#mario movie 2 speculation
pianokantzart · 6 months
Do you think the Mario movie sequel should show conflict in the bros' relationship? I know you've said before that you do not like the idea of them having a cliche argument that ends up in them splitting up in anger but their relationship isn't without problems.
See, Mario is someone who will jump headfirst into any situation with reckless abandon and that causes problems if he's picking fights with people who are much stronger than he is, and he was lucky enough to have access to power ups to increase his strength.
But what if he jumps headfirst into a situation he cannot easily get out of? Luigi seems to be more of the voice of reason and he probably doesn't speak up as much as he should so I could see a situation where he's getting increasingly frustrated with Mario's recklessness and that could definitely cause problems.
I definitely think conflict could be in the cards, but I'd be interested in seeing it play out in a way that doesn't involve a fight or a third act breakup.
Actually, this bit of concept art by Joe Pitt comes to mind:
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The thing is Luigi does speak up! It's just that Mario doesn't really listen all that much– not because he doesn't value his brother's opinion, but because he gets too wrapped up in his own impulses to listen to anyone.
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The way I see it playing out is that, while the first movie was about Mario learning what he was capable of and coming into his own, the second movie could be him figuring out how to temper his reckless, because he definitely didn't learn that in the first movie.
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And I imagine, with victories under his belt and Luigi at his side, Mario feels more inclined to feed his impulses than ever before.
In the meantime, Luigi is trying desperately to keep up with his brother without getting overwhelmed. While he was able to put up with Mario's shenanigans with saintly patience when they were plumbers, the constant threat of death is too much.
It comes to a head in one of two ways: 1. Mario finally bites off more than he can chew and barely gets out alive. Luigi drags him to safety, and once they're in a place where they can talk Luigi lets loose his pent-up frustration, ranting to Mario about how he never listens and nearly got himself killed. This time, however, Mario does listen. He apologizes to his brother, and continuing forward he does what he can to give Luigi agency over what they do and what battles they undertake.
2. Mario finally bites off more than he can chew, but Luigi pays the price for it, and that is enough of a lesson in and of itself for Mario to snap out of it and realize what he's been doing.
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ckatwriter · 2 years
Little fic drabble I thought of (will have a part 2) some eventual Bowuigi
Luigi in the Fungeon
(Taking place during the movie that I haven't seen yet so prepare for speculation)
From his cage dangling above the lava pit, its hot glow emanating with the heat to throw everything into red light, Luigi could see several of the neighboring cages swinging wildly, spinning, and some dropping down too close to the lava for comfort, only to be lifted back up while the prisoner inside screamed
It happened with the penguin king and his subjects, and the little talking star, and then Luigi's stomach dropped as he felt his own cage lowering.
It swung around and lowered much more slowly than he'd seen the others' do. It didn't stop him from giving an involuntary shriek as the chains clanked, causing him to sway.
As his cage finally halted, he heard a high, childlike giggle from just behind him. It almost sounded like the little star, but perhaps a bit younger.
His cage spun around and around before abruptly halting before a miniature sized version of that hulking dragon-turtle man that had interrogated him about Mario.
"Hi new prisoner, I'm Junior!" 
Luigi blinked at him, at a complete loss for words but unable to forget his manners so he was able to give a small wave.
The mini-dragon-turtle - Junior-  tilted his head in curiosity. He gave Luigi a long, appraising look followed by a series of sniffs through the bars all over his body. 
"You smell funny," he concluded, his little mouth curving upwards to reveal rows of small but sharp teeth. "But good too. You must worry a lot."
Luigi quirked an eyebrow. "How can you tell?" He asked. Now that he surmised he wasn't in any immediate danger, he was finding the young creature as interesting as he was finding Luigi.
"I can smell it," Junior said. "You kinda smell like my Mama. She used to worry a lot, too."
"Really?" Luigi found it hard to believe that the mother of this kid - if she looked anything like him - would worry about anything.
Junior nodded. "Yeah, about me, about Papa, about the other Koopas. She tried not to let me see but I could smell it."
Luigi removed his cap to wipe away the sweat from his forehead, fanning himself with it while he had it in his hand.
Junior didn't seem to be effected by the heat at all, but he did notice the kid's smile had slowly disappeared upon the mention of his mother. It hadn't escaped Luigi that he'd been using past tense to talk about her.
"May I ask, is your Mama around now?"
He blinked at Luigi, his gaze lowering and he shook his head.
"The bad king got her."
Bad king? Luigi hadn't seen much of this world before he was captured, but the idea of a king worse than Junior's papa gave him even more reason to sweat.
When he didn't respond, Junior continued.
"But it's okay. Papa's gonna destroy the bad Mushroom Kingdom so nobody will be hurt by them again."
Replacing his hat to his head, Luigi grasped the bars of his still-dangling cage.
"I'm sorry about that--- your mama."
Junior had been avoiding his gaze, but he looked at him then.
"Everybody says that, I mean, all the Koopas anyway. But they knew her, you didn't. Why are you sorry?"
"I don't have to have known her to be sorry for you," he answered. "I can imagine it being tough for you."
Junior sniffed, wiping his face and trying to make it look like Luigi's words hadn't made him tear up.
A pang of guilt hit him in the stomach. He hadn't meant to make the boy cry. He decided to change the subject.
"And your Papa, he's the one who put me in here?"
Junior nodded again. "Uh huh. But if he comes don't tell him I was here, okay? Papa doesn't like me coming to the dungeon by myself."
"I wanted to play 'torture' though and I don't have anyone to play with."
"So that's why you were shaking the cages around," Luigi concluded.
"It's fun!" Junior exclaimed. 
"Not for the one in the cage," he mumbled.
Junior scoffed. "Come on, they love it, right?" He gestured to the other prisoners who all jumped to attention and gave various hurried, fearful exclamations of agreement.
Junior appeared to notice Luigi's skepticism, for he pulled out a remote control with several large red buttons, mashing one and lowering Luigi's cage to the floor of whatever Junior was standing on.
Another button pressed and the door to his cage sprang open, Junior waving him out enthusiastically.
"Here," he shoved the remote into Luigi's hands and nearly leaped into the cage, slamming the door shut and pointing back to Luigi.
"You use the remote and fly me around some. I'll show you how fun it is!"
Luigi blinked again, flabbergasted that it was this easy to be let out like this. He could escape now, easy. All he had to do was use this remote to lift Junior high enough that he couldn't follow him and boom, he was free.
His eyes flicked from the remote in his hands to the entryway Junior must have come from. It *would* be easy...
"Let's go already!" He heard Junior whine impatiently from the cage. Luigi turned back to see the boy bouncing and swinging the cage himself, anxiously waiting Luigi to start the game.
It would be easy, but then what? Where would he go, where could he go? And how would he get there?
It wouldn't be fair of him - even if he did manage to get out of this Darkland place - to leave all of these others behind.
And this Junior kid--- whatever his papa had done to him, Luigi truly felt a kind of sympathy for him. He was just a kid, a kid who'd lost his mom. It wouldn't be right to trick him or betray his trust however misguided.
So, feeling like he might regret not taking the chance later, Luigi pressed several buttons in succession and flung Junior about the dungeon, spinning and dropping him in the same way he had been doing.
He probably should not have been surprised when all of the screaming the boy did was of delight, interspersed with wild, high pitched squeals of laughter.
After a few minutes of watching Junior fly and dive and scream with joy, Luigi almost forgot where he was.
He was reminded quite abruptly when a large yellow Koopa guard took hold of him and wrenched the remote from his hands.
"What are you doing?" The Koopa barked at him, Luigi instinctively cowering in his grip. "What do you think you were doing to the prince?"
Junior's sounds of enjoyment slowly died as he became aware of what was happening.
One of the flying Koopas zoomed up to stop the cage from spinning, aiding its descent back onto solid ground.
"It's okay, Junior," the flying guard tried to comfort the boy who only whined and rolled his eyes. "We'll get you out of there and this human will be swiftly dealt with."
"But we were just playing," Junior whined. "He was gonna go back in the cage when we were done, honest."
Luigi made to speak up and agree with him, but the guard holding him smacked him across the back of his head, knocking off his hat.
"Quiet you!" The guard said. "Junior, you're lucky we got here when we did. Who knows what this human was planning?"
The flying guard came up beside his fellow, taking hold of one of Luigi's arms. "Yeah. We'll have to take him to your papa now and see what's to be done with him."
As the two koopas began to drag him away, Luigi saw Junior pick up his hat, scrunching it in his claws as tears filled his eyes.
Luigi wasn't sure if Junior was fearing for him or for himself, but he did know that he was about to come face to face with this koopa king once again.
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oneinathousand · 3 months
F-Zero Novel "And Then, to the Gods of Speed" Plot Summary
I just read through the obscure official tie-in novel for F-Zero from 1992, which has very little information about it online.
DISCLAIMER: Since I can't read Japanese, I had to use my phone to translate, which certainly didn't yield stellar results, but I was so curious about what was actually inside the book since there's so little information about it other than 1. It's a darker book, 2. The protagonist is named Swan Lee, and 3. It involves Captain Falcon's death, and I just couldn't wait for a full fan translation to sate my curiosity. The goal was basically to get an overall idea of what was going on, which I think I managed to get.
So, for those of you who have been just as curious as I was about this book, I'll be going chapter by chapter, giving a fairly comprehensive summary of the plot. There's a lot of digressions throughout with worldbuilding about the socioeconomics and mechanics of the setting, which I'll mostly be skipping unless they directly relate to the plot.
I want to reiterate that it's entirely likely that I get some things wrong, like perhaps names or plot points. The ending in particular I'm not super sure about because, well, let's just say it gets pretty... weird, you'll see. It comes across to me like it might have been rushed, but that's just idle speculation.
One more thing: I knew going in that Captain Falcon was supposed to die and this would be a darker book, but damn! I was legitimately shocked at how they handled him here, I could not believe that Nintendo approved of this direction. It could have only happened during that pre '93 Mario movie/Phillips CDI era where Nintendo didn't give much oversight as to how other people handled the characters.
Spoilers ahead!
Chapter 1: Team Sprem (a misspelling of Supreme)
Swan Lee is a street kid with no parents living in the poor Port Town along with his gang, Team Sprem/Supreme (which I'll just call Supreme to prevent giggles from readers), which includes his friends Eddie and Mamoru. Despite only being 10 years old, Swan is a very good racer because he has access to a banned system called Soulmatic which allows users to directly connect their minds to their machines, which can be very dangerous. Whenever Swan connects to his machine, he communicates with an unknown entity called the Supreme who guides him.
While chasing down an opponent, Mamoru crashes his vehicle and has to be pulled out of the wreckage by Swan. Afterwards, a futuristic zeppelin passes by announcing the top 4 winners of the recent F-Zero race who are the original four characters from the SNES game (though for whatever reason Samurai Goroh is called Kamikaze Goroh in this version).
Captain Falcon, the 1st place winner, announces his retirement, and he is given the title of Baron of Cosmos by Mr. Richter, the President of the company Big Cosmos, which created and oversees F-Zero.
Chapter 2: Monday Tournament
Ten years later, the adult Swan and Team Supreme have mostly split, with Eddie as his mechanic and Mamoru never being able to fully recover from his injuries all those years ago. Swan plans to race in the Monday Tournament so he can qualify for F-Zero.
However, the odds are stacked against him. At this point, F-Zero -which is ostensibly supposed to be open to everyone who has access to a machine, only wants the pilots that Big Cosmos trains themselves to be able to compete in the races, and they set out traps for outsiders, making it almost impossible for ordinary citizens to participate in F-Zero.
Swan uses the Supreme to help him avoid the traps and win the qualifier, even though use of the Soulmatic system isn't allowed. His cheating goes unnoticed, however, and his darkhorse victory in the qualifier causes a stir among F-Zero viewers.
Chapter 3: Blue Falcon
After the tournament, Captain Falcon reaches out to Swan and Eddie, asking them to meet him at his home. Once they arrive, they see that Falcon has become prematurely aged from his years of racing and he admits to being an alcoholic. Swan is skeptical of Falcon's intentions, but Falcon says that he's renounced his title as Baron of Cosmos and wants to sponsor Swan and Eddie in F-Zero, giving them his blessing to inherit the Blue Falcon and modify it however they please.
After this, a meeting between President Richter and his right-hand man, Owl, is shown, where Richter reveals that Falcon has cancer and doesn't have much time left to live.
Back home in Port Town, Swan is told that Mamoru has collapsed. He rushes to be at his old friend's side, but it's too late. Mamoru is already dead by the time he arrives at his family's home. Swan has a heartfelt conversation with Mamoru's younger sister, Taime, and he lets her ride around town with him.
Chapter 4: Glid (probably a misspelling of Grid)
Richter invites Swan and Eddie to stay at the Crystal Tower Hotel in White Land. Once there, Swan has dinner alone with Richter, who drugs him so that he can analyze his brain with a machine that detects the Supreme's presence in his mind. Swan comes to with no knowledge of what just happened.
The race at White Land takes place, and this time Swan wins by attacking another racer with a concealed weapon. Falcon watched the broadcast of the race from home, and at the end, he fell unconscious.
Chapter 5: Death Wind
Swan's cheating has been discovered this time, but Richter allows this, announcing that the rule against directly attacking other racers will be rescinded. He believes that Swan will usher in a new era of F-Zero where it is more than entertainment, it will be war.
A romantic meeting between Swan and Taime is interrupted by Eddie, who tells them that Falcon is in critical condition. Swan hurries to Falcon's house, where he is on his deathbed. In his last moments, Falcon "looks at Swan as if he were looking at a lover" and implores him to seek out Dr. Stewart, Goroh, and Pico so he may learn the meaning of racing from them, and as he passes away, he can see and speak to the Supreme.
However, once Swan returns to his garage, he sees a ransom note from a gambling organization called Vega threatening him that they have Taime in their clutches and won't release her unless he drops out from the Death Wind circuit.
Swan plans on racing anyway, believing that's what Taime would want, and he gathers a collection of bombs from his street gang days to use against the other racers. In response to this, Eddie leaves Swan. When the Death Wind race starts, the Supreme prevents the Blue Falcon from moving, causing Swan to panic, but Taime is then let go safe and sound.
Chapter 6: Goal Gate
The next session of F-Zero will see the princes of Sand Ocean and Silence participating, and Richter plans on using the new brutality of the races to spark a war between the two planets so he can buy the oil that was recently found on Sand Ocean. At this point, he views Swan as expendable and orders him to be killed.
A cruiser ship piloted by a man named Sekikawa attacks and injures Swan and Taime; luckily, they're rescued by Pico and brought to his fortress. After he recovers, Swan visits Goroh's boat house in Big Blue. Following a short pep talk and a feeling of kinship over their shared "Oriental blood" (the translation's words, not mine), Swan and Taime visit Dr. Stewart in Mute City.
In each of his conversations with the three former pilots, Swan has discussed what racing means to them and what the Supreme is, getting different answers from them. Dr. Stewart encourages Swan to race again, and he leaves Taime behind to stay safe with the doctor.
Immediately after leaving the penthouse, Sekikawa attacks Swan, seemingly killing him and causing Taime to become hysterical. As Swan falls through the air, he sees angels and can feel his body lifting upward. Dr. Stewart contacts Pico and Goroh, asking for their help to create the ultimate F-Zero machine. The three work together to create a new, more powerful version of the Blue Falcon.
Finally, the last race in Mute City with the two princes is about to begin. The Blue Falcon appears at the entry line, much to Mr. Richter's shock, since he believes Swan to have been killed. He tries to shut down the race to no avail, the systems are unresponsive. Stewart, Goroh, Pico, Taime, and the rest of the crowd watch as stars fill the night sky of Mute City for the first time in centuries.
The race goes without incident and the Blue Falcon wins. Swan reveals himself and embraces Taime, telling her that the Supreme is in actuality the collective memory of all those who race, and he has elevated himself above caring about winning or losing.
Final Thoughts After that, the book ends with pontificating about the spiritual significance of racing at high speeds felt by pilots and car racers throughout history, hence the title "Gods of Speed," but I didn't know how to word it, sorry. This book seems like it's too short, there's a lot of "and then Swan went here and talked to this guy for a bit", but I also appreciate not wasting my time.
Like I said, there's a lot of worldbuilding and stuff that I left out, there's far, far more of it than you would expect from a Nintendo tie-in novel from the early 90's and I appreciate the effort, even if a lot of it was expressed through info dumps.
How about Captain Falcon going out like that, huh? Can you imagine any Nintendo property tackling alcoholism and cancer, especially with the protagonist of one of their flagship SNES games at the time??? I have to admire such a bold choice. It's so completely different from later portrayals of Falcon where he's basically Future Racing Jesus and got to go out in the anime with a blaze of glory. I wish the other three racers were in it more (BTW, Goroh is given the last name "Sugata" here, and I'll now adopt that as my headcanon for his real last name). If you have any questions about the book, I'll try to answer them the best I can. I know a lot of it still flew over my head.
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ebbz99 · 9 months
With the Mario sequels being inevitable and the talk about a possible trilogy, I wanted to share some ideas to what I think those movies could take inspiration from.
Note: this is just speculation and if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.
Also, since there are ALOT of games in the Mario universe, I combined some of the games to bring as much of this franchise to the big screen as possible.
Option nr 2:
Super Paper Mario
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Some of my favorite trilogis have simular patterns. The first movie is the one who gives you the basic structure of the movies (the tone, the style, the characthers and more), the second movie keeps the style but goes into darker tones themes (for exemple death and genocide), and then the third movie is a little more light hearted comedy driven but with an emotional conclution to the characters. All combined into one big story.
With these in mind I think SUPER PAPER MARIO is a fitting story for the second film. Not only does it have high stakes, but it lets all of our main cast (Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser) have importance and good moments.
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It also fit well with the big main story of super mario bros, which is the bond between Mario and Luigi. This story could put there brotherly love for eashother to the test and we could also see how difrent kind of love is showned (from friendship to romantic to family and even love that isn't reciprocate) with the chaos and pure heart at the center.
The story goes the same as it does in the game with small changes, like building up luigis character more and a look into Tippy and count Blecks background. Even go hammy with some of the bad guys personality
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Debunking My Piranha Plants Are Reptiles Hypothesis 1
So I have speculated before that Piranha Plants are not actually plants but reptiles, and I have seen other people hypothesize this as well. But I am going to debunk this hypothesis as mine is similar to how I debunked the 2 King Boos hypothesis.
So the hypothesis goes that Piranha Plants aren't plants but reptiles because they have skeletons like animals as evidenced by the existence of Bone Piranha Plants and they have teeth. Alongside they have tongues, and some like Peewee Piranha and Dino Piranha have scales. Finally there is the fact that several Piranha Plants hatch from eggs such as Peewee Piranha, Dino Piranha, Mom Piranha, and the Piranha Eggs/Pods.
Now, why are they not reptiles. Well similar to how we can't say the Chaos Emeralds are quartz because our emeralds don't look like that, we can't really call Piranha Plants reptiles.
And many sources confirm they are plants. Aside from the name Piranha Plant their relatives the Pakkun Flower, the Lava Lotus, and Nipper Plants all being plants and associated with flowers. Edit: Nipper Plants are young Piranha Plants.
Piranha Plants have also been called flowers in the OVA, and you have Petey Piranha having flower petals. Continuing on there is the obvious thorns, vines, and leaves that the Piranha Plants are made of. Some actually have multiple leaves with the movie emphasizing these traits.
There is also the Piranha Plants description from the Super Mario Bros. section of the Encyclopedia which refers to them as "man eating plants."
Finally using the Goombario's tattle on the Lava Piranha Goombario uses terms such as buds, flowers, and plant to refer to the Lava Piranha. With all this information about Piranha Plants, their relatives, and how characters refer to them in canon it is clear they are indeed plants and not reptiles.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Scrapnik Island Issue #4: Scrapnik Island (Part 4)
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Welcome to the finale of Scrapnik Island! All I have to say for this is that I absolutely love it and the ending cements Scrapnik Island as my favorite Sonic IDW Miniseries.
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Not to mention, the covers are absolutely amazing!
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We kick off the story with Mecha Sonic preparing Sonic for the mind transfer, with Sonic wondering what the hell he’s talking about. Mecha explains how Eggman once tried to make a device that controls Badniks via his mind, but got bored and scrapped the project (I’m not surprised). Mecha used this in combination with Tails’ tablet to download his own mind into Sonic’s body, with Sonic suddenly realizing that he’s indeed serious about this.
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Mecha explains that the Scrambled Egg Carrier is just a piece of junk, meaning there is no way for the Scrapniks to flee the island, so after transferring his mind into Sonic’s body, he’ll just run across the ocean and get his revenge on Eggman. Logistics aside on running across the ocean, something we saw in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie (and the fact that he could also just repair the Tornado), this sounds like a good plan.
Sonic questions him about Sigma and the other Scrapniks; y’know, his friends, but Mecha takes a moment, then tells him that friendship is weakness, a brief glitch in his software. As he talks, we can see the Scrapniks hide above them, horrified by Mecha saying they were never his friends.
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Sonic calls him out on it, saying how he’s just full of it. He may have hit a nerve there, but Mecha just tells him to shut up and activates the machine and we get a really painful look of Mecha’s mind being transferred to Sonic’s. Sheesh, Sonic looks like he’s being electrocuted.
Okay, I will stop here for a moment just to note that I did speculate that, with how things were set up, Sonic would have to go through a typical “battle inside your mind” and try to expel Mecha somehow out of his mind and body, but what they did in the comic is actually much better!
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The Scrapniks, witnessing this sin against nature, leap at Mecha, yelling at him to stop. Not only do they attack Mecha, but also the machine, breaking it in the process. *claps* Amazing job, guys!
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Mecha is kneeling in the ashes and broken machinery, devastated. All of his hard work is gone thanks to the Scrapniks he rejected as his friends and he screams how they ruined everything. His eye glows, showing that he’s pissed.
Mecha gets up, charging at the Scrapniks (and making a reference to Super Mario Bros. Z).
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While Mecha is busy, a few other Scrapniks quickly free Sonic, who is dazed and still fried from the incomplete mind transfer. He hears a voice inside his head, talking about how their plans are ruined, how they have to escape the island...
“I’m... not... trash...”
And there it is. Yeah, Sonic realizes that he’s picking up fragments of memories, thoughts and emotions, all of which belong to Mecha Sonic. Despite acting all aloof, it is clear that Mecha is still suffering from low self-esteem and just wants to prove he isn’t a piece of junk left to be abandoned.
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Mecha slaps away another Scrapnik, which pisses off Sonic, who spin-dashes into Mecha, leaving the Scrapnik, who was about to be torn to shreds, surprised.
I really love the reaction Sonic has in the upper panel. It is not because he’s trying to protect them (although that’s part of it), but because he sees the Scrapniks as his friends. If you mess with his friends, you have to deal with him; and he’s furious.
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During their race, it becomes clear that Sonic still can’t run properly because of his injured leg, describing it as being stabbed by thousand needles. However, he still pushes through, despite the agony he feels. Mecha then suddenly asks him what he even knows about pain, saying how what Sonic is feeling is nothing compared to what Mecha went through. 
Unlike Sonic, he has been cast aside, robbed of his purpose, and while Sonic may have defeated him last time, he’s now completely alone and injured.
“You’ve reached your limits.”
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“Ah. But see. That’s the thing about limits... they’re meant to be broken!”
Despite visibly sweating and being in pain, Sonic smiles through, accelerating his speed, much to Mecha’s shock and they speed right over the conveyor belts that lead to an active furnace. Honestly, I’m not surprised that this is happening. Sonic has a strong willpower and he’s determined enough to power through anything. We all saw what happened in Sonic Frontiers.
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We see the two fighting, with Sonic still struggling, but he’s doing his best. Also, why is this slowly giving me Toy Story 3 vibes?
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Sonic manages to catch Mecha off guard, kicking him in the face and shattering the brace the Scrapniks made for him, and Mecha falls into the scrapped metal, bested by Sonic once again. During his fall, we see a brief flashback to happier times, seen as friend and protector by the Scrapniks, shown love by those who care about him.
We also see his red eyes turn yellow as he lands. It seems as if his rage has vanished.
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Sonic, seeing Mecha sinking into the pile of scraps that is going towards the furnace, calls out for him, telling to grab his hand, but Mecha swats it away.
Mecha tells Sonic that the cobalt hedgehog has the freedom to explore the world at his own leisure, unhindered by regret and and failure... and how that must be nice. He says how this is what he deserves, how he failed both of his directives to beat Sonic as Eggman’s creation and protect the Scrapniks.
“I am a failure. I am worthless. I am trash...”
Hm, who does this scene remind me of...
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Sonic appears to share the same sentiment as I do, because look at him! He is furious!
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He just yells at Mecha to cut the crap and extends his hand, giving us this amazing speech:
“You give yourself value and purpose! No one else! You gotta live for you! That’s what it really means to be free! NOW TAKE! MY! HAND!”
Mecha stares, then lifts his hand and grabs Sonic. Wow,... just, this is pure awesomeness! This is Sonic at his best, inspiring people to make choices! There is no way he’s going to let Mecha just die like that! Not to mention, his speech isn’t just directed to Mecha, but to everyone. Hell, this is what he hoped to teach Surge and Kit, but we know how that one turned out.
Not only that, but it also applies to real life. We live in a world where it is easier to accept being told by other people what you can do and what you can’t do. We just conform to the masses. Sonic tells you to screw that option and live for yourself. It doesn’t matter what others think about you, but what you think about yourself. It is a really powerful message.
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Sonic attempts to pull Mecha out, only to pause, with Mecha wondering what’s wrong. Sonic grins sheepishly, admitting that he may have overdid it with his foot and now he can’t move it.
Mecha’s reaction is priceless. You can just hear the “You gotta be kidding me?!” line as he notes how there was all this big talk and Sonic can’t even get them out. Sonic replies how he’s working on it. Absolutely hilarious!
Fortunately for Sonic, someone familiar grabs him.
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It is Tails! Not only did he survive the fall, but also brought along Sigma and all of the other Scrapniks to form a chain-link line and pull Sonic and Mecha out of the furnace. Awesome job, guys!
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Once they’re finally safe and sound, the Scrapniks and Sigma just hug Mecha, with Sigma apologizing for being unaware of his inner turmoil. It doesn’t matter, though, as Mecha is just happy to be surrounded by his friends and family.
Sonic and Tails observe the reunion, both happy, but... is Sonic crying? Yeah, he is! He’s crying! Sonic is legit crying!
Screw you, SEGA mandates!
Tails turns to him, surprised to see Sonic smiling and crying, but Sonic replies how those aren’t his tears...
They’re Mecha’s.
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Honestly, I teared up during this page, because this is so heartwarming... and a great loophole around SEGA’s mandates. Yeah, sure Sonic can’t cry, so how about we say those were Mecha’s tears thanks to their mind link. That’s okay, but let’s be honest here, fans know that Sonic probably also shed a tear of his own during this scene.
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So, all that is left is Tails removing Eggman’s programming from both Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles (who seems to now behave like regular Knuckles, being aloof and all that), and Sigma and Mecha are thankful for their help, with Mecha finally being free to be his own person.
Have I already said how much I love this? Because I do!
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“The value of one’s existence isn’t determined by successes and failures. Both are fleeting and impermanent. What truly matters is having the courage to keep moving forward... I see that now. Thank you, Sonic.”
Okay, is it just me or does this really give off Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back vibes? Because it does!
In any case, we see Mecha thanking Sonic for making him realize how he’s the one who gives himself value, holding the sunflower as they’re called over by Tails, Sigma and the other Scrapniks to the fixed tornado. Mecha notes how he has no idea what the future holds for him, but despite the uncertainty, he’s ready to face it head-on with the help of his friends.
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As Sonic and Tails depart, bidding good-bye to their new friends, we are left with Mecha’s thoughts.
“I’m done being controlled by yesterday. I’m going to live for tomorrow.”
Damn, just damn...
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The premise is so simple, but the message is incredibly powerful! I really hope we get to see Mecha Sonic, Sigma, Mecha Knuckles and the Scrapniks again. As a matter of fact, their presence could be linked with Belle’s decision to help abandoned Badniks. It’s just perfect!
This story is perfect and I hope we can get more stories like this one in the future.
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theomeganerd · 6 months
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Nintendo Celebrates MAR10 DAY 2024
March 10th, often referred to as "MAR10 Day" by fans, saw a flurry of exciting announcements from Nintendo in celebration of everyone's favorite plumber, Mario. Here's a breakdown of the key reveals:
1. A New Animated Mario Movie: Following the success of the 2022 live-action film, Nintendo confirmed the development of a new animated Mario movie. Details remain scarce, but the announcement video hinted at a return of the voice cast from the previous film, including Chris Pratt as Mario and Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach.
This news comes as a welcome surprise for fans who, despite the live-action film's box office success, expressed mixed reactions to the voice acting and certain creative choices.
2. Release Dates for Upcoming Games: Nintendo also unveiled release dates for two highly anticipated Mario titles:
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: This beloved GameCube RPG classic will be making its long-awaited return to consoles on May 23rd, 2024. Fans can expect the charming story, turn-based combat, and quirky humor that made the original a cult favorite.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD: Gear up for some spooky fun with a remastered version of Luigi's Mansion 2. This enhanced edition, hitting store shelves on June 27th, 2024, promises sharper visuals and potentially improved gameplay mechanics.
3. Classic Games Return to Switch Online: Expanding the library of retro titles available through the Nintendo Switch Online service, three classic Mario games were announced for future release:
Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels (NES): This challenging sequel to the original Super Mario Bros. tests players' skills with its relentless difficulty.
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Game Boy): Join Mario on his quest to collect the six golden coins in this side-scrolling adventure.
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Game Boy): Take control of Mario's greedy rival, Wario, as he searches for hidden treasures in this unique platformer.
Specific release dates for these titles haven't been announced, but their addition provides Switch Online subscribers with a delightful dose of nostalgia.
4. A Glimpse into the Future: While details were scarce, Nintendo also teased a collaboration with The LEGO Group. While the exact nature of this project remains under wraps, speculation suggests a potential LEGO Mario set or even a full-fledged video game.
5. A Message from the Mastermind: Adding a personal touch, Mario creator Shigeru Miyamato delivered a heartfelt message to fans, expressing his gratitude for their continued support and hinting at exciting things to come for the Mario franchise.
Beyond the Headlines: While these announcements were the major highlights, Nintendo also offered discounts on various Mario titles and merchandise throughout the weekend, further fueling the celebratory spirit of MAR10 Day.
Analyst Take: Experts believe these announcements are a strategic move by Nintendo to capitalize on the enduring popularity of the Mario franchise. The diverse range of content, catering to both nostalgic fans and newcomers, ensures continued engagement and potential revenue streams.
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game-boy-pocket · 1 year
I have witnessed the Super Mario Bros Movie.
No spoilers... I can't give an unbiased opinion here.
I fucking loved that movie. For video game movies, it blows Sonic out of the water. And if I can be honest, I think the canon they served up here is miles better than what we get in the games. At least as far as mainline games go. They take some liberties with one characters backstory, but what they did change makes sense to me... however it does make some certain other characters a bit of a challenge to squeeze into later movies if they decide to go that route.
The characters were all very good. I think Peach is a little too much of a firecracker. I don't mean she's too capable, that's not at all what I'm saying, in fact, they handle her role in the movie perfectly and back up an opinion i've always had about Peach that spits in the face of everyone who calls her useless for getting kidnapped all the time... I just think they made her a bit smug and firey when that's really more of Daisy's thing. Peach will kick koopa ass but she'll do it with her pinky out clutching her parasol with an "oh did I win?" remark.
Toad is great, willing to throw down for his friends, not the coward many people think he is...
Can I be honest, I didn't hate Chris Pratt's Mario, it wasn't amazing but it didn't drag down the movie...
Donkey Kong was a bit of a Jock type character, which just kind of feels right for him, I know the DK gourmets at DK Vine will disagree, but it's always kind of been the vibe I got from the character ever since his reintroduction to the world by Rare.
Cranky was not quite what I wanted Cranky to be, but it works more for the type of character he is. He is a King in this movie. He's not an old codger that gives advice and makes fun of DK and Diddy.
Spike.... had like 5 minutes of screen time, I don't know why they bothered announcing his voice actor at all, but I'm still glad he's here... he looks WAY different than I was expecting, but at least they didn't take inspiration from Wrecking Crew 98.
I can go on and on...
There was two post credits, the first one was just a silly ha-ha thing, but the second one has implications for the next movie they're planning, and it can mean one of two things. A certain character who doesn't feature in this movie is getting their own movie, or, a certain character who doesn't feature in this movie is going to be heavily featured in the next movie. It was honestly kind of disappointing, all I can say is most of the speculators were wrong... and I actually was right, but not in the way I expected to be. In fact, this movie just threw my prediction out the window with the backstory change they made.
One thing that did put a big frown on my face was the credits...
This is the one spoiler that twitter and Seth Rogan already spoiled, but the DK Rap showed up in the movie. They actually used a non-remix, so right from the N64 game... All the songs in the movie got their proper credits.... EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE. I actually saw Grant Kirkhope upset on twitter about this, so I thought they actually just forgot to put it in the credits at all, but no, it's there... "DK 64 - The DK Rap" ...and that's it, they don't mention Grant Kirkhope at all. That os fucked up, and I think we fans have a duty to let Illumination know... I was hoping Grant would provide music for a potential Donkey Kong movie, but now they may have burned a serious bridge here.
If you like Mario, especially if you're a long time fan, go see this movie. It's really good.
That said, it doesn't do anything revolutionary in the story telling, so if you don't like Mario that much, it will just be an okay family movie. I can safely say it blew Sonic 2 out of the water.
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multicolour-ink · 2 years
just an observation to share, maybe my hearing is awful and this is not true, but I have listened to the Mario & Luigi clip probably north of 50 times at this point (i'm TOTALLY normal about this movie, i am NOT drowning in a sea of emotion at all times about the sweetest brothers of all time, I SWEAR) and I feel very convinced that Mario doesn't actually say "It's gonna be ok/all right as long as we're together." I believe he says: "I've got you! Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together." Which honestly, I like better and even has a slightly stronger vibe of "we've been treated badly by people in the past but we've always had each other to turn to and lean on no matter what and that's made all the difference." And now, for the first time in their lives, they suddenly won't have that and i cry and cry and CRY
I really hope this clip is the one being shared over the weekend too because 1) pls don't release any more footage, MY FEEBLE HEART CAN'T TAKE IT AND I JUST WANT TO SEE THE MOVIE AT THIS POINT, and 2) I just want to know what the actual lines are for 100% certain, my brain is rattled from trying to tune out the much louder talking, haha.
We're all totally normal about this movie 8D Nothing abnormal whatsoever here.
Ok, so I went back to listen to it again, and someone has managed to subtitle the whole thing, and it looks like it's the correct lines!
(bold text is the 'new' lines)
"We'll be fine! We'll be ok!"
"How is it gonna be ok?!"
"I'm telling you, everything's gonna be alright as long as we're together!"
So yeah I'll admit I've had a feeling that I got the line wrong. Other people have been adding their own ideas, but yeah this one seems to be the official version.
At the time my ears picked up what I thought it was saying (difficult trying to hear past loud talking, as you are aware!) And since then my brain had been getting mixed up with what I thought I heard, and what other people were suggesting they heard.
Oh but my heart if it had been "Nothing can hurt us" 😭 It just fits. Maybe it will appear later in a different way.
I do hope this is the clip being shown on Saturday. I've heard some speculation that it will be more of the DK fight, but I really hope it isn't. We've seen enough in my opinion to get us enticed. Why do they need to spoil even more of it? Just let us see it when the movie comes out.
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shmovingbeats · 10 months
3D Animation.
3d animation in my opinion is the means of moving an object in a 3d plane in a sequence while the movement is seamless making a 3D animation.
examples of 3D shows / movies
Murder drones
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Murder drones (My favorite show ever made)is also a show on youtube that was started by a team called glitch productions. MD is set on a post-apocalyptic copper 9, an exoplanet owned by the megacorporation JCJenson in SPAAAAACE that exploded due to the planet core collapsing killing all life on the planet except the worker drones (robots used by JCJenson in SPAAAAACE) they finally got themselves a life, but their parent company (JCJenson in SPAAACE) did not like the idea of runaway robots, as a result they sent "murder drones" to take out the worker drones". the murder drones operate by ingesting the oil of worker drones to not overheat. Murder drones was made using maya with post-production being done in unreal engine.
2. The Amazing Digital Circus
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The Amazing Digital Circus is also a 3d show on youtube made by Glitch productions, not much is known at the moment as there is only one episode. It was made in Maya but this is only speculation as it is not properly stated buy glitch productions, but is because of the works of Murder drones we can assume it was made with maya and a little bit of maya. after releasing the first episode it experienced a huge growth of fans after the trends in tiktok depicting this image.
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3. Shrek
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Shrek was a 3D Movie made back in 2001 by DreamWorks as an American animated fantasy comedy film partially based on the 1990 children's picture book of the same name by William steig. The film's success helped establish DreamWorks Animation as a competitor to Pixar in feature film computer animation.
4. The Super Mario Bros. Movie
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The super Mario Bros. Movie The Super Mario Bros, Movie is a 2023 American animated adventure comedy film based on Nintendo's Mario video game franchise. Produced by Universal Pictures, Illumination, and Nintendo, and distributed by Universal Studios. In the movie Mario and Luigi who have just started their own plumbing business try to stop a flood in Brooklyn but after investigating Luigi gets sucked into the iconic green pipe followed by Mario then get warped to another world while Luigi gets dropped off at the Dark lands, and Mario in the Mushroom Kingdom where he meets toad and princess peach that trains Mario to take down Bowser the main antagonist and save Luigi.
5. UP
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UP was made in 2004 by director Pete Docter. He developed the idea of a flying house on the thought of escaping from life when it becomes too irritating(which came from his difficulty with social situations growing up).
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pianokantzart · 7 months
As it turns out, the storyboard drawing as made by Melody Wang on her website. It was found on a video apparently titled “MARIO 2 Opening”.
So if the image takes place at the beginning of the film and not around halfway like some of us believed, I’m predicting that Peach sent them to that market to purchase an “important item” for her, and after they do so and bring it to her, it turns out to be a secret ingredient for a new cake recipe she wants to try out. Cue camera panning upward and title card.
That or it’s gonna be a “Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation” opening.
Oooh, interesting! That does change things doesn't it. Perhaps, instead, they've been sent out to find someone? Or maybe The Mushroom Kingdom is political allies with The Desert Kingdom so Mario and Luigi are being sent to help solve a problem? If that's the case, I predict either..
1. They fail miserably, giving them an emotional stumbling block to overcome when facing Bowser (or whatever new threat faces them)
2. They succeed, but with Mario fully embracing and fitting into the role of "hero" while Luigi is left in the dust, completely uncertain of himself.
Either way, I like the juxtaposition to the intro of the first movie: Bowser invading the snow kingdom vs Mario & Luigi exploring a desert kingdom.
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lightscamerafilm · 1 year
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Barbie' Outshines 'The Dark Knight' as Warner Bros.' Top Domestic Earner of All Time.
Greta Gerwig's enchanting comedy "Barbie" has garnered $537.5 million at the domestic box office, edging out Christopher Nolan's 2008 masterpiece "The Dark Knight" ($536 million) to claim the title of Warner Bros.' highest-grossing domestic release ever.
The film's box office momentum shows no signs of slowing down. In the imminent future, "Barbie" is projected to overtake Universal's animation "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" ($574 million) to become the leading domestic release of 2023. Given its current trajectory, with a global tally already at $1.2 billion, "Barbie" is poised to potentially surpass "Mario" ($1.35 billion) for the title of the year's top-grossing global release.
The journey of "Barbie" at the box office has been nothing short of spectacular. For four straight weekends, it has clinched the No. 1 spot. Within just 17 days of its release, it raced to join the elite $1 billion club, becoming the fastest Warner Bros. film and the eighth in the studio's centennial history to do so. There is speculation that it might even surpass 2011's "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" ($1.34 billion) as Warner Bros.' all-time highest worldwide earner. Earlier in its release cycle, "Barbie" achieved the year's biggest opening with $162 million, outperforming "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" ($146 million). Notably, it also set a new record for the largest debut for a female-directed film, besting Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck’s 2019 hit “Captain Marvel” ($153 million).
Margot Robbie, the film's luminary portraying the emblematic Barbie, is reaping significant rewards for her pivotal contribution to the movie's monumental success. As the leading actor and producer of this summer sensation, she's poised to earn an estimated $50 million, comprising both her salary and box office bonuses, as per a previous report by Variety. Gerwig is also anticipated to earn substantial bonuses, a testament to the film's outstanding achievements.
Article by: A. Iqbal
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ethancrossmedia · 1 year
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Earlier this morning, it was officially announced that Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 has been revealed! 😀
I'm excited to get the sequel this fall, on the video game console I only have, the Nintendo Switch! 😀
I'm making this as a tribute to @thejvclub and @jessicadicicco, as I'm just speculating that they probably recording new voiceover work and reprising their roles as Lucy Loud (from one of my favorite Nickelodeon cartoons, The Loud House) and Korra (from The Legend of Korra) respectively. If I meet Jessica DiCicco someday in person, I would have sign on my physical Nintendo Switch copy of the game. Coincidently, she has done voicework for Nintendo related media as the voice of Yellow Toad, Mario and Luigi's Mom, Baby Peach, the bully, Pauline and other minor characters in one of my favorite video game-based animated movies, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, since I'm a video game (only with Nintendo, as I have a Nintendo Switch console), animation (cartoons), and voice acting superfan. But I'm proud to be good friends with her, and she played a monumental role supporting my arts and entertainment content. Even though she is based in Los Angeles, CA, she knows I'm based in Chicago, IL (in 2 major U.S. cities).
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mumbulus · 2 years
watch Super Mario Smoking Weed The Movie [4K HD Remaster]
Vlad III Dracula, also known as Dracula or Vlad Țepeș ("Vlad the Impaler"), is a powerful Tzimisceelder. During his mortal lifetime, he was a resourceful and cruel prince of Wallachia; late in life, he forced or persuaded the Tzimisce noble Lambach Ruthven to Embrace him, and he has worked in the shadows of Kindred society ever since. Owner of the legendary Sword of Dracula, his favorite ghoul was Renfield.
1 Biography
1.1 Mortal Life
1.2 Embrace
2 Speculation
2.1 V20 Timeline
3 Trivia
4 Character Sheet
5 Gallery
6 References
Țepeș: "impaler"Dracula: "devil's son" or "dragon's son"
Mortal Life
Though historical records indicate that Vlad Țepeș died in 1476, he had been drinking the blood of a vampire that he captured and locked away in Castle Dracula. Originally of the Basarab family, he knew of the hidden masters of the Carpathian lands (thanks in part to the tutelage of the Ravnos oracle Durga Syn) and sought to gain their power.
Later, Dracula came under the guidance of Count Rustovich and Count Radu, two of the most influential figures among the Cainites of Transylvania. For years, Dracula's thirst for vitae would allow him to live on as an independent ghoul,[1] though he was curiously immune to the Blood Oath. Later, he established a haven in Poenari Castle, and from there he sought out a sponsor – or victim – who could grant him the Embrace.
His first choice as a potential sire was Yorak, the Tzimisce clan's voivode of voivodes and master of the Cathedral of Flesh. As Dracula stepped into the Cathedral and fell under Yorak's mental domination, the Cathedral's dormant will began to awaken; as Yorak's fangs spilled the first drop of Dracula's blood onto the floor, the Cathedral sensed the forces of destiny at work around Dracula and, wrenching itself free of its master's will, devoured Yorak whole. Dracula narrowly escaped from the Cathedral alive, his desire to gain the Embrace on his own terms redoubled.
When the elder Lambach sent a neonate Tzimisce spy to watch over Vlad, Dracula enacted a scheme to exploit them both and finally gain the Embrace that he had long sought.
In 1495, he captured Lambach's spy and became aware of a pending assault by a group of vampires called "a Sabbat". Soon thereafter, a messenger reports with a voice filled with horror and awe saying that a war party headed towards the castle, and that they seemed to possess supernatural strength and quickness. He called them monsters, saying that he had seen their blood-red eyes and hideous fangs, adding that he had heard only the names Lambach and Tabak mentioned in connection with the group and assumes that these two are the leaders of the band.
Their enmity toward Dracula stemmed from his practice of capturing Tzimisce vampires by impaling them and drinking their potent blood before destroying them. Additionally, the Tzimisce favored the Danesti claimant to the throne of Wallachia rather than Dracula, and plotted against him while he ruled.
The following evening on the small plateau at the crest of the mountain, a Sabbat pack consisting of ten vampires arrived. Soon after, a second group of vampires joined the fray, ambushing the Sabbat as it completed its ascent of the stairs leading up to the castle while Dracula's forces were conspicuously absent.
Warned far in advance of his "messenger's" arrival that a pack of slavering anarchs were coming to kill him, Dracula sent secret messages to the Justicars informing them where they could find the "Sabbat". After waiting for the Justicars to do much of his work for him, Dracula planned to swoop down, destroy the Justicars and take the Sabbat for his own use.
The Camarilla Kindred were comprised of two Justicars (Mistress Fanchon and Milov Petrenkov) and six Archons led by Lucita de Aragón. In battle, the Camarilla vampires clearly had the advantage over the poorly organized Sabbat. As the mortals watched, three of the Sabbat pack went down under the disciplined assault by the battle-hardened Archons. The Gangrel Justicar proved particularly formidable in combat and brought down another member of the Sabbat, rending that unfortunate individual in half with his claws.
Without warning, Dracula's forces rode out from the castle, swinging their mounts around to assail the Camarilla's forces from the flank. The battle changed course almost immediately, as the Sabbat enjoyed an unexpected reprieve. Dracula lived up to his reputation as a ruthless and skilled warrior as he severed heads, lopped off arms and legs and used his steed to trample his enemies where they fell. Although the Justicars and Lucita escaped the carnage, fleeing from the battle after it became clear that they had no hope of surviving otherwise, the rest of the Camarilla's forces fell to Dracula and his troops. Two of the Sabbat, Lambach and Tabak, were literally run through with wooden pikes and carried, immobilized but still conscious, into the castle.
Vlad had managed to escape the manipulation of the Tzimisce and held onto his throne through Lambach's apparent incompetence. His vampire prisoner was one of Lambach's spies, but now Dracula had Lambach and his more potent pack leader, his sire Tabak. Two nights after the battle, Dracula gave Lambach a choice: Embrace him and forswear any further contact, or die. The cowardly Lambach agreed.
Watched over by a few faithful servants, Dracula forced Lambach to Embrace him. Dracula then turned on the defenseless Sabbat pack leader and diablerized Tabak as the wily Durga Syn had told him. Interestingly, Dracula remained true to his word, allowing Lambach to go free but threatening him to never challenge him.[1]
Dracula then retreated to Birkau Castle, near Bistrița. Enlisting Count Radu's aid, he forced the Tzimisce anarchs into submission. After convincing them to enter the bonds of Vaulderie with him, he led them on nightly crusades across northern Transylvania. His first nocturnal crusade achieved some nominal unity for the Tzimisce anarchs, allowing him to become the first Tzimisce voivode of the Transylvanian Sabbat.
In the years that followed, Dracula played the Sabbat and Camarilla against each other, just as his father betrayed Sultan Murad to aid Emperor Sigismund. He mastered the ritae of koldun sorcery, even as he uncovered the secrets of Thaumaturgy. As one of Caine's childer, he broke all the rules of vampiric society, becoming a master of temporal power and mystical accomplishment. In 1897, he manipulated Bram Stoker into publishing a novel based on his own unlife, breaking the Masquerade more flagrantly than any other vampire to date. Since that time, he has largely remained out of Kindred society, and is said to have been (and may well still be) one of the Inconnu.
The tale of Dracula's Embrace and of his infamous breach of the Masquerade are quite unusual. While a number of sources suggest that Dracula has some great destiny and is (or will be) a major player in the Jyhad, little has actually been shown of his actions after his Embrace or of his interactions with the Kindred world, and his motivations in leading Bram Stoker to write Dracula remain murky. As a result, a number of theories have arisen surrounding Dracula's rise to power both in life and in death.
One such theory assumes that Lambach Ruthven is the direct childe of the Tzimisce Antediluvian, as suggested in one in-character and another out-of-character accounts presented by Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised;[2] also check Lambach's lineage and generation for more information on that topic. According to this theory, Lambach would be Tabak's sire (or grandsire), rather than vice versa; furthermore, Lambach would have manipulated not only the events surrounding Dracula's Embrace but also the events leading up to the death of Yorak beforehand. Many years before Dracula sought the Embrace, Lambach had petitioned to the Voivode among Voivodes (Yorak, at the time) for the right to embrace Shaagra. Yorak denied Lambach's request and granted the honor to Triglav the Three-Headed – however, the revised clanbook specifically stated that "Lambach would never forget that slight, and its repercussions would certainly echo down history's corridor".[3]
An extrapolation of these facts suggest that, as a fourth generation vampire, it might have been Lambach's interference that caused the Cathedral of Flesh to overcome Yorak's psychic rape and devour the Voivode of Voivodes. According to this version, the destruction of Yorak and the Embrace of Dracula (who was chosen to be Yorak's successor) would have been the vengeance of Lambach over his brother for the whole Shaagra affair; thus, Dracula would be a pawn of the childe of an Antediluvian, and possibly even of the Antediluvian itself – who was disappointed with some of its most powerful childer according to subtle hints given by the Revised Clanbook,[4] specially since both Yorak and Byelobog were destroyed under suspicious circumstances. Furthermore, in a private letter, Lambach voices discomfort about Țepeș, "or that ineffable Other of whom Țepeș is but the merest silhouette" – implying that "the Other" could be the Tzimisce Antediluvian itself.[5]
This theory is predicated on assuming that the accounts presented by the Revised Clanbook are correct, even though it contradicts out-of-character statements elsewhere that explicitly name Tabak as Lambach's sire and/or place Lambach in the 5th generation; furthermore, it assumes that Lambach's true personality is that of a skillful, subtle, and strong-willed manipulator, which would contradict every source that has ever described his character or temperament, as well as Lambach's assessment of himself to other Cainites. However, it should be noted that this out-of-character statements have been known to be dubious and unreliable sources of information (especially in the case of Children of the Inquisition).
V20 Timeline
In Beckett's Jyhad Diary, Dracula mentions that his sire is in Poenari Castle and apparently unable to leave.[6] However, Lambach was clearly seen in New York City and later on the Cayman Islands in the company of Prospero.[7] It is unknown if the source of this information was mistaken, or if that means that Dracula's sire was someone else entirely (possibly the elder lord Ruthven), or even that someone could be posing as Lambach and fooling the one he presumes to be his childer.[8]
For the real life historical figure see Vlad the Impaler.
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cru5h-cascades · 1 year
Stuff That Should Be in Drizzle Season 2023
Wazzup wazzup everyone! So I've been seeing a bunch of concepts for next season (kinda sensible since Sizzle Season was sort of a letdown) and I decided "Hey, why don't I make some concepts myself?" And so here we are! Anyways, let's get this show started!
Custom Spawners
Okay, so this one's been alrady conceptualized by others already but I kind of want to build onto it. I like the idea of being able to change the color of the spawners and add stickers, but let's take it a step forward: new variants! Instead of being restricted to the good ol' coffee machine we've known since that fateful February in 2021, we should be able to get spawners in completely different styles! The variants wouldn't add anything to gameplay and would be completely for asthetic reasons, but it'd give us some more customization options! Here's some ideas for variants:
A clam shell
A tiki head
A toy shark (mirroring how Shiver respawns in RotM)
Drone (looking sort of like the helicopters in Splatoon 2)
2. New Stages
Alright now for something a bit more original: what new stages should we get next season? Welp, when it comes to returning stages, WE NEED URCHIN UNDERPASS BACK DAMNNIT!!! Urchin Underpass is one of the most iconic stages in the Splatoon series. Hell, it's even in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for god's sake! What better way to celebrate Splatoon 3's aniversary than to bring back one of the best stages in the series! Also, I'm just so sick and tired of only being able to play on the stage in Mario Kart (I... never played the first game...). However, if we're getting Side Order next season, maybe we can bring back Starfish Mainstage or The Reef (two of the stages shown off in the S2's reveal trailer) instead. Anyways when it comes to new stages I've been thinking maybe we can get a stage in a movie theater. The stage would have its own unique mechanic where halfway through the battle the lighting becomes darker, making it slightly harder to see enemies, with only a few areas of the stage being lit up a bit, adding onto the entire chaos theme of S3. As for what this stage would be called... I'd call it "Deep Blue Cinema".
3. New Gear
Okay so since there's a bunch of evidence suggesting that Side Order might be coming out soon, Naturally folks would want some gear from S2 to come back. However, I think we can do more with that. Maybe we should add in gear resembling Agent 4 and 8's hero gear (including armor because seriously I love the armor sets in S2 they just look so cool), too (since Side Order's a new hero mode, duh). Other than that, I don't have that much to say here.
4. New Weapons/Specials
When it comes to new kits for existing weapon types, we should get a new stringer kit (fitting for the game's anniversary), a new dynamo roller (GOLDEN DYNAMO), a new undercover brella (unpopular opinion; I was an undercover enjoyer in S2, after all; I'm waiting for a good kit for the weapon to come out) and perhaps new splat dualies. When it comes to new specials (we already had new wepons this season), the only one I could think about is some sort of special that creates copies of your character made out of ink that can go and attack folks on the other team (these clones don't respawn after getting splatted).
This category speaks for itself. WE NEED SIDE ORDER TO COME OUT AND FAST. Strands of code have been discovered for Side Order in the game's code and we know the big reward for Side Order already, so it looks like Side Order's coming out very soon. People have been speculating we'd be getting more official news on the DLC during the S3 World Championships (Sept. 4th), and i feel like that possibility isn't too far fetched. As for when the DLC could launch (if it comes out next season), the DLC could probably launch on Sept. 9th (S3's anniversary).
Anyways, that was some of the stuff that I hope comes out next season! What do y'all want to in Drizzle Season 2023 Tell me in da comments/reblogs!
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Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzDhVwKI6--x2scvEAI6Jow/join In this video, we take a deep dive into the highly anticipated Super Mario trailer that has taken the gaming world by storm. Join us as we analyze every detail of the trailer, from the stunning graphics to the exciting new gameplay features. We'll also discuss the rumors and speculations surrounding the game's release date and storyline. Whether you're a die-hard Mario fan or just a casual gamer, this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to stay up-to-date on the latest in the gaming world. So grab your controller and get ready to jump into the world of Super Mario like #SuperMario #Nintendo #Gaming #VideoGames #MarioBros #MarioKart #MarioParty #NintendoSwitch #NintendoDirect #GamerLife #GamingCommunity #GamingNews #Gameplay #TrailerAnalysis #NewRelease #GamingInsider #GamingReview #GamingChannel #YouTubeGaming #LetsPlay #GamingContent #GamingVideos #MarioFans #SuperMarioWorld #SuperMarioOdyssey #SuperMarioGalaxy #SuperMario NEWS ABOUT THE PROJECT Directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic (collaborators on Teen Titans Go!, Teen Titans Go! To the Movies) from a screenplay by Matthew Fogel (The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part, Illuminations's Minions: The Rise of Gru), the film stars Chris Pratt as Mario, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, Charlie Day as Luigi, Jack Black as Bowser, Keegan-Michael Key as Toad, Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong, Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong, Kevin Michael Richardson as Kamek and Sebastian Maniscalco as Spike. The film is produced by Illumination founder and CEO Chris Meledandri and by Shigeru Miyamoto for Nintendo. The film will be co-financed by Universal Pictures and Nintendo and released worldwide by Universal Pictures, CAST Chris Pratt as Mario Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach Charlie Day as Luigi Jack Black as Bowser Keegan-Michael Key as Toad Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong Kevin Michael Richardson as Kamek Sebastian Maniscalco as Foreman Spike Charles Martinet, who voices Mario and various other characters in the franchise, will also appear in undisclosed cameo roles, © 2023 Nintendo | Universal Studios | Illumination COPYRIGHT Do you have a copyright issue? Please contact [email protected] and we'll do all we can to help! The footage used in our videos falls under the US description of fair use as stated under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976; all of our videos are transformative in nature, use no more of the original than necessary, and have no negative effect on the market for the original work(s). This means our videos don't affect the copyright owner's ability to profit from their original work Furthermore, our editorial-based videos also meet the requirements based on commentary and criticism. Disclaimer: Concept Trailers on the IKECHI WIGWE channel are fan-made trailers that explore and sometimes parody the potential concept, style, and theme of upcoming movies in beloved franchises. We create these trailers to spark discussion between pop culture fans and visually speculate on what we'd love to see in future movies. Please note that our trailers are not official or endorsed by any studios or filmmakers."
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