#mans listened to 'sunglasses at night'
devondespresso · 4 months
steve harrington has such keen hearing because he's spent hours upon hours trying to figure out what the lyrics are to any and every of his favorite songs so he can sing along
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jjungkookislife · 22 days
Navigating Tides
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♡ pairing: ex-boyfriend!jungkook x f. reader
♡ genre: exes to lovers, angst, fluff, smut [18+]
♡ summary: A cruise is the last place you expect to see your ex-boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. You broke up six months ago, and your best friends Jimin and Yoongi assured you your ex wouldn't even remember this cruise that you booked a year in advance. However, on your first night on board, you discover your ex isn't only on the cruise ship, but there are no rooms available for him to stay in other than yours.
♡ wc: 18.9k
♡ warnings: alcohol use/mention, food mentions, mention of murder on cruise ship documentaries, threats of violence, sexual thoughts, jealousy, making out, marking (hickeys, biting, scratching), hair pulling, oral sex (f. giving and receiving), fingering (f. receiving), unprotected sex, creampie
♡ a/n: a huge thank you to the anon who suggested the title ❤
♡ date: September 1, 2024
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“Jimin, I don’t think this is a good idea,” you sigh heavily as you adjust your sunhat. Your large sunglasses keep the sun out of your eyes and make it easier to take in your surroundings.
Passengers stand around you, some checking their tickets, others counting their luggage, and your best friend scoping out your next boyfriend while he checks his phone for messages regarding his beloved cat, Moon.
“Come on! You bought the ticket in advance! You know Jungkook isn’t going to show. You broke up six months ago, he wouldn’t come on this cruise if you paid him!” Jimin exclaims trying (and failing) to ease your worries. 
“He’s right,” Yoongi chimes in once he gets a photo of his cat from his parents. “Jungkook wouldn’t leave his office to come on a cruise his ex and best friends booked a year in advance. He probably doesn’t even remember it.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you give in as the line moves forward. You pull your luggage beside you. “There’s no way he’d be here.”
Jimin nods as Yoongi moves their luggage. You stand in line with your ticket and passport in hand as Jimin rattles on about all the things he wants to do for the next seven days out on the ocean. You half-listen, looking around at the passengers,  hoping for a relaxing time. 
“We’re a few doors down,” Jimin continues, “but we’ll come get you for all our meals and we can figure out what to do that day. There’s a casino and a karaoke night.”
You nod, smiling as the line moves again. The breeze ruffles your hair beneath your hat and you close your eyes momentarily. 
A vacation was just what you needed.
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Jeon Jungkook is a strong man. He’s got a lean body and hands that could rip open a pineapple with ease. He normally doesn’t demonstrate his great strength, but the women are eating it up at the bar closest to the dock. 
His assistant had reminded him about his vacation last week. A cruise, she had informed him as she showed him the next ten days blocked off his calendar. 
Jungkook had denied taking the time off but his assistant had insisted he go. When he tried to protest again, the assistant threatened to call his mother. 
Jungkook took a bite of the pineapple before throwing a handful of bills on the bar. 
“Gotta go!” He yelled over the ruckus he had caused and grabbed his suitcase with his sticky hands. The women were sad to see him go, but Jungkook had minutes before the cruise ship left the dock. 
“Welcome,” Jungkook is greeted before his ticket and passport are checked. He was directed to his floor but Jungkook headed straight for the bar, where more passengers were gathered to get their vacation started.
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By the time you get to your room, you’re pleased to see your luggage waiting for you. You head to the balcony, admiring the view as the ship pulls away from the dock. 
You take a few minutes to fix your makeup and grab your sunblock before shoving your suitcase under your bed. Yoongi had insisted you cram everything into one large suitcase and he’d bring an extra one for souvenirs. Jimin had allowed you to sneak some more outfits into his luggage since Yoongi knew better than to try to limit his clothing options.
“That should do it,” you say to yourself as you head out of the cabin, just to spot Yoongi and Jimin heading your way.
“Let’s get something to eat and hit the pool,” Jimin grins as he takes your hand and Yoongi’s in the other.
Meanwhile, Jungkook has finished his drink at the bar and heads toward his cabin. 
He’s glad to see his suitcase has been delivered and he slides it under the bed easily. He takes his room key and heads back out to see what there’s to do on this cruise.
He wishes he had paid more attention to the details when you had booked it.
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Yoongi is soaking wet, shaking his long black hair, making you and Jimin scream. He laughs, his gummy smile makes Jimin melt.
“You’re drying yourself off like a dog,” you comment as he sits in the chair with Jimin. 
Yoongi shrugs, leaning forward to take a large bite of the watermelon slice Jimin holds out for him. 
Jimin had slathered the three of you in sunblock, lecturing on the dangers of the UV rays and whatnot. You knew better than to ignore his advice, seeing as he was a dermatologist and Yoongi was a plastic surgeon.
“Are either of you going to get in the pool?” Yoongi asks as he cards his fingers through his wet hair. Jimin bites his bottom lip as he watches Yoongi with a look that’s all too familiar.
“Don’t you dare!” You swat at Jimin with your book. The couple laughs.
“You promised I wouldn’t be a third-wheel,” you remind them.
Yoongi nods. “We promised.”
Jimin nods. “Of course, we’re just teasing.”
“More like setting up foreplay,” you mutter but they ignore you as Jimin hands you a slice of watermelon and a cube of pineapple. The two of you were waiting for this evening’s dinner to have drinks, though the cocktails of the passengers around you looked delicious.
“Since we’re on vacation, are you gonna be seeking a dance partner?” Jimin asks wiggling his eyebrows.
“You know, for the horizontal hula?” Yoongi smirks, earning a swat to his arm.
“No! I’m here to relax!” you insist as you open your book. You clasp your kitten bookmark before it can slip out of the worn pages. 
Jimin sighs dramatically as he falls over onto your chair. “Come on! You don’t have to marry anyone, just flirt.”
“Min,” Yoongi warns, noting the shift in your posture. 
Jimin mimes zipping his lips as he sits up. 
“I just worry about you.”
“There’s no need, Minnie. If it happens, it happens, okay?” you ask as you close your book once more, giving up on getting any reading done.
Yoongi places his hand on Jimin’s shoulder, tugging him to their chair. Jimin goes easily, placated for the moment.
You steal a grape from Jimin’s plate before lying back on the chair with your hat covering your face.
Jimin smiles as he grabs his book and lies back to read, his fruit plate long forgotten. 
As Yoongi reaches for a grape, his eyes catch a familiar tattoo sleeve but when he blinks, it’s gone.
Must have been the heat playing tricks on him.
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Dinner had been a blast.
Yoongi and Jimin had gotten every cocktail that you had eyes on earlier in the day. You danced, laughed, and forgot all about Jungkook.
“We’ll see you in the morning,” Jimin said as he walked you to your cabin. Yoongi waited out in the hall outside of theirs’ to make sure Jimin was in his eyesight. He’d seen too many documentaries on shit going sideways on cruises to leave either of you unsupervised.
“Goodnight, Minnie. Love you,” you hug him tight before he leaves you with a kiss to your temple.
Once he’s gone, you kick your shoes off in your cabin. It’s just as you left it. 
You let your hair down as you begin to unbutton your blue dress, allowing the thin straps to fall off your shoulders.
You’re startled when the bathroom door swings open, steam flooding out of it, obscuring whoever is there.
You scream!
The steam clears and out walks a man with a colorful tattoo sleeve on one arm, his other hand holding the white towel around his waist.
His doe eyes widen as he spots you.
“What are you doing here?!” you shout at the same time. “Me?! YOU?! Stop that!”
You both stomp a foot at the same time. 
Water runs down your ex’s sculpted chest and abs—you can’t help but stare. You remember tracing those delicious abs with your tongue, ending up on your knees with his cock down your throat.
A shiver rolls down your back.
“What are you doing here, Jungkook?” you huff, stomping your foot. You hope your next-door neighbors don’t complain about the noise.
“I’m on vacation,” he answers in a duh tone.
“In my cabin?” 
“I didn’t know you were going to be here! We haven’t talked since…” Jungkook trails off, sighing heavily. He feels the knots in his throat, the ache of holding back tears.
“You never take vacations. Why did you come?” you demand answers as you cross your arms over your chest, eyes widening when you realize your bra-clad tits are exposed. You immediately turn around, fixing your dress before facing him once again.
Jungkook rubs his nape awkwardly. He grabs the robe from the bathroom and puts it on.
“I know. My assistant insisted. I never canceled the vacation request and she made plans,” Jungkook shrugged. 
“Well, you can’t stay here!” you exclaim, pointing toward the door sharply.
Jungkook says your name, but you glare at him. He raises his hands in defeat.
“At least let me get dressed, okay?” 
“Fine,” you grumble as he grabs his suitcase from under the bed. You head to the balcony to sit while Jungkook gets dressed.
This was not how you wanted to spend your vacation. Was it too late to fly home from the next port? You couldn’t be stuck on the same ship with Jungkook for the next seven days and six nights. Just knowing he was on board would drive you up the wall.
Five minutes later, Jungkook is dressed as you reenter the cabin. You go with him to the front of the ship, flagging down someone who could help you.
Jungkook explains the situation, and the cruise worker listens while searching for any available rooms.
“I apologize, but there are no other rooms available. We’re fully booked. You’ll have to stay in the room, sir.”
“But-” You go to protest but the worker cuts you off.
“There’s nothing we can do, ma’am. I apologize but we’re in the middle of the ocean, hours from our first stop.”
“Thanks for checking,” you state in defeat as you turn on your heel with Jungkook behind you.
Back in your cabin, you go to the bathroom to shower. You come out in a robe, going for your suitcase to grab your pajamas before going back into the bathroom. 
Jungkook stays out on the balcony until you’re getting into bed.
“I’m sorry. If I had known-”
“Just don’t,” you stop him. He shuts up immediately. “I just want to get through tonight, okay?”
Jungkook nods as you pull the covers over your body. You tug the pillows and place a few between you and the spot where Jungkook will have to sleep.
Silently, Jungkook climbs into bed.
“Goodnight,” Jungkook whispers as you turn out the lights.
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Heat stifles you as you arouse from your sleep. You moan as you push the covers but the pillows’ warmth is still making you hot. You push at them, trying to shove them off the bed, but a grunt greets you instead.
“Quit,” a familiar sleepy voice wakes you up in an instant. 
You scramble to sit up, but you’ve wrapped yourself around Jungkook, who is shirtless. His bed head looks adorable as he whines at the loss of warmth before he tugs the covers toward him, sleeping some more.
Quickly, you get dressed and storm out of your cabin.
You could not deal with this without a stiff drink and your best friends.
Part of you hoped you were dreaming.
“He’s here!” you yell when you reach Yoongi and Jimin’s table. Plates of fruit, eggs, and pancakes greet you along with glasses filled with water, some with various types of juices, and mimosas.
You plop down on a free chair, reaching for a mimosa and then Jimin’s. Both men watch you with wide eyes as Yoongi offers you his drink.
“Who’s here?” Jimin asks, befuddled.
Jimin and Yoongi exchange a look. They had watched you go to your room before they retired for the night.
Who could you have run into?
“Jungkook!” You hiss in explanation. “He’s here!”
Yoongi frowns. “I thought that was him.”
You whip your head to face him. “You knew?!”
Yoongi rapidly shakes his head. “I thought I saw him yesterday but when I blinked, he was gone. I thought the heat had gotten to me.”
You cackle, nearly losing your mind. “Well, he’s fucking here! And he’s staying in my room!”
Jimin and Yoongi’s mouths drop open wide in shock.
“He’s what?!” Jimin recovers first as he waves down a waiter and orders more mimosas for the three of you. This revelation demanded a drink.
“Can’t he get a room for himself? Lord knows he can afford it,” Yoongi grumbles as he picks at his buttery toast.
“No, it’s booked solid,” you sigh as you cover your face with your hands.
“Good morning, everyone!” Jungkook greets you before he takes the empty seat beside you. He helps himself to some fruit and some of your mimosa.
Jimin and Yoongi stare at him with wide eyes. So you weren’t lying to go home. 
“Hey,” Jimin waves weakly. “Surprising to see you out of the office.”
Jungkook ignores the jab at him. “You look good, Jimin. Very good.”
“Watch it,” Yoongi growls. “Just because he’ll be amicable doesn’t mean I won’t wipe the table with your face.”
Jungkook raises his hands in defeat. “Just being friendly. We are spending the week together after all. Isn’t that right, roomie?” 
Jungkook nudges you with his elbow.
“Eat dirt,” you respond as you ignore him and grab a stack of pancakes. You drown them in syrup and ignore Jungkook and Jimin catching up. Yoongi glares at him the whole time before breakfast ends and you head back to your room to get ready to reach the first port.
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The first two days on board, you manage to avoid Jungkook after his appearance at breakfast that one morning. 
You were three days into your cruise when you were hanging poolside with Jimin and Yoongi once again. The warmth of the sun felt nice on your skin, even with Jimin’s nagging about flipping over and reapplying sunblock.
Your swimsuit was something sexy Jimin had picked out to accentuate your favorite features of your body. He had picked out a few outfits for you and Yoongi to match his. You looked more like a polytriad than a group of friends, but you liked the outfits.
Your sun hat and sunglasses kept out the gazes of any men who would have the slightest interest in you, much to Jimin’s annoyance.
Jimin sits on his sun lounger slathering more sunblock on his skin while Yoongi goes off to get the three of you drinks. You’ve been busy the past few days shopping, eating, dancing, laughing, and enjoying life away from the claws of capitalism.
Shade casts over you, and you look up to see Jungkook’s smiling face, dimples and all.
“What do you want, Jeon?” you huff as you sit up, removing your sunglasses. 
Jungkook stands over you, checking you out in your swimsuit. He briefly remembers the times he held you in his arms, when his touch aroused you, not repulsed you.
Jungkook sits down at the end of your seat. His body glistened as if he had just gotten out of the pool. You’re sure there’s at least a gaggle of men and women staring at the both of you. Jungkook attracted attention wherever he went. His glorious body, tattoos, hair, and a radiant smile broke more than just your heart.
His piercings catch the sun, the glint hitting your eyes.
“Yeah,” Jimin pipes up. “This zone is for loading future husbands only.”
You roll your eyes at Jimin but lean back as Jungkook’s body freezes.
“Yes,” Jimin retorts, “Husbands.”
“I didn’t know you were looking,” Jungkook said as he looked at you, perplexed. 
You shrug.
“I figure the next person I date will be the one.”
Jungkook remains silent. He cards a tattooed hand through his wet hair, and you curse him in your mind. He knew how hot he looked, he just wanted to make you suffer.
You weren’t going to give in to his tricks though.
You move your legs toward you, pretending you don’t want to get hit with water droplets but you can’t ignore the rapid heartbeat between your legs. 
“JK!” Yoongi shouts as he approaches, squirting Jungkook with a water gun. 
“Hey!” Jungkook shouts as he chases Yoongi, quickly catching up to the older man. A fight ensues as both men try to gain control of the water gun before Jungkook acquires one from a bystander.
“Fuck,” you groan as you put your sun hat back on.
“He’s fucking hot,” Jimin groans as he lies back. You look at each other and burst out laughing.
“He’s a menace,” you sigh but your heart flutters as you spot him in the pool with Yoongi. The two are splashing each other and some of the other passengers but they don’t seem to mind as they join in.
Jimin is silent for a few minutes before he turns to face you.
“Be honest with me, babe. You still love him?”
“Do you even have to ask?” you respond as you watch Jungkook shake the water out of his hair before he pulls himself out of the pool.
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Jungkook ignores the way his cock throbs at the sight of you in your sundress as you walk down the hall to meet Jimin and Yoongi. He nearly drools at the sway of your hips as your body shows off all your best assets.
His thoughts easily wander, you were the only one he ever felt like he could be himself. You were his best friend and he’d lost you over a heated argument about him working so much. He had said some things he had regretted, especially when he lost you.
He had spent the last six months thrown into work, avoiding any socialization wherever possible. He didn’t want to meet someone new, he wanted you. But you had blocked him, made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with him and now you were confined to a cruise ship and he would do whatever it took to get you back.
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You turn when you hear your name being called, and heat rushes to your cheeks when you spot the captain, Kim Namjoon. 
He looks divine in his crisp white uniform, his hat tucked under his right arm. 
“Good evening,” he greets you with a dimpled grin. You smile brightly at him, asking him about his day. 
He had heard about your predicament with Jungkook the following morning and had invited you to a special dinner with him tonight as an apology for the inconvenience.
Normally, you would have denied any sort of offer, not wanting to inconvenience anyone but Namjoon was hot, smart, and funny. 
Namjoon offers you his arm, which you take giddily as he escorts you to your private dinner. 
Within five minutes he had you laughing, wine threatening to shoot out of your nose. 
Jimin had encouraged you to go to dinner after he spotted the captain later that day, and now that Namjoon’s schedule allowed, you sat in front of him in a candlelit room with a spectacular view. 
A white ceramic vase sat in the middle of the table with fresh pink peonies. Soft music played from a speaker overhead, and the sound of the ocean filled the background. 
Namjoon’s eyes lit up every time he shared a snippet of his tales from the sea. You listened intently, batting your lashes whenever he’d smile with his dimples on display. 
You know this wasn’t a date, and it would never work out with how long Namjoon had to be out at sea, but it was nice to get back into the game after such a long time. You never imagined being tossed back into the dating pool after Jungkook.
The thought makes your smile waver for a moment, and you reach for your glass of wine instead. 
Two silver-covered trays arrive shortly, stopping Namjoon mid-sentence as he smiles proudly. 
“I caught tonight’s dinner. I had our chef cook it with a special sauce that you’ll enjoy,” Namjoon states as your tray is set in front of you and you nod excitedly.
All excitement vanishes as you see two little beady eyes staring back at you.
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Jungkook looks immaculate. His undercut is on display, his tattoos pop against his white-button shirt, and his smile can dazzle just about anyone… except Min Yoongi.
Yoongi is the first to spot Jungkook heading to the table where he sits beside his boyfriend. Yoongi had loved Jungkook, still did but his loyalty to you made him pull away from the younger man. An annoyance brewed where he held brotherly love for him once. If you decided to get back with him, it would take Yoongi a while to thaw out. 
Jungkook looks around the area, finally asking Jimin where you are.
“She’s on a date,” Yoongi smirks as Jungkook’s hopeful smile turns into a frown. The younger man toys with his lip piercings worriedly. 
“With the Captain,” Yoongi continues, ignoring the jab of his boyfriend’s sharp elbow to his ribs. “So she’ll be late coming to bed tonight… if she goes to bed at all.”
Jungkook’s heart deflates further as he twiddles his fingers. His eyes shine as he blinks back tears. Jimin scowls at Yoongi. 
Perhaps, he had gone too far. Yoongi slouches into his seat, abashed.  
“It’s just dinner,” Jimin tries to assure Jungkook. “They’re on the balcony by the lobby.” 
“Jimin!” Yoongi hisses before Jimin elbows his ribs again. 
“What? He loves her!” Jimin exclaims, gaining the attention of a few patrons. 
Jungkook feels his ears burn from the attention as he thanks Jimin quietly before leaving the couple to enjoy dinner. 
Heartache is quick to consume Jungkook despite Jimin’s poor assurance of you and the captain’s night. He remembered how mesmerized Captain Kim had seemed when he offered his apologies before asking you to dinner right in front of Jungkook. As if he were invisible!
Okay, maybe Jungkook was jealous. He never wanted to end things, and he didn’t mean any of the things he said that awful night of your breakup. He had taken steps to fix himself, working less, going home more, and prioritizing himself and his family. He was a new man, even his mother had noticed the change. She was hopeful you and him would get back together. 
Jungkook wallows in his sadness as he heads down one hallway and down another. He ignored the conversations around him and anyone who tried to strike up a conversation. 
Before he knows it, he arrives at the kitchen with the swinging doors. He’s about to turn away when he gets grabbed by a man in a white hat with a stern look. 
“Why are you just standing around?!” The man shouts as he hands Jungkook a silver tray with a thick lid that reflects his befuddled expression. 
Jungkook looks at the name tag on the man’s white coat that reads, Soobin.
“Listen,” Jungkook tries to protest but he’s shoved in the direction of the other doors that lead who-knows-where. Jungkook stumbles before righting himself as the staff in the kitchen zoom back and forth adding garnish, stirring bubbling pots, and plating elaborate dishes in pristine white ceramic plates 
“Hurry!” Soobin shouts from across the kitchen, his scowl sends a shiver of fear down Jungkook’s spine. He balances the tray in one hand as he pushes the black doors in front of him. 
Jungkook’s not even sure where he’s going, or how he got into this situation from just losing himself in his thoughts but now he had to deliver whatever was under the tray and look for an exit. 
Perhaps he could scale the side of the ship to get on another floor. 
There was no way he’d be facing Chef Soobin’s wrath again. That much he was sure of. 
“We’ve been waiting on you,” someone else hisses at him once he goes through the swinging door, biting his lip when one of the doors smacks his back and jolts him forward. 
“I don’t-” Jungkook tries to explain but is interrupted as someone apologizes to a man clad in white. 
Jungkook’s heart sinks as he recognizes you with every step he takes. 
“Here is dessert,” the person grins as Jungkook sets the tray on the table.
Your eyes widen in surprise when you see him, confusion forming on your brow. 
Jungkook looks to the side where the waiter is placing the remains of your dinner on a cart, and two black beady eyes seem to follow his movements as he shifts his weight from foot to foot. 
“Kookie?” You ask in surprise and his heart flips at the nickname he’d only allow you to use. 
However, before he can bask in the sweetness of it, you clear your throat and correct yourself, using his full name instead. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Jungkook bites his lip. This looks bad from all angles. The truth sounds like a fabricated lie and a lie would sound worse. 
Namjoon raises a brow at the two of you, quickly putting the pieces together. 
“Join us for dessert,” Namjoon smiles warmly as he waves over the waiter to ask for another chair but Jungkook shakes his head. 
“No, that’s okay! I just got lost is all,” Jungkook blushes as he cards a hand through his hair nervously. You follow the action closely, studying Jungkook and the way his fingers twitch at his side. He avoids your gaze and Namjoon’s, apologizing as he takes a step back. 
“I’ll go find my way back to Jimin and Yoongi. Please, don’t let me interrupt any further,” Jungkook can taste the vileness of his words but he’s at odds with his words and his thoughts. 
“Why don’t I walk you back,” you offer, surprising him and Namjoon. 
“Oh, no that’s not necessary,” Jungkook shakes his head but makes eye contact with the little beady eyes from before. 
Had Namjoon tried to feed you that prawn? Did he not know food with eyes freaked you out? How long had you stared at those bead-like eyes before the plate had been removed from the table?
“Of course it is,” you say as you rise from your seat. Namjoon remains silent as you thank him for dinner.
“It was a pleasure,” Namjoon responds as he stands. He takes your hand in his and kisses it, making you smile bashfully. 
“I’ll be going now!” Jungkook squeaks, his face red like the prawn still staring at him. Why hadn’t the waiter taken that abomination back to the kitchen yet?
Was he hiding out of Chef Soobin’s wrath too?
“Kook!” You huff, flustered as you take his arm to link with yours. Jungkook stays silent as you lead him out of the private dining quarters through a door he could have easily spotted if he hadn’t been so flustered by the events. 
Weakly, Jungkook waves at Namjoon, who watches the two of you leave.   
Jungkook gets a good look at the captain, admiring the long, thick hair that sits at his shoulders. He looks dapper in his uniform and hat, with thick arms and thighs to die for. 
Jungkook was glad he had appeared just in time, or you’d be Captain Kim’s wife before the end of the cruise. 
Hell, Jungkook would vie for Namjoon.
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You remain silent as you drag Jungkook by the arm. He goes willingly as you lead him toward the giant dining room with the rest of the passengers.
You come to a halt before entering, ignoring the hunger pangs in your belly. 
“What exactly is it that you are doing, Jungkook!” You ask as your anger bubbles over now that you’re alone with him. 
Jungkook steeled himself, biting his lower lip in the way you love. 
“I apologize,” Jungkook says sincerely, though the words taste like poison. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your date.”
“It wasn’t a date,” you respond automatically, cringing at the speed of your words. 
Jungkook visibly perks up.
“Don’t go getting any ideas,” you mutter as you cross your arms over your chest, drawing Jungkook’s saddened gaze for a moment. “Though I did need some rescuing, so thank you.”
Jungkook perks up again, smiling cutely. 
Before any more words are exchanged, your stomach rumbles loudly. Jungkook bites back his laughter as you cover your face.
“Oh my!” Jungkook giggles when your tummy rumbles again. 
“Kook!” You whine, stomping your foot. “Stop laughing!”
Jungkook continues to laugh, broad shoulders shaking as he does so. You pout, flipping him off.
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat,” Jungkook smiles as he takes your hand to lead you to the buffet. You thank him sheepishly as he hands you a clean plate to fill with food. 
You ignore the rumble of your stomach as you sit beside Jungkook in a booth.  The dinner rush has come and gone, only you and a few stragglers are left behind as the servers clean tables and stack dirty dishes a few tables away. 
“How long did you have a staring contest with that thing at the table?” Jungkook asks midway through dinner as he chews his food. For a moment he looks upset as he chews but you know it’s just him enjoying his meal. 
“Hey! Namjoon is a nice guy!” You retort as you move your mashed potatoes around your plate. 
Jungkook blinks owlishly, his cheeks stuffed with food. He resembles a cute little chipmunk.
He swallows, pounding his chest with his fist before he speaks. “I meant the prawn.”
“Oh!” you squeak as your body heats with embarrassment while Jungkook bursts into laughter. 
His eyes crinkle at the corners, his pretty nose scrunches and his teeth make an appearance. Your heart flutters in your chest, his laughter healing the wounds he’d left behind. 
No matter how much you tried to deny it, you were still hopelessly in love with him. 
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You’re up bright and early the next morning. Jungkook snores softly beside you, cuddled to the pillow between the two of you. 
His hair is splayed on the pillow, one arm tucked under it to support his head. 
His broad back is on display, the covers hanging on his hips as he rolls over an inch. You had spent several mornings waking up beside him, cuddled up, sharing kisses and each other's bodies. Mornings filled with happiness and love, memories you held onto, wishing to relive. 
Instead, you get ready for the day. Jimin and Yoongi are excited to get to the port. There will be tons to do today before coming aboard for dinner and a show.
You put your swimsuit on under your sundress. You pack a change of clothes, sunblock, sunglasses, wallet, water bottle, mini first aid kit, and lip balm in your bag before heading out. 
Jimin waits for you in the hallway, informing you that his other half has gone to secure a table in the dining room before the early risers can fill up the area. 
“Soooo,” Jimin wiggles his eyebrows as the two of you sit down with Yoongi. Your plates are filled with eggs and sausage, fruits, and muffins. 
“So what?” You ask as you eat a slice of an apple Jimin cut for you, the only way you could easily eat fruit. 
Jimin is exasperated as he rolls his eyes at you. 
“What happened on your date?” Jimin asks as he takes a sip of his iced coffee. 
“It wasn’t a date,” you shake your head. “Just dinner.”
“Dinner with the cruise ship captain,” Yoongi cuts in. “That’s a big deal.”
“A private dinner with the cruise ship captain,” Jimin rephrased as he gave you his undivided attention. 
A heavy sigh escapes your beeswax-sticky lips. Should lip balm tingle?
“He served prawns,” you whisper, looking around to make sure Namjoon and his staff are not around. 
“Oooh,” Jimin smiles. 
“No, they had beady little eyes like marbles. They stared into my soul,” you shiver at the memory. 
“Yikes,” Yoongi shakes his head in disdain. He knew how much eyeballs freaked you out. 
“I couldn’t eat it,” you continue as you munch on a grape. “Then Jungkook came in and I didn’t have to.”
Jimin and Yoongi exchange a bewildered look. “What do you mean Jungkook came in?”
“Yeah,” you nod as you stab a cube of watermelon with your fork. “He brought dessert? The whole thing was odd now that I think about it.”
“You didn’t ask him?” Yoongi questions but you shrug as you finish eating. 
“We came to have dinner and it didn’t come up,” you explain with a second shrug. 
Yoongi raises a brow at you. It wasn’t normal for you to be so nonchalant about this, especially with how you’d reacted to Jungkook interrupting your vacation so far. You always had a quip or snide attitude when it came to your ex, so interrupting your not date was major. 
“Your ex-boyfriend interrupts your date and you don’t ask him why?” Yoongi is blunt with his question, seeking a direct answer. Jimin would have toed around it all day but Yoongi wanted to enjoy his cruise, plus he needed all drama set aside when he proposed soon. 
“It wasn’t a date,” you remind him in a sing-song tone. “I didn’t want to eat the eyes, sue me if I was grateful he showed up.”
“Jungkook aside, how was dinner with Namjoon? Do you like him? Do you wanna go on a date date?” Jimin inquires, hopeful that his friend may move on from Jungkook at last. You seem to want to but he knows you still love the dark-haired, tattooed man. 
“No,” you shake your head firmly. “He’d be away too much. That’s why Jungkook and I didn’t work out. Why go get involved in the same situation?” 
“Fair,” Yoongi agrees as he clears his plate. “Come on then, we have a city to explore.”
“Yeah!” Jimin cheers as he takes your hand in his to lead you toward the exit with Yoongi in tow. You smiled brightly as you headed for the port, excited to spend the day with your two best friends. 
No matter what life threw at you, they’d be by your side always. 
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Jimin was excited as he watched the waves crash against the boat. 
You had stripped down to your bathing suit, and gotten lathered up in sunblock thanks to Jimin. 
Your sun hat sat on your head and your sunglasses nearly covered half your face as you laid back enjoying the breeze. 
You were doing your best to ignore Jungkook’s shirtless body. Jimin had rubbed his back with sunblock after he’d done you. 
The three of you had been surprised to see Jungkook jogging toward you at the pier, making it just in time to join you for your scheduled scuba diving session. 
Okay, so you were a little happy to see him. After all, you had planned this excursion with the four of you in mind. 
Though after the breakup, you never imagined it would be the four of you here in the ocean breeze. 
Music plays softly from Yoongi’s speaker. He’s got a thick book in his lap, as his sunglasses cover his shut eyes. He takes a cat nap, lulled by the sound of the waves crashing. 
Beside you, Jungkook puts his life jacket on, tightening the straps to keep himself safe but all it does is draw attention to his tiny waist, a waist you used to trace with your tongue. You flush at the thought, memories of you on your knees licking him up and down, teasing him just to hear him whimper and cry out your name…
“Hmmm?” You look up when you realize someone is calling your name. 
“I asked if you needed help with your life jacket?” Jungkook asks as he holds out the red monstrosity. You doubt it would look as good on you as it did him. You always felt like they were choking you. 
“I’ve got it, thanks,” you say as you take the jacket from him. Cordial. You could do this. It was your vacation, you should enjoy it to the best of your abilities. You should be relaxing, and thankful to be away from the world of work. 
The boat stops soon after and a tall, lean man comes to join you. Yoongi yawns as he awakens from his nap at Jimin’s prodding. He’d be damned if his boyfriend spent the entire vacation snoozing. 
“My name is Taehyung or Tae. Whichever you prefer,” the man introduced himself with a boxy grin. His dark curly hair moved with the breeze and his sun-kissed skin seemed to glow beautifully under the early morning sun. 
“Today we’ll be scuba diving in one of my favorite spots. We’ll be using the buddy system for this excursion, break for lunch, and then sail until four pm.”
You groan. The buddy system. You were shit out of luck as Jimin grabs Yoongi and leads him to the edge of the boat as Taehyung goes over a few more rules. 
Your two best friends hold hands as they get into the water, laughing as they resurface. 
Taehyung approaches you, smiling. “Let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything specific you’d like to see today. The weather seems to be cooperating with us this morning.” 
“Thank you,” you say graciously as you begin to snap the buckles of your life jacket. You cry out when your hair gets caught in one and Taehyung is quick to unsnap the buckle and release your hair. 
“Here you go,” he coos gently as he pulls your hair upward to tie it in a loose bun. “Safety first.”
You lock your gaze on him as he easily ties your hair. He’s so close it makes your heart flip. His minty breath brushes your skin as he leans in closer to make sure he’s got all of your hair in one hand before tying a scrunchie around it. 
“There we go,” he muses as he takes a step back to admire his handiwork. “Perfect.”
Jungkook glares at the back of Taehyung’s head, cursing him in his mind. Would pushing Taehyung off his boat be rude? Jungkook didn’t think so. However, he didn’t need to be charged and stranded overseas. So he’d play nice. 
For now.
“Can we get in the water now?” Jungkook huffs as he puts his goggles on. “We came here to scuba dive.”
“Yeah,” you nod as you put your goggles on with Taehyung's help, much to Jungkook’s indignation. 
“There we go, love. Don’t want you getting hurt,” Taehyung smiles warmly as he helps you into the water. 
“It’s cold!” You exclaim, giggling as Taehyung dips into the water only to resurface moments later. He brushes his wet hair back, and you bite your bottom lip as he shakes the excess water off. 
Jimin notices the interaction and swims toward you, easily escaping Yoongi’s attempts to stop him from playing Cupid in the middle of the ocean. 
“Tae, can we go down now?” Jimin asks pleasantly, ignoring the death flares from
Yoongi and Jungkook. 
“Sure,” Taehyung responds as he leads the group to an area a few feet away from the boat. He gives them some information about the sea creatures lurking about, warning them to be careful as all are not friendly.
Jungkook sticks close to you, grinning when you go underwater with him. 
The two of you take photos with his camera, giggling at the bubbles that escape underwater before coming up for air. 
“This is amazing!” You grin as you float on your back for a moment. Jungkook watches you, his heart fluttering giddily in his chest. 
All he wanted was for you to be happy. How could he have allowed his work to consume him to the point of breaking up? He always swore to himself he’d be nothing like his workaholic father, and now here he was recreating his old man’s mistakes. 
Never again, Jungkook swears to himself. He would not lose the love of his life over the company. You mattered more, you always would. He had lost sight of that but never again. Being without you these past six months had been torturous. 
Somehow he had spent days in bed, wearing ramen-stained pajamas to go with his red-rimmed eyes. Jungkook didn’t know your eyes could hurt so much from crying, that the ache would almost rival that of his broken heart. 
He didn’t want to imagine what you had gone through. The pain he had caused. 
“Earth to Kook! Are you there?” Jungkook is startled out of his thoughts as you wave your hand in front of his face. “We’re going to the boat for lunch.”
Jungkook follows you as you swim back to the boat. Taehyung helps you out of the water, offering you a towel to dry off with before joining Jimin and Yoongi. 
Taehyung gives the four of you space as the boat hits the waves once more. 
“I’m so hungry,” Jimin hums as he takes a seat to look at the spread on the table. 
“Ooh, guacamole, tacos, and burritos,” Jungkook nearly drools as you grab a plate for him and one for yourself. 
The four of you enjoy lunch before Jimin falls asleep with Yoongi’s head on his lap. You dab some sunblock on their faces, and hope the sun doesn’t hit them.
“Today was fun,” Jungkook said as he sipped his beer. He sets it between you, and you reach for it to sip it. You weren’t a fan of beer but now and then you’d enjoy a sip of Jungkook’s. Old habits die hard apparently. 
Jungkook remains silent at the indirect kiss. However, on the inside, he’s giggling to himself. 
“It was,” you agree as you lie back, moaning as your muscles relax. You could easily fall asleep right there with the waves gently rocking the boat. 
“I’m sorry for crashing your vacation,” Jungkook apologizes after a moment of silence. “I wouldn’t have come if I knew you’d be here.”
“Gee, thanks,” you huff, offended. 
“No, no!” Jungkook shakes his head quickly. “I meant because I know you wouldn’t want to see me after…”
Your heart sinks in your chest as you toy with the edge of the towel to distract yourself. The wind ruffles your hair as you stare out into the ocean. 
“Despite everything that’s happened, I’ve had fun on this cruise. We can be cordial, right?” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods, ignoring the crack in his heart. “Of course.”
You turn to face Jungkook, his dark brown eyes locked on yours. For a split second, you consider leaning in closer, kissing him for old-time’s sake but you don’t. No matter how many times you fantasized about being with him, he wasn’t yours. Not even the cute mole under his lip could tempt you enough to kiss him, and you loved that mole!
“I accept your apology,” you say, focusing your eyes on his instead of the mole beneath his lip or his tongue tracing his piercings like you used to. 
Fuck, why were you denying him again? 
“Friends?” Jungkook asks as he offers his tattooed hand for a handshake. 
Your eyes flit from his to his hand and back before sighing. “Friends.”
Jungkook smiles brightly, fireworks going off in his chest. 
“But try anything fishy, and you’re out of here!” You inform him. 
Jungkook chuckles but agrees nonetheless. “I’m not planning on feeding you beady eyes or anything.”
“Good,” you stuck your tongue out at him and lay back on your towel. Jungkook lies beside you as you stare at the sky. 
You’re dozing off, and you swear it’s just your imagination playing tricks on you when you hear a whisper, “I missed you. I still love you.”
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“They’re adorable,” Jimin cooed quietly as he looked at you curled up with Jungkook. 
“We should take a picture of them,” Yoongi agrees as he hands his phone to Jimin. Eagerly, Jimin takes a handful of pictures from different angles, all blackmail material for later. 
Once the photos are taken, Yoongi kicks Jungkook’s butt. “Get up! We’re here!”
Groaning, Jungkook stirs before Yoongi kicks him again. This time harder. 
“Hey!” Jungkook grunts as he swats Yoongi’s foot away. His shout wakes you, an annoyed frown on your face. 
“What is it?” You ask as you rub your eyes. The life jacket is still tied to your chest as you sit up. You probably shouldn’t have slept in it. 
“We gotta get back on the ship. We’re having dinner and a show, remember?” Jimin offers you his hand to help you up. You nod as you gather your belongings and Jimin helps Yoongi gather his. 
“I hope you enjoyed your time,” Taehyung bows as Jimin and Yoongi climb off the boat and onto the dock. 
“We did!” Jimin assured him as they waited for you. 
“Oh, need some help?” Taehyung asks as you struggle to undo the buckles of the life jacket. They had gotten tangled while you slept. 
“Please,” you pout as you try to untangle one strap only to tangle it more. Taehyung chuckles softly as his fingers make quick work of the buckles, setting you free in moments. 
“There we go, love. All set,” Taehyung smiles warmly at you as he helps you out of the life jacket. You thank him sincerely as you put your sundress over your bathing suit. 
“Thank you so much for today, Taehyung. I had a great time,” you say as you take his hand to get off his boat. 
Taehyung kisses your hand gently. “I hope to see you again, love. Take care.”
You giggle as you wave goodbye to the curly-haired cutie. 
Jungkook grunts as he gets off the boat last, rolling his eyes at Taehyung. 
He knew he had no right to be jealous but that was easier said than done. 
When you got back on the cruise ship, you were still smiling whilst looking at your hand. 
Jungkook was beyond jealous.
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“What was that between you and Taehyung?” Jimin clasps his hands at dinner. 
You giggle at his excitement, knowing you’re gonna nip any hope of finding a man at sea in the bud. 
“It was nothing,” you assure him. “He’s just friendly.”
Jungkook scoffs from his seat, his eyes glued to his menu. 
Yoongi kicks him under the table. 
The three men are dressed to the nines. Jimin wears a black tuxedo with a white button-down shirt and skinny black tie. Beside him, Yoongi looks just as hot in a matching tuxedo with a black bow tie. 
Next to you, Jungkook is in all black. He looks delectable, and it takes all your willpower to keep your eyes off him. He had the same problem earlier when you stepped out of the bathroom in your maroon A-line dress with the deep v-cut that made your breasts look fabulous. He nearly proposed to you then and there.
“Looked like something was blooming,” Jimin insists as a server brings a basket full of fresh rolls and butter. 
“We had a few conversations while I booked the excursion,” you shrug, nonchalantly. “Nothing came of it.”
“Until he kissed your hand,” Jungkook grumbles into his menu.
“Ow!” He yelps when Yoongi’s foot kicks him again. 
“Anyway, he kissed your hand,” Yoongi grinned devilishly. “Could mean something.”
You wave him off. “He’s just being friendly.”
“He wasn’t that friendly with me,” Jungkook muttered.
You ignore him. 
You take a roll from the basket, cut it in half, and share it with Jungkook out of habit. You don’t notice the surprised look on your friends’ faces. 
“Who’s headlining anyway?” You ask as you spread butter on your roll. “I heard the act had backed out and someone else took their place.”
“Kim Seokjin,” Yoongi responds as he sips his whiskey. “I looked him up before dinner. He’s got an amazing voice. You’ll like him.”
You nod, eager to get to the show after dinner.
Jungkook looks up Seokjin on his phone, pouting when he sees an image of him on the screen. 
Did everyone you came in contact with on this cruise have to be so fucking attractive?
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The lights dim as the last member of the audience takes their seat. Jungkook pouts beside you, not the least bit enthused about the handsome man who will be serenading the crowd in a few moments. 
Jimin is excited, chatting your ear off as he looks through the set list on the table. A few waiters come and go with trays filled with drinks and tiny napkins. 
The candlelit tables are the only form of light until the spotlight comes on and the first few notes of a song fill the air. 
“Welcome everyone,” a sultry voice greets the crowd from his spot at a piano. His hair is long and curly, it reaches his shoulders. He wears an all-white suit with a pink shirt underneath, the first few buttons undone to show a bit of his chest. 
His lips are plush and look oh-so kissable. He’s gorgeous, more so than his pictures. He is truly a vision that your eyes are blessed to behold. 
“Wow!” You breathe in awe as he sings a beautiful song about loving oneself. Jungkook frowns, what are the chances of him being able to steal the microphone and serenade you instead?
Nobody pays him attention as he watches Seokjin both in awe and jealousy. You seem enamored with the man as he dances with a group, never missing a note, and never sounding out of breath.
On top of it all, he’s funny too. After the first three songs, he takes a seat on a stool set out for him. He has a guitar beside him, and Jungkook wonders if there’s anything Seokjin can’t do.
“This one goes out to all the loves that could have been, the broken hearts, and the ones hoping for a second chance,” Seokjin introduces the next song as the lights dim and he strums his guitar. 
“And it feels like you’re getting further away,” Seokjin croons as his eyes mist with tears but he continues to sing.
Jungkook sits up in his chair, turning to look at you. You’re focused on Seokjin but tears are rolling down your cheeks as you take in every lyric, feeling as if it’s being engrained into your heart.
Gently, Jungkook wipes your tears with his monogrammed silk handkerchief. You gasp in surprise but soon smile through your tears, thanking him. Jungkook nods, remaining silent as the song comes to an end, and you take a shaky breath.
The show goes on, and after a few more songs, Seokjin rises from his seat. He does a few upbeat songs, getting the crowd clapping and singing along with him.
Seokjin pulls members from the audience to join him, teaching them simple choreography before he has them perform alongside him.
Yoongi and Jimin get pulled on stage, and they do amazing beside Seokjin. You cheer the loudest for them as they do body rolls all while sending flirty gazes to the audience. They both enjoy the attention, smiling as they thank Seokjin once the song ends.
Jimin blushes once he’s back in his seat. You hug him tightly, kissing his cheek. “You’re wonderful!”
“That?” Jimin giggles. “That was nothing.”
“Please,” Jungkook adds. “You were made for the stage. The both of you!”
You nod in agreement, smiling when people stop by your table to compliment the couple. Seokjin takes the stage once more, sitting on the stool for a moment while he introduces the last song.
“I’d like to end this night on a higher note,” Seokjin states as he looks out into the crowd. “Feel free to grab a partner and dance.” 
Seokjin heads to the crowd while singing. A few couples head to the dancefloor, swaying slowly to his beautiful voice. 
Jimin and Yoongi join the other couples shortly after, whispering sweet-nothings to each other as they go.
Awkwardness bubbles inside you, as you look down at the tablecloth. Would it be possible to leave the show unnoticed? Seokjin was nearby, surely nobody would notice if you made a hasty exit.
You rise from your seat sharply, surprising Jungkook. He stares at you with wide eyes, wondering where you’re going. 
However, before Jungkook can ask, Seokjin chooses that moment to take your hand, dancing with you at your table for a moment.
“When I’m with you, there is no one else,” he sings beautifully. Your heart skips a beat as you place your hand on his shoulder, smiling bashfully as he spins you once.
Jungkook is ready to head back to the cabin, not wanting to see another man fall for you just as he had. He knew when it was time to throw in the towel, and you may have accepted his apology and agreed to be friends, but how often did that actually pan out? Would you still talk to him once you weren’t stuck on a cruise ship? Jungkook wasn’t sure.
He wasn’t going to stand around and watch you fall for someone else. That much he was sure of.
Seokjin stills you once he finishes spinning you. He then places your hand in Jungkook’s before leaving to another table.
Jungkook’s doe eyes are wide with surprise. You look shocked, but lead him to the dancefloor beside Jimin and Yoongi.
“You were shining towards me, the only light found in the darkness,” Seokjin sings wholeheartedly as Jungkook holds you close. It’s been so long since the last time he held you like this; since he realized how perfect you fit in your arms. He promised if you gave him one more chance, he would make sure to never ruin it. He’d never hurt you again. He’d be more mindful of his words, he’d prioritize you over his company. Jungkook would make sure you never felt like you were an afterthought. It saddens him to think he had made you feel like that, and that it took losing you for it to snap him into reality.
How long had you been unhappy at his side? Was he selfish in wanting you back? In pursuing you still? Had his appearance on this cruise been a divine intervention or a simple coincidence? 
Jungkook forces himself to focus on you and not the downward spiral of despair brewing in his mind. You rest your head on his shoulder, swaying with him as he holds you closer.
Perhaps tonight the two of you could have a private moment to talk things out. Or maybe he’d be asking for too much?
Too soon for Jungkook’s liking, the song ends. He blinks his unshed tears away as you take a step back, clapping with everyone else.
“I’m going to head to the bar,” you inform him as you leave as quickly as possible. Jimin and Yoongi watch you go, and Yoongi places his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Tough break, man.”
Jungkook nods as he watches you squeeze through the crowd, disappearing soon after.
Jimin and Yoongi leave him by himself, the two enamored with each other after a romantic evening, both eager to get to their room for some privacy.
Jungkook is a little envious.
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“Screwdriver, please,” you tell the bartender once you reach the bar. You need something to take the edge off, just a few minutes away from Jungkook and your array of emotions.
“I’ll have the same,” the voice beside you says. The bartender nods as he goes to make the drinks. You turn to your left to see Seokjin.
“You were wonderful,” you compliment, smiling genuinely. You hope you’re not bothering him. Surely he has people circling him at all times, especially after his shows.
“Thank you,” Seokjin bows his head, his ears turning red. 
The bartender places the drinks in front of you on black napkins with a gold border. You thank him before sipping your drink.
“Fuck, I needed that,” you muttter as you take a second sip.
“Trouble in paradise?” Seokjin asks as he sips from his glass. 
“You don’t know the half of it,” you respond sadly stirring your drink with your paper straw.
“I’m all ears,” Seokjin smiles, disarming any protests you might have had. 
“Don’t you have another show?” You ask with wide eyes, surprised this stranger would want to hear about your woes.
“Nope, that was the last one for the night,” Seokjin informs you. He holds out his hand for you to shake as he introduces himself. You shake his hand after giving him your name.
The two of you scoot to the end of the bar with your drinks. It takes you a few more sips of your screwdriver before you fill in Seokjin about your trip thus far and how you were stuck sharing your cabin with your ex.
“Sounds to me like there’s a lot of love there,” Seokjin responds after you’re done telling your tale. He waves down the bartender, asking for two glasses of water before he continues. “If you’ve forgiven him, what’s holding you back?”
You bite your bottom lip as you try to make a list of your doubts. 
“What if he hasn’t changed? What if we get back together and I’m brushed aside again?” 
Seokjin thanks the bartender as he pushes a glass of water toward you. He clicks his tongue before shrugging. 
“There’s no way to find out unless you try. Second chances are few and far between. Some people don’t get second chances, most try to make it work the second time. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again,” Seokjin grins as he chugs his water. 
“So you do greeting cards on the side, huh?” You tease, playfully bumping into Seokjin. He laughs wholeheartedly, his eyes turning into half-moons. 
“I could, couldn’t I,” he says after his laughter has subsided. “But on a serious note, the two of you looked great on the dance floor. I didn’t know you were broken up when I danced with you.”
“Why do things have to be so complicated?” You huff as you finish your water. 
“They don’t have to be,” Seokjin assures you. “They’re only complicated if you make it so. You love him, he loves you, what more is there to it?”
You sigh heavily, you know Seokjin’s reasoning is a little half-baked but it makes sense. What’s keeping you from giving it a second shot? You love Jungkook so much, and despite Jimin’s attempts at fixing you up with someone, you always compare them to Jungkook. He was the love of your life, knew it from the moment you laid eyes on him in your flower shop. He had walked in looking frazzled. His black suit was well fitted and his broad chest showed from the few buttons left undone at the top. His hair had been brushed back, his undercut on display. 
Frazzled, he’d asked you for a custom bouquet. His mother’s birthday dinner was that evening and though he had a birthday present for her, he didn’t want to show up without flowers. She adored flowers, he’d informed you. All kinds, any color, any array. He never went empty-handed but the last floralist he’d ordered from had sent him nothing but stems and wilted roses. 
After that day, he made daily appearances, until eventually he asked you out. 
On your third month of dating, he had you meet his mother, her house filled with flowers from your shop. 
“It’s so nice to meet the woman responsible for my new garden,” she joked as she welcomed you into her home with a tight hug. 
Jungkook had blushed, hiding his face in his hands. 
His mother adored you right off the bat, and that’s when Jungkook knew he couldn’t live without you, didn’t want to. 
Your relationship had been perfect at first, something out of a fairytale. You spent a lot of time together, went on dates, spent the night, and tried his hobbies which involved rock climbing, kayaking, and bungee jumping. He tried yours, cooking, baking, painting, candle making. However, as your relationship wore on, Jungkook spent more and more time at work at his company. Business trips overseas, meetings late into the night, days off spent sleeping or moody. 
You understood at first. You were supportive and gave him space when he needed it but soon came the canceled dates, the forgotten anniversaries, and the forgotten birthdays. 
“I’m tired of coming second all the time, Jungkook,” you told him one day in his office after another canceled dinner. 
“I have to work, babe. I can’t put it off for dinner,” he said as he sat at his desk, barely looking up from his laptop. 
“It wasn’t always like this, Kook. You used to make an effort to come home,” you frowned as you placed your hands on your hips. 
“You know I would of I could,” Jungkook huffs as he rubs his face with his hands. He had a knot in his shoulders from the stress and a headache was building rapidly. He didn’t have time for this argument. The longer you interrupted him the longer it would take for him to finish and go home to your shared apartment. 
“Kookie,” you sigh, defeated. “I’m tired of waiting for you.”
“Nobody asked you to!” He exclaims as he shuts his laptop. 
His words shattered your heart and a knot formed in your throat. You held back tears, simply nodding. 
“Don’t worry, I’m done waiting on you.”
You had walked out of his office without another word. You headed straight to your shared apartment to pack up your belongings and crash on Jimin’s couch. 
Jungkook had gone home late that night exhausted from his day at work. He had been put off by the complete silence. The lights were all off which was unusual since you were scared of the dark. You always had one light on, whether it was the living room lamp or the light over the stove. 
Jungkook called out for you but got no response as he made his way to the bedroom. 
The silence was eerie, just like the darkness. When he flicked the light switch, his eyes widened and his heart sank in his chest. 
Drawers were open and emptied. Your half of the closet had nothing but empty clothes hangers. 
Jungkook shook his head, this couldn’t be happening. 
He rushed to the bathroom to see your makeup, face products, and toiletries were gone. He heaved, resisting the urge to puke as cold sweat beaded on his forehead. 
Jungkook went to the kitchen, opening cabinets to see if your favorite mug was gone. There wasn’t an item left that belonged to you in the apartment. 
You truly had grown tired of waiting for him. 
Jungkook fell to his knees on the cold kitchen floor. His heart felt like it was cracking into tiny pieces. He had lost you. He was sure of it. 
You were gone.
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“Hello?” Seokjin waves his hand in front of your face when his question goes unanswered.
You apologize before he repeats his question. “What more is there to it?”
Seokjin had a point. What was keeping you from making amends? Jungkook was here, you’d forgiven him, and secretly his mother had called you throughout the six months to check on you but also fill you in on Jungkook’s change. No longer was he missing dinner, he was at her home promptly at six every evening. He had his days off, and spent more time with her, which she loved but she missed the shine in her son’s eyes, the little sparkle he got when he was with you.
Fear wasn’t a good enough reason to stay away, not anymore. 
“You’re right,” you give in with a small smile. 
“I always am,” Seokjin chuckles as he reaches into his suit pocket and hands you a card. “Here, call me when you need a singer for your wedding. I’ll give you ten percent off.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Thanks, Seokjin.”
Seokjin shakes his head. “Think nothing of it. Now go, get your man back.”
“You only want us together so we’ll book you,” you laugh as his cheeks turn pink. 
“Hey, I gotta make a living somehow,” he winks at you to make you laugh. “Now quit stalling and go!”
“All right! All right! I’m going!” You laugh as you hug him goodbye, promising to update him before the cruise is over. Seokjin waves as you go, hopeful that you and Jungkook will make amends. 
Seokjin orders a shot, raising it in your honor before downing it. 
Perhaps his next endeavor would lead him to matchmaking. 
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You’re filled with nerves by the time you reach your cabin. You use your bracelet to let yourself into the room, hoping the butterflies in your stomach will settle. 
However, your nerves are for naught as you spot Jungkook asleep in your bed. 
Disappointed, you head to the bathroom to change and wash your face. 
Jungkook opens his eyes once he hears the bathroom door shut. He looks at the time and notes you’ve been gone a little over an hour. 
He hopes you and Seokjin will be happy together. 
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The next morning you’re up bright and early. You roll over expecting to see Jungkook, but instead, you find his spot empty and the sheets cold. 
Frowning, you get out of bed to get ready for the day. 
You were hoping to talk to him before reaching the next port. 
“Good morning!” Jimin sings as he enters your bedroom after knocking incessantly while you get dressed. 
“Morning,” you mumble as you grab your purse and sunglasses. Another sundress covers your body, this one purple with white flowers. Your bathing suit hides beneath the cool fabric, riding up a bit as you bend down to fix the strap on your sandal. 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Jimin raised a brow at your response. “I thought you and Seokjin hit it off last night. At least it looked that way when we were heading to bed.”
“Nothing happened,” you roll your eyes at Jimin’s nosiness. “We talked about Jungkook.”
“Ew, talking about an ex on the first date is such a downer,” Jimin comments as he follows you out of the cabin and into the hallway. 
“It wasn’t a date,” you insist as you face forward. “Have you seen Jungkook? He wasn’t in bed this morning.”
“He’s probably at breakfast with Yoongi. I sent him ahead to get us a table,” Jimin explains. 
“Oh,” you say dejected. “So you haven’t seen Kookie?”
“Kookie?” Jimin’s eyes widen in surprise. “You’re calling him Kookie again? He’s not a dick anymore?” 
“Jimin,” you huff. “Have you seen Jungkook or not?”
Jimin shakes his head. “Not since last night.”
You frown. You wanted to speak with him sooner rather than later. Tonight was one of the last nights on board, and if he was nowhere to be found you’re not sure if you’d have the courage to reach out to him once you went back home. 
“Let’s have breakfast and go about our day. I’m sure he’ll show up at some point.” 
“What if he doesn’t?” You bite your lip nervously. 
Jimin scoffs. “Please, this is the man who somehow found you in the captain’s private dining room. He’ll find you.”
You giggle as you take Jimin’s arm in yours, feeling much lighter as you head to the dining area.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“Aren’t I always,” Jimin states cheekily.
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However, Jungkook isn’t at breakfast and he’s nowhere to be seen when you get off the ship at the next port.
“Don’t worry about him, babe,” Jimin links his left arm with your right. “He’ll show up.”
“I hope you’re right,” you sigh. “I need to talk to him.”
Yoongi shrugs. “Don’t let him ruin your day. We’ve got a whole day at the beach.”
You smile as you go with the couple to check out the market on the way to the beach. You fill your bag with souvenirs for your family and friends. Jimin buys you snacks, trying them all on the way to the beach.
“This weather is so nice,” you sigh happily as you rest on your lounger under a large blue umbrella Yoongi had set up for the four of you, despite Jungkook being nowhere to be found.
“I’ll go get us some drinks,” Yoongi volunteers as Jimin mentions wanting a blue drink with an umbrella that the person a few feet away from you was sipping on.
“Get me one too!” you call after him as he raises his hand over his shoulder to assure you he heard your request.
The sand is hot on Yoongi’s feet as he reaches the bar. There’s a crowd at one end of the bar, cheering as some shirtless dude rips open a watermelon with his bare hands. Yoongi rolls his eyes as he orders your drinks and a bottle of water for himself.
“JK! JK! JK!” The crowd cheers. Yoongi whips his head to the crowd, spotting Jungkook’s tattooed arm dripping with watermelon juice. He pours the juice into a few shot glasses, while the bartender adds vodka.
“Cheers!” Jungkook grabs a shot as do a few of his fans.
“Thanks!” Yoongi pays for the drinks, sliding the cold water bottle into the pocket of his swim trunks. He barrels through Jungkook’s onlookers, earning a few angry looks as he grabs Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Hey! No touchy!” Jungkook exclaims before he realizes it’s Yoongi grabbing his shoulder.
“Oh! Yoongi! What’s up?”
“You know your girl’s been looking for you all morning?” Yoongi raises a brow as he tugs Jungkook away from the bar, ignoring the onlookers’ protests.
“She’s Seokjin’s girl now,” Jungkook shrugs.
“You’re an idiot! You know that?”
“I do,” Jungkook agrees easily and Yoongi hands him his water. 
“Drink this and come join us. I’m proposing to Jimin tonight and I don’t need you ruining this for us.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen. “Oh shit! You’re proposing! Congrats! Does he know?!”
Yoongi’s forehead vein twitches. “I haven’t done it yet.”
Jungkook nods, smiling. “You should.”
“I’m gonna.”
“Good,” Jungkook grins. “You should.”
“I’m gonna,” Yoongi rolls his eyes at the younger man.
“You should.” Jungkook bobs his head.
“I’m gonna,” Yoongi insists before carding a hand through his long black hair. “Will you shut up?! Let’s go!”
Jungkook chugs the bottle of water before following Yoongi to where you and Jimin chat under the large umbrella.
“Hey stranger,” Jimin greets Jungkook as Yoongi hands you and Jimin your drinks. 
“Hey,” Jungkook waves weakly as he takes a seat on the end of Jimin’s chair. Jimin eyes Yoongi, silently asking him what gives. Yoongi answers with a shrug.
“Okay…” Jimin grins. “Glad we’re all here.”
You nod as you sip your blue drink, not knowing what to say or do. Yoongi sits on your chair, stretching out. You poke his chest, and he pouts.
“Be good,” he swats at your hand, making you laugh as you and Jimin talk about the drink. Jungkook remains silent as he watches the ocean, wondering what he can do to make things between you less awkward.
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Hours pass, and soon it’s almost sunset.
“It’s right over here,” Yoongi says as he leads Jimin by the hand to a place further down the beach.
“Hello!” A bright voice greets the four of you along with three giant horses.
“Horseback riding?” Jimin squeals in delight. He kisses Yoongi on the cheek. 
“I’m Hoseok,” the man introduces himself. “I’ll be giving you a tour.”
You all introduce yourselves.
Hoseok has Jimin and Yoongi meet their horse, becoming familiar with the steed before helping them onto Pepper, a beautiful black stallion.
“All right you two, you’re on Sugar,” Hoseok states as he hands you and Jungkook sugar cubes for the horse. “She’s the sweetest I own. Be good to her and she’ll be good to you.”
Hoseok helps you onto the horse, his hands gently guiding you forward so he can get Jungkook on behind you. 
“Place your hands around her waist and place them here,” Hoseok instructs before telling you where to place yours.
“Aren’t you a good girl?” Hoseok coos, and you giggle.
Hoseok pets Sugar, but winks at you before he gets on his horse, a beautiful sandy brown mare named Cinnamon.
Unknowingly, Hoseok is leading you to the spot Yoongi will propose. However, he takes the long way around, showing you as much of his beautiful city as possible.
Hoseok hangs beside you and Jungkook. He’s very outgoing, filling any awkward pauses with jokes, and information you’re eager to hear. 
“Why don’t you two hang back a bit?” Hoseok raises a brow, winking at you once more before he goes to Yoongi and Jimin. Sugar comes to a stop, and Jungkook jolts forward, his chest hitting your back.
“Sorry,” he apologizes as he grips your waist tighter to keep himself on the horse. 
“What’s going on?” you ask as you watch Hoseok lead Yoongi and Jimin further up before he hands Jimin a blindfold. Hoseok calls for Sugar, and she goes willingly.
“Whoa!” you hold tight to the horse and Jungkook, scared you’ll fall off and get a mouthful of sand in the process.
Soon, lights appear in the sand in the shape of a heart. Rose petals are spread perfectly throughout, spelling out the words, Will you marry me?
“Oh my god,” you whisper, tears immediately filling your eyes. 
“What’s going on?” Jimin asks as Hoseok helps him off the horse once Yoongi gets into position. A photographer and videographer stand nearby, waiting as Hoseok leads Jimin to Yoongi. Hoseok then comes for you and Jungkook, helping you off the horse before leading you to the side.
“You may remove your blindfold,” Hoseok instructs as he grabs the three horses' reins to get them out of the photos.
Jimin is confused but does as he’s told. His heart is racing in his chest, his hands have grown sweaty from nerves, and butterflies swirl in his tummy.
A gasp escapes him as the silk blindfold flutters to the sand. His hands cover his mouth as he looks at Yoongi kneeling in front of him with a black velvet box containing a perfect amethyst ring.
“Will you marry me?” Yoongi asks with hope in his eyes. 
Jimin nods, “Yes. Yes!”
You grab Jungkook, shaking him in your excitement as your two best friends kiss. Yoongi places the ring on Jimin’s finger, and you allow them to have their moment, waiting for the happy couple to turn to you and wave you over.
You wrap your arms around them both, squeezing them until they tell you they can’t breathe. You release them, admiring Jimin’s ring, giggling in your excitement as you begin talking about wedding plans.
“Congratulations,” Jungkook tells Yoongi as he watches you and Jimin bounce ideas off each other as Hoseok approaches with the horses.
“Thanks,” Yoongi smiles brightly, love in his eyes when he looks at Jimin.
“We should get going before the ship leaves without us,” Jimin turns to face the two, urging them onto the horses. Hoseok helps you back onto Sugar, his hand lingering on your waist as you settle. You laugh at something he says, gently swatting him as he laughs before he goes to help Jimin and Yoongi.
Jungkook gets on Sugar without any help, his hands gripping your waist as Hoseok gets on Cinnamon and leads the four of you back to his office.
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Jimin and Yoongi are all smiles at dinner. Champagne glasses in your hands as you toast their engagement before they go off on their own.
“I’m so happy for them,” you grin as you watch your best friends leave. 
Jungkook nods in agreement. 
“What should we do now?” 
“Want to check out the party on deck?” You ask as you see fireworks going off in the distance. Jungkook nods as he follows you out onto the deck.
The two of you haven’t had a chance to have a serious conversation due to all the excitement but now with Jimin and Yoongi gone, you were unsure how to approach the subject.
More fireworks go off as you find a spot for the two of you to watch the rest of the show, amazed by the beautiful colors and patterns of the fireworks.
Jungkook smiles as the last few go off before the passengers clap and disperse.
“Should we head back to the room?” you ask Jungkook as a chill runs down your spine, your hands rubbing your arms.
Jungkook nods. He takes his jacket off to drape over your shoulders as he follows you back into the ship, going down the halls until you reach your cabin.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” you inform him as you set his jacket on the bed before going to the bathroom with your pajamas in tow. Jungkook nods, as he hangs his jacket in the small closet. 
He cards a hand through his hair before he heads out to the balcony to watch the waves. Something about the endless ocean at night made him uneasy but he couldn’t stand the tightness he felt in his chest being in such a small room feeling somewhat awkward.
“Bathroom’s free!” You call twenty minutes later as you climb into bed before Jungkook can see you wearing one of his old t-shirts to bed. You had packed it with the thought that he wouldn’t be joining you on this cruise and now you were stuck hiding under the sheets.
“Thanks!” He responds before he heads into the shower. You scroll on your phone absentmindedly, humming until he comes out. He’s shirtless as he does his nighttime skincare routine, singing a song softly to himself.
You stare at his perfect abdomen, wishing you could run your hands over his broad shoulders and tapered waist. Your lips ache to kiss every mole and scar on his body, to taste him once more. 
“Jungkook, can we talk?” You ask as you muster all the courage you can. 
Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise, his toothbrush hanging from his mouth.
He nods as he rushes to the bathroom sink to spit out the toothpaste. 
You wait patiently for him to finish before he sits on the edge of the bed. 
Jungkook waits apprehensively for you to speak as you play with the sheets. 
“I’ve been talking to your mom these past few months,” you say, avoiding his gaze. 
“My mom?” Jungkook is surprised at the revelation. “Why?”
You shrug. “I didn’t break up with her.”
You’ve got him there. 
“She says you’ve changed a lot these past six months,” you continue as you finally meet his gaze. “That you’re different now.”
“I am,” Jungkook nods eagerly. “I swear.”
“I want to believe you,” you respond honestly as you focus on the sheets, tugging them to peaks. “I’m just scared of getting hurt again.”
“I know,” Jungkook sighs heavily. “I’ve been kicking myself for how I treated you back then. I was an idiot. I said things I didn’t mean. I missed so many events and dinners. I’m truly sorry.”
“I still love you, Jungkook. I never stopped,” you admit sheepishly as you feel heat rush to your cheeks. 
Jungkook moves closer, his hand gently cupping your face. He waits patiently until you meet his gaze. 
“I never stopped loving you, baby. I want to be the man you deserve. I want to be everything I wasn’t. You are my priority. I’m sorry it took me losing you to figure it out,” Jungkook gently caresses your cheek. Tears well in your eyes as you try to blink them away. 
When one rolls down your cheek, Jungkook tenderly wipes it away with his thumb. 
“I never meant to hurt you, love. And I swear that I never will,” Jungkook promises as he hooks his pinkie with yours. You smile through your tears, wrapping your arms around him to hold him close. 
Jungkook rubs your back softly, holding you tight, afraid to let you go. He can feel your tears land on his shoulder as he holds you, whispering assurances and sweet nothings until you’re sniffling instead of crying. 
When you let go, you wipe your eyes and smile at him sheepishly. 
Jungkook holds your hands in his, kissing each of them before pressing his lips to yours. His forehead rests on yours, and your gaze meets his hopeful one. 
“You are my everything,” Jungkook whispers. “Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. I love you.”
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“One last kiss before we head out,”  Jungkook pouts as he stands in front of the door to your cabin, his back pressed to it. 
You roll your eyes playfully, but lean in close to kiss him. Jungkook’s large hands grip your waist, tugging you closer as he deepens the kiss, making you moan when he sucks on your bottom lip. 
“Fuck,” you curse when you take a breath. Jungkook smirks, his hand moving higher on your back. 
“We could say we’re sick,” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at you.  
“Please,” you scoff. “You know Jimin would break the door down if he thought I was sick.”
Jungkook pouts, “But we just got together. I want to make up for lost time.”
You run your hands over the smooth planes of his chest. You have lunch plans with Jimin and Yoongi, some wedding planning, and more celebrating you’re sure. It’s why you’ve decided not to announce your relationship to the happy couple just yet. 
Your plans for the day are very relaxed for your last night on board, until the farewell party this evening. Seokjin will be performing at dinner once again, and then the passengers will get to have one last big hurrah before going home in the morning. You were apprehensive about going home, would Jungkook keep his promise? Could you put yourself through a second breakup if things didn’t work out?*
Should you just come clean to your two best friends and ask for their advice?
“We can do all that tonight,” You assure Jungkook as you kiss the corner of his mouth and reach for the doorknob behind him. 
Jungkook smiles, nodding as he steps aside to let you by. 
“I was about to go banging on your door!” Jimin huffs as you and Jungkook sit at the table with Jimin and Yoongi. 
“So dramatic,” you mutter as you stab a cube of watermelon from Jimin’s plate. 
Yoongi looks at Jungkook with a frown. “I see you’re still here.”
“Where else am I supposed to go?” Jungkook asks with a raised brow as he reaches for a roll.
“Kinda hoped our girl here would have pushed you over the balcony by now,” Yoongi huffs, a disappointed look on his face as he turns to you. “I guess there’s always tonight.”
“Yoongi,” you roll your eyes. “Be nice. This is a happy time for the two of you. We should celebrate!”
“We have been,” Jimin giggles, ignoring Yoongi’s rosy cheeks. 
“Did you bring your wedding binder?” You ask Jimin as you sip your mimosa. Jimin shakes his head but hands you his phone where he keeps a digital copy just in case. 
“Of course, you’ll have to be my maid of honor!” Jimin exclaims as he shows you his ideas for themes and colors. 
“Duh,” you grin as you scroll onto the next page on his phone. The two of you are lost in wedding planning mode but Yoongi is watching you.
Something about you seemed different and he can’t quite put his finger on it. 
Jungkook eats his lunch quietly listening to you and Jimin chatter about the wedding. He keeps one hand in his lap as he tries not to look over at you too much. It’s harder than he thought pretending you weren’t back together. He wanted to hold your hand, to lean his head on your shoulder, or to even hold a conversation with you but he knew it would be too risky. 
If it were up to him, he’d announce it to the whole ship, so that they knew you were his once again. 
However, instead, he eats his lunch and keeps to himself. 
Yoongi can’t shake the feeling. As lunch ends and the four of you head to the pool, Yoongi keeps his watchful eye on you. 
He notes the way you laugh at Jungkook’s jokes, how you seem to lean into him more as the day goes by, sharing snacks and drinks when you would have poured them on Jungkook at the start of the cruise. 
Jungkook’s longing stares are almost nonexistent. He seems to have regained the sparkle in his eye as he laughs with you and Jimin. His nose is scrunched, and his eyes are closed into pretty little half-moons. 
“Something’s off,” Yoongi whispers to himself before the four of you split to get ready for the last evening on board. 
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Music played softly in the background as dinner was served to the passengers. Everyone wore their best gowns and suits. Diamonds, pearls, rubies, and all other colorful gems were in abundance on passenger’s necks and ears. 
The candlelit room gave a softer, more romantic feel to the evening as you awaited your waiter to get to your table. 
“I’m so sad it’s our last night,” Jimin pouts as he places his hand over his fiancé’s. 
“I know,” you frown. “I wish we had more time on board.”
“You can always honeymoon on a cruise,” Jungkook suggests as he reaches for his glass of water, trying to ignore Yoongi’s intense gaze. 
“Ooh, what a marvelous idea!” Jimin chirps as he claps. He turns to Yoongi with a smile, “What do you think, babe?”
Yoongi blinks once. “You’re fucking him.”
Jimin’s eyes widen as Jungkook chokes on his water. 
“What?!” Jimin is scandalized, protests sitting heavy on his tongue. He was most definitely not fucking Jungkook or anyone else for that matter. 
Yoongi looks pointedly at you, “I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Of course not!” You hiss, shaking your head as Jungkook coughs repeatedly. You pat his back gently, asking if he needs anything as his face turns red. 
“There’s something up with you two,” Yoongi states as he stares into your soul. He quirks his head to the side as he notes the way you gently rub Jungkook’s back, offering him your glass of water and checking on him again. 
“You’re back together!” Jimin exclaims as he looks at Yoongi, who is frowning now. 
“Ew, I wish you two were just fucking again,” he spits. 
“Oh, you love me,” Jungkook laughs but doesn’t deny Jimin’s allegation.
“Can we not do this right now?” You ask as you smile at the waiter approaching the table. 
Surprisingly, Yoongi and Jimin remain quiet as your dinner is set on the table. 
Jungkook stuffs his mouth with food, nearly choking so he can avoid speaking. 
Once the waiter leaves, Jimin smirks. “So, are you two back together?”
Jungkook chews noisily beside you, looking at nearby tables instead of Jimin. 
“Technically,” you answer, giggling when Jungkook pokes your side. 
“Oh, no! They’re going to be insufferable again!” Yoongi whines as he pouts. 
“I know,” Jungkook chirps. “Isn’t it wonderful?” 
Yoongi groans, but despite his outward displeasure of your revelation, inside he’s delighted to have you happy once again. 
Though he will tear Jungkook a new one if he breaks your heart again. Jimin and you won’t be able to hold him back again…
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“I’m so exhausted,” you groan as you kick your heels off in your cabin. 
Jungkook is fresh out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel on his way to the bed as you unzip your dress before scurrying into the steamy bathroom with Jimin’s gift tucked behind your back. 
Jimin had insisted you walk him to his cabin despite his confused fiancé being at his side. 
“Go away, Jungkook! I’ll walk her back,” Jimin had pushed Jungkook towards your shared room, insisting he needed to talk to you. 
“What is it, Jimin?” You ask as you follow him into his room. Jimin waves you off as he lugs his suitcase in front of you.
He searches through his clothing and some of yours that he’s packed for you. He pushed everything out of the way until he finally came out with a pretty bubblegum pink gift bag. 
“What is it?” You ask with wide eyes as he hands it to you. 
“You’re welcome!” Jimin grins as he stuffs everything back into his suitcase. 
“Jimin!” You're scandalized as you see the tiny pieces of black fabric he expects you to wear for Jungkook tonight. 
Jimin shrugs. “I had hoped you’d meet some hottie on the ship and bang his brains out. The fact that it’s Jungkook works for me.”
You turn to Yoongi who shakes his head, chuckling. “Leave me out of this.”
“Go,” Jimin pushes you gently towards the door. “Fuck his brains out. Get an orgasm or six, was that the record?” 
Jimin looks over at Yoongi who holds up seven fingers. 
“Ooh, seven like that song we like. Fuck him to that,” Jimin snickers as he leads you out of his cabin and walks you to yours. 
“What if it’s too soon?” You whisper as you reach your door. 
“Only do what feels right. Whether it’s on the cruise or later on,” Jimin says. “The gift is yours regardless.”
You unlock your bedroom door, leaning against it. You hug Jimin tightly, kissing his cheek.
“Thanks, Jimin. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” you squeeze him once more. 
When you part, you spot Yoongi waiting for Jimin in the hall, you blow him a kiss and step into your cabin.
“Thank you, Jimin,” you whisper as you look at yourself in the mirror. You admire the way the ruffles are soft on your skin, the lace not itchy like some sets you’ve worn before. You’re thankful Jimin cut the tags off because you don’t even want to imagine how much your best friend spent on something to get you laid.
You smile, tugging on Jungkook’s shirt that you stole from his suitcase while he showered before dinner and hid in the bathroom for this moment. 
It felt surreal to be back together, and you swore you’d take things slow this time around but tonight had been so lovely. From dinner with your favorite people in the world to dancing the night away under the stars. 
Jungkook was just as he was, and you hoped he kept true to his word. You love him so much, sometimes it feels overwhelming but you’re sure he’s your person and you are his. 
Your love knows no bounds, and being back together makes your heart sing. 
“You can do this,” you tell yourself, trying to hype yourself up but it feels like the first time all over again. You had been nervous that night, spilled wine on his pants, and bonked his head with yours when you both reached for a napkin to dab at the wine. 
Jungkook ended up wearing some of your Kuromi pajama pants while his pants were in the wash. Who knew he’d look so good in them? 
Jungkook is in bed when you finally open the bathroom door. He’s shirtless, scrolling on his phone until he hears the door.
“Oh,” his doe eyes widen when he spots you in his t-shirt. You climb into bed beside him as he sets his phone on the nightstand.
“Hi,” you whisper shyly.
“Hi,” Jungkook giggles in response as you get under the covers with him. He lies on his side so he can face you, his hand rests on your hip while the other gets tucked under his pillow.
Silence envelopes the two of you, shy smiles on your lips. Your heart beats in tune with his as he pulls you closer. Your forehead rests on his, your noses brushed, and Jungkook breathed you in. 
It only takes a moment or two before his lips meet yours, kissing you softly. Slowly, your lips move with his feeling the slight pressure from his lip rings. 
You moan, gripping his bare shoulders as he tugs you over him, making you straddle his tiny waist. 
“I’ve missed you,” he breathes in between kisses and light touches. “So much.”
“Jungkook,” you whisper, afraid that speaking too loudly will pop this bubble of comfort. 
Jungkook hushes you with a finger to your lips, shaking his head befo he moves his hand to the back of your head to pull you towards him. Fiery lips meet yours as desire pools in your abdomen. 
“Fuck,” he curses gripping you tightly, afraid to let you go lest he lose you again. He’s not sure he could survive it one more time. 
“I’ve missed you. I love you. I need you.” Jungkook states as he kisses his way down your jaw towards your neck. Your fingers thread in his thick black hair, tugging as he nips at your neck. 
“I missed you,” you confess in a heady tone as he tugs the collar of the shirt to the side. He’s eager to kiss any bit of you within reach, wanting to familiarize himself with your body once more and hopefully hear those dulcet sounds he loves so much. 
Just hearing you moan his name might be enough to send him into the stars, dispersing among the sky. 
“I love you,” you admit. Jungkook pauses, his gaze locked on yours as his heart flits in his chest, a sweet grin on his lips. You kiss him. You kiss the mole on beneath his lip, the mole on his nose, the scar on his cheek, and the mole on his neck; your favorite. 
Perhaps later you’ll kiss the scar on his shoulder, the one on his ribs, and any new ones acquired in your time apart. You’ll familiarize yourself with his body once again, and become one just like you were always meant to. 
Jungkook’s hand cups your face, moaning your name as his hands grip the shirt you’re wearing. “Let’s get you out of this, love.”
You nod, raising your arms to aid him. 
“Wow!” Jungkook exclaims, admiring the lace that barely covers your body. He tongues his lip rings, his eyes dark and hooded as you grab his hands to place on your hips. 
“Don’t just stare, baby.” 
Jungkook nods, smiling as he pecks your lips before you guide his hands to your breasts. 
His fingers toy with the string tying the two cups together, knowing he could easily get this undone. 
Without a second thought, Jungkook easily flips the two of you over. You giggle when your head meets the pillows, your body caged between Jungkook’s broad shoulders and deliciously thick arms. You run your hands over his bicep, clenching around nothing when he flexes for you. 
The list of things you’d love to do to him is endless but right now all you can focus on is him and the needy whimper that escapes him when his cock rubs against your cunt. 
“I don’t want to rush,” Jungkook admits but a roll of your hips has him seeing stars. 
Your hand laces with his, your thumb gently stroking his skin. “We can go slow, babe.”
Jungkook nods as he kisses you again, his hand cupping your cheek as your legs wind around his hips to pull him closer. Your name escapes him in a groan, the sound shooting straight to your cunt. Your eyes flutter shut as you curse, kissing him hungrily as your nails drag down his back. Jungkook kisses you feverishly, his tongue meeting yours, sucking it into his mouth. He pulls back, nipping your lip before he kisses his way down your body until he settles between your tits. 
“I’ve missed these fucking tits,” Jungkook grunts as you tug his hair.
He smirks, “Soon, baby. Be patient.”
“It’s been six months,” you whine as you tug his hair again, earning a tiny bite on your wrist. 
“I know,” he responds, kissing your sternum. “But we have all night and I want these in my mouth.” 
Jungkook grabs the black string between his teeth and tugs until the bow comes undone. Your breasts are exposed as the thin lace material goes in opposite directions. 
It feels like heaven when his lips meet your heated skin. His soft lips draw out the sweetest moans from your parted lips with each kiss pressed to your skin. 
“So beautiful,” Jungkook whispers as his eyes meet yours for a brief moment. He grins when you whine his name, begging him to keep going. 
Jungkook aims to please as he takes a hard nipple into his mouth. He swirls his tongue around it slowly, gently tugging on it to make you groan before he sucks it into his mouth. 
His hand grips your other breast, rolling your nipple between his fingertips before he switches. 
Your nails scratch at his scalp, gripping his hair to hold him closer to your tit. He sucks until your legs clamp around him, your hips writhing as you grind against him. 
You’re soaking wet, dripping through your lingerie and soaking his sweatpants. 
“Stop teasing me,” you plead as you arch into him, head lolled back as your hair splays on the pillow. 
Chuckling, Jungkook releases you before he licks and sucks his way down your body until he’s gripping your hips with his hands. He tugs you onto his lap.
“I love you so much, baby,” Jungkook says as runs his hand over your mound. He pressed his index finger to your pussy, teasing you for a moment before he undoes the bows on your hips. 
You lay bare underneath him. He’s transfixed by your arousal slick on your thighs, and he licks his lips. Fuck, he’s missed you so much. 
“I love you, Koo,” you respond as he grips each of your thighs in his hands. He lies flat on his stomach as he drags you closer, draping your legs over his shoulders. 
His tongue is flat as he licks a stripe on your folds. His tight hold on your thighs makes you moan as he teases your clit with his tongue. 
A sigh escapes you as you stare at the ceiling, thighs trembling as Jungkook buries himself in the apex of your legs. Your hand reaches for his, fingers laced as he continues to feast on you. The sounds that escape the two of you are lewd, and if you weren’t so focused on the pleasure you’d be embarrassed by how loud you were being. 
“That’s it, baby. Pull my fucking hair,” Jungkook encourages as you do as he’s asked. You squeeze his head between your thighs as his experienced tongue makes you cry out his name, covering your mouth with your hand to muffle your pleasurable cries. 
“Don’t,” Jungkook huffs as he licks his lips. His dark gaze makes you clench around nothing as you focus on him. His lips and nose shine with your arousal, his hair is in disarray from all your tugging and pulling, and his eyes darken further as he moves your hand off your mouth. “I want to hear how good I make you feel. I want all your moans. I want everything.”
You nod, cursing as he slides two fingers into you and you arch, moaning when his thumb rubs your clit in circles. Jungkook kisses your thighs, his lips joining his fingers soon after. 
Heat races through your veins as Jungkook curls your fingers, watching you intently as you begin to unravel. Your breathing has changed, your moans have risen in octave, and you dig your nails into his shoulder as your orgasm hits, and your back arches off the bed as a loud moan of his name fills the room. 
Jungkook rubs himself on the mattress, your moans going straight to his cock as his chest fills with pride. 
“Kookie,” you whine when the last tremors of your orgasm leave you feeling overstimulated.
Giggling, Jungkook kisses your clit before sitting up between your legs. His hands move up and down your thighs, settling on your hips. 
“It’s been so long,” he admits in a soft tone. “Way too long.”
You sit up, cupping his face in your hands. Your noses brush as you look him in the eyes. 
“Let’s make up for lost time.”
Nodding, Jungkook kisses you gently, falling deeper in love, if that were possible. With each kiss, he promises to be a better man for you, to be the one you deserve. 
“Lie down for me, baby,” you instruct as you get on your knees to allow your “beefcake” of a boyfriend to take your spot. Perhaps you should have laid down a towel before ensuing your activities but it was too late now. 
With Jungkook beneath you, your hands are free to roam where they please. You straddle him, your bare cunt on his erection with only the sweatpants keeping you from feeling him. Soon, you promise yourself. Soon.
A kiss here, a kiss there. You kiss each of his moles, licking and sucking his skin beside his neck mole to leave a pretty little mark. Perhaps you’d be more cautious, knowing he’d have work soon but you don’t care in the moment. You’d cover him in love bites from head to toe if you could. 
Your finger traces the scar on his shoulder, and Jungkook watches you with bated breath. When you kiss it, he gives a quick anecdote of how it happened before you move across his chest to the scar on his ribs. You trace it as Jungkook fills you in on what occurred. 
Your hands run over his chest, feeling the strong muscles beneath. Jungkook’s always had a wonderful body. Such a beautiful man, inside and out. Everything about him makes you fall for him even more. 
Your lips trail kisses down his taut abdomen, leaving hickeys on his hips, near his navel, and below his scar. 
Teasingly, you stroke his hard cock over his sweatpants. He moans your name, begging you not to tease him. You giggle, kissing his cock over the sweatpants before slowly tugging them down his thighs. 
You help him take them off before wrapping your hand around him, but your fingers still don’t meet. You smile as you stroke him, his soft whimpers making you wet. 
“So pretty like this,” you coo, and Jungkook gasps when you spit on his cock. 
“Please, baby,” he pleads as you lower your mouth, kissing the underside of his dick. 
“You can beg better than that, can’t you?” You smirk.
Jungkook nods hastily, begging for you to touch him and stop teasing him. You reward him by wrapping your lips around his cock, your tongue swirling around the leaking head. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook groans as you slowly bob up and down his length. His hand finds its way into your hair, gently gripping it to steady himself. 
You start slow, ignoring the ache in your knees as you slurp and tongue at his slit. His moans flow prettily from his pretty pink lips as you take more of him in your mouth. You do your best to take all of him but you gag, spluttering around him as you focus on breathing through your nose. 
“Don’t push yourself too hard,” Jungkook breathes as his eyes roll back when he hits the your throat and you choke on him before pulling off. A bridge of saliva connects your lips to his cock as your eyes water before you take him back in. 
You spit on him, using your hand to stroke him while taking his balls in your mouth. Jungkook curses, eyes squeezed shut as the knot in his stomach tightened. Fuck, if he didn’t know any better, he’d be sure you were torturing him to get back at him. 
But you want to please him, you’ve missed having him just like this. 
His whimpers encourage you as you release him, kissing the head of his cock once more before you bob up and down his length.
It’s Jungkook who stops you with a tug of your hair, wiping the tear that rubs down your cheek. 
“I’ll cum down your throat if you keep going, my love,” he chuckles as you release him petulantly.
“But I want more,” you pout as Jungkook kisses you, his hand on the back of your head as yours winds around his neck. 
“So greedy,” he chuckles before kissing your nose. “Don’t worry, I am too.”
“How do you want me, Koo?” You ask bashfully as you sit back on your knees, ready to get into any position he desires. 
“Lay down for me, baby. I want to look at you while we make love again,” Jungkook helps you lie down beneath him. 
His fingers lace with yours when you settle under him. Your heart races in your chest as he kisses you gently.. 
You spread your legs further for him, wrapping them around his waist to pull him closer. Jungkook lines his cock at your entrance, moaning when he slides home.
“Fuck,” he grunts as you curse against his lips. “Fuck, love.”
“I know,” you sigh as you take all of him, the stretch delectable as you remember. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you free your hand from his to grip his forearm. “Fuck, Kook.”
Jungkook tongues his lip piercings as he watches pleasure overcome you. He gives you a moment to adjust to his length. Your nails dig into his arm for a moment before your lustful gaze meets his.
“More,” you plead in a whisper as Jungkook pushes a little deeper, bottoming out when you feel like he’ll reach your throat.
Fire blooms in your belly, desire swirling deep inside you as you kiss Jungkook.
Jungkook pulls out nearly all the way before sliding back into you. Your back arches as he sets a pace that makes you moan incoherently. He kisses you, all teeth and tongues, and dulcet moans.
His lips trail kisses to your neck, sucking and biting, leaving marks behind as he moves his greedy lips to your breasts.
Jungkook’s broad frame cages you beneath him, his hips meeting yours as the lewd sounds of your lovemaking fill the room. 
“Jungkook!” you cry out as you drag your nails down his perfect back. 
“Baby,” he moans, slamming into you again and again, enthralled by the way your tits jiggle with each of his thrusts. You tighten around him, biting back a guttural moan as fire courses through your veins.
“So fucking wet for me,” Jungkook praises. His hand moves between your bodies to rub your clit while his lips find your tits. 
“Love you. I love you,” you gasp as he grabs your hips, squeezing as he pulls you onto his cock.
“I love you,” he responds, groaning when your thighs quiver at his sides. You whimper, eyes fluttering shut as his name rolls off your tongue in a heady tone that makes his head spin. 
“Jungkook, fuck,” you can’t think straight, too overwhelmed with pleasure to warn him of your approaching orgasm, but this is Jungkook, he knows you better than you know yourself.
“I know, baby. I’ve got you,” he assures you as your hips meet his, and his lips meet yours in a messy kiss that swallows your moans as you hit your high. Your body tightens for a moment, your cunt milking Jungkook as he moans your name into your neck.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he whines as he fucks you through your orgasm and then through his. Sweat beads on your forehead and his. His black hair sticks to his face as he rocks his hips, sure he’s fucked you full of his seed before he pulls out and lays at your side.
Silence envelopes you two for a moment before you’re giggling with each other.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” you grin foolishly as you roll onto your side to face Jungkook, who is already watching you.
“Definitely,” he agrees, his hand pushing your hair out of your eyes. “You’re amazing.”
“Don’t get cheesy with me,” you poke his chest, smiling when he bites your finger playfully.
“You love it when I’m cheesy,” Jungkook responds as he pulls you to his chest. You’re both hot, and sticky with sweat but you’re willing to ignore it for now, at least until you can drag yourself up to use the bathroom and shower again.
“I love you,” you confirm as you place your hand in his. He laces your fingers together, moving your joined hands over his heart, kissing them.
“I love you too, baby. I always have, and I always will.” Jungkook swears as you lay your head on his chest, beside your joined hands, falling asleep to the sound of his heart beating for you.
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The next morning is a haze.
You wake with Jungkook draped around you, his leg over your hip as he snores by your ear. You hate to wake him, but after you fell asleep, Jungkook had to wake you to shower, clean up, and change the sheets.
“Don’t get up,” Jungkook whines in his sleepy tone. “Stay with me.”
“We leave in a few hours and we haven’t packed,” you remind him. Jungkook groans as he clings to you.
You kiss him, morning breath not bothering you. “You’ll get more kisses if you get up.”
Jungkook whines. “No up, just kiss.”
“That’s not how this will work,” you laugh as you wiggle out of his grasp. Jungkook sighs as he sits up, his adorable bedhead makes you smile.
Lazily, Jungkook gets out of bed, yawning as he heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth and style his hair.
“I don’t wanna leave,” he says, well, you think that’s what he said with his toothbrush in his mouth. You shake your head when he spits into the sink as you pack your belongings in your bag, including the tiny pieces of fabric Jimin gifted you.
“We can vacation again soon,” you tell him as you shut your bag, and tug on the zippers to close it. It’s funny how you didn’t even want to come on this cruise, and now you weren’t sure you wanted to leave. However, you’d come without Jungkook and now you were leaving with him at your side.
Perhaps this trip hadn’t been so bad after all.
“I’ll hold you to it, babe. Now, when are we having breakfast? I’m hungry as hell after last night,” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “And this morning.”
You laugh at him, throwing a shirt at him.
Jungkook ducks out of the way, cackling as he shuts the bathroom door.
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Jimin and Yoongi meet you for breakfast. The two are in their bubble as you approach with Jungkook at your side.
You sit beside Jimin, kissing his cheek. “Thanks for the gift.”
Jimin brightens, “You used it?”
Jungkook and Yoongi look at each other confused.
“Used what?” Jungkook asks as he takes a biscuit from the basket on the table. He bites into it before Jimin answers.
“The lingerie.”
Jungkook chokes on his biscuit, hitting his chest with his fist before he forces himself to swallow. Yoongi hands him a glass of juice, and Jungkook thanks him with a thumbs-up.
“You’re so back together!” Jimin cheers as he hugs you tightly. Yoongi rolls his eyes in annoyance, but a pleased smile appears on his lips.
“Can we stop talking about them fucking and move onto our wedding plans?” Yoongi asks as he stifles a yawn.
“How about a destination wedding?” you offer as you rub Jungkook’s back soothingly. He smiles weakly at you, his cheeks pink.
“I like the way you think,” Jimin grins as he rattles off ideas with you and Yoongi. Jungkook is too focused on breakfast to offer any input, but he’s sure you’ll catch him up on the way home. 
Things were looking up for him.
Jungkook would have to give his assistant a bonus upon his return. 
“Do we have to go?” Jungkook whines as he wraps his arm around your waist. 
Jimin and Yoongi are packing the bags into the trunk of your airport shuttle. 
“We do, work awaits,” you remind him as he frowns. 
“What if we take a few days for ourselves? Just the two of us?” Jungkook questions. 
“Oh?” You raise a brow. “What did you have in mind?” 
“It’ll be a surprise until we get to the airport,” Jungkook smiles brightly. “I want you all to myself for just a little longer.”
“Then I am all yours,” you rest your head on his chest as he leads you to your friends. 
“Ready to go?” Yoongi asks as he shuts the trunk. 
“Definitely,” you answer as you take Jungkook's hand in yours. 
You’re not sure what the future holds for the both of you, but you’re hopeful it’ll be bright with Jungkook at your side once more. 
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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yueebby · 1 year
sooo i read your "indulge me?" piece and that's why i wanted to ask for gojo simping for reader that doesn't really seem him as more as a friend and he's fine with it (lol he's not but he's need to keep the facade you know???) hope you write it at some point! btw loving you writing so far <333
11:34pm — gojo satoru
contents. highschool!gojo, fluff, he’s so in love bye, underage drinking, tokyo and kyoto students have a little get together!
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“what’s wrong with him?” utahime watches her white haired underclassman down another can of beer. it was rare to see gojo drinking with the rest of the group, always opting for a soda instead.
shoko takes another swig out of her drink, unsurprised. “[name] is on a date.” 
a pathetic groan leaves gojo’s lips and the upper half of his body is splayed over the kotatsu in shoko’s room, sunglasses long forgotten somewhere. he lets out an unapologetic burp. everyone at the table spares him a glance of pity. 
utahime grimaces and mutters a quiet, “gross”. 
“don’t provoke him,” geto scolds shoko, flicking some ash from his cigarette to the ashtray below. “she’s just dealing with clan matters. arranged marriages and whatnot.” he used his free hand to land a firm pat on gojo’s back. what kind of best friend would he be if he didn’t try to comfort satoru? 
“poor thing. i can keep you company in the meantime,” mei mei’s smile is far from something with good intentions. gojo shakes his head to refuse, but with the way his forehead was pressed to the table, it looked comical. like a child throwing a tantrum. 
the only thing that managed to get gojo satoru out of his drunken slump was a soft knock on the door. he could recognize that pattern anywhere. could it be–? the snow haired boy immediately perks up. his drunk dazed eyes brighten as he quickly makes his way to the door. 
geto snorts at the way his best friend reacts. he thinks he can see an imaginary tail wagging, as if he were a dog. 
“you’re late!” gojo accuses you when he opens the door. you blink.
“are you…okay?” your voice is laced with concern as gojo’s large frame towers over you. gojo preens.
“awww, is my [name] worried about me now? don’t worry, ‘m doing just fine!” there is a goofy grin painted on gojo’s face as he leans against the doorway. all conversation has stopped and every sorcerer was listening attentively to gojo's hopeless conversation with you. utahime can’t help but feel just a little compassion for the boy. he was pining so much it hurt.
“i wasn’t worried. it's just that your words are all slurred– don’t tell me you let shoko talk you into drinking with her again?” you sigh. it was hard to miss the smell of beer on him. gojo and alcohol never mixed well, and the last thing you needed tonight was another lecture from yaga. 
from inside her room, shoko shouts, “it wasn’t me this time! the idiot decided to drown himself in beer after we warned him not to!” it was common knowledge that gojo couldn’t handle his alcohol. 
the male in question pouts.
“can a man not grieve about the love of his life being married to another?” gojo deflates. on the other side of the threshold, you wrinkle your nose.
“who said anything about marriage? like hell i’m going to accept a proposal from naoya zen’in.” you grumble. it had been a long night. dealing with your family and naoya was enough to scare you into staying in jujutsu tech for good. you’d rather lose your sanity to gojo than your dignity to naoya. 
“never mind that though, are mei mei and utahime still here? i was hoping to catch up with them!” you smile, crouching under his arm to make your way into the room. gojo doesn’t hesitate to trail right behind you. 
“[name]!” utahime waves happily at you, her mood no longer sour after she sees you. your wave back is enthusiastic. mei mei acknowledges your presence.
“how was dinner with naoya?” suguru asks. your face pinches up. he laughs before handing you a cold can of soda which you accept graciously.
you hear gojo mutter to himself from behind you.
“what’s up with him?” you whisper to suguru.
“you know how he is when he drinks,” he sighs, ushering you to sit beside him. gojo seemed to have his own agenda though, forcefully squeezing himself between the two of you. you shoot him an annoyed look to which he responds with a grin on his face. 
“‘m tired,” he whines, stretching his arms dramatically while letting out a loud yawn. you grunt when there’s a heavy weight on you; gojo has thrown his entire body on your side.
you don’t bother pushing him off. you’ve learned in the two years you’ve known gojo that he is like a baby when he gets drunk. it’s best if you let him have his way.
“go to sleep then, idiot,” you flick his forehead. he juts his bottom lip childishly, looking up at you with wide eyes. his eyes are captivating and you think you see nervousness through those azure orbs.
“will you come to bed with me too?” he rests his chin on your shoulder. you raise an eyebrow in surprise.
“eh? why would i?”
“because i’m cute.” gojo bats those long eyelashes of his innocently. you roll your eyes playfully before taking another sip out of your soda. 
“you’re weird– that’s what you are.” your lips quirk upward, eyes twinkling with mirth. he sulks, chin still comfortably supported by your shoulder.
“‘m not that bad!” he protests, a frown forming on his lips. you look at him for a long moment. this was the first time you’ve ever gotten to look at gojo this closely. 
his hair was getting longer, you note silently. with your free hand, you slowly move a strand of hair out of his face. gojo watches you earnestly. if his cheeks were not already flushed, they are now. 
“can we stop it with the flirting? let us single folk live in peace.” shoko speaks up. you turn your attention hastily from gojo to the rest of your fellow peers. 
“i feel like i’m intruding on something,” mei mei says scandalously. your eyes widen.
“we are not– no way!” you shake your head repeatedly. no one believes you. especially not while gojo is still resting on your shoulder, eyes watching you, full of love.
“stop giving him all your attention and talk to us! we’re much better company,” utahime scowls, pointing her beer disapprovingly at the white haired boy on you. you think you hear gojo grunt.
“alright, alright,” you concede. 
“i hope you don’t mind me asking again, but do tell us how your night with the zen’in kid went,” suguru snickers. you groan exasperatedly.
“where do i even start?”
the rest of the night goes by pleasantly. you had been so engrossed with retelling your experience with dealing with your family that you had failed to notice what gojo was up to. by the time everyone left their respective dorms (or temporary dorms), you noticed the head of white hair sleeping soundly on your lap.
he mumbles something in his sleep, nuzzling himself closer into your stomach. cute. you giggle at how innocent he looks. 
you don’t know what took over you, but you remember bending down and placing a soft kiss on his forehead. to your surprise, gojo reciprocates your kiss. to the best of his capabilities anyway. you watch as he puckers his lips in his sleep. oh my– how precious.
you suppose he isn't so bad.
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notes. THANK U FOR BEING MY FIRST ANON ASK. ily!!! i saw somewhere that gege confirmed gojo would have drunken failures when he was a student haha this is my take on that. hes so bf
also thank you for all the support on my first post?!? you guys are too sweet im crying. i literally giggle and kick my feet reading your feedback ><
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rafecameronssl4t · 4 months
Officially your bitch || Rafe Cameron x Thornton!reader
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Summary: basically what happened in s1 ep 2 when Sarah is getting a teddy from the boat with Rafe, Kelce, and Topper watching but obvs slightly different. (you being the one faking being hurt)
Warnings: swearing, mention of gun,
Word count: 977
A/n: canon fics are so fun to write 😫
MASTERLIST (rafe x thornton!reader au masterlist)
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Divider by @yoonitos
mood board here
"Jeez, man, this is nuts." Topper lets out a low whistle, staring at a boat nestled in someone's garden bed. "Agatha's a bitch," Rafe mutters. "Damn right, she is," Kelce adds as the three boys gape at the sight.
"I can't get it outta my head. It's on repeat. 'Your move, broski.'" Topper repeats JJ's words from a couple nights ago, when a gun was pointed at his head. "Bro, he had a semiautomatic pointed right at you!" Kelce chimes in.
"That's what I'm saying. It's insane!" Topper scoffs, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Safety off!" he emphasizes, his voice rising. Kelce shakes his head, his expression a mix of disbelief and disdain. "That pogue," he mutters, his tone dripping with contempt.
Rafe, who had been staring intently at the waterline, snaps back to the conversation. His gaze sharpens as he looks at his friends. "They're freakin' pogues, man," he declares, his voice tinged with a mix of anger and exasperation.
"You know, you should get a piece," Rafe suggests, his voice steady as he looks at Topper. The gravity of his words hangs in the air. "What do you mean?" Topper asks, a puzzled expression crossing his face as he turns to Rafe.
"You gotta fight fire with fire and defend the homestead," Rafe replies matter-of-factly, as if it's the most logical solution in the world. "Better than being caught without one," Kelce shrugs, offering his own brand of nonchalant support. Rafe nods in agreement, his gaze unwavering.
"Listen guys, I'm gonna get him back, all right? I'm making it a little project of mine," Topper reassures them. Rafe hums approvingly, patting his friend's back. "Yeah, you should," he affirms with a smirk.
Kelce suddenly taps Rafe's shoulder. "Yo, that's y/n." Rafe and Topper turn their heads in unison, their curiosity piqued. They see you kneeling on one knee, talking gently to Joy, your mum's best friend's little daughter.
"Oh, so you left her in the boat?" you ask softly, your voice filled with understanding. Joy nods, her eyes wide with worry. "Okay, can you tell me what she looks like?" you stand up, smoothing down your shorts. Joy looks up at you, her face serious. "She has a trunk and blue eyes," she replies, her small voice clear.
The three boys watch intently as you smile reassuringly at Joy. "Okay, I'm gonna get her for you," you say, turning towards the boat. "Be careful of the electricity," Joy quietly warns. You smile to yourself, touched by her concern, and tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you carefully step onto the boat.
"Don't worry, I'll be okay. It's really dangerous, so stay there, okay?" you reassure Joy with a confident smile. Rafe, standing a few feet away, removes his sunglasses, his eyes narrowing as he watches your every move. "What's she doing?" he mutters to no one in particular, his concern evident.
"Watch her fall and make a big drama out of it," your brother scoffs, his tone dripping with sarcasm. He crosses his arms, clearly unimpressed by your antics. Rafe glances at Topper, eyebrows raised. "Hey! There's 14,000 volts in those wires," Joy's mum calls out urgently from the porch, her voice filled with anxiety.
You take a slow, deliberate step onto the plank, feeling it wobble slightly under your weight. With a mischievous grin, you glance back at the onlookers, enjoying the attention. A quiet shriek escapes your lips as you pretend to lose your balance for a moment.
"Hey, y/n, be careful!" Rafe hollers, his voice louder and more urgent now. He takes a step forward, his body tense with concern. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me," your mum mutters as she walks out onto the yard, her face a mask of frustration and fear. "Y/n, get down now!" she shouts, her tone a mix of anger and desperation.
"Mum, calm down. I'm an athlete. I got this," you reply playfully, flashing her a reassuring smile as you continue your careful approach toward the boat. Your confidence does little to ease the tension among the onlookers. The plank creaks under your weight, but you maintain your balance,
"You're gonna get electrocuted! Get down!" your mum screams, her voice trembling with panic. You ignore her, your focus on the gentle sway of the boat as you step onto it. "She just wants attention," Topper mutters, rolling his eyes in exasperation. "Are you kidding me?" your mum persists, her tone growing more frantic. You turn to face her, a playful grin spreading across your face as you shimmy your shoulders, teasingly.
"Oh my—no. When I tell your dad about this, y/n!" Your mum exclaims, her voice a mix of exasperation and genuine fear. "Y/n, that's not fucking funny," Rafe yells in annoyance, his frustration bubbling to the surface. He watches you with a mixture of concern and irritation, unable to shake off the worry that gnaws at him.
"Little fried y/n," Topper comments, a smirk playing on his lips as he observes the scene unfold. Kelce looks at him, puzzled by the comment, but Topper simply shrugs it off. "Top, your sister's crazy, man," Kelce remarks, shaking his head in disbelief as Topper snorts, "Tell me about it."
With a knowing smile, you reach the boat and spot the disconnected wire exactly where you expected it to be. "I see her!" you call out across the yard as you place a steady hand on the boat.
"Y/n!" your mum's voice echoes for what feels like the hundredth time, a mixture of frustration and genuine concern laced in her tone. "When I tell your dad—" Her words are abruptly cut off by your convincing scream as you pretend to slip into the boat. "Fuck—" Rafe's reaction is immediate, his instincts kicking in as he rushes forward.
After a few seconds, you grab the cord, swinging it in front of you with a smile. Kelce breaks out in laughter at your prank, the sound mingling with the collective sighs of everyone watching. Rafe's face fills with relief and annoyance as his tongue pokes agains this inner cheek. "It's disconnected!" you announce with a laugh.
"Holy shit!" Kelce smacks Rafe's shoulder, his eyes wide with amusement as he looks at you, clearly annoyed and unimpressed. "For the love of God," your mum mutters as she slips her sunglasses back on and strides away, clearly needing a moment to recover from the prank.
"She got you good, man," Kelce snickers, unable to hide his laughter at Rafe's bewildered expression. "Absolute suckers!" you crow from the boat, your laughter ringing out triumphantly. "Babe, you should see your face," you giggle, retrieving Joy's teddy bear. "Yeah, okay, yeah, I'm sorry that I care. All right, guilty," Rafe throws his hands up in mock surrender though his face expression remained annoyed.
As Rafe stands there, still trying to process what just happened, he feels a hand on his shoulder. "Congrats, dude. You're officially her bitch," Topper says with a smirk, offering his congratulations in his own unique way. Rafe rolls his eyes at the jest.
"Alright." Topper gives Rafe a hearty pat on the back. "Officially, did you know that? You're officially her bitch, alright?" Topper's laughter rings out as he teases Rafe, but Rafe isn't having any of it. With a swift motion, he slaps away Topper's hand. "Shut the fuck up, dude," he grumbles, shaking his head in annoyance before striding over to you.
"See! Just further proved my point, bro!" Topper yells amidst his laughter, clearly enjoying the reaction he's getting. Kelce joins in, chuckling at the playful banter unfolding before him.
Rafe reaches you, offering his hand despite his lingering annoyance. You giggle at the exchange, finding his frustration amusing. "Are you fucking crazy?" Rafe spits, his irritation evident, but you can't help but laugh at his reaction.
"Aww, I love you too, babe," you playfully pout, quickly kissing his lips before turning your attention back to Joy, handing her teddy bear over with a smile. Rafe stands there with a defeated look, unable to stay mad for long.
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chatsukimi · 4 months
ᴘᴀɪɴᴛ & ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇ
featuring: needy!gojosatoru, childhoodfriend!gojosatoru. precious. fluff!, minute jealousy synopsis: you put makeup on your childhood best friend. you learn that he is more than you anticipated. masterlist
you think you know everything about gojo satoru. you'd seen him as a child, two years younger than you, get scolded by his parents for sending a senile sorcerer to hospital. you were there when he first activated limitless and pummelled you accidentally in the face.
safe to say, nothing surprises you anymore. not even when he teleports into your room on the night of your date without even a knock and grabs you by the shoulders to turn you and your chair around.
"oi, stop that."
you strangle him off you. he only grins.
"sure thing." he shrugs, before bending down to inspect you more closely. "what have you got on your face?"
you put the bottle of setting spray down. "makeup."
he ruffles his tousled white hair, windblown. "ah? makeup. are you meeting someone?" he grins halfheartedly, scanning your room for any changes since you last met.
"i am."
"it's about time. i've already dated loads of people," he boasts, his eyes lingering on the powder and blush on the table.
you roll your eyes. "of course you have." you lay on the finishing touches to your face. you notice him watching.
rule one about gojo satoru, when he stares, he's interested. as you grew older, it became harder under those pitch black shades of his to detect where he's staring, but when he really wants something, it's obvious.
you lift a brush. "you want me to do makeup on you?"
he shakes his head.
rule two about satoru gojo, he never says what he's thinking.
you stand up, gesturing at the bed. "sit down." without a word, the boy listens to your command, ready to try something new.
you can't say you're unhappy to try doing makeup on him. you had some spare time left and that beautiful canvas of a face is nothing but to die for. putting makeup on him would be fun.
"i'll have to take off your glasses. may i?"
he sniffs.
rule three about gojo, he pretends to hate it when people ask to take his glasses off, but he secretly likes it. you know. it makes him feel seen, more human.
"do it yourself."
you nod.
taking his sunglasses off, you revel in the familiar ocean which faces you.
another two facts about satoru is that he can't keep still and he can't stop yapping. shaking his leg in tandem with the news from his mouth, the movement makes you shoot him a frustrated glare, distracted.
half to shut him up, the other half to make him pay attention, you grip his jaw in place. your eyes lock. soon enough, he'll probably look away to inspect some other object of interest; he's known you for years, after all. nothing new.
as you work, you think to yourself.
gojo... he's really grown up, hasn't he? in careful brushstrokes, you drag the eyeliner gently to form a wing with the tip of the pen. your eyes narrowed in concentration, you haven't noticed the shallow breath which tumbles from his mouth.
you blink.
gojo satoru scoots closer to you, so that his gorgeous azure eyes are inches from yours. they are widened in awe.
in all these years, you can count on one hand the number of times this genius has focused on anything longer than five-ten seconds. sure, going to jujutsu high has stretched that time out slightly, but it's nothing compared to this.
you know what rule one says about his behaviour, but you couldn't believe it.
he reaches up to brush the hair from your face. unblinking, unwavering, as though memorising everything, the outline of your nose to the singular dashes which form an eyelash, he stares at you.
it is the first step from a boy to a man.
"you are... really, really, pretty."
"says you," you say, almost pushing his hands away.
he sinks his fingers against yours, clasping them in a bone-tight grip.
"you are," he asserts. "how come i've never noticed?" he mutters, furious.
um. you turn to look the other way. the heat of his stare is scalding. nevertheless, the strongest refuses to back down.
"i should've noticed, shouldn't i? and now you're all dressed up with your make-up to meet some other guy." he pouts.
truth be told, you are silenced. this is not the gojo you recognise. in a swift move, he carries you from the vanity to the bed. the display of strength startles you.
"don't go," he whines into your shoulder, shifting you with his strong arms to nuzzle himself into your chest. you did so often when you were younger but-
"stay." he pauses, letting each syllable cascade from his beautiful lips like a bell, ringing crystal clear. "stay with me."
stay with him.
you think you know everything about gojo satoru. you remember the way he begged for a break amidst his pre-adolescent training sessions. you remember the empty hallways of the gojo estate and his silent footsteps, how they left him behind to carry the world on his shoulders.
awaiting your answer, gojo feels his heart beating out of his chest. what if you leave? what if you choose your date over him? what if-
he stares up at you again. truly shameless.
"because i want you to." he turns stern. "or else, i'll tell your friend that you didn't actually have work that day you decided to ditch her little meet-up and i'll-"
out of nowhere, a laugh breaks out of you. he frowns.
but then, you press a soft kiss on his cheek, another one on the slope of his nose, which -truth be told- didn't need the contour you'd gracefully put on it, and the strongest sorcerer in the world relaxes to your touch.
moments like these, satoru still manages to surprise you.
"i'll stay."
"promise?" he holds up a pinkie.
"come on, satoru, we're not children anymore."
his eyebrows scrunch together so you finally relent.
you link your pinkie to his.
getting comfortable, you shoot a text at your friend to move the date to another day.
"i knew you'd stay. you can't stand when i throw a tantrum," he suddenly begins to mumble against your skin. your eyes widen. "i know you... better than anyone..." his eyelids are dragging under the weight of sleepiness.
perhaps you didn't know everything about satoru after all.
gojo opens his eyes, seeing you fully. "i know you can't stand me being alone."
perhaps he knew more about you than you had thought possible.
on second thoughts, you grab your phone from your bedside table, typing up a message you send without a second thought.
sorry. something came up. i might not be able to meet with you next week either. thank you for your patience, but i think i've found someone who i want to stick by forever.
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zeroreasonstocare · 12 days
Strongest Sorcerer Virgin
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Includes: established relationship, Satoru Gojo x fem!reader, oral (m!receiving), unprotected sex (pls use protection!!), Gojo is cocky until he actually has to do it (lolll), kissing, pet names (baby, princess, babycakes), praise (always), creampie I suppose, mentions of satosugu?? (His first kiss), overstimulation (only two orgasms)
Word Count: 1,421
A/n: I have been thinking about virgin gojo for months. It's not funny. I’m so obsessed with him. The voices said “write Satoru Gojo as a virgin” and I will indeed listen.
〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎ ❀ 〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎
You didn’t know when you started dating him, but Satoru Gojo is a virgin. Absolutely no experience, despite his claims.
Oh, according to him, he’s made every girl he’s dated cum at least ten times before putting it in. Little do you know, you’re his first girlfriend. And unfortunately for him, you’re about to find out he’s still a virgin.
He got off easy with convincing you he could kiss fine, having jokingly practiced with Suguru in the past. But he didn’t want to get that far with his best friend, that’s embarrassing!
You’re making out on his couch, the soft pillows sinking under your combined weight, sappy romance movie forgotten in the background. Your hands move to push his sunglasses off his face and he holds your cheeks. You laugh into the kiss when his hips press against yours and you feel just how hard he has become.
“Is tonight finally the night we fuck, Satoru?” You tease and kiss his nose.
“Wanna see what I’m all about, princess?” He chuckles, cocky til’ the end.
“Mhmm, show me that talented dick you claim to have, Satoru.”
His smirk falters. It’s barely noticeable, but you still notice.
“Satoru? Are you okay?”
“Pshhh, whatttt? Of course I am!” There’s that lying voice.
“Satoru…” You have that warning tone to tell the truth.
“What, babycakes? I’m fiiiine.”
“Gojo.” Now he’s done it. He gulps as you refer to him with his last name
“…Okay, okayyy, I miiight’ve lied…”
“I, uhhh, I’ve neverhadsex.” He mumbles super fast.
“I’m a virgin! Okay?! I said it!” He pouts and looks away in embarrassment. You almost want to laugh.
“…say something?” He mumbles shyly.
You do laugh. The strongest sorcerer, the most talented man in the world, is a virgin?! That’s absurd! It’s insane! You can’t help but laugh.
“Heyyy, stop laughing!” He whines, face red from embarrassment.
“Sorry! Sorry! I just can't help it! It’s crazy that you were so confident! I never knew!” You giggle. “Don’t be embarrassed, Satoru, I can help you out!”
“That’s even more embarrassing…”
“Oh, come onnnn, it’s just me! I’d be honored to pop the strongest sorcerer’s cherry.” You giggle at your own words and he keeps pouting.
“You’re so mean. And don’t say it like that!”
“…Fine, but only because you caused this problem.”
You look at his bulging pants and grin. “Mkay!”
His porcelain skin is so warm. The two of you had moved to his room and he’s on his back, your plush thighs straddling his lap. You’re both nude and he’s staring up at your body as if it’s sculpted by those sculptors that worshiped the gods. Hands rubbing your thighs nervously as you kiss down his body, stopping at his happy trail.
“You ready?”
“…mhm.” He swallows hard as you kiss his tip.
His body jolts, nails lightly digging small crescent shapes into your thighs. You grin and kiss down his shaft, lightly licking his balls before taking him down your throat.
He gasps from the sudden warmth and bucks his hips. “Shit, that feels good, so much better than I imagined…”
His whimpers fill the air as you fondle his balls and bob your head. You swirl your tongue around his shaft and pull back when you feel his cock throb in your throat and lightly blow on the tip, the cool air making him jolt.
“Fuck, you’re really edging me, princess?” He whines and rubs your hips.
“Come on, can’t have you blow your load so soon.” You giggle.
“I’m not blowing my load…” he mumbles shyly.
“Mhm, sure. Now, since it’s your first time, do you want to do it all or do you want me to just ride?”
His face is beet red. “Wh- I- uh- I can do it myself!!”
You can’t help but giggle. You lay on your back and spread your legs, showcasing just how aroused you are. He rubs your thighs gently and looks into your eyes for approval. You nod and guide his hips.
“Move your hips and slip it in.”
It takes him a while to actually react, shy from your bluntness. He shifts over you, lining his hips up with your body and looking at you for reassurance.
“Like this…?”
“Yep, you can go slowly or quickly, but push in.”
Satoru swallows hard, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. He slowly presses himself into you, gasping at the warmth, better than your mouth. His hands grip the sheets on either side of your head, struggling to keep from busting right away.
“I-is this okay so far…?”
You smile. “Just like that, you’re no longer a virgin.”
He lets out a huff of air, laughing slightly at your words. He swallows again, unsure of what to do. You intertwine your fingers with his.
“Move, set your own pace. I’ll let you know if it’s not enough or too much.” You speak gently, encouraging him.
He swallows again and nods, slowly drawing his hips back and hissing at the way you squeeze him.
“So tight, you feel so good, baby… Does this feel good?”
You nod when he thrusts slowly back in, gradually building up in tempo and in turn moving deeper. He hits particularly deep into you and his tip kisses your g-spot.
“Right there! Do that again!” You gasp and hold his hands tighter.
He looks at you with wide blue eyes, pupils blown as he moves harder, eliciting a moan from your lips.
“Th-that good? Does it feel good for you too?” He manages to say through gasps and grunts.
“Yes, Satoru, so so good…”
He clearly likes the praise, moving faster and now at a constant pace, hips barely stuttering from how close he really is. He has to see you cum first. He needs it, needs you to feel good because of him.
“Satoru, my clit, rub my clit.” You whine, guiding his hand to the sensitive nub.
“Do I just-”
“Just rub it!” You buck up into him as he keeps his pace and finally moves his hand too.
His calloused thumb rubs circles into your sensitive clit, and he catches how your folds seem to flutter around him. He bites his lip and watches your face contort into the cutest expression.
“C-close, ‘toru, please…”
“…T-tell me what to do…”
“Just keep up like that, please…”
He nods and fights back every urge to cum, not wanting to miss when you reach your orgasm. You finally cum with a cry of his name, gripping him impossibly tighter and he finally releases as well. Spurts of his seed fill into you as he keeps fucking it deeper.
“C-can’t stop, it’s too much, I can’t stop!” He borderline cries into your shoulder as he keeps overstimulating the both of you, refusing to slow down or stop.
His sloppy thrusts won’t relent on your poor weeping cunt, white forming at the base of his shaft. You dig your nails into his hands, holding impossibly tighter at the overwhelming sensation.
“Satoruuuu! Too much! G-gonna cum againnnn!!” You cry out and clench tighter around him.
He moans and gasps in your ear, too out of it to hear your cries, only focusing on how you’re sucking him in and won’t let go. Not that he plans to ever leave. You reach another orgasm and thrash against the sheets at how intense it was, and again, he soon follows, this time stilling his hips as he whines out your name and so many praises.
“Thank you, thank you, baby, feels sooo good, princess, I love you, I love you…”
He collapses onto you and buries into your neck. You slowly come down from the overstimulated high and play with his hair.
“Satoru, get off…”
“Nuh uh.”
“Come on, Satoru, we gotta shower.”
“Tomorrow, we can do it tomorrow. Can’t move, if I pull out, I’ll just make us cum again.”
You giggle a little and let him cuddle into you. “You’re such a big baby, ‘toru.”
After a moment of silence, you speak up again.
“Was your first time good?”
“So good, you have the best pussy in the world, babycakes.”
You roll your eyes at the nickname and kiss his forehead. “Thanks, idiot.”
“Your idiot.”
“Mhm, my idiot.”
You both fall asleep, not a care in the world. As the moonlight shines through his window, the only thing that matters is that he’s with you, and you’re with him. Satoru Gojo is no longer a virgin. All thanks to one gorgeous girl: you.
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xsaltburnx · 9 months
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One more?
a/n: this goes out to all the Farleigh girls, I got you and I hope you like it, even though it's a bit long, I got carried away
warning: 18+, smut, smut and some more smut, swearing, just sexy time, P in V (wrap it before you tap it)
word count: 3,550
The Catton family. You've been friends with Venetia and Felix for years, always celebrating your birthday at Saltburn, which has always turned out to be the craziest party of the summer.
You loved spending time there with them because you got away from all of the shitty problems you had at home, everything that was bothering you suddenly disappeared into thin air the moment you stepped on Saltburn ground.
Another reason why you loved being there was Farleigh fucking Start.
Tall, curly headed, as Felix called him "little shit-stirrer", is the most gorgeous fucking man you have ever seen in your life. He literally had everything. Everything about him was absolutely perfect.
The way his lips wrapped around a cigarette butt, the way his gorgeous hair flopped around when he walked and especially the way his eyes sparkled everytime he looked at you.
His attitude though was something else, sometimes he acted like a fucking toddler, sometimes he was so cocky that even he himself was surprised but to you he was always kind of sweet. Sometimes coming to your room late at night to talk to you, it was if not favourite, one of the favourite things to do with him and it gave you a chance to listen to his beautiful voice. Oh,that thing about him has always made you weak in the knees. Deep voice, sometimes a little bit raspy when he talked quietly or when he was mad but that raspiness was more like warm butter, spreading through the air so beautifully that sometimes you got lost in his words.
Yes, you were totally in love with him. But did he feel the same? You never asked.
You and Venetia were laying on the freshly cut grass on your stomach, your legs dangling in the air with your hands under your chin, the smell spreading through the air. That was one of your favourite things about summer. Well that and Farleigh in shorts, shirtless.
You swallowed hard when you saw Farleigh walk out of the pond in front of you, small drops of water cascading down his beautifully sculpted body, his hair perfect like always. You used your index finger to lower your sunglassed a little bit, wanting to properly see him and enjoy the view a little bit longer when Venetia interrupted your daydreaming.
"Something interesting down there?" You quickly snapped out of it and pushed your sunglasses up your nose, trying to hide your embarrassment, but it was too late.
"What? No, I was just.. looking at.. that bird over there." You pointed your finger to the left, clearly a totally different direction you were staring in just a minute ago.
"Yeah right, I saw you looking at Farleigh, you're so into him it's ridiculous." She trailed off, not taking her eyes off you. "You should tell him because he's into you too." You scoffed and looked at her.
"What?" The confusion is clearly audible in your voice.
"Yeah, he's always staring at you when you're not looking, I told him and Felix told him like a million times to try something but he's being a little bitch, so that's why we're still here, you staring at him, him obviously now staring at you."
She pointed at him, you followed her finger but when you laid your eyes on him, he was already walking away, his back turned towards you.
"If you guys don't hook up tonight at the party, I'm seriously taking matters into my own hands." She picked up her phone and got up, leaving you alone outside, the only company that you had were your thoughts. You wanted him so much, to feel his lips on yours, to bury your fingers inside that beautiful hair of his, you had to do something or you were going to lose your fucking mind.
"Are you ready?" You heard Venetia's voice travel down the hall all the way to your room, as you checked yourself in the mirror one last time, straightening your short lavender glittery dress. Silver wings sitting perfectly on your back, giving you the look of a fairy.
"Ready!" You yelled just as Venetia entered your room.
"Wowza, Farleigh will go absolutely bonkers when he sees you." She complimented you as she looked you up and down one more time, making sure that everything was in perfect place. You gave her a smile and took one more deep breath before you intertwined your hand with Venetia's, ready to join the party.
As soon as you walked downstairs, the smell of cigarettes and probably 20 different kinds of alcohol invaded your nostrils. There were some people you've never even met before because of course Elspeth had to invite everybody and make it the best party of the century. You can't blame her, she lives for these kind of things.
You looked around the room, Venetia instantly catching on to whom you were looking for, a slight grin appearing on her face. While still holding on your right hand, she lifted her left one and pointed straight all the way across the room.
There he was. Leaned against the wall with a cigarette between his index and middle finger. He leaned his head back and blew the smoke out of his mouth, your eyes catching just a small glimpse of his tongue licking his top lip. He was wearing a white button down shirt, unbuttoned probably half way down, exposing his chest, the sweat on his skin literally looking like glitter and that was just enough for you to almost choke on your own saliva. He looked so fucking gorgeous.
He caught your gaze and smiled at you and you took that as a sign to go up to him.
Venetia let go of your hand and slapped you playfully on the ass as a 'good luck' sign. You winked at her and made your way through the crowd, now and then accidentally bumping into a few people. Thank god you were wearing high heels so you could actually see where you were going and had Farleigh in front of you the entire time.. You reached the other side of the room and were met with those familiar dark brown eyes and a smile worth more than all the diamonds in the world.
He bent down and leaned forward because even though you were wearing heels, he was still so much taller than you. "You look incredible." He yelled in your ear, trying to speak over the music and again locked his eyes on you. You smiled at him.
"Thank you. You look incredible too." You answered as calmly as you could, but in your head you had a totally different answer. Somebody bumped into Farleigh, making his body bump into yours.  At that moment, the scent of his perfume and just him invaded your nostrils, feeling like the toughest drug you have ever encountered. He looked down at you and bit his lip, his hand reaching towards your face as he tucked a thin strand of hair behind your ear. It felt like electricity floating through your body when you felt his hand graze your cheek.
"Wanna dance?" He asked and you nodded instantly, maybe too fast but you didn't care. At that moment you didn't care about anything else but Farleigh.
He gently took your hand and led you through the crowd, finding a place that wasn't as crowded as the middle of the dance floor, so you could dance properly and that was more towards the corner of the room. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer, his hips swaying together with yours to the rhythm of the music.
You placed your hands around his neck, his eyes never leaving yours. You smiled at him and threw your head back, your hair moving through the air like silk, the glitter on your collar bones and your face illuminating under the colorful lights, literally making you look like a fairy.
Farleigh swallowed hard and suddenly stopped moving and stepped back a little bit, making you look at him, confused.
He took your hand in his, the back of your facing up. He put some of the very familiar white powder on top of it, creating a single line. He put the rest of it in his pocket before he bent down and inhaled what was on your hand, his nose following the line smoothly. He threw his head back in what could only be described as pleasure. Your lips parted at the sight of him in that state, your desire to kiss him even bigger now. You needed him so much, your body feeling like it would explode from the desire and want for this curly headed man.
He looked down at your hand, stepped closer and smirked as he stuck out his tongue and licked the remaining powder, his tongue licking it in one quick motion, his eyes never leaving yours. You swallowed hard at his intense gaze, the room suddenly feeling 20 degrees hotter. A few seconds later he pulled you in and locked his lips with yours in a deep, passionate kiss filled with desire and need for each other.
You finally intertwined your fingers in his hair, pulling at the roots a little bit, earning a quiet moan from him. He cupped your face with his large hands, his tongue easily slipping inside your mouth. You couldn't believe what was happening, afraid to let go because you thought you would wake up and see that it was all just a dream. But it wasn't. His lips fit yours like they were made for each other, melting together. He broke the kiss and looked at you, his fingertip grazing your soft cheek, only now noticing the glitter on your cheekbones.
"You look like a fairy." He whispered more to himself than to you, but you heard him loud and clear. You smiled at him and wanted to look down at your feet but before you could do that, he placed his index finger under your chin and lifted your head up, your eyes meeting his again. 
"Wanna get out of here?" he asked, his fingers tucking another strand of hair behind your ear, his palm now resting on your cheek. You didn't even notice you leaned into his palm, feeling like it was made for holding your face. 
"Like you even have to ask." That was all you let out before he smirked and placed his hands on your hips, turning you around so you were in front of him as he led you through the crow, his hands never leaving your body. You couldn't tell how you felt at that very moment because it was all mixed. Nervous? Horny? Happy? You name it, it was all there, but what you wanted even more to be there were Farleigh's hands all over your body in the ways you only imagined in your head. 
You walked through the long hallway, passing some of the people until you reached the part of the house where Farleigh's room was at. Farleigh opened the door, his hand resting on your lower back, leading you into his room. You stepped inside and walked around a little bit, looking at some of the pictures he had hung on the walls, slightly unfamiliar to you. It was somehow weird how his room was exactly the way you imagined it. Every bit of it.
"You know I've always had a crush on you?" He said quietly, his voice a little bit more raspy than usual, probably because of all the yelling over the music. You turned around abruptly and locked eyes with him, his arms crossed on his chest, his back against the wooden door. 
"Yeah." he trailed off and took a step towards you, his arms now behind his back. "Every time I saw you I wanted to tell you how much I liked you and then Felix said something about how you would never go for me because I'm an idiot" you laughed a little bit at that part. "which is not far from the truth because sometimes I am, but still." he took a few more steps and now your bodies were almost touching. "god you're beautiful." you looked down at your feet again but he did exactly the same thing he did when you were still down there, he lifted up your chin with his index finger, his eyes looking directly into yours, it was like he was staring into your soul.
"I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to do this." he leaned down and kissed your lips in such a gentle way, his fingers gently grazing your cheek and then your jawline. "or this," he then placed a kiss on your cheek, on your jawline and followed that line until he reached your neck, his lips planting a kiss right on your sweet spot, instantly sending shivers down your spine. 
Your head fell back and you closed your eyes. your heart feeling as if it would jump out of your chest. You laid your hands on his arms, trying to hold onto something because you felt like your legs would give out at that very moment. You let out a quiet moan and felt him smirk against your neck, your hands finding their way to his curly hair. 
"Farleigh" you whispered and cupped his face, lifting his head up to see it before you smashed your lips against his in a desperate kiss. His tongue slipped inside your mouth, working around as his hands roamed all over your body, like they were trying to remember every single curve. His hands reached behind you to find the zipper, his fingers skillfully pulling it down, exposing your back to the cold air of his room. 
"May I?" He asked against your lips and the only thing you did was nod and move back a little bit so he could pull it down until it hit the floor, now pooling around your feet. "Fuck." he whispered and looked down, his teeth pulling on his bottom lip so hard it turned white. He lunged forward and picked you up, your legs wrapping instantly around his waist as he carried you to his bed and gently laid you down. You pulled him down for another kiss, your hands never leaving his face. His one hand cupped your covered breast while the other travelled slowly from your chest to your stomach, his fingers drawing invisible circles around your belly button, but they didn't stop there. He placed them just above your panties and then inside, moving them further down until he found what he was looking for. 
"Damn you're already wet and I've barely touched you." His finger slowly slipped inside of you, grazing the front side of your inner wall as he watched your lips part in pleasure. He repeated the movement a couple more times and then removed his finger from your body, a whine escaping your lips.
"Farleigh, I need you." you said desperately. your body squirming from how badly you wanted him. He chuckled quietly and moved off the bed, his hands grabbing your ankles as he pulled you closer to the foot of the bed. His fingers hooked under the sides of your panties, very slowly pulling them down, the cold air in the room hitting your bottom half. He got down on his knees and pulled you even closer, his lips planting a gentle kiss on your right inner thigh, then your left one, his hands resting on your legs. He leaned forward and blew slightly on your cunt, your body jumping at the sensation and your lips parting when he connected his lips to the place where you needed him the most. He gave your clit a few gentle licks before he started sucking on it and then went back to moving his tongue in figure eights all around your clit, grazing it every now and then. He could see how frustrating it was to you, him playing with you like that, teasing you but just seeing him down there, eating you out like his life depended on it, like you were his favourite candy turned you on even more. 
You arched your back and grabbed the sheets, your hips bucking up every now and then, desperate for something more. You were on the verge of tears because of how frustrated you were and Farleigh could see it but deep down he was enjoying it way too much. 
"Farleigh, please." you whimpered and then suddenly the cold air hit your bottom half again as Farleigh got up and took a few steps back. You propped yourself up on your elbows to see what he was doing and oh boy did you like what you saw. His fingers skillfully started unbuttoning that white shirt he had on, taking his time with it, especially the last few buttons but once he got to that last button and his shirt flew open, your breath hitched. It wasn't like you have never seen him shirtless before, this was different. This was for your eyes only. You bit your lip at the sight of him, his fingers unzipping his pants and pushing them down as he stepped out of them, now standing in front of you only in his boxers. Fuck he looked so damn good like that. That single light that was on in the room made his skin look even more beautiful, a few drops of sweat on his chest glisten in the light. 
"I like the sound of you begging, but I want you to cum when I'm inside of you." He trailed off, his voice somehow even deeper than usual, filled with lust and hunger. You sat up and unhooked your bra, now completely naked in front of him on his bed. He quickly took off his boxers, his cock now free, your mouth watering at the sight of him. He lunged forward and laid on top of you, your legs wrapping around his waist. He looked deep into your eyes, his hand stroking his cock a few times as he lined up with you and pressed his tip in breaching your cunt. "God, you're so fucking tight," he moaned, his hips pressing into you inch by inch until he was fully inside you, your walls hugging his cock nicely. 
"You ok?" he said gently, his body shaking a little bit. You could see that he was holding back but you needed him. You need him so desperately to move and to feel him fully.
"Please move, Farleigh:" That was all he needed to hear. He pulled his hips back almost all the way, only the tip of his cock resting inside of you before he slammed back in, earning a loud whimper from you. With each thrust he gave he hit that beautiful spot inside, your hands finding their way to his curly hair as you pulled on the roots making him throw his head back. 
With each thrust he was getting faster and harder and you suddenly felt that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
"C'mon baby, I can feel you squeezing me, let go for me" He moaned between his thrusts, focusing on hitting that beautiful spot inside. He gave you a few more of his hard thrusts and your body exploded around him, your orgasm tearing through your body, his name falling off his lips loudly. He fucked you through your orgasm but he didn't stop there, he wasn's stopping.
"Baby I know you can do more, c'mon, one more?" it didn't take long for that familiar feeling to appear again. You knew you would cum fast this time, especially with the brutal pace Farleigh has set. You dug your nails in his back and scratched him from his shoulder blades to his lower back when you felt your seconds orgasm washing over you, your legs shaking and your back arching. Just at the sight of you like that, cumming because of him and in how much pleasure you were in was enough to finally send Farleigh over the edge. He quickly pulled out of you, his hand stroking his cock at a fast pace. You quickly sat up and took him in your mouth, your hand stroking what you couldn't fit inside as you felt his sperm shoot down your throat, drinking every drop he gave you. You looked up at him and saw his head thrown back in pleasure, his lips parted and his torso flexed. It was easily the hottest thing you have ever seen in your life and you knew you would get to experience this whenever you wanted. 
He laid down on the bed beside you, both of you trying to catch your breath. He laid on your side to admire you, how beautiful you looked like this, freshly fucked. Somehow he couldn't believe what just happened. You turned your head and saw him stare at you, his lips curled up into a smile.
"What?" You asked quietly.
"I can't believe how beautiful you are and all mine." He placed his hand on your cheek, his thumb gently massaging it.
"Only yours."
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entirelysein-e · 2 months
『 Taking his virginity 』
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☼ synopsis: Satoru Gojo was a goddamn virgin and you were hellbent on testing your little theory before taking his innocence.
☼ character: Gojo
☼ wc: 3.8k
☼ cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, switch!Gojo, virginity loss, experienced reader, oral (reader giving), fingering, cum eating, creampie, overstimulation, aftercare
☼ notes: I gave this piece a little realism since not every first time is picture perfect and no one gets born a sex god. || sign up for my taglist here
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Gojo had been chasing after you ever since the day he met you, trying to impress you with everything he could think of. But when his money or the stories he told didn't work, he slowly lost it, trying to make you jealous instead by telling you how many women he takes back to his dorm and how they all scream his name. “I bet they scream because he can't find the clit.” You laughed softly at Shoko’s remark after the white haired man told you about his latest fling.
“That's not true. She squirted all over my cock,” Gojo fired back with a pout on his face as he crossed his arms defensively, but the both of you had to stifle a laugh. He clearly was no gentleman since they don't kiss and tell, but the way he always went over the line with his stories, making sure they were all graphic and detailed, made it hard to believe for you. Why would he tell his crush all that? He followed you around like a lost puppy dog that was begging for just a crumb of your attention and the way he blushed when you teased him never went by unnoticed either. Gojo Satoru was a goddamn virgin and you were hellbent on testing your little theory.
Studying was quickly forgotten when you straddled his lap while he just tried to explain something about cursed energy to you, but you were far too busy with your own little plan to listen. “Finally got to your senses?” He asked with a smug grin and shoved his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose to look at you just above the dark-tinted glasses. His confidence was as fake as in his previous bedroom stories and it was so apparent by how tense he got when you rested your hands on his chest, his heart almost beating out of his ribcage. His pale skin formed goosebumps when you cupped his cheek ever so gently. “Perhaps I have... Fuck me, Satoru,” you whispered into his ear just before you pressed open-mouthed kisses to his neck and you could feel a shudder run down his spine.
His hands were on your ass in an instant, kneading the globes eagerly, but it screamed insecurity to you. Slender fingers were kneading your flesh when you started grinding your hips against him. A breathless moan escaped his soft lips upon the sensation and his grip on your ass was painful enough to leave bruises. To make things worse for him, you were mewling his name so pretty right into his ear, your words leaving him breathless as he helped you to move your hips, meeting every roll of yours with a little upward thrust. “Just like that, butterfly,” he moaned out. The sensation of your clothed cunt so close to his cock made him lose his mind entirely and he just wanted to be inside of you, have you as his first.
When your lips met his, Gojo moaned into your mouth, giving you the perfect opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth and he held your hips close against his, aimlessly humping into you, but you bit his lip. “If you cum in your pants right now, I won't even think about sucking you off,” you warned him and his hips almost stilled instantly. His face and ears dusted pink when you caught onto him. It was torture to him, edging himself like this, but perhaps you're not just teasing him and he won't ever pass up on the feeling of your lips wrapping around his cock. Not when this very image was what caused many sleepless nights where he coated his hand in his own cum more than once. A single hiss left his lips when you started to grind your hips into his again, your breath hot against his neck as you marked his skin up with purple marks. It would be a lie to say that it didn't affect you, knowing that you make him feel so good and that you have him in your palm like putty. His cock feels delicious, even through your clothes. You were almost embarrassed by how soaked your panties were from a little dry humping, but you didn't take pity on his state, not until he admitted he’s a virgin. “Fuck. Can't you just use your mouth already?” He asked through gritted teeth and you moved your kisses to his jawline. “And with that stamina, you made women scream? Impatient asshole,” you teased and his eyes fluttered shut. He knew that you knew it was all a lie, but he wasn't ready to fall into your trap. “It's different with you,” he tried defending himself when you slowly got up from his lap and it took everything in him not to bend you over and bury his aching dick in your cunt. “It's different because it's an actual pussy grinding against you and not just your own hand for once, hm?” You asked and unbuttoned his shirt painfully slowly. “Please use your mouth. I'll do everything you want,” Gojo whispered the last part, feeling foolish for being so desperate, but it made you giggle.
“My eager little virgin,” you cooed and sank to your knees as he bit his own lip at how degrading it sounded to him, his hand slowly traveling into your hair to caress you. “Or am I wrong?” You asked as you unbuttoned his pants without pulling them down yet, until he shook his head. “No, no, you're not,” he said softly, nudging his pants down along with his underwear since you were taking too long for him. You were met with the prettiest cock, already leaking with pre-cum from his soft pink tip. “And you want me to be your first?” You asked, giving him the chance to stop this, fingers raking over his thighs before you pressed a single kiss to each of them. "Yes,” he smiled down at you, not believing his wet dream was about to become reality and you nodded softly as your kisses trailed further up to his hipbones, an impatient whine escaping him. “May I?” You asked him sweetly and looked up to him, but he couldn't answer anymore, gently guiding your head towards his tip, which made you laugh at how eager he was to experience this.
Gojo almost squeaked when your soft lips kissed the leaking tip of his cock, pre-cum already running down his shaft in small beads, but you had enough of the teasing, just wanting him to enjoy his first time now. Ever so gently, you wrapped your lips around his aching length and your longe immediately began to swirl around it, smoothing down any vein and ridge as you slowly sunk your head further down. When you looked up at him through your lashes, he was already far gone. His face contorted in pure bliss before he let his head fall back and his hands traveled to your head. He didn't push you further down, but he needed to hold onto you, feeling like you're sucking his soul out through his dick. When you hollowed out your cheeks for the first time, “fuuuck-” his groan was drawn out and you decided to take him further down your throat. That cocky bastard was indeed very well endowed and with some more practice, he would make women scream.
You barely managed to take his entire length, feeling him so far down your throat, but his sinful moan when your nose brushed the neatly trimmed hair at the base was worth the effort. His hands grabbed your hair tighter with every bop of your head, but it only made you moan. Your soft moans sent vibrations down his cock and that was all it took. Stuttered moans fell from his lips when he held your head in place, not wanting to lose the warmth of your mouth around him as his cum shot down your throat. Normally you would pull back and curse him for shoving your head further down and making you take his cum, but you let him have it this time. The poor virgin's legs were shaking violently in the aftermath of his orgasm when he slowly pulled back, a dust of crimson creeping up his neck, but it was quickly replaced with a cocky smirk. “You're such a good girl,” he praised, acting like someone in some poorly written porn, which made your eyes roll. “Next time, you better ask if the person sucking wants to swallow your cum.” You scolded him, your angry glare set right onto his face, but his cock twitched from your words.
“Can we skip foreplay?” He asked sheepishly, dying to experience your cunt wrapped so tightly around his cock, but you only raised your brows and your face fell quickly when you realized it wasn't a joke. “No?!” You snapped, stating the obvious, before taking your shirt off. His eyes almost fell out of his skull when your shirt landed on the ground and his lips were on you in a fraction of a second while eager hands worked to open your bra. A surprised moan slipped out of you when he managed to open your bra on the second try already and you could feel the smirk against your lips. Gojo’s large hands covered your boobs immediately, kneading them eagerly and you let him discover your body the way he wanted to. His kisses slowly wandered down your neck, giving it the same treatment you gave him earlier, sucking small marks onto your skin while leaving open-mouthed kisses behind. “You're so hot,” he breathed against your skin and you could feel how genuine he was. His cocky act was pushed aside. When his lips finally reached your chest, you were holding your breath, a single whimper slipping out when he wrapped his thin lips around one of your nipples while looking up at you to gauge your reaction. Upon seeing your eyes flutter shut and your hands burying themselves in his hair, he moaned content against your boobs, swiping his tongue over the pebbled nipple while his hand caressed the neglected breast until he switched sides.
He could do this forever, your boobs were so warm against him and the little noises you let out were all he ever needed - at least that's what he thought. "Toru, please... more,” you practically begged, certain that your panties would be drenched when he took them off, but Gojo didn't need to be told twice. Giving your boobs a kiss goodbye, his tongue trailed over your stomach to the hem of your pants. “May I?” He asked with a small smile on his face, repeating your own question from earlier to show that he learned from your scolding and asked for consent. A simple nod is all you could manage before slim fingers slowly pulled your pants down, leaving you behind in damp panties. Gojo might have been a virgin, but he held so much confidence if you let him just do his thing and it stole your words. “Let's lay down,” you suggested, feeling awkward since you were both still standing around at his desk, but Gojo agreed, gently picking you up to let you fall down on his messy bed, hovering halfway over you. He propped himself up on one arm while laying on his side, his other hand gently caressed your inner thighs, hoping you spread them further for him and you did. You didn't miss the gulp when his hand brushed against your soaked underwear, amazed by how wet you were for him - a little boost to his already far too big ego. “Please,” you begged breathlessly, unsure what exactly you were begging for, but you yearned to feel his fingers play with your wet pussy. Of course, Gojo flashed you the cockiest smile when you were begging him so desperately, but he didn't want to wait much longer either, so he hooked his slender fingers into the waistband of your panties and peeled them off of you. To help him, you lifted your hips ever so slightly and once the piece of fabric dropped to the floor next to the bed, Gojo was hovering above you, one of his knees placed between your thighs.
He didn't want you to see how nervous he felt, so he kissed you as his hands explored your body once again, but his tongue stopped caressing yours when the tips of his fingers touched your wet folds for the first time. “So wet for me, baby,” he cooed, masking his little shocked reaction, but you simply pulled him closer by the back of his neck to connect your lips once again. Clumsy fingers explored your pussy, sliding through your slit to smear your juices around before gently rubbing your labia. You had to stifle a small laughter when Gojo confidently massaged your labia minora as if he tried to start a fire with the friction. Not wanting to ruin the moment by speaking up and possibly embarrassing him, you gently reached between your bodies to guide his hand to where it's supposed to be, rewarding him with a soft moan. He picked up right away and gently rubbed circles onto your exposed clit until your legs started to shake slightly. His cock was so achingly hard from touching you that he could barely contain himself, but your pleasure was important to him, important to his pride, so he swiftly sank two fingers into you. Your back arched off the mattress at the sudden intrusion and your hands reached for his biceps just to hold onto something.
Gojo gasped when you clenched around his fingers for the first time, feeling just how tight and warm your little cunt was and he started fantasizing about how it would feel around his virgin cock. Would he even last long enough? He started to wonder as the pads of his fingers curled into your pussy - something he's seen in porn. “Fuck- just like that!” You whined out desperately before moans fell from your lips alongside praises. The moment your walls started to flutter around you, Gojo spat onto your clit and let his thumb rub it just like his palm did earlier. You had no idea where he learned it and truth be told, you didn't want to know where he picked that up from, but it was all you needed to tumble over the edge. Your walls gripped tightly onto his fingers as you moaned out his name like a lewd prayer, Satoru’s heart beating faster when he watched you orgasm just from his fingers. Once you came down from your high, you held onto his wrist with desperation, needing him to stop because you started to crave being stretched open by his cock.
When Gojo pulled his long fingers out of your wet cunt, he moaned, your juices staining the bedsheets where you laid and dripping off his fingers. Without thinking about it, he pushed his fingers between his lips to let his tongue get a taste of your sweet nectar and it was enough to make his cock twitch. “You taste so fucking good, butterfly,” the man between your thighs praised in a moan and the lewd scene made your pussy clench around nothing. “I'll make sure you come on my tongue next time, yeah?” He asked cocky and you had to get him down from his arrogant behavior. “Who said there would be a next time?” You asked, sounding rather pissed and he shook his head with a small chuckle. “If you allow me, that is,” he added with a wink that made you roll your eyes. He was so fucking cocky, but you also wanted to see him buried between your thighs, his blue eyes looking up at you while his tongue laps at your core like it's his last meal. You needed to see him drunk on your perfect little cunt, but right now you were dying to have his cock inside of you.
A single glare was shot at the white-haired man before you pulled him on top of your body again, your legs wrapping around his waist and he let his cock slide against your folds for the first time. Gojo’s eyes fell shut as he hissed. Your cunt felt so good against him like this and all he wanted to do was push inside to make you cum around his cock just like you did around his fingers, but your question took him off guard. “You sure you want this?” You asked, making sure he was still fully on board with this, seeing how absent his eyes looked for a moment, but he only nodded, letting his cock rub against your core once again. “You just feel so fucking good, is all,” he admitted, prodding at your needy entrance with his tip. His grip on his cock was almost painful when he lined himself up like that, but he waited for a sign - anything really that let him know he could push in - and then he felt the heels of your feet digging into his firm ass cheeks, making him push in with just one thrust.
Both of you moaned out when his hips were flush against yours, his cock buried so deep inside your awaiting cunt and Gojo almost blacked out.
Your pussy felt even better around his dick than he imagined, but you were so tight it almost hurt to move. “We can stay like this for a moment,” you whispered reassuringly, not trusting your voice to be any louder since your breathing was already ragged. Satoru nodded and his head dropped into the crook of your neck, lazily kissing your sensitive skin while he took deep breaths. Both of you knew he wouldn't last longer than a few seconds if he moved right now and you allowed him to do this at his own pace, not making fun of him or teasing him for once. “You feel so good, Satoru,” you whined out, his cock driving you insane just by being nestled inside of you and just as you slowly started to lose it, Gojo pulled out almost all the way before thrusting back inside, over and over again. His thrusts were sloppy and clearly inexperienced, but the way his tip was hitting all the right spots so deep inside of you made you moan his name, a lewd string of praise and profanities falling from your lips until he stilled after just a few more thrusts. “So close- fuck, I'm gonna-” he warned and you helped him by meeting his thrusts, silently assuring him that you want him to cum inside of you. “Oh fuck, butterfly,” his voice cracked when his hips humped yours, and his head dropped into the crook of your neck once again. His balls felt so heavy, tightening over and over again as his cock pumped you full of his release and you could swear that he's whimpering in your ear as he experienced his first orgasm inside of you and it felt so intense he had to pull out the second it was over.
He watched his cum flow out of your little hole and his first reaction was to stuff it back inside with his fingers, which caught you off guard. “Satoru, so good!” You whined loudly, still feeling so full with his cum inside of you, but the embarrassment and disappointment of not feeling you cum around his cock started to creep up on him. This was something he needed to feel, he felt like he might drop dead if he didn't have you wrapped around his length anymore, so he swiftly removed his fingers from your weeping cunt and lifted you onto his lap once he laid down.
The white-haired man's dick was still rock solid, his tip a deep shade of pink from all the stimulation, but his blue eyes connected with yours. “Please,” he begged and you sunk down on his overstimulated cock, almost feeling bad for him when he gritted his teeth as you sunk down. Your head immediately fell back at the way he filled you up now, the new angle letting him in so much deeper. His name felt heavenly on your tongue when you moaned it over and over, letting him hear how good he made you feel with his cock, but his ears were ringing from the overstimulation, yet he craved your tight cunt grinding and bouncing off his dick. In sheer desperation, he reached out to rub your clit, his thumb swiping over your little pearl as his other hand found its home on your ass, where he kneaded the flesh. And there it was - the fluttering of your walls - a telltale sign of your orgasm rippling through your body, which made Gojo moan breathless. Your cunt sucked him deeper while clenching down like a vice as you almost screamed his name when the knot in your stomach finally snapped, your hips erratically humped his cock and your vision blurred. Satoru had to stop rubbing your clit, his hand now grabbing onto your other butt cheek as he pumped another load deep inside of you before you collapsed onto his chest, almost unmoving while his balls kept pumping more of his seed into you until his orgasm finally ceased.
Both of you laid there, panting and none of you wanted to move or say anything. Gojo simply wrapped his arms around your upper body, slender fingers caressing the skin of your back as you gently kissed his jawline with sweet, almost innocent kisses. Your heartbeat matched his, beating strongly at a fast pace, but you eventually forced yourself up a little bit to look at him. One of your hands cupped his cheek gently. “You okay?” You asked caring, wanting to know if he's satisfied, if his first time was what he imagined and Gojo nodded with a breathless chuckle. “I'm so fucking okay,” he said enthusiastically and his smile was a genuine one this time. “Can we stay like this for a moment?” He asked immediately after, not wanting to let go of you just yet, but you nodded and rested your head back on his shoulder. "Hmm, for a moment, but we need to clean up eventually,” you mumbled into him before kissing his shoulder, and he nodded as he wrapped his arms around you again. “Perhaps we can take a shower together,” he mused, a grin dancing on his lips and you shook your head with a soft laugh before agreeing. Perhaps this was something you could get used to. Perhaps one day Gojo could call you his.
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Networks: @interstellar-inn @houseofsolisoccasum
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imnotjaesblog · 3 months
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"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so,"
Starring: Starring Jaehyun
GUYS I have been obsessed with this song. Sabrina got me obsessed just like the rest of the world. So of course I wrote a short fic loosely inspired by the song and music video.
Warnings: Smut. Jaehyun is an ass guy. Cursing. Y/n bites Jaehyun's lip and neck. Jaehyun is down bad for Y/n. Y/n is more of a dom but Jaehyun isn't shy.
Words: 5k
Breaks up were hard. But not when you’re on a beach in Italy with your friends. The fresh ocean breeze hit your cheeks as you walked along the beach searching for a spot to relax. The waves crashed in the distance. You could see from where you were standing the clear waters. Wrapped in a bathing suit cover-up and towel in hand you had found the perfect place to sit. You dug a small hole for your butt to fit comfortably for when you laid down.
You through the blanket laying it flat on the hot sand. Your friend came to your side. Eyes shielded with sunglasses, the same as yours. She placed the smaller cooler at the end of the blanket holding it down. Another one of your girlfriends appeared placing down two chairs and setting them up. Once she got comfortable beside you that’s when the rest of your friends showed up.
The remaining three guy friends walk towards you guys holding onto more chairs, an even bigger cooler, a speaker, and an umbrella. Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo all come to where you lay.
You picked up your sunglasses a bit to get a better look at the boys. Especially the one in the middle. Jung Jaehyun dressed in black swimming trunks and a white tank top. Hair pushed back and eyes framed with black sunglasses. The girls knew you were interested in him. The way you always perked up when he was around. Listening to his stories and laughing at his terrible jokes. You wanted him. But not in a romantic way. If it came to that, that was fine. But you craved him in such a bad way that felt so good.
And you were going to get him.
Jaehyun walked over to where you sat in the beach chair. He smiled at you just after letting Doyoung struggle to set up the beach umbrella. It shadowed over you. You took off your black shades placing them in your beach bag that Jaehyun so kindly carried for you.
“Jae,” you called. He turned to you. “Yea?” He asked. You were about to speak but the other boys started to shout.
“Let’s go!!!!” Jungwoo shouted as he ran to the water. Seulgi placed the speaker at the end of the blanket to keep it from flying. She watched Jungwoo run off. She smiled laughing as he flopped into the water. She briefly turned back to her phone pressing play on a playlist. Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. She looked over at you and Jaehyun.
"You guys coming?" she asked. You nodded, "In a minute," she nodded Wendy ran up to her side. Linking their arms together and turning away. The two girls that lay on the blanket stood up. They laughed following behind Jungwoo. Doyoung who was just finishing up putting sunscreen over every inch of his body placed the sunscreen down. He ran behind Jungwoo a huge excited smile on his lips.
The two of you watched them run off. You weren’t ready just yet to head to the water. Still taking in the sun and the beautiful man who sat beside you. You leaned back. Jaehyun followed after watching his friends jump into the cool water.
“Y/n,” he called. “Yea?” You asked eyes still focused on the water. He leaned up a bit. “Can I get something to drink?” He asked. You nodded touching his hand a bit. “A Coke for now is fine,” you said. He nodded leaning over to the cooler. He opened it taking out the can. He opened the can for you placing it in your cup holder.
“Jaehyun do you mind doing me a favor?” You asked. He nodded brows raised a bit in interest. You smiled pulling out the sunscreen from your bag. “Can you put this on me? I can’t reach my back,” you said slightly pouting your lips. He nodded taking the cream from your hands. He popped open the cap.
You sat forward standing up to remove the cover-up. You smirked as you undid the tie. Letting it drop and exposing your glowy body to Jaehyun. Body hugged in a brown two-piece bathing suit. Small ruffles at the end create a mini skirt. Your ass still popped out from the bottom but in such a cute way. Your top matches the skirt but could be removed to show more skin.
Jaehyun licked his lips. Eyeing your skin and all he could see was your back. You turned to him waving for him to follow. Moving to the spot you made on the blanket. Laying down arching your back a bit so your butt would perk out as you laid your stomach down. Jaehyun squirted some sunscreen on his palm. Rubbing the white cream together he brought his hands to your soft skin.
He started with your back. Following the curve of your spine. Rubbing into your skin. You closed your eyes a bit. Soft sounds leave your lips. Some were on accident because Jaehyun was doing so well and some were on purpose just to see his reactions. He cleared his throat a bit but continued. Bringing his hands down to your waist. Holding onto your skin. Hesitantly hovering over your plush skin. He looked over at you. You looked so relaxed. He smirked bringing his hands down to your thighs.
Jaehyun wasn’t stupid. He knew what you were doing. For the last week, you have throwing hints at him. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested. Every small touch and hug. Even the small pecks you placed on his cheek when you wanted to say thank you or goodbye. Jaehyun had taken each detail piecing them together. He liked the effort you were putting in, in your way. He tried to keep his cool around you but it was getting harder. Every peck he wanted to turn his cheek and kiss you.
When you stayed at his apartment and put on one of his shirts because “yours was dirty” and walked into the kitchen. Lifting yourself to reach something you didn’t even need. A glass cup when he had some placed on the table. No, you wanted the one high up. The one that caused you to stretch and have his shirt lifted. Watching as your black panties exposed themselves to him. It took everything in his power to hold back. He wanted nothing more than to lift you down. Push you up against the counter and take you from behind. Feeling the plush curve of your ass in his palm.
But instead, he grabbed the cup for you. Leaning his front against your back and handed it to you. He could see the slight defeat on your face. He chuckled a bit. He’d eventually have his way with you once you were ready and he was sure you wanted him just as badly as he wanted you.
So he rubbed the sunscreen into your thighs. Hands roaming a bit inching closer between the skin. You could feel the shadow of his hand inch closer to the heat between your legs. Jaehyun flicked between watching you and his hand. He wondered what would happen if let his intrusive thoughts win. Spread you apart, yank your bottoms off, and devour you on the beach. He had to hold back. His friends weren’t too far off. He looked up seeing them all still in the water. Both girls are on top of the boy's backs.
You looked back down at you. “Jaehyun,” you said softly. He hummed in response. He found himself relaxing while touching you. “You can touch me if you want,” you said back. He opened his eyes stopping his moments for a second. He continued quickly not wanting to worry you. “Touch you?” He asked. You nodded turning your head a bit. You held back your smirk.
“You seem hesitant,” you spoke words laced with lust. “Don’t be,” you said back. You turned back letting your chin fall in your hands. “I don’t mind if you touch me,” you said. Jaehyun couldn’t help the groan that left his lips. You finally let your smirk show. Biting back a few giggles. Jaehyun glided his hands up from your thighs and to your ass. He let out a low groan unable to rid of his lustful thoughts. His hands mold your skin and take in every detail. The curve of your ass. The soft plush skin molded so well in his hands. How the sweat formed from the sun. If he smacked your face the droplets would probably hit his skin.
He had to stop. He could feel his dick harden in his trunks. He quickly let go of you. He says back in his heels.
“All done?” You asked tone changing. Sounding very much like he wasn’t feeling you up. That’s the one thing he could never understand about this interaction. How every time you managed to act as if everything was normal. Like his hands on you was nothing out of the ordinary.
He nodded in response gulping. He leaned over picking up your coke can. He brought it to his lips. Drinking most of it. The coke slipped down the corner of his lips. Jaehyun stood up walking away from you but you called him back.
“Jaehyun,” you called teasing tone returning. He sighed wanting to leave before someone called him a pervert. He kept his back to you. Only turning slightly. You picked up the bottle. “You didn’t put any on,” you said back dangling the bottle in your hands. Jaehyun gritted his teeth. His feet dug into the hot sand. He wanted nothing more than to let your hands roam free on his body. But he couldn’t. Not with his friends right there who will probably question the tent in his pants.
He shook his head. He waved it off. “I’m okay. I’ll use the spray Jungwoo has,” he responded. You went to say something but he walked off. He went to Jungwoo’s bag quickly removing his tank and spraying himself. Rubbing the sunscreen into his skin he ran off to the water. He had to clear his mind.
You sat there watching as he ran off. You didn’t care that you couldn’t touch him. You had just enough of what you needed with him touching you. And with the small sounds and curses he was making the entire time you knew you had him. You smiled to yourself as you popped open the bottle to finish yourself off.
You had eventually made your way to the water. You removed your slippers leaving them by the blanket. You walked quickly over to the water. The hot sand burning your feet. You sighed in relief when your feet met the wet sand and soon the small waves came in. You could see your friends slashing water at each other. It made you smile as he walked further into the water.
Jaehyun noticed you come in closer. His smile fell a bit as he watched you. Hands floating on the surface of the water. The air in his lungs was trapped. You made eye contact with him. Small smile on your lips. He sent you a half smile before he turned back to splashing Wendy. You scoffed turning to attack Jungwoo.
Jungwoo innocently lifted you. You screamed as he lifted you in the air. Your laughter is caught by Jaehyun. You held onto your nose as Jungwoo through you into the water. You quickly came back up for air. Pushing the front of your soaked hair back and rubbing your eyes. You pushed Jungwoo causing him to fall over. Seulgi laughed at Jungwoo holding onto her stomach. Doyoung chuckled as well before he came back to shore.
You all followed feeling a bit hungry.
You all sat around eating the well-made sandwiches. Wrapped in warm towels and taking in the sun. The sun was just on the horizon when Jaehyun sat beside you. He smiled at you. Small drops of water fell from his hair.
“Towel?” You asked him. Trying to hand him yours. He shook his head. “It’s okay. I’ll dry off,” he said leaning back a bit. He squinted his eyes from the sun that appeared closer. Everyone watched as the sun began to set. You hummed feeling calm as the sky shifted from orange. When the sky was golden Jaehyun looked over at you.
Your skin glowing in the sunlight. The golden hour did you no justice. You looked so beautiful. No amount of light from the sun or moon could capture your beauty. When the sky shifted pink you turned to Jaehyun. Catching him staring at you. You smiled, “You're staring,” you comment. He didn’t even bother to pretend like he wasn’t.
“I couldn’t help it. You’re beautiful,” he said feeling a bit corny. But he couldn’t bite his tongue. He needed you to know how breathtaking you were to him. Your cheeks became a bit warm. You could feel the heart spread throughout your whole body. The towel becoming useless. You slid it off your shoulders. Jaehyun watched as you did.
When the sky shifted to light blue Doyoung stood up to take photos. He walked over to you and Jaehyun asking you to pose. The two of you did and the flash of the Polaroid camera caught you both by surprise.
“Can I take another?” He asked. The two of you nodded. Jaehyun coming even closer to you. Shifting his weight to sit right beside you. Thighs pressing against yours and strong arm wrapping around your shoulder. He pulled you in causing your head to lean a bit to him. You both smiled as the camera flashed. Doyoung handed the two of you the photos.
When the sky became dark blue Jungwoo laid back. Wendy followed and you laid your head on Jaehyun’a shoulder. An innocent act in a search for comfort and warmth. Jaehyun could feel the slight chills on both his skin and yours from the night breeze. He pulled you close as the two of you watched the waves crash.
When the sky turned completely dark you all decided to go back to the hotel. It had been a fun and exhausting day.
You walked into your room closing the door behind you. You made your way to the bathroom quickly undressing and getting into the shower. Once you had freshly showered you stepped out applying the creams and lotions you had left in the bathroom earlier in the day. Once you finished applying every cream to your face and body you stepped out the bathroom towel wrapped around your frame.
You walked over to your dresser pulling out your pajamas. A slip dress that fell just about your thighs. If you stretched upwards almost all your ass would be exposed. You made your way back to the front shutting off the light. Walking back to your bed you pulled back the covers. The sheets feel smooth against your shaved legs. You hummed relaxing a bit before you grabbed your phone. Opening it you noticed a notification from Jaehyun.
Jaehyun- What are you doing?
You- Just got into bed. Why?
Jaehyun- Just wanted to text you.
You smiled biting into your lip. You switched legs underneath the blanket. You let your mind wander. Feeling the ghost of his hands moving around your skin. Mixing with that feeling of waves throughout your body just after leaving the beach. The same waves flow down between your legs. The warmth of his hands so close to where you craved him.
Jaehyun- Are you asleep?
Y/n- No. I was just distracted
Jaehyun- With?
You decided this was another opportunity for you to play.
Y/n- You
Jaehyun- Oh really?
Y/n- Yes
Jaehyun- What are you thinking about?
Jaehyun knew what he was thinking about. All the times this whole week you’ve rubbed your ass against him when you passed him by. The blood rushed from his brain to his cock when he palmed your ass on the beach. The image of you lifting yourself on the counter to reach the stupid mug. He could feel himself start to sweat. The same returned and rose throughout his body.
Y/n- What it would have felt like if you touched me as I asked you to?
Now he felt the entire air in the room rise. His breath caught in his lungs. Eyes glued to your texts. Lips parted only licking them to try and regain focus. Failing to do so he couldn’t help but think how you would have felt. Would you have felt soft? Warm? Would you be wet? Would you let him taste you?
Jaehyun- Would you let me touch you if I asked?
Y/n- Would you hesitate?
Jaehyun- Never again.
His change in boldness had gone straight to your heat. Jaehyun had always rejected your touches in the kindest ways. Like he didn’t want to. You assumed that was the case because of the look on his face. His lip caught between his teeth and his eyes shut. Was that how he looked when he fucked? The heat went straight to your legs. You couldn’t wait any longer. You had to go see him.
You stood up walking over to your door. Slipping down in your slippers and robe. You closed your door and let it shut behind you. You walked down the hallway to the door diagonal from yours. You knocked on his door. You could hear some rustling from inside. The door opened exposing you to a desperate Jaehyun. He pulled you inside shutting the door behind you.
Pulling you close to his body and inches his lips to yours. Towering over your frame. You could feel his faint breaths on your lips. You held onto his biceps looking up into his eyes. His hands molding onto your waist. “No worries about our friendship?” You teased feeling him get closer to you. He shook his head.
“I’m not gonna hesitate,” he said lowly placing his lips on yours. Lips connecting and moving together. Soft and passionate his tongue slipped between your lips. Wandering hands moving from your waist to the curve of your ass. Molding the plush skin in his palms. He groaned into your mouth at the feeling of your front pressed against him. He pulled away turning you around. Bringing his veiny hands to your shoulders. Slipping the silly robe off your shoulders. Letting it pool at your feet.
“I can touch you right?” He asked lowly. Whispering in your ear. You nodded just wanting him to continue.
He leaned his lips to your exposed neck. Placing small pecks on your skin. The back of his hand grazed your shoulder. Nails dragging down your skin. Goosebumps rise with the hairs on the back of your neck. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do this,” he confessed growl leaving his lips. You smirked hand reaching up to play with the back of his dark hair. “Then why now?” You asked teasingly. “Because I can’t control myself anymore,” he kissed your jaw bringing his lips to your neck.
Bringing his hand further down lifting your dress up and over your head. He removed his shirt letting it fall to the ground. His hands quickly move back to your hot skin. Passing over your breast and to your heat. His tongue sucking on the skin of your neck just below your ear.
He could feel your exposed ass press against his cock. The feeling of your bottom half pantie-less and free. Spreading your legs with his hand. Hands moving to spread your folds. Taking your wetness coating his fingers. Unable to help himself from bringing his fingers to his lips. He sucked onto his digits humming at the sweet taste. How could you taste so good? You moaned at the feeling of his hardness against you. Wanting nothing more than to pull his cock out and have him fuck you in every inch of this hotel room.
He turned your back around. Feeling tortured enough without having you. He wouldn’t make it worse without being able to see you. He took in the sight of you. Pulling you close and lifting you. Wrapping your legs around his waist he walked the two of you to his bed. Laying you flat he kissed his way down. From your lips to your neck. Past the valley of your breast and the skin of your stomach. Sitting on his heels and dipping his head further down. Letting his legs fall straight. Using his hand to hold you down and the other to spread you apart. Spitting on your clit before diving in.
You moaned loudly hands reaching down to grab onto his hair. Gripped his locks and watched as he fucked himself into the mattress. His tongue moved fast against your clit. Moving his head back and forth underneath you. His nose rubbed against your clit when his tongue moved closer to your tight hole.
“Fuck,” you moaned bringing your other hand up to your breast. Toying with your breast. Jaehyun looked up mouth still sucking you dry. Reaching his free hand up to flick your nipple. Squeezing onto the skin. Your hips rutted against his face. He shut his eyes for a bit just taking in your taste and scent. Listening to the soft sounds that escaped your lips. Your back arched once he quickened his pace.
“That’s right baby. You’re doing so well for me,” he praised continuing his assaults on your pussy. Your head fell back. Thighs shaking between his face. You tasted too good for him to stop. Looking up at you and watching you fall apart. You looked too good to stop. He didn’t even notice his hips fucking the mattress underneath him. So lost in the feeling of bringing you to your high he lazily chased his own.
“Jaehyun I’m gonna cum,” you groaned feeling him slip his finger inside you. You could feel the knot in your stomach form. Back arching off the bed. Your hands tugged into Jaehyun’s locks screaming praises and curses.
“Jaehyun,” you moaned again. Your sound’s going straight to his head causing him to speed up. He continued to suck and lick quick circles on your clit. Eyes looking up seeing your entire body squirm under his touch. He smirked against you. “That’s right take it, baby,” he hushed a growl leaving his lips, returning to your pussy.
“Jaehyun I’m coming,” you screamed. Jaehyun picked up his pace bringing you closer to your high. Your entire body shuddered. Your stomach deflating as you released into his mouth. Jaehyun sucked up all of your juice even making sure to lick his fingers once he pulled them out.
Your body laid flat on his bed. Chest rising and falling. He chuckled taking in your sight again. “I’m doing that again,” he said happy smirk on his lips. You sat up pulling him into a soft kiss. You shook your head.
“Not after you fuck me first,” you said placing a hand on his chest from going any further. You pushed him back causing his back to hit the mattress. Grabbing onto the waist of his shorts. He lifted his ass making it easier for you to slide them down. Pealing his boxers back exposing his hard dick. The tip is red from rubbing it against the fabric. Peak cum leaking from the top falling on the trail of his stomach. You licked your lips zoning in on his cock.
Jaehyun watched your chest quickly rise up and down. Waiting for you to do something, anything. You bent down crawling forward and onto his lap. Throwing your leg over and straddling his waist. Since you got rid of that useless boyfriend you had all you could think about was riding Jaehyun’s cock. Even before you wasted your time on that boy you thought about. But something about Jaehyun being there for you was just so hot.
You grabbed onto his jaw having him face you as you aligned his dick at your entrance. His mouth fell open at just the feeling of hai tip ghost under your folds. You leaned down placing a passionate kiss on his pink lips. He kissed you back deepening the kiss. Placing a hand on your waist and pulling you close. You pulled back his bottom lip caught between your teeth. You let his plumped lip fall back into place. He groaned already feeling himself give more and more of himself to you.
Then you pushed his cock into you. The tip passes through your tight hole. His shaft slipped further and further inside you. You were so wet it drizzled down your leg. He could feel some of it getting onto his dick and it drove him crazy. He was tempted to reach down. Pick up the juice and lick it but instead groaned even louder when you bottomed out. You both let out sighs of relief. Jaehyun felt so right inside of you. Your bodies molded together as you tried to find a rhythm that worked for both of you.
Once you did you slowly moved your hips forward. Bouncing on his angry cock. Feeling so full with him underneath you. Getting lost in your own Euphoria Jaehyun reached up pulling you down. Causing you to open your eyes. “Focus here baby,” he said placing a kiss on your lips. You kissed him back until he pulled away. Teasing smirk and a dark look in his eyes.
“Fuck baby you're doing so well,” you praised. His brows furrowed and teeth sunk into his bottom lip. You moaned out loud head falling back. If you knew he would have felt this could you would have fucked him sooner. “Feel so full,” you moaned mouth falling open. Jaehyun groaned even more hearing you moan so loud for him. You smirked reaching down to run your fingers against his chest. Soon finding his neck. Jaehyun wasn’t going to let you choke him. So he grabbed onto you flipping you around.
He needed to be deeper inside you. Spreading your legs further apart. Aligning his wet cock at your entrance and ramming inside you hard. You moaned loudly head falling back onto the pillow. Gripping into the sheets. Mouth falling open unable to speak. Jaehyun’s head fell back. You were squeezing so good around him. Losing his mind inside your tight hole. This would not be the end for him.
You felt just as cold as he imagined. So wet and tight. His dick is warm inside your velvet walls. You continued to squeeze around his cock. He was big and long. Curving inside you and brushing past your sweet spot. You moaned loud eyes widened open and lips formed an o. He smirked enjoying making you fall apart underneath him. All the teasing and longing touches reaching up to now. Now he could finally have his way with you.
But you were in charge. You picked yourself up wrapping your hand around his neck. Fingings lacking with his dark black hair. Pulling onto his hair craning his neck back. He kept his hands on your waist. Fucking deep into your pussy. Leaning down and sucking on his neck. Jaehyun let out a moan. A moan he had been trying to hide.
Sweating pouring down your bodies. The heat picking up between the two of you. Both your shared moans echo inside the room. The bed shaking against the headboard. Both of you are lost in the euphoric feeling.
“You do so good baby,” Jaehyun praised through pants. He couldn’t hold on much longer. He felt himself coming closer and closer to his high. You moaned teeth sinking into his neck. He growled at the feeling of laying you back down. This time not wasting a second. Slamming his dick into hot and heavy. Bringing his finger to his mouth sucking on his digits before he brought them to your clit.
He could feel your juice soaking his dick as you came around him. Squeezing onto him tightly he bit onto his lip. His neck and ears turning bright red as he chased his high.
“Where can I ?” He asked groaning as you squeezed him again unable to control it. You looked up into his eyes. Your eyes glowing with mischief and love. You smirked, “Inside,” you said. Jaehyun could explode. You were so hot. He fucked into you harder. He let out an earthy groan as he spilled himself inside you. His thrust turned slow before he pulled out. Watching as your pussy oozed mixing your come with his.
He licked his lips as he pulled out. Watching your pussy glistening in his dim room. He wanted to ask to take a picture but decided not to. Keeping the memory in his mind.
You laid their fingers grazing over your sensitive skin. Jaehyun stood up walking off into the bathroom. Laying there looking at the ceiling you wore a dazed smile on your eyes with heavy eyes to match. When he returned he held a small towel in his hand. He came to your side unable to hide his smile. His cute dimples are on display. You chuckled a bit as he brought the towel closer cleaning you up.
Once he finished he threw the small towel in the trash. He came to your side pulling you close to him. He nuzzled his face in your neck. After sex, Jaehyun was so clingy you noted.
“It’s shocking to see you this way,” you commented looking a bit down at him. He looked up hand sliding across your exposed waist. He raised a brow cheek mushed against your stomach now. “What is?” He asked small pout. Your hand reached down to go through his hair. He hummed closing his eyes a bit.
“You’re usually glued to your phone. Antisocial,” you joked. He chuckled along with you. He shrugged, “I can’t do that around you. Especially now, I feel like I need to hold onto you so you don’t go,” he teased. You shook your head. Smile on your glossy lips. “I’m not going anywhere,” you said back more as a promise. You leaned up causing him to sit up. You touched his biceps. Eyeing him up and down before you looked back into his eyes.
He groaned, “You're gonna be the death of me,” he said. Causing a dark giggle to leave your chest before he made his way to you.
And like always. You kept him up all night.
End ;)
Thank you for reading this. I wrote this because of the Prada Show where Jaehyun looks absolutely delicious lol.
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Thank you for reading!
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
Hurricane - Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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summary: Bradley's regretted breaking off his relationship with you for months, but when he sees you walking into the country club after his round of golf, he knows he has to fix things.
a/n: I haven't written much angst before but I'm really trying to branch out a little bit. Inspired by Hurricane by Luke Combs, and also this weird recurring dream I keep having.
pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x reader
warnings/content: buckle up bc there's a lot? angst (happy ending), parental death, depression, hurt, cancer, goose's accident + carole's reaction, carole literally never getting over losing goose, bradley being a commitmentphobe, pregnancy (i think that's it?), also entirely unrealistic bc you know what? I can't keep roo sad for long.
word count: 3.6k
taglist: @avengersfan25, @nouis-bum, @floydsmuse, @mamachasesmayhem, @jessicab1991, @atarmychick007, @b-bradshaw, @djs8891
Then you rolled in with your hair in the wind Baby, without warning I was doin' alright but just your sight Had my heart stormin'
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Bradley narrowed his eyes beneath his sunglasses, the glare of the hot mid-morning sun harsh on his chocolate brown eyes. He grabbed his nine-iron from his golf bag, taking a practice swing before teeing up for his next shot. Bob, Jake, Reuben and Javy stood to the side behind him, watching as he lined up to take his shot. He hadn’t golfed in years, in fact, he’d only ever golfed a handful of times in his life, all of them back when he lived in Virginia. His uncle had taught him when he was 15, a welcome distraction when his mom became sick, and he’d gone out a few times when he was in college after a roommate of his on the school’s golf team had invited him out. He held his breath as he heard the club make contact with the small, white orb, watching as it soared through the air, disappearing somewhere onto the course. Jake let out an impressive whistle as he looked on, placing his hands on his hips as he shook his head in disbelief.
“You’ve never golfed before, Bradshaw? You sure?” He drawled, raising one of his manicured (though he’d deny it if asked) blonde eyebrows suspiciously.
“I told you, a handful of times. Not never.”
“You did say less than five,” Bob shrugged as he cleaned his glasses before replacing them on his nose. “Less than five suggests you haven’t really hit a course.”
“Not to mention you said in years. That was the swing of a man who’s at least hit a driving range a few times,” Reuben pointed out to the course in the general direction of where Bradley’s ball had landed as Javy, Bob and Jake nodded in agreement. 
“I wish Nat had tagged along, she wouldn’t ride my ass this hard,” Bradley huffed, shaking his head. 
“Nat doesn’t golf. You know that. She acted disgusted that I even asked,” Jake shrugged.
“Maybe it was how you asked,” Bob suggested as he disguised his jab at Jake as a helpful criticism.
 “Just take your turn, Robert,” Jake hissed, rolling his eyes dramatically as Bob smirked.
Bradley normally would have joined in with a quip of his own directed at Jake, but his heart just wasn’t in it. His heart wasn’t even in the game. The only reason why he’d agreed to go golfing with the guys for their usual monthly game was because you left him. He needed to get over you and move on - it’d been six months and with no deployments coming up, he had nothing to focus 100% of his attention onto. Reuben had noticed it first - Bradley was withdrawn on nights out, his usually chatterbox self now quiet, calm and keeping to himself, barely breaking eye contact with his beer bottle. Then came Natasha’s barrage of questions - he knew she meant well, but God, it was hard to listen to. 
He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he knew why you left. And it was entirely his fault. You’d gotten upset because he’d stopped spending as much time with you, kept getting cold feet about committing to your relationship. He’d never tell you why he couldn’t commit - it was too hard for him to explain to anyone, really. In fact, he was fairly confident that Reuben was the only other person aware of it. 
Bradley wanted to be the partner you needed - he really did. He wanted to be the doting, affectionate boyfriend who’d whisk you off somewhere beautiful, propose to you, start a family with 2.2 kids and a dog, cart the kids around to sports practices on weekends - the American dream. He knew you deserved that much. And yet, no matter how badly he wanted to give that to you - he couldn’t. He’d told you he didn’t want it - he didn’t want to get married, he didn’t want to have kids, he never wanted it. He watched you fall apart the minute the words left his mouth, and it killed him inside. He wanted to hold you close and tell you he was making a mistake, tell you it wasn’t true and he didn’t mean it, but he couldn’t. 
He couldn’t, because he was terrified. 
Growing up without his dad was one of the hardest things he could have experienced, he was sure of it. He was too young to truly remember how his mom reacted when she learned her husband had been killed in a training exercise, but he remembered her crying a lot, feeling paralyzed by loss and guilt, angry with the world for taking the man she loved away from her. He remembered as he grew up, she never remarried, never went on a date, never even as much as looked at another man. His dad was her everything, and losing him crushed her. 
When she got sick, Bradley was a teenager - old enough to understand what it meant for her, what her odds of recovery were, and old enough to be realistic about the future. When they found out she wasn’t going to get better, he’d half expected her to react the way she did when his dad died, but instead, she seemed almost at peace with the idea. She’d spent 14 years of her life missing his dad, and she knew that, even though she was horrified by the thought of leaving Bradley on his own, she wouldn’t have to spend another minute missing her husband.
Bradley decided then that he’d never want to put someone through that. He’d never be able to hurt someone he loved like this - leave them widowed before they turned 30, alone with a toddler at home to raise on the opposite side of the country from their family and friends, with nothing but a military pension and an apology over his death. 
It was at 16 years old that Bradley decided, if he wanted to become a pilot, he was going to have to spend life alone, and for the most part, he was ok with that. 
That was, until he met you.
He tried to deny his feelings, pretending you were just a casual fling, some fun sex here and there between deployments and missions and nothing more. That was, until three months in, he accidentally told you he loved you. It wasn’t a lie, he did love you, but it caught him off guard when he said it - he didn’t mean to blow his cover and let his guard down like that. And when you said it back? He knew it was game over. 
He tried his hardest to push his fears aside, he tried SO hard. He was getting older and beginning to realize he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life alone, especially as he neared the mandatory 20 years of service cutoff for aviators. He’d grown almost fond of the idea of settling down with you, seeing you with a ring on your finger, picturing you with a baby in you, his baby. He wanted it. He wanted all of it. But, the fears and anxiety he had reared its ugly head, and he couldn’t bring himself to get past it. 
It was on their last mission, when he had to eject and landed in the middle of a snowy mountain, unsure if he’d make it back home to you. His mind raced with thoughts of how you’d react if he didn’t make it home - how you’d crumple to the floor when you saw the two uniformed officers on your doorstep, the blood-curdling scream you’d let out in pain when you heard them say it, tears staining your pretty little face as you were handed that folded American flag - he couldn’t bear it. He couldn’t stand the idea of putting you through everything his mom had gone through. Not when you were so young and had everything ahead of you. When you could find a man who wasn’t putting his life in danger nearly every damn day, risking himself and risking a chance he might not come home to you. 
This golf trip was meant to take his mind off you. Reuben had mentioned it in passing to Jake and Bob, who exchanged worried looks with one another. Javy had overheard Nat’s line of questioning when he and Mickey returned to the table with a fresh round of beers, both of them offering Bradley silent looks of sympathy as they nodded in agreement to Nat’s advice. Bradley was struggling, in over his head with emotions and regret and sadness, but he knew he’d fucked it all up. And he knew that even if he tried, you wouldn’t want him back, and who could blame you? 
Bob had suggested he reach out to you and apologize, and for a while, Bradley considered it. He strongly considered calling you, going to your house, begging for forgiveness and begging you to take him back, but after how you reacted when he broke things off with you, he wouldn’t even take him back. He’d been a dick in every sense of the word, and now, he had to try and move on, adjusting to life without you in it. 
The next nine holes passed by with little conversation from Bradley and worried glances exchanged between his friends. He wasn’t in the mood for talking, he’d explain, shrugging the concern off before focusing back on the game. Bradley was thankful for his friends’ efforts, but it was beginning to feel like nothing would help him move on. 
He slumped down into a chair at a table in the country club after their round of golf, sipping back the beer Jake bought him. He caught himself downing the liquid quicker than he should have, but at this point, being drunk would at least provide him with that much needed numbness he craved. He could hear Bob bickering with Jake over golf scores and who truly won, prompting an eye roll from Javy as he pulled the crumpled scoresheets from his pocket and placed them on the table. Reuben noticed the glazed over look in Bradley’s eye and clapped a sympathetic hand down on his shoulder. 
Bradley was about to thank Reuben for being there for him when he saw your face. You were walking into the country club with a couple of your friends, laughing and smiling as you spoke. 
God, he loved that smile. 
He gulped back the rest of his drink before placing the glass back down on the table, the sound of Bradley slamming the glass down a little harder than he intended prompting Jake to spin his head around as he saw you.
“Oh..shit,” he murmured as Bob and Javy both turned to look discreetly towards you.
Bradley’s eyes widened as you walked past the bar, revealing a very unexpected new figure. He blinked his eyes a few times to ensure they weren’t playing tricks on him - positive that this had to be some kind of optical illusion or something. It was impossible. You couldn’t be.
“Pregnant.” Jake whispered as he leaned into the table, “She’s pregnant,”
“Did you know, Bradley?” Bob inquired as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
“N-no.” Bradley choked out, feeling the walls closing in around him as the room started to spin.
Without hesitation, Bradley rose from his seat and made his way over to you, despite the protests from Bob and Reuben, the two voices of reason to Javy and Jake’s voices of impulse. Bradley approached you cautiously, clearing his throat for a moment to garner your attention. You spun your head around, your cheeks rosy and your skin glowing with that pregnancy glow everyone always talked about. Bradley had never really believed in that kind of stuff, but you were proving him wrong. 
“Bradley?” you asked, your face paleing to a shade of ghostly white. 
“Can…can we talk, please? I need to talk to you,” Bradley rambled with desperation written on his face.
You huffed a sigh, nodding your head slowly as you excused yourself from your friends, who were now whispering and exchanging uncomfortable glances with one another. Bradley followed closely behind you as you stepped out into the fresh air, finding a discreet corner of the parking lot to discuss everything from the last six months. 
“I…Is it mine?” Bradley whispered, almost afraid to hear the answer as his eyes wandered to the bump that was evident under your sundress.
You sighed again, following Bradley’s gaze down to your abdomen, a protective hand resting on your bump as you nodded slowly, humming in confirmation.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He frowned, shaking his head quickly, “I-I, I would have helped you.”
“Bradley,” you said, narrowing your eyes and shaking your head quickly, “You told me you didn’t want this. You dumped me and told me you never wanted to settle down or have a family, you didn’t want to be with me anymore, and being in a long-term relationship wasn’t what you ever wanted. You told me you didn’t love me. So please, tell me why I should have told you?”
“Because,” he said softly, his heart aching as he heard your side of things, “I didn’t mean any of that. I was wrong.”
“Oh, you were wrong? Tell me, were you always wrong, or are you only wrong now that you’ve seen me six months later, heavily pregnant?” 
Bradley was speechless. He gazed down at his feet, kicking at the pavement in his golf cleats. He sighed as he thought for a moment, taking a second of quiet reflection to compose his thoughts before speaking. He wanted to get this right. He couldn’t afford to fuck it up again.
“I was always wrong. I was wrong when I said it, and I knew I was wrong,” he shook his head vigorously before looking up to meet your gaze, “Did I ever tell you about my mom?”
“You told me she died when you were a teenager, and you didn’t really mention anything else about her. Or anyone in your family, for that matter.”
“Right,” he nodded his head slowly, taking a deep breath before beginning to explain. “My dad died when I was 2. He was an RIO, a Radar Intercept Officer. You know Maverick, right?”
“Mhmm,” you nodded slowly, a look of annoyance flashing across your face as you listened to Bradley, you were used to his excuses, and you were really hoping this wasn’t another one. 
“So, Maverick was my dad’s pilot. Best friends. Did everything together. He was flying when my dad died, their plane lost control, had to eject, my dad hit the canopy. Died instantly.” Bradley paused, taking another deep breath as he felt himself getting choked up, “My mom, she, uh, she was really young. My dad was 25, my mom was 23. He was her high school sweetheart. She was devastated. I was too young to remember a lot, but I remember her hurting, and being sad all the time, unable to function some days because she just missed him so much,” he explained as tears began to roll down his cheeks.
“Bradley, I’m sorry,” you sighed, shaking your head as you sympathetically rubbed his bicep to comfort him.
“I just…when she died, she was…peaceful, I guess, because she knew she wouldn’t have to miss him anymore. She wouldn’t be lonely. She never remarried or dated after him, she couldn’t bring herself to. She’s buried with her wedding ring still on her finger. I couldn’t bring myself to take it off her,” he took another deep breath, exhaling sharply before looking up at you. 
“I couldn’t do that to you,” he finally said, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill over again, “I couldn’t leave you like my mom. Heartbroken and alone your whole life. She never moved on, and I didn’t want that for you if we got married. God, I would have given anything to marry you. I would have taken you to the courthouse and married you on the spot if you would have agreed to it. But, I couldn’t risk breaking your heart. Not like that.”
“Bradley, you’ve always come home in one piece,” you said softly, fingers still stroking his upper arm soothingly.
“But I almost didn’t. I had to eject and all I could think about was you getting that knock at the door and going through what she went through, and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do that to you, or��or to a baby.”
You shook your head, processing everything that Bradley had just said as he poured his heart out to you. He’d never opened up like this to you before, but you could tell each and every word was genuine. As much as you hated him for leaving you, you couldn’t deny that you still loved him with all of your heart. 
You missed him. 
You missed waking up to him after the two of you had fallen asleep watching a movie together. You missed the way he yelled at the tv when watching baseball, how passionate he got over football games, how he’d pick the olives out of his nachos like a toddler and put them on your plate. You missed how he couldn’t eat apples unless they were baked in a pie, how he’d scarf down an entire red velvet cake if you didn’t gently stop him, then regret it hours later. You missed the way his big brown eyes would stare at you, a look of pure adoration on his face like a lovesick puppy whenever you spoke to someone else, as if he was hanging on every single word that fell from your lips.
You burst into tears, throwing your arms tightly around Bradley as you shook your head. “God, you’re an idiot, you know that?” you murmured, laughing softly as you hugged him.
“I know, I’m the biggest idiot. I still would marry you if you let me. I wanted to have kids with you, I want to be around for this one,” he nodded, gesturing his hands at your bump. 
“Cross my heart,” Bradley said with an expression of complete seriousness on his face, “I wanna know everything about them. Everything. I wanna know what you’re having, what name you’ve picked out, what your cravings are, how you’ve been feeling, when they move, what does it feel like? I want to know how far along you are, and how they’re doing, if they have my nose or your nose, or if they’re gonna be tall like I am, I want to know what helps you sleep at night when you’re pregnant, and what their favourite song is. I want all of it, honey.”
“Ok, ok, slow down, breathe, Bradley,” you chuckled, shaking your head. “Take a walk with me?”
As you and Bradley walked around the pedestrian pathway on the golf course, smiling as you spoke fondly about the baby, answering all of Bradley’s questions. 
“Well, baby’s a girl, I don’t have a name in mind for her yet, I’ve been craving oranges and Sprite, anything sweet and citrusy. I’ve been ok, better now the morning sickness finally dissipated. It feels like bubbles or something when she kicks, it’s like a fluttering, almost? I’m 28 weeks along, so I have about three months left. She looked like she has your nose on the ultrasound, there’s a 50/50 chance on her height, I sleep pretty much sitting upright because I get bad heartburn otherwise, and I play her music all the time. She likes Elvis and The Beach Boys, just like her dad.” 
Bradley’s smile spread wide across his face, a small laugh of disbelief escaping his mouth as he nodded along with your words.
“That’s great. A girl? Really? You’re gonna have a daughter running around,” he said softly, almost as if he was daydreaming about what the little girl would look like.
“We are going to have a daughter.”
“You’re gonna let me be there? After everything?”
“Bradley, as much as I hated you for what you did and how you ended things - I never truly hated you. I loved you, more than anything. I still do.”
He held you tightly, burying his face into your hair as he kissed the top of your head, murmuring softly against your hair. 
“God, I love you so much, honey. I promise, I’m never going to do something stupid like that again.”
“I know you won’t,” you laughed, shaking your head as he looked down at you, “I know you’d never leave Carly and I again.”
Bradley froze in place for a moment as he stared at you, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. 
“What did you call her?”
“Carly. I thought, I don’t know, after you told me about your mom just now, I thought maybe you’d like to name the baby after her? Carole’s nice too, I just figured Carly gives her a name that’s her own too, they share the same root.”
“Carly,” he nodded slowly as he repeated it, “I love it.”
Bradley took your hand in his, his large fingers enveloping your hand as he held it tightly, as if he was terrified of letting go. He made that mistake once before, he wasn’t about to do it again. 
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norrizzandpia · 11 months
It’s Your Birthday. Of Course, I’m Here. (LN4)
Summary: It’s Lando’s birthday and Y/n can’t make it. Or so he thinks.
Warnings: language, Lando missing her gravely
Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUSBAND? I’m so in love with this man this is a national holiday.
“Are you boarding the plane?” Oscar asked Y/n from his side of the phone, his body turned away in the corner of hospitality.
Y/n, the girl murmuring a thank you to the flight attendant scanning her ticket, nodded with a smile, “Yes, I am. How is he? Does he know I’m coming?”
Oscar giggled, “Oh, no way. He’s been moping around all week because he thinks you won’t be here for his birthday. He doesn’t even want to go out on the night of his birthday! We’re in Vegas!”
Y/n laughed along with him, her heart slightly breaking for her boyfriend and his pity party, “Oh, no! Poor Lando. Well, hopefully, he’ll want to go out when he sees me.”
A mechanic tapping Oscar’s shoulder caused him to retreat from the conversation, “Yeah, exactly. Listen, I have to go, but text me when you land.”
Noises of agreement sounded from her as she said goodbye and hung up the phone. Oscar, standing awkwardly in front of his coworker, tried to seem nonchalant.
Jake smiled at him, “They need you in the garage.”
When he was about to walk past him, Jake grabbed Oscar’s arm, “Were you just talking to Y/n?”
Oscar’s heart dropped, plummeting to his feet when the surprise they had been planning for weeks was jeopardized. He shook his head immediately, “No. Not at all.”
Jake nodded slowly, “So, she’s not coming down here to surprise Lando for his birthday after telling him she couldn’t make it to that or the Vegas Grand Prix?”
Oscar sent him a confused look, “No.”
Stepping off the plane, Y/n felt her palms become slick with the sweat of her nerves. This part of the plan was the hardest, getting to where Lando was without being recognized. With her hood pulled up, sunglasses on, and a mask resting tightly over the bottom half of her face, she weaved her way through crowds of people. Some were wearing Formula 1 merchandise, a few papaya fans sticking out, which brought a small smile to her face in memory of the man she was on her way to see.
Flashes of his sad smile plagued her brain from when she had told him she wouldn’t be able to tag along with him to the Vegas GP like she usually did, missing his birthday in the midst. He had assured her it was okay after she explained that she had an important test for university she couldn’t miss, however Y/n could see it in the way his eyes glazed over that he was trying to hold back begging her to skip it. He was trying to be a good boyfriend, that much she could tell and that much she was grateful for, but after seeing how disappointed he became, his laugh not holding its usual luster, she went to the professor to beg herself. She had explained to him the situation, even “jokingly” offering him free F1 paddock tickets in exchange for letting her take the test at a later date. By some miracle, or more genuinely by her professor’s kindheartedness, he told her that, because her grade was so strong, he would allow her to take it the week after she came back from her weekend in Nevada. He had laughed, praised her devotion toward her boyfriend, and told her that he was a fan of Lando himself, rooting for his coming win every race. The man had been so accommodating, Y/n had almost cried in front of him in his office, but she settled for crying in the privacy of the bathroom down the hall.
After that, she called Oscar, the boy letting out a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t have to handle Lando without his girlfriend and agreeing to help her surprise him.
Then, like a sequence of events, things fell into place. The McLaren marketing team caught wind of their plan and forced them to allow them to videotape the entire event, mentioning how fans would obsess over new Y/n and Lando content.
So, she found herself sliding into the backseat of a private driver for McLaren workings, with their camera man, John, sitting beside her.
She had met him before, multiple times considering how much time he spent with Lando, so the atmosphere was already comfortable.
John turned on the camera, the red light flickering as he asked, “So, how are you feeling?”
She smiled, “Good, excited to see him.”
John chuckled, “And who is ‘him’? Explain to the fans what we are doing.”
Y/n nodded, picking at the fraying edges of Lando’s hoodie she was wearing, “I am surprising Lando for his birthday! I just got off the plane from Monaco, landed here in Las Vegas, and, now, we are on our way to drop my stuff off at the hotel and then get ready to go see him! Originally, I wasn’t supposed to come, obviously, because I had a test I needed to take for my class, but my teacher, being the sweetest person to grace this Earth, allowed me an extension.”
John hummed, “And how do you think he will react?”
She let her head fall back on the seat behind her, smiling to herself at her predictions, “I think he’ll probably freak out. He’s always one for drama, don’t think that will change this time around.”
The camera shook lightly with John’s laughter, the two giggling over the driver. They shook their heads and rambled on about past instances where he’d blown minor things out of proportion. Promptly, Y/n compared herself and the surprise in store as something minor, but John was quick to disagree.
“You are so far from minor to that boy.”
The Hiltons that McLaren always put their workers up at always amazed Y/n. Being a broke college student who had barely scraped enough money together to study abroad in Monaco, her jaw was always on the floor when she walked through the doors and was met with the crystal chandelier, the granite floors, and grand vases of beautiful, colorful tulips and roses. Nonetheless, she had gotten slightly used to it after being with Lando for two years. She would always remember the first time he brought her along to a race, her staying in his room with the gigantic balcony accompanied by a jacuzzi and pool. He had told her it wouldn’t be anything special, but was proved wrong when they were given keys to the penthouse. She had gawked and gasped, all things Lando laughed at, while wandering through the rooms.
That weekend was ingrained into her mind as the introduction to Lando’s world.
John, camera by his side, conversed with the concierge as he checked her into Lando’s room. They had to be incredibly sly. They knew once Y/n surprised him, Lando wouldn’t settle for anything but her sleeping in his room. So, they wanted to solve that problem earlier, having Y/n drop her bags off in his room before everything unraveled.
They just needed to make sure he wasn’t there.
They just needed to make sure they didn’t disturb anything in the room, hiding her bags in the closet and hoping for the best.
When the receptionist validated Y/n’s identity, she gave them a key to his room. It was silent in the elevator as they climbed the floors, only having it being cut when her phone buzzed.
She reached down and turned it over, seeing a text from Oscar.
“Shit!” She yelped, typing furiously over the keyboard in response.
John turned the camera on, not wanting a moment to go to waste, “What’s going on?”
She turned her head, looking at him in a panic, “They’re still in his room!”
Their faces dropped, hearts pounding, as the elevator doors dinged and began opening. Lando’s voice filtered through the doors, along with Oscar’s. The two men were bickering.
“Lando, you’re taking so fucking long! Move your ass!” Oscar said, annoyed and very clearly agitated.
Lando groaned, “I don’t want to go out! Leave me alone!”
John’s mouth was on the floor at the footage he was getting as Y/n and him slid into the penthouse, trying desperately to find a hiding place.
She picked up her suitcase, however heavy, and walked carefully down a separate hallway that seemed to lead to a closet.
The two were close to getting there, out of sight, when Lando’s footsteps sounded close to them, rapidly approaching their location.
“Did the elevator just open?! I heard it!”
Y/n held her breath as she and John ran like hell into the first room they could find, it being a guest bedroom. She locked the door, listening intently to whatever was unfolding on the other side.
Oscar seemed to be feet away from her, “No, mate, it fucking didn’t. Now, can we leave? We have your birthday dinner to go to!”
Lando scoffed, “Fine, but if there is an intruder in my room and they end up stealing all my stuff, you’re paying for it.”
Knowing it was Y/n and the cameraman, Oscar nodded along, “Sure, mate.”
The elevator dinged once more with the two of them ready for departure, Lando giving, “And, for the record, I don’t even know why we’re going to a dinner for my birthday. I told you my birthday won’t be the same without Y/n. I told you I didn’t want to celebrate it if she wasn’t here.”
Y/n could see Lando’s pouty demeanor in her head along with Oscar’s dismissive face as he retorted, “Uh huh.”
Thankfully, the rest of it all had gone smoothly. Dropping her things off after they left, getting ready, and getting to the restaurant all went according to plan.
In the last moments in the car before Lando was made aware of the things going on behind his back, John brought out the camera, “How you doing?”
Y/n nodded slowly, “Kind of nervous?” She giggled, shaking her head, “I don’t know. I just hope he didn’t catch on or anything.”
John blew a raspberry, “No way he did. I mean, that hotel thing was a super close call, but he didn’t know. I’m sure he doesn’t know.”
His words reassured her and, as they turned the corner with the destination seconds away, she said one last thing to the camera, “Lando, if you ever end up watching this, I don’t know if you watch these, I just want you to know I love you so much and I’m so proud of you and I hope you know I will stop at nothing to spend your birthday with you. You’re a fool for thinking I wouldn’t be here. I know I can say all of these things when I see you because I’m about to, but I think this just has a different impact. Plus it lets everybody know you’re mine. By the way, next time, take a shorter amount of time to get ready please. Jesus Christ, you gave me a heart attack earlier today when I had to run around your hotel room and find a hiding place because you wouldn’t leave.”
At that, the valet opened her door and she stepped out. John kept the footage going, knowing they would arrive at the grand finale any moment, and followed her into the establishment.
She walked up to the hostesses, the two women smiling back at her, “Hi, I’m here for the Norris reservation. I’m a bit late, I know, but I’m surprising the birthday boy.”
The workers’ faces lit up in realization, “Oh, you’re the girlfriend? His friend, the Australian, sorry I forgot his name, told us you would be coming. Right this way, miss.”
The brunette turned around and began walking toward the back, toward a private room. She made light conversation along the way, mentioning that Lando had spent the majority of their waiting for the table rambling about how much he wanted to call Y/n.
She was blushing by the time they stopped outside of the door that led to where the party was, thanking the woman for directing them and moving to face John.
“Ready?” She asked, looking at the camera to make sure that red light was blinking.
He nodded, “Always.”
She took a deep breath and opened the door lightly. Lando’s back was to her, Max, Oscar, and his parents facing her. She could tell they were trying to hold in their excitement as Lando retold a story about her and him getting ice cream one night at 3 AM. Their smiles were just barely being withheld from their faces as she waved to them softly and John stationed himself at an angle where the camera could see Lando’s reaction when he turned around.
He continued on, blissfully unaware of the girl behind him, “And then she said this really funny joke! Oh, crap, I can’t remember what it was. It was some cheesy dad joke about ice cream and I remember laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. Shit, what was it?”
A silence mulled over as he tried to remember, Y/n noticing her perfect cue, “I said, ‘why are popsicles so snobby?’ And you said you didn’t know, so I said, “they have a stick up their butt’. I’m pretty sure you did pee your pants laughing.”
She saw the way Lando’s hands tightened around the glass of water he was holding. He froze, “Am I going insane or is Y/n standing behind me?”
Cisca, the woman smiling from ear to ear, “She’s behind you, love.”
The glass came clattering down as he shot up from his chair and turned around wide-eyed.
“Y/N!” He screamed, running over to her and forcefully crashing into her, wrapping his arms tightly around her.
She laughed loudly as he kissed her neck aggressively, a thousand times over again. She let her arms intertwine around his neck and her hands tangle in his hair, whispering, “Happy birthday, baby. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I love you so much. You deserve all this and more.”
He pulled away, eyes glossy as he stared down at her and held her to him, “I missed you so much.”
She smiled back, “It’s only been a week, Lan.”
He scoffed, “Yeah, and that’s way too fucking long.”
She nodded as he leaned down and captured her lips with his, his friends whooping behind him teasingly.
He pecked her lips innocently, saving what he really wanted to do for the later part of the night, and led her to the table.
John and Y/n took their rightful seats, teeth on display at the success of their plan. John, being the perfect cameraman, continued to catch moments shared between the couple throughout the rest of the night. Lando’s hand interlocked with hers on the table, his kiss to her over the gift she got him, the way his hands securely held her hips on the side of the road while they waited for their car, the way he hugged her and whispered in her ear how happy he was to have her there with him, and everything in between.
Sweet, gentle instances that showed everyone just how in love the two were. Lando’s soft eyes resting on hers when she came into view was something that every fan couldn’t let go of the week later when it was posted. Everyone fawned over the two like they were destined to be together, fated in the stars.
Because they were and they always would be.
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01zfan · 4 months
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see you around | l. at
swim captain!anton x fem. reader | 5.3k words
ANTON SHOULD BE AT THE CLUBBBB. inspired by impossible mv party scenes and i was listening to kraftwerk the man machine album while making this so that’s the music i imagine playing at this party.
also this was a mix of two requests it was supposed to be a secret relationship type thing but it kinda ended up being a secret talking stage? idk i hope it's to your liking hehe.
see you around: part one | part two
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even early in the morning in the empty hallways you looked left and right anxiously, scared that someone was going to catch you. all it would take is someone going to an extremely early morning class or an extremely late night run for you to be caught. it was already awful that you had to sneak into anton’s building by entering while someone was leaving, and you had to ask the RA to scan their ID so you could operate the elevator. two people already knew you were here and even if they didn’t know who you were, you didn’t want the number to go any higher.
you settled deeper into the black hoodie, reaching your hand to the door again. before you could knock three more times, anton opened the door. he stood against the frame with a big smile on his face as he looked you up and down. you did your own once over of him, taking in his band tea, boxers, and slides. he started at your sunglasses despite it being dark outside, then wandered down to your face mask and lingered on your all black outfit.
“i like your hoodie.” anton touched his chin like he was in thought before pointing towards the hoodie that was a few sizes to big for you. “looks realllll familiar.” he says.
seeing anton laugh at you trying to be inconspicuous made you turn on your heel and start walking back the way you came. you couldn’t even make it a step before anton reached past the doorframe to grab your arm, pulling you into the darkness of his room.
immediately once you were inside he closed the door with his foot, bringing you in for a big hug. you smiled despite trying to seem angry, taking your time before wrapping your arms around his waist. he pulled away to kiss your forehead, taking your glasses off and pulling your mask down to your chin.
“i was about to come down and get you.” anton says before kissing your forehead again.
he rocked back and forth while still holding you, and you let your body sway with his. 
“you took too long.” you chide. 
anton still holds you as he walks further into his dorm. you pass by the things you’ve seen a million times at this point. his standing jewelry organizer beside his gundam figurines, his swimming medals that hung up on the wall, and the picture of his swim team and family that rested on top of his dresser all looked at you as you went deeper into his room.
you kick off your shoes while anton continued to walk backwards, the two of you don’t stop until the back of his legs hit the edge of his bed. anton tries to bring you down with him, but you separate his heavy arms from your body to take off the rest of your things. you can see his outline in the darkness of his room, how he sits down and looks up at you while you make yourself comfortable.
you take your sunglasses from anton’s hand and put it on his dresser, taking off your rings and mask to put them all in a neat pile. when you put your phone face down on the dresser you put the framed pictures of antons’ family and his swim team face down too. 
when you hear anton laugh you turn around. he’s leaned back on his arms, legs hung over the side of the bed as he watches your every move. he goes back to sitting upright to motion towards the photos.
“why do you always put those face down when you come over?” anton asks.
he knows why, and you know he knows it too. but you two have fallen into your own routine. like clockwork, you walk over to anton and stand between his legs so he can put his hand on your waist and look up at you again. he pinches the fabric of your black zip up between his fingers and you play with his soft hair.
“i don’t want them to see.” you say.
anton lets his hands go underneath your zip up and your shirt to feel the bare skin of your stomach. he pulls you a little closer and you let him, still playing with his hair casually.
“i thought you just came over here to cuddle?” anton asks innocently.
after hearing the sarcasm and seeing the glint in anton’s eye you laugh. each time it’s the same thing, the two of you going back and forth and each time it’s too amusing. maybe it’s the novelty of the situation, you sneaking into anton’s apartment so early in the morning it’s still considered late at night. even if you guys haven’t called this a relationship you’re stuck in a routine of domestic bliss. so as if on cue, you let your hand go deeper into anton’s hair until you pull at his scalp slightly.
“who comes over at four thirty in the morning just to cuddle?” you ask.
anton smiles and brings you closer, pressing a kiss to your clothed stomach. he pinches your skin underneath your clothes and you take your hands from his hair to pull down your zipper. you’re quick, too quick for someone who’s in this same situation seemingly every day. each time you’re in a rush to touch anton, and each time you end up stumbling in your haste. it’s comforting knowing anton is no better—he accidentally scratches your skin as he pulls down your black yoga pants.
“i’m sorry.” anton apologizes before you can even hiss from the pain.
he brings you close, his hands move down to cup your ass so he can kiss the part of your upper thigh where he scratched. it’s unnecessary, the pain was already gone but you let anton do it anyway. you just focus on getting your shirt off, letting it fall in the same pile with your jacket. 
when anton pulls away from placing soft kisses you push him by the shoulders until his back is on the bed. you step out of your yoga pants that pooled at your ankles to crawl onto him. you start to straddle anton’s legs and he gives you a smile as he continues backing up on the bed, you continue to straddle him, knees walking on the bed as you follow his every move. 
when he’s fully on the bed you press a hand to his broad chest.
“what time is your first class?” you ask.
even though you have anton’s whole schedule memorized, you still always ask. maybe you just like hearing his quiet breaths, how he tries to focus on your question. you let your hand drag down his body and he parts his lips to speak.
“ten.” anton answers.
when your hand goes to the waistband of his boxers anton looks at your lips. you sink down to kiss him the same time your hand pushes past his waistband. anton tenses underneath you and sighs into your mouth when you wrap a hand around his length.
“what time do you have practice today?” you ask.
you ask your question casually, reveling in the way anton is so distracted. when you squeeze around his dick anton sighs again, one of his hands go back to gripping your waist.
“eight pm. probably be done around ten.” anton jerks his hips up. “we have a meet tomorrow so it might run a little later.” he says rushed.
you hum at his answer, slowly pumping anton’s dick while he presses his body further into the mattress. precum that beads at his tip makes the job easy for you, and hearing the tiny whimpers and hisses slip past anton’s parted lips drives you to continue. 
“any plans after?” you say, picking up the speed of your hand. 
“i have a meeting with the head coach to talk about some people on team.” anton says while leaning his head back.
anton brings a hand to flex around your wrist, but he doesn’t stop your movements.
“such a good captain.” you kiss anton’s cheek gently. “any plans after that?” you ask.
anton bites his lip and shakes his head. one of anton’s hands moves to grip your ass and you arch into his hand to give him more. excitement tingles across your body when you see anton’s shoulder move so he can wedge his hand between your two bodies. he starts by pressing his hand flat against your bare stomach before slipping past the waistband of your panties. 
anton starts by touching your clit, pressing his index finger deep into the bundle of nerves. the near pain causes you to drop your head into his shoulder, breathing heavily into the fabric of his shirt. anton takes pity on you, puling away from your clit to spread your folds with his index finger while his middle finger feels for your hole. you are already wet, and anton teases you for it, letting his finger prod past your entrance before pulling back to gather more slick. you’re almost compelled to bite anton from frustration, how he plays with you while you’re giving him your all. you only whine into his chest, moving your hips to show him what you need.
“so impatient.” anton sighs.
he cranes his neck to kiss your forehead before finally putting his finger inside of you. already you feel that warmth pooling in the pit of your stomach, lapping the edges of your resolve like a gentle fire. you speed up your hand when you feel more of anton’s precum bead at his tip and he puts in another finger.
“slow down baby.” anton whines. 
he has to bite his lip to calm himself down. he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he gets another noise complaint.
“don’t wanna.” you whine back.
anton knows by now that you’re too stubborn, and he’s too desperate to actually make you slow down. so anton adds in another finger and bends them, picking up his pace to match you.
you and anton are chest to chest, trying to muffle the pitiful sounds you both make as you two bring eachother closer to insanity. anton feels you shake your head as you try to compose yourself. he opens his eyes just to try and see you laid against his body in just your bra and panties. your drool seeped through his shirt a long time ago, leaving a wet splotch underneath your cheek. anton just wishes you would turn your head so he can see your eyebrows cinch and your lips part before you cum.
“baby.” anton whimpers.
you turn immediately, eyes blown out as you still rest your head on his chest. your hands started staggering a long time ago, and anton makes up for it by lifting his hips off the bed to fuck your hand. the only thing anton needs you to do is keep letting the quiet moans fall from your parted lips as you look at him with your widened wet eyes.
“i’m close anton.” you say.
anton feels the tension in his stomach becoming nearly unbearable hearing the whiny lift in your voice. it drives anton to push his fingers deeper and faster inside of you. when he feels your hand loosen around his dick and your stomach tighten against his, he continues.
“me too.” anton says back.
you start quickly jerking anton off in his pants, and his hips still while he is suspended in the air. neither of you stop, so close but you’re just missing one more thing. you press your spare hand into the mattress to push yourself up far enough to press your lips to anton’s. 
the kiss quick and rushed, but feeling him push his tongue into your mouth without hesitation was the last thing you needed. your legs try to instinctually come together, but anton’s legs remain steady in keeping them apart. you moan into anton’s mouth, and he does the same to you. when you start shaking anton’s hand that was on your ass wraps across your body, pressing you more into him. the restriction only heightens your climax, and you break apart from anton’s lips so a full moan can fill the space of his room. anton brings your mouth back to his, so he can groan against your lips as his cum stains his boxers and glides down your knuckles. the image of it makes anton quickly rut up into your hand, desperate to give you more. for a moment both of you are tense from stimulation, your stiff bodies resting against eachother. then you both come back, you’re pulling away with puffy lips still sensitive all over.
anton rests into his sweaty imprint in the mattress and you slump on top of him. your now messy hand lets go of anton’s dick but still rests in his boxers. anton’s fingers in your cunt bend one more time before he pulls out of your underwear completely. you sigh, trying to roll off of anton but his arm keeps you in place.
“you don’t have any classes today right?” anton asks, still trying to catch his breath.
“no.” you say.
anton’s wet fingers play with your hand that lays unmoving on the mattress.
“stay here for the day?” when anton hears you draw in a breath he continues speaking. “atleast sleep here until i leave.” he reasons.
you don’t have to look at the time to know it’s almost five in the morning. sleep is creeping up on you, and the thought of making the trek back to your dorm while your legs still feel so weak seems impossible. so you sigh and rest more into anton, laying your head over his steady beating heart. his hand across your back loosens and his body underneath yours becomes relaxed.
you ended up sleeping until anton left to go to class. you woke up underneath the covers as anton was fully ready, taking his backpack from his chair to sling over his shoulder. when he saw you were awake he looked apologetic, getting on his knees on your side of the bed to rub your sleepy face.
“what time is it?” you were groggy, wiping your eyes as you looked for your phone.
“almost ten. i’m running late i didn’t want to wake you up with my alarm.” anton says.
you blink again, trying not to be blinded by the light that comes through the windows.
“so you just guessed when you were supposed to wake up?” you asked confused.
anton only shrugged his shoulders, looking at your eyebrows before rubbing out the crease. he smiled and pressed a kiss to your skin before getting up. he put his backpack on fully and was at his door after realizing he was really about to be late.
“feel free to stay as long as you want.” anton said.
“okay.” you were still tired, your voice was raspy when you spoke.
anton didn’t say goodbye before leaving. you both knew you’d be seeing eachother later anyway. you let yourself lay in bed a little longer, thinking about how you ruined your sleep schedule once again.
you were half tempted to stay in anton’s bed all day. he offered after all, and his bed somehow felt softer than yours. everything also smelled like him, his sheets, his pillow, his clothes that you ended up in. it felt like a perfect thursday to do absolutely nothing. but then your mind went to the party you promised giselle you would go to.
“parties are important.” you heard giselle’s voice so vividly as you imagined bailing out on her. you imagined that serious look in her eyes as she told you why you should go. “you need to relieve the stress of the week so you can go back to society on monday happy.” she said.
that would be giselle’s primary reason, declaring any day there was a party as the weekend. you agreed to some extent, that’s why you reluctantly put your clothes on and grabbed all your belongings before sneaking out of anton’s dorm. 
that’s also why you were dancing on sticky concrete in an abandoned dance hall on a thursday night. the eight am lecture you were probably going to skip tomorrow was in the back of your mind as the song changed. giselle opened her eyes only for a moment and smiled seeing you dance, pulling you closer to her as she turned around. at the same time your phone vibrated in your hand, making you look at your screen. the previous text messages of your conversation with anton lit up your face.
anton: went back to my room and you weren’t there :(
anton: no worries i just wanted to see you.
anton: are you going out tonight?
are you?
anton: i am now
you continued dancing against giselle as you responded to his message.
anton: what time are you leaving?
i’ll text you when i’m ready t|
“shit. i dropped my phone!” 
giselle yelled next to you and you could see her immediately look towards the crowd for her device. you used the open messages app like a flashlight, pointing your phone screen towards the ground to illuminate the dark floor. 
your phone was the only source of light in the party that wasn’t an annoying strobing light that did nothing but cast people’s faces red, deep blue, and white. both you and giselle squatted to the floor, disrupting the dancing throngs of people around you. you could heard the soles of peoples feet dragging against the concrete from down here, even the occasional sound of feet pulling from the sticky floor. people complained as you two disrupted their groove, feet lifting up to accommodate your crouched bodies. the two of you couldn’t be bothered as you waved your phone around.  
when your phone’s white light caught on the back of giselle’s phone case you tapped her shoulder.
“there it is.” you pointed towards giselle’s phone and she picked it up from the ground quickly, turning it on and wiping the screen with a disgusted look on her face. “any cracks?” you asked.
giselle shook her head before sliding her phone into her back pocket.
“no, thank god.” she said.
before you could turn off your own phone and try to enjoy the loud party around you, giselle took a quick peak at your screen. instantly you saw that stupid knowing smile across her face once she saw who you were texting. you turned off your phone immediately and held up your finger before she could speak.
“don’t even.” you said.
giselle laughed and shrugged her shoulders. that was her way of telling you it was basically your fault for having your phone brightness all the way up. you were practically begging her to look at your phone and bring up the fact you were texting anton.
“i wasn’t even going to say anything.” when the dj—or the glorified aux—finishes one terrible song to do a terrible transition into another giselle crosses her arms. you turn from the staircase to mirror giselle, both of you watching the booth and the people dancing in amazement. after a second giselle leans to you with a smile on her face. “i was just going to ask if your little shadow was coming.” she says.
you try to ignore giselle, you really try to. you try not to mention your little shadow, the one that spent the better half of three years pining after you. at first it wasn’t obvious, you guys were two people who just happened to get along very well. but over time, the playful banter turned into flirting and you started acting oblivious. 
when anton’s advances started getting bolder and everyone started finding out you denied it more and more. you denied it to giselle, you denied it to anton’s friends and curious onlookers—you even denied it straight to anton’s face. but when you were with him in his dorm with no friends to hide behind, things came to light. but you two didn’t sit the other down to have a meaningful conversation about your relationship. instead you two communicated with your bodies and quiet hushed sounds. deep lingering kisses unveiled anton’s crush and your whimpers told him you felt the same. anton didn’t hear you speak for the next two hours until you got dressed a little to fast and headed for his door. just when he was about to call out to you, begging you to stay you turned your head around to face him. 
“don’t tell anyone about this.” you said.
anton nodded, wanting to show you he was a good listener so you would come back. before you could walk out the door he said one more thing too.
“can i take you out on a date later?” he asked.
you hesitated before leaving, but you walked out his door and closed it behind you. anton started slumping in his bed, distraught that he ruined his one chance with you. but then his phone vibrated next to him and he was a little too fast reaching for it.
yes you can.
ever since then, you and anton have been stuck in a limbo. you hated the dating scene, especially the one in college, so you refrained from calling what you and anton had as dating. all you knew was that you two were exclusive, you guys hung out whenever you two had free time, and you guys had your numbers saved in eachothers phones with little hearts next to them. you also knew that no one else knew about it, and you wanted to keep it that way.
“anton never comes to these things” giselle said.
even in the darkness giselle could tell you were scanning the crowd. she opened her eyes only for a moment before going back to dancing to the new song while you only swayed. you watched the lights roam and flash over the cluster of people dancing like a spotlight, occasionally shining on people’s faces. each face that was illuminated looked unfamiliar, but they almost all had their eyes closed and their hands up, letting the music guide their movements. 
you shook your head, turning to face giselle. before you could lean over into her ear to yell about how you weren’t looking for anton, the words were caught in your throat.
both you and anton saw eachother at the same time. you would’ve wished to see him first—it was the main reason why you stayed at a certain part of the dance floor. your spot on the outskirts near the wall gave you a perfect view of the staircase where the entrance was. even if you had to stand next to the stained mattress where a couple made out it gave you a vantage point. he came through the door with his eyes already scanning the crowd, disguised as him trying to find the vibe of the party. but when he found you he kept eye contact, smiling so subtle you knew no one else saw it.
with anton looking at you, and the electronic music playing around you infinity felt distilled. he paused at the top of the stars when you felt another flashing strobe light illuminate your face. you remained dancing, suddenly matching the pumping energy of the people around you—but your eyes stayed on anton. he had to be pushed by his friends behind him before he broke away from you, flashing a smile over his shoulder before finally continuing down the staircase.
you continued following anton down the stairs, watching him greet almost every single person on the way down. at each step he was dapping someone up, getting pulled in for an embrace as he smiled big. his posse followed behind him doing the same except louder. people came in behind them had to wait for the big crowd to make it down the stairs, but anton couldn’t be bothered. he even stopped for a quick conversation in the middle of the staircase, turning his head so some girl could talk directly into his ear. you saw anton listen carefully, probably straining to hear their voice over the blasting music. when he was done he nodded and did the same, speaked with his hands as he yelled in the girls ear. when he was done he didn’t linger, only giving his signature smile and looking towards you before you had the chance to look away. 
you believe anton’s confidence came with becoming swim captain. being regarded as the best at anything in college automatically made you “popular”, as if that meant anything outside of high school. but winning awards for your university gave anton enough cool points that he was able to go into any party and be known by everyone, and his easygoing personality made everyone greet him. the fact that he didn’t come out to often made his attendance all the more special. even in the dark dance hall you could see the shock on people’s faces and the casual shrug anton did said i’m here, aren’t you happy? everyone loved him. you almost thought that the dj was going to stop the music to have everyone on the dance floor welcome anton and chant his name to celebrate his recent win. but it was cool and relaxed, that’s how anton was now.
when he made it to the end of the stairs anton and his friends disappeared into the crowd of dancers. you finally let your gaze drop back down to giselle, whose eyes have been closed for the past god knows how long as she danced to the music.
both you and giselle laughed as she danced against you. too many times in the night you guys would end up like this, getting lost in the music while your bodies pressed against eachother. anton came into your line of sight, standing in front of the staircase while talking to his friends. he chatted with them and you continued dancing with your friend, but the two of you kept holding eye contact. anton’s stares lingered while his friends talked directly to him, replying at the last second or when his friends bump him. giselle turns back to you and you look down at her without missing a beat. when giselle turns you around so you can dance on her, you try to not think about anton watching you.
“i’m going to go request a song. i’ll be back.” giselle said in your ear.
you turned back around but before you could respond giselle left you on the outskirts of the dance floor as she went in deep to get to the booth. you still felt the music, moving along as you followed giselle’s head through the crowd.
you were focused on your friend when anton came up to you. he didn’t have to timidly tap your shoulder when no one else was around. surrounded by people at party it oddly felt like it was just the two of you, so he touched you the way he always did. he let his arm wrap around your tricep, and he saw your hand immediately go over his and squeeze it. you kept your eyes on the dance floor for a second longer before turning to anton with that bright smile on your face. he smiled too, even when a red strobe light blinded him.
“i like your beanie.” your hand went up to mess with the thick hat, feeling anton’s wet hair touch your hand. “did you just finish practice?” you asked.
anton nodded his head before turning slightly so he could kiss the hand that was almost playing with his hair. you instantly brought your hand down and scowled at anton, looking around to see if anyone saw. he smiled back at you and his hands went to your hips to feel your rhythm.
“my friends are getting me a drink.” anton’s eyes went to the middle of the dance floor. “and giselle is preoccupied.”
you turned to see giselle lost in the moment as she continued to dance. with everyone focused on different things you could focus on anton. you liked feeling his hands on you in public, and you liked seeing the lights illuminate different parts of his face. he came in a little closer, craning his neck towards your ear so you could hear him.
“i missed you.” anton said.
you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. sometimes you think anton said corny things on purpose just to annoy you or make you cringe. he tried so hard to woo you with the stoic persona he created to try and finally get a chance with you. he tried approaching you like you were on the swim team, trying to dap you up for years like you were one of the guys. once you finally gave anton a chance the facade crumbled. he wasn’t casual about anything, evident in the way he got mushy at the drop of the hat wherever and whenever. 
you leaned close to him, feeling his fingers hook around your belt loops to keep you there.
“you saw me earlier today.” you pulled away for a second before going back in. “well you did more than see me actually.” you said back.
anton’s grip on your belt loops tightened at the recollection of this morning. you guys were at a difficult point in your relationship—if you could even call it that. after you had given anton a chance all those months ago you two had gone on a couple dates but it mainly was about the alone time you spent together in eachothers dorms. anton wondered how long you guys would sneak around before you finally let this become official. 
the music dropped, filling the room with complete silence. anton spoke straight to your face, trying to see what reaction you would give him.
“you enjoyed it though right?” anton tilted his head as he spoke. “especially when i did that thing you like.” he said.
anton said it as confidently as he could, a smirk stretching his lips. now it was your turn to stiffen as you remembered this morning. when you and anton collided, it was always hard to remember all the details. maybe it was your mind trying to save some of your dignity—the way you called for anton in your moments of desperation made you almost cringe in embarrassment. but when you were face to face with the reason you were desperate he was practically forcing you to remember. anton’s strong body underneath you, his arms rippling underneath your iron grip. everything flooding back made you shyly duck your head, and anton had to smirk to try and hide the heat creeping up to his ears that were tucked into his beanie.
you were saved by the music resuming. instead of responding to anton you let the deep synth made your hands go up, feeling each beat and the rest of your body followed the baseline. the synth made anton feel different, he kept both hands on you as you turned around to continue feeling for the music. without saying a word you came close to him, and he kept a hand on your hip to guide you backwards. 
the flashing strobe lights syncing up with the music and anton’s chest against your back made you feel the music even more. the entire party danced, even the people on the stairs too cool to do anything else nodded their heads and swayed their bodies. the drink in your hand was taken by anton, you turned around to make eye contact. he kept his eyes locked on you as he tipped your cup back, holding your drink for you so you could dance freely. 
you looked around for giselle, she had found someone to dance with closer to the center of the floor. you laughed to yourself before trying to emulate her, bouncing a little more and embracing the music to its fullest. from behind you anton leaned forward, until his breath fanned your hair and his chin almost rested on your shoulder.
“not too obvious right?” anton said.
even speaking at full volume felt like a whisper from the loud music, but you heard him clearly. you shook your head, speaking straight forward as you continued to dance.
“i dance with everyone.” you said.
“even like this?” anton asked.
when he pulled you by your belt loops until your hips were flush with his, he let his parted lips ghost over the skin of your neck. one of his hands creeped upwards, resting on the exposed skin from your crop top. you let your shirt ride up a little higher when you put your hands up, still moving them with the beat.
as if on cue, the song ended. you pulled away from anton before giselle could notice, taking your drink back from his hands. you saw his friends approaching from behind as giselle started making her way back through the crowd towards you. you had to manually detach antons hands from your body, placing them at his sides as you turned to face him.
“see you around, anton.” you said, patting his cheek.
when the light flashed on anton’s face again you could see red tint across his cheeks.
“still gonna text me when you’re leaving?” anton asked.
anton said it underneath the loud music, but you heard him clearly. you nodded your head as you started heading towards your friend. anton still stared at your back as you walked away deeper to the dance floor, not turning back towards his friends until they handed him his drink.
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little-diable · 5 months
The setting sun - Dean Winchester (smut)
Writing for Dean is like therapy, simply the best. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Dean and the reader meet at a festival, a night that ends with Baby's windows fogged up and their exhausted bodies searching one another's closeness.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, oral (f and m), car smut
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader (1.6k words)
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Music echoed through the evening, ringing in her ears as she moved her body to it. Her friends were standing close, eyes focused on the open-air stage, singing the lyrics to the songs they had all listened to for the past months. The sun was close to setting, drenching the sky in a pale orange-pink mixture, adding to the calm atmosphere. 
“We’ll grab some more drinks, do you want to wait here for us?” Katy, one of her friends, turned towards (y/n), shooting her a tipsy grin that left them all chuckling. (Y/n) nodded her head as she watched her friends leave, allowing herself to relax for a few moments. She loved being around them and was grateful that they managed to lure her out of her comfort zone every now and then, but nevertheless, she needed some calmer moments to herself. 
(Y/n)’s eyes found their way back towards the stage, she lifted her sunglasses to let the warm breeze stroke her features. For a moment or two, her eyes fluttered close, deeply exhaling to let go of the tension sticking to her whenever she was surrounded by a crowd this big. 
But before (y/n) could even begin to understand what was happening, she felt herself stumbling, pushed from her spot by the broad frame of a man. She needed a second to collect herself, ready to stand up for herself, but as her eyes met his green apologetic ones, (y/n) forgot the words she had prepared to speak. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. Are you okay?” His concerned voice wrapped itself around her, smooth like the whisky she had poured down her throat a while ago, yet stronger than the alcohol still buzzing through her veins. 
“Yeah, it's alright.” The smile she shot him managed to make one grow on his lips. They kept holding eye contact, allowing (y/n) to take in his handsome features. Freckles covered his nose and cheeks, a perfect match to the eyes filled with a colour so rich, (y/n) was sure he had stored the universe’s every secret in them. 
“What’s your name?” She found herself pressed closer to him as a group pushed past them, momentarily looking at them as his hand found her waist, seemingly trying to stabilise her. His hand felt warm against her shirt, managing to burn through the fabric as if he were the rising sun, set on guiding her through her day. 
“(Y/n), yours?" Not once had she felt such a pull deep inside of her, not daring to move away from the man who had undoubtedly spoken some kind of spell to keep her mesmerized by him. His thumb softly stroked the fabric of her shirt, a movement that would have normally managed to rip her out of her trance, not daring to be touched like this by a stranger. But with him it was different, with him it was everything she didn’t know she had craved.
“Dean.” Neither of them managed to break eye contact, no longer able to listen to the music filling the air, no longer able to concentrate on the people surrounding them. “Are you here on your own?”
“No, I came with some friends, they left to get some more drinks.” She finally managed to rip herself out of their intense eye contact, looking around to watch her friends approach with a tall stranger in tow. “There they are.” 
“Seems like they found my brother, Sam.” 
“Normally I wouldn’t do this.” Her whispers turned into a moan halfway through, eyes fluttering close as she was pressed against the leather seat of Dean’s car. 
“What? Let a stranger fuck you in the backseat of his car?” Dean’s words were murmured against her naked chest, lips kissing their way down her stomach. (Y/n) could barely remember how they had ended up here, with Dean hovering over her, with the darkness swallowing them wholly. She could only remember how he had lured her away from the group, watching one of her friends get lost in a kiss with Sam, giving Dean and (y/n) the chance to bail on them for a while. 
“Well, yeah.” Both chuckled in unison as her breathy reply left her. Dean’s skilled fingers undid the buttons of her trousers, tapping her waist to wordlessly ask (y/n) to raise her hips. The groan clawing through him left her shuddering, fighting against the need to press her thighs together. 
“Fuck, you’re a sight for sore eyes, sweetheart.” Dean’s raspy voice drew a moan from her parted lips. (Y/n)’s eyes rolled back into her head as his warm breath clashed against her arousal-covered folds, making goosebumps rise on her skin. She arched her back off the leather seat as Dean ate her out, sucking on her pulsing bundle while fucking her with two fingers curled against her sweet spot. 
Dean knew what he was doing, he knew how to touch (y/n) for her to see stars, and yet she was aching for more, needing to feel her lips wrapped around his cock. With another shaky exhale leaving her, she gently pushed Dean away to sit back up. 
“My turn.” She didn’t need to speak another word – with a grin that could make God blush glued to his lips, Dean shifted around to lean against the door, while freeing his cock. Her tongue ran along her lower lip in excitement, studying the handsome man she was about to go down on, finally able to map out his body. 
“Go on.” His hand found her hair as she positioned herself, tongue darting out to lick his precum-covered tip. (Y/n)’s glassy eyes flickered up to meet Dean’s, getting lost in the richest green she had ever been fortunate enough to see. There was something to Dean she couldn’t pinpoint, something that left her confused and intrigued at once. But no matter what it was, she wanted to be close to him, wanted him to feel the same excitement she was held hostage by. 
“Open up, you can take more, can’t you, baby?" Dean’s words rang in (y/n)’s ears as she swallowed more of him, choking around him with tears dripping from her eyes. It was messy, exactly what Dean had been desperate for, needing to feel her eager mouth around his cock, pushing him closer to the edge before he’d fuck her. “Look at you, so eager for my cock. I can’t wait to see your cunt taking my cock.” 
(Y/n) moaned around him at his promises, walls clenching around nothing. His words seemed to urge both of them on, making Dean pull her off his cock to shift her around once again. No words were spoken between them as Dean reached for a condom, staring down at (y/n) with excitement swimming in his pupils. 
“Let me.” (Y/n) took the condom from him to roll it down his length, squeezing him once again before plopping back down on the seat. Dean dipped his head down to kiss her, while aligning himself with her tightness, slowly pushing into her. Moans clawed through them at the new sensation, sounds that wordlessly managed to communicate their longings, the need to be close to one another even though they only met a few hours ago. 
“Dean,” she choked on his name. “Don’t hold back, fuck me, please.”
His raspy chuckles filled the already fogged-up Impala, allowing him to add more speed to his thrusts, set on burying himself deep inside of her. Lust was swimming in both their eyes, a longing so addicting, that both feared they’d lose themselves in it. It was calling for them, luring them into its dark trap that would keep the two connected for longer than planned. 
Hours ago both had begun to realise that tonight wouldn’t end with a simple fuck, this was something more, something keeping them connected for months on end. Perhaps even years.
“Don’t hold back, sweetheart, let me hear you.” His thrusts met that spot again, making black spots appear in her vision while her hand was pressed against the foggy window of Baby, leaving her handprint on the glass. Having Dean buried deep inside of her felt even better than she had imagined, leaving her skin to tingle whenever his lips met hers, making goosebumps arise whenever his hand tightened its grip on her frame. 
Their moans mixed, forming sinful sounds both would dream of for nights on end. Dean’s forehead fell against (y/n)’s as her walls clenched around him once again, telling him that she was close, ready to cum around his cock. With clashing teeth and tangled tongues, (y/n) was pushed over the edge, moaning into his mouth as her orgasm clashed through her. 
(Y/n)’s trembling hand found Dean’s neck, letting her fingernails claw at his skin while Dean searched his high, trembling on top of her as he came moments later. Both were heavily panting, clinging to one another like rafts sailing through the rough ocean without any destination in mind, knowing they could only cling to one another. 
“That was incredible.” (Y/n)’s chuckles left Dean smirking. He pulled out of her before he kissed her again, cupping her cheek with his big hand. They held contact as he stared down at her, pondering over his words before he cleared his throat. 
“Come with Sam and me. I don’t want to let go of you, sweetheart.”
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lnfours · 1 year
ruin the friendship | l.n
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summary: i’m not sure if you’re taking requests or not but i was wondering if you would ever consider doing a fwb/roommates fic for lando like the one you did for tom? i absolutely love your writings!! -> yes anon, my requests for lando are open :))) also i listened to ‘don’t ’ by bryson tiller while writing this so feel free to listen to it while you read <3
warnings: friends with benefits!! language, sexual tension u can cut with a knife, neck kisses, nothing too crazy, jealous roommate lando 🫣
masterlist | ask box 💌 | listen
you stood in the kitchen, stirring the pot on the stove as soft music played from the speaker on the counter. you hummed softly, the door closing catching your attention, making you spin around in your socks. the voices entered the kitchen and you smiled at your two roommates.
“mate, you’re crazy,” max laughed, “i don’t understand how you did that.”
“because i’m a great golfer, that’s how,” lando said, putting his phone on the island as he pulled a stool out to sit, “how was your day, y/n?”
you turned back to the stove, “it was alright, i guess. got some work done, went to the store, the usual. not nearly as exciting as you two’s day it sounds.”
max smiled, patting lando’s shoulder, “mans was a beast on the green today, should’ve been there,” you shook your head with a smile, thinking about the last time the three of you were on a golf course.
let’s just say, drunk people shouldn’t drive golf karts. max continued, “oh, how was your date the other night?”
lando’s ears perked up, his head snapping away from his phone. you grabbed the pot with the oven mitts, pouring the spaghetti into the strainer, “it was alright, nothing special.”
“you went on a date?” lando didn’t mean it the way it came out. you looked over your shoulder at him, “with who?”
“some guy who was all over her the other night at the club,” max said, “was it not good?”
“he’s kind of a douche,” you said, bringing the spaghetti back to the pot and adding the sauce, “didn’t have a good time.”
“sorry to hear that, y/n,” max said before standing up, “‘mgonna go shower.”
you and lando nodded, his eyes going back to watch you as you fixed dinner. you met his eyes, “you have a staring problem, norris.”
“you didn’t tell me you were going to go on a date with that guy.” he said. you dropped the spoon in the pot, reaching up to grab plates for everyone.
“didn’t know i had to tell you all of a sudden.” you shrugged. he stood from his seat, walking over to you. you backed up against the counter, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach as he placed his hands on the counter, basically trapping you between the counter and him. he had a slight sunburn on his nose from being in the sun all afternoon, his sunglasses were still pushing back his curls, and his eyes were damn near mesmerizing.
“suppose you don’t,” he said, “did he bring you flowers at least?”
you shook your head and he clicked his tongue, reaching behind you for a plate, “that’s a shame. i would’ve brought your favorite.”
“do you even know my favorite?” you asked, eyebrows furrowed as he turned around to the stove. he put his plate down on the counter next to you.
“of course i do,” he said, “your favorite flower is a sunflower, and if im not mistaken you have a tattoo of a sunflower right…” he trailed off, lifting up the edge of your hoodie and pointing to your hip, “here.”
his finger touched the exact spot the tattoo was, his touch burning through the fabric of your sweatpants. his smirked as you met his eyes again, grabbing his plate as he moved back to the other side of the island. of course he knew where it was, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it before. he knew all the ins and outs of your body at this point.
“dinner smells good,” max said as he reappeared, in a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows as you tried to regain your composure, “you alright? look like you just ran a marathon.”
you nodded, grabbing your own dinner, “i’m good.”
he nodded but still gave you a look. after dinner, max went to go stream but lando stayed back to help you clean up. you were washing dishes as he placed them in the sink. once all of them were collected, he wrapped his arms around your middle. you leaned back slightly, tilting your head to the side to let him place his head on your shoulder.
“going on dates with other guys when you still fold every time i do this?” he joked and you huffed, laughing softly.
“i don’t fold every time,” you said, “i pick and choose, and i guess today is your lucky day.”
he pressed a gentle kiss to your jaw and you couldn’t help the soft noise that came from your throat, “hmm? don’t fold every time?”
you rolled your eyes, “it’s been a while.”
“too long,” he mumbled against your shoulder.
“i need a shower,” you complained, turning around in his arms.
“me too,” he said, brushing a stray hair from your face, “wanna save some water?”
you laughed, shaking your head, “you shower with the water too cold.”
“you’re the one who likes it boiling hot! it’s a wonder you don’t pass out in there.”
you rolled your eyes, “maybe you’re just dramatic, did you think of that?”
he fake gasped, “me? dramatic? never.”
you nodded, stepping away from him, “keep telling yourself that.”
“seriously, come shower with me,” he grabbed your hips, pulling you back to him. you let out a soft laugh as he pouted, “please.”
you let his lips go to your neck, giving into him the second time today, “no, lan.”
“cmon,” he said, “it’s the least you could do for going on a date behind my back.”
“you were the one who wanted to keep this,” you waved your finger back and forth between your two bodies, “a secret.”
“not anymore,” he said, “i’ve thought about it, let me take you on a date. a proper one. i’ll get you flowers, take you to the restaurant downtown you love that you go to with your friends. i’ll pull all the stops, you deserve it.”
you smiled softly, “only if you promise to wear that black button up shirt you wore last weekend.”
he raised an eyebrow, “you liked that, huh?”
“maybe,” you smirked up at him.
“okay, then you have to wear that red dress you wore on the night out the other night.”
he smiled before lifting you up off your feet. you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck, “where are we going?”
“my bed,” he said, carrying you down the hallway and shutting his bedroom door with his foot, “because now i can’t stop picturing you in that dress.”
“thought you wanted to shower?”
he sat you down on his lap, hands wandering under your hoodie as yours tugged on the hem of his golf shirt, “need you more than a shower right now.”
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birdiewriteslit · 6 months
“so american”
nico hischier x f!reader
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inspired by “so american” by olivia rodrigo
warnings: fluff, kissing
can you tell i love nico in a hat
You were sitting in the passenger side of Nico’s car with your feet up on the dash. The window was down, and your arm was hanging out of it, the cool wind blowing your hair around your face.
It was spring, and the weather was just starting to feel like it. It had been cold for the past few weeks, and both you and Nico were happy to finally be able to enjoy semi-warm temperatures.
You loved driving around Jersey with Nico. You loved sneaking glances at him while he was too focused on the road to notice. You loved how warm his hand felt on your thigh. You loved how his t-shirt fit you and how it smelled like him. You also loved that he let you have aux privileges.
Nico frowned at you as one of your country songs came on the playlist. If his brown puppy dog eyes weren’t covered by his dark sunglasses, they would probably be enough to convince you to change the song.
You giggled at his displeasure, consoling him by lacing your fingers through his that rested on your thigh. He seemed to accept this, a small smile on his face as he shook his head.
He gave you one last once over before focusing on the road again. His smile grew wider. “You look so American.”
You let out a surprised noise. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Nico shrugged. “You’re listening to country music, for one. I only ever see people’s feet on the dashboard in movies, very American.”
“You don’t do this in Switzerland? You don’t relax with your hand out the window like this?” you teased, making wave motions with your arm in the wind.
He laughed, squeezing your hand as he did so. “We relax. It’s just different here. I like your Americanness. I guess the exception is that you’re wearing a Swiss’s shirt, which you look very pretty in, by the way,” he said slyly, raising your hand to his lips to kiss it.
You felt your face heat up as you watched the smile that spread across his face as he pulled away. “God, Nico, don’t make me blush.”
But that’s really all he did, it was what he was best at. You knew he loved how flustered he could make you if he wanted to. He loved how after five months of dating, he could still easily make you nervous.
The next day, at brunch with your friends, you expressed your utter happiness, but at a table full of mostly single women, it wasn’t received the way you intended.
“I’m serious when I say that I have never seen a more attractive man in my life. Like, seriously, compare him to any celebrity crush you’ve ever had, and multiply that attractiveness by a thousand,” you babbled mindlessly to your friends, who were giving each other looks. “And, ugh, don’t get me started on his accent. It’s so hot, especially when he talks me through it.”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” your friend said, holding up her hand, a disgusted look on her face. “Frankly, it’s rude to talk about this during brunch. I mean, right in front of my french toast?” She gestured to her plate.
Another friend snorted. “I hate to say it, Y/n, but I agree. You literally only talk about him anymore. It’s like you’re gonna marry him.”
“I might,” you blurted.
Their eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Are you serious?”
You gave a small nod, suddenly uncomfortable by the amount of eyes one you. “I know it’s early but—“
“But you love him,” one of your married friends sighed. “It certainly sounds like you do,” she added after getting some looks from the other women at the table.
You didn’t respond, instead choosing to remain silent as the conversation steadily flowed away from you. You but the inside of your cheek, thinking about how you definitely loved Nico. You knew this before today, but with your history of failed relationships, you figured taking it slow with him was a good idea.
You weren’t lying about marrying him. If he kept this shit up, you were going to.
That night, you were lying in bed, eyes on the bathroom door, where Nico was on the other side. In your shorts and tank top, you were a little cold, and the top blanket wasn’t doing much for you.
When Nico slept over, you rarely made it under the covers. He naturally ran hot, and if you were covered by more than one blanket, you would literally overheat.
Finally, he came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a Devils t-shirt that was well worn and mostly likely from several seasons ago. He wasn’t wearing pants, his boxers out for you to ogle at, although you knew you shouldn’t.
Nico walked over to his side of the bed, stopping before he climbed under the blanket to pick up a book on your nightstand. You’d both read it and come to the conclusion that it was a waste of your good money.
“Why do you still have this?” he asked, showing you the cover. “I can’t believe your friend recommended it.”
“I like reading your notes. I think it’s cute how angry you get,” you admitted.
He set the book down and got into the bed, covering you with his body, instantly warming you up.
Wrapping his arms securely around you, he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. He sighed into your skin, his warm breath fanning out and his stubble tickling you.
He placed small kisses up your neck, trailing along your jaw before capturing your lips with his. Between kisses, he said, “Missed you today.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. “Yeah?” you said, smiling against his lips. “I missed you.”
He pressed one last kiss to your lips before pulling away. He brought a hand up to your face, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, and stroking your face with his thumb. His lips parted, and his eyes were so big and brown that you genuinely felt like you could lose yourself in them.
“I wish you could come with us when we leave.” Nico was referring to an upcoming roadie. He would be gone for a week.
He was looking at you so sincerely, so vulnerably. “I’ll go anywhere you go,” you whispered.
You knew you couldn’t go with him. It wasn’t realistic. But with the way he was looking at you, you really couldn’t hold back from saying something so sappy.
He glanced down at your lips quickly before meeting your eyes again, his thumb continuing to stroke your cheek. “You would?” he asked softly.
You nodded. “I love you, Nico.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise, like he wasn’t expecting you to say it. His lips parted to speak, but nothing came out.
“Sorry if it’s too soon. I know I’m in love with you,” you spoke quickly. “I don’t wanna just assume that you feel the same about all of it.”
He took your face in his hands and kissed you. When he pulled away, he kept his hands on your cheeks and looked at you meaningfully. “I’ve been wanting to say that for months. Trust me, I feel the same. I love you.”
Your face warmed as he looked deeply into your eyes. You surged forward to kiss him again. You peppered his whole face with kisses, and he laughed as he gripped your waist and flipped the two of you over so that you were on top of him.
He grinned at you when you pulled away, his cheeks rosy and his hair slightly messed. “I don’t think I’ll be getting much sleep tonight,” he said.
Your expression matched his perfectly. “I don’t think so either.”
Even though you didn’t confess that earlier that day, you’d thought about marrying him, this was still just as good.
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after-witch · 5 months
Damn Your Eyes Chapter 2 [Yandere Ren Hana x Reader]
Title: Cream and Sugar [Damn Your Eyes Chapter 2] [Yandere Ren Hana x Reader]
Synopsis: A fateful meeting at a bookstore between you and Ren Hana, years upon years after your escape from Strade, turns into a coffee shop date. You're not supposed to accept drinks from strangers, but Ren's not a stranger--so it's fine, right?
Word count: 5,322
notes: yandere, descriptions of violence/death/wounds, drugging
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How did one get over something like Strade? Get over that house and that basement? How do you move on with your life when you’ve seen someone’s guts spill out of their body while they’re still alive, and you’ve been instructed to pick them up and play with them for the delight of sick fucks watching it all on a paid stream?
The pretty answer, the one everyone recites when asked, because that’s what you do: with therapy and time and forgiveness for yourself. You take it one day at a time. You treat yourself. 
The real answer: You didn’t. You don’t. You can’t. 
Not fully. Because “getting over” something like that means it will eventually no longer affect you, no longer being a part of you. 
And sure. You will, eventually, go about something that feels like an ordinary life. 
You will walk into a grocery store with a tidy little list, you will roll your eyes at the rising cost of laundry detergent, you will smile at a cashier who says they like your outfit. You will date and drink coffee and sway to your favorite song while making dinner. 
But inside, inside of you , you are still there--still hovering at the last step of the basement stairs, listening to someone’s guttural shrieks as their skin is blow-torch melted down. Still clinging to Ren in the middle of the night, flinching when his hands wander over a recent gouge, a hastily stitched cut--an accident, he whispers, and you’re never sure if you believe him.
And that is what happened to you. 
It took years, of course, to even get close to that semblance of normalcy. A few years were spent in feverish hiding, running from place to place with no paper trails that might lead some gorehound that subscribed to Strade’s torture porn sniffing at your door, hungry for more. 
But you settled down, in time. Slowly. Bit by bit, piece by piece, inch by inch. 
That took years, too--the settling. 
It started with staying in an apartment for more than three months at a time. It started with going to the grocery store wearing only sunglasses, instead of sunglasses, a wig, and the most nondescript clothing you could fish out of a bargain bin. It started with applying for real jobs, not just seedy work that paid cash, quick.
It ended here, in this quaint little home that you shared with your husband for the past five years, though you’d lived together for longer. It ended here, with a modest marketing career that you’d built up after going back to college. It ended here, with a life you built for yourself; frail and a bit unorthodox, but a life nonetheless. 
You wouldn’t have been able to survive, if you hadn’t adapted. There is only so much terror the human man can manage before breaking entirely, and so--adaptation. 
It was a gift that your husband didn’t mind your… differences. The heavy insistence on home security, the desire for privacy, the slow way you gave trust to strangers--if you gave it at all. 
Some things did bother him. He grumbled about your lack of social media presence, and you’d once had an awful fight when his sister put a photo of you on Facebook that you’d demanded, in furious tears, be taken down. 
But, deep down, it wasn’t like you could blame your husband for bucking against your near tantrum-like reaction. For the way he sometimes sighed as you locked the front door with triple locks, and an electric sensor. For the way his jaw sometimes set, when you did something that wasn’t normal to anyone who hadn’t been the extended torture victim of a serial killer that doubled as a snuff porn producer.
Because you knew--deeper down--that you were still haunted by the ghosts in that basement. Strade and the torture victims and Ren and yourself, shaking like a leaf, bleeding onto concrete. You knew, even if the man you slept beside in a bed every night had no inkling of it, that you could never step back across that threshold and be the way you were before.
And there’s always a but, isn’t there?
But… that was okay. It was okay that you could never go back; it was okay that you were someone new; it was okay that you weren’t okay, and you’d never be okay in the fullest sense of the word.
Your life was a life you created out of shaking fingers, something clawed out with dirty fingernails. It wasn’t perfect, but it was yours.
What more could you ask for, after Strade?
What more could you ask for, after anything ?
Books are a vice. More than smoking, more than sex. You could give up sex, you could swear you’ll never buy another pack of smokes, but you could never give up books. 
Okay, okay. You’re being over dramatic and theatrical. But how can you think of books as anything other than a sinful pleasure when you’re surrounded by these shelves and stacks, imagining that one day you can afford an extension on your home and dedicate an entire room (or two--why not, in a daydream?) solely to books?
You’re not even supposed to be here today. It was your day off, and your calendar was packed to the brim with mundane errands. Today’s schedule certainly didn’t leave room for indulgently browsing at a bookstore, but sometimes you just have to live a little, don’t you? 
Although if you come home with yet another bag of books, your husband is bound to shove his face into the nearest couch cushion and scream. But c’mon. It wasn’t your fault that you’d long since run out of shelf space and were prone to stuffing the books into boxes that cluttered the closests. 
Your fingers wander over the spines of the books crammed onto the shelves, catching the uneven mismatched spaces between with every dip. The spines are often worn and weathered, some of them even peeling a little. 
This was why you preferred secondhand bookstores. No neat lines of fresh new books set up to catch the eye and make a sale here. No, instead there were countless books shoved together with no care for size or color or sometimes (depending on who was stocking that day) even genre. 
For instance, today you find a battered paperback copy of Carrie by Stephen King right next to a suspiciously pristine How to Keep Your House from Drowning that probably still has an uncracked spine. That poor soul, with a messy house. Maybe they should have read the book. 
You’re about to keep moving when, on second thought: Your partner might get a kick out of finding that book on his nightstand. Or he’ll chuck it at your head (lovingly) for bringing it into the house. It’s a 50/50 gamble that you’re willing to take.
And so you go to pull it out, a private little grin on your face, just as another hand reaches across for Carrie.
Fingers and elbows bump together and you feel that slight flush of awkward embarrassment rush to your cheeks as you sputter out, “Sorry!” Your voice even goes up an octave, an annoying habit that you’ve been trying to train out of yourself.
The stranger pulls away and mutters their own low apology. They sound just as awkward as you, which makes you feel a little better, at least, so you turn to look at them and offer an embarrassed smile and you think, briefly, maybe you’ll grab Carrie for them or cheekily ask if they were going for the cleaning book--
But when you turn to look at them, all thoughts and cheek are snuffed out.
Not because the man in front of you is wearing a nicely tailored business suit and matching fedora hat; a dark gray complimented by a muted burgundy tie. Like he’s off to a meeting or comes from a big city where such outfits are often found in shops and cafes during lunch hours.
Not because the man in front of you is attractive, with red hair with a bit of ever so slightly silver sticking out from underneath his hat; his cologne, soft but spicy, tickles your nose. 
But because the man in front of you is Ren. 
Older, yes. His hair and face peppered with signs of time, just like yours. There are scars on his face that you remember--some etched onto his flesh right in front of you, and some from that gray area of before, when Strade had yet to take you--and some you don’t. 
Your body is lead, your throat is closed up. Speech and movement are now foreign, unknowable things, because Ren is standing right in front of you.
It takes you a moment to shake it off; no, two moments. No, three. 
And then you can finally speak, although the word comes out hoarse and whispered, like every ounce of spit in your mouth vanished the instant you saw him. Perhaps it did. 
“ Ren ?” 
He blinks. His eyes narrow, eyebrows furrowing. For a terrible moment, you find yourself thrown back down the basement steps, when knowing the difference between Strade’s brows furrowing in annoyance or amusement could mean the difference between the degree of your upcoming burns.
And then his expression opens, widens, just enough for you to recognize that he knows who you are now and you’re here, in a bookshop, decades on; not there, not in the basement, where you left Strade’s corpse to rot.
Ren--for he is Ren, and you know it--lifts his hat, his lips turning up in a smile that makes your heart twist painfully, and shows just the bottom edges of his ears in greeting.
He says your name and your ears ring, high and tinny. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a cashier standing at the till rearranging trinkets while clearly spying on whatever bit of vaguely interesting gossip this might turn into during their lunch break. 
You had, in truth, imagined this moment before. Countless times. Usually at night, though you weren’t terribly picky; a long trip on a bus, head pressed against the window glass, was also a great time for such thoughts. 
You’d imagined finding Ren some day, in many different ways. 
In some fantasies, you look him up in the phonebook (a stupid idea fit only for a fantasy, because Ren would never put himself out there like that, just as you hadn’t) and give him a call and meet up at a park and you apologize until your lungs stop working. In another, you run into him somewhere else, a store or park; a coincidence just like this one. In still others, he finds you, offering to meet in a public space because he knows you’d be scared and he wants you to be comfortable and Ren would definitely think of things like that, considering your shared experiences. 
In your daydreams, you had a speech prepared. It was always moving, of course. It culminated in a soft, unbearably sweet hug where the two of you squeezed out the pain from the preceding decades and parted in mutual understanding. Maybe with each other’s phone numbers on slips of paper. 
But those were daydreams. This is real life.
In real life, your throat feels closed up; your eyes burn with hot tears that want to spill out, and everything from your chest to your cheeks feels hot and swollen. In real life, it is not the daydreams but your nightmares that worm their way into your brain: those nightmares you have (yes, have, still--even this far down the line) where he hates you, where he tells you that you left him there like he’s nothing, where he throws back all your whispered conversations in the dark back in your face.
In real life, you can only stammer out, expecting the nightmarish worst: “Ren. I’m s…sorry. I’m sorry . I shouldn’t--I shouldn’t have --”
Ren raises his hand; his brows furrow again. He says your name, once, twice. Softer. Gentler. 
“It’s okay,” he says, low. You don’t know if he means that it’s okay that you left him (it isn’t, is it?) or that it’s going to be okay or that he’s okay or--
Ren must sense your upcoming lack of steady breathing, because he places one steady hand on your shoulder. The way he used to do, when you started thinking about the fact that you were going to die in that house, and it would be an awful death, and the thought of it made you want to tear into your own skin. 
It brings you back down to the ground, which only makes you want to cry for a different reason.
Ren’s face has a touch of sticky pity on it when he smiles at you. 
“Why don’t we go somewhere we can sit down and talk?” 
You are sitting in a coffee shop across the way from a fox man who used to be tortured with you in the basement of a serial killer's home that doubled as a snuff film studio. There are people around you, but they might as well be invisible, be nothing at all. 
Because every nerve in your body is focused squarely on Ren, sitting in front of you with a muted awkward expression as the pair of you wait silently for the barista to call up your order. 
Neither of you have spoken since you sat down.
Sweat is beginning to stick to your neck, but you don’t want to move without warning--don’t want to startle Ren. If you do, maybe he’ll run off, and… no. He wouldn’t run off now. You can tell. He’s not like he used to be, and neither are you. 
There are decades between you, and yet--and yet that thread is still there, isn’t it? You could never fully cut it. Maybe it pulled, instead. Pulled and pulled and eventually lost all of its slack on this unassuming afternoon, when the two of you met again in a bookstore. Reaching for books with cracked and weathered spines, lines creasing over the paper like scars on the skin.
Your scars. His scars. 
How many times have you traced over the marks on your skin? How many times has he? Maybe he didn’t do it anymore. Maybe he was in a much better space than you, and that’s why he looks so awkward and you feel like your heart is about to pound right out of its chest. Because he’s moved on and you, stupid thing, just woke up in the basement in the middle of a sunny afternoon.
His shoulders straighten; you imagine, under his hat, that his ears have perked. For a moment,, a familiar sensation washes through you. Danger. He’s coming down the stairs and it’s going to hurt.
But Strade is dead. And you are alive, and Ren is alive, and his attention only raised because the barista set both of your coffees down on the counter. Nothing more than that.
Slowly, the world seems like it regains its normal gravity. The sweat clinging to your neck feels silly and not ominous. You can breathe, and the world of the coffee shop seems to settle around you like it would have on any other day.
“I’ll get them,” Ren says, quietly, eyeing you with wariness–like he’s the one worried about you bolting. Fuck. He’s probably right to think that; a moment ago, you might have been the one to run.
Ren pauses after he stands up, and there’s something soft and sad in his eyes when he looks at you. Part of you thinks he’s about to say that he’s going to leave, that this was a mistake. But instead, his lips curl and the softest of smiles, and he asks:
“You still like cream and sugar?”
“Yes,” you say, automatically. But you don’t. Not anymore. Tastebuds change and you drink it black with no cream, when you do bother to drink it. It’s not worth correcting, and you don’t. You just watch as he grabs both cups and heads over to the counter on the far side of the coffee shop, where there’s oodles of sugars (and sugar substitutes); creamers; and little tins of milk to add to your drink. 
Then your phone vibrates, and the “fuck!” that comes out of your mouth is involuntary. It was about the time that you should have been heading home, bookstore stop  notwithstanding. What were you going to say to him? That you’d run into someone from your past that used to get tortured with you? That you remember what Ren looks like when his flesh is sliced into and pulled apart? 
You heading home? Took ground beef out for dinner. Tacos?
Your thumb hovers over the phone screen. You’re going to lie. You already know that. Even if you were ready to tell him about your past, it would not be like this. Even you, not particularly attuned to mobile etiquette, knew it was better to confess something like this in person. Although the temptation to confess it all and  add silly emojis to punctuate the gritty details was very strong.
Ran into an old friend , you type, finally. They want to hang out a bit. Tacos are fine, don’t wait up! Xoxoxo.
It feels so normal. And that’s okay, isn’t it? That you’re being normal right now. It’s a sign that you’ve come so far, if anything. And you’ll take any of those signs that you can manage to get, so when the text comes in–
Can’t wait to hear about it!
I don’t guarantee there will be tacos left. 
… Maybe.
–you let that normalcy wash over you, and it helps you settle as Ren returns, coffee mugs in hand.
His expression is lighter, too. He probably notices the weight off your shoulders, the way you’re trying to look interested and perhaps even excited to see him, rather than looking like you’re about to throw up on a half-empty stomach.
He slides your mug across the table and you can tell at a glance that it’s going to be sweet. A hesitant sip, your tongue curling back from the warmth and inevitable sugar, confirms it. Milky and creamy, just like you used to take it.
“Do you live around here?” Ren asks, taking a sip from his own mug.
Such an average question. It’s almost enough to make you snort. Really, you should be asking him when he got out of that basement and whether or not he ever thought about cutting you open and if he still had dreams, like you did.
Instead, he’s asking something you might ask an old high school friend that you haven’t seen in twenty years. 
Fuck. What a world you live in. 
Maybe he senses your thoughts. Maybe the two of you really are in tune from what you went through together. Because he cracks a smile, the edge of a sharp tooth showing. And then the smile spreads and turns into a little chuckle. It’s not the giggling snort he would sometimes fall into at the house. It’s something older and more reserved, but that shouldn’t surprise you. You’re the same way.
You take another sip of the coffee. It really is too sweet. That’s how you took it at the house, though. It was better to drown your sorrows in creamer and packets of sugar–pilfered from diners that Strade went to, sometimes to scope for victims–than mope about them all the time.
“I really am curious,” he says, voice light. “If you’re okay with telling me.” Something different in his tone. Offense, maybe? God, it’s strange, being on the lookout for what someone’s tone really means again. 
But it’s just Ren. You shouldn’t be so worried about it.
“It’s fine,” you say, just as light. “Yeah, maybe about half an hour away? I have a little house…”
Ren’s eyebrows raise. Not in surprise, exactly. But in interest. It relieves you, just a little, that he didn’t let out some sarcastic remark about having your own place away from him.
“Do you have a garden?” He asks. “You always did talk about getting one.”
A twinge in your heart. Bittersweet and old. Sometimes at night, when the two of you were allowed to curl up together, you would talk about a fantasy world. A world where you never came here; where you’d be and what you’d do. Sometimes, you’d be in a pretty little cottage with a pretty little garden in a pretty little town.
Well. Your garden is pretty, even if your house isn’t an adorable cottage and you live at the edge of sprawling suburbs where you have to drive 20 minutes to get to anything useful. Close enough?
You tell him about it. The house and the garden. You even tell him about your partner, and maybe his smile does quirk down a little, then. But you could be imagining it. 
“Do you have kids?” Ren asks, next. If he were anyone else, it would be a mundane question--the kind you ask every couple who's been together a while. In Ren, it feels different. Serious. Sincere. He tilts his head a little, taking another sip of his coffee, which prompts you to do the same.
Kids. Hah. It wasn’t like the thought had never crossed your mind. But it didn’t happen. For a lot of reasons, it didn’t happen. Mind and body and the basement worked against you, and maybe there was a part of you that was afraid to bring anything into the world, because you knew it could be taken away. Taken to someone’s basement and hurt and hurt and hurt –
Ren says your name.
Ren’s hand is on yours. 
You glance down at his hand–see a familiar scar, see that your hand underneath his is curled up and tense–and then look  up at his face. 
Oh, the passing of time. 
“Me neither,” he says, softly. Like he knows why you didn’t and couldn’t, and maybe he was the same way. 
It hurts too much to think about. So you clear your throat and slowly pull your hand away, letting it rest on the now cooling mug of coffee. You take another swig, despite it not being to your taste anymore. Ren really did put in a lot of creamer.
“What about you?”
His head tilts, almost slow, almost curious.
He blinks.
You blink back. 
“Do you live around here?” 
A smile–an Ahhh sort of smile. 
“No,” he says, simply. He shakes his head. “I travel a lot.” He nods his head. “For business.”
“Oh,” you say. “What sort of business?”
A flicker in his gaze. Something sharp and familiar. It’s gone too soon to matter. 
“This and that,” is all he says.
And there’s a strange sort of realization in your head. A fuzziness that seems to spread right to your scalp. This is all too casual, too normal. It’s not at all what it was supposed to be, when you met. Asking about homes and gardens and kids and what you do for work; fuck, you two had been tortured together. Had watched people die. Had helped other people die. 
This should have been about more than banal pleasantries. This should have been about reconnecting. About that thread between the two of you that couldn’t be cut, even now.
Maybe it’s that fuzziness in your scalp and maybe it’s the lurching of your heart, but you reach out your hand again towards Ren; your hand and your heart reaching and aching –
“Why did you run that day?” Soft and to the point. All the years have led to this question. 
The question drops your hand straight to the table. The thud feels harder than it sounds. What ease your heart had mellowed to earlier melts away entirely, and you can feel adrenaline beginning to pump, your heart pounding and racing. Your ears hurt.
Why did you run? It’s the question you wanted him to ask, isn’t it? The question that would lead to your big sappy explanation and apology and the sentimental hug before you two parted ways, perhaps with phone numbers in your pockets? 
But now that Ren is real again; now that he’s here, lines around his eyes and a touch of silver in his hair, you don’t know how to answer.
You ran because you were scared. Scared of people from Strade’s fucked up streams finding you in that house. Scared of Strade’s corpse rotting in the basement. Scared, too, of Ren. Of being chained to him, or by him, and you could never be sure which was more likely. 
You ran because you weren’t strong enough to face whatever was left behind for you in that fucking house. 
Thickness lodges in your throat but you swallow against it. This is not a daydream. This is real life. And you have to own up to what you did now. 
“Ren, I–” 
The words don’t come, because the world suddenly spins. The fuzziness prickling on your scalp, your ears ringing, your heart going too fast–this has all been too much for you, you should have known that. There are brief thoughts–heart attack, stroke, fuck, fuck, FUCK–and then Ren’s hand is gripping your upper arm so you don’t fall out of the chair. 
“Are you okay?” Your vision is clear enough to see the concern in his face. His brows furrow together and he looks around, telling someone– ”Yes, I'm going to get her home” --and you’re about to tell him not to take you to the hospital because your insurance has a high deductible for the emergency room when another dizzy spell hits you, and you’d rather be in debt than dead.
“Should I call an ambulance?” He asks, voice low, calming. Your mind latches onto it. You’re not alone, it’s going to be okay. Someone is here to take care of you, and if you have to go to the emergency room, well, it couldn't have happened at a better time.
Ambulances cost too much money, though, and Ren 
“Could you drive me?” Even as you talk, you know something’s wrong. The words come out too slow, a little slurry. Almost like you’re drunk. 
Ren starts to shake his head and your dizzy self makes a pitiful sound. 
You swear you can see Ren’s ears twitching underneath his hat. You don’t have the presence of mind to think about why–where and when he’s heard that pitiful whimper before–so you just cling to him as he gently pulls you out of your chair.
He grabs your purse and carefully leads you out of the shop. Someone holds the door open, and he tells them that you’re going to the emergency room, thank you for the concern. Your head swims and you might mumble thank you to them, too, but you’re not entirely sure. Are you dying? Is it a stroke? Will the last thing you texted the love of your life be about dinner? It’s funny in that awful, delirious sort of way.
“Ren?” You ask, helpless. You’re holding onto him as tightly as you can, but your fingers feel fuzzy. Your whole body feels fuzzy, actually. Heavy and strange. Drunk and leaden.
“It’s all right,” he murmurs. “Let’s get you into my car, all right?”
You don’t have the presence of mind to wonder why his car is already out on the curb, running, with a driver in the front seat. You aren’t coherent enough to think about things like that; but then, even before you drank the coffee cup laced with a sedative, you didn’t notice the black car following the pair of you down the road to the coffee shop. 
You didn’t notice it follow you to the bookstore, either, nor did you give it a second glance when it pulled out of the lot after you stopped in at the grocery store to pick up a few miscellaneous items.
You really had lost your touch after all these years.
Ren grips you carefully while he opens the back door to the car. It’s roomy, expensive. Clean black leather seats that probably don’t show stains. Up front, a driver sits, wearing a hat and sunglasses and a uniform.
There’s a brief thought–Jesus, what does Ren do for a living to afford this?--before Ren is helping you crawl into the backseat.
The movement only makes you dizzier, and you’re telling the person in the front seat, whoever they are, that you need to get to the nearest hospital please.
They don’t even turn to look at you. It’s strange. But then Ren is there in the backseat with you, and you’re mumbling the same thing to him. Rattling off your symptoms–dizzy, fuzzy, confused, tingling hands. You try to remember the test for a stroke but can’t.
Ren smiles at you.
Why is he smiling? That thought comes through loud and clear, but it doesn’t stick for very long.
“Ren,” you say, slurring. “The hospital, the nearest one is… I think it’s… you have to…”
And those words, difficult as they are to get out, slowly drop away. Because while your mind is not capable of many things right now, it is capable of registering something unusual.
He doesn’t look worried anymore. No more concern furrowing his brow, no more softness. 
Instead, he looks pleased. There’s a smug smile on his face, and you’ve seen it before, but it’s older now. Wiser. Less impulsive and more assured. 
A cat–a fox–that caught the canary. And you, what little remains of your logical mind tells you, are one dumb bird. 
And he knows that you know. Because he jerks his chin at the driver in the front, who must press some kind of button; the doors lock. Loud. Hard. Your numb hands fumble for the door handle but no matter how much you try to shove the door open, it doesn’t budge.
 You're locked in.
“Back to the hotel for now,” Ren says. Not to you. To the driver. Who–to your horror–begins to pull away from the curb.
“Oh, no–” You try to scream. It’s not quite loud enough. Not quite sharp enough. but maybe someone can see you, even through the tinted windows. Or they’ll hear you and tell someone, who will maybe tell someone else, who might call the cops. If you’re lucky.
Ren’s hand cups your mouth firmly. 
“Don’t waste your energy, you’ll need it soon.” The hand moves from your lips to your cheek, resting there. The look in Ren’s eyes is blurry–whatever he drugged you with is making it hard to focus–but you recognize bits of it, because you felt the same damn thing.
The awful mixture of nostalgia, regret and ache.
Maybe if you explain everything. Tell him why you ran. Apologize like hell. You won’t be hugging after this, but you won't be drugged up (what did he give you?) in the back of his car, either. 
“Ren– the hous e–I ran–I–let me explain, it–”
Ren’s hand trails back to your mouth. The sharp edges of his nails graze against your nose.
“Hush. We’ll talk about all that later.” 
Oh, fuck –
There’s an awful, stabbing pain in your thigh–you look down and see Ren pulling away a syringe with a bright silver needle.
Ren–you try to say his name, but when you open your mouth, nothing comes out. Your lips gape and close and words no longer form.
Your head is swimming now, all highs and lows, dipping and rising over waves that never seem to end. It’s like you're falling asleep in the worst way, hard and rocky.
Like you’re falling backwards down the basement stairs. 
Ren’s voice is the last thing you hear before you black out.
“Sweet dreams.” 
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