#mary goore x f!reader
gravehags · 11 months
sundress season
Pairing: Mary Goore x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rough PinV sex, cum eating, general sweatiness, references to grave desecration
Words: 1,363
Summary: Mary Goore is not immune to the effects of sundress season
a/n: Mary said HOT NONBINARY SUMMER. Someone made a post theorizing that Mary Goore is the songwriter for Ghost and had to include it. If this was you lmk because I’m obsessed and would love to discuss it further. Fic based on a dream I had a couple nights ago which changed me as a person. If you see this and you know me, no you don’t. Tagging @anamelessfool because they encouraged this shit tbh.
divider by @ghuleh-recs!
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Mary is silent when he comes up behind you. He’s eerie like that.
You’re leaning halfway over a table deep in the archives hard at work, droplets of sweat rolling down your back in the stifling heat of the underground room. When Mary slips their lean arms around your body you jump comically out of your skin and allow them to turn you to face them. A wolfish grin plays on their lips as Mary brings the back of their hand up to touch your cheek with the barest of knuckle-brushes.
“Mary what the fuck,” you push against his chest as his green eyes dance in the sickly archive lights. “I’m trying to work.”
“Mmm yeah I see that,” he runs a pale hand around the curve of your hip and bunches the fabric of your sundress in his fist. “You wear this for me?”
You roll your eyes. “I wore this because it’s fucking hot as hell down here in the summer.”
Mary has their lips ghosting over the pulse point in your neck, hand dropping low to inch the fabric up your thigh.
“Hotter than hell,” they muse, “and I would know.”
Your relationship with Mary was an interesting one. They had long been a presence at the Ministry, in charge of songwriting for the Ghost Project. But whispers followed them through the vaulted corridors - words of death, necromancy, and deals with the Old One himself. It was long rumored that Mary had in fact been to hell and back, found favor with the unholy father and given new life. You didn’t know Mary in their previous life but some people say they came back…well…different. Cold skin and colder eyes, always smelling of cemetery earth and leather. The siblings were repulsed by them stalking the halls in their bloody imitation of Papa paints, dark forelock masking most of their expressions. You, on the other hand, were fascinated. So much and so obviously so that upon seeing you one evening, alone in the Emeritus crypt, they pulled you into an alcove and pressed their cool lips to your mouth again and again. Their hands were frantic as they unfastened your habit and pushed into you, deep and rough, their breaths desperate as they fucked you against the frigid marble of the tomb. That was the first time you had desecrated a grave with Mary. 
It wasn’t the last.
But now they have you pinned to this solid wooden table, one hand gripping your waist the other teasing along the line of your underwear. You consider, very briefly, pushing them away and making them wait until this evening when you’re less sweaty, less exhausted from hauling around boxes of old Ministry documents, but there’s a pout lingering at the corners of their lips, simultaneously sickly sweet and dark, when they see your hesitation. 
“Wanna make you feel good, baby,” they purr into your ear, pressing their black denim clothed cock against you. “Wanna fill you up.”
Despite your earlier silent protestations, you feel the familiar wetness at the apex of your thighs ever-present when they would whisper filthy nothings to you in the dark of night, in the most silent of Ministry corridors. You reach up and curl your hand around their bicep, bringing them even closer and push your lips against their equally eager mouth. Mary groans, long and low, bringing their fingers to tangle in the hair at the base of your neck as you work your tongue against theirs. Their hand, gripping your bare thigh hard enough to leave delicious marks, moves to the waistband of your underwear and slides them down your legs until they rest around your ankles. You feel them smile against your mouth, both sets of your teeth briefly clacking together, as they spin you around and bend you over the table. They push the hem of your sundress over your hips and lean back to take in the view of you breathless, red-faced, and bare. 
“Fucking love watching you when you wear this,” he coos, hands massaging your ass, “the way your hips move when you walk…makes me wanna fuck you anywhere. Everywhere.”
You look back at him over your shoulder with a crooked smile and his head tilts back as he lets out a laugh before bringing a hand to smack harshly against your bare haunch. You jolt forward and allow yourself to rut slightly against the solid wood of the table beneath you. Mary notices and lets out a growl before reaching down viciously to the buckle and zipper of his pants to free himself. When he takes his cock in hand and brushes against your dripping cunt, you arch onto your tip-toes and let out a pornographic moan. You know he loves it when you’re loud, throwing caution to the wind with the full knowledge that anyone could walk into the archive at any minute and see you spread open for him. 
“Need you, Mary,” you breathe as they continue to tease you with their cockhead. “Please.”
When you beg, oh. It sends them.
They waste no time in sliding into you, deep and rough just like the first time, bringing their hips flush against your ass. You gasp at the sensation, the breath blowing from your lungs as they pull back and push in again. They set a harsh pace, ruthlessly fucking you into the table as they pant and moan into the overheated room. Satan, you adored it when they got like this - desperate and raw as they place a punishing grip on your hips and slam you backwards onto their cock even as they continue to thrust forward. When they bring a hand to your shoulder and cause you to arch your spine as you bow back towards them, you let out a broken moan at the new angle. 
“So fucking tight,” they rasp into your ear, breath hot. “So fucking wet and only for me.”
The hand on your shoulder snakes up to your throat as you nod desperately in agreement, unable to form words as they slam their cock into you over and over. You’re so close, you’re teetering on the edge when they squeeze the hand that until that point had been resting loosely around your neck and with a drawn out, breathy sigh you come undone, hips twitching between their body and the wood, sweaty and spent. Mary, however, was not done with you. A hand slid around to your cunt, slender fingers sliding against your clit. You keened in simultaneous delight and frustration as he worked you over, all the while continuously and noisily sliding his cock in and out of you. 
“Come on baby, I know you got one more in you. Be good for me.”
You could tell he himself was getting close from the sloppy pace of his thrusts even as he continued to rub your clit at a punishing rate. When the moans in your ear became torn and stunted, you let out a shaky exhale and clenched your cunt over and over until his shout echoed in the small room and he came inside of you as he harshly pinched your bud and you joined him, panting and swearing hoarsely. You could feel his sweat-soaked hair and forehead pressing against your shoulder as he eased out of you, making you whine at the loss. Easing your body around so you were once again facing him, he grinned as he registered your fucked-out expression.
“That good, huh?”
Satanas, you were hot and gross and drenched with sweat. And speaking of drenched, you could feel their spend sliding down the inside of your thigh - something Mary also noticed with visible delight. Tongue between their teeth, they reached down and dragged their finger up your leg, gathering their cum in the process. Not once breaking eye contact, they slipped their seed-covered finger into their mouth, lewdly wrapping their tongue around the digit as you watched breathlessly.
“Fuck me, Mary” you croaked while reeling backwards to rest your ass against the table.
“Again? Give me a minute and sure thing, babe.”
You might have laughed if you actually thought they were joking.
They never were.
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ghostchems · 9 months
baptized in blood - mary goore x f!reader
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a/n: here is the surprised! based on a dream i had. culty end of the world vibes here. there is smut and violence and drama and mary bein a little bit bloody because that's who they are. dipping my toe into goore-land. about 3.6k words. ao3 link!
You will never forget the day Mary Goore rolled into town. It was two months to the day that the virus spread and the world went to shit. You were taking a walk down Main Street to get some fresh air after spending most of the morning collecting eggs from the hen house. Everyone in town did their part on the farm — it was how they had lasted this long with enough food to go around. The air was cool and brisk but the sun was shining, warming your skin as you walked leisurely. You weren’t thinking of anything in particular when your eyes settled on his figure in the distance.
The first thing you saw was the blood. His face was covered in it, starting from the top of his head and running down past his chin and neck. Messy black hair spilled into his forehead. Despite what initially appeared to be a wound, he was walking with such purpose and power. His outfit looked just as unkempt as his appearance: muddy black boots, ripped black skinny jeans and a stained T-shirt with the sleeves torn off. He looked like he was on a mission. They walked down the center of the street while you were off on the sidewalk, your eyes glued to him.
You were the only two on the street that day at that moment. Deep, green eyes flitted to bite into yours, almost as if he was looking inside you. His lips curled into a sinister smirk before his eyes wandered your figure. You stopped in your tracks, your breath catching in your throat as you watched him go on by. He was heading for Town Hall which was the largest building at the end of the street and also was where the mayor and his wife had taken up residence since the surge. 
News spread quickly over the next few days that Mary had taken control of the town. No other details were provided but rumors ran wild. One of them was that he was the mayor’s disgraced son who returned for his revenge. Another was that he was sent by the devil himself to spread uncertainty and chaos in these hellish times. Pretty typical of gossip and rumors spread in a small southern town. You didn’t believe either of the rumors to be true but you still managed to keep your distance from him and the more wild behavior he inspired.
That was your typical strategy when it came to survival. You were a transplant from the north, having moved here to become a representative for Farm Aid, so you already felt like an outsider to the small town. Then, everything went to shit but you did your best to contribute just the same as everyone else but you did keep your distance. You cleaned the coop, picked produce and helped milk the cows, literally anything that you could contribute to you did but you always went back to your studio apartment above the pharmacy. 
You drew the line at participating in the new activities that have become popular since Mary’s arrival, besides at least showing your face at them. The town now had ritualistic burnings for those that passed, piling their bodies up and burning them in a field far enough away from the crops. More and more townspeople began to don the skull paint as well but none dared to replicate Mary’s signature blood spilling from his head down his neck. Bones started to appear along Main Street, sometimes configured in curious arrangements. You were curious but you decided it would be in your best interest to ignore and continue on with your usual tasks. 
Mary started to watch you, though. He seemed to always be around when you were working and you could feel those dark green eyes on you at all times. He made you feel on edge and you refused to meet his eyes. You managed to avoid him for some time until there was a mandatory town “get together” to help smooth over the tensions that were rising due to the new leadership. You stayed as long as you possibly had to before slipping out the back of the cafeteria during a spirited discussion about planning for the upcoming dry season.
“Walk ya home?” His voice caught you by surprise. You thought you were home free but there he was, muddy boots and all. That night he had the signature blood from his forehead down to his neck but he also paired it with corpse paint. You blinked at him a few times, having never been this close to him before.
“Sure.” You couldn’t tell him no, being the man who decided who eats and who doesn’t and all but you were anxious. It was a short walk from the cafeteria to your studio, basically straight down the street until reaching the pharmacy. The two of you walked in silence with the street being illuminated by gas lights lined along it and the dim light of the moon. Your eyes darted around the street, realizing that once again, it was just the two of you like it had been the day he arrived. 
“You’re a hard worker, y’know?” His gravelly voice cut through your thoughts again. When you turn to look at him, his eyes look softer than you’ve ever seen them before. 
“I try.” You offered a sheepish smile. “Not much else to do these days, is there?” 
“Mmm, yeah, but you could’ve just given up. Loads of people have. Just decided to curl up and die.” Mary leaned his arm against yours, brushing against the sleeve of your sweater. You felt a warm blush spread across your cheeks. 
“I mean, I definitely stayed inside in bed for the first couple of weeks of this thing.” You shifted your gaze back to the street in front of you. “But then it didn’t go away.” 
Your words hung in the air for the rest of the walk. Mary was silent but stayed close to you, his side pressed against yours. Your feet came to a slow stop as you reached the door to the stairs that led up to your studio. 
“This is me.” You turn around to face them, your arms crossed over your chest. Mary’s eyes drifted over your figure and he took a step closer to you. You instinctively took a step away from him, your back hitting the door. 
“You’re like me, y’know.” Their voice dropped deeper as he closed in on you further. “You’re an outsider to these people, baby.  You’re not about their bullshit.” He leaned in so close to you, his hands resting on the door beside your body. You knew he was right. You knew the second he saw you on the street that day he knew. You swallowed thickly, your gaze falling to his plump lips that were curled into a grin. This is why you stayed away from him. You were afraid of being seen as what you are but he saw you. And now, you were trapped by him.
Mary leaned in, their lips coming incredibly close to yours before he tilted his head to just miss giving you a kiss. Instead, his mouth found your neck, nibbling and kissing it sloppily as his arms curled around you. You gave a surprised groan, your hands immediately snapping up to grasp at his shirt. His kisses trailed up from your neck to your jaw before he settled just by your lips. Again, you stared into those deep, green eyes and you knew that he saw you for what you really were. 
A growl ripped from his throat as your lips connected and his hand snaked up from your hip to tangle into your hair. The kiss was desperate and deep, all tongue and teeth. You could taste the saltiness of the blood on his lips as his tongue pushed into your mouth. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this fire inside you, the burning desire that only continued to spread between your legs. The kiss ended abruptly, the both of you panting and pressing against each other needily, until you came to your senses.
You spun around and pulled the door to the stairs open before booking it to your apartment. Mary was close behind you, his boney fingers hooked on to the back of your jeans. You fiddled with your keys as you reached the door to your apartment, your hands shaking from the excitement. They are right behind you, his chest pressing firmly into your back and his crotch rutting into your ass. You couldn’t help but whine, feeling how hard he already was through his jeans.
The door finally popped open and before you had time to react, he grabbed you by the waist and scooped you up only to toss you onto your bed. He had you pinned so quickly, his hips desperately grinding into you. 
“Fuck!” You cried out as their hands worked to tear your sweater off of you. Once it was off, his lips parted and he growled deeply, looking down at your exposed chest. His arms curled around your back and he lifted you up to him, his mouth connecting with your collarbone. He was like a wild animal, his teeth biting and sucking at your delicate skin. Heat spread beneath it and your head fell back on your shoulders as he dipped down lower to flick his tongue against your nipple.
They latched their mouth onto your breast, his tongue licking across the nipple as his other hand groped at the other. Your mouth hung open and a deep moan bubbled up from your chest, your fingers tangling in his hair and pushing him even further into your chest. He grunted against you, happily burying his face between your breasts upon your direction. 
“You are so fuckin’ beautiful, sugar.” Mary praised as he lifted his head from your chest, his eyelids heavy and the blood and paint on his face smudged. He looked completely wrecked and he hadn’t even fucked you yet. You tugged him further on top of you and grabbed at his studded belt. They took the hint and started to pull your pants and underwear down your legs. He whined at the sight of you and he swiped his finger along your drench cunt, then bringing it up to his lips to taste you. “Fuckin’ hell, you taste so good.” 
All you could offer was an exasperated whine, his belt proving to be a bit too complicated for how impatient you were. The way he smiled at you – you’ll never forget it, somehow being equal parts sweet and slimy. He somehow freed himself with ease, his pretty cock falling from his jeans, precum already collecting at the tip. Mary spat on the head of his cock then stroked himself to spread his spit. You wrapped your legs around him as you watched him touch himself, almost succumbing to reaching between the two of you and offering yourself some relief before he shoved you back onto the bed, his cock pressed against your entrance.
Your breath caught in your throat as he hovered above you, your cheeks flushed and your eyes wide. He pushed in carefully, stretching you wide and feeling how he deliciously filled you. They held themselves there for a moment before he fucked into you relentlessly, his thrusts deep and hungry. You pulled him down even further, forcing his forehead against yours so you could watch him. He bit down hard on his lip, hard enough to draw blood as his throat filled with husky growls. 
You were so far gone. He fucked you hard and fast, exactly how you liked it. You felt your muscles tense and the fire in your abdomen was getting so close to bursting. Mary’s own moans filled your ears along with the sound of smacking flesh. You needed this. You didn’t realize how badly you did. But he knew. The feeling overtook you, your walls fluttering around his cock as your gut tightened and your back arched. You screamed his name in a shattered breath.
You were almost embarrassed by how quickly you came if not for Mary being right behind you. Maybe it had been sometime for him as well. His nails dug into your hips as his thrusts became more stuttered and erratic, his wild eyes boring into yours. Groans caught in his throat and he quickly pulled out, his hand working to take him all the way. He emptied himself on your stomach with raspy gasps.
You looked at him with hazy eyes, your body limp on the bed as you watched him pull his pants back up. His expression was positively devious and the paint and blood on his face were smeared all across his lips. 
“See ya around, sweetheart.” He offered you a wink and then sauntered out of your studio apartment, leaving you there with his seed on your stomach. 
That was the start of it.
Now, the two of you cannot get enough of each other. He is always there, watching you clean the coops and work on the farm but now his very presence makes your cheeks burn and your thighs ache. You are sneaky about your rendezvous, not wanting to cause unnecessary gossip or issues arise among the townspeople. There is a storm shelter entrance to the basement of town hall, which is where Mary has set up shop as him and is also where you enter to see him, avoiding coming in the front and running the risk of being seen. And you can’t help but enjoy the secrecy – it makes it all the more exciting.
You are sure that he loves you. The way his face lights up when he sees you, the way he can’t keep his hands off of you… he has to keep you close whenever you are near. You originally weren’t sure a man like him was capable of love but it is clear to you now. 
You think you might love him too.
Today, you are in his lap and his cock is buried deep inside you, seed spilling out from you and onto his bed. He lazily strokes at your clit with his pointer finger, up and down as your head falls to his shoulder and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
“So good for me, huh, baby?” Mary purrs into your ear and nips at your earlobe playfully. “One of these days I’m going to put a baby in ya, I think.” He licks at the spot just below your ear and you give a shuddered whine. Doesn’t he have such a way with words? “One more time for daddy.” They hum and start to rub at your clit more roughly than before. 
Your back arches against his chest and your fingers dig into his hairy things while strangled moans spilled from your lips. He uses one of his hands to push your legs open even further and his other hand works diligently against your swollen clit, tracing harsh circles along it.
“Atta girl.” They coo in your ear. You can tell he is smiling from how his mouth feels on you, his own heavy breaths filling yours. “So perfect for daddy.” He presses down on your clit and you scream out his name, your vision blurring and your body convulsing. Mary murmurs more soft praises in your ear as your chest heaves and you collapse against him. They have you snuggled up in their arms, their face nuzzled in your neck. 
There is a loud noise from upstairs that knocks you both from your blissed out haze. You spin your head to catch a glimpse of Mary who is already slipping out from you and throwing his jeans on. You start to collect your clothes from the bed and the floor, your throat starting to become dry from the increasing noise coming from just above you. Mary is already angrily running up the stairs while you manage to get your clothes on.
There’s yelling and more clattering and then a scream. You can’t stop yourself from shooting to your feet and scurrying up the stairs. You stop short of the door, knowing that if you step through the jig could be up. Another scream rings out and you push the door open, stumbling out into the assembly room. 
Mary is standing over Bubba, the town drunk. How he has been able to find booze during these times, no one knows, but he manages to stay slippery all day every day. He is on the ground giggling like an idiot. Mary seems exasperated. Bubba slowly realizes that you are there and he explodes into more laughter.
“O’course you’d be all about them weird girls, wouldn’t ya, Mary?” He manages between laughter. “Gotta use ‘em for somethin, right?”
You feel rage you haven’t quite felt in a long time but it is quickly quelled once Mary lands a harsh kick to Bubba’s head. He looks to you, his eyebrows knit together but his teeth are barred and his lips are stretched into an angry scowl. You don’t want to be around for whatever is going to happen next so you turn on your heel and leave just as the sounds of beating pick up again. 
You wish that what Bubba had said didn’t affect you but it did. Did everyone think you are just a “weird girl”? You put as much effort into keeping things going and running smoothly as the next person, if not more. It cuts you deep, even if you don’t want to admit it. The walk back to your apartment takes no time at all and you figure that a nice, cold shower and a nap would help soothe your thoughts and feelings. You don’t even put clothes on once you are out of the shower, opting to rest for “just a moment” in your towel before zonking.
You end up napping for longer than you anticipated, only to be woken up by screams coming from outside of your window. Confusion sets in as you blink your eyes open and the smell of smoke fills your nostrils. You shoot up out of bed and gaze out the window, only to see fire. Lots of fire.
The crops. 
You quickly throw a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt on before taking off out of your apartment. The street is filled with people, more so than you’ve ever seen it. Some are wailing, some are silent. Most don’t even notice you as you run by them, heading straight for town hall. You’re sure Mary already knows but you couldn’t stop yourself from running to him. There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach. Maybe something happened while you were asleep. An uprising? A fight? 
By the time you make it to town hall, you are out of breath. You push the doors open, probably the first time you’ve ever walked in through the main entrance on your own. You gasp sharply as your eyes focus on what is in front of you. A trail of blood covers the floor, leading your gaze to Bubba.
He is crucified on the wall, right on top of a map of the town. Knives are buried deep in his palms and ankles. His head is hung low, his throat slit and blood spilling down his chest. You don’t know how to react. You think you should at least scream but you’re frozen, unable to tear your eyes away from Bubba.
“There ya are, baby!” 
Your head wrenches to the sound of his voice. Mary is covered in blood, more so than usual. His face is completely covered and his hands and arms up to his elbows are stained red. He is twirling a knife in his hand as he walks over to you at a leisurely pace.
“The… the crops.” That's all you can manage to say. You point in the vague direction of them. He is smiling at you, his bright white teeth a deep contrast to the dark red of the blood covering his lips.
“They needed to be punished, darlin’.” He sets the knife down on one of the meeting tables before he reaches you. 
“B-but the food supply--”
“You will be fed.” Mary’s voice drops to a dangerous level, his eyes shining with madness you’ve never seen before. “You’re my baby, baby. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. They need to be punished.” A blooded hand reaches out for you and rests on your cheek. “After what they said about you… they are going to learn a lil’ lesson. People will die, sure… but I got you, baby.” His other hand rests on your other cheek and he strokes them with his bloody fingers. 
Mary did this for you. You don’t know what to say; your mind is blank and words are catching in your throat. But you can’t help but… lean into his gentle touch. He is smearing blood all along your cheeks but you don’t mind. The look in his eyes tells you all you need to know.
Unwavering loyalty and love.
You kiss him. You kiss him and you melt into him, throwing your arms around his shoulders. He is your and you are his.
And they will be punished.
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ramblingoak · 10 months
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~~ Read my works on Archive of Our Own ~~
5/28/24: Going to try to work through some of the prompts in my inbox (so. many. kisses!) soon. Otherwise I'm going to focus on my various wips and try to get those finished up! I would like to focus on The Cardinal's Bride verse and the steampunk verse soon. And hopefully no other fic ideas happen XD
new fics:
The Repugnant, Chapter 2: Setting Sail (mary goore x f!reader, nsfw)
A Nap With Terzo (terzo x gn!reader, fluff)
Mushy May in Lucifer's Hollow ~ start here ~ or read on Ao3
Little Thief (secondo x f!reader, cowboy au, nsfw)
The Cardinal's Bride, Chapter 13: And You Can Hold Me (copia x f!reader, cowboy au, nsfw)
A Nap With The Captain (copia x gn!reader, fluff)
Napping in the Clouds (young copia, angst and fluff)
A Kiss Goodnight (copia x gn!reader, a sweet kiss, nsfw)
Peanuts and Cracker Jacks (secondo x f!reader, ghaseball, nsfw)
Suggestions (copia x swiss, a very thorough kiss, nsfw)
ongoing series:
Tales From Lucifer's Hollow (copia x aether, mountain x rain, swiss x phantom/aeon, fluff, eventual smut) An au series set in the small town of Lucifer's Hollow. A look at the lives of the humans and ghouls that live there. There are just snippets so far but I've linked them below or you can search the tag: tales from lucifer's hollow. Mr. November (copia x aether) snippets so far: here and here A Petal For Your Thoughts (mountain x rain) snippets so far: here, here, here, here, here Sweets and Treats (swiss x phantom/aeon) snippets so far: here and here
Naps With Copia - series masterpost (copia x gn!reader, fluff, fluff and fluff, sfw) A series of stand alone stories featuring soft, fluffy naps with Copia and gender neutral readers. The specific "Copia" will be listed by each story.
The Cardinal's Bride (copia x f!reader, cowboy au, angst, smut) latest chapter: 13 / series masterpost After being forced into a marriage with Mr. Saltarian by your father you are sent west to his estate in Nevada. Along the way you end up meeting one of the cowboys you have always fantasized about...
Copia on ICE! (copia x f!reader, winter olympics au, angst, fluff, smut) Chapters: 1 / series masterpost At what would probably be your final Winter Olympics you needed to focus on realizing your dream of winning gold. You definitely didn't need to start a whirlwind romance with world famous speed skater Copia Emeritus…
Clockwork Hearts (copia x f!reader, steampunk au, fluff, adventure, smut) A tale of adventure and alchemy in a steampunk world. You have to join forces with Captain Copia on his airship, The Impera, in order to save your city. Capitano Copia (copia x f!reader, tease for main story, smug copia) Clockwork Friends (f!reader, fluff) Building A Family (young copia, fluff) Napping in the Clouds (young copia, angst and fluff) A Nap With The Captain (copia x gn!reader, fluff)
The Repugnant (mary goore x f!reader, pirate au, horror, adventure, smut) Chapters: 1 / series masterpost After becoming too curious about seeing the pirate ship The Repugnant you end up captured and in the clutches of the feared pirate Captain Mary Goore...
my other fics:
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Pancake Breakfast (gn!reader, domestic fluff, sfw)
Happy Lasagna Day (f!reader, silly birthday smut)
Papas Taking Care of a Sick Reader (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Care Package (gn!reader, sick copia, fluff, sfw)
In His Name (gn!reader, filthy smut)
I Love You, I Like You (gn!reader, sweet and caring copia, sfw)
Invisible Touch (f!reader, phone sex)
Ring Ring (f!reader, phone sex then closet sex)
Don't Go (gn!reader, brief angry copia, angst, fluff)
Smudge (gn!reader, silly copia, fluff, sfw)
Feeling Blah (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Them Rats (gn!reader, rat dad copia, fluff, sfw)
Little Hands (violence, horror)
A Lil Somethin' Somethin' (f!reader, sex toys, smut, car sex)
Play Ball (f!reader, copia in his ghaseball uniform, smut)
Best Folk Album (copia's ghouls are just trying to help, fluff, sfw)
Copia Is Terrible At Telling Scary Stories - chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
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The Vampire's Bride (f!reader, vampire cowboy au, smut)
Ratte Art (gn!reader, coffee shop au, fluff, sfw)
Rainy Kisses (gn!reader, kisses in the rain)
Yay Satan Day (f!reader, smug copia, desk sex)
His Dark Song - chapters: 1 (f!reader, occult au, future smut)
Satan's Toy Box (gn!reader, fluff)
A Man After Midnight (f!reader, copia doing a strip tease, fluff, smut)
Falling (f!reader, fluff, smut)
The Late Assistant (f!reader, fluff, tiny bit of smut)
The Pants (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
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No, Cardinal (gn!reader, cock warming)
Shooting His Shot (terzo x omega, winter olympics au, fluff)
A Gift Of Bones (terzo x omega, zombie!terzo, death, resurrection)
The Morningstar (f!reader, cowboy au, smut)
The Perfect Afternoon - sequel to One Dance (f!reader, regency au, fluff)
One Dance (f!reader, regency au, fluff)
Please, Cardinal (f!reader, cardinal terzo, loss of virginity, smut)
Satan's Dick (gn!reader, insufferable terzo)
Yes, Cardinal (f!reader, cardinal terzo, desk sex)
My Husband is Now Bones (terzo x omega, zombie au, death, resurrection)
Promises (f!reader, smut)
140 Shades of Terzo - series masterpost (prompt fills from a list of 140 smut prompts featuring terzo)
The Sexy Adventures of Cardinal Terzo - series masterpost (cardinal terzo and his sexy adventures around the abbey)
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A Nap With Secondo (secondo x gn!reader, fluff)
His Little Ghuleh (secondo x aurora, rough bj, scratching, size kink)
Another Round (f!reader, messy ritual sex, overstimulation)
Breakfast in Bed (f!reader, vampire secondo, blood, smut)
Distraction (f!reader, aftermath of teasing papa)
A Single Kiss (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Shut Up (gn!reader, secondo is bad with emotions, fluff, sfw)
Sap (gn!reader, forced separation for ritual prep, fluff)
Sliding Home (f!reader, secondo in a ghaseball uniform, desk sex)
And I'm Yours (f!reader, jealous secondo, ritual sex)
Drenched (f!reader, overstimulation, little breeding kink)
Payback (f!reader, messy desk sex)
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What You See (gn!reader, old man body worship)
Nema (f!reader, ritual sex)
Dumbasses (cardinal primo deals with a young terzo and copia, sfw)
Time's Up (primo comes to terms with his time as papa, sfw)
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The Repugnant - chapters: 1 (f!reader, pirate au, horror, adventure, smut)
Napping With An Outlaw (gn!reader, cowboy au, injured mary, fluff, sfw)
Giddy Up (gn!reader, pony play)
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kissingghouls · 2 months
Couple Skate (Mary Goore x f!Reader)
Summary: Another date with Mary has them trying something for the first and leads the two of you into uncharted territory (aka your bedroom.) (3200 words)
TAGS: NSFW 18+ MDNI, FLUFF, SMUT, slight character injury but nothing serious, he/they Mary.
[This goes along with the other More Goore '24 stories or can be read alone. Choose your own adventure, it's what Mary would want. Or read on AO3.]
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“Does that feel good?” you ask, eyes wide as you look up from between Mary’s legs. For a moment all they do is blink at you, but then a sly grin creeps across their face followed by a low chuckle. They cock their head to the side, pulling their lip between their teeth as they adjust in their seat.
“You have no idea, do you darlin’?”
“Wha?” you ask, still staring at him. It was a perfectly normal thing to ask, especially since Mary had never done this before. You still weren’t sure exactly how this whole thing even happened, but it was bound to be an experience for both of you.
It wasn’t until you heard harsh whispers and tsking from several feet away that it dawned on you what he meant.
“The skates you perv!” you huff, giving them a quick slap on the thigh. You’d spent the last few minutes with your knees on a grubby carpet trying to help Mary tighten the laces on a pair of rented ice skates. A couple of uppity moms had covered their kids’ eyes at the sight of the two of you, like you were really planning on sucking his dick in public like that. But you couldn’t care less what those moms thought if it meant Mary wasn’t going to get hurt on your watch. You give the laces another tug before asking again if they felt ok.
“I dunno,” they reply, stretching a skinny leg out past you. They twist their ankle around, flexing their foot against the boot. “Am I supposed to be able to feel my feet?”
“Normally yes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if all your blood rushed somewhere else.”
Mary gives you an easy shrug and leans forward. “Do you really want me to apologize for thinking you’re hot?”
“I want to know if the skates feel ok,” you respond flatly.
“They feel like boots with knives on the bottom, so…metal as fuck?”
“You are so lucky you’re cute, Goore.”
“Pretty sure you’re the cute one, sweetheart.”
You smile softly and climb into the seat next to them. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”
“Darlin.” He places a hand under your chin, angling your face toward his. “We can’t just keep going to the bar.”
“Why not?”
Mary looks down, finding a particularly interesting thread on the ripped knee of his jeans. “I don’t…I don’t want you to get bored with me.”
“Goore, you’re like the furthest thing from boring I could imagine.”
“But like…in a good way, right?” they ask cautiously.
“Would I be hanging out with you if it wasn’t in a good way?”
“Hmm,” he hums pretending to think. “I don’t know. You’ve dated some questionable people in the past.”
“Oh and you haven’t?” you challenge, leaning over to pinch their side.
“What can I say?” they ask with a laugh. “I was a fool until now.”
“I’m gonna leave your ass here,” you grumble.
“No, you won’t. You like me too much.”
“You’re ok, I guess. Pretty good at building a fort.”
“You want me to make you another? A two bedroom, two bath dream house— “
“I want you to do what you want to do.”
“Hey,” he says softly. “I am doing what I want to do. You think I would be in a place like this if I didn’t want to be here with you?”
You look up, taking in the scene around you. Obnoxious, loud pop music blasts overhead—a song neither one of you know—while the happy shouts of children and other couples cut through the sound of blades scraping across the ice. It’s a wholesome swirl of rosy cheeks, colorful fabric, and bright lights; a pleasant little afternoon of family fun with you and Mary looking completely out of place like a couple of ghostly apparitions.
“Honestly? I’m not sure how we ended up here in the first place,” you admit. “But no, I don’t think you make a habit of doing anything you don’t want to.”
“Exactly! Now, help me broaden my horizons or whatever other motivational shit people say. Teach me to skate!”
“I’ll try my best, Goore. What are you going to teach me after this?” you ask as you help them to their feet.
“I’m sure I could think of a couple things,” he replies lowly, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes.
Helping Mary to their feet is one thing but getting them to the ice is far more complicated. They’d never skated in their life and they’d clearly never walked in skates before. You try your best to correct the stiff and rigid movements that made them look about as graceful as Frankenstein’s Monster, but there was only so much you could do until they felt comfortable enough.
It isn’t any easier on the ice, but at least there’s a wall to help keep him upright.
Still, you’re impressed by the fact that Mary is willing trying something new at all, just because it was something you thought was fun. Most of the people you dated weren’t as interested in anything you cared about and they certainly going to try it. But Mary’s different in more ways than you can count, so much so that it keeps you awake some nights. You’ve worried yourself sick thinking about how you might like them too much, but there’s no one else you’d rather be sharing these things with.
He flinches as a tiny kid whizzes past, his hold on your hand tightening even more. He is a giant ball of nerves wrapped in leather and spikes, all sweaty palms and calloused fingers locked in a death grip as you slowly pull him around the rink. You’re sure it’s an entertaining sight to see, something like an eldritch terror helping a zombified baby deer in corpse paint waddle across a frozen pond. But right now, no one else matters. It’s just you and Mary on the ice.
After a couple of laps they start to get the hang of it, remembering to bend their knees to keep their balance. They smile brightly at you as they make a full pass without wobbling.
“Darlin’, look!” Mary shouts excitedly. They start to push off, slowly picking up speed as the blades slide over the ice. The first little stumble fills their face with panic, but they quickly recover and gain enough confidence to skate a little ahead of you. “Look! I did it!”
You trail behind them, watching in wonder as your spooky, metalhead boyfriend continues skating on his own…
…for about 30 seconds before he hits a bad patch in the ice and completely wipes out. He drops like a stone, limbs going everywhere as his body lands hard. The momentum he’d built up keeps him sliding across the ice until he comes to rest with a solid thud against the wall.
“Mary!” you shout and take off. You hate how scared you sound, heart pounding hard as you wonder if he’s hurt or worse. You skate hard, nearly taking out a hoard of laughing children in your rush to reach him. As you approach, Mary lets out a loud groan and rolls onto their back, staring up at you.
“Darlin’, there are much easier ways to get me on my back,” he groans, wincing as he shifts. “Less painful ones too, unless that’s what you’re into.”
You shake your head and kneel next to him, quickly swiping at the tears forming in your eyes. “Mary, are you ok?”
“I think I broke my ass,” he informs you through gritted teeth. “Is it ok if I don’t wanna do this anymore?”
“Yeah, absolutely,” you agree with a nod.
As a single tear slides down your cheek, Mary cracks a cocky smile. He reaches up, wiping the tear away with his thumb. “You worried about me, sweetheart?”
“Yes, idiot!”
“Told you. You like me too much.”
“Yeah, I do. Now, let’s get you off the ice, ok?”
Mary sticks their arms in the air, waving their hands wildly. “Drag me around like a corpse, baby!”
You lean down to kiss him instead, unbothered by the ice now soaking cold, wet splotches into your jeans.
He hums, grinning back at you as you pulled away. “I gotta fall down in front of you more often.”
“Please don’t. Pretty sure my heart stopped.”
Slowly he presses a cold hand to your chest, fingertips searching out the frantic rhythm of your heartbeat. His touch only elevates things, your heart now kicking like bpm of Mary’s songs. Your eyes close as he shifts to his knees and brings a hand to your neck to feel your pulse, counting along in his head. He didn’t know fuck all about math or blood pressure, but he knows now that he made your heart race.
It wasn’t not the first time Mary kisses you like that—a soft, slow press of their lips to yours that meant more than either of you were willing to say. But it is the first time either of you had attempted to do so on ice. You shiver—from the cold or Mary’s touch you weren’t sure, but you knew you needed to get out of there fast.
“Mm, Mary?” you ask, lips still brushing his. “My place?”
“Fuck yeah,” they agree with a nod.
The front door slams into the wall and bounces back as you and Mary spill through. There’s probably a mark you will have to pay for later, but for now the two of you are too busy stumbling over each other’s feet to be concerned. He kicks the door shut and tries to shake off his jacket without moving away from you, teeth nipping at your bottom lip. You’re so focused on trying to undo at least one of his belts that it doesn’t even phase you when you catch the corner of the coffee table with your leg. 
The jacket hits the floor with a soft thump. Mary’s hands move to your face, pulling you closer and closer as he licks into your mouth. A belt follows, free falling from around Mary’s hips because the stupid thing wasn’t functional—it was just in your way.  Your jacket is next, worked away from your shoulders by his impatient hands. You find success with the other belt and manage to get his shirt over his head while he pulls at yours. Clothes and boots litter the hallway like breadcrumbs—a trail that leads straight to your dimly lit bedroom.
You land on the bed and pull Mary on top of you, legs tangling as you fight to slot your mouths back together. It’s a frenzied mess of hands and lips and tongues and teeth on skin that feels feverish, so hot you think you might combust. But you don’t want to stop, you can’t stop—not when his chest heaves like that.
“Fuck,” they groan, low and loud as they move to kiss your neck. They know that space below your ear drives you fucking crazy and they waste no time leaving an angry mark on your throat before moving down to mouth along your collarbone.
You draw a finger over the lines and obscure symbols etched into their arms. Up their biceps and across their shoulder where the ink spills onto their chest and disappears into the soft patch of light hair. You imagine Mary in their little bathroom with a shitty box dye and—Satan help you—you only want them more. 
His breath hitches as your hands travel down their ribs, fingertips itching to touch the rest of him. He kisses you hard, almost desperate, but his own hands remain at an infuriatingly polite distance. A simple “please, Mary” whispered against his lips is all it takes to get Mary’s hands everywhere, those calloused fingers tracing over your tits. He’s rough in a way that feels perfect, pinching one nipple while biting the other to make you whine for him.
“C’mere,” he hums, urging your leg around his hip. He presses his forehead to yours, eyes closed tight as you brush against his length. “Fuck, darlin’.”
“Well, yeah, that’s the idea,” you tease and grind against them for emphasis.
“You’re trouble,” Mary quips, shaking their head. He moves to kiss your neck, trailing up to your ear to whisper, “ask me again.”
The words go straight to your center and Mary doesn’t miss the way you tremble against him. “Please, Mary,” you repeat softly. “Please touch me.”
When you see that devilish grin you know you’re probably going to regret giving him that kind of power, but as his hand slips between your legs, you stop caring about anything that isn’t the way Mary feels. His hand dips into your panties, fingers curving up to press against your entrance. Slowly, he pumps them in and out, carefully memorizing whatever actions pull the most sounds from you as he works you open. It’s all you can do to even the score and as you palm him over his boxers, the sound he makes has you feeling victorious already.
He withdraws his fingers and pushes his boxers down to coat his thick length with your slick. You never really had a chance at winning this game against him, but you’re happy to keep playing if it means getting fucked by Mary Goore.
“You’re so fucking good for me, darlin’,” he purrs, stroking his cock as he looks at you. He edges backward, trailing kisses over your stomach and inner thighs as he makes his way down. He moans loudly as he tastes you for the first time. The sound and the feeling has your thighs trying to press together, but Mary holds you in place as he draws his tongue over your swollen clit.
Your hands find his hair and he moans again as you tug roughly at the soft strands. His fingers push into your entrance, working at the same rhythm as his mouth. It’s too much and not enough, but fuck he feels too good. You barely manage the words before your hips raise to meet his touch. All you can do is let it wash over you, crying out his name as the world crashes down in the best way. He watches you shake, giving you just enough time to form a coherent thought before his mouth is on yours, the taste of yourself still on his tongue.
“Fuck, Mary,” you mutter against his lips and wrap your arms around his neck to keep him close.
“Is this what you want, sweetheart?” he asks, his voice low as he drags the tip of his cock through your folds. “You want me to fuck you?”
It’s so hot you want to strangle them, but you’re not about to fuck this up so you bite your lip and nod instead. It’s all the confirmation Mary needs. He captures you in a bruising kiss and swallows your moans as he guides himself to your entrance. His cock is so thick the stretch of him has you keening and clawing at his arms until he’s finally fully seated inside you. He stills himself, letting you get used to the feeling, but you kind of hope you never do. There’s soft kisses and words while they’re checking in with you, making sure you’re ok before they start to slowly pull out. A quick snap of his hips has you begging for more and that cocky smile of his returns. The whole thing is so unbelievably Mary that you really shouldn’t be surprised that he’s as skilled with his cock as he is with his hands or his mouth. But you’re more than happy to find out this way.
You’re just as surprised when Mary pushes your knees apart and hits an angle that nearly sends you over the edge way too quickly. It doesn’t stop him from trying again and again and again with that fucking grin on his face as you try desperately not to wake up everyone in the building. He pins your wrists to the bed and pounds into you a little harder each time you moan for him with your lip between your teeth, trying so hard to stay quiet.
With a few more thrusts of his hips and some filthy words, you’re coming undone beneath him, too fucked out on Mary Goore to know which way is up. It hits you hard, another white-hot wave sparking through your entire body and the only thing you can do is hold onto him as you ride it out. He groans as you tense around him, waiting for you to stop shaking before teasingly asking if you’re ok.  Instead of replying you raise your hips, using your leverage to push Mary onto their back. You lock eyes with him as you lower yourself onto his length, mouth falling open as he fills you again. Before they can make some smartass remark, you move your hips, finding a pace that has both of your eyes rolling back. It’s all too much as Mary fucks you harder, his fingers working at your sensitive clit while asking you—begging you—to come for him again. It doesn’t take much, not with the way he asks and the way he thrusts into you like he already knows exactly how to fuck you. The third orgasm hits even harder, tears slipping from your eyes as overstimulation sets in.
“Oh fuck, darlin’, I’m gonna cum,” he warns as his grip tightens, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. He tips you onto your back, groaning as he slowly pulls out. He pumps his cock in his fist, eyes locked with yours as he spills across your stomach and marks you once more.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he confesses, blissed-out and breathless as he looks at you covered in sweat, cum, and those little marks he’d sucked into your skin.
“You think so?”
“Yeah,” he says with a grin, biting his lip. “Might even be a little bit obsessed with you, darlin’…but in a like… not totally creepy way.”
“Mary Goore? Not creepy?”
He laughs. “Well…ok I’m not going to try to wear your skin, sweetheart. But I think about you an absolutely unhealthy amount.”
“Your post-orgasm honesty is fucking adorable, Goore,” you admit with a smile.
“Ah, well, I guess we will have to keep talking like this.”
“I guess we will.”
Mary sighs and rest on his side, hair softly falling over his eyes. He gives you a shy smile you don’t often see from him, before burying his face in the pillow.
“What is it?”
“Nothing,” he mumbles. “It’s stupid. Forget it.”
“C’mon Goore. Tell me.”
“I’m just…” They pause to cringe. “I’m just, ugh I dunno…happy?”
You snort out a laugh. “Well, I would hope so.”
“No, like, not… I mean, yes, happy about that but like…this. You and me.”
“Me and you, huh? Is this your way of asking if I want to be an ‘us?’”
“Kinda thought we were?”
“Yes, but now we’ve said it. That’s like…official official.”
“Officially us, then?” Mary asks and reaches over to tap your nose. “Is that cool with you?”
“Very much.”
He grins brightly. “Well, if that’s settled. Think you can walk ok? Or should I carry you to the shower?”
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ghuleh-recs · 9 months
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Some Mary Goore recs for those of us mourning the loss of Repugnant. Like to charge and reblog to cast an absolute motherfucker of a hex on Spotify.
Fics under the cut. These are filthy because Mary is filthy. 18+ mdni
Kinktober 2021 Day 12 - @copias-thrall - dew x mary x swiss
Swiss has some fun with the two resident gremlins.
The Green Fairy - @gasolineghuleh - mary x f!reader
The cute bartender has a bit of a secret, doesn't he? It isn't until you cut yourself on some glass that you notice it, and the hunt begins.
First Dates and Second First Dates - @filthy-rat - mary x gn!reader
After your first date goes slightly awry, Mary insists that you have a second first date, which is completely different from a second date.
Painting Mary - @lady-necropolis - mary x f!reader
could i request a fic about the reader doing their halloween makeup/facepaint, and they want to try doing mary’s and ends up pulling the “i want to do your makeup so i have to straddle you oh noooo 👀” card.
Again - @ramblingoak - mary x virgin!reader (f!reader)
“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to do something?”  Mary didn’t answer, they continued to remain still by the bed staring down at you.  You rolled your eyes, pushing yourself up onto your elbows and glaring at them.  “Haven’t you done this before?
Gotcha - @lady-jane3 - mary x gn!reader
They regained some of their cocky air and flipped the knife between their fingers, making me flinch slightly in more difficult passes between. The shot of adrenaline I felt each time the passes just slightly lagged made me start to understand it, feeling a cool cloud of relief after each burst of adrenaline. A crooked grin slowly crept across his lips as he noticed the way I was watching the flash of the blade, thinking that he caught my attention exactly the way he wanted it.
Mary Machinations - @filthy-rat - mary x f!reader
Mary's got this van. He calls it his "shaggin' wagon". As perhaps his only friend that he hasn't stuck his dick in, you have yet to be invited into the back of it, but that's about to change.
Pigtails, Baby - @gasolineghuleh - mary x f!reader
Mary uses your pigtails to help you give him a nice, sloppy alleyway blowjob.
Saucy Mary Goore - @copias-thrall - mary x f!reader
“You show enough chicks Jesus, and that goes a long way to them thinking you ain’t that much of an asshole after all.” It sounds like a snappy comeback in your head, but the minute the words are out, you want to shove them back in. “So you’re saying the only way to get someone to stop thinking you’re an asshole is to let you fuck it out of them?” He bites his bottom lip and sucks the air through his teeth as he gives you an appraising look. 
⛧ now go forth and read, bookmark, kudos, comment, & add your own Mary recs to the list!!
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ghulehunknown · 8 months
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Hey everyone! I’m Elizabeth (:
My blog is strictly 18+! I write adult themes and I will always tag my posts accordingly. Sometimes it’s just fluff.
Requests are open! - fanfics, drabbles, headcanons, etc. I love hearing from you! Just a few things to note:
Typically I write Papa x Reader (either GN or F reader), but I am open to changing it up
I’ll write any of the Papas or Ghouls/Ghoulettes, but am most comfortable w/ Terzo x Reader or Copia x Reader
Topics I will NOT write include the following, but are not limited to: incest, beastiality, underage, non-con - I will update this list if I need to
DM me anytime! If I’m taking a while to respond or post, please be patient as I’m probably thinking of the best way to write the request.
I reserve the right to deny any request but please do not take it personally. Certain topics I may not write if I can’t find the inspiration or I’m uncomfortable, but generally I’m open to just about anything.
🔞 The following list contains NSFW content. Minors DNI 🔞
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Wintertime Smut Collection
XXXmas At The Ministry, a collaboration with @copias-sewer-rat, @molly-ghuleh, and @bupia
Naughty Presents (Primo) by @copias-sewer-rat
Ungrumpify Your Papa (Secondo) by @molly-ghuleh
Mistletoe’d (Terzo) by @ghulehunknown
Treasure Hunt (Copia) by @bupia
Papa Holiday Headcanons
Papa Valentine’s Day Headcanons
Vacation Full Length Smut and “The Note” (a continuation of Mistletoe’d) - coming soon!
“A Holiday Tail”
“A Rainy Winter”
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Kinktober 2023
Day 1 - masturbation • Day 2 - Terzomega • Day 3 - blowjob • Day 4 - cunnilingus, fingering, worship • Day 5 - miniskirt rough sex, dom • Day 6 - soft dom, sweet sex • Day 7 - teacher/student, inexperience, praise • Day 8 - rimming • Day 9 - public sex, exhibitionism • Day 10 - spanking, fishnets • Day 11 - group sex • Day 12 - sub Copia, degradation • Day 13 - kissing HCs • Day 14 - period sex HCs • Day 15 - lovemaking HCs • Halloween - Vamperzo, period sex
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“Do You Deserve It?” • “You Earned It” • “Cardi Confessions” • Random Drabble • “Creature Comforts” • Undressing Copia Drabble
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“I Wanna Be Yours” (Terzomega) • “Preparation is Key” • “Papa’s Worship” • “Movie ’n Chill” • “Let’s Have a Satanic Orgy” • “La Notte del Vampiro” • “La Lezione di Lucifero” • “And He Sees Nothing Wrong With That” • “Mistletoe’d” • “One Missed Text”
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“Papa’s Punishment”
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“Teach Me Tonight”
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Papa Headcanons
Kissing/Cuddling • Period Sex/Comforting • Romantic Sex/Lovemaking • Sick Days • Mary Goore NSFW • Positions • Going Down (F Receiving) • Jealousy • Thanksgiving • Showering Together • Holidays • Valentine’s Day • Proposals
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“A Holiday Tail” (Mountain) • “A Rainy Winter” (Rain)
Papa of Choice
“Caught by Papa” • “Tangled Sheets”
Gender Neutral
“I Wanna Be Yours” (Terzomega) • “Tangled Sheets” • “Papa’s Punishment” • Random Copia Drabble • “A Rainy Winter” • “Creature Comforts” • Undressing Copia Drabble
“Caught by Papa” • “Preparation is Key” • “Papa’s Worship” • “Do You Deserve It?” • “You Earned It” • “Teach Me Tonight” • “Movie ’n Chill” • “Let’s Have a Satanic Orgy” • “Cardi Confessions” • “La Notte del Vampiro” * “La Lezione di Lucifero” • “And He Sees Nothing Wrong With That” • “Mistletoe’d” • “A Holiday Tail” (Mountain x AFAB) • “One Missed Text”
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death-to-posers · 10 months
As promised, here’s that list of people I will/won’t write for, and also my boundaries etc.
Will do:
Some averagely kinky stuff✅
x reader fics✅
platonic ships & fics✅
Queer fics (f character x f reader, m character x m reader etc, I will write for non binary readers too. Please specify the gender you want the reader to be when you request or I will default to non binary)✅
Won’t do:
R*pe/Non con❌
Adult x minor ❌ (no weird pedo shit)
Anything that glorifies or sexualises severe domestic abuse❌
Pregnancy fics (I can’t I’m sorry.)❌
Shit kinks💀 (come on now..)❌
Vomit kinks (why.)❌
Foot fetish related stuff❌
furry/zoophile shit❌
eating disorder/self harm stuff (I know a lot of people originally used this as a coping mechanism but it eventually evolved into the romanticism of anorexia and self harm and I do not stand for that.)❌
Might do, depends on the request:
Ships between two real people (unless they’re an actual couple I will probably be against this)
People/bands I will write for:
AC/DC (all members)
Alestorm (all members)
Abbath (all members)
Alice In Chains (all members)
Abbath Doom Occulta
Bathory (all members)
Behemoth (all members)
Billy Idol
Black Sabbath (all members)
Bon Jovi (all members)
Burzum (all members but it’s just Varg so this goes without saying)
Cannibal Corpse (all members)
Carpathian Forest (all members)
Courtney Love
Celtic Frost (all members)
Darkthrone (all members)
Disturbed (all members)
The Doors (all members)
Dream Theater (all members)
Evanescence (all members)
Foo Fighters (all members)
Ghost/Ghost B.C. (all members)
Gloryhammer (all members)
God Seed (all members)
Gojira (all members)
Gorgoroth (all members)
Green Day (all members)
Hanoi Rocks (all members)
Helloween (all members)
Hole (all members)
Immortal (all members)
Iron Maiden (all members)
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (all members)
Joost Klein
Judas Priest (all members)
King Ov Hell
KoRn (all members except David Silveria)
Lamb Of God (all members)
Lana Del Rey
Limp Bizkit (all members)
Marilyn Manson/Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids (all members)
Mayhem (all members)
Megadeth (all members)
Metallica (all members)
Misfits (all members)
Morbid (all members)
Motörhead (all members)
Murderdolls (all members)
My Chemical Romance (all members except Bob)
Nickelback (all members)
Nirvana (all members)
Old Funeral (all members)
Ov Hell (all members)
Ozzy Osbourne
Pantera (all members)
Powerwolf (all members)
Pearl Jam (all members)
Queen (all members)
Rammstein (all members)
Rob Zombie
Repugnant (specifically Mary Goore)
Ronnie James Dio
Rotting Christ (all members)
Sabaton (all members)
Serj Tankian
Sirenia (all members)
Slaughter To Prevail (all members)
Slayer (all members)
System Of A Down (all members)
Type O Negative (all members)
Twisted Sister (all members)
Tool (all members)
Varg Vikernes
If there are any members I’ve excluded it is most likely because I fucking hate them. If you submit a request for someone and I refuse to do it then it’s either because: it makes me uncomfortable to write for said person especially if it’s smut, I don’t know enough about them to write a fic or I hate them. It’ll probably be one of those three reasons so please understand and respect that. If there’s someone/a band not on this list or the “won’t do” list, it doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t do them. I might have simply forgotten to add them so please ask.
I will also write for certain non-musicians such as historical figures and/or fictional characters. Give me a shout in requests and I may or may not be willing to write for them. As an example, I will write for Manfred and Lothar von Richthofen. Not musicians but I adore them.
People/bands I will NOT write for:
Any kpop bands.
Any actors/actresses
Deftones (there’s no negotiation. I will not write for Deftones. End of discussion.)
Blink-182 (same as Deftones)
Falling In Reverse (Same reason as Deftones)
Yungblud (come on now. Be serious. Be so for real.)
Panic! At The Disco (fuck no.)
The Beatles (no.)
Mötley Crüe (no❤️)
Tokio Hotel (nothing against them but no thanks)
One Direction (come on.)
C*rey Taylor/most of Slipknot. (I will write for Joey and Jay though, my pookies)
Mindless Self Indulgence (foul ass band I despise all of the members)
And when I said I won’t write a romantic fic between two real people I meant it. Platonic is more than okay, we love some platonic bandmate fluff but beyond that is a fat no unless they’re actually married/dating. So it goes without saying that I will NOT write Davisdurst, don’t even start. Do not.
- 𐕣𝕶𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𐕣
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gravehags · 9 months
⛧⚸ gravehags' writing ⚸⛧
sundress season - mary goore x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
synchronicity - cardinal copia x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
fever for the fire - cumulus x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
i must confess to you (i want to possess you) - cumulus x f!reader, prequel to fever for the fire, NSFW, MDNI
to taste your beating heart - cirrus x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
sweetest submission - dewdrop x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
untitled - cardinal copia x gn!reader
this hell (is better with you) - ghoulettes x afab!reader
worship this love - cumulus x f!reader
meet me in the woods - cirrus x f!reader, regency au, NSFW, MDNI
dream (a little dream of me) - aether x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
feel you from the inside - dewdrop x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
i'd be your mistress (just to have you around) - cardinal copia x f!reader
the potential of you and me - phantom x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
whatever she wants (whatever you want) - cumulus x f!reader (x cirrus, sort of), NSFW, MDNI
your sin, your preacher - papa emeritus ii x f!reader, NSFW, MDNI
give me mercy no more - cardinal copia x f!reader x cumulus, NSFW, MDNI
📚 CURATOR!READER (non-chronological series) 📚
dreadful need in the devotee - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
can't find you in the dark - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
unraveling a stitch - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
you send me - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
something so precious - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
i am the heart that you call home - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
every day is halloween - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
take me apart - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader), NSFW, MDNI
traduzione - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
satan baby - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader)
unholy, unholy, unholy - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader), NSFW, MDNI
falling so badly (i'm coming apart) - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader), NSFW, MDNI
crimson headache, aching blush - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader), NSFW, MDNI
let the devil in - cardinal copia x f!reader (curator!reader), NSFW, MDNI
✨ BONUS ✨ - curator!reader x cardinal copia playlist
heaven in hiding - swiss x f!reader (virgin!reader) , NSFW, MDNI
the undone and the divine - swiss x f!reader, sequel to heaven in hiding, part two in the ghoul bicycle series. NSFW, MDNI
ain't it a gentle sound - dewdrop x f!reader, part three in the ghoul bicycle series (part i, part ii), NSFW, MDNI
waiting for you only - cumulus x f!reader, part four in the ghoul bicycle series, NSFW, MDNI
our little remedy - aether x f!reader x mountain, part five in the ghoul bicycle series, NSFW, MDNI
separated by a degree - cirrus x f!reader, part six in the ghoul bicycle series, NSFW, MDNI
naked in that garden - rain x f!reader, part seven in the ghoul bicycle series, NSFW, MDNI
feathers in our bed - transfem!sunshine x f!reader, part eight in the ghoul bicycle series, NSFW, MDNI
some know it lovingly - phantom x f!reader, part nine in the ghoul bicycle series, NSFW, MDNI
my blood is singing with your voice - aurora x f!reader, part ten in the ghoul bicycle series, NSFW, MDNI
the burn between our hearts - ghouls/ghoulettes x f!reader, final part in the ghoul bicycle series
💥 bonus 💥
dance of the seven veils - aether x f!reader, extension of the ghoul bicycle series
hot to go - cirrus x f!reader, extension of the ghoul bicycle series
cumulus x ghoul bicycle reader (x cirrus x sunshine x aurora)
swiss x ghoul bicycle reader x aurora
phantom x ghoul bicycle reader
ghoul bicycle pack x reader with a tummy ache
aether and dew spitroasting ghoul bicycle reader
ghoul bicycle series group first date
ghoul bicycle series bonus post part 1
mini fics/prompts
cumulus x f!reader x cardinal copia - NSFW, MDNI
mountain x ghoulettes - NSFW, MDNI
cirrus x f!reader - NSFW, MDNI
cardinal copia x sister of sin!reader (part 1, part 2) - NSFW, MDNI
ghoulettes with an inexperienced reader - NSFW, MDNI
phantom x f!reader (x mountain) - NSFW, MDNI
ghouls/ghoulettes and bloodlust - NSFW, MDNI
ghouls/ghoulettes handling your depressive episode
ao3 profile
ko-fi page
thank you everyone for your continued support in letting me get both my nasty AND tender fantasies out. love you xoxo.
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gravehags · 8 months
here’s a little list of fics i have on the docket, in no particular order:
- poly ghoulettes x f!reader jealousy fuck
- ghoulette(s) trying on lingerie and taking pics with you
- sad terzo comfort fic (already started)
- aether and cumulus cuddle session (with potential dry humping)
- mary goore halloween cemetery sex
- aurora’s chapter of the ghoul bicycle series AND an epilogue chapter
- more and more curator!reader x cardi c content i promise you they will actually kiss soon
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kissingghouls · 2 years
About me? Call me Ghouls 💜 I 'm a 901 year old haunted painting with terrible insomnia & a Midwestern accent.
The posts? mostly Ghost & occult related aesthetic shit.
and seriously, 18+ MDNI. I don't always tag things and there is NSFW content here.
I post my work on this tumblr and my ao3 account only. Please do not repost my work to other sites or feed it to the hungry AI machine.
List Updated 5/23/2024 // ko-fi info
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Suck Club Vampire Series:
The Count (Completed)- ao3 // part one // part two // part three Vampire Copia x Reader, NSFW, MDNI, 18+, Blood, Horror, Vampire violence, SMUT
The King (Completed)- ao3 // part one // part two // part three Vampire Secondo x Reader, NSFW, MDNI, 18+, Horror, Blood, Vampire violence, Smut
The Prince (Completed)- ao3 // part one // part two // part three // part four // part five Vampire Terzo x Reader, NSFW, MDNI, 18+, Horror, Blood, Injury Vampire Violence, Smut
Other Works:
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More Goore '24:
Winter Chill (Part 1) // ao3 - Mary Goore x Reader - anon prompt / fluff & first kiss (2300 words)
The Date (Part 2)// ao3 - Mary Goore x Reader - You and Mary decide to go on a date. follow up to Winter Chill. (2500 words)
Question Marks (Part 3)// ao3 - Mary Goore x Reader - A night out with Mary has you wondering some things, but Mary presents you with an offer you can't turn down. (3200 words)
Couple Skate (Standalone or Part 4) // ao3 - Mary Goore x f!Reader - Another date with Mary has them trying something for the first and leads the two of you into uncharted territory (3200 words) MDNI 18+ SMUT
Phantom Club:
If You Remember This Tomorrow // ao3 Phantom x GN!Reader - Fluff & Tipsy Kissing // A welcome home party brings You and Phantom together. Part 1. (1700 words)
Little Ghost // ao3Phantom x GN!Reader - Fluff & Kissing // Phantom gives You a little gift to help while he's away. Part 2. (1700 words)
A Late Night Call // ao3Phantom x GN!Reader - FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF // Phantom calls in the middle of the night while he's on tour. Part 3. (1700 words)
Coming Home // ao3Phantom x GN!Reader - Fluff & Kissing // The tour is over and You and Phantom are finally reunited. Part 4. (1700 words)
Hands // ao3Phantom x GN!Reader - Hurt/Comfort, Prompt // Phantom has some doubts.
Sunday // ao3Phantom x GN! Reader - Mature, MDNI, Sex. // You and Phantom spend a Sunday keeping up a new tradition.
Leave Me Behind - Terzo x Reader prompt, Fluff, Dramatic Domestic Terzo
Couch Club - Phantom x GN!Reader -a lovely little prompt from anon. Fluff & comfort (1000 words)
A Collection of Small Ghost Works - all my prompts/requests in one place on ao3.
Let the Poison Spill (WIP) - ao3 // one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // ninePapa Emeritus III x Reader, Cardinal Copia x Reader, NSFW, MDNI, 18+, Secret Society, Horror Elements, Blood, Rituals, Smut, Magic.
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