vivobandito · 8 months
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Baba Yaga and his little forg
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
Hear me out, instead of making the New Mandalorians villains just as bad as the Death Watch and that the True Mandalorians are the 'good guys' whenever people want to mix canon with legends...
... make them good friends with the True Mandalorians.
Adonai and Jaster having been Good Friends maybe more with Adonai, both former traditionalists who maybe wanted to change Mandalore for the better (even if Jaster Insists he just wanted to reform the Bounty Hunter aspect of the Mandalorians at first) that were maybe introduced via Jango's Father
(more under the cut)
You want Jaster to be the Mand'alor but Adonai has been stated to have been it? "It's your turn to deal House X, so congrats on your coronation" or even Jaster who Refused to take the crown for whatever reason - maybe Adonai had already been Mand'alor for a while and thus he felt like it was stealing the title from someone who was Trying to change, so even though Adonai was 'officially' the Mand'alor, Everyone knew Jaster was the true one
War against the Death Watch or Traditionalists? War against the Traditionalists, but the group closer to Tor was called 'Death Watch' (and years later, Satine assumed that the terrorists group had named themselves after that group and weren't the remains/the group reborn when their attacks were nothing more than vandalism and propaganda up until the clone wars - as it is )
Talking about Jango and Satine - consider them not Hating Each Other but having been Friends that were slowly changing because of the horrors they faced in the war, especially if they were Both target and had to go on the run
You want to go with a more reasonable/fanon like Jango but still keep aspects of how he was in the legends? Make Jango having been the reasonable one who, although knew sometimes he would have to get dirty, still wanted to at least try to talk to the traditionalists and convince them to switch sides at very least because there already has been too much death while Satine is the one who wants to get Done with the traditionalist who keep destroying their planet and killing their people, who wanted to KILL TOR after he killed her Buir (and thus have it be a problem in the year on the run, because she keeps trying to go to where the Death Watch are and putting )
and then you can have them both Change with the horrors of the war:
Satine (who maybe made it her mission to bring back plant life in an almost destroyed Kalevala, if you mesh Canon and Legends together) becoming more and more horrified with the violence in the war to the point where she is too traumatized to take lives, even if to defend herself and too tired to want to continue with war in the end after so much losses (her father, Jaster, the betrayal of Montross, the death of her other sibling) (just like it was implied in TCW) that she just wants to get done with and rebuilt, even if it means having to be nice to the traditionalists who did so much damage and letting them have the least affected planet/moon of all mandalorian system and be independent and let some criminals get away with things because if they tried to judge them it would just kick start the war again of at least cause more death because they Wouldn't go down nicely
Jango slowly losing his hope of a peaceful resolution and having to accept that the violence is necessary to to protect the people he loves, that he has to make sure that they are taken out and stay down, that they Don't get back up. Jango who is Angry that they are going to let the traditionalists go and get all the nice things while they get with the destroyed planets (feel free to make maybe Concord Dawn's broken planet situation have become Worse because of the war, bc if in TCW it was bad enough to turn Mandalore into a toxic waste planet then that can happen) and they get away with shit while the non-traditionalists are left to deal with the destroyed cities, the sick, the injured, the lost and the dead, all the while have Very Few resources
Or even if you don't want to go this route, it's fine!!! Just consider it!!! Them being friends instead of enemies!!!!
Oh, want to know about how Jaster died? Maybe Adonai died first and Jaster was left as the Mand'alor (either to take the title or as the solo one) and stayed behind with Qui-Gon (who... probably stayed with Obi-Wan and Satine in canon but I See Y'all Fanfictions so maybe he stayed behind to help throw off the location of the heirs and Mand'alor) and Jango ends up blaming Qui-Gon/the Jedi for Jaster's death because Montross was Also by Jaster side and Yet Montross passed unoticed, even if he interacted with Qui-Gon at least once a day
Want to drag more of Jango's story in Legends? Easy, after the war, as he couldn't support what Satine was doing i.e. letting the traditionalists go unpunished or at least not taking More from them, he left and maybe he wasn't the only one.
Maybe he had a group with him and after a while the accident of the comics happened, except this time it hurt More because he already knew Jedi and this was Another betrayal and maybe the events happened differently (maybe instead of being the Mandos shooting first, it was one of the hidden Death Watch member's shooting it or maybe it was Tor Vizsla (who maybe was the only one of the original leaders of the war to survive, so an Extra blow to Jango and Satine, who lost their parents to him) leaving someone cut in half with the Darksaber and thus making it seem like it was the Jedi who started it first) but still ends up with the same ending:
Jango and Silas being the only survivors, with Jango being sold to slavery, escaping and then killing Tor (...the DW probably lied and said he died in his sleep peacefully)
Oh, but then why did Obi-Wan and Jango not know each other? Jango is a common name, he changed his armour paint and during the war he went by Jango Mereel, so "Jango Fett" while raising an eyebrow not enough to make it clear that Jango was the Jango that Obi-Wan knew.
Also Obi-Wan would be Petty enough over Everything (including the clones thing) to refuse to acknowledge Jango as Jango Mereel until Jango admitted it too, and Jango is Stubborn enough to not give up
Or even Jango and Satine went different ways to make tracking them harder so while Obi-Wan and Jango heard about each other they never really met in person
...Don't want to go this far in planning? Then consider Jango's story happened a bit earlier, Adonai was one of the few True Mandalorians left alive and one of the highest ranking Mandos left so he had to take over when the Death Watch wasn't giving up thus dragging the war until they were *forced* to stop.
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smelly-fozzy · 2 years
Anyone else think Din was extra shiny for some reason? Just like- abnormally shiny. Bitch- no wonder everyone knows who you are, you're like the bat signal of mandos
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moonagedaydream22 · 1 month
Who knows more about Manalorian culture and the history. And would they like to talk about it with me. Not to mention Jedi culture and history. Don't forget to mention Jedi vs Manalorian wars
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adragonsfriend · 2 months
Just for the record, whenever I say things like “screw mandalorian clone things, they do blank instead,” I dont particularly mean it. Manalorian clones and all the world building done around that idea is really cool and I enjoy it a lot—I just also think it’s neat to get outside an idea that’s become so common in the fandom, and also I just realized characters knowing less about “their” culture—or a culture they have some kind of right to but not knowledge/experience of—than another character they encounter is deeply interesting to me. Call it having parents who immigrated but also kinda assimilated/got used to the US before I was forming memories and are weird people in general vs. little me with social anxiety trying to figure out which things that I was embarrassed about them doing were (a) even weird in the first place, (b) happening because they weren’t American, (c) happening because they were just weird, (d) weird of me to be embarrassed about at all.
It’s just a weird in-between place to exist. But anyway
Mando clones are cool. My clones (not my clones like clones of me that would be a terrible idea) tell ghost stories about sea creatures instead of therapy, and they dont give a fuck about armour except of course for when they do
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kingsonne-zedecks · 5 months
Thinking about the Star Wars fic community and how much I love it.
I go on ao3 and I filter so heavily the things I am not interested in, but it makes me happy that they are there. Like, be free you little funky Reylo writers, Finn/Poe shippers, Manalorian/SI authors. Like there are so many people for whom that is Star Wars.
There are people who write Clone Wars fics, or OT stories. There are people dedicated to Disney Canon and people clinging to the old Extended Universe and people who craft their own blend. People that treat George Lucas's word as authoritive and people who ignore him altogether.
I love that a mythos and history was initiated by one author and then built on by hundreds of others to describe the culture of Tatooine slaves and slaves throughout the galaxy. I love stories that dig into the themes and implications of the movies in greater detail than a film has time to manage.
I love that to this day there is a dozen different views on what Balance in the Force should mean, about light and dark and good and evil.
I love the richness of viewpoints and perspectives, and the conclusions about the universe that those perspectives lead authors to write.
I even love the bizarre thing that happens sometimes in some fandoms, where stories might inspire a reader who has never been a viewer to become a writer. I love that people can look at Obi Wan and want to write about him, and pull their knowledge of his childhood from fics inspired by fics written by books that they have never read.
I find the shift in headcanon, fanon, and false canon to be fascinating. The moment where and author creates something that resonates so well with the readers and the setting that its like a puzzle piece sliding into place. A thing that canon didn't know it was missing. Something that readers will occasionally discover that, no, that isn't canon, it just felt like it belonged so much that it blended in.
Its all so different and its all so Star Wars to me.
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annwayne · 1 year
The Red Logs: Return to the Temple Ch. 17
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Chapter 17: Another Life
Last Chapter <- -> Next Chapter
Fem!OC X Crosshair
Word Count: 2297
Fic Summary:
There are benefits to owning a clone bar. Underworld lords don’t threaten you to pay for protection. Clones are great company. And the drinks taste great. However, there are also risks to owning a clone bar. Like, for example, becoming the fuck buddy of a special clone task force member so your life gets threatened when a Separatist puts out a bounty for your capture in order to use you as blackmail. Also your sleep schedule gets wrecked. But Anya Tougt is a little more capable than an average bar owner.
Ao3 Link Here
Warnings apply to whole fic:
Canon typical violence, descriptions of panic attacks, alcohol, swearing, 18+ themes (eventual smut), trauma, religious trauma parallels, mild gore
Authors Note:
What is pacing? We don't know about pacing. Sorry lol.
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24 BBY. Tomorrow Kenobi, Anakin, and Master Tali and I are going to visit Mandalore on a diplomatic mission. With tensions in the senate rising, Chancellor Palpatine wants to know where Mandalore stands if a civil war breaks out. When I asked Yoda why send all four of us he mentioned there were forces upset with the change of Manalorian customs.
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Twenty minutes later, I stepped out of the Jedi Temple dressed in civilian clothes. All signs that I was a Jedi stuffed into a bag on the brink of bursting. Everything packed away, except my saber which I tucked into the cloth belt that hugged my waist. It too, hidden from view.
The strap of my duffle dug into my shoulder as I rushed to the taxi platform. My bag thudded at my feet as I waved for a free taxi. I glanced at the chronos posted on the various screens and advertisements floating around the city-planet. It was well into the bar’s rush hour now.
Getting changed only took me five minutes. Getting everything put away, that took much longer than I hoped. No doubt Crosshair was there, waiting, possibly asking Jayas about me. I shook my head at the thought. Jayas was too lousy a liar and Crosshair was too damn perceptive. My nerves buzzed as the taxi driver took my address.
Fifteen terrifying minutes passed and I remembered why I rarely used the cab system on Coruscant. But finally, finally, I was home.
I practically ran out of the speeder, tossing a handful of credits as I went. It must have been more than enough, because I didn’t hear any complaints from the driver. Quickly, I ran down the alley to the backdoor and pulled out my keys. The door opened with a soft click. No one was in the immediate hallway. I leaned back against the cool metal door and let out a sigh.
“You’ll fucking pay for that!”
Irritation pulled my brows together and tugged my lips down.
“You’re swaying like a two legged droideka, you couldn’t hurt a tooka!”
A sigh left my lips as I pushed myself off the metal door. I tossed my duffle over by the door that led to my loft and marched to the bar.
“Good thing you’re not a tooka!”
Two clones stood by the bar, both surrounded by others interested in a fight or watching one. They were regulars I recognized, Jint and Catcher, friends, the last I saw them. Just before the pair could throw their fists, I jumped onto the bar counter and whistled. After the sharp noise caught the attention of anyone within a block radius, I dropped down and stepped between the clones.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing in my bar?!”
Instead of an answer, I got a welcome.
“Miss Anya?”
“Anya’s back!”
The crowd of clones turned into a swarm, as regulars and drunks swept up in the craze surrounded me. Questions went unanswered as too many voices tried talking to me. Somehow I ended up on Catcher’s shoulders. He paraded me through the bar as the clones all chanted my name. They were exceptionally drunk tonight. From my throne I spotted black and red armor leaning in a dark corner.
“Ok, okay, you’ve had your fun.” Jint helped me down from Catcher’s shoulders. They laughed together, reminiscing on won battles, whatever they were arguing about before now completely forgotten. Without someone to parade above the heads of clones in the bar, the chanting died down and the crowd of clones around me dispersed. Or rather, they were drunk enough to not notice when I left.
“That was some homecoming.” Crosshair’s voice greeted me before I saw his face, the dark lighting obscuring his expression.
“You weren’t here last time. That was a homecoming.” I smirked, though it didn’t stay for long.
“Another rare booze run?”
I leaned against the wall beside him, my arm brushing against his armor. “No, actually.”
In the corner of my eye I caught his head turning to face me. “How informative.”
“Answered your question, didn’t it?” Normally I’d be smiling at this part, this game of tooka and mouse we so often played.
He turned fully, resting his side against the wall and crossing a foot behind the other. “You’re making me ask?” A hint of a grin laced his words. “What sort of business was this last trip of yours, Miss Anya.”
At his use of my title I snickered and shook my head. “That just sounds weird coming from you.”
“Well, Miss Anya, I believe there’s only one thing that’ll get me to stop saying it now.”
I shook my head, then turned to face the clone. “You’re the worst, you know?”
“Would you have me any other way?”
“Alright alright,” I opened my mouth, but found only air. Maybe I should have said it was a beer run. “Well, it was,” The only word that came to mind fell from my lips like sand. “Family.”
His eyes widened, then narrowed. “I didn’t know you had family.”
“Yeah, there’s a reason for that.” I mumbled, looking past his eyes at the wall beside them. If Obi-Wan ever found out I called him family, he’d never let me live it down. But in a way, it was true. “Anyway, I’m exhausted and come back to a bar fight?”
Crosshair wore an inquisitive expression, though on him it looked more like a glare than someone in deep thought. He answered absentmindedly “Yeah.. Something about Lyn getting arrested.”
“What?” Surprise jolted me up.
My sudden movement caught Crosshair’s attention long enough to drop that not-scowl. “You didn’t know?” Now confusion colored his features.
There was no helmet to hide my expressions now. “I need to go talk to Jayas.” I turned towards the bar, took a step, then turned back. “Come up in twenty, I wanna clean up a bit.”
That confused expression didn’t budge, but Crosshair nodded. He leaned back against the wall again, and pulled out a toothpick. There wasn’t time to get lost watching his lips, so I turned quickly and scanned the floor. Jayas wasn’t anywhere to be seen, same as when I first came out onto the bar. Instead, Fathal and a single weequay worked the bar. The Weequay mostly filled taps and passed any mixed drink orders to his co-worker. So, Jayas managed to hire someone?
“I’m sorry, ma’am, you can’t come back here.” The weequay was chest deep in orders, and still noticed as I stepped behind the bar. “This is an employees only area.”
“Well-” I glanced past the weekquay, catching Fathal’s eye.
His starry eyes narrowed, and the rodian called out. “Yer ears work’n Qwon? That there’s Miss Anya.”
The weequay, Qwon, looked between the rodian and I, mouth open slightly.
“Your boss.” I mustered a smile, then stepped past Qwon to Fathal. “Jayas in the office?” The rodian gave me a nod. “Thanks, Fathal.” He hummed a response as I stepped through the swinging doors to the back. A knock later, I heard a gruff voice answer.
“Sorry, Fathal. Jeya’s running late and these tax forms are taking longer than-” Jayas lost his words as he looked up and saw me step into the office. “Anya!” He jumped out of his seat, causing the desk to skirt forward from the sudden movement.
“Jayas.” I grinned. Relief flooded my chest at the sight of him. His eyes were a little more sunk then normal, and a line I hadn’t seen before creased his forehead. “It’s so good to see you.”
He fumbled past the traps of files and furniture till he held me in a hug almost as tight as the ones Wrecker gave. “Kid, you had me scared shitless.”
“Yep, I do that. Need to breathe, Jayas.” I gasped and he chuckled, only loosening his grip slightly.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. Maker, not knowing for all this time has been hell.” Jayas leaned back to meet my eye. “Promise me you’ll never get a bounty on you again.”
That earned a breath of a laugh from me. “It’s not like I get much say about that.”
Jayas scoffed at my answer and then finally he let me go from his hug. He stepped back and gave me a look over. “Have you gained weight?”
“Wow.” I laughed, twisting my eyebrows up. “Didn’t think I needed to be the one to tell you commenting on someone’s weight is rude.”
“No, I meant,” He rubbed his chin. “Hugging you, it feels different. Like, your arms and shoulders have more to them.”
“I was gone awhile.” I shrugged. If Jayas noticed the results of my training, then Crosshair was likely to as well. So what, I worked out while helping family? That didn’t make any sense.
“Yes, of course. Speaking of, you look exhausted.”
“Well, you’re not one to talk.”
Jayas rubbed the back of his head and avoided my eyes. “Yeah, things have been interesting around here. No time to relax.”
“Lyn.” Her name still hurt my tongue.
He glanced my way before speaking again. “Yeah, you heard? She got arrested for treason. Clones came and hauled her away a little more than a week ago.” Jayas fidgeted with a bolt on his cybernetic arm as he talked.
“Clones?” Not the police? Jayas nodded his head, his eyes sharing the same question. My gaze fell to the floor as I weighed the information. I couldn’t risk messaging him tonight, but Tech had to know something about this.
“Any chance it was related to your absence?” Jaya’s question brought my eyes back up.
My lower lip slipped between my teeth before I answered. “More than a chance.”
Jayas dropped his gaze again. We stood uncomfortably in the office, sounds of music and laughter pouring in from the bar. Eventually, I felt a metal hand grip my shoulder.
“We’ll sort that out later. For now, don’t worry about the bar. Relax and get back into the rhythm of things.” Jayas gave me a soft smile, similar to the ones I’d seen him give his kids.
He shook his head, interrupting my argument before I could even give it. “You’re exhausted. I don’t think I’ve seen circles that dark under your eyes since I first met you. So get some sleep and enjoy some time with that clone you fancy.” He winked, earning a grin from me. “The bar will be waiting, and then I can catch you up to speed on everything and you can tell me what being locked up in some safe house for nearly a month was like.”
“..Yeah.” My grin slowly fell, but by then Jayas had turned to open the door of the office. “What about Stinky? I still need to pick him up.”
Jayas stood on the doorway and bat the air at my question. “Oh, he’s fine waiting a night. I can bring him by in the morning.”
Relief, instantly followed by guilt, filled my sigh. Stinky was a tough Tooka, but this was a long time apart. A good person would fight their exhaustion and pick up their animal companion. “That would be wonderful, thank you.” I gave Jayas a weak smile.
He nodded, once and I exited the office, letting him move out of the door frame so it could close. I picked up my duffle, stifling a groan as my tired muscles cried against me. Before exiting to the stairs of my loft, I turned and called Jayas.
“Hey, Jayas?”
“Yeah kid?” He stopped at the double doors leading to the bar.
He stood there, holding the door with one silver hand and one dark one, and looked me over with eyes I had seen few times before. Once being the first time he met me. “Anytime, Miss Anya.” Then he stepped back into the bar.
Something turned over in my gut at those eyes, but I could worry about it later. Now I wanted to shower. Every step up the stairs felt like a trek, but eventually, I made it to my front door.
Inside, it was quiet. Of course, Stinky wasn’t here to greet me, but it was almost like I could feel my absence in the loft. The place felt so still. Somehow, it felt like it would always be this way. But this was my home, and that wasn’t so.
Crossing into my bedroom seemingly gave me a boost of energy. Suddenly the weight on my eyes had lifted and my shoulders weren’t hunched over. Of course, I needed to hurry. Crosshair would be up in approximately 15 minutes, and I needed to stash all evidence of being ‘Annie the Padawan’ somewhere his curious reticle wouldn’t find.
The normal stuff was easy, toothbrush, hairbrush, underwear. That could be put away like regular. But blacks, my Jedi robes, lightsaber, and armor needed more thought. The box under my bed could hold the clothes, but it wasn’t big enough for the armor. Now that the duffle bag was mostly empty, the armor actually fit rather well. I zipped up the bag and slid it under my bed. Looked normal enough.
That just left my lightsaber. Sure, it could fit in the duffle or the force-locked box like before, but that felt wrong. I needed it close to me. Easy access. What was I thinking? This was a weapon I thought I’d never touch again, and yet here I was wanting to keep it close. As I scanned my bedroom my eyes landed on the nightstand by my pillow. I couldn’t? Could I?
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Authors end chapter notes:
Did you expect Tali to be arrested when Anya got home? Where do you think the lightsaber will be hidden?
Dividers by Djarrex   
Tag list: @midnight-sun-0
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bokkicat · 2 years
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Meet Bukara !
My Zabrak OC I made recently, took some liberties with the Legacy SW content, but it should be mostly accurate to canon. Enjoy his bio!
Name: Bukara 'Dread' Tu'Moi Nicknames: Bow, Dread, Buttercup Age: 42 (He's got some wrinkles coming in!) Species: Dathomirian Zabrak Sexuality & Gender: Gay cis-male He/Him Early life: Born of Dathomir decent, Dread was given up by the Nightsisters as part of a bargin with Outer Rim slavers, to ensure peace on Dathomir. He was sold around to a few masters as a baby/toddler before being rescued by a Jedi Knight who was out on a mission. After descovering that he was force sensitive Dread was sent to the Jedi Temple's crèche where he lived and learned until he came of age to be trained as a padawan. He was later chosen by Master Khromi Ru'nar a headstrong rebel female Zeltron, who taught him to use duo sabers and use others emotions to his advantage. Early into his teens Dread changed his name to Bukara Tu'Moi as he worried his traditional Dathomiri name would cause unrest amoung the other Jedi. Adult life: Bu became very close to his Master and followed her teachings closely, even when the Clone Wars reared its ugly head. After being Knighted at the age of 26 he joined Master Khromi in leading the 'Nexu' Company. A clone detachment specialising in locating and extracting high profile assets. Bukara loved all the Clones in his unit and made an effort to engage with them regularly, which resulted in a blossoming crush with a Clone named Chance (CT-3503) This never went far as Bu was reminded of his commitment to the Jedi Order. Bukara began collecting dog tags for all his fallen troopers as a reminder to put his squad first, no man is left behind. Nexu company were on a mission in the Mid Rim when Order 66 hit, the Clones turning on him and his Master Khromi who fell during the violence. Bu was lucky enough to cut a braid from her hair as a safe keep before fleeing. Post order 66: After receiving Master Kenobi's transmission and knowing he can not return to the Temple, Bu bounced from planet to planet in the Outer Rim, evading the new 'Galactic Empire' he later found refuge on the planet Mandalore in a small stronghold in the north known simply as 'Kyrimorut'. There he was reunited with Chance where they decided to finally give in to each other. (Chance was found by Rex early after Order 66, where along with other Clones they removed their inhibator chips) Bukara defended Kyrimorut against many sieges and fought to keep it a secret from the Empire, earning trust amongst the local Manalorian's and Clone's. Bu was gifted with a durasteel broach and poncho both adorning a 'Iron Heart' a symbol commonly used in their culture. Chance took on a few off-world bounty's later down the line, returning with a small Togruta baby, her skin a light green and white. The babe has been orphaned and left in his care, the two decided to raise her as their daughter and named her A'lar Tu'Moi. Physical description: - Bu has yellow buttercup skin with light orange markings (Markings used to be darker however he had them lasered to distance himself from his Dathomirian heritage) - Keeps his horns short for comfort and to make him less conspicuous - Wears a braid of his Master's hair on his belt along with dog tags from his squad to keep their memories alive - Loves his poncho almost as much as his family, hardly ever seen without it    
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thedarkesthour13 · 2 years
Top 10 TV Shows of 2021-2022
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10. Motherland: Fort Salem
Not the best for a final season but appreciated what we got. Still loved the characters and loved seeing the new dynamics in the final season.
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9. Harley Quinn
Loved seeing Harley and Ivy finally together
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8. Moon Knight
Loved it but felt liked it should’ve been longer. Some stuff felt rushed and wish there was more time to expand and explore certain things.
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7. Warrior Nun
Honestly can barely remember plot related things but enjoyed it. Need to re-watch. Loved the characters and how much they grew also loved the new additions. Hate that it was cancelled.
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6. Ms. Marvel
Surprised how much I liked it. Thought it was one of the better-done Marvel Disney+ shows. It was fun and felt self-contained but also leading to something bigger. Can’t wait to see more of the character.
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5. Andor
Had no expectations for this but my favorite new Star Wars show after Manalorian. Loved it and seeing more of Cassian. A few times felt a little slow but still enjoyed it.
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4. NCIS Hawaii
Absolutely loved season 1. Might be my new favorite NCIS. Fell in love with it and the characters in episode 1. Also, the first time in an NCIS show where I actually shipped characters together. Look forward to watching every week.
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3. Wednesday
Wasn’t sure if I was gonna watch cause know nothing about The Addams Family but a friend begged me to so did and loved it. Wednesday is my new obsession and one of my new favorite characters. It ended and I only wanted more. Only one complaint and that was the plot felt a little easily wrapped up. Loved the characters though. Hoping for a season 2.
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2. Stranger Things
Loved it. Loved the storyline in Hawkins and the characters there. Honestly didn’t care about anything or anyone else. Biggest disappointment was didn’t get a big death like was rumored. Can’t wait for the final season.
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1. Peacemaker
Honestly surprised by this one. Hated the character after The Suicide Squad but decided to give the show a shot. Loved it. Couldn’t wait for it every week.
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thewriterowl · 6 days
The real question is have you played the Mando mod for stardew valley? It adds the manalorian and grogu as npcs, has the razor crest behind the community center, you can have a lightsaber and marry din. I haven't played it yet because moding scares me but if there are any mods I want to play that's one of them.
I have not! I only have Stardew on the switch lite, so I don't think I can do mods (and knowing me I'll make it break; I am so unlucky with tech). But ugh that would be so cool to be able to do that!! I want to marry Din D:
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markramsey · 1 year
Watching The Manalorian on #DisneyPlus #nowwatching #TVseries #seasonfinale
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lovelessdagger · 1 year
Bros handing it out like a business card
Din Djarin, Concordia
Manalorian and Bounty Hunter at Law
Boy if only there was a place of media that we as a viewer could experience him becoming comfortable with his invidual identity and sharing it damn.... maybe they'll make a comic about this dude he's mad interesting
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A Lesson In Mando’a [Din Djarin x Reader]
Title: A Lesson In Mando'a Summary: You'd been a bounty hunter most of your life; you were use to sleeping rough, fighting for your life, the harsh realities of life. What you weren't use to was the soft feelings of comfort, the warmth of a family. Warnings: Like one swear word I think ? Request: N/A
A/N: I posted this about half an hour ago, but it wasn’t showing up in the tags, so hopefully this one does! 
A/N 2: Let me know if you have any other Din or Star Wars requests!
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PART 1: A Lesson In Mando’a PART 2: A Lesson In Tradition PART 3: A Lesson In Touch
Din Djarin~A Lesson In Mando'a
Despite not fully understanding 'the Way', you had come to respect it. You particularly admired (almost envied) the beskar armour that came with it. It was certainly one of the better perks that came with being a Mandalorian. That, and the instant fear reaction most had whenever the Mandalorian walked into the room. Din (you had recently learned that was 'Mando's' real name) was quite a character as he strode into any cantina. He drew the attention of many patrons that occupied the bar, whether they chose to avert their eyes or stare at him. His shiny new beskar, along with the menacing helmet, was quite a sight to behold.
         And, yet, you found yourself -on more than one occasion- staring at the Mandalorian with admiration... Affection almost. You knew it wasn't allowed. It wasn't compatible with Din's lifestyle, nor yours; it didn't make any sense, logically. On the surface, you knew that, but deep down you longed for a connection with the Mandalorian, one that served as more than a business deal, or an alliance of convenience. For a while, you had tried to asses Din's feelings about you.
        At first, you were pretty sure he hated you: you did, after all, steal a bounty from him. It wasn't your fault that both your employer at the time and the guild he worked for had given you the same target, and it certainly wasn't your fault you were faster. As soon as you had caught the target, you were out of there: you knew of the Mandalorian's reputation, and you were smart enough to not want to fight him head to head. You didn't get to meet Din face to face until you had both been in the same town, both being hunting down by the Imps. You'd helped him escape them directly, and he'd offered you a lift in his ship, the Razor Crest. And, then you met his son... And, kind of never left.
        You'd intended just to leave as soon as you can, to be dropped off at the next planet. You didn't want to over stay your welcome; your companion didn't seem like the type to host company. Though, if you were being honest, you didn't think he'd be the type to have a child either. He was cute: the child. And, while you didn't have many parental feelings, you had to admit the little green gremlin was pulling on your heart strings.
        You sat in one of the chairs in the cock pit, with Din in the main front one flying. You suspected he'd put you there so he could keep an eye on you. And, while you couldn't blame him, you did start to feel tired. Did this ship even have beds? It didn't seem like a traditional living vehicle, definitely not built for comfort. Your eyes scanned around the cockpit, wondering if you could sneak down to the hull and take a nap there. While your eyes were wandering around, you spotted something out of the corner of your eye: the child. You smiled at him as he gazed a you. He turned his head slightly, his ears flopping to one side. The child looked curiously at you: you were a stranger, and you doubted he'd interacted with many people besides the Mandalorian. He seemed quite protective over the kid.
        Before you could realise what was happening, the child had wandered towards you and was reaching up at you. You hesitated for a second before picking him up. You didn't want to offend Din by over stepping any boundaries, but who could say no to those big, pleading eyes.
        You held him carefully, gently placing him in your lap, being mindful of how small he is.
        "He seems to like you," Din murmured.
        You jumped, a little bit startled; you'd be trapped in the moment, your eyes trained on the child. He smiled up at you, enjoying being held, and the feeling of warmth. You imagined your robes were much more comfortable than the beskar.
        "Huh, I'm usually not good with kids, but he is a cutie," you smile up at the Mandalorian, "Is this what you look like under the helmet?"
        You feel him tense up.
        "Sorry I didn't mean offense by it," you pause, pursing your lips.
        "No, its fine. Not too many people make jokes with me, that's all," he reassured.
        "Well, no offence, you don't seem like the joking type," you shrug, "Or, maybe, who knows: you might be laughing under there all the time and just nobody can tell."
        "Yeah, I'm the life of the party," Din dead panned.
        You chuckled a little, and although you didn't know it at the time, Din's heart skipped a beat. 'That was weird,' Din thought, 'That's never happened before...' He tried to bury it, hide the thought away, as he did with a lot of his emotions. This one, however, seemed to stick around.
        And, so did you.
        It had been a few months since you'd joined him. Originally, you offered to help on jobs, fix the ship, take care of the child, whatever he wanted- to repay him for stealing his bounty. Well, that's what you told yourself. Originally, you believed you were in his debt, but over time you grew more and more fond of his company- and the child of course. He was adorable, and he offered a light distraction from the chaos the universe seemed to be in. Not to mention, your growing affection for the Mandalorian was keeping you pleasantly occupied.
Din was off hunting a bounty. Usually, you'd go with him, but he had insisted it would be an easy job. Besides, you weren't going to fight him on this: you liked spending time with the kid, and it'd give you some time to catch up on your sleep. The Crest wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, and you always felt slightly on edge because the Mandalorian practically slept battle ready. It was the perfect excuse to have a rest day- those came few and far between.
        The Razor Crest was parked safely in a remote location, with all security measured engaged. You told yourself it would only be a small nap. Besides, the kid was tired too. You'd fed him recently, and he always napped after food. If he was tired, you might as well sleep beside him- for his comfort, of course.
        Originally, you were going to put him to bed in the little make shift cot Din had made for him, but you figured he'd be just as comfortable in your arms. You made your way up to the cock pit. It was nightfall, and the stars visible from this planet were quite a sight to behold. Gently, you held the child and began explaining to him all the different star constellations, and what they meant. You weren't sure he understood basic, but the way he looked up at you, and then to the stars, you figured he was understanding something.
        "And, this one," you pointed out a large cluster of stars, "Is called 'The Warrior', just like your daddy, little one. That one is 'The Queen,' and this one-"
        You stopped yourself. The kid had finally fallen asleep. You gently wrapped the blanket around both of you, and leaned back into the chair. Within a couple of minutes, your eyes had drooped, and sleep had overcome you. Before you completely drifted off, you had one thing on your mind: you hoped you would see your dear Mandalorian soon.
When the bounty hunter turned dad returned from his latest outing, he was tired. He threw the bounty into carbonite, and trudged further up the ship. It was only after he'd had a moment to breathe, that he realised there was no sign of you- or the child. His heart began to race. He opened the closet, praying to find the child inside a sleep.
        He didn't.
        Fuck. This was bad. He should've never left the child- what if he was hurt now? What if you were? Surely, you hadn't taken the child. You wouldn't do that to him... Would you?
        His last resort before tearing apart the place was to check the cock pit. Logically, he knew you could be up there, but you usually spent most of your time in the hull. That's where your bed was, where the food was, where the child usually played. That's where he thought you'd be.
        Din climbed up the ladder, keeping an eye out in case anything had happened to you or the child- in case it was a trap. Instead of any sign of the Imps, droids, or guild interference, he saw your sleeping body. In your arms, was the child. Din pulled himself up and landed as quietly as he could, so as to not disturb you. He watched you for a second; you looked so peaceful, and so well rested. He was envious. His eyes dropped down to the child; he was curled into your body, with his fingers gently wrapped around your thumb. He was softly snoring, almost purring as he slept. Din took one step forward, but his armour boot clanked against the floor a little too loudly. The child perked up; his ears flinched at the sound, and he woke up. When he saw it was Din, he cooed for him, and began to wriggle in your arms.
        The Mandalorian stepped forward, and reached for the kid. You began to wake as well.
        "D-Din?" you ask, eyes fluttering open, and when you registered it was him, you sat up, "You're back!"
        You then registered that the baby was trying to wiggle out of your grasp. Adjusting your grip on him, you lifted the child up and offered him over to Din.
        "Sorry little guy, did you want to go back to your daddy?" you asked, and the baby cooed in response, "Here you go."
        Din gently took the child from you and held him close.
        "How was it? An easy job?" you asked.
        He was lost in thought. About you, about the child, about his new found family. His heart had fluttered when you had called him daddy. Well, it wasn't technically you, but he felt it in his heart nonetheless. He had been feeling that a lot around you lately: especially when you held the child. It almost felt like he had... Like he had a family. Din hadn't known what that felt like for a long time. Sure, he had the fellow Mandalorians, but they offered no affection like you did. He didn't feel as warm around them as he did with you. He-
        You were still expecting answer. Your smile dazed him.
        "Yes it was, cyar'ika," he murmured, looking down at his son, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you missed my company"
        "Maybe," you smiled, "The child did at least."
        That was enough, for now.
        Din was about to turn around and go back down the hull, when you spoke up again.
        "Din, you keeping calling me... Ah, c-cyr-"
        "Yes, that!" you pause, "What does it mean?"
        "Oh that," Din could feel his face heat up behind the mask (which he was very thankful for at this moment, other wise he feared he'll die of embarrassment from the deep blush on his face), "I- Ur, it means... It's Mando'a for beloved."
        "Oh," you felt your face heat up, "I-"
        "-I can stop if it makes you feel uncomfortable-"
        "-No! No, I... I like it."
        It wasn't quite a full admission of your feelings, but for now... For now, you were happy. With Din, with the child: with your family.
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fleetingimages · 4 years
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So, I found my old tablet and decided to throw some random color.
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miss-spixx · 3 years
disrespectfully demanding that the mouse gives boba fett his show back
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shop5 · 4 years
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How about that finale 
[Image Description: A stylized portrait of Din from the Mandalorian. The left side of the picture has a purple background with yellow triangles scattered around. The figure is drawn from the chest up with his mask off wearing stormtrooper armor. The Right half of the picture looks like it was taped on and is a picture of the mandalorian drawn from the chest up in his armor with word that reads “Din Djarin, clan of Two” in Mandalorian, the “two” is broke in the scattered pieces] 
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