#manual websites
idonthaveacontract · 28 days
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arcticaquantum · 4 months
been obsessed with the 1999 sega dreamcast game Seaman lately, anyone agree #seamannation #iloveseaman #heismyson #heismygod #pleasedontdieagain
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tgtbata · 1 year
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the rest don't matter
a.k.a. an overly earnest entry for spncarfuckersweek
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diosmaden · 1 month
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Start Reading :: Latest Update :: Read The Rest Of CH1 Now
Hello everyone, and happy friday!! It's been a hot minute since I made an update notice post, and that's because when I got back from my trip I got the exciting news that Heart of the Storm had been accepted into the SpiderForest collective!
So these past couple weeks I've been busy setting up the new independent Heart of the Storm website (!!) and integrating everything into the collective.
From here on out the new website is going to be one page ahead of the ComicFury mirror, so you might want to subscribe to the new site instead!
Also, I'm currently catching up on commissions, but once I'm back on track with my queue I'm going to finalise the last few thumbnails for chapter 2 and start working on the final pages..!!
My Patreon at the moment is two pages ahead of the free release, but as soon as I finish the first page of chapter 2 I am going to start posting the entirety of the rest of chapter 1, and then pages from chapter 2 will go up as and when I finish them. There's currently 99 pages projected for chapter 2, so it's going to be in the making for a while! You can also become a supporter on Ko-Fi for the same benefits if you would prefer!
If you've been waiting for chapter 2, consider becoming a patron/supporter! The more supporters I have the less commissions I need to take and the more time I can dedicate to making HotS Real :)
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sandreeen · 6 months
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Tumblr April Fools Boop with Sung Hyunjae & Han Yoojin, inspired by @transsongtaewon's post
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amphibianaday · 1 year
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day 1246
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ckret2 · 19 days
Hey. I’ve been looking at your posts about posting your fic on Ao3, and I just wanted to be sure— you do know that you can post your fic without having to use HTML mode, right? Like you can post it without having to type a “<p>” and “</p>” before and after every new paragraph, or use “<em>” “</em>” to make sure something in italics is recognized by the website as italics? Just look for a button on the left right above the box you’re going to be writing in that says “Rich Text” and press that. It should be right next to the button saying “HTML,” which is the default button selected, but you only have to press Rich Text to change that.
And none of your work is lost if you switch buttons. But Rich Text mode gives you a version of the posting box where you can write normally and just press the return key for a new paragraph like normal, and there’s a little menu on the top where you can choose if you want to write in bold or italics or change the spacing or whatever. I just felt like you ought to know in case you missed it and had to write the hard way.
I can't do that because the site I write on and store my fics on strips the formatting out of the document—italics, bold, etc—if I copy/paste it anywhere I've tried (all my other word processor apps, other websites, and yes, AO3's rich text editor) EXCEPT FOR tumblr, for some bizarre reason I don't know. Copy/pasting from the site I use into tumblr and copying tumblr's text to paste into AO3's editor is the only workaround I've found for this issue aside from reformatting every italicized/bolder word by hand. And I use a lot of italics.
I could copy/paste the rich text off tumblr and paste it into AO3's rich text editor, but since tumblr's stupid-as-hell post editor only allows you to select one paragraph at a time, my options are: copy/paste one paragraph at a time; manually force past tumblr's stupid-as-hell inability to select more than one paragraph by selecting the first paragraph and manually scrolling all the way down to the bottom to select the whole thing; selecting the whole chapter by going to the finished post and scrolling down to select the whole thing (which is finicky as hell if you're on a tablet, which I am); or, using select-all in tumblr's HTML format and then just quickly deleting the author's note when I paste.
As you can see, using select-all in HTML format is the fastest and least human-error-prone way to transfer text from tumblr to AO3
Every time I post a new chapter I paste the text to AO3's HTML editor and then switch to the rich text editor to insert that chapter's art.
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aurosoulart · 1 year
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I have hi-res print files available on my website now! for FREEEEEEEEE 🎊🎊🎊
I'm tired of monetizing and advertising and capitalizing and.... everything, honestly. you can still buy gallery-quality giclée prints of my work on INPRNT if you want those - but now you can also just download these and print them someplace local!
there's only a couple Celestial artworks available for now, but I'll be adding more later... and potentially some VR art files in the future as well ✌
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
[1] `there are often translations available in other languages long before English ones` This is really interesting! I'm familiar with translation in games, where english is often a very early target (a small game might get 0-5 translations, depending on amount of text) because the size of the market is larger.
[2] Do you happen to know why this is different for books? Is it faster to come to a deal about publication rights for some other languages to get started on the translation? Is translation to english harder (at least from French) than to say, Spanish?
The literary translation situation has long been very dismal in the English-speaking world! I don’t know a lot about video games, but are localisations provided by the company that makes the game? Because if that's the case it makes sense that games would get translated into English as a priority. For literary translations which are imported rather than exported, other countries have to decide to translate a foreign author and anglo countries (US, UK and Canada at least) are not very interested in foreign literature. There's something known as the "3% rule" in translation—i.e. about 3% of all published books in the US in any given year are translations. Some recent sources say this figure is outdated and it’s now something like 5% (... god) but note that it encompasses all translations, and most of it is technical translation (instruction manuals, etc). The percentage of novels in translation published in the UK is 5-6% from what I’ve read and it’s lower in the US. In France it's 33%, and that’s not unusually high compared to other European countries.
I don't think it's only because of the global influence of English* and the higher proportion of English speakers in other countries than [insert language] speakers in the US, or poor language education in schools etc, because just consider how many people in the US speak Spanish—I just looked it up and native Spanish speakers in the US represent nearly 2/3rds of the population of France, and yet in 2014 (most recent solid stat I could find) the US published only 67 books translated from Spanish. France with a much smaller % of native Spanish speakers (and literary market) published ~370 translations from Spanish that same year. All languages combined, the total number of new translations published in France in 2014 was 11,859; in Spain it was 19,865; the same year the US published 618 new translations. France translated more books from German alone (754) than the US did from all languages combined, and German is only our 3rd most translated language (and a distant third at that!). The number of new translations I found in the US in 2018 was 632 so the 3% figure is probably still accurate enough.
* When I say it’s not just about the global influence of English—obviously that plays a huge role but I mean there’s also a factor of cultural isolationism at play. If you take English out of the equation there’s still a lot more cultural exchange (in terms of literature) between other countries. Take Olga Tokarczuk’s Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead; it was published in 2009, and (to give a few examples) translated in Swedish 1 year later, in Russian & German 2 years later, in French, Danish & Italian 3 years later, in English 10 years later—only after she won the Nobel. I’m reminded of the former secretary for the Nobel Prize who said Americans “don't really participate in the big dialogue of literature” because they don’t translate enough. I think it's a similar phenomenon as the one described in the "How US culture ate the world" article; the US is more interested in exporting its culture than in importing cultural products from the rest of the world. And sure, anglo culture is spread over most continents so there’s still a diversity of voices that write in English (from India, South Africa, etc etc) but that creates pressure for authors to adopt English as their literary language. The dearth of English translation doesn’t just mean that monolingual anglophones are cut off from a lot of great literature, but also that authors who write in minority languages are cut off from the global visibility an English translation could give them, as it could serve as a bridge to be translated in a lot more languages, and as a way to become eligible for major literary prizes including the Nobel.
Considering that women are less translated than men and represent a minority (about 1/3) of that already abysmally low 3% figure, I find the recent successes of English translations of women writers encouraging—Olga Tokarczuk, Banana Yoshimoto, Han Kang, Valeria Luiselli, Samanta Schweblin, Sayaka Murata, Leila Slimani, of course Elena Ferrante... Hopefully this is a trend that continues & increases! I remember this New Yorker article from years ago, “Do You Have to Win the Nobel Prize to Be Translated?”, in which a US small press owner said “there’s just no demand in this country” (for translated works); but the article acknowledged that it’s also a chicken-and-egg problem. Traditional publishers who have the budget to market them properly don’t release many translations as (among other things) they think US readers are reluctant to read translated foreign literature, and the indie presses who release the lion’s share of translated works (I read it was about 80%) don’t have the budget to promote them so people don’t buy them so the assumption that readers aren’t interested lives on. So maybe social media can slowly change the situation by showing that anglo readers are interested in translated books if they just get to find out about them...
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skyward-floored · 7 months
My open tabs are getting weirder and weirder
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monkayy · 11 months
Me the last few months
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vimbry · 3 months
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airbus-a350 · 3 months
in general i think online art spaces suffer from a culture of, I guess, exceptionalism and favouritism when it comes to artists above all other careers or professions. to use the flight rising example again, saying "we can't implement this core site mechanic because it means a lot of work for the artists" gets a shit ton of sympathy points among the userbase but imagine that applied to other jobs lol imagine if my manager was like "aw we can't make our lab workers adhere to these strict SOPs because it's just so difficult and means a lot of work" It's Their Job
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supportanimy · 1 year
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Two days to season 2!
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realwizardshit · 2 months
i'm not saying you shouldn't game during company time. I'm saying do it better. Don't install the funy game on your work computer. Play it on a different computer or Handheld Console. C'mon guys #CovertOps
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ai-higurashi · 1 year
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Small practice using this expression meme as reference!!
Also, version without the glasses:
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Click for better quality!!!
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