#markarth dlc
oc-culture · 4 months
I wanted to do a fic where I did the Greymoor Chapter for Elder Scrolls Online and then the Markarth DLC, but now I'm considering just doing the Markarth DLC but now I'm not so sure. I'll probably just do both but I'm a beginner fic writer so I'm terrible. 😭😭😭😭
*It'll also be 80% canon compliant but 20% canon divergent as well if that helps.*
This post.
First of all, I do love some good effort to be canon compliant, instead of throwing it all out of the window. <3
(Seeing it happen too often with OCs stories, most notably romances, where accomplishment of other characters are taken and given to the OC to make them more important. Not a big fan personally.)
Unfortunately again I am not familiar with the games lore and I wish I could help, but it seems I can only give it to the people again.
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feykrorovaan · 11 months
I had Miraak sit on my Dragonborn's lap during the peace talks and all I could think was what a ridiculous power move it was.
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drxgony · 5 months
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Never separate a girly from their favourite NPC
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rosenfey · 1 year
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⊰ exploring blackreach. —
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bam-monsterhospital · 2 years
zenimax and fake geek boys and even elderscrolls mainstream lore (the games) taking a giant muscley red 4-armed fire demon dude who only apparently seeks to destroy and burn everything, pointing, and being like “god of change.”
dagon should be the tower tarot card. you want him to be associated with natural disasters? great! let’s walk that pier: dagon should be the embodiment of sudden violent unforseen change. but still change, AND CHANGE ISN’T EVIL. it’s not good it’s not evil, dagon should be neutral and not bound by ideas of ‘EVIL DEMON FIRE MAN’.  Ambition falls within his sphere, as it falls under attempts for change, and of cOURSE he’d approve that shit, but ambition in and of itself is NOT EVIL. fuck man. i’m so sick of this christianity-laden bullshit.
tldr: mehrunes dagon should only be about change, not evil, not just destruction.
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darling-leech · 2 years
So just how big was/is Blackreach anyways? Like was is the entire length of the Skyrim province or bigger?
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unsettlingcreature · 1 month
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The adventures of A'chievement the Hunter, part four
Did I play Skyrim for twelve hours straight? Yes. Did I get another nine achievements in that time? Also yes. Did I finish every daedric quest apart from Hermaeus Mora's? Yes again. That's my explanation for a lack of screenshots in this post. I was on the GRIND.
I've never actually done all of the daedric quests before. Boethiah's was entirely new to me and I sent Faendal up to the sacrificial pillar. Namira's was ALSO new to me and wow, Markarth really is the worst city??? Conspiracies, Molag Bal's holiday home, a cannibalistic cult, stone beds... pick a struggle.
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I also finished the Thieves' Guild quest, as well as restoring it to its former glory. I was kind of dreading it because all the guides online made it out to be this tedious thing... it actually got done pretty quickly with only a smidge of bounty acquirement. They did try to apprehend me while Whiterun was literally Under A Fucking Attack. I also cracked out the College of Winterhold quests and got that all done and dusted. Goodbye Winterhold, you miserable little town.
I think the only non-DLC questlines waiting for me are the Dark Brotherhood, main questline and the Civil War. I want to avoid doing the DB and MSQ for as long as possible because I've done them so many times that I find them tedious now. I genuinely would rather finish the Civil War and build another two houses before I do those. I really don't want to go to the Thalmor Embassy again.
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argisthebulwark · 2 months
riverwood, riften, and markarth for the skyrim asks!
!! thank u my friend!!! <3<3 skyrim ask game
Riverwood - Hadvar or Ralof? Why? I always choose Hadvar lol. i think it's just habit. when i first started playing all those decades ago i don't even think i knew it was a choice. and i prefer going to Alvor's house after escaping helgen, it's very homey to me.
Riften - What's your favorite Guild? How do you feel about their questline? Feels fairly obvious that my favorite is the Thieves Guild lmao. i adore them. i love their hideout, i love the characters, i love the story, i love killing Mercer. i've always been insane about rogue characters in fantasy media, so meeting Brynjolf in like 2011 altered my brain chemistry. I really love the questline, but it does feel a bit dated when you go back and play it today. like yeah, it's predictable and it's pretty on rails the whole time, but i still love it. it's the first questline i play when i start a new save.
Markarth - If you could rewrite one questline in Skyrim, which would it be? Oh man, that's difficult. i think it would be Dragonborn DLC. when i first heard that the literal First Dragonborn was going to come fuck my shit up, i thought it would be so intense!! and then he just kinda steals your souls until you go fight him. Of course i'm incredibly biased, since I'd write some enemies to lovers "I could make you worse" storyline that absolutely would not fit in vanilla skyrim lmao
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dalekofchaos · 2 days
Return of the Dwemer.
the Dwemer returning just as suddenly as they left. Maybe go to a city and find it overrun with Dwarves and you have to escape and get together a band of warriors from both sides of the civil war in order to save Skyrim from annihilation or join the Dwemer. As part of the dlc you would get the option of having up to four followers.
Another cool option for a small add-on would be a homebase for your followers like in fallout: New Vegas. A fort where you could send them and make it a thriving community of followers
Post-Civil War. We get to see what happens after you win the Civil War. How Skyrim thrives after Imperial or Stormcloak victory. You crush the last Imperial or Stormcloak hold outs and execute the remaining generals of the losing side. If you helped the Imperials win, you could stop a Thalmor plot attempting to put Elisif on the throne to be their puppet. You could have Elenwen removed from Skyrim and decide who ultimately becomes High King/Queen Of Skyrim. Ultimately it comes down to Balgruuf or Elisif. If you helped the Stormcloaks win. You help Ulfric eliminate all opposition to his ascension to High King and help the Stormcloaks kill the Thalmor Justiciars and eventually burn the Thalmor Embassy to the ground.
Thalmor invasion of Skyrim some time in the future. Set up for a massive battle. You go to help the Legion/Stormcloaks, you have to recruit the remaining enemy Legionnaires/Stormcloaks. Basically every follower you've had and given crazy good equipment to us there. The Blades are all there if you rebuilt them. For some plot reason you have Talos's actual personal amulet which reduces Shout cool down by 100%. You ride Odaahving over the Thalmor Flagship, followed by Duurnehviir. Storm Call. Become Ethereal and leap off your dragon, landing on the deck surrounded by the leaders of the Thalmor. Pull out Wuuthrad. Go to town.
End result is that the Thalmor invasion of Skyrim is utterly defeated and their ability to attack Cyrodiil is severely crippled.
giving the Bard's College a bigger, more fleshed-out quest and adding the ability to play instruments would be neat. You could play instruments, there could be skill books that level your bard skills or song books that would be like spelltomes where you learn new songs. For quests you could have to perform in front of various audiences.
The Forsworn. There are hints throughout the game that they are planning something big, letters found in several camps etc. But other than the forsworn conspiracy there’s not much there. A branching quest line that builds off of that quest, about retaking the Reach or fighting against the Forsworn would be cool. Could even maybe spill over into a hold of High Rock.
For the Forsworn, it depends on what you chose for the Forsworn conspiracy. If you killed Madanach(and everyone in the prison) then you hear reports of the Forsworn planning a massive attack on the Reach planning to avenge their king and retake the Reach. It's clear the Forsworn will not stop these constant attacks on the Reach, so you have to put them down.
If you sided with the Forsworn, you get to help the Forsworn retake the Reach. Displace the Nords, killing the Silverblood family and retake Markarth. Madanach replaces whomever the Jarl was but as king. The Imperials would work with the Forsworn ran Markarth, but The Stormcloaks would not, so better to only choose this path if the Imperials win the Civil War.
The Last of the Snow Elves: Lost tribe of Snow Elves seeks to rebuild their civilization. They seek out other healthy tribes, search for a solution to heal the afflicted Falmer, fight to reclaim their ancestral home, and they seek revenge on those factions still working to eradicate them. This could certainly be a fairly long and interesting DLC. We could get into political shit with the descendants of Nords who still hold a grudge, could get another Elder Scroll on the scene by finding out one of them has the ability to undo the tricks of the Dwemer, some weird time travel shit to find out more about that Elder Scroll, more about the motiviations of the Dwemer.
Post-Paarthurnax Dilemma. If you sided with Delphine, you will aid in re-establishing a new guild of warriors 'Dragonguard' by allocating resources and taking over forts across the province, and prepare an incursion into the heartlands against the false Empire and their Thalmor masters. If you sided with the Greybeards, you will start a new academy for teaching the voice, and train a league of dragon-riding warrior monks set out to extinguish the undead legions of a resurrected dragon priest - a master necromancer and the teacher of Vals Varen and Lu'ah Al-Skaven - who wants to use the buried and recently-dead of Skyrim to conquer the province for himself.
Akavari. An Akaviri expedition arrives on the shores of Eastmarch, having heard the cries of the return of the dragons. They've come searching for the Dragonborn and to join in the hunt for dragons. You venture across the province on dragon hunts with several key new characters, testing your mantle against new dangerous species of dragons in new and old re-vamped locations.
After several successful ventures and proving yourself to the Akaviri captains, they proclaim you as their new leader, and advise you to forge your own kingdom in Tamriel. If you sided with the Empire, you must now usurp their claim upon Skyrim and push the remanent of Tullius' legion out by force, for the Mede Dynasty refuses to acknowledge your new seat of power in Skyrim. If you sided with the Stormcloaks, you must usurp Ulfric's claim as high king before the moot, and convince each of the hold's Jarls, either through favour or battle, to submit to your righteous authority.
I feel like The Dragonborn becoming Emperor could be for Skyrim, what The Shivering Isles was for Oblivion. See this post on what a Dragonborn becoming Emperor could look like
The Psijic Order. Magic in skyrim doesn't really feel too fleshed out, There could be quests that give you entirely different spells instead of the usual 5 spells plus reskins. It could have you solve the mystery on why they never had much screentime.
And at the end, it could have you restoring winterhold
Dragonborn Conquest. Similar to my Dragonborn Emperor concept, but doing it for the good of the people of Skyrim.
The premise would be that the Dragonborn is sick to death of this wretched Civil War. One side is subservient to the true enemy and the other side is full of racists. The Imperials have literal criminals as Jarls(Maven and Siddgeir) Stormcloaks have paranoid lunatics and the corrupt as Jarls. Both sides have good arguments, but both cannot be allowed to control Skyrim. So the Dovahkiin decides it’s time for the people to open their eyes and take Skyrim back for the people. Nords, Imperials, Redguards, Elves, Argonians and the Khajit.
The Dragonborn’s promises
The Khajit caravans get to gain entry in the cities of Skyrim instead of being forced on the outskirts
Restoring Talos worship
Argonians gain entry into Windhelm instead of being forced on the docks
The Dunmer will receive better housing than the Grey Quarter
All citizens of Skyrim will be treated equally under the new High King
Proper Jarls to rule and govern their holds and to maintain stability, peace and justice to their people instead of ruling out of greed or power
An end to the Civil War by any means necessary
An end to corrupt families like the Black Briars and Silver-Bloods
Rebuilding Winterhold
Giving The Reach back to the Forsworn
The execution of Ulfric Stormcloak and expulsion of General Tullius and the Legion.
The final promise. An end to the Thalmor Justiciar witch hunts and kidnappings and the forced removal of the Thalmor from Skyrim
So yeah, The Dragonborn should’ve been able to become High King of Skyrim and rule for the good of the people of Skyrim. Be able to handpick the Jarls for the good of the land and been able to side against the Stormcloaks, Imperials and Thalmor.
The Dragonborn's death is inevitable, but the Daedra are scheming to keep the Dragonborn's soul after his death, while the Aedra want to reward the Dragonborn with Soverngarde.
Was inspired by this
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joygaytrash · 4 months
Storylines/Quests/Other things that will most likely get covered in the Reborn Au
The Main storyline, obviously. Along with the Markarth/Cidhna mine storyline. Perhaps this is where Miraak starts to understand humanity
The Dawnguard DLC!! Another point where Miraak starts to understand people and humanity
Perhaps the Dark Brotherhood Quest. Idk if that'd be his thing. I need to do some research. The same goes for the Thieves Guild.
The various daedric weapons quests we can do!! It will depend on the other princes' relationship with Herma Mora
Miraak will also collect whatever dragon priest masks that aren't tied to quests. He would feel like he owes it to them
College Of Winterhold. He needs to hit the books again like he did in the past.
The many, many miscellaneous quests we get. He's gotta stay busy. (Plus just some silly ideas I have in mind- like Miraak fighting Ulfric /j)
The Dragonborn DLC. He feels like it's time for him to confront his past self- his last mistakes.
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whosyourvladi · 1 year
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the-airie · 2 years
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I drew this Verandis 2 years ago just as Markarth DLC was about to go live.
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minty-plumbob · 1 year
I got all of the achievements in skyrim! ;0; (some screenshots below cut~ and spoilers)
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it was nice to have a single play through of the main story and dlcs!
the worst achievement to get was the 1000 bounty in each hold... I felt terrible for the guards (the guards in markarth swarmed me too!)
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saturniandragon · 2 months
Please answer any or all of the Skyrim ask game questions you want! I want to hear whatever you're willing to tell me!
Oh my god Emily you can't be doing this to me /j
Welp, here goes!
Helgen - Who was your first Skyrim character? Do you still make anything with them/play as them now?
My first Skyrim character is actually 2 different characters. If by "first" you mean the first character I made from the character creation, it would be a male Argonian named Adrastea (yes named after my dragonsona). But if by "first" you mean the first character that completed the main quest, it was a male Khajiit named Draqanar.
I talked about this in my inpiration behind my tes ocs post, so do check that out!
Riverwood - Hadvar or Ralof? Why?
Hadvar. Honestly I only chose Hadvar because in my first time playing, at the opening scene in Helgen, I was so overwhelmed by whatever the fuck was happening around me and just chose to follow the first NPC I saw in front of me, which happened to be Hadvar.
Whiterun - Do you tend to do Bleak Falls Barrow before or after meeting with Farengar?
Usually I visit BFB before going to Whiterun, by triggering Lucan Valerius' quest in Riverwood trader. Saves me some time because I don't have to go to Riverwood, go to Whiterun and go back to Riverwood again. Although, from a lore/story standpoint, I think Bethesda intended the players to go to BFB after meeting Farengar. Which I find to be more immersive.
Ivarstead - How do you feel about the Greybeards and Paarthurnax?
Cool chill old men and cool chill old dragon! I could never side with Delphine again after she tells me to kill grandpaarth. Luckily I've found a way to get around that.
I do wish Bethesda did a bit more with them though, like why can't I talk about Miraak with Arngeir or Paarthurnax? I hope there will be some mods to address that. We have voice synthesizer tools now like xVASynth and ElevenLabs, so I'm just waiting for someone to take one for the team and create a mod like that.
Morthal - Do you enjoy exploring dungeons and ruins? Why or why not?
Matter of fact, I do! Especially when it's night time, because 90% of my characters are stealth snipers. I embrace the darkness like a friend. It's even more satisfying when using mods that let me one shot kill enemies via headshots. One of my favorite shootout places is Treva's Watch, there's a stony cliff just across the river that makes perfect sniping position. I love it.
Kynesgrove - What's your favorite non-major city/town/settlement?
I don't know if I have one. Riverwood and Dragon Bridge both are nice, but I don't really feel any particular attachment to them, or any minor settlements. My favorite place has just been Whiterun since the beginning.
Markarth - If you could rewrite one questline in Skyrim, which would it be?
Dragonborn DLC. Initially I didn't have problems with it, but like I mentioned before, there's almost no connection between Miraak's story and the Greybeard's and Paarthurnax's acknowledgement. We could just settle with "Miraak was so terrible that Arngeir and Paarth don't want to talk about him" reasoning, but then so was the Dragonrend shout. And they had dialogue options about it.
Idk, it's just subpar to me after repeated playthroughs. Deep down I feel like Bethesda only made that DLC for the sake of wanting to give Morrowind fans nostalgia.
But I do have to give them credit for one thing, and that is this music:
See I've never played Morrowind before Skyrim. But when this music hits, it made me feel all fuzzy. Like "wow this is very Morrowindy." And it is, because it's original TES3: Morrowind soundtrack. I think it's a powerful moment when a music can convey a message even to those who have no prior experience. Good stuff.
Blackreach - What's your favorite enemy in the game? What's your least favorite? Why?
Favorite enemy actually I think was Harkon in the Dawnguard DLC. Really the game forces you to wield Auriel's Bow to defeat him (well, probably not, but I don't see how you can beat him otherwise, esp without Sunhallowed arrows). I'm already an experienced virtual archer before Dawnguard. Watching him disintegrate to blood red messy dust pile at the end was gratifying.
Least favorite is any dragon priest (Vokun, Krosis, etc). If you've had experience trying to fight dragon priests as an archer, you'll know that their hitbox is absolute dogshit. Arrows have a large tendency to just pass through them without doing damage. I've been scouring the internet trying to find a mod that fixes their hitbox but nothing has turned up yet. Nowadays I use TK Dodge RE to make the fight a bit fairer.
Throat of the World - How do you feel about "Season Unending"?
Oh God, where to start? Imperials and Stormcloaks. These two care more about the defeat of the other, more than the fate of the mortal realm. I hate it. And there's no way to make both sides like your decision either, no matter which options you choose, even the ones that you think are the fairest options.
I tend to side with the Empire. Not that that's saying much, because around 2022 I learned that both sides are equally shitty. Scylla and Charybdis situation, I suppose.
There's only one good Season Unending, this one:
Skuldafn - How do you feel about dragon priests?
Dogshit hitboxes, like I previously said. Nothing more than that.
Sovngarde - How would your Last Dragonborn celebrate after the battle with Alduin, or would they celebrate at all?
I've actually been waiting to answer this one.
My current LDB is a Khajiit named Merri'sa. She's not fighting Alduin because she's following her destiny as Dragonborn. She's fighting Alduin on a personal level; a revenge for burning down her hometown before the events of Skyrim (fanon).
But for her, there's nothing to celebrate. Because she knows that nothing can bring back her memories.
So, she opted for a quiet life in Whiterun, before finally going back home to Cyrodiil.
I'm actually in the process of writing her story from start to finish, which I will upload some day in the future, either on tumblr, AO3, Wattpad, or all of them. I plan to upload the entirety of it at once, instead of chapter by chapter. So keep an eye out!
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rosenfey · 1 year
[ can only have 10 answers so had to merge those that are in the same country, sorry ]
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star-lit-mist · 1 year
Favorite Skyrim elves and why?
If you had to live in Skyrim, what do you think you’d be eating?
Irl topic—
Do you think sorcery should be illegal?
It is, where I’m from.
I’d say my favorite Skyrim elves would be:
-Sondas Drenim, you can meet him in Darkwater crossing, he’s the sweet dark elf miner who cares about his fellow miners and he also babysits a little girl
-Ondolmar, the Thalmor justiciar in Markarth
-Ancano, Thalmor advisor at the college in Winterhold (even tho I wanna kick his ass so bad every time I see him breathing)
-Faendal, Wood elf in riverwood
-Runil, Altmer in Falkreath, former Thalmor
-Teldryn Sero, dark elf mercenary you can hire in Raven rock, I like his comments he makes about the different places you’d visit
-Neloth, master wizard of house Telvanni, I just really like when he says “now where did I put it… OH YEAH-“ crazy bag of bones
-Gelebor, I just wanna hold him aight?!?, he’s so nice- and always so happy to see you when you return- ughh the things I’d do to this mer- I mean what?-
Now if I had to live in Skyrim, I’d probably be eating a lot of soups and growing my own food, I like the farming lifestyle that comes with the Hearthfire DLC, plus I like gardening
And as for Sorcery, I really have no preference as long as it’s not like destroying my community, where I live I don’t think many people even care, a close friend of mine is even a descendent of an old Coven.
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