion cards!🏅 These rewards will assist towards leveling up through tough stages and getting through to new champions much easier. 📚 Curious about the best characters? Explore our Idle Champions Tier List to see which champions are the most powerful! 📚 🔄 When Do New Codes Release? Idle Champions game codes are released from time to time and through the release of updates on the game, events, and promotions. Follow the social media pages of the game often and visit this page from time to time to get the codes. 🎉
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GameInfoX 🚀 Stay updated with the Idle Champions Latest News to catch new code releases and game updates! 🚀 🌟 Special Events and Limited-Time Codes Idle Champions sometimes has specific events which are associated with specific codes. Such events can be connected with presenting new characters, cooperation with other brands, holidays, and others. During such events, it is advisable to log in daily so that you can get a hold of the codes that maybe sensitive to the day! 🏆 Maximizing Your Rewards To make the most out of your game codes, here are some tips: - Combine Codes with Events: In order to benefit from Rewards and obtain the maximum possible winning out of chests, apply them during such an event. - Check Updates Regularly: One thing to note is that with new game features as well as new champions, there is usually a code associated with them. - Engage with the Community: Don’t forget to check out the online chat rooms and social media platforms where players discuss and share new codes and strategies.
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GameInfoX 🎮 What is Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms? Idle Champions is an Idle game in the Dungeons and Dragons universe with emphasis on strategy management. Characters recruit their legions of champions and go on missions through this world and others. It can be seen that all the champions have their own particular skills and skills are quite interconnected; therefore, the strategic approach is critical to move to the next level. Want to learn more? Read our in-depth About Idle Champions Game article. 📜 About the Developers Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is produced by Codename Entertainment, an organization that has vowed to maintain the game interesting and to release new content on a regular basis. The developers are not dormant and engage the community frequently; they release codes and patches based on players’ suggestions. 🎤 Learn more about the Idle Champions Developer. 🎉 Conclusion Using the Idle Champions Game Codes provided in this article ensures that you benefit to the maximum by having boosted reward data compiled into your account. Remember to save this page and return often as we will be updating the page with new codes from time to time. Safe travels, and may your wallets always be heavy! 🎊 Related Links for Idle Champions Fans: - Idle Champions Game Guide - Idle Champions Tier List - Idle Champions Latest Update/News Read the full article
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wings-of-flying · 2 years
beginning a map thingie of Mana and i'm just now realising that like... they've only been to two places in the Viridis sea. this makes things very difficult
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linuxgamenews · 6 months
Unleash the Power of Abalon in this major update
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Abalon the Fast Adventures Update launches for the roguelike adventure game on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to D20Studios, whose continual creative brilliance shines once again. Available today on Steam. Abalon, the title that's caught my eye lately with the Fast Adventures. Big things are happening for this title, especially with the Steam Deck builder Festival (March 25th-April 1st) and Turn-Based Thursday Fest (April 4th-8th). The best part? It's 50% off during this period – a fantastic deal for Linux and Steak Deck players.
Abalon the Fast Adventures Update
The latest release is the "Fast Adventures" update, the ninth major one for Abalon. This brings a fresh twist to your playing experience. Think shorter, punchier sessions, more diverse encounters; and this means you can dive right into the action. From the get-go, you get to pick your party and spells, jumping into a rich, biome-diverse world. Your mission? Chase down bosses and fulfill your cosmic destiny. It's all about fast-paced, engaging adventures. This whole Fast Adventures update was inspired by Retromation and Wanderbot for Abalon, two big names known for their insights into roguelike adventure games. They pointed out how important shorter runtimes are for keeping players engaged. And they're spot on – a 50-60 minute run is perfect for keeping your attention hooked without dragging on. It's a great way to experience all the possibilities and have a satisfying finish to your strategy. The Fast Adventures update for Abalon really shines in how it encourages you to get creative with different character and spell combos. The developers took the feedback seriously and realized shorter runs do offer a more rewarding experience. It leaves you eager to jump back in with a new team. Kudos to Retromation and Wanderbot for their invaluable feedback and their let's play series – they've helped many discover the excitement of roguelike adventure titles.
Abalon Game Trailer
The new "Fast Adventure" Mode is a solid update for Abalon. Complete an adventure run within 60 minutes, start with a full deck and party of your choice, and jump straight into action. Boss locations are marked on your map, and you start with some gold to gear up at shops. Plus, consumables aren't just for pre-battle prep anymore; use them anytime during combat. Defeating elites gives you soul gems, which you can save and use strategically. It's about doing more in less time, with an open world full of diverse settings, monsters, and encounters. Besides this, the Fast Adventures update also brings in "Choose Your Playstyle" to Abalon. This allows you to customize your experience post selecting the difficulty level. You have the "Signature Style", where cards don't reshuffle until you rest at a camp, and "Traditional Style", where they reshuffle after each battle. You can even view your enemy's hand to gauge their next move. Summoners and Guardians have permadeath, adding to the challenge. For Linux and Steam Deck players who want a taste of the original Abalon, there's a new challenge modifier - "Forbidden Relics", where you can't use artifacts. This ups the difficulty and rewards you with a 20% score bonus at the end of your run. There's also a focus on card cycling for those wanting more control. You can replace, recycle, or discard cards for mana. Plus, a shoutout to Twitch streamer AlchemistJoker – there's now a "Joker’s Last Stand" card in his honor.
Release Notes
The v1.34.0 Release Notes include tons of new features like the "Fast Adventures" game mode, different playstyles, quality of life improvements, new artifacts, balance adjustments, and much more. For anyone new or returning, Abalon has always been about evolving through player feedback, hence the the Fast Adventures update. Past updates like "Masters and Minions", "Harvest World", "Croakus Lord of the Swamp", and others also show this commitment. So, if you're into games that keep evolving and offer fresh, engaging experiences, Abalon is definitely worth checking out the Fast Adventures update. The roguelike adventure is available on Steam for Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. The base price is $29.99 USD / £24.99 / 28,99€.
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
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Welcome to the "Theurgical Holy Grail War", a Fate-based Quest run via polls!
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The current running poll/update post is HERE.
How Servant HP and MP works is HERE.
Your poll results will impact the story progression in a number of ways, so be sure to talk to your fellow participants, send in suggestions and asks, and keep track of the story!
Banner Art Sources
Flaming Bout Bracket
Party Split/Exploration Rules
SERVANT MATRICES (Updated as the Story progresses):
Endurance, Mana, and Command Spell Gauges are present in each matrix.
ALLIED SERVANTS: Invader | Rider | Caster | Avenger | Saber | Ruler
However, your Servant's statistics, as well as items you find along the way, may also serve to either help or hinder your choices! Work along your Servant and stay aware of their strengths and weaknesses in order to survive the Holy Grail War! Additionally, all posts after this one will exclusively be on @tgrailwar-zero, instead of being crossposted to @tgrailwar!
The Preliminary War (@tgrailwar)
Start the True THGW from the Beginning: (Chapter 1 - phantom/grey messenger)
Start Part 2 of the True THGW: (Chapter 4 - invader/free spirit)
Begin Chapter 6 of the THGW: (Chapter 6 - burning bonds/wildfire)
[ Current Currency: 1070 PPT ]
Master Abilities:
code cast: hack16(); - deal damage and a chance to stun enemy Servants. May be resisted by Servants with a stronger constitution. Reusable.
code cast: thunderous_applause(); - A code cast that can be used to temporarily increase how others perceive your 'Charisma'. A 'beguiling' magecraft. But be careful! Those with a strong understanding of magic/hacking or high Magic Resistance can resist the effects. Can be used once per 'Long Rest'.
code cast: endless_whispers(); - A gift from the liminal space. Allows for other Servants to hear your voices... due to being a gift from a fundamentally evil being, these voices manifest more like dissonant, malevolent, overwhelming whispers to non-contracted Servants. A double-edged sword, if you will.
code cast: check_location(); - Check Servant locations, with more specific detailing if in the same zone, and will alert if close to a Lair Servant's territory. Non-Contracted Servants can be registered. Non-Allied Standard-Class Servants can be detected within your immediate vicinity. Can be upgraded.
Mystic Code: Runic Tether - Made by the Heroic Spirit Sigurd to give you a quasi-physical form.
code cast: mpheal(16); - Slightly recovers Servant Mana. One time use.
code cast: gain_lck(16); - Slightly boosts a Servant's luck. You're not sure if this counts as cheating or not at a gambling table. One time use.
code cast: heal(32); - Recovers Servant HP (+2 to EG). One time use.
code cast: add_regen(32); - When engaged in combat, restore +2 to Endurance Gauge after each action for 3 actions. One time use.
'Chaotic Heroic' Act 1 - Act one of a play. This part is apparently a 'tragicomedy about a starving artist'. There's a dragon with wolf ears on the cover.
'Chaotic Heroic' Act 2 - Act two of a play. This part is apparently about the protagonists being invited to a 'special event'. A blonde woman and a dark haired man stand surrounded by lions on the cover.
'Chaotic Heroic' Scraps - Scrapped pieces from a play. They serve as grim portents as to what waits for you on the Moon's surface...
Mana-Granting Aulos - A strange item crafted by Nero. Once per chapter, blowing into it will cause your entire present party to recover 2 points of mana. After that, it can be quickly recharged once more by creating and reciting a poem extolling the virtues of strengths of your Heroic Spirits. [ Used once this chapter, currently awaiting recharge. ]
Zone Map - A minimalist map of the major surface 'Zones' within the Solar Cell.
"Little Guy" - A child that you found in the Solar Archives. He's so cute, you could just eat him up! ...Metaphorically, of course.
Camp Supplies - Camping supplies found by Musashi. Allows you to comfortably rest when in between Zones.
Room Key - Key to Nero's ritzy hotel room, using her leverage as a former Lair Servant and putting the expense on her former coworkers. "Don't let me hear you say say Emperor Nero didn't treat you well!", you can imagine her saying.
MobyMoby Drawing - A drawing that the 'Little Guy' made of Moby Dick that's been preserved with magecraft.
Flaming Bout Tickets - Your key to the Flaming Bout tournament. Yours is marked 'Manager', and it'll give you access to the locker rooms with Musashi.
Flame Fighter Pad - A tablet used for communication between Flaming Bout participants. It seems to be able to send messages, and invite other participants to things. While you can turn it on, Musashi seems to be the only one who can 'unlock' it.
Nameless City Map - A map of the major locations within the Nameless City.
Pizza - A box of pizza. May restore Servant HP and MP upon consumption.
Soda - A can of soda. Slightly restores Servant MP (+1 Mana Charge).
Sandwich (x2) - Three sandwiches. Slight restoration to Servant HP (+1 to EG).
Banquet Cake - Some cake from Sigurd's banquet saved for you by your Servants. It's for you, and you only.
Wagashi - A small box filled with traditional sweets that pair well with green tea. When your heart is at it's most bitter, this will balance it out with sweetness.
Trigger Key Alpha - The key possessed by Lair Servant Quetzalcoatl. One of the seven needed to reach the Administrative Core of the Solar Cell.
Trigger Key Phi - The key possessed by Lair Servant Asclepius. One of the seven needed to reach the Administrative Core of the Solar Cell.
Crimson Blade - A old, yet regal looking blade made from crimson-colored meteor metal. Currently in the possession of Nero (Caster).
Message Disk, 'Forgotten Blade' - A recording from a Servant that heavily resembles Caster. It seems like an apology of sorts.' Currently held by the Administrator, Tamamo Vitch.
Servant Origins:
'Servant Origins' are items that can be collected from defeated enemies, that can later be used to summon them as allies- or potentially other purposes. While an 'Origin' can be summoned without much fuss, items can be used to alter aspects of the Servant or change the Origin entirely.
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kitiphon · 6 months
Essential Strategies and Tips for Online Gaming
The thrill of competition, the rush of victory, the strategic maneuvering – online games offer an immersive experience unlike any other. But in the ever-evolving landscape of virtual battlefields, how do you rise above the competition and claim your place as the ultimate champion? Fear not, aspiring conqueror, for this guide is your arsenal, packed with strategies and tips to transform you from a novice to a force to be reckoned with.
Know Thyself, Know Thy Game:
The first step on your path to domination is understanding. Delve into the depths of your chosen game. Absorb its mechanics, master its nuances. Unearth the intricacies of each character, weapon, and map. This knowledge is your foundation, the bedrock upon which you build your strategic prowess.
Embrace the Art of Adaptation:
No single strategy guarantees eternal victory. Online games are dynamic beasts, constantly evolving with updates, new players, and ever-shifting metas. Be adaptable, like water, capable of flowing around any obstacle. Experiment with different tactics, learn from your losses, and refine your approach with each encounter.
Sharpen Your Skills:
Practice, they say, makes perfect. Hone your reflexes, master intricate mechanics, and develop muscle memory. Whether it's mastering headshot accuracy in an FPS or perfecting combo timings in a fighting game, dedicated practice is the key to unlocking your full potential.
Forge Alliances, Conquer Together:
In the realm of online gaming, teamwork often spells the difference between triumph and defeat. Seek out like-minded individuals, forge alliances, and coordinate your strategies. Effective communication, combined with complementary skillsets, can turn a ragtag group into an unstoppable force.
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Seek Out the Knowledge of the Masters:
Learning from the best is a time-tested path to improvement. Observe the tactics of renowned players, watch professional tournaments, and analyze their strategies. Deconstruct their decision-making process, adapt their techniques to your own gameplay, and accelerate your ascent to the top.
Beyond the Basics: Advanced Strategies for the Aspiring Dominator
Now that you've grasped the fundamentals, let's delve deeper into the realm of advanced strategies:
Resource Management:
Mastering resource management is crucial, especially in games where resources dictate your actions. Whether it's mana in an RPG, ammo in an FPS, or minerals in an RTS, utilize your resources efficiently. Prioritize your actions, avoid wasteful spending, and optimize your resource acquisition to gain an edge over your opponents.
Map Awareness:
Maintaining constant map awareness is paramount. Develop a habit of scanning the minimap regularly, anticipating enemy movements, and reacting swiftly to changing situations. This vigilance can turn a potential ambush into a glorious counter-offensive.
Psychological Warfare:
The mind is a powerful battleground. Employ tactics like bluffing, mind games, and calculated aggression to unnerve your opponents. Exploit their weaknesses, capitalize on their mistakes, and sow seeds of doubt in their minds to gain a psychological advantage.
Embrace the Learning Curve:
Losses are inevitable, but they are also valuable learning experiences. Analyze your defeats, identify your shortcomings, and actively seek to improve. Don't let setbacks discourage you; instead, use them as stepping stones on your path to mastery.
Remember, aspiring champion, the journey to domination is a continuous process. Embrace the challenge, refine your skills, and never stop learning. With dedication, perseverance, and the strategies outlined in this guide, you too can rise to the top and claim your rightful place as the ultimate victor.
Ready to embark on your journey? Explore ทางเข้า w88 ใหม่ ล่าสุด (The newest w88 entrance) and dive into a world of thrilling online battles. Remember, the arena awaits, and only the most prepared and strategic warriors will emerge victorious!
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Path of Exile Mystery Box arrives with new tattoos in patch 3.22.1
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The Path of Exile Mystery Box has been added for update 3.22, along with various new tattoos and recipes for the RPG game. Hotfixes have also been made to the AI companions in the game's new Trial of the Ancestors mode. Whether you've played games like Diablo 4 or are a seasoned PoE veteran embarking on your first voyage through Wraeclast, you'll want to read this most recent update below to catch up on what's coming. As the Path of Exile Trial of the Ancestors league enters its third week, developer Grinding Gear Games releases a hotfix that improves the behavior of warriors in its autobattler mode while they’re attacking and flanking. This should mean they’ll better target enemy units when no totems are targetable. You’ll have to create new instances of the Halls of the Dead for this to apply – this can be forced using Ctrl + click on the world map pin if you need to. A longer set of Path of Exile 3.22.1 patch notes is arriving too, which includes six new tattoos with some rather powerful effects. The Journey tattoos already have me contemplating my builds, allowing you to replace those +30 stat boost notable passive nodes with a stacking effect that adds 30 to your maximum life, energy shield, or mana per allocated Journey tattoo of that type. If you’re able to stick enough of them in, that could be a really powerful effect. By far the most exciting addition, however, is the Journey Tattoo of Makanui, which replaces a Keystone passive slot with a randomly chosen Keystone. Given how powerful these build-defining abilities are, to the point where you’ll travel lengths across the board for one you want while those you don’t are often actively detrimental to your build, I’m curious to see players experimenting with this. Imagine hoping for Blood Magic and instead getting the Ancestral Bond keystone, which prevents your character’s damage altogether in favor of totems. Also now available in-game is the Path of Exile Mystery Box for the Ancestors league, which will grant you one of 20 different cosmetic microtransactions (with some additional bonus variations up for grabs). You’ll never get duplicates from opening these, and chances for each increase proportionally as you continue to open more. For full drop rates, you can check the list below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJNGeWTO5_s Path of Exile 3.22.1 patch notes Here are the Path of Exile patch notes for the 3.22.1 update: Trial of the Ancestors - Added a forfeit match button that can be used when your Ancestral Totem has been banished in stalemate situations. - Added an indicator above player characters that displays your revive progress when you have been killed in a match. - Added 6 new Tattoos that can be obtained in the Trial of the Ancestors. - Journey Tattoo of the Mind: +30 to maximum mana per allocated Journey Tattoo of the Mind – replaces a ‘+30 to dexterity’ notable passive skill. - Journey Tattoo of the Soul: +30 to maximum energy shield per allocated Journey Tattoo of the Soul – replaces a ‘+30 to intelligence’ notable passive skill. - Journey Tattoo of the Body: +30 to maximum life per allocated Journey Tattoo of the Body – replaces a ‘+30 to strength’ notable passive skill. - Honored Tattoo of the Makanga: +2% to all maximum resistances – replaces a small attribute passive skill, requires eight adjacent passive skills allocated. - Ancestral Tattoo of Bloodlines: 2% increased recovery rate of life, mana, and energy shield per tribe for which you have an allocated tattoo – replaces a small attribute passive skill, limited to one Ancestral Tattoo. - Journey Tattoo of the Makanui: Grants a random Keystone – replaces a Keystone passive skill, limited to one Keystone Tattoo. - Added 2 new Field Items. - Added a vendor recipe that can be used to trade three Tattoos from a tribe for a random single Tattoo of that same tribe. - Added an indicator that displays which of your Warriors were placed in your previous match when viewing Favours. - Purchasing a Warrior or Equipment item from a Chieftain or Navali now causes them to offer a different Warrior or Equipment item for purchase respectively after your next match. - Tribe Chieftains now converse between matches in The Halls of the Dead. - Ancestral Totems are now visually repaired if they are healed. - Some Warriors had both high Life and Energy Shield, making them much tankier than similar Warriors. We’ve lowered the Life of the following Warriors: Death’s Guide, Jadecrafter, Moon Dancer, Mystic Prophet, Storm Conduit, Sunset Sage, Tawhoa Shaman, and Tidecaller. - We’ve also lowered the Favour Cost of the following Warriors, as their value didn’t compare to other Warriors of similar Favour Costs: Bloodbound Warrior, Camouflaged Tuatara, Frenzymonger, Lunar Turtle, Moon Dancer, Riptide and Tidecaller. - The Spear Dancer has had their damage lowered by roughly 30%, and the range of which they can use their Engage Skill has been lowered by roughly 33%. - Riptide’s Hook Toss Skill now deals damage when pulling an enemy, and interrupts them. - Jadecrafter’s Encase in Jade Skill now interrupts targets. - Updated the information text on the match planning screen to clarify Warriors are interrupted and unable to take any actions for a duration when they take 5% of their combined Life and Energy Shield as damage while Banishing an Ancestral Totem. - The Titanic Shell Warrior has had its Life lowered by roughly 20%, and now takes more damage while it is protecting totems. - The Titanic Shell Warrior also now respawns 50% slower. - Updated the Titanic Shell Warrior’s Totemic Protection Skill description to clarify it is applied to multiple totems. - Utula’s Fireball skill now deals roughly twice as much damage at level 83 in the Trial of the Ancestors. - Rakiata’s Geyser skill now scales with level, and their Sweep skill has had its damage increased. The damage of their Leap Slam skill has also had its damage increased at level 83. - Kaom’s Slam and Fire Fists skills have had their damage increased, the final Fire Fist now deals roughly two and a half times more damage. Kaom also now deals more damage in their Axe Stance. - Improved the behavior of Chieftains when a player isn’t in range of them, they are now mean killing machines. - The Lacerate, Rock Throw, and Vine Cascade Skills used by Maata and Akoya now track the target during their use. - Ancestral Totems that have been empowered by the Mystic Prophet’s Totemic Fortification Skill now have an effect applied to them to display this. - Updated the visual effects of the Mystic Prophet’s Prophetic Return Skill to make them more noticeable. - Self-inflicted damage no longer triggers the Death Draw debuff while banishing Ancestral Totems. - Lowered the price of many Field Items. - Increased the effect duration of the Nightcloak, Stampede and Volcanic Idol Field Items. - Increased the effect radius of the Invulnerability, Jadecrafter and Tribal Reconstruction Idol Field Items. - Walls constructed by the Great Barrier Idol now last 30 seconds instead of 10. These walls can also no longer be knocked back. - The Stampede Idol now summons 10 stampedes of spiritual boars, instead of 3. - Updated the descriptions on some Warrior Skills, such as the Hinekora’s Horn Spiritual Capture skill, to clarify their effects. - Pressing Ctrl + Click on any of the Chieftains or Navali in The Halls of the Dead now brings up their Favours window even if they have new dialogue available for you. - The number of skills used by Minions summoned through Loyalty Tattoos modifiers has been reduced. These Minions are primarily used for their buffing abilities and their other skills had a lot of visual impact without dealing much damage. - Updated the icon art for many Tattoo-replaced Passive Skills to be more appropriate. - The Rakiata’s Dance Unique Sword 3D art now matches the one held by Rakiata themself. - Loyalty Tattoos that take effect while a Unique Enemy is in your Presence now have their range displayed in the Character Panel. - Fixed a bug where Maata’s Vine Cascade Skill was dealing less damage than intended. - Fixed a bug where the Bloodbound Warrior would use their teleport skill when near their Ancestral Totem. - Fixed a bug where being revived by the Death’s Guide Warrior in a Trial of the Ancestors Match was not reactivating your Auras or respawning your Animated Guardian. - Fixed a bug where clones of the Camouflaged Tuatara Warrior would remain after their Ancestral Totem had been banished. - Fixed a bug where the Lunar Turtle’s Cold Breath Skill was visually smaller than the actual size of the damaging area. - Fixed a bug where Warrior names were removed from Ancestral Totem nameplates when the Warrior died. - Fixed a bug where Hinekora’s Lock could be applied to items that can’t be modified, such as Unique Fragments. - Fixed an issue where the duration of the effect of the Lani Hua’s Gift Idol was less than described. - Fixed an issue where the radius of the Freezing Wave Idol was less than described. - Fixed an issue where the description for the Jade Shaman’s Buried in Jade skill had a lower duration than the actual duration of the effect. - Fixed a bug where some Field Items used by Chieftains, such as the Stampede Idol, were being triggered when an enemy was behind them, instead of in front of them. - Fixed a bug where Chieftain’s Field Items were being activated prior to a match starting. - Fixed an issue where the duration mentioned on the descriptions on the Tawhoa’s Blessing and Jadecrafter Idol Field Items were lower than the actual duration of the effects. - Fixed an issue where the radius mentioned in the description of the Nightcloak Idol was lower than the actual radius. - Fixed a rare bug where the Frenzymonger Warrior could drop items on death. - Fixed a bug where players could die at the end of a match if they were linked to Minions with a duration, such as Skeletons. - Fixed an issue where lights in the Eye of Destiny could flicker when placing Warriors. - Fixed a bug where the first Trial of the Ancestors match could not be started if you only had Field Items placed and no Warriors. General - Loading screens no longer wait to finish loading the visual effects of other characters before you load into the area. - Improved loading screen duration in many situations. - The Exploding Orbs Monster modifier now spawns a single Exploding Orb, which emerges from behind the Rare Monster with the modifier. The audio for the Exploding Orb has also been changed to be better telegraphed. - Weapon Range displayed on Melee Weapons and other descriptions that use ranges with values now instead use meters. The reminder text for “Close Range” and the description of Presence range in the Character panel also now use meters. - In the 3.22.0 patch, a change was made that caused Mirage Archer to no longer be able to use Skills triggered by Manaforged Arrows Support. We have restored this behavior, and Mirage Archer now states that it can use Triggered Attacks as though they were not Triggered. - Auras supported by Guardian’s Blessing Support now persist after changing area. - Updated the description of the Destructive Play Atlas Keystone Passive Skill to clarify Maven needs to be able to cast a skill in order to summon the additional bosses. Killing the boss prior to Maven casting Up the Stakes will result in Maven leaving without doing so. - Updated the Relentless Rituals challenge to require defeating Rare or Unique Monsters in Rituals, instead of just Unique. - All Beachhead Harbinger Bosses can now grant credit towards the “Defeat Harbinger Bosses” portion of the Harrowing Harbingers Challenge. - Added text to the Summon Raging Spirit Skill description to clarify that the Minions convert all physical damage to fire. - You can now sell items to Divinia at the entrance of The Forbidden Sanctum. - Allocated Crucible Passives on items are now considered when filtering by stats on the trade website. - Improved the audio of the Heralding Minions and Toxic Monster modifiers. - Improved the visibility of Lycia, Herald of the Scourge’s Tornado Beam skill. Ruthless mode - The Vaal Orb vendor recipe has been re-enabled in Ruthless. - Fixed a bug where “Nearby Enemies are Blinded” from Saboteur’s Born in the Shadows Ascendancy Passive was not working in Ruthless. Controller-specific changes - Improved the UI when placing Warriors and viewing Favours in The Halls of the Dead while using Controller Input mode. - Fixed a bug where Jewel Sockets on the Passive Skill Tree could not be navigated properly when using Controller Input mode. - Fixed a bug where items would be dropped on the floor when attempting to move them to your stash in The Halls of the Dead or The Forbidden Sanctum when using Controller Input mode. - Fixed a bug where currency items could not be used on non-corrupted Vaal Side Areas in Controller Input mode. - Fixed a bug where Stash Tab Folders could not be created in Controller Input mode. Additional bug fixes and further comments can be found via the Path of Exile website, courtesy of Grinding Gear Games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-7d2E-bkm4 Path of Exile Ancestor Mystery Box drop rates Here are the drop rates for the Path of Exile Ancestor Mystery Box, courtesy of Grinding Gear Games: Snowcaller/Ashcaller set - Snowcaller body armor – 3% - Ashcaller body armor – 2% - Snowcaller helmet – 3% - Ashcaller helmet – 2% - Snowcaller gloves – 3% - Ashcaller gloves – 2% - Snowcaller boots – 3% - Ashcaller boots – 2% Immortal Body/Spirit set - Immortal Body body armor – 3% - Immortal Spirit body armor – 2% - Immortal Body helmet – 3% - Immortal Spirit helmet – 2% - Immortal Body gloves – 3% - Immortal Spirit gloves – 2% - Immortal Body boots – 3% - Immortal Spirit boots – 2% Demongraft back attachment - Scourged Demongraft back attachment – 3.25% - Otherworldy Demongraft back attachment – 1.5% - Auspicious Demongraft back attachment – 0.25% Sandfish pet - Sandfish pet – 2.5% - Enraged Sandfish pet – 1.5% - Tranquil Sandfish pet – 1% Avatar flask effect - Amethyst Avatar flask effect – 2.5% - Gold Avatar flask effect – 1.5% - Sulphur Avatar flask effect – 1% Rare finisher effects - Dragon Fire rare finisher effect – 1.75% - Shark Attack rare finisher effect – 1.25% - Consuming Tentacle rare finisher effect – 0.75% - Black Hole rare finisher effect – 0.75% - Anchor Drop rare finisher effect – 0.5% Timekeeper’s Map device - Bronze Timekeeper’s Map device – 3% - Silver Timekeeper’s Map device – 1.5% - Gold Timekeeper’s Map device – 0.5% Cephalopod Tricorne - Haunted Cephalopod Tricorne – 3% - Superheated Cephalopod Tricorne – 1.75% - Astral Cephalopod Tricorne – 0.25% Trapdoor Portal effect - Cemetery Trapdoor portal effect – 2.25% - Submerged Trapdoor portal effect – 1.75% - Jungle Trapdoor portal effect – 1% Ghoulish Aura effect - Ghoulish Clarity effect – 1.75% - Ghoulish Vitality effect – 1.75% - Ghoulish Precision effect – 1.5% Harbinger Portal effect - Harbinger portal effect – 3% - Starfall Harbinger portal effect – 1.25% - Void Emperor Harbinger portal effect – 0.5% - Sunprism Harbinger portal effect – 0.25% Paint Ring effect - Blood paint ring effect – 3% - Magmatic paint ring effect – 1.5% - Celestial paint ring effect – 0.5% Vampiric amulet - Vampiric Soul amulet – 1.75% - Vampiric Heart amulet – 1.75% - Vampiric Energy amulet – 1.5% Peddler’s Rain Hideout decoration - Transmuted Peddler’s Rain hideout decoration – 3.5% - Chaotic Peddler’s Rain hideout decoration – 1.25% - Exalted Peddler’s Rain hideout decoration – 0.25% There’s plenty of loot to be found in the best games like Diablo, and we’ve rounded them all up for you to farm. Alternatively, take a look through more of the best free PC games if you’re after more great options that won’t cost you anything to play. Read the full article
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gamecrag · 1 year
Minecraft has captured the imaginations of many of us for the past decade, and if you haven’t heard of it, it’s time to leave the rock you’ve been living under. Magic and Minecraft have flirted a lot in the past, and some of the biggest gameplay additions since its release have been related to magic. Enchanting and potions added entirely new frameworks to the game and significantly expanded the things you could do with your existing tools. It’s a shame that none of the recent updates had anything to do with magic, but thankfully, plenty of mods have stepped up over the years. From Ars Magica to Amethyst Imbuement, there are various types of magic to explore. Here, we’ll focus on Amethyst Imbuement and its primary spell casting tool, the scepter. Our top 10 scepters are: 10) Equinox Equinox is a tier 3 scepter with a strong boost for elemental spells. Unlike its precursor scepters, the blazing scepter, the sparking scepter, and the frosted scepter, you are not limited or nudged to one elemental line of spells. You can combine the strongest spells from each type like Flameweave and Lightning Storm to destroy crowds of enemies with ease. The Equinox also has a strong modifier for Fury spells too, making it ideal for fighting. If you like bringing nature’s wrath into the mix, this is the scepter for you. 9) Lethality Lethality is, as the name suggests, a scepter entirely focused on delivering killing blows in combat. It gives a huge boost to spell damage, but it comes with the price of every non-Fury spell having a longer cooldown, so its tier-3 nature is not much of a benefit. If you’re looking to dispatch an enemy near you in a short amount of time though, none of the alternatives can hold a candle to it. A nice bonus to Lethality is that it also functions as a melee weapon at close range and using it to attack does not drain mana or durability.   8) Soujourn Sojourn is a great tier 3 utility scepter. It shortens the cooldown and increases the range of Traveler spells such as Dash and Teleport, and on top of that, it has a decent chance of speeding you up as a side effect. Sojourn isn’t a one-trick wonder though, and comes with an extra range for all Witty spells too including Forcefield. And somehow, even with all of that in mind, it also comes with a great unique spell in the form of Survey, which creates a map of your surroundings when cast. It’s safe to say this scepter is a vital part of your equipment. 7) Resonance A much more unique scepter due to not having a skew for a specific set of spells, Resonance can be very useful as a jack of all trades. It automatically increases any spell’s effective level and gives the player a high chance to repeat a spell immediately after the first casting. You might think this is simply a chance to skip the cooldown, but no, repeating a spell this way does not use up any mana. Resonance also comes with a pretty good unique spell in the form of Resonate, which is a wave attack that damages all nearby enemies. Its damage also stacks after each hit in a span of 2 seconds, which pairs perfectly with the chance of repeating the same spell multiple times. 6) Redemption If you’ve ever played a support character in an MMO, the Redemption scepter is for you. It significantly increases the duration of all Healer spells, letting you and others regenerate insanely fast. Unfortunately, the scepter isn’t good for much else, as the mana cost for all other spells is significantly higher and so are the cooldowns. It’s not horrible though, and you do have access to other tier 3 spells in case you need to save yourself in a pinch. If you’re not a fan of playing second fiddle to someone else, at least make sure you can convince one person in your party to rely on this scepter. 5) Aegis Aegis is a great tier 3 scepter for tanky players, making sure they can stay alive to finish the fight.
Every spell cast automatically gives half a heart of shield, meaning you’re never that vulnerable if you’ve got a plan. It also deals extra damage when casting spells on undead enemies like zombies, and the best part is that the spells don’t even have to deal damage for it to apply. It also completely ignores the invulnerability timer that usually stops you from dealing damage in quick succession. 4) Scepter of Recall The Scepter of Recall is a tier 2 scepter that’s not a bad alternative to the Sojourn. It increases the range of all spells, making it decent for most spells, and comes with a great unique spell in the form of Recall. When you first use Recall, you might get annoyed that its cooldown is 10 minutes. But Recall is a lifesaver, as it instantly teleports you to your bed, letting you escape all sorts of predicaments. It might not be so useful on servers with the /home command, but in vanilla Minecraft it could save you so many diamonds. 3) Frosted Scepter While the Frosted Scepter is merely a stopgap on the way to the tier 3 Equinox, it’s definitely the best single element scepter. Frost spells are generally very strong, but you also get an additional unique spell in the form of Ice Spikes. Ice Spikes change the terrain so significantly when cast that they can block pretty much any enemy from coming to you, and the fangs themselves deal quite a lot of damage too. If you’re in need of a good tier 2 scepter for combat, consider going with this one. 2) Bardic Scepter Another support scepter like Redemption, the Bardic Scepter is unfortunately only level 2, leaving you out of many good healing spells. It makes up for it significantly though with its unique spell Inspiring Song, which gives plenty of beneficial effects to nearby players including speed and health regeneration. The Bardic Scepter is also much more flexible than Redemption, as it doesn’t have significant penalties to other spells. 1) Scepter of Vanguard Unique spells tend to make or break scepters lower than tier 3, so the Scepter of the Vanguard stands out from the rest with its Barrier ability. It grants the wielder the absorption effect, meaning you can tank quite a lot of hits, which comes in handy when fighting the undead. Speaking of the undead, it has the same benefit as the Aegis where spells automatically deal damage when cast on the undead. Couple that with a hefty XP and spell duration boost for Grace spells, it’s a great stop-gap scepter before you get to Aegis itself. These are the ten recommendations that we have for the best Scepters in Amethyst Imbuement for Minecraft. We hope you find them as useful as we do, and if we left out any of your favorite scepters – don’t shy away from letting us know!
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