#he has world apart memorized
devondespresso · 4 months
steve harrington has such keen hearing because he's spent hours upon hours trying to figure out what the lyrics are to any and every of his favorite songs so he can sing along
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Logan and Wade's relationship post movie is slow burn in the most infuriating way cause they have so many hang ups about the relationship
On Logan's side: He fell in love with Wade first. Which mortifies him cause 1) Wade is still in love with Vanessa 2) they're roommates in a one bedroom apartment with Blind Al until he gets his life together in a parallel world where he's technically dead and his SSN is donezo 3) Wade Winston Wilson is probably the most embarrassing person to have a crush on, let alone be in love with. Logan will defend him to heaven and hell and back, but even he knows it's crazy to fall for the Blowjob Queen of Sasqatoon.
He's fully aware of his feelings but tries to squash it down, acts like he hates Wade's guts. Even though every morning he wakes up early to make coffee for the both of them before Wade wakes up. Even though he's memorized what's his favorite gun cleaner and oil are, then stocks them up before Wade even notices his supply is running low. Even though he's the most at peace when Wade and Laura are having Girls' Night in the living room, wearing face masks and watching A24 horror films, while he's kicking back with Blind Al in the kitchen, sipping shitty beer.
On Wade's side: He has no idea Logan likes him. Or, better to say, he has no idea WHY Logan would like him. He might be gods perfect idiot, but if 2+2 = 22, then if someone tells you to shut up and stabs you in every argument to be had, they can't possibly LIKE like you. So even when the initial hostility of being new roommates dies down, he takes the domesticity they find together a side effect of being a Wolverine over the age of 40 with a teenage daughter and no active income in sight. "Beggars can't be ungrateful bastards who couch surf for free" and all that jazz.
Wade is also still hooked up on Vanessa. She'll always be his soul mate, and that will never change. So they try to talk it out. They go on a couple dates. They try to work something, anything out, but in the end they both agree it just isn't right anymore. They still love each other, but that doesn't mean they should be in a relationship. They both deserve better than to be stuck in the past.
So by the time Wade is single for real, Logan is already set on them not getting together. Previous points aside, he's no rebound chick. He just got promoted from Worst Wolverine to Okay-est Wolverine (via the coffee mug Laura got him from etsy) -- so he's absolutely NOT fucking gonna be a sloppy bitch and make a move on his roommate after he got out of a whatever the fuck situationship with his ex-dead, ex-fiance.
When they finally get together, it's so far down the line and so slow-burn, that they genuinely don't know how they got there. All they know is that they share a new one bedroom apartment together, alone (but Blind Al lives on the same floor of the complex) and that they are so far gone in domestic bliss that they're arguing with each other over how to properly assemble a pet condo for Mary Puppins.
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pucksandpower · 30 days
Until Next Time
Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: in which two soulmates are destined to always find each other only to be torn apart lifetime after lifetime after lifetime … until finally, they’re not (aka the reincarnation AU)
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Mycenae, 1208 BC
The sun beats down mercilessly on the marble steps of the temple. You stand at the top, your white chiton billowing in the warm breeze. Your eyes scan the crowd gathered below, searching for one face among the sea of onlookers.
“Where is he?” You whisper, your heart pounding.
A firm hand grips your shoulder. “It’s time, princess,” your father’s voice rumbles behind you.
You turn to face him, eyes pleading. “Father, please. This can’t be the only way.”
The king’s face is a mask of stone, but his eyes betray a flicker of sorrow. “The gods have spoken. We must obey.”
As he speaks, a commotion erupts at the base of the temple steps. Your breath catches in your throat as you spot Max pushing through the crowd, his face contorted with desperation.
“No!” He shouts, his voice carrying over the murmur of the crowd. “You can’t do this!”
Two guards grab him, restraining his arms as he struggles against their grip.
“Let me go!” Max yells, his eyes locking with yours. “She’s innocent! Take me instead!”
You start to move towards him, but your father’s grip tightens. “Don’t,” he warns.
“Max,” you call out, your voice breaking. “It’s okay. This is my duty.”
Max shakes his head violently. “No, it’s not! This is madness!”
The high priest approaches, his ornate robes rustling as he walks. “The sacrifice must be made,” he intones. “The gods demand it.”
You feel a chill run down your spine despite the heat. The priest’s eyes are cold as he regards you.
“Please,” Max begs, still struggling against the guards. “There has to be another way. Let me speak to the oracle. Maybe-”
“Silence!” The priest snaps. “The decision has been made. The princess will ensure a bountiful harvest for our people.”
You swallow hard, trying to steady your voice. “Max, listen to me. I need you to be strong.”
His struggles subside slightly as he focuses on your words.
“Remember what we talked about?” You continue. “About the stars?”
Max’s brow furrows in confusion for a moment before his eyes widen in recognition. “The cycle,” he breathes.
You nod, forcing a smile. “This isn’t the end. We’ll find each other again. I promise.”
“No,” Max shakes his head, tears streaming down his face. “I can’t lose you. Not like this.”
The priest clears his throat impatiently. “We must proceed.”
Your father gently guides you towards the altar. You resist the urge to look back at Max, knowing it will only make this harder.
“Wait!” Max calls out. “Just ... just let me say goodbye. Please.”
The king hesitates, then nods to the guards. They release Max, who rushes up the steps towards you.
He reaches you, cupping your face in his hands. “I love you,” he whispers fiercely. “In this life and every life to come.”
You lean into his touch, memorizing the feeling of his skin against yours. “I love you too. Always.”
Max’s lips crash into yours, desperate and salty with tears. For a moment, the world fades away, and it’s just the two of you.
Then rough hands are pulling you apart. Max struggles, but the guards drag him back down the steps.
“No!” He roars. “You can’t do this! She’s everything to me!”
You force yourself to look away, focusing on the altar before you. The priest approaches, a gleaming dagger in his hand.
“Oh great gods,” he begins to chant. “Accept this offering and bless our lands.”
You close your eyes, trying to block out Max’s anguished cries. You think of stars, of cycles, of promises of reunion.
The dagger plunges, and pain explodes through your body. As darkness creeps in at the edges of your vision, you hear Max’s voice, raw with grief.
“I’ll find you,” he vows. “In the next life, and the next, and the next. We’ll be together again. I swear it.”
As your consciousness fades, you cling to that promise. This isn’t the end, you tell yourself. It’s just the beginning of a much longer story.
Your last thought before the world goes black is of Max’s eyes, filled with love and determination. Somehow, you know that this is not goodbye — it’s just until next time.
London, 1542
The heavy oak door of your chambers creaks open, and you look up from your embroidery, heart leaping at the sight of Max slipping inside. His eyes dart nervously around the room before settling on you.
“My lady,” he whispers urgently, crossing the room in quick strides. “We must speak.”
You set aside your needlework, rising to meet him. “What is it? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.”
He takes your hands in his, his touch sending a familiar thrill through you despite the gravity in his expression. “It’s worse than that, I’m afraid. I’ve heard whispers in the court ...”
Your breath catches. “What kind of whispers?”
Max’s jaw clenches. “Accusations. Terrible ones. They’re saying you’ve been unfaithful to the king.”
You gasp, shaking your head vehemently. “That’s absurd! I would never-”
“I know,” Max interrupts, squeezing your hands. “But the truth matters little when it comes to Henry’s jealousy. You know how he is.”
A chill runs down your spine as you remember the fate of the king’s previous wives. “What am I to do?”
Max’s eyes blaze with determination. “We’ll run away. Tonight. I have friends who can help us reach the coast. From there, we can sail to France or-”
The sound of heavy footsteps in the corridor cuts him off. You both freeze, staring at the door in mounting dread.
“Quick,” you hiss, pushing Max towards a tapestry-covered alcove. “Hide!”
He resists for a moment. “I won’t leave you-”
“You must,” you insist. “If they find you here, it will only make things worse.”
Reluctantly, Max ducks behind the tapestry just as the door bursts open. The king’s guards pour in, led by Thomas Cromwell himself.
“My lady,” Cromwell says with a cold smile. “I’m afraid you must come with us.”
You lift your chin, summoning every ounce of royal dignity. “On what grounds, Lord Cromwell?”
His smile doesn’t waver. “Treason, my lady. His Majesty has evidence of your ... indiscretions.”
“That’s impossible,” you protest. “I’ve been nothing but faithful to the king.”
Cromwell gestures to the guards. “Search the room. Thoroughly.”
Your heart pounds as they begin tearing through your belongings. You silently pray that Max remains hidden and undetected.
“This is outrageous,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. “I demand to speak to the king himself.”
“His Majesty has no desire to see you,” Cromwell replies. “The evidence speaks for itself.”
One of the guards approaches, holding a folded piece of parchment. “My lord, we found this hidden in her jewelry box.”
Cromwell snatches it, his eyes scanning the contents. His smirk widens. “Well, well. A love letter, it seems. Quite damning, wouldn’t you agree?”
You shake your head in disbelief. “That’s not mine. I’ve never seen it before!”
“A poor defense, my lady,” Cromwell tuts. “Come now, we mustn’t keep the Tower waiting.”
As the guards move to seize you, Max bursts from his hiding place. “Stop!” He shouts. “She’s innocent!”
Cromwell’s eyebrows raise in mock surprise. “And who might you be, young man?”
Max stands tall, his gaze unwavering. “I can vouch for the queen’s innocence.”
“Can you now?” Cromwell’s tone is dangerously soft. “And how, pray tell, would you know such a thing?”
You see the trap too late. “Max, don’t-”
But he’s already speaking. “Because I’ve been watching over her. Protecting her. I would know if she had been unfaithful.”
Cromwell’s eyes glitter with triumph. “Watching over her, you say? How ... intimate. Guards, seize him as well.”
“No!” You cry out as the guards grab Max. “He’s done nothing wrong!”
“On the contrary,” Cromwell replies. “He’s just confessed to an inappropriate relationship with the queen. That’s treason, my dear.”
Max struggles against the guards. “It’s not like that! I love her, yes, but we’ve never-”
“Enough!” Cromwell snaps. “Take them both to the Tower. His Majesty will decide their fate.”
As the guards drag you from the room, your eyes meet Max’s. In that moment, a strange sense of déjà vu washes over you. You’ve been here before, somehow. Torn apart by forces beyond your control.
“It’s happening again,” Max says softly, his eyes wide with realization.
You nod, a sad smile touching your lips. “The cycle continues.”
“What are you two babbling about?” Cromwell demands.
Neither of you answer. What could you say that he would understand?
As you’re led through the winding corridors of the palace, Max’s voice carries to you. “I’ll find a way to save you. I swear it.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you call back, your voice catching.
“I kept the last one, didn’t I?” He replies. “I found you again.”
Memories flood your mind — hazy images of another life, another time. A temple, a sacrifice, a vow made in desperation.
“So you did,” you whisper.
The journey to the Tower passes in a blur. Before you know it, you’re being locked in a cold, damp cell. Through the small barred window, you can see the executioner’s block in the courtyard below.
Days pass. You pace your cell, alternating between fear and a strange sense of calm. This isn’t the end, you remind yourself. Somehow, you know it to be true.
When they come for you, you hold your head high. As you’re led to the block, you scan the crowd, searching for Max’s face. You spot him, restrained by guards, his face a mask of anguish.
“I love you,” he mouths.
“Until next time,” you reply silently.
As you kneel at the block, you close your eyes. You think of stars and cycles, of promises kept across lifetimes. The axe falls, and darkness descends.
Your last conscious thought is a mixture of sorrow and hope. This chapter may be ending, but your story with Max is far from over. In another time, another place, you’ll find each other again. The wheel turns, and the cycle continues.
Florence, 1633
The flickering candlelight casts long shadows across the cluttered study. You pace nervously, your skirts swishing against the worn floorboards. Max hunches over his desk, quill scratching furiously across parchment.
“Max,” you plead, “please reconsider. It’s not too late to recant.”
He looks up, his eyes bright with fervor. “I can’t, my love. The truth is too important.”
You move to his side, resting a hand on his shoulder. “More important than your life?”
Max covers your hand with his, his touch warm and familiar. “Some truths are worth dying for.”
“And what about living for?” You counter. “What about us?”
He stands, pulling you into an embrace. “Everything I do, I do for us. For a world where we can live freely, without the shackles of ignorance.”
You bury your face in his chest, inhaling his scent of ink and parchment. “I fear those shackles are stronger than you think.”
A sharp knock at the door makes you both jump. Max moves to answer it, but you grab his arm.
“Don’t,” you whisper. “It could be them.”
Max’s jaw sets stubbornly. “If it is, hiding won’t change anything.”
He strides to the door and throws it open. A young man stands there, panting heavily.
“Master,” he gasps. “They’re coming. The Inquisition. You must flee!”
Max’s face pales, but his voice remains steady. “Thank you for the warning, Giovanni. You should go before they arrive.”
The young man nods and disappears into the night. Max turns to you, his expression grim.
“You should go too,” he says softly. “There’s no reason for both of us to face their wrath.”
You shake your head fiercely. “I’m not leaving you.”
“Please,” Max implores. “I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you because of me.”
“And I couldn’t bear to abandon you,” you retort. “We’re in this together, remember?”
A ghost of a smile touches Max’s lips. “Always.”
You help him gather his most important papers and instruments, working quickly in the oppressive silence. As Max secures the last of his writings, you hear the ominous sound of marching feet approaching.
“It’s too late,” you breathe.
Max squares his shoulders. “Then we face them with dignity.”
The door bursts open, and armored men pour into the small study. At their head is Cardinal Bellarmine, his face a mask of righteous anger.
“Apostate,” he intones. “You stand accused of heresy against the Holy Church.”
Max steps forward, his voice calm. “I stand accused of seeking the truth, Your Eminence.”
The Cardinal’s eyes narrow. “You spread dangerous lies. You claim the Earth is not the center of God’s creation!”
“I claim only what the evidence suggests,” Max counters. “The movements of the heavens themselves tell us-”
“Blasphemy!” Bellarmine roars. “You would elevate your flawed observations above the word of God?”
You can’t stay silent any longer. “My lord Cardinal, surely God gave us minds to seek understanding. How can the pursuit of knowledge be heresy?”
Bellarmine’s gaze snaps to you. “And who is this who dares to question the Church’s judgment?”
Max steps protectively in front of you. “Leave her out of this. She’s done nothing wrong.”
“She defends a heretic,” the Cardinal sneers. “That alone is cause for suspicion.”
You feel a chill run down your spine, but you stand your ground. “I defend a good man who seeks only to understand the wonders of God’s creation.”
Bellarmine waves dismissively. “Take them both. We’ll sort out her involvement later.”
As the guards move to seize you, Max erupts into action. He grabs a heavy tome from his desk and hurls it at the nearest guard, then pushes you towards the window.
“Run!” He shouts. “I’ll hold them off!”
You hesitate, torn between fleeing and staying by his side. In that moment of indecision, a guard grabs you roughly by the arm.
“No!” Max cries out, lunging towards you.
Another guard intercepts him, slamming the butt of his halberd into Max’s stomach. He crumples to the ground, gasping for air.
“Stop!” You plead. “We’ll come peacefully. Just don’t hurt him.”
Bellarmine smirks. “A wise decision. Though I’m afraid it’s too late for leniency.”
As the guards bind your hands, you lock eyes with Max. There’s a strange, sad recognition in his gaze.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I thought this time would be different.”
You shake your head, a bittersweet smile on your lips. “It’s not your fault. It never is.”
Bellarmine looks between you, confusion evident on his face. “What nonsense is this?”
Neither of you answer.
You’re led from the study, through the torch-lit streets to the forbidding walls of the Inquisition’s headquarters. As you’re separated and thrown into different cells, Max’s voice carries to you.
“I’ll find you again. I swear it.”
“In this life or the next,” you call back, your voice breaking.
Days blur together in your dank cell. You’re questioned relentlessly about Max’s work, about your involvement. You reveal nothing, clinging to the hope that your silence might somehow spare him.
When they finally come for you, you know it’s not good news. You’re led to a small courtyard where a pyre has been erected. Your heart sinks as you see Max already tied to the stake, his face bruised but defiant.
“Heathen,” Bellarmine proclaims, “you have been found guilty of heresy. Do you repent your sins?”
Max’s eyes find yours in the crowd. “My only sin,” he says clearly, “is loving truth more than dogma.”
The Cardinal’s face darkens. “Then may God have mercy on your soul. Light the pyre.”
As the flames begin to lick at Max’s feet, you can’t contain yourself any longer. You break free from your guards and run towards the pyre.
“No!” You scream. “Max!”
He looks at you, his eyes full of love and sorrow. “Until next time, my love. We’ll get it right someday.”
The guards grab you, dragging you back as the flames engulf Max. His agonized cries pierce the air, but his gaze never leaves yours.
As the light fades from his eyes, you feel a piece of your soul shatter. But deep within, a tiny spark of hope remains. This isn’t the end, you tell yourself. It can’t be.
Somewhere, somewhen, you’ll find each other again. The wheel turns, the cycle continues, and your love endures beyond death itself.
Atlantic Ocean, 1912
The grand ballroom of the Titanic thrums with life, an orchestra playing a lively waltz as couples twirl across the polished floor. You stand at the edge of the crowd, your gloved hands fidgeting with your beaded gown. Your eyes scan the room, searching for one face in particular.
“Looking for someone?” A familiar voice asks behind you.
You turn, a smile lighting up your face as you see Max, dashing in his tailored suit. “There you are! I was beginning to think you’d gotten lost.”
Max grins, offering you his arm. “Even on a ship this size? Never. Though I must admit, I did take a wrong turn or two.”
You laugh, taking his arm. “Well, I’m glad you found your way eventually. I’ve been dying to dance with you all evening.”
As Max leads you onto the dance floor, a strange sense of déjà vu washes over you. You’ve danced with him before, you think. In grand halls and humble taverns, across centuries ...
“What’s that look for?” Max asks, pulling you from your reverie as he places a hand on your waist.
You shake your head, smiling. “Nothing. Just ... happy, I suppose.”
He beams at you as you begin to waltz. “As am I. Being here with you, it feels ... right. Like everything’s fallen into place.”
You nod, leaning into him slightly. “I know exactly what you mean.”
As you dance, the world seems to fade away. It’s just you and Max, moving in perfect synchronicity. But the spell is broken as a violent shudder runs through the ship.
Max steadies you as you stumble. “What was that?”
Around you, other passengers are looking around in confusion. The music has stopped, the musicians exchanging worried glances.
“I’m not sure,” you reply, a sense of unease growing in your stomach. “Perhaps we should-”
Your words are cut off as a ship’s officer bursts into the ballroom. “Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. We’ve struck an iceberg, but there’s no immediate danger. As a precaution, we ask that you all put on life vests and make your way to the boat deck.”
A ripple of nervous chatter sweeps through the crowd. Max’s grip on your hand tightens.
“We should go,” he says urgently. “Now.”
You nod, allowing him to lead you through the increasingly panicked throng. As you make your way through the corridors, the ship’s list becomes more pronounced.
“This is bad,” Max mutters, helping you navigate a particularly steep section. “Much worse than they’re letting on.”
You reach your cabin, quickly donning life vests over your evening wear. As you step back into the corridor, you’re met with a tide of frightened passengers.
“We need to get to the boat deck,” Max says, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes. “Stay close to me.”
You push through the crowd, the ship’s groans and creaks growing louder with each passing moment. When you finally reach the deck, chaos greets you. Officers are struggling to maintain order as passengers clamor for spots in the too-few lifeboats.
“Women and children first!” An officer shouts over the din.
Max turns to you, his face pale but determined. “You need to get on a boat.”
You shake your head vehemently. “Not without you.”
“Please,” he begs, cupping your face in his hands. “I couldn’t bear to lose you.”
A memory flashes through your mind — Max saying those same words in another time, another place. Always trying to save you.
“And I couldn’t bear to leave you,” you insist. “We stay together. No matter what.”
Max’s eyes search yours for a long moment before he nods. “Together, then.”
As the night wears on, it becomes clear that there won’t be enough lifeboats for everyone. You and Max help where you can, assisting women and children into the boats. The temperature drops, your breath visible in the frigid air.
“I think that’s the last one,” Max says as you watch the final lifeboat disappear into the darkness.
You look around the rapidly tilting deck. Those who remain are a mix of resigned, terrified, and in denial.
“What do we do now?” You ask, your voice small.
Max takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. “We face it together. Like we always have.”
As the ship’s stern begins to rise, you and Max make your way towards the railing. The screech of twisting metal fills the air as the Titanic starts to break apart.
“Max,” you say, your voice trembling, “I’m scared.”
He pulls you close, his arms strong around you. “I know. But remember, this isn’t the end. Not really.”
You look up at him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t you feel it?” He asks. “The familiarity? Like we’ve been here before?”
As you stare into his eyes, flashes of memory assault you. A temple in ancient Greece. A Tudor court. A Renaissance study. Always you and Max. Always torn apart.
“The cycle,” you whisper.
Max nods, a sad smile on his face. “We’ll get it right someday. I promise.”
The ship lurches violently, and you cling to each other as you’re thrown into the icy Atlantic. The shock of the cold water drives the breath from your lungs.
“Max!” You gasp, struggling to keep your head above water.
“I’m here,” he calls back, swimming towards you. “Hold on to me.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, your limbs already growing numb from the cold. Around you, the cries of other passengers pierce the night.
“It’s so cold,” you murmur, your teeth chattering.
Max holds you tighter. “I know, love. Just stay with me.”
As the minutes tick by, the cries around you grow fewer. You can feel your strength ebbing, your grip on Max weakening.
“Hey,” Max says, his voice hoarse. “Stay awake. Look at the stars with me.”
You force your eyes open, gazing up at the crystal-clear sky. “They’re beautiful,” you manage.
“Just like you,” Max replies. “In every life, in every time.”
You smile weakly. “You always were a charmer.”
“And you always saw right through me,” he chuckles, the sound turning into a cough.
As your vision begins to dim, you summon the last of your strength to speak. “Max? Promise you’ll find me again?”
His lips, blue with cold, press against your forehead. “Always. In this life and the next, and all the ones after.”
The cold fades, replaced by a spreading warmth. As consciousness slips away, your last thought is of Max’s eyes, filled with love and the promise of reunion.
The wheel turns. The cycle continues. And somewhere, in another time, another place, two souls prepare to find each other once more.
Washington DC, 1968
The air is thick with tension and the acrid smell of tear gas. You stand at the front of the crowd, your hand tightly gripping a homemade sign that reads “MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR.” The chants of the protesters around you swell and ebb like waves crashing against the shore of the Lincoln Memorial.
“Hey,” a familiar voice calls out. You turn to see Max pushing his way through the crowd, his shaggy hair falling into his eyes. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
You smile, relief washing over you. “I was starting to worry you wouldn’t make it.”
Max reaches you, his hand finding yours. “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. Though the police barricades nearly did.”
You squeeze his hand. “I’m glad you’re here. This feels ... important. Like we’re on the brink of something.”
He nods, his eyes scanning the growing crowd. “I know what you mean. It’s like the whole world is holding its breath.”
As if on cue, a new chant starts up. “Hey, hey, LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?”
You join in, your voice blending with the thousands around you. Max’s deeper tone resonates beside you, sending a shiver down your spine that has nothing to do with the autumn chill.
Suddenly, there’s a commotion at the edge of the crowd. You stand on tiptoe, trying to see what’s happening.
“What is it?” Max asks, concern etching his features.
“I’m not sure,” you reply. “It looks like ... oh no.”
A line of police officers in riot gear is advancing on the crowd, batons at the ready.
Max’s grip on your hand tightens. “We should fall back. This could get ugly.”
But you stand your ground, shaking your head. “No. We can’t let them intimidate us. We have a right to be here, to make our voices heard.”
“I know,” Max says, his voice tight with worry. “But I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
As the police line gets closer, tensions in the crowd rise. Someone throws a bottle, and it shatters at the feet of an officer. In an instant, chaos erupts.
“Disperse immediately!” A voice booms over a megaphone. “This is an unlawful assembly!”
But the crowd doesn’t disperse. If anything, the chants grow louder, more defiant. You feel Max tugging at your arm.
“Come on,” he urges. “We’ve made our point. Let’s go before-”
His words are cut off by a loud bang. For a moment, you think it’s a firecracker. Then you see the tear gas canister arcing through the air.
“Gas!” Someone shouts, and panic ripples through the crowd.
Max pulls you close, covering your mouth and nose with his bandana. “We need to move, now!”
You nod, coughing as the acrid gas begins to sting your eyes. Together, you push through the panicked crowd, trying to reach the edge of the park.
But the police are closing in from all sides. You see batons swinging, hear the cries of pain and anger from your fellow protesters.
“This way,” Max says, pulling you towards a gap in the police line.
You’re almost there when you hear a scream behind you. Turning, you see a young woman on the ground, an officer standing over her with his baton raised.
Before you can think, you’re moving towards them. “Stop!” You yell. “Leave her alone!”
“Y/N, no!” Max calls after you, but you’re already out of his reach.
You throw yourself between the fallen woman and the officer, your arms outstretched. “Please,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. “She’s not a threat. We’re peaceful protesters.”
The officer hesitates, his baton still raised. For a moment, you think he might listen. Then you see his eyes harden behind his visor.
“I said disperse!” He shouts, bringing the baton down.
You close your eyes, bracing for the impact. But it never comes. Instead, you hear a grunt of pain and open your eyes to see Max in front of you, taking the blow meant for you.
“Max!” You cry out as he crumples to the ground.
You drop to your knees beside him, cradling his head. “Max, can you hear me?”
He groans, his eyes fluttering open. “Are you okay?” He asks, his voice weak.
You nod, tears streaming down your face. “I’m fine. Why did you do that?”
A ghost of a smile touches his lips. “Couldn’t let you have all the fun, could I?”
Despite everything, you can’t help but laugh. “You idiot,” you say fondly.
The moment is shattered by another round of tear gas canisters landing nearby. The acrid smoke billows around you, making it hard to breathe.
“We need to get out of here,” you say, trying to help Max to his feet.
But as you stand, you feel a sharp pain in your side. Looking down, you see a growing red stain on your shirt.
“Y/N?” Max’s voice sounds far away. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You stumble, your legs giving out. Max catches you, lowering you gently to the ground.
“Oh God,” he says, his face pale with shock. “You’ve been hit.”
You look down again, seeing the bullet embedded in your side. The pain is distant, almost unreal.
“It’s not so bad,” you try to reassure him, but your voice comes out weak and shaky.
Max presses his hand to the wound, trying to stem the bleeding. “Help!” He shouts. “We need a medic!”
But his cries are lost in the chaos around you. The world seems to be fading, growing dim at the edges.
“Max,” you whisper, reaching up to touch his face. “I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head fiercely. “Don’t you dare apologize. You’re going to be fine, you hear me? We’re going to get through this.”
You smile sadly, a strange sense of déjà vu washing over you. “We always say that, don’t we?”
Max’s brow furrows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Every time,” you murmur, your strength fading. “We always think this time will be different.”
Understanding dawns in Max’s eyes, along with a deep, aching sorrow. “The cycle,” he whispers.
You nod weakly. “But it’s okay. We’ll get another chance.”
“No,” Max says, his voice breaking. “Not again. Please, Y/N, stay with me.”
But you can feel yourself slipping away. The pain is gone now, replaced by a spreading warmth.
“Find me again,” you breathe, your eyes starting to close. “Promise me.”
Max’s tears fall on your face as he leans close. “I promise. In this life or the next, I’ll always find you.”
As consciousness fades, your last thought is of Max’s eyes, filled with love and the weight of lifetimes. The wheel turns, the cycle continues, and somewhere, two souls prepare for yet another chance at forever.
Monaco, 2024
The soft morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the bedroom. You’re curled up against Max, his arm draped protectively over your waist. The steady rhythm of his breathing is a comforting constant, one you’ve grown accustomed to over the years.
A gentle weight lands on the bed, followed by a soft meow. You open your eyes to see Jimmy padding across the duvet.
“Morning, Jimmy,” you whisper, reaching out to scratch behind his ears. He purrs contentedly, settling down in the small space between you and Max.
The movement stirs Max from his slumber. He blinks sleepily, a smile spreading across his face as he focuses on you. “Good morning, schatje,” he murmurs, his voice still rough with sleep.
You lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Morning, champ. Sleep well?”
He nods, pulling you closer. “Always do with you by my side.”
As if on cue, another weight lands on the bed. Sassy makes her presence known with a demanding meow.
Max chuckles, reaching over to pet her. “Good morning to you too, princess.”
You can’t help but laugh. “I think someone’s jealous of all the attention Jimmy’s getting.”
“Can’t have that, can we?” Max says, scooping Sassy up and placing her on his chest. She immediately starts kneading, purring loudly.
You watch them with a fond smile, a wave of contentment washing over you. “I love this,” you say softly. “Just ... all of this.”
Max turns his head to look at you, his eyes filled with warmth. “Me too. Sometimes I can hardly believe it’s real, you know?”
You nod, understanding completely. “I know what you mean. It’s like ... we’ve been waiting for this for so long.”
“Lifetimes,” Max agrees, a hint of something ancient in his gaze.
You both fall silent for a moment, lost in memories that feel more like dreams — flashes of other lives, other times, always reaching for each other but never quite able to hold on.
Jimmy stretches, breaking the spell. You laugh as he nearly pushes Sassy off Max’s chest in the process.
“Alright, you two,” Max says, gently moving the cats aside. “I think it’s time for breakfast.”
As if understanding his words, both cats leap off the bed and head for the door, meowing insistently.
You groan, burying your face in Max’s shoulder. “Five more minutes?”
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You know they won’t let us rest until they’re fed.”
“True,” you sigh, reluctantly sitting up. “I suppose we should get up anyway. Don’t you have that interview today?”
Max nods, running a hand through his tousled hair. “Yeah, in a couple of hours. Nothing too intense though, just a quick chat about the next race.”
You swing your legs over the side of the bed, stretching. “Want me to make coffee while you feed the furry overlords?”
“Sounds perfect,” Max says, getting up and pulling on a t-shirt. He pauses at the door, looking back at you with a soft smile. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”
You feel a warmth bloom in your chest, the same feeling you get every time he looks at you like that. “You might have mentioned it once or twice,” you tease. “But I never get tired of hearing it.”
Max crosses the room in two quick strides, pulling you into a deep kiss. When he pulls back, you’re both a little breathless.
“I love you,” he says, his forehead resting against yours. “More than I ever thought possible.”
You cup his face in your hands, thumb tracing the line of his jaw. “I love you too, Max. Always have, always will.”
A loud meow from the hallway breaks the moment. You both laugh, the spell broken but the warmth lingering.
“Duty calls,” Max says with a wink, heading out to tend to the cats.
You make your way to the kitchen, starting the coffee maker and pulling out mugs. As the rich aroma fills the air, you can hear Max in the other room, talking to the cats as he fills their bowls.
“There you go, Jimmy. Easy, Sassy, there’s plenty for both of you.”
You smile to yourself, struck once again by how perfect this all feels. It’s not just the quiet moments like this morning — it’s the way Max lights up when he talks about racing, the pride in his eyes when he brings home another trophy. It’s the way he holds you after a particularly rough day, or the sound of his laughter when you’re goofing around together.
Max joins you in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you pour the coffee. “Smells amazing,” he murmurs, nuzzling into your neck.
You lean back into him, savoring the moment. “The coffee or me?”
“Both,” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
You turn in his arms, handing him his mug. “So, what’s on the agenda after your interview?”
Max takes a sip of coffee, thinking. “Not much, actually. I was thinking maybe we could have a quiet day in? Watch a movie, order takeout?”
“Sounds perfect,” you say, your smile widening. “I’ll even let you pick the movie this time.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Even if it’s another racing documentary?”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Even then. Though I reserve the right to fall asleep on your shoulder if it gets too technical.”
“Deal,” Max grins, pulling you close for another kiss.
As you stand there in the kitchen, coffee in hand and cats weaving between your legs, you’re struck by a profound sense of rightness. This is what you’ve been searching for, life after life. This quiet, domestic bliss with the man you love.
“What are you thinking about?” Max asks, noticing your thoughtful expression.
You smile, leaning into him. “Just ... how happy I am. How perfect this all is.”
Max’s arms tighten around you. “It really is, isn’t it? Sometimes I wonder if I’m dreaming.”
You pinch his arm lightly, laughing at his mock-offended expression. “Definitely not dreaming.”
“Good,” he says, his voice soft and sincere. “Because I never want to wake up from this.”
As you stand there in the morning light, surrounded by the life you’ve built together, you silently thank whatever force has finally allowed you and Max to find your happily ever after.
The wheel has turned, the cycle has ended, and at last, your souls have found their home.
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certaimromance · 14 days
𝜗𝜚 Cherry Picking.
Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
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Summary: After your first night with Spencer, you wake up and see that he's left you two dollars and a thank-you note on your bedside table.
Words: 2,3k.
TW: lots of mentions and references to sex, but nothing completely explicit. the reader is quite dramatic and has little faith in men (literally me, sorry). chaos and lack of communication but happy ending. english isn't my first language (sorry for my mistakes, be kind please).
Note: This idea just came to me out of the blue, and I have to say that Sex and the City has had a bit of an influence. I love the chaos, the conversations between friends, and Spencer being the best man in the world (I'm picturing him kind of like in his season four version).
♡ Enjoy! ♡
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Saturday afternoon
“Two dollars?!”
Penelope's and JJ's simultaneous exclamations and surprised faces when you finished speaking were pretty much to be expected. They noticed a change in your expression and took a moment to compose themselves, as did the rest of the people in the room, who glanced curiously at your table from time to time. It was certainly a fascinating sight, three women having an animated conversation about their lives over milkshakes as if they were drinks, especially considering that one of them was pregnant and her belly looked like it was about to explode.
You didn't blame anyone for reacting that way, especially not your friends. You were still pretty shocked by what happened, especially by how thoughtless the man you'd developed feelings for and worked closely with over the past few years was. It was a unsettling to find a tip on your nightstand after one of the most memorable nights you'd ever had. You still remembered the excitement you felt when you went to Spencer's apartment yesterday to watch a movie as part of your fourth or fifth date. He seemed nervous when you started kissing more intensely, and the couch wasn't the best setting. The sensation of your body on his bed and his lips on your skin was incredible.
It was a good memory, extremely good if you took away the embarrassment of waking up the next day in his empty bed with money waiting for you, as if you had performed a service.
“Maybe there was a misunderstanding and the money was left on the table by mistake.” Jennifer spoke again in a reassuring tone after turning the matter over. “Spencer can be a little clumsy sometimes.”
You pressed your lips together in a thin line as you listened to her attempt to provide an explanation for his actions. But given their friendship, this was to be expected.
“And he was in a hurry to catch his plane and go to his mother.” Garcia added with a forced smile, trying to lift your spirits. “It all makes sense.”
Yes, it was understandable that he was leaving in a hurry because he had to catch a flight to spend his weekend off with his mother. That didn't worry you, but there was something else that was curious.
“How do you explain the thank-you note?” You asked, taking out the paper and the two dollars you'd pulled out to show them as proof from your purse.
“It was a thank you for hanging out with him, a sweet gesture.” JJ said, taking a sip of her milkshake and patting her belly.
It seemed more like a sour gesture to you, that you had been left with your dignity on the floor. As you left his apartment, you didn't know whether to cry or laugh because it sounded like a bad joke that the only man you thought was decent and for whom you allowed yourself to have feelings would do such a thing.
“My love life is going downhill.” You said.
Just then, the restaurant door opens and Emily appears. After greeting her and apologizing for her late arrival, she asks about the cause of your apparent distress. As a profiler, she was astute enough to know something was wrong just by looking at you.
“What's wrong, honey?” She started talking as soon as she sat down next to you and took a quick look at the table. “Those milkshakes look good, I want one.”
“Spencer thinks I'm a prostitute.” You spoke up without thinking, which surprised Emily and caused her to briefly lose her grip on the menu.
There was a long, awkward silence.
Perhaps you were too direct in saying something that you had been trying to ignore for your own mental health.
“Just a heads-up, we've got a baby in the room. No need to say that word!” Penelope was the first to speak, gently covering JJ's belly with her hands. “He can hear you.”
At that moment, Reid and his comments about pregnancy data at every stage came to mind. You felt a little uncomfortable because you knew it was a little unrealistic to focus on the positives at a time like this.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, baby.” You looked regretfully at your friends and spoke to Jennifer's belly, giving it a gentle caress. “Don't listen.”
“I need context, please.” Emily said confusedly, trying to understand what was going on and why you had said what you had said.
You let out a deep breath, preparing yourself to recount the story once more.
“Okay, Spencer and I made...milkshakes. Very good milkshakes, really good if you know what I mean.” You tried to explain slowly, watching your words and your friends' expressions. “I woke up when he was leaving, he gave me a kiss on my forehead and said to keep sleeping, that he had to catch his flight.”
“That's sweet, but weird to know.” Emily commented quizzically, looking at the menu intently again. “What's the part...you know?”
“Oh, when he thought I was-” You stop yourself as you see how JJ looks at you. “A pie maker.”
You could tell from their expressions that they were about to laugh at your attempts to keep the conversation friendly.
“I woke up hours later to find two dollars on the nightstand with a thank-you note.” You finished the story. “To him, I'm worth two fu...sugary dollars.”
Prentiss stared at you for several seconds, waiting for me to tell her it was a joke. Only when that didn't happen did she speak. “That sounds weird and awful, but I don't think he would do something like that on purpose. Especially you, he really likes you.”
“He likes me enough to give me two dollars.”
When you finished speaking, you experienced a moment of discomfort in your stomach as your own words took effect. You were surprised to find that on a deeper level, what had happened was causing you more pain than you had anticipated.
“That doesn't sound like Reid at all. I've known him for years, and he's not that kind of man.” Penelope said with a frown, trying to reassure you. “I'm sure it's a mix-up.”
You were looking for the same thing and hoping it was just a misunderstanding, but your previous bad experiences made you think otherwise. You'd met enough men to know that they could always be worse. What was different now was that you really liked this particular man. You really longed for him to be different from everyone else.
However, things weren't always as you'd hoped. You'd invested a lot of hope in making your fairy tale come true, and it was starting to take its toll.
“Have you had a chance to speak with him?” JJ inquired.
“He's with his mother, I won't bother him.” You replied with a strange simplicity that made your friends suspicious. “I'm fine, I've calmed down.” You added as you saw their worried faces.
“I love you, but sometimes you scare me.” Emily said, watching you drink from your smoothie as if it contained a painkiller. “It's not okay to pretend that everything's fine.”
“It's understandable to feel a bit discouraged about this. Things may seem challenging at the moment, but I believe things will improve when you discuss this with him.” Jennifer's hand gently touched yours, offering a comforting gesture.
“I'm sure everything will be fine. You have our support if you need it.” Penelope joined in with the motivational words and gave you a reassuring smile.
You took the last sip of your milkshake and leaned back in your seat for a moment before replying. “I'm fine, girls. I don't plan to lose my head over a man, I promised myself.”
They looked at you with some skepticism, but you didn't flinch. You were confident that if you were mentally prepared not to be defeated, or at least not to look defeated, you would be well prepared for the day of the meeting.
You weren't going to lose your mind over this.
Monday morning
You were definitely losing your mind, and no cup of tea or internet video that promised to do so had been able to relax you one bit. You had been cooped up in the office you shared with Penelope for several minutes, pacing in your chair while everyone in the conference room waited for information about a new case and your presence. The mere thought of having to face Reid again was making you feel pretty uneasy.
All weekend, you had been trying to reassure yourself that you were doing well, that you were not hurt or affected by what happened, that it was just one more disappointment to add to the long list you had written since you were a teenager, and that it was normal for someone with your luck. You were not a princess, you were not going to meet a prince, and you were old enough to know that.
But being in the same building as your prince turned toad was not as easy as you had hoped. You prayed that your presence would not be necessary and that the jet would soon take off to take them all away, especially him.
A few sudden knocks on the door startled you. You automatically thought it was your boss coming to scold you for being late, and your blood froze.
“I apologize for the delay, Hotch. I assure...” You spoke promptly as soon as the door opened and a male figure appeared.
But obviously, it wasn't him.
“Oh, sorry, I'm not Hotch. But hey, how are you?” Spencer smiled at you and walked toward you, looking a little nervous.
“Fine.” You replied dryly, getting up from your seat to grab your tablet and some folders to carry into the conference room.
In your mind, you had planned to make a scene as soon as you saw him and make it clear that you didn't cost just two dollars. But after thinking about it a lot, the fear of losing your job over it was greater. And now it was a mixture of that reasoning with your feeling of paralysis at actually having him in front of you.
“I...I missed you over the weekend.” He stopped you before you could walk away, gently holding your hand. The feeling alone made you stop and look at him angrily. “I thought about you a lot, too much, and I bought you something.” He let go of your hand to pull a small box out of his pocket.
“How dare you?” You blurt out, taking a step back.
He looked a little uncomfortable and seemed to be in pain. “I'm sorry if I overstepped. I didn't mean to impose. Did I cross a line? I'm so sorry, I just thought-”
“What? That you could embarrass me even more? Didn't I already go through enough?”
That's when you took out two dollars from your purse and gave it to him.
“Could I ask why this is?” Spencer was still frowning and looked just as hurt as you.
His apparent lack of understanding of the situation made you much angrier. You had thought he was probably the smartest man you had ever met in your entire life, but suddenly, in your eyes, he was an idiot.
“I'm refunding your payment, Reid.” You replied firmly, without hiding your frustration.
The confusion on his face seemed to multiply as he tried to understand. “What are you talking about? I gave you your money back.”
You tilted your head slightly to one side.
“Saturday morning, I left on the nightstand the two dollars you lent me a week ago when we bought coffee. You know I don't like being in debt.” Spencer began to explain calmly, taking a moment to gather his thoughts and present the facts in a clear and concise manner.
Oh, you do remember lending him money at some point, or rather, inviting him for coffee that he said he'd pay you back. That day when his hair was perfect in the wind, when he smiled at you and told you some interesting facts about coffee beans.
“I mentioned it when I said goodbye, but you looked so tired that I left you a thank you note in case you forgot.” He went on to explain. “A lot of studies say that you wake up to full strength at least 20 to 30 minutes after you actually open your eyes. And you still had them closed when I said goodbye.”
“I...I thought you-” You fell silent as you saw the stunned look on his face. You didn't want to look crazy, so you quickly added. “I just thought wrong.”
“I'm sorry, I don't understand.” He said, a little embarrassed. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Oh, no, I just...did you bring me a gift?” You changed the subject, taking the box he had previously offered you. Inside was a necklace with a cherry blossom charm.
“Your computer wallpaper is a picture of cherry blossoms. And I saw this necklace in a store when I was walking with my mom, and I thought you might like it. But it's okay if you don't want it-” He spoke fast until you interrupted him.
“I love it, thank you.” You smiled at him and took the necklace out of the box. “Could you help me with this?”
With some trepidation and uncertainty still present, Spencer positioned himself behind you with the jewel in his hands, carefully brushed your hair aside and fastened the necklace around your neck. The sensation of his fingers brushing against your skin made you feel a slight shiver.
“Thanks.” You said as you turned around to face him. You gave him a hug, though you were a little unsure.
He returned your embrace, feeling a sense of relief that things between you were okay. “You don't have to thank me.”
“It's not about the gift. It's just a way to say thanks for being you.”
Perhaps he was your prince after all.
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anantaru · 8 months
— you ask him "can i sit on your lap?"
including heizou, lyney, wriothesley, alhaitham x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, established relationship, a tiny bit suggestive towards the end (wriothesley's part, basically the last paragraph hints at something suggestive)
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— heizou
the door to heizou's office was closed behind you two, leaving the rest of the world outside as you laid on a couch while he was practically glued to his office-desk— his countenance focused, absorbed in the current case he was working on.
to some, it might appear as boring when you both spend time like that, but to you it was the exact opposite— not only were you able to work on your own stuff in his office, in fact, you're not getting distracted by anything there, but heizou will always spend the night at your place after he was done with work.
although sometimes, you catch yourself become bored once you've finished up everything you had to do yourself, and immediately decide to walk towards his desk, your eyes holding a secret glow only he was able to understand.
"how far are you?" you ask, "already cracked the case?" tilting your head to the sight before lazily leaning against his desk.
heizou smirks before brushing one hand through his tousled hair, "almost done, heh, i'm almost there,"
you know— you know, you shouldn't bother him while he was busy with solving this case, but watching him actually do it was very much attractive. it's constant in his behavior, your boyfriend was just effortlessly handsome when he skimmed over a case, never seeing the glass as half full— he see it brimming to the top, filled with all his brilliance. 
to add on to that, the both of you couldn't be apart from each other for a long time anyways, it was like watching two magnets, pushing and pulling until they finally clicked back into place.
"can i sit on your lap?" you say in a whispered utterance that was setting his heart ablaze, "i want to watch you solve it," and the way you spoke to him in that sound, heizou's facial features instantly turn softly into kindness, a carefree laugh attached to him.
"you don't have to ask, come here."
heizou instantly makes space for you before guiding you towards his lap, and an immediate rush of warm air rises when he wraps his arms around you, the tension roiling and manifesting into heart-shaped clouds.
now, as a result of being so close to your boyfriend, his slightly sweet fragrance overruns your senses when you rest your head against his shoulder, sighing out through your mouth.
"you wanna help me solve this case, hm?" the man snickers as his palm smoothes along your thigh, "i will do whatever you want if you solve it before me,"
"i can try," you claim confidently and shift on his lap.
a gleeful light falls into his deep, black pupils when you agree, his lips curved up into a smile, "but don't get mad if i beat you!"
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— lyney
"see? that's how you hide a card and make it appear again,"
lyney moves his fingers around the pack of cards with such frightening precision that you could evidently witness with fierce clarity that, well, you cannot possibly memorize this magic trick with the confused blur in your eyes— despite the fact that he has shown you the exact same trick three times in a row now.
you sigh out in defeat, your eyes skimming over his hands as you're both sitting on the couch next to each other, "I still don't get it," your words were breathless but liquid with embarrassment, even though there was nothing to be embarrassed about— because you see, lyney would never reveal a trick to anybody, not even to his significant other.
after all, it's a magicians greatest strength to keep their cunning mischiefs hidden away.
in fact, he only offered to show you because he really liked that befuddled look on your face, he finds it so cute, pretty and sweet.
a somewhat devious, but calm smile hovers on his face as he watches you in awe, one hand now lingering on your arm, a silent plea for you to stay.
"hm, you know what? let me look at it from a different view," you grin before tenderly kissing his cheek, "it's difficult watching from the side like that, you know?" then place a small peck on his jaw before working yourself towards his soft lips at last.
"can i sit on your lap?" you say and lyney almost whines at your request, a pretty sparkle on your eyes worsening his condition, your voice barely above a whisper.
on a surface level, you were dating lyney for quite a while now and were utterly aware that he was probably trying to confuse you with his magic tricks, and although you do not welcome it, you also did not mind because letting him confuse you wasn't necessarily a bad thing— since lyney would always become so confident and loving, not to mention excited to show and tell you more about his passion.
he blushes a little, an emotion such as this one was probably one of the only ones a magician of his caliber was unable to disguise.
"of course," lyney takes a deep breath before straightening his posture out, parting his arms so you could easily settle on his lap.
once you're on his lap, he kisses your shoulder before resting his head in the nook of your neck, "i'll start over now, you ready?"
"i am!" you retort back, "i will get it this time," as a lazy smirk spreads across your face before you begin to melt into his embrace.
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— wriothesley
for you to be able to see each other as often as possible, you tend to visit wriothesley at work every now and then— sometimes you feel quite lonely since your boyfriend was always occupied with his job, so when you open the door to his office at last, he holds a benevolent presence on his demeanor, mirth possessing his eyes at the pure look of you walking into the room.
and to make this situation even sweeter, wriothesley shows you a tight-lipped, tender smile on his attractive face, delving into the soothing energy you always brought forth in him.
time seemed to stand still as your eyes met, and wriothesley immediately rises from his seat, cheeks flushing brightly, "you're finally here," his voice jovial-alike, so jovial that it set your entire tone for the day, "i was waiting for you, love,"
his walk was quick as he could barely wait to hug you— in fact, you honestly applaud him for how impossibly fast he has reached you as two muscular arms wrap around your body in no time, a silent language of shared passion being spoken.
"i'm sorry that i have kept you waiting, i'm a bit late, aren't i?" with a meaningful smile, you cup his cheeks before stroking the skin with your thumb.
lost in your eyes, wriothesley watches you through a soft look of through his thick lashes, "—oh, yeah? you did? i couldn't tell."
"but now that you're mentioning it, hm, how brave of you to keep me waiting like that," wriothesley utters in a fooling timbre, "—knowing that I've missed you all day," he continues to tease you before guiding you towards his desk by your hand.
on a normal day, the duke would offer you to sit on his office chair just because he finds it cute and somewhat hilarious— in fact, your cuteness in general was off the charts, it practically had its own gravitational pull.
you do not sit down and instead wrap your arms around his neck, "looks like someone's not quite perfect after all," wriothesley jokes in a tone that was warm and inviting, eliciting an immediate laugh from you.
you pout at him, "hey! if that's the case i'm taking my apology back right now,"
half jokingly, you avert your gaze as to tease him for once, although his overconfidence was like a blazing torch, nothing was capable to rush through it.
wriothesley keeps a prolonged eye contact with you so he could intensify the triumph over this situation, watching how you're crumbling first and losing the game, a playful wink adding a touch of humor to his jest.
"ouch, my love, you heart my heart crack right now?" the duke knits his eyebrows together as he kisses your forehead, his voice light with a hint of playfulness.
you roll your eyes, "hmpf, that's what you get."
the air was charged with a gentle, bubbly energy as wriothesley slightly pushes his office chair towards your direction to make you sit down— he believed you must be tired from today, in fact, the night was slowly approaching and he could tell by how often you'd yawn out.
you look at the chair before searching for your boyfriends eyes again, "is it okay if i sit on your lap instead?" you ask shyly, "i want to watch you work," certainly, that look on your face told him all he needed to know,
"—and cuddle," especially with that twinkle in your eyes.
"you sure? i might be unable to sit still," he grins, leaning closer to your ear before pulling you on to his lap, "make sure to keep your eyes wide open for me, no sleeping," wriothesley kisses your cheek, his voice a soft murmur that boiled the blood in your veins.
"working with me can be quite the handful, you know," he claims confidently, yet you weren't new to your boyfriend's manner of speaking— because you see, in secret he was hinting at something way different than you simply sitting on his lap.
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— alhaitham
eyes fluttering shut, you lean against alhaitham's shoulder while your knee would nudge against his own ever so often, swaying from left to right.
it's this particular hour of the day again, where your boyfriend would read to you in the park, it's a simple date yet the both of you preferred it above everything else— it's the vibrancy of various petals decorating the nature that was boldly unique to you, surrounding your bodies so delicately and pure that you couldn't help yourself but feel weary due to the dainty scenery.
for some reason, you cannot keep your eyes open this time but proceeded to give your utmost best to keep your fatigue hidden from the scribe's eyes— granting the fact that he had figured it out the second he saw you.
it was utterly unfair, that's what it was, because there was nothing you cherished more then spending time with your boyfriend like that, in midst the sounds of cooing pigeons in the garden as  sun washes the garden with a golden glow.
alhaitham liked it to, especially reading his favorite books to you was something he thought was beneficial to the both of you. most importantly, he noticed how he was igniting an inner smile in your soul, that kind that burns warm and long, he loves that smile, he couldn't possibly become satiated by it ever.
in a fleeting moment, he places his warm palm against your knee, "hey, you're falling asleep," he claims, a little stoic, "we should head home so you can rest,"
no, please no, you yell inwardly before rubbing your eyes— every ounce of your remaining strength was dedicated to maintaining your eyes open and stay within this scenery a little longer.
"it's okay, i am fine, i promise," you panic, then yawn, yikes, what a way for your body to go behind your back.
hand in hand with your weary state of mind, you move your body before standing up to reclaim your energy, "you can keep reading to me, please, it was getting interesting,"
you're attempting to salvage just an ounce of this date, your eyebrows knitting together in displeasure as you yawn out again.
"i love listening to you."
"there's no point in that if you're falling asleep,"
alhaitham takes your hand, delicately pulling your body towards his own as to inspect your fatigued expression, "we can postpone this, the book isn't running anywhere and neither am i," he smiles gently, silently running his thumb along your knuckles so you'd calm yourself down a little, his homely trace sending a shiver down your spine.
without dissembling anything, it wasn't the book you feared to miss out on— in fact, it was about alhaitham himself. as the scribe of the akademiya he had always been busy and it could become very difficult to plan dates in advance.
to note that even after he might finish up his duties for the day a little earlier, he preferred to stay within the warm confines of his home which you did not mind either.
"alhaitham?" you heave out, something unspoken yet profound being exchanged as your body tests the waters by moving forward, "can i sit on your lap? that way i will surely stay awake, i promise."
alhaitham cocks a curious brow at you, "oh, you will?" he inquires as you nod your head, "in that case, please be my guest,"
the scribe shuffles in his seat as he spreads his legs a little, waiting for you to sit on his lap as one of his hands guide you down while the other held on to the beige-colored book.
the scribe looks at you through thick eyelashes, his face wholly relaxed as you loop one arm around his shoulders to steady yourself, your  lips contorting into a deep, happy smile.
"are you comfortable enough?" he asks as you shift your weight from one leg to another, "very much, thank you."
alhaitham holds you by your waist, strong enough that you could leisurely lean back without fearing of actually dropping on the ground. after figuring out a comfortable setting for the both of you, he flips his book open with one hand as your body subconsciously heats up at his tender palm rubbing circles on your waist.
a cool breeze swirls around you both when he resumes to the book like nothing has changed at all, his choice in tone dignified and unwavering as he reads the first paragraph to you, smiling at your sweet face when he notices how you were drifting into a much deeper sleep.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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can-youimagine · 24 days
Mix Up (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: Spencer sends the wrong note.
TW: adult themes, embarrassment
Word Count: 1499
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Everyone in the BAU contributed something to make the team feel like a family. Rossi opened his house and cooked for the team. Morgan and Hotch were always quick to praise a member for their accomplishments. Penelope always made sure that she had treats for anyone who might be having a bad day. You left notes for everyone. After each case, someone got a note, telling them how much you appreciated them and their contributions. 
Last week, Hotch got a note. He tucked it into his bag with a smile before making sure to thank you and tell you how much you are appreciated on the team. 
Today, it was Spencer’s turn to receive a note. The two of you had roomed together for this case, and you saw how much of a toll it took on him. He shouldn’t say he is surprised to see a note on his desk, but he is.
I can’t imagine how difficult this case was for you. You don’t have to be brave all the time, y’know. It’s okay for you to be scared. You are human, even if you know more than a computer. I am so proud of the work you accomplished and more than grateful for it. Know that I am proud of you, always. 
You are the person I can trust with anything. You are the only member of the team who I worry about, even when we’re not out on a case. Not because I think you can’t handle yourself but because I know you’re worrying about all of us. Please, don’t let me be the cause of any of your stress. 
I wish I could keep writing, but I can barely keep my eyes open.
With love,
He smiles widely at the note, tucking it into his bag before anyone else has a chance to see it. After all, you didn’t write it for anyone else. You wrote it for him. You thought of him outside the case, and you thought that you wanted to make him feel good. The more he thinks about it, the more light-headed he becomes. He heads to the kitchenette, eager to get a cup of coffee and hide his growing blush. 
You’ve left him five notes in the last year. Even if he didn’t have an eidetic memory, he is certain he would have each word memorized. He’s memorized every interaction you’ve had with them. Though, he knows these memories aren’t quite perfect. Every time a memory is retrieved, it becomes altered, and he has replayed every memory more times than he can count. He’s replayed them, he’s altered them, he’s even added to them. 
If he could bring you just a fraction of the joy that you bring him, he would be able to rest easy. The way his heart flips every time he gets a note from you gives him the perfect idea of how to please you.
When he gets home, he sits at his desk, trying to come up with something to say to you, but nothing feels right. How is he supposed to tell you how much you mean to him without telling you just how much you mean to him? Finally, he picks up his pen, deciding that if he writes a draft of what he wants to say first, he’ll be able to write what he should say.
You are more appreciated than you know. I love you more than you know. Yes, this case was hard for me, but the biggest challenge was sharing a room with you. It’s always tough to sleep on cases, but how am I supposed to get any sleep when I’m only a few feet from you? When, if you’d let me, I’d be able to sleep in your arms? When I’d be able to touch you, kiss you, fuck you?
God, it’s all I could think about. I shouldn’t even tell you what I was thinking. It’s not even just what I was thinking when we were on the case. I think about you constantly. I think of how kind you are, how much praise you give. I can’t help but wonder if you would receive praise just as well. If, when I tell you that you were made for my cock, you would fall apart. If I could, I would give you all the praise in the world just to see you break, watch you come undone, on my cock, on my fingers, on my tongue.
I know you would taste incredible. What I wouldn’t give to get even a taste. Though, I know I wouldn’t be able to stop at just a taste. I’d have to be selfish, and I know you wouldn’t complain.
Spencer slides his chair away from his desk. He quickly folds the paper and sets it aside. Now that that’s done, he gets to work on his actual letter. A much tamer, much safer for work, much friendlier letter that lets you know that you are appreciated.
Again, he folds the note, writing your name on the outside, and sets it aside. 
When he leaves in the morning, he grabs the note off his desk, tucking it into his bag. He frowns, noticing that your car is already in the garage. He had hoped that he could leave the note on your desk as a surprise, but there’s no doubt that you’re already working on your files. He decides that he’ll drop it on your desk as he walks by then hide in the breakroom while you read it.
It’s not that he’s embarrassed by what he said, and he meant every word. It just feels like an invasion of privacy to watch you, and he’s not sure how he would be able to carry on with the day if he saw even the hint of a frown on your face.
The elevator opens, and he sets his plan into motion. He unpacks his bag, sliding the note into his hand before walking past your desk. 
“Spencer, you dropped something,” you call, but he keeps walking, and out of the corner of his eye, he watches you open the note. That’s when he realizes his mistake. Your name is nowhere on the back of the paper. He panics but keeps walking. What is he supposed to say? “Sorry, that actually isn’t meant for you, I mean it is, but you definitely should not be reading that, in a completely normal not creepy way.”?
He focuses on his coffee, He wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole. If hwatching the sugar dissolve. He’s lucky, he’ll be able to hide in here all day and never have to look at you again.
Spencer Reid is very rarely at a loss for words. He can almost always come up with something to say. Now, as he walks back into the bullpen, he has no clue what he can say to you. 
It appears that he doesn’t have to. You aren’t at your desk anymore, much to Spencer’s relief. He turns his focus to the papers in front of him. Files that normally wouldn’t take him more than ten minutes are taking almost an hour. He doesn’t look up until he hears a door open.
Hotch’s office door.
He closes his eyes, praying there isn’t a case already. He doesn’t hear Hotch. Instead, he hears footsteps walk down the stairs and into the bullpen. Hesitantly, he opens his eyes. You are getting settled at your desk.
No, no, no, no, no.
You did not go to Hotch after reading his note. You couldn’t have. You would have talked to him before you got him fired, right?
“What was that about?” Emily asks you. You turn to answer, and Spencer is trying to listen, but Morgan grabs his attention first.
“What’s with you?”
“What do you mean?”
Morgan rolls his eyes. “I’m finishing these files faster than you.”
Spencer shrugs. “I’m just distracted, that’s all.”
“Hey, you know we’re here for you, right?”
“I know,” he answers, looking back at the file. 
The day continues without you talking to him, and he sure as hell isn’t going to talk to you. Since Hotch hasn’t come down to fire him, Spencer assumes that his job is safe.
You get up around noon, stretching as you do. You grab your bag, a piece of paper between your fingers. You let it fall as you walk passed his desk. Spencer quickly picks it up, unfolding it.
Buy me dinner, and I’ll make sure you get something sweet.
He rereads the sentence over and over again. He’s convinced it’s some sort of joke, but he holds onto the hope that it isn’t and that he actually hasn’t fucked this up beyond belief.
When you come back, you glance at him. If he wasn’t a profiler, he’s not sure he would’ve caught it, but you seem nervous. He smiles to himself. 
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alygator77 · 29 days
idk, i've been thinkin about long distance satoru :') just a little something i wrote while experiencing a bit of writers block. it's inspired on a military relationship but it can really be just any long distance!
warnings: nsfw, mdni 18+, smut and fluff
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long-distance! satoru whose heart aches when you have to say goodbye, holding you closer just a little bit longer than usual as he tries to memorize every detail—the warmth of your body, the scent of your hair, the way your arms fit perfectly around him. he knows that the absence of your touch will leave him feeling empty again, a void only you can fill.
long-distance! satoru who texts you every morning and night, because you are the first and last thing on his mind.
long-distance! satoru who calls you late one night after a long mission. exhausted but unable to sleep, he finds comfort in the sound of your voice.
“mmm… ‘toru?” the innocent sound of your sleepy voice immediately melts him, his tension easing from your soothing whisper.
“heya sleepy head…you got a minute?”
you stay on the phone with him all night, talking about everything and nothing, until you fall asleep.
long-distance! satoru who listens to your soft, rhythmic breathing through the phone, and quietly confesses how much he misses you, how the sound of your voice and the warmth of your embrace are the only things that keep him grounded in a world that feels increasingly cold without you.
long-distance! satoru who loves when you send him a compilation of short videos to watch, just knowing that you thought of him, carefully selecting each clip to bring a smile to his face. he replays them over and over, allowing himself to feel closer to you, as if each clip is a tiny piece of you that he can hold onto.
long-distance! satoru who dreams of your future together, when the distance will no longer separate you. he envisions the day when he can finally hold you close and never let go. he dreams of lazy mornings spent tangled in the sheets with you, of quiet evenings where you can simply be together without the constant ache of longing. these dreams are what keep him going, a promise of a future where he can finally be by your side, where this long-distance heartache will be nothing but a memory.
long-distance! satoru whose breath hitches when you surprise him when a naughty photo while he’s working.
“fucking hell woman…what are you doing to me?”
long-distance! satoru whose cock strains against his uniform as he sits at his desk, the tantalizing image of you searing itself into his mind, leaving him desperate to touch himself, to feel some semblance of the closeness he craves.
long-distance! satoru who grips his weeping cock as he strokes himself in the privacy of his room, his thoughts consumed by you. the distance between you fades away in his fantasies, replaced by the heat of your body, the taste of your skin, the sound of your voice in his ear.
“fuck princess… I miss you so fucking much,” he whimpers nearing his edge, body trembling as hot spurts of cum paint him pretty, your name falling from his lips as he coats himself with the evidence of his need, his need to fuck you senseless.
long-distance! satoru who lies there afterward, breathless and spent, staring at the ceiling as the reality of your absence settles back in. there’s a bittersweet ache, because he knows it’s not enough—it’ll never be enough until he has you back in his arms, for real.
long-distance! satoru who surprises you with an unexpected visit, appearing at your doorstep after months of being apart. his duty bag slides off his shoulder in the doorframe and his arms open wide, inviting you for the embrace you’ve been yearning for.
“miss me, princess?” his boyish grin is blurred from the happy tears in your eyes, and you immediately throw yourself into his welcoming arms.
long-distance! satoru who wraps around you tightly, lifting you off your feet as he spins you around, laughter filling the air. the warmth of his body against yours is almost overwhelming, and you cling to him, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you inhale the familiar scent of him.
long-distance! satoru who doesn’t even make it past the doorway before his lips find yours, all teeth and tongue as he kicks the door shut with his foot. his hands roam your body with a hunger that borders on feral.
“let me make up for lost time,” he groans against your lips, a promise and a plea as he presses you against the nearest wall, hips grinding against yours, and you feel just how hard, how desperate, he has been for you.
long-distance! satoru who finally, after months of longing and aching, finds himself buried deep inside you, your bodies moving in perfect sync as if no time has passed at all. the sound of your moans, the way you cling to him—it’s everything he’s been dreaming of, and more.
long-distance! satoru who pours everything he’s been holding back into this moment, into you. he groans your name, voice strained with the effort to hold on just a little longer, to make this last, because honestly, he could have cum moments after entering you—your cunt is just too fucking delicious.
long-distance! satoru who knows exactly how to bring you to your own edge, who’s learned your body, knows what makes you gasp, what makes you moan, what makes you arch against him in that delicious way that drives him to the brink.
“cum for me, princess” he commands. and when you do, when your body clenches around him, pulling him deeper, it’s his undoing.
long-distance! satoru who finally lets go with a shuddering gasp, his release crashing over him like a tidal wave.
“fuck, I love you,” he groans, hands gripping your hips as he buries his face in your neck, his needy moans muffled against your skin as he spills his seed inside you, body trembling with the explosive force of it.
long-distance! satoru, who holds you close afterward, your bodies tangled together as you come down from the high. he presses soft kisses to your temple, your shoulder, your lips, whispering sweet nothings as you both drift off to sleep, content in the knowledge that, at least for now, the distance is no more.
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mellowwillowy · 7 months
TWST x Self-aware Yan Cannibal AU Ft: Unhinged GN Reader
Unbirthday party has always been a merry occasion for 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐮𝐥. Not only does he get to eat the strawberry tarts, but he also gets to have Trey's meat pie specialty.
Pigs who dared to enrage the tyrant by upsetting you, the law, are sent to the kitchen for the butcher and baker to process into something edible.
The card soldiers cheer in joy and anxiety, pleased to be able to taste the main course yet sweating over the idea of screwing up and ending up on the silver platter.
Yet part of them does not really mind if it's meant that they will be devoured by you, the law, their grace. Ace and Deuce have always irked Riddle but the sight of you smiling along with their pranks and mischiefs save them from the trouble they are about to face.
Cater will always upload it on magicam, boasting the sight of you enjoying your stay in 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐮𝐥 as you nibble on the tart. Baked and minced to your favorite, as usual. Trey and Cater sure know their way around this, memorizing how you like it by heart.
"Looks like you two are having a hard time cleaning the guillotine huh?" You stopped in front of the guillotine, watching the other students along with the ADeuce duo wiping the blade that had severed yet another pig for you to feast on soon.
"Uh yeah, troublesome as always, I hate having this bloody mess all over my hands." Deuce furrowed his eyebrows, waving his hands for you to see. Ace immediately elbowed Deuce, "Dude, you are splattering the blood all over me!"
You chuckled at the duo before turning back your focus on Riddle and his chaperones, "I assure you, those blood does taste good too if you know your way around it."
Trey and Cater raised their eyebrows and glanced at each other, seemingly knowing what they would present for you at the next Unbirthday party.
"Is that so? Then I'll make sure to have your Grace have a taste of it at our next tea party."
It's only natural to see the beasts ripping the guts out of the prey with their bare fangs. 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰 surely offers an entirely different vibe when it comes to banquets.
Until Leona signals them, the beasts are nothing but starving predators, ready to shred the prey into minced meat. But Leona is nothing but a calm and obedient beast when it comes to you, eagerly waiting for you to give him the accord.
One tilt of your head and a nod is all it takes for Leona to snap his fingers, the chosen beasts leaping toward the prey eagerly as their claws and fangs tore them apart.
Jack was the fiercest among the others, even more than his seniors. For someone who held an upright moral integrity, he had it revolved around you and all sense of justice had been laid onto the tip of your tongue.
Ruggie on the other hand only watched in amusement next to Leona, waiting for the next batch of captured prey to be feasted by him. He would not cut line and steal a bite of what's not given to him from you, oh nooo, he was a patient hyena.
Leona cocked his head to you, eyes focused on you while waiting for you to lock your eyes with his, "Should I grab one for you to eat too, your Grace?"
Mostro Lounge has always offered the best dining experience. It is not to be doubted again that 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 is most definitely going to serve you the finest meal, personally handled and cooked by the Tweels.
And of course, those who fail to fulfill the terms of Azul's contract have to feel how the merfolks gut them, spilling their whole innards all over as they choose which part is considered the most delectable for you.
From the sophisticated look of the beverage, tinted dark red yet a hue of purple could be seen, giving it a pleasingly aesthetic look for you to fawn over before you drink it down.
On the silver platter was a heart, decorated with things you had no idea about but you had seen back in your world. Fancy diners always do that, you thought to yourself.
"Only the best part for your Grace." Jade bowed down as he adjusted the plate and utensils. Floyd was grinning from ear to ear as he dusted the sugar cube into your drink, "And something refreshingly sweet for ya' highness!"
You gave them a curt nod before slicing it, Floyd kneeling down next to you while his face rested on your chair's armrest, eyes glimmering in excitement as he waited for your feedback. Jade might not show it in his face but even you could notice how his feet tapped against the carpeted tile, something you'd never see from someone who could stand still for hours without moving like an inanimate object.
You gave them an approving nod and smile as you took a sip from the drink Floyd personally went over length to make for you, "Satisfactory as usual."
A pair of hands clasped on your shoulders from behind, Azul cooed right into your ear "But your Grace, surely it can go beyond that no? We'll make sure of that the next time you choose to feast here."
Banquet has always been something that is always happening due to Kalim's nature and Jamil has never really found any joy from it.
But all that changes if the banquet is thrown for you. Oh, how the viper ensures himself to go beyond length in preparing the dishes. With Kalim's endless riches, he can use all sorts of ingredients one would never be able to obtain without spending a fortune for their rarity. Only the freshest and best ingredients are allowed to be used for your meal and so are the living meat of the students.
Everything must be set to a T. Kalim may not be a tyrant but when it comes to you? He's unconsciously pointing his fingers and brows scrunched at anything that is not abided by perfection. The lamps are not hung at the right angle, the pillows have not been changed into new pillows and the animals must be paraded in order and not roam like wild beasts. Anyone who just ever makes the slightest mistake will be sent straight to the kitchen as an ingredient. Had it not been for Jamil's suggestion to send them all bruiseless, they would have been beaten until they were nothing but pulp.
You were taking in the sight of the parade, everything was as amusing as you had always remembered. But the true highlight lay in Jamil's cooking, if you have to pinpoint the best cook in this twisted wonderland then it had to be Jamil. Unlike the finery of Mostro Longue, Jamil's cooking had a different feel to it. It was not as aesthetic yet it did not change the fact that it still looked pleasantly delicious. If Mostro Lounge accounted for the positioning of the food in a numerical and angle way, Jamil offered everything in a neat bulk. Curry, prata, shawarma, and all. Its display screamed for people to grab one yet no one dared to unless you ordered them to do so.
You cocked your head toward Kalim who was sitting right next to you, eyes glimmering in adoration as he drunk in your expression. Oh, would you finally like to have a bite? He held one of the shawarma out toward you with an empty plate in his other hand.
Jamil had ensured that there were 2 different platters, one for you which was made from the best ingredients and seasonings, while the other was less if compared to yours but still delicious nonetheless. One was made from meat and blood that had been considered the best while the other was made from those that failed to pass through the requirements.
You took a bite from his hand, savoring the taste of Jamil's hard work while enjoying the show of Kalim's tyranny. Truly, you love being able to taint your beloved sunshine.
"Say say, are you enjoying it all, your Grace? Not even a beat of music missed and all the food that sprawled across the room is ensured to be of the best quality." Kalim brought a goblet onto you and you held it in your hand. He gave you another grin that was just as blinding as the sun, his finger beckoned Jamil to pour you the carmine drink, squeezed from their cries of agony and pain before they were minced.
"But of course, your Grace has no need to hesitate to point something out if it's not to your liking," Jamil chimed in as he watched you swirl your goblet. The two of them stared right into your eyes, eyes enchanted by you despite one being an enchanter, "Because we seek only perfection for your Grace's taste."
𝐏𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐞 prides themselves in their pitch-perfect diet. So what if their Grace has a different taste in the feast? All they have to do is readjust and tailor the whole dorm's diet to yours.
The fairest one of all, wearing a tiara that shines even brighter than any tiaras Vil has ever seen, truly living up to the radiance you emit just from sitting on the very throne with him standing right next to you.
It appeared that preparing a banquet was a huge feat for 𝐏𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐞 as they were divided into 2 teams. Team One prepared the whole occasion while Team Two flocked toward you, amusing you with a theatric show as you watched them from your throne.
It appeared that Rook's fascination with the world of theatrics and you worked really well as he 'acted' out the role of a lover professing his love toward the protagonist really well. Strings of bizarre praises and wishes rolled from the tip of his tongue smoothly as though it was by nature for him to act so already.
Epel on the other hand was all energized to drag the qualified livestock into the kitchen after Vil had inspected them all personally. The livestock was to be of a healthy diet, bruiseless and ailment-free before it was allowed to be cooked and feasted by the Grace.
The moment Rook was notified that the whole banquet was ready, a trumpet was blown and you were led to the dining hall which had been decorated to match your attire. Were you wearing something cute, pure, sexy, cool, or pop? Either way, 𝐏𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐞 never missed a beat in losing its elegance no matter what the theme was.
"Allow me," Rook pulled the chair for you to sit on before he readjusted the platter asymmetrically. Right next to your seat on the right was Vil sitting while the rest of the body stood, not daring to sit unless you allowed them to.
Seeing Epel all giddy observing you, you beckoned him to come to you and he whispered into your ear, "I seasoned it!"
You cocked a questioning eyebrow toward Vil and he could only sigh with a chuckle, "Oh what will I do with your Grace's taste bud?"
Rook poured a carmine red fluid into your glass, its smell told you that it was not made just from a fine wine but rather, a fine blood.
"A fine cocktail of white wine, dyed with a carmine golden drop, hand-picked and squeezed personally by me. Truly, your favorite, your Grace."
Honestly, what do you even expect from all these anti-socials? They are nothing but a bunch of hikikomori yet the Shroud Brothers just know how to surprise you!
Unlike the impractical methods that the others use to earn just a golden drop of blood from the livestock, the dorm has created countless practical devices that help them to create something quickly.
Compressors that grind down the gutless livestock into a fine drink. Shredders that allow them to save time from having to shred from chunk by chunk. And a practical inspection device that helps Idia sort out the best for you to feast on.
Ortho had to be the most eager one of all, singing non-stop as he ensured all were to be finished quickly when you informed him that you would be choosing 𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞 for your next banquet.
They specialized in efficiency and speed but that did not mean they lacked the skill of cooking a delicious dish. While it may be pale when compared to other dorms, 𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞 is a great option for when you are craving for something and want it to be on your plate in a short moment. They might not score 12/10 but they were able to at the very least score 8/10. Surprised much? Ortho had been practicing how to cook and all from the data Idia inputted into him.
"Uurgh.. uhh... y-your Grace... so what is the verdict? A level up? Or an increase in the ranking board? O-Ortho is really expecting your answer..."
You raised your eyebrows at his stuttering, "Getting better," you stopped for a moment to chew again, "and delicious."
Ortho immediately leaped toward you from Idia's back, causing him to squeak, his metal arms wrapped around your neck, "I'm glad! Please keep on coming here and I'll make sure to be the best cook you'll ever have!"
Idia brought a napkin over to your face, "Yes... should your Grace ever need for a quick meal, please come by... Me and Ortho... and Ortho... will always be ready at your disposal."
But who were you but the all-knowing God, you knew there was a slight taint of blot in your meal, Ortho, you assumed.
Lilia has to stay away from the kitchen. But don't worry, the bat is entrusted with hunting down livestock for the youngsters to process into something edible.
Malleus on the other hand is ready to strike anyone down with lightning should they make the slightest mistake in the banquet preparation.
Sebek is in charge of inspecting the livestock while Silver is in charge of the most gruesome part of the job (which was appointed by you for fun.) which is gutting. Surely tainting someone so pure like him has to be your favorite feast.
The candles on the table were all lit in emerald hue, fireflies surrounded you as Lilia levitated around you, joyously guiding you toward the dining table.
There you could see Malleus sitting on the second host seat, his hand prompts you to take a seat across from him. Lilia pulled the chair for you to sit before Silver walked out of nowhere, holding a plate of dishes for you to feast on.
Sebek on the other hand had been arranged to stand right next to Malleus, part of him was happy yet part of him envied Silver. Nonetheless, no barks had ever slipped past through his sealed lip.
"Kukuku, the boys went through great details and length in preparing this whole banquet, well, me included. It was fun hunting down these livestock for you," His index finger felt your platter, "it makes me feel like I must pick the ripest for you... feeding you... aa~"
Soon, he brought a forkful of meat sliced by SIlver earlier while you were distracted by Lilia. Malleus smiled at your dazed-out face and the way realization washed over you.
"May your Grace enjoy the blessing that you have graced us tonight." Malleus raised his goblet, urging you to do just the same.
"Cheers!" Lilia wiped your mouth with the napkin, Silver's hand holding out your filled goblet.
𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐲 ???
"My words! Did you have fun, hm?" Crowley immediately lunged toward you the moment you entered his office. He gave you the cutest pout you could ever see from him, his cheek rubbed against yours repeatedly.
"Are you jealous, Dire?"
"Of course not! How can someone as magnanimous as I, be jealous of my own fledglings?" And as though to prove to you his seriousness, he even posed ridiculously with his staff.
You cackled at him before giving him a kiss on his cheek, "I'm home, Dire."
Crowley stopped acting up and turned serene, giving you a smile that didn't seem to reach his eyes.
"Welcome home, Master. Dinner's ready as usual."
Oh old times... ???
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firehose118 · 2 months
easy come, easy go
Buck and Tommy are well on their way to christening Buck's new couch. He'd bought the longest, deepest couch his loft could accommodate in the hopes of doing exactly this; laying on his back under the weight of Tommy's body, one leg hooked around Tommy's hip to keep him grinding in close.
Buck gets Tommy's shirt up and off of him. He wants to feel those powerful muscles under his hands, wants to stroke and squeeze and memorize every inch of Tommy's back.
Tommy cradles his face with one hand and kisses him like there's nothing else in the world he would rather be doing. It's heated, passionate, but there's no urgency. They have matching 72s off for the first time in months. They don't have any plans for the next three days beyond the languid enjoyment of each other.
That was, perhaps, their mistake. The first responder gods see quiet as a challenge, after all.
Buck doesn't hear the first knock. It lands against his door at the same moment Tommy sucks on his tongue and he moans loudly enough to drown it out.
The second knock he hears, barely, but he doesn't really register what it means. He's lost in the hot pleasure of Tommy Tommy Tommy all around him, taking over every one of his senses. It's not until Tommy pulls away from his mouth that he gets any of his bearings back.
"Are you expecting anyone else, sweetheart?" Tommy asks, gently teasing. He leans back down for a lingering, open-mouthed kiss.
Buck shakes his head when they part again. "Just you."
Tommy smiles and raises his eyebrows as the third knock sounds. "Are you gonna answer it?"
"Oh." Kiss-drunk and stupid, that honestly hadn't occurred to Buck. "Y-yeah, I probably should. I'll be quick! Don't go anywhere."
Tommy sits up and lets Buck get off the couch. "Wouldn't dream of it," he says.
He leans back on the couch, his muscles shifting under his skin as he settles on his side; a god in repose. Buck wants to say fuck it and dive back into Tommy's body, let whoever is at the door just go away, but he's already standing up so he should at least try to be normal about this.
It's probably a neighbor or a delivery driver with the wrong apartment number. Buck will set them straight and get back to Tommy, thirty seconds max.
The last person he expects to see on the other side of the door is Eddie. Not because it's rare for him to show up out of the blue, but because he usually just lets himself in after the first knock.
And god, Buck keeps forgetting about the mustache.
"Sorry, I don't have my key," Eddie says as he walks right in. 
"Uh, hey- hey Eddie." Buck exchanges a quick look with Tommy, who stands up from the couch like he's fleeing the scene of a crime. He looks just as confused as Buck is.
There's no hiding what they were doing. Tommy's hair is a mess, he's still shirtless, and Buck is pretty sure there's a visible hickey forming on his own neck. Eddie doesn't take any of this as a sign that he's interrupting. If he has any awareness of the fact that his friends were in the middle of something, he doesn't show it. He heads straight for Buck's fridge to get a beer.
“Wow,” Tommy says, stepping closer and taking in the mustache. “I guess it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. That’s a new look.”
“I’m trying something out,” Eddie says, frustrated by the bottle cap. Wordlessly, he hands the bottle to Buck who twists the cap off without issue and hands it back.
“It looks good,” Tommy says. “Classic.”
“No, no, don’t encourage him,” Buck pleads. “We’ve been trying to get him to shave it for days.”
First, Eddie had grown a beard. It was a classic depression beard, but it looked good. Eddie always looked good with a bit of stubble, and the full beard really worked on him. Then Gerrard had informed him with an infuriating smirk that it was against regulation. Eddie had looked to Buck in panic, knowing Buck still had the regulations memorized from his fire marshal days. Buck had to nod reluctantly.
"Mustaches are okay but beards interfere with the seal on the respiratory equipment," Buck had recited. He'd regretted it the moment those words left his mouth as he saw the idea spark in Eddie's eyes.
So instead of shaving his face clean, Eddie left the mustache. Hen said it was the equivalent of getting bangs after a breakup, but Buck didn't know what that meant.
It's been a group bullying effort ever since, with everyone at the 118 pulling their weight. Every day, a new nickname. Every day, more and more insinuations that Eddie was doing porn in his free time. Eddie had stopped responding to it at all. He was holding onto this mustache like a lifeline.
"What?" Tommy scoffs, sounding genuinely confused. "Why would you want him to shave it? He's pulling it off."
"Thank you," Eddie says, gesturing at Tommy. "Finally someone gets it."
Buck looks at Tommy in horror. The same tongue that spoke those words had been in his mouth mere minutes ago. "Traitor."
Tommy just shrugs and goes looking for his shirt. He seems to have accepted that Eddie won't be getting the hint.
"I'm having a crisis, guys," Eddie groans. He's leaning his knuckles against Buck's island counter.
"That much is obvious, Eddie Mercury," Tommy deadpans as he finally finds his shirt under the stairs.
Oh fuck, how had they missed that one? Even Chim hadn't found his way to that nickname. Buck goes to send that to the 118 group chat but realizes his phone is across the room. He'd taken it out of his pocket when Tommy had pushed him flat onto the couch and covered Buck's body with his own.
"I'm gonna choose to take that as a compliment," Eddie says. "But I'm serious. I- I got a call today from Christopher's school. They want to know if he's coming back next year."
"What'd you tell them?" Buck asks.
"I told them I don't know, because I don't. They said if I don't get back to them within the next week they can't hold his spot. And I get that, it's a specialized school with a long waiting list and if Chris isn't there to take advantage of that someone else should get to, but you know how hard I worked to get him in. I- I don't want to risk him losing his spot just because he's mad at me."
This can't be my fault too, Buck hears.
"You should call him," Tommy says. "Let him know what's going on."
Eddie rubs a hand over his face. "I don't want to pressure him, though," he says. "I don't want him to come back before he's ready because he feels like he has to and have him resent me for it."
"I think he'll be happier if he gets to make the decision," Buck says.
"You can tell him you'll respect his choice no matter what, take the pressure off that way," Tommy agrees. "Tell him that you won't be mad if he lets this opportunity go, but let him be in charge of his future. Show him you trust him with something like this."
"Don't FaceTime him, though," Buck jokes. "He'll see that mustache and stay in Texas where he's safe far, far away from it."
Eddie smiles softly at that. It's the first positive response he's had to the teasing about his mustache.
"You're right. Thank you, guys. That's exactly what I'm gonna do," Eddie says. He drains his beer and starts walking to the door.
"Uh, hold up," Buck says. Eddie has only had one beer but he seems a little out of it, a little unstable. "You sure you're good to drive?"
"I didn't drive here," Eddie says simply, waving away Buck's worry. "You two guys have a good night."
And with no further explanation, Eddie is out the door; leaving as quickly and bafflingly as he arrived.
Tommy looks at Buck with his mouth slightly open, processing.
"Should we be worried about him?" Buck asks. He crosses the kitchen to press himself against Tommy's side.
"Oh, absolutely," Tommy says. "That mustache is a cry for help if I've ever seen one."
Buck's mouth falls open. "You said it looks good!"
"It does. I wasn't lying when I said he was pulling it off. That doesn't mean it's a sign of mental stability."
Buck hums in agreement. "We'll do lunch with him tomorrow. Check in." He leans into Tommy, desire buzzing under his skin where their bodies touch. "What if I grew a mustache? Do you think I could pull it off?"
Tommy looks over his face, considering. "I don't think it would go with your new fuckboy haircut." He runs a hand through Buck's hair, smoothing his thumb over one of Buck's missing sideburns.
"You like my new fuckboy haircut," Buck flirts, melting into Tommy's touch.
"Mmm, I love it," Tommy confirms. He pinches Buck's cheek affectionately and places his other hand on Buck's hip.
Buck meets Tommy halfway when he leans in for a kiss and decides he can worry about his friend in the morning. He has a new couch to break in. 
{give me kudos!}
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joonsytip · 10 months
Withering for You || Seungcheol-Part 2
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Pairings: Seungcheol x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, CEO! Seungcheol au, Husband! Seungcheol au, Wife! Reader au, Music Teacher! Reader au, Arranged Marriage au, College Sweetheart au, Exes to Lovers au
Synopsis: When you are arranged married to the man, whose heart you had broken years ago, even dreaming about mending things seems next to impossible when he has been holding grudge for all these only to return it to you tenfold.
Warnings (specific to this part): Seungcheol is still the biggest meany, crying, profanities, everyone is hurt and sad, everything is on rocks, mentions of infidelity (doesn't happen to though), smut, mention of alcohol consumption
Word Count: 6.1k
Minors DNI!
Banner credits to my baby @hoeforhao <3
[SVT Masterlist] [SVT Flick - Fic Masterlist]
Teaser | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue
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You are laying on the bed draped over by your husband, Seungcheol.
The reception party passed in a blink of an eye and after you both were driven to the house aided by nothing but silence, Seungcheol was all over you as soon as you both stepped into the house.
He dragged you into the nearest room he could get and next, both of your clothes were off, now littering the floor.
You two blended in so naturally that it seemed like you two were never apart. Seungcheol still has the map of your body memorized and it has been over an hour since he has started to work his mouth on your pussy. He's been teasing your clit, sucking on your buds but never giving you an orgasm.
You lay breathless, gasping as he continues to deny you orgasms, overstimulating you and when you try to squirm away his strong grip is keeping you in place.
"P-Please I can't take it anymore", you say in your hoarse voice, giving his hair rough tug, "Please let me cum, Seungcheol please..."
Seungcheol lifts his gaze to meet yours, his lips curled up in mockery before dives into your folds once again eating you out like a starved man of years.
And suddenly, all of it's gone. You open your eyes again at the emptiness only to see him hovering over you.
He takes both of your hands and pins them down to the bed. He growls into your mouth and bites your lower lip a little too hard. You moan when his other hand kneads your breasts and pinch your nipples. It's all so intense that you have gone void of anything and everything except for Seungcheol. All you feel and see is him.
Seungcheol is marking you tenaciously, a clear message to you that you're now solely his. He's painting your neck, your chest, your thighs in shades of pink and purple for the world to know.
A loud moan erupts out of your throat when he enters you, filling you up to the hilt. He releases your hands and you find them wrapping around his shoulder. With each sharp thrust of his, your nails dig deeper on the skin of his back. And it doesn't take long for you to reach your first orgasm of the night.
But your husband has just started. He doesn't give you any time to recover. He sits up and perches both of your legs on his shoulder and starts to thrust into you deeper while his fingers rub your clit. A few more thrusts and you are cumming again along with him.
You're exhausted, so numb from the session that your eyes close shut. And when you're drifting off, you feel a grip on your hips and your husband whispers in your ear, "We are just getting started, did you forget how long we went before?"
And next you're being flipped onto the bed.
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You wake up at noon and your mood immediately sours seeing the empty space beside you. Seungcheol's words from last night ring in your ears.
"Where are you going?", you ask when you see him getting off the bed after he's satiated at the dawn hours.
"To my room", he says draping over the towel he got from the bathroom, "And", he turns to look at you, "This is your room, you'll be staying here."
You're eyes go wide as saucers and with every ounce of energy you could gather you sat up, "What do you mean by that? We're married!"
Seungcheol laughs and throws you a glare, "Just on paper. Don't you dare to cross the threshold to my room. I'm warning you."
And then he leaves.
After showering, you decide to get something to eat and that's when you meet the housekeeper Ms. Oh in the kitchen.
"Hello, Ms. Oh!", you greet her in glee because you knew her and absolutely adored her.
Ms. Oh turns around in surprise and the first thing she does on seeing you is pulling you aside and saying with concern, "I never believed you'd do something like that to Seungcheol. So please be honest with me and answer me. Did you really cheat on him all those years ago?"
You sigh and try to usher off but also you didn't wanna disappoint people who loved you anymore so you answered honestly, "I didn't. I have loved Seungcheol devotedly throughout. There was never anyone else."
"Oh poor thing. You must have had your reasons to let that happen", you hear Ms. Oh exclaim and next you're being pulled into her embrace. She has been with Seungcheol since his childhood days. Ever since he had a house of his own, she has been sent to take care of him. You had met her when you had visited the Choi mansion while you both dated. She was always the one to welcome you.
"Is he up yet?", you ask and Ms. Oh shrugs off urging you to check it yourself.
So you are now standing at the threshold of your husband's room and contemplating where to fight the lion or flight from the spot.
Ofcourse you choose to the former, hence you don't even knock, just push the door behind and walk in.
"Where do you think you're heading?", you freeze seeing Seungcheol who's sat on the bed, glasses on, probably reading something on the tab, "You're not allowed in here, get out."
Your absence of fear and bored expression irks your husband. Before he could speak again, you are pacing fast and now you're seating infront of him.
"Do you really think all these tactics would work on me?", you roll eyes, "I'm your wife and not just on paper."
"People can be really shameless.", he snickers, "I thought I was a good judge of character but thanks to you, I don't think so anymore."
"Seungcheol, it's in the past, can't we start again?"
"So simple for you to say, isn't it?"
The atmosphere drops. The gloom caves in. And as Seungcheol's eyes turn darker, his face scares you off. Tab long forgotten on the bed, both of his hands form a fist, a sign you know very well. He's controlling himself, he's keeping his feelings, his hurt, his words at a bay.
Moments pass by. You stare at him, he glares at you.
"I have never loved again Y/N.", he says like a scarred man, all the anger now replaced with all of the agonies, "I have trust issues, I can't trust people easily."
His voice cracks, he lets all those tears fall, "I wasn't like this. It's so suffocating, so difficult to live like this."
You are rendered speechless. All these years you have only wept in self pity. All three years you've only thought how wronged you were, how difficult it was for you.
But what about Seungcheol? How did he cope up? Was there ever a scope of healing for him?
Clearly not. You could see the entire span of heartbreak in the way he's sobbing now, face hidden behind his palms.
You want to engulf him in your embrace. Want to take all of his pain away. But you know if you reach out it would only hurt him more. So you wipe your tears hastily and walk out of his room.
Were you really going to do him any good? That's what you could think of.
"All you had to do is stay.", Seungcheol murmurs to the door which slammed shut when you walked out.
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The flashlights are blinding. The fake smiles are nauseating. The entire venue is suffocating.
But you know better, being the wife of Choi Seungcheol comes with a whole lot of baggage. The most displeasing one to you being in the limelight. And Seungcheol knows it well, hence he has been attending every event he could despite his busy schedule only to drag you along with him in each one of them.
He takes pleasure in your discomfort throughout the night. His lips curl up everytime an obnoxious person approaches you just to sprut nonsense or talk business, your interest in neither.
You don't let go of your husband's arm. Though you know it attracts more of an unnecessary crowd, you don't let that grip loosen, not even for a moment.
"I don't understand you sometimes.", Seungcheol says as you both occupy a table at the corner, "You say you don't like the limelight but isn't that what you've been running for? You did marry me for my money, my status and my fame. What else do you want?"
Your gaze is fixated on the some random couple you don't know when you say, "What if all I need is you?", you crane your neck to meet his gaze.
Seungcheol breaks the gaze from you and he leaves the table. You have been confessing your feelings at every chance you could but to Seungcheol it's amusing, how swiftly you could lie through your teeth even without batting eyelashes. Marvelous he thinks and he hates you more each time.
That night, like any other, he fucks you dumb till the dawn.
You are not unaware of Seungcheol's hostility towards you. He thinks of you as nothing but a gold digger, a ruthless woman who wouldn't hesitate to trample people if they come the way of something you wanna achieve.
It's already been three months since you both got married. Three month of you chasing Seungcheol and him pushing you away.
When you, every morning take your sweet time in his walk-in closet only to select an attire he'd wear for the day, he later would unabashedly walk out wearing an entirely different outfit.
You can't cook to save your life but you wait for him, everyday at the table for breakfast but on spotting you, he walks out informing Ms. Oh he'd grab something on the way. But that didn't stop you. Nowadays you grab his arm forcefully and take him to the table, pester him until he gives up and eats the breakfast that's served.
He never spends the night with you in the sheets. Even though you're begging, he pads out of your room as soon as he's done.
You never miss to say the 'I love Yous' everytime he walks out of the door.
And you believe someday he'd say it back.
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You take a deep breath as you arrive at the Choi mansion. It's kind of a ritual for the Choi's to hold a family dinner at least once every month. The last two times were kinda awkward but manageable.
But this time you're a lot hesitant because unlike for the last time, Seungcheol's father would be present and you're still thinking of making an excuse to skip it. But you also know Seungcheol looks forward to it a lot because it's not like he gets to spend a lot of time with this parents. Their busy schedules allow only a limited amount of time for togetherness and the three of them put every effort to make it happen.
"Welcome my sweethearts!", your mother in law coos as she embraces you both.
Seungcheol has noticed how stiff you go around his mother all the time now. Doesn't click, because when you both dated you and his mother got along really well. He wonders what could have happened.
His father walks out to recieve you both and Seungcheol suddenly feels a strong grip around his arms. He looks to find you sticking closer to him, your eyes unsure as his father approaches you both. He finds it odd. But again he knows his father and you never got along since the old days. It was mostly his father, who didn't let go if any chance to express his disliking towards you.
The dinner proceeds with horrible awkwardness. It's mostly the son catching up with his parents. You just sit quietly only giving short answers if asked anything. Your appetite is long gone.
"I have packed some dinner for Wonwoo.", his mother says, "and asked him to come and get it. That boy never joins us even though he drives you here everytime.", she says disappointed.
"Mom, that's how he is.", Seungcheol adds light heartedly.
"How are things going with your music academy?", Mr. Choi asks you and waits for you to speak with undivided attention.
"It's going to be hectic since it's gonna be the competition season soon.", you answer curtly.
"Are you going to participate or perform in any of the events?", Mrs. Choi asks.
"In a couple of them.", you say smiling at her.
You're heaving a sigh of relief as you walk out of the mansion to get some fresh air. Meanwhile, Seungcheol is bidding goodbyes to his parents. You don't think it's ever gonna get easy.
"I hope you're treating her well, son.", Mrs. Choi says with an undertone.
Seungcheol just looks at her in disbelief before speaking, "Are you being serious? That woman had broke me apart and you want me to treat her right?", he hisses, "No, sorry, I can't and I won't."
His mother sighs, "She is the one for you, Cheol. Make things right while you still have a chance. Don't do anything that you'll regret later."
"Mom, why--"
"Because there are things you might be unaware of. You don't know what the person on the other end might have gone through.", she smiles sadly, "Marriages are not meant for revenge, not when you both have feelings for each other."
Seungcheol laughs, "Feelings? I hate her mom!"
"You hate her because you have those feelings entangled in your heart, all in your head.", she pats his arms, "Otherwise it's been years Cheol, if there are no such feelings involved, you should been apathetic towards her."
Seungcheol knows he lost the debate then and there. But he's ready, to stab the knife and twist it. He has been preparing to suck out your soul hollow.
"You didn't have to come here, I know I make you uncomfortable."
You don't move on hearing the voice. You just keep looking ahead.
"I'm sure you must be happy, Mr. Choi.", your lips curl up slightly, "We aren't making any progress, he still hates me the same."
Mr. Choi chuckles bitterly, "Nothing I do would make you forgive me but I'm sorry. I'm really ashamed for what I had done--"
You hold your hand up to stop him and turn to look at him, "It's all meaningless and I know you don't mean a thing you say. All I could hope is that this time you don't interfere in our relationship"
You're walking out before he could speak further. When you get home, Seungcheol finds it odd once again when you don't try to initiate any conversation with him but rather go straight to your room, closing the door shut.
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"Is it that bad?", you ask in a small voice, "Sorry, but this is all I could come up with."
There's no response from the other end. You think you might cry because the expression on Seungkwan's face, you're sure can't be of something good.
You get up embarassed, "We don't have enough time to create something else. I think you should ask someone else or take my name out the competition. I'm really sorry."
Then you're turning back to walk out of the room.
"I have never heard of anything this good.", comes Seungkwan's stern voice.
And the next few moments go by you chasing him and him running, screaming around in the hall to save his life.
"Aashole, I'm not taking part anymore", you say catching your breathe, "I'm done with you."
"You are not, honey.", he sits on a chair and says, "I heard you've taken a bunch of invitations out this time. Is it what I'm guessing?"
"Yeah. I'm going to invite Seungcheol, his parents, Wonwoo and some more people.", you deflate instantly, "Though, I'm assuming none of them would be attending."
Seungkwan chooses silence because he has nothing but some mere words of consolation to offer.
"I'm going have lunch with Seungcheol today, I'll give him the invitation card then."
"Okay ma'am! See you in the evening?", he asks, you nod.
Ridiculous or not, this is the first time you are visiting the Choi enterprise after your marriage. The staff are greeting you throughout, offering to guide you to Seungcheol's office but you had already texted Wonwoo and he diligently waits for you at the reception.
Something's off, you can sense it from Wonwoo's demeanor. He's not as bitchy as he generally is. When you're out of the elevator, he says, "The last cabin on the hallway."
You acknowledge and pull out an invitation card. He's surprised when give it him saying, "I hope you'll come to watch."
Wonwoo in turn surprises you with his respond, "Sure, I'll be there."
You gape at him but defer yourself from asking, not wanting to probe further.
"He doesn't have any meetings scheduled for the next two hours right?"
"No he doesn't and this is the time he usually has lunch."
"Ok thanks.", you excuse yourself and walk to his cabin door. You take a deep breath, anxious because Seungcheol doesn't know about your visit yet and you're not sure how he'd react.
You knock at his door and hear a faint come in. Sliding the handle you're met with an unpleasant sight.
Rather an unpleasant person, Jiah almost hovering over your husband. Seungcheol's brows cock at your unannounced presence.
"What are you doing here?", Jiah asks and you stand over crossing your arms. The response never comes.
"I asked what the hell are you doing here? Who gave you the permission to come here?"
You take out your phone and click a photo of both of them at such an angel which looks a lot more compromising than it actually is.
"What are you doing?", Seungcheol asks but you ignore him.
"Out.", you say glaring at Jiah.
"You are bold to assume I'd listen to you.", Jiah scoffs.
"So you'd listen to Seungcheol then.", you say smiling and look at your husband, "Tell her to get out of here."
Seungcheol generally is unbothered but something in your aura is scaring is him today. He knows of your anger and he wonders what could happen if you're ticked off.
"Jiah, leave.", Seungcheol commands and Jiah looks at him as if betrayed.
"Heard it, now get lost.", you say while approaching her. Jiah instantly gets the flashback of her getting slapped by you on your wedding day. She gets a shiver through her spine and she's almost scurrying out.
"You had done something to her, haven't you?", Seungcheol asks you, "I think I just now saw terror in her eyes."
"Doesn't concern you.", you snark at him.
"Why did you take that picture?", he asks again.
You lips curls up in a cold smile and Seungcheol for some reason feels petrified, "Oh this", you hold out your phone for him to see the picture you took, "If she stayed, I would have sent this to the media. And I'm not sure how'd your companies handle the reputation damage."
Seungcheol is rendered speechless because he knows you can be cynical at times.
"Let's have lunch after that you'll take the medicine and then we'll head home.", you say, "Or do you wanna go home first?"
Seungcheol gives you an incredulous look, "What nonsense are you blabbering? Why would I go home now?"
You return him a sharp look, "Because you're having a splitting headache."
Your husband is once again, rendered speechless. He gulps once, blinks twice and asks, "H-How did you know?"
"Does that even matter?", you say getting up, "Your eyes are red, you're biting your lips every two seconds and your legs, you're continuously tapping them."
While Seungcheol gapes at you, you're calling Wonwoo.
"Does he have any important meetings today?", you ask, "No, actually, can all the meetings be rescheduled to some other day?"
Seungcheol doesn't get to hear Wonwoo's response but he watches as the creases on your face flats out in relief.
"Thanks, please reschedule them and also could you please pull out the car? We'll be heading home now.", you tell him, "No need to come up here, I'll bring him with me."
And you're making another call.
"I won't be going back to the academy, please reschedule my classes.", you inform. Seungcheol listens to your side of conversation carefully, "Yes, with my husband.", then you're nodding your head, "Sounds good. Thanks a lot."
Suddenly Seungcheol becomes an obedient man. He let's you grab his coat and briefcase. He also let's you take his hand and guide through his entire office.
Throughout the way, anyone who comes across you both, coos in amazement. The way you're carefully treading your way holding your husband and the way your husband's eyes are only on you is enciting. Pictures are being taken, praises are being whispered.
On the way to home, you call Ms. Oh, instructing her to cook something light but definitely not bland because Seungcheol won't even touch it at the sight.
When Seungcheol comes to the dining table after washing up, he finds you waiting for him. He's surprised at himself because he doesn't deter you when you're holding the spoon to his mouth. He eats all of it without uttering a word. When you're handing him the glass of water, he waits for you to hand him the medicine. When you take him to his bedroom, he lays down, subtly towards the inner side leaving you space to sit.
He is discreetly grabbing the corner of your dress when you massage his head. He hopes that his grip doesn't loosen when he falls asleep. And he feels your lips gently grazing his forehead as he falls asleep.
Seungcheol might be surprised at his own behaviour but you're definitely not. You know your husband becomes unhinged clingy whenever he feels unwell so if tonight he goes back to his asshole behaviour, you'd surmise that he has recovered.
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The next day, when Seungcheol is getting ready for office, you walk into the room already dressed up and before he could scold you're handing him the invitation card.
"I had visited your office yesterday with the purpose of giving you this invitation card.", you smile, "There's a competition and I'm gonna perform. It's in a month later, so please clear your schedules ahead. I hope you'd come."
You are already dejected because you're sure he won't be attending but there's still a silver lining in your heart which makes you think he might come and watch you perform.
While Seungcheol takes a look at the card, you are rushing out saying him bye.
The dining table is empty but Seungcheol sits trying to simmer down his curiousity but ultimately fails.
"Did she already have breakfast?", he asks Ms. Oh.
"No", she answers with concern, "When I asked her, she said something about having classes throughout the day, because she couldn't take those yesterday. Also, she said she'd be returning late at night."
"Her phone has been ringing since early morning", she adds, "She was waiting for you get up so she could give you the invitation card.", a smile spreads across her lips, "She gave one to me as well."
Seungcheol knows your dedication towards music and he is aware that the academy is your lifeline.
You had to skip breakfast and now that you have another set of classes lined up, you are running on heels to grab quick lunch. The competition season are meant to be hectic for the tutees as well as the mentors. And you being the only one with Cello being the instrument it's getting tougher.
It's 2 at night when you are finally done with the classes as well the paperwork. You check your phone and among the enormous amount of calls and texts your mood deflates when none of them belonged to Seungcheol. What did you expect? He's probably happy with you off his tail. You're not sure why but suddenly you think it's better to stay the night at the academy to avoid the hassle. You've pulled this before as well and it's convenient when you have to take early classes.
It's not like anyone is waiting for you at home.
This goes on for the whole week. You barely get to spend time at home. Early mornings you would sneak into your husband's room whom you dearly miss, just to catch a glimpse of his pretty face while he's asleep. And it becomes a habit, you press a soft kiss on his forehead each time carefully because he's light sleeper.
Despite knowing everything, despite of the hectic schedule Seungcheol is pulling you in for another event. Even though you tried to decline he's not listening. So here you are in another event that is making you sick.
You catch a breathe when you spot Eunsoo attending the same event.
"I barely see you these days", she says leaning against you.
"Only the people in the academy see me all the time.", you gruff, "I'm already so tired and now I had to attend this event."
"Seungcheol won't let you catch you a breathe.", Eunsoo laments, "How are you both doing? Any progress made?"
You sigh wishfully, "I really wish. Though he doesn't scowl as soon as I come in the periphery of his vision, he still can't quite tolerate me."
"Have you ever thought of telling him the truth?", Eunsoo asks.
"It will beat the purpose of hiding it at first place itself.", you say as you look at your husband talking with which you assume is a business partner, "It would hurt him a thousand times more than it did. It's for his sake."
"What if he doesn't change? How long are you going to keep on trying?"
The question falls on you like a bucket of ice cold water.
As long as your heart prevails, you think.
"What are your plans for Tuesday?", Eunsoo cocks her brows comically, "Can we meet atleast?"
"Honestly, I wanna catch a breathe.", you say tiredly, "But you all won't let me do that."
"It's your birthday bitch, stop being a granny.", Eunsoo rolls her eyes, "I'm not sure whether your dickhead husband knows it or not, we won't let you mop over him."
Your heart hurts. Ofcourse Seungcheol remembers but he won't acknowledge it as for you know.
"I have made a prior appointment so you can't cancel on us", she tugs at your arm.
"Ok fine, anyways I have taken the day off.", you say, "But let's spend it at Mingyu's house. Also, nothing too fancy please."
"Noted Ma'am. I'll go catch up with Miyeon.", she says and leans in to whisper in your ear, "Your husband is literally undressing you with his eyes, gross.", and then she walks away.
You do everything to passtime but never once look at Seungcheol. Because whenever you've swept your gaze it's always some random lady trying to leech onto your husband and him never ushering them away. You know he's doing it on purpose just to irk you but for the past few days it's getting to you.
Like now, your presence feels like a joke.
Blame it on exhaustion, blame it on lovesickness, there are tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
And that's why you're standing at the balcony of a deserted area frantically wiping your eyes and cheeks. Seungcheol wouldn't even notice if you're gone, that thought itself brings another bout of fresh tears to your eyes.
As the cool breeze grazes your face and arms, your mind lingers back to the past few months since you've been married. When you were mentally preparing nerve will to get back Seungcheol, he was also equally preparing to get back to you.
You might have underestimated Seungcheol's pettiness. You might be questioning your determination now.
"What are you doing here?", you are wiping your tears once again upon hearing Seungcheol's voice.
"Nothing much.", you say dismissively, "I think I'm gonna head out now. You can stay, no need to be bothered."
As you're walking out, a strong grip makes you halt in steps.
"Let's leave.", he says when you look at him before walking out of the venue hand in hand. The ride back to home is heavy. It sits on your chest.
"Everyone deserves a second chance, Seungcheol.", your voice cracks, "You know me all too well, you know how to throw a jab. But this is me trying."
Seungcheol is skeptical, about you, about everything you say, not his fault, you have made him the man he is today.
"I know you love to win.", your blootshot eyes look at him, but they hold so much grievance within them, "I might as well let you win this time."
The door shut echos throughout the house, just as your words echoes in Seungcheol's head.
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"Isn't that Wonwoo?", you squint your eyes one more before confirming.
"Wonwoo!", you call him out and the later get startled and once spotting you freezes on spot.
A tutee you have been mentoring has her mother admitted in the hospital whom you've been visiting regularly.
"What are you doing here?", you ask him and notice his dilated pupil.
"Are you okay--"
"Mr. Jeon", you see a doctor standing beside him say, "Your brother's condition has deteriorated and if we delay the surgery it will cause more implications.", his voice turns grimer,"The reports don't look good, please let us know your decision as soon as possible."
Wonwoo collapses on the floor as soon as the doctor leaves.
"Oh my god, Wonwoo!", you hold him, make sit on the chair and bring him a glass of water.
You panic when the man in front of you suddenly bursts into tears. With no idea what's happening, how to console him, you watch him quietly as he pours his heart out.
Once he calms down, you take him to the nearby cafe. Wonwoo isn't a guy of many words so as expected he's keeping his mouth shut when you ask him. Bonus, you know he hates you.
When you almost threaten him with digging information yourself and calling Seungcheol, he pleads you not to do so. That's when you come to know that his brother has been suffering from a rare disease and has been hospitalized since last three years. Seungcheol knows about this and has already been paying Wonwoo generously so he could cover the bills. But his brother needs a series of surgeries which would cost a lot more and what's more devastating is it doesn't even ensure recovery.
"Have you talked to Seungcheol about this?"
Wonwoo vigorously shakes his head, "He has already been paying me a lot more than promised. I can't leech of him."
"He's not only your employer, Seungcheol's your friend as well.", you tell him, "Fine you don't have to ask him, how much do you need?"
His eyes go wide and he thinks he has misheard.
You are smiling when you place your hand upon on his on the table affirmingly, "Let me help you please. I know you don't consider me as a friend, but I do."
"No. Never. I shouldn't--"
"It's not for free.", you say and Wonwoo gulps nervously.
"Y/N, please. I can't take help from you. I won't be able to repay you."
"Then I'm telling Seungcheol--"
"Ok fine.", Wonwoo says hesitantly, "Please tell me how I could repay you?"
You smile mischievously, "Well for the starters you can stop being a bitch to me."
Wonwoo gapes at you and when laughs when he finally gets the joke.
"Thanks Y/N. I'll be forever indebted to you."
"Wonseok will be recover soon."
He nods, "Hopefully.", he's a little hesitant but thinks that there's never a right time more than this to bring this up.
He takes a deep breath and asks, "I overheard your conversation with Mr. Choi that night at the mansion."
He watches you freeze.
"I think it has something to do with.....", he doesn't speak it out and continues cautiously, "I might sound rude, but please tell me all of it because no matter how much I think about it now, it's not making sense."
You're hot on heels. You think you should immediately run away but that was never an option so it isn't as now.
"I'll tell you", you say fumbling with your fingers, "but first promise that you won't tell Seungcheol."
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"Are the papers ready?", Seungcheol asks Jiah while going through some documents on his laptop.
Jiah's ear to ear grin says it all. She fishes out a file from her bag and hands it over to Seungcheol.
"What will happen if I take her lifeline away from her?", a sinisteric smile splits across his lips. His disgust, pettiness and hatred towards you have only curved into a humungous ball ever since he saw you again.
He hates when you claim to be his wife, he hates when you act as if the betrayal never happened, he hates the sight of you. So he has been waiting. Waiting for the right time to break your bones.
He wants nothing but for you to have the taste of your own poison.
"When are you planning to strike the hammer?", Jiah asks excitedly.
Seungcheol smirks, gazes at the pages of the flat open file, "This is gonna be interesting. The more buildup, the more pain. I'll be the one to nail the coffin, when the time is right."
He's already imagining your deserted state and the rush he's feeling through his body is impeccable.
He checks the calendar and your birthday pops up. Let it be the start, he plots.
Tuesday rolls in a blink of an eye with you currently groaning because your phone keeps on ringing disrupting your long planned sleep schedule.
"Mom", you grumble into the phone, "Let me sleep..."
"Happy Birthday to our precious!", you hear both your parents wish from the other end, "I'll be making all your favourite food, please come soon. Your dad has even baked your favourite cookies", you hear some rumbles before she continues, "and burnt his hands in the process."
You are not surprised, not at all.
"I'll be there in an hour.", you inform, "I have plans with my friends as well."
"And what about Seungcheol?", your father asks and you're quick to dismiss it.
Battling the urge to sleep for the whole day, you finally separate yourself from your bed. You have your whole day planned ahead and not a thing in it includes Seungcheol.
Before you could stow away, Ms. Oh catches you, making you drink the seaweed soup. You gulp down the delicious soup while your brother, who's out the country for attending yet another business matter facetimes you.
The day goes by you getting pampered by your parents who don't let you leave until it's Eunsoo, Mingyu & Seungkwan who physically had to barge into your parents house to take you away.
You are pleasantly surprised to see Wonwoo already waiting for you by the car.
"He's a gang member now.", Mingyu declares happily.
Another round of cake cutting and recieving gifts before you all catch up and drink to wash away the worries of life. Every time your phone dinges, you anticipate it to be from the one who hogs your mind but it's never him.
You decided to call it a night, thanking your friends happily and bidding them farewell as Wonwoo who on purpose kept low on drinking to drive you back home.
It's almost 11, you check the time while entering. You are crossing the hallway when you notice something on the centre table, a 3 tier red velvet cake sitting on it. Not trying to mind it, you are beelining towards your bedroom when you Seungcheol walks out of it.
"Happy Birthday, Y/N.", he wishes you with crescent eyes and toothy smile which makes you think you had one too many drinks so now you're hallucinating.
It's not until Seungcheol holds your hands, you snap of it.
"We've still got sometime until it's midnight", he then turns you back to hallway, "Let's cut the cake."
You push all the brewing questions at the back of your mind. For once you want to be happy without thinking of causes or consequences.
When you cut the cake, Seungcheol sings the birthday song. He makes you take a bite of your favourite cake before you could feed him. He brushes the cream off his fingers onto your cheeks and nose. Just like the old days, when you both dated.
The music starts all of a sudden and he's taking your hands. Your feet dance perfectly to the rhythm because you both have done this before, for many times.
As your heart soars, you try to blink away the tears. But also, unknowingly you're falling into your husband's woven webs of opacity.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©️
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thedensworld · 22 days
Another Revelation | C.Sc
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Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x reader
Genre: office romance, fluff, angst
Summary: Just like other conglomerates in drama, Seungcheol's mother wants you to break the relationship.
Read Revelation first for reference🙏🏻
You found yourself seated in front of Mrs. Choi, the wife of your boss’s boss—and, more importantly, your boyfriend’s mother. It had been a month since Seungcheol’s official debut into his family’s conglomerate world, a world you barely understood. The event had been billed simply as a "welcome ceremony" for Seungcheol, now the newly appointed director of the label. Despite a few misunderstandings and some tense moments of consolidation, Seungcheol had insisted on bringing you to meet his family, introducing you as his "very special person."
Your heart swelled with love for him, a love so deep that you couldn't imagine loving him more. The way he had gone out of his way to make sure you felt comfortable with his family made you want to kiss him right then and there, in front of everyone—his grandparents, his parents, who all seemed surprisingly open and warm during that memorable dinner.
But you hadn’t expected this. After Seungcheol left for a business trip abroad, you were left to navigate this unfamiliar world on your own. As you made your way to the car, a member of the secretary staff approached you with a message: Mrs. Choi, Seungcheol’s mother, was around and wished to meet with you.
"Break up with him," she said, her voice cold and decisive.
You looked up, meeting her gaze, trying to process the shock of what was happening. Silence hung in the air for a few seconds before she repeated, more firmly, "Break up with him."
You glanced down at the cup of coffee in your hand, took a slow, deliberate sip, and then placed the cup back on the table. Clearing your throat, you finally spoke, "I didn't see this coming."
"My son still has much to learn," she replied, her tone unwavering. "A relationship should be the last thing on his mind right now."
You stayed silent, resisting the urge to mention how you’d been by Seungcheol’s side, supporting him through almost every step of his career.
"And I don’t like you."
Your head snapped up. "I'm sorry?"
She nodded with an air of finality, "I don’t like you. I’ve lived long enough to know the kind of woman who should be by my son’s side, and you’re certainly not that person."
She reached into her bag, pulling out an envelope, which she placed on the table in front of you. "As I said, break up with him."
You scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. "I expected more from you." You didn’t bother to keep your voice down.
"What did you say?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.
You shook your head, waving your hand dismissively. "I mean, you could’ve done better. You think you can put a price on my love for him with this thin envelope of cash?" you challenged.
Her eyes widened slightly, taken aback. "What are you talking about, young lady?"
You leaned forward, your voice firm. "I’m sorry, Mrs. Choi, but I'm not going to break up with him over this."
Her expression hardened. "So, how much do you want? Name your price—as long as you leave him."
You named your price, watching as she faltered for a moment. Then she nodded sharply. "Deal. But you have to break up with him as soon as possible."
You leaned back, a small smile playing on your lips. "I don’t think it works that way."
"Stop playing games with me!" she snapped.
"Two weeks," you said calmly. "Give me two weeks. It’ll happen on his birthday."
"Deal!" she agreed, her voice clipped.
"Hi, love..." you whispered as you pulled Seungcheol into your arms the moment he stepped into your apartment. He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection as he took in your appearance—a beautiful dress hidden under an apron adorned with a Strawberry Shortcake image, a clear sign that you’d been busy preparing the dinner you’d promised him for days.
"This is for you," he said, handing you a bouquet of flowers. You smiled at the vibrant blooms, then looked up at him, warmth filling your gaze.
"Thank you, but today is your birthday. I should be the one giving you flowers," you protested gently. He responded by pulling you closer, pressing a tender kiss to your temple.
"Seeing you in this apron is present enough," he teased, playfully tugging at the worn fabric.
"Shut up," you replied with a laugh, before making a quick dash to the oven to check on the ribeye you had prepared to perfection.
"Wow, this is amazing, love," Seungcheol said, his voice full of admiration as he took in the dinner table. You had transformed your cozy dining area into something resembling a high-class restaurant, complete with elegant table settings and a warm, romantic ambiance.
"Let’s eat!" you exclaimed, eager to share the meal you had put so much effort into.
Dinner was intimate, the soft glow of candlelight casting gentle shadows as you both enjoyed the meal. The conversation was light, filled with laughter and easy banter, but as the night wore on, the mood subtly shifted.
You hesitated, placing your fork down as you gathered your thoughts. "Hey," you began, breaking the comfortable silence, "I need to talk to you about something."
He looked up from his plate, his expression curious. "What is it?"
Taking a deep breath, you finally said, "Your mom wants us to separate."
His brow furrowed in confusion. "You're joking."
"I wish I were," you sighed, feeling the weight of the conversation settle between you. "But she was dead serious. I can't tell if she was just testing me or if she actually hates me."
Seungcheol frowned, his mind going back to the family dinner. "She didn’t say anything about you after that dinner. I thought things went well."
"That’s what I thought too," you replied, your voice soft. "But she seemed to think you’re not ready for this... for a relationship, especially since your career is just beginning."
"That’s nonsense," Seungcheol said, frustration creeping into his voice.
"I know," you agreed, "but I’ve been thinking a lot these past two weeks about what she said."
He studied your face, concern etched in his features. "What do you mean?"
You hesitated, feeling a lump form in your throat. "Maybe she’s right," you finally said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Seungcheol sighed deeply, putting down his wine glass. "Let's not talk about this on my birthday."
"I’m sorry, but I have to," you said, feeling the urgency of the moment. "Maybe there’s something wrong between us, something we can’t see, but she can."
"Y/N," he said your name softly, a plea in his voice.
You looked at him, your heart aching, but you had made up your mind. "I’m sorry that I couldn’t discuss this with you earlier, but I’ve already decided."
You stood up from your seat, the room suddenly feeling too small, too suffocating. Reaching for a folder you had placed aside earlier, you held it out to him with trembling hands.
Seungcheol’s eyes darkened with worry as he took the folder from you, his heart sinking as he sensed the shift in the atmosphere. "What’s this?" he asked, his voice tinged with dread.
"I'm really disappointed," Seungcheol finally voiced his thoughts, his tone calm but laced with underlying tension. The dinner had ended, but the air in the dining room remained thick with the unspoken words everyone could sense coming. His father, mother, and brother all sat at the table, eyes trained on him as he wiped his mouth with deliberate calmness.
His mother shifted uncomfortably, but Seungcheol didn’t let the silence linger. "I can’t believe my own mother would throw money at my girlfriend like we're in some cheap drama."
His father and brother immediately turned to look at his mother, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. She sighed, her composure slightly cracking. "Seungcheol..."
"I know you’re worried about me, about my future," Seungcheol interrupted, his voice firm, "but that was crossing the line."
"I know what’s good for you," she insisted, trying to regain her footing in the conversation.
Seungcheol’s gaze hardened. "Tell me, do you really believe I’d have made it this far in the company without her support?"
He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "She’s been the pillar of my career. How could you decide she’s not right for me when she’s been the one holding me up? She deserves every bit of me as much as I deserve her."
"Seungcheol..." his father intervened, his voice carrying a note of authority as he looked at his wife. "Did you really do that?"
Seungcheol’s mother hesitated before nodding, her chin held high in defiance. "Yes, I gave her a lot of money to break up with our son. And she accepted it! She’s exactly what I expected."
A heavy silence fell over the table, but it was broken when Seungcheol pulled out a folder from beside him and placed it on the table, the contents spilling into view. "And she used that money to buy me this—a two-floor house, twice the value of what you gave her, as a gift."
His brother couldn’t contain his laughter, the absurdity of the situation too much for him. "She did that? Oh my god, this is... this is priceless."
His father, still in shock, gasped, "For real? She has that much money?"
"Yes, father," Seungcheol confirmed, his voice steady and resolute. "So if you're worried about her being after our money, let me assure you—she’s worth far more than that."
Seungcheol’s mother stared at the property certificate, her confidence wavering for the first time. The room fell silent, the weight of Seungcheol’s words and actions settling over them all. His father looked contemplative, while his brother was still grinning, clearly amused by the unexpected turn of events.
Seungcheol leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "If you’re truly concerned about who I’m with, maybe you should have more faith in my judgment. She’s proven her worth ten times over."
His mother looked down, unable to respond, realizing that in trying to protect her son, she had underestimated the woman who had become such an integral part of his life.
"I can tell she's gonna be the best sister-in-law ever." Seungcheol's brother chirped as he read the document.
Seungcheol slowly closed the folder, his eyes not leaving yours as he absorbed everything you had just said. His expression was unreadable, and the silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity. You fidgeted, your nerves fraying as you waited for him to say something—anything.
Finally, you broke the silence, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry... I know it was impulsive, and I shouldn't have done that. But my ego... oh my god, I can't even explain it. It was just so dumb."
Seungcheol remained quiet, his gaze intense as he processed your words. Then, without a word, he stood up from his seat and walked over to you. His sudden movement made your heart skip a beat. You weren’t sure what to expect, but the last thing you anticipated was what came next.
Gently, he cupped the nape of your neck and pulled you into a deep, passionate kiss. The intensity of it took you by surprise, but within moments, you melted into his touch, your anxiety and doubt dissolving as his warmth enveloped you. When he finally pulled away, his forehead rested against yours, and he whispered, "I love you so much."
You blinked, your heart swelling at his words. But before you could respond, Seungcheol continued, his voice filled with emotion. "You have no idea how much it means to me that you stood up to my mother like that. What you did... it was brave, and it showed me just how much you care about us, about our future."
He took your hands in his, squeezing them gently. "I know it wasn’t easy, and maybe it wasn’t the best way to handle things, but you did it because you love me. And for that, I’m incredibly grateful."
He looked down at the folder, then back at you, his eyes softening. "You didn’t just stand up to her—you turned what could’ve been a disaster into something meaningful. You showed her, and me, that our relationship is worth fighting for. That means everything to me."
A tear slipped down your cheek, and Seungcheol gently wiped it away with his thumb. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for believing in us, even when it seemed impossible. I can’t imagine my life without you, and I don’t want to."
He pulled you into another embrace, holding you close as if he never wanted to let go. "You’re not just my girlfriend—you’re my partner, my equal. And I promise, I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure we stay together, no matter what anyone else says."
You buried your face in his chest, the weight of the past weeks lifting off your shoulders as you listened to the steady beat of his heart. "I love you too, Seungcheol," you murmured, your voice muffled against his shirt. "And I’m not going anywhere."
The two of you stayed like that for a long time, wrapped in each other’s arms, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together.
Seungcheol let out a small giggle as he read the note you left on his lunch box:
Here's lunch for my boyfriend 'cause we need to live frugally.
X, your poor girlfriend
The affectionate humor in your words always managed to lift his spirits, even on the busiest of days. It was bittersweet that you were away on a business trip and couldn't join him for lunch, but the carefully prepared bento you had made before leaving made his heart swell with love.
Since the day you bought him a house—a gesture that had stunned him—you hadn't stopped joking about being his "poor girlfriend." Seungcheol found it hilarious, especially after you confessed that you had spent all your savings on the house. You had dramatically claimed that if he ever broke up with you, you’d be homeless and in desperate need of his support. The memory of you, wide-eyed and mock-serious as you begged him not to leave you because you now needed him to feed you, replayed in his mind often. He loved how your humor perfectly matched his, making every day with you feel light and joyful.
As Seungcheol savored the meal you’d prepared, his secretary walked in, breaking the moment of quiet contentment. "The investment to Kings Food under Ms. Ji's name has been accepted. Here's the document," the secretary said, handing him a file.
Seungcheol nodded, quickly reviewing the document before passing it back. "Great. And the catalog I asked for?"
The secretary promptly opened a tablet and handed it to Seungcheol. "There are plenty of recommendations for engagement rings, but these are their best options, and as requested, they're limited edition."
Seungcheol began scrolling through the tablet, his mind focused now on finding the perfect engagement ring. As he browsed the selections, nothing seemed quite right. Each ring was beautiful, but he wanted something truly unique—something that would symbolize how special you were to him.
After a few moments, he handed the tablet back, shaking his head slightly. "I want something custom. Can they make it?"
"I'll find out and get back to you," the secretary replied efficiently, tucking the tablet under his arm. "You have a meeting in 10 minutes with the Financial and Accounting Department."
Seungcheol nodded, his mind already racing with ideas for the custom ring he would commission. It had to be perfect—something that would capture the essence of your relationship, your shared humor, and the deep love that had grown between you. The thought of proposing to you filled him with anticipation, knowing that it was just another step in the beautiful future you were building together.
As he headed to his meeting, Seungcheol couldn't help but smile, his heart full of excitement. You might jokingly call yourself his "poor girlfriend," but to him, you were the most precious person in the world. And soon, with the perfect ring in hand, he would ask you to be his forever.
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cherie-doll · 4 months
𓆩♡𓆪 Headcanon: Missing You While They’re Away
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✧˚ Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Alejandro, Phillip Graves, Keegan, König, Horangi
༉‧₊˚. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
“Just one soft kiss is enough to move my heart. There was a time when our affection was deep, and reminiscing has made me realize how much I miss you.”
This feeling is quite strange to him
He thought his heart would be at ease when you’ve said your goodbyes
Although he’s tried dismissing this feeling every day by reminding himself he’ll see you again
But he finds himself missing you; your touch, your comfort, your smell
A habit of his is hooking a leg over your body while in bed, that first morning he wakes up feeling empty because you’re not there
Your touch is like fire to his body that he seeks to warm his lonely nights
He yearns for it so much he cannot live without it
He would truly burn for you
Starts writing love letters to you like how Napoleon wrote for Josephine
He wakes up with you on his mind, his senses in a turmoil
Replaying the last evening and your intoxicating body scent that gives him such tranquility
Probably writes your name out a hundred times, drawling little hearts around it
If he finds a flower he’ll press it between the pages he sends you
When you send him something small of yours in return, insignificant to anyone else but an amulet to him
He wears it around his neck
Fiddling with it between his fingers
He’s prob the type to get one of those 18th century lover’s eye jewelry because to him it means having a clandestine declaration of your love
That feeling that cannot be put into words
The feeling of walking on clouds that you have planted in his heart
He misses it so much
Your whisper with your soft smile
When he’s sitting alone he wishes he’d have you there next to him
Looking down at his hand, it feels empty, he knows exactly where your fingers intertwine with his
Your touch is so familiar to him that it feels unusual not to feel you
The words he longs to say, your name he wants to call out, the cherished place you have for him in your heart
He swears that when you reunite he’ll wrap his arms around your waist, pressing long and relentless kisses whilst murmuring “i missed you”
Man thinks about how he pressed lazy, slow kisses all over you, taking his sweet time memorizing your body
It’s the last thing he did right before he left
He asked for a kiss from you too before leaving, a real kiss
“Don’t be shy cariño”
He makes sure that you’ll miss him just as much as he’ll be missing you
The night before, he played slow, romantic music as he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses trailing down your back hoping that through his lips you would feel his heart that beats wildly for you
Now whenever the song plays both you and him have that sweet memory, soothing his mind but awakening his heart
Phillip Graves
He believes that being away from one another every once in a while is beneficial
While it is truly a vivid and pleasant sensation; being enamored, so ardently in love, being everything when together and nothing at all when apart
His mind revolves around you
Anything can serve as a reminder of your fond love
A gentle wind caressing his face is like your embracement
Amid the bustling, glimpses of your smile flash through his mind, a whisper of your voice in his crowded memories
Even if he can’t hold your form; in the night sky enfolded in his closed eyes remains a trace of thoughts that are meant only for you
In this world, only you and him exist and it becomes yours in a swirling glass
Parting his lips from the brim of the glass to savor the wine makes the second drink all the more delightful
Groaning in frustration because he can’t bury his face into your neck first thing in the morning to inhale your scent as he’s used to, you’re like a fragrance so refined
Before leaving, he took your pillowcase and a sample of your preferred perfume
He sprays it all over himself before going to sleep so he may be drenched in your aroma
If he can’t be with you in that moment, he can only hope he’ll dream of you
He’s constantly placing candy that melts on his tongue, substituting your addictive taste
He’s come to memorize your body, scent, taste, and voice through his senses
Being deprived of just one of those things is torture to him
You don’t know how afraid he is of something happening to you while he’s gone, or something preventing him from ever seeing you again
Your existence alone is like a dream to him
Déjà vu of some perfect gaze
Risks are scary, yet it makes his heart flutter
Late at night, his fingertips trace his lips where you’d place loving kisses
He feels how empty his lap is when you’re not sitting on it
When he closes his eyes he remembers how you cup his face in your hands and dote on him
It wasn’t until that night that he felt more lost than ever before
To him, it was enough knowing you were his reason to go on
That lively dynamic that is created when two universes collide
It filled his void with renewed purpose, and that in itself is enough to spur the other on
That spark that ignites when you brush skin against skin, he craves it so deeply
A hunger that stirs from his loins
How your lips feel like velvet grazing his skin, your tongue dripping with honey
The intoxicating expressions of affection he wishes to give and receive
He secures these thoughts in the back of his mind, knowing he’ll act upon them when he’s with you again
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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a/n: this is for a friend that celebrated a birthday this week. I hope it was a good one! 🎉
when it's mc's birthday | the demon brothers
2.6k words | nsfw | gn!reader | fluff and non-explicit smut
cw: my fav bias is showing again. mostly soft!demons. car sex; levi's tail gets its own warning; bathing together and bath tub sex; dream magic and implied dream sex.
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Lucifer plans your birthday with the utmost care. He booked a reservation at your favourite restaurant so that he can treat you to an intimate dinner. He remembered the various items you've pointed out to him in the past while browsing through the Devildom's shopping district. He went back and bought every single one of them, and they're already wrapped and tucked away in the back of his closet for later.
After he walks you home from the restaurant, there's a bottle of Demonus on ice waiting in his room. You share a toast while he watches you open your gifts. You kiss his cheek, eyes shimmery and warm with so much affection, and he can't resist the urge to kiss you properly. A soft, booze-sweetened kiss leads to another kiss, and another, and another after that. He strips your clothes off slowly, like he's unwrapping a gift of his own. He memorizes the sight of your body stretched languidly against his dark sheets. He almost feels selfish for a moment because he wants you so desperately, but the lust simmering in your gaze makes his heart race. He knows how much you want him too, and he's powerless to deny you.
The first time he makes love to you, it's heat and frenzied passion, the build-up of coy anticipation that finally boiled over. He reaches for you throughout the night between quiet conversation and short naps. Each time he pulls your body close to his again, his lips whisper tender confessions against the delicate shell of your ear while he worships your body with his over and over again.
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Mammon isn't very subtle. In the days leading up to your birthday, he asks random questions about things you might like or activities you're interested in. He wants to get a head start and beat his brothers to the punch. His fake nonchalance isn't convincing, but it's still endearing how much he truly cares. Who else should celebrate your birthday if not him? He's your first, and he's not going to let anyone else spoil you more than he does.
He tries to budget his money and curb his spending so he can afford whatever it is you ask for. If that fails, he takes on some less-than-prestigious part-time gigs for extra cash. You could ask him for the world and he'd find a way to scrimp and save and scavenge and steal if he has to so he can give you whatever you want. He doesn’t realize (or doesn't believe) that his company is what makes your birthday really special.
He dresses up nice and polishes his car to a high-shine to match your own stunning smile and natural radiance. It doesn’t matter what you wear because when he tells you how gorgeous you are, he’s so sincere. You outshine all the riches and jewels he used to dream about—now he dreams of you instead.
He takes you on a date that's sweet and light-hearted. He holds your hand and stares at you across the table with a dopey grin on his face when he thinks you're not looking. Once you're alone in his car, that boyish giddiness fades into something greedy and confident. You meet him halfway when he leans over to give you a kiss. When kissing isn't enough for either of you, you push the seat back so he can climb over and settle between your legs. He takes you apart in the cramped front seat of his car until your voice is hoarse and you push him away from sensitivity. The car smells musky with sweat and cum and he doesn't care that you made a bit of a mess on the seat. He palms himself on the drive home, and by the time you get to his room, he's eager to do it all over again in the comfort of his bed.
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Levi isn't sure what to do for your birthday, but you offer to plan a little outing for the two of you. All he has to do is keep you company, right? He braces himself with a mantra he repeats over and over in his head: do it for them, do it for them, do it and LIKE IT because you love them. It ends up being a lot more fun than he expects: a lunch date at one of the cafes you both like followed by a movie you’ve been excited to see. You don’t make fun of his sweaty palm when you hold hands in line to buy movie tickets and overpriced snacks at the concession bar. There's a cute plushie on display where they sell collectible merch. He buys that for you too and shoves it into your arms before you can protest.
He relaxes when you take your seats and the theatre lighting dims as the movie starts. You lean against his shoulder and he's glad you can't see how pink his cheeks are. Partway through the film, he decides he likes the movie, but not as much as he enjoys your warm fingers laced with his.
He jolts suddenly when you pull your hand away and slide your fingers onto his denim-clad thigh instead. Your fingers squeeze with the tiniest bit of pressure and he nearly gasps at the unexpected wave of lust that washes over him. He glances at you in confusion—you're still focused on the screen, but he can see the little smile curling the edge of your mouth. He squirms a little and pretends not to notice your fingers drawing lazy circle-eights across his jeans, inching higher up his leg when he doesn’t stop you. And you're right, he's not going to stop you. You run a fingertip over the growing bulge hardening against the zipper of his jeans, just as you feel his tail slide onto your lap and tease the sensitive skin between your legs.
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Satan decides to take a different approach when he sees how overwhelmed you are by his brothers' plans for your birthday. Sometimes simple is best and what could be more relaxing or romantic than your favourite home-cooked meal? He fusses in the kitchen until everything is cooked exactly to your liking, and the dish he serves you looks as good as it smells. His room is tidied enough so that a small table fits—he doesn’t want the others bothering you if he serves you in the dining room. There are dozens of candles that cast you both in an ethereal glow while you eat together. His room might not offer the rich ambience of Ristorante Six or the electric atmosphere of The Fall, but nothing outshines the romance he creates here, just for you.
Once dinner is finished and he tidies up the mess, he pulls you to your feet and wraps his arms around you in a slow dance. It's more like swaying back and forth together as a classical record plays quietly in the background. Candlelight flickers playfully along the walls of his room, and your face is painted by a mirage of shadow and flame. He eagerly traces those shapes on your skin with his tongue after he lays you on his bed, and by the time you're shaking and falling apart in his arms, you'll know how much he loves you.
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Your birthday is another chance for Asmo to spoil you. Throughout the afternoon, he leads you to each of his favourite boutiques in the Devildom's shopping district. He holds up dozens of clothes against your body and admires how the colours bring out your eyes or compliment your complexion or how luxurious the fabrics are. He pretends that he didn't pick all these out to show you (and buy them for you) in advance.
When he finally takes you to Majolish, his greatest gift is revealing that he personally designed this outfit specially for you. It fits flawlessly and even you think you look amazing. It’s obvious that he poured his love and passion into creating this for you when no one else ever has before. It’s almost overwhelming, the way his smile radiates warmth when he looks at you. His eyes burn with all the ravenous love he feels for you. He loses control of himself and kisses you, pressing you against the changing room wall and sliding his thigh between yours. He doesn't want to stop, but he doesn’t have the time or space to touch you properly here. When he pulls his leg out from between yours, he misses the searing heat of your body against his. Perhaps it’s for the best that he take you home first—he would hate to get stains on your new outfit so soon.
(He originally planned on taking you to The Fall but he changed his mind. He’s not in the mood to share you with anyone else tonight.)
When he takes you home, he leads you straight to his private bathroom and urges you to get undressed while he gets everything ready. He draws a warm bath and the steamy air clings to you both like a second skin. You feel self-conscious about being naked even though he stands before you, waist-deep in the bathwater and just as naked as you are. He takes your hand and pulls you gently into the water with him. He supports your weight when you lean against his chest and his hands start to wander over your body. His fingers leave a soapy trail up and down your spine. He cradles your neck and leans forward, capturing your lips in another kiss because he can't possibly wait anymore.
The kiss reignites both your desperate desires to touch and be touched. He walks you back towards the edge of the tub. When your back touches the cool marble stone, he reaches behind your thighs and lifts you onto the edge; he swallows your half-hearted protest with his lips moving greedily against yours. His mouth moves away from yours, ghosting along the curve of your jaw and down your neck while his fingers gently pry your legs apart. He bends his head low once you’re spread open for him, hot and trembling and all his. His eyes glow bright when you tangle your fingers in his hair, and it’s the last thing you see before he dips his head between your legs.
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It's not surprising that Beel plans to take you out for dinner on your birthday. It's a tricky proposition because it's easy for him to lose control of his hunger when he goes out to eat. He doesn't want his sin to ruin your birthday dinner, so he eats a meal's worth of food beforehand. Having a partially-full stomach means he's not going to be completely distracted by hunger—he wants to focus on you.
He likes taking you to nice restaurants and your birthday is no exception. You put on a new outfit he’s never seen you wear before, but it looks so good on you that he's drooling from the corner of his mouth before you even leave the house. The restaurant is cozy and everything on the menu sounds delicious. Your nose bunches up adorably when you can't decide what to order, and Beel suggests ordering one of everything. He laughs deep in his belly when you glance at him skeptically over the brim of your menu. His eyes are bright with mischief even though you know he's dead-serious. He simply grins at you from across the table and reminds you that he won't let the food wouldn’t go to waste.
It doesn't take long for your food to arrive. Beel enjoys watching you eat while you make little sounds of contentment between bites. He offers you food from his own plate to try. When your plate is empty, he worries you might still be hungry; he's only satisfied when you promise that you're close to bursting and completely full. He leads you out of the restaurant by the hand, and his other hand carries a bag full of leftovers to share with you tomorrow.
When he walks you home, he doesn't want to seem needy or presumptuous even though he's reluctant to end the night so soon. He pauses outside your door and kisses you softly, whispering happy birthday against your lips that still taste sweet from your dessert earlier. He can’t resist swiping his tongue across the seam of your mouth for one more taste, and the kiss deepens when you part your lips for him. You only break the kiss just long enough to open your door and pull him inside your room before slamming the door shut again. Your hands tug impatiently at his waist, and he shivers at the metallic clink of his belt buckle coming undone. He can sense hunger rising inside you again, and when he pushes you gently onto the mattress and covers your body with his own, he realizes your appetite is as insatiable as his own.
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Belphie doesn't mind if the others want to take the initiative and plan your birthday party. He prefers it that way, actually. When his brothers ask for his input, he recommends something casual at the house, nothing too fancy. He wants you to be happy and relaxed and spoiled where you can be comfortable.
He sneaks into town to buy you a gift before the party, of course—something you mentioned to him in passing once that was too expensive for you to justify buying at the time. He and Beel wrap the presents they bought you in their room. Belphie's present looks insignificant compared to the large pile of gifts stacked near your birthday cake. He's not worried, especially when your eyes light up when you open it. You're just as appreciative of his small gift as you are of the others you receive. He knows you so well.
(You keep the contents of his card to yourself: a reminder that he has something special to give you later.)
Sometimes when he takes you to the attic for bed, he falls back against the mattress and waits impatiently for you to crawl on top of him. There's no hint of his lazy smugness tonight though. His hands are gentle but efficient when he strips your clothes away first before taking off his own. He follows you down onto the bed and smothers your body with his. The soft mattress cushions you when he grinds against you, and it squeaks from the force of his thrusts when he rocks inside you too. Your skin is littered with the little marks he sucks and nibbles into your skin. He cleans you with a warm, damp cloth after because your thighs and belly are covered in a sticky mess of you and him. He takes care of you with so much tenderness. You’re already snoring lightly by the time he's finished, and he cuddles against you with a yawn.
Shortly after you fall asleep, you dream of him. It’s a shared illusion between you conjured with the sleepy brand of magic he commands. You writhe against him in your sleep as the embers of lust continue to burn deep inside you. When the dream ends, you both wake up and instinctively reach for each other as the remnants of the dream fades away. He kisses you breathless despite your stale morning breath. You whimper against his mouth and he rolls over until you're underneath him again. After indulging in a night of dreamy, lustful sins, you're both still desperately eager for more.
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read more: obey me masterlist
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folkwhoredoll · 6 months
library affections - rafe cameron x fem!reader
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pairing: rafe cameron x fem!reader
synopsis: there are two things that you love in this world; rafe and books
word count: 0.9k
warnings/tags: none, just fluff with sweet boyfriend!rafe
a/n: hi everyone! i don't think i can ever thank you all enough for your support in all of my works :< tbh i did not expect to gain so much interaction because this blog is still relatively new but here you all are and i appreciate each and every one of you <3 this fic is another fluff boyfriend!rafe fic (is it obvious that i like fluff so much lmao) and i've written this a while ago. i hope you'll like this one! if you have a request or prompt in mind, feel free to send me a message. happy reading!
Being a regular visitor at the Camerons' estate has familiarized you with every corner of the house. Now, you have memorized every room and decoration, immediately spotting whatever is newly added. The Camerons didn't mind your presence, with your family being a close friend of theirs. Thus, it was no surprise that you ended up dating the one and only son of Ward Cameron.
With his father and stepmother often occupied and his sisters frequently out with friends, you and Rafe usually find yourselves with the house to yourselves, save for the occasional presence of the household staff. Yet, you've never minded.
Today follows a similar pattern. Ward left for a morning meeting, Wheezie went to school, and Sarah departed at noon to join John B's group. Surprisingly, even Rafe isn't home, having agreed to a golf outing with Topper and Kelce. Although he initially invited you to join, you declined, preferring to avoid the "boy talk" and the scorching sun. Thus, you find yourself waiting for Rafe in the living room, idly scrolling through your phone.
It's been around two in the afternoon when you got bored, sighing and deciding to stand up to walk around the house. Your feet already know where you're going when you face the familiar entrance to the Camerons' Library.
This room is your most loved spot in the whole estate, apart from Rafe's room. The vast shelves of bright book covers from different times always amaze you. If you could, you'd live in this room. Rafe has found you exploring this library countless times; even his sisters know it's the first place to check when you're not around the house.
Quickly scanning the shelves for a book, you settled upon a fantasy fiction novel, clutching the book as you made your way to a couch by the window. The first few chapters had you hooked immediately, eyes rapidly passing through every word as you moved chapter by chapter. The book was so good that it blanked your other senses, making you jump when you suddenly heard Rafe's voice.
"I knew you'd be here." He smirked, still in his golfing outfit, as he stood over you.
"Hi, Rafe." You smiled up at him, putting the book down on your lap. "How's golfing?"
Rafe plopped beside you, stretching his legs and putting an arm around your shoulder. "It was good. I got bored with Top's whining about his break-up with Sarah, so I left."
You chuckled when you saw his eyes roll, a dramatic sigh escaping his lips. "They were together for a long time. You can't blame him."
"I guess." He shrugged before flashing you a flirty grin. "But I also want to spend time with my girl."
You snorted. "Yeah, okay."
"What? I do! I feel guilty about leaving you here alone." He defended.
"I don't mind, Rafe." You spoke.
"Hm. I bet you don't. But still."
You raised your brows, silently urging him to explain what he meant.
"I just mean that you were too distracted by that book, baby. I could've been an intruder, but you wouldn't even know. What is that about anyway?"
Your eyes lit up at his question; you've always loved speaking about the books you've read. And Rafe loved hearing you talk, even if he's mostly confused.
"I just started reading it, so I don't really know what it's about yet, but there's this girl, and she has electricity powers!" You started excitedly.
Rafe listened intently. He couldn't help but feel affection for you, marveling at how your eyes sparkled with passion for the story. Despite the chaotic world outside, at this moment, it was just the two of you, surrounded by the tranquility of the library.
As you continued to talk, Rafe's mind wandered, reflecting on how much you meant to him. You were the one person who could effortlessly penetrate his tough exterior, revealing the softer, more vulnerable side of him that he often kept hidden from the world. He felt at ease with you, free to be himself without fear of judgment or ridicule.
Lost in his thoughts, Rafe reached out, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You paused mid-sentence, startled by the sudden touch, before leaning into his hand, relishing the warmth of his touch.
"Hey, what's wrong?" you asked, concern lacing your voice as you noticed the distant look in his eyes.
Rafe shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Nothing, I'm just... happy. Happy to be here with you."
A soft blush colored your cheeks as you met his gaze, feeling the warmth spread through your chest. At that moment, surrounded by the scent of old books and the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the window, you couldn't imagine being anywhere else.
Leaning in, Rafe pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment before pulling away. "I love you," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with sincerity.
"I love you too," you replied, your heart swelling with emotion as you returned his affectionate gaze.
With a contented sigh, Rafe settled back against the couch, pulling you closer until you were nestled against his side. Together, you sat in comfortable silence, basking in the simple pleasure of each other's company.
At that moment, surrounded by the familiar comforts of the library, you knew that no matter what the future held, as long as you had each other, everything would be okay.
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
I slam the door with frustration, spooking the angel patiently waiting by the door. I haphazardly throw my coat on the floor before grabbing the celestial’s hand and stomping into the living room. Forcing him to sit on the couch, I turn on the tv for noise and hastily unbutton his suit. “I need you now. Had a bad day and you will help me relieve stress.”
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In different years, Belo would find this way of life to be slightly insulting.
He's a warrior after all, a power. His kind belongs outside, patrolling, securing the well-being of lessers, fighting for the honor of their Highers and holding the safety of Eden on their shoulders.
Ah, but those days are gone. Long gone. His vision glazes sometimes, wet and torpid eyes lamenting the fate of many of his brethren. They, unlike him, didn't have the fortitude to handle their own abandonment, the newfound fruitlessness of their very existence.
It's one thing to never know what the meaning of your existence is. It's another thing to have that meaning embedded in your very core and never be able to fulfill it again. Sometimes Belo envies that freedom, that ambivalence of simply existing because you can, because you were made.
Also unlike him, his kin did not have the miraculous luck to find someone like his Lady. His Lady-Worship, his beam of light in a universe ready to swallow him in its poisonous darkness. The guiding hand in a world so new and so different, so degenerate. So horrid! As amazing and radiant as you are, Belo shudders when he thinks about how you made it this far intact without a celestial by your side.
With new meaning come new duties, understandably.
As Belo still needs to learn quite a lot to understand the symbolism of this new age, he worries himself with protecting your sanctum, making it the best version of itself, and keeping it painfully, effectively warded against all threats- Especially that fiendish "neighbor" you have, what disgusting absolutely abhorrent lifeform it is! Noxious creature!
But alas, your benevolence knows no bounds. Not only have you welcomed him into your life, you refuse to let that wretched pest meet its end. Truly, you are too good for this lost planet.
Back to his current task.
The sanctum is spotless, but alas, Belo was never taught how to prepare meals for lessers. It was not the type of discipline delivered to his cast. A guardian would know this, even a principality! But not him, not a power. Unfortunate and unacceptable- He must show adaptation and flexibility unlike ever before!
Which is why that uhm... Digital movie playing contraption you have comes in so very handy.
He never thought he'd be learning to cook from lessers, but here Belo is, hoping against all odds that he doesn't ruin the eggs this time. It's not that he can't handle objects in a gentle manner, it's that he's never had to taste things. Therefore, he doesn't know how to create the correct flavor.
And Lords forbid he ever present his Lady with something foul-tasting!
The power is sure he's got it down correctly this time however. Belo has just finished putting the eggs on the plate he intends to present you with, when he stills.
An acute sense of alertness and hearing means a lifeform like him is always aware of the movement around your apartment complex. He knows when your neighbors leave and arrive, which parts of their homes they're in... This also means that he knows when you're nearby, having memorized the noise of your vehicle -Such a shame that he can't accompany you to some locations- And the jingle of your mildly irritating keychain.
The angel scrambles to put everything together, wanting to be at the door with his offering in full display, so eager to see you-
The door rips open.
Only a nick of time allows Belo to secure his painfully crafted work of mediocre culinary, lest it be swatted to the ground. Sharpened eyes spare you great concern.
His Lady exudes frustration. Although his rank is not the most emotionally attuned, Belo senses a cloud of negativity choking you, your glorious features drained and tense. He's overcome with emotion.
" My- My Lady! Whatever happened today? Did you get hurt? Who d- "
The force with which you grip his hand is surprising for a human, dragging the angel only because he always allows you to. The food lies forgotten on the nearest surface. It's by his ever subservient attitude that you can toss Belo to the couch too, his silent confusion following when you activate the bigger display box.
" I need you now. " You begin, patience depleted. " Had a long day and you will help me relieve stress. "
He squawks the same way he does whenever his Worship starts these encounters without proper warning, wings fluttering and fur fluffing in a mixture of shock and anticipation. He fears that a part of him may enjoy getting pleasurably surprised more than any self-respecting angel should.
" But... " He knows it's not a good idea to challenge you, trembling as the last of his covering is undone. " You should eat b-before I service you, my Lady, many hours have passed- "
" I'll eat when I can't feel my legs. " The snarl you give Belo sends shudders down his spine, and he bashfully, albeit inwardly happily, readjusts to spread his legs for you.
" Excuse me but that hardly sounds healthy... "
His cock pokes out a furred slit, beading and twitching to interest. Although Belo becomes uncomfortably erect the moment you recklessly undress before him. It was not, as a filthy demon would put it, a slutty display. It was raw need, irritation and pure dominance. It was a side of his Worship he had yet to witness.
Belo refuses to ever admit it aloud, he cannot, he will not! But... But oh, the sins of the flesh. No, when provided by the superiors, they are not sins, they are gifts. They cannot be wrong. It's not wrong for Belo to enjoy your physical rewards for his work, but it is perhaps sinful of him to lust for more, to so eagerly hope that you'll allow him such pleasures when he performs certain tasks.
He does not touch his aching length because he's not allowed to. His pleasure is for you to decide upon, of course.
The angel prepares to slide down on his knees when you shove him back on the cushions by the shoulder.
Three eyes blink at you. " Am... Am I not to service you, my Goddess? "
You usually enjoy the touch of his fingers upon your most intimate zones, for training him is easy, and Belo adored the sounds of your approval. You did also curiously enjoy grinding over his face, a sensation that often left him pointlessly thrusting against nothing.
None of that today, it seems.
" Shut up. "
He was about to reply with a reflexive 'Yes, my Lady' before catching himself.
When you straddle him, the celestial only tilts his head, figure heated, but never expecting you to simply line him up with your entrance and slam yourself down.
Had he not been in the midst of breathlessly throwing his head back, Belo would have died from worry. As holy as you are, you share the stature of humanity, and Belo knows -F-From common sense, of course!- That his organ is not the same size of a human's at all.
He tries to articulate his concern, but the squeeze of your core around him is hypnotic and sickeningly euphoric. Belo can only hold onto full hips and cry his delight while you mercilessly hammer down on his cock, milking all the pleasure you can from him.
His melodious whines and resounding moans -Something he ought to control- rise in intensity as Belo loses himself and begins rutting senselessly, the tip of his dick nuzzling spots that make the two of you go stupid.
" Don't you dare cum yet! "
He wails, physically wails, body trembling so hard it almost spasms in his effort to reign his movements. " N- Never, never my Lady! I'm good, I'll relieve you- I'm good! "
And as if to confirm it, your serious complexion finally morphs into a self-satisfied grin, all lidded eyes and gentle, mocking affection.
He's the one that's not getting any relief soon.
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adams-angels · 7 months
I want to see my man in pain, Adam break down after reader said they want to break up (fluff in the end pls) 😞
I reaaaally enjoyed writing this
I love pain 🥹
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Adam POV
It was a normal night. Out talking to some babes. Tellin' them how great I am. Because, well, I AM! HA! I'm the first fucking man! These bitches swarm me. Who am I to deny them. I check my phone a see y/n has text me. "Ugh, what do you want now you needy fuckin'" I can't believe what I'm reading.
"we're done."
My heart sinks. Why is it sinking. I don't care. I'm fucking ADAM!! Adam stands, pushing away the crowd of angels surrounding him and tries calling you. "Come on.. come on, pick up, you dumb bitch." No answer. NO FUCKING ANSWER. His head spins. Panic sets in as. This isn't happening. Not again.
You think you're better than me?! You're nothing! I'm Adam!! I can get ANYONE I FUCKING WANT YOU THINK I NEED YOU?!
He tries calling you again. No answer. "FUCK!" He expands his wings and shoots up, smashing through the skylight. He continues to text and call as he makes his away to your apartment. "FUCKING ANSWER ME!" He screams into his phone. By the time he arrives at your apartment he calms himself down, "I can get them back." He thinks to himself as he lands on your balcony. "They didn't mean it. They couldn't of."
As he reaches for the handle of the sliding door his hand shakes. "No, no, no, no." He grips onto his wrist stepping back from the door, being stopped my the railing. He slides down to the floor. "No, no, no...." His voice cracks, fear, sadness, anger. He never let himself get close. At least that's what he told himself. After the second wife also betrayed him he swore he'd never care so he would never hurt. But somewhere along the way, he fell for you. Although he denied himself.
He rushed to remove his mask, feeling like he can't breathe. Once he got it off he threw it aside. Clutching at his chest as tears escaped from his eyes. "No, no, no.." he whimpered. He sat on the floor for an hour. Thinking about you. What he did wrong. If he did something terrible. Why you're ending it. There wasn't even anything to end and yet his world felt like it was crashing around him.
Once he calmed down he leaned forward and sighed. Wiping his cheeks as he stood up and put his mask back on. He reached for the handle, hesitating before opening the sliding door. He sees you in your bed, asleep. He closed the door quietly and just watched you. For about half an hour before he realised how much a creep he's being. He walked into your livingroom. He's been here plenty times before. He memorized the layout.
He walks over to one of your succulents. You loved them. Once he came over and accidentally knocked one on the floor. You were so upset. He didn't see the big deal but he still went out of his way to buy you a new pot for it and a new succulent altogether. Just something to say he was sorry without actually saying sorry. He smiled as he remembered your joy. He sat on the couch and waited.
A couple hours later he heard rustling in your room. He shot up from the couch and heading to your bedroom, freezing at the doorway as he sees you wake. You scream in surprise, falling off your bed. He noticed your phone falling off the nightstand with you. His chest tightens. Your phone. Those horrible texts. "Adam?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!" You yell at him, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He stands there, feeling awkward. "You want to leave me?" He asked, trying hard to not break his voice. You tut, he watches at you stand, wanting to help but to afraid to move. "You say that like you cared." You snap, picking your phone up from the floor. "Don't look at that." He took a step towards you, reaching out but you recoiled. "Why? You next me nasty shit? Telling me I'm worthless? That I was lucky to -" he interrupted, "y/n, I'm sorry. I just want to know what I did wrong."
Adam braces himself. For you to yell. For you to scream. For you to tell him you love someone else. "I just... I can't... I don't want to be a place holder for you." His shoulders slump down he hesitantly steps closer to you "What are you talking about?" He carefully slides his hand under yours "I don't want to be someone you just use until you find someone better." His fingers interlace with your as his other hand brushes your hair from you face. His breath catches seeing your red, watery eyes "I just want to be... I don't know, Adam."
His hand cups your face. He looks into your eyes and for the first time in eons he chose to be vulnerable. "Be mine?" He watches you shrug. Rightfully assuming you've misunderstood his request he clarifies "no, I'm asking. Be mine." The way you look at him makes his chest tighten in fear. "What?" He recoiled. "I mean, maybe we could start again? Like.. properly?"
"You mean like.. date? What happened to "I don't date. I'm the first man. I have the first penis ever bla bla!"" He glares at you. Of course you'd remember that. "I don't sound like that." "You do." Adam brow furrows in in frustration. "Whatever, y/n, please. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me." He felt pathetic. He was pathetic. "I'll have to think about it." His chest tightened. His heart beating a million miles a minute. You'd see how pale he would be if he wasn't wearing the mask. "H-how long will that take?" He asked, desperation leaking out of him.
"I don't know, Adam." You shrug. The air was thick. He was struggling to breath and needed to get out of there. "I really care about you, y/n. You have to believe me, babe." He kisses your hand before releasing it. "Just.. uh... Delete those texts. I didn't mean any of it." He heads to the sliding door he entered from, opening it and expanding his wings as he jumps off. He looks behind to see if you watched leave like you've done so maybe times before. But you're not there.
It's been a month. A whole month. It should feel like nothing to him considering how long he's been in existence yet it feels like a years. He sees you about. With your friends. Getting groceries. Whenever his eyes catch on to you he freezes. No matter what he's doing.
He can't keep this up. He didn't want to pressure you. Make you feel like you had to choose him. But fuck he needed you to choose him. He was in his office. But he couldn't focus. He was so tired, not being able to sleep well without you. Even if he didn't sleep the whole night it was always nice knowing you were there no matter what. At least that's what he used to think.
He checked his phone to see nothing from you. It was too much. He was alone. You were never coming back. No one ever comes back. Lilith left him. Eve left him. Now you. "Fuck. FUCK!" He picks up his coffee and punts it at the wall. He can't stay here. He needs to find you. He needs you back.
He swung the door open and there you were. He couldn't believe it. He thought you'd at least text him. Not show up at his office! His feathers were literally ruffled, his office looks like a bombs hit it. "Y/n?" He said softly, it was like time stopped for a minute. He wish it did. Then he could scoop you in his arms and never let you leave. He snapped back into reality changing his expression quickly, not want anyone to see a softer side to him. "Come in." He stands aside letting you in to his office. He hates that you didn't text. He would of cleaned up there were documents everywhere, a smashed mug on the floor and coffee stains on the wall. He hated it was such a mess for you. "Bad day?" You commented he grumbled in response. "There are no bad days in heaven." He mumbled as he slumps down on his office chair.
Resting his chin on the back of his hand as he watches you walk over to his office window, opening it. The musky smell almost dissipating immediately "So... I thought about it." He perks up, sitting straight, watching you like a hawk. "And?"
"and I'm willing to start again. Properly." He immediately bolts from his chair, wrapping his arms around you. "Fuck, thank fucking Christ. Don't do that to me again. Please." His voice breaks, wings surrounded the both of you. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll treat you so much better." "Promise?" "Yes, promise."
~⁠♡✧⁠。 I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! 。✧⁠♡~⁠
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