#mana mizuki
zombiotical · 1 year
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vkei mizumafu :3c
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outsider-rodeo · 1 year
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
Thank you for the ask!! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Mizuki is 100% a mage. Typical? Yes. She would be a magic with the biggest hat allowed and fancy robes. If she doesn’t ooze mage vibes is she truly a mage?
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gundramonsupremacy · 8 months
A compilation of everytime Mizuki got mentioned/alluded to in 2018 Kitaro because I have too much free time. This is the first time I've edited anything, so the scenes change may come off as abrupt.
The story Medama Oyaji told in episode 42 is referencing the Mizugami (Water God). If you want to know how the story goes, just check out episode 6 of Hakaba Kitaro. It is a very faithful adaptation to the manga aside from the fact that manga Mizuki didn't get "insert spoiler" when the Mizugami flooded Tokyo because he just didn't appear at all in that scene. And no, Oyaji didn't get cut off after 3 lines, there's a scene before that where Mana and Neko Musume go around finding Kitaro's other friends.
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keikotwins · 8 months
Birds of different feathers flock together
Noticed online by head-hunting publishers, Mokumokuren hasn’t waited very long before polarising the attention of Japanese readers. With strange The Summer Hikaru Died, horrific bromance dealing with body dispossession, the mangaka signs a series of sophisticated oddity, that sets itself apart from the predictability of current fantasy productions.
Interview by Fausto Fasulo. Original translation: Aurélien Estager. English translation: “Keikotwins”. Bibliography: Marius Chapuis. Thanks: Camille Hospital & Clarisse Langlet (Pika), Yuta Nabatame, Mayuko Yamamoto & Mana Kukimoto (Kadokawa), Chiho Muramatsu (Tohan)
(T/N: Interview given to ATOM in winter 2023; 2 volumes were out in French.)
In an interview given to the CREA website in November 2022, you confided inventing stories since very young. Did your first fictions resemble the ones you draw nowadays?
It’s true that there are quite a lot of common points between the stories I imagined when I was a child and the ones I tell nowadays in my mangas. Especially a specific motif, that has been haunting me since the time when I wasn’t really aware of the world surrounding me: the presence amongst us of “non-human” beings, that nonetheless have a perfectly normal, ordinary appearance…
And how was this “obsession” born?
Precisely identifying the origins is complicated, my memories are too blurry, I think… What I can tell you is that I’ve always been fascinated by “creatures”. For example, I remember being very impressed by Peter Jackson’s bestiary in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. By the way, still in a fantasy register, I am also a big fan of Harry Potter adaptations… (She thinks.) And I’ve always liked yōkai stories, you know. I think that what I like in all these mythologies is the idea of species classification: each has its own characteristics – physical, biological – its own way to apprehend its environment.
In Japan, yōkai are integral part of regional folklore. Did the place you grew up in have some specific beliefs?
I was born and grew up in Tokyo, and, as you must know, yōkai are mostly associated with rural areas. I was thus never really bathed in this type of regional fantasy folklore. There are all kinds of yōkai and we can perhaps see in some more contemporary urban legends the echo of certain past beliefs? (She thinks.) I am a bit frustrated, because I believe that I could remember a legend that would have impacted me, but nothing comes to mind immediately, sorry!
You have already said so in an interview and it’s quite obvious when reading your work: you are a big amateur of horrific fiction. What has been your first contact with the genre, all medium included?
It was television that introduced me to horror: special shows, television films, series, I was watching these programs with a mix of fear and enthusiasm, a confused sensation that particularly delighted me! (She thinks.) And amongst all the aired shows, I will remember two titles: Hontō ni atta kowai hanashi and Kaidan shin mimibukuro*.
* Inspired by the homonymous manga magazine published by Asahi Shimbun, Hontō ni atta kowai hanashi (lit. “Scary stories that really happened”) is a series produced by Fuji Television that has been airing more or less weekly since 2004. Derived from literary material (a series of compilations of hundreds of short stories by Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichirō Nakayama, published from 1990 to 2005) Kaidan shin mimibukuro is a series made of several short movies depicting ghost stories based on real testimony.
Did you read horror mangas when you were young?
Let’s say that I was more interested in live-action productions. Nowadays, I obviously appreciate some horror manga authors, without pretending to be any expert in the subject. For example, I like Junji Itō’s work, but I am far from knowing it for a long time… (She thinks.) I could also talk about Shigeru Mizuki, who I also appreciate a lot.
The mechanics of fear aren’t the same in occidental and oriental fictions. You like American horrific productions – like Ari Aster movies – as much as ones from Japanese origin – you notably quote Ichi Sawamura novels and Kōji Shiraishi feature films. Can we say that you are tying these two perspectives with The Summer Hikaru Died?
My relationship with horror is more imbued with oriental sensitivity. But what I find remarkable in occidental horrific productions is work on image. In The Shining like in Ari Aster movies, for example, there is real research made on frame composition and choice of colours. I also try to follow this aesthetic reflection in my work as a mangaka.
In Ari Aster’s work, beyond the very precise staging, there is this permanent desire of ambiguity. Do you try to dig this same equivocal trench?
Absolutely. I try to tell complex feelings as well in The Summer Hikaru Died, like fear dyed with nostalgia or attachment, repulsion mixed with fascination, with attraction…
How do you “sort out” the shots that inspire you in cinema?
I don’t draw while freeze-framing during specific scenes. I would always rather watch a movie as a “focussed” spectator. However, I pay a lot of attention to the way the director composes their frame. I sometimes take some notes, but I most often simply keep it in a corner of my mind.
Could you tell us when and how the story and characters of The Summer Hikaru Died appeared to you? Have they matured a long time within you?
I’ve started thinking about this story when I was preparing university entrance exams. I was aspiring to join an art uni, and I was drawing every day. I can’t really say I made my characters “mature”: back then, I wasn’t thinking that the drawings I was making would one day end up being published, way less being serialised! I innocently created characters close to me, without guessing that one day they’d become manga protagonists.
One of your foundational reads was Sui Ishida’s Tokyo Ghoul manga. Can you tell us how you discovered it and what effect it had on you?
I don’t really remember how I discovered this series, but what I know is that I became crazy about it at first read. What I liked – and what I still like – is this idea of telling a story that confronts humans to these “different” beings while following the point of view of a character that represents alterity. Beyond this strictly dramatic aspect, Sui Ishida’s storyboarding and character design have had a strong impact on my work. However, I want to add that Tokyo Ghoul isn’t the only title I took inspiration from, I obviously have other references…
Do you do a lot of researches to define the design of your characters? You seem to draw them easily, in a very natural gesture…
I haven’t spent a long time defining my protagonists. First, there are few in the manga, then, they evolve in a rather realistic universe. My goal was rather simple: they had to look believable in the reader’s eyes. I wanted people to be able to imagine crossing them in the street, you see?
It’s after seeing illustrations posted on social media that depicted the future characters of The Summer Hikaru Died that the publishing department of the Young Ace Up magazine noticed you. How have you reacted when approached?
I was very surprised, because I absolutely wasn’t trying to become a mangaka. I would have never projected in such a future, you see. And, very honestly, if they hadn’t suggested working on this series, I don’t think I would ever had pushed the doors of a publishing house… I am then very thankful towards the persons who have allowed me to enter.
And what would you have done if you hadn’t been solicited?
Back when I’ve been contacted, I was considering – still vaguely – working in the video games field. But I wasn’t really proactive, I wasn’t contacting anyone, wasn’t sending resumes…
Did you want to do chara-design?
Why not, yes. What I like in video games is the range of possibilities they offer. You can then create an entire universe and this is rather exhilarating.
So you’re a gamer…
I have dropped my controller since I’ve started drawing manga. But yes, when I had more time, I played rather regularly, especially Nintendo productions…
Even if you play rather little nowadays, do video games influence your work?
I can’t say whether it really is an influence, but the Undertale game has left a big mark on me. I felt its creator’s strong will to surprise players, to make them feel unprecedented sensations…
Horror manga only relies on art and storyboard to provoke fear, whereas cinema and video games can also rely on sound. Is it from this observation that you have decided to particularly work on your sound effects?
Absolutely. I have thought a lot about the way to introduce and stage sound in The Summer Hikaru Died. The sound effects that you can find in the manga are indeed the result of this approach.
In an interview given to the Realsound website, you mention the use of the シャワシャワ (“shawa shawa”) sound effect. Knowing that occidental readers are way less sensitive to these graphicoustic details, can you explain its meaning?
“Shawa shawa” expresses the song cicadas make in western Japan. It’s a very special noise because in the different regions live different species that make specific sounds. So when I choose this specific sound effect, I convey a geographic and temporal piece of information to the reader, who can then guess the location and season the action takes place in. (She thinks.) When using this sound – that we especially find in the beginning of the manga – my goal was to play with silence, particularly when the song stops. I thus had the idea of representing this sound effect with an easily readable font, so the reader would make no effort to decipher it, as if the sound was asserting itself naturally, you see? I hoped to suggest a saturation they couldn’t avoid and that, when it’d stop, would immerse them in absolute silence.
The Summer Hikaru Died transcribes very well this particular atmosphere of Japanese summers…
Yes, I really wanted to signify this languor in my manga. And the cicadas’ song we discussed earlier contributes to creating this atmosphere: it’s an overwhelming sound, sometimes irritating, you cannot escape from in summer – Japanese readers obviously know what I’m talking about. (She thinks.) I also gave special attention to shadows: summer light being very bright, shadows are very sharp, very deep.
Do digital tools allow you to get this result more efficiently than traditional?
I work on Clip Studio Paint, and it’s true that it sometimes allow me to save time. Consider the work on shadows: I never apply solid black because I like saturating space with hatches and, with digital tools, I can obtain the desired result faster because I can duplicate each of my lines.
Your use of hatches is sometimes reminiscent of Shūzō Oshimi’s…
I don’t know his mangas very well, but it’s funny that you mention him because I recently read his latest series, Okaeri Alice. In any case, I really like his style and I perfectly understand how you can bring his universe and mine together.
The Summer Hikaru Died relies on the concept of body dispossession, that obviously takes back to the Body Snatcher novel by Jack Finney and its movie adaptations. Did you think about it?
I don’t know this book very well, but I know its theme has been approached often, especially in movies. As I was saying at the beginning of this interview, my idea was to adopt the point of view of a non-human and tell his indecision, his moral questions…
We also find this idea in Hitoshi Iwaaki’s Parasite…
I haven’t read the manga fully, but I’ve watched the anime adaptation that was released a few years ago (R/N: in 2014). I remember rather liking it, even if I think I offer something different with The Summer Hikaru Died. What interests me is sounding the inwardness of my non-human character out and expose all his dilemmas. What is his place amongst men? Is he legitimate in our world? Here is the type of questions that pushed me.
One of the impacting scenes of volume 1 of The Summer Hikaru Died is the one when Yoshiki penetrated Hikaru’s body by shoving his arm into his torso. It’s a sequence that is both very sensuaI – to not say sexuaI – and also very horrific. How did you get this idea?
I wanted to put the readers in an uncomfortable position. A stressful situation that could take several forms because, according to your sensitivity, you can feel very different emotions in front of this scene: sexuaI arousaI, fear or disgust. For me, it was supposed to put the reader in some kind of catatonia, you see?
Do you chat a lot with your tantō, especially around these slightly “complicated” scenes?
I have free rein, you know, I can draw everything I want. My editorial supervisor has never asked me to temper some sexuaIIy connotated parts. My discussions with him don’t revolve around this kind of things, but rather around the structure of the scenario itself: where to place this scene in the narration? Is it better to put this sequence before this other one? Nowadays, I am more at ease with all the scripting layout but, at the beginning, I needed support.
What allows you to get, from a dramatic point of view, the mix between bromance and horror?
I wanted to show the differences in sensitivities and values between a human being and an “other than human”, and tell the misunderstandings this can cause when both meet. When Yoshiki “scratches” under the appearance of the one who is supposed to be his best friend, it creates a first point of conflict in the story. I then hoped to make his relationship with Hikaru – or rather with the “entity” that pretends to embody him – a kind of undefinable bond, that wouldn’t be friendship, nor love.
Do you know today where this strange relationship between your two heroes will lead you?
I know more or less how all of this will evolve, yes. I have decided on my story’s general plot since the beginning. I can only tell you that The Summer Hikaru Died won’t be a long series.
How do you explain the almost instant public plebiscite of your series in Japan? You perhaps cannot have perspective on it but, in a saturated publishing landscape, you have managed to stand out…
Hm… Indeed, I don’t really have precise explanations to give you about this success. Maybe the covers’ design has been in favour of the manga? I asked the person in charge of graphics to make sure that the visuals would be noticeable in bookstores. That’s why the books have this monochrome aspect, with the title discreetly placed. I didn’t want obvious advertisement banners, but something simple, like this blue background for the first volume, on which the character stands out. I also wished to create contrast between the jacket’s and the inner cover’s drawings. I thus had requirements that didn’t quite go alongside what we can nowadays see on the shelves of Japanese bookstores.
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avfanatics · 8 months
2023年年間A○女優ランキング ベスト20 
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paperback-rascal · 10 months
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HEADCANON: After Mana lost her memories about her Yokai friends, she subconsciously was drawn to paranormal topics - horror movies, TV shows, manga/anime, podcasts as well as trips to haunted/creepy places - which slowly jogged her memories. Her encounter, as an adult, with Kitaro was a final straw in regaining her memories.
see other of my Gegege no Kitaro fanarts -> [HERE] <-
Gegege no Kitarou (c) Shigeru Mizuki/Kodansha/Toei Animation
I was inspired by listening to supernatural-themed podcasts. Those productions have whole episodes dedicated to one topic, be it moth man, big foot, vampires, alien abductions, black-eyed kids, etc. ...
I'm sure something similar exists in GGGNK universe. Some podcast would definitely have special episodes about yokai and definitely one centered around Kitaro encounters... imagine one about Nezumi-Otoko - the rat-looking guy who swindle people out of money!
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bestygogirl · 1 year
Submissions: Closed
Tournament begins evening of September 26. Polls will last one week.
There will be 64 match ups in round 1 and to make it easier, these will be split up into four groups of 16.
I will not reblog propaganda that is bashing one opponent rather than being primarily focused on supporting one.
Mod IS biased but won't be voting.
Groups and match ups under the cut!
(match orders subject to change)
Group A:
Barbara VS Rovian Kirishima
Aqua VS Yoko Sakaki
Eve VS Sushiko Maki
Gloria Tyler VS Princess G
Dog-Chan VS Ranran Nanahoshi
Melissa Claire VS Miyu Sugisaki
Brooke Walker/Umimi VS Epoch
Himika Akaba VS Queen
Akari Tsukumo VS Aileen Rao
Reira Akaba VS Kyoko Taki
Luna (zexal manga) VS Sorako Noodle
Grace Tyler VS Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
Cathy Katherine VS Manya Atachi
Ray Akaba VS Kiku Kamishirakawa
E’Rah VS Asaka Mutsuba
Houchun Mieru VS Nanaho Nanahoshi
Group B:
Yuzu Hiragi VS Entermate Uni
Aoi Zaizen/Blue Angel VS Entermate Corn
Sayaka Sasayama VS Dian Keto
Mimi Atachi VS Diabellestar
Asana Mutsuba VS Cyber Tutu
Yuamu Ohdo VS Dark Magician Girl
Ranze Nanahoshi VS Darklord Ixchel
Yuna Goha VS Cyber Angel Dakini
Light Tsukiko VS Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon
Rebecca Hawkins VS Condemned Darklord/Maiden/Witch
Ecclesia VS Baronne de Fleur
Yugi’s Mom VS Ash Blossom & Joyus Spring
Echo VS Sky Striker Raye
Princess Rose VS Apollousa
Mizuchi Saiou VS Tour Guide from the Underworld
Emi Ayukawa VS Sunny
Group C:
Masumi Kotsu VS Winda
Tiger (Haruka Kamijo) VS Traptrix Rafflesia
Yuka Goha VS Tearlaments Kitkallos
Anzu Mazaki VS Silent Magician
Mitsuko Hiramori VS Sevens Road Wtich
Isis Ishtar VS Pumprincess of Ghosts
Mana VS Prima Guitarna
Rei Saotome VS Performapal Ladyange
Luna VS Nini the Mirror Mikanko
Tome VS Lyna the Light Charmer
Yubel VS Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Mikage Sagari VS Insect Queen
Anna Kozuki VS Lady Labyrinth
Misty Lola VS Kitt
Rio Kamishiro VS Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko
Ayu Ayukawa VS Ha-Ra the Sword Mikanko
Group D:
Serena/Celina VS Emma
Asuka Tenjoin VS Miss Mystery
Carly Nagisa VS Haru Tsukumo
Miho Nosaka VS Patty
Kotori Mizuki VS Momoe Hamaguchi
Romin Kirishima VS Junko Makurada
Ghost Girl/Emma Bessho VS Sera
Ruri Kurosaki VS Vivian Wong
Mai Kujaku VS Dinois Velgear
Kisara VS Droite
Shizuka Kawai VS Princess Adena
Camula VS Risa Kagayama
Martha VS Tilla Mook
Aki Izayou VS Xiangsheng Magician
Sherry LeBlanc VS Blaze Maiden, Rino
Rin VS Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
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kenziedrawz · 1 year
ooughhhh, au idea...
So, basically, Rui's the dark lord planning to destroy the world and the white knights ( Tsukasa, Mizuki, Akito and Shiho(+ Toya(he's a runaway prince)) are againt that.
The story takes place over a few years, beginning when the wk's graduate from their magic academy and become white knights and then progressing into Rui's take over.
Rui was actually forced into being the dark lord by an enemy kingdom(probably Toya's old kingdom if I feel like it) so that the Kingdom where the white knights are serving is forced to form an alliance with them in order for them to stop Rui.
Of course this goes horribly wrong because whoops Rui's actually a magical prodigy and sets out to destroy the kingdom that made him first because it's the closest. He does remember much except for a tragic past(that's pretty much a lie... mostly.) which made him hate the world.
okay SECOND PLOT TWIST TIME; Tsukasa and Rui and the other White Knights were pretty much friends!(minus Shiho she was off being gay with the rest of Leo/Need/hj) But those memories of Rui being friends with them were removed( except for the memory of Mizuki being his friend, they stay winning.)
Mizuki basically works as a double cross here, they're working for both Rui and the White Knights but plan to betray Rui so he can be brought back to his senses(hopefully)
Oh and angsty time, when it's time for what's hopefully the final battle pretty much everyone goes to a safe underground bunker. Kasa and the other white knights visit to make sure everything is in order and when they are leaving Tsukasa uses his magic to lock Akito and the others in the bunker.
The thing is, Tsukasa knows that they'll die, he doesn't wanna see the people he cares about die so he's locking them all in a safe place and going out to face Rui himself. And he also tells Shiho and Akito to look after Saki and Toya for him because he knows he's not gonna make it out alive. But he's gonna bring Rui down with him or die trying.
And when he fights Rui in this final battle hoo boy is it angsty.
(Oh yeah and Rui has fought the White knights before and each time he fights Tsukasa he gets a glimpse into his real memories)
Tsukasa physically and mentally exhausts himself, because not only is he fighting Rui but he's also expending his mana to keep up the spell that's locking the other white knights in the bunker. Tsukasa eventually collapses but forces himself up again only for Rui to force him back down onto his knees.
it's angsty, but also hurt/comfort-y because Rui is doubting his motivations and dark lord thing at this point. And Rui kneels down in front of Tsukasa and fuckin holds he fucking face and when Tsukasa finally passes out thats the trigger for Rui's real memories to come back.
cue even more angst because Rui feels horrible about himself because back when he was an academy student he legit just wanted to help people and make the world better for everyone and I almost cried thinking this and I have places to be so I'll continue this later-
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lilis-doodle-dome · 2 years
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Finally finished this! Antag Tsukasa hours!! I don’t tell how Tsukasa became corrupt, so feel free to theorize as you will
Au info below:
- As stated, Tsukasa is the antagonist. While Mizuki works with him only to feed info to the rebels and Akito is a glorified hostage
- The rebels each have a reason why they turned, and with the exception of the VS‘s it‘s directly related to Tsukasa
- Taukasa acts like a version of canon Tsukasa, but turned up to 11 as though he doesn’t actually know how to regulate himself. This of course is an act, he enjoys playing the fool and having others underestimate him.
- Tsukasa is also exceptionally hard on his two guards. Training with them until they collapse, gloating over them as he wins (which he always does).
-Sending Mizuki to do inane and unreasonable tasks to ‘prove their lotalty’ (which is because Tsukasa knows full well that Mizuki is a traitor and finds it entertaining to watch them run ragged trying to ‘prove’ themself).
-And of course ‘retraining’ Akito on how to act properly around nobility, which Akito constantly rebukes by acting out more, gaining even more ‘lessons’. (Toya’s section explains the retraining)
- Tsukasa has a huge amount of mana that he’s quite proficient at using (although nowhere close to Rui for profiency or Saki for mana storage) and is a master at sword fighting. So on top of being the crown prince is also a general in the royal guard. So defeating him would be quite the challenge *hint hint*
Saki: Ran away from her family, assisted by Tsukasa, who at that point was how we know him in canon. Despite hearing that he‘s become corrupt, she still wants to free him from the castle.
-She has the biggest mana resevoir of possibly any human ever, but has to use a lot of it to keep her body running. When she does use her magic, it‘s like a bomb going off, but leaves her very weak.
- Saki has the least about her because a lot of her ties back to Tsukasa and I’m trying not to reveal too much about him.
Toya: Tsukasa was someone he admired, so it came as quite a shock to him that, when Akito (Toya‘s personal guard) was heard complaining about the Tenmas, Tsukasa willingly took Akito to ‘retrain’ him.
-Toya’s father offered Akito as an apology for the slight (he already didn’t like Akito and the influence he had on his son, so it was an easy choice). Toya knew Tsukasa had been changing, but to go so far as to take Toya’s known closest compaion?
-Losing Akito, his father and Tsukasa’s betrayal. It was all too much, he had to leave. He’s working to free Akito and bring him back to his side!
Rui: Born a peasant, but snatched up by the Royal family as a mage when he showed incredible ingenuity and craft with magic,
-Rui spent most of his life being rejected by both sides (nobility and peasentry) for not being enough like either. Still he had his magic and two good friends, which was enough.
-One of his friends was Nene, who he knew even before he lived in the castle, but she followed him there using her amazing voice to land her a position of lead entertainer for the royal family.
-One day though when performing, she messed up and froze when she failed to hit a note. The Tenmas were not pleased and Tsukasa got up unsheathing his sword, saying: ‘A songstress that can’t sing, might as well lose her tounge.’
-Of course Nene ran for her life, but after awhile Tsukasa returned holding a bloody tongue. He threw it down in front of the remaining performers and told them that was ‘a lesson and warning’.
-Rui was horrified about what happened to one of his only friends and left, swearing revenge. But not before telling his other friend, Mizuki, about what happened and his plan.
-In response Mizuki, who was already a member although low-ranking in the royal guard, decided to work their way up to Tsukasa’s side so they could help their friend in his revenge.
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lyranova · 9 months
Hi! How did you come up with the next gen’s names?
Hiya anon 🥰!! Ooo thank you for the fun question, I don’t know if I’ve fully explained how I came up with my Next Gen’s names 🤔.
The simple answer is I googled names that were similar or had a similar meaning to their parents names, and chose them based on that 😆. But I’ll go into further detail below 🥰!
For Alistar I looked up names that meant “Protector” or “Defender” and Alistar came up multiple times in different lists, and I actually really like the name (i blame my sister because she *constantly* played Dragon Age 2 (?) and always went for Alistair so…😅), so I just went with it 😁!
For Ezio I had a harder time because…I couldn’t find what Finral meant, so I went with what Vanessa meant and it means “Butterfly” so I started looking at names that meant “Butterfly” or “Bird” and Ezio happened to pop up 😆. I was a little conflicted at first, since that’s also the name of a character in Assassins Creed, but what made me finally decide on that name was my cat who is also named Ezio. His personality is very similar to OC Ezio’s so…i just went with it!
For Aloys and Maelie I just went with French names since Gauche’s name is also french 😆. I decided on Aloys because that was my best friends cats name, and it was the name of a character in Black Butler (I wanted the name to be redeemed lol 😆😭) and it also means “A famous warrior” so thats what made me decide on that. As for Maelie, i chose it because it sounded a lot like Marie (I felt like Gauche would want to honor his little sister in some way, but knew she would get angry if he named his daughter after her, so this was a way around that 😆) and because it meant “Princess” and to Gauche Maelie is his little princess so that was a no brainer 😆!
For Alice, I named her after Alice in Wonderland, but also because her and Henry’s blue hair reminded me of the color “Alice Blue” so her’s was pretty easy!
For Wendy, Thomas, and Nicholas I wanted to keep the Agrippa tradition of using “older” sounding names or names that were more popular in the Victorian/Early 1900’s 😅. I named Wendy after Wendy Darling from Peter Pan, I named Thomas, Thomas, because…well it just sounded older to me 😆! For Nicholas i named him after Nicholas Flamel!
For Brielle, Mizuki, and Kaiyo I looked up names that meant their “affinities” 😅. So since Brielle is like Asta and doesn’t have any mana, I went with something that meant “Strength” and Brielle popped up and it was just too perfect for an Astelle kid! For Mizuki I went with this spelling “水城” which means “Water Castle”, and I interperted it as a combination of Noelle/Mizuki’s magic and Asta’s strength 😅. For Kaiyo I did the same thing and named her after Water/Ocean, and at the time I was going to also give her the water affinity…but changed it to Mercury magic at the last minute XD!
For Miku, Kito, and Kya I did the same thing that I did with the Astelle Kids…i named them after their affinities 😆! Miku means “Beautiful Sky”, and her affinity is wind and she loves the sky like Yuno so this was quite easy. For Kito, I wanted something that meant “Diamond” since he inherited his mothers affinity, but the closest I could find was “Precious Stone” so that’s what I went with 😅. As for Kya i had a very difficult time finding a name for her since she has both Yuno and Neva’s affinities, but finally I found Kya which means “Sky Diamond” or “Diamond in the Sky” and it just felt right so I chose it 😆!
As for Lovely and Vincent, I wanted them to also have names that were similar to their parents. So I googled names similar to Charmy, and Lovely popped up and it felt too perfect for her 😁! As for Vincent, he was originally named Wolfgang after Mozart, but that didn’t feel right. So I started looking at artist names and found Vincent Van Gogh and to me that felt much better then Wolfgang so 😅!
Hmm…I think that’s most of my Next Gens 🤔, i have a few more but these are the main ones 😅. But yeah I mainly google them just choose the ones i like the most 😆!
Thank you for the fun question anon!!
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flawsofdawn · 8 months
TW:// GORE/DISTURBING CONTENT. (not tagging as mature so everyone can see.)
Character Introduction time! BEFORE READING!>>> (FOD is short for Flaws Of Dawn just incase anyone is confused! writing it out every time is tiring!) SOME THINGS ARENT SET IN STONE YET BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST TO KEEP THINGS ACCURATE AND FLUENT! (keep in mind I'll refer to some areas with placeholder names such as "hybrid area" "demon area" "mortal realm" etc. since not everything is quite figured out yet :D)
Aurora-! Aurora is essentially Protag #1 in the story, shes a human that lives among the people In the world FOD is set in. As of now she can use magic to summon temporary wings to get across large gaps but they don't last very long and are only used when ABSOLUTELY NECISSARY. She used to live down in the Mortal realm until she was brought over at some point, which she then moved to the outskirts or the "hybrid area" in the woods with a smaller tight knit community. When Aurora lived in the mortal realm she was held up in her small apartment most the time except for when she either had to go to school or work at her part-time gas station job. All of this changed later on when she'd met Mizuki and she'd essentially had a friendship with with them forced upon her due to a misunderstanding. Why did I even keep talking to her anyway? Later on Mizuki would be the one to bring Aurora over into the realm (FOD) is in. Somethings not right...somethings off..
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Aswell as Aurora I'd like to talk a bit about Pina and their species as a whole!. Pina is Auroras pet dragon, They are part of the "Crystallium Dragons", a species which has no gender. These creatures asexually reproduce in the form of "eggs" , these Eggs are actually Mana crystals that absorb magic and energy from the "parent" to form their offspring over the span of around 5-12 months. A dragon that was carried and fed mana by their parent for 9-12 months would grow to be much much larger and stronger than a dragon that was carried only 5-8 since they rely on the mana for their growth as a entity. These Dragons can grow to be 60ft tall (not including wings) OR larger, but, it all depends on the circumstances of how a dragon is formed and the life it leads going forward. These creatures have existed for as long as the land itself has, they aren't dangerous unless provoked and tend to be quite gentle giants if you will :) They have many abilities by "default" such as portals, flying (DUHH), healing magic, ability to "bless" others, Shapeshifting (into more "humanoid" forms), etc. Since I mentioned it!, Yes, the dragons can shift into more humanoid forms, Intelligence/"human-ness" depends on the age, strength, and how often the dragon socializes in their humanoid form with others.
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As stated before, Pina is Auroras pet of sorts. They were gifted to her by Mizuki at some point when they were freshly hatched. Pina is still considered a baby by the dragons time it takes to age so they are quite clingy and generally pretty dumb and silly. They act similar to a dog but also kind of like a bird?? its hard to explain, BUT before Aurora was able to use any magic whatsoever (and still currently when needed) Pina would help Aurora get across the suspended landscapes via gliding to different ledges/platforms, also making portals to random places for her. (Pina don't know how to use their magic properly yet WAAH)
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Autumn-? (Protag #2)
Autumn Is a Hybrid fox girl that lives and works directly in the populated areas of the "hybrid area" which is a large cityscape where any species/mix may reside no matter what they are made up of. She works at a small coffee shop/diner to sustain herself in the city. She lived alone in her parents vacation home they rarely use until she'd met Aurora and gave her a place to stay with her. Autumn comes from a larger family having a sister and 2 older brothers and a newly born baby brother. This is common for Hybrids since there isn't many threats for the people to have kids where they stay. She rarely see's her family because shes been off trying to start her life independently in the city, hoping to see the rest of what the world has to offer and explore. She enjoys gardening and studies magic phenomena and language as a hobby.
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?::-What is the relationship between the three?
Aurora , Autumn, and Pina all live together trying to get by. When Autumn first met Aurora and Pina she had to teach Aurora how to speak the common tongue around (FOD) since she was only able to speak her native language from the Mortal realm. Autumn generally thinks very fondly of Aurora but is a bit hesitant towards Pina due to a dragon related trauma within her early childhood, but she tries her best to look past that and interact with Pina as normally as she can!. Everything is going to be okay.
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Later on in the story they become devout lovers <33 (Aurora and Autumn!) Mizuki- ♡ (Protag #3?) Mizuki Is a Purebred succubus who was raised in nobility with her parents and brother Shoda wasnt there a third one?. She lives quite far away from the Hybrid area, rather being where most "demon" based people reside, The community around her is quite strict with its rules and expectations for whom you speak to, build bonds with, etc. This causes her to have some deep rooted prejudices and dispositions about hybrids since she was taught and shown to be "pure". (Essentially she along with most other demons don't really like hybrids like Autumn since they are made up of alot of different species genetically, unlike demons who are mostly made up of either demon/elf/succubi genes primarily. Some have external species mixed in but it isn't usually in excess.) She commonly travels to the mortal realm to socialize with others around her age, while in the mortal realm she hides her markings/horns/tail/wings/etc. since mortals don't know of the existence of the (FOD) universe. Mizuki would meet Aurora while with a group of friends and later bring her to the (FOD) realm, gifting her the ability to use magic and re-writing Auroras genetics so she could survive the strain of traveling between realms. Aswell as hanging out in the mortal realm she commonly smokes with a group of friends. Mizuki gifted Pina to Aurora to show her affections for her and make everything feel more welcoming.
Why'd I do that?
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(CONTEXT: Mortals CANNOT travel between realms without the aid of an insider, even if they knew the realm existed and could make a way to travel there the strain of the transition would tear their body apart and cause the person to die. This is why someone would need to give the person a part of themselves/their magic which would then allow them to survive the transition, though they will be quite weak in their realm until tolerance is built or they learn more about how to utilize their magic to adapt.)
Shoda- ♡ (semi-Protag #3.5) Shoda is Mizukis older brother, He is also a purebred succubus. Whilst Aurora stayed with Mizuki, Shoda had built a bond with Aurora, offering some solace and comfort after they would argue. Occasionally Shoda would take Aurora into their city to learn more about where she now resides, taking her to parties and to see shops around. Shoda spent most of his childhood ignored once his sister was born due to his disobedience and ignorance of the rules his parents had set for him. In his teenage years he would meet Jackie, whom would become his best friend and later on Dedicated partner to him.
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(NOTE. Jackie's introduction is confusing on purpose. C'mon why would I spill everything immediately!)
Jackie-🥩♡♡♡♡♡♡!!!!!! Jackie Is a Shark/Panther/Succubus hybrid who resides in the countryside area south of where Shoda and Mizuki are (The nobilities city) Her hobbies include... [redacted] ...?, Hanging out with Him!, talking to Him!, Loving Him!, what else would I do? Jackie grew up an only child with her two parents. She made friends with a girl named Koma in Pre-school!, they would become best buddies and spend all their time together in and out of school, having many playdates and sleepovers!. After an accident Jackie never was able to see her again and left to explore the world on her own. That doesn't sound right, that's not how it went. Jackie would become independent at a young age after her parents kicked her out, she would have to [REDACTED] herself out for others to survive from a young age causing [REDACTED]. Later on once she had the funds to, she would pay to attend a public school away from where she had lived before, this is where she would meet Shoda and quickly become obsessed attached to him. She would spend most of her time from then on with him, besides when she would [REDACTED] in the mortal realm, which she kept a secret from him. You could say she has a preference for fresh meat.
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That's all for now.
If you have any questions about anyone mentioned at all, the world, or even characters not mentioned at all (or mentioned briefly) then go ahead and ask away (PLEASE.)
ToyHouse with other characters and info.
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outsider-rodeo · 1 year
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flowerpetalprincess · 10 months
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Merry Whumpmas || Day 12; Delirious
Everything was so fuzzy... it was hard to tell if she was awake, or merely dreaming. Was those blinding lights above her head in her imagination, or the glare of halogen?
Whumpee's head felt like it was filled with cottonballs, stuffed to the brim, coming out of the ears, her nose, her eyes. She desperately wanted to sink back into oblivion, but the choice to drift in and out of such an escape was lost in her delirium.
Was she drugged? Or was this just another spike of mana withdrawal? She wasn't sure... It was so hard to think.
Once again I'm reminded that these are writing prompts x-x It certainly makes the challenge of drawing them that much harder. But I'm glad to do so :)
I rolled Mizuki again for this, but because my rules are a respin if it's the same as before, I ended up getting Wolve. It'd be easy to do mana withdrawal or something, but I've drawn that so often, I wanted to try something new.
So I figure her being cared for in one of her episodes would be a good change of pace.
Merry Whumpmus everyone!
Prompt List
Please do not steal, repost, or alter in any way.
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gundramonsupremacy · 1 month
Let's say you watch GeGeGe no Nazo and think to yourself "Gegero's expression off wanting to see the future his son (and Mizuki) would live in is very heartfelt yet so sad considering how the odds are against them". And yeah, the 2018 anime agrees.
He lives and he has friends. Deep in a supernatural forest, far away from civilization, while maintaining the idea that humans and yokai should keep their distance. Sounds kind of counterproductive when he goes out of his way to help humans so much to the point of becoming an urban legend. It's clear what he truly wants is a world where both can co-exist yet knows too well how things tend to go with how different the two are. So he did his best resolving whenever conflicts arise, many times having to terminate his own kind. There are always rare mixing of individuals who are able to co-exist peacefully which no doubt helps fuel his conviction.
The interesting about this is he never truly change his outward opinion, remaining quite reluctant in coming to close to humans, even after Mana came into the picture. He was changing, it is the reason he allowed Mana into his life, but it was something that takes time.
That is not to say everything is hopeless, I think hope plays a strong part in both the film and the series. He has friends, really good friends who stick to him all the way through, who believe in his conviction. Cases of humans and yokai helping each other, remaining close to one another still happen. He said it himself, in episode 75, that he still wants to dream. And in the very final battle, for once both sides have been able to lay down their grudges just to cheer for him, to harbor feeling toward a common goal. It ends with the status quo being uphold, but as a being that can lives for decades, or even centuries, he can and will keep trying.
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elsternwick-rp · 2 years
New Arrivals + Updates! (03-19-23)
Good evening and hello, members or visitors of Elsternwick! So terribly sorry to keep you waiting with these updates, the mod team’s been busy working on various things, but first, let’s open with our new arrivals!
Please Note: If your muse isn’t on this list, don’t worry! We had to make a cut-off for this current run due to a surprising number of apps that took us off guard, we’ll add them to the list starting next week!
New Arrivals
The train has pulled into station, bringing with it many fresh new faces to Elsternwick, we hope you enjoy your stay here!
Satori Komeiji (Touhou Project) - Liv
Naib Subedar (Identity V Canon Divergent) - Leo (2)
 Karen Sanchez (Original Character) - Blue
Vanta Von Vonaccio (Original Character) - Jupiter
 Count Angelus Salvador (Hollow Knight Fan Character) - Sorrow
Curly Brace (Cave Story) - Kyle
Mizuki Date (AI: The Somnium Files) - Bee
Simon Jarrett (SOMA) - Box
 Winchester (Original Character) - Box
 Nero (Devil May Cry) - Carmine
 Suletta Mercury (Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) - Khaos
Miorine Rembrane (Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) - Bee
Zelgius (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn) - Lia
Dao Mei "Jane Doe" Cui (Cyberpunk 2020 FC) - Bibi
Gabriel (ULTRAKILL) - Xeno
Frederica Bernkastel (Umineko: When They Cry) - Kaname
We also have a  few reserves, hopefully soon, we’ll be seeing them, and look forward to whatever plots you may do with them!
Reinhardt (Overwatch) - Pact
Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV) - Eden
 V1 (ULTRAKILL) - Kira
Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney) - Mae
Zoe (Monster Prom) - Bee
Lastly, we have some drops, sad to see them go, but we hope you had a good time in Elsternwick while they were here!
Popoi (Secret of Mana) - Kyle
 Gwenpool (Marvel) - Bee
 Mash (Fate/Grand Order) - Bee
Jeanne D'arc Alter (Fate/Grand Order) - Bee
And that does it for character updates!
For this update, we’d like to announce that we have reworded our stance on “Characters from upcoming games”, as well as our spoiler window!
Before, it was that any character from a game that was “Unfinished” would have to wait until the game was finished for you to apply them, but upon further discussion with members, we concluded that this was a bit too much, so, now
You are allowed to apply characters from games that are in “Early Access” (As much as you could if a show’s season isn’t over!), so long as they have a characterization or plot that is set in stone and is unlikely to change! Basically, if the character has enough to work with, you’re good!
Though, if a character is mysterious with a backstory that is largely made up by headcanons or fan interpretation, we ask that you wait until there is much more to work with! (An example of this would be Kris and Ralsei from Deltarune, there’s quite a lot about them that we don’t know...)
And in the case of a character taking a shocking left turn, please look into updating them, or making them canon divergent! <:
And secondly, we would like to revise our stance on “Spoiler characters”, essentially, from now on, a month wait is enough for most characters that are considered spoilers (Minor to Moderate), after a month has passed since a game’s release or a spoiler episode, you should be good...
Unless they are considered a “Walking Spoiler”, a massive spoiler of a character that can change the flow of a story and who’s mere existence is a spoiler in itself. For that, you’ll likely be waiting 2 months or more, and the mod team will review if it’s ok for that character to be played, given how they may spoil something for people joining!
Over all, it’s much more of a case-by-case basis now, we may even shorten the wait time to apply characters from a new IP to two weeks! But, for now, we hope this results in many new and interesting characters joining us!
For other updates, we’re hoping to have posts up about some of the changes we’ve made to Elsternwick, including the Job System (Pretty simple!), an update to our wording on the ban list, and a few other fun surprises, and we hope you’ll look forward to reading about them!
We hope you have a lovely evening and look forward to seeing you again, wether you’re already in Elsternwick, or just visiting and thinking about joining!
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