#mandarin blr
lingua-kindness · 10 months
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antique-forvalaka · 2 years
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🤔 hmm, i guess that's technically not wrong
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How to find a language partner
Regardless of whether you're learning for fun, to boost your career, to get in touch with your culture, or for travel, you'll definitely need a language partner at some point, mainly for speaking practise.
You can repeat the same textbook dialogue all you want, but unless you actually practise what you learn with someone else, whether it's a native speaker, your grandmother or your classmate, achieving a near perfect or fluent level will be really difficult.
Here are my top suggestions for finding a language partner!
1. Your local language Institute
The German Geothe Institute, or the Mandarin Confucius Institute or any other Centre - they all usually hold mixers and get-to-knows, so attending one of their events is a great way of meeting fellow language learners and native speakers, who you can study with, and become friends with.
You don't necessarily need to be a member or a student of these organizations, but its always a good idea to check as different countries and regions may have their own specifications.
2. Use apps
Tandem, HelloTalk etc. Pretty decent way of meeting native speakers who want to learn your language, so it works out quite well.
The downside is that online platforms can be full of creepy people that will often derail the conversation into something unexpectedly inappropriate , so stay safe out there.
3. Your university or school clubs
Many unis have language or cultural clubs, so ask around to see if there's a club out there for your target learning language. You can learn quite a lot, and not just the language, but also about recepies, lesser known customs etc. Quite an amazing option, so try it out.
If not, chances are there might be a group in your city, so check out the Facebook groups. There's probably something out there.
4. Friend of a friend of a friend chain
That's the beauty of connections. Your friends cousin might be friends with a native speaker of the language you're learning, who's studying in the same city as you are.
Don't be afraid to reach out, or to ask your friend to pass along your request. If it doesn't work out, then hey. There are always going to be opportunities, so don't stress it.
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bhashashikhi · 1 year
I just came across this article on my DELF French book. It mentions how numerous studies have shown that associating a word with its translation is not the most efficient way to learn it. It then gives us alternative ways to learn vocab. Since I think these tips can be helpful for all languages, here’s a small summary of them:
We can learn words better if we organize them into sets.
-Associate words with scenarios already existing in your memory.
-Some words are parts of descriptive sets such as ‘shower’ is a part of the set ‘bathroom’.
-Words can also have synonyms or antonyms.
Different words of the same meaning are often used in certain scenarios such as a different version for professional and informal settings. They may also vary from culture to culture. The more we are able to associate words with strong images and ideas, the easier it is to learn them.
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Stuff to do over the next few months or so:
- wean him off the store bought hamster food and onto something a bit more nutritious (if you're curious I've made this post here explaining why this is a thing)
- play with him, bond with him, and get him used to my presence so I can hold him etc
- plan to upgrade the enclosure as this one was only ever going to be temporary. I'm planning on making a purpose built tank that will have enough floorspace and some varied terrain to best mimic their natural habitat of the asian steppe
- make some vids and vlogs especially with content in other languages ^____^
한국어 - korean
日本語 - japanese
普通话 - mandarin
My overall aim is to provide cute content for language learners that also includes tarot/astro/general mystic stuff. I was sort of inspired by the fact that most language learning resources have generic themes and there was nothing really focussing on the stuff I like that is also popular on tumblr...
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servalphias · 1 year
I've been wondering since I got here but was too afraid to ask... what does BLR mean at the end of all these tags (like studyblr or langblr or mandarin studyblr, etc.)?
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silin-han · 2 years
华人 huárén - 一个笼统的术语,指所有华人,无论他们住在哪里。然而,这个词经常被用来谈论那些居住在中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾以外的人。
华侨 huáqiáo - 指居住在国外的中国公民。这个词可能不会用于谈论国际学生或其他仅在有限时间内出国的人。但是,如果国际学生随后长期留在国外,则该期限将适用。
华裔 huáyì - 指通过归化、在国外出生等方式获得外国国籍的华裔。“裔”是指后裔,因此也可以用来指其他侨民群体。例如,韩裔指的是具有外国国籍的朝鲜族。
混血(儿) hùnxuè(er) - 这个词的意思是混血儿,但它的用法��我们在西方的用法略有不同。比如在美国我们不会认为半日半中国人是混血儿,但是混血儿会适用于这样的人。也许更好的思考方式是混合种族/民族。
中华民族 zhōnghuámínzú - the Chinese people, a blanket term that does not reference nationality but rather culture and ethnicity. For example, we see 中华 in the official names of both the PRC (中华人民共和国) and the ROC (中華民國).
X籍 jí - means X nationality. For example, 美籍、加拿大籍等等.
海外华人 = overseas ethnic Chinese
华裔美国人 = Chinese American
美籍华人 = Chinese American 
美国华人 = Chinese American 
美国华裔 = Chinese American 
中韩混血儿 = mixed Chinese-Korean
中日混血儿 = mixed Chinese-Japanese
Wikipedia:华裔美国人(英语:Chinese American)又称美籍华人,指具有华裔血统的美国国民,是亚裔美国人的一部分。 具有 jùyǒu - to have, to possess 血统 xuètǒng - lineage, blood 国民 guómín - nationals, citizens 亚裔 yàyì - overseas Asian
Baidu: 华裔美国人(英语: Chinese Americans)指具有美国国籍的华人,或具有中国血统的美国人。
Baidu:美国华裔即华裔美国人(或称为美籍华人,英语:American of Chinese Ancestry),指具有美国国籍的华人或具有华人血统的美国人。
Baidu:华裔加拿大人,即加拿大籍华人(英文:Chinese Canadians,法文:Sino-Canadiens),指移民到、或出生在加拿大的华人。
Baidu:新加坡华人是指出生或者移民到新加坡、并持有新加坡公民权或居留权的中华民族人士。 持有 chíyǒu - to hold 公民权 gōngmínquán - rights of citizens 居留权 jūliúquán - right to abode 人士 rénshì - person, figure
#华裔#华人#华侨#abc#美国出生的中国人#华侨#华裔美国人#中华民族#中文课#中国人#mandarin#普通话#中文#汉语词汇#普通话词汇#学习中文#学习普通话#学中文#学习普通话#中文语言#mandarin langblr#中文学习blr#普通话学习blr#学中文#学习普通话#学中文#学习普通话#语言学习#学习语言#学习语言
184 热度
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study-aesthete · 2 years
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03.29.22 // hey guys !! long time no see ... sorry bout that 😕 hopefully you're doing well :) i had a lot of exams last week but i got through them all! i also downloaded genshin impact and ive been having a ton of fun with it, even tho i have no idea what i am doing 🥲 anyways stay safe friends ☺️💓💞💕
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ctrl-alt-languages · 4 years
𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕤
here is a list of some really helpful mandarin resources that i found recently! all of the underlined ones are live links :) 
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chinese-grammar: i’m gonna be honest here, this grammar website is IMPRESSIVE. it provides 22 lessons and an extensive and detailed explanation of chinese script and characters (with a really long list of characters). i only just recently came across this website but i totally see myself using this, like, all the time. i highly highly highly recommend it! 
chineseboost : this website is definitely an awesome long-term resource! it provides lessons for pretty much all levels of chinese (a1-c1, hsk1-hsk5) so everything is in one place! it also has some super helpful tools such as as a hanzi to pinyin translator and a blog where they have tips and study strategies! 
LTL mandarin school : although the posts on this blog are a little limited, i feel like the posts that they do have are pretty helpful, especially their “complete guides” to basic chinese grammar! this is definitely not a primary resource, but since it has some helpful stuff i decided to include it :) 
HSK 1: i find myself coming back again and again to this app! it’s a super super accessible resources and really interesting as a beginner chinese learner since it kind of throws you in the deep-end with its built-in games, and it’s honestly quite refreshing. it also provides a huuuuge bank of vocabulary as well as sentences! 
HSKOnline: this app is most useful to people who plan to take the hsk exams. i believe it provides all 5 hsk levels with practice exams, exercises, and important vocabulary! i personally have not completely dived into this app since i am very much not exam ready haha, but i can see how it would be very very helpful for people who want to formalize language learning. (honestly it’s great for casual language learners as well since you can just pretend that they are practice tests or fake tests) 
Infinite Chinese: this app is great if you are a beginner and you want a fun and interactive way to dive into the language! it’s also a great warmup activity. infinite chinese is basically an app that has a game very similar to quizlet’s meteor game thing (i hope you know what i mean) and it also covers quite a lot of vocabulary. it’s great for review as well! :) i’ve used this app multiple times for entertainment too, so it really helps you pick the language up a little faster! 
pleco chinese dictionary : needless to say, it’s super important to have a mandarin dictionary since the vocabulary and script is so expansive. i feel like this dictionary is particularly awesome since there is handwriting input (you can write out a character using your own hand) that will give you the definition and pinyin of whatever you wrote! this is great since it’s sometimes easy to mix up definitions and pronunciations since the language is so nuanced. ans, because it’s an app, it’s nice and accessible and not to mention portable lol 
scripts: this app has been something i find myself coming back to over and over again for not only mandarin, but other languages as well! for mandarin specifically, it gives you a really strong foundation on chinese radicals (if you are new to the language: radicals are the fundamental and most basic strokes that makes up the mandarin script- it’s super important to learn them because it will help you write and also sometimes help you with the definition of words you may not know quite yet) which is super helpful, especially in the long run. 
lingodeer:  honestly speaking, lingodeer is a great app to learn mandarin! even though it somewhat forces you to go through all the basics before jumping into the meat (but that’s pretty much every language learning app so i’m not surprised about it), it provides a good review of things you already learned and does it pretty thoroughly. a lot better than duolingo 
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I do not really activity search for a language exchange partner, but if I would do, this would be my inviting proposal
你好,我叫Dina。 我31岁。我在大学工作。我有一个女儿。我的女儿一月大。所以现在我在家,不工作。
If I can describe my dream partner: he or she learns Russian (my mother tongue) or want to learn basics of English or German. I can prepare some sentences to speak beforehand and it would be audio massages in WhatsApp or WeChat because for obvious reasons I do not have time for real meetings now. I never know when I have my next free 5/15/50 minutes. For example it could be 4 o'clock in the morning 😁
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lingua-kindness · 10 months
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antique-forvalaka · 2 years
That moment when you get asked:
And your dumb multilingual brain shuts down in self preservation. Some languages i can mix, not so mandarin and japanese.
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genomics-blr · 5 years
Follow Friday! #3 (2019/02/01)
Welcome back. So far, I've been stuck in America with reccomendations. Let's see where we go through metaphysically flying around the world - yes, we can do with the internet. How about...in a South-West Direction?
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[weeeeee. i am flying.]
It feels...comparatively warmer? I'll see if I can find the nearest Medblr...Oh! It's @mudphudkangaroo!
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• An American Medical student, studying in Australia.
[UPDATE: @mudphudkangaroo IS ACTUALLY STUDING IN CHICAGO. I THINK I NEED TO a) Reevaluate my stereotypes, b) Reevaluate this post idea, and c)Reevaluate my navigation skills. Maybe talk about genetics for once. Or say less]
• Mainly blog posts about her life...
• ...and reblogs a variety of things, medical and non-medical.
• Writes (proudly) about her Chinese Heritage...
• ...as well as blogs her experiences and challenges as a Med Student...
• ...and things outside of Medicine, but very relevant to her field of care.
• Really cool in being open about mental health.
• Owns a stuffed Kangaroo named Luke - that immediately gets the highest of ratings.
Follow @mudphudkangaroo for a down-to-earth perpective of Medical School from a Marsupial. Also because she's cool. 👍
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bhashashikhi · 1 year
Introductory post!!!
Usually, I start thinking too much and planning so hard that I get overwhelmed and I end up doing nothing about anything. But this time, I plan to share what I have done weekly which will hopefully work to nudge me a little bit towards my language goals. I have decided to divide 3 days to French and 3 days to Mandarin and 1 day towards reviewing. I won’t be sharing my weekly goals here because I know inevitably I will overestimate myself and not end up doing most of the work*, I just plan to share the small achievements and share any resources here with you that help me along the way.
Btw bhasha shikhi(ভাষা শিখি) is ‘i learn languages’ in Bangla
I will start by going through my French textbook, listening to podcasts, practising writing, watching French media. For Mandarin, I will be learning some basic vocab, listening to podcasts, watching Chinese media. After a month I plan to work towards finding language exchange buddies. Wish me and my brain luck on this journey. Have a wonderful day ahead. Lots of love, Tsw *I have registered for 12 IA2 units this summer btw, for all of which I am grossly underprepared tl;dr I will be sharing my weekly progress here and any resources I find useful along my journey.
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duvetscholar · 6 years
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Day 26/100 Cafe lights 💡
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praetor-canis · 6 years
卸磨杀驴 (Kill the Donkey after the mill stops grinding);过河拆桥(Demolish the bridge after you cross the river);狡兔死,走狗烹(When the cunning hare is caught and killed, the bloodhound’s days will also be numbered).
Age Old Chinese Sayings
Mandarin is a fun language, but if you look deeper, you’ll start to find some disturbing aspects to it too.
For instance, just how many different metaphors do you need to describe a situation in which someone has overlived their usefulness and has to be killed?
All of the above are meant to used to be in this way, and that’s about all I could think of just off the top of my head. Does anyone have anything to add? Are there similar sayings in other languages?
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