#material items
wolfspaw · 2 months
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seaghosst · 1 month
i don’t have digital art 2 post rn so here’s all the physical tmnt art ive made :)
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hamato symbol necklace and leo necklace (paint got fucky cause i put mod podge on it too early but that’s ok i love him anyway)
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rise baby turtles :D!! i love these ones a lot
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rise leo embroidery and figure i made for the embroidery and sculpting unit in my art class!! the favoritism is crazy
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and my turtle and tmnt bracelets + a bonus usagi one even though he isn’t like. originally tmnt. but im including him anyway :)
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srasdoesthings · 21 days
**✿❀Day 1 : Tea Party/Garden❀✿**
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It starts! Have our pretty 5 to celebrate the start of this week!!!
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todaysbird · 22 days
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male American Goldfinch
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agardenofideas · 5 months
qtubbo is a someone born from the love of the universe, ya know the end poem with the 2 'gods' talking? blue and green. tubbos eyes? blue and green. how the gods see the world? very different from those who live in it- how tubbo sees the world? very different from how those 2 gods saw the world but so much more than what other islanders or even the federation see-
tubbos seemingly weather related powers? its how his reality related powers manifest with emotions, but he can bend reality as needs be, need to get through this wall? grab a bike and cycle through- why needs the bike? why do gods need offerings or things that 'hold' or 'guide' their power? cuz it works, just like all the bad luck stuff, power runs on weird rules ok? and tubbo being unseen by anyone but etoiles was slip of control in powers which was unexpected, he got stronger
basically, tubbo is a godling and he can and will break reality because he sees reality as a tangible and mutable thing to a larger extent than anyone around him can (fed keep an eye on him so they can do 'reality checks' or at least they try)
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stopthatfool · 6 months
I want 17 you dumb bitch (icemav pls❤️)
(disclaimer! my irl friend was sitting next to me as they sent in this request! we were both laughing and in on the joke!) (i would prefer for online anons to not call me a dumb bitch, though!)
This goes out to you, @soggyfruitloopsforever!
17. "Ok, well... Fuck." From this writing prompt game!
Tags: Mature, sexual content, allusions to internalized homophobia, Word count 1100.
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I hope you enjoyed it! It was fun to explore more of Ice's perspective and his own relationship with his sexuality! I tried copying and pasting this directly into tumblr but it formatted all weird and I got frustrated fixing it (and it was crazy long), so alas, screenshots.
I would love to receive some more requests if any of you reading would like to send one in! (and I'm currently working on the other requests for those who have already asked!) <3
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shittykinaesthetics · 6 months
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speakin' a th chrysalis, here is one a my gifts courtesy a th boyf
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
The fun Grey Area of buying offbrand fast fashion and fast-adjacent fashion, but then wearing it for years because you bought it for Broke reasons or Style I Love On Sale reasons.
Like... yeah, I do have some athletic wear and socks from Costco, some shirts from Hot Topic, even some blouses I bought from H&M before I learned how damaging it is.
But most of them are machine-washable cotton so I can wear them for uhhhhh [checks] I've still got Patagonia shirts from fifteen years ago, so I'll be wearing them that long if they don't fall apart from Lesser Quality and Rough Use
(Obviously, Patagonia is intended to last much longer than the general cheap-ish brands I'm talking about, but I needed an example of a known brand I've definitely had for that long to use as an example of how long I'd keep a shirt once I get it. There are others that I've had for a while but can't actually remember when I got them, like the Tinkerbell shirt.)
(I also do have some of my mom's blouses from the late 90s/early aughts so. I clearly don't care overly much about things going out of fashion.)
Like... I could do better than I am, but at least I'm doing better than the average?
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felassan · 1 month
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #1
Step by Step ep 12:
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Be My Favourite ep 7:
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Be My Favourite ep 8:
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Be My Favourite ep 8:
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Hidden Agenda ep 2:
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Wedding Plan ep 1:
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Wedding Plan ep 2:
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Wedding Plan ep 2:
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Love in Translation ep 1:
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Only Friends ep 6:
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Only Friends ep 11:
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A remake of this post.
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maryse127 · 6 months
Love how you can tell if I have have been playing Xenoblade DE/1 lately cause when I do I always end up with at least two unclosed tabs of Xenoblade wiki at all times
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wolfspaw · 2 months
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batz · 7 months
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room stuff! im still decluttering tho so i have less n less stuff. rlly no longer interested in my old collection or at least the old disney stuff. keeping SOME of it for sentimental reasons tho ofc<3 i need more wall art tho my walls r Naked mostly
also squeak image , well, shes snoozing
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trekkiedean · 3 months
there are many things we can all learn from misha collins’s mistakes but I’m not sure I could have foreseen “don’t buy sex toys off amazon” being one of them
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trying to move away from identifying with my c-ptsd and identifying as a traumatized person so much because i feel like at this point in my healing that over-identification is stifling real hard growth. but it’s hard to figure out how to detach myself from that identity and those experiences when it impacts the fundamentals of my selfhood every day in everything i do. something to meditate on!
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How to draw Chains
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Credit: Etherington Brothers
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