#masc robin save me
bitterly-almond · 8 months
me and the bad bitch I pulled by being silly goofy
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anddddd the reference
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mugeesworld · 11 months
One Piece Fans Green & Red Flags!!
I seen someone do this on tiktok and thought I would do some of my takes😋 this is as a joke so don't take it to heart
Also these are HELLA specific so don't ask how I know I just do ok
The one piece fans that are still in alabaster and instead of watching one piece they are scrolling on the tiktok # of it. +extra points if you're already doing fanart of them.
non binary luffy/chopper fans (quite silly people I enjoy your company. You probably have a saved collection of videos of cats with silly sounds. Don't lie to me ik you do)
Asexual Zoro and luffy fans
Platonic Nami and luffy shippers (ya know like brother sister dynamic)
Female plus size sanji fans (cough cough me. But I've seen all y'all out their. You freaky bitches)
Usopp fans (enough said)
People that love the usopp and Nami bestie duo.
Dadan fans (period)
People that make fanart of zoro and chopper being cute
People that draw robin with that one nose shape and also draw her like that one lady from criminal minds.
Trans men Franky fans (you started wearing button ups over t-shirts huh. Elite style and funny as hell)
Female Franky shippers (Bless y'all. Y'all my favs probably. Making the best edits I swear. Probably looking for a man's like Franky cause you kin robin)
Nami x Vivi shippers (yeah😋)
Introverted female robin fans (hit my line)
Female buggy fans
Trans men zoro fans
FEMALE OR TRANS MASC WHITEBEARD STAN'S (very rare to come across. Y'all great but y'all need to heal your dad issues)
People that don't leave out Franky, jinbei, and brook in writing stuff
People that write for Franky in general.(he needs more love)
Marco simps (brave soliders right here. You really picked that mf? Yeah me you. IT'S ABOUT PERSONALITY OK???)
Sanji fans that actually find his training arc fun and not gross
Female Mihawk stans (naughty gal😼 you like them cold)
You know what?! Any trans masc one piece fan that picked a character and was like. Yep! He's literally me! Im literally him!
Jinbei fans (you guys are either sweethearts or middle school boys(the mean kind)
Brook fans that do fanart. (See cause y'all gonna eat every time)
Bon clay fans that actually like him and don't just make fun of him.
I forgot his name. Umm Coby? I think? Yeah Coby fans.
Rayleigh simps (insert sound *I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's! She really is hungry!* Me too girl me too.)
Same for garp ^
The people that been making the shanks love actions edits 😋
People that make corecore/hopecore edits of one piece
Ik I've said it a bunch but the drawing community that has been carrying the one piece fandom on tiktok. (Ty for blessing us)
Plus size one piece fans +points if you cosplay
That hot old lady that took chopper in and the hot old lady with Rayleigh fans. (Those two would be such good friends and serve some major cunt. Drawers! Get to it you know what to do.)
People that feel the need to tell sanji fans about Fishman Island every chance they get as if other characters don't have their red flags. I said it.
That one person in every comment section with a luffy profile pics saying the most absolutely rude or embarrassing thing ever like "post the on IG reels" (you are immature and not in a good way like luffy)
Zoro fans that's also like Patrick Bateman for the wrong reason
"Yamato is a woman" ("we'll actually Oda said 🤓" EHHHHHHHH *family Feud buzzered noise.* GET OUT)
People that shit on the one piece live action cast. (specifically the ones complaining about nami and her sister. BOY I OTTA!)
People that talk shit about big mom just cause she fat. Like babes so is your mom....
People that still watch one piece and try to say how much they love it but are racist, homophobic, transphobic. When one of the biggest things for luffy is to not be judgemental. You are not him⁉️🗣️ you are a asssss
Akianu fans.
MOST black beard fans (I ain't forgiving no one for what he did to whitebeard I'm not hearing it)
"Zoro would kill the whole crew for luffy🤓" would you kill your whole friend group/family for your best friend/mom or dad..... I didn't think so.
People that hate on English dub watchers. I'm a slow reader y'all. Plus it's hella funny.
People that weren't at least a little mad about GARPS actions in marine ford.
Nami x luffy. Robin x Law. And robin x zoro shippers. Also Any gross illegal ones with gross age gaps.
Thats all I can think of right now!
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gxdmade · 6 months
Mmmmm thinkin about Transmasc NB Usopp.......
Under a readmore because we gonna ramble. and it will likely be incoherent but yknow.
so walk with me here.
pre time skip boyo being obsessed with being like his dad, a strong man, warrior of the sea, pretending he was strong and brave. and luckily (to him), he was naturally small chested, so it was easy to pass off as a boy for the most part. at the time, only Kayah and the older people in the village knew he was afab, but they didn't really mind when he started correcting people not long before his mother passed away.
her death further cemented the idea on his head that he had to be a big, strong, brave boy so that he could grow up and be as cool as his pirate dad.
and at some point, it turned into the whole brave warrior of the sea thing. east blue usopp really do be giving awkward baby transman energy at times. obsessed with being strong and cool and manly, struggling to fit in his skin.
it wasnt until after Water 7 that he really started to get introspective on himself, which lead to him getting incredibly insecure. thus leading to the, yknow, shenanigans that happened there. but after spending a lot of time with franky, a guy who Literally built himself, and getting some genuinely good words of wisdom, it helped him to think about things in a healthier way and come to his senses about how awful he's been on top of that.
being at his most unsure, he dons Sogeking, an attempt to be the type of man he admires. and while it sort of works for awhile, he still defaults back to his true self. and i don't mean gender wise, i mean the real type of person he is. supportive, anxious, crafty, a worry wart and a big ol baby. but above all that, he _is_ brave. brave enough to shoot down the flag. brave enough to use his talents to save robin. brave enough to scream for luffy, to give luffy the courage to get up at fight despite being entirely drained.
he also learns a bit of what his worth is to the crew. that it never mattered how physically strong he was, or how confident, or how cool he was. what mattered was him, plain and simple. and i feel since then he'd really been working on himself behind the scenes. and with the addition of franky and brook, it was becoming painfully obvious that his idea of a brave warrior of the sea was all wrong. or at the very least, a bit skewed and misdirected.
post time skip usopp finds himself much more confident, much more comfortable in his skin. acutely aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and an unbreaking trust in his crew and his place with them. sure, anxiety will have him wavering from time to time, but ultimately, he knows who he is, and where he belongs.
long nights of introspection for two years straight brought him a sense of peace with himself, mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. he had very long talks with himself, both current and younger. and it brought a million revelations and a mountain of relief.
how he got top surgery dont ask me idk. but damn does he feel like a million bucks.
he probably didnt feel the need to completely change his body, happy with a masc leaning in between physically.
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lilyrealm · 1 year
i really need to start up a new dol save to get back into the groove, especially because i pretty much only had 1 main save, my first, which had randomised genders—as a result i probably did not end up falling for some characters as much as i could have, so i wonder if changing some of them would change my feelings on them
however i feel like i was so obsessive in my initial playthrough i uncovered most of the secrets and got bored (ik theres new updates but like, i have to go through what ive already seen yknow) so its putting me off. god, just, if the full ivory wraith lore and any possible connections to sydney were in one text dump i would just read it immediately.
also i had f!bailey and f!leighton in my first playthrough but over time after seeing lots of male portrayals ive successfully uh... gotten over my intial playthrough impression and can see male versions fine? HOWEVER. eden. was female in my first playthrough. and that line in the shower about how they dont think their body is beautiful struck me as such a masc woman insecurity, especially since the game often places emphasis on feminine and masculine portrayals... like, i would probably be way more into eden if he was a guy, and m!eden could totally be insecure about his looks, but it just hits so much harder when said by f!eden.
girls in this game are meant to be feminine. dress too masculine and people assume youre a boy. theres stats in the mirror that tell you long hair adds to your feminine appearance! of course thats all just code, but i do think itd be such an interesting portrayal that adds onto why eden abandoned that society and lives isolated away from everyone. girls are meant to be soft and delicate. shes muscular and scarred. shes too proud to bow down but it doesnt stop her being affected.
like man, i love dick, but my heart goes out to f!eden. unlike in other cases such as robin where my heart goes out to him AND i also want his dick etc.
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hairstevington · 2 years
How Stranger Things characters would react to you telling them you’re gay
Steve Harrington:
(Fem) “Wow, okay! Hey, do you happen to know my beautiful and single friend Robin Buckley? No we’re not dating.”
(Masc) “okay so like, how do you know for sure? Do you still like boobies? Asking for a friend. No, the friend’s not Robin. Although, funny enough…”
Eddie Munson:
(Fem) “who isn’t? Anyway.”
(Masc) “oh?? 😏”
“Woooohooo! Way to go, brochacho! Pizza on me tonight 🤙”
Jonathan Byers:
“Oh, okay. Listen, someone really close to me struggled with this too, and…I know how big of a deal it is. I’m here for you if you need anything.”
Nancy Wheeler:
“Oh. Yeah, totally. I just…wow. So how did you know? Sorry, forget I asked that.”
Robin Buckley:
(Fem) “oh my god whaaat? Me too! Unless you’re joking, haha. Wait you aren’t joking right? Ok, good. You’re really pretty.”
(Masc) *high fives* “yes! We have another one!”
Joyce Byers:
*hugs you aggressively* “Aw, sweetie! This is so great. You are so perfect just the way you are. If anyone gives you any crap for this, you tell me and I’ll take them down, I swear to god I will, ok?”
*confused* “oh, well, uh. Okay then. Anything else?”
Will Byers:
“Really? Well, that’s cool. That’s awesome. Thank you for telling me. I…do you want to hang out sometime?”
Eleven/Jane Hopper:
“What is…gay?”
Dustin Henderson:
*blinks rapidly* “I know this is a big moment for you, and I definitely wanna get back to it, but can we go save the world first real quick? Oh, by the way, the world is ending.”
Lucas Sinclair:
“Oh, wow. That’s pretty crazy. I mean, not crazy like YOU’RE crazy, it’s just crazy that I never knew. Sorry. I’m bad at this. Let’s start over.”
Max Mayfield:
“Cool. Wanna go to the skate park?”
Mike Wheeler:
*unfazed* “Um, okay. I gotta go to gym, but I’ll see you later!”
Murray Bauman:
“How did you even get this address? Was it Joyce? Dammit Joyce! Mazel tov, by the way.”
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supertransural · 4 years
Dean and his “things, people and feelings” he’s already “experienced differently”.
So here’s a random 4am thought I had. You know how while in the confessional in 10x16, Dean talks about “things, people, feelings” he wants to “experience differently/for the first time”? That confession is literally incoherent if you take a perfectly heterosexual-non-castiel-point of view. It just is. Let me explain why I think that is, and prepare yourself, this is going to be long. 
Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that we’re supposed to understand that conversation the way the priest understands it, that we’re supposed to see Dean the way the priest sees him: as someone who likes to have flings, who cheats, doesn’t commit, etc... basically the character that was introduced to us in the first few seasons/episodes (somewhat). I’m going to be calling that stance the “priest POV”. 
The issue here, is that this is not in fact “the first few seasons/episodes”, this is season 10, Things have happened since then. People have happened. Feelings. Have. Happened. Wether it be in the form of flashbacks or present day events, we’ve seen character development. So let’s start with romantic ones.
1: The first one that comes to mind is Lisa (and Ben). He had a committed, long term, family oriented, white picket fence relationship. It wasn’t just a “I had no other place to go” kinda deal, because once he was somewhat back on his feet, he could’ve pulled a Dean WInchester and left. Except he didn’t. He could’ve cheated. Except he didn’t. He could’ve not opened up or not gotten vulnerable. Except he did. That should already debunk the “priest POV” but let me add on. 
2: Cassie. Dean was insanely vulnerable with her, he loved her, opened up to her about the one big thing he never tells his one night stands, and incidentally was the one who was rejected this time around. He still has feelings about her when he meets her again. 
3: Robin. His first, real girlfriend. With whom he was also in a committed relationship with, which probably would’ve kept on growing if John hadn’t been the usual assh*le that he is, and Dean had had a chance to go to that dance with her. I like to think of her as beta-version-Lisa, and also as the girl who set him on his blazing trail of leaving women after 1 day or 1 week. His dad was the one to rip him away from her, and we know he wanted his son to be the perfect masc, emotionless, order-following, womanizer. And that is exactly what Dean attempts to become, even though this obviously goes against every fiber of his being (see #4).
4: Amanda. Now you may be thinking “but hey! Dean does cheat on her! and it is a short relationship!”. Sure he does, and sure it is, as I said, ever since Robin, he’s trying to be the womanizer his dad wants him to be. But he still lets himself get quite attached to Amanda, as shown by his disdain of the school right after she dumps him in front of everyone. The only reason he liked or tolerated this school wasn’t just “the hot cheerleaders” or whatever, it was Amanda. He wants to put on this mask of “I don’t care about her, I’m a bad boy, I’m just in it for the sex”, but he’s genuinely hurt by what she tells him about his life and how she judges it, and saddened by the breakup. He lets himself get hurt by her. Bear with me, this is important, because we see it happen again with Cassie and then he never lets it get to that point again, simply because of fear and trauma (I think), for example he’s the one to start the conversation about breaking up with Lisa.
Now. What about the “he was just talking about platonic things and feelings and people” possibility. Spoiler alert, it still doesn’t work. 
1: Jo. Otherwise known in my head as beta-version-Charlie, it’s true that Jo is part of those “early seasons” characters, but that only adds to the inconsistency of the “priest POV”. Dean cared intensely about her, some people think of their relationship as romantic, but I really like the “big brother/father/protective” figure idea. Whatever you believe their relationship was, it was profound, I mean he was positively shattered when she died. Again, deep feelings, longterm feelings. 
2: Benny. Like seriously. Dean spent a year in Purgatory with him, saw him as a brother despite the fact he was a vampire, helped him as much as he could while he was having troubles adapting to life on Earth again, protected him through thick and thin, went against his brother for him, against other hunters, against his core beliefs as a hunter himself, just. for. him. If that doesn’t tick all the boxes of things, feelings, people he wants to experience differently for you, then I truly don’t know what to tell you. And then there’s the whole thing with the ship between them, which I somewhat agree with but it isn’t cannon enough for this. 
3: Garth. Yeah, sure, Dean is condescending towards him at first, but he does care about him a lot, and probably doesn’t understand why and how Garth cares about him so quickly, or offers support voluntarily. Garth is a bit of a role model to him, that scrawny, somewhat cringy, little man is better at life than Dean is, and Dean sees that. He’s bothered by it at first, but learns to respect Garth later on, and care about him. He relies on him as a hunter, and kind of as a friend too and he lets him be the new Bobby (which proves a lot of trust grew here) (also, much later on, Dean makes sure he stays out of hunting so Garth can have a happy family life, he also accepts the fact that he’s a werewolf and that his whole family is too). That Also counts as people experienced differently and for the first time. 
4: Kevin. Or as I like to call him, sort-of-beta-version-Jack. Dean feels responsible for him, he jumps into the role of a father figure more than Sam ever does, as much as Sam cares about Kevin too. He is also completely shattered when he dies, like with Jo (which is a bit of the reason why I see Jo and Dean’s relationship as a Big brother-Little sister relationship, the vibe is similar (but not identical) to Kevin and Dean’s). 
5: Jody. Jody is like the mother he never really had growing up. He is vulnerable around her, opens up, she’s basically family. I’m not going to write in Bobby, because he doesn’t count as “new things”, he was effectively his father. Here, Dean lets Jody become a sort of mother to him even though his memory of his mom isn’t as tarnished as his dad’s is. He lets her step into his mom’s sacred shoes. He lets her take care of him in a way. He lets her enter his life and be here for him. New people, new feelings.
6: Charlie. Charlie is his little sister, no doubt about it. She’s his role model, he loves her deeply, he lets himself care about her and feel insanely protective of her. He lets her be Sam #2. He lets himself become a big brother to a new Jo. To a new human. He lets his nerdy side out around her, he learns from her openness about being gay. He is comfortable around her. He is constantly worried about her. New feelings, new people, new things, first time blah blah blah you know the drill by now.
7: Ash. Yes, yes, I know, another “early on” character. But as I said, it keeps on just proving my point. First of all, I firmly believe Dean had a massive crush on Ash but that’s just my interpretation. He respects Ash and looks up to him, he wants to be a bit like him, confident, comfortable in his own life and skin, happy, and he lives in a friggin’ bar for godsakes. He is the epitome of what Dean wants to be at that point in time. He wants to be carefree like Ash is. He thinks Ash is highly intelligent, and has it made. He sees what a happy man can be, one without burdens from “the life”. Ash is a bit like the cooler version of Garth (no offense to Garth of course). Does that count as a role model? I don’t know. But it sure as hell shaped Dean’s hope for what his life could one day be. And Dean cares about Ash deeply as well, he was devastated when he died (he was devastated about the whole Roadhouse burning of course, but it’s clear Ash’s death shakes him quite a bit) and is genuinely happy when he gets to see him again in Heaven, when he sees Ash content and at peace, and the fact that Ash tells him he’ll see him again one day makes him smile (btw thats something I would’ve wanted to see in the finale, but nooooo they simply had to give us a train wreck instead). 
So now that we’ve established those relationships he’s already had before (and I use the term relationship broadly here, it also includes all his friends), I’d like to point something out. There are of course other people he met along the way, other people he saved who inspired him, like the gay couple LARPing as him and Sam, Ellen (beta-version-Jody), in a way Tessa, Layla Rourke, Eileen, to name a few. But I feel as though the ones I cited were the main ones that truly show how shallow the “priest POV” interpretation is.
So where exactly does all this leave us? Well, friends, exactly where I intended it to be. That scene can’t be about potential women being longterm or serious romantic partners because that’s already happened. It can’t be about friends or monsters, because that’s already happened. Canonically. Several times, in several different flavors. 
TL;DR: There is no way this confession scene is heterosexual, and it’s probably about Cas, but not just him, it’s also simply about Dean himself and his comfy closet getting not so comfortable anymore. 
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