#martyr rw
dreamcastingdust · 7 months
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Class was boring so i drew ALL THE SLUGCAT ((and pups))
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shkika · 1 year
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THERE WE HAVE IT! Scugified all of the local group by putting them in the same situation as Sliver or Straw more or less!
These are mostly for fun so I haven't sat down to ponder them too hard hehe hoho
Explanation on their designs below the cut:
The Martyr (LTTM) - He's very tough, more cold resistant and capable of surviving one or two lizard bites even due to his sheer size, which makes him very slow. In addition, kind of like Saint, he is completely passive and cannot kill creatures.
The Prodigy (FP) - Very quick and also fully carnivorous! Her fur is very light so she has to use her food pips in order to glow and warm herself up. Can maul like Artificer while having the strength of Monk. You'll mostly be chasing bat flies with her.
The Sage (SRS) - They are completely blind so you navigate the world and map using your hearing and other senses. It looks like you are in pitch darkness in shaded with the iggy effect when it shows you the surrounding area. You can see every creature on the map that's in the room with you or the next one. She can also make pearls using rocks!
The Nomad (NSH) - Always moving from one area to the next, you can’t rest in the same shelter twice, unless you exit the area and come back. She can also camouflage kind of like white lizards do and crouch move while camouflaged.
The Judge (GW) - The Judge doesn’t ascend every creature. He’s relatively fast and has strong spear throws. If you are killed with the Judge, next cycle the creature will be marked for you on the map at all times. If you ignore the mark The Judge loses karma and vice versa gains one karma if you commit to the kill.
The Acolyte (UI) - He’s small and emits light with which he can befriend certain creatures and gain protection from them! He crawls slower than average and can only carry one item ar a time, because of his missing hand, but jumps higher.
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Rain World and Murder Drones
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making these designs was really fun hehe (inv's eyes are my favorite part LMAO)
lore's getting weird here, but hear me out
Moon, 5P and NSH are all from labs, but 5p wasn't infected with the solver
5P is kinda a little brother to Moon and she married NSH (old woman yuri yay!!!)
Saint and Martyr are both their daughters, but i'm still unsure about their relationships... Maybe!!! Maybe they don't even know actually.
Moon and NSH were both killed by evil drones (i can't remember how to spell their correct title lol) when girls were too little, and Martyr ended up in another family. Maybe in Inv's actually lol. Or not.
After NSH and Moon's death, 5P became kinda obssessed with the Solver, but he didn't know it's true nature, he thought that solver is the solution (ahaha get it??) and kinda started a solver cult?
now guess who's in Cyn's role EHEHEHRHEHHREH. I gave enough clues. I think.
Saint has almost opposite personality to Uzi's, so i'm still figuring out how the plot is gonna start and develop. Probably when Saint's solver powers awakened, 5P and his cult became to annoying, and she ran away, and met Artificer... to be continued i guess?
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worldruins · 1 month
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Face paint :-)
ft. 2 of my ocs and 2 of @kociamieta’s
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needlemeister · 6 months
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scugs r us
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originalwinnerfanfish · 7 months
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It comes out more accidentally, BUT this dynamic seems soooooo good to me now)))
And yes, this is Martyr! Did somebody remember this Saint ancestor?
I really think it’s can be pretty cute that another limited-cycle slugcat will be able to make his long journey accompanied by another slugs)
Martyr/Night 💛🖤
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thunder-wolf64 · 1 month
sizzle, how exactly did you befriend kelp? :3
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Sizzle chuckles to himself, "Actually, it was completely accidental! The first time I saw Kelp was when they were stealing the carcass of the eggbug I hunted down. I was too... tired to fight for the food."
"The next day, I had accidentally got a scavenger killed. It was in the crossfire of another scavenger trying to kill me," Sizzle frowns.
"After the rest of the tribe ran off, I wanted to do something nice for the casualty. I dragged the body to someplace with dirt, and dug a hole to bury it- then Kelp stole the body while I wasn't paying attention."
"And then Tangled Kelp just kept following me around, most likely expecting a meal. Though I was starting to warm up to my new company." Sizzle pauses for a moment to take on a more serious tone, "I'm glad all that happened; I really wasn't doing so well when I first came to Industrial Complex..."
Kelp nudges Sizzle's side and the slugcats smiles softly, returning the gesture with chin scratches. "Kelp helped make sure I kept myself nourished and clean- probably so they could keep getting food from me- but they might have inadvertently saved me from myself."
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ironraven · 7 months
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voidtouched (martyr/gravel eater)
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bewilderbark · 1 year
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day 25 - the martyr
my love letter to the scorerunning community
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ded-lime · 1 year
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rarely--motivated · 12 hours
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the rot consumes. today?? slugcat. tomorrow?? whos to say
(this is one of my rain world ocs, The Martyr!!! poor thang eated the rot </3)
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haydenhappyrave · 8 months
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rain world doobles lol + mod cats and scrapped cats
(the reddish slugcat in the second image is based on one of faeling’s beta spearmaster designs, the slugcat in the 5th image is the judge, last two are based on my enot origins headcanon)
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My Rain World OTPs
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upd: i forgor monk/hunter damn
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moon-down · 9 months
Happy new year’s! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Happy New Years!
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bloxxy-slugcats · 2 months
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bigger Survivor reference (plus an unnamed OC that will get his own later when i finish my other OC's)
Survivor - second youngest of everyone (not including my OC's). tends to enjoy the quiet more, and loves Gourmand's cooking. he had always had slight insomnia, but it had gotten slightly worse after him and Monk got swept away in the giant storm, and he had to stay up late and get up early constantly, to keep them both safe and alive. and he swears he sees a thing with Saint, but after he blinks, its gone, and everyone thinks he is just seeing things.
his relationships with everyone go like this (will update after i release my OCs)
Monk - younger sibling/brother | very very close
Hunter - good friends | he saved them from lizards
Artificer - good friends | she almost acts like a protective figure to him and Monk
Gourmand - uncle-like figure | he knew Survivor and Monk's old colony, and decided to act almost like an uncle for them,
Rivulet - friend | he does find her a little too active at times, but overall he doesn't mind her that much
Spearmaster - neutral | he likes how quiet Spearmaster tends to be, but finds his behavior, confusing
Saint - neutral | while he is calm around Saint, he keeps seeing something with or around him, but no one else sees it, and he only sees it for a moment, it freaks him out
Nightcat - Queerplatonic | they are close, very close, while they aren't mates directly, he finds her shyness and quietness, cute
Enot - neutral | he only really knows her thanks to Nightcat. even then, he finds her weird at times, since she acts funny, and uses slang a lot, that sometimes he cant even understand her because of it
??? - confused |
"Monk, i swear i keep on seeing, something with him!"
"Survivor! please, just sleep, nothings wrong, there isn't some thing with him, just, sleep, your just tired"
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originalwinnerfanfish · 7 months
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