#mandalore gaming
al-perthe · 4 years
As much as I love the TBFP playthrough of Deadly Premonition, this is actually my true “Ol Reliable” when I need to cope with sadness.
(the Retsupurae reaction to the longplay by Lord Kuddy is also really funny, this game is just a complete disaster but you can’t look away)
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paladinguy · 5 years
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am1vf · 3 years
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whyamiheredude3 · 2 years
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quick Revanderous sketch ❤
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THE MANDALORIAN | Chapter 16: The Rescue
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flowerflamestars · 2 years
In Red and Gold, These Ways of Old: chapter 3
Quinlan Vos’s heart was armorweave, unraveling in two different directions. Cortosis and steel, strength run out into glimmering threads, lovely and leaving him with nothing but silk, slipping cold from his fingertips. He could just make out fraying edges, and lived in the fear of when he’d wander deep enough to grasp where they tore. He wanted- to be warm again. Catches on armor, whispering beskar, the utterly snobby wicked slant to Ara’s expression, twin to Fox’s meanest smile. Ara’s hair in his face, Fox’s arms around his waist. Falling asleep to dissonant Mando’a consonants, sense memory sinking soft and slow into his skin, sure safety. A bed- an office- a locked door- the fucking floor, if it meant her unbreakable grip, his calloused hands, the two people Quinlan loved most, making him feel real. He wanted his wife. He wanted his husband-
He wanted to be strong enough to be anything more than alone. “Quin,” Obi-Wan muttered, “You’re spiraling.”
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crispyjenkins · 3 years
very quick scene from time travel boba
for @realizationin321 because they've been so hype and kind on all of my wip ask game posts (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) and i'm not above letting someone enable me
(in reference to this post. Obi is almost 18, Boba is 5, Jango is 22-ish. Obi-Wan has been stuck on Mandalore for almost two years.)
“You’ve never met him?”
It isn’t the first time one of their hosts has asked Obi-Wan this, nearly every Mando’ade that’s realised he only knows what Jango looks like from holos has been curious, but that doesn’t make it any easier to explain.
Hmming, Obi-Wan pulls their thin blanket up to cover Boba better, where he’s using Obi-Wan’s arm as a pillow and sleeping on his back like he has not a care in the world. Across the firepit, their current host lounges across several cushions, Kal Skirata’s gaze as discerning as it is friendly, and though many of the Mando’ade Obi-Wan has met in the past year claimed to personally know Jango Fett, he actually believes it of Kal.
“Truth be told,” Obi-Wan says with a small smile, “I hadn't even heard his name until I met Boba. Last my people heard, Jaster Mereel was the leader of the True Mandalorians.”
Kal snorts. “Jango was Mand’alor for all of a tenday before the Haat’ade were massacred.”
Obi-Wan hmms to himself again, not answering right away, as he brushes Boba’s curls off his forehead; Maker, but they both needed a haircut. “Many say he still is.”
“If he’s even alive!” Kal laughs, though there is no mirth in it. “But he never did pass the title on, so if he is alive, yeah, he’s Mand’alor still.”
The night sounds of the desert outside Kal’s tiny shack are actually comforting in their familiarity, Obi-Wan having grown quite accustomed to them since the start of his mission. Of Qui-Gon’s mission. Force, but is... is Qui-Gon even still looking for him?
He’d heard that Satine had been elected a duchess of sorts, but then nothing else, not with Vizsla and Death Watch keeping Obi-Wan and Boba on the run all over Manda’yaim; surely when Qui-Gon finished the mission, he had told the Council he was still missing?
Obi-Wan isn’t sure, because Qui-Gon certainly hadn’t told anybody after he was stranded on Melida/Daan.
The five year old in his arms snuffles, his closest hand twisting into the fabric of Obi-Wan’s borrowed tunic, and Obi-Wan gently taps his forehead against the side of Boba’s head in an almost-Keldabe.
Kal watches this all silently, but not without a tiny smile tugging at his lips. “Jango would be proud, how well you’re taking care of him.”
Obi-Wan blinks at him. “I’d rather thought he’d have a conniption if he knew who was taking care of him.”
“Hm, you’re not wrong about that. But Jango is weak for ad’e: one word from Boba and he’d be at your feet.” Something sly and amused crosses his expression, and Obi-Wan doesn’t trust it for a moment. Indeed, when Kal next opens his mouth, it’s “So how many Mando’ade have asked if you’re his riduur?”
“All of them,” he sighs. It had taken a little while, and he’d had to ask a random Mando in Cirillia about the meaning of the word, but, yes, Obi-Wan is well aware of the sorts of stories their different hosts are sharing about him. And he can’t even blame them, not when Boba calls him buir just as often as he calls him vod. “Boba certainly doesn’t help matters, with the way he talks about us both.”
“Y’know, I never really expected Jango to physically have a kid,” Kal says, sitting up a little straighter only to stretch out his legs until his boots almost touch the brazier. “A foundling someday, maybe, but he’s not... Kriff, I don’t know the word in Basic.”
Obi-Wan just chuckles, because even at seventeen, he knows the same about himself. “I believe the scientific term is asexual,” he murmurs, “But my people tend to just say Indifferent.”
Kal’s face scrunches, the shadows from the fire cutting him into even sharper relief. “Oh, that boy is far from indifferent.”
Laughing outright, because Boba had once said the same, Obi-Wan decides he likes Kal, even if he maybe doesn’t trust him enough to reveal that he’s a Jedi or that Boba is a clone, that Jango had gotten around his asexuality spectacularly to have a genetic child anyway.
Boba, of course, doesn’t know the details, but apparently Jango had never been secretive about his origins, and Obi-Wan only feels his respect for him growing. Maybe someday he’ll even get to meet the man, and see how much Boba’s hero worship had colored his stories.
“You said you got separated from your mentor.”
All at once, Obi-Wan’s good mood evaporates, Kal clocking the change with narrowed eyes, but Obi-Wan doesn’t know if it’s in sympathy or distrust.
“Over a year ago now,” he answers softly, glad their borrowed blanket hides him tightening his grip on Boba’s skirts.
“Wait,” Kal mutters, “that’s... You’ve been taking care of him that long? You’ve been on the run that long?”
“I couldn’t very well leave him behind, Kal.”
“You’ve been running from Death Watch, from Vizsla, on your own, for over a year.”
He’s quick to shake his head. “No, not alone: we wouldn’t have made it this long if it weren’t for the Haat Mando’ade and the old clans.”
Kal snorts. “That humility is quite the contrast to Jango’s arrogance, vod.”
“... Something tells me he will not return to Manda’yaim the same as he left it.”
Mando’a: Mando'ad/e — lit. “child/ren of Mandalore”, “Mandalorians” Haat'ad/e — lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians (slang shortened to Haat'ad/e) Mand'alor — “Sole ruler”, contended ruler of Mandalore Manda'yaim — the planet Mandalore ad/'e — “child/ren” riduur — “spouse”, “partner”; when gendered in Basic, “husband”, “wife” buir/e — “parent/s”, gender neutral vod/e — “brother/s”, “comrade/s”, “sibling/s”, technically gender neutral but used most often in fandom as “brother/s”
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saradika · 2 years
🥰 A fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings -(from @reluctant-mandalore)
Omg I started thinking and then my little list got longer and longer. It is safe to say that all of these are such warm, comfort fics to me! Thanks so much for this question 💖
🥰 A fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings:
[Rec*] by @bacarasbabe
I love the love in this
The warmth a cup of caf brings can also be given by the gentlest of souls by @loth-wolffe
The ultimate comfort fic
when the sun kissed the moon by @princessxkenobi
This fic makes my heart absolutely melt
home by @ohheyitsokay
I get SUCH happy and swooning feelings thinking about them finding a home together, a place to call their own
Cinderella AU with Marcus Pike by @ifimayhaveaword
A literal fairy tale of a fic that makes me want to lie on the floor (in a good way)
Fic Recs (Ask Meme) 📝💖
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bookofsecretstotell · 3 years
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2020 vs 2021 #faceyourart
I see that I've studied many styles in coloring.
Switching from Photoshop to procreate was quite a journey.
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holdharmonysacred · 2 years
Oberon F/GO would have a pizza tab. He absolutely would have a pizza tab. If it’s not canon it should be.
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elionwriter · 3 years
Aaaaand Knights of the old Republic 2 is also under my belt now! As adviced I tried to play with Mods but spectacularly failed to install them so I had to go with the basic version offered by steam. And BOY did I regret not managing to mod the game!!!! It lagged and glitched so bad!
I should say that the main problem was missing whole sections of dialogues but the thing that pissed me most was that the game kept referring a lot of times to Revan as "He" and "Dark" after I SPECIFICALLY set Revan to be a Female Light character! The situation was SO bad that by the end of the game I was very confused and had to go on the Wookieepedia to understand some critical plot points that had completely excaped me.
Everything considered, however, I can safely say I definitely like the first KOTOR better! There are a few things which I thought were huge improvements from the first chapter like the fact that you can gain and lose influence over your companions and that makes you unlock their backstory. Also, it's good that you can just keep levelling up your characters to your heart's content without the LV.20 threshold, if you manage to master it the new workbench is also a much more useful tool and the characters' skillset is also better managed (even if, for the life of me, I cannot find a point to Stealth. This skill, is completely useless in both Kotor 1&2).
I know this is purely personal but I liked the supporting characters a lot better in the first. I loved everyone of the first Ebon Hawk crew and I can't really say the same of the the second set. Kreia is an incredible and mysterious character and so is Visas and Bao-Dur isn't bad either. T3 is actually even better in this instalment than the first but honestly I was very disappointed by Atton and I couldn't care less for Mira, Disciple, Handmaiden and GO-TO. I was very happy to have my beloved HK back and to see Canderous Ordo becoming the Manda'lore!!!
I like the theme of the game that "actions can have a very different repercussion from the intention inspiring it", it's very complex and beautiful to reflect upon but generally speaking I found myself floundering in the COUNTLESS plots and subplots of the story. In my opinion this is one of those instances in which "less is more". The game would have really benefitted from being more tight. Following at the same time Kreia's story, Atris' fall to the dark side, finding the old Jedi masters to bring them to Dantooine, The reason behind your MC's trial, the force bond, the disappearance of Revan, the bounty on your head AND the story of Sion and Nihilus feels definitely TOO much. At times I found myself wondering ok, but, like, what IS my character's main objective?! Also, this means that the main baddies aren't nearly as focused on as much as Malak was in the first. Actually, that may be another thing, the story spends so much time talking about Malak and Revan that it doesn't fully focus on the matters at hand. The romances this time around feel pretty much lacking and pointless, expecially because you don't really see them come to fruition since you end up abandoning your whole crew at the end of the game.
So yes, while most of the concepts of the game weren't just good but great, I definitely think it was too much all together and preferred the simplicity of the Starforge story of the first. Also, there's no way around it, Revan is just TOO cool a character to not eclipse the Exile.
Anyway that's just my opinion, I would really like to know what you guys think.
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azure--gunslinger · 3 years
They should make a single player class based mandalorian game set during the purge/fall of mandalore.
Pick your preferred mandalorian class. Maybe each class is a diff house. And undertake missions fighting against the fledgling empire.
Throw in a few inquisitors for that mando vs force user bit.
End the game with having to abandon mandalore and founding a covert like the one seen in the mandalorian
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whyamiheredude3 · 3 years
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a Revanderous sketch from a while ago☺️
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tomicaleto · 3 years
“I made tea” for the prompt list with Anakin and Obi-Wan please?
Here it is! It’s not exactly a “sick fic” but it is taking care of someone so it counts!
Anakin hadn’t been able to talk with Obi-Wan once he’d returned from his unauthorized mission on Mandalore before the Council had summoned Obi-Wan for a meeting. Instead, he had walked towards Obi-Wan’s rooms and put the code of the door in before entering the place. 
Hours later, the door of the rooms opened again, revealing an exhausted looking Obi-Wan, his shoulders dropping and his expression withdrawn. 
He looked up in surprise when he heard Anakin moving around his kitchen, clearly not expecting anyone to be in his rooms, but he didn’t say anything, just sat down on his couch and hung his head. He felt numb, finally allowing himself to grieve the death of the duchess and to analyze the events that had happened in Mandalore. 
Anakin stepped into the sitting room, putting two mugs of freshly brewed tea on the low table. “I made tea.” He said, before sitting next to Obi-Wan, their sides pressed against each other. He could feel Obi-Wan’s turmoil in their bond and desperately wanted to offer some comfort. 
“I lost the Twilight.” Was the only thing Obi-Wan said. “Sorry.” 
Anakin recoiled, a bemused expression taking over his face. “Uh… No problem.” He said. He hadn’t even known Obi-Wan had taken the Twilight with him. “I heard things didn’t go, uh, well.” He tried, wincing at his understatement. He was trying hard not to put his foot in his mouth, unsure on how to act around Obi-Wan at the moment. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
Obi-Wan sighed and he raised his head, leaning forward to pick up his favourite mug. “I would rather meditate after, if you don’t mind.” 
Anakin ignored the pang of hurt and quietly nodded. He moved, grabbing his own mug. “I’ll leave you to it, then.” He said, quickly gulping down the tea, wishing he could have enjoyed it a bit before Obi-Wan basically kicked him out. 
But when he was about to raise from his place, a hand grabbed his wrist and stopped him where he was. Obi-Wan was staring at him, looking like he was at loss. “You don’t have to leave, Anakin.” He said gently, letting go of Anakin when the Knight fell on the couch again. 
“I don’t want to be a bother,” Anakin insisted, fiddling with the cup in his hands. “You know I’m not good at still meditation.” “You’re not a bother, Anakin.” The weight of Obi-Wan felt firmer against his side. “You must know I find your presence comforting, it’s nice having you here with me.” 
Warmth blossomed in Anakin’s stomach and he pressed himself more against Obi-Wan. “I shouldn’t have drunk the tea that fast.” He mourned, a pout taking over his face, quickly replaced by a small smile when Obi-Wan chuckled next to him. 
“No, you shouldn’t have.”      
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time - (From @reluctant-mandalore)
hey cy! ❤️ i hope you're doing well!
✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
I'd love to read from what we cannot hold the stars are made by @kill-the-feels again for the first time! Especially the scene where Jango takes Boba and Reader up to the landing platform 🥺 That scene gets me every time.
Send me a number or emoji for a fic rec!
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zinzinina · 3 years
Wrecker or Rex? - reluctant-mandalore ❤️
So I don't know if this is gonna get me cancelled dfgdfs? But I would take Rex over anyone in the Bad Batch a thousand times over. I love that cartoon man more than is healthy 😌 x
send me two fictional characters and i'll tell you which one i'd rather date
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