#mario anime spoilers ig
kaban-bang · 1 year
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Never in a million years I would've expected the original Mario movie to end with him getting cucked by a dog.
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originallymarysue · 6 months
Spoiler for the new episode??? (It hasn't come out yet but still)
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fermentedgutz · 1 year
OH MY GOD I FELT LIKE A LITTLE KID AGAIN IT WAS AMAZING. i felt like it was a little too fast paced BUT OVERALL; THE MUSIC, THE COLORS, THE ANIMATION, T H E M U S I C??!!?!! IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. characters felt a kinda static but, then again, the mario characters usually are like this. ig i was just rlly hoping for someeee development, yk?? oh well. ANYWAYS, AMAZING MOVIE, SOLID 8/10, LOVED IT SO SO MUCH
THERE WERE A LOT OF THINGS I WAS HOPING WOULD HAPPEN BUT IT DIDNT — fear not though, for i am an artist. i will happily storyboard my ideas myself to fulfill my own satisfaction. like, i was totally expecting luigi to escape the castle with the help of the penguins and the luma star but they didnt. i would go on and on about the movie BUT MAYBE LATER
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i-restuff · 1 year
a personal Mario movie review from yours truly.
ok, so, I'm very natural over Mario franchise. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. so this review is mainly from someone who is there only for the animation (also for Jack Black ofc). cool? cool. alright.
spoilers below
I'm going to be super upfront with the "good stuff", and sorta detailed with the "meh stuff". mostly because the good stuff is very self-explanatory while for the negative ones I feel like at least I should give a little bit of reason why I feel that way.
good stuff
I love the world-building, everything is very well-detailed and the environment is insanely rich
character designs? love it. they look absolutely alive and expressive
the casting. I think they're all really good???? I personally think Chris Pratt is alright too ig? I mean I kinda don't care, I was distracted with everything else in the movie. but he's fine.
Jack Black. nuff said.
I love Toad. I love Peach. DK. BROWSER??? everyone's very likable damn.
I'm obsessed with the 3d models ngl. there are times when I was focused more on the models than I was on the story. It's really distracting in a good way.
Storywise, I think it's decent but also fun!
love love love the dynamic between Mario and Luigi. Peak dynamic, really.
Such a nostalgia trip. I for one who doesn't know much about Mario had such a blast listening to all the soundtracks and looking at the itsy bitsy references and such.
obsessed with Lumalee. let em die :(
the credit animation is super colorful I wish I could eat it.
^ I was watching this with a friend who is obsessed with Mario. there are times when he went absolutely insane and explained some stuff that I didn't know. which I think it's cool! it's crazy how there are literally easter eggs and fan service everywhere, it doesn't feel forced too. I really could see why people love it so much.
meh stuff
ok, imma be honest. I'm just gonna complained about the plot holes here,, It didn't really effect the story, but it did confuse me a bunch of times. again, this is coming from someone who doesn't know much about Mario. I might miss some stuff.
the transition when Mario/Luigi got teleported from Brooklyn to the Mushroom Kingdom. like, why? what's so special about that specific pipe?
also before that. why's Brooklyn drowning all of a sudden lmaoo. that part kinda felt forced just so Mario and Luigi had a reason to go below the sewer. it sorta makes sense I guess? but the pacing is pretty dang weird.
how does Peach know her own kind? "you're a human!". she was a literal baby when she first got to the Mushroom Kingdom
I love love love Toad character. I just don't understand his presence? I mean sure, he's bringing the comedy, but you could find the "comedy" elsewhere too. so his character is a bit useless despite him being the protector. long story short, the movie would be fine with or without him < this is how much his character matters imo.
the pacing after Mario agreed to fight with DK and then suddenly he's on the stage. tbf this isn't really a big deal? but the transition kinda bugged me.
I don't know what exactly they wanted to do with Mario and Peach relationship. do they like each other romantically? it doesn't feel like it despite being teased a few times.
my dude Luigi has to sit in the cage for how long now? kinda suck. I wanna know more about him, I wanna see him more in action.
that being said. I wish they did more with Luigi, give him something to develop on. because seeing him fighting Browser doesn't feel as rewarding as how we see Mario. all he did most of the time was get caught and sit in a cage while Mario had to go through all those bullshit. but I get it though. storytelling wise, Luigi is supposedly Mario's goal. to get him back and all that. I get that.
I can't feel sad for Mario for some reason??? (this has nothing to do with Cris Pratt btw). his supposedly "emotional" scenes didn't impact me at all. in fact, I felt awkward. I honestly don't know why though.
the final fight scene is also awkward? I mean it's cool, don't get me wrong. I think it has to do with where they're fighting? I guess imma blame Brooklyn for this.
the 80's pop songs felt out of place, but maybe that's just me.
personal rating? 7.
but I genuinely get why people love this movie.
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digital-matchmake · 10 months
a few thoughts:
1: With video games, the gang can enter the world of the game if it is a multiplayer game, or like a party game or something, and if it's a game like Minecraft or animal crossing they get an avatar that looks like them, while if they have pre existing characters like Mario kart then they either replace the character and are wearing their outfit, or they have some kind of indicator show up on them like the captures in Mario Odyssey. If it's a game where it doesn't make sense for them to be there, like a point and click game or something, then maybe they get a theatre and a controller, like that one anon suggested, or they can just wander around the game world without actively interacting with things or something. Or they can like, drag the mouse around with their hands and do stuff that way. Once they reach the max amount of players for a game, they become spectators, either joining as a background npc or crowd member or something, or if that doesn't make sense in the game universe then they get a theatre. So if the reader was playing Pokemon scarlet one of the random NPCs in a town would be replaced by them, and in the wilderness they either go to the theater or take the place of a pokemon that can't be battled while they are the Pokemon. In splatoon they could be a jellyfish ig. In a game like the original subnautica where isolation is the point they probably couldn't join the game at all.
2: maybe with the readers app thing, they could select areas and do stuff. Like how you can tell a Roomba to clean a specific area of your house? The reader could set up an area and while they're there they don't get teleported unless they want to, so if they don't want to go with the reader they can just stay home. The reader goes to the store and comes back to them having cleaned the house and made them a pie or something. Maybe they can set up an area that they can't go inside of without permission to keep them out of private areas, or so they can't mess with stuff while the reader works, or something like that.
3: if they are going insane about like, cheap ramen or something, id imagine if the reader knows how to cook they'd immediately be like "I am going to make the best meal these people have ever had" and saves up money to make a nice meal for them, and if they can't cook they just take them to a really nice restaurant, or get food from a relative or something. I'd take them to a good bakery and get them some sweet empanadas and cookies :)
4: your au is really good, love it, want to put it in my mouth like a marble, I have so many brain in my microwave rn. Good food. Tasty. If you are having a good time then keep making content. I just. 🎉🤩💝‼️🔈🔉🔊💯👍✅✴️🎼🔥🌟💌🫂🥭🍽️🥛🍉🎇🎁🏅🏆📢🗯️📈📕📖📝📩
Ahem (Puts on glasses)
Yes they can basically choose whether to join the reader's character in game where their looks will change to match that game's artstyle, they aren't counted as players as the games does no recognize them as such so there is no player limit
2. ... Spoilers for future chapters but there is a plan for that.
3.They would love that, I HC that the food in the digital world isn't exactly bland but there is like a hint of flavour there so it's like having a tastebud bomb when they taste the real world foods
4.I'm glad you like my au! Be careful with eating it though!
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
mario movie thoughts ig lol
I don’t really have any idea how to concisely sum up my thoughts on the Mario movie, so uh, to hell with being concise! Spoilers and also negativity if that bothers you
I’m absolutely gonna have way more negatives than positives so just gonna get the positives out of the way before I start complaining.
The effective intro to the movie is good. Mario and Luigi are set up pretty well as characters and especially as brothers that value one another. They’re embracing the plumbers from Brooklyn backstory and even giving Mario tons of new family members who can treat him like shit so that we want to root for the underdog and stuff. And it works, it’s endearing. Also full of general Nintendo references because hey, enjoy your 5 microseconds of spotlight Punch Out and Starfox fans lmao. Not gonna call this part flawless, but it’s effective at setting up the central conflict and emotional core of the movie. It’s also very much the reason that Mario finally rescuing Luigi at the end of the movie worked well, in fact that scene ended up being almost the only time I felt emotion in the entire movie lol.
I think Donkey Kong is done fairly well? The approach they take is effectively making him and Mario frienemies with more in common than they like to admit. They’re able to see themselves in one another through their poor relationships with their dads and while it’s not explored in uhh any depth at all I think it’s a nice idea, in general I appreciate that Donkey Kong’s history is recognised here and he’s given quite a large role in the movie accordingly.
On embracing the Brooklyn stuff, I think in general it’s nice how open this movie is in its appreciation for Mario’s history and lore. They’re not trying to soften Mario for the masses or anything, Bowser’s still out to marry the princess, Mario still eats mushroom to go big, Nintendo like recently said Mario’s not really a plumber anymore but he sure as hell is in this movie. There’s not actually too many more examples, but it’s still just nice to see a movie that’s unafraid of its source material. There are even a few ways it builds on the source, the thing sticking out most in my mind being DK and Peach getting to use the fire and ice flowers respectively, which is sick! We’ve not seen that in Mario before and it lets them have cool new designs and stuff! I’m about it!
The other big point of praise is of course that the movie looks and sounds pretty fucking great. These character designs are iconic for a reason and this animation brings them to life in a way we’ve never gotten before, with a Mushroom Kingdom at scale to match. It’s a stream of Mario iconography rendered in beautiful detail beamed straight into your eyes. And indeed, taking a series as musically rich and remembered as Mario and just giving those tunes movie composition worked super well, the soundtrack breathes even more life into the world. Even the voice acting was better than expected, Pratt was competent enough to work in his role and most of the rest of the cast give fine performances.
And that about ends the praise! Yep, really. Fuck, if anything I gave more praise there than I thought I’d manage to when I set out to write this. And so, let’s dig into where I thought the movie sucked.
The biggest thing I feel is wrong with this movie, by far, is that it concerned itself with looking and feeling like Mario, and then accomplished absolutely nothing else. There’s like nothing that happens in this that’s worth caring about in the slightest. It jumps from scene to scene to stuff as much Mario imagery down your throat as possible without letting you have time to breathe and appreciate what’s on screen for more than 5 seconds. Emotional beats are introduced and handwaved away in the span of mere moments for the sake of, what exactly? There’s a scene where Peach is evacuating the toads and tells main Toad to go, and main Toad says he’ll stay because he promised to protect her, and then Peach just smiles and the scene continues. No buildup, no catharsis, no actual character arc or growth or recognition of anything they’re worth - it just kind of happens in a 5 second window and then moves on. And then the whole movie feels like that. It knows it’s supposed to tell a story since hey it’s a movie, but it’s afraid of actually committing to that, so we just get literal scraps of interesting characterisation while the movie instead focuses on doing action scenes or telling shitty jokes.
And god for that matter the jokes really do suck. You can feel the sheer “this would be good in a trailer” for every single one of them. Haha Mario’s dressed like a cat and DK is laughing! Haha that cute baby luma with child voice is actually saying cynical edgy stuff! Haha the toads are calling themselves adorable! And because there’s no attempt to actually build on any jokes and create like actually interesting and funny running gags, it’s literally just a series of nonsequitor one-liners that exist for like... the sake of gifs? For parents to share on facebook? Or something? There’s a couple fun slapstick visual gags but the actual joke writing is just eye-rolling.
Also despite liking DK himself in this movie, I found the Kongs in general to feel super weird? Like I’m not strictly a Donkey Kong fan - I’ve beat Country Returns and honestly that’s about it - but for having praised the movie’s accuracy to Mario lore earlier I feel I should call out how little a shit it gives about Donkey Kong lore. There’s no attempt to embrace any aspects of the DK setting or original lore whatsoever, it’s all just new shit made up for this movie, things that outright contradict DK lore even. Cranky is DK’s dad now! That’s not correct! And not just that but Cranky is the fucking king? Of the Kong species and the Jungle Kingdom? Like what?? If the movie wasn’t really faithful to Mario this wouldn’t bother me in the slightest but because they’re so careful to accurately represent Mario lore it feels downright disingenuous to just throw everything that ever mattered in Donkey Kong out the window. Like yeah the movie is called Mario but guess what the first game with Mario was called, yeah? And on Kongs, Cranky is absolutely fucking unbearable. Like actually by far the most insufferably unfunny and atrociously acted character in the movie, bar none. I was actively annoyed when I had to listen to him speak, I’d take a whole cast of Chris Pratt over the voice that Cranky ended up with.
I’m also weird on Peach. I don’t necessarily mind the girlbossification - if anything she gets the coolest action scenes in the movie anyway and she ends up quite fun to watch for it, but they actively scrub away Peach’s usual self to that end? I’m down with her playing a leading role and getting to kick ass and not just being a damsel in distress but surely the polite pink super girly princess that she’s always been can also be a thing this movie recognises, right? It’s not out of character for Peach to be both at the same time, we literally have Smash! Most things Mario the series does are timeless and inoffensive with Peach being the only real holdover from earlier bad attitudes, but hey movie execs you know you’re allowed to have your cake and eat it here? Peach can bake cakes and be badass at the same time? Girls give me gender envy man I’m tired of seeing traditionally girly characters forced into the exact same badass cool girl mold, it literally feels more sexist to admit that you can’t be badass and girly at the same time. Mario’s an everyman, it’s hard to get him wrong. Luigi’s cowardly but rises to the occasion, despite a lack of screentime the movie still portrays the Luigi we know and expect. Bowser’s an evil fucking bastard that wants to marry the princess, the movie delivers exactly that. Peach is the missing link. The Peach we know and love, only half of her is in the movie. It sucks.
I’ve probably not emphasised the sheer lack of even remotely interesting storytelling in the movie so I’m gonna double dip to complain about Mario and Peach’s relationship. It’s just so, not a thing that feels written by humans. Peach is excited to meet Mario because he’s a human. Then she’s kinda just standoffish almost because #Girlboss. Then without him really doing anything Peach suddenly thinks of Mario as like her closest friend. And that’s effectively where they stay the whole movie. There’s not like a moment where it clicks that they have good chemistry or anything, there’s no established setting that sells me on their dynamic with few words like Mario and Luigi earlier in the movie, it’s just they’ve met and they’re kind of a thing. There’s even a scene where Mario like chats to Peach and DK is like “dude your flirting game SUCKS she’d never date you!!” and Toad is like “uhh fuck you she totally would!!” and Peach is just like “come on guys” all playfully, end scene. What’s the fucking POINT dude. This movie’s the origin story! And it’s being exposed to millions upon millions of people that have never stomped a goomba before! You can’t just “boy meets girl” Mario and Peach’s relationship in the context of a feature length animated film! There needs to be chemistry there needs to be development there needs to be conflict there needs to be something worth latching onto and there just isn’t.
Feel like I’m running out of specific things to say here so I’ll probably just end it here roughly. The tl;dr is that the movie’s good at being Mario but really bad at being a movie, and yeah as it turns out that’s absolutely a bad thing. Yeah maybe your favourite Mario enemy appeared and maybe you heard a familiar tune but did you get good writing? Or even a fun story? Nice humour? Anything that goes into a good movie? I get that Mario’s not story heavy so making a movie was a tough shot in the first place but there’s gotta be more that can be done than this. Game accuracy and following the lore doesn’t have to come at the expense of writing a good linear movie. It’s nice that we got game accuracy! But we should be aiming higher than that. Alas, we got the safe, bland, totally inoffensive and unmemorable Illumination movie we all feared we’d get. And somehow I’m still disappointed.
As a parting note, it’s 2023, post-credits scenes for life. This movie’s post-credits scene is woah a Yoshi egg and it hatches but cuts to black before we see what’s inside of it! With the “Yoshi!” voice line then playing! Gee I wonder. But fucking honestly, if the movie does well and we get this sequel they’re baiting. I don’t see myself watching it in cinemas at all. I’m sure I’d watch Mario movie 2 or whatever but at this level of quality? I certainly wouldn’t dare pay money for it. That’s all.
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l3m-ntwo · 11 days
The Garfield movie NOTES (spoilers but you won't need it bc you won't watch it)
-shouldnt have hired the Mario guy
-baby Garfield is so CUTE!!!!
-i love Garfield and toms(??) relationship
-accurate portrayal of having a cat (you spoil them)
-jon is a pathetic man
-jon is rich
-jon is hot in a pathetic way
-epilepsy warning
-the skinny bald dog gay
-big pug dog English major
-mario Garfield is pathetic
-the religious scene is weird
-the dad shows up this early on?
-aquafina cat????)) nvm
-call me Gmoney
-the voices are all weird and doesn't match
-tried to recreate jack horner and the cricket scene but just feels nothing
-i wanna watch arcane
-the father doesn't feel like he cares at all, might even say "I'm sorry you felt that way"
-hoky fuck apologize first then you can spend time together
-the voice doesn't help
-i love jon
-trailer scene
-couldve just carried Gmoney safely while you jump in the train but giving him multiple bone fractures and a concussion works too
-im not sorry to say this but your son will definitely not forgive you now lol
-jon time!
-why are you disappointed that your son is in pain when you literally did that to him
-Gmoney has so much fur that his collar is nonexistent
-nit very fun to joke about flinging your son off a tree branch
-of course you find it funny, you don't care
-the father makes me convinced that Garfield deserved his privilege life
-the dad is annoying
-not really funny to push off your son in a moving train but alr
-garfield turning his back to you is probably a sign of trust but IDK (it's broken now though)
-epilepsy warning
-wheres jon, I wanna watch jon now
-cool 2d animation segment
-no jon.....
-the father's name is big
-father redemption good ig
-THEY RETCONED THE SCENE for some reason
-amnesia runs in the family
-why am I taking this movie seriously
-this movie was hyped???
-im really sick of this heist plot, I just want to see jon and Garfield reunite
-mario man's voice is just grating to hear now
-guilt tripping
-who cares, he still left you just now it was intentional
-JON!!!!!! I LOVE YOU JON!!!
The father is caught by the crazy villain cat, Jon finds Gmoney in the pound along with ODi, Gmoney goes back to his privilege life and live happily ever after. D end.
Final thoughts:
Odi best boy
Jon best wife
Movie weird
Just watch the first 13 minutes and you're good.
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otteroflore · 6 months
Watched the mario movie so heres my informal review (spoilers ig)
-animation was fine, hard to fuck up when you have thirty years of precedent for what the characters look like. I liked bowsers scales. Peaches head is so small in comparison to marios its weird tho
-i thought marios family was kind of sweet and i liked the bit with the commercial
-luigi had a good clean character arc even if he didnt get much screentime. Also i liked the bit that references his ghost themed games.
-the bit with the dog. If youre going to make it clear these characters are underdogs why not make it be their fault that they did a bad job instead of making it completely random? So weird.
-marios weird characterization/lack of it. His character seems to be painted as “guy who gets back up time after time” but like… thats not really a bad thing? They try to imply it is but its just like not a character flaw.
-He also seems to be worried his dad is disappointed in him and yet that doesnt impact anything he does. Like he doesnt avoid taking chances because hes worried about his dads opinion- at least DK has more interaction with his dad like that.
-who tf is toad why was he there why did he adopt mario and take him to the princess immediately. So many questions.
-not so much a deep criticism but the toads are ugly
-shows a map of the whole world in detail and then is only concerned with like half of it… if youre going to show the desert world then i want it onscreen!
-(and yet im glad they didnt because there were way too many disjointed elements)
-bizarre parkour course that gives away all of the baddies?
-peachs weird backstory about being adopted from the human realm and being crowned princess?? Like you cant just adopt children you find, toads. Also why did they crown her princess. Its not even like “the king/queen adopted her and later she took the mantle” nope they did it for no reason
-way too many things crammed in- DK, karts, rainbow road, and they didnt even use my favorite powerup, super huge mushroom
-DK just being wreck it ralph
-bowser had no character??? Honestly i dont care about peachs backstory i wanted a tender song about how bowser was kicked out of mushroom land for being a turtle but the turtles also didnt respect him because hes a monster and he just wants to be loved. He was so one dimensional honestly.
Things im neutral on
-removing marios accent, i dont care that much, i care more abojt the fact they should hire better *voice* actors instead of alisters.
-girlboss!peach. I dont mind her girlbossing ig
-the sort of clashy bright aesthetics combined with scifi moving platforms and elevators
Anyways probably dont watch this movie unless youre catsitting while doing laundry and dont have anything to do but watch netflix
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kae-karo · 6 years
Hi I used to be into the phandom so much but fell out in like??? 2017??? Maybe??? Has anything big happened at all? Has anyone died/caught on fire ( ;) )??
oh dear god where do i begin??? well fortunately both our lads are still alive. let me just start with saying 2018 has been like. probably the best year for dnp to date? i’ll try to go in some kind of order here but bear with me i’ll touch on a bit of 2017 stuff and then go into 2018 for ya
so first of all i’m not sure when you left the phandom in 2017 but the lads moved out of their previous flat in april of last year (x) (april-ish it was def before they posted the vid)
also our dear lil dani snot on fire is no longer not on fire (x) so uhh is he on fire now ig? i mean yeah that’s arguably true
*insert phil’s badaladala sound bc on the scale of Significant Things i don’t think anything else massive happened*
day one of demon month, we got this amazing vid from phil wherein viewers (aka dan) picked his outfits n he looked like a snacc and a half (would’ve been 2 snaccs if he’d embraced the quiff sooner but that’s getting ahead of things) (x)
!!!! then a week or so later dan posted his vid ‘daniel and depression’ where he opened up abt his struggle with depression (x) which was imo the start of him just being more open about himself in general. he also started working with young minds (a mental health org for young people in the uk) and shortly thereafter with prince william’s program to help prevent cyberbullying
then! on the day love was invented! dnp released their board game, truth bombs (x - yeah i linked the second vid and not the first, and wot) which u can buy if you’d like but it’s a lot of fun (x)
then these idiots did a conjoined jumper baking challenge and didn’t fucking wear shirts under the jumper like what dumb gays idk (x) but it was real funny and Good Content
then early nov dnp announced the interactive introverts tour (x) and then uhhh it happened (like 80+ shows??? in a ton of countries???) (x) and they’re releasing the filming of it along with some bonus content like a director’s commentary and u can preorder it (x)
also pinof 9 happened which as a legacy phan u know is always a Thing but this year it was especially a Thing so i recommend catching up (x, and the bloops - x)
and phew okay that’s the majority of 2017 Important Events but before i go on to 2018 i’ll just recap a few important events from dapg (basically just some gamingmas stuff):
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wherein dan smacked phil in the face
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and phil crushed the presents but dan helped him up
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where phil pretended not to remember gamingmas was happening, leading to the most iconic simultaneous heart eyes howell/love eyes lester to date
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dnp singing baby it’s cold outside together whilst playing yasuhati
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iconic pinof 9 moment
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dnp play charades but it’s phil’s turn, and he’s touchy
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the not my arms challenge!!! playing mario kart
okay! and before anyone starts yelling i know there’s more but god if i put every iconic thing in this post would break there’s Too Much so let’s hop into 2018 bc it’s gonna be a long one
first i cannot believe dan fucking gave phil a philussy cake and phil’s parents asked phil what it meant jfc dan (x)
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THE EARRING!!! dan’s first selfie with the lil hoop and it never leaves and we love it (x)
phil is just trying to take a selfie and dan ruins it (x) spoiler alert: phil gets him back in colorado (x)
okay big sigh two large events happen in march: the first, dan’s ‘trying to live my truth’ vid (x) it basically dan saying ‘i’m still figuring things out but i want to be more authentic and true to myself, and also authenticity is important for some people to feel happy in life’ vid that a lot of people hyperfixated on the end line of, where he said he would go ‘laugh at a joke with a chocolate bar and...something else in my mouth’ which people assumed meant a dick and therefore it was a subtle coming out vid, dan did a liveshow afterward (x) wherein he said that wasn’t the point of the vid and people got mad at him for ‘backtracking’ (if u want more of my Opinions on this feel free to check em out - x)
the second v v big event happened at the end of march when phil posted this iconic selfie that would be the downfall of the fringe (x) this has been titled the quiffening by some
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shortly after that he began styling his hair in a quiff permanently which was probably the best decision he’s made since responding to one of his obsessed fans back in 2009
quick detour dan’s proud of his hubby (x) for winning fortnite and ‘fuxkung’ is now what ‘fucking’ autocorrects to in my phone
we also had dan releasing his merch (x) which is basically all black and themed around the eclipse logo and ‘don’t talk to me’, though he just released the exist line for world mental health day which has his quote ‘have the courage to exist’. he’s also mentioned possibly wanting to do more creative things like wide-necked or asymmetrical shirts dan just do a fashion line pls oh and he mentioned in a recent ls he might do an internet support group mug sometime soon
and then,,,,,pigeonfest. we watched. five hours. of phil livestreaming their patio. and literally nothing happened bc someone was like down on the street feeding pigeons so there weren’t even any pigeons for like 90% of the liveshow. but he literally didn’t talk it was just five hours of their patio and we all watched it. we all just watched it like the whipped phannies we are (x)
and then we got a brief but overwhelming dose of,,,,,,something from the easter baking vid (x) phil was hopped up on sugar and also confidence from his quiff and probably smth else as well
everything just blows up from there we have giving the people what they want (x) where, in preparation for ii (for which the underlying theme was ‘giving people what they want’), dnp reacted to pinof 1, swapped clothes, did the ‘yoga challenge’, recreated ditl manchester, ‘got a dog’, and made phil say fuck. honestly it shook the entire phandom to its core at the time but like. i’m less shooketh now? it’s sort of just fallen by the wayside in terms of how unpredictable dnp have been this year
then phil drops week in the life of dnp shortly thereafter which is just very very domestic even for them and their ditl style vids??? (x) phil filming dan in bed being one of the big demon highlights at the time
it’s right around this time too that insta stories start and my god it just goes jfc like i don’t even have the mental capacity to recall all the Iconic ones but i recommend checking out this playlist (x) which has all the ii tour stories goddamn there were a lot though they really put out that content didn’t they
in early may we get phil talking about why he changed his emo hair (x) and arguably the first official vid of the casual rebrand - phil’s more open and genuinely vulnerable about his fears about making a change to his hair, and i don’t think we’ve ever seen him that open before. the vids don’t stop being open though, with what dnp text each other (x) giving us coop and doop along with other iconic stories, dnp basically sitting on top of each other in that and other gaming vids on the tour bus, phil being very open abt his attraction to men (x) and the iconic final google feud vid with way too much of a specific kind of Energy (x) (ofc again there are More Vids but i don’t have the time/mental capacity to recap them all so i’m pickin the Big Ones)
monochrome mates (x)
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phew okay so the tour in general as well - like if u don’t mind spoilers, i did a big ol analysis of what that was all about (x) but one of many many highlights is dan calling he and phil “best friends and soulmates” 
finally finally finally after months of waiting we also get some phil merch! (x) plant and animal themed, and he even released a lion plushie which sold out like instantly and he claimed he’d do more of but we have yet to see that. he says he’s got more ideas for other merch as well
now okay fast forward to october after the tour’s over bc i think the insta stories and the analysis cover it but then. then. then we get the pizza mukbang (x) thirty three minutes of dnp being more open and honest and casual than literally they’ve ever been on camera maybe ever, and i’m including liveshows in this statement. no holds barred, authentic vulnerable dnp. a religious experience
end of october spooky week hits us and i think the key vid to call out here is the creepy mind of phil lester bc i think it was another open honest authentic vid (x) where they talked a lot, casual domestic w.e got some insight into phil’s mind it was v good
and then they carve pumpkins jfc which was an experience (x) there were a lot of innuendos but also one of the first years they didn’t do a halloween baking in a while (though they have hinted at possibly doing christmas baking) idk i’m fully overwhelmed at this point lmao like a Lot happened this year
phew okay and Then just yesterday philly dropped his vid on why he went to (the) hospital (x) idk soz that’s a british thing i think like we say ‘the’ anyway. which i’ve been talking abt quite a lot lately but it was another very open and honest vid in which he expressed a lot of vulnerability and fear and perceived flaws and it was just a quality like. open vid.
jfc okay hope that helps obviously there’s a lot i didn’t mention, but this should at least get you caught up on some of the big stuff!! and while i’m at it have a few more Important Gifs from this year
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a very important moment of communication whilst on tour, deciding whether or not they’re okay with doing a ‘third wheel’ pose
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dan flinging himself off the chair in anger whilst playing getting over it
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nose boop from phil’s instagram explore pages vid
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subsequent nose boop from the extreme tetris vid
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and a cheek boop from the overcooked 2 vid
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dan pulling phil’s hand off the mouse in fear during spooky week, swamp simulator (shrek slender)
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touchy!dan during pizza mukbang
oh god. okay. again, this is not everything, just a big list of some big events over the past year-ish. i’m sure i’ve missed some important stuff but i think i covered most of it! hope this helps ya get caught up dear!
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nintendo direct spoilers
yo monster hunter sunbreak i see you, pretty epic looking
mario party! hell yea (better maps my beloved) wait YOOOOO CLASSIC MAPS
battle royale but mario party
finally proper mario party online upon launch
rpg? yo music bopping, interesting concept as well (DND + cards but on switch lol)
"become a hero or a disaster of a human being" - mood
ok different branches of skills developing nice
hyrule warriors expansion? ok more lore i see
robbie's voice what???? :sob:
the trailer looks sick, especially that one glass shards pause frames
CHOCOBO!!! wait racing game :0
SMASH SMASH SMASH OMG wait i have to wait until 10/5 to see the new character? you know what it's worth it and i'm hoping it's a banger of an ending for the game's dlc
SPLATOON? IS IT SPLATOON wait there are birbs
this is not splatoon is it
the coins sound like mario sound effects
waddle dee :D
wait these are new bosses what
that's cool :D
WAIT BREWSTER? why would they show the museum
mario golf moment
yo more characters :D WAIT NINJI THAT'S CUTE
new courses neato
WAIT DISNEY GAME? oh i thought it was kingdom hearts D:
wait isn't that star wars game also announced for the ps5 or something?
zombie apocalypse moment, cool
yo triangle strategy? they gonna give it a real title yet? (the demo was really cool)
that's a really nice line
wait camera angle fix hell yea
oh march cool
it's now a horror game now, other robots be creepy
wait more info :eyes:
wait the robots turned sides holy shit (infection or hacked i suppose?)
website moment :flushed:
new nso plan? emulators added?? WAIT NINTENDO 64 EMULATOR ON THE SWITCH
*screams incoherently*
lmao vaporwave backgroud for genesis games
i see the other games for the future
Castlevania collection :0
more art!
actraiser, nice :D (the touch of renaissance is really fitting, rebirth, ha get it)
new content :flushed:
DELTARUNE! (annoying dog of course <3)
the music beloved, is that violin i hear?
just saw shin megami tensei epic
oh it's animated thank goodness
HOLIDAYS 2022?? yo!!!
mario talks?
Toad? comic relief again ig (hopefully sounds like a dying rabbit)
donkey kong? ok
surprise cameo nice
ok that's a lot more other characters than i'd thought would be in a mario related movie
wait the launchers and music are cool
wait are they genuinely going with the boy band route (it sounds like it from the music)
the new stages look so cool
the hair styles
nani? octos
wait the missions look so sick what, more uncovering what happened to humans in that universe i guess
there's a lot to look at huh
snow? omg the little fishlign
mammals return? what's the fuzzy thing?
squid researcher omegalol
new city oh chaos (like the result of the final splatfest of splatoon2)
is that a new weapon i see
i wonder who they'll set as the playable
omg he tried to do a 3
last one!! botw2? prayge
sadge it is not
GODZILLA? wait what is this
she's so confident holy shit, i'm charmed
the magic looks so cool :0
wait who the hell was that
thank you nintendo
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our-love-is-squip · 7 years
My personal headcanons for the DEH kids!!
Triggers: None, I don’t think?? I mean there’s mention of various mental health disorders and a Heathers spoiler ig?? Oh yeah n some cursing Don’t @ me okay it’s just my personal thoughts
》Evan Treeson《 - This boy! Loves! Music! - He has chromesthesia (a form of synesthesia where music has colors) and so he loves listening to music to see what colors come out of it n stuff - He prefers music with like blues (obv), purples, greens, and some silver - He really doesn’t like yellow music like no thank you not today - also he loves jigsaw puzzles - He used to do them with Heidi but when she started working more he began doing them himself - He seals them all w modpodge and they’re all in this container - they vary from like fairies to boats to animals, but obviously his favorites are the forest scenes - hhhh he just loves doing them and he’ll give them to his family sometimes for their birthdays n stuff - He knows stuff about people in his class that no one else expected anyone to remember - that girl that loves to sing in his fourth period? Her birthday’s October 12th n she has an intense fear of the dark and heights - the guy in his health class? His nickname is Chris and his piano recital was last week - He just notices things people don’t all the time
》Connor Morphine《 - He’s ADHD!! - Not just that, he has a hyperfixation on the movie Heathers and it’s musical! So like you even bring up anything related to Heathers he will be all like “i LOVE Heathers” and will start getting highkey excited and everythin - Contrary to popular belief, his favorite character isn’t the inventor of teen angst itself, JD - Yeah it’s actually Heather McNamara - Because while three people were seen as killing themselves and yeah Duke was bulimic, but like Heather M is the one that had problems that no one knew about and she was the only one who ACTUALLY tried to kill herself. - So basically, Connor just relates to her a lot and stuff so idk - Also he has like nO hecking clue what he romantically and sexually identifies as because man he can’t even figure out his own thoughts how on eaRth is he supposed to figure out who he likes?? - He always replies to people’s texts (by people, it’s mostly Zoe bitching at him) with proper punctuation and spelling. - Probably explains why a lot of people think he’s a lot more mad than he actually is
》Jared Kleinmeme《 - He absolutely DESPISES the board game Sorry! like - Crash Bandicoot? Yeah okay - Unfair Mario? Ugh it’s aggravating - Sorry!? BITCH DO NOT EVEN SEND HIM BACK TO THE BEGINNING AND HE WILL LITERALLY PUT UP THE ENTIRE GAME - “nope not today not anymore that’s cancelled we’re done here” - Unironically can sing and dance to every song from every High School Musical movie - His ringtone is Fabulous don’t fight me on this you know it’s true - Oh yeah he also loves those Pillsbury sugar cookies - Yknow the ones I’m talking about - The lil ones with like snowmen or bunnies or pumpkins - You know he loves them
》Zoe Merica《 - Her favorite cereal is Coco Puffs - Because Coco Pebbles get soggy too quick for her taste like no sir - HIGHKEY bi - She honestly like tries to live in a tumblr aesthetic - Her Instagram is the one that was redone like 5 times but it doesn’t matter because it’s amazing everytime and her posts are the ones with the captions that are either song lyrics or in another language - She manages to keep up streaks with like EVERYONE she’s added on Snapchat - She sends streaks but like they’re not the ones that just say “streaks” - nah fam hers are rlly cute n positive like “gm streaks!! don’t forget to drink water n pet some dogs!!” - Oh yeah n she loves movies made before the 2000s like especially 60s movies, her favorite is Valley of the Dolls - she LOVES Audrey Hepburn and like has her quotes all over the place and she loves reading about her n stuff - Connor thinks that compared to Zoe, his hyperfixation is like nothing
- I just love zoe
》Alana Heck《 - HIGHKEY A QUESTIONING BIROMANTIC - also she has 3 dogs - the first one is a BIG fluffy st. husky named borealis - second is a medium sized (see where I’m going w this) cocker spaniel named pepper - last one is a liL mutt that’s her favorite (shh don’t tell!!) - it’s half pug/half chihuahua and she’s named sandy - sandy was the runt so like she took her when no one else would n she means everything to her!! - she just loves her dogs - she religiously cleans her glasses, especially bc all her dogs love to kiss her and so if she doesn’t clean them she won’t be able to see anYthin - her favorite games are Scrabble bc she can get those really obscure words that make everyone go “THAT’S NOT AN ACTUAL WORD” - yeah well suck it Jared
That’s all!! Probably hella long but like yknow I love these kids so yeah, lemme know what you guys think!! ~ R 🌺
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