#mandarin nobody knows anything about the teacher
lsmsahumor · 2 years
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Hey. Look. Promise me you won’t take Spanish. Don’t do it. I haven’t taken it here but everyone I know says the teacher is super transphobic/homophobic/conservative/etc. Apparently there’s complaints against her every year but she hasn’t been fired yet. Otherwise, I haven’t heard much anything about the French teacher but she seems pretty nice, nobody’s ever complained about her. The Latin teacher is great so I’ve heard. If you want to go into certain sciences, apparently Latin is a pretty good language to know, too. I’m taking German, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you actually want to learn German because the class is really hard and most people barely scrape through it. We also have a new mandarin teacher but I don’t know anything about her, she starts this year.
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transboysokka · 3 months
So i imagine you're comfortable with spoken Mandarin by now? But how about written?
Here’s the funny thing with my Mandarin! First of all important to know is that I’ve never actually taken a class or anything for it.
Listening: Day to day I understand what people are saying. Some vocabulary is stronger for me than others. Like when a Chinese teacher is talking to a student at school I can understand all of that. But at the doctor I need English still. And I’m far less comfortable having a social conversation in Mandarin. So basically my ability/comfort level here comes down to what I’ve been exposed to.
Speaking: I hit a block here for a while. Funny enough, I was very good at speaking Mandarin when I lived in China and nobody around me knew any English, and it got worse when I got to Taiwan. Also, and this happened for the first several years with Spanish for me too, I have like… irrational anxiety about speaking? Like I’m SO nonverbal as much as I can be but then when I do speak people say it sounds practically native. What still stops me a lot is because of my lack of formal education, I’m still missing a lot of sentence structures. When I finish my masters I’m gonna do an intensive course to just get all that down and I bet I can get to a good level of fluency in a few months. Like all the words are there, I just gotta put them together
Reading: Also enough to get around. I first learned pinyin, but I have an okay enough understanding of zhuyin/bopomofo that just reading kids books helps me learn a lot. So like I can follow signs and read a menu, and if I’m looking at like a random shop sign I probably know 25-30% of the characters, though not always their meanings haha
Writing: It’s bad lmao but not a priority right now. My stroke order is kind of bad and anything I write looks like a kid did it but I really only ever have to write my name and address which I can do okay. Everything else is typing which is much easier. I still type with pinyin on my phone so when I’m at a computer and need to use Zhuyin I’m kind of screwed but eh
So yeah basically I’m a lot worse than I should be and my Chinese has probably gotten worse since moving to Taiwan actually because my work is all in English here and I’ve been so busy with school and personal issues to really focus on studying but I do learn more every day and plan to keep at it.
tl;dr I speak like a kindergartener and read like a second grader
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okay but that one episode in House where Cuddy is in the hospital and House couldn’t get himself to be there by her side to comfort her without reaching for Vicodin always makes me tear up so bad
when she finds out she gets pretty pissed
and it was always so fucking sad to me because they both knew that House wasn’t cut out for the relationship, and knew damn well he has a lot of emotional baggage
and it’s okay to hesitate when going into a relationship with such person, you have to be prepared for everything. and it’s hard to be prepared for anything with someone like House [and Cuddy is a perfectionist, she NEEDS to be prepared for anything in order to survive]
anyways, what makes me so upset when thinking of this is:
she knew he’s an addict and yet expected him to *just stop* taking pills cold turkey.
truth is that in my experience this medication allowed his brain to function and shut down his emotion.
i mean
i genuinely hc that he has ADHD
and it’s a very personal HC but i have nowhere to talk about this so yeah
but there was a couple of months in my life when i abused medication. in a pretty dumb way, so i can’t ever say i was an addict, because it was psychiatric medication, if i filled my prescription too soon doctor would know and as a 14-15 yo kid i wasn’t going to explain to my family that i’m abusing medication because my antidepressants never work and the doctor doesn’t bother to listen to me saying that i genuinely think i have ADHD
anyways thing is, when i ran out of the anxiety medication i abused that calmed my brain down (so that i could focus, and not be “dumb” in school)
i didn’t know what to do
so i went for my insomnia medication, since i didn’t have anything else, it wasn’t exactly helping me focus, but it would severely sedate me so that i wouldn’t be able to think about anything and then i could just skip school by sleeping for 13 hours or more
the only reason i stopped was because i was still underage and it’s my obligation to go to school. and i didn’t have an excuse for feeling dizzy other than “i feel bad, i don’t want to go to school” and then i would just sleep
anyways my point is i think it was my way of coping with ADHD, i think very quickly and am all over the place, careless and make mistakes when i need to actually apply the concept i’m thinking of
and it feels similar to why not taking Vicodin would freak him out and make him “a bad doctor”
for me having ADHD is like having a lot of energy that you have to put SOMEWHERE!! whether it be literal physical activity (hyperactive), brain activity (distraction), or both
losing the use of his leg only because nobody would believe him felt unfair, he had no control over it. and the anger (energy) and the lack of ability to let it out (through sports) made him 3 times as bitter, miserable and fucking unbearable (/lh)
also the need to pick up a hobby and putting your everything into learning it but dropping it once you “succeeded” and looking for something else to do hits close home
i mean yes it’s more of a head-cannon but he knows a bunch of languages (at least spanish, hindi and mandarin, the last two of which he is fluent enough in to read and carry out conversations) and its not even that he plans on using them, he just does it for fun, to keep his brain moving; and nothing else
he picks up physics because suddenly he has so much time to spare when he can’t do his work properly and hey, physics is hella interesting, why not learn it as well?
and that’s what i find myself struggling with, when i’m trying to stop emotional eating for example, or when i’m trying to stop overachieving at school for the sake of focusing on what i actually want to do
and that’s why i’m very depressed because i want to do so many different things! but i’m bound to waste 8 hours at school not learning anything because i either don’t care about it or care too much and the teacher can’t do their class without me talking with them all the time
on top of that; Vicodin clears out all the “useless things” including some the fear and distrust he has towards everything and everyone
when he’s sober and realises Cuddy, someone he tried so hard to break down all the mental walls for, could possibly die
it overwhelmed him, because he hasn’t been in a proper relationship in years
and that’s why it was so infuriating to see this
and i’m not defending House, because i know i hated him a lot of times during the time i watched the entire show
but he’s relatable in ways no other character ever was to me
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Now I have something to say!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna start watching mythic quest this week.
Can I send you asks in mandarin?
How are you doing?
Have you read Edgar Allan Poe? If yes, do you like his books?
Do you read webcomics?
hi so so so sorry about answering this ask super late 😭
honestly the only mandarin i know is ‘nǐ hǎo lǎoshī’ and that’s from a brief term in year eight when this exchange teacher came in to teach us mandarin. nobody really learnt anything but it was fun not having to do french and getting disney princess stickers. but don’t let that stop you from sending asks in mandarin!
im doing well :D went out for some last minute christmas shopping with my mum which proved fun.
ive only ever read a few bits of the telltale heart but i do want to start reading him a bit more.
so far the only webcomic ive read is heartstopper. but it is a nice medium and i should probably read them more too. if you put aside the hard work required and time it takes to make one they do seem fun to create.
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womenfrommars · 2 years
Wait you got whole classes dedicated to other countries?? That’s great but yeah if ur wondering Americans usually do not get that. We sometimes have foreign language classes but it depends on the school and it’s often only counted as an elective and being in the class doesn’t mean that the teacher will actually do anything. And it’s just learning the language and absolutely nothing else, if you’re lucky enough to even have that offered. We don’t even learn about other North American countries. Honestly most schools don’t even teach about how the USA government works. Civics got taken out of most curriculums along with home economics. Even if you are able to get certain classes there’s not really anything keeping teachers from giving students inaccurate or biased information because “muh freedom and state’s rights” or something. Schools will pass students even if they didn’t learn anything because of some laws that got passed in like the 90s. It depends a lot on where in the US you live, if you went to public school or if your family could afford private school, etc. There’s also weird zoning laws that effect where you’re allowed to go to school, so if you live in a neighborhood with a “bad school” ur pretty much stuck there unless ur parents are able to sort it out. And then there’s big differences with rural vs urban vs suburban schools. Most states have their standards for education posted online but no one follows them and it’s practically incoherent anyway. American schools basically just teach simple math and English (those are the best taught subjects here, there’s other stuff though) and have students memorize whatever is on the standardized tests that week. Schools here tend to function more like combo daycares/prisons and less like places for learning, especially high schools. Like there’s the internet but independent study with no structure or direction doesn’t always have the best outcomes. I think that’s why young people are so insane here, but it’s whatever I guess… None of this applies to colleges theres different problems there. (Sorry for rambling in ur inbox ❤️ I couldn’t tell if that was a serious question or not)
No honey I was obliged to learn English, French, and German and in those language classes they also teach you a little bit about those countries' culture and history. It doesn't go the other way around. Nobody else in Europe really has mandatory Dutch classes because my country isn't relevant enough lol. I think everyone in Europe learns English as a second language and maybe also a third and/or fourth language depending on their geographical location and school system. My school also offered Latin and Ancient Greec but that was fully optional. Some schools also offer Mandarin Chinese or European Spanish but that's rare since they are not obliged to. I kind of assumed all Americans had to learn Mexican Spanish as well but apparantly that's just optional rip
We do learn how the country is governed. You kind of already learn by reading the news but it is also discussed in a social sciences class that focuses on socio-political issues. I don't know what that is even called in English but I had it for just one year and my teacher was a major clown lol. We also have a class that teaches you the basics of all major religions and we followed that up with a little bit of philosophy. We also followed another class for just one year that focused on teaching how to conduct scientific research. The religion class was very biased and my teacher kept simping for Islam even when acknowledging one of Muhammed's brides was underaged. We also learned about the Kaaba going by the Islamic story when that's not historically accurate. In general all my teachers for that class were Christian so we mostly focused on Christianity. It also brought out the edgy Reddit atheist in some of us.
In general everyone follows a different curriculum because there are different levels of education depending on how gifted you are. For the level I followed I had to go to high school for 6 years (counting "middle school" as well). After the age of 15 we had some more freedom in which subjects we wanted to keep following but it's very limited choice so not exactly pick and choose. My dumbass chose the two most difficult math classes rip
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fukurodaze · 4 years
haikyuu!! third gym squad taking the ib diploma programme
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ok... my friend and i got rlly stressed the other day and made headcanons for these guys if they were to take classes in the ib... it’s like a levels but like... a bit more death!
for my ib diploma folks you can just hop on over and read what i’ve hc’d but for my non-ib folks, lemme give you a bit of an introduction to the ib diploma programme.
characters included: bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsurou, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei, haiba lev, hinata shouyou
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THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME is a rigorous two-year pre-college program in your last two years of high school. a full programme consists of one class from each of the six required groups (totalling to 6 classes), which are G1 - first language; G2 - second language; G3 - social sciences; G4 - natural sciences; G5 - mathematics; and G6 - arts (though, arts is optional, and can be switched out with another subject from G3 or G4).
within these six courses, students are required to take at least three high-level (HL) courses and three standard level courses (SL), but some students may take four HL courses and have two SL courses (kind of a rough one tho). 
just to note: there’s two types of math courses - applications and interpretations (Math AI) and analysis and approaches (Math AA). MAA courses are known to be harder than MAI courses because students do more theory work and have non-calculator sections in exams, unlike MAI courses where calculators are required for every exam. also, it is possible for a person to take IB courses instead of the full diploma programme, but i’m not very well acquainted with that variation of the IB programme so we’re just going to assume all the boys got 6 courses.
okay. i am so sorry i just lectured you on a whole school curriculum. anyways. back to haikyuu!!
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BOKUTO KOUTAROU : Japanese Language and Literature HL, Mandarin Ab Initio SL, Geography HL, SEHS (Sports, Exercise, and Health Science) HL, Math AI SL, Economics SL
ok so it’s canon that this dude is not doing very well in math but his parents made him do higher level math at first poor boy >:(
he started the year off in higher level and thought he was gonna be fine
no. he was not fine.
so he ended up switching his math hl to sl and his japanese sl to hl
IT IS CANON (special chapter in volume 19 titled “i just forgot” where bokuto has a wholeass crisis about words) that bokuto’s really one to actually really like to think about how words work and function as systems in the same way ib language courses do!!
actually having him do japanese ll hl is just an excuse for me to keep him in math sl sorry
i mean koutarou may be my fav tax evader but he really did sit through two years worth of econ classes... smh
mans is Not listening and has to rely on yukie for notes but he just memorises case studies for exams and does not do anything else
i feel like he just takes mandarin because he thought it was the easiest one... he also thinks the words sound similar so it’s easy to memorise
he’s a pretty good communicator so he practices his mandarin quite a lot. as in, he’s made friends to talk to in mandarin. we love to see it!!!
also. um. i hc that he’s pretty decent at memorisation so geography!! this goes for memorising all the kanji and mandarin characters too
i think SEHS is pretty self-explanatory. mans already known he wanna be a pro athlete might as learn about being healthy as an athlete
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KUROO TESTUROU : Japanese Language and Literature SL, English B SL, Business Management HL, Chemistry HL, Math AI HL, Biology HL
now... we all know this mf been taking chemistry hl. it is CANON
and as per his career path... DEFINITELY business management hl
i feel like he’s so analytical in the way he sees things that he likes to explore many areas of knowledge where there are different ways of thinking
takes english as a second language because... whew.. aint it sexy when mans wanna be multifaceted in business
also takes higher level biology because he’d rather not with the languages... but later on i believe he ends up in a higher level language class because he might as well
i feel like kuroo’s classes just give me a vibe i know too too well... 
mans takes math ai. he does not wanna fuck around with a pencil proving a theorem he just wants the answer bro
like in volleyball, he’s a quick thinker. so he’s pretty g with math and business stuff
i literally know someone with this class combo ... it’s not very chill but it screams “you never see me do any course work but i always get at least a B+ in every subject”
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AKAASHI KEIJI :  Japanese Language and Literature HL, French Ab Initio SL, Psychology HL, Chemistry SL, Math AA SL, Visual Arts HL
now... this subject combo radiates such pretty energy
pretty subjects for a pretty boy
he was originally going to do biology sl but then found out there is chemistry in biology so he just decided with chemistry. plain and simple.
we all know akaashi is both emotionally and academically intelligent
he’s logical and analytical, and when faced with a tough time he works through it well albeit going through a little bit of struggle
this automatically puts him in math aa... i just see him actually liking proving theorems??? 
but maybe he just thinks his calculator is a nuisance sometimes and would rather solve everything by hand 
also art boy! this dude likes graphic design more but when it comes to traditional art he does Not Hold Back
i like to think that he’s into painting backgrounds and mixed media
if he didn’t take VA, i’m pretty sure he would take economics. because. it’s quite systematic and i think akaashi would take a liking to it
as for japanese ll hl... we all know this dude was supposed to be a part of the literary section in a magazine/manga company but was moved to editor
goes hand-in-hand with psychology, likes to know how words convey meaning and how they affect people
he also thinks french is kind of a cool language. i feel like this guy just wants to do it because it sounds cool and novel for him
all in all, pretty solid subject combo!
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TSUKISHIMA KEI : Japanese Language and Literature HL, French Ab Initio SL, History HL, Biology SL, Math AA HL, Instrumental Music HL
4 hl’s... here we are folks
honestly does it for colleges to go like “holy shit this dude is kinda crazy”
but does suffer... coursework tings :)
first of all this dude takes french (even though it’s a beginner’s class) because he just loves to sound cool huh
the summer before his courses started he would have had the basics down after looking through free ib textbooks
plus, being the guy that’s super good at a new language in the class is a huge ass flex and a big ass ego boost. and anyways, with language, he thinks it’s just a lot of simple patterns working together.
this also applies to japanese ll hl... finds writing essays and making arguments ez (at least that’s what he tells himself - he’s kinda nervous when it comes to japanese but he holds on anyway)
practices extra hard on pronunciation. sounds hot tho
math aa hl??? there we go. another crazy one. thought he could ace the class at first.... no. no he couldn’t 
thinks about moving down to sl. probably does. (at least it’s not math ai)
history and biology go hand in hand for him. he has significant interests in prehistoric times, and likes to learn about the origins of life - that’s a given
but he does get tired of the politics talk in history like... goddamn all these people making so many mistakes? just stop making them smh
and instrumental music was just something he got onto because he really would like to just have a course where he could enjoy himself while also learning about the stuff he likes
nobody knows what music he listens to... but i think he’s willing to listen to anything as long as it’s music and it has the kinds of vibes he digs
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HAIBA LEV: Japanese Language and Literature SL, Mandarin Ab Initio SL, Psychology HL, Chemistry SL, Math AI HL, Theatre HL
i don’t know how to explain it but lev has such strong psych and chem energy
yes haiba lev’s classes are the ones i picked via roulette wheel
jk not really
here’s the thing though, lev takes psychology because he thinks econ, business management, history, ess, all that jazz is just... absolutely boring. like. super. mf-ing. boring.
so he’s like ooh cognitive processes!
kinda hates that he has to study research methods and research methods ONLY at first but when he gets the hang of it he really finds it one of his fav subs
i actually have no explanation for mandarin ab initio sl... he just seemed like the kind of guy who would wanna do the class solely because he thinks mandarin sounds cool with their intonations and everything
plus he heard that the teacher gives mooncakes every lunar new year ad he. loves. them.
okay now hear me out.
lev is good at math.
maybe not lightning speed analysis or calculations like akaashi, but he finds solving problems fun! except for when they’re without a calculator bc he HATES doing calculations by hand
he can get a bit clumsy with his hand calculations too so it’s nice to just have a calculator on hand
literally only does math ai for the sake of using a calculator at all times (a/n: i take this class, and this was the reason i took it too. COMPLETELY VALID)
and then does theatre for the fun of it!!! confidence levels high for presentations and performances... good fit
kinda thought that ib theatre would be his easy A but oh how he was wrong... hates the research tasks at first but he gets used to it
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HINATA SHOUYOU: Japanese Language and Literature SL, Portuguese Ab Initio SL, SEHS HL, Geography HL, Math AI SL, Theatre HL
his classes are bokuto energy but with theatre and portuguese
MANGA SPOILERS! we all know he started thinking abt going to brazil in his second year of high school, and the ib diploma programme starts in the last two years of high school so it fits PERFECTLY
lowkey most of the boys take japanese ll sl because they just. have to.
this is also hinata’s case <3
SEHS HL!!! he has a vision for the future and it definitely involves him understanding health and sports and everything like that, especially after nationals in his first year :(((( still sad abt that
but he’s motivated for this higher level class because he’s really just gonna go all out with the research
math ai sl because... he prolly don’t give a fuck about numbers!!! (it hasn’t been made clear already, but math ai sl is the lowest level math course)
he also took theatre hl because even though he does get scared at first, he’s a natural when it comes to learning new cultures
he’s just so curious about it all and it makes him quite engaged in the class as well!!!!
also kinda took theatre because the other subjects were just not it for him
about geography... he hates memorisation but he also hates everything else in the social studies group so
he just gets by by trying to find the little details of the things he’s studying interesting because really... geography class is just the base of all the places on his bucket list
hinata’s def one of those dudes who picks his subs purely off of liking because we all know he’s going. any subject that isn’t based off of liking is usually a mandatory subject anyways
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
we can follow the sparks
More of this verse!
As they sit down to lunch, Alicia asks in a hushed voice, “Have you guys seen the new Latin teacher?” 
Josephine shakes her head as she bends down to pull out her history textbook. She’s one of those miraculous people that can study, gossip, and eat all at the same time.
If Alicia tried that, she’d dump bits of tomato on her book, ask “what?” every two minutes, and absorb zero percent of the reading.
“I have Latin tomorrow,” Aidan says as he digs into a container of leftover spaghetti.
“Oh, you don’t count,” Alicia waves him off and nudges her brother with to pay attention. Max looks up from haggling with Krissy for half of her pastrami sandwich.
Aidan's brow furrows. “Why?”
“Because you’re straight,” Alicia dismisses.
Krissy dumps the pastrami in front of Max and grabs half of his grilled tofu and veggie sandwich and his kale chips in return. Max’s face falls.
Aidan scowls at Alicia. “What, is the new teacher hot or something?”
Alicia scoffs, “Or something.”
Max’s face lights up hopefully. “Hotter than Mr. Winchester?” 
“Mr. W isn’t hot,” Krissy points out, nose wrinkling.
Alicia rolls her eyes. “You are literally the only senior who thinks that.”
“The only student,” Max corrects as he takes a hearty bite of pastrami.
Alicia holds out her hand, which Max slaps obligingly. Thank god Alicia has her twin. 
“Maybe Kaia has had him,” Josephine points out as Kaia takes the only free seat at their lunch table, Claire close on her heels. They both squeeze in, content to practically sit in each others’ laps.
Alicia rounds on the newcomers. “Have you had Latin?”
“I take Spanish,” Kaia says, shrugging. “Why?”
With her nose already buried in her book, Josephine supplies, “Alicia says the new teacher is hot.”
Claire chokes on her own spit.
“I heard from Patience he also teaches French and Spanish too,” Max says in a hushed voice.
“Oh,” Kaia says with a sidelong glance at Claire, “I have Spanish tomorrow.”
Claire silently hands Kaia half of her wrap, saying, “I’m not taking a language this year.”
“You can do that?” Krissy asks.
Kaia passes Claire her yogurt without looking at her because they are truly the most disgusting couple ever. Claire shrugs. “I was taking Mandarin at my old school, but obviously I can’t do that here.”
“At Carver,” Aidan spits.
Claire ignores him. “I’m taking AP English and Creative Writing instead.”
“Nice,” Max raises his fist for her to bump, “double Mr. Winchester.”
Claire makes a face. “I’m with Krissy on this one. I don’t get the appeal.”
Max shakes his head despondently. “Of course you don’t. You’re a lesbian.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t have eyes,” Claire snorts. “He’s old.”
“Nobody’s had Latin, French or Spanish yet?” Alicia asks, aghast.
“Hey!” Adian calls, “Alex!”
Alex looks up from the next table over where she’s squished between Patience and Tracy Bell. “What?” she demands, annoyed at the interruption.
Aidan smirks and says out of nowhere, “Do you think Mr. Novak is hot?”
Patience giggles and elbows Alex in the side as she splutters, “No!”
“That’s a yes,” Alicia says smugly.
* * *
Josephine approaches Mr. Novak’s desk cautiously, a little nervous to be talking to her new teacher one-on-one for the first time. She tries, “Professeur?”
Mr. Novak pauses wiping down the board. “Est-ce que tu as un problème avec les devoirs?”
Josephine shakes her head, saying slowly as she mentally translates, “Je n’ai pas ma copie de l'étranger. Je l’ai acheté le weekend dernier, mais il y a un… delay.”
“Retard,” Mr. Novak translates for her. He smiles and adds, “Pas de problème. Je garde toujours une autre copie dans mon bureau. Si tu voudrais bien me suivre.” He gestures for Josephine to follow him to the Language Office, but they stop short at the sight of Mr. Winchester standing in the doorway, staring at Mr. Novak with wide eyes.
“Dean,” Mr. Novak says in surprise. “Qu’est-ce qui s’passe?”
Mr. Winchester goes bright red. “Cas?” he asks weakly.
Mr. Novak gives his head a little shake. “My apologies. It’s been a long day. Is there something you need me for? I was just about to give Josephine my office copy of The Stranger.”
Mr. Winchester’s mouth opens and closes before he stutters, “N-no, it’s nothing. I’ll just… catch you later.” 
Josephine glances up at Mr. Novak as they turn the other way down the hall, towards the Language Office. “C’est bizarre,” she mutters.
Mr. Novak laughs lightly under his breath. “Peut-être il a oublié ce qu’il voulait me demander.”
Josephine inwardly frowns at the suggestion that Mr. Winchester “forgot” why he stopped by Mr. Novak’s classroom.
Josephine had Mr. Winchester for English as a freshman. He never forgot anything. He had an endless supply of Vonnegut quotes on hand, and he always remembered to ask Krissy how her dad was doing after he had a close call with cancer over spring break that year.
This time, he didn’t look like a man who couldn’t remember something; he looked embarrassed.
“Peut-etre,” Josephine echoes because she wasn’t about to just say all that to a new teacher. And in French.
In his office, Mr. Novak hands her a copy of Camus. “Voilà,” he says, completely straight faced. “Si tu as besoin d’autres choses, viens me voir.”
Josephine bobs a nod. “Merci beaucoup.”
“Au revoir,” he says with a little wave as she leaves the office.
Josephine meets up with Krissy by the front doors, half-heartedly fending off Aidan’s shitty flirting. “Hey,” she says. “Sorry I’m late.”
“No problem,” Krissy says easily. She pushes off the wall. “Aidan was keeping me company.” She smiles at him, and Aidan perks up like Pavlov’s dog hearing the dinner bell. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Aidan says faintly as Krissy and Josephine take off towards Josephine’s car.
Josephine waits until Krissy is buckled in to say, “You’ll never believe what happened after French today.”
* * *
Krissy has never regretted taking German more in her life. Edlund’s a pretty small high school with a little over 500 students in total, so all anyone’s been talking about for the first two weeks in September is the new language teacher, Mr. Novak. 
Alicia and Max think he’s hot.
Josephine thinks he’s nice.
Aidan thinks he’s cool.
Kaia thinks… well, she’s been pretty mum on the subject, but she’s not the gossipy type, so Krissy isn’t surprised.
Only Claire rolls her eyes every time Mr. Novak’s name comes up.
Krissy hasn’t met the new language teacher. If she’s lucky, she can catch a glimpse of messy hair and a rumpled suit while she speed-walks from Calculus to World History.
While investigating Mr. Novak himself might be difficult, Krissy is close with Mr. W. 
She can still remember how Mr. W’s footsteps sounded down the hospital hallway in the oncology wing; how her heart pounded in her chest the first time she got in his car; how he talked for forty-minutes about “his baby” all the way to Josephine’s house.
Once a week for a month in freshman year, Mr. W chauffeured Krissy from the hospital on Tuesdays (Josephine’s parents took her on the weekends). Occasionally, he stopped in to talk to her dad, since they both went to Edlund High years ago. Edlunders, as Mr. W said, always took care of their own.
On the car ride to Josephine’s, they talked about Vonnegut, surrealist fiction, dystopian sagas… They only skipped over classic literature, since Mr. W thought everything written before the 20th century was boring as fuck. Mr. W did allow Shakespeare, though, because of all the dick jokes. 
Krissy knocks on the door to the Language Office three weeks into the school year. While she’d like to pretend to herself her visit is to get Mr. W’s opinion on Mr. Novak (his opinion would be more reliable than Alicia, Max, and Aidan combined, and on par with Josephine’s) she can’t pretend the mild haze of panic clouding her head has anything to do with a teacher she doesn’t even have on her schedule.
“Come in!” Mr. W’s voice calls.
Krissy steps inside, nodding to Frau Allen at her desk by the window. Otherwise, the office is empty.
“Hey, Krissy,” Mr. W says with a smile as she fiddles with the strap of her back, hovering by the door. “You wanna take a seat? Cas already left for the day.” He gestures to what Krissy assumes is Mr. Novak’s desk, next to his.
Krissy sits. “Thanks.”
Mr. W’s lighthearted expression turns serious as he reads her face. “Is everything okay? Your dad doing well?”
“Oh yeah,” Krissy says quickly, “still in remission. Everything’s looking good.”
“Good,” he says emphatically, and he means it, not like Ms. Masters or Mr. Trent after the news went around school that her dad was sick.
Krissy taps her fingers on Mr. Novak's vacated desk. “What happened to Mr. Turner? Did he finally retire?”
“Mm hm,” Mr. W hums. “He still goes fishing with Bobby - Principal Singer - so I heard he’s doing well.”
“How’s the new guy?” Krissy asks as she spins the seat around.
Mr. W frowns at her question. “He’s good,” he says as he pins her in place with a long look. “Why the interest? Don’t you take German?”
“I’ve been considering switching,” Krissy lies. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Frau Allen make a face.
“Because that makes sense,” Mr. W says, clearly not believing a word. “Aren’t you in AP German?”
Krissy ignores the question. “I heard Mr. Novak came from Carver.”
“He did,” Mr. W says cautiously. “So what?”
“Maybe he’s a spy.”
“This is high school, not the USSR,” Mr. W says with a snort. “Plus, Cas was an Edlunder first.”
Krissy blinks. “He was?”
“He was a student in my year.” He smirks. “He actually tutored me in Latin, if you can believe it.”
Krissy mulls that over. “So you know him pretty well.”
“Well enough,” Mr. W says, back to being cagey as hell. “I know he’s a good teacher and this school’s lucky to have him.”
“Okay,” Krissy says dubiously.
Mr. W rolls his eyes. “Now we’ve got that out of the way, and god knows why you wanted to talk about Cas, why are you really here?”
“Everyone’s talking about him!” Krissy protests.
Mr. W leans back in his chair and surveys her with a cool eye. “Since when have you been interested in gossip?”
“That’s what I thought,” Mr. W says, satisfied. “Just spit it out, kid. I promise it can’t be that bad.”
“Would you write me a recommendation letter for college?” she asks in a rush. “Please.”
Whatever Mr. W had been expecting, it wasn’t that. He laughs, and Krissy almost dies of embarrassment before he says, “Well duh. I have a draft of the thing I’ve been sitting on for two years.”
“Really?” Krissy asks, her eyes round.
Mr. W nods. “After everything with your dad, I thought this might come up. And there were parts I didn’t want to forget so I wrote ‘em down.”
“Great,” Krissy says faintly. She shouldn’t be so surprised. Mr. W told her he always liked to be prepared. A true boy scout, he’d say before laughing to himself. 
When she’d voiced her confusion - Mr. W being a boy scout wasn’t all that outrageous, if you take away the minor swearing (he was a lot worse when she was a freshman). He said they didn’t take men like him.
Krissy tactfully changed the subject, but the next week she went to GSA for the first time.
It was worth giving up her Thursday lunch period to see Mr. W smile when she walked into his classroom for their weekly meeting. 
* * *
Max winces as Krissy elbows him in the ribs. He’s giving up his Thursday lunch hour for this?
Alan Corbett’s been going on and on for the past twenty minutes. Sure, he’s President of GSA, but that does not mean everything he says is worth listening to. It’s a shame. He’s too nice for anyone to tell him how boring he is. 
Kaia and Claire are playing footsie under the table.
Thank god Krissy gets it. As their only Straight rep of the Gay-Straight Alliance, Max was highly skeptical when she signed up at the end of freshman year. But Mr. Winchester liked her, so it was enough to convince Max not to give her the cold shoulder when she sat next to him. Plus, whatever Mr. Winchester says goes, since Max could listen to him read the dictionary with that ruggedly deep voice of his.
Max doubts Krissy’s heard a single word out of Alan’s mouth. Instead, her whole attention has been riveted on Mr. Novak, who’s attending his first GSA meeting. He sits off to the side, by the big poster of Game of Thrones (Mr. Winchester says it’s based on a book, so it counts).
Krissy scrawls in all caps on the back of a history assignment: HEART. EYES.
Max subtly shakes his head and picks up his pencil. WTF?
Look at how they’re looking at each other!
They’re not tho
Exactly! Krissy taps her last message forcefully. They keep look at each other when the other one is looking the other way
Why do you care?
Krissy frowns.
If I wanted gossip, I would’ve stayed in the cafeteria with Alicia
It’s Mr. W. I know you like him
I like to look at him Could care less about his love life I thought you were the same What gives?
You only pretend to be a shallow man whore I know you like him You started this club with him 3 years ago
How else could I find questioning dudes to fuck?
But all I ended up with was… Max nods at Alan in disgust.
Krissy hides her smile behind the fist propping up her chin. You have the best gaydar in the city limits. So does Mr. W have a chance with Mr. Novak?
Mr. W flipped a closeted Republican, so… And I’m not talking about politics.
You didn’t hear it from me
You don’t even like gossip Who the hell told you that?
Alicia. Who else? She knows everything.
Max smirks as he starts his next note.
It’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.
Krissy doesn’t manage to stifle her laugh in time.
Mr. Novak frowns disapprovingly, but Mr. Winchester doesn’t notice since he’s too busy staring at Mr. Novak.
Maybe Krissy’s onto something.
Max looks down at their notes to find another message: Josephine told me Mr. W has it bad for Mr. Novak
Max scrawls incredulously, Josephine??? Since when does she pay attention?
That’s what I’m saying He’s got it so bad even Josephine can see it
Aromantic Josephine, who took a year to figure out Aidan was into you
I bet they’ll be banging in 2 weeks
Can you not
$5 says I’m right
Make it $10. 
* * *
Aidan sulks against the wall of the gym. He finally got Krissy to agree to go to a dance - Homecoming! - and all she wants to do is hang with their friends.
And fine, it wasn’t like he expected them to sneak out and make out or do more stuff when they were alone… but he kind of did.
At least he got a couple of dances in. Before Krissy dragged him away, he even got to grind up against her. It was fucking magical.
Now, he’s at a table with Kaia and Josephine. Krissy is waving over Alicia, so Max can’t be far behind. Only Claire is a no-show, but Krissy told him a few minutes ago she was in the bathroom. Girls always take a bafflingly long time in there. Maybe there are snacks?
“Where’s Max?” Aidan asks loudly over the music. There’s only two of them; the Y chromosome reps gotta stick together. 
Alicia vaguely waves her hand toward the dance floor. “I think he mentioned something about Ennis Ross.” She spins the folding chair around to straddle it and rest her arms on the back.
Aidan draws up short. “Ennis is gay?”
Kaia snorts. “Does it matter?”
“Not to Max,” Krissy says with a grin. “You know he’s always happy to play the baking soda volcano.”
“Huh?” Aidan asks.
Krissy rolls her eyes. “He’s always happy to be someone’s experiment.”
Alicia’s lips purse but she doesn’t comment.
“Did you see Mr. Novak and Mr. W?” Krissy asks, tipping her head towards where the two teachers lean against the wall underneath one of the basketball hoops, talking with their heads bowed together.
“They are cute,” Alicia agrees, looking grateful for the subject change.
Mr. Novak dressed up for homecoming with a tie the school colors, and Mr. Winchester has Edlund's mascot, Peppy the Pigeon, painted on his cheek.
“Do you think if Aidan spikes the punch, it’ll,” Krissy waggles her eyebrows, “make things happen?”
Josephine frowns. “I don’t think Mr. Novak could ever be drunk enough to make a move in front of students.”
“But Mr. W for sure,” Krissy says.
“Oh yeah,” Alicia says.
“Hey,” Aidan protests, holding his hands up in the T formation for timeout. “I’m not giving up my booze.”
“Speaking of,” Alicia holds her hand out, “Gimme some.”
“What? No! Get your own.”
“How am I supposed to do that?” she asks, eyebrows raised. “Mom doesn’t even allow Coca Cola in the house because it brings ‘negative energy.’”
Krissy nudges Aidan in the ribs with a pointy elbow, and he sighs. He fishes his flask out of his suit pocket and hands it over. Alicia takes a swig and promptly passes it to Josephine, who gives it to Kaia.
“Hey, save some for the guy who brought it!” Aidan says as he snatches it back.
“Not too much,” Max’s voice says from behind him. He grins as Aidan jumps. “Whiskey dick is a real thing.”
“Hey,” Josephine greets. “No go with Ennis?”
“Got spooked right as we were getting to the good stuff,” Max says with a shrug.
“Sorry,” Kaia says sincerely.
“It’s alright,” Max says as he throws himself into the last empty chair. “I only got one more year here, and then there’s gonna be a whole freshman class of questioning dudes ripe for the taking.”
Krissy wrinkles her nose. “You do you, I guess.”
“Thank you, Kristine, I will,” Max says.
Alicia rolls her eyes.
“We were just talking about Mr. W and Mr. Novak,” Krissy says, jerking her head to the basketball hoop. “Huh,” she says, her eyes widening a she scans the gym, “Where’d they go?”
“Probably to go make out,” Aidan says bitterly with a significant look at Krissy. She frowns.
“We can only dream,” Alicia says wistfully.
The song changes to something with a thumping baseline and a catchy chorus, and there’s a deafening cheer from the dance floor.
Aidan glances around, but nobody at the table moves to join in. He taps his feet to the beat. A few of the teacher chaperones have meandered closer to the dancing group, eyes peeled for inappropriate activity.
“Wanna get some air?” Aidan says in a carrying undertone (the music is very loud) to Krissy.
Max groans. “Yes, please.”
Aidan glares.
“Where?” Alicia asks.
Adian's mood sours further. He is never going to touch Krissy’s tits at this rate.
Kaia sets her phone down on the table. “Claire’s already out by the football field. She says nobody’s there.”
“Alright then,” Josephine says as she gets to her feet and stretches.
Krissy holds her hand out to Aidan. “Come on, you,” Krissy says with a small smile, “This was your idea.”
Aidan grumbles but follows the group. The halls are weird in the dark, still festooned with banners and streamers from Spirit Week. Everyone is oddly quiet as their footsteps echo off the rows of closed lockers. They pass one of the lab rooms, and a shadow moves across the window, accompanied by a hushed giggle.
Max smirks. “Wanna bet how many are getting it on right now?”
“I’d steer clear of the supply closets,” Alicia says with a shudder.
“Talk about a cliche,” Krissy complains as they round the last corner before the large double doors to the field. “If I was sneaking around, the roof is the way to go. No one ever looks there.”
Aidan files that fact away for later.
The fall breeze hits them squarely in the face as they step outside. Aidan shrugs out of his jacket and puts it around Krissy’s shoulders, ignoring her eye roll and smiling at Josephine’s thumbs-up behind Krissy’s back.
Max gallantly gives Alicia his jacket too, and Josephine and Kaia huddle together as they pick their way across the field, stepping over bits of confetti, torn bits of streamers, and a few abandoned signs. The crowd had been particularly enthusiastic since they’d been playing Carver Preparatory.
Edlund High won, of course. For the fifteenth year in a row. Carver sucks.
They find Claire at the top of the bleachers, wearing her normal leather jacket over her midnight blue dress.
“Hey,” Kaia says, kissing her on the cheek. “What’re you doing up here?”
“I don’t like crowds,” Claire says, hugging her arms to her chest.
“Me either,” Josephine says as she sits next to Claire. 
“You didn’t have to bring the cavalry,” Claire complains to Kaia.
Kaia shrugs. “They wanted to come.”
“The dance was lame,” Max says as he bounds up two bleachers at a time.
“Because you’re too cool to do the electric slide,” Alicia says as she plops down on the row below.
Krissy wanders around, searching for the best spot to sit out of the wind, Aidan’s coat still wrapped tightly around her shoulders. “Hey,” she hisses, hand flapping in their direction. “Look!”
“What?” Alicia leans over to see what Krissy’s spotted. “Holy fuck,” she breathes.
Aidan, Max, and Josephine peer over the railings to see the shadowy area below, leaving Kaia and Claire to their whispered conversation.
Holy fuck is right. That’s Mr. Winchester. And Mr. Novak.
“What are they doing?” Aidan asks before he can stop himself. It’s not like he doesn’t know what a heavy duty make out looks like. 
Max snorts.
Alicia throws him a despairing look.
Krissy swivels around to face Claire. “Did you know they were down there?”
“Yeah? So what?” Claire says, frowning. “I wasn’t about to perv on a couple of teachers.”
Krissy’s mouth falls open as she stares at the group as a whole. “Do you think this is the first time?”
Max sneaks another peek. “Probably not,” he says critically. “Either that, or Mr. Novak’s way more randy than I ever gave him credit for. A real freak under that suit.”
Claire’s face spasms.
“Or maybe Mr. Winchester just brings it out in him -” Alicia starts.
* * *
“They’ve been dating for three years!” Claire explodes. 
Everyone turns to stare at her.
Two months. Two goddamn months of this. 
When she transferred to Edlund from Carver, she thought the worst part would be her family’s disapproval. They all told her it was stupid to throw away her future at a good school for a girl. They always said it like that, like Kaia didn’t have a name. At least Uncle Cas supported her, not that he had a single leg to stand on, since he was switching jobs and taking a pay cut to be with Dean. Claire would have preferred if her uncle didn’t follow her from school to school like the dorkiest duckling ever, but it was nice to have him in her corner.
But no, the absolute worst part was all the gossip she had to listen to. About Uncle Cas, aka the biggest doof on the planet.
Maybe Grandmother was right, and Edlund was filled with a bunch of idiots. Claire throws up her hands, saying through gritted teeth, “Castiel transferred from Carver to spend more time with Dean.” 
“How do you know that?” Krissy asks, her mouth falling open.
Claire purses her lips. “Castiel’s my uncle.”
“Your what?” Aidan gapes.
Claire rolls her eyes. “He’s my uncle. Dean’s his boyfriend. They’re gross together all the damn time - but not in school because Uncle Cas has opinions about it.”
“If Mr. Winchester could make out with him all the time, he’d do it,” Kaia adds because she’s had dinner at Uncle Cas’s way too many times and has seen it for herself.
Krissy leans over the railing. “Get it Mr. W!”
Alicia cackles as Dean and Uncle Cas jump apart, glancing around for the voice.
Dean’s Peppy face paint is nothing but a smear of grey and black on his cheek. Double gross. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters as he spots the group on top of the bleachers. “What the hell are you guys doing here?” 
“I wanted to make out with my girlfriend,” Aidan complains. Krissy rolls her eyes, but Claire doesn’t miss the regretful expression on her face before she turns back to the pair of teachers below.
“Just getting some air,” Josephine explains pleasantly as she aims a kick at Aidan’s shin.
“Don’t let us interrupt!” Max calls wickedly.
Dean runs a hand down his face and nudges Uncle Cas with his shoulder. “We should escort them back, right?”
Uncle Cas sighs. “It would be irresponsible not to.” He glares at Dean. And even in the dark, Claire can see how red his face is. “I told you sneaking off was a bad idea.”
“Be thankful we didn’t get to my real bad idea before the Scooby Gang found us,” Dean says, eyebrows waggling suggestively.
“We can still hear you,” Claire reminds them loudly.
“Alright, alright,” Dean says, flapping his hands at them like a giant mother hen. “Get down from there and back to the dance. I heard someone spiked the punch.”
“Really?” Aidan asks as he offers Krissy his hand to help her down.
“No,” Dean deadpans. He mutters to Uncle Cas, “I can’t believe we got cockblocked by a bunch of kids.”
Claire makes a noise of disgust as her feet hit the ground. “Are you incapable of whispering?”
Uncle Cas shoots Dean a warning look before saying calmly, “Nothing was going to happen. We were, ah, getting some air.”
“That’s not all you were gonna get,” Dean says in an undertone.
Claire groans.
“Stop,” Uncle Cas tells Dean reproachfully. “I know you’re goading her. It’s inappropriate.”
“I’ll show you inappropr-”
Uncle Cas actually slaps his hand over Dean’s mouth. “Not another word, Dean.”
They are the worst. Claire pretends to trip Dean up as they pass her, and Dean flips her the finger when Uncle Cas looks the other way.
Claire waits for Kaia and the rest of the group, dawdling after the pair of teachers. Bemused, she watches as Krissy, Max, Aidan, and Alicia hand Kaia money. “What’s going on?” Claire asks.
“Your girlfriend fleeced us,” Aidan complains as he pockets his wallet.
Claire raises her eyebrows.
Kaia shrugs, but her face is as smug as Claire has ever seen it. “I just bet everyone else was wrong.”
Claire’s mouth falls open. “Were you betting on them?” she hisses, pointing at Uncle Cas and Dean.
“I thought it would take them two weeks to sleep together,” Max says.
“I bet two months,” Krissy adds.
“One month,” Alicia supplies.
“A year,” Aidan says with a helpless sort of look.
Claire swivels to glance at Josephine. “What about you?”
Josephine raises her hands in a gesture of innocence. “I had no idea, which is why I didn’t get involved.” She studies the pair ahead of them for a few steps, her eyes narrowing as Dean reaches over to ruffle Uncle Cas’s hair. “I would’ve said something stupid like ten years.”
Claire bursts out laughing.
“What?” Krissy asks, annoyed.
Claire nudges Kaia, who looks stricken. “Come on, you know she nailed it.”
“I did?”
Claire snorts. “They got together after their high school reunion,” she says as Josephine’s face lights up. “It took ten years for those dumb fucks to get their shit together.”
Without missing a beat Uncle Cas calls over his shoulder, “Claire, language!”
Kaia smothers her giggles into Claire’s shoulder.
45 notes · View notes
meichenxi · 3 years
For the ask game! 9, 12, and 22?
Yay more askies :D this is going to be likewise long! 
9) What does a week in your language learning routine look like?
- I’m not particularly disciplined in the way that I study, though I do tend to study most days. I’m very good at making plans but less at following them consistently, so this is a more realistic depiction of what I do! 
- Because I’m currently studying with HSK Online and they have two classes a week which cover about 3 chapters, I have a lot of vocabulary and grammar that I need to cover in the app before attending those classes, so most of my studies at the moment are focused on getting that done. So: 
Vocabulary and grammar:
(I do this all most days, depending on what exactly I need to do for the next lesson, but I try to do Quizlet every day)
1) I go through the vocabulary and grammar lessons, and write down the vocab and any example sentences.
2) When I input this into Quizlet, I use Baidu Translate to look at example sentences to get a better feel for how the word is used. I also write a couple of sentences / say a couple of sentences with each word. Baidu Translate is a fantastic tool, much better for Chinese than Google Translate, and it has an example sentences section where you can get the pinyin if you hover over the characters. 
3) After I feel I vaguely know the words for that day, I will go back and actively study them on Quizlet. For any words I forget I’ll write more sentences, or look at more examples. If there are any grammar points, I look them up on Chinese grammar wiki. 
Input and reading
(I don’t do these at any specific time, but luckily I quite enjoy this section so am very happy to Consume Media)
1) Try to read something every day. It doesn’t matter exactly what this is - often it’s Bilibili comments! I also like to skim through my graded reader and try to practice scan-reading.
2) I do dedicated HSK-style reading practice a few times a week as well. Again, I use the HSK Online app for this. It’s terrifying but necessary. This one I do have to motivate myself to do. 
3) I watch a lot of Chinese shows. Some with English subs, some with Chinese subs. My favourites include The Untamed (obviously), Nirvana in Fire (will always need the subs for this rip), Tian Guan Ci Fu (a donghua on Bilibili) and Street Dance of China. I probably watch a good 5-10 hours of TV a week. 
4) I learn other things through Chinese. So I watch lectures or courses on Bilibili or do workout videos. I especially like watching videos teaching beginners Cantonese and Japanese, two languages I am interested in learning, as well as Literary Chinese.
5) I listen to podcasts in Chinese when I’m walking around. My favourites include 聊聊东西, 听故事学中文 and 面包吐司. They are all in Chinese, but all specifically designed for foreigners, though the first and last are not learning podcasts, just podcasts of fairly accessible content where people chat about things like smoking, health, dating and so on. The second one is a podcast where stories are read in Chinese, and then explained sentence-by-sentence in Chinese, so it’s more ‘learning’. 
12 - What tips would you give to people that want to study the language/s you’re studying?
1) It’s an uphill slog, but you’re at the hardest place right now. So if you feel discouraged, if you feel overwhelmed, nobody else got it after one month either! It will take time, but is there anything worthwhile that doesn’t?  
2) Invest in good pronunciation training right from the beginning. If you can’t take classes, watch videos (YoYo Chinese, Outlier Chinese, Mandarin Blueprint etc have good tone series). Practice tone pairs. Tone pairs are your saviours. Practice repeating what the speaker actually says, not what you think they say. Learn a little bit about phonetics. 
3) Listen to Chinese right from the get go, as much as you can. Listening is many people’s weakest area, especially if they are learning it in a non-Chinese speaking environment. Play podcasts all the time. Differentiate between ‘learning’ podcasts (which will mostly be in English at the beginning), and podcasts that just train your ear to the sounds of Chinese. Have Chinese podcasts on all the time, regardless of whether you understand them or not. 
4) Invest in a structured course. I don’t necessarily mean classes with a teacher, though if you can I would recommend italki (feel free to contact me to see which teachers I’d recommend). But consider something like Chinese Zero to Hero, where they have videos explaining HSK1 through to HSK6. It’s about 100 dollars, but even if you have to save up for a few months to get that, I’d recommend it. Why? Because Chinese is overwhelming and there’s so much to learn. Having someone to tell you what you need to learn next is an absolute god-send. Plus, they know more than you what beginners need to tackle. They also have beginner-appropriate audio, which is absolutely crucial to learning to speak. I really would recommend this course. 
5) Learn properly about how characters work from the get go. Learn about phonetic and semantic components. Learn what types of characters there are, learn the most common components, and learn to hand-write them too. 
6) Record yourself speaking as much as you can. Play it back. How does it sound? Record it again. 
7) Practice reading from the moment you have around 150 characters. There are excellent physical graded readers as well as apps like The Chairman’s Bao and Du Chinese. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT, PLEASE DON’T LEAVE IT OUT. It takes time for you to get used to reading in a second language, especially one with unfamiliar characters. 
8) Decide whether you’re going for traditional or simplified, and stick with it. Do not learn both unless you have a very good reason. If you think you might go to Hong Kong or Taiwan, have family there, want to read literary Chinese, or even understand ‘deeper’ how certain characters have developed, you can learn traditional, but if you’re less than 100% sure, go with simplified. It’s easier for beginners, and if you have a good level of simplified Chinese, traditional isn’t that hard to pick up later down the line - some common characters are completely different, but many are different in very predictable ways. If you are not absolutely sure you are going to need traditional, I’d recommend simplified. 
9) Really, really consider your motivation. Why are you learning? Do you just think it would be cool? It is cool, but that’s not enough of a reason to embark on any language, much less one with extra difficulties like Chinese. In an ideal situation, you’d be intrinsically motivated all the time: but that’s not always going to happen. Do you have Chinese family you’d like to communicate with better? Do you want to travel to a Chinese speaking country? Do you want to read Chinese poetry? Do you just really love Xiao Zhan?? If you’re doing it ‘for your career’, please bear in mind that you won’t get any points for learning half a language. If you’re not willing to engage with the culture and the people, you’re just not going to be successful long term. 
10) Find things you like watching / listening to / reading in Chinese as soon as you can. Bored? Unmotivated? Stick a favourite episode of your favourite drama on. It still technically counts as immersion, and when your language skills are better, you’ll be able to use that as your textbook!! Try and find something that will make you want to read or listen in Chinese, and then it won’t feel like a chore. It’ll also become a motivation, because inevitably the more you explore the Chinese language internet, the more you’ll find things you can’t interact with in translation and need your language skills for. 
22 - How has learning about the culture of the country impacted your language learning?
Hmm, this is a really interesting question!! I'll have to answer in a few ways.
1) I'm interested in a lot of things about Chinese culture, which fuelled my interest for learning Chinese, and also let me learn in a more fun way. I’m a huge tea nerd, I enjoy listening to Chinese traditional music though I know very little about it, and I enjoy calligraphy. I think that some hanfu is just objectively the most gorgeous clothing on the planet and I enjoy Chinese water-and-mountain style landscape art. I also love the karst landscapes of some parts of southern China (OH MY GOD LIMESTONE MY FAVOURITE ROCK) and I’ve had a faded picture of Zhangjiajie on my wall since I was about nine. This is very different from my experience with German: I love the German language, and I have a lot of great friends from German-speaking countries, but I’m not intrinsically interested in the culture the same way I am Chinese-speaking countries. Because there’s so much I want to learn, it gives me a) huge motivation for continuing studying, b) makes it a more holistic, rounded experience, and c) provides me with wonderful study materials. At the intermediate level, I can avoid textbooks if I really want to and just learn about tea. Isn't that just the dream. Also, realistically, if I want to be able to read poetry in literary Chinese, my modern Chinese has to be a lot better. So I’m very motivated because of this. 
2) My interest in martial arts! I originally started learning Chinese because I had gotten interested in Chinese culture via wuxia and martial arts. My dad is a huge martial arts nerd. By that I don’t mean someone who sits on his sofa all day with a nunchuck collection and Bruce Lee pictures, I mean he gets up at 6 every day and trains for about 2-3 hours. He can run a 5:30 minute mile aged 56. I have so much respect for this man, seriously. He used to practice karate, taekwondo and Muay Thai, but after he got sick he started with taiji. He’s practiced taiji and qigong now every day for about twenty years. So I was brought up on a diet of Hong Kong and mainland Chinese martial arts cinema - my dad would regularly show me clips of films because I couldn’t watch the whole ones until I was older, and get into trouble when my mum came back! We spent hours learning forms together and doing push-hands in the kitchen. Even now when we go home our form of affection is trying to kick each other without being kicked back lmao. I discovered the Jin Yong books in English about 15 and was just entranced by the names of the movements, by the action, the galloping across the plains, the sweeping scenery. I have inherited this interest, and am also a huge martial arts nerd and so a large motivation for me learning Chinese is that a) I love the genre of wuxia and want to know more about it, and b) I’d like to spend a few years training at an academy in Wudang and want to be able to understand as much as possible and for that, I obviously need the language to a high level!!! I started jiu jitsu when I was 8, started a southern style of Kung Fu when I was fifteen, studied for a few months in China in an academy, and it’s been my dream to go back since.
3) Different cultural attitudes, the outside park culture, and how people talk to each other. I’m from the UK, alright - we don’t do things in public and we certainly don’t approach strangers!! So when I was in China this was one of the weirdest things to get used to, next to just the sheer amount of people (I grew up in a village of 2000). But though it was tiring at times, I liked it so much. It was so refreshing to have people ask me questions because they were curious, and start talking to me. One of the reasons that I think my accidental immersion-only approach to learning Chinese the first time I was in China worked was because I just couldn’t stay away from the parks. People practicing taiji, playing badminton, chilling with kids, doing calisthenics: isn’t that just so so cool??? And naturally if I was in the parks, people would chat to me. This patience and friendliness (because my Chinese truly was awful) combined with many people’s lack of ability / confidence in English meant that I was able to improve in a way which would have been impossible in, say, Germany or Finland. Can you imagine?? Once an old guy came up to me, peered over my shoulder at my (English) book, then announced loudly, ‘I can’t read it.’ I was like - can you read English?? He shook his head, and then pointed to a small boy: ‘This is my grandson. He’s learning English.’ That kind of interaction repeated daily, as well as being in a second-tier city where I had to speak Chinese, did so much for my language skills. It also made me very motivated to improve. Also, training and exercise is just a great way to meet people: no matter your language skills, if you are dedicated people are going to respect that, and if you’re both there every day, you’re going to get chatting eventually. 
Phew, that got long again (what a surprise). But thank you very much for your questions!! :D 
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gamerwoo · 5 years
A Guide to Pentagon (bc y’all are sleeping on them and it needs to stop)
This is mostly for @neverknewgrey2016 who wants to get into them, but I decided to make a whole masterlist of sorts bc they’re slept on and I’m tiredt of it. So these are videos I watched to get into them/learn about them. Here we go kids!!!
Music Videos (in order):
Can You Feel It
Pretty Pretty
Critical Beauty 
To Universe 
When I Was In Love (doesn’t show them, I think, but still a nice song)
Like This
Naughty Boy / Performance Ver bc I love Naughty Boy ok
Sha La La / Dance The X Pentagon bc it’s the only time Kino was included and I love it
Dr. BeBe
(I’m not including Japanese mvs because I’m not sure how many of them there are but I’m sure if you look around you can find em)
Videos To Watch To Learn Members:
An (Un)Helfpful Guide To Pentagon
how to tell pentagon members apart
The Immigration (part 1)
The Immigration (part 2)
Pentagon Plays Who’s Who
(People told me when I was getting into them to watch Pentagon Maker but I could never find all the parts with English subs so I never did but if you find them good for you dkfhsdk)
Misc Videos That Might Help But I Just Like Them:
Pentagon Nimdle playlist
pentagon as vines
Pentagon as Vines Compilation
pentagon and the english language
Get It Beauty with Kino (it’s basically just Kino fucking up Yanan’s face but I love it) 
Let’s Dance: Pentagon -- Shine 
K-Pop Stars React To Try Not To Sing Along Challenge
Round 1 Lyrics (trust me them roasting each other will really help you get to know them lmao)
Round 2 Dance Practice (same deal w Round 1, just turn on subs)
But I also decided to be nice and do like half the work for you so here’s a very short guide to Pentagon courtesy of me:
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Real name: Lee Hoetake (on all the official stuff it says his name is hoetaek but unis call him huitaek and i never knew why but at this point im too afraid to ask)
Birth date: August 28th, 1993
Trying so hard to take care of his kids that just blow him off
Always wants to hold hands and nobody else ever does
But he loves them anyway
Cries at anything and everything
The running joke is that he’s not the best at English even though his mom is an English teacher (ex: ”Load to Kingdom”)
A vocal king
Makes a lot of their songs tbh
This dude does everything he sings, dances, produces like he’s way too slept on
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Real name: Jo Jinho
Birth date: April 17th, 1992
He’s the oldest
Also tiniest
Another vocal king
He’s always doing bomb ass covers (his Bohemian Rhapsody one? I died)
Speaks/understands English really well tbh
Almost never cries
He’s like the glue that holds ptg together
He’s currently doing his enlistment but he was really excited about it and the members speak to him often!!
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Real name: Yang Hongseok
Birth Date: April 17th, 1994
Fluent in English and I think Mandarin too???
He’s basically a big brainy boi
And a big muscly boi
Bffs w BM from Kard and VP of the BTC
So fuckin competitive like he won’t give anybody pity points
He’s basically super smart and super beefy like he’s all around perfect
Disguised as a crackhead tho
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Real name: Kim Hyojong
Birth date: Jun 1st, 1994
He’s not a member anymore but I’m including him anyway!!
Fuck Cube and everybody who gave him shit
That last bit technically isn’t a fact but it’s a Fact tm
Love plants
Screams unprovoked all the time
A sweet but chaotic boy
He’s basically a child but we love him
PS look at him and Hyuna living their best lives!!!!
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Real name: Ko Shinwon (I’ve seen his surname spelled with a k and with a g so ???? idk man)
Birth date: December 11th 1995
Stringbean boi #1 aka he’s tol and thin
Him and Hongseok always doing weird shit together in group photos
He’s afraid of animals
Like,,,,,,all animals
His voice is super distinct to me idk how to explain it
#1 The 1975 stan
Loves his McDonald’s dude idk
He may seem a lil strange and he is but god he cares so deeply about the members
Yeo One
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Real name: Yeo Changgu
Birth date: March 27th, 1996
He looks like a prince and he is a prince
With any hair color he’s normal but when he goes blonde he’s suddenly a thot idk
His smile could end wars
Still lowkey a crackhead bc everybody is in Pentagon
Recently became a very beefy boi
He reminds me of a puppy this lil angel always looks happy
In the words of Jinho, “he’s an idiot”
He’s just a big soft boi
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Real name: Yan An (his Korean name is Kim Yanan because he likes kimchi and that’s so valid)
Birth date: October 25th, 1996
The baby boy of the world
Stringbean boi #2
He’s the only member from China
He’s friends w Jun from Seventeen and it’s so cute
He has a tattoo on his chest
I’d take a bullet for him. FACT.
We literally haven’t seen him w Pentagon since Sha La La (other than the one selfie he took w them before/when they were on RTK) and Cube won’t tell us anything other than the fact he’s going to be in a new Chinese drama but he’s said he wants to come back but Cube is leaving him on read
Anyway even non unis love Yanan so if you want just one reason to stan here it is everyone loves Yanan
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Real name: Adachi Yuto
Birth date: January 23rd, 1998
When I found out he was 2 years younger than me I lost it
He looks so mature and handsome but he a babie
The only member from Japan, and he is Japan’s prince
Rap line
Deep ass voice part 1
Used to play baseball (and soccer, I think)
Shy soft boi who plays Animal Crossing and listens to Keshi
He looks intimidating on the outside but then he smiles and giggles and it’s uwu city
SHINee fanboy
Scared of absolutely everything
The Most Handsom Man in Kpop tm (don’t @ me this is a fact)
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Real name: Kang Hyunggu
Birth date: January 27th, 1998
He a soft boi too
Sensitive is probably the better word but we still love him
Sometimes sexy boi tbh
But look at him he’s so cute
He’s pretty good at speaking/understanding English and idk how he learned but damn he really invented English step aside Hongseok
Really good at gg dances
And just dancing in general
He’s good at everything tbh
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Real name: Jung Wooseok
Birth date: January 31st, 1998
Stringbean boi #3
Deep ass voice part 2
And yet he can sing soprano parts for operas??? idk
He’s the youngest but is the tallest w the deepest voice lmao
I know I’ve basically said every member is a babie but Wooseok is also babie
He did an album w Kuanlin and I loved watching them together :’)
Rap line
Him and Yuto are bffs
He has a pretty singing voice @ Cube let him sing more
Alright that’s everything I got on how to get into Pentagon pls stop sleeping on them thx for coming to my TED talk.
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Esther Stoley
Is she going to whip her brother into shape? Esther has been accepted! Please send in a faceclaim to be featured on the main page.
out of character info
Name/Alias: bea / trizzy / beatriz Pronouns: she / her / he / him / they / them / trash Age: 19 (20 in May) Join Our Discord: sure thing !! Timezone: est Activity: 6 – ish ( i’ll be on at least every other day c: ) Triggers: nada !! Password: jimmy can fast pass my ass ;)) Character that you’re applying for: Esther Stoley Favourite ships for your character: Esther / Chemistry
in character info
Full name: Esther Lyn Stoley Birthday: June 18th Sexuality, gender, pronouns: Bicurious, cis female, she / her Age and grade: 17, senior Faceclaim: Ha Young / @dull_ouuo on instagram Appearance:  Head / face: Smooth, nearly flawless, pale skin is the product of Esther’s constant skin care routine and her jet black, shoulder length hair frames her heart shaped face. Her features are soft but defined with a jaw line that could cut diamonds. Her eyes are a deep brown, followed by a button nose, and plump lips that are, more often than not, lightly coated in lip tint. Her only “imperfections” are two small moles – one on her left cheek, and the other on the left side of her nose.
Body: Her body is rather thin, but still healthy. She stands at approximately 5’1 and weighs about 102 pounds. She hates the fact that she’s so short, and would definitely fight you if you start picking on her about her height. Aside from her height issues, she is happy with her body.
Style: The clothing that Esther chooses to wear can be described Asian Street Style. Her outfits are self-described as eclectic and eccentric – which essentially means each ensemble varies and can possibly be viewed as strange or extraordinary, especially for the South Park norm. Her face is often lightly painted with makeup – her eyes are usually lined with a dark brown or black and have either light or neutral colored eye shadow, and her lips vary from dark, matte lipsticks ( usually shades of red ) to soft, glossy tints. Personality:  Smart, conniving, hopeless romantic, and chic – that’s Esther. She maintains straight A’s in school with the occasional B plus, but anything below won’t satisfy her need for success, so she tries her hardest and can often be found locked in her room, listening to music and studying for her next quiz. Despite her smarts, she can often be a bit air-headed and forgetful at times – which stresses her out, especially when she knows that she had forgotten something and she just can’t remember what it was, no matter how hard she wracked her brain. She often dreams about finding love – but she usually doesn’t put herself out there as much as she should – so she usually doesn’t get into relationships ( although she does had the occasional secret fling ).
She can be found at parties quite regularly, but she is more of an introvert and would much rather be snuggled up in a big, fluffy, fresh-out-of-the-dryer blanket with a plethora of snacks at her disposal while she watches some random movies or reads some books. She does keep a lot of secrets from just about everyone – especially anyone outside of her family – she’d hate if she came upon some gossip of herself. She can be overly emotional at times – but she hardly ever shows that to anyone. On the days she feels like she’s gonna burst out into tears at any second, she stays home and locks herself in her bedroom, somehow convincing her teachers that she was bedridden and sick on those absent days. History:  Like her brother, Esther spent a good portion of her childhood immersed in a whole ‘nother world away from the mess of a town that they lived in – however, instead of comics and syfy – she indulged in love stories and cringy fantasy novels. As she got older, she started to stray away from her false world and came back into reality. She interacted more and more with the girls at her school – even becoming pretty popular and being brought into the “inner circle” of girls. Of course, a great deal of things changed over the switch from elementary to middle school – Esther even made changes to her personality. She became more secretive and hid the softer and kinder side of herself so she wouldn’t accidentally get involved with the wrong people and hurt herself and nobody would see her as weak or as easy prey. She kept her emotions to herself and acted colder to people around her. Puberty hit her like a freight train – she was covered in acne as a pre-teen and all of a sudden her skin was soft and clear with hardly any marks or blemishes in sight. Esther felt better now that she looked better ( in her opinion of course ). She started gaining a ton of positive self esteem and held herself in a way where she exuded a level of confidence. She honestly felt like a queen. As she made the transition into 12th grade, she – thankfully – kept that confidence and self esteem boost ( though she did still get emotional at times, because, who doesn’t? ), but she did start taking time away from being social to live another life through books once again. Sample paragraph:  Esther had just gotten off school and since she hadn’t had anything else to do for the day she decided to sit down and relax with a nice book. In order for her to really enjoy said book, she had to set a mood. She threw her backpack into a corner by the door and took off her shoes, running to start up a pot of coffee. The short girl quickly put on a pot of coffee and quickly and quietly, ran to her room – she shut the blinds and lit a few floral scented candles, making the room dark, but well lit enough for her to be able to read her book. She purposely messed her bed up, forming a nest of blankets in the center and ran back down to her kitchen to fix herself a cup of coffee. She poured the freshly brewed instant coffee into a teal mug, mixing in a small bit of sugar before carefully bringing it up to her bedroom and sitting it down on her nightstand. She went over to one of her several bookshelves and pulled out a book that she’d planned on reading for a while called ‘Siren’ by a woman named Janet Fox.
She went over to her blanket nest and made herself cozy, pulling one of the blankets over her shoulders. Before she started to read, she took a long sip of coffee, then she opened to the first page. For nearly two hours, she was fully immersed in her book – reading about gangsters in the 1920’s. However, as soon as her brother opened her door to see if she was home, her set mood was ruined. She accepted that she was no longer to envelope herself in as much comfort as she was in before and put her book away. She blew out the candles and allowed natural light to shine through her blinds once more as she sipped up the last bit of her coffee. Headcanons:  ✧ Sometimes, she ( not-so-secretly ) reads Kevin’s comics. ✧ She would 10/10 fight to protect her brother. ✧ If you get into a relationship with her, she can be a bit clingy, so beware. ✧ She secretly crushed on all of the Goths in middle school, with the exception of Firkle, because she thought they were all really cool. ✧ She changes her hair up every other month – it’s always one of these 3 colors – grey with slight blue tints, brown, or black. Black is by far her favorite hair color for herself and she has that color most often. ✧ She’s almost always up-to-date on the latest gossip and drama in town. ✧ She has an intense love of poetry. ✧ There’s a raven that is often in her backyard and she feeds it when she sees it. ✧ She has 3 full length bookshelves in her room and one small bookshelf that doubles as her nightstand. ✧ She may not say nor show it much but she loves Kevin with all of her heart. ✧ That being said, if anyone hurts Kevin, you better avoid Esther as much as you can or else you’re in for a beating. ✧ She knows quite a lot of Chinese; and she often shouts in Mandarin when she’s angry. ✧ She has at least 4 cups of coffee a day. ✧ She smokes when she’s stressed ( strictly cigarettes ) ✧ She lost her virginity at 15 to Bradley Biggle – not her greatest achievement. ✧ She broke up with Bradley shortly afterwards – he thinks it was mutual and they’re on good terms – but she sent him home sobbing and she would most definitely stab him if it was morally accepted and she wouldn’t go to jail for it. ✧ She has a Siamese Cat named BaoBei – meaning “baby” in Chinese. ✧ She’s head of the school newspaper. ✧ She’s considered joining the poetry club – but she doesn’t think her own poetry would be good enough for it – and so she didn’t. ✧ She took up a job at Benny’s as a waitress for some extra cash. ✧ She really likes looking at art, but she’s not really into art, if you get what I mean. ✧ She loves the vintage aesthetic. ✧She’s not the best cook, but she can microwave stuff, and that’s better than nothing. ✧ Her favorite color is dark teal. Anything else: tell me if i should change anything !! thank you guys !! also, sorry i gave such random hc’s i just got a ton of muse + ideas. in addition, this blog i’m sending from will be esther’s once i do some re-vamping uwu
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pomrania · 6 years
Mandarin journal, week 3b
(week 3) (week 3c)
I’m putting this stuff here so I won’t have to write it after next class, mostly.
One thing I’ve been forgetting to mention, but that I really like about our prof, is that she keeps bringing it back to how she’d learned things. Now, that isn’t directly helpful with spoken Mandarin -- learning your L1 as a child is way different than learning an L2 as an adult, as all our previous SLA (subsequent-language acquisition) lectures have been very clear on -- but when it comes to WRITTEN language, that’s something she had to explicitly be taught, just like us.
We haven’t done much with the Chinese characters yet, although she has stated that learning them is frustrating for Chinese (as in, born and raised in China) students too. She had to struggle through it, as does everyone who’s learning written Chinese. Being a native speaker will NOT help you there; you’d only reap the benefits of the increased exposure to Chinese characters (by living in China).
Mostly though, I’m thinking of the pinyin spelling rules. She mentioned that when she was in grade school, and her teacher was talking about how U-umlaut loses the umlaut when it comes behind J, X, and Q, the teacher described it as those three letters being three bad brothers, who remove the eyes (the dots of the umlaut) from a fish. For context: U-umlaut, when spoken with a particular tone (that I can’t remember offhand, and I also don’t know how to do tone markings on this keyboard), means “fish”. Now like, if something’s phrased in such a way that little kids can understand it, tired university students are likely to also understand and remember it.
Speaking of “tired”, this morning I figured out the problem. I’m naturally waking up at like 7 in the morning. My sleep schedule has shifted, so I wake up earlier and get tired earlier. It’s rather weird, because it’s never just happened in that direction for me before. I don’t know what to do about this, I have no experience with shifting my schedule so I go to bed later than when I want to.
I just now registered for the next Mandarin course next semester. Monday afternoon-evening is going to be a busy time for me; I’ll have to make certain I pack enough food to get me through all of it. At least I won’t have to worry about buying another textbook for that class (unless the prof lied and we totally do need to get something new).
Speaking of “textbooks”. Only yesterday (because I procrastinate, this is a known issue with my behaviour) I looked up what all stuff there is listed online that we have to do, and apparently there’s homework due Monday at the beginning of class. The thing online lists a bunch of stuff from the workbooks. I do not currently own either of the workbooks, because I hadn’t had the cash on me to afford them, and I’d thought I could get away without buying them for a bit. Apparently, such is not the case. I’ll have to go to the bank today, get out some money, and buy the damn workbooks. I should also have it written down, what all I’ll need to do in them for the homework, so I won’t have to go back online before doing homework (again, a known issue with me).
There’s another “assignment” due Monday. It’s some type of spoken exercise in front of the class. Intended to be with a partner, but a bunch of people (including me) signed up by themselves. I’ve looked over what it’s supposed to be about, and it doesn’t seem too difficult; that is, so long as I put in the time to study and truly understand what I’m saying. It’s easier to remember “meaning” than “sounds”, after all.
A few days ago, I found a site with a bunch of anime dubbed into Mandarin. It was... interesting going over what all shows they had on there, since I cannot actually READ the language. However, arabic numerals are generally an online constant, as are the arrows for going forwards or backwards in page; and each show was given with an image, whatever the equivalent of “cover page” is for things, I can’t remember the word offhand. I found some that I recognized, and I watched a few episodes. I know from prior experience with other languages that this is an enjoyable method of “studying” for me. I don’t learn as much as I would with ACTUALLY studying, but I’m more likely to do it.
In that semi-naturalistic setting, of listening to dubbed anime, I was able to recognize maybe five words (other than the characters’ names, which don’t count as Mandarin words). It was a combination of feeling victorious and frustrated; because on the one hand, I recognized some words, and on the other hand, it was only five words. I think that’s a common sensation when you’re learning something: the high of victory, then the drop of that your “victory” isn’t actually that much. The trick is to realize that “not much” is still better than “nothing”, which is what you had before, and to let yourself celebrate the small victories. Because every large achievement is made up of lots of small achievements, after all.
Before our linguistics seminar two days ago (read: once everyone was more or less in the room, but before the prof told me to stop talking and let the other people do their presentation), I shared that method I’ve found, of watching cartoons dubbed in your target language. I made sure to share that it’s best if you’ve already seen those cartoons previously, in a language you can understand; that way you know what’s going on, so there’s way less of a cognitive load. You only need to worry about what words are being said, and not the plotline.
Someone added that Disney movies would work too. I think that in respects, that might actually work BETTER. For one, those things are bloody popular, and have been dubbed into most languages that exist; you’re way more likely to find Snow White in your target language than an episode of The Clone Wars. For another thing, if it was your favourite Disney movie as a kid, then you can probably recite half the movie in English given minimal prompting. Now there’s not always a direct correspondence in dialogue when something’s translated, but it happens often enough that you can generally make a reliable guess.
There’s another type of videos I’ve discovered. They’re some that are actually intended for people learning Mandarin. The tab I have currently open, it’s a playlist about pinyin (which dammit I need to work on some more because this kind of thing is easy if I just put a bit of time into it), by a channel called Yoyo Chinese. (Not giving the link here, because I am lazy.) I know that this will really help me, if I actually watch and pay attention to it. Not necessarily that the videos are of exceptional quality -- they might be, I can’t rightly judge that -- but because it’s another “direction” of looking at things.
I can’t remember when this was or where I found it, but I read a piece of advice somewhere, about learning a language. It said to not stick to one language-learning book. Read a bunch of different ones, with different methods and goals, starting at different places. I think that type of advice works with learning pretty much anything. The goal is to “understand”, after all; and so long as nobody got hurt, it doesn’t matter how you got there. If there’s something in one method or book or video or class that doesn’t work for you, there’s likely another one that can make up for it. Don’t waste time hunting for the “perfect” source or order, it likely doesn’t exist. Use everything useful that you can get your paws onto, and don’t feel guilty about it.
Well, unless the goal isn’t to “understand”, but rather to test the effectiveness of a certain method of instruction. In which case you should feel guilty, because you screwed up the parameters of the experiment, which you knew going in. But in most cases, yeah.
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bathalyon · 6 years
Super Junior as High School Students!
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- The Best Class’s President of the year - aaaand nobody listen to him - loves to have a chat with the teachers, an attention-seeker - When the teacher is absent, he’s the one who would know it first, and ask for replacement task so everyone knows he’s in charge. - he sits on first row, beside Kibum and in front of Heechul  - LT: “Guys, Kim Seongsaenim can’t teach us today, I think he’s fall from the cliff or something, but I asked for assignment, YEAH!!” The others: “...” HC: “Let’s kill him.” - He has this one nerdy girl who always been crushing on him. He knows that but pretends to be clueless so he doesn’t have to break her heart. - Is on Charity club and Student Communication Center Club. - Wears white everyday. One time he wears all white from top to toe, and the school janitor thought he’s spirit of clean-ness - always bring wet tissue/? and handkerchief in his bag just to wipes something dirty (OCD alert)
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- The Narcissistic Flower-Boy but has a LOT of fans - Supposed to be second-in-command but he can’t even lead himself - Trust me his personality it’s getting better every year, now people can look at him in the eye - rumored to be gay because... JUST LOOK AT THOSE FACE!1!1!1 - (un)usual things on his bag: comb, small mirror, asuka’s miniature, and marker for signing on his fans stuff - HC: *is doing something nice* HG: “What are you doing?” HC: “Uhhh, doing charity?” HG: “BUT YOU’RE SATAN!” - Sits behind Leeteuk so he can wake him up if he’s asleep in the middle of class, and beside Hangeng just because he needs translator. - Jealous of Eunhyuk since he’s the Vice-Class president. - is on Anime club and Drama-Improv Club - make a bet about whose the real gay in class, because he’s SURE he is not the only one....
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- The Exchange Student form China who happens to be stuck with other 14 idiots. - Lives in Students Dormitory with Zhoumi and Henry - is on Martial Arts club and Korean Language Club - Sits on Second row beside Heechul and Henry, Behind Kibum and In front of Zhoumi (Ha... good luck for imagining that...) - Teacher: *explains something* HG: “Henry, can you explain that again to me?” HR: “Idk hyung, I’m not Korean” HG: “Zhoumi, Can you..” ZM: “I’m not Korean either hyung...” HG: “Kibum, do you understand--” HC: “FOR GOD SAKE HANGENG YOU HAVE ME!” - the victim of language and culture barrier. One time Kangin was asked him what he has for a pet, instead of answered, “dog” he said, “crab” - still bring chinese lunch although it’s his third year on Korea - has the most blank faces in every classes. - his parents are rich because they are one of successor from China, but he prefer to be quiet about it than taking a risk to be robbed by his shameless friends (as in 13 of them, except Siwon)
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- The weird guy who makes you question things - his fashion style kinda emo but rebel/? - sits on fourth row, beside Shindong and behind Eunhyuk, all he do is sleep in class - is joining the school band as vocalist. Guess what their genre is... yup, EMO. - when he’s bored he goes to people on the second row to touch their philtrum. But he ends up getting slapped by Heechul. - Cass: *in chaos* YS: *humming in song* “Is there anything I could help?” KB: “Yes hyung, we need you to shut up!” - bad at math but good at art - is on School band and Musical-Drama club - has crush on his keyboardist but it goes away when he knows she doesn’t like turtles - client of detention because sleeping in classes - annoyed by Eunhyuk all the time because there is this ‘rivalry’ thing between dance club and musical club, but when it comes to class he just annoyed because Eunhyuk like to tease him about his voice - the others make him promise to not wondering around when there is school trip, because if we lose him, the world is the one in danger, not him
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- The one of those Unpopular High-School Jock - always wear his baseball uniform although there were no training that day - sat on the fourth row, beside Shindong and behind Sungmin - best-friends with Leeteuk since he has to persuade him to not tell teacher if he did something wrong - was a school bullyer since he has big figure, but rn he’s just lazy - mistaking Heechul as a girl ONCE, and he regret having a crush on him in the past - KI: “Hey Wookie, Can I copy your homework?” RW: “I don’t think all the answers of my homework are correct” KI: “Well, Is that what I’m asking for?” - client of detention because sleeping in classes.2 - is on Basketball Team and Video Games Club - He was bullying Sungmin in their first grade but now they end up in same class make him more sorry towards him - Don’t worry, Sungmin forgive him although he still can’t be 3 meters around Kangin, face to face. - He always treat the guys especially eunhae since both of them look pitiful
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- The Class’s snack storage and Division of Documentation - He prefer to sat in last row, in between Kangin and Yesung, also behind Zhoumi - He’s a Mama boy, so if you wonder where all the foods he has came from, yep it’s his mother - this guy hates pizza and noodles and it makes all the guys love him even more - SD: *leaves the class with full box of pizza* HC: “Yah yah yah, fatso! Where are you going?” SD: “uh.. throwing these? wae hyung? wanna some? I don’t eat pizza” HC: “huh, I guess world is indeed fair” - he doesn’t like to take photograph, so he’s the one who works behind camera instead - is on Screen-writing Club and Food Club - people always treat him like a kid, HE IS KIYOWO THO - This boy doesn’t care basically love ‘jaeyuk’ more than girls - if the class is more crowded than the usually, there must be a ‘wrestling competition’ between him and Kangin - He has been the winner of that competition for 5 consecutive weeks
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- The All-Time High School Sweethearts - He always be that guy who stare at the window in classes, with earphone on both ears and calm looks on his face - speaking of window, he sit on third row beside the window, behind Heechul and in front of Kangin, Zhoumi in his other side. - Sorry girls, he has girlfriend on math class - He used to be nerdy with those big specs but puberty hit him hard - He became popular since his girlfriend is Vice-President of student organization - Heechul always think that he’s the true gay in class, but when he knows Sungmin got a girlfriend, damn tears. - is a genius on learning new language. He listen to Hangeng-Henry-Zhoumi convo and discover how to speak Mandarin immediately, also he watch anime hentai from Eunhyuk’s pc and know he knows how to speak Japanese - KH: “Hyung stop doing that...” SM: “Huh? Stop doing what?” KH: “Smiling, the fangirls outside are having trouble breathing...” - is on Psychological Club and Foreign Movie Club - He made out with Kangin on Group therapy themed “Jocks need Nerds, but Nerds can murder Jocks without leaving a trace”
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-The hyperactive Class Clown and Leeteuk’s right-hand - has been friends with Donghae since they were on Kindergarten - he sits beside him and Zhoumi, in front of Yesung and behind Henry. third row - is on Food Club too because he eats a lot, ppl always say that Shindong is the one who has large stomach, they are wrong - also in Dancing club, the foods he eat are burned there - SW: “I think Eunhyuk is handsome...” EH: “HAH! DO YOU HEAR HIM GUYS? HE SAID I’M HANDSOME! SIWON-AH SAID THAT AGAIN!” SW: “I think I have talent on lying, hehe” - he call himself ‘Jewel-boy’ but the boys call him ‘Sun Go Kong’ - spends his time too much with Donghae, he become the 2nd Pabo in class - that one guy who gives teacher random questions and random answers - is happy when everyone cracks up because of his jokes - is the real angel here, PROTECT HIM - although he’s kinda silly but everyone never doubt his leadership, even Heechul is afraid of angry Eunhyuk
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- The Not-So-Chinese-Playboy - He’s Siwon’s cousin, no wonder they kinda look alike- he sit on third row, between Eunhyuk and Sungmin, behind Hangeng and In front of Shindong. - he knows he born with ‘handsome genes’ that’s why he’s known as the class’s player - at every lunchtime he would come to cafeteria to pick up girls - his success rate is 4/10, depends on how dumb the girls are - is on basketball team since he wants to see the cheerleaders, and on School Magazine club - KI: “Yeah, talk to you later nunna” *hang up the phone call* ZM: “Is that your sister?” KI: “Yep” ZM: “Is she pretty?” KI: “Do you wanna see her from hospital or graveyard?” - he’s the most ‘up to date’ person on class. His gadgets are in diverse. One time Eunhyuk was in shookt when he knows that Zhoumi’s toilet could lift the lid by itself - knowing a lot of people at school, kinda popular. And the boys make him gossip scouts and news notifier
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- Class’s Crybaby and Beauty-Pabo - people said he’s handsome but he doesn’t believe it til now - he’s not stupid on common knowledge, he’s just stupid at doing his life - he sits beside Eunhyuk and behind Siwon - he loves poetry and photography, makes him joined Writing Club and Photography Club - because he friends with Eunhyuk, he also takes Dance Club. He kinda follow Hyuk everywhere.... - he’s spoiled by Heechul because he looks like lil puppy who needs its mama (or tamagochi) - Teacher: “How many world war has happen up until today?” DH: “ME! 6 WORLD WAR” EH: “Yah, not that many!” DH: “Jinjja? Is it 5 and a half?” - The others never let Siwon, Donghae, and Heechul walk together, the hallway would riven - he cried watching Bambi and Documentary of Crocodile’s Evolution - he has a lot of secret admirer, not fans tho, just the one who cannot talk to him because of his 14 overprotective brothers
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Siwon: - The Real High School Prince and Church Oppa - His parents are on of biggest donors for school - Everyone who knows this immediately treat him like prince, (everyone knows tho...) - despite his handsome appearance, the boys always mock him because he looks older than he suppose to - always go to Church to pray or just refill his holy water for purifying Heechul - he sits on second row, beside Henry, Behind Ryeowook, and in front of Donghae. - From the first day of school, he always wants to be friends with Ryeowook, but Wookie can’t stand Siwon’s greasiness - KB: “Why are you so rich and Zhoumi looks like he always got nothing to eat?” SW: “Because I always thankful for what God’s ha given to me...” KH: "HEECHUL HYUNG! SIWON HYUNG IS GIVING HIS TRIAL TO KIBUM” HC: *slams table* “NOBODY PERSUADE MY BABY!” - He’s on Christian Club and Charity Club, holy shisus... - the boys crowned him as “the one who likely to become a president” and “the one who likely to become a sugar daddy if Heechul ask him to”
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- The most normal among the freak - actually he’s not normal, he’s too quiet - despite the silent he does, he always get 1st rank at school. No, not class, at SCHOOL. - sometimes he would play with the other boys, ot be the one who split the fight with his intelligence - he sits in first row between Leeteuk and Kyuhyun. In front of Hangeng - tbh, his favorite hyung is probably Sungmin because he’s the next normal one - YS: “Kibum-ah, you’re too smart for this class, why are you in this class?” KB: “Hyung, If you want to look smarter you need to hang out with dumb people” - is on Science Club and Math Club - loves astronomy because he wants to go to somewhere more quite than this class - the only person who would fight him is Kyuhyun, but both of them are lousy so they just ends up crying and made up - Siwon’s companion going to church
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- The Music Box and Class’s Chef - he sits on first row, beside Kyuhyun and in front of Siwon - he choose a song that suits situation of the class everyday - SD: *is eating* RW: *plays SJ - Cooking? Cooking!* DH: *is crying* RW: *plays Seventeen - Don’t wanna cry* HC: *is doing anything* RW: *plays Sunmi - Gashina* HC: *death glare* “really Ryeowook, really?” - he also the one who does commentary when somebody doing something, the most absurd thing he does is commenting on Yesung who just chewing gum - is on Radio Club and Cooking club - He won from category of “the one you wants to get stuck in deserted island with” and the reason is just because he can cook - admits that he has girlfriend, but nobody believe that. everyone wonder what kind of girlfriend who wants parrot as her boyfriend - once ask Siwon to buy him a GIRAFFE as his birthday gift
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- The Gamer with Mouth full-of Sarcasm - that one guy who never pay attention on class but always get the 2nd rank - Leeteuk would always be the one who snatch his phone or game out of his hand so he would interact with others - he sits in first row between Kibum and Ryeowook, also in front of Henry - there is one time when Kyuhyun made Donghae cry because he said Donghae is useless - HG: “I can’t believe you said that, I’m mad at you!” KH: “Hi Mad At You, I’m Kyuhyun! Nice to meet you” - is on Algebra club and starcraft club - the boys never let him goes into argument with Heechul, there would be no end - but sometimes Heechul is his companion on playing starcraft and mock the others in sarcasm - everyone call him “Evil Junior” - He almost killed Yesung’s turtle by giving it a camphor - Siwon’s second target of purifying soul
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- The one little bastard - he came from Canada but his soul is Germany - likes to hide porn inside Eunhyuk’s table, so he’s the one who get blamed - sits in seond row, between Hangeng and Siwon, Behind Kyuhyun and In front of Eunhyuk. - since his cheeks are chubby, the hyungs often pinch it so it gets red - SD: “I get nervous when you get silent in the corner of the room” HR: “Waeyo hyung?” SD: “Molla...” *look at Henry’s magazine* - is on Violin Club and DJ Club - his parents is Korean, but they lived in Canada for 7 years and now forget how to talk in hangul/? - his favorite hyung is Heechul since he’s always on his side whenever porn is involved - HC: “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT MY BABY WATCH PORN, HE’S INNOCENCE!” LT: “HE FREAKKING NAMED THE FILE “TISSUE NEEDED”, HOW COME I’M NOT SUSPICIOUS!” - he sleeps on the same bed as Hangeng because he’s skinnier than Zhoumi
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autisticadventurer · 6 years
Unedited Excerpt
As some of my readers may know, I have been working on putting together a memoir. It’s not as fancy as it sounds and it’s actually been a very difficult project but it is a labor of love. If anything, I hope that it will be my contribution to ensuring that future generations of Autistic people are treated with dignity and respect, and also to help build a bridge in helping non-Autistic people to better understand us. Anyway, I have also talked a lot about my affinity for spirituality. It’s been my main special interest for my entire life but I had a very real turning point in my young adulthood. What I am about to share is rough copy, unedited, I literally just shit it out through my fingers just now... but within it is nestled some of the general experiences that have colored my spiritual journey. I hope that my readers take from this two things: 1. Rough drafts are usually terrible, disorganized garbage. They get polished up later. If you want to write, remember that you have to shovel sand into the sandbox before you can shape it into the castle. Editing is where the magic happens and I haven’t done any here yet. 2. Spiritual development takes a really fucking long time. This point of interest happened nearly 10 years ago. Everything I’ve done since then to get to where I am now has taken work, blood, sweat, tears, and all kinds of other nasty pain. Please Enjoy.
We spent a short time in Wyoming, after returning from Costa Rica. I felt a kind of culture shock upon our return. Never had eight lane highways seemed so decadent as they appeared after seeing the compact cars of Central America, crowded together in narrow lanes. Things felt too big, too wasteful, too modern. Richard was happy to be back in the land of convenience, at least. After a while, I adapted too. We loaded a moving truck with our belongings and made for Seattle. It was a twenty-two hour drive. I asked if we could take the slightly longer route through Yellowstone as I’d never had a chance to visit before. It would add two hours onto the drive time but surely the view from our first hotel would be worth it. The answer was no and there was to be no argument. Instead we took the route through Utah and up through Oregon. When we arrived in Seattle, we stayed in an extended stay hotel with a kitchenette while we searched for an apartment. The contents of the moving truck went back into storage and we were back to zipping around in his car. We found a place to live pretty quickly. It was the basement apartment of a house. The top of the house was also rented out. The upstairs neighbor had a cat and so did we. Sometimes they would play with each other through the crack in the door. There was another apartment that we looked at that I can still remember because the general layout was in the shape of a square. If we had lived there, I could’ve easily walked to school but it turned out to be lucky that we didn’t have a traditional lease agreement with a traditional landlord. I loved the school. I loved the program. My grades were as high as ever, although I earned a B in Human Anatomy. The food in the cafeteria was wonderful and healthy... But there was also a lot going on that was difficult for me to understand, both inwardly and outwardly. Every once in awhile, I meet a girl who I feel romantic feelings toward but have no sexual interest. I met one of them during this time. I still feel a little ashamed of myself for making the friendship awkward but she probably doesn’t even remember me. Besides, she was the age I am now as I write this; there were ten years between us. I spent a lot of time with her but not much else. Perhaps I over exaggerate in my memory how awkward I was. I was married and controlled my behavior but I wanted to hold her hand. I asked her if she ever liked girls. She said no. There were many eccentric characters on Campus, though none of them seemed genuinely eccentric. Their eccentricities were all based in appearances. If you spoke to any of them for any length of time, their interests, habits, and beliefs were well within the range of normalcy. We all had mentors, but I never really knew how to connect with mine or what to ask. At one point, one of the upperclassmen told me that eventually, my classmates and I would have to needle each other in the perineum. I was twenty years old. I had already had much body trauma, and I had no idea how to cope with putting a needle in another classmate’s perineum. It was hard enough for me to cope with the idea of practicing by putting a needle into myself. I didn’t know who to ask about this because nobody seemed to be a reliable source of information as we were often told that we’d get to things as we went along. I decided to quit the program. After finishing my first and only quarter in attendance at such a beautiful school in a prestigious program, I withdrew. During the entire time we lived in Seattle, the sun came out only twice. I was as heavy as I’ve ever been in my life by the time we left. I was lacking in friends, confidants, sunshine, and purpose. I was also beginning to struggle more internally. One thing I learned while in school was Qi Gong, a practice which I have carried with me since I left. My teacher barely spoke english, and had learned the forms he taught to us while still living in China. I believe in English, the form I still practice is called, “Small Heaven.” Obviously, we took Chinese (Mandarin) lessons as well. Learning the language and the practice from cultural natives helped me to understand them better. I had tried meditation before this, with no teacher and no idea what I was doing. After a few lessons in Qi Gong and daily practice, I began to experience some strange things. I think anyone who was raised with a strong sense of self, a nurturing family, a safe and comfortable home, and reasonable guidance would not have had such an extreme experience. My affinity for spiritual study, while it led me to study acupuncture in the first place, also more than likely magnified what happened. The only way to explain it is that the universe seemed to be rippling around me. This was not all at once apparent. It did not happen overnight or with only one practice. Instead, it was like sand shifting on a hillside, followed by a few pebbles and maybe a rock or two. This was enough to catch my attention, and I was ready when the boulders finally gave way much later. At the time, my communication skills were very poor. I had no idea how to describe what was going on and the only thing I knew to say was that God was talking to me. Everyone I discussed it with had their own interpretation of what this meant. Nobody helped me to understand it. Instead, what was once a life, barely held static by threads, became a wind swept storm with no level ground or shelter. I was much more easily overwhelmed by things. I couldn’t keep pretending that I was somebody that I was not but I didn’t know who I was either. At one point I fainted and went into convulsions because I was so stressed out about forgetting something at the grocery store and didn’t want to return. I didn’t have the vocabulary to say, “The grocery store is overwhelming me with the lights and sounds.” In fact, I didn’t even understand that I was experiencing sensory overload. I just fainted. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, but it was the first time it had happened in the absence of a hypodermic needle. A neurologist told me that it was a nonepileptic seizure and just to be careful. I was afraid of riding the bus. I was afraid of driving my husband to the airport. I was afraid to go out and explore the city alone. I was pushed to do all of these things but still avoided them. I once went to a Taoist temple to see what it was all about, but I am too solitary for religious services. It wasn’t for me. I returned to quiet meditation by myself. When I quit school, my husband was upset at me and so was my mother. Nobody knew how to take it. They had been dismissive of my struggles throughout the passing years and I didn’t know how to talk to them in a way that they would understand. I can only tell someone something so many times and be ignored so many times before I give up on telling them anything. We packed up our belongings and returned to Wyoming, forgetting the contents of the storage room; we just never went in there and forgot our extra stuff. We paid the landlord for the removal service, of course. This was the point in my life where I completely and totally lost my way. I came to the realization that following other people’s goals for me had not worked and would not work. I realized that my entire personality was a charade meant to appease my mother and husband and his mother. I realized that I had no idea who I was or what I wanted out of life. I had been denied any clue that might have helped me to find level ground to stand on, and finally gave up walking over a shaking, crumbling stage. Reaching my limit of being misunderstood and confused, and refusing even to crawl, I sat down.
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nfirr · 7 years
Apocalypse Soon-Ish
I was tagged by @ubiquitouskitty asking what kinds of skills would make me an asset in the event of social collapse and Fury Road-level mayhem. Hoo boy here's the list: -In terms of physicality, I'm used to running and long-distance travel, especially on hikes through forested and alpine wilderness. My physical strength output in terms of lifting is lower than average for someone my height, but by god I can carry a pack with tent, bedding, and all the necessary survival tools I need for a whole day if it means being in the clear -Speaking of camping, I have both equipment and (more importantly) experience in camping in mountainous and forested areas, so I know what kinds of things are necessary for a good settling spot, how to properly treat cookware and avoid getting everything dirty within the first few days, and basic stuff like finding good water and staying away from possible predator territory. In terms of equipment, I both own and regularly use basic wilderness survival tools (compact cookware, a flint&steel) as well as some cheap yet valuable things such as water filtration tubes and neodymium magnets. Oh, and if that equipment isn't available, I can still make a burn bowl to boil clean drinking water and make a shelter from mud, sticks, and a few leaves affixed to a rocky overhang. -Archery. For the better part of 9 months I've been practicing more and more with traditional archery with a flatbow made of 100% hickory wood. All in all, I'd say I'm a much better shot than when I first started, and I know more about bows and arrows to the point where I started fletching my own arrows a few months back. Knowing how to properly shoot a bow is one thing, but knowing how the weapon actually works and how to both maintain and create materials to sustain the hobby is a much richer and I'd say valuable skillset. Only downside is that I'm not super quick on draw-and-release because I've been practicing more for accuracy than anything, but hey, take when you can get, eh? -Firearm experience is a very VERY new concept for me, as I've only shot a firearm twice in my life. Of course, I have experience with both BB and pellet pistols to the point where I can hit a plastic water bottle 30 yards out, but that doesn't count for actual firearms. Not the best shot when it comes to rifles, but better than the average first-timer with a handgun. Again, my only experience is through BB and pellet pistols, but with those I'm pretty confident in myself. -I've had experience in carpentry using traditional tools, though I know my way around a modern workshop. Through both my grandfather and my father I have had a basic mechanical understanding of furniture, housing, and other carpentry-based craft, and I think that's helped in my understanding of making shelters when a tent isn't available in the wilderness. However, if it comes time to build fortifications or just a chair for an elderly person caught in the shit, then I'm your guy. Who needs a jigsaw or a fancy wood-sculpting machine when you've got some chisels, a pedal-turned lathe, and a few good saws, hammers, hand-drills, and screwdrivers? Oh, and I have enough metallurgy experience to make nails from small bits of iron using Viking-era technique of pulling-pinching-punching. -Electrical experience isn't huge for me, but through my electroplating internship I've picked up a bit on how to run circuits that don't fry the rectifier you're using for power. I also think that my chemical knowledge from the same job will be helpful. When all your War Rigs are rusty from driving in the sand, maybe you'll need some chrome or zinc playing to stave off corrosion? If so, I know the chemical makeups of some commercially successful baths and the places to get said chemicals if all goes to shit. Chemistry experience also helps if you want to know how to neutralize certain toxic chemicals getting on your skin. Rule #1: washing acid off is cool, but caustic will take skin no matter what you do unless you neutralize that shit first. Sulfuric acid also will take skin if you try to wipe it with a paper towel without rinsing it COMPLETELY first. -I may or may not have started a fight club my freshman year in college and I may or may not have participated in a fight or two. Turns out that while I don't punch as hard as the next guy, I'm almost always faster, know where to hit, and have enough drive and stamina in me where I can just keep going until the other one gets tired. Don't matter the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. I guess my black belt in taekwondo helps in regards to speed and vulnerable areas :D -I know a shit ton about wildlife. I love animals. If there's an animal somewhere that someone doesn't know how to deal with, they could end up dead. You don't try to intimidate a big brown bear, but black bears it might work. You don't fuck with the diseases that coons and geese can carry. And it's nice to know what kinds of birds go after which kinds of seed and food, and how to avoid pests in crops. Capsaicin is a good deterrent for mammals if you're raising birds and don't want coons getting in your seed! I think that having some basic knowledge of the creatures that live alongside us would help in surviving the natural world and not wind up hurt or dead because you didn't respect the boundaries of certain animals. Giant anteaters will fuck you up, man. -I taught Sunday school to kids for years and want to be a teacher in the somewhat near future, and I think that education will be an important tool in a post-contemporary world. Not only in the matters of faith, but also in things like science and language. LITERACY!! I'd like to think that I would be effective in keeping younger members of our species engaged and invested in learning so that they can have a broader understanding of the world both as it is and as it was. History contains useful lessons in dealing with other people and protecting the natural environment, and I think that these lessons are important to share with children. -My experience teaching kids comes from a religious background, and I'm writing an honors thesis in the religious studies department in my university as part of my second major, so I think that something people may not consider is the role of spiritual guidance when all goes to shit. I'm not Catholic myself, I will not pretend to have a deep connection to the divine if I have not found it yet, but being able to cite examples of religious people and events that can help console and lend guidance to those who question their faith is something I think may be overlooked -I'm okay at understanding and speaking Spanish, have basic one-year experience in German, and know enough Mandarin Chinese from 3rd-10th grade, so that may come in handy if there's nobody else around that has more applicable experience. That about wraps it up. I tag @cripotle @guardianlioness and @neurodoodle, have fun y'all.
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notafeeling · 7 years
Hey sweetie how was your day
this was a joke but then i figured i had nothing else to do so now its just really long whoops
well for starters i woke up to my alarm going off at 6. despite getting heaps of sleep, i could not for the life of me drag myself out of bed. my eyes refused to stay open so i allowed myself to rest them for a little while - and then it’s somehow 7 and i need to rush to get ready for school. i waste time on tumblr a bit and warn my friends about the up and coming ICAS test later today. next i haul my semi-exhausted body into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. i re-enter my room to chuck on my sports uniform and head to the kitchen - not to eat anything, but rather stare at the fridge and check the apples that i still refuse to eat because they have white stuff on them. i remember that i had packed the last of the biscuits into a plastic ziplock bag and hidden it behind some stuff, so i take it out under the guise of “making my lunch”. i put that in my bag and put on my shoes and socks. then i waste more time on tumblr, because i simply have no life. next thing i know, i hear the door slamming shut and i have to race out of my room, only to hear my mum locking it. i use my keys to unlock the door and try not to think about her getting into her car and then i exit my house, relocking it. i trudge my way over to her, tempted to ask why she did that but not wanting to listen to her talk about how i need to get ready faster. i spend the entire drive to school in silence, making myself feel crappy because it’s what i do best. when we get there, she tells me that i’m walking home. i wave hello to the twins i see most mornings and continue my way to outside the school library. this girl calls out my name and waves, so i say hello back, and continue on my journey. once i’m there, i see Crush™, person i don’t like, and person i don’t know but was involved in... an incident yesterday. i awkwardly make conversation until finally my other friends start arriving. at 8, the library finally opens and us cold souls make our way inside whilst our other friend says that it’s not cold at all. inside, we don’t do anything until the bell rings for assembly. we go over to the sports hall. we’re forced to sit through notices but i don’t really pay attention, like usual. assembly goes through the period one bell, which sucks because i actually like my period one class (english). finally we’re allowed to go and i trudge up G Block stairs until i get to G14. i wait outside with the rest of my class until the-one-teacher-any-of-us-like arrives. he lets us in and we race to find good seats, apart form the left side of the class who are set in their formation. he hands out sheets of his thesis paragraph that we spent the whole english lesson yesterday arguing over and we being highlighting reference, appraisal and conjunction words/phrases. during this, we’re told to also highlight those things on our drafts. my friends and i who did harry potter instead of hatchet had to get some help and we realised that we forgot to mention Hogwarts at all. i get advice on my draft. some kid in my class reminds our teacher that there are no period one-two bells, so he lets us out. i resent this because we have ICAS next lesson and my friends and i stay behind as long as possible. by the time we get there, the class is already inside. i make a joke as we climb up the stairs that maybe nice-cool science teacher will continue to teach us tuesdays and that the boring-science-teacher-who-hates-us was just a dream. when we hear his voice, we are sorely disappointed. the class files into the room with separated desks and we’re immediately filled with dread. we spend the next hour or so doing our ICAS science and in the last 5 minutes, i realise i’m an absolute idiot who can’t get this done. i start panicking a little, but i move on and skim questions, putting down the answer that looks right/is oddly specific. afterwards, the kid next to me tells me that for the last ten questions he put ‘c’ because it was statistically proven to be more common. im slightly more relaxed as everyone talks about how for the final bit, they had to speed through and guess. then we have lunch, and i cant remember too much other than that Crush™ and i got kindly given money for our lunchless selves to buy food. when we come back, two of our friends are tossing an apple back and forth. i want the apple, but they admit to dropping it several times, so i stick with my honey soy chips and mandarin. by the end of lunch, the apple is dripping with juice from being flung against the ground so much. next we have pastoral care, which none of us care about. we’re noisy as we enter and are sent out. the teacher makes a big deal of this and asks us if we’re this noisy in all our classes. for some reason, some people think it’s a good idea to lie and say we’re not, which sets him off on “what? so you don’t respect me? is that it?” during this time, i keep accidentally making eyecontact with my friend who shares the same opinion of him as i do and we try not to laugh. eventually, he lets us back in and me and two of my friends don’t do anything apart from look up jobs because we found out it was perfectly legal. the lesson flies by and nobody cares because pastoral literally doesn’t teach us anything. it’s break again, and i can’t remember much about it other than that me and Crush™ take a walk around the school and up to A Block, where i see a student who was in the grade below me in primary. i ask her what she’s doing and she admits to wagging. i  tell her im disappointed and she apologises to me, her mother. (it’s a thing we have going on.) the bell rings and we force ourselves to head back to the library. we enter and do nothing, aside from talk about how my internet isnt working. our two music friends, who had a music exam for the first quarter of class, finally show up and we beg them to let us use one of their laptops as mine isnt connecting to the internet and we need it to catalogue books. tall friend gives us hers and Crush™ immediately checks her history. we no longer believe tall friend is as innocent as she claims. then people tell us that the reason why nobody’s laptops are working is because the internet is down, so we have to only catalogue the books we know. this inspires me to go after every single LGBT book i’ve read. the two music friends are back and one of them is LGBTQ+ so i spend the rest of the lesson recommending her authors that write very much gay books. it’s home time and lgbt+ friend and i walk out of the school and walk to her house. then i continue on for another twenty minutes until i get home. im exhausted but try to pay attention to my brother, until i eventually ask him to leave my room. he does and then i go back to tumblr, thus inspiring this long recount of my day.
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vincentbuckles · 5 years
Research reveals which language can earn you £50k+!
A new study has revealed that speaking a second language is likely to earn you a salary of £50,000+.
The Adult Learning Company conducted the research and found that speaking a second language can significantly boost the chances of somebody living in the UK of earning over £50k.
It was also revealed which languages were the most valuable to know and which ones brought in the least amount of additional income, based on the responses of survey questions.
As our dedicated article, Boost your Job Prospects for Free, highlights, leaning a new language can be a great way to impress employers and secure positions with higher wages.
So to help you understand which languages are the most valuable and how to increase your ability of learning one faster, continue reading below for our brand new guide.
The most valuable languages ranked 1-5
Tips for learning a new language 
Useful resources for learning a new language 
It’s estimated that only 8% of British people speak two languages or more, which explains the reason behind the higher wage offers for people who are bilingual.
  The Most Valuable Languages to Know
The study found that those who spoke Turkish as a second language could expect to earn an average of £53,000, which is the highest earning language of all surveyed.
Those who also speak Gujarati – a language native to the Indian state of Gujarat – could see their income boosted, with an average salary of £44,109per annum.
If you speak Chinese (any form) as a second language, you’ll be the third highest earner, with an average salary of £42,327.
The highest earners are below:
Turkish – £53,071
Gujarati – £44,109
Chinese (any form) – £42,327
Somalian – £42,167
Italian – £39,236
  Tips for learning a new language
Don’t worry about being perfect
Learning a new skill is a slow and testing process and having the patience to stick it out can be difficult if you’re not seeing progress.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is aiming for perfection and expecting themselves to be able to achieve it in a short amount of time.
The truth is you will never speak another dialect fluently perfectly, because not even native speakers can do that.
Think about the different accents and slang used from one place to another in the UK, nobody really speaks ‘perfect English’ so don’t worry about trying to reach a level of perfection in a different language.
Simply build yourself up slowly and take satisfaction in learning a few new words a day.
  The first step is always the hardest
As is the case in anything in life, taking the first step when developing a new skill is the hardest.
It can be difficult to know where and how to start, which is why it’s critical to have patience with yourself.
Nobody, in human history, has ever been able to do something without practice, it’s just how the brain works and it’s a fundamental part of how we learn from the moment we are born.
Try to enjoy the process as much as possible as this also helps the learning process significantly.
  Find somebody to practice with
If you need to practice speaking a language with somebody, you can usually find people on Gumtree who want to practice their English.
Fortunately for people in the UK, English is the most widespread language spoken in the world, though Mandarin is the one spoken by the most people.
This means that there is a huge demand to learn English and so people from all over the world use Gumtree and other online resources to try to find people who are willing to swap English for Spanish, French, Italian etc.
  Watch films in a different language
Watching a film in a different language may not be the most enjoyable experience, however it can help to improve your understanding.
  Resources for learning a new language
Duolingo is a free app that is available to download directly to your phone or tablet.
The app is great for getting started with a number of languages and teaches you in a simple and easy to understand way.
Millions of people all over the world have used Duolingo and the team have even helped to restore Gaelic as a spoken language in Ireland as it was slowly dying out as less and less people knew how to speak the language.
Babbel is a competitor of Duolingo, however, it’s more comprehensive in its teaching of languages as there is a paid version for people to upgrade to from the free version (£9.99pm)
Babble is also used by millions of people worldwide as its gameified approach to teaching is a proven method of helping people learn a new language.
The app can be downloaded to a smartphone or used on a laptop or tablet.
CityLit is the organisation that published the research featured in this article.
With a huge number of language courses available, the company has helped thousands of people in developing their linguistic skills.
If you are serious about learning a new language, getting access to specialist teachers and resources is the best way forwards.
Italkie is another online resource for people wanting to learn a different language.
The platform connects thousands of people, from all over the world, via video calls and allows learners to connect with native speakers of the dialect they want to learn.
Even if you want to learn English as a non-native, this is a great way to connect with somebody who has training from the comfort of your own home.
Chris Jones, Director of Sales and Marketing at City Lit, said:
“Being able to speak a second language is always desirable to employers and has real social value too, so it’s great to see that being able to speak another language has a positive impact on salaries.
“Learning a second language is easier than you think, and there are lots of tips available to help you along your linguistic journey.”
  The post Research reveals which language can earn you £50k+! appeared first on MoneyMagpie.
Research reveals which language can earn you £50k+! published first on https://justinbetreviews.weebly.com/
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