plushieclan · 7 months
Moon 4 Gathering
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“Ish dish enough frefkill?” Nightflower muffled through two mice crammed into her mouth.
Darkstar chuckled. “Hey, you shouldn’t have your mouth full when speaking, Nightflower.”
She spits the mice out onto the ground. “Heh, sorry Dad.”
Still, he nodded affirmatively. “With Shimmersky’s fish and Gingerclaw’s bluejay, we should have enough food for the gathering.”
“Darkstar! Darkstar!” a large bundle of orange fur barreled towards the two cats, crashing into Nightflower.
She laughed. “What’s wrong, Tigerkit?”
The ball of fluff straightened himself out until he resembled a normal cat. “Applepaw’s being mean again. She snapped at Pebblekit!”
Darkstar sighed. “Acting out isn’t going to make me change my mind. I’ll have a talk with Blossomtail.”
“About what?” Nightflower asked.
“I decided to have Applepaw stay behind this Gathering. She’s been too irresponsible as of late.”
“I suppose that makes sense.” she probably also would have been sulking if she was left behind.
“You know, since I’m so helpful…” Tigerkit started.
“No Gatherings until you’re an apprentice.” Darkstar sighed.
The Gathering itself was just as bustling. The fresh kill was deposited atop the grates of the flaming barrel for the after-gathering feast. Nightflower still didn’t do well with fire, so she handed off her freshkill to Dawnpaw. She decided to meet up with Lynxpaw and Firepaw while Dawnpaw took care of the food.
Firepaw wasn’t hard to find. Her bright red fur was like a beacon, even among a sea of other ginger cats. She was sat with Lynxpaw, who looked very happy.
“What’s the occasion?” Nightflower asked as she padded over.
“My warrior ceremony!” Lynxpaw declared, the enthusiasm palpable in her voice. “I’m Lynxclaw now.”
Firepaw looked glum. “I wish. My mentor’s been ignoring my training… I’ll never be a warrior at this rate.”
Lynxclaw paused. “I’m sorry Firepaw. That sucks.”
“Ah… whatever. I think Smallcloud is just getting sick or something. I don’t know why he’s been ignoring me.”
“Oh… I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.” Nightflower said. Even Leopardcloud, stuck in the nursery, still made sure she kept up her training when she wasn’t able to be there.
A large silence fell over the Gathering. It was time to start; the first leader stepped to the front. This moon, it was Redstar.
“To start, Swampclan has been well. Our kits are well-fed, and will grow strong. Our apprentices, even more so.” Redstar stated simply, before stepping back.
“I heard that those kits born last moon were his.” Lynxclaw whispered to Nightflower. “Jaggedkit and Sharpkit, I think they’re named. Poor kits. Now they have to turn out evil with those names.”
Nightflower wasn’t so sure, but she wasn’t willing to be scolded for talking during the Gathering.
Next, Finchstar took the front.
“My son and his mate have had a litter of three healthy kits! We thank Starclan for them.” He showed an uncharacteristic amount of emotion, before frowning again. His tone was grave. “Unfortunately, one of our border patrols was ambushed by a coyote. One of our apprentices, Splinterpaw, did not make it. We ask other clans to increase their patrols and stay wary until the coyote has left our lands.”
Whispers carried over the crowd— uncertain, and somewhat panicked, before the Wanderers representative spoke up.
“It will not take long for the coyote to leave. The Twolegs will chase it out once they notice it. Remain alert, but calm, while on patrol.” the representative stepped back, allowing Badgerstar to step forward.
“We have two new warriors, as well as one new cleric apprentice.” he drawled, seemingly not caring. “Lynxclaw, Locustclaw, and Mitepaw.” He paused to allow the clans to cheer.
Nightflower made sure to cheer extra hard for her good friend, who seemed extremely flattered by all the attention. Firepaw, on the other hand, looked like her flames had been doused by a heavy rainfall.
After the noise had died down, he spoke again. “We grieve the loss of our beloved Seedwhisker, who succumbed to illness. May my son carry on his path of benevolence in Starclan, just as he did in life.” he bowed his head, ushering in a moment of silence.
Nightflower looked over at Starleaf. Her mother was close with Seedwhisker, right? He was one of the members of her prophecy journey. Her mother was huddled up with her Grangeclan friends, Dovelight and Pearlheart.
The silence was broken with a single exclamation.
Now, every clan was looking at the three mollies. Pearlheart was staring at the faded outline of a tom, though Nightflower couldn’t pick out any of the details. He was glowing a bright blue, which certainly wasn’t a real pelt color. Was that… a Starclan cat?
“What’s she looking at?” Lynxclaw asked, confusion lacing her voice.
“You don’t see the glowing cat in front of her?” Nightflower said.
Firepaw shook her head. “She’s just staring at nothing.”
“Well, there’s a Starclan cat right in front of her!”
Nightflower quickly looked around. Badgerstar had his head in his paws, and Bonestripe looked shocked. Finchstar merely looked confused, and Redstar was simply annoyed.
Clouds began to crowd around the full moon, blotting out all but a small circle in the middle.
Darkstar took the front, interrupting the moment. “Starclan has spoken. The Gathering has ended for now.” he jumped down, gathering the clanmates.
Nightflower barely had a moment to say goodbye to her friends when she was pulled away with the rest of Crystalclan.
He padded over to Nightflower as they left the Gathering. “Your mother is staying behind.”
“What was that?” Nightflower asked her father.
“You could see it, couldn’t you? How well?” he dodged her question.
“But— well, yes. I could see the glowing blue cat. I couldn’t tell who it was though. Was he from Starclan?”
He nodded to her. “So not well. I see… yes, that glowing cat was a Starclan cat.”
“But why did that ghost appear?”
“To say goodbye.” Darkstar replied. “or maybe to give a warning. We won’t know until we ask your mother.”
“I guess that food will go to waste now…” she said absentmindedly.
“It won’t. Don’t worry about it.” he licked her forehead. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
As he walked away, Nightflower could only wonder what Starclan was thinking. Perhaps she’d ask her mother. Hopefully her mother was willing to share what she’d learned.
“Beware the jagged thorns of the lake, for they will sink into you like a lifeline.” Pearlheart repeated back to the other two.
“What could that mean?” Starleaf asked, worry in her eyes.
“I don’t know Leafy.” Pearlheart had a worried look on her face. “But he said the message was for you.”
Dovelight turned to Starleaf. “If you need extra warriors, Grangeclan will send them.”
Starleaf shook her head. “No. I will not put your clanmates in danger. We will handle this ourselves.”
Pearlheart pressed against Starleaf’s side, letting out a sad huff. “Be safe Leafy. Please.”
“I will, Pearlheart. I promise.” Starleaf spared one last look towards the spot where Seedwhisker supposedly stood, thoughts swirling with confusion and fear.
She turned and walked away.
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blueblossem2 · 6 months
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eggfeather · 1 year
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 5 months
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warrior-cat-pride · 7 months
POV character headcanons (part 4)
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omnisexual driftkit, aroace transgender dustpelt, transfeminine lesbian feathertail
mlm finchstar, pansexual demiboy firestar, aroace flametail
genderflux abrosexual flintfang, caedsexual lesbian frostpaw, lesbian goldenflower
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lemnnshark · 9 months
"Finchstar is a ginger tabby and white tom with amber eyes."
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
Finch never really wandered outside of the forest that she had called home. She was born in this forest, she would likely die here.
Hazelstreak had been very persuasive. This forest also used to be her home- but also a home to many cats. The orange-furred cat gestured a paw to the roots of the tree Finch had used as her home, eyes glinting.
"You," Hazelstreak had said, glee in her aging blue eyes, "have taken residence in what was once the Leader's den." Her look got a bit far away at that point, and a laugh that sounded more sad than anything came out of her. "I was only an apprentice before things fell apart."
Finch had asked what she meant. Hazelstreak didn't answer.
But the thought of the Clans, of being together, having a collective group to care for each other... She was already doing that with Lichen. Lichen, a small cat with light brown fur and a darker brown stripe going down her back, was following behind her, eyes glancing around the new pathway the two had never taken before. Finch made sure to be a little slow for her- and Lichen was happy about it.
Finch had happened upon Lichen, alone in a tree trunk, and had cared for her ever since. 
If that could happen on a wide scale? Caring for each other? Having something to be their own, instead of fighting over small little things? Finch would like that. And she wasn't one to back down from a challenge.
Finch pushed through the last of the bushes, dark brown fur brushing against leaves as she finally made her way to the meeting place that Hazelstreak described. Lichen followed closely behind, only for her eyes to widen as she spotted... other cats.
In the center of a large pool, across a series of rocks, was Hazelstreak... and three other cats. Two of them seemed about as old as Hazelstreak, while the last of the quartet seemed about as old as Finch, except... he seemed to struggle to walk at times. There were old wounds wrapping around his legs.
Around the pool sat multiple small groups. 
Finch did remember what she was told- to gather the cats open to the idea. Seems like she wasn't the only one told that.
One of her group bumped into Lichen- Lightning, almost fully grown, but not quite done growing. Orange fur with dark orange stripes at the side of his face and tail, highlighted by dark blue eyes. One of the others laughed at this, and Lightning turned back to roll his eyes.
The group of cats closest to Finch's group was led by a cat Finch had seen more than the others- one who often ran across the plains that were the closest to the forest. Her eyes were mismatched- blue and yellow staring back at Finch.
"You, as well?" She asked, voice low. She glanced to the cats in the center of the pool, then to Finch. Next to her, similar to Lichen's own position, was a small brown cat with a few darker brown tabby spots lining their body. 
"I suppose so." Finch's eyes glanced over across the pools. It was clear which cats were called by the cats in the center and which cats were simply following those cats- One cat was mostly white with gray ears, and another was a truly battle-scarred tom which she had never seen before, who was mostly white with black patches coming down from his ears to cover his eyes. 
The youngest of the quartet in the center stood up straight. "Loners and rogues, thank you for believing in our chosen four!" He yowled, which immediately drew Finch's attention. His plain light brown coat reminded Finch of Lichen. "If you're here today, I am sure it is because you're curious about what Clans mean for you!"
"... Some of you..." One of the other cats, mostly white with brown tabby patches, opened her eyes. They were barely seeing. "May have had strange dreams. Or a gift with herbs."
Finch sensed one of her own, Speckle, a tom with black speckled fur, tense up. 
"A Clan is not complete... without one who can care for those injured." A smile. "I was... once... one of them."
Hazelstreak nodded, orange tail flicking. "Our Clans fell due to fighting, spreading to the winds. We are their last survivors." A pause, and she slammed her paw down. Finch even saw the wince. "Today, we are not reviving their clans. Today, we are making new ones." Hazelstreak lifted her head up. "Today! You will become something new! A start of a new generation! Fighting for a group is truly an experience you will not want to miss out on!"
"From a group of loners, a group of clans rises. Friendship and fighting, but nothing quite so life and death like the lives you may have been living before." The last of the quartet spoke, his voice soft but still reaching. He was mostly gray, with a speckled gray tail. It wrapped over his paws. "Our lives are ending soon."
Finch felt her eyes going to the youngest of the quartet. Judging by how said cat lifted his head up, so did the other cats.
"Even me, yes." The light brown cat said. "It is... a miracle of Starclan I got this far."
Confused stares.
"You all can determine for yourselves what your clan names are. But whatever it is, it must represent your clan in some way." The quiet one spoke.
"But not Starclan." The barely seeing cat closed her eyes again. "Starclan... are your guides. Your dead companions, littering the sky at night." A laugh, choked. "I will soon meet with my family again."
Hazelstreak nodded. She pat the rocks she and the others were sitting on. "This place, we have determined for a meeting place. Every full moon, the leader and a group of selected cats go to the gathering to discuss clan going ons. It's peaceful, or else..."
The other cats shivered.
"Speaking of leaders..." The light brown cat glanced towards the battle-scarred tom. He blinked back. "Will the four who have gathered the grouped cats today please step forward? Alone."
Finch glanced to Lichen. Lichen nodded her head forward. Finch stepped forward. As she expected, the cats she noticed leading each group stepped forward with her. Hazelstreak's smile grew bigger.
"Starclan works in mystical ways." They all said, at the same time, and the overlapping voices held so much more power in it than Finch thought. Finch shot a glance to the gray and black swirl cat next to her, who gave a worried glance back. Hazelstreak approached, and instead of the dark blue eyes she was used to, they were filled with stars.
"These cats are your leaders, the one who will continue to guide you." Again, a chorus. Again, an echo. Finch couldn't look away from the starry eyes staring back at her.
Hazelstreak touched noses with her, and-
"...Finch... Finch!"
Finch's eyes opened blearily, to a worried Lichen over her. Petunia, with his dark gray coat, was a comforting sight.
Barely next to her, Finch saw the gray and black swirl cat lift up her head to a few other cats gathered around her.
Finch pulled herself to her paws.
She understood a whole lot more, now. Her limbs felt like they could've run a hundred more miles, and that they already had. Her head pounded. 
"... You know, I never really understood why Hazelstreak had two parts to her name." Finch said, shaking out her pelt. Lichen looked relieved. "But... While I don't have everything... I now am confident in saying that it's related to being a clan." Finch glanced down at Lichen, who was staring up curiously at her.
Her and Lichen. Mentor and Apprentice.
"Related to being a clan?" Petunia questioned, ears perking. "So... we'll have names like that?"
"Yes." Finch nodded. "And... Well, I think I have introductions to make."
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stus-warrior-designs · 7 months
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“Holy hell.. I just saw a man get smited”
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the-skiesdivide · 1 year
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Finchstar . He/Him . ThicketClan Leader
Warrior name: Finchnose
Mother: Unknown(Deceased) Father: Unknown(Deceased) Sister: Yewhollow Predecessor: Gardeniastar
A sardonic and wishy-washy tom, it's noted that Finchstar considers ThicketClan the best out of all five. He takes great care with his Clan and defends its borders fiercely. Unfortunately, he is greatly passive-aggressive, even with his own Clanmates.
He's been known to turn away outsiders via somewhat underhanded means, telling them(more like exaggerating) just how hard Clan life really is. He claims he isn't opposed to them, and this is somewhat the case, he just severely doubts their abilities.
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lightningwaters · 1 year
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frostconebitez · 2 years
Designs for an upcoming map part
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plushieclan · 8 months
Gathering: Moon One
TW: Death mention
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“Now, remember… you’re Shimmerpaw’s littermate,” Darkstar reminded Nightpaw. She nodded.
“I remember the story Dad. I’ll be ok.”
Nightpaw looked behind her. Tonight’s gathering would be the first since the attack… and the first she ever attended. The entire clan was with them— Darkstar said it was to look stronger.
She hung close to her friends as they made it to Four Corners. It was an old Twoleg den. Nightpaw had a lot of experience with those.
At the center, a strange light emanated from a smooth, round cylinder. She bristled; wait, it was fire!
Sandpaw put his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. It’s not like real fire. It stays in that cylinder.”
She sighed. “How did you know that was what I was thinking?”
“Because that was my reaction too.” he laughed with a mrrp.
They laughed together for a bit, until Darkstar hushed them. She took the opportunity to have a look around.
The three other clan leaders were sat at the highest part of the den. The first was a very old black cat— he was lighter than Darkstar, but much bigger than him. She assumed he was Badgerstar of Treeclan. Next was one she knew a little more— a tom with a maroon coat and white upper half. That was Finchstar. He was the youngest of the leaders. When she looked at the last leader, she felt fear.
His coat was a light ginger. It was spotted— but what drew her gaze was his crimson eyes. They were sharp. Piercing red. That must have been what he got his name from, she thought. Redstar.
He cleared his throat, starting first.
“We have had a good moon. Swampclan has welcomed two new warriors, Junco-eyes and Ploverbelly.”
He paused to allow the gathering to yowl their names. The Crystalclan cats merely glared at him. That didn’t seem to phase him— he continued as usual.
“And one new apprentice. Welcome, Hawthornpaw! And thank you to the Wanderers for shifting her our way!” He motioned to another cat on the balcony, seemingly a member of the Wanderers.
“Why is a member of a rogue group up there with the leaders?” she asked Starleaf.
“The Wanderers aren’t just a rogue group.” she said sternly. “It’s their job to rotate cats around our area. Taking exiled cats away from their clans and placed elsewhere, as well as placing interested kittypets and loners into the clans as well as anywhere else they desire. In that way, they’re like a fifth clan to us. You should know this— I was born into the Wanderers. And so was Shimmerpaw.”
Nightpaw chuckled nervously. “Look, I pay attention. I just didn’t realize the Wanderers were so… big and important, I guess.”
Nightpaw’s gaze was shifted to a pretty little cat— Hawthornpaw. It was clear— she was a former kittypet. Her pelt was a rare one in the wild. With luxurious cream fur and brown points, she couldn’t have been born a warrior.
Meanwhile, the two warriors looked somewhat familiar to her. Their grey pelts just seemed to remind her of something.
Starleaf murmured to her.
“Swanjaw’s kits.”
Nightpaw gasped. She remembered them! They were in the Bayclan nursery with her— just a few moons older!
“Wasn’t there three of them?” she asked.
Starleaf nodded. “Yes, but… Woodpeckerkit was a black kitten. They… well, you know.”
She looked away. She didn’t want to think about that.
Starleaf nudged her, pointing to the leaders again. Finchstar had rotated to speak.
“Grangeclan has not had much occur this past moon. However, we have one new apprentice, Firepaw.” he spoke curtly and quickly, before stepping back.
The aforementioned Firepaw was a very red cat. Next to her, her not-as-red mother and very blue father looked proud as they could be.
Up next was Badgerstar, who ambled to the front.
“Treeclan has recently lost a young apprentice. Perchpaw will be remembered for her enthusiasm and determination. A moment of silence for her, please.”
Everyone was quiet, besides the wailing of another Treeclan apprentice.
After that moment, Badgerstar left the front. It was Darkstar’s turn.
He went up to the front. “We have two new apprentices.” he said, with a smile. “Our kits are growing up. Nothing could be better!”
Nightpaw wasn’t stupid. She could easily tell that he was lying through his teeth. But the others seemed to have bought it.
“With one last thanks to Starclan, the Gathering is adjourned.” Everyone began to break for socializing.
“Leafy!” A cat cried, lunging at Starleaf. She was a cat with a pinkish hue, and strange pendant around her neck.
“Hello Pearlheart. How are you?” Starleaf mrrped happily.
Another cat was behind Pearlheart. This cat was a lot scruffier— she was a brown tabby with a red bandana. “You should be less forceful, Pearly.”
She pouted. “But I was so worried after I heard about the attack!”
The other cat noticed Nightpaw. “Who’s this, Leafy?”
“Oh, I’m Nightpaw! I’m Shimmerpaw’s sister.” she said quickly.
Starleaf motioned something to the two mollies, whose eyes went wide.
The brown tabby nodded. “We understand, Leafy.” She turned to Nightpaw. “It’s nice to meet you, Nightpaw. I’m Dovelight, deputy of Grangeclan. I’m an old friend of your mama. Take care of ol’ Foxtail for us, will you?”
She nods. They must know Foxtail Barley, Shimmerpaw’s mother. “I will.”
Pearlheart spoke as well. “And I’m Pearlheart, Grangeclan cleric! Your mom is very dear to me. I don’t know what I’d do without Lea-without Foxy!”
“Oh um— I’ll tell her that too!” She shot Starleaf a scared look.
Starleaf chuckled. “It’s alright. They can be trusted. They’re my best friends.”
With that, a wail erupted from the Treeclan gathering. A young molly apprentice, the same as before, was mourning.
“Go comfort her.” Starleaf signaled to Nightpaw.
“Wait, isn’t she from another clan?”
“War is rare. Friends in other clans are much more important… especially in this time.”
She noticed how Starleaf’s gaze lingered on Redstar.
Nightpaw nodded. “Alright, I’ll go help her.”
She walked over, mulling over what to say.
The apprentice was a white and brown molly, with a beautiful butterfly ornament attached to her ear.
“Hey. I’m Nightpaw. How are you feeling?” She whispered, sitting down next to her.
“Not good. Obviously.” she sniffled. “I’m Lynxpaw.”
“She was your sister, wasn’t she? I’ve lost a littermate too. I understand how it feels.” Nightpaw said gently.
“I knew the curse would take one of us.” Lynxpaw said, looking at the ground. “But why Perchpaw?!”
“Oh my stars, Lynxpaw, you need to shut up about the curse!” A dark tom apprentice snapped at her.
“Well, how do you explain our family’s luck then! You don’t believe it’s true, but now Perchpaw is gone!” she yowled back.
“Woah, woah, woah, enough!” Nightpaw heard the sound of Shimmerpaw behind her. “What’s this about a curse?”
Shimmerpaw laid herself to the other side of Lynxpaw, forming a tight huddle around her.
“My family is cursed. Every generation, when four kits are born… one will die horribly as an apprentice. We don’t know why. My father lost his sister as an apprentice, my grandmother before him… and so on.” Lynxpaw explained.
“Starclan has said that there isn’t a curse!” The dark tom lunged, only to be caught by the red apprentice from earlier.
“That’s enough.” Firepaw said, holding him back. “This is a Gathering. Fighting isn’t allowed.”
Nightpaw looked over to see if Starleaf could help, but she was deep in conversation with the Grangeclan deputy and cleric. Dang it!
“Yarrowpaw, I wish you would just believe the facts.” Lynxpaw muttered.
Nightpaw looked between this spat of littermates with extreme worry. “Um, hi. Firepaw? I’m Nightpaw. Do you think you could deal with Yarrowpaw for us?” She addressed the red Grangeclan apprentice.
“I’ll take care of it!” she winked. “Also, nice to meet you.”
With that, Firepaw dragged the unfortunate Yarrowpaw away from the girls.
Lynxpaw sighed. “My brother… he doesn’t believe in the curse. But it almost seems like he doesn’t care at all.”
“I’m sure he does—” Nightpaw started.
“He’s so mean to you. You don’t deserve it.” Shimmerpaw interjected.
Nightpaw shot her a confused look.
Shimmerpaw merely signed “validate her not justify him”
“Yeah, he’s a jerk!” Nightpaw said with gusto. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Firepaw is giving him a piece of her mind!”
Lynxpaw sniffled. “Thank you. But… he isn’t the worst of it. I feel like the clanmates who believe in the curse are worse…” she trailed off, then continued. “Sometimes, I feel so isolated with my clanmates. I feel like they hate me because of my lineage. It’s like they didn’t even mourn Perchpaw— they didn’t even care she was killed! They just see her death and my whole family as an extension of the curse. To them… our lives are nothing more than an inconvenience!”
Nightpaw leaned in. “I-I’m sorry.”
“My aunt is the deputy, you know. She had to fight so hard for that spot… she couldn’t become it until Starclan itself declared her worthy. But Badgerstar hates her! He’s been pushing her to step down for years!”
Nightpaw was confused. “Can’t he just replace her?”
Shimmerpaw shook her head. “No, any deputy appointed by Starclan sign cannot be removed for anything other than a crime against the warrior code. She’d have to step down herself.”
Lynxpaw cried. “It’s so awful! My aunt is a really good deputy, but why doesn’t anyone see it? My sister was full of enthusiasm, she had dreams— and yet, nobody mourns her but me!” She quieted down, her head hung low. “I-I don’t want to go back to my clanmates yet.”
Nightpaw merely stayed with her. “We’ll stay with you until the Gathering is over.” Shimmerpaw nodded in agreement.
“Thank you.” she murmured.
Firepaw bounded over. “Yarrowpaw is dealt with. I informed his mentor.”
Nightpaw could see a gray tabby molly scolding Yarrowpaw. He wouldn’t be a problem for a while, she suspected.
“Thank you.” Lynxpaw said.
“It’s nothing. By the way, I’m Firepaw!”
They all could tell. She was the youngest apprentice there with such fiery red fur. It was fluffy and stood out for its extravagance, especially here in the clans.
“Nice to meet you, Firepaw.” Shimmerpaw grinned. “Come sit with Lynxpaw here. The more friends, the better.”
“I don’t know how to thank you more.” Lynxpaw had eyes wider than the moon.
“No need. We’ll stay with you until the end.” Nightpaw nuzzled into Lynxpaw.
They kept their promise, sitting by her side until Starleaf beckoned them over to leave. Nightpaw was left with a good impression of the clans— and more importantly, two friends she could rely on in the future.
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Dark Forest Resident: Finchstar 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Finchdrift 
Gender: tom 
Sexuality: bisexual 
Family: Coldsplash (mother), Rootsway (father), Honeybuzz (sister), Belugastar (mate) 
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Belugastar (apprentice)
Clan: NightClan 
Rank: leader 
Characteristics: vengeful, sneaky, charismatic
Murder Motive: vengence 
Number of Victims: 25+ 
Number of Murders: 10 
Murder Method: unspecified
Known Victims: Fernstar, Silentwing, Robinroost, Earthenstrike, countless ThunderClan cats
Victim Profile: ThunderClan cats, abusers 
Cause of Death: killed by a tornado. 
Cautionary Tale: do not scorn those you protect, or else they shall return with fury and strength 
The devastation done to my former Clan was great. 
ThunderClan then forced their help and rule onto us. 
They all laughed as I turned around slow, I tried to help take back the Clan once we had our strength back. 
They said you “ain't welcome 'round here anymore.” Exiled from my home, along with a few loyal supporters. 
“You just might as well go.” My mother, my father, even my sister just watched. I wiped the blood from my face as I slowly came to my knees. My pleas for help from StarClan were not answered. 
I said, “I'll be back when you least expect it.” I made a promise as I stared into the face of those I once loved,  And the Dark’s coming with me. Dark’s coming with me.”   
There is a hill at the bottom of the valley. We picked up a few cats along the way to where NightClan would make itself home. Where all the poor souls go when they die. 
Beluga, eventually to be Belugastar, was a kittypet who joined us. We made quick friends. And if you listen real close, I told them of the original Clans, and stories of how they had spread all throughout. 
You can hear em' like a ghost. Berryspeckle was whispered to by those from the beyond, Dark Forest and the dissatisfied of StarClan alike. Saying “you're never gonna make it out alive.” 
The mountain Clans were not entirely welcoming. Ratstar and I became like brothers, but WoodClan, SparkClan, LaurelClan, and CliffClan ranged from skeptical to outright hostile. There is a Twolegplace at the bottom of that hill I established NightClan, and the dissatisfied told Berryspeckle of what I had to do. 
They got a secret that they keep like a slave. First, I had to cease publicly executing abusive mentors, as it made StarClan uneasy. They suggested exile. They got a black magic creature, I made contact with the condemned, and took their advice as well. We'd do well to let me teach her overtime.
I learned secrets of these lands. How to survive on the base of this great hill. You'll be heading up that hill to the grave. 
NightClan was accepted among the Clans, and I knew what I had to do. And it is well, with my soul, I gained nine lives from the dissatisfied of StarClan, and I was off. 
Although all my time away had gotten me out of practice, I still could remember the moors of my old home. And on your way down to the Dark, you hear me ring that bell. Tempering my rage, I met a WindClan patrol at their border. I'd pay the Darkness twice as much to keep your soul.
Honeybuzz kept this secret, and my patrol arrived to ThunderClan. There was a drifter passing through that little valley. My arrival to ThunderClan with my patrol was met with confusion. See, he had promised he was coming back to the lake.
I fulfilled the promise I had made long ago. They didn't know me by my face, or by the claws itching to waste. None of them recognized me. It had been so long. But I knew them all. I came back to burn this land to the ground.
My patrol had orders to avoid the young, old, and sick. And so we attacked. First there was fire, then there was smoke. 
StarClan showed their displeasure. Lightning struck the forest, and a wild storm kicked up. The medicine cat, Rainwing, tried to stop me as I approached Fernstar. He paid for his arrogance. I did not leave them without, his apprentice rightfully helped the kits, queens, and elders escape. Then they all fell to their knees and begged that drifter please.
A few WindClan cats approached me, begging for me to stop.  Begged me please, as he raised his my claws before I spoke. I stood on Highrock, proclaiming my truth. “ I am the righteous hand of Stars, and I am the Darkness that you forgot.  And I told you one day you will see, that I'll be back, I guarantee, and darkness is coming with me.”
And it is well, with my soul. Fernstar turned to face me, yowling his rage. I tackled him, and took his final life.Laughing, I could hardly notice the winds. My life was over in a flash. 
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries​
--Belugastar's a trans male! Silentwing and Robinroost are his parents.
--Earthenstrike clawed his apprentice for trespassing on the LaurelClan border.
--I literally was just introduced to this song by a friend, and I was reading this thinking hey this sounds familiar.
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yumequeenbr · 1 year
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i decided make him as a zebra finch bird
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rosemist50 · 2 years
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Code 10 has Thunderclan leader and deputy Finchstar and Daisyheart, Shadowclan leader and deputy Ripplestar and Marshscar, Skyclan leader Hawkstar and former leader Dewstar, Windclan leader Dovestar and Riverclan leader Reedstar. Then Code 11 has Poppycloud and her son Mottlepaw, their leader and deputy Rowanstar and Nightmask, and Oddfoot and Morningmist, all Skyclan. Lionstar and his deputy Greeneyes, as well as Oatwhisker, are Thunderclan.
Originally posted on IG August 2022
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(Re-do in reblogs)
Originally posted on August 22nd, 2020
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