#mario head canon
fat-tundra-64 · 6 months
Head canon time again:
I like to kinda think that Luigi was mainly tall because he ate so much better than Mario .
Mario was a picky eater but Luigi ate what ever was given to him but he even if he didn’t like some .
Mario would even pass his food to Luigi without anyone looking .
Basically Luigi was like the kid who drank all the milk in the cereal bowl even if he didn’t like doing it lol .
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artycomicfangirl · 3 months
Hey I was tackling a concept which really has not been able to leave my mind. It was about Mr L and Daisy. That side of Luigi which we only truly see in Super Paper Mario. A snarky, confident villain who was quite a match for the heroes but I wonder how he responds to Daisy. An aggresive, passionate person who doesn't take crap from anybody.
It is fire against fire and normally that would clash but would that also count for these two? How would the dynamic change? Is Mr L more flirty and Daisy more taken aback by this? Or will she flirt back even more as a way to defend herself? And how does she feel about this Mr L? Does she completely hate him? Or does she like some parts of his personality?
Let me know what your thoughts are on this!
Hey! This is another fun ask that I’ve been slowly working on, but life and distraction kept pulling me away from. But FINALLY I’m here!
I’ve been feeling in a bit of a fluffy-sappy mood. So I do apologize just in case if I do make characters seem OOC!
Also, this is a bit more Luigi-heavy it seems, since this ask is about potential ideas regarding Mr L. Enjoy!
So. Potential Scenario time to set the scene and some context:
After Mario Fighting Mr L and seemingly banishing this Alter Ego from his younger brother’s body. Mario realizes that the side effects may not be as simple as it is.
Turns out, Although looking to be temporary. Due to the odd nature of magic, Parts of the so called ‘Mr L’ alter ego still lingers within the subconscious of Luigi’s mind. And from time to time, will often pop up in moments of high-tension, stress or anger.
It has been deduced that for the time being, Mr L may be triggered as an extreme way for Luigi to overcome the very things that holds him back.
This ‘Revived’ Version of Mr L, now retains some memories from when he was primarily active and thriving. Now, he is more aware that he is a conscious. He just chooses to see that he and Luigi share one ‘Vessel’
Mr L also has adopted new parts to his behavior, which are triggered from his old memories (In which I will elaborate further below.)
So now as the main gang have to wait this out till it passes over. Let’s see how our Sarasaland Princess deals with this!
💚 Two Sides of the Same Coin 💚
So if i remember correctly, Mr L did kind of express some sort of attraction towards Peach in the game.
But when a new Princess comes into the picture? Oh boy, did he fall HARD.
💚 While it’s obvious from surface level than Daisy and Luigi are more of an opposites attract sort of situation. I’d reckon that both Daisy and Mr L are more or so an equal match. This is what makes a bit more banter between the two. Especially when Mr L is the one talking his worth. Daisy on the other hand, is the type to eye-roll at his antics more.
But strange enough. When it comes to Daisy, Mr L acts differently around her. Because it’s been implied that some of Mr L’s behavior is still affected from Luigi’s memories, His attraction for her hits him full force. He actually wants to “Keep her around”. So he genuinely puts in effort to do so. Ironically, his actions is what keeps her at bay sometimes.
💚 Of Course is seen to act so Cocky towards most of his rivals and enemies, laughing at their faces. But when it comes to Daisy, he clearly tries to find ways to impress her and gain her attention.
While Luigi is all about the sentimental, heartfelt and genuine understanding. Mr L does not seem to get it, and relies on grand and flashy feats. Most of these attempts do not work, and he becomes genuinely shocked.
He doesn’t insult Daisy intentionally. But more has the “Oh, she doesn’t understand…Hey, I’ll try something else! Something even more grand!” Mentality.
💚 Because of Luigi, he has a natural subconscious pull and attraction towards Her. In fact, that’s one of the lucky things that Daisy has to keep from making him as her enemy in the first place.
But of course, he’s more full of himself about it. Leaning against a wall, arms crossed until Daisy notices and calls him out for staring. But he doesn’t give a care in the world.
“ Hey now. I can’t help staring down at such a beautiful force of nature~”
💚 💛 Seeing Daisy in her signature sports or Mario Kart Biker outfit? He will absolutely give a whistle of approval. When Mr L likes what he sees, he makes it VERY clear.
He will find amusement if Daisy reacts in a shocked manner. But it’s when she reacts all flustered, cue the smirk from him. He eats this kind of response right up!
💚 💛 Mr L has a knack for giving demeaning nicknames for his rivals and enemies. But for Daisy? Pet names and complements galore. He has no shame.
“Hey, Ms Pretty Petal! How about I pluck you from the fields of boredom, and take you somewhere fun?
“Well Hey, Ms Sunflower! I was working on my latest invention…but looks like all I need is you to brighten my day!
“Hey Ms Steady Sweetie! How’d you like my Dance Moves? Speechless? Huh, that’s okay. I guess The Green Thunder must be THAT striking to you huh?
💚 Even Mr L’s need to leap in and defend Daisy, is by some instinctual force. At first, he merely just does this because he wants to One-up (Pun intended) Luigi. To prove that he’s the better conscious. The better man.
But over time, Mr L is forced to learn and accept new things. So overtime, much to his chagrin, he unintentionally gains some empathy and development along the way. He always backs this up as simply not letting anyone tell him what to do. But doing this on his own will.
As time goes on though. Mr L kind of does change a bit. Also to show him learning to work together with Luigi’s conscious.
“That Mr Toochickentofightghosts would be sad if anything happened to you…Eh, wouldn’t you know? Something I agree with.”
💚 Regarding Mr L retaining the memories he previously once had. This is tied to my previous point of him now hating being told what to do. He is actually scared of being controlled by another force. Hence why when he gains understanding that he and Luigi share a conscious, he often fights to take over.
When opened up in his most vulnerable state, he kind of actually does express sympathy for what he remembers as Count Bleck’s downfall. In this moment, he subtly implies that he is unsure as to who he can look up to now. Or if he could ever find someone as worthy as Bleck to admire.
💚💛 I’d like to imagine that at some point, Everything would change, when Daisy ends up defending not just Luigi. But Mr L as well. I can imagine this happening at a point much later, When Daisy has learnt so much about Mr L, and has gotten along with him this far.
Seeing this Princess proclaiming that Mr L is not some One-time minion who can just be used and cast away, makes him see that Daisy genuinely finds recognition and respect in his intellect. And Thus, he fully shifts to having his utmost loyalty from Bleck, to ‘His’ Daisy.
Aside from his now changed views on Mario, Luigi and the main Gang. This was the woman he quite literally will think of as top Priority to him. For she genuinely sees him for what he is worth. Much like she does for Luigi
🌼 He…Loves me? 🌼
💛 This whole thing might be something Daisy has never seen before. And knowing that the one person she loves has a double personality understandably would freak her out a little at the beginning. But since Mario would have fought Mr L already, so he could explain to Daisy about everything.
Again, Mr L and Luigi are really all in all the same person. So after Mario had to confirm this a couple of times for her to process, Daisy is quick to be aware of this. She would never fault Luigi for how Mr L would act. But of course, it doesn’t entirely stop her from being appalled at Mr L’s actions.
💛 Daisy does not tolerate Luigi’s legacy to be insulted. It is why whenever Mr L does make some kind of passive aggressive insult towards Luigi, is the thing that gets her so defensive and annoyed the most.
💛 It is Daisy’s strong character, her not falling for Mr L’s antics easily. Is ironically, what draws him to her so much. The running gag is that no matter how much she tries to retort back to him, he actually finds amusement in it. He definitely likes her ‘feisty’ nature.
💛 Daisy’s way of learning how to actually get along and accept Mr L, is by being able to be as quick witted as he is. She begins to quickly learn that a flirtatious comeback or two, is enough to basically shut him up. She actually finds it really funny that all she can do is wink back at him, and he becomes all silent.
Of course much to her dismay, she then suddenly remembers that this was the fuel to fan his flames of desire. Pining for her even more the next day. Task failed…successfully?
💛 Honestly, Daisy would sometimes be frustrated and shocked at Mr L’s excessive dramatic and cheesy nature. But as she learns to help Luigi with this new predicament of now welcoming Mr L into his life. Daisy begins to form more insight as to how Luigi’s mind might work.
💛 Surprisingly enough. Being around Mr L, has taught Daisy what she can do to motivate and support Luigi. It is why she takes raising his confidence seriously, and will further instill into him that being himself, is what made her fall for him. And that as long as he still held onto his pure heart, she will not judge him for having Mr L in his life.
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skulls-soul · 1 year
Head cannon that Bowser thinks Luigi’s snoring is a really cute and small when in all actuality it’s not
Like it’s not as loud as Mario’s and it’s nowhere near as loud as Bowser’s snoring
But it’s definitely not small
Bowser just thinks that way because it’s his human that’s doing it
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legobiwan · 4 months
Mario and Luigi for the drabble, “When I’m with you, I’m home.”
I realized I'm answering this one out of order. Whoops! Anyway, have some pre-Mushroom Kingdom conversations and lore-building as your author reminisces about the New York of the '90s.
He wonders, sometimes, what their lives would have looked like if they had never left Brooklyn.
Barring a miracle - pretty bleak, in all honesty. Maybe being here, in the Mushroom Kingdom, was the miracle. He remembers the frenzied few days leading up to their disappearance. The previous few months had been a mess of unpaid bills and awful business decisions governed solely by spite and fear. They were probably a few months of missed rent payments away from eviction. They were definitely two days away from getting their kneecaps bashed in by some loan shark’s goons. 
He and Mario had gone for a walk, all the way down to Coney Island, 75th to Stillwell to Bowery, to the decrepit-looking Wonder Wheel and a depressingly empty Nathan’s Hot Dogs. It looked like the last of the hotels, some once-bright vestige of his mother’s era, had finally been condemned, tall wire fencing curling up towards the grey winter sky, a perfunctory guard which did nothing to keep out the local graffiti artists and homeless population. 
Luigi jammed his hands into his jean pockets, shivering. He couldn’t tell if he was freezing or terrified.
“What are we gonna do, Mario? We can’t stay here. If he doesn’t get us, the landlord will. You see how they’re starting to develop all that stuff around 86th Street. It’s going to travel north and we’re already behind two months in rent. We can’t stay in Bensonhurst.” Luigi sighed, little frozen puffs of air floating from his mouth. “I don’t even know if we can stay in Brooklyn at this rate.”
It was a miracle they weren’t out on the streets already. For once, their landlord’s habit of sitting around with a bottle of Thunderbird watching Honeymooners reruns and screaming at “that bum El Duque” to throw more strikes fell to their advantage. Sure, there was no such thing as maintenance in the dilapidated six-floor walk-up. But they were plumbers, tradesmen - a leaky faucet or misbehaving shower wasn’t going to be an issue.
Unfortunately, they weren’t also exterminators. 
Mario took a large bite of his hotdog, mustard splattering on the gum-stained sidewalk. It looked like something they’d hang in one of those trendy galleries that kept popping up in lower Manhattan, down around Houston Street. 
“We’re gonna be fine, Lou,” Mario said between bites, bits of bun falling from his mouth.
“We’re gonna end up homeless.” Or missing our kneecaps. Or worse.
Mario crammed the last of his dinner in his mouth, finishing off the hot dog with a few loud chews. He gave a contented sigh, licking at his greasy fingers before wiping his hands on his pants. “No, we’re not gonna be homeless. I’ve told you a million times, Lou, we could be in a cardboard box under the Van Wyck. When we’re together - “ Mario slung an arm around Luigi’s shoulder, pulling him in tight. “When I’m with you - I’m home. We’re unbeatable. And that means we’ll make it through this.”
Luigi eyed his brother’s yellow-tinged fingers and stained shirt cuff, hoping the impromptu moment of fraternal affection would pass. He could deal with Mario’s sunny optimism, usually. But living in a studio apartment one step up from a garbage dump had apparently encouraged his brother’s disposition towards a more slovenly existence. They might be home when they were together, but it wouldn’t hurt if Mario took a damn vacuum to himself once in a while. 
“Mario, I think this time - ”
“Oh, I get it.” The warm arm around his shoulder disappeared, his brother’s voice hardening. Luigi snapped his head to the side, his heart rocketing into his throat. What did I say this time?  
“It’s the location, isn’t it?” His brother gave him a searching, serious look. He looks just like Dad. He even seemed as if he were towering over Luigi, just like Dad used to, despite Mario being the shortest of the three of them. “You’d prefer a box under the BQE.”
Luigi gaped. “I - what?”
“Nah, nah, okay,” Mario waved his hands. “Let’s talk location. You wanna be by the Belt? Or maybe - “ A sly smile grew under his brother’s burgeoning mustache. “You want to move to Queens.”
“Oh my God,” Luigi groaned, slapping his forehead with his palm, pulling his hand down over his eyes. I’d move to Jersey if it got us out of this mess. “Mario, be serious.”
“I am serious! Your secret’s safe with me, bro. Even if you would betray Brooklyn like that." Luigi felt two steady hands take him by the biceps. “Besides, we’re gonna be okay.”
“Vinny Razzanti’s uncle said we had forty-eight hours,” Luigi groaned between his fingers.
Mario barked out a laugh. “Vinny Razzanti’s uncle couldn’t tell a pizza from a clock if we arranged the pepperonis the right way. The guy’s a dumbass.”
“Yeah, but he’s - “
“No, I ain’t hearing it.” Mario gently guided Luigi’s hands from his face, keeping his fingers wrapped around either wrist as he brought Luigi’s arms to his sides. “Look at me, Lou.”
Luigi swallowed down the wet desperation clawing its way up his throat, opening his eyes to his brother’s concerned, but steely gaze.
“If he comes, he comes. I’ve got a baseball bat next to the mattress and you can - “ Mario waved one of his arms in a broad gesture. “I dunno. Make some kind of exploding gadget or something. You used to want to show off your stuff to Cooper Union, right? Well, think of this as practice, you know, for the application.”
Luigi gave a small shake of his head. I don’t think home pyrotechnics meant to fend off low-level mafia muscle are going to impress the admissions committee. Not that they were going to waste their time with a twenty-one-year-old plumber’s application, anyway. That dream was long gone, buried in Cypress Hills along with their parents. 
“Here’s what we’re gonna do,” Mario’s voice broke through his dreary ruminations as he guided Luigi towards Bowery Street. “We’re gonna walk home, maybe pick up a cannoli on the way. Then we’re gonna check the answering machine. If we’re lucky - and I’m feeling pretty lucky right now - there will be a call from some lady in Borough Park.” His brother’s eyes gleamed. “No, even better, some widower in Carroll Gardens. One of those nice brownstones. She’s going to ask for our help. Clogged drains, backed up shower, toilet’s kablooey.” Mario made a slobbering sound meant to resemble a backed up toilet. Luigi thought he sounded like a dog on downers. “The whole shebang. We’ll say, of course, we can fix this, but we’ll have to charge the emergency rate. You know, business and all that. Three hours later - maybe four - boom! Vinny Razzanti’s uncle is out of the picture and we’ll be on our way to the good life.”
“You make it sound so simple, bro.” Luigi couldn’t quite contain the bite of sarcasm that accompanied that statement. 
As always, his brother took his waspishness in stride. Long strides, in fact, as they hurried past the metal skeletons that made up the Coney Island Train Yard, the whirr of traffic from the Belt Parkway rushing and thumping above them. Luigi felt like at any moment some old, rusted buckle would give way, sending a line of cabs and buses crashing into their heads.
He felt like that most of the time these days, to be honest. 
“It is simple, Luigi. You just gotta think positive. You never know what’s around the corner.” Mario tugged at his sleeve. “Now, come on. If we walk fast enough, we can get to Villbate’s before they close.”
“Alright, alright, you win, Mario. Something’s around the corner and for once, maybe it won’t be a guy with a baseball bat.” No. It won’t be a bat. It’ll be something worse. Like a flamethrower. Luigi was too tired to argue with his brother’s indomitable optimism. “Maybe we’ll get to your widower in Carroll Gardens and find the answers in her bathroom.”
Mario slapped his brother on the back. “That’s the spirit, Lou! Could be a whole new world waiting for us. Now let’s go - there’s a pistachio cannoli with my name on it and I am not missing out.”
“Hey, the pistachio cannolis are mine!”
“Not if you don’t run fast enough!” Mario gave his brother a playful push, taking off down Stillwell Avenue. Luigi watched his brother leap over a pile of trash bags, skittering between two cabs, one of which blared its horn in anger.
“Where you go, I guess I follow,” Luigi muttered to himself, adjusting his cap before taking off in his brother’s direction. And who knew? Maybe something was waiting for them around that corner.
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r0swells · 1 year
okays, so I was trying to think about possible Dimentio backstories and I just wanted to know ya'll's opinions, can ya'll give me some ideas?
from what i've heard from others theres:
Dimentio is the magicians son
Dimentio is the freedom fighter during the end of the pixel war
Dimentio is just a random descendent of an ancient
Dimentio is a survivor of the Tribe of Darkness
Dimentio wrote the dark prognosticus (so older then the magician)
Dimentio is some rando
of course some of these can over lap as well. we kinda have to make stuff up with a lot of Dimentio's backstory, so I'm curious what everyone's ideas are
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mochis-hideout · 9 months
Mmmm…. Wa… 🧄🌹👑
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Also here’s a little HC doodle
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Context: I headcanon that Wario and Waluigi ‘adopted’/picked Wapeach (who I headcanon is like maybe a year younger than Peach) up off the street and choose to raise her to be the rival peach to even out the trio. They’re more of like friends than actually parental figures but they’re their own found family of weirdo. Anywho, Wapeach is so silly 👍
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silly-inky · 1 year
Luigi is a jack of trades type of guy
He’s a plumber, but is more into the technical side of stuff compared to Mario (by that I mean fixing cars and messing with wires) so he knows how to fix stuff, not because he’s so good at it, but because he’s probably broken the exact same thing before and had to fix it in a panic. He’s clumsy it happens all the time.
Growing up in Brooklyn him and Mario probably used to get into all sorts of stuff, so Luigi probably knows how to pick locks, maybe even Hotwire cars (referencing to previous paragraph) not cause he was a bad kid, more likely his dad lost the keys to his car and had Luigi Hotwire it for him since it would be cheaper to do that then get a new set.
Probs knows how to spray paint too, and he’s not a wise mouth, he knows when to use his words and what to say, I think h would come under with some very creative insults, he’s street smart.
Apparently his granddad is an ex boxer, so he probably taught both of the boys how to defend themselves, and took proper boxing lessons when they where older (14-19 maybe?), again going up in Brooklyn at that time, with him being a target for bullies he would get into fights. So the man definitely knows how to fight.
And let’s ignore the Mario movie and how it portrays Luigi’s abilities (I loved the movie but they did him dirty with how little he showed up) he can jump higher than Mario, knows gymnastics, can even f*cking break dance! And does a lot of running (mostly from enemy’s but still) this is all canon or at one point was. He may be sacred of stuff and look a bit on the scrawny side, but he is definitely physically fit.
He probably knows at least one thing about any given topic, he likes to read, so you could ask him how the mushroom kingdom was established and he could answer in the heart beat, but if you where to ask what Princes Peaches grandfather was (name wise) he wouldn’t have a clue.
He has the magical ability to befriend people, that quite frankly, should not be befriended, or at the very least would be very heard to be friends with, he's just that type of guy, ways willing to talk and a good listener. He isn't so good with animals, I they are small or are naturally trusting then he's fine, but for the most part, his anxiety rubs off on them. The only big animal that properly likes Luigi is Daisy's Yoshi, who's known him since being a hatchling
Also I think Luigi is a medium, so he can see and feel and hear ghosts and other entities, this is probably why he's so good at ghost hunting, he senses them as well as seeing them when they are actually visible to others
He's a smart guy, and Is smart enough to not show how smart he actually is
Thats all I have for now, may make some more soon if in demand, or I feel like it, I really like Luigi okay.. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
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perch-the-cat · 3 months
Alright... well today in mario head cannon it's Iggy and Lemmy's birthday
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Happy birthday to my beloved children!
So since it's 2024 their techhical age would be Lemmy: 13 and Iggy: 12 in my headcanon.
Well since it's their birthday might as well put some head cannon about them on the table.
It was utterly convenient Iggy hatched from his egg the same day as Lemmy. Because of that Lemmy would always be possessive over Iggy, making him do things such as dying his hair the same palate as Lemmy so they looked like twins (even though they were born exactly one year apart). It's funny because they are exact opposites but still best friends. Lemmy is short and Iggy is tall. Lemmy has little to no energy when it's a normal day, while Iggy could power a city. One is gay af (Lemmy) and one is as straight as a ruler (Iggy). I don't care I love these two gremlins. Happy Birthday Iggy and Lemmy!
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ruckis-vandalizes · 1 year
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Me making a Mario species/oc based on the question "what if Belly Blech Worms were larva or caterpillars"? It's more likely than you think!
more information about the Belly Blech Moths and Hanky beneath the cut 👇:
Belly Blech Moths are rare to come by, as requirements for a Belly Blech Worm to actually pupate are absurdly hard to meet especially in today's era. They are considered pests in Beanish culture because of the mass amounts of produce they infest with spawn, the barbaric nature anyone infested with one resorts too, and the potential health problems that come with it. The only saving grace that prevents them from going completely extinct through the thorough combing of mass produced bean fruits and natural pesticides is that they can produce eggs asexually and in very large quantities.
A host is required for a Belly Blech Worm to pupate they need a host of suitable size. This is one reasons it is hard for them to pupate, as most Beanish have gotten smaller and smaller over the years, and bigger built Beanish have gotten scarcer. Should they try to use a common garden variety Beanish they will usually evacuate the host themselves, as it becomes too cramped for them as well as their instinctual drive not to bring harm to the one that is housing them. They will search for a better host like a hermit crab trying to find a bigger shell, usually wandering and reproducing until they cease.
However, to those that ARE a suitable host and don't immediately find a way to discard of them, they produce a chemical that acts as a steroid for their host to act as a protective guard. The wild behaviors usually come from the wild mindset and lack of understanding from the worm, as they gain some control over the body. It is there that they spend much time learning how to be a Beanish, scouring through the memories of their host while keeping them protected and safe. The Beanish may eat more and act unusually aggressive for some period of time since the worm eats their share of food until they're ready to cocoon themselves in the lining of their stomach.
When they're ready to emerge a beautiful moth they will usually try to escape through the mouth or the other end, but if neither options are available they will have to use the last resort of breaking free from the host. Once they emerge they have full coherence on how to speak, walk, and the like. They will tend to pick up the personality of the Beanish they were residing in and in some cases pick up on certain physical traits too such as tufts of hair or markings on the body. It's from there that they will try to blend in as much as possible to benefit from being able to live in a society with intelligence that isn't as low as a worm's, using clothes and whatnot to do so. They may just look strange for Beanish standards. They do, however, come to about the average Beanish height of 3ft.
It's quite easy for them to do having learned from their host, but one wrong slip could land them in trouble. Being distant cousins to fighter flies, they can be quite jittery and excitable, showing intense emotions through high jumps and frantic fluttering of the wings.
While Beanish hosts are preferred other methods are available, such as taking up residency withing a Dragohoho, Clumph, or Bean Piranha with the latter being a much more difficult option. Should they survive any of these methods their appearance tends to be drastically different from the norm, having more vibrant colors and bigger wingspans. They also tend to be more wild in nature. The Bean Moth species stems from ancient times, which is why they need much bigger host. They have evolved over the years to sacrifice survivability for quantity.
Because of where they typically reside and grow in their youth, Belly Blech Moths have the ability to secrete oil from their wings if they feel threatened. The smell causes anyone nearby to tear up and start laughing uncontrollably. Should they be eaten and digested it will result in the one that consumed them potentially dying of laughter.
They are not male or female, rather they are what they choose given they have reproductive organs that apply to both. A side note that doesn't necessarily have to do with anything, but they were inspired by both Mexican jumping beans and bean leafrollers.
Hanky: Comic Sick
In the events of Comic Sick Hanky is spared by Clawdy ( @6clawdy6 ) and housed with the group after attacking from within a very discomforted Pest Nut. initially being watched over by Cackletta (aka the one who sicced Hanky on Queen Bean during the events of the game and hand raised Hanky before then). It was then that Gera took on the responsibility of acting as a host, shifting into his Beanish look to do so. Although he was small he was plenty durable enough for the job. Hanky's altered appearance stems from Geragera's odd magic energies and the rowdier living environment. He's also very chaotic in nature, and somewhat aggressive still. He later gets his signature handkerchief from Popple, who had a run in with the very same Piranha Bean that swallowed Peasley. He initially kept it in hopes of lying about being in cahoots with the prince and gaining access to pvp areas, but having no use for it being off planet and seeking new opportunities.
Hanky: Hooniversity Crew Verse
Turns out after he was spat out by Queen Bean he started relentlessly hunting the prince instead, only to be swallowed up by the Piranha Bean that had attacked Prince Peasley beforehand. He ended up finding a handkerchief that had been lost within the belly of the beast and using it to protect himself against the acids within the Piranha Bean's stomach, as it is slow acting and the handkerchief would absorb it and dry before it had the chance to dissolve. He managed to survive by sticking to the stomach lining and away from the acids that consume until he was ready to pupate. He took the handkerchief as a trophy and made his grand escape. His hosting situation is the reason why he may seem a bit more eccentric in nature and have a general lack of understanding as to why or how things work, still doing his best to learn every day. His alternative appearance also has to do with his harsher living environment and characteristics of the Piranha Bean.
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bones-home · 4 months
my Mario Kart head canons bc I saw someone else do it with Mario characters (mine and my wife's head canons) @shockwaves-sexy-mistake
Mario, Bowser and Peach are in a polycule, it's a Kidnapping kink. Bowser is the dom, Mario is a switch leaning sub, and Peach is Bowsers sub, Mario's dom.
weed guy (green shy guy) sells weed to twink (link), twink gets weed guy shrooms.
birdette ("birdo" is her dead name yall) is transfem & in love with Yoshi (transmasc) both are queer & not straight.
Lakitus real name is lactate (don't ask)
pride guy (pink shy guy) is the HRT provider
wiggler only rides the wiggler cart
some of the shy guys have different names
pink = pride guy
green = weed guy
yellow = piss guy
blue = depression guy (he forgets his meds)
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shot-by-cupid · 8 months
Enough about me wanting him. I want you to know that he wants ME too. He wants me soooo bad.
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fat-tundra-64 · 5 months
Mario AU/Headcanon idea
Ok so as a kid I always hated the theory of “OOH WAT IF DA MARIO BROSS ADVENTURES WERE FAKEEEEE” I hated the theory so much and it ruined the games for me sometimes .
However as I got older. I didn’t hate the theory as much anymore and now I had an idea :
What if alll of Mario’s adventures are just what he dreams about .
Mario is probably a very creative person and since he is a plumber, he and Luigi are always traveling .
I like to think that what ever Mario sees that day or week; he dreams of it .
For instance, Peach is a lady in real life that Mario has a crush on and he dreams of her alot
While Bowser is a representation of guys who have tried to hit on Peach and Mario’s fear of loosing her to death or another man .
Maybe Mario bros 3 happened bc Mario saw a stage show once and fell in love with it and dreamt about it (that or he made a play him self based on his own dreams)
Toads are just how Mario and Luigi sees townspeople . I also like to think that Mario usually explains what he dreams of to his brother every morning.
Mario’s family thinks his dreams are weird but still interesting nonetheless.
Maybe games like Luigi’s mansion are nightmares that Luigi has which stem from him watching horror movies and having fears of loosing Mario .
Maybe Rosalina represents Mario’s love for his mother,maybe Yoshi shows that Mario has an interest in reptilians.
What if the paper Mario series are just books and sketches Mario makes of his dreams .
So much potential yk…? (Sorry if this post was all over the place)
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artycomicfangirl · 4 months
Princess Daisy’s Past, Her Family, and her Kingdom
Personal Headcanons List so far
Because it seemed like quite a few people were interested in some of my Daisy fan works. I decided to release this list of headcanons, which I actually found out I abandoned a while ago. Just decided to polish up and add more!
Before I go on, I just would like to add some context of my own kind-of AU and lore about Daisy’s father. (Since the fandom calls him Richard, I’ll be using that name too!) Some of these are just complete brainstorming. So in the future, info might change.
Now we got that out of the way, hope you enjoy this almost mini-book length lore, haha. Take your time, no pressure. But consider this as a little treat for those who love fan-lores and such!
Sarasaland’s History
Sarasaland was either a Barren wasteland, where 4 Kingdoms have been at each other’s throats for a long time in prior history.
Or, it was once a prosperous land. But one where it had been oppressed and enslaved by a crueler rule.
Whichever idea I was planning, it’s important to know that before Current Sarasaland, it was said to have been a bleak and dark place where “Not even flowers would even dare bloom”. The innocent folk there always dreamed of seeing beautiful fields of flowers.
There was supposed to be a miracle event that was recorded in a historical book entry about the day that Sarasaland was saved. From an account written by someone unknown:
“…Gone was the grey, somber Plume Filled Sky. When the Rays of light shone through, For the first time in ages, we saw crystal blue. Blessed by a miracle, the sight of flowers blooming all across the land. We have been kept in darkness for so long, now finally free from a cruel ironic-clad hand.”
Daisy and her Family
Daisy’s Father
I had ideas that Daisy’s Father may not even have originally been of royal blood at all. However, he ended up being the ‘Hero’ of his time long ago, when he and his comrades swore to save Sarasaland. And because of his spirit in battle and admirable leadership, he was chosen to be the King of the Land. A bit like Mario and Luigi being the signature heroes of Mushroom Kingdom.
The way Richard was crowned Prince could be similar to how Princess Peach would go through a process in the Super Mario Bros movie 2023. A time period of training, until he was very much ready to be crowned.
I 100% believe that this is a like Father, like Daughter situation. Daisy has inherited much more of her personality from her Father than her mother, and it shows. People would wonder how a Princess can be so battle-ready, rough and brave? Just take one look at her Father, and you’ll see why! She has very much inherited her his stubborn, and often at times very energetic and silly nature.
Personality wise, I assume that current Richard is overall, a tough man. A Veteran. He might look a bit too intimidating. But deep down, he still has a good heart that cares for the well-being of those around him.
Even more so, he melts when he’s around his wife. He adores his daughter even more so, because she is all he has left. So I guess we can believe with certainty, that Richard is definitely an overprotective type over things he loves and cares for.
When he was his younger self, he was more of a Bright-Eyed and determined youth. Leaning towards more of the stereotypical hero figure. Over time, he did learn to become a stronger and good leader. But as he grew older, there show the traces of a slightly grumpy older man.
There was that point where he did made sure to keep a child Daisy in the confines of the castle, right after losing his wife.
At first, the subjects and other 4 Kings thought this was a necessary and appropriate idea. But a while after, they started to think that the Princess might be sad if she was to constantly be watched over and told to stop doing things and be careful.
The King’s mindset would end up changing, when he finds a Diary that his wife used to own around the time when they were both still Prince and Princess.
The contents of the diary contained deep, poignant feelings and emotions. The most that moved his heart, was when she would describe her love for the King. All in all, Richard got an insight of his late Wife’s thoughts. Her happiest moments showed how genuine, kind and free the Queen felt, and how much of a beautiful person she was inside and out.
It was then Richard decided to do what was right, and to raise his Daughter to not always just be cautious and meek. But to be brave, carefree and unafraid, letting her flourish to be her best self. So that in the future, he would be able to have more faith in Daisy being able to take care and fight for herself.
At the beginning, He began teaching Daisy at a young age on how to fight and defend herself, along with giving her scholars that teach her about Sarasaland’s history. It’s a bit later that Richard had the idea of Daisy being also mentored by the 4 Kings in Sarasaland. This is the reason why Daisy is so headstrong and strategic as she is now. Also opening for the idea of her having a close familal relationship with the other Kingdoms, and how much they trust and have faith in her.
I actually thought it would be an interesting take to get some inspirations from the 1993 Daisy in the live action Super Mario Bros movie. A personal Headcanon (And inspired from her original personality), is that despite being a tomboy, Daisy values and treasures history and culture. Being quite knowledgeable in some things across the cultures of the 4 Kingdoms under her rule.
It’s because Richard wanted Daisy to be able to know her kingdom like the back of her palm. In fact, Daisy’s vast knowledge with certain historical things comes off as a surprise to most others. It may be even implied that Daisy could even be able to read and speak certain languages. Funnily enough, Daisy is also quite savvy when it comes to financial things.
But with Daisy being Daisy, she is more of an assertive Soldier/Leader. A bit different to Peach being a calm and caring Diplomat.
On the Day Tatanga made his presence known, the King only found out about the invasion during his usual visitings with the Palace Scientist’s (A bit like their version of Prof E. Gadd).
One of the Scientists gave reports about how for the past few days, there have been strange activity of something entering and lingering within the world’s Atmosphere, Somewhere above Sarasaland. This strange activity would try to emit signals. which each time, seem to grow more powerful every day.
After Richard asks when the next signal could be predicted, all computers and systems were hijacked. Each and every communicative technology displaying a sinister message, Implication of an invasion. The King immediately took action, initiating an entire announcement throughout the entire land. However, they were little too late.
The Main Sarasaland Palace was seized as Tatanga and his army would make his appearance. But not wanting to give up, The King was able to cause a rebellion. Sparking the first Battle with the Alien Army.
At this point is where I thought of the idea that originally, it seemed like that Both the King and his daughter were going to escape together, trying to reach one of the Warp pipes.
However, the big reveal was that The King had only wanted to assist his Daughter in making sure the Future Heir of Sarasaland, would escape safety. Richard would stay and fend for the Kingdom he swore to protect. As he said “Much like your mother did in her last moments, before they took her away.”
Richard believed that because The Aliens had been above their land for quite some time before they attacked, they had been surveying the land down below. And in turn, knew everything on what to expect. If Daisy were to escape, it was highly likely that she could reach other Kingdoms in time and ask for help, places where Tatanga would have not been able to reach just yet.
Daisy initially refused to leave her Father. But at the end, Richard ordered the Sphinx King Totomesu to take Daisy away to the last warp pipe. And that once Daisy was able to be transferred successfully, to destroy the Warp pipe afterwards. The last thing that Daisy saw before she was knocked out from the Warp Pipe being destroyed, was her father and the other 4 Kings going right into battle.
Usually I would go the route of “Parents have died” route. But I’m juggling with a potential idea that in fact, both of Daisy’s parents are not actually dead. She may have initially thought so. But both her Mother and Father in both occurrences, have only been taken away. But in Daisy’s case, she has witnessed Tatanga perform the mind control across almost all residents of Sarasaland.
It is through her Father’s will, which drives Daisy to take back and free her Kingdom and her father.
Daisy’s Mother
(She is sort of like a Fan Character/Oc at the point. And because I have a name for her, I’ll be referring to her as such here!)
Queen Laelia. A woman of knowledge and intellect, A preserver and appreciator of history and culture. She is pictured to be calm, elegant, kind, gentle and wise. However, she is also known to be firm and confident when it comes to decision making. Yet also understanding and more willing to hear the perspectives of anyone to gain an understanding of them.
Her Namesake is inspired from the Laelia Orchid flower, known for its purple colour. She might have some hint of magical abilities, or has a connection with magical places or objects.
Laelia could potentially be a descendant of long past ancestors from Sarasaland. That, or her ancestors were known to have an old holiday home/territory/Base somewhere located within one corner or Sarasaland. However during her time before she met Richard, she only knew life of her own Kingdom, located across the sea.
Because of this, she always felt like there was a ‘calling’ for her to one day see Sarasaland. Yet, she couldn’t quite place why. Her name might serve as a little indicator that Her Ancestors adopted the floral naming ideas, showing how deep their connection with the homeland runs.
Surprisingly, It’s Laelia whose main role as the Botanist/Plant specialist in the family. Daisy just ends up sharing and taking up similar hobbies and passions as her Mother did. But Daisy might more under the Explorer/Archaeologist role.
A young Princess Laelia would have met a Prince Richard when she was arriving to Sarasaland. Her Royal family treated this trip as a big deal, as this would be the first time they were able to set foot on Sarasaland docks. About a year or more prior, was when the news of Sarasaland being saved became public celebration.
The Princess and her family were impressed at the efforts for the 4 Kings in making the most of their efforts to restore Sarasaland to its former beauty. And even moreso shocked, as the Princess was always told that for the longest time, Sarasaland had lost its beauty and flowers. Yet here, the land was now thriving with no more war.
Laelia’s Interactions with Richard began when the Prince offered to give her a tour of Sarasaland, when she personally asked to be able to learn more as a part of her research and studies. Surprisingly, the Prince took up the role of Acting almost like a guide or advisor to her and her family.
This would lead to The Princess being curious as to why he offered to personally guide her, instead of sending a subject instead. The Prince mentions how much pride and love he has for the land. And how he will always wholeheartedly be a supporter to advocate for how much the Land changed him for the better. It was his job to oversee as much of the responsibility he can, so all of the civilians can live life in peace and free from worry. However, he mentions that if the Princess would like to have interviews with some of the local folk, he’ll gladly let her.
While Laelia’s family had to return to their kingdom, she opted to stay in Sarasaland for a while in order to keep watch, and to learn more about the development and culture. She promised that she would come home some time after them.
However, during this window of time, the Princess was slowly growing attached to Sarasaland. And unbeknownst to her, The Prince was the first to Harbor feelings for her as time went on. This would all build up throughout more interactions with the Prince, and soon ended up falling in love with one another.
When it was time for her to go back to her kingdom, she of course felt sadness when Even when she promised that one day she will return. But at that point, the thought of not being able to see Richard again made her feel down.
This would later be picked up by a family member (Could be mother, uncle, aunt or sibling ect) who couldn’t help but be concerned about the Princess. At first, the Princess tries to hide this, as her time there was meant to be strictly professional. But said family member would put the pieces together. Commenting how they noticed that from reports they heard, Laelia looked like she belonged there. That she had a newfound happiness.
This would later become a process of Laelia discussing with her Father. The King arranging to return to Sarasaland again with his daughter. And after some further discussion between two Kingdoms, there would come to an agreement that re-uniting and reforming an alliance that was once broken, would be the first beneficial step for both Kingdoms.
After a Wedding being arranged and taken place in Sarasaland. The Princess would gain her title as Queen, and the Prince now became a King.
Some time after, The Queen would give birth to their first and only child, A Daughter. They decided to name her Daisy, after the Queen’s favourite flowers.
(*NOTE!! At this point I’m not so concrete and fleshed out on this part of the story next, so these are just potential ideas)
The Queen would be able to be with her Daughter throughout most of her early childhood. However, the first life-changing incident would happen at a festival at the Queen’s home Kingdom.
During the yearly festival, an attack was made where a Villain wanted to take something from the kingdom. Maybe an object that radiated energy or held ancient secrets and knowledge that kept the kingdom thriving. A planned mission. All in all, if this object was taken, the Kingdom would call into Chaos.
At this point, there may be an implication that Daisy’s Mother has a magical ability. ( a Hand Power?? Similar to Firebrand or Thunderhand?) Maybe always born with one. So even when the enemy had failed to take the Prized object. They unfortunately managed to take Daisy’s Mother away. And the little Princess had witnessed it all.
Both Kingdoms were left grieving immensely after the incident. And even as both sides tried to heal over time, this was where Richard would have developed that time period of protectiveness over his Daughter for a little while.
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skulls-soul · 1 year
Head canon Luigi, visiting the penguin kingdom (idk what it’s called) just to play Uno with his prison mates
The luma is there to cuz Luigi’s to nice to not not invite him when he found out
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skelebab · 1 year
(Mario movie hc)
So when Luigi's cage originally falls into the dungeony area he's pretty high up, right?
But when the cages lower he's the first to hit lava.
So now I'm imagining Luigi's cage slowly lowering when he was waiting in the dungeon.
Imagine the angst pastabilities
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The Super Mario Bros Movie obliterated the “Mario hates Luigi” theory. Now the sequel needs to obliterate the “Mario abuses Yoshi” theory.
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