crimsonsairina · 4 days
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Click image above for friend's amazing and cathartic Elder Scrolls fanfiction, The World on Our Shoulders.
Much thanks to @mareenavee for writing this amazing story and sharing her insights. It's a joy and a privilege to be given these insights into your thought process.
Screenshot by @paraparadigm
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oblivions-dawn · 1 year
SENU! :D 🫂 Some Skyrim Favorites asks?
How about 1, 3, 9, 14 and 15?
Hi!!!! And of course I am always happy to answer asks heheheheh [which anyone else can find here if they wish to ask!!]
✑ Favorite character build?
I'm a stealth archer through and through. Sometimes I change it up and have a sword in one hand and healing/explosions in the other, but for the most part? Stealth archer. I just can't go back dfklgjldgkf
✑ Favorite Daedric artifact?
OOOOOO!! Mehrunes' Razor! . . . First because it's super cool looking, and second because I always give it to Serana as a token of my affection, and third because it ends up in my fic, teehee.
✑ Favorite school of magicka?
Conjuration, I think! Bound weapons are just . . . so so cool. Uagh. They're all awesome in their own ways, though. I like Illusion as well! And Destruction, of course. And Restoration. Wait a minute . . .
✑ Favorite Daedric prince?
It's Sheogorath all the way. I love that guy. But I also love Nocturnal. I blame the Shivering Isles DLC for my sway to Sheogorath, although I do love meeting the guy in Skyrim as well. I like someone that can make me laugh, what can I say.
✑ Favorite Divine?
Ooooooo. This one's a little more tricky! I'm definitely more of a Daedra than a Divine person . . . buuuut. I think Arkay is my favourite. After all, what's not to like about the God of Death?
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thana-topsy · 1 year
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A gift for @mareenavee of her dear OC, Nyenna, and Teldryn. Having a tender moment.
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tallmatcha · 1 year
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The lovely Nyenna for the even lovelier @mareenavee ✨
The World on Our Shoulders by MareenaVee
This is a tale of two timelines. On one side, we have Nyenna, afraid and alone, fleeing into Skyrim from the horrors of her past. She is whisked away from her trouble for the briefest of moments, finding light in the deepest darkness. She falls in love. She gets married. Tries to settle down. Does all she can to learn new skills and earn a living and build a good, happy life with a comfortable future she never thought she'd be able to achieve again. And then, one day, her mentor sends her on a quest that would end up altering that future forever in unthinkable, unimaginable ways. She wakes up in the night, hearing the call of dragons in her head, and she can do naught but follow. And of the other side of things? Mistakes have been made along this path becoming this legendary thing. The bards sing of her deeds - and her misdeeds - and all eyes are on her now.
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Shit! Look! I did a Teldryn that isn't Joshi
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A birthday gift for @mareenavee of her Teldryn Sero, she's putting this pic a few months after this fic so definitively in 3E. An excuse for me to draw more Nerevarine Teldryn Seros with mullets basically. You know how sold I am on the mullet. Enjoy the casual outfit he'd modelling. I may use it for Joshi later. :3
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ladytanithia · 1 month
Art WIP Wednesday (08/14/24)
Featuring Gale Dekarios and my Tav, Lyric Forest-Singer, a half-wood elf bard.
Trying desperately to draw my favorite shot from BG3, and so far, I feel like I'm failing miserably. Haven't even gotten started on Gale. I think I need to go back to "People Drawing 101." Anyone got any good tips for proportioning? Feel like I need to draw gridlines on the original and reproduce it one square at a time like high school art class.
Don't think I've been tagged by anyone just yet, so I'll just tag all my mutuals and hope all the tags actually work. Looking forward to seeing what (if anything) you all have to share this week! No pressure, as always - I've been pretty unmotivated myself lately.
@auguamenti09 @dirty-bosmer @guarmommy @igorlevchenko-blog @lillxart @mareenavee @moriche @skyrim-forever @snowy-weather @sunny-d-anomaly @thechaosdragoness @theoneandonlysemla @thequeenofthewinter @weirdisme
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skyrim-forever · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Happy WIP Wednesday everyone! Thanks for the tag @thequeenofthewinter Excited to see everyone's wips this week and progress :) I'm tagging @throughtrialbyfire @dirty-bosmer @your-talos-is-problematic @mareenavee @kookaburra1701 @orfeoarte @ladytanithia @lucien-lachance and you! my friend behind the screen!
My WIP this week is a beaded portrait version of Michelangelo's La Pietá with Neravar and Azura, really excited about this piece <3
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throughtrialbyfire · 4 months
𝐖𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♥
wooooooooo! i'm on time this week!
thank you to the lovely @umbracirrus and @your-talos-is-problematic for tagging me!! <33
tagging @skyrim-forever @dirty-bosmer @changelingsandothernonsense @archangelsunited @oblivions-dawn
@orfeoarte @saltymaplesyrup @thequeenofthewinter @mareenavee , and YOU! no pressure as always, i'm very excited to see your wips!! >:3
this is a bit from chapter 32 of Cycle of the Serpent that i churned out at uh… 5 this morning? i think? anyways for a rough draft, i think it's fun. lets just say things are about to get weird in this arc <3
The manuscripts on display were the first things Athenath lead the other two towards. Peering down at the glass that kept them safely contained, Athenath leaned forward, trying to digest every ounce of information they could from the plaques and the pages themselves. Some of them were old poems and epics, some were histories, all against cushioning, dark velvet. Two pages of entire worlds, contained in glass and mahogany. The beauty of the calligraphy didn't slip Athenath's mind, either, every stroke of a quill in deep, vivid inks, faded only by the ravages of time, still left an impression on the Altmer as they examined the artful detailing of the letters. There, in one, an indrik portrayed in thin hues, and a poem to match its beauty. They looked up from the manuscripts, their eyes falling on a tapestry above the stairwell. A plaque sat against the wall, and on trepidatious feet, he inched to it, eyes scanning the text. 'Wolf Queen of Solitude' He narrowed his gaze, reading the text over and over, along with the name of the artist attached. He looked back up to the tapestry, the deep emerald and indigo hues of the background twisting into the image of an old woman, ghostly in her own right, pale and small in the thick colors, with a wolf making up the foreground, ice-white eyes watching over all who passed under the stairwell. The weaving of it was masterful in its own right, probably taking up weeks, months, or even years of careful consideration over the colors and the pattern, of the style and the technique. Every move seemed deliberate, every choice imbued with purpose. They turned, his friends already examining other works, with Emeros taking time to carefully read the faded correspondences on display, and Wyndrelis pouring his attentions into a painting, the details so fine that it was as though one could step right in. Athenath watched them for a moment, before speaking up. "Do either of you know who the 'wolf queen' is?"
Emeros straightened, rubbing at his eyes. "She was a ruler in Skyrim, was she not?" He asked, carding his fingers through his chestnut hair. "If I call, she had something to do with a siege of Solitude, but it's been quite some time since I've heard the name." "That would be Queen Potema," came a voice, carried on brisk footsteps from another hall. The trio turned, their attentions fixated on the Breton coming into view, his chin held high and a smile pushing the lines finely into his warm, square face. "She was the wife of King Mantiarco, who ruled Solitude up until the one-hundredth year of the third era." He continued, bringing his hands together in front of him, elbows wide apart, his posture high and keen like a preening bird. He turned his gaze from one to the other, the elves still and quiet before him. "I assume you three are applicants to the college?" A smile plastered itself onto Athenath's mouth, eyes bright as they nodded rapidly, raking fingers through a section of their curls. "Yes, we're hoping to join the Bard's College this term," he replied, stilling the excitement that rambled like a river under his voice, "we've completed our course selections, where do we need to…?" "Oh! If that's the case, I'll take them up to Viarmo's office," he extended a large, calloused hand. Emeros cleared his throat and tapped the papers atop a glass display into an even row before stepping over, passing them into the waiting palm of the Breton. "And who might you be, if I may ask?" Emeros arched a brow, the quizzical look on his face not tamping down on the Breton's grin. Athenath thought about elbowing him in the ribs, that same, boiling sensation, both inside him and all around him that they'd hoped had been snuffed out sparking for one quick moment, before again dissipating into nothingness at all, along with the urge itself.
The man laughed, adjusting the cap on his head. Dark and flat on the top, banded with a round, white material, which was wrapped with strips of blue ribbon, and plumed with two periwinkle feathers. "You're right, I guess I should introduce myself. I am Giraud Gemane, the Dean of History here at the Bard's College. You will be taking classes with me sooner or later, though I'd suggest sooner, as we've a lot to cover in my course." Emeros extended a hand, and Giraud shook it. He extended his own to Athenath, who shook it firmly, enthusiasm in their grasp. When he extended out towards Wyndrelis' direction, the Dunmer shrunk back and waved a hand. Giraud didn't seem offended by this, shrugging as he straightened out the papers in his palm. "Well, I'll see that Viarmo gets these," he turned towards the stairs, his fur-lined boots making great thuds against the tile, "and I hope I'll be seeing your faces in my course very soon." With that, Giraud ascended the stairs, his footsteps echoing after him.
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dirty-bosmer · 11 months
WIP Wahhhh
It's been a few weeks since I've posted one of these, over which I've been tagged by @elavoria @skyrim-forever @paraparadigm @thequeenofthewinter @dumpsterhipster @lucien-lachance @mareenavee @tallmatcha @ladytanithia @throughtrialbyfire @orfeoarte
Thank you friends!!! I'm very late but still here and still having a great time reading all your stuff 💕 No writing this week, but I've been fiddling around in procreate and have started on my first ever portrait. And because I am truly wed to my Oblivion dumpster fire of a story, of course the first thing I draw is Mathieu Bellamont ssakjdhljkf
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Never used procreate before, and the only things I've drawn for the past 5+ years have been anatomical dissections of various fish LOL Turns out people have a lot of features fish do not so I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time 😅 Will learn... eventually.
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crimsonsairina · 9 months
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I received this beautiful, squee-worthy birthmas (my birthmas was the 15th, for those wondering)/jul art present from the amazing and wonderful @changelingsandothernonsense Here be beautiful art of not-vanilla Brynjolf, currently under the magic of the replacer made by Han Shot First. (Mad props to those who prefer him as his vanilla self, I just really like this replacer myself.)
Some videos from Han featuring this version of Bryn:
SPOILERS - Immersive Features - Kaidan and Brynjolf
This is what you get for never making time for me Brynjolf
The Fratpack Doesn't Like Brynjolf
I also recieved a birthmas present, some time ago, from @mareenavee, but I'm re-sharing it because sharing is caring:
You're Never in the Dark (Brynjolf/female original character)
More Brynjolf goodness, by @rainpebble3:
When Brynjolf Got Stuck in the Chimney (exactly what the title says it is, not a birthmas present but a Secret Santa)
More Secret Santas (not for me), because 'tis the season to read TES fanfic:
The Spirit of Saint Saturio by @rhiannon1199
The Very Spirit of This Place by @mareenavee
Light Under Water by @archangelsunited
Lastly, as the "raisin in the sausage" as we say in Norway, a music video tribute to King Baldwin IV from Kingdom of Heaven, made by my dear friend, @aurianavaloria:
Kingdom of Heaven: Baldwin IV Tribute - Legendary
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oblivions-dawn · 11 months
HI! Skyrim Ask Game, but answer in character for Vigdis and/or Serana! Eldergleam + Ruin!
HEEHEEHOOHOO this is where the fun begins
✑ Describe your favorite obscure location in Skyrim.
Serana folded her arms, a thoughtful look painted on her pale features. "Is the Vale obscure enough? Does that count?" she asked with a slight smile. "Specifically that first step out of the cave and onto the cliff that overlooks the misty valley. Or the snowy mountain pass that opens to a river just below the glacial wall." She paused for a moment. "There was also the patch of gleamblossoms just outside of the portal. I can't explain just how gorgeous something looks after being lost in Darkfall Cave forever. I think I appreciated the Vale a little more because of that."
✑ Is there anywhere in Skyrim you refuse to enter? Why?
"No." Vigdis' bushy red brows dipped further towards her icy eyes, thoroughly annoyed by the question. "I'll go wherever I fucking please."
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thana-topsy · 1 year
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A gift for the lovely @paraparadigm from @mareenavee and myself! Vera, my beloved. From “Always Read the Fine Print” on AO3.
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tallmatcha · 2 months
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WIP Wednesday feat. Carian royals.
Tags: @gilgamish @dirty-bosmer @wraith-caller @musings-ludicrous @aesadraws @quintokki @saltymaplesyrup @rainpebble3 @mareenavee @thequeenofthewinter @kookaburra1701 @moriche @maskedbeliever @agentbeeswrites @raunchyandpaunchy @crimsonsairina @expended-sleeper @justafoxhound
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Commission for @mareenavee
Nyenna is one of my favourites as far as Dragonborns are concerned and mareenavee's fic The World on Our Shoulders is amazing and really worth the read!
Thank you so much for trusting me with this <3
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thequeenofthewinter · 4 months
Normally I would prefer to rec other talented friends' work, but...I suppose if you want, I could share 5 of my works. I was tagged by the lovely @pitiable-arisen and @bostoniangirl21 <3
Uh, by now I think we all know that I scream about:
In the Midst of Winter the original longfic which started out my writing journey, and An Invincible Summer which is the sequel which I am still working on. (And will be posting a new chapter of on Friday after a two month break.)
This was what started my passion for writing and I poured my whole heart out into these two things. Do you like action? Adventure? Drama? Spicy romance? Morally grey jarls who brood on thrones? Friends to lovers? An age gap? Honey, I have got you. Perhaps my particular interpretation of Ulfric isn't all that popular...or well, Ulfric isn't really all that popular at all, so maybe you'd like to give this and Dahlia's journey into the Civil War a go. <3 We're at 415k words and counting!
By the Light of the Moon is a one-shot character study which I did of Ulfric for TES fest a few years ago and I really had a great time writing it. If you'd like to take a peek into what goes on in our favorite controversial Jarl's mind at 3am, give this a read. I'm rather proud of it.
You don't want to read Ulfric? Did you know I write OTHER things? No? Well, Ulfric is the favorite child, but I do have a few other characters I have written. I would also like to recommend Daydreams which is a short one-shot with Serana and my friend @oblivions-dawn's OC Vigdis. We have a f/f pairing and pining. What isn't to love about that?
You want Lich!Neloth? I wrote some Lich!Neloth! Check out By the Break of Dawn which I wrote in collaboration with @mareenavee's stunning rendition of Lydia! There is spooky magic, heartache, and did I mention Lich!Neloth?
Tagging: Senu and Mareenave, @dirty-bosmer, @umbracirrus, @skyrim-forever, @vivifriend, @sylvienerevarine and anyone else who wants to do this
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ladytanithia · 4 months
Art WIP Wednesday (05/22/2024)
Tagged by the lovely and talented @skyrim-forever - thanks, honey!
Been working on a picture of Miranja's father for a while now. He's looking kinda creepy and I'm not sure how to fix it. Don't mind the clothes - I'm still working on them!
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Tagging @auguamenti09 @dirty-bosmer @guarmommy @igorlevchenko-blog @lillxart
@mareenavee @moriche @snowy-weather @sunny-d-anomaly @thana-topsy
@theoneandonlysemla @thequeenofthewinter
Incidentally, does Tumblr put a limit on the number of people you can tag? When I'm tagging, everyone's name links to them. But when I post, only the first 5 or 6 people tagged are linked. Wondering what the deal is.
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