#marine sargeant? NO
even-in-arcadia · 4 months
Solomon Tozer should have been a labor organizer. Absolutely wasted on the royal marines. he was meant for the picket line
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rabid-dog-steve-horn · 2 months
Cheech & Chong - Up In Smoke - Last Song
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sargeantposting · 5 months
A Logan Sargeant Primer: Part I (2000 - 2015)
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Logan grows up in a ritzy suburb of Fort Lauderdale called Lighthouse Point with his parents and his older brother, Dalton.
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The Sargeants don't have a deep motorsport history. Dalton and Logan get their first go-karts for Christmas in 2006, a gift from their father after their mother refuses to let her children ride dirt bikes anymore. Logan tells the NYT that:
“No one in the family was really even that much into racing. We just picked it up as a hobby, something to do on the weekend.”
The two brothers get more serious as the years go by-- within a few years, they're racing competitively. They both do well. Logan finishes in third place in only his first year of racing, and wins two titles in his second. 
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Unfortunately, they figure out fairly quickly that there isn’t much more room to advance in American karting:
My older brother, Dalton, and I had been racing for a few years, and it had gotten to the point where we were asking around about where the next best level of competition was, and everybody was saying the same thing…. It was always Europe, Europe, Europe, Europe. To the point where my parents really started to think about it. At first it was just this idea, like Maybe we’ll move to Europe, who knows. I was just a kid overhearing stuff, so I didn’t know how serious the conversation must have been until this day I’ll never forget.
The conversation gets serious in 2012, when Logan’s dad, Daniel, asks the two if they want to move to Switzerland:
It was summer, and we were out to lunch. It was me, my dad, and Dalton. [...] So we’re at this restaurant, right? Chowing down on burgers (my favorite), and my dad gets to asking us about racing. Finally, he’s like, “What do you guys think? Do you really want to race in Europe? Are you 100% sure about this?” Me being 11 and naive, I was like, “Yeah sure.”  Looking back on it, I think I was lucky I was that young and that I didn’t really know what I was signing up for. All the different ways it could change my life, the level of sacrifice it would require from my whole family. Because if I had known, I don’t know if I would’ve made the same decision so easily. It all happened fast, like in the movies. One minute, it’s Christmas, I’m six, and me and Dalton are yelling at the top of our lungs, excited about the two karts sitting in the driveway, pointed diagonally at each other like in a magazine. Next minute, I’m 11 and Dalton’s 14. We’re sitting at the table eating lunch with my dad, and it’s decided — our family’s moving to Europe.
When Logan tells the same story in GQ in 2023, he says:
I was always just going with the flow. For me it was just: sure.
The Sergeant family leaves for Switzerland just as Logan finishes up fifth grade. While Logan always talks about the family move to Switzerland in the context of his parents making sacrifices for his career, it's a little more complicated than that.
 GQ’s profile steps around the subject, briefly mentioning that “in addition to the racing opportunities, [Logan’s] Dad had business there.” Unfortunately, business would be an understatement. 
At the time, Logan’s dad, Daniel, worked for the family business– an asphalt trading and shipping company named Sergeant Marine. One of the driving forces behind Sergeant Marine’s success would be Daniel’s older brother, Harry. 
When Logan’s detractors mention his family’s connections to Trump, they’re usually referencing Harry. The NYT describes his billionaire uncle as “a former [Top Gun] fighter pilot and onetime finance chair of Florida’s Republican Party who has been sued by the brother-in-law of King Abdullah II of Jordan and whose name turned up, tangentially, in the 2020 impeachment of former President Donald J. Trump. (Harry was not accused of any wrongdoing.)” 
Harry would leave the company around the time Daniel moved his family to Switzerland. According to The Florida Phoenix, “The entire family was embroiled in a long-running bitter series of lawsuits that ended with a 2015 bankruptcy settlement. Harry III walked away with a cool $56-million. In return he gave up any claim to ownership of Sargeant Marine and other family companies. There were 14 different lawsuits in several states in addition to the bankruptcy. The lawsuits produced salacious testimony that could only arise in a vicious dispute between millionaires. Harry III accused his brother Daniel of spending millions on his sons’ pursuits of race car driving and other ventures. Meanwhile, Daniel accused Sargeant III of being a spendthrift on things such as a $7.5-million mansion, private jets and exotic cars.”
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Logan with his dad.
It would, somehow, get worse:
Oil and asphalt mogul Harry Sargeant III claims that industrial design plans along with recordings of "private consensual relations" were purloined from his private email account and traded off to a corporate intelligence agent as part of a years-long smear campaign against him spearheaded by his brother. Reigniting a long-running saga of brother-against-brother litigation, Harry Sargeant III claims that hundreds of pages of business records, personal discussions and "extremely sensitive videos and photographs" were illegally obtained from his email account. The material was used as currency for information-bartering between his brother Daniel Sargeant and a corporate intelligence chief at the nonparty legal service firm Burford, the lawsuit alleges. Harry is demanding damages for alleged invasion of privacy on the part of Daniel. The brothers had in years past worked together on managing the Sargeant family's global oil and asphalt empire, before intra-family disputes began to tear them apart. [...] The lawsuit claims the Burford investigator, a former corporate attorney, knows Harry well. According to the court documents, the investigator for years worked as an enforcement agent on a $28 million judgment secured against Harry by the king of Jordan's brother-in-law Mohammad Al-Saleh, who accused Harry of cutting him out of a deal to distribute oil to troops in the Iraq War. [...] Harry claims brother Daniel gave the corporate intelligence agent the treasure trove of Harry's emails  in exchange for inside information that would help the Sargeant family's asphalt company Latin American Investments in a separate multimillion-dollar legal dispute. Harry's underlying email account ran on a server of the family company Sargeant Marine. When he was ousted from the Sargeant empire, Harry had been told that the account was cut off at the root and all information in it had been destroyed, the lawsuit says. The lifted emails were instead provided to an "untold number of people" inside and outside of the family businesses in 2016, the lawsuit claims.
The information that Daniel traded his brother’s sex tape for would end up being useless. Daniel is currently out a $5 million bond and awaiting sentencing for the foreign bribery and money laundering charges he pled guilty to back in 2019. After bribing officials in three South American countries to secure asphalt contracts, the Department of Justice ended up making an example of the company– and Daniel– for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. 
While Logan cites his career as a big reason for the family move, it appears that Sargeant Marine had conveniently made shell companies in Switzerland to aid in their illegal business dealings that same year.
Logan, blissfully unaware of any drama, tries to make the most of the big move. They move to Lugano, Switzerland– Dalton and Logan go to the American School on weekdays and race on the weekends in the European junior circuit, bouncing them between Italy, Switzerland and Britain. In GQ, Logan says:
“I definitely felt like school was a lot more challenging than in Florida,” he recalled. “And we were missing a lot of school, for sure, but that’s part of it with racing. It is what it is.”
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Logan loves Switzerland. In his Players’ Tribune article, he says:
We moved into a three-bedroom apartment. It was me, my parents, Dalton, and our dog Roxy, the world traveler. Big difference from Florida. We had a whole new life. I loved Switzerland. I had a lot of good friends at my school there. I can’t explain it, but I just felt more a part of things. Me and my friends were big Chelsea fans, and we’d be hanging out, playing soccer all the time. We played Call of Duty like every other kid in the world.
However… Logan is the only one. Daniel is out doing shady asphalt deals around the world and suing his brother. Dalton moves back to Florida after a year-and-a-half. Their mother follows soon after that. Logan ends up living alone at the school: 
Dalton was my older brother, so for as far back as I can remember, I was chasing him. Man, we fought all the time. Every race, we were up against all these other kids, but he was always the one I was really trying to beat. But the thing is, when you’re a kid you miss things. You just can’t see everything so clearly. Like, for instance, being a bit older than me, I think he felt the shift more strongly when we moved, but I didn’t know it. He stayed in Switzerland for a year and a half, did some European karting, and started testing Formula cars. Then one day he just decided he wanted to go home and race in America. I won’t lie, that was a shock at the time. But I get it more now. Making that big life change was hard on my mom, too. Just think, you’re living in this brand new place, don’t have many friends. Me and Dalton were at school all day. My dad was traveling all over the place with work, so he was hardly there. The reality is, she was on her own a lot. So she ended up going back to Florida, too. For about a year and a half after that, it was just me. I was living at the school during that time.
When talking about how his mom moved back to Florida while Logan was living alone in Europe as a teenager, he told the Players’ Tribune that:
Looking back on everything, I just see all the sacrifices they made, and it means so much. No matter what they were going through, my family always pushed me to keep going. I feel like that was probably the hardest for my mom, especially. She means the world to me. She’s a bit of a worrier too, and overthinks. I think I get that from her. She’s always been the person I could go to when I was doubting myself. So I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for her to encourage me to keep going, when I know she probably wanted our family to be together. I’m really grateful, not only that they believed in me that much, to move our entire family, but that they took my passion for driving seriously enough not to let me give it all up.
While Logan’s personal life may be troubled, his karting career is doing exceptionally well. In 2014, he wins the prestigious SuperNats18 in Vegas:
Infinity Sports Management, Facebook - SARGEANT DOMINATES IN LAS VEGAS. Logan Sargeant produced a stunning display last weekend in the TAG Junior category at the Supernationals race in Las Vegas. After finishing runner up in the race in 2013 Logan was eager to go one better this year and bring home the winners trophy. Although Logan got pipped in qualifying he still managed to win every heat ensuring he would start from pole position for the final on Sunday. From there he kept the lead and came home 5.6 seconds clear of the second driver. With this win in TAG Junior Logan become the first driver ever to win the TAG Cadet and TAG Junior categories at the Supernationals race.
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2015 manages to be even more exceptional. Logan starts the season by being the first North American driver to win a WSK event by winning the WSK Champions Cup in La Conca, Italy.
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Logan with his mother after winning the WSK Champions Cup.
The season reaches its peak with Logan becomes the first American to win an FIA Karting World Championship, the top junior series, since Lake Speed in 1978.
He gets to go to the FIA Awards:
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Logan: And I couldn’t thank my mechanic enough. And also my parents, uh, they really helped me to be able to win the world championship and it’s just an amazing feeling. Interviewer: I mean, did you, did you, what did you do when you found out you won? Did you call your friends at home? Did you phone your grandpa? What did you get up to? Logan: Uh, no, I just gave my mom and dad a really big hug. Interviewer: Is it still sinking in now? Logan: Yeah, it’s, it’s a really emotional thing. [...] Interviewer: Tell me about when you were a little bit younger than you are now. You’re only 14 now. But why racing, why, why is this so important to you? Logan: Um, well, my dad bought me a, a racing kart when I was five years old and we started from there. We thought it would just be like a little hobby and, uh, it ended up becoming like a professional thing we did. So. Interviewer: So, so was there a moment when you, when you or your dad just thought ‘Wow, I’m quick. I can do this’? Logan: Um, well, not really. We just kept progressing and then, um, when we, when we decided to come to Europe to race, um, we moved to Switzerland and from then on we were just, uh, going to school, I started going to school in Switzerland. And, yeah, and then we just kept going and then ended up like this. Interviewer: Do you have any other hobbies? Can you fit anything else in? Logan: Um, well, other than school it’s really hard. But when I get my breaks and I go back to Florida for, um, I like to go fishing a lot and, yeah, that’s what I do. Mostly. 
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When interviewed after his win, Logan tells kart360 that:
Moving away from home is a very hard thing in your own personal life. You lose all of your best friends. You don’t have your "home" and you have to adapt to a different culture. It is hard to move to a country that speaks a different language than what you know, but racing is so important to me that I stuck through it and kept on going.
Logan clearly struggles on a personal level. He discusses his feelings in his Players’ Tribune article, saying: 
Coming up racing as a kid isn’t easy. That’s the most honest way I can put it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said to myself, I’m done. I’m ready to come home. I’m glad I didn’t, but there were plenty of times when I wanted to. I remember one big time was the summer right after Dalton went back. We took this trip to the Bahamas with some of our extended family and friends. We were on the water, and everything was feeling like old times. And I think I just had this pit in the bottom of my stomach, like dreading going back. There was a night when I went to my mom, and I was like, “I’m just ready to come home.” I remember her asking me more questions about what I was feeling. I don’t even remember what I said, to be honest. I just remember that she didn’t tell me what to do. She left it completely up to me. My dad used to always say, “If you put in the work now, it’ll pay off eventually — it’ll be worth it.” And he kind of reminded me of that on that trip too. It’ll be worth it. Those four little words … that’s what kept me going. After that I sucked it up, went back to Switzerland, put my head down, and I went for it."
When Logan makes the jump to single seaters the next year, his parents rent him an apartment to live in by himself in London. The only time he’ll spend more than a few weeks in the US since he was a 12-year old would be during COVID.
But Logan’s time in single seaters will be for the next installment.
Logan through the years.
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Chapter 5 [IKYLHT]
~2.4k Words | Series Masterlist | Prev | Next Chapter
“Officials are saying a power surge is to blame for an explosion over downtown Chicago last night due to severe winds leaving thousands of residents in the dark…”
“-I still don’t think that was the best they could’ve come up with.”
“Shh, Johnny, I’m trying to hear them.” You mumble with a light slap to the man’s thigh, nodding over to Price and Laswell as they clink glasses.
Simon chuckles from the other side of you as you peer around Soap’s form in an attempt to convince Gaz to relay the conversation word for word. He doesn’t, and part of you regrets not swapping seats with the man beforehand.
Not that you would’ve been able to, what with Simon and Johnny essentially herding you into the bar stool between them. 
Sheepdogs, I swear. 
“Y’know, I think you owe me, Bun.”
Johnny’s voice has a playful edge to it, something you so desperately need after the torture endured in that building. 
Bloody hands trying to find grip on the cables- anything that’d soften your fall down the elevator shaft and allow you to follow him into that half constructed floor full of soldiers and Hassan. 
Bloody hands that found themselves back on their original place, wrapping gauze around Price’s shoulder and pestering Gaz for updates every other minute.
He didn’t have any. You’d opted to try yourself. 
“Soap, please.” 
You can’t help the desperation in your tone. 
He hasn’t answered comms in four minutes. 
Something is wrong. 
“What is your status? Click the transmitter. Something. Anything. Please, Johnny.”
You hear nothing but the soft Chicago wind in return, shaking hand reaching for comms once more.
“Ghost, do you have a visual?”
It takes him a moment to answer, and you can just barely hear his boots ascending the stairwell in steps of two.
“Negative. Adjusting position now.”
You hate it. 
Hate that your view of Ghost is completely blocked from this floor, hate that Johnny isn’t responding to comms, hate that he’s in there alone.
Had this scene not already played out? Had Johnny not already been forced to fend for himself with shivs and rat traps in the streets of Las Almas? 
Why couldn’t they get someone in there with him? Where are the Marines? Where is Gaz? Where is Johnny?
I should’ve been there.
I was there. It still didn’t matter. 
I still couldn’t save him. 
“Fuck this.” You mumble, shuffling back onto your feet, eyes already scanning for the emergency staircase. 
I’ll scale the building myself.
Your gun is gone, lost somewhere to the explosion and subsequent shootout. You slide your hand over a spare knife resting on your hip. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do.
“Price, I’m movi-”
“Ghost…” Soap’s voice carries through your earpiece and renders your legs damn near immovable. 
You don’t notice the way your knife slices open the top layer of skin on your palm, instinctually bolting up and towards the stairs as you hear Ghost reply.
Going down two, three, four at a time- shoulder slamming into the wall as you turn each corner and stumble down the staircase- you’re still unable to see any of what’s happening- eyes unblinking and ears straining to hear Johnny’s next words.
“Watch the window-“
“-Bun, c’mon. I remember hearin’ you make a bet with Simon.”
Blinking, you find yourself back in the bar.
Right. That’s right. It’s over. 
It’s all over.
Nodding, more to yourself than to him, you scan the bar and blink the image of it back into the front of your brain. 
You don’t miss the way Simon watches the entire thing. 
You let a semi-genuine smile grace your lips and nudge him back. 
“Which you were not a part of, Sargeant. Direct orders from the captain, in case you forgot. Plus, Si didn’t even agree to put any money on it. No point in betting if there isn’t a cash incentive.”
Glancing around him again, you’re just able to meet Gaz’s eyes as he finally divulges you by mouthing a single word before he’s turning back to Price.
“I just think-”
Your tone is what gets him to look up, to pop the bubble he’d created just for you, Simon, and himself. To raise his guard and compartmentalize like he always does. 
You can’t blame the man for wanting normalcy for just a little longer. The chance to sit in a dimly lit pub with his partners, nursing a drink and laughing at how awful the men across the bar are at playing pool.
He doesn’t want another assignment. Not now. Not after all they’d been through. He needed a break, desperately, and he needed to get his mind off of work before it consumed him completely. 
But you can’t. You just can’t slip into that headspace right now. You can’t let your guard down. 
Maybe it was the mission, maybe it was the close-calls, but this inability to just think straight is one you’d only experienced once before. 
You can’t remember when they start- the flashbacks, the shifting from present reality to memory. You only remember the looks of your comrades as they steer you back to the current moment.
Price’s voice cuts into the space, deep and low.
“He’s not new.”
He slides the picture over to Gaz, Soap bracing a hand over your leg as it bounces repeatedly.
You’re nervous.
You can’t tell why. 
You force yourself to stop, to allow Gaz to study the photo without interruption. You hear him shift, pass the photo over to Soap who holds it up for the two of you.
He nods once, reaching past you to hand it to Ghost.
Shaking your head, you whisper to both men beside you.
“I don’t recognize him.”
Their eyes meet past your shoulder, an unspoken conversation.
“Guys?” You whisper again, eyes darting between the pair. 
Still no answer, you look between Price and Kate, the latter looking just as confused as you did.
“Who is he?”
You feel Johnny’s grip on your thigh tighten, hear Simon’s deep inhale as Price turns to answer Kate.
“Well, this is me. You can just… knock, I guess. If you need anything, I mean.”
The door clicks behind Simon as you shift to stand awkwardly in the corner of your small accommodation. 
His eyes shift over your room, the tiny storage shelf topped with boxes and folders of paperwork you’d need to drop off before the night’s end.
It’s hardly decorated past the beige curtains and yellow lighting that adorned each private room in the barracks. 
You distantly wonder if Simon’s room is any nicer. Probably not, since it’s just a temporary until the flight home.
Better than a motel. 
He nods once, lets out a little hum of acknowledgment before locking eyes with yours.
“You okay, Tapeti?”
“Me? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Just need a nap, I think. Maybe some real sleep once the paperwork is done.”
He hums again. 
“Okay. Not what I meant though, love.”
You give a sheepish semi-shrug, a half answer he lets slide with a small sigh. 
“Alright then. Gonna go check on Johnny. You comin’?”
You want to, to go and kick your feet up on Johnny’s lap while he doom-scrolls through social media, but your eyes fall back on the box of papers.
“Oh, uh. No, that’s alright. I’ll swing by later. Really gotta desk-jockey it tonight. Text me if he needs anything?”
“Of course, darling.” He says softly, kissing the top of your head through the mask before sparing you one last glance and slipping out the door.
You sigh out, shuffling over to the storage shelf and grabbing the box before plopping onto the chair with a huff. 
Casualty Report 
Contact Report
Frequency Interference Report
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Report
Digging your palms into your eyes, you groan out.
It's been hours, according to both the clock and the ache in your lower back.
“They offered me retirement, why the hell didn’t I take retirement?” Exhaling a deep breath, you whisper to yourself as you neatly pile the paperwork. “I love my job, I love my job, I love my job."
Sliding it off the desk and into the crook of your arm, you make your way through the foreign base, dropping off the paperwork to some higher-up's secretary with a content smile.
Not my problem anymore.
A little more pep in your step, you start making your way back to the barracks, giving Johnny’s door a light knock.
There’s no answer.
You knock again.
Still no answer.
With a small roll of the eyes, you dig for the spare key he slipped into your pocket with a wink, unlocking the door.
You crack it open, knock again and whisper as it quietly creaks.
“I swear Johnny, you’re such a liar- ‘oh I never fall asleep first’. I could practically hear you snoring through the- oh.”
His silhouette is dim but unmistakable. His snores are soft, as they usually are. 
So are Simon’s. 
You turn your head, scan the empty hall once more before really taking in the sight before you.
They’re cute. Snuggled up, cozy under the blanket Johnny will soon kick off, Simon’s head resting over his heart.
It’d be a lot sweeter of a moment if, well… if there was any space for you.
They really are cute together and you know it shouldn’t bother you, but, that was your spot. 
It’d always been that way.
Johnny on his back, you on his left side. 
Closing the door with a soft click, you lock the deadbolt as quiet as you can before making the trek back to your room.
It’s dark, curtains blocking any pale moonlight and the room is still just as fucking beige as before only now it’s a problem. 
The bed is too cold. Too big, too empty, too overwhelming without his body splayed over half of it. 
You don’t bother changing into anything comfier, kicking your boots towards the door and burrowing under the covers.
You look to the pillow on your right.
You shut your eyes.
It’ll be better in the morning.
Your descent down the stairwell is rushed, boots clipping the safety grips multiple times and hands flailing to grab the railing beside you.
You find a rifle on the way down, still slightly sticky with the blood of the masked soldier it belonged to. 
You could never be too sure.
It clatters against your tac vest uncomfortably, hitting the back of your legs and threatening to launch you down the stairs completely.
You don’t bare it much mind though, hopping off the last few steps and throwing yourself against the heavy metal door with a grunt.
Side stepping and nearly knocking over the surrounding Chicago police, you weave your way through EMT’s and rescued hostages before your path is abruptly cut short by a dark mass with outstretched arms.
“Slow down, Tapeti, he’s making his way out.”
You allow yourself to remain in the man’s arms but don’t halt your hurried steps.
“Then we can meet him in the stairwell, Simon.” You huff out, only partially regretting the way your words tinge with aggression.
He unhooks the back of the strap, grabbing the rifle with one hand and letting it clatter against the sidewalk, not once breaking stride or faltering in pace. 
You get one hand on the doorknob of the side entrance, readying yourself to slam bone against metal once more.  
You don’t get the chance to though, head on a swivel when you hear a nearby glass door shatter in on itself.
And finally, you see Johnny, tired face holding back a pained smile as he holds the door handle in midair.
You waste no time rushing to him, the impact of your body colliding with his almost knocking you both to the ground. 
You feel his shadow guarding the pair of you from onlookers, offering about ten seconds of privacy before Simon is damn near scruffing the back of your neck as he pulls the pair of you into his chest. 
“Jesus Christ, Johnny. Don’t ever do that again.” You mumble into Simon’s shirt, pawing at Johnny’s tac vest and trying to find a patch of skin that isn’t covered by work.
It’s a difficult task, what with Ghost barely allowing you ample space to expand your ribs as you breathe, but you manage to slip off a glove and warm Johnny’s hands yourself.
You feel him shift to lay his head on Simon’s shoulder, wrapping an arm around the man’s waist as he speaks quietly.
“You okay, Bun?”
“Are you okay, Johnny? We couldn’t get ahold of you, not a single thing through comms, not even static.”
He doesn’t respond.
You move to pat his hand but it isn’t there.
You look up but he’s gone entirely.
You spin around, cover your arms over your thin shirt no longer protected by two sets of arms.
You spin again but you’re entirely alone on the street.
The cops’ red and blue lights still flash, doors wide open.
The back ambulance doors reveal the inside, the space that held the empty gurney that now sits mere feet away from you.
The wind howls but doesn’t shake the trees.
Your ears ring above the silence.
You feel the hairs on your arms stand.
You hear a knock.
“Bunny? You in there, hen?”
Shifting your arms, you feel the stickiness of the sheets beneath you.
He knocks again.
Scrambling out of bed, you kick your shoes out of the way of the door and open it hastily.
“Good mornin’, sunshine. We were knockin’ quite a while. Must’ve been pretty knocked out.”
Your shoulders loosen seeing his smile, no longer feeling the urge to curl in on yourself.
“Oh, uh, yeah I guess so. Had kind of a weird dream.”
You feel Simon’s eyes on you, send him a smile as Johnny brushes past you and into the room.
“Anything in particular?”
You turn back to Simon, motion for him to make his way out of the doorway and into the room as you answer his question.
“Not really, mostly just replaying yesterday. Just cataloging, you know the drill.”
Well, except for the part where everyone vanished and left me stranded in the middle of Chicago searching for Santiago.
Guess I was calling out for two ghosts.
“Eh, as long as it wasn’t the weird armadillo one again. God knows what that one’s about. Anyways, you showering before brek, Bun? You stink.” Johnny smooths the duvet over the damp sheets, laying down with a groan and stretching his side.
“Yeah, I’ll make it a quick one. You waiting here?”
You don’t miss the way it comes out, the tinge of vulnerability towards the end of your words.
Neither does Simon.
Johnny lets out a hum, arms above his head and moving to stretch out his other side.
Simon steps forward, untucks the string of your hoodie.
“Shower, Tapeti.”
He sits on the edge of the bed.
“We’ll be here.”
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brokehorrorfan · 10 months
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Inside the Mind of Coffin Joe will be released on November 28 via Arrow Video. The five-disc Blu-ray box set collects 10 films from Brazilian horror icon José Mojica Marins, better known as Coffin Joe.
It includes: 1964's At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, 1967's This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse, 1968's The Strange World of Coffin Joe, 1970's Awakening of the Beast, 1971's The End of Man, 1972's When the Gods Fall Asleep, 1976's The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures, 1977's Hellish Flesh, 1978's Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind, and 2008's Embodiment of Evil.
Each disc has its own Blu-ray case with reversible artwork by Butcher Billy. They're housed together in a slipcase with a book featuring new writing by Tim Lucas, Carlos Primati, Jerome Reuter, Amy Voorhees Searles, Kyle Anderson, and Paula Sacramento, a double-sided poster, and 12 double-sided art cards.
All 10 movies have been newly stored in 4K from the best available elements with original lossless mono audio (except Embodiment of Evil, which has lossless 2.0 and 5.1 audio). Special features are listed below, where you can also see more of the packaging.
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Disc 1: At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul
Audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Video essay by Lindsay Hallam (new)
Damned: The Strange World of José Mojica Marins - 2001 documentary
Bloody Kingdom - Marins’ first short film with director’s commentary
Excerpts from early works by Marins
Disc 2: This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse / The Strange World of Coffin Joe
This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
The Strange World of Coffin Joe audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with film historian Stephen Thrower (new)
Video essay by Miranda Corcoran looking Coffin Joe as horror host (new)
The Strange World of Coffin Joe alternate ending with commentary by Marins
Disc 3: Awakening of the Beast / The End of Man
Awakening of the Beast audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
The End of Man audio commentary by José Mojica Marins, filmmaker Paulo Duarte, and film scholar Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with Guy Adams on Marins’ esoteric aspects (new)
Video essay by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas on the gender politics of Marins’ films (new)
The Awakening of the Beast alternate opening titles
When the Gods Fall Asleep / The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures
Interview with Virginie Sélavy on surrealism in Marins’ work (new)
Interview with Jack Sargeant (new)
Interview with Embodiment of Evil co-writer Dennison Ramalho (new)
Footage of Marins at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival
A Blind Date for Coffin Joe short film
Disc 5: Hellish Flesh / Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind
Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind commentary by José Mojica Marins, editor Nilcemar Leyart, Paulo Duarte, and Carlos Primati (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with Andrew Leavold on Marins’ place in '60s & '70s Marginal Cinema (new)
Video essay by Kat Ellinger (new)
Disc 6: Embodiment of Evil
Audio commentary by producer Paulo Sacramento and co-writer Dennison Ramalho (Portuguese with English subtitles)
Interview with Dennison Ramalho (new)
Interview in which Ramalho pays tribute to Marins
Footage of Marins at the film’s premiere
Making Of featurette
Experimental Making Of featurettes
Multiple featurettes with commentary by Marins
Additional contents:
Collector’s book with new writing by Tim Lucas, Carlos Primati, Jerome Reuter, Amy Voorhees Searles, Kyle Anderson, and Paula Sacramento
Double-sided poster with artwork by Butcher Billy
12 double-sided art cards
Cultural icon, anti-establishment statement, sadistic lord of carnival horror! With his long fingernails, top hat and cape, Coffin Joe was the creation of Brazilian filmmaker José Mojica Marins, who wrote, directed and starred in a series of outrageous movies from 1964 to 2008.
Pre-order Inside the Mind of Coffin Joe.
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wmnylander · 10 months
why has logan sargeant insisted on marinating in his race suit instead of going back to the garage
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tokillamockingbird427 · 7 months
(Slowly pushes my Walker kids ocs toward you)
1. Julian •Three years older than David. •6 foot 3. •Black hair, brown (hickory) eyes. •Has a Tibetan Mastiff named Sparta (she's a good girl - Julian, after Sparta rips a man's leg off). •Marine Lieutenant. •Callsign: Ares. •He has a wife (Izabel) and three kids ( Luke and Leia (twins) and Mary, 5 and 3 years old, respectively). • Has a degree in neuroscience.
2. Olivia •Two years older than David. •6 foot 0. •Blonde hair, green (juniper) eyes. •Has a male rottweiler named Ricky. •Army Lieutenant (Elias definitely cried at her promotion). •Callsign: Valkyrie. •Slept with a british guy named Simon once. ;) •She now has a 4 year old daughter named Willow. •Went to college for aerospace engineering, came home with a degree in art history somehow.
3. Sylvie •One year older than David. •6 foot 0. •Named after Elias's mom, Sylvia. •Blonde hair, brown (gingerbread) eyes. •Fur baby in the form of a Giant Schnauzer, Lady Bug (the ONLY grandchild Elias will ever get out of her) •Army Lieutenant (Elias also cried at her promotion) •Callsign: Dove. •Degrees in thermodynamics and engineering.
4. Felix •Born in between David and Logan. •6 foot 1. •Jasmines twin. •Black hair, grey (flint) eyes. •Marine Sargeant. •Callsign: Wraith •Mortiary Science Degree.
5. Jasmine •Born in between David and Logan. •6 foot 1. •Felixs twin. •Black hair, grey (silver) eyes. •Marine Sargeant. •Callsign: Banshee •Mortiary Science Degree.
6. Vivian •One year younger than Logan. • 6 foot 2. •Red hair, green (moss) eyes. •Marine Corpal. •Callsign: Phoenix. •Degrees in Astrobiology and Astronomy.
7. Lucy •Two years younger than Logan. •5 foot 10. •Blonde hair, brown (cinnamon) eyes. •Army Corpal. •Callsign: Bugs. (As in 'bugs bunny' do to all the wacky hijinks she gets away with.) •Psychology degree.
•Elias has had two wives.
•The first one, Grace, is the mother to Julian, Olivia, Slyvie, and David. She and Elias had a very neutral divorce while she was pregnant with David (who was an unsuccessful attempt at rekindling the romance). Elias and Grace simply just fell out of love with each other.
•In-between marriages, Elias ends up falling into bed for a one night stand with a fellow soldier, a trans man named Damian.
•Damian and Elias were both under the impression that T works like birth control.
•They were mistaken.
•Damian did not want kids, but the pregnancy was too far along to abort it by the time he found out.
•Damian, of course, goes looking for Elias, who at this point is planning his second wedding with an old flame, Jane.
•Elias suggests that he take primary custody of the twins, Damian agrees, and the rest is history.
•Damian sticks around as a "fun uncle" of sorts
•Damian is the birth giver of Felix and Jasmine.
•Elias’s second wife is the mother of Logan, Vivian, and Lucy. She got pregnant before the wedding.
•Gabriel Rorke, who Elias is friends with at this point, is the best man at the wedding.He also unds up being the Godfather to Elias kids at this point.
•Rorke almost got fired from this due to the fact he started his best man speech with "To Elias’s side of the family, welcom back."
•Jane ends up dying from cancer when Lucy is 7.
•Three years later, Elias and Grace end up getting back together, and they pull Gabriel into the relationship.
DAMN Julian, you're as tall as Rorke! Fucking hell. Sparta a lil badass cutie pie. Wife and kids plus a degree in neuroscience, bro is killing it.
Olivia also tall as hell, good lord. Their parents gotta have some dutch in them cus this is ludicrous. (Context; Dutch people are pretty tall.) Ricky, when I catch you Ricky, when I catch you. SIMON? HEY. YOU GET BACK HERE MF. Single mom or did she get his ass locked in?
Aw Sylvie got her grandma's name. Cute. Love how all of them have dogs lmao. They're just a dog family! Love them. Lady Bug, the most spoiled only child. Dove is a cute ass call sign.
Ooo, Felix is a twin! Cool. Moriarty science degree, little emo. Would get along with Grim I feel like. Adore that he and Jasmine are up to the same shit lol. And the call signs; Banshee and Wraith, those kinda match. Very cool.
VIVIAN GINGER! Astrobiology degree cool as fuck. Second tallest at 6'2, only beat out by Julian at 6'3, WHERE are these kids getting all this Tall from??
Lucy being "Bugs Bunny" lmao. Mischievous one. Also the shortest! Hah! And the Psyce degree, I respect the grind.
Oooo, ex wife... interesting. Fun fact, I hc Mama Walker's name as Grace, or I just write it as such seeing as we don't know her canon name.
Damian and Elias did NOT get taught good sex ed lmfao.
Elias's bisexuality gets him in more pickles than he can count but hey, he got more kids out of it so he can count that as a win.
Shotgun wedding
"To Elias’s side of the family, welcome back." The way I CHOKED oh my god. Outta pocket Gabe.
Oh poor Jane. You know fun fact I have Logan (Dani) marry a chick named Jane in Repentance. She's pretty important to the plot.
Return of the ex wife! And a poly throuple endgame, nice.
Elias has FOUR separate romantic partners that we know of this man is a WHORE! /J
The lore go wild, you should do like a fic with these guys I think. You've basically done so already putting the lore in my inbox but like details I like details in story format... I am a sucker for it. Or you should draw them. Just do SOMETHING. Even just creating random ass scenarios for them.
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Fandons I write for
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*this is just a starter list, I may add more characters or fandons later on*
*Requests are open*
Formula 1:
Charles Leclerc
Mick Schumacher
Carlos Sainz
Lewis Hamilton
Toto Wolff
Lando Norris
Daniel Ricciardo
George Russel
Fernando Alonso
Sebastian Vettel
Pierre Gasly
Max Verstappen
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Sergio Perez
Oscar Piastri
Logan Sargeant
Alex Albon
Esteban Ocon
Top Gun:
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Robert "Bob" Floyd
Pretty Little Liars:
Caleb Rivers
Hanna Marin
Emily Fields
Aria Montgomery
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Spencer Hasting
Jason DiLaurentis
Alison DiLaurentis
Star Wars:
Han Solo
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Princess Leia
Obi Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Ben Solo (Kylo Ren)
Marvel / DC:
Jason Todd "Red Hood"
Dick Grayson "Nightwing"
Damian Wayne "Robin"
Tim Drake
Garfield Logan "Beast Boy"
Peter Parker "Spider Man" (Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland)
Tony Stark "Iron Man"
Bruce Banner "The Hulk"
Bruce Wayne "Batman"
Clark Kent "Superman"
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes "Winter Soldier"
Steven Rogers "Captian America"
Sam Wilson "Falcon"
Diana of Themyscira "Wonder Woman"
Barry Allen "The Flash"
Oliver Queen "Green Arrow"
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missvintage5000 · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: USMC Marine Long Sleeve Khaki Dress Sargent Shirt.
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teabights · 9 months
Marines are here at my work (i work at a school) and the staff Sargeant brought his babies today....
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bluevestgoat · 1 year
Security and Recruiting responding to query describe AWE629 running payroll - first this is for my Ranger Scorecard progression for Master Spy Trainer - prior attempt to reference as a comparable scorecard project name SSDHS USMC CORRDIOR COOKS - for this attempt - the Launch Codes Payroll by AWE629 - Taking command of United States Armed Forces includes the requirement that ultimately I deploy nuclear missiles - not an option per the receipt of the authority to wield due to the vast number of... I mean... Ya get it... We have a lot of target options in truth that could use demolition services for which we have amassed a stockpile of these weapons - my enhancement to the nuclear launch codes team - for my personal effort into the investigation to confirm a target and victim site there will be Marines Sargeant speaking as Drill Instructors confirming Reconnaissance opinion on the target - also as a potential protection of clandestine efforts to defeat defend and maintain my launch codes squad they will run my payroll and expenses device event cycle for those on my 15th of the month paycheck system. #ALEXANDER
edit: some content and typos
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I think its pretty cool that Astorath is able to take a jab or two by Sargeants. I love him showing the slightest bit of a feral grin at a primaris marine after Dolomen makes a joke. Astorath has such a grim mood and he's rather serious that it makes him so much scarier when shows the briefest of smiles.
Dolomen also commenting to the said primaris marine that he thinks that Astorath has taking a liking to him.
Gods. I want more of the three amigos with Astorath, Dolomen and Artemos in the future. They all have a great dynamic.
For real, if you guys want to learn more about Astorath then Guy Haley's stories, The Redeemer and Astorath: Angel of Mercy, are good stories. You also get to learn how the black rage and the red thirst affects the primaris as well as how said flaws effect each of the successor chapters.
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melancholic-pigeon · 2 years
I was also recently tagged by @elaborateruses to do 10 characters from 10 pieces of media, which is also one of my favorite memes! 😍
Again in no particular order:
Pacha from The Emperor's New Groove (because I just rewatched it)
Aisling from The Secret of Kells (GO WATCH THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T HOLY SHIT IT'S SO GOOD)
Mei from My Neighbor Totoro because I identified with her when I was four
Zoë Nightshade from The Titan's Curse because she is vastly underappreciated
Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds because I always get her somewhere in my "which fictional characters are you most like" quizzes
Zeke from Bob's Burgers because he's also underappreciated
Lt. Uhura from Star Trek TOS because I mean. Iconic. (Rest in peace with the stars, Ms Nichols ✨)
The Mariner's Mother from The Mariner's Revenge Song by The Decemberists because I'd love to cover it someday
Ludo from Labyrinth because I'm playing a horned beast in @monstersandheartache 's ttrpg (in theory; in practice we're varying levels of disabled 😅)
Sargeant Maaka from Wellington Paranormal because I think I did Officer Parker last time and I ship them like burning and I cannot for the life of me comprehend why there are ZERO MAAKA/PARKER FICS ON AO3 I MEAN COME ON
I'm a little too foggy to tag anyone, so consider yourself tagged if you like!
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US firm pleads guilty to paying bribes in Brazil, Venezuela
A US asphalt company has agreed to pay $16.6m in fines for paying bribes to officials.
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A major United States asphalt company agreed to pay $16.6m in fines while pleading guilty on Tuesday to federal charges that it paid millions in bribes to officials in Brazil, Ecuador and Venezuela for almost a decade to win lucrative contracts.
The plea agreement by Sargeant Marine Inc. is part of a broader crackdown on corrupt dealings in South America’s commodities markets.
In what appears to be a related case, a former oil trader at Switzerland-based Vitol was charged Tuesday with paying $870,000 in bribes to former Ecuadorian officials from 2015 to 2020 in exchange for fuel oil contracts. Vitol, which is not named in the indictment, purchased half of Sargeant Marine in 2015.
Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn said Sargeant Marine and its affiliates paid bribes between 2010 and 2018 for contracts with state-run oil companies in the three South American countries, all of which were run by leftist governments at the time. The Boca Raton, Florida-based company netted more than $38m in profits as a result of the bribes.
Continue reading.
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paintnpending · 4 years
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It’s about time I broke up all the Ice and Fire with a 40k model. This bad boy is the Black Library Exclusive that came out last year. Love the dimensions on this model.
Sargeant Vallejo is known for his somewhat mercurial mood, possessing a reserved, pleasant demeanor that yields to vicious rage when confronted with combat. His antipathy towards the hated greenskin is notable, even within the Crimson Fists.
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ridiculastrixx · 5 years
All Gave Some  --- Some Gave All
Have a safe Memorial Day / Weekend 
Gone but NEVER Forgotten
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