#marinette crit
asukiess · 1 year
platonic felinette brainworms
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Overall Fic is Post canon by a few years. Mari STILL hasn't told Adrien The Truth(tm) or ID revealed. It's becoming a real strain because Adrien's picking up that she is hiding *something* but when he asks it's all 'NOTHING IS WRONG DEAR EVERYTHING IS FINE' and friends are Zero help. So Adrien does something drastic. He looks up his childhood friend for help. He goes as Cat Walker because he doesn't think he'll get a foot in the door otherwise.(he would be right) Chloe- who has gone into the bloody world of modeling and fashion- isn't a NICE person, nice people don't survive that world, but she's... matured some. Once she hears the full tale and Adrien detransforms(he's only revealing Cat Walker's ID!) she's on board. Her plan? Basically rile up Marinette's crisis-prone mind to the point she comes clean to 'save' the relationship. So, Chloé's going to make herself exist in the group again, and monopolize Adrien (though only as a show and specifically only in a private way) adding in a little innuendo until Mari cracks. No ACTUAL hanky-panky is in the offing, just giving Mari's mind enough rope to do the work for them. Her price is: She gets to have Cat Walker on her arm for a few big events. It'll generate buzz, clout, and some good credit for the circles she is in now. Adrien: This plan is awful. Chloe: You came to me. Adrien: ... okay. So the angst bomb- LB will of course confront CN. What is Cat Walker DOING?! Why does he have the miraculous?! etc. CN will try to stonewall, but LB's riled up from the actual plan so she's taking less nonsense. So, a bit riled up himself... CN *tells her who Cat Walker is. Adrien Agreste. He doesn't tell her *HE* is also Adrien Agreste, so he's keeping the right secret in theory. What he *doesn't* know is that Ladybug is Marinette, so now she thinks that not only is Chloe sniffing around Adrien in private life(though he tells Mari it's nothing and it is), but Adrien is borrowing a miraculous specifically to hang out with Chloe at big public events too. So what is she supposed to think about *that*? It's like rolling a crit and a fumble at the same time.
Oh that's toxic as hell I love it!
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
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So Volpina vs Scarabella is actually happening? Also look at Marinette not giving a slightest shit at a supervillain up in her face.
Lila rolled a crit fail in intimidation and Marinette’s just feeling awkward about it
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404roki · 2 years
miraculous fans b like ‘adrien is harassing ladybug’ my brother in christ marinette sexually assaulted him thinking he was a statue.
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i’ve been thinking about chameleon again and like. it’s not an episode i’m fond of for many reasons but my new perspective on lila has really let me look at it slightly more neutrally and how marinette handled the situation...was not great.
it’s one thing to know lila was lying about knowing ladybug and then take everything else with a grain of salt, and quite another to decide that lila is lying about absolutely everything and deserves to be accused of faking disability.
and i get the frustration we as the audience got because there was no mystery to us as to whether or not lila is lying. we’re not convinced by her lines or the delivery it’s all very.... we’re made to be on marinette’s side even though marinette has no reason to believe that everything lila says is a lie (until like ladybug that is but still) let alone that she’s lying about having disabilities.
like marinette gets absolutely humiliated by the narrative as punishment for like 99% of her dodgy behaviour and virtually every time she’s right but disagreeing with the creators, so it’s uhh pretty telling when marinette is objectively wrong and she’s framed as ‘right’.
i’ve lost track of what i’m trying to say but basically marinette had no way of knowing lila was lying. she had no reason to act out like that. yeah, it was kinda unfair to be moved to the back of the class without her knowledge but it’s really like. not worth it to claim that a girl she doesn’t like is faking her disability.
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nobigdealcy · 2 years
marinette had so much potential to be an iconic protagonist her obsession with adrien ruined it. the moment adrien associates with a girl that looks like they have a chance with him, and even when they most obviously do not, she abuses her power as ladybug to spy. she stalks him (girlie literally has his schedule memorized) and keeps going “i trust adrien” referring to lila’s association with him as if he was obligated to be only hers.
marinette was introduced as this clumsy and forgetful but tough skinned girl who did not take shit from anyone, and loves her family dearly. a crush on adrien like blushing, stuttering, and some thoughts in class is normal for someone her age but her obsession with him is not. the writers did marinette’s character so dirty.
she had RESPECT. and her terribly obvious drool fest over him even when he’s around destroys the important trait.
“oh but marinette’s obsessive crush caused plot to take place in a lot of episodes” they could have caused it to take place with something different and reliable to her character as kind-hearted but ready to throw hands, someone who knows when they need to fix their mistake. in gamer, it could have been because mari was shown to be Experienced in the game and she wanted to join because it would be fun to play a game she likes and win for her school while she’s at it. kind intentions to bring victory to the school while enjoying herself, her realizing it was rude to just take away max’s opportunity to do the same thing she wanted to do.
or in gorizilla. she was shown to be forgetful even without the influence of adrien being the distraction that made her forget. it could have been she had forgotten to set an alarm for her swimming day with her friends. or she did set an alarm but forgot what it was for. the accidental tandem day with adrien still would have happened, maybe lessen the drooling in the ad scene during the movie date but not date by just letting her admire the guy.
there’s also this weird ass mindset where mari’s obsession ‘helps’ the romance section of the show move forward. the hell it does not?? it complicates things, and further downgrades mari’s character to unhealthily attracted girl and nothing else.
the worst thing about this obsession? she was initially attracted to him because of his kindness, consideration and the respect he showed her. he put in the effort of going after her to apologize and let her know he had no malicious intent. she wasn’t impressed by his good looks. she was impressed this guy was different, different to chloe, who seemed to have been this guy’s friend.
but the rest of the show shows marinette just stumbling because his dreamy smile happened to pass her direction.
you can make their romance bloom in ways that are healthy and set a good example for the children who watch this show. it was already good in the origins. started off on the wrong foot with nothing too dire, a side decides to communicate, the umbrella scene, marinette realizes this guy isnt a jerk after all. showing adrien and marinette actually being friends instead of just two people in the same friend group. give them a dynamic that works. that shows that no, this relationship isn’t doomed to fail in the future because they work and they’re fucking fantastic together.
this post was mainly adrienette. ill put up one about the rest of the love square stuff.
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Look at this five ML Asian women. Every single one has blue hair. Fei's the darkest and it is very subtle, and Kagami's sometimes turquoise. But you get the point. Four of them have side swept bangs, with the three teenagers having them in the same direction. Tomoe's hair is the most unique. Kagami's hair and Sabine's are almost the same. Fei's hair and Marinette's hair look very similar, especially considering these prototypes of Marinette:
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(The second image is from the old Lady Luck game, I found the pic in the Wiki. Yeah, I wasn't sure if that's Mari because they look sooo different. But she has to be).
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The three teenagers ALL have a red color scheme when transformed. Ladybug, Ryuko and Renren. Which is... eh, considering they seem to be trying to repeat as few theme colors as possible.
Oh, and the three of them are related to dragons. Marinette has a fusion with the Dragon, Kagami had the Dragon Miraculous and Fei currently has the Prodigious, her most powerful form being a Dragon and Renren being advertised as Ladydragon.
Sooo. Yeah. Boys get to have distinct designs. Girls, and especially Asian girls, don't. How very.
Now you get why people are upset Fei is sooo similar to prototype Marinette. She screams prototype Marinette. And in general it's weird how the ML staff seem to dislike natural hair colors for Asian women. Asian men get to have actual black hair. Even Marc has totally black hair! And it's weird too seeing that they tend to have similar designs and similar color scheme and similar animals and- sigh.
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927roses-and-stuff · 3 years
Me: Miraculous has been dragging on for a bit, i dont think i want to interact with canon anymore
Gang of Secrets:
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cart00nbra1n · 4 years
has anyone else noticed how every time marinette starts to get over adrien and explore other options something happens, or the timeline is inexplicably reset so that once again marinette is head over heels in love
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ggomomomo · 2 years
Felinette as Genshin Impact Players
Marinette: tries SO HARD, reached AR 60 in 0.000004 seconds, bangs on the desk when the artifact rolls a def, color coordinates weapons and characters, obsessed with crit, speedruns several bosses in one day, farms the shit out of mobs when resin runs out, will spend 3 hours for 10 primogems, rolls in every banner, "builds" pity
Felix: he's chill, feeds the cats in asase shrine everyday, cried in that one chasm quest, collects lanterns and/or fireworks so he can set them off for mari, takes pictures of non-aggro hilichurls, POSES WITH THE WEI HILICHURL, picks everything he comes across, has a fully furnished teapot across all the realms, does NOT feed ganyu meat, reads through the inventory books, is knowledgeable about all the lore, lowkey has insane gacha luck, can hit 1M dmg with his favorite character, whales for Mari
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML X D&D: Karma rolls
Lila: What do you mean I have to use different dice!
Marinette: If you are going to play, you are going to need dice that I know arent loaded.
Lila: My dice arent loaded... Also I dont have any other dice, so I cant...
Alix: Here, you can use one of my bags.
Lila: (forcing a smile) Thank you alix.
Marinette: Where were we? Ah yes. You were face to face with the mountain troll. Lila its your turn.
Lila: I aim at its eye with my crossbow. (Rolls her dice) ... 1
Alya: OOF, Critical miss.
Marinette: Your shot misses and bounces off a rock right into your foot. Roll 1d4 damage.
Lila: Can I just have my dice back?
Marinette: Tell ya what, I will use your dice when I do rolls against your character only.
Lila:(Fear) That wont be necessary.
Marinette: And the Troll goes to swipe at you Lila. (Rolls) Well look at that Natural 20.
(Lila's character proceeded to get 4 natural crits done against it. Leaving her character a bloody pool in game)
Alya: Will we be able to revive her?
Marinette: If you can gather up whats left of her, yes.
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
People seem to forget that combining the Miraculous doesn’t make the wish happen. Fu and Gabriel confirm there’s a spell involved. Unless Marinette also uses the spell then there’s nothing weird about her just becoming the strongest hero. Marinette has never expressed interest in using the wish and the Bible does not mention a universe reset. Nothing out of the ordinary here officer.
Yeah lol like as far as the bib indicates she just pulls a talk no jutsu combined with a crit 20 intimidation roll, no wish involved
They could, of course, have retconned the inner workings of the wish again but in that case does anything we know matter? Does it somehow make maribug “just as bad” as Hawky? I don’t think so
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OK I'm gonna talk about a subject that's kinda touchy but really sincerely needs to be said.
Some people in this fandom i genuinely admire and like, but here's the thing. Some of y'all in this fandom can be a bit insensitive to allot of issues (racism, sexism, abuse, etc) and some still try real hard to act like you don't and it's honestly really f*cking trifling/concerning, cause like y'all act like y'all don't do that, and it really aggravates me.
First onto the problem with racism this fandom has. Y'all have no qualms going on and on about the evident whitewashing the show does to it's characters of colour at times like what they did to rena's model, etc(trust me i feel the same way at times but saying that mari is white bc she doesn't wear chinese garb etc is really concerning and feels really weird when white fans try to say this bc not allot of ppl who come from different cultures outward go and dress in their ethnic garb at home in all places (and honestly, whenever iusuallysee art of this it's fine but at times it comesoff a bit fetishizy(especially whenever someonetries to draw mari in diferent clothes and all they do is a "certain" style. and it's concerning that y'all have the opposite argument about sabine (even though i also i have qualms about that too.) but then getting angry when poc try to tell y'all to stop drawing characters a certain way (whitewashing (how funny how y'all go on about this and then do it in art or other media by lightening skin colour or changing features) or darkening the skin on a villain alligned character instead of trying to learn from those criticisms is in and of itself, a whole hypocritical mess bc y'all try to make some valid crits of the show but it all goes down the drain when y'all turn around and do this witchhunting/whitewashing bs. Then there's the fact that y'all salters almost always make alya the villain and chloe a support in a huge amount of saltfics without even seeing what kinds of connotations could arise from that. Like do you not see the problem in twisting the main character's best friend who actually has a personality of her own into the villain when she's black and making the lighter skinned bully the hero. At all.
Next onto the sexism (funny thing is its funny how both sides play into this). First we have how the fandom treats Marinette and Adrien. When mishaps happen to Mari, the salty part of the fandom tends to jump up and say that either her classmates are always laughing at her and more complaints that don't make any sense because if y'all have actually watched some parts of the show even, any scene when marinette has a mishap happen to her in front of classmates you'd see they're not laughing at her, but with her. (and you'd think that the nyc special would show y'all that the wouldn't laugh at her accidents or problems if she's in genuine distress.) Then we have the minor villains Felix and Lila with how the fandom still holds onto this merit that canon felix is a good person underneath a cold persona (now this could've been truefor pv!felix or fanon felix and i don't hate him, it actually the opposite, i kinda want to see what other moties the character has in store for us.) what i don't like is how some parts of the fandom put him on a better merit than lila when we don't even know his full character just as yet while we've already gotten to know how shady of a person lila is.
now finally onto the abuse aspect. i saved this one for last bc this is a touchy subject for me at times, in any aspects i can name bc here's the thing, this fandom loves to either: make claims that a certain character (adrien) is not facing any sort of abuse bc he's a guy or that he shouldn't be taking it or he should stand up for it (or worse saying he deserves it and saying that gabriel/lila should continue with it?! looking at 4 or more certain salters who have been getting on my last f-ing nerve with that) and i'm just like please stop and think about it for a second. And i don't want to hear the "it's a tv show" angle which i've heard way too many damn times bc If you were in a situation like that and it starts to escalate, how would you feel if someone online was making fun of your plight online over an over like a damn broken record player hmm? Cause i relate to adrien on a few aspects of his life and seeing y'all repeat the same cold takes about how he could just leave, or how chat blanc can't happen bc gabriel isn't like that is frankly, all too worrying bc i have been in that place and so have many others and seeing y'all say that gabe/lila/nathalie are all morally better bc of certain struggles they face is another hypocritical thing that some of y'all salters need to address bc y'all would rather say these people behave better than an abused kid.
#ml fandom critical#ml fandom#ml fandom salt#ml salt#ml salt on salt#like honestly the hypocriticalness of this fandom aggravates me to no end.#especially since y'all salters never ever own up to y'all's mess and well here's the thing it makes you look like a herd of clowns#and y'all salters have turned something that could genuinely be used to bring valid critique to a show#into a wholeass gaslighting and apologism festival when you either can't find reasons to justify ships or other things#when criticism is NOT about the shit y'all think its about.#miraculous salt#miraculous fandom salt#like the sugar side of the fandom or should i say the sane side of the fandom actually know how to watch a show while still being critical#it's y'all that dont now how you just use the tags to rant on how the show isn't going your way.#and i'm gonna say this.i try to sometimes sweep the shit y'all salters do under the rug at times#bc at face value it seems like you all are actually making some valid critiques then i look at some of the other stuff y'all have done#and it goes down the drain#cause y'all literally send y'all little followers to angry mob anyone who dare speak against you.#like i've been in the fandom when the show fucking started and seeing it go from such a nice community to the cesspool it is now#is distressing.#and also if you're one of those artists who like to send angry mobs to ppl when they don't agree with you you're an idiot. plain and simple#like honestly the show isn't perfect but the way some salters go outta their way to bash it is sad#edit: i got an anon probably pertaining to this post saying that i was mean. that's the point#bc if I'm not assertive and putting my foot down on the problematic salt the fucking salters have put out ppl will ignore it#and continue to support these racist ab*se apologizing mfers.
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404roki · 3 years
adrien & marinette are so incredibly toxic for each other it’s actually impressive.
[this is literally just marinette bashing from the pov of an adrien sympathizer/apologist/enjoyer/whatever the fuck ppl say, btw and most of it barely makes sense but it’s important for me that my hate doesn’t bump around in my head until i go insane]
obviously, they’re endgame. (i think that’s been confirmed, but i’m not sure.) the beginning of the story literally starts with marinette falling in love with adrien after he gives her his umbrella.
which is fine, and when i was 11 i thought it was very cute! but recently i’ve rewatched it, and being older now i’ve got more critical thinking skills & i have been thinking a LOT.
basically the way marinette falls for adrien is pretty cliche, she begins by thinking hes an ass and then he performs an act of kindness, which in turn, makes her fall in love with him.
but then it quickly gets weird. early in the show, she confesses her feelings via voicemail, and then when she gets embarrassed she reveals that she had been STALKING him. [knows his schedule from the time he wakes up in the morning to when he goes to sleep, where all his classes are, when they end. and she has it memorised.] in the same episode she steals his phone to delete the message. (and she doesn’t even admit she has it, doesn’t lie and say ‘i found it’ or anything like that, she sneaks it back in his bag?)
later, she gets annoyed with chat noir’s advances, and admits that she’s in love with someone else. despite that, she continues to flirt with him, but complains when he flirts with her?. she continues calling him affectionate nicknames, (and even once calls herself his lady) she makes fun of him. ‘‘we’re not a couple,’ ‘don’t call me bugaboo’ (but she calls him kitten.)
[another thing to mention is how marinette stans call this harassment on chat’s part, and then ignore the fact that 1) mari thinks it’s funny. canonically. she admits it in ‘truth’ 2) she flirts with him too.]
flipside of the abuse with the excuse she’s annoyed he’s in love with her [since ‘chat blanc’ she has treated him like absolute garbage. literal bullying/abuse/whatever you want to call her bad attitude. in ‘kuro neko’ plagg even tells her she needs to get her shit together], she keeps him in the dark about EVERYTHING. tell me, why did she think it was okay for carapace and rena rouge to know each other’s identities? that it was okay to tell alya hers, but if chat even mentioned the idea of wanting to tell someone she goes all guardian on his ass. she isn’t even inadvertently hurting him, she’s just straight up lying to him.
and she knows that too. she says she trusts him, but she thinks it’s faster and more convenient to find another miraculous holder instead of calling chat. still, in spite of all of this, he still ‘loves’ her. hell, in chat blanc he watches her commit B&E, but he’s still in love with her.
[also during chat blanc, she gawks at his things after breaking in, runs her fingers across his desk(?!?!) LAYS in his bed, sniffs his pillow “ahh, adrien's scent ♡” (EWW?) that is SO WEIRD]
she says they’re friends, and that he’s more than a partner [which, if it were me who confessed to the only person i felt truly happy with, and they told me they’re in love with someone else but emphasised that i was ‘more than a partner,’ i would HATE them]
but adrien doesn’t hate her. and maybe you could say that he’s truly in love, but reading between the lines of his backstory, and knowing how abuse victims [and adrien has been abused A LOT, but that’s a whole different thread] i’d say the reason he fell so fast for her is a product of abuse and neglect.
she gets angry with him when he’s cold with her after she hurts his feelings, which is wrong of them both. he’s human, and ladybug often treats him like he’s only there to be her lapdog (lapcat?). chat almost threw the fight because he let his emotions get the better of him, but ladybug’s reaction was awful. it’s like she doesn’t think about how her actions can effect chat.
in fact, a lot of mari’s reactions are downright disgusting. when adriens ABUSIVE father prevents him from going to see his friends in ‘felix’, marinette ends up sulking and making it about herself. and nobody ever calls out her selfishness, instead, she’s supposed to be the ‘everyday ladybug.’
and yes, adrien is the one who that, but 1) he’s unaware about what marinette does, 2) he’s reasonably nice to chloe and lila, and those are people he knows are bad. adrien, because of his sheltered life, his ENTIRE life, is capable of recognizing bad behaviour, but a lot of adults and probably peers, were objectively bad people, so he’s been forced to look past unacceptable behaviour.
[no doubt this would’ve been touched on more in canon of the show was aimed at an older audience .]
when marinette realizes adrien likes kagami, she instantly starts to hate her and she doesn’t even know her. she even goes through kagami’s phone out of jealousy. she isn’t dating adrien, she chickens out every time she even thinks about confessing. what’s her right to hate kagami? she has none.
and it’s like she sees adrien as an object, which is toxic in itself. she memorizes his schedule, interests and his favourite things. she stalks him in real life and online, watches videos of him on repeat. and the pictures of him under her mattress! what the actual fuck were the writers thinking? the fact that she has so many pictures of him, how many do you think she took of him without him knowing? at least 1, you see him looking in different directions in multiple.
[“they’re from photo shoots! they’re all public!” even so, she put time and effort into finding pictures of him, printing them out, hanging them up, and didn’t once think ‘this is wrong.’]
in partycrasher she gets mad and sneaks in when adrien’s bodyguard is only letting his male friends in. she practically had a tantrum over the fact that other people were seeing adrien and she could not.
and you could actually argue that she was mad at the ’misogyny’, but she was there when the girls were planting the trees and she left to see why the boys were making excuses to not come. she only became jealous when she found out they were with adrien.
this is made worse when her friends only fuel her obsession. alix is the only one who protests and calls her weird, but in the end she goes along with their complicated and problematic plans.
alya even pushes them both into situations they’re both uncomfortable with. with adrien and luka.
and speaking of luka,
marinette accepted his confession KNOWING she didn’t like him the same way she liked adrein. she knew she wasn’t over him. she was using him. not even as a rebound, but as a stand-in for adrien.
luka is still in love with marinette, and even if luka is truly okay with helping her be with adrien isn’t it literally just self torture? marinette is so wrong for that.
luka’s acceptance for ‘going with the flow’ i think, if it wasn’t a children’s show, would absolutely be replaced by the trauma of being the eldest of of someone named ANARKA and overall mental health issues. [because being an older sibling in a dysfunctional household is traumatic enough on its own. seriously]
luka comes across as someone who’s in control with everything. his job, his future career, his entire life. him being the elder sibling, and probably the caretaker since anarka is… anarka. with a mother like her, he has no choice but to play the cards he’d been dealt. and marinette was shuffling them and handing them out.
he was in love with her, and she barely liked him. she still let herself use him as a stand in.
but back to adrien.
in ‘kuro neko’ the writers suddenly blame ladybug’s abuse— [yes i will keep using that word. it’s true. since becoming the guardian she has been neglecting and bullying him. “marinette is scared of chat blanc that’s why she’s pushing him away!!!” so… you’re afriad your parter is going to be overcome with negative emotions, so to avoid that, you knowingly hurt them?] — on cat noir being in love with her and somehow this is getting in the way.
he feels excluded and treated unfairly, betrayed and abandoned because ladybug was pushing him to the sidelines and choosing other people to help fight along side her, episode after episode. and this had nothing to do with him being in love with her. even plagg was telling marinette she was being an ass
anyway there’s probably a billion other ways i could criticize marinette , adrienette and all thinks akin but this is such a long rant and i am so tired and now i’m pissed too
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i feel like ml needs to pick a lane. 
you can’t have a ‘monster of the week’ type show where everything stays in the status quo and an overarching villain/romance plot because overarching plots rely on change. miraculous isn’t changing. when it does change, it does so in a single episode while the other dozen episodes per season enforce the status quo.
the change doesn’t even have to be big! let the show move forward! let the characters and the plot grow and change! 
we’re getting bored.
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Random A** Story Starters
Hi all,
Since I wanna get into original story writing again, I wanna see if anyone is interested in reading and giving me constructive criticism. (Not calling it bad or telling me I should give up mind you. That’s actually not con-crit at all).
Leave a note in comments if you’re interested in getting a tag for a random ass story chapter from me in the future.
Sending this out to my last known tag list, but you won’t be automatically added to the next list. Thank you all.
@mindfulmagics @ozmav @bluerosette23 @multifandomscribette @mochinek0 @northernbluetongue @scribblinggraveyard @ravennightingaleandavatempus
@autisticlinx @mellownieice @mlbchaosqueen @bisha43rbs @jessigurl-design @evil-cricket @multplelifes @mysupporthyperfixations @demigod-nephlim @maribat-shenanigans @mycupisbroken @mystery-5-5 @sandraf0612 @evil-elf16 @tog84 @lostinday @shamefullove @kelelamentia @marinette-x-damian-lovers-1127 @maya-custodios-dionach @thebooki3h @crytallized @indecisive-mess-named-me @pheonixashtree @unabashedbookworm @deathofafangirl01 @biscuitbirdpeach @livelaughlovesleep7 @daminett4life @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @cutechip @thestressmademedoit @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @demonfandom02 @tbehartoo @toodaloo-kangaroo @clumsy-owl-4178 @resignedcatservant @fertileleaf @cassiejaydee @g-arya @legendaryneckjudgestudent @vivilakitty
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