#math !
randomslasher · 1 day
I'm going to start a thread (that I will probably immediately lose but oh well) where I give examples of when in real life I've used certain math skills I learned in high school.
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humblefryingpan · 3 days
"so you think they explored each other's bodies" do you think Ford tried tried the sine rule on Bill
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all-too-unwell-13 · 3 days
born to be understood, forced to be english/history smart in a school full of math/science smart people 🫡
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jadagul · 2 days
I learned today that the International Baccalaureate organization (the ones who run the IB tests) consider the topics lists for their courses to be copyrighted and confidential. They won't share them without a signed release.
I'm genuinely offended by this. I don't know how the fuck you're supposed to evaluate or understand the program without knowing what topics it covers! (They'll share the topics list with me, specifically, in the course of evaluating the test for my university; but I have to sign a release, and have to promise not to share them with colleagues, because they want my colleagues to sign the same release.)
And there's, like, no point to this. It's not a major secret what the topics a calculus course should cover are. (And sure, they do some stats and matrices or something too, and that's all the added info.) I think you can't even legally "copyright" the contents of these lists, because it's factual information and that's not copyrightable.
I'm really seriously tempted to issue an official recommendation to my university to stop giving any credit for IB tests until this policy gets reversed. If they won't freely share information on the program and the test, we'll have to assume that it's valueless and shouldn't earn credit.
(My only hesitation to that is it's probably a quixotic quest that would just hassle some innocent IB students. But if I can get a bunch of other departments to sign on I'll absolutely do it; IB can't sustain that policy if universities stop rolling over for it.)
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mathsuggestions · 3 days
Place a single grain of rice on the first square of a chessboard.
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thenunujournals · 2 days
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I officially started learning MATH!!
A bit of backstory: I have dyscalculia and I was never able to learn math at school. I did well enough to pass and get good grades but after school I forgot absolutely everything! So I decided to learn on my own 🥳 Wish me luck 🤗💕
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rbrooksdesign · 1 day
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"tDMT-#25," digital, Sept. 2024, Reginald Brooks
Butterfly Fractal 1 --> entanglement --> entropy --> time
Want to stop time? Move faster!
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Oh, you want to my origin story?
Well, at (0,0)- *gets shot by a person on the sidewalk who hates puns*
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demonicseries · 1 day
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jijjmoon · 1 day
Character design
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thenerdyolive · 1 day
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A picture of Tintin that will inspire you to ace your academics!
(Tho his face says otherwise..)
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simplydnp · 3 days
you majored in straight up math??? God that's so fuckin cool of you!!
yeah! i've always loved math, so even though i registered late for uni, i knew it would be for math--i just wasn't sure what to do with it. ended up in math-ed. but, unlike some places, i did a double degree, so i have my full mathematics degree & my full education degree
the math degree was so cool. i've really considered going back for my masters since i loved it so much. there's something about pure math that just,,, makes sense to me. proofs are sometimes a pain in the ass, but there's really nothing like staring at one for hours and then it suddenly Clicks and you're off to the races. it's all built on logic--everything that happens makes sense and has a flow.
i also really enjoy the language aspect of it--which a lot of people find couter-intuitive. math should be numbers! but when you do high level math, there's not a lot of numbers involved usually 😂 it's all logic and arguments and specific wording and sentence structure. i love that shit. there's a specific and intentional way to communicate. there's words you use for getting from one idea to the next.
there's a really great video that breaks down how math and language is connected and, in particular, if you're good at 'traditional' math, you might not want a math degree.
here's a transcript:
if you want to go to school for mathematics and this is what you think it'll look like [gestures to background full of equations, trigonometry, and formulas] i suggest you do something else. the joke in the math community is that after sophmore year, you don't see a number over like, 10 again. this is because you learn math as a language. it's like the difference between studying Spanish and studying linguistics. you can study Spanish, but that doesn't mean you'll understand language as a whole. while linguistics studies syntax and semantics because it's the structure of language as a whole that they study. so in this example, if you want to just study spanish, be an engineer. if you decide to take this [math] route, you have two options: pure or applied mathematics. so applied wants to study linguistics as a whole, so they can become a Spanish translator--and maybe pick up Portuguese along the way. while pure mathematics wants to study linguistics so they can make up their own language. it sounds strange but the best mathematicians are often very good with languages too. if you're interested in learning why they have so much in common, then mathematics is for you.
[end ID]
it's like problem solving to the nth degree. a silly example is something like 'what's 1 + 1?' hopefully you know the answer is 2. but in pure math, they'll ask you why 1+1 is 2. and it takes you down this path of laying the foundations for the building blocks of traditional math. (now, that's advanced linear algebra which, frankly, i really disliked, but it's an easy example)
calculus & number theory were actually my 2 favourite 'subjects' in the mathematics we did (which, is very funny bc calculus has the least proofs and you take 4 years of it, vs 1 entirely proofs based course). i was lucky to have really great profs for most of my courses as well
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inkydull · 2 days
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Little art dump because I literally never post here.
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teffiebell · 4 months
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mathsuggestions · 2 days
Place 8 grains of rice on the 4th square of a chessboard, accidentally knocking your king over and conceding the game in the process.
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mitchipedia · 10 months
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