exocynraku · 29 days
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eggfeather · 1 year
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lightningwaters · 10 months
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frostconebite · 1 year
Designs for an upcoming map part
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yumequeenbr · 10 months
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i made a cute headcanon marshscar from vanishing moom being snowtuft dad
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rookwcdesigns · 2 years
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skyscratch-wc · 2 years
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hawksheadcanonblog · 1 year
Headcanon - Marshscar/star went to the Dark Forest. Following Finchstar “killing his leader”, he was never truly convinced and launched many attacks on his fellow leader for the smallest reasons. StarClan decided he was too violent for their hunting grounds and banished him to the Dark Forest.
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rosemist50 · 1 year
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Code 10 has Thunderclan leader and deputy Finchstar and Daisyheart, Shadowclan leader and deputy Ripplestar and Marshscar, Skyclan leader Hawkstar and former leader Dewstar, Windclan leader Dovestar and Riverclan leader Reedstar. Then Code 11 has Poppycloud and her son Mottlepaw, their leader and deputy Rowanstar and Nightmask, and Oddfoot and Morningmist, all Skyclan. Lionstar and his deputy Greeneyes, as well as Oatwhisker, are Thunderclan.
Originally posted on IG August 2022
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antenanotaic3 · 4 months
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Originally posted on November 1st, 2021
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bonefall · 8 months
Sure! He's a supporting character in Ripplestar's Rot, and becomes leader of ShadowClan after the Great Pancakening at the Battle of the Gathering.
I wrote about him and every leader post-Ripplestar over here
Marshpaw was a little older than Ripplekit when he was brought to the Clan, just newly apprenticed. Their apprenticeships overlapped and they were teenage friends.
Marsh has always been a sort of quiet dude, he's never been a go-getter. More of a steady, practical guy.
He was friends with Spottedpelt and Gorseclaw too, him and Gorse were the more "level headed" people in the group.
His first name was Marshtail. "Scar" is an Honor Title.
Him and Ripplemoon were young warriors when they became mates. Marshtail could tell you that he liked his passion and drive, but, it would be a half truth. He can't really pick anything in particular that is his favorite trait
He could spend a day stuck in a tree hole with him and it would be enjoyable. He just likes his vibe, he likes to be with him.
There's not much to say about him before the ending of Ripplestar's Rot, because he's a mild guy. His ideal life would have been being a background character who goes on patrol a lot lmao
But at the death of Ripplestar and Spottedpelt, suddenly he was thrust into power he NEVER wanted, in the middle of mourning the loss of his mate and his extended family, and the end of a war he'd given everything to.
His heart broken, he had to clean up what Ripplestar left behind. The other three leaders blamed ShadowClan for everything, and the war had taken a chunk out of the population.
Especially in ShadowClan, with a ton of their warriors being slaughtered at the Gathering. Because of Gorseclaw, they'd seen the attack coming and prepared by only bringing their strongest warriors.
In fury, Dalestar of WindClan and Birchstar of RiverClan exiled many of the outed rebels within their ranks
So, Marshstar was dealing with the other Clans baying for a severe punishment of ShadowClan, adding a flood of new commandments to the code, and also a political refugee crisis
This was a mess. An exhausting, painful mess
It didn't get better, either. No matter what Marshstar did, someone was going to be furious. He couldn't appease the other Clans while maintaining ShadowClan, so, they started exacting revenge by attacking constantly.
(And, mind you, this was the age of Kit Stealing and pillaging. These attacks were high-stakes)
Eventually he stopped apologizing or even negotiating at all. ShadowClan became a sort of secluded, defensive nut that shared very little news, and even skipped Gatherings a few times.
But even that didn't please his warriors. They wanted the Gatherings. They wanted their own revenge. Even as the population recovered, Marshstar refused to do anything else.
The rest of his life felt like he was just biding time. 9 long lives without Ripplestar felt like a curse.
He did do one thing though-- when Houndfang was young, she was a goddamn punk. Little rebel without a cause, the Clan used to be frustrated that she was given such a ferocious name; she could have used a name to calm her down instead :/
She reminded Marshstar of a casual discussion about warrior names he had with Ripplestar, once. About how he liked names that simply made sense, and didn't need to be defended with prose. A Hound and its Fangs
He took a shining to Houndkit, in his melancholic way. She liked bothering him, he wouldn't snap at her or push her away. He would even sometimes enable her-- telling her little tricks for sneaking past the big warriors or giving her advice on how to persuade them to do what she wanted.
So the habit only got "worse." She had absolutely no fear of him as an apprentice and would just announce her opinion to his face.
thinking about it, Marshstar probably took her as an apprentice towards the end of her time as Houndpaw, after getting in too many fights with her mentor and the mentor trying to appeal for a delay of her assessment until she learned respect.
"Hm. No. I don't want her spirit broken. I think the other Clans deserve some hell, actually."
Houndfang didn't have ambition as a kid, she didn't know what she wanted. Marshstar gave her an outlet and it became electricity in her veins.
She quickly took over the Clan when she became deputy, and was more of a leader than he ever was. He just let her start running it.
I feel like he cast his name off, just before he died. He did not want to be Marshstar, he wanted to return to Marshscar, so he held a renaming ceremony for himself and passed on leadership officially.
ShadowClan was reignited in a way it hadn't been in years when Houndstar took power. In the passionate cheering of the crowd, Marshscar slipped away.
No one ever saw him again after that. He was probably sick and went somewhere he could pass away in solitude. Cat behavior
His heart remained with Ripplestar for the entirety of his long life, and for him, it was a relief when it was finally over.
When he got to StarClan, they tried to put him on trial. He got frustrated shortly into it. Ripplestar and Spottedpelt are not here so Literally Why Should I Care?
And they're going to throw this big bombastic ballyhoo, why? To posture? For who? This is pointless and quite frankly embarassing.
He actually interrupted the court proceedings with an Excuse Me. I Don't Want This.
"Thank you for your time. This has been a waste of mine."
It's kind of funny to think that if Houndstar knew about what her mentor did here she would flip her shit at him lmao.
Honestly, he does not mind being in Hell. Like, at all. He'll follow Ripplestar wherever, but in Skypelt I can imagine him making occasional statements about missing the taste of bloodsap or something.
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frostconebite · 1 year
It's Map part-time, happy new year!
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yumequeenbr · 11 months
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ripplestar's deputy and "leader or shadowclan"
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Let's talk about Conflict Names.
If you've scrolled the Warriors Wiki, you've probably seen this message at least once.
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And in a universe FULL of name combinations and new prefixes and suffixes being added all the time, it's... Odd. How do names like Robinwing and Seedpelt get used so many times? Why are there 2 Nightstar's now? WHY ARE THERE 3 BIRCHSTARS AND 3 DARKSTARS?
Well, I think it would be nice to change that. In-Universe, all apprentices still go to the Moonstone/Moonpool to foster a connection with Starclan. Starclan will show the leader who goes with them all the name "slots" of the cats who have come before.
Sometimes, in an extremely rare circumstance, there have been multiple cats with the same name (this is more... easter egg for wcr/comedic effect; but lore-wise, Starclan will often not provide the names of Dark Forest cats in an attempt to "erase" them), but it can never be a leader. There cannot be 2 Firestar's, ever. A Star cannot lead if it is being outshone by another.
Where the fun lies, is that sometimes, a leader will give up their leader name in Starclan, freeing up that slot. Heatherstar gave up hers to go back to being Heatherstep, as she did not enjoy being leader. Heatherstar would now be a valid name again. Also, the ancient 2 word names (Sky Petal, Cloud Spots, Blue Whisker, Briar Bloom) do not take up slots. Post-mortem names, such as Swiftpaw being named Swiftclaw, or Mapleshade's kits, also do not take up slots.
During Tigerheart's Light, Starclan ran into a bit of a pickle. Tigerheart was going to become Leader, but there has been a Tigerstar in history who did not give up his name when he went to the Dark Forest. But... His spirit had faded away! But... The memory of him hasn't...
When they asked Tigerheart "Do you wish to be Tigerstar?" What Tigerheart WANTED to say was:
"Sure. It sounds like a good name. Though I have some bad memories with it too, and my relationship with my mother is really strained now because of it, I'm also not sure of the Clans will like having another Tigerstar around. Maybe it's not such a good idea."
All he managed to get out was "Sure. It sounds like a good name-" before Starclan slapped the title onto him without a second thought.
With that MAJOR issue out of the way, let's get to the renaming of cats! Note: Renames are not done on basis of who came first, but which one I like better for the cat. I think Frecklewish fits the Thunderclan cat more than the Skyclan one.
Note: This post is not complete and was only posted due to the Tumblr app being trash. I will repeatedly reblog this with more names added. Thank you.
Rabbitleap (TC) is now named Rabbitsong
Beechfur (TC) is now named Beechtuft.
Seedpelt (Mapleshade's Vengeance) has now been somewhat fused with Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice). Now a molly whose fur is streaked gray with age, and her name is Seedwhisker.
Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice) has been partially fused, as seen above, but the leftover cat (ew) has been named Dragonflypelt.
Seedpelt (FQ) is THE Seedpelt. Seedpaw is almost named Seedpelt as well (that's that little joke I mentioned, but also a sign that Bramblestar's got NO idea what he's doing)
Owlstar (SoTC) and Owlstar (CoTC) have been fused, the way they should have been.
Cloudberry (TC) is now Splashberry.
Applefur (TF) is now named Applefang.
Ashfur (ShC) is now given the very simple Honor Title Ashclaw by Nightstar, and comes out of retirement.
Marshscar now becomes Marshstar to avoid a future Conflict Name with Marshkit, who will become Marshscar.
Mudclaw (ShC) is now named Mudstep.
Buster, who used to be Rippletail, is now named... Well he still becomes Buster, but BEFORE that he's named Droptail. Pun.
Hollystar has been renamed Birdstar, Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower's daughter.
Shadepelt (AVoS) is now named Shadenose, and is the sister of Foxnose and an OC, Bumblenose.
Mintfur (RC) is now Mintwhisker, named after Mintclaw (Silverpaw TPB) a Rebel who was killed fighting against Tigerclan alongside his mothers Waterfern and Tangleburr.
Silverpaw (BOTC) is now in Windclan, as they need more padding, and OOTS Riverclan has enough apprentices. Their name is now Streampaw, and they become Streamsong. They are the offspring of Rustlewish, who adopted them from Riverclan, hence the name.
Applefrost and Appleshine actually had their names swapped. Appleshine is now the daughter of Appledusk and Reedshine. Applefrost is now Breezpelt and Heathertail's daughter.
Nightstar (RC) now never becomes leader, as Riverstar outlives her during Riverstar's Life towards the end. She and Nightheart (Ro) are now the same cat. She was inspired by a strange cat named Nightheart and made her name Night Heart.
Milkfur (YS) is now named Milkpatch, both after her mother and the slowly growing white patches in her fur. Her brother is named Troutfin (the name she was mistakenly given in the preview for Yellowfang's Secret) and he gave Hailstar a life!
Thrushpelt (WC) is now not only a girl, but this lady WAS named Thrushpelt and earned the title Thrushleaf for her handling of the epidemic caused by sick rabbits.
Gorsetail (TNP) is now named Eveningtail.
Wrenflight (WC) does start out as Wrenflight, but after her actions supporting The Rebels against Tigerstar, helping Tangleburr and Waterfern free prisoners at risk of her own life, Tallstar renamed her Wrensky, freeing up the Wrenflight slot for the Skyclan one.
Birchstar (WC) is now Warblerstar, she is an ancestor to Onestar through his grandfather, Woollytail.
Frecklewish (SkC) is now named Freckleshine.
Birchstar (SkC) is still Birchstar, but stepped down at his death, going back to being just Birch, the same one in DOTC. The second leader of Skyclan. Birchstar (RC) is now the definitive Birchstar.
Rainfur (SkC) is now Rainyfur, his old name having been Rainy, because "oh it's just a coincidence his name was exactly the same as a Clan name" is a pathetic cop-out.
Unknown Clan
Robinwing (SkC) is now Robintail, after her short, fluffy tail.
Emberdawn (TBC) is still Emberdawn... Because no one remembers her, and Starclan doesn't care much about names that aren't attached to it, meaning that TECHNICALLY, there could be another Houndleap, Emberdawn is not in the Dark Forest, but she is also not in Starclan. Her horror story will be revealed eventually, still working on the finer details.
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